Phone: 641-675-3971 • Fax: 888-203-9720 • E-Mail: HAWKEYE REE Every Friday Vol. 20 No. 33 August 19, 2022 PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE GORDON SHINN RETIREMENT AUCTION TRACTORS, RESTORED FARMALLS, TOOLS, RESTORATION SHOP, WOOD SHOP, GUNS & AMMO, PRIMITIVES, LAWN & GARDEN, FARM MACHINERY ONLINE ONLY AUCTION ONLINE BIDDING ENDS SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2022 • STARTING AT 5PM SOFT CLOSE 2344 186 PL. • HARLAN, IA 50116 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 Viewing Times. Saturday, September 3rd 9am to 3pm and 8th from 9am to 3pm for viewing. Pickup Friday Sept. 9th 9AM to 4PM & Saturday Sept. 10th 9AM to 1PM Directions: From Knoxville, IA Hwy 92 and Hay 5. Go South on Hwy 5 for 11 miles To Van Buren Dr. turn Right go west 1 mile to T intersection stay right on Van Buren for 1 mile to 186 PL. Tune left (South) for 1/4 mile Auction Site on south Side Road (watch for Sings) Gordon Shinn Has been on his acreage for 22 years, where he has built and restored magnificent line of Farmall tractors and acquired a terrific line of acreage and lawn equipment along with a wood shop, restoration shop and lawn and Garden facility. here!truckyourOutfitspecial!!monthlyourabourusAskACCESSORIESOFLINEFULLhere!truckyourOutfit 63537MOEdina,15,|| COVERTONNNEAUHARDRETRACTABLECONSTRUCTIONALUMINUMDUTYHEAVYSMOOTH,ALLOWBALL-BEARINGSSEALEDOPERATIONONE-HANDEDSTYLETRUCKENHANCESDESIGNPROFILELOWFINISHCOATEDPOWDERBLACKMATTETEXTURED,POSITIONANYINLOCKSPOUNDS500+TOUPOFLOADSDISTRIBUTEDSUPPORTSSPRINGSORSNAPSVELCRO,STRAPS,PULLNOWARRANTYEND-TO-ENDLIFETIMETRUCKGEAR.COM vehicleourViewonlineinventory &TRUCKWORKCOVERCRAFTCOVERSSEATCUSTOMOTRCamoOakMossyandCarharttFeaturing dutyheavyandmediumLight,SUVs.andtruckspickupGravelCarharttBrownCarhartt OakMossyCountryUpBreak SeatSaverOriginalthetakenWe’veTough.CarharttthemmadeanddesignCarharttheavy-dutywithConstructedcustomthesefabric,weaveduckCarhartticonicfeaturecoversseat(onrivetsbrassandlogoswithstylingwhileseats)frontmostofbackthegrime,dirt,fromseatyourprotectinginAvailableabuse.dailyandspillsandGravel,Brown,CarhartttraditionalCountry.UpBreakOakMossytriple-featurecoversseatCarharttAllseamsstresshighonstitchingneedlewaterdurableDefenderRaintheandmostforAvailablefinish.repellentSUVs.andpickupsyears2-warrantyLimited SeatSaverCarharttCoversSeatCustom COVERCRAFT ITPROTECTJUSTDON’T IT ACCESSORIES.BEDLINERS.COATINGS.PROTECTIVENAME.BYLINE-XFORASKTRUCK,NEWYOURBUYINGWHENLLCSalesTruckBurkholder660-397-2551

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 2 DES MOINES DIESEL INC Servicing All Your Diesel InjectionFuelNeedsPumps,Nozzles&Turbos 1-800-475-6086 • 515-265-7318 3211 Delaware Ave Des Moines, IA 50313 1 Blk E. of the ADM Soybean Plant Ag & Truck Performance Parts 20’ & 40’ Storage StartingContainersat$1,895 For Sale or Rent ABC Portable Storage Delivery Available 563-299-2901 Dry & Mouse Proof Open Cell & Closed Cell Foam Call or Email Craig 641-328-4163 NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, POLE BARNS CRAWL SPACES, ATTICS & MORE Free Estimates • Fully Insured WWW.5STARSPRAYFOAM COM 5-STAR SPRAY FOAM INC. BROOKLYNMONTEZUMA W E N OW O FFER C ONCRETE R AISING & L EVELING TINY HOMES GOTTEMWE 573-881-3283 Decatur County, IA Land Online Auction - 18± Acres Decatur City, IA | Closes: August 23 at 10AM Des Moines County, IA Land Online Auction - 100± Acres West Burlington, IA | Closes: August 23 at 4PM St. Louis County, IA Land Online Auction - 120± Acres Cotton, MN | Closes: August 24 at 1PM C&J Feed Yards Inventory Reduction Online Auction Adrian, MN | Closes: August 23 at 7PM Online Steffes Auction - 8/24 All Locations | Closes: August 24 at 10AM Askew Farms Truck & Equipment Online Auction Casselton, ND | Closes: August 24 at 12PM Alden Farm Retirement Online Auction Dougherty, IA | Closes: August 24 at 2PM Minoletti Retirement Online Auction Staples, MN | Closes: August 24 at 7PM Kibble Equipment Online Auction Steffes Facility, Larchwood, IA | Closes: August 29 at 12PM Ida & Cherokee County, IA Land Auction - 400± Acres Holstein, IA | August 29 at 1PM Radermacher Farms Inventory Reduction Online Auction Monango, ND | Closes: August 29 at 1PM Bjornstad Excess Equipment Online Auction Walhalla, ND | Closes: August 30 at 10AM Manure Pumping & Handling Equipment Online Auction Walhalla, ND | Closes: August 30 at 10AM Big Lease Trucking Equipment Reduction Online Auction Killdeer, ND | Closes: August 30 at 10AM MDT Lumber Yard Real Estate Online Auction Watford City, ND | Closes: August 30 at 12PM Lundstrom Excess Equipment Online Auction Finley, ND | Closes: August 30 at 12PM AgIron Mt. Pleasant Event Steffes Facility, Mt. Pleasant, IA | August 25 at 10AM Northern Lights Specialized LLC Retirement Online Auction Motley, MN | Closes: August 24 at 1PM Ryan Seed Grain Handling & Livestock Equipment Online Auction Hannah, ND | Closes: August 23 at 12PM Cook Estate Construction Equipment Online Auction Algona, IA | Closes: August 23 at 10AM Upcoming Auctions More auctions listed at 319.385.2000 | Steffes Group, Inc., 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, IA C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Looking for a New Ranger? Order Today for Quicker Ship Time on 2023’s TCS AUCTION AUGUST 27, 2022 @10:30 AM 644 N 43RD STREET • CUMMING, IA Auction for Phil Holliday and Sharon Lorenzen with merchandise that will include: antiques, firearms, ammunition, linens, quilts, tools welders, reloading equipment & more. Please check out AUCTIONZIP.COM, auctioneer # 40007 for listing and photos. This is a very large offering of high quality merchandise. For information: Tim 520.390.8812 or Cleo 515.314.6119 CRP MIXES • WILDFLOWERS • PRAIRIE GRASSES Office: 641-766-6790 800-582-2788 Or 800-Lucas88 EXCESS FARM EQUIPMENT LIVE AUCTION 9 AM • AUG 27, 2022 5.5 Miles North of Lucas 54616, Hwy 65 Pictures Via Email or text 641-344-3819 NO SMALL HAYRACK ITEMS, SO BE ON TIME. PORTA POTTIES ON SITE. Bale Rings: Franklin w/Insert, 3 w/Slant Bars; Brush Cutters: JD 1408 & 708 Bad Gear Boxes; Discs: JD 330 w/Wings; MF 20’ w/Wings, IH 480; Drop Seeders: JD, Ezee Flow & AC; Drying Fans: 3 JD PTO w/15” wheels; Grain Carts: 400 Bu, Maxi Kart - Broken Gear Box, 85 Bu Hieder w/Lid, JD 68 w/Extensions, 2 Compartments, 8 Bolt 8.25x20 Tires; Gravity Wagons: 12 Ft 11Lx15” 6 Bolt w/Roof, 10 Ft, 12 Ft w/Extension 8 Bolt 12.5”x15”, 12 Ft w/Extension 12.5”x15” 8 Bolt, 12 Ft w/Extension 9.5”x15” 6 Bolt, 10 Ft 9.5”x15” 6 Bolt; Grinders: Grind o Mixer Tub 540 PTO; Rebuilder JD 750 No Drag, Farm Hand 838 Grinder Mixer; Hay Trailer: Gooseneck; 6 Bale Garner Built Trailer; Hesston #10 Hay/Stalk Stacker; Hopper: 10 Ft x 12 Ft x 12 Ft Square w/2 Wheels & Tongue; Leaf Vac: TRAC VAC 30 Bu w/B&S Engine w/Wheels; Loading Chutes: 2 Cattle, 1 Hog Chute on Tires; Pickup LS Racks: 3 Metal; Posthole Digger: Self-Contained w/B&S Engine on Tires; Rice Hulls: Pick Up Load for Garden Amendments 1000 Lbs; Side Dump Cart: Byron 300 + Bu 18.4x38 Tires, 4 Hyd, 10 Bolt; Wagons: 3 Gain Wood Barge, 4 Metal Flare, 1 Wood Flare, All w/Hoist, One w/5th Wheel Steering; Baler: NH 664 Big Round Baler w/Wrapper & Monitor. AG RELATED FOR SALE: Kewanee Elevator, Used To Load Firewood, 6-1 Ratio Honda Engine, New Barings Top And Bottom, Good Condition, $800 OBO. 319-759-1901 8-26 FOR SALE: Plow And Cultivators For C Farmall Tractor, Zero Turn Cub Cadet 1046 Needs Work. 660-874-4943 8-19 FOR SALE: Ford 800 Gas, Good Condition $3,000. 660-341-8089 8-19 FOR SALE: Like New DK2 Power Chipper Shredder, 3 Inch, 6.5 HP Kohler Engine, $850; JD 140, Hydrostat Blade, Electric Lift, Grill Guard, New Battery, $1,250 OBO; JD Cast Cylinder #3706; W10 X 26 I-Beam, 2 – 20 Ft., 1 – 24 Ft. 641-344-4355 8-26 FOR SALE: 1967 MF 135 4 Cyl. Gas, With A Lot Of New Parts Including Tires, Call For Price. 319-931-3838 8-19 WANTED: J-M 750 Grain Cart, Must Have A Tarp, Prefer Eastern Iowa Location. 641-990-1249 8-19 AG BULLDOZING: Ponds, Fence Rows, Building Pads, Still Time For Pond Constructions This Summer And Fall. David 641-226-9630Mozingo: 9-2

2009 Toyota RAV-4 Limited V6, Full Power, CD Changer, Sunroof, 158K, $11,995 HAY FOR 641-208-5445SALE: 8-26 FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22 FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN FOR SALE: Ford 800 With Flathead 6 Cylinder In Good Condition, $3,000. 660-341-8089 8-19 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1951 Mercury Looks, Drives, Great, New Paint, Tires, Interior. 58,000 Miles. Selling Due To Health $23,000 Obo Call. 573-795-4312 Or 573-795-4761 8-26 FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger With Steel Flatbed. AC, 4WD, PWR Mirrors, Locks And Windows. $3,000 Obo Call. 641-895-2566 8-26
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 3“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” 1187 Orange Ave, Kalona 319-646-1103 vm Bring In Your Plans for a Free Estimate Specializing in Roll Forming • Pole Barn Packages • Re-Roo ng Full Line of Building Materials C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,SissyBar&Pad,Only7100Miles!WOW!! $13,995NOFEES!DOC “We Sell it the Day You Need it Sold!” 2011 See web for more pictures!!! 50 YEARS Home at Auction Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 Sale Time- 5:30 pm, On Site 110 Polk St. • Linden, Iowa General Description: Offering this single level home in a family friendly neighborhood located on a corner lot. This home has 2 bedrooms & 1 bathroom and an enclosed front porch area. Large detached garage in back of home. This home would be a great rental property, or a handyman special for the right person. Be sure to call Mike to schedule your viewing today! Sq. ftg.: 1,190 sq ft Lot Size: Regular Lot .20 acres m/l or 132 x 66 School District: Panorama CSD Net Taxes: $664.00 Terms of Sale: Cash, 10% down payment day of auction with balance due on or about October 6th, 2022. Property sold in AS-IS condition with NO contingencies. Daugherty Auction & Real Estate Services, LLC. Chad Daugherty ~ Owner/Auctioneer 103 N 9th St. Suite A Adel, Iowa (515) 993-4159 Mike Bobst, North River Realty 515-468-7674 Jamie Bergkamp, Closing Attorney Email ~ Website The information in this brochure is from sources deemed to be reliable but it cannot be guaranteed by Daugherty Auction and Rea Estate Services, LLC. Call Mike Bobst today for your appointment to view! 515-468-7674 5701 E. University • Pleasant Hill, IA 515-564-0937KARS, INC OF Pleasant Hill 2015 Honda Civic LX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Good MPG! 106K, $13,995 2011 Honda Pilot EXL 4WD, V6, Auto, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, 3rd Row Seating, 106K, $14,995 2009 Ford F250 Super Cab 4x4, 5.4 V8, Auto, Power Windows, 140K, $13,995 2015 Toyota Corolla L 4 Cyl, Auto, CD/MP3, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors, 124K, $12,995 2013 Chevy Silverado K1500 LTZ 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, Sunroof, Full Power, 127K, $24,995 2007 Ram 2500 ST 4x4, Quad Cab, 5.9 Cummins, Full Power, 157K, $22,995 2012 Chevy Equinox LT Loaded, Leather, Full Power, 121K,$11,995 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4x4, V6, Auto, Loaded, 123K, $28,995 2019 Ford Fiesta SE 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, Power Windows & Locks, 71K, $13,995 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Loaded, Power Sliding Doors, CD/MP3, 86K, $15,995 2015 Ford F250 6.2 V8, Auto, Big Grill Guard & Bumper, Aftermarket Wheels, Nice! 73K Low Miles, $29,995
2016 Dodge Dart SXT Sport Rallye 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Satellite Radio/MP3, 54K, $16,995
2013 GMC Sierra K1500 SLT 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, 165K, $16,995
2012 Chevy Malibu LS 4 Cyl, Auto, Nicely Equipped,111K Miles, $11,995 Low Miles Low Miles

