FOR SALE: Hay Mixture, Big Round Bales, Wrapped, $100 And Up. About 95 Bales.
641-919-1377 2-24

FOR SALE: Ford 8N Tractor And 60 Inch Woods Finish Mower, New Alternator, Starts And Runs Good, $2,650.
641-572-0061 2-24
FOR SALE: Red Clover Seed, Cleaned And Bagged; International 490 21’ Disc; Kewanee 16’ Disc.
Darren Gladbach.
660-272-3762 2-24
FOR SALE: New 3 Pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7 Ft. To 12 Ft. Starting At $4,150.

660-874-4455 12-21-23
WANTED: Large Round Bales, Hay, Alfalfa Or Grass, Of Good Quality.
641-895-3400 3-3
FOR SALE: Certified Organic Yellow Corn. Food/ Feed Grade.
641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More.
660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA.

641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: Registered Angus Bulls, Coming 2 Yr. Old, Gentle, Easy Calving With Strong Growth Genetics. Gene Nelson Angus.
641-891-9684 3-17
WANTED: Pony, Prefer To Be Well Broke To Ride And Drive, 36-48 Inches Tall.

641-722-3051 2-24
FOR SALE: Gelbvieh Bulls, Excellent Qualities, Black, Bulls, Good EPD’s And Calving Ease. Gentle, Will Be Tested Ready To Go. Hobbs Gelbvieh. 515-822-2561 Or 641-203-6804 2-24
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN

Per Hour, Creston And Surrounding Areas, Call Or Text, Leave Message If No Answer.
520-251-7065 3-3

1400 MENS: Big And Tall Pocket T-Shirts, All $6.00 Each Kingsize Brand. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo. 2-24
PROCESSING: Is Now Open To Slaughter Beef And Hogs. To Schedule An Appointment Call. 641-208-2516 2-24
FOR SALE: Mossberg MVP Patrol Rifle 5.56 cal. $500. 660-341-2706 3-24
BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 2-24

HOUSEHOLD: Small freezer; Rocking chair; Oreck & Bissell vacuums; Oak table-top or wall-mount display cabinet; Newer dehumidifier; Wood clothes hamper; Magna Plainer 5’ speakers; Coffee table; & more.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Two cedar chests; Bean pot; Stoneware bowl; Cookie jar; 3 Parlor tables; East Coast Walnut fireplace mantel; Lava lamp; 2’x3’ Large Bronze wolf statue; 2 Remington bronze statues; 2 good smoking pipes; WWII items; 2 Telegraph keys; and more.
TOOLS & OUTDOOR: Work lights; Jack stands; Aluminum folding ladder; Craftsman Radial Arm saw; Scroll saw; Johnsrud chainsaw; Miter saw; Air tank; Kerosene heater; Backpack sprayer; Lawn chairs; Stihl MS250 C chainsaw; Patio glider & 3 small tables; Metal patio table w/umbrella & 4 chairs; New 4’ fluorescent shop lights; Snow rake; Shovels, rakes, etc.; Floor model Craftsman toolbox; Misc. chainsaws; Lots of hand tools; 5 boxes of 20g shells; 4 boxes of 12g shells; Fluids; Screen door; other doors; 2 Nexin 31x1050 tires; Tipton gun vise; De Walt 365 electric saw; and more.

CAR: 2002 Nissan Armada w/200,000 mi.
TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. We accept checks and cash only, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank You! LUNCH SERVED

Steve Hartman - Cell

STOVES: In Stock. Also Pex And Pvc Fittings And More. Gingerich Stoves LLC. Bloomfield, IA 641-722-3540 4-7

FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” to 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. For Details Call Redmount Midstream LLC. 660-542-3000 3-31
FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN

FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
TARGET STORE: Overstock & Returns

Kids Clothes All $5 Each. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo.
660-465-2591 2-24
FOR SALE: Female Apricot Chihuahua Puppy, Shots And Wormed, Ready Now, Will Meet, Will Be Very Small, $400.
641-919-1471 3-3

FOR SALE: Border Collie Puppies 1 Male, 1 Female. Champion Field Trail & Stock Dog Lineage All Shots & Wormed, $2,000 Each.
Hannibal Mo.
573-795-6210 2-24

FARMLAND FOR RENT: Mile And A Half South Of Chariton At The End Of 235th Trail, 94.84 Crop Acres, With CSRZ Of 57, Planted In Beans 2022.
641-660-5777 3-3
LOOKING TO RENT: Hunting Ground. NOT Outfitter, One Bow Hunter, Respectful 59 Yr. Old, Wapello County Resident Needs Spot. Promise To Leave Your Land Better Than I found It. Msg. Or Text.

