Mark Younger, Auctioneer Maryville, MO • 660-541-1977
Wed., March 29 – Neeley Estate Household Auction – Younger Gallery Featuring Modern Furniture, Collectibles, Household, Lawn & Garden, Native American Hatchet.
Sat., April 1 – Recreational Vehicle Consignment Auction – Younger Gallery Featuring 4-Wheelers, Side-by-Sides, Motorcycles, Campers & Motor Homes, Boats, Lawn & Garden!
Sun., April 2 – Estate Coin Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring 350+ Lots of Gold and Silver Coins, Commemorative Coins, Currency and More!
Sat., April 8 –Harold & Kathy Hull Collectible Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Hull Pottery Collection, Vaseline Glass, Black Americana, Butter Churns, Primitives and More!
Sat., April 15 & Sun., April 16 –Schneider Life-Long Collectible Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Antiques & Primitives, Red Wing Crocks, Griswold & Wagoner Cast Iron, Butter Churns including Daisy and Wooden Barrel Churns, National Cash Register, Advertising and More!
Sat., April 22 & Sun., April 23 – 1st Weekend of High End Military Gun Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Military Guns, Pistols, Long Arms, Colt, Remington, Springfield, Ruger, Walther, Luger, M1 Garands, Tanker, 100s of American and Foreign Bayonets, Reloading Supplies, Tooling and Reloading Tools, Ammo and More! Benefits Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation.
Sat., April 29 & Sun., April 30 – 2nd Weekend of High End Military Gun Auction – Younger Gallery – Featuring Military Guns, Pistols, Long Arms, Colt, Remington, Springfield, Ruger, Walther, Luger, M1 Garands, Tanker, 100s of American and Foreign Bayonets, Reloading Supplies, Tooling and Reloading Tools, Ammo and More! Benefits Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation.
Sat., May 6 – Vintage Antique Tractors, Airplane, Hit & Miss Engines and HorseDrawn Equipment Consignment Auction – Call NOW tO CONsig N Sat., May 13 & Sun., May 14 – Large, Military Gun Estate Auction – Younger Gallery – More Details to Come
FOR SALE: 1987 JD 650 Tractor With JD 261 Grooming Mower With New 60 Inch XHT Blades, 17 HP, 1900 Hrs., FWD, 8 Forward 2 Reverse Gears, Front Weights Included, 3 Pt. Hitch, 540 PTO, Recently Serviced, $8,000. 573-406-8635 3-31
FOR SALE: 1991 Massey Ferguson 231 Diesel Tractor, Only 1661 Hrs, HiLo 38 HP Quick Hitch, 7 Ft. 3 Pt. Blade, 6 Ft. King Cutter Rotary Mower, Used One Season, $8,900. 641-572-0061 3-24
FOR SALE: 2nd Cutting Alfalfa, 21 Bale Bundles, $9/Bale. Straw, 21 Bale Bundles, $4.50/Bale. Middletown, MO. 573-975-3636 4-13
FOR SALE: Salok Individual Plastic Bale Wrapper With Skid Loader Grapple Attachment, $4,00-. 10 Ft. International Grain Drill, $800; model 100 Lawrence Grinder Mixer, $800. Call After 5:00 PM. 660-342-5249 3-24
FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson 65. Runs Good, Needs Brake Work. Allis Chalmers D14. Does Not Run.
573-303-7056 3-24
FOR SALE: Small Square Wire Tied Straw, $5 Per Bale. Moberly.
660-651-0621 3-31
FOR SALE: Kinze KMP2 Corn Monitor, $250; 2 - 2 Electric Row Shut Off, $50 Each; Kinze 2 Row Corn Planter 3 Point, $1,800, Call.
319-750-6246 3-24
ATTENTION: Amish Farmers And Others. Needed: 10-30 Ag Wheels With used Tires Sizes 15 Inch, 16 Inch, 16.1 Inch, 16.5 Inch – 24.5 Inch; needed
Donahue Equipment Carries (Trailers) 16 Ft. –28 Ft. Long; Needed Used Pickup Tires 15 Inch – 16 Inch.
john@prairieseedfarms. com
641-340-0294 3-24
FOR SALE: Certified Organic Yellow Corn. Food/ Feed Grade.
641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: 3rd Cutting Organic Alfalfa, 21 Bale Bundles, $9/Bale. Straw, 21 Bale Bundles, $4.50/Bale. Middletown, MO.
573-975-3636 3-24
FOR SALE: New 3 Pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7 Ft. To 12 Ft. Starting At $4,150.
660-874-4455 12-21-23
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More.
660-341-6318 ETFN
2 Speed Way Motorcycle Shelters
1 Large (Tourer) 1 Standard Size Retracable “Roll Top” Shelters Choice $275 Or $400 For Both
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA.
641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: Mercury Coupe Bodies And 1947 Ford 4 Door Body. Call: 660-216-0683 4-14
FOR SALE: 2000 Ford Ranger Pickup XL, 4x4, Runs Good, Running Boards Rusted Off, New Battery, $2,000 OBO. Mt. Sterling.
319-592-3644 3-24
on Lisbon Street.
• This tract has 70.3 FSA tillable acres with a CSR2 rating of 60.7.
• The farm offers over 41 acres of Sharpsburg and Macksburg soils. The farm is well-tiled and terraced and would make a great addition to your farming operation or investment portfolio.
• This property would also make an excellent building site located just a quarter mile off pavement and within a short drive to Pleasantville or Des Moines.
FOR SALE: 2010 Chevy Camaro RS 140,000 Miles, New Front Bumper And Battery Has Rebulit Title From Hail, Minor Dings.
660-216-0781 3-24
FOR SALE: 14 Young Registered Full Blood Boer Does, Start Kidding April 15th, Also 2 Herd Bucks Plus Young Bucks.
641-660-6625 3-24
HORSESHOER: Thomas Lally.
641-224-5037 4-14
FOR SALE: Gelbvieh Bulls, Excellent Qualities, Black, Bulls, Good EPD’s And Calving Ease. Gentle, Will Be Tested Ready To Go. Hobbs Gelbvieh.
515-822-2561 Or 641-203-6804 4-21
FOR SALE: Registered Angus Bulls, Coming 2 Yr. Old, Gentle, Easy Calving With Strong Growth Genetics. Gene Nelson
641-891-9684 3-31
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
FOR SALE: 1980 30’ Heavy Duty Low Boy Pindle Hitch $3,500.
573-324-3596 3-24
COME TO BARGAIN WAREHOUSE: Crazy Bin Deals Start Friday! $5 Day 1 $4 Day 2 Etc!!!!!!!! 418 E GRAND AVE MEMPHIS MO. 3-24
FOR SALE: 5 All Weather Stocks, 5 Wood Stocks For Remington, 700 ADL And BDL Rifles.
Mark: 712-830-1197 3-24
FOR SALE: Several Daisy 50’s Red Ryders and Model 25 Pump Guns, Ask For Mark.
712-830-1197 3-24
FOR SALE: Heston Belt Buckles, All Are Large 1974 – 2022, All Are New, Best Offer.
660-341-3627 3-24
NEEDED: Used Whole Or Partial Pieces Plywood 3/4 – 1 Inch Thick. john@prairieseedfarms. com
641-340-0294 3-24
FOR SALE: 15’ Dump Bed and hoist. $1,500.