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 4 See You At The Auction! The Sale Barn Realty & Auction POCAHONTAS, IOWA WINEGARDEN AUCTIONEERING & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS AND CLERKS 712-358-0974 Rick’s Cell or Office 712-335-3117 Rick Winegarden-Jim Malecek-Chad Lynch Auctioneers Thursday, September 1, 2022 • 11:00 AM 29471 570th St • Palmer Iowa Directions to Auction: From Pocahontas Iowa Go 6 Miles East on Hi-Way 3 then South on N-65 for 5 Miles then go East on C-49 for ½ Mile. Watch For Signs Farm Machinery AUCTIONRetirement TRACTORS, BACKHOE AND ACCESSORIES Versatile 305 FWA, 2387 Hrs, 480/80R 46 Tires and Duals 60%, 380/85 R 34 on Front, Front Weights, 4 Hyd, Ag Leader EZ Steer, Quick Hitch, 2nd Owner Real Nice SN# 506008305 1999 Case/IH 9380 Quad Track, EZ Steer, 4760 Hrs, 30” Tracks, Recent Rear End Work Real Good Condition, SN# InternationalJEE00749109867001 Hrs, 18.4 x 38 Tires and 9 Bolt Duals, II Hyd, New 4 Rib Tires on Front, 2nd Owner Real WestendorfNice WL-42 Loader W/IH Mountings New Holland LB 75B Backhoe, Extend A Hoe, FWA, 1435 Hours, Real Nice, SN# 031054815 Front Mount Rock Box COMBINE AND HEADS Case/IH 2377 Combine 3290 Engine Hours, 2383 Seperator Hours, 2nd Owner, 30.5 x 32 Tires, Rear Axle Weights, Ag Leader Monitor and Globe, Always Shedded, Real Good Condition, SN# HAJ293131 Drago 8 Row Corn Head, 2008 Model, W/Stalk Stompers, SN# 25838 Mac-Don 974 35’ Flex Draper Head SN# 169729, Sells With Extra Sickle Real Good Stud King 38 Header Trailer Unverferth HT 25 Header Trailer SPRAYER-TANKS Rogator 854 Self Propelled Sprayer 800 Gallon SS Tank, 23.1 x 26 Tires, 4869 Hrs, Mid Tech TASC-6100 Monitor, Triple Nozzel Bodies, Also Sells with A Set of 320/90 R 54 Tires and Rims 1500 Gallon Water Wagon With Pump and Chem Ductor on Flat Rack With Westendorf Gear 1600 Gallon Water Wagon on Westendorf Gear W/ Pump 3- 14.9 x 46 Tires and Rims 20% Tread PLANTER-SEED TENDER AND TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2013 Massey Ferguson 8800 24 Row Planter, Central Fill, Yetter Trash Whippers, Factory MF Monitor, 250 Gallon Saddle Tanks on Each Side set up for in Furrow and Also Rear Discharge Application, AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Most machinery was purchased new by Aden’s or they are second owners and has always been shedded and has had the best of care and maintenance. Jon & Jim were very meticulous about their machinery and took pride in their machinery and it shows. All equipment is in excellent condition, and you will not be disappointed in any of it! There will be no small Items. Will be on machinery right away with online starting at 11. Also, Thru Equipmentfacts. Please make plans to attend this Auction. See ya at the Auction!!! Rick OWNERS: ADEN FARMS - JON & GLORIA ADEN & THE LATE JIM ADEN Online Bidding Thru Equipmentfacts • M&M Concessions will be on Site • For Questions Please Call Troy Elbert at 712-358-0888 Air Force Precision Planting, No Rust 1 Owner Low Acres Real Good Condition , SN# WhiteAGCS88240CZNTW048X820012Row30”Planter, 3 Bu Boxes, SM 4000 Monitor, Trash Whippers, Folding Markers, Liquid Fertizer Tanks, No Rust Real Good Condition, 2nd Owner 20/20 Seed Sense Precision Monitor Used on Planter and Combine Wil-Rich 2500 39’ Field Cultivator W/5 Bar harrow Hiniker #1000 12 Row Single Sweep Cultivator EZ Flow 250 Bu Gravity Wagon W/ System One Seed Vac System GRAIN CART-WAGONS- AUGERS Brent 670 Grain Cart, 24.5 x 32 Tires, Scale Brent 672 Grain Cart, 24.5 x 32 Tires, Good Brent 740 Gravity Wagon W/ 445/65R 22.5 Tires EZ Flow 300 Bu. Gravity Wagon on EZ Trail Gear Ferteral 10” x 76’ Auger With Walking Hopper Real Good Condition Harvest International 1072 Auger With Walking Hopper, Good Condition Walinga 614 Deluxe Grain Vac W/ Tubes SEMI’S – VEHICLES 2012 International Prostar Day Cab Semi, Max Force Motor, 267,502 Miles, 10 Speed Transmission, Air Ride, Air Slide 5th Wheel, Has Been Deleted, Real Good Condition 2002 Volvo VNL Day Cab Semi, 413,869 Miles, Cummins Motor, Air Slide 5th Wheel, Air Ride Suspension, Nice Truck 2000 Freightliner FLD 120 Day Cab Semi, ISM Cummins Motor, 10 Speed Transmission, 633,798 Miles, Real Good Condition 2005 Wilson Hopper, 40’, Ag Hopper, Electric Tarps, Spring Ride, 11R 24.5 Tires, Real Good 2008 Jet 40’ Steel Hopper, Ag Hopper, Electric Tarp, 275/80R24.5 Tires, Real Good Condition 2017 PJ 24’ Gooseneck Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer W/ AlliedBeavertail96208’3pt Snowblower, Like New Condition 1999 Ford Explorer Chevy Cavalier RS 2-Door Convertible 2004 Honda XR650L Dirt Bike 2004 Polaris Ranger 500 PUBLIC AUCTION Multi Owner Consignment www.goehringauctionservices.comSunday,August28,2022@12:00PMAtMM&TEnterprisesLLCAuctionGallery910LouisStreet,Keosauqua,IA Terms: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over ads. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Sold “as is, where is.” Mike Goehring 319 288 0704 Mike Best 641 777 1429 18’ Aluminum Handicap Ramp Primitives: Nylint Midget Racer Nylint Thimble Drome Wyandotte Airplane Marbles to include Swirls, Onion Peels Jabo ’s ect. Coca Cola items to include 1939 Rare Double Pack of Coca Cola Playing Cards Awesome Canning Jar Collection (Mason and Lightning Jars) Pulleys Carpenters Chest Large amount of Miniature Lamps Well Pump Fence Gates Late 1800s Baby Crib Wooden Cabinets Spindles Wood Chest Cast Iron Skillets Remington Gun Oil Can Swift Feed Advertising Board Planters Peanut Jar Wooden Spice Rack Straight Razors Pottery Bowls Collectable Glassware Fiesta Ware Oil Jar Carrier Tools: New Dust Collector Scroll Saw Spindle Sander Other Palm Sanders (All Like New) Various Hand Tools Coins: (2)Morgan Dollars Dimes Quarters Nickels (Pre 1964) Ike Dollars Indian Head Pennies Still Unpacking Much More to Come WARREN COUNTY, IA MARION COUNTY, IOWA 153 +/- ACRES Thursday, September 15th, 2022 at 3:00PM SEALED BID AUCTION VIEW DETAILS AND LAND FOR SALE AT IOWALANDCOMPANY.COM FARM DETAILS - 153 +/- Acres - 148 +/- Cropland Acres - 81.2 CSR2 - Tiled & Terraces - Development Potential - 1 Mile Northwest of Pella SEND BIDS TO: 909 E 2nd Ave Suite G Indianola, IA 50125 Matt 515-443-5004SkinnerJim 641-777-5484Davis Luke 515-468-3610Skinner Nick 515-650-0974Skinner

required to receive bid numbers. We accept checks and cash only, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank you. LUNCH SERVED. Our Office Will Be Closed Friday, September 2nd & Monday, September 5th To Observe Labor Day! Deadline For Display Ads • 5:00 PM Tuesday Classifieds • 11:00 PM Wednesday Also Submit Ads@ Phone: 641-675-3971 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: 7 Year Old Gelding, 15.1 Hands, Calm, Sorrel With Blaze Face, Line Drives, $1,500 OBO. Ottumwa, IA. 319-371-4974 8-26 FOR SALE: Dorset Yrlg. And Rom Lambs. Jim Vermazen, Montrose, Iowa. 319-371-7189 8-19 BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN MISC FOR SALE: Tiled Play House Lighted, Panel/ Framed Multiple Pics. 7 Ft. Height/Length, Minor Reparis, Need Finished, Must Move, $400. 217-617-9272 8-26 J & J ROOFING AND SIDING: Specialize In Decking, Call Today For All Your Roofing And Siding Needs! 641-638-2402 8-19 FOR SALE: Small Insulated And Lined Doghouse. Has Walk Thru Door. Great For Large Single Dog. Has A/C. Call. 641-895-2566 8-26 FOR SALE: Approximately 26 Barn Boards, Various Lengths; Hay Dump Taken Apart, 2 – 10 Ft., 1 – 20 Ft.; 1 18.4X38 Tire. 319-759-4658 8-19 FOR SALE: Like New 12 Ft. 8 Inch Sit On Top Anglers Kayak, Pre-wired For Electronics, $800; 2016 TSE Drive-R Compound Bow Package, In Good Condition, $700; IQ Define Rangefinder Bow, Sight, Like New, $175. 641-932-3728 8-19 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN
oil can; Lots of battery-operated toys;
other books;
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Walnut parlor table; 2 Oak wall telephones; Yard art; Fountain; Con crete basket; Child’s bean Hall Egg scale; Art Fern Lead Crystal; Coal miner’s canary cage; Egg basket; Apple peel Coca-Cola case Copper Spinning wheel; Nice Skelly Tagolen 5 gallon Complete bracket lamp; Barn lantern; Lots of meat grind Oak clock; Plastic farm Several P. Buckley Moss prints; Dolls; Evening bags; “Little Black Sambo” and Kerosene lamps; and more.
TOOLS & OUTDOOR: Two patio table umbrellas; Air tank; Rakes and shovels; Toro blower/vac; Drill bits; Small hand tools; Small air compressor; and more.
rocker; Advertising
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 5“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” Our Hours Are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM M-F • Sat 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SAM’S RIVERSIDE REPAIRABLES PARTS 515-265-8792 HEAVY TRUCKS 515-265-1656REPAIRABLES 515-265-1212 2014 Cadillac SRX4 Luxury Collection AWD, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 72,421 Miles $16,900 SKU:E78434 2019 Mazda CX-5 Touring AWD, 2.5L, 4 Cyl, 24,349 Miles $19,900 SKU:K38861 2017 Toyota Camry SE Theft, 2.5L, 4 Cyl, 81,160 Miles $14,900 SKU:H77367 2013 GMC Acadia SLT AWD, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 80,993 Miles $13,900 SKU:D79677 2015 GMC Sierra 2500HD Regular Cab, 4x4, 6.0L, 8 Cyl, 96,550 Miles $18,900 SKU:F01571 2020 Ford Escape SE AWD, 1.5L, 3 Cyl, 9,536 Miles $22,900 SKU:L38834 2018 Ford Escape SE 4x4, 1.5L, 4 Cyl, 49,188 Miles $16,900 SKU:J04527 2020 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 7,958 Miles $39,900 SKU:L05100 2013 GMC Yukon XL 1500 Denali AWD, 3rd Row, 6.2L, 8 Cyl, 110,775 Miles $18,900 SKU:D17280 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Work Truck 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 46,885 Miles $28,900 SKU:K11522 2019 GMC Yukon SLT 4x4, Theft, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 28,537 Miles $42,900 SKU:K10745 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT 4x4, Crew Cab, Theft, Regular Title, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 37,111 Miles, $36,900 SKU:K31079 2018 Dodge Ram 1500 Sport Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.7L, 8 Cyl, 31,654 Miles $32,900 SKU:J07552 2019 Ford F250 SD XLT Crew Cab, 4x4, Theft, 6.2L, 8 Cyl, 28,775 Miles $44,900 SKU:K00783 2013 Jeep Patriot Latitude 4x4, 2.4L, l4 Cyl, 77,388 Miles $11,900 SKU:D65678 MOVING AND DOWNSIZING SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 2022 AT 11:00 A.M. FAIRGROUNDS COMMUNITY BUILDING • WINTERSET, IOWA Hartman auctioneering Steve Hartman - Cell 515-468-7857, Home 515-462-4584 HOUSEHOLD: Round dining table w/4 chairs; Hutch; Dresser w/mirror; Floor model sewing ma chine; Floor and table lamps; 2-door cabinet; End tables; Cedar chest; Misc. chairs. Night stand; Corelle dishes; Table-top fan; Vacuum; Paper shredder; and more.
stand; Misc. chairs; Prints;