641-572-0372 3-10

FOR SALE: Hay Mixture, Big Round Bales, Wrapped, $100 And Up. About 95 Bales.
641-919-1377 2-24
FOR SALE: Certified Organic Yellow Corn. Food/ Feed Grade.
641-751-8382 TFN

IA 51039

Real Estate (begins closing at 5pm) Offering a 3 BR, 2304 sq foot home on a 75.00 x 140.00 Lot. This property has two nice garages with 1500 sq feet. There is possible living space in below grade. The home has a newer roof and seamless steel siding, It’s ready for a new owner’s touch and style. Estimated Gross Taxes: $2,379.89 Estimated Net Taxes: $2,220.00 (Homestead).

General Terms of Real Estate Auction: 10% down non-refundable, rest due upon delivery of deed & merchantable title within 45 days of sale date. Taxes pro-rated to the date of closing. All announcements online or with corresponding purchase agreement take precedence over printed or published material. All information provided is from reliable sources, but not guaranteed by auctioneer/seller. Property is sold in As-Is Where-Is Condition with all faults. High bidder will be required to sign a standard purchase agreement within 48 hours of biddings close & to deliver earnest deposit at that time. All bidding is subject to seller’s confirmation & acceptance of high bid. Northwest Realty, Inc acts only as agent of the seller.

Personal Property (Begins Closing 5:30 p.m.) Firearms: Over 180 Firearms! View website or Facebook page for complete listing! Ruger & Winchesters collector’s dream! 70+ Ruger, 30+ Winchester, 15+S&W, Browning, Springfield, Glock, North American Arms, Sig Sauer, Mossberg, Henry, Stevens, Remington, Marlin, Iver Johnson. Ammo: 13000+ of 22 LR; 1000+ 38 spc; 800+ 357; 450+ 5.56x45; 800+ 380 ACP; 3100+ 9mm; 180+ 20 gauge. Outdoor: 2019 6 1/2x14 Aluma trailer w/ramp; 2017 Honda Pioneer 1000 Limited edition – 57 miles, 18 hrs – has blade; Household: Antique porcelain signs, Antique DeKalb seed corn signs, Schwinn exercise fan bike, Chilten Manuals, Igloo Coolers, Maytag w/d, Portable fireplace, Recliner, Lift chair, end tables, Antique Victrola Record Player, Massage chair, (2) Queen Bed, Dresser Set, Pots, Pans, Silverware, Amana w/d, and Complete Household. Shop Items: Large selection of Yard tools, shop tools, Craftsman wrenches, Torch set w/cart, Hypertherm 45 Plasma cutter, Pull type thatcher, 2 bench grinders w/stands, 2 floor jacks, Craftsman rolling toolbox, lg asst log chains, Air Pig, Free standing pipe vise, Generac CP7500E gas generator, Sheldon metal lathe, Hilti hammerdrill, Honda Push Mower, Alum Ramps, Schumacher Battery Charger, pipe cutters, trans torque converter, Bosch tablesaw w/stand, gas leaf lower, engine stand, cherry picker, Fiberglass ext ladder, Alum toolbox for pu, Heavy duty chain hoists, Trolling Motor, Lincoln SP130T Wire welder w/gas, Lincoln 225 stick welder. Woodworking tools: Router tables & bits, Makita Power Miter Saw, Craftsman tablesaw, (2) shop vac, DeWalt radial arm saw, 5 spd drill press, delta band saw, Belt & disk sander, vac system, Air filtration system, Craftsman stand up toolbox. Pancake air compressor, Bosch router dovetail jig.
Open House/Preview Dates and Times: Friday, February 24, 2023, from 2:00 - 7:00PM

Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from 2:00 - 7:00PM

Pick up Date and Time: by appointment with our scheduling app.
Thursday, March 9th, 11AM - 7PM
• Friday, March 10th, 11AM - 7PM
• Saturday, March 11th, from 11AM - 5PM
Terms: Payment required upon pick up, or within 3 days. You must pick up during the times allotted. Must have permit to purchase any firearms, along with a $15.00 transfer fee for all firearms. We will accept Cash, Check, or Credit Card. A 10% buyer’s premium applies to all purchases. A 4% convenience fee for credit card charges. IF YOU CAN NOT PICK UP DURING OUR ALLOTTED TIMES, THEN DO NOT BID!