573-324-3596 3-24
Due to the Passing of Our Parents, We Will Hold an Auction at the Home 202 Owens Ave in Smithville, MO
Day 1 - Friday, March 31 - 10 AM
Rock Saw: Rare 24” Slab Saw Mode 24SS, Pictured on Website www.picketauctionservice.com.
Also Contents of Ground Floor & Garage - Furniture, Appliances, Collectible Glass, Tools & More. Day 2 - Saturday, April 1 - 10 AM
Selling Contents of Basement & Storage Building - Stone Crocks, Pitcher Pump, Some Furniture, Watchmakers Items, Glass, Pottery & More.
See Website www.picketauction.com for List & 68 Pictures.
Terms: Cash or Valid Check. Not Responsible for Accidents, Theft or Errors in Ads.
Estates of Paul & Kathryn Snyder
Eddie Pickett Auction Service Inc
Eddie Pickett 816-632-0700 • Trent Mumm 660-238-3960
Saturday, April 1st • 9:30 AM
Tama Co. Fairgrounds, 1217 175th St. • Gladbrook, IA
We will continue to consign items all week until NOON on Friday. Call 319-2694024 or 641-485-2712. Just a reminder this sale bill was created nearly 3 weeks before the sale. Please go to spankyandsonsauction.com to get more details & see many pictures as they are updated. We have several consignments from local farmers and a line of equipment from Johnnie Hitchings already listed with more expected.
We will be running 2 rings starting with hayrack items at 9:30 sharp. Machinery will begin at 11:00 AM. Bid LIVE or ONLINE. To bid online go to spankyandsonsauction.com
2014 JD 5055E FWA w/loader & 84” material bucket, 2nd ownwer, cab, 360 hrs, 3pt, 540 PTO, Rear hub weights, Forward/reverse, new tires in 2021; JD 4450 MFWD; IH 1066; Oliver 1750 diesel; IH 300 gas w/loader; JD 6600 combine; JD 216 grain head; JD 494 corn head; JD 3010 WF diesel synch row; Sprayer Specialties XLM V-1010 pull type sprayer; Gehl 2600 skid steer; JD 9760 Green Star combine; Gehl 1870 round baler; JD 640 rake; NH 68 square baler; JD 220 17 ft disk; IH 5X semi mount plow; Westendorf WW2214 gravity flow; HLA Silage Facer Bucket; JD 567 big round baler; 2-row AC planter; Mustang 330 skid steer; Fork lift; Seed tender; 3pt Bush Hog mower; Kewanee 270 20 ft field cultivator; Noble 9-knife chisel plow; JD 7000 4-row wide planter; IH 461 4-row wide cultivator; NH 492 Mo/Co; NI 7-wheel rake; Hesston big round baler; JD 14T baler; IH end gate seeder w/30 bu hopper; IH 1150 grinder mixer; 32 ft 8in auger w/Honda motor; 500 gal pull sprayer w/10 row boom; 3pt 200 gal sprayer w/8 row boom; Ag Leader 24 row sure stop wiring harness w/Y cable; JD 350 3pt sickle.
2005 Chevy 3/4T 4X4 flatbed w/reg cab & Duramax diesel; 2014 Trail King 20 foot equipment trailer; JD X340 rider mower; JD 80 yard cart; Apache double-sided creep feeder; 1974 IH 1700 grain truck w/16 ft box; JD X300 rider mower; 1983 Keifer w/Killbros center dump; Loading chute; Portable double cattle alleyway; 1999 Chevy K1500 4X4; 1979 Chevy K1500 4X4, 6cyl, 4 speed; 1971 Chevy 3/4T 2WD w/newer 350 auto; (40) Grass big round bales; (40) Alfalfa big round bales.
Terms for LIVE auction bidders: We accept Credit Cards or Cash or good check w/photo ID.
Terms for ONLINE auction bidders are posted online at spankyandsonsauction.com
Online bidding powered by Tractor House EquipmentFacts.
ALL product must be removed from the auction site no later than August 14th. All announcements on day of sale take precedent over all written material. Lunch on site.
David “Spanky” Boldt, Auctioneer 319-269-4024
‘Like’ Us on Facebook
reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill.
The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred.
The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope.
SERVICE: Is Now Providing 2 Skirting Systems For Your Manufactured Home. The Insulated Skirting Saves On Utilities And Prevents Freeze Ups. The Uninsulated Is Very Strong And Protects The Underside. Both Systems Look Great! Since 1972.
573-696-3468 TFN
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole.
641-895-8209 8-18
STOVES: In Stock. Also Pex And Pvc Fittings And More. Gingerich Stoves LLC. Bloomfield, IA
641-722-3540 4-7
660-465-2591 3-24
BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 3-10
NEEDED: Good Used Boards Or New Native Boards, 2 – 3 Inches Thick X 4 – 12 Inches Wide X 8 Ft. Or Longer. john@prairieseedfarms. com
641-340-0294 3-24
Row, Rear Heat & AC, Leather, Z71, Alloys, Leveling Kit, 192K, Tow Pkg, Motor Rebuilt at 170K, No Rust LAMBIRTH’S TRUCKS 641-943-2551
Hawkie’s got Auction Fever!
Every week Your Hawkeye Trader contains dozens and dozens of auctions! Just pick up your free copy every Friday!
You can also see the auctions online every ursday morning! Browse
4’ Coca-Cola cooler; 4’ Pepsi-Cola cooler; Vendo 44 Coke machine; Phillips 66 Oil pump; Large Root Beer keg; 2 old Juke boxes; Pinball machine; Oak floormodel display case; Motorcycle game; Electronic Dartboard game; Chancer’s lighted elec sign; Old Phillips 66 clock; Foosball table; Coryell 70 sign; Quaker State Oil sign; Black & Orange Phillips 66 sign; Old air pump stand; Ralph Mills Land sign; 7-UP metal sign; Pepsi thermometer; Lee Tire sign; Goodyear Farm Tire sign; Round Coca-Cola sign; M Young & Company Feed sign; Royal Crown Cola thermometer; Parking sign; Budweiser sign; Goodyear Tire sign; USDA Agriculture sign; Parking meter; Coca-Cola Refreshment sign; Old stoplight; Texaco Gasoline clock; Kendall Motor Oil stand; Shell Motor Oil can; Penn Seal can; Archer Lubricant can; Phillips 66 Outboard Oil can; Final Fine Oil can; 5 gal Alum can; 5 Gal square can; Old license plates, 19291980; Old brass cash register; 2 Restored gas pumps; Gas State Federal sign; Life Long Patches can; 5 old glass oil bottles w/spouts; AE Milk bottle; 2 small oil cans; 3 metal Coca-Cola bottle openers; Firestone Tire holder; 2 Phillips 66 Tire holders; Davis Tire holder (red); Blue & White Davis Tire holder; Mohawk Tire holder; 4 Chevy Super Sport hubcaps; 3 Large island lights; 6 white light covers; Large AE glass bottle; Two 7-UP pop bottles; Pepsi pop bottle & other old pop bottles; Old gas station wringer; 2 Metal lawnchairs; G Power Display stand; Colonial Bread screen door; Gas station driveway bell; Old Phillip 66 toy truck; Lighted Dad’s Root Beer clock; Old Coca-Cola drugstore sign; Old 7-UP cooler; Old metal stool; 8-10 other old signs, several double-sided; 5+ old 5 gal gas cans; & more.
TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. We accept checks and cash only, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank You! LUNCH SERVED
Rifle 5.56 cal. $500.
660-341-2706 3-24
SERVICES: No Log is Too
Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27
Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber
641-664-2080 TFN
PIPE 2” to 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO.
For Details Call Redmount Midstream LLC.
660-542-3000 3-31
FOR SALE: Australian Shepard Pups, All Colors, Both Parents On Site, $250 To $400.
Fonda, IA 50540 Call: 712-358-0488 3-31
FOR SALE: Border Collie Puppies, Farm Raised, Vet Checked.
641-208-6854 Or 641-722-3869 3-24
SCOTTISH TERRIER: Female Puppy, 9 Wks Old, APRI Registered, Shots, Wormed, Only One Left $200. Cairn Terriers, Westies Soon.
660-291-4723 3-24
FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN
FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
FOR SALE: Male Border Collie Pup 5, Months Old, All Shots, Wormed And Rabie Vaccined. Farm Raised Champion Field Trial And Working Dog Lineage. $2,200.
573-795-6210 4-14
FOR SALE: 10 Purebred Border Collies, Shots And Dewormed, 4 Females, 6 Males, Mother Isn’t Registered, Father Registered, $250 Each.
660-299-0808 3-31
FOR SALE: 30 Acre Farm With Lots Of Improvements, Good Fences, Pond, Road On Three Sides. Northeast Missouri.
Call: 660-216-4128 4-14
FOR SALE: 2018 Can Am Commander 800R 3,500 Miles Recently Serviced. Has Winch 4x4 And Power Steering $15,000.
660-216-0781 3-24
FOR SALE: 1975 MARK TWAIN 165 Horse Mercury Inboard. New Steering Cables, Jackets, Oar, Spare Tire, Recovered Seats, Floor Trailer.
573-324-3596 3-24
FOR SALE: 1987 JD 650 Tractor With JD 261 Grooming Mower With New 60 Inch XHT Blades, 17 HP, 1900 Hrs., FWD, 8 Forward 2 Reverse Gears, Front Weights Included, 3 Pt. Hitch, 540 PTO, Recently Serviced, $8,000. 573-406-8635 3-31
FOR SALE: 1991 Massey Ferguson 231 Diesel Tractor, Only 1661 Hrs, HiLo 38 HP Quick Hitch, 7 Ft. 3 Pt. Blade, 6 Ft. King Cutter Rotary Mower, Used One Season, $8,900.
641-572-0061 3-24
FOR SALE: 2nd Cutting Alfalfa, 21 Bale Bundles, $9/Bale. Straw, 21 Bale Bundles, $4.50/Bale. Middletown, MO. 573-975-3636 4-13
FOR SALE: Salok Individual Plastic Bale Wrapper With Skid Loader Grapple Attachment, $4,00-. 10 Ft. International Grain Drill, $800; model 100 Lawrence Grinder Mixer, $800. Call After 5:00 PM. 660-342-5249 3-24
FOR SALE: Small Square Wire Tied Straw, $5 Per Bale. Moberly. 660-651-0621 3-31
FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson 65. Runs Good, Needs Brake Work. Allis Chalmers D14. Does Not Run.
573-303-7056 3-24
FOR SALE: Kinze KMP2 Corn Monitor, $250; 2 - 2 Electric Row Shut Off, $50 Each; Kinze 2 Row Corn Planter 3 Point, $1,800, Call.
319-750-6246 3-24
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More.
660-341-6318 ETFN
ATTENTION: Amish Farmers And Others. Needed: 10-30 Ag Wheels With used Tires Sizes 15 Inch, 16 Inch, 16.1 Inch, 16.5 Inch – 24.5 Inch; needed Donahue Equipment Carries (Trailers) 16 Ft. –28 Ft. Long; Needed Used Pickup Tires 15 Inch – 16 Inch.
john@prairieseedfarms. com
641-340-0294 3-24
FOR SALE: 3rd Cutting Organic Alfalfa, 21 Bale Bundles, $9/Bale. Straw, 21 Bale Bundles, $4.50/Bale. Middletown, MO.
573-975-3636 3-24
Coins: Morgan and Peace Dollars Indian head pennies –Buffalo Nickels
Comic Books: any where from 10 cents to 4 dollars Donald Duck Superman Green lantern Batman Westerns Spawn Playboys 1962 2010 various months Pamala Anderson, Baywatch girls, Farrah Fawcett, lot of collectable names
Antiques and Collectables: 1950’s Buddy L Truck Coca Cola Tonka Fire department Ladder truck No5 cast iron fire truck other cast iron toys train pieces and parts kids race tracks Beatles Applause Dolls (complete set) Marbles Onion skins Lutz Aventurines Schaffer pens white dots 12k Coca Cola picnic cooler Various mantle clocks Grandfather clock advertising clocks various primitives cast iron skillets, Records Bud Man stein other steins Elvis memorabilia Ceramic Christmas tree baseball cards
Very Rare River Buoy – Smokette Radio Block plane collection
Lead top oilers 1950’s Pepsi and Royal Crown Thermometers other oil cans Hard to find Hires Root beer menu board Lazenby Motors Keosauqua Iowa License plate topper
• Toolbox misc. tools router bits cross cut saws air conditioner Outdoor lawn chairs gaming chair
641 777 1429
Sale is full of quality fireams and variety! Nice selection of unfired and like new ( only fired a few rounds) firearms. Majority of guns are in good to excellent condition.
Saturday, April 1, 2023 • 10:00 AM at Keokuk Co Expo Grounds - 2240 220th Ave • Sigourney, Iowa
Partial List
10 A - 150 Lots Silver & Gold Coins: 1912 5 Dollar Gold Indian; 1833 Bust Half; 1835 Bust Quarter; Carson City 1872 Seated Quarter; 1909 VDB Wheat Penny; Morgan & Peace Dollars Commemorative Halves; Walking & Franklin Halves; 1964 Kennedy Halves; Troy Ounces; Silver Quarters; Mint Sets; Proof Sets; Eagles; Lots of Misc Silver.
12 Noon - 50 Guns: Ruger 22 Pistol; Mak 9mm Poland Auto; Taurus Millennium 9mm; Ruger 45 Colt Revolver; Heritage 22 Revolver; Ruger Vaquero 357 Mag; Ruger 6 New Model 22; German Military 9mm; Smith & Wesson Model 19 357 Mag Revolver; Taurus 9mm Pistol; 3 Black Powder Pistols; 1858 Enfield Double Barrel; Winchester 12 Ga Pump; 7.62x54 Russion Mosin 54 Cal Mowrey Texas; Winchester 1200 16 Ga; Marlin 12 Ga Pump; Remington 22; Winchester Bolt Action 22; Marlin 22 Model 1399; Kassnar 12 Ga Double Barrel; Winchester Model 1994 30/30; Eddie Stone Military 30-06; Savage Model 44 O/U 12 Ga; Smith & Wesson 12 Ga Model 1000; Springfield 1903 30-06 w/Scope; Savage 410 Shotgun Model 59; Springfield 12 Ga; Browning Beretta 8-80 12 Ga w/Gold Trigger; JC Higgins 22; Mossberg 12 Ga Model 88; Small Handgun w/Pearl Handles; Holsters; Gun Cases; Ammunition; Whitetail Art; Several Knives; Scopes; Binoculars; Ammo Boxes; Gun Safe. Rings & Jewelry: Sterling Rings; Sterling Charms & Jewelry; Sterling Spoons; Misc Jewelry; Pocket Watches; Sterling Thimbles; Watch Fobs; Hat Pins.