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 6 A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS SINCE 1979 DAN JOE JIM BILL MJOHN ATT MICHAEL LUKE Headquartered in Hamilton, Illinois, Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC is one of the largest Real Estate and Farm Machinery Auctioneers in the nation. For more than 40 years we have been conducting professional auctions. We connect our sellers with thousands of interested buyers around the world. AUCTIONEERS, LLC Considering an Auction? CALL OR EMAIL TODAY FOR A NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION! Toll Free (844) 847-2161 ||Lic.#444000107 NOTICE!
THE HAWKEYE TRADER reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill. The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred. The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope.
FOR SALE Driveway Fabric Rolls Commercial, Heavy Duty Designed for Heavy Traffic 12'5" Wide • 432' $370.00/RollLong 660-216-0938 METALWAGLERROOFINGInstallingMetalRoofingOnAlltypesofBuildingsHouses&BarnsCommercial&ResidentialCustomerSatisfactionIsOurGoal!BUILDERS CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: 641-777-5000 New Mobile HoMe Stock Just Received (5) New Units, They Gotta Go! amegamobilehomes.com573-657-2176 Golden Grain Bins Spring www.gmlsindustries.comDiscount Grain Bins 18'x18' 4,195 Bu. $7,398 27'x21' 11,265 Bu. $14,850 42'x24' 32,245 Bu. $34,617 18' $2,065 21' $2,824 27' $4,710 30' $5,764 36' $8,211 42' $11,182 GMLS Industries, Inc. PH: 660-699-2179 Or 888-983-2136 Floors W/12" Supp. & Flashing STANDINGTIMBERBUYER All Species & Select Yard Trees Over 40 DiameterInches BondedCertifiedw/Iowa DNR Jaguar Lumber Bloomfield, IA 641-664-2080 - Want To BuyNEED SOME EXTRA CASH? Sell Me Your Coins & Currency. I Pay Cash On The Spot. I Buy Gold Coins Dated Before 1932, Silver Coins Dated Before 1964, Silver Dollars & $500 & $1000 Bills. Buyer Of Collections & Estates For Over 50 Years. Will Pick Up At Your Home Or Bank. Try Us - You Will Be Pleased. WALLIS COMPANY MAX HAGEN Cedar Rapids, IA • Same Address For 50 Years Call For Info: 319-396-7760 Or mhagen@fbx.com319-360-0213 If You Have Any Tax Obligations When Selling, I Can Help. Call Me. AdThisSave&ClipAdThisSave&Clip GINGERICHSAWMILL,INC. Buyers of standing timber. Walnut & soft Maple (our specialty), also other species. Bonded. WE PAY BEFORE CUTTING BLOOMFIELD, IA • 641-722-3002 30YearsBusinessIn G CUSTOM BUILT PAINTED & VINYL BUILDING & SHEDS Many Styles & Optional Features Available FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 30 MILES Hillview Mini Barns David W. Schrock VM: 641-664-2842 15383 180th St Drakesville, IA RENTTOOWN 16 EXPERIENCEYEARS C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,HwyPegs,MudFlaps,CupHolder,16K $22,995NOFEES!DOC FOR SALE • Case Model 34 Backhoe Attach, Could be Made Into 3 Pt Hitch Mount • AC 301 Turbo Diesel Engine Out of Gleaner M2 • JD 7.6L Diesel Out of 9600 • IH H w/Hyd Bucket Loader, 1 Newer Rear Tire, $1,850 • Westendorf WL21 Loader, MF 1080 Mounts • 2-28Lx26 Firestone 10 Ply Tires on 8 Bolt Rims • IH 944 Cornhead, $1,350 • Dual Hyd Set Up for JD 4010 • Allied 695 Quicktach Loader w/Bucket & Bale Forks, Will Fit For 7700-7740 • Allied 595 Quicktach Loader w/Bucket & Bale Forks, Will Fit JD 4020 and Others • 4-146x16.1 Tires on 6 Bolt Implement Wheels, $150 Each • 2-17Lx24 Industrial Tires, 95% Tread, $850 • 8.3 Cummins Engine Out of Ford Truck, 60,000 Miles, $4,000 • 5.9 Cummins, Rebuilt Automatic Transmission (2WD), 140,000 Miles • 5.9 Cummins, 24 Valve Out of Ford Bus (2005), Less Than 35,000 Miles, $4,500 • Cummins 2.4 Liter, 4 Cyl, Diesel Engine, 44HP, $2,600 • 8.3 Cummins Engine Out of IH 16.60 Combine, $4,000 • IH H Tractor, Trip Bucket Loader, $1,200 • Vermeer 605G Big Round Baler w/Tucker Wheels, $1,000 • Single Front Wheel w/Suspension for JD 6000 Sprayer • 2 Woods 7 Ft Brush Cutters, $1,100 Choice Parting Out • AC WD D17 190XT & 6080 • JD 4010 Diesel • IH HM 560 Gas & Diesel, 1680, 2388 • IH 806 Diesel & IH 1086 • JD 6000 Sprayer TEUBEL SALVAGE 19387 ICE AVE • BLOOMFIELD, IA 52537 641-799-8371 2016 Outback by Keystone Sleeps 10 with Bunkhouse, Outdoor Kitchen, Separate Bathroom Entrance, Remote for Power Awning & 2 Power Slideouts, Camper is Set Up in a Shaded Campsite at Rathbun, Site Use Included for the Rest of the Season, Very Clean, Everything Works, Title in Hand 641-660-1470 Please Text $27,900 Concrete Feed Bunks J PastureBunksBunksWaterTanks YPYoder Precast 641-203-7772 2870 210th St 641-898-2803 Seymour, IA 52590 2018 SilveradoChevroletLTZ71 Great71,429Condition,Miles,NewTires $36,000 OBO Call 309-335-8146 for Additional Info LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 7“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” CLASSIFIED COUPON Use the Power of Your Traders for Regional Classified Results! Clip this coupon to run a Classified Ad for $8.75 for one week. 1 Classified Ad for two weeks or 2 Classified Ads for one week for $17.00. Picture ads are not included with coupon, call for pricing. Each ad must be 20 words or less. additional 20¢ per word over 20 words AD NO. 1: (20 Words Or Less) AD NO. 2: (20 Words Or Less) Triple Your Classified Ad’s Power By Running It In The Traders The HAWKEYE TRADER, SHOW ME TRADER & MID-MO TRADER! When You Select All three trAderS, Your Ad Will Be reAd in over 170 countieS in 5 StAteS & online! HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For One Week $8.75 (84 Counties) HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For Two Weeks $17.00 Or 2 Ads For One Week $17.00 (84 Counties) BOTH HAWKEYE & SHOW ME TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (150 Counties) BOTH HAWKEYE & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (106 Counties) Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $25.00 (170 Counties) Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 2 Ads For One Week $47.00 (170 Counties) To Receive This Rate, Coupon Must Be Mailed In With your Payment Or Use Our Website @ For More Savings Options HAWKEYE TRADER, P.O. Box 96 Pulaski, IA 52584 Harbison Brush Mowing Brush Mowing • CRP Fields • Timber • Trails Pasture Cleanup • Tree Shear • Fence Rows Jeremy Harbison Cell: Home:319-461-0376319-694-2300 HARBISON FENCING “For All Your Fencing Needs” Barbwire • Woven Wire Silt Fence • Vinyl Fencing Hi Tensile 319-694-2300 - Home 319-461-0376 - Cell LAN-DOW BUILDINGS “We Build to Suit Your Needs” “Custom Built” Pole UtilityGaragesBarnsBuildings “H“ Don or Dick Middleton Phone:1-800-337-5858660-465-8595Fax:660-465-8596MemphisLumberCo. WhereQuality Comes First WAGLER METALS Are You Thinking About A Building? Bring Your Size And We’ll Give You A FREE Price Quote! WE WILL ENGINEER YOUR TRUSSES TO YOUR SPECS BUILDING PACKAGES (TAXES INCLUDED) SERVING THE TRI-STATE AREA SINCE 1992 BUILD YOURSELFIT OR HAVE ONE OF DOCONTRACTORSPROFESSIONALOURITFORYOU. Call For Pricing On Building Packages! - WE WILL DELIVERFREE ESTIMATES ON ALL BUILDINGS WE MANUFACTURE STEEL ROOFING, SIDING AND TRIM, CUT TO THE INCH. WarehouseMissouri BUY ANDDIRECTSAVE! We ImportantYourYourHardWorkForSuccess.Business&SatisfactionIsToUs! MON.-FRI. 7AM-5PM SAT. 7AM-2PM 4 MILES SE OF REVERE, MO OR 6 MILES NW OF WAYLAND ON C. 26758 HWY C., ALEXANDRIA, MO 63430 www.awmetal.net641-664-3990 Metal Roofing Buy Direct WE HAVEHOMESMOBILE Instock New Arrivals (8) Homes, Need To Go As Soon As Possible columbiadiscounthomes.com573-499-9993 Vermeer 605 N Balers, Twin Rakes, Trailed Mowers, Disc Mowers, Tedders, Bale Hide-AwayDanhauserDewEzeProcessorsBaleBedsPostholeDiggers&PostholeDrivers5thWheelHitchesFlexHarrowsUsedEquipment9000BaleProcessor Call Us For All Your Used Equipment Needs Liebhart Sales, Inc 17546 Lacey Drive • New Boston, MO 63557 660-689-3406 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,48K $20,995NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,BackRest,LowMiles,19KMiles $7,995NOFEES!DOC MCKEE COINS: Buys Sells Auctions All Types Of Rare Coins And Currency, War Memorabilia, Antique Firearms. Gold And Silver Bullion. http://mckeecoins. com 213 East Main St. Ottumwa, 641-684-6006IA 9-9 FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. For Details Call. Redmount Midstream LLC. 660-542-3000 8-19 CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22 SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573 696-3468 TFN FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 8 JAMESPORT660-684-6931BUILDERS POST FRAME BUILDINGS Machine Sheds • Horse Barns • Garages WE ALSO DO METAL ROOFS, SPRAY FOAM INSULATION (OPEN & CLOSED CELL) & CELLULOSE INSULATION We Have: House Plans, Dirt Work & Concrete Available Hours: Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5 PM • Sat By Appointment Only 32137 State Hwy 6 • Jamesport, MO 64648 *Serving Southern Iowa* EstimatesFree Looking to Sell Your Farm or Construction Equipment? GALLATIN MISSOURI • All Makes and models - Loader Tractors, MFWD Tractors, 2wd Tractors, 4wd Tractors • Kinze Planters - Split row & 30" planters • Later Model John Deere & CIH Platforms, Corn heads • Grain Carts • Combines, 90s models and newer • Skid Steers • Excavators • Wheel Loaders One piece or a whole line of farm or construction equipment; Let us know what you have. Shay 660-605-0839 Justin 660-605-2346 Hog Buildings • Semi Hauling • Lagoons M & R MANURE MOVING LLC Ryan 319.430.6968 Isaac 319.683.4692 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NEW IN STOCK!NOFEES!DOC AUCTIONVEHICLES EQUIPMENT&BIDNOW! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 INVENTORY INCLUDES: pickups, flatbed trucks, forklift, utility/service trucks, passenger vehicles, tractors, campers, RVs, cargo trailer, dump truck, motorcycles, equipment trailers, shuttle bus, classic vehicles, lawn mowers and more. All items are sold “AS IS.” 10% buyers premium applies. DS8456 ‘19 Dodge Ram 2500 Mega Cab pickup truck KI9288 ‘16 Ford F550 Super Duty flatbed truck DB7951 ‘55 Ford F100 pickup truck JC9707 ‘20 Chevy Blazer SUV KP9510 ‘13 Heartland Cyclone 3110 toy hauler camper 625+ ITEMS SELL NO RESERVE! 2SELLING I am Looking to Buy Your Deer Antlers, Sheds & Heads Big & Small, I Buy Them All!! Ronnie Coffelt 417-339-1462

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 9“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” TRUE MODULARS 30 To 60 Day Delivery Available, 3 And 4 Bedroom chateauhome.net573-657-7040 17893 212th Street • Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-722-3605 • Mon. - Fri. 7 AM - 5 PM Keep Your Home Or Shop CallTemperatureTheYouWantIt!UsTodayToScheduleYourAppointment! We Now Offer Owens Corning Insulation Blown Into Your Attic! Appointment! C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-22432020Can,Winch,Snorkel,FoxShocks,FullSkids&MuchMore Only $13,995NOFEES!DOC AUGUSTFRIDAY,26,2022attheTimberlineArena 23783 320th St. Jamesport, MO PREVIEW THURSDAY, AUG. 25 OPEN PREVIEW 10-4 ROPE HORSE PREVIEW 6-8 P.M. Call for Catalog Marion Kramer 660-973-5098 Alvin Detweiler: 660-684-6974 Jacob Gingerich 660-684-6942 Selling 150+ Broke Horses Semi MidwestAnnual Draft Cross & Quarter Horse Sale Serving Free Meal 4-6 p.m. For Sales & Service Please Call Chris At 641-919-6922 Check Us Out On Facebook More SOUTHEASTAvailableSizes IOWA STEPS Steps • Stock & Custom Railings HINDMAN641-485-9071LOGGING Bonded & Insured Timber Paid in Full Before Cutting Want to WalnutBuy SERVING ALL OF IOWA FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN PETS FOR SALE: Beagle Puppies, AKC Registred, Males And Females, TriColor, Lemon And White, Ready To Go, $300. 641-233-7771 8-26 FOR SALE: AKC Registered German Shorthair Pointer Pups. Black Or Liver. Will Be Ready To Start This Fall. 641-594-2704 9-2 FOR SALE: Beagle Puppies, AKC Registered, Excellent Pets. 641-722-3231 8-19 FOR SALE: German Short Hair Pointer Puppies, Parents Excellent Hunters, Bloodlines Top Gun. Mike’s Game Birds 319-931-2774 TFN PUPPIES, PUPPIES: We Want to Buy Your Puppies! Registered or Mixed Breeds. We Have Homes Waiting for Them! 573-784-9866 TFN

Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services, LLC. information in this brochure are from sources deemed to be reliable but it cannot be guaranteed by Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services, LLC.
Sq. ftg. : 1,856 sq ft with 1336 sq ft basement area, 900 sq ft is finished Lot size: Regular Lot .713 acres m/l or 135 x 230 Net Taxes: $5,704.00 School District: Des Moines, Lincoln HS Call Mike Bobst today for your appointment to view! 515-468-7674 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2022 | 10:00 AM PELLA MEMORIAL BUILDING | PELLA, IOWA 50129 99.17 ACRES M/L IN MARION COUNTY, IOWA High-quality Marion County farmland located eight miles south of Pella, Iowa. This farm is nothing short of exceptional, with 88.2 acres considered FSA tillable carrying a CSR2 of 83.8. The tillable acres are tiled and terraced and boast over 84% Sharpsburg soils. The farm is open for the 2023 crop year with early possession given after the crops have been PeoplesCompany.comharvested.Listing#16295DARAN BECKER | 515.979.3498 | MONROE COUNTY, MISSOURI LAND AUCTION Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 1:00 PM 128 ACRES± • 4 TRACTS (Subject to Survey) VIRTUAL ONLINE Farm is located approximately 2.9 miles south of Hunnewell, MO or approximately 8.9 miles southwest of Monroe City, MO in Section 15, T65N•R9W and Sections 22 & 23, T56N•R9W, Washington Township, Monroe County, MO. LJ & Ruth C. Hagan Trust Representing Attorney: James McConnell Law Office 127 East Walnut Street | Shelbina, MO 63468 | (573) 588-2115 Title Work: Monroe County Abstract & Title 229 N. Main Street | P O Box 248 | Paris, MO 65275 (660) 327-4109 Auction Managers: Bill Fretwell (660) 341-7735 & Jennifer Wood (217) 257-8812 3 IMPROVED PASTURE LAND & HAY PRODUCTION! 3 QUALITY FACILITIES & FENCING! 3 PRIME RURAL BUILDING SITES! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 26 Acres 1/3 Open Currently Under row Crop Production, 2/3 Wooded Just Outside City Limits Osceola, Iowa. 641-414-0165 8-26 MUST SEE!!: Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Double Wide Home On Lake Front At Lakeside Estate, Many Updates, Could Also Be Moved. 641-242-0296 9-2 FOR SALE: House 2 Bedroom/Shop Or Storage, 2700 Sq. Ft. 2 Mobile Home Hookups On 10 Acres. 4 Miles From Fairfield, IA Near Airport. Call From 8 AM TO 8 PM. 641-919-6338 8-19 FARM LAND FOR SALE: Via Sealed Bid 120m/l Acres Iowa County, IA 74 Average CSR2 Eldon E Weiss Estate Trent Forrest, Broker, Auctioneer. 319-541-0621com/auctionsiowaelitemarketinggroup.www.8-19 AG RELATED FOR SALE: Plow And Cultivators For C Farmall Tractor, Zero Turn Cub Cadet 1046 Needs Work. 660-874-4943 8-19
General Description: Offering this single level home in a family friendly neighborhood. This home has plenty of room with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The basement has been partially finished for extra living space along with adding a full kitchenette as well. There is a 440 sq ft attached garage. The nice 389 sq ft enclosed patio from the walk out basement attaches to a smaller 3 season porch. A fireplace sits in the main living space. The backyard is very spacious, has 2 storage sheds, and many mature trees and bushes. This home is move in ready! Be sure to call Mike to schedule your viewing today!
Terms: Cash, 10% down payment day of auction with balance due on or about September 30th, 2022. Property sold in AS-IS condition with NO contingencies. Chad Daugherty - Owner/Auctioneer(515)993-4159103 N 9th St. Suite A Adel, Iowa Mike Bobst, North River Realty 515-468-7674 Jamie Bergkamp, Closing Attorney Email-
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 10
Home at Auction
Thursday, September 1st, 2022 Sale Time- 5:30 pm, On Site 3801 SW 31st St. Des Moines, Iowa

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 11“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” Post & Pole Frame Buildings 2 Miles N. of Drakesville on pavement 888-371-4710 • 641-722-3505 17549 Husky Trail Drakesville, IA 52552 Specializing in: Post Frame Buildings (Up to 100’ Wide Clear Span) Agricultural • Commercial Residential • Equine Heat Formed Metal Roofing & Siding With 50 Year QualityWarrantyWorksmanshipBestQualityMaterial Mahaska County, Iowa LAND AUCTION Monday, August 29, 2022 at 10:00 AM The farm is located in Section 22, Monroe Township & Section 36, White Oak Township, Mahaska County, IA. Tract 1 is generally located 4 miles north of Rose Hill, IA and Tract 2 is generally located 6 miles southeast of Rose Hill, IA. (Rose Hill, IA is located 11 miles east of Oskaloosa, IA.) Tract 1 offers productive tillable farmland that is improved with several areas of terraces with tile inlets & includes desirable recreational acreage with Middle Creek access. Tract 2 offers productive tillable farm land, improved pastureland & the wooded areas on the parcel feature attractive recreational acreage. 248 ACRES± (subject to survey) 2 TRACTS VIRTUAL ONLINE 1st State Bank - Seller Attorney: Matthew Laughlin | Des Moines, IA | (515) 246-7934 Auction Manager: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 ESTATE AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: THURS., SEPT. 8, 2022 STARTING AT 10:00 AMCDT HIGHLIGHTS: ‘94 Ford Ranger 2wd pickup, 16,046 mi.; ‘92 Cadillac Sedan Dev ille, 48,300 mi.; ‘77 Chrysler Cordoba, showing 35,100 mi.; ‘70 Dodge Cornet 440 for parts; ‘77 JD 2640 2wd tractor, 2,147 hrs.; JD 307 “Gyramor” 6’ pull type rotary cutter; JD 2 bottom horse drawn plow; JD 5 7’ sickle mower; 7’ 3pt. blade; JD GT262 lawnmower; JD 68 lawnmower; JD 42” lawn sweep; 42” lawn ted der; Metal lawn cart; Lawn Chief 5hp garden tiller; Also selling tools, household items, collectible items & antiques. TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE Dale K. Wilson Estate Pilot Grove Savings Bank – Executor for the Estate Ted Vonderhaar | President & CEO Nichole L. Nagel | Assistant Vice President/Trust Officer Auction Managers: Pat Steffensmeier (319) 470-5284, Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320 & Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 INSPECTION: FRI., SEPT. 2ND • 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Physical Address: 2459 Highway 16, West Point, IA 52656 WATCH FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE DALE WILSON ESTATE LAND AUCTION BEING HELD ON NOVEMBER 1, 2022 AT 10:00 A.M. If you are considering selling farm machinery, real estate or collector cars, our team of professionals is ready to help. Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer. WE ARE CURRENTLY BOOKING AUCTIONS FOR FALL & WINTER. IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO START PLANNING YOUR AUCTION! CONSIDERING AN AUCTION? CALL OR EMAIL TODAY! SOLD@SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM | WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM | TF (844) 847-2161 | LIC. #444000107 FARM HIGHLIGHTS:BIDDINGAUCTIONESTATECLOSES:TUESDAY,AUGUST30,2022STARTINGAT10:00AMCDT ‘07 JD 894 8 row 38” corn head; ‘11 MacDon FD70 30’ flex draper; PK mfg. 30’ head cart; Benda 30’ head cart; ‘01 Kinze 3600 12/23 planter; Kinze 3600 8 row 38” planter; Brent 657 gravity wagon; Brent 644 gravity wagon; Brent 440 gravity wagon; Parker 505 gravity wagon; Parker 5250 gravity wagon; Parker 525 gravity wagon; Landoll 7431 VTplus 26’ vertical tillage tool; 2011 Rite Way FFS 32’ land roller; JD 637 23’7” disk; JD 980 25’ field cultivator; Kewanee No. 90 24’ flat fold cultimulcher; JD F1350-F1450 5-bottom plow; JD 4-section 24’ drag harrow on 2-wheel cart; (4) Westfield swing away augers; Also selling farm support items. TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE Phillip Noble Estate EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS: BRIAN NOBLE (630) 551-6546 Auction Manager: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 INSPECTION: FRI., AUG. 26TH • 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Physical Address: 2135 County Road S60, Seymour, IA BinOnPackagesHand 48 X 9 55,000 Bushels (1 Left) 48 X 12 70,000 Bushels (2 Left) (660) 263-6700 • Cairo Ready To Ship SlaytonPOLARIS 10456 State Route B, Downing, MO slaytonpolaris.com63536 2022 RANGERPOLARIS1000 660-328-6627 Call Dean or Tim to Order Your New Polaris Today! FOR SALE: 1967 MF 135 4 Cyl. Gas, With A Lot Of New Parts Including Tires, Call For Price. 319-931-3838 8-19 FOR SALE: Ford 800 Gas, Good Condition $3,000. 660-341-8089 8-19 FOR SALE: Like New DK2 Power Chipper Shredder, 3 Inch, 6.5 HP Kohler Engine, $850; JD 140, Hydrostat Blade, Electric Lift, Grill Guard, New Battery, $1,250 OBO; JD Cast Cylinder #3706; W10 X 26 I-Beam, 2 – 20 Ft., 1 – 24 Ft. 641-344-4355 8-26 FOR SALE: Kewanee Elevator, Used To Load Firewood, 6-1 Ratio Honda Engine, New Barings Top And Bottom, Good Condition, $800 OBO. 319-759-1901 8-26 HAY FOR SALE: 641-208-5445 8-26