Golden Grain Bins Winter

Metal Roofing Buy Direct

reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill.
The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred.



The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope.

FOR SALE: Ford 8N Tractor And 60 Inch Woods Finish Mower, New Alternator, Starts And Runs Good,

FOR SALE: New 3 Pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7 Ft. To 12 Ft. Starting At $4,150.
WANTED: Large Round Bales, Hay, Alfalfa Or Grass, Of Good Quality.

FOR SALE: Red Clover Seed, Cleaned And Bagged; International 490 21’ Disc; Kewanee 16’ Disc. Darren Gladbach.

FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More.


“One Man’s Junk Is Another Man’s Treasure!” Sell It in the Hawkeye!


Go. Hobbs Gelbvieh. 515-822-2561 Or 641-203-6804 2-24
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN


Per Hour, Creston And Surrounding Areas, Call Or Text, Leave Message If No Answer. 520-251-7065 3-3

1400 MENS: Big And Tall Pocket T-Shirts, All $6.00 Each Kingsize Brand. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo. 2-24
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole. 641-895-8209 8-18
STOVES: In Stock. Also Pex And Pvc Fittings And More. Gingerich Stoves LLC. Bloomfield, IA 641-722-3540 4-7


TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 2-24

PROCESSING: Is Now Open To Slaughter Beef And Hogs. To Schedule An Appointment Call. 641-208-2516 2-24
CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN



The DeFosse farm is located in Section 21, Huron Township and Section 20, Yellow Spring Township, Des Moines County, Iowa. Ideally located 3 miles east of Mediapolis, Iowa on Co. Blacktop H-38 (Mediapolis Road). The farm consists of 55.4 surveyed which will be sold in 2 tracts. Tract 1 will offer a beautiful, very well maintained country home and several outbuildings all situated on 5.84 surveyed. Tract 2 includes 49.56 surveyed acres of nearly 100% tillable farmland with an average CSR2 of over 80! Don’t miss this rare opportunity to purchase this country home as well as highly productive farmland in the Mediapolis, Iowa area.
Representing Attorney: Willian R. Jahn, Jr. Aspelmeier, Fisch, Power, Engberg & Helling, P.L.C. 321 North Third Street, Burlington, Iowa | (319) 754-6587

Auction Manager: Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320
The McCormick land is located in Section 4, Jackson Township, Henry County, Iowa. Ideally located just minutes south of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. From the south edge of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, proceed 4 miles on Hwy. 218/27 to River Road, turn left or east and you are at the property. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to purchase your very own riverfront property, which offers excellent recreational opportunities including; boating, fishing, camping, wildlife viewing and overall fun! Mark your calendars now for this fast approaching Henry County, Iowa land auction. Once again, we can not stress enough the uniqueness of this recreational property, its excellent location and very easy access!
Eric Benne – Executor - Burlington Market President, Wealth Management Officer, Two Rivers Bank
Representing Attorney: Christopher Wallace Anderson, Roberts, Porth, Wallace, Stewart & Werner LLP. 524 N. Main Street, Burlington, Iowa | (319) 754-7585

Auction Manager: Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320

• To consign, call (844) 847-2161
• or email Sold@SullivanAuctioneers.com

• Delivery of consignments accepted beginning: January 30th
• Early advertising deadline: February 24th
• Last day to consign and deliver: March 3rd
The TA Family Farms are located in Sections 4 & 5, Washington Township, Appanoose County, IA 3 miles northwest of Moulton, IA or 8 miles east of Centerville, IA.

These properties offer something for everyone including productive tillable farmland & improved pasture land. The ponds and the wooded areas located on these tracts offer attractive recreational acreage. These farms are located in a desirable area of eastern Appanoose County, IA and are conveniently located a short distance northwest of Moulton, IA.
County, IA. Located 2 miles north of Centerville, IA. The Global Investment Properties farms offer productive tillable farmland and awesome home building sites. All of these tracts are conveniently located just north of Centerville, IA.

Mark your calendars now for this upcoming Appanoose County, IA land auction. These diverse farms offer it all including productive tillable farmland, improved pastureland and attractive recreational acreage. Several tracts are nicely located close to Lake Rathbun or Sundown Lake offering desirable new home building sites. Tract 6 offers a 2+ acre country acreage that includes a ranch style home and a very nice Morton storage building. This is an auction that you will not want to miss!
The Milani Estate farms are located in Sections 30, 31 & 32, Douglas Township, Section 1, Walnut Township, Sections 5, 6, 17 & 18, Vermillion Township and Sections 6 & 31 Udell Township, Appanoose County, IA. Tracts 1-3 are located 5 miles north of Centerville, IA in close proximity to Lake Rathbun. Tract 4 is located 2 miles north of Centerville, IA on St. Hwy. 5. Tract 5 is located 10 miles northeast of Centerville, IA, 2 miles west of the small town of Unionville, IA and in close proximity to Sundown Lake. Tract 6 is located 1.5 miles north of Centerville, IA on State

FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
TARGET STORE: Overstock & Returns

Kids Clothes All $5 Each. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo. 660-465-2591 2-24
FOR SALE: Female Apricot Chihuahua Puppy, Shots And Wormed, Ready Now, Will Meet, Will Be Very Small, $400. 641-919-1471 3-3
FOR SALE: Border Collie Puppies 1 Male, 1 Female. Champion Field Trail & Stock Dog Lineage All Shots & Wormed, $2,000 Each.
Hannibal Mo. 573-795-6210 2-24

FARMLAND FOR RENT: Mile And A Half South Of Chariton At The End Of 235th Trail, 94.84 Crop Acres, With CSRZ Of 57, Planted In Beans 2022. 641-660-5777 3-3

LOOKING TO RENT: Hunting Ground. NOT Outfitter, One Bow Hunter, Respectful 59 Yr. Old, Wapello County Resident Needs Spot. Promise To Leave Your Land Better Than I found It. Msg. Or Text. 641-572-0372 3-10

2 Speed Way Motorcycle Shelters

FOR SALE: Hay Mixture, Big Round Bales, Wrapped, $100 And Up. About 95 Bales.
641-919-1377 2-24
FOR SALE: Ford 8N Tractor And 60 Inch Woods Finish Mower, New Alternator, Starts And Runs Good, $2,650.
641-572-0061 2-24
FOR SALE: Red Clover Seed, Cleaned And Bagged; International 490 21’ Disc; Kewanee 16’ Disc. Darren Gladbach.
660-272-3762 2-24
FOR SALE: New 3 Pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7 Ft. To 12 Ft. Starting At $4,150.
660-874-4455 12-21-23
WANTED: Large Round Bales, Hay, Alfalfa Or Grass, Of Good Quality.

641-895-3400 3-3
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More.
660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA.

641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: Certified Organic Yellow Corn. Food/ Feed Grade.
641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: Registered Angus Bulls, Coming 2 Yr. Old, Gentle, Easy Calving With Strong Growth Genetics. Gene Nelson Angus.
641-891-9684 3-17
WANTED: Pony, Prefer To Be Well Broke To Ride And Drive, 36-48 Inches Tall. 641-722-3051 2-24
FOR SALE: Gelbvieh Bulls, Excellent Qualities, Black, Bulls, Good EPD’s And Calving Ease. Gentle, Will Be Tested Ready To Go. Hobbs Gelbvieh. 515-822-2561 Or 641-203-6804 2-24
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
HOUSECLEANING: $25.00 Per Hour, Creston And Surrounding Areas, Call Or Text, Leave Message If No Answer.
520-251-7065 3-3
1400 MENS: Big And Tall Pocket T-Shirts, All $6.00 Each Kingsize Brand. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo. 2-24
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole.
641-895-8209 8-18
Sat., March 4 – Outstanding Pyrex Collection Auction – Younger Gallery
Featuring 450+ Pieces, Rare Patterns and Complete Nested Bowl Sets – Fire King Jadeite Swirl, Fire King Teardrop, Pennsylvania Dutch, Pink Butterprint, Saxony, Starburst, Hazel Atlas Dots, Catherineholm Enamel Ware - Saturn, and Many Others!
Wed., March 8 – Bob Smith Moving Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Modern Furniture, Appliances, Kitchen & Household Items.
Sat., March 18 – Spring Farm Machinery Consignment Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Tillage & Cultivating Equipment, Tractors, Grain Trucks, Hay Equipment and More! CONSIGN BY MARCH 1 DEADLINE
Sat., March 25 – Kentucky Rifle & Colt Gun Auction – Younger Gallery
Featuring Black Powder & Percussion Guns and Knives.
Wed., March 29 – Neeley Estate Household Auction – Younger Gallery
Featuring Modern Furniture, Collectibles, Household, Lawn & Garden, Native American Hatchet.
Sat., April 1 – Recreational Vehicle Consignment Auction – Younger Gallery