Sewing: Black & White Featherweight Sewing Machines; Featherweight Table; 3 Drawer Spool Cabinet; Several Vintage Toy Sewing Machines; Thread Cabinet; Singer Sewing Machine; Quilts; Fancywork; Feed Sacks; 1855 Fairfield Stephenson Coverlet; Lots of Misc.
260+ FIREARMS View Firearm Catalog Online!
NO online bidding avaliable, NO absentee bids will be accepted. NO buyers premium. All guns will be transfered through FFL Dealer.
Selling a massive volume of ammo, reloading supplies and gun accessories, hunting knives, few Winchester collectibles, ammo boxes and signs; tools, sportsman related items. NO SHIPPING
Sherry & the late Tom Deberry, Seller
Antiques: Pedal Cars & Tractors; Brown Feed Lancaster Iowa Sign; Car Wash Sign; Indian Axe Head; Crocks & Jugs; Toy Washing Machines; Dexter Horse & Dog; Loudon Sign Hoders; Loudon Trolley; Industrial Metal Bolt Bins; Cast Iron Bell; Clarinet; Egg Box; Local Advertising Pieces; Fishing Lures; Loudon Pictures & Catalog; Fairfield & Parson College Books; Old Glassware; Advertising Wooden Boxes; Cream Cans; Railroad Papers From East Pleasant Plain; Military Books & Medals; Griswold Skillets; Medicine & Milk Bottles; Armoir; Round Oak Table & Chairs; High Boy Dressers; Trunk.
Household: Oak Kitchen Tables & Chairs, Couch & Loveseat; New Kenmore Upright Freezer; New Toaster Oven; Flat Screen TV’s; Oak Hutch; Microwave; Grandfather Clock; Massage Table; Usual Run of Household Items.
Auctioneers Note: Huge Auction. May Run 2 Rings. Bring a Friend. Max Wolf &
OR 5 Miles North of Ottumwa, Iowa on Hwy. 149 OR 1-1/2 Miles South of the Pioneer Plant, located at the intersection of Hwy. 149 at the Hedrick Y
Auction Signs Will Be Posted
PEDAL TRACTORS, FARM TOYS & COLLECTIBLES: Farmall 856 pedal tractor; Ford 8000 pedal tractor; Case 830 pedal tractor; John Deere 10 Series pedal tractor; Massey Ferguson pedal tractor; Massey Ferguson & IH pedal tractor 2-wheel trailers; Old John Deere wooden-wheel goat wagon; Pioneer coaster wagon w/stake sides; Extremely large asst. of farm toys incl. Farmall 1486’s, 1466’s, 1456, 1586’s – NIB; Large asst. of ProFarmer, Ertl & Precision-Built toys – wagons, plows, discs, tractors, trucks; Single-cylinder hit & miss engines; Ford 9600 & 8600; Ford red 6000; Ford 961; John Deere A precision; 3020, 4020, 4440 & other John Deere tractors; Massey Ferguson 175; Massey Harris; Several first-edition die-cast toys; Hesston & A/C toys; Grinder/mixers; Pull-type combines; Minneapolis-Moline; John Deere loader; Case 1070; John Deere balers; Gravity wagons; Claus chopper; Antique Dick Tracy squad car; Antique Texaco metal tanker semi; Nylant Firestone truck; Other Nylant toy trucks – NIB; Fire trucks; Tonka toys; John Deere glass-front display cabinet; Old lanterns; Old oil & fuel cans incl. Just Right oil can; Milk buckets; Coal buckets; Cast-iron implement seat; Golden Sun feed sign; Crockery jugs; Printer’s box; Hanging scales; Wooden wheels; Hesston belt buckles – Complete collection of Hesston rodeo belt buckles from 1975 through 2020; Other collector belt buckles incl. John Deere, McCurdy Seed; Shoe lasts; Corn King Sandwich Mfg. Co. corn sheller, restored; Old platform scales; Pedal grindstone; Hand corn planters; Old egg crates; BEER LIGHTS: Extremely large asst. of beer lights – Schlitz, Coors, Miller, Budweiser, Lowenbrau, Milwaukee, Meister Brau, Falstaff & others; Miller bottle – pre 1940.
TRACTORS & MACHINERY: 1968 John Deere 4020, 1-owner, WF, dual outlets, 3-pt, synchro; 1969 John Deere 3020, gas, NF, dual outlets, completely restored, side console; Massey Ferguson 255, diesel, WF, 3-pt, utility, shows 386 hours; Massey Ferguson 35, gas, WF, 3-pt; Massey Ferguson 65, diesel, WF, w/Shaver front-mount post driver; Farmall 460 utility, gas, WF, w/IH industrial loader; Farmall M, runs good; Case 646 industrial tractor w/loader, hydrostat & shuttle shift; Late model Ford 8N, WF, 3-pt, restored; Collector Avery B tractor w/single front-wheel, non-running; John Deere 726 27’ finisher, hydraulic-fold w/spike harrow; (2) Matching Brent 540 wagons w/brakes, truck tires, red, always shedded; Parker 5250 500-bu. gravity wagon, truck tires & brakes; Heider 7’x12’ bargebox wagon & hoist, on heavy-duty gear; Massey Ferguson 9-shank disc chisel; E-Z Flow gravity wagon; Dakon 325-bu. gravity wagon, heavy-duty gear w/truck tires; Bushnell 200-bu. gravity wagon; IH endgate seeder on 2-wheel trailer; Vermeer 2-pt. bale stabber; 2-row 3-pt. cultivator; 3-pt. rear blade; John Deere BW 8’ tandem-wheel disc; 3-pt. scoop; 3-pt. boom; John Deere 990 2-row corn plant w/ check wire; Antique horse-drawn steel-wheel grain drill, always shedded; M-M 12’ grain grill w/grass seed, on rubber; AC 6-bottom steerable plow; (2) Flarebox wagons & gears; Farm Hand grinder/ mixer; Heider auger cart; (2) John Deere 3-pt. brush cutters; Ford 7’ 3-pt. brush cutter; Lahman skidloader, 20hp, for parts; Front loader for 35 Massey; Westfield 8x36 truck auger w/gas engine; Aeration fan & tubing; Tractor chains; 1,000-gal. LP tank; Asst. of fencing & lumber; Hand tools incl. jacks; Table saw; Battery charger; Hoes, rakes, shovels; Elec. motors; Large asst. of painted & galvanized metal siding.
SIDE BY SIDE, 4-WHEELER, PICKUP: Polaris Ranger 700 EFI 4x4, full fiberglass cab, runs good; Arctic Cat 300 4-wheeler, 4x4, 4,875 miles, front & rear racks; Set – alum. ATV ramps; 1998 Chev. S-10 LS, 4.3 V6 engine, auto, runs good. GMC 2500 van, no title, for parts; John Deere F525 front-deck 3-wheel riding lawn mower; Pickup box trailer; 5x7 2-wheel trailer; Troy-bilt chipper; Wisconsin 4-cyl. engine.