JOHN(EXPECTINGTRACTORS/LOADERS75-100TRACTORS)DEERE JD 6140M, w/ JD H360 Ldr, C/H/A, MFWD, 4240hrs, 24spd, JD 6125M, C/H/A, MFWD, Ldr Ready, 3596hrs JD 6125M, C/H/A, MFWD, H310 JD Loader,3842, 24spd JD 6115D w/ JD 673 Loader, Joystick, 375hrs, MFWD, C/H/A, JD 6430, w/ Loader, MFWD, C/H/A Loader JD 8960 4wd, C/H/A, 11209hrs JD 7800, 2wd, duals JD 7410 w/ JD 740 Loader, MFWD, C/H/A, 10536hrs JD 7410 w/ JD 740 Ldr, MFWD, C/H/A JD7428hrs7410, MFWD, C/H/A JD 7210, MFWD, 9500hrs JD 6400, 2wd, 4892hrs JD 6400, 2800hrs, 2wd, loader, nice JD 6200 w/ JD 620 Loader, C/H/A 4692hrs JD 4700, Ldr, Mfwd JD 4600 w/ JD 46ldr JD 3046r, H165ldr, C/H/A ,168hrs JD 3320 w/ Belly mower 2861 hrs JD 3320 w/ belly mower, 2769 hrs JD 5400 w/ JD 540 LDr, 3433hrs JD 5310, w/JD 541 ldr, MFWD, orops, 6681hrs, JD 4650, duals, 2wd JD 4440 w/ 58 JD loader, C/H/A 10847hrs JD 4440, 8065hrs JD 4240, 2100 hrs, nice JD 4240 w/ JD 158 loader, JS, C/H/A 9771hrs JD 4430 w/ JD 265 Loader, C/H/A 9715hrs ’67 JD 4020, 4257hrs, clean JD 2510 w/ JD 148 loader, orops,gas JD 2030 diesel, canopy, 3 point, 2556hrs JD 2240 w/ JD 145 Ldr, 2wd CASE IH/INTERNATIONAL ’12 CIH Maxxum 140 LTD, MFWD, 4334hrs CIH MX255, mfwd, duals, 7000hrs CIH MX240, MFWD, 4340hrs, F&R duals CIH MX240, MFWD, C/H/A, 7125hrs CIH MX270, C/H/A, MFWD, 6584hrs ’05 CIH MX285, C/H/A, duals, 4700hrs CIH 9150, 4wd, 3559hrs, Duals CIH MXM190. C/H/A, MFWD, 5334hrs CIH MX110, Ldr, C/H/A, MFWD, 5500hrs CIH MX120, C/H/A, MFWD, showing 2550 hrs CIH 7230, MFWD, C/H/A, 5755hrs CIH 7140, MFWD, C/H/A, 6691hrs, dual PTO CIH 3594, MFWD, Duals, Partial PS, 6004hrs IH 856, diesel, duals, 6938hrs IH 656 w/ Farmhand loader, 4860hrs NEW HOLLAND/ FORD New Holland 9684, 4wd, 4800hrs New Holland TS110, w/ Westendorf Loader, C/H/A, 4604hrs Ford 5900, 2wd, koyker ldr, Ford 5000 Tractor, gas Ford 960 KUBOTA/MASSEY FERGUSON Kubota M7-152 w/ LM2605 Ldr, 525hrs Kubota M108S w/LA1403 ldr, 32spd, 2300hrs, Clean Kubota M7040, W LA1153 ldr Orops, 4561hrs Kubota LX2610, C/H/A, MFWD, 12hrs Kubota L3050 w/ LDR, 2038hrs Kubota L2501 W/ La525 LDr, 21hrs Kubota L235, Mfwd, 637hrs ’18 MF 6713, w/ 941X Loader, C/H/A, 969hrs MF 1726E w/ L105E Ldr, MFWD, 101hrs ’20 MF 1734E, w/Loader, MFWD, 53hrs WHITE/AGCO/ALLIS AGCO White 6410 w/ 6785L Ldr, MFWD, C/H/A only 582 actual hrs Agco Allis 9815, MFWD, C/H/A, Duals, 4437 one owner hrs, clean OTHER Zetor 6211 w/ westendorf loader, cab AC 7000 C/H/A, s250, orops, 5195hrs Bobcat 751, diesel, orops, 3197hrs Melroe Bobcat M700, gas ’22 Deere 325G, Loaded, unused Deere 333G, C/H/A, 1247hrs ’15 Deere 323E, C/H/A, 3438hrs ’14 Deere 319D, C/H/A, 734hrs ’98 JCB 165 B Robot, Orops NH C337, C/H/A, 870hrs NH LS180, orops, 3968hrs Case 450 orops, 900 actual hrs Case 430, C/H, 1125hrs Case 75XT, 6685hrs Case 1840, 5995hrs ’15 Gehl R220, C/H/A, 395hrs Takeuchi Tl12, C/H/A, 3107hrs ’18 Kubota SVL75-2, C/H/A, 1616hrs EXCAVATORS Deere 75D, 5522hrs, C/H/A. Steel Tracks, Hyd KomatsuthumbPC200LC Grain Truck, tag ’08 Ford F350, 6.4 diesel, 315K mi ’97 Chevrolet Tahoe,187k miles ’03 Dodge 3500 Dually Flatbed, 5.7 hemi ’95 Ford F350 Dump Truck, 4x4 ’06 Ford F150 Black, 4dr, 4x4 ’07 Ford F150, 2wd, ext cab ’99 GMC 2500, 4wd, flatbed ’07 Lincoln MKX SUV, AWD,140K miles Unused ’22 Severe 30ft GN Flatbed ’20 Starlight 28ft, 2-7k Big Tex
axles, drive over fenders
w/ thumb Kubota KX57-4, C/H/A, Hyd thumb, 1398hrs ’18 Bobcat E63 Mini Ex, C/H/A, thumb, 854hrs Bobcat 435, 2800hrs 3 -Agrotk YM 12 excavators - unused Terex TC16-2, Cab, 524hrs Terex TC16-2, Orops, 496hrs BACKHOES LOADERS Case 721B Wheel Loader, bucket and forks, 9565hrs Ford 4500 Backhoe OTHER CONSTRUCTION ’13 Dynapac CC524HF Drum Roller, ’825515hrsCat140G Motor Grader, 3161hrs, Cab ’13 Ditchwitch RT45, 2100 hrs, Backhoe & blade, dirt/rock combo chain Vermeer V450 Trencher, backhoe, Vib plow Cutler Big Paver Paving machine ’09 Timber king TK340 Feller Buncher, Powertek9290hrsWood Chipper Mobark 290 Chipper, diesel Holcomb 1200 Scraper Reynolds 1350 Scraper Case 586E Forklift, MFWD Hyster 194A Forklift, 5756hrs Yale A25PV Fork lift Stow Mortar Mixer, w/ gas engine Monarch mortor Mixer Portable Diesel Tank 3 POINT EQUIPMENT, MISC EQUIP. Irrigation Gun 2 – Running gears Several 3pt blades 3pt Amco Ditcher-Used very little 3pt bale unroller CATTLE EQUIPMENT 70 free standing panels FORAGE EQUIPMENT/ FEEDING EQUIPMENT GRINDER MIXERS/MILLS Vermeer BP7000 Highline Bale Processor w/ grain tnk Kuhn Knight VT132 TMR, w/ scales Fair Bale Processor Hiniker 5610 Stalk Chopper Mathews MC Rotary Scythe JD 7980 Silage Chopper, Pro Drive,2wd, CIHJD3444/2347hrs35SilageChopper8720silagechopper, pickup head, 2 row heads HAY EQUIPMENT-BALERS | MOWERS TEDDERS/RAKES JD 457, net, 540pto JD 535, net, twine JD 530, Vermeertwine605M, net, pto Vermeer 605Xl, net Vermeer 605G, twine Vermeer 605L NH 654, twine NH BR7090, net, 10K bales MOWERS CIH DC133 Moco, Clean JD 820 Moco JD 530 Moco JD 285 Disk Mower Frontier 1140 Disk Mowe JD 1460 moco 2 – NH 456 Sickle mower NH 617 Disk Mower NH 451 sickle mower Agco 3010 Disk Mower Hesston 1340 moco RAKES H&S 12 wheel HC Vermeer R23 Hyd Rake H&S 18 wheel HC Rake Miller 7914 Inverter Vermeer 1224 Rake JD 660 Rake BRUSH CUTTERS | FINISH MOWER JD HX20, 1000 pto, NICE JD HX15, 1000 pto 2-Bushhog 2615L 2- Rhino SE15 Rhino SE6-3pt Woods RM90 AC 5” Frontier GM2084R, 3pt finish mower FM1800 Finish Mower IH 12’ Stalk Chopper DISKS JD 2623 VT 40’ ’14 Landoll 6230 Disk, 21ft, like new JD 630 28’ JD 220 18’ JD 7.5ft Kewaneeoffset1020 12’ JD RWA 8’ CIH 496, 25’ FIELD CULTIVATORS CIH Tigermater II 50’ CIH 4800 24’ JD 2200, 45’ Accu depth AC 1350, 24’ OTHER JD 726 Field Finisher, 28ft, new shovels, guards, harrow VEHICLES/ ATVS, LAWN MOWERS GRAIN TRUCKS/ TRAILERS ’18 Kubota 1511 Diesel Mower, 72in Zero turn, 140hrs ’98 FL FL80 Semi, Cat, cab and chassis ’95 Volvo 10 wheeler, dumb ’00 Sterling Semi, 5th wheel, Cat C10 ’07 Sterling Semi, Day cab, Twin Screw, 1 spd, detrot ’86 Freightliner fl, 400 cummins, new ’98clean13spd,truckPeterniltDump Truck, Cat Engine ’81 Pete 359, 3406B. 13spd, runs and drives ’77 Ford F600 Grain Truck ’73 Ford F800
22’ GN trailer, 2-10k duals HM GN Flatbed trailer 20ft GN Livestock trailer Dually Flatbed ’96 24’ Sun Tracker Deck Boat, Mercury motor, nice shape ’19 Grand Design Imagine Camper, -Nice Camper ’00 Bounder Motor home, 1 3781 miles, diesel, 39’ ’03 Volvo Semi, twin screw, Automatic transmission SKIDLOADER ATTACHMENTS (All attachments are new and will sell with NO Reserve) - ALL ATTACHMENTS ARE SKID STEER QUICK ATTACH Stout Material Buckets -84”, 78”, 72” Stout XHD 84-6 Grapples Stout HD72-4 Brush Grapples Stout 84-FB Grapple Buckets Stout 78-FB Grapple Buckets Stout 66-9 Grapple Buckets Stout 72-3B Grapple Buckets Lowe 750 Post Augers Bale Stabbers, etc. JCT, Tillers, QT plates, Pallet Forks, Soil Conditioner, Trenchers, etc Dymax Tree Shear Stainless Steel Spreader OVER 150 ATTACHMENTS TO SELL SAT | AUG 27 | 9AM LOCATION: 100 Industrial Parkway, Gallatin 64640 Auction conducted by Todd Crill Auctions, Creston, Iowa Todd Crill, Auctioneer - 712-621-1453 Auctioneers: Matt Johnston • Nathan Ramsey Michelle Crill, Auction 641-745-9223Coordinator or follow us on facebook RESTROOM • LUNCH ON GROUNDS Terms: Cash or good check. Mastercard and Visa credit cards welcome. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022 • 10 a.m. Location: 1447 Cromwell Rd, Creston, IA (Todd Crill Auctions Building) Auctioneer Comments: You won’t find a nicer collection of antique and collector tractors anywhere! Gary was not color blind - he enjoyed everything! Tractors and some select farm implements will be available online as well at and sell at 12:00 Noon. Hope to see you at the auction - Todd 1984 Chevrolet Corvette, 1926 Model T Roadster CLASSIC / ANTIQUE TRACTORS ANTIQUE / COLLECTIBLE FARM MACHINERY OTHER PRIMITIVE FARM MACHINERY / FARM ITEMS TOOLS / SHOP EQUIPMENT / MISC OTHER ANTIQUES / PRIMITIVES LONG GUNS / HAND GUNS Gary and Lynn Bruneau Live Auction AvailableBiddingOnline Live and Online Bidding at
JD 660 Manure Spreader Dalton 17 Knife applicator Dalton 3pt 11 knife DMI Applicator 13 knife GRAIN CARTS/GRAIN HANDLING ’14 Kinze 1100, tarp, camera, LSW ’13 Kinze 1100, Tarp, Scales, Tracks ’13 Kinze 1100, Tarp, Scales, Tracks ’13 Kinze 1300, Tarp, scales, Tracks ’13 Kinze 1300, tarp, sales, LSW Brent 1194, scales tarp Brent 1082, scales tarp Brent 784, scales, tarp Brent 884, scales, tarp Brent 774 Brent Unverferth610 9250 , scales, tarp JD 500 Grain Cart Westfield J210-31 Auger Unverferth 3750 Seed Tender, GN 15 Plus Gravity wagons CONSTRUCTION | SKID STEERS Cat 299DXHP, 2spd, 3400hrs Cat 299D2, C/H/A, 2875hrs, 2 spd, HF Cat 226B, Orops, 2100hrs Cat 257B, Tracks, Orops ’19 Bobcat T770, C/H/A, 535hrs Bobcat
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 12 POST FRAME BUILDINGS • Best Quality • Great Prices • Great Service LANCASTER LUMBER, INC 800-424-5071 • LANCASTER, MO Mahindra 105P, MFWD, C/H/A, 1851hrs Mahindra 8090, C/H/A, MFwd, 12spd LOADERS/BLADES JD 534 Front Blade JD 740 Loader, Bucket, Bale Spike, Brackets Dual Loader w/ Mounts COMBINES/HEADERS/HARVEST CIH 7010, 2wd, 3816hrs, 3116hrs CIH 1640 , 2wd, CLEAN w/ ONLY 1291hrs CIH 2166, 3738hrs/2739, clean, updated rotor ’05 JD 9660 STS, Duals 4251/3043hrs, nice combine, lots of recent work ’05 JD 9660STS, 4wd, 4349/2844hrs, lots of recent work ’00 JD 9650 STS, Duals, 4246/2697 JD 9600 , Duals, Extensions, Excellent Rubber, 3695/2454 JD 9500 Combine, 4x4, 5090/3458hrs JD 7720 Titan 2, 4x4 JD 7720, 5689hrs, 2wd JD 6620 combine, 2wd Gleaner M3 Combine, 4wd, 3903/2034hrs, 6-30 head, 316 platform Steel Tracks For JD 6620/7720/8820 com bines CORN HEADS Agco/Gleaner 3000 12-30, SP, Narrow CIHthroat4208, 8-30 CIH 1083 8-30 IH 863 6-30 CIH 1083 8-30 JD 1293 -12-20 JD 643 6-30 PLATFORMS ’14 Macdon FD75S, 40ft - Lexion Mounts ’11 Macdon FD70, 35ft, JD mounts Macdon 974, 30’ JD mounts JD 630F JD 635F JD 615F, Extra Nice-HARD TO FIND JD CIH2-JD9209301020 -20’ JD 930F 30ft HEADER TRAILERS 20ft, 30ft, 35ft, 40ft PLANTERS | DRILLS | SEEDTENDERS Kinze 3600 ASD 12-23, Clutches Kinze 3600 16-31, No till Kinze 2000 6-30 Tye 20ft drill, w/15in Kinze units Tye Series 4 15ft NT Drill JD 1790 16-31, Bulk fill JD 1790, CCS, 12-30, Bulk Fill JD 1770 Conservation, 16-30 JD 1590 15’ Nice JD 750, 15’ 2-JD 8300 drills, grass seed JD 7000 2 row 3pt CIH 5500 SB Special, 30ft CIH 5400 SP Special, 15ft, Caddy CIH 955, 12 R Great Plains 1548 Seeder, 3pt Pull Between Air Seeder Cart MANURE SPREADERS/APPLICATORS Rogator 854 Sprayer, 800 Stainless 90ft booms, gps, 4452hrs ’98 IH 4900, 466 engine, BBI Spreader box ’93 Freightliner w/ Kuhn Knight Pro Slinger 8132 Manure bed ’87 Freightliner w/ Kuhn Knight Pro Slinger 8032 Bed Mobility 600 high crop spreader w/ narrow and float tires Mobility 1000 Row Crop Spreader, Floats, Like new, Hyd drive Century 500 Gallon PT Sprayer Kuker 3 Point Sprayer with booms Bestway 1000 Gallon Tandem axle Top Air 1000 Ga Hardi Nav 550 Terms: Cash, check w/propper ID. Nothing removed until settled for. Not responsible for theft, accident or inadvertent errors in advertising. Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. No items pre-sold. Sale bill subject to change.

WANTED: J-M 750 Grain Cart, Must Have A Tarp, Prefer Eastern Iowa Location. 641-990-1249 8-19 AG BULLDOZING: Ponds, Fence Rows, Building Pads, Still Time For Pond Constructions This Summer And Fall. David 641-226-9630Mozingo: 9-2
FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22 FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892
TFN FOR SALE: Ford 800 With Flathead 6 Cylinder In Good Condition, $3,000. 660-341-8089 8-19
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 13“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You”

H T4040 - IH TRACTORS: 2008 NH T4040, shuttle 18 spd, 773 hrs, cab, w/NH 820TL ldr, 11.2-24 frts &Titan 16.9-30 rears; ‘65 JD 3020, D, wf, ps, hrs. unknown, orig paint, 15.5-38 AgriMark-sharp; ‘54 Farmall Super M-TA (Torque amplifier), shell fenders, recond w/newer pt, 1338; ‘53 Farmall Super M, recond w/newer pt, rear wts, 13.6-38; ‘57 Farmall 230, fh, recond w/new pt, rear wts, 12.4-36; ‘39 McCormick-Deering Farmall F-20-NT w/ele start, belt pulley, recond w/newer pt & new Titan 11.2-36; ‘40 Farmall Super H, shell fenders, 12.4-38, restored/recond, newer paint; ‘52 Farmall Super C, nf, fh, recond, new pt, rear wt; ‘57 Farmall Cub, w/belly mt sickle mow; ‘58 IH 340 utility, rear wts, good Armstrong 14.9-28; ‘58 Farmall 450, D, fh, nf, w/out pto, 15.5-38 not running; ‘58 – IH 340 RC, nf, 6,036 hrs, fh, 12.4-36; ‘44 Farmall H, good Safemark 12.4-38; ‘62 Farmall 460, G, nf, fh, 13.6-38; ‘59 Farmall 340, RC, wf, G, fh, fenders, 11.2-38; ‘60 Farmall 340, G, wf, fndrs, 12.4-36; Ford 1024E, G, wf, Select-o-speed trans; Farmall 560, G, nf, fh, fndrs w/ldr; Non running tractors: Oliver Super 77, nf, fenders, 13.6-38; ‘56 JD 60LP, 3 pt; ‘55 Farmall 300 RC , shell fndrs, hyd, 12-38; Case 400, G, wf; MM-Z, hyd, 12-38; 6-75lb stamped IH frt wts; 10-IH rear wts; 7-JD rear l wts; 16.9-38 clamp on duals; IH & McCormick hyd ldrs; Misc IH parts, etc; GMC C7000 & ’76 CHEVY C65 GRAIN TRUCKS – TRAILERS - SKIDLOADER - FARM – LIVESTOCK EQUIP –SCAFFOLDING – BUILDING MATERIALS: 1982 GMC C7000, 5x2, 366 V8 w/15’ Obeco box; ’76 Chevy C65, 5x2, 366 V8 w/16’ box; ‘92 Maxwell 24’ GN fltbd, tand 7,000lb axle, trlr w/Superwinch 5K lb ele winch & 4’ beav tail; 2003 Kirks Mfgr. 2-7’x18’ BH tand axle trlr w/ramps; 7’x16’ tand axle trlr; 6’x12’ tand axle trlr w/box & hoist; 5’x7’ trlr; Erickson 2548 skidloader w/Onan eng, 1396 hrs, G, hydrostatic drive, cage & 48” bckt, recond w/newer paint; 13’ JD 1710 disc chisel; 20’ Dunham Lehr harrogator; 8’ BH 120-08 HD blade; JD 8R-13R adj cultr; 10’ Long 3pt RM; 8’ IH fh blade; 6’-3pt blade; 6’ Woods RM; 3 pt hyd driven log splitter; Buhler 72”-3pt fin mow; 7’-3pt disc; 7’x16’ hayrack on good gear; 4 sect harrow; Grain-o-vator; Knight 180 spreader; J&M 400 bu & EZ Flow 300 bu gravities; IH fh sickle mow, 2 bott plow, post digger, post driver & blade; Frt mt post driver; AC 2R-3pt planter; Misc imps; IH 6’ belly mower; Ford 515 sickle mow; 100 gal poly tank w/pto pump; Silo-matic mixer; 2 Betterbilt 609 pit pumps; Manure load stands; 74-5’ scaffold; 18-5’ scaffold; 8-19”x10’ & 10-19”x7’ alum planking; Pile of 2”x12” pine lumber; 14-2’x12”x20’; 14-2”x12”x18’; Misc 2” lumber; Gates; YSONG SHEAR - GENERATOR – LEROI AIR COMPRESSOR - SHOP TOOLS: Ysong 1084B-84”-3 phase shear, 460V; Agtronic 27K watt pto generator; LeROI 4 cyl gas power air compressor w/2986 hrs & King 10gal sand blaster; Marson recirculating sand blaster; Craftsman 3hp-12” laser slide compound miter saw w/Delta miter saw cart; Atlas metal lathe w/44” table; Chicago 5/8” drill press; Hyd press; Cut-off saw on stand; Lincoln 225 AC/DC ele welder; Cutting torch w/tanks & cart; Engine stands; 5-commercial pallet rack units; Tele-Tower adj work platform; Duracraft 3/4” drill press; Powr-Kraft tool box; Mac TWV250 torque wrench; 7 1/4” Kobalt miter saw; Porta-Power; Milwaukee sawzall; 14” DeWalt chop saw; Large combo wrench set; Pipe wrenches; Milwaukee angle grinder; 3/4” Cummings deep impact sockets; 1/4, 3/8, 1/2” socket sets; 1/2” & 3/4” Bestools air impacts; Schauer battery charger; Many hand tools; 2006 POLARIS RANGER XP700 - 4 WHEELER – FLAT BOTTOM BOAT - LAWN & GARDEN: 1988 Yamaha Terrapro 350cc 4x4-4 wheeler w/Yamaha 50 gal pull sprayer w/ 30’ bm; Cub Cadet 71 w/ovrhld eng, new paint & 38” dk; Grasshopper 1822 0-turn-needs work; Parts mowers: JD 210 & 317, AC B-10 & B110; Alum 4 wheeler ramps; ATV 5K lb winch-NIB; Fimco ATV sprayers; Fast attach lawn tractor cab-NIB; Ryobi mini tiller.
AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1951 Mercury Looks, Drives, Great, New Paint, Tires, Interior. 58,000 Miles. Selling Due To Health $23,000 Obo Call. 573-795-4312 Or 573-795-4761 8-26 FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger With Steel Flatbed. AC, 4WD, PWR Mirrors, Locks And Windows. $3,000 Obo Call. 641-895-2566 8-26 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: 7 Year Old Gelding, 15.1 Hands, Calm, Sorrel With Blaze Face, Line Drives, $1,500 OBO. Ottumwa, IA. 319-371-4974 8-26 BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN FOR SALE: Dorset Yrlg. And Rom Lambs. Jim Vermazen, Montrose, Iowa. 319-371-7189 8-19 MISC MCKEE COINS: Buys Sells Auctions All Types Of Rare Coins And Currency, War Memorabilia, Antique Firearms. Gold And Silver Bullion. http://mckeecoins. com 213 East Main St. Ottumwa, 641-684-6006IA 9-9 Place Your AdAt
Drills & Planters: Great Plains 15’ N.T. drill w/grass seed; Tye series V 15’ N.T. drill, very good; CIH 5100 drill, grass seed, good; JD 7000, 6-30, no till, no monitor; IH 900, 6-30, monitor.
Auctioneers: Steve Bergren 712-789-0847 • Grant Vrba 712-789-2038 • Pete Myers 641-202-0108 for online info - Brad Bergren 712-789-2053 <>
Located Duwa’s Auction Building 1365 Hwy 22, Wellman or 1 1/2 mi West of Wellman on Hwy 22 Friday Sept 2, 2022 – 9:00am
Grain Trucks: 1988 Kenworth, Cummins, 9 sp, 18’ alum., Dakota box, twin screw, good; IH 4900, 1996, auto, 466, 20’ Scott box & hoist, roll tarp, 30K on O.H. & 10K on O.H. on trans, air lift tag, very clean truck; IH 1854, 1981, 466, 5 & 2 sp, 20’ steel box & hoist, tandem w/air tag, runs good; Chevy C-65, 1975, 5 & 4, 427, air brakes, twin screw w/18’ Rieten alum box.
Semi Trailers & Golf Cart: 1997 Wilson 40’ grain hopper, ag hopper; 2001 Benson 48’, alum, spread axle flatbed, good cond, w/6500 gal water tanks & pump; 1996 Kenworth Day Cab; EZ-Go, gas, very good; Volkswagon shop made dune buggy. Construction: Cat 312 E, 3915 hrs, may vary by auction date, newer rails, Cat progressive thumb, good cond; 48” double drum sheeps foot. Feed Wagon & Livestock Equip: Kuhn “Knight” 3125 reel auggie, scale, 540 PTO, 1 owner, good cond; Kelly Ryan 5x12 feed wagon, new conveyer & apron chain, good; Oldenkamp 20’ hay feeder trailer; JD 148 loader, good, JD mts; NH 353 grinder, 1 owner, clean. Hay Equipment: NH 499 hydro swing; NH 256 hay rake, low use; CIH 86 hay rake w/dolly; Westendorf bale spear, can be used as 3 pt also. Head & Livestock Trailers: 2-Stud King, 32’ & 38’ tandem, brakes; 30’ tricycle single axle; Diamond D, 6’x16’, B.H. stock trailer, 2002, 1 owner, very good cond; Finish Line 8x12, good; 12’ stock trailer.
Select Items will sell LIVE & ONLINE w/Proxibid @ 12:30pm Register @
Augers: Westfield 10x73 swing hopper, 1 yr old, 30,000 bu use; Farm King 10x73 swing hopper, good; Farm King 10x73, swing hopper, runs, but is damaged; Westfield 8x61 swing hopper, flighting is good; Westfield 8x31 truck auger; Sudenga 8x61, good flighting; Peck 10x28 truck auger, elec; Mayrath 8x60 swing hopper; Grain King 10x60 swing hopper.
AUCTIONEERS: Dwight Duwa 319-646-6775 – Jeff Wille – John Kahler Web: Terms: Cash, ck w/ID or wire transfer Lunch: Country Cookin responsible for accidents/theft
OPEN HOUSE: Thurs – Sept 1st - Noon-7pm. ORDER OF SALE: Hayrack tools/smalls, livestock equip. 12:30pm: Items Live & Online w/Proxibid as lot numbered, Tractors, Truck, Trailers, Skid ldr, etc followed w/farm equip. Owners: Ron Bowser Richard Grimm & Pat Forinash Estates & Others
Field Equipment: JD 512 disc ripper, 5 shank, very good; JD 235 disc, 24’, good blades & cond; Land Pride FDR 1660, finish mower, good; JD HX shredder, 14’, 3 pt; JD 220, 19’6”, black gang; JD 400 hoe; Ferguson 2 bottom plow; JD 1710 A disc chisel. Grain Carts & Wagons: Brent 678 grain cart, roll tarp; Killbros 490 grain cart, roll tarp, good; UFT 500, grain cart, roll tarp, good; Parker 400 w/tall extensions, holds approx 700 bu, used for dump wagon only, good; Brent 644, roll tarp, very good, green; Parker 505, very good, green; Parker 250 bu; Parker 400 bu double door; 2-M&W 400 bu double door; Small gravity wagon w/auger; 2-Heider 7x12 w/silage ends, good; 4-Heider wagons, various sizes, good; Demco 325, roll tarp, red, nice; Brent 882.
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 14 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,BackRest,CustomTailLight,Only12KMiles This Week’s$10,995SpecialNOFEES!DOC Fall Machinery Consignment Saturday, September 10, 2022 • 8:00 am Located at 2530 Hwy 22 • Riverside, IA Consignments Wanted Tractors, Skidsteers, Farm Equipment, Construction Equipment, Building Supplies, Livestock Equipment, Lawn & Garden, Vehicles/Trailers Ad Deadline – Monday, August 22, 2022. Accepting Items Mon, August 29 Through Thurs, September 8 • 8-5 Internet Equipment Items Need to be in By Tues, Sept 6 DelmarAuctioneers:Yoder319-430-2711 Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019 See Website for Photos Terms: Cash or Check w/proper ID. Not Responsible for accidentsor theft. Machinery Consignment Auction Friday, August 26, 2022 @ 10:30 am 1965 G Ave. Red Oak, lowa (west side of town) Combines & Heads: NH CR 9070, 1190/760 hrs, 1 owner; CIH 2377, 2900/1900 hrs., good, 4 WD; JD 9560, STS, 2900/1900 hrs, clean; JD 9560, STS, 3142/2116 hrs, duals, good machine; IH 1420, 3523 hrs, good cond; CIH 1660, 6500 hrs, chopper, used last fall, runs good; CIH 1044, 4-38; JD 444, 4-38; JD 643; CIH 1020, 25’, sells w/trailer, very good; JD 6620; NH 98C 12-30 corn head, very good; Macdon 35’ Draper, very good; CIH 1020, 25’; JD 625 F, platform, low use, like new; CIH 1020, 25’ platform; CIH 1063 corn head; JD 606 C, 6-30, nice; JD 918; JD 693, 6-30, nice; JD 893-1293.
Tractors & Skidloaders: JD 8370 R, 2014, 3727 hrs, 31 mph, IVT, ILS, front suspension, 5 SCV, dual hyd pump, Firestone 50” rubber; JD 7310 R, 2019, MFWD, 505 hrs, 31 mph, IVT, TLS frt suspension; IH 186 hydro; JD 318 garden tractor w/hyd loader; Ford NAA, very good; IH H, very good; Ford 2N, good; Rounder L-700 Skidloader, good; Bobcat 610, runs, but needs TLC; Bobcat 310, good cond.
Late Additions: JD 893 C.H., 8-30; Unverferth HT25 hd trl; Automatic headgate; 3 Pt sprayer, 200 gal, nice; Krause Dominator, 21’, JD 1293 corn head; Schuler 5020 mixer wagon, good; Schuler Bf 175 wagon, good; Arctic Cat 454, 4wheeler; 2010 Chevy 3/4, dsl, crew cab, 4WD; JD 350 Elevator; 25’ 3 tine harrow of CIH 340 disc; 1996 Kenworth, day cab, twin screw, very clean.

Craft galore items, Refrigerator, furniture, stove, deep freezer, many other items (Open house Sat 12pm/5pm & Sun 1pm/5pm September 3rd & 4th) held by family 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bathroom Terms: 10% required. DOWN PAYMENT: 10% of the contract purchase price will be due upon acceptance of the Sales
Contract. Personal or Cashier’s Checks will be accepted. This is “AS IS, WHERE IS” and is non-refundable. Closing attorney Richard E. Bordwell Law, PLC Clarion Iowa. The information is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines are drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their satisfaction. There are no expressed or implied warranties pertaining to this property. Real estate (including all improvements, if any) is being sold As Is, Where Is with NO warranties expressed or implied. Please make all inspections and have financing arranged prior to the end of bidding. Millers Auctioneer Services Owner/Auctioneer Kyle Miller 515-710-9491 AGNES HENDRICKSON ESTATE SeptAUCTION24th•11 am 517 first St SW • Clarion, IA 50525 IMPORTANT MACHINERYMACHINERY CONSIGNMENT Call ahead. Hours vary. -OR- Until lot is full. HAYRACKS ARE VehiclesFULL!and trailers must be titled with current license and registration. Online-Only CONSIGN NOW! No reserves under $500. AUCTION SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN FOR SALE: Like New 12 Ft. 8 Inch Sit On Top Anglers Kayak, Pre-wired For Electronics, $800; 2016 TSE Drive-R Compound Bow Package, In Good Condition, $700; IQ Define Rangefinder Bow, Sight, Like New, $175. 641-932-3728 8-19
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 15“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LowMiles,VariousOptions,GreatMPG! Starting at $8,495NOFEES!DOC AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 10:00 AM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 22379 – 87th STREET, BLAKESBURG, IOWA OR West of Ottumwa on U.S. Hwy. 34 approx. 6 miles to 215th Street, then North 1/2 mile to 87th Street (Old Hwy. 34 at Christiansburg), then West 1 mile Auction Signs Will Be Posted
fridge. Tools/Outdoor:
POSITIVE ID REQUIRED DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS All property must be settled for before removal – All items sold as is where is Not responsible in case of accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising.
FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & ANTIQUES: Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer; Amana 14 cu. ft. refrigerator/freezer; Estate LP gas oven/range; Like new Whirlpool Duet front-load washer & dryer; 110 Window air conditioner; Sanyo 40” flat-screen TV; Amana 15 cu. ft. chest-type deep freeze; Near new Amish-made entertainment center; Sentry combination safe; 3-pc. bedroom suite incl. full-size bed, dresser w/mirror & 4-drawer chest; (3) Upholstered chairs; Full-size bed, mattress & box springs; End tables; 4-drawer chest; Corner writing desk; Wooden straight chairs; Like new upholstered invalid lift chair; Component stereo system; Floor & table lamps; Kirby upright vacuum cleaner; Singer port. sewing machine; Pair – Twin beds; Old oak wall telephone; Formica-top dinette table w/4 matching chairs; Ball & claw piano stool; Antique 4-poster full-size bed; Zenith, Silvertone & Philco cabinet radios; Water cooler crockery jar; 3-gal. stone jar; Cream cans; Old wooden crate; Spoon collection; Oil lamps; Seed sacks; Camelback trunk; Croquet set; Several old coin-operated radios; Leather swivel office chair; Lawn chairs; New resin swing w/frame; Old toys incl. old semitruck; Butter churn; Mantle clock; Sewing rocker; Pictures & frames; Old barn lantern; Blankets, bedding & linens; 4-drawer waterfall chest of drawers.
dishes, decor,
and other skillets,
cabinet, microwave, pots
REAL COMPLETEAUCTIONSESTATEDETAILSONLINEWWW.MCAFEEAUCTIONSERVICE.COM MICHAEL & MELISSA MCCREARY, SELLERS of repair. New roof 2013, Property Sells “as found” to the highest bidder without reserve. ROBERT E. AYERS, ESTATE Selling a nice variety of household furnishings, game and gym room equipment, collectibles, glassware, antiques, art work- prints & paintings, lawn related and much more. FlatwareSilver MICHAEL & MELISSA MCCREARY, SELLERS of repair. New roof 2013, Property Sells “as found” to the highest bidder without reserve. ROBERT E. AYERS, ESTATE Selling nice variety of household furnishings, game and gym room equipment, collectibles, glassware, antiques, art work- prints & paintings, lawn related and much more. FlatwareSilver ahoka, MO375 S Johnson Kahoka, MO www.mcafeeauctionservice.com660-727-3796 LIVE ONSITE ONLY AUCTION TUES, AUG 30TH - 6 PM CLARK COUNTY LAND AUCTION SALE CONDUCTED AT THE CARE BUILDING (451 N. VINE ST. KAHOKA MO) JUDY KLEINE, SELLER Acres 3 TRACTS TILLABLE CROPLAND - CRP INCOME RECREATIONAL LAKE - BUILDING SITES +/LIVE ONSITE ONLY AUCTION THUR, SEPT 8TH - 6 PM CLARK COUNTY LAND AUCTION SALE CONDUCTED AT THE VFW (123 W. MONROE STREET, MEMPHIS, MO) THE FAMILY OF TERRY JONES, SELLERS Acres 4 TRACTS TILLABLE CROPLAND - GRASSLAND RECREATIONAL HUNTING HOME & OUTBUILDINGS +/LIVE ONSITE ONLY AUCTION THUR, SEPT 1ST - 6 PM CLARK COUNTY LAND AUCTION THE ESTATE OF DAN LAGE Acres EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE ESTABLISHED UTILITES SHOPHUNTINGBUILDING +/SALE CONDUCTED AT THE CARE BUILDING (451 N. VINE ST. KAHOKA MO) TAMA LIVESTOCK AUCTION 641-484-3465 Fed Cattle, Slaughter Cows & Bulls Every Wednesday at 9:00 am SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Monday, October 10, 2022 - 11:00 AM SPECIAL CATTLE SALE & CUSTOMER APPRECIATION BBQ Monday, September 12, 2022 - 11:00 AM For Markets & Listings go to PUBLIC AUCTION August 27th • 10 am 2705 MAIN ST. • UNIONVILLE, MO Antiques/Household: Ammo box, Griswold
cards, all
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The Moffit family has lived in this location for over 60 years and were very good caretakers of their possessions. Be sure & attend this unusual auction. Check website for pictures
MRS. BILL (MARY) MOFFIT ESTATE, SELLER Terry Moffit & Randy Moffit, Co-Executors Michael Carpenter, Attorney UPCOMING LAND & Lodge Pioneer turnSanyo stereo, mic stands, KK meat ball American tv Avon wagon, dressers, Philco tv, bed, Duncan Phyfe table, rugs, treadmill, pots, pans and kitchen gun and pans, dorm there several camping new inflatable kayak and boat, Pearson bow and arrows, 10’ angler old town kayak, like new Ancheer electric bike, several power and hand tools, tool boxes, log chains, sockets and wrenches, gas cans, wood stencil maker, air pigs, wheelbarrow, plumbing supplies, 2 Dolmar chainsaws, Stark chainsaw, McCulloch chainsaw, several yard tools, saws clamps, table top drill press, Fiskars splitting maul, large bolt cutters, Red Ox wood chipper, new 4k generator, hard plastic extension ramps, yard seeder, backpack sprayer, several tools of all kinds. Food and restrooms available. Indoor sit-down style auction. Check out pictures and full listing on our Facebook page. Industrial Drive Unionville, MO 63565 AUCTION660-626-4960ALTISERAPPRAISALAND
TRACTOR, LAWN MOWER, EQUIPMENT & TOOLS: Massey Ferguson 265 tractor, WF, diesel, 15.5x38 rear tires, 3-pt, w/rollbar canopy, shows 1,394 hours; 2016 John Deere S240 lawn tractor, 21.5hp engine, hydro, 42” deck; Ford 6’ 3-pt. brush cutter; Shaver 3-pt. posthole digger; John Deere 494A 4-row corn planter, always shedded; IH 4-row- 3-pt. cultivator; 3-pt. carryall; Ford 3-pt. 3-bottom plow; E-Z Flow 165-bu. gravity box & gear; (2) 300-gal. fuel barrels; 3-pt. seeder; Cub Cadet LT1042 riding lawn mower, hydro, 48” deck; Snapper 5hp rear-tine tiller; Cub Cadet pull-type lawn cart; Battery charger; Stihl elec. weedeater; Clamps; Craftsman wood lathe & chisels; Stepladder; Craftsman 6” jointer/planer; Craftsman belt & disc sander; Router table & router; Large asst. of hand tools incl. hammers, wrenches, circular saws, bars, jigsaws; Small welding table; Grinder; Vise; Hoes, rakes, shovels; Alum. extension ladder; Old platform scales; 2004 Brooks Bros. 20’ gooseneck flatbed trailer, tandem torsion axles w/fold-up ramps.

REAL ESTATE WILL SELL AT 12:00 NOON For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. Watch future publications for a complete sale ad incl. household furnishings, golf cart & 1967 Corvette to be sold also Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising.
- Special Feeder Calf Sale Friday, August 26th - Special Feeder Calf Sale ALL SALES TELEVISED ON DV AUCTION To Consign For Any or All Sales or For All Information Call: Owner - Kevin Strange • Cell: 660-341-9974 Ryan Strange • Cell: 660-341-9721 Sale Barn: 660-397-9999 Field Reps: Bill Tom Hall 660-342-5420 • Jason Bischel 660-216-0373 Mike Bronestine 660-341-9965 • John Powell 660-341-1717 PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY, AUGUST 23RD • STARTING AT 5 PM TO BE HELD AT THE VARIED INDUSTRY BUILDING AT THE SOUTHERN IOWA FAIR GROUNDS As we have moved to assisted living we will sell at public auction the following items. Bob worked at Wilcox Garland for many years and then Slumberland, their furniture is of the best quality, very, very clean and in excellent condition. A very special listing of a Howard Miller, Majestic Grandfather Clock, Features arched pediment, rare olive ash burl overlays, special cast dial w/astrological blue moon phase, Crystal-cut grooved glass, 6 glass shelves, cable-drive, triple-chime Kieninger movement, finished in Windsor Cherry, nighttime chime shut-off, illuminated interior, locking door, mirror back OWNERS Bob & Violet Jones Announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertising terms are cash or good check. Sale conducted and handled by Polkowske Auction Service Phone 641-660-1232 Go to for complete listing and photos 282.53 Surveyed Acres • Henry County, Iowa LAND AUCTION: LIVE AND ONLINE A-21752 For more information on property details, please contact: Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock John Yeomans, Agent • Iowa City, Iowa Office: (319) 338-4771 Cell: (319) 325-3080 • Live Event: Friday, September 9, 2022 at 10:00 AM Something for everyone! Custom farming, recreation, potential acreage site with pond, renewable energy -- Offered in three tracts by Buyer’s Choice! --- 129.4 acres of NHEL -BIDDING CLOSES: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 STARTING AT 10:00 AM CENTRAL PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1505 125 TH ST, MARENGO, IA 52208 KOSZTA FARM CORPORTION INC. EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS: LARRY BEYER (319) 936-8339 AUCTION MANAGER: Luke Sullivan (309) 371-5214 Timed Online | No-Reserve | Auction • C-IH 245 Magnum MFWD,4,145 hrs • Case-IH 8930 MFWD, 5,066 hrs • Case-IH MX135 MFWD • IH 3388 2+2 tractor, 4,475 hrs • IH Farmall 560 2wd tractor • IH MD antique tractor • Cockshutt Deluxe tractor • C-IH 2377 2wd , 2,696/1,901 hrs • Drago GT 6 row 30” corn head • Harvestmore 730 30’ flex platform • RoGator 854 self-propelled sprayer • Kinze 2600 12 row 30” planter • John Deere 750 15’ no-till drill • Kinze 650 & J&M 525 grain carts • DMI Tiger-Mate II 28’ fld. cult. • Hiniker 5000 12 row 30” cultivator • Big G 25’ vertical tillage tool • Agri-Products 5-shank ripper • Blu-Jet 11-knife NH3 applicator • Shop built 11-knife NH3 applicator • Schulte S150 15’ batwing mower • Custom built dry fertilizer tender • Dakon 235 gravity wagon w seed auger • Sprayer Specialties liquid tender cart • Puzey 16’ gooseneck grain trailer • Snorkel B-60 60’ manlift • Ford 755B backhoe loader, • Cat 60 10-yard dirt scraper • Barker 5000 forklift, 7,319 hrs • 1995 Kenworth T800 semi • 2003 Kenworth T600 semi • 2017 Timpte 40’ hopper bottom • Also; attachments; tires; major shop tools; other farm support items & equipment • Please note; Large auction. Everything sells absolute. No buyer’s premium. Complete listing online SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS: (844) 847-2161 LAND FOR SALE Washington 319 382 3343 • • Located 7 miles south of Riverside, IA • Mixture of Row Crop, CRP, and Timber • Attractive Building Site 72.34 Acres m/l Washington County, IA MOBILE HOMES IN INVENTORY We Gottem In Stock, Call For Information 573-249-3333 Or marktwainmobilehomes.com573-303-5529 FOR SALE: Tiled Play House Lighted, Panel/ Framed Multiple Pics. 7 Ft. Height/Length, Minor Reparis, Need Finished, Must Move, $400. 217-617-9272 8-26 FOR SALE: Small Insulated And Lined Doghouse. Has Walk Thru Door. Great For Large Single Dog. Has A/C. Call. 641-895-2566 8-26 J & J ROOFING AND SIDING: Specialize In Decking, Call Today For All Your Roofing And Siding Needs! 641-638-2402 8-19 FOR SALE: Approximately 26 Barn Boards, Various Lengths; Hay Dump Taken Apart, 2 – 10 Ft., 1 – 20 Ft.; 1 18.4X38 Tire. 319-759-4658 8-19 FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. For Details Call. Redmount Midstream LLC. 660-542-3000 8-19 CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN
Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 16 www.awmetal.net641-664-3990NeedRebar? Wholesale OBERHOLTZER Specializing in Aluminum Hopper Trailers • Repair & Rebuild We Install Tarps & Power Tarps Timpte & Wilson Trailer Parts Available 660-341-6027 • 660-282-1012 3 Miles East of Gorin, MO on Route U C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 The All New IN STOCK!NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 New Harleys 3.29% For 66 Months And $0 Down With Qualified Credit! Call Us Before You Buy! NO DOC FEES! AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co ACREAGE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 10:00 AM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 13231 ANGLE ROAD, OTTUMWA, IOWA Across from the Cedar Creek Golf Course REAL ESTATE: Be sure & make an appointment to inspect this outstanding 5-bedroom, 3-bath ranchstyle home, on nearly 4 acres, with large living room, kitchen and main floor laundry area. Plus, lower level family room with wood-burning fireplace & large kitchenette. 2-car attached garage plus 2-1/2car detached garage plus metal RV carport. Situated at the northern edge of Ottumwa, this exceptional acreage will sell to the highest bidder. TERMS: : 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Warranty Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement.
MRS. GEORGE (PATRICIA) BOITNOTT, OWNER Edina, Missouri 12:30 PM Friday, August 19th
Weekly Sales Start @