Featuring 4-Wheelers, Side-by-Sides, Motorcycles, Campers & Motor Homes, Airplane, Boats, Lawn & Garden! CONSIGN BY MARCH 17 DEADLINE
Sun., April 2 – Estate Coin Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring 350+ Lots of Gold and Silver Coins, Commemorative Coins, Currency and More!
Sat., April 8 –Herald & Kathy Hull Collectible Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Hull Pottery Collection, Vaseline Glass, Black Americana, Butter Churns, Primitives and More!
Sat., April 15 & Sun., April 16 –Schneider Life-Long Collectible Auction –Younger Gallery – Featuring Antiques & Primitives, Red Wing Crocks, Griswold & Wagoner Cast Iron, Butter Churns including Daisy and Wooden Barrel Churns, National Cash Register, Advertising and More!
Sat., April 22 & Sun., April 23 – 1st Weekend of High End Military Gun Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Military Guns, Pistols, Long Arms, Colt, Remington, Springfield, Ruger, Walther, Luger, M1 Garands, Tanker, 100s of American and Foreign Bayonets, Reloading Supplies, Tooling and Reloading Tools, Ammo and Much More!
Sat., April 29 & Sun., April 30 – 2nd Weekend of High End Military Gun Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Military Guns, Pistols, Long Arms, Colt, Remington, Springfield, Ruger, Walther, Luger, M1 Garands, Tanker, 100s of American and Foreign Bayonets, Reloading Supplies, Tooling and Reloading Tools, Ammo and Much More!
Sat., May 6 – Vintage Antique Tractor, Hit & Miss Engine and HorseDrawn Equipment Consignment Auction – C ALL NOW tO CONSIGN
Sat., May13 & Sun., May 14 – Large, Military Gun Estate Auction – Younger Gallery – More Details to

CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN

FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN

FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber
641-664-2080 TFN
TARGET STORE: Overstock & Returns Kids Clothes All $5 Each. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo. 660-465-2591 2-24
FOR SALE: Female Apricot
Chihuahua Puppy, Shots And Wormed, Ready Now, Will Meet, Will Be Very Small, $400.
641-919-1471 3-3
Saturday, March 4th, 2023 • Starting at 11 A.M.
Located: 52095 200th Ave • Chariton, Iowa 2012 T6050 New Holland w/cab, air, heat, 18-4-38 rears, triple hydraulics, front fenders, loader ready (bought new); B Farmall 60” Woods belly mower; 2019 Vermeer 605 N Select Net-Twine auto grease 3300 bales, bought new in 2020; 2019 Massey (Hesston) 3393 Hydro Swing 13ft rollers mower conditioner; 2004 Featherlite aluminum STK trailer 24 ft 2 dividing doors; 2016 Kuhn 300 speed rake 12 wheel; 200 Vermeer BP 8000 hay processor; JD 750 Grain drill 15 ft w/monitor; Red line pasture harrow 30 ft; Brady 14 ft field cultivator; Bush Hog 11 ft chisel plow; Brady 7 ft chisel plow; White 14 ft disc in good shape; (2) L2 Hay Express inline hay trailers 8 bale & 7 bale; 275 Bushel Dakon gravity flow 10T gear; 200 Bu Parker gravity flow; 150 Bu Easy flow gravity flow; IH 800 Cyclo, no-till culters, 4R; IH4-14 steerable plow model 540; Woods 7 ft brush mower; 8” 61 ft Kewanee auger; 6-20 ft portable auger; Linn-post & pipe portable twin alley system, 10’ tub w/chute & head gate, hyd lift; 18 Linn portable corral gates 10 w/trailer; 12 turned tire feed bunks; (3) QLF lick tanks; (12) bale rings; (6) L+H 16’ metal bunks; (3) 20 ft metal bunks (heavy); Several mineral feeders; (2) 2T Cox portable creep feeders; 4R 3-pt rotary hoe; 4R 3-t IH cultivator; Suzki Quad Runner 4x4; Artsway grinder mixer 425; Fuel barrels 500 gal & 150 gal; Scout UTV Portable feeder; (2 creep feeders in good shape.
Consigned: White Black Machine Planter Model 8342, 12R 30”, 13R 15” no till culters w/monitor in good cond, Case IH 8309 Disk mower conditioner w/Hyd tongue always shedded, nice machine. Massey Ferguson sickle mower w/7 ft bar, Heider barge wagon 6x12 w/hoist, gravity flow wagon w/seed auger, Vermeer XL round baler, wheel rakes, (2) JD Moco mower conditioners, JD 8R planter, 2 wheel tilt trailer.
Possibility of other items listed by sale day.

Assortment of farm related misc. hay rack items
Auctioneers Note: Lunch will be served on grounds by Jackie Newton. This is an extremely clean line of equipment.

Voss Brothers Retirement Auction
Curran Auction Service

Jim Curran 641-203-2930 Adam Curran 641-203-2931
For more information and pictures go to Curran
FOR SALE: Border Collie Puppies 1 Male, 1 Female. Champion Field Trail & Stock Dog Lineage All Shots & Wormed, $2,000 Each.
Hannibal Mo. 573-795-6210 2-24
FARMLAND FOR RENT: Mile And A Half South Of Chariton At The End Of 235th Trail, 94.84 Crop Acres, With CSRZ Of 57, Planted In Beans 2022.
641-660-5777 3-3
LOOKING TO RENT: Hunting Ground. NOT Outfitter, One Bow Hunter, Respectful 59 Yr. Old, Wapello County Resident Needs Spot. Promise To Leave Your Land Better Than I found It. Msg. Or Text.
641-572-0372 3-10
FOR SALE: Hay Mixture, Big Round Bales, Wrapped, $100 And Up. About 95 Bales.
641-919-1377 2-24

Winterset Sale Barn
Every Tuesday Regular Sale at 12:30 PM
Sheep, Goats & Cattle Hay, Horse & Tack
Saturday, February 25, 2023 • 12:00 PM
All Class Cattle Special
Saturday, March 4, 2023 • 11:30 AM
Office Phone 515-462-2838
Facebook - Winterset Sale Barn
Website - wintersetsalebarn.com

mobile Homes Direct Straight From Factory, We Ship, We Finance, We Set & Service 573-249-3333 marktwainmobilehomes.com
FOR SALE: Ford 8N Tractor And 60 Inch Woods Finish Mower, New Alternator, Starts And Runs Good, $2,650.
FOR SALE: New 3 Pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7 Ft. To 12 Ft. Starting At $4,150. 660-874-4455 12-21-23
WANTED: Large Round Bales, Hay, Alfalfa Or Grass, Of Good Quality. 641-895-3400 3-3
FOR SALE: Certified Organic Yellow Corn. Food/ Feed Grade.
641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: Gelbvieh Bulls, Excellent Qualities, Black, Bulls, Good EPD’s And Calving Ease. Gentle, Will Be Tested Ready To Go. Hobbs Gelbvieh. 515-822-2561 Or 641-203-6804 2-24
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole. 641-895-8209 8-18
BIG SELECTION WOOD STOVES: In Stock. Also Pex And Pvc Fittings And More. Gingerich Stoves LLC. Bloomfield, IA 641-722-3540 4-7
FOR SALE: Red Clover Seed, Cleaned And Bagged; International 490 21’ Disc; Kewanee 16’ Disc. Darren Gladbach. 660-272-3762
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA.
641-680-0892 TFN

