
Calf Feeder On Wheels, $1,400. 641-780-4312 8-2 FOR SALE: 2020 John Deere 1025R Compact Tractor Package, Loader, 54 Inch Deck, Like New, 34 Hours With Books. $15,000 Or Trade. 660-216-1544 8-9

FOR SALE: Massey Harris 50 Tractor, Nice, $2,600; Farmall M Tractor, Good Paint, $1,800; Ford 8N Tractor Sherman, 12 Speed Overdrive, Nice, $2,700; AC WD Tractor, Power Steering, NF 3 P.t, $1,950; Ferguson TO-30 Tractor, 8 Speed, Overdrive, Nice, $2,000; Hay Rack, 8x16, Nice, $900; John Deere 115 Blade, 8 Ft., $700; Pasture Harrow, 3 Pt. 6 Ft, $450. 641-629-9841 8-2
FOR SALE: MF65 Diesel, $5,500; 606 International $6,000. 641-777-2202 8-2
FOR SALE: OCIA Certified Organic Yellow Corn. OCIA Certified Organic Alfalfa/ Grass Hay In Large Square Or Round Bales. 641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN

Harbison Brush Mowing



2-piece cupboard; Table; Kitchen island; Dishes; Small flat screen TV; Several pairs of new boots; Parlor table; Pet ramp; Sleeping bags; In-home air conditioner; Dorm fridge; Pfaltzgraff dishes; Legos; and more.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Step-back cupboard; 2-door cupboard; 2 BB guns; Oak library table; Children’s puzzles; Red Wing pottery; Wall-mount coffee grinder; 8 sections of bookcases w/one top and no bases; 1920’s buffet; 2 glass-door cabinets; Galvanized milk boxes; Cherry pitter; Large glass bottle; Lincoln Logs; Early fire truck fire bucket; Twenty Red Line Hot Wheel cars in Super Rally Hot Wheel case; 10 Plus pie birds; U.S. Navy ship bell; and more.

TOOLS & OUTDOOR: 48” roll of varmint wire; Outdoor area rug; Wheel barrel; Cordless 20 V weed eater; Some concrete yard art.
COINS: 16 Peace Dollars; 37 Silver Dollars with various dates and some have mint marks, several 1800’s; 100 Silver War Nickels; 3 Barber Half Dollars; 18 1964 Kennedy Half Dollars; Fifteen 1 oz. silver bars & coins; Sixteen 1934-1939 Quarters; Twenty 1960-1964 Quarters; Twenty-seven Franklin Half Dollars; 19 Walking Liberty Half Dollars; Eight 1967-1969 Kennedy Half Dollars; Thirty-eight 1964 Quarters; Roll of 1940 Dimes. COINS TO SELL AT 1:00 P.M.
TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. We accept cash & checks, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank You. LUNCH

$1500/Up. Make Offer. 660-689-3005 Or 507-210-7783 8-9
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease, $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN

LOOKING: For A Live-In Housekeeper, Non Smoker, 50 Or 60, Call. 660-341-3627 8-2
FOR SALE: 5/10 Utility Trailer, $625; Side/Side Refrigerator, $125; 16 Ft Aluminum Ladder, $60; 6 Ft Fiberglass Step Ladder, $25. Quincy, Illinois. 217-653-5325 8-9
NEW LOAD: Of Craftsman Tool Boxes, 3 Sizes $169 -$799. Bargain Warehouse, Memphis Mo. 660-465-2591 8-2
FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN
Friday, August 2nd @ 11:00 a.m. 430 North Main • Jameson, MO 64647
Property of A. Sue Brodt
VEHICLE: 1997 Nissan 2wd, 110,000 miles, no rust, always stored in a garage. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Cast-iron dachshund boot scraper; vintage metal outdoor patio set; wash stand; Hobnail lamp; handmade quilts; Indian sand art, Tiffany lamp; Cosanti bronze bell; antique end tables; FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD: Roper fridge works good; exercise equipment; treadmill; recliners; couches; end tables; kitchen tables and chairs; Persian rugs; wicker chairs; bedroom set; chest of drawers; dressers; floor lamps; metal storage cabinets; suitcases; collapsible storage cabinets; corner desk w/ chair; ironing boards; handicapped equipment; knicknacks; Samsung flatscreen TV 40”; Sony flatscreen TV 38“; several framed prints; printer; floral couch; Danby chest freezer; GE electric dryer; Whirlpool washer (like new); dishes; ice cream freezers; Panasonic microwave (new); Christmas ornaments; silverware sets; fans; shark sweeper; kitchenware; mortar and pistol, set glass, top table, chair, and chairs set; China hutch; sofa tables; coffee table; lead, crystal, large variety; black marble top; marble top table; several lamps; entertainment center; air purifiers; collectible; VCR; chair and footstool set; planters; queen, size bedroom set; rocking chair; oak office, desks; and mini items not listed. TOOLS & GARDENING: Troy-Bilt snowblower, (electric start like new); Echo gas-powered shrub cutter; Mantis tiller; Brute push mower; jazzy electric wheelchair; electric chainsaws; electric tremors, electric weed eater; electric leaf blower; yard tools; aluminum extension ladder; 28 foot step ladders; tree pruner; combination ladder; gas grill; two-wheel dolly; carts; toolboxes; large selection of hand tools; extension

SCOTT HUSKEY’S INSULATED SKIRTING SYSTEMS: Keeps Your Home Cooler In The Summer - Warmer In The Winter - Saves On Utilities And Looks Great! Since 1972. 573-696-3468 TFN
FOR SALE: Mini Split, Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers And Much More At Bargain Warehouse, Memphis Mo. 660-465-2591 8-2
FOR SALE: 5/10 Utility Trailer, $625; Side/Side Refrigerator, $125; 16 Ft Aluminum Ladder, $60; 6 Ft Fiberglass Step Ladder, $25. Quincy, Illinois. 217-653-5325 8-9

FOR SALE: AKC German Shepard Puppies. Farm Raised, Shots, Wormed, Parents On Sight, 2 Males - 8 Weeks. Ready For New Home. 4 Females And 2 Males - Ready July 27 $500. Fayette, MO. 660-728-2187 8-2
FOR SALE: 2004 Rockwood Fold-Down Trailer. Sleeps 8, Gas Outside Grill, Inside Cookstove, Refrigerator, AC, Heat, Fire Extinguisher, Fresh Water Tank, Awning, Excellent Condition, Always Shedded. 660-413-2096 8-8

FOR SALE: 2002 Sportsman Camper Toy Hauler, New Tires, Gooseneck Or 5th Wheel, $7,200 OBO. 641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN

out Thursday, August 15th, 3pm – 7pm - One Day Only. Payment made during the pickup times. Shipping not available

Hawkeye Trader, August 2, 2024
THE HAWKEYE TRADER reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill.

The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred.
The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope.

SALE: AC Tractor
5040 Wide Front End, $3,500; 5 Ft Brush Cutter, $595; Gravity Wagon, $1,200; Calf Feeder On Wheels, $1,400. 641-780-4312 8-2
FOR SALE: Massey Harris 50 Tractor, Nice, $2,600; Farmall M Tractor, Good Paint, $1,800; Ford 8N Tractor Sherman, 12 Speed Overdrive, Nice, $2,700; AC WD Tractor, Power Steering, NF 3 P.t, $1,950; Ferguson TO-30 Tractor, 8 Speed, Overdrive, Nice, $2,000; Hay Rack, 8x16, Nice, $900; John Deere 115 Blade, 8 Ft., $700; Pasture Harrow, 3 Pt. 6 Ft, $450. 641-629-9841 8-2
FOR SALE: MF65 Diesel, $5,500; 606 International $6,000. 641-777-2202 8-2
FOR SALE: 2020 John Deere 1025R Compact Tractor Package, Loader, 54 Inch Deck, Like New, 34 Hours With Books. $15,000 Or Trade. 660-216-1544 8-9
FOR SALE: OCIA Certified Organic Yellow Corn. OCIA
Certified Organic Alfalfa/ Grass Hay In Large Square Or Round Bales. 641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN