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 17“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,DetachableTourPak,21K $13,999NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,4x4,Roof,Windshield,NewTires,5200Miles Only $7,695NOFEES!DOC AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co REAL ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 5:00 PM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 1022 S. HANCOCK, OTTUMWA, IOWA REAL ESTATE: This property consists of a 2-bedroom, single-story home with open kitchen/living room area. Main level laundry and full bath. Located in an excellent South location, on a 40’x193’ lot, with a newer 16’x22’ single-car detached garage plus newer 12’x12’ metal storage building. This home has seen a lot of remodeling in recent years. CAR: 2004 Buick LeSabre, 4D, 3800 V6, auto, 171,000 miles, runs & drives excellent. TERMS: 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Court Officer Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement. REAL ESTATE WILL SELL PROMPTLY AT 5:00 PM For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. JUDITH K. FARRINGTON ESTATE, OWNER Minnette Baxter-Jarrard, Executor Box & Box, Attorneys ANTIQUE VEHICLE AUCTION ELBERT PUTNAM ESTATE August 27th • 4 pm HIGHLAND TRAIL • UNIONVILLE, MO 1960s Chevy Camaro, 1966 Dodge pickup, 1963 Plymouth 318 V8, 1960s Dodge Dart, 1962 Chevy Sedan, Year ? Volkswagen Bug, 1946 Desoto 4 door, 2 1948 Plymouth sedans, 2 early 50s Ford Sedans, 2 1958 Ford sedans, 2 late 40s short school buses, 2 1958 Ford sedans, 1959 Chevy 4 door sedan, 1957 Studebaker, 1952 Chrysler 4 door sedan, 1959 Plymouth station wagon, 1970s Ford Maverick. Some vehicles might be restorative and some would only be good for parts or salvage. Antique Allis Chalmers round balers, Antique 1 row corn pickers, few other antique farm type equipment, pull type road grader, Gleaner F combine, 1950s John Deere tractor for salvage or parts Likely to find other things in the weeds. Sale will not last long so be on time. Check out pictures and full listing on our Facebook page. Sale will be held approximately 1 mile south of the Putnam County School on 20th street or also called Highland trail. KRIS AUCTION660-626-4960ALTISERAPPRAISAL LocatedLIVESTOCKOSBORNAUCTION7milesWestofCamerononHWY.36,OSBORN,MO Danny 816-675-2424 or 816-695-0504 Randy Vanderkooi, Fieldman 816-632-0694 Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Transportation and order buying available • Bonded • Insured Barn Phone: 816-675-2424 FRIDAY!EVERYSALE FRIDAY!EVERYSALE RECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time. MARKET REPORT: May 18 Sale Top Butcher Cow - $0.68 Top Bull - $0.81 246 Butcher Cows Sold. Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We currently have 5 butcher cow buyers. NEXT SALE FRI, June 11:30AM1st Barn Phone: (816) 675-2424 (816) 649-8485 Transportation and Order Buying Available • Bonded • Insured SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY | 10:00 a.m Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We Have 9 Butcher Cow Plants Represented Danny 813 HEAD LAST WEEK | EXPECTING 1100 THIS WEEK RECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time 2SMALLCOWDISPERSALS-JAMESON&PLATTSBURG Top Cow: $1.01 - Richmond Top Bull: $1.32 - Wheeling Holsteins & Longhorns: $0.60-$0.82 Longhorn X & Dairy X: $0.83-$1.15 Owner, Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Randy Vanderkooi, 816-632-0694Fieldman Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Frank Peterson, 660-247-2306Fieldman Dale Coble, Fieldman 816-213-3581 Todd Gottswiller,816-390-7917Fieldman Gary Mann, Fieldman 816-294-5849 Bill Bray, Fieldman 816-724-0438 Gary Jackson, Fieldman 816-724-4348 STEERS HEIFERS 300#........................................$2.27 .............................................$2.00 400#........................................$2.24 .............................................$1.90 500#........................................$2.15 .............................................$1.77 600#........................................$2.00 .............................................$1.72 700#........................................$1.76 .............................................$1.60 800# .......................................$1.68 .............................................$1.52 900#........................................$1.61 .............................................$1.43 1000#......................................$1.51 .............................................$1.35 1100# Fats ..............................$1.30 .............................................$1.28 Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock L-2200404 LAND FOR SALE For more information on property details, please contact: Carl Jackson, Agent • Johnston, Iowa Phone: (515) 238-0559 • Private Hunting Ground 28± Acres • Warren County, Iowa -- Abundance of deer and turkeys -- Close to Des Moines --- Includes two-story shooting shed, food plots, and several acres of trees -TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22 FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573 696-3468 TFN FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN PETS FOR SALE: Beagle Puppies, AKC Registred, Males And Females, TriColor, Lemon And White, Ready To Go, $300. 641-233-7771 8-26 FOR SALE: German Short Hair Pointer Puppies, Parents Excellent Hunters, Bloodlines Top Gun. Mike’s Game Birds 319-931-2774 TFN FOR SALE: AKC Registered German Shorthair Pointer Pups. Black Or Liver. Will Be Ready To Start This Fall. 641-594-2704 9-2 FOR SALE: Beagle Puppies, AKC Registered, Excellent Pets. 641-722-3231 8-19 PUPPIES, PUPPIES: We Want to Buy Your Puppies! Registered or Mixed Breeds. We Have Homes Waiting for Them! 573-784-9866 TFN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 26 Acres 1/3 Open Currently Under row Crop Production, 2/3 Wooded Just Outside City Limits Osceola, Iowa. 641-414-0165 8-26 MUST SEE!!: Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Double Wide Home On Lake Front At Lakeside Estate, Many Updates, Could Also Be Moved. 641-242-0296 9-2 FOR SALE: House 2 Bedroom/Shop Or Storage, 2700 Sq. Ft. 2 Mobile Home Hookups On 10 Acres. 4 Miles From Fairfield, IA Near Airport. Call From 8 AM TO 8 PM. 641-919-6338 8-19

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 18 Fall Farmer’s Machinery Consignment Auction Friday & Saturday, Sept. 9 & 10 Live Online Bidding Will Be Available Younger Auction Gallery, 312 E. South Hills Dr., Maryville, MO Consign before Aug. 23 Deadline to be included in National Ads Call Mark at 660-541-1977 or Kelly at 660-582-9771 Watch Website for Listing & More Pictures For complete listings and pictures visit our websiteYAC, INC d. a Mark Younger, 660-541-1977Auctioneer Email: SAM’S AUTO SALES 319-204-5214 www.samsautosalesia.comPleaseSeeOurWebsiteforOurRepairableVehicles! Mt. Pleasant, IA • 803 East Winfield Ave • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS 2014 DODGE RAM 3500 BIG HORN 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 8 Ft LB, SRW, 6.7 Turbocharger, Diesel, 175,301 Miles $32,800 CLEAN2015TITLECHEVROLET SILVERADO 3500HD LT 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, SRW, Auto, 6 Spd, 6.6L V8 Turbocharger, Diesel, 135,000 Miles $40,500 READY TO GO 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, 5.3L V8, Flex Fuel, Auto, 6 Spd, 117,096 Miles $25,500 CLEAN TITLE 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 4x4, 4 Dr SUV, Auto, 5 Spd, 3.6L V6, Gas, 150,928 Miles $24,800 CLEAN TITLE 20181500SIERRAGMCSLT 44x4,Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, Auto, 8 Spd, 5.3L One82,051V8,Miles,Owner $35,500CLEAN TITLE 2017 TRADESMAN2500RAMST 4x4, 4 Dr, Crew Cab, 6.3 Ft SB, 6.4LAuto,V8 Gasoline, 122,997 Miles $26,000CLEAN TITLE

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 19“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” Post Frame Buildings All Sizes On Sale Price Includes All Tax and Labor Call (641)295-4970 • (641)295-4467 Customersareresponsibleforallpermits. 30 x 40 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $33,000 24 x 30 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $29,000ASTERUILDERSChariton,RJBuyingStandingWANTEDTimberWalnut,OakandMaple20YearsInTheBusinessIPayBeforeICutLumberLLC•RaymondYutzyVM:641-722-3348C&CCycleIA•888-475-2243 OVER 30 40 USEDStartingHARLEYSat$6,995 Acreage at Auction Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services, LLC. The information in this brochure are from sources deemed to be reliable but it cannot be guaranteed by Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services, LLC. General Description: Offering this 2003 Modular Home with a walk out basement at auction! This home has plenty of space with 4 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms. The basement has been finished to include bedrooms, living area, and the walkout patio. The upstairs has a large deck to enjoy. A fireplace sits beautifully in the main living room. There is a large attached garage and a detached garage as well for plenty of parking and storage. Black top driveway, wooded acreage, and a pond on site. The property has many mature trees and bushes along with landscaping throughout. This home is ready for your family to make it their own! Be sure to call Mike to schedule your viewingTerms:today!Cash, 10% down payment day of auction with balance due on or about October 17th, 2022. Property sold in AS-IS condition with NO contingencies. Chad Daugherty - Owner/Auctioneer(515)993-4159103 N 9th St. Suite A Adel, Iowa Mike Bobst, North River Realty 515-468-7674 Jamie Bergkamp, Closing Attorney Email- Saturday, September 17th, 2022 Sale Time- 10:00 am, On Site 2554 Redwood Ave. Guthrie Center, Iowa Sq. ftg. : 1400 sq ft with 1400 sq ft basement area, 1120 sq ft is finished Lot size: 7.11 acres m/l Net Taxes: $3,086.00 School District: Guthrie Center CSD Call Mike Bobst today for your appointment to view! 515-468-7674 PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD, PRIMITIVES, LAWN & GARDEN, FARM MACHINERY, , TRACTORS, APPLIANCES, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE AND MUCH MORE!! ONLINE AUCTION BID TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM ONLINE BIDDING ENDS AUGUST 27TH, 2022 • STARTING AT 4PM SOFT CLOSE 2612 W. 2nd Ave. • (Hwy 92 West) Indianola, IA 50125 Stop by Saturday the August 27th from 9am to 4pm for viewing. Pickup Sunday, August 28th 9AM to 4PM-One Day Only.Shipping is available Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) • Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service

Hawkeye Trader, August 19, 2022 Page 20 2004 Dodge Dakota SLT 4x4, V8, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, 101K, $9,995 2011 Toyota RAV4 Sport 4WD, 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Sunroof, 124K, $14,995 2011 Ford F150 Super Crew 4x4, V6, Auto, Loaded, Bed Cover, 157K, $13,995 2015 Dodge Durango SXT, AWD, V6, Auto, Full Power, Sunroof, 3rd Row Seating, LOW MILES! 52K Miles, $23,495 2018 Chevy Trax LS 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped, 72K Miles$15,995 2008 Lexus RX5350 350 AWD, Full Power, Leather, Loaded, Sunroof, 144K, $12,995 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 ST V6, Auto, Air, 111K$6,995 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4WD, 6 Cyl, Auto, Loaded, Leather, CD/MP3, 123K, $26,995 2008 Chevy Silverado K1500 LTZ 4x4, Ext Cab, 5.3 V8, Auto, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, 145K, $13,995 2013 Chevy Malibu 2LT 4 Cyl, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, Sunroof, 95K, $13,995 2016 Chrysler 200 LX Nicely Equipped, Keyless Start,MP3, Low Miles, 66K, $16,995 2014 Buick Encore Convenience AWD, 4 Cyl, Full Power, 82K$15,995 2012 Chevy Malibu 1LT Loaded, CD/MP3, Only 69K Miles$12,995 2006 Honda Civic EX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped, Sunroof, Only 59K Miles, WOW!!! $12,995 2016 Dodge Charger SXT AWD, V6, Auto, Full Powr, Heated Seats, Backup Camera, 101K, $19,995 Low Miles Low Miles Low Miles 2000 E. Euclid • Des Moines, IA 515-265-0215KARS, INC ON Euclid Ask for DeMarcus CONTACT US FOR PRICING Baring, baringelevator.com660.892.4411MO We want to purchase & market your grain. Buyers of Corn and Soybeans. Organic & Non-GMO Corn and Soybeans. Contracts Offered • Foward Pricing Contact Us For Prices & Delivery 660-423-5482 • Channel Catfish Grass Carp Bluegill • Hybrid Fathead Minnow Black Crappie Walleye Redear Largemouth Bass YellowKoiPerch Order Your Fish Today bait fish. NOW COOLORDERSTAKINGFORALLWATERSPECIES:•WALLEYE•YELLOWPERCH•SMALLMOUTHBASS•MUSKIE•NORTHERNPIKE Contact Us For Price & Delivery