SALE ORDER: 10:00 AM – Toys & collectibles. 1:00 PM – Tractors & farm equipment.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Howard Sieren farmed his entire life and enjoyed collecting all aspects of farm memorabilia. Be sure & attend this outstanding auction. Space does not allow us to list all items. Go to our website for pictures – www.almartinauctions.com.
All property must be settled for before removal – All items sold as is where is Not responsible in case of accidents.
Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising.
1336 Black Diamond Rd SW, Oxford, IA 52322
2 mi. W of Windam North Side
Open House March 31st - 10AM to 6PM
Ford Jubilee tractor/loader/Blade 5ft Rotary mower, Earthquake 27T wood splitter, Frontier MS 1102 manure spreader/New web; Tandem wheel 2 Horse Trailer, approx 150 small sq bales grass/hay; Kawaski Bayou 4-wheeler 2WD/works good; JD 6-wheeler/chains/very low hrs/only 3 yrs old; Allis Chalmers lawn tractor; Harrow section, cutting torch/cart/Rods/no tanks; metal shelving, small air compressor, organizers; Rollaway toolboxes; workbenches, Stihl MS 290 chainsaw; 2-Bandsaws; Delta Planner; JD 5 Bar Hayrake; canoe, wheelbarrows, Dog kennel, coon cage, 10x20 canopy, weedeater rear tire tiller, patio set, grills, trussels, yard machine pushmower, saddle stand; riding saddle & bridle; small refridgerator; animal cages; lots of hand tools,garden tools, 2-3 hayracks of small tools. ANTIQUES & PRIMITIVES: Culivator, 2-windmills, yard decor, galvanized tubs, lots of wooden trunks, wooden ladder, shallow well, AC oil pump, Model T wheels, oil cans, pop bottles, lots of old Ford car parts, Allis Chalmers trunk, and many more items too numerous to mention.
Check our website for pictures of items
Terms: Cash or Check with proper ID - Not responsible for Accidents or theft.
Delmar Yoder 319-430-2711
Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019
Located at Skate Pit, Marion Co. Fairgrounds, Hwy 14 North Knoxville, IA
Howdy Doody nightlight in box/Sinclair and Coca Cola transistor radios/child’s roll top desk/salesman’s sample egg crate/Loftkin Rule log measuring tool/advertising glass rolling pins from Lyle Mason Cream hauler/Roll-rite rolling pin from Truman Carson Cream hauler/several old marbles/Ingram and other clocks/cabbage cutter/several cast banks and tin banks/Mayfair biscuit jar-depression glass/large wooden vase/ Curtis broom from Chariton Broom Company/Ammaco coffee dispenser/ Bugs Bunny talking alarm clock/Mickey Mouse clock/Old Philco radio-record player/enamel baby bathtub/Zorro boots and saddles and Lawman comic books/several Aladdin lamps and oil lamps/night lights/several TV lamps/granite ware and old kitchen utensils/Exide battery jar/Chariton, Albia and Centerville bottles/painted saw blades/razors and razor blade sharpeners/old bobble heads/several pieces of chalkware/lava lamps/ Betty Boop clock/Fibber McGee game/kitchen beaters and egg basket/ several bullet pencils/Briggs tobacco container/Camel lighter and cigarettes/Fenton glass/Hartland horses and Western figures/Breyer horses – new in box/Roy Rogers camera, records and horseshoe/cast iron turtle string holder/old glass towel bars/match holders/Nutcracker statues/glass birds and animals/walking canes/misc. glassware and knickknacks/chicken catchers…Plus, many more boxes left to unpack!
GUNS & KNIVES: Remington Nylon 76 lever action 22 cal; Remington Nylon 66 22 cal; Remington Mohawk 10c 22 cal; Marlin Model 39D lever action 22 cal; Marlin Golden 39A lever action 22 cal.
This is just a partial listing with many more items for the auction! FOR MORE INFO (641) 891-3606
2015 Polaris Ranger 900 LE
C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243
FOR SALE: 2010 Chevy Camaro RS 140,000 Miles, New Front Bumper And Battery Has Rebulit Title From Hail, Minor Dings. $10,500. 660-216-0781 3-24
FOR SALE: 14 Young Registered Full Blood Boer Does, Start Kidding April 15th, Also 2 Herd Bucks Plus Young Bucks. 641-660-6625
HORSESHOER: Thomas Lally. 641-224-5037
Monday, April 3, 2023
6:30 pm
at the New Cambria Livestock Auction, New Cambria, MO
• Twenty-Five Fall Yearling Bulls
• 35 Spring Yearling Bulls
• 20 Spring Yearling Heifers
• 5 Fall Bred Heifers
FOR SALE: Gelbvieh Bulls, Excellent Qualities, Black, Bulls, Good EPD’s And Calving Ease. Gentle, Will Be Tested Ready To Go. Hobbs Gelbvieh. 515-822-2561 Or 641-203-6804 4-21
FOR SALE: Registered Angus Bulls, Coming 2 Yr. Old, Gentle, Easy Calving With Strong Growth Genetics. Gene Nelson Angus. 641-891-9684
Sires Represented:
DB Iconic G95, Crawford Guarantee 9137, GAR Ashland, Ferguson Trailblazer 239E and more.
Brockmere Farms, Inc.
10111 Hwy 11 • Brookfield, MO 64628
Bill Brockman (660) 258-2901
Brian Brockman (660) 375-2155 brockmereangus@gmail.com
Brockmere Boeing 1217 – Reg 20423404
Sire: Sydgen Boeing 6063, CED +7, BW +1.4, WW +74, YW +133, Milk +36, MB +.66, RE +.84
Brockmere Everelda 2029 – Reg 20492860
Sire: GAR Ashland, CED +10, BW +1.0, WW +72, YW +123, Milk +26, MB +.88, RE +.71
For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Manager, TOM BURKE, KURT SCHAFF, ALEX POPPLEWELL, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME, at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, PO Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone: (816) 532-0811. Fax: (816) 532-0851. E-Mail: angushall@angushall.com
Machinery - Tractors & Truck
1950 JD A 2 cyl. tractor - JD 2440 Diesel tractor (1189 hr.)
CIH 8312 hydro. swing mower conditioner 12’
Vermeer 605 L baler - Vermeer 605 F baler - Vermeer D big baler
2005 Vermeer WRX 12 wheel hay rake - Kraus 24’ disc
IH 4600 Vibrashank field cultivator 24’ w/ spring harrow
Story Built 12 wheel hay rake - pasture harrow
Fuerst 28’ Pasture Harrow - Shulte XH 1500 15’ batwing cutter
JD 350 3 pt. sickle mower w/ 9’ bar - Western snow plow
Hesston 565T round baler - Willmar 500 fertilizer cart
New Frontier brush cutter RC2060 - 7’ 3 pt Roto tiller (like new)
John Deere 2520 compact tractor 300hr with like new on ramp mower deck and like new 200CX loader
H&S 310 manure spreader tandem axle top beater / slop gate (nice)
Gooseneck 6 bale hay trailer - Deutz Allis 385 6 row planter
Danuser post hole digger w/ hydro motor (on stand)
1999 Ford F350 7.3L dually, auto, 4x4, rebuilt title, 185K miles
Mowers-Tillers- Misc.
