Hawkeyetrader 042117

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Yanmar T175 2013 Tracks, Cab, AC/Heat Dsl, 68HP, 760hrs



NH LS180 rebuilt FD 2200lb cap. 2 Buckets!

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$39995. 15 hours! $6995.

JD 7330, 2010 MFWD, 4 Valves Powerquad, 7060hrs



0. $10500.

JD 4320 2006 48HP, 400cx self leveling loader

$9750. Case 2390 Local Farmer Retiring! Duals, Weights


Kubota Diesel

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JD 1565 72” deck cab and heat


Bobcat 334, 40HP 11.2 Dig Depth 2001, Cab w/ Air

Mahindra Emax22 2016, 4WD, PS 3PT, 15 hrs





Case 450 2007, 2700 hrs Rubber Tires

April 21, 2017

Every Friday




Vol. 15 No. 16

JD 3010 New Paint! New Tires! Gas Wide Front, 5770hrs

Toyota,7FG30 189” Triple, SS LP, 6k cap. good

Scag Turbo Tiger Kubota Diesel 72” 580hrs


just 200


4wd! !


JD 2640 good tires JD 2320 60” deck grill guard, 2rear valves 4WD, diesel bucket and bale speer grill guard, quick hitch


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Kubota Diesel GR2120 Deck and blade

Hi quality lawn equip. 1/4” steel

5085M 69 hrs! 16F/16R Powr Reverser 85HP,4 valves list price $75,000

Like new CX gator JUST 202 HRS 2012, Kaw engine

Our Price $55000

1/4” steel 4’ flex harrow $475 48” 1”roller BRG 6’ flex harrow $575 475lb empty!

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Cat diesel Now available with 4 wheel Yamaha Fuel injection suspension 61” 5 gauge deck just

$204. per mo 60


$189 per mo

XP 61” 5 gauge deck 4 wheel suspension


Maverick Electricl ift, 4 wheel suspension 54”7 gauge deck Kaw or Kohler

$116 per mo 48


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