2 oak wall telephones/Imperial coffee grinder No.7/Aunt Jemima cast bank and other banks/metal toys and old puzzles/hanging hall Aladdin lamp/Orco loom – Model 74, 4 harness – six treadle w/fiction take up serial No 4560 for pattern weaving of rugs and curtains/coffee grinders to include: Crystal No 3, Douwe – Egberts and Royal/Several cast iron pieces to include: Wagner cast skillet No. 14, Griswold No. 20 skillet, Wapak #8, Wagner fryer, cast string holder, Cole drop shelf holder, Wagner kettle, Griswold pieces, advertising cast pieces, Wagner cast iron piece in the shape of the State of Illinois, Griswold patty molds and others/Davey Crockett lamp with shade/Davey Crockett glasses, cups and plates/Hopalong Cassidy cups and plates/colored Aladdin lamps/old egg scales from Brower Mfg and Val-a-company-Chicago egg crate/West Germany cuckoo clock/several large marbles/Rosemeade dogs/McCoy cookie jars/wooden wine bottle corking tool/Murano glass animals/lots of advertising pieces/wall pocket pieces/old milk bottles and metal carrier/ Jewel Tea to include: clocks, tea pots, rolling pin, butter dish, cake plates and more/(2) Featherweight Singer sewing machines/several old advertising banks/Ertl die cast cars new in box: 1956 Sunliner, 1955 Thunderbird, 1956 Bel Air, 1955 Fairlane Crown Victoria, 1950 Chevy pickup/1937 State Trooper bank/headboard lamps/Hamilton record player/ several records and tapes/old toys – metal chicken toy and walking dog/ Cariole radio/Cavalier cigarette tin/glass and tin cigar jars/several old cigarette lighters/advertising ashtrays/Fairy lamps/Hen on Nest/several old wall hanging pieces/candle holders/old TV lamps/Pepsi, Coke, 7Up and White Rock ginger ale bottle openers/cobalt blue Aladdin lamp/Big Boy restaurant dolls/several advertising pens and pencils/TV lamps/spittoons/Ribbon clocks and several other items.
GUNS & BEER SIGNS: Schlitz lighted beer sign w/clock – works; Busch Lite clock – works; 1960 Special Edition Coca-Cola Starburst light – works; Buck knives and handmade knives; Winchester knife set; Busch beer knife; Remington Model24 22 short; Remington Model 870 Wingmaster 20ga; Remington Model 870 Wingmaster 12 ga; Mossberg 410 2 1/2 or 3” shell; Stevens Model 22 410 and 22; Benjamin 22 cal; wooden ammo box; 80 rounds 10ga 4 shot; 2 Bricks of 22 shells; Reloading books.
FOR MORE INFO (641) 891-3606
Edina, Missouri
Weekly Sales Start @ 12:30 PM
Friday, February 24th - Special Feeder Calf Sale
Friday, March 3rd - Special Cow Sale
3 Small Herd Dispersals (50 Cows each) 18 January calved Fancy Angus Pairs
ALL SALES TELEVISED ON DV AUCTION To Consign For Any or All Sales or For All Information Call: Owner - Kevin Strange • Cell: 660-341-9974 Ryan Strange • Cell: 660-341-9721 Sale Barn: 660-397-9999
Field Reps:

FOR SALE: Registered Angus Bulls, Coming 2 Yr. Old, Gentle, Easy Calving With Strong Growth Genetics. Gene Nelson Angus. 641-891-9684 3-17
WANTED: Pony, Prefer To Be Well Broke To Ride And Drive, 36-48 Inches Tall. 641-722-3051 2-24

HOUSECLEANING: $25.00 Per Hour, Creston And Surrounding Areas, Call Or Text, Leave Message If No Answer. 520-251-7065 3-3

1400 MENS: Big And Tall Pocket T-Shirts, All $6.00 Each Kingsize Brand. Bargain Warehouse Of Memphis Mo. 2-24
FOR SALE: Mossberg MVP Patrol Rifle 5.56 cal. $500. 660-341-2706 3-24
PROCESSING: Is Now Open To Slaughter Beef And Hogs. To Schedule An Appointment Call. 641-208-2516 2-24
CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” to 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. For Details Call Redmount Midstream LLC. 660-542-3000 3-31
• 1995 Ford 8970 MFWD Diesel Tractor, 16 spd full power shift, 7.5 liter engine, cab, heat, air, radio, 14.9x46 rear w/duals, 14.9x30 fronts, 1000 PTO, 4 SCV, 3 pt. w/8-110# wts, additional rear wts, 10,735 hrs, ser# D408247
• 2004 Buhler Versatile 2210 Genesis II MFWD

diesel tractor, cab, heat, air, 16 spd full power shift, 7.5 L engine, 18.4x46 rear w/duals, 14.9x34 fronts, 22 front wts, rear wts, 1000 PTO, 4SCV’s, 6,085 hrs, ser# 500868 BVI
• 1979 Massey Ferguson 4840 articulating 4WD tractor, 903 Cummins, 14.8L, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 3 SCV’s, 18 spd partial power shift, shows 2627 hrs, 6 spd trans, 30.5x32 very straight, should run, ser#9D001925