JD X475 ZTR mower, 60” deck, 300 hr.
Hustler X one ZTR mower, 60” deck, 250 hr.
Hustler Raptor SC ZTR mower, 54” deck, 260 hr.
Scagg ZTR mower 52” deck, 1400 hr.
Dixon Speed ZTR mower 54” deck, 352 hr.
Kubota ZD 28 diesel ZTR mower 72” deck, 600 hr.
Dixon ZTR 52” deck, 20 hp Kohler engine
Grasshopper 223 ZTR mower, 61” deck, 943 hr.
Stihl weedeater - Stihl FS 56 RC weedeater
Troy-Bilt TB 160 push mower - Troy-Bilt pony tiller
Honda 250 3 wheeler, non runner - Porboy deer blind
6’ cedar picnic table - deer stands
Lunch on grounds
Auction held at 15970 Kelso Avenue
1 mile West of Downing, MO. on Hwy 136
Livestock Equipment & Misc.
2 older steel trailers - portable hog loading chute Haysaver bale feeder - Ritchie 4 hole waterer
Ritchie stock waterer - Behlen calving pen 6 ton bulk bin w/ slide - Pax 4 ton bulk bin w/ slide
Pax 2 ton bulk bin- Pending large bulk bins
200+ used t-posts - 100 gallon stock tanks
Several Hedge posts, corners & lines - QLF lick tank
6 - Hog Slat Stainless Steel pig feeders
Diamond L 16” saddle - pony saddle - misc. tack
Skid Steers - Attachments & mics.
2011 Terex PT 80 2 speed Hi-flo heat a/c (3800 hr.)
Case 1840 skid steer (4200 hr.) good solid machine
New: 72” brush cutter - JCT post hole digger w/ 2 augers
72” tiller - tree & post pullers - walk thru pallet forks
Fork mount dumpster - 30x20x12 Hoop Building
Also new items from Pinnacle Manufacturing
(6) grapple buckets - (2) post/ tree pullers - (6) back plates
(2) plates with reciever hitches - (6) sets fork extensions Used bale fork - rock bucket
Auctioneers Note: These are the early consignments, so be sure to check for updated listings and photos on our website as we are accepting consignments until Wednesday, March 29 . Loader & personnel available on auction day. Make plans to attend!! Thanks, Randy
Shop Tools Miller 35 mig welder, works great Century 200 mig welder, works good 4 bolt on cutting edges - heavy tables on castors
Snap-On Tire machine, model #EEWH312A
North Star power washer w/ Honda engine
DeWalt cutoff saw - Stihl hedge trimmer
Mantis tiller - table saw - misc. hand tools
2 fuel tanks - several new truck lights
Southeast Corner of the Town of Blakesburg, Iowa, on Adams Road
REAL ESTATE: 42 Acres with 27 Acres tillable, balance in pasture & timber area. Rural water with livestock waterers, set up for paddock grazing. 36’x44’ basement barn with hayloft and adjoining 18’x36’ loafing shed, both with newer metal roofs. 48’x60’ livestock barn; 48’x80’ concrete silo; concrete feeding floors. Ideal for livestock.
TERMS: 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement.
For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. Watch future publications for a complete sale bill of tractors, farm machinery & equipment. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising.
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
FOR SALE: 1980 30’ Heavy Duty Low Boy Pindle Hitch $3,500.
573-324-3596 3-24
COME TO BARGAIN WAREHOUSE: Crazy Bin Deals Start Friday! $5 Day 1 $4 Day 2 Etc!!!!!!!! 418 E GRAND AVE MEMPHIS MO. 3-24
FOR SALE: 5 All Weather Stocks, 5 Wood Stocks For Remington, 700 ADL And BDL Rifles. Mark: 712-830-1197 3-24
FOR SALE: Several Daisy 50’s Red Ryders and Model 25 Pump Guns, Ask For Mark. 712-830-1197 3-24
FOR SALE: Heston Belt Buckles, All Are Large 1974 – 2022, All Are New, Best Offer. 660-341-3627 3-24
NEEDED: Used Whole Or Partial Pieces Plywood 3/4 – 1 Inch Thick. john@prairieseedfarms. com
SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Is Now Providing 2 Skirting Systems For Your Manufactured Home. The Insulated Skirting Saves On Utilities And Prevents Freeze Ups. The Uninsulated Is Very Strong And Protects The Underside. Both Systems Look Great! Since 1972.
573-696-3468 TFN
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole. 641-895-8209 8-18
BIG SELECTION WOOD STOVES: In Stock. Also Pex And Pvc Fittings And More. Gingerich Stoves LLC. Bloomfield, IA 641-722-3540
FOR SALE: Mossberg MVP Patrol Rifle 5.56 cal. $500. 660-341-2706
FOR SALE: 15’ Dump Bed and hoist. $1,500. 573-324-3596 3-24
$44. FLOOR TO CEILING BARGAINS!! Bargain Warehouse Memphis MO
660-465-2591 3-24
TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 3-10
NEEDED: Good Used Boards Or New Native Boards, 2 – 3 Inches Thick X 4 – 12 Inches Wide X 8 Ft. Or Longer. john@prairieseedfarms. com
641-340-0294 3-24
SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
MCKEE COINS, INC: I Like To Think I can Trust My Bank, But I Know For Over Two Thousand Years They Trusted Gold And Silver. Buy Sell Trade. 213 East Main Street Ottumwa, IA 52501 641-684-6006 4-7
FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” to 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. For Details Call Redmount Midstream LLC. 660-542-3000 3-31
FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls.
660-707-3866 TFN
FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs.
Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
Place Your Ad At www.hawkeyetrader.com
• No more molded hay with our metal roof system.
• No more wasted high-dollar hay.
• No more rotted hay from the bottom. Hay never touches the ground.
• No more rubbed manes.
• Holds big round bales and square bales.
• Works great with small bales.
• Just open the gate and set the bale in.
• Keeps hay dry, fresh, and easy to reach.
• Saves time, money, and energy.
19387 ICE AVE • BLOOMFIELD, IA 52537 641-799-8371
FOR SALE: Australian Shepard Pups, All Colors, Both Parents On Site, $250 To $400.
Fonda, IA 50540 Call: 712-358-0488 3-31
FOR SALE: Male Border Collie Pup 5, Months Old, All Shots, Wormed And Rabie Vaccined. Farm Raised Champion Field Trial And Working Dog Lineage. $2,200.
573-795-6210 4-14
SCOTTISH TERRIER: Female Puppy, 9 Wks Old, APRI Registered, Shots, Wormed, Only One Left $200. Cairn Terriers, Westies Soon.
660-291-4723 3-24
FOR SALE: 10 Purebred Border Collies, Shots And Dewormed, 4 Females, 6 Males, Mother Isn’t Registered, Father Registered, $250 Each.
660-299-0808 3-31
A variety of great financing plans are available to help you get the mower of your dreams, with payments that won’t give you nightmares.
FOR SALE: Border Collie Puppies, Farm Raised, Vet Checked.
641-208-6854 Or 641-722-3869 3-24
FOR SALE: 30 Acre Farm With Lots Of Improvements, Good Fences, Pond, Road On Three Sides. Northeast Missouri.
Call: 660-216-4128 4-14
FOR SALE: 2018 Can Am Commander 800R 3,500 Miles Recently Serviced. Has Winch 4x4 And Power Steering $15,000.
660-216-0781 3-24
TWAIN 165 Horse Mercury Inboard. New Steering Cables, Jackets, Oar, Spare Tire, Recovered Seats, Floor Trailer.
573-324-3596 3-24
650 Tractor With JD 261 Grooming Mower With New 60 Inch XHT Blades, 17 HP, 1900 Hrs., FWD, 8 Forward 2 Reverse Gears, Front Weights Included, 3 Pt. Hitch, 540 PTO, Recently Serviced, $8,000.
573-406-8635 3-31
FOR SALE: 1991 Massey Ferguson 231 Diesel Tractor, Only 1661 Hrs, HiLo 38 HP Quick Hitch, 7 Ft. 3 Pt. Blade, 6 Ft. King Cutter Rotary Mower, Used One Season, $8,900.
641-572-0061 3-24
FOR SALE: 2nd Cutting Alfalfa, 21 Bale Bundles, $9/Bale. Straw, 21 Bale Bundles, $4.50/Bale. Middletown, MO.
573-975-3636 4-13
FOR SALE: Salok Individual Plastic Bale Wrapper With Skid Loader Grapple Attachment, $4,00-. 10 Ft. International Grain Drill, $800; model 100 Lawrence Grinder Mixer, $800. Call After 5:00 PM.
660-342-5249 3-24
FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson 65. Runs Good, Needs Brake Work. Allis Chalmers D14. Does Not Run.
573-303-7056 3-24
FOR SALE: Small Square Wire Tied Straw, $5 Per Bale. Moberly.
660-651-0621 3-31
FOR SALE: Kinze KMP2 Corn Monitor, $250; 2 - 2 Electric Row Shut Off, $50 Each; Kinze 2 Row Corn Planter 3 Point, $1,800, Call. 319-750-6246 3-24
Motor Ho MES/Ca MpErS
• 2020 Forest River Salem Camper, 38’, 2 Entry Doors,
Power Awning with LED
Lighting, Interior and Exterior Speakers, Living Area and
Bedroom Slide Out, Couch,
2 Recliners, Electric Fireplace, Wall TV, Gas Stove, Microwave, Fridge Freezer, Table with 4 Chairs, King Bed, Closets, Factory Wired for Solar
Panels but no Solar Panels, No Pets, lived in while building house, pulled 130 mi.,
• 2000 Bounder 36’ Motor Home, 1 Slide Out, 28,000 Original Miles, Class A, Ford V10, Auto Trans., 2nd Owner, Propane or Electric Appliances, Good Tread On Tires, Clean Interior, Stored Inside
Until 3 Years Ago, Nice Coach
• 2008 Kangaroo 32’ Toy Hauler, 5th Wheel, Sleeps 4, New Rubber, Single Slide Out, Needs New Tarp, Kitchen, Bathroom, Loaded, New Battery One Season Ago
• 2008 38’ Keystone Montana, 5th Wheel Camper, Triple Axle, 2 Slide Outs, Sleeps Two Comfortably, Gross Weight of 16,000, U Shaped Kitchen, Big Living Area, Washer/ Dryer Hookup, Awning, Large Closet, Standard Appliances, Radio, Central Vac (not working), Oak Stained Cabinets, Bathroom Shower with Sink, Easy To Move Furniture that is Not Factory Installed, Includes 5th Wheel To Gooseneck Conversion Hitch, 2
Propane Tanks, Fire Place, TV Hookup (No TV)
• 2005 Tracker Jon Boat, 14 ft., with 2 swivel chairs, live well, trolling motor, new lights on trailer, 15 hp Johnson motor has complete overhaul, have title to motor, trailer, & boat
• 1996 Stratos 295 Pro XL Bass Boat, 18.5 Feet, 200 hp Evinrude Vindicator, Fish Finder, Mankato Edge Trolling Motor, Proline Pro Foot Pedal, Jack Plate Motor Mount, Double Aerator Live Well, New Carpet and Seats, Single Axle Trailer, New Tarp
• 1976 16’ Ski Boat, 115hp Johnson, Fiberglass Hull, Awning, Cover Tarp, With Trailer
• 1985 4-Wynns Cruiser Ski Boat, 3.7l 4 Cylinder Mercruiser, has Dual Axle Trailer, Needs Tires, Adjustable Length Trailer, has wear and tear on the interior, Has Cover, Needs Engine Tuning, Has Cooler In Dash, Depth Finder, Maroon & White
t raC tor S and LaW n & Gard En
• Kubota BX Series Lawn Tractor, Loader and Deck, 3pt
• 3pt PTO Tiller
• 3pt Blade
• Cub Cadet GT 2554 Lawn Mower, w/Deck, Shaft Drive
• JD 277 Lawn Mower, 42” Deck
• 42” Piranha Mower Deck
• 2009 Walker 27 hp Mower, 60 in., Kohler Engine, 826 hrs.
• Dixon Zero Turn Mower 429, Red Deck, Cone Drive, Kohler Command 14 Engine
• David Bradley Garden Walk Behind Tractor
• Cub Cadet 1330 Lawn Mower
• Hustler 60” Cut Lawn Mower
• Stihl HS45 Gas Powered Hedge Trimmer
• Fimco Pull Type Lawn Sprayer, with Bloomless Booms
• John Deere Lawn Trailer
• King Kutter Lister
• JD Straight Blade
• 8 Jeep Wheels and Tires
• 1982 Honda Goldwing Interstate, Avg. Condition, Needs Seat, Has Windshield and Saddlebags, 5 Speed at V’S
• 2012 John Deere 825i Gator, 16,000 mi., Electric Hoist On Bed, Has Good 14” Pickup Tires, Glass Cab, Manual Windows, With Blade and Winch, Newer Front Drive Shafts, Runs Good
• 2001 Kawasaki Prairie, 4x4, Winch, Belt Drive, Good Tires, Runs Good, Looks Good
• 1994 Kawasaki Bayou 400, runs good
SH op tooLS
• NorthStar 3000psi Pressure Washer, 4 gpm, Gas Engine, Tecumseh 10hp, All Hose and Wand and Tips
• Craftsman Radial Arm Saw
• Drill Press
• Craftsman 14” Band Saw
• Table Top Wood lathe
• Craftsman 12.5” Planer
• Bench Grinder
• Peter Wright Anvil
ATTENTION: Amish Farmers And Others. Needed: 10-30 Ag Wheels With used Tires Sizes 15 Inch, 16 Inch, 16.1 Inch, 16.5 Inch – 24.5 Inch; needed Donahue Equipment Carries (Trailers) 16 Ft. –28 Ft. Long; Needed Used Pickup Tires 15 Inch – 16 Inch. john@prairieseedfarms. com 641-340-0294 3-24
FOR SALE: 3rd Cutting Organic Alfalfa, 21 Bale Bundles, $9/Bale. Straw, 21 Bale Bundles, $4.50/Bale. Middletown, MO. 573-975-3636 3-24
FOR SALE: New 3 Pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7 Ft. To 12 Ft. Starting At $4,150. 660-874-4455 12-21-23
FOR SALE: Certified Organic Yellow Corn. Food/ Feed Grade. 641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA.