• Massey Ferguson 1155 diesel V8 tractor, ser# 011649, 18.4x38R, 11.00x16 fts, shows 2956 hrs, 3 pt, 540 pto, complete/good glass, does not run

• 1996 Case IH 2188 Axial Flow, engine hrs 5,269, separator hrs 3453, Ag-Leader monitor, air, heat, radio 30.5x32 frt, 18.4x26 rears, jump seat, JD Bisch head adapter, Chaff spreader ser#JJC0194605

• JD 893 corn head, 8 row, poly snouts w/tall corn divider with harvest hand cart
• Case IH 1020 grain table, 30’ poly tines w/ Underferth HT30 cart

• Massey Ferguson 820 28’ disc, 9” spacing, good disc
• Case IH 1820 Vibra Shank Cultivator, 16 row w/ Buffalo Scout Guidance hitch
• 18’ chisel plow
• 3 pt heavy 6 shank deep till plow
• Turbo Tiger II 5 shank DMI Turbo Till disc chisel
• M&W model 1828, 28’ rotary hoe
• Wil-Rich 36’ field cultivator w/harrow attachment
• 9 shank anhydrous applicator, manual trip
• Dans Welding Service “Beaver Buster”
• Sunflower Flex 13’ disc chisel, 6 shank PLANTER
• JD 7000 16 row on Black Machine cart, hydraulic fold, smart box insecticide, 30” row
• JD 7200 Max Emerge 2, 16 row 30”, 3 pt. reg. markers FARM EQUIPMENT

• 10’ Hydraulic box scraper
• Woods 214 Batwing mower, 1000 PTO
• 10-60’ bin auger with swing hopper
• Killbros model 350 gravity flow wagon with seed tender auger on Badger Gear
• Heavy 2-wheel water wagon
• Extra 903 Cummins single turbo engine
• 2000 F-250 Ford Super Duty XLT 4x4 pickup, ext cab 4 dr., 7.3 v-8 power stroke diesel, 6.5’ box, Tonneau cover, PL, PW, grill guard, cloth, carpet, 195,120 miles
• 1979 International S2200 grain truck, Detroit engine, twin screw, air brakes, 8 spd transmission, 20’ Obeco steel box
• Ranger 16’ fiberglass boat, Mercury 850 Thunderbolt motor, needs TLC, Minn-kota trolling motor

• Sukup Axial fan (brand new)
• Siemen’s elec. box, switch type
• Square D elec. box
• Doerr elec. motor
• Batco 1545 Conveyor auger SHOP EQUIP./TOOLS
• Miller Millermatic 212 auto set wire welder w/ tank
• Central Machinery metal cutting bandsaw
• Duracraft heavy duty vertical bandsaw
• Generac 3100 PSI electric start power washer
• Central Machinery 20 ton shop press
• Packard Precision heavy duty drill press
• Central Hydraulics Porta Powers (several)
• Transmission Jacks
• ATV/UTV jack

• Dewalt 150,000 BTU propane heater
• 3 Floor Jacks
• Chicago 800 watt portable generator
• Hitachi Compound miter saw
• Portable rotating shop vice
• 3 large Masterforce top/bottom roller chests
• (2) Clarke HD Plus Top/bottom roller chests w/ extra cabinets
• (3) large Craftsman top/bottom roller chests w/extra cabinets
• Stack-on top/bottom roller chest
• Torin Big Red creeper seat
• Several units of rack and shelving and components

• Craftsman Lazer level
• Milwaukee grease gun
• Lisle AC/Fuel disconnect set
• Napa front end service tools (KD Tools)
• US General rear axle bearing puller set
• Standard thread chaser set
• OTC thread chaser
• Craftsman 40 pc. rethreading set
• Quick release pressure line pliar set
• Napa Automotive clutch fan set

• Several full sets of gear pullers
• Pittsburgh blind hole bearing puller set
• US General ball joint press adapter set
• Central Machinery elec. pipe threader (new)
• Tif AC leak detector
• Brake bleed kit
• Frost plug driver kit
• Ring compressors
• Central hydraulic 12V scissor jack
• 6/12 ton 3 jaw hydraulic gear puller
• Central Pneumatic 1” impact
• Manual hose crimper
• Sandborn 7 hp 60 gal 155 PSI upright air compressor

• 1/2” air impacts
• 3/8” central earthquake impact
• Air Nibblers, Shears, gasket scraper, belt sander
• Air grinders (6)