Appanoose Co, IA - 1 +/- acres, Formerly operated as the Moulton Locker, this investment property offers commercial space, an apartment to rent or reside in, and is located on the main street in Moulton, IA. $98,000
Davis Co, IA - 80 +/- acres, This farm west of Bloomfield, IA, is primarily tillable with two secluded hunting sites. SOLD
Davis Co, IA - 238 +/- acres, This remote farm on the IA/Missouri border is breathtaking and has every component that a true top-end farm in southern IA can offer. SOLD
Henry Co, IA - 9.37 +/- acres, This beautiful acreage near Highway 34 and Mount Pleasant includes a building site overlooking a stocked pond, CRP income, and timber. SOLD
Henry Co, IA - 60 +/- acres, This is an excellent combination of tillable land currently in CRP, timber, and a perfect building site. The property sits in southeast Henry County, just west of Danville. PENDING
Henry Co, IA - 103 +/- acres, This property offers the desirable blend of excellent hunting and income-producing acres from the Conservation Reserve Program. SOLD
Henry Co, IA - 127 +/- acres, Thanks to this property’s diverse wildlife habitat and Skunk River/Cedar Creek frontage, you’ll enjoy excellent hunting, fishing, and recreation. SOLD
Henry Co, IA - 224 +/- acres, This vast property along southeast IA’s Skunk River is home to trophy bucks, pheasant, quail, turkey, and waterfowl. It generates over $28,000 annually from CRP and the grain bin. SOLD
Jackson Co, IA - 149 +/- acres, The structure of this farm‚ and the neighborhood it resides in‚ combine into a real estate asset where you can manage and hunt for big whitetails. PENDING
Jackson Co, IA - 322 +/- acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is proud to present one of the most advanced hunting farms we’ve ever seen in IA. It’s located in Zone 8, which is much more favorable than other zones for hunting.
located in Zone 8, which is much more favorable than other zones for hunting.
Jefferson Co, IA - 93 +/- acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is excited to present this farm that offers the coveted 50/50 blend of tillable and timber. SOLD
Jefferson Co, IA - 93 +/- acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is excited to
Jefferson Co, IA - 723 +/- acres, This mile-and-a-half wide farm in southeast IA generates over $99,000 in annual income and has the ideal layout for growing, holding, and hunting mature bucks.
Jefferson Co, IA - 723 +/- acres, This mile-and-a-half wide farm in southeast IA generates over $99,000 in annual income and has the ideal layout for growing,
Jefferson/Van Buren Co, IA - 511 +/- acres, This breathtaking farm has timber,
Jefferson/Van Buren Co, IA - 511 +/- acres, This breathtaking farm has timber, topography, quality farmland, and a top-end lodge. Currently a high fence game preserve, it offers hunting flexibility‚ especially for non-resident landowners.
Johnson Co, IA - 40 +/- acres, As a Land Specialist, this is one of the finest properties I’ve been on in eastern IA. If you’ve been waiting for a perfectly located property to build a dream home, here is your opportunity. SOLD
Johnson Co, IA - 103 +/- acres, Located approximately 20 minutes from Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, this stunning farm has been in the same family for 52 years. $1,261,750
Keokuk Co, IA - 24 +/- acres, This property would be a perfect recreational weekend retreat along the Skunk River, whether you want to camp, fish, or build a cabin on stilts. $142,800
Lee Co, IA - 36.2 +/- acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is honored to showcase this lakefront property with one of the nicest building sites we’ve ever offered in southeast IA. $244,350
Lee Co, IA - 42.3 +/- acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is honored to showcase this lakefront property with one of the nicest building sites we’ve ever offered in southeast IA. $264,375
Lee Co, IA - 51.8 +/- acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is honored to showcase this lakefront property with one of the nicest building sites we’ve ever offered in southeast IA. $349,650
Lee Co, IA - 145 +/- acres, This farm gem has an amazing layout, and it’s dialed in to hunt for the 2022 whitetail season! SOLD
Van Buren Co, IA - 70 +/- acres, This potent hunting property in remote northeast Van Buren County has rolling topography, thick timber, bottom creek habitat, open acres, pinch points, and secluded food plot locations. $402,500
Van Buren Co, IA - 28.42 +/- acres, Nestled in the rolling hills above the Des Moines River Valley lies this property with great views, a building site, income through the Conservation Reserve Program, and solid hunting opportunities. SOLD
Van Buren Co, IA - 77 +/- acres, You couldn’t draw up a more perfect layout for bow hunting in southeast IA than this property. It generates a solid annual payment and lies in the middle of a tremendous area for trophy whitetails.
Van Buren Co, IA - 137 +/- acres, This farm offers excellent hunting and solid income in an area of southeast IA that is a top producer for monster whitetails.
Washington Co, IA – 20 +/- acres, In between Washington and Wayland, one of the prettiest areas in all of Washington County‚ sits this country acreage with building sites, tillable, and gentle terrain. $280,000
Washington Co, IA – 176 +/- acres, This scenic farm in southeast Iowa lies next to a solid forest of no-hunting wildlife sanctuary; northwest of Brighton, among the hills of the notorious Skunk River. $1,135,200
Clarke Co, IA - 26.41 +/- acres, This is a rare opportunity at a property that has endless opportunities for use. PENDING
Decatur Co, IA - 2.6 +/- acres, This small acreage located in South Central IA has great views and utilities available for a perfect build site. PENDING
Decatur Co, IA - 85 +/- acres, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home sitting on 85-acres with endless opportunities. The Southern IA views are outstanding, space for farm animals, and hunting opportunities right out the backdoor $699,000
Lucas Co, IA - 15 +/- acres, This pole barn/shouse sits on a beautiful 15-acres with a great hardwood ridge that offers great hunting and views right out the back door! SOLD
Lucas Co, IA - 175 +/- acres, Great tillable producing acres that generate approx. $215/acre annually, as well as great hunting opportunities. SOLD
Madison Co, IA – 23 +/- acres, This small tract has a lot to offer with a building site, beautiful hardwood timber ridges, tillable acres, and great hunting. SOLD
Marion Co, IA - 172.5 +/- acres, Turnkey hunting property with great cover and tillable acres. It is the perfect combo farm located in a great location! Sets up well for a great hunting farm and offers annual income. PENDING
tillable acres. It is the perfect combo farm located in a great location! Sets up
Ringgold Co, IA - 40 +/- acres, This 40 offers a lot when it comes to
Ringgold Co, IA - 40 +/- acres, This 40 offers a lot when it comes to recreational value and also generates a good annual CRP income. There is lots of good whitetail hunting on and around this property. SOLD
Ringgold Co, IA - 66 +/- acres, This tract offers income-producing acres enrolled in CRP and also offers great hunting opportunities. SOLD
Taylor Co, IA - 325 +/- acres, This property offers a high-income producing CRP contract, a beautiful 10-acre pond, and recreational opportunities with hunting and fishing! $1,845,000
Union Co, IA - 80 +/- acres, Property could convert to tillable very easily if the new owner decides to farm it once CRP expires. SOLD
Wayne Co, IA - 31.5 +/- acres, Perfect build site situated right off Highway S26 just south of Allerton. $195,000
Wayne Co, IA - 119 +/- acres, Top notch combo/rec farm with a home and large shop. $875,000