Two Big Sessions
Saturday, Sept. 7th, 10 a.m.
Sunday, Sept. 8th, 1 p.m.
18765 Hwy 69 N.; Lawson; Missouri
North Country Auction Center
Location: From I-35; take Hwy 69 N. exit North through Excelsior Springs; 6 miles north to auction site
with different inspectors like W for Wheeler (vary rare), Henry Nettleton H.N., D.F.C. Clark, several 1873 mdl Colt civilian mdl with 7 1/2” and 5 3/4” bll, PR cased Colt police 36 cal engraved
rifle engraved Winchester mdl 1886 50 cal express saddle ring carbine, 2 engraved 1866 rifles one with silver finish, 1 with brass, one 1866 44 rifle plain brass, Colt heavy frame rifle 38-56-255 with nickel finish engraved nickel finish receiver, Colt heavy frame 45-60-300 carbine with engraved complete nickel finish with checkered wood, Winchester mdl 1886 45-90 with heavy barrel ???? and deluxe wood, Winchester mdl 1894 deluxe 38.40 sporting rifle, Winchester mdl 1894 30 cal saddle ring carbine, Winchester mdl 1894 deluxe and engraved 32 W.S., rare Sharps & Hankin Civil War musket, rare Sharps 44 cal old reliable carbine, Sharps 50 cal old reliable carbine with rare peep sight, very rare factory engraved 45 cal Sharps old reliable with set trigger and deluxe wood with peep sight, Winchester mdl 1895 30 cal take down, Winchester mdl 1895 35 cal carbine, Remington rolling block 30 cal carbine, U.S. Springfield flint lock musket, Winchester mdl 1886 33 cal sporting rifle tare down German 3 bll drilling engraved, Colt percussion musket, other lesser quality guns not listed. Vintage ammo, Several Lots. NICE COLLECTION OF POCKET AND HUNTING KNIVES, SPIN AROUND GUN RACKS FROM OAK WOOD.
TAXIDERMY - Extra large buffalo head, Noah’s Ark canoe with 6 animals, dall sheep head, large record book caribou head, royal elk head, 2 white tail head mounts, artic fox on log, fine black bear on log, cape buffalo, plus more.
INDIAN ART & ARTIFACTS - From old collection of Rodney Parson, Gene Johns and others including two fine beaded and painted war shirts, beaded knife holster with knife, beaded tepee liner on canvas, several Indian paintings on canvas, big collection of flint points to be sold individually and collections in frames, Jade mask, large stone ax, several smaller stone axes and tomahawks, collection of pipes from Hopewell and Mississippi era, Popeye bird stone, rose quartz banner stones, over 100 lots will be cataloged.
COWBOY & WESTERN ART - Extra nice collection of framed prints and painting by famous artists, C.M. Russel, Gerald Harvey, Ben Doolittle, Fredrick Remington and others, old Western Primitives, large steer horns over 7 ft., color steer hides, 7 ft cigar store Indian, carved Indian bust. ANTIQUES AND PRIMITIVES - Betty Boop 5 ft tall of painted aluminum, several oak & walnut parlor tables, nice early collection of stone ware jars and jugs, old and more modern sign collection, oil bottles, marbles, baskets, snowshoes, snake skin and board, butter churns, large mirror, shield with horns and shaving mirrors.
RARE COIN COLLECTION - Great estate collection including a high grade set of Morgan dollars (No. 1895 proof), complete set peace dollars, complete set silver eagles, (1986-2024), set of Sacagawea dollars, set BU Roosevelt dimes, over 300 Indian head cents, over 300 buffalo nickels, bag of mercury, over 200 walking Liberty half dollars, great run of UNC. Morgan dollars, including rare 1895-0, 1889cc, and other key dates, several good early type coins, set of 5 proof and reverse silver eagles, plus many other rare coins, $1 silver certificate black eagle and other old currency.
SILVER BULLION - Over 200 1 oz. Donald Trump silver rounds, monster box of 500 silver eagles, over 500 1 oz silver buffalo rounds, 100 oz Pony Express bar, 100 oz engraved hard silver bar, 10 oz silver bars, 5 oz silver bars.
GOLD - Rare $3 gold princess, type 1, 2, and 3 $1 gold coins, several 2 1/2” Indians and Libertys, $5 Indians and Libertys, $10 Indians and Libertys, several $20 Libertys and St. Gaudens, U.S. $50 gold buffalo, a fine lot of U.S. gold coins. ALL COINS AND BULLIONS GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC.
JEWELRY - Gents 14K ring with 2.89 ct round diamond sol, ladies 14K ring with large opal and appx. 1 ct diamond, 14K ring with 5 ct tanzanite and appx 1 ct diamond, 14K ring with appx. 10 ct ruby sol, 14K multi color gold bracelet with 3 ct diamonds, 14K ear studs with 2 ct diamonds, gents Rolex stainless and gold date just watch, ladies vintage Bulova watch with 1 ct diamonds, several 1 and 2 ct diamond sol in diamond mounts, 18K ring with 2 ct princess cut diamond sol, onw wood, 14K omega necklace, strand of pearls plus much more. ALL DIAMONDS, GOLD, AND GEM STONES GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC.
Online Only Auction for Small Line items Lots begin closing at 5:00 pm
ITEMS TO INCLUDE: tools, shop items, woodworking equipment, light trailers, lawnmowers, golf carts, building materials, and miscellaneous.
Live auction with online simulcast bidding
TRACTORS FROM THE JACK HOLTON COLLECTION: Massey Harris 55 Standard (WF), Massey Harris 44 Standard (3 Pt, WF), Massey Harris 44 Special Standard (WF), Massey Harris 44 (6 Cyl), Massey Harris 44 Dsl, Massey Harris 44 Standard (Dsl), Massey Harris 333 (WF), Massey Harris 33 Standard (WF, ’54 Model), Massey Harris 33, Massey Harris 30 Standard (WF), Massey Harris 30, Massey Harris 22 (3 Pt), Massey Harris 20, Massey Harris Pony (WF), Massey Harris 101 Standard (WF), Massey Harris 101, Massey Harris 101 Senior.
TRACTORS & SKIDLOADERS: ’67 IH 806 Dsl w/WL 42 Loader, ’63 IH 806 Dsl, IH 244 Diesel, ’17 John Deere 333g (High Flow, 90” Bucket, One Owner, Loaded), MACHINERY & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: John Deere 635 F Bean Platform, New Holland Oats Pickup Head, Gravity Box on Gear (250 Bu), Barge Box Wagon, EZ Haul Round Bale Trailer (7 Bale, Bumper Hitch), Portable Hay Feeder, Roorda Manure Spreader, Kelly Ryan Manure Spreader, Roorda Feed Wagon, John Deere Ground Driven Manure Spreader, Two Silage Wagons, more…VEHICLES & OTHER: Prowler Camper, 1000 Gallon Propane Tank. Drop Offs Accepted Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:00, August 19th-31st.
To consign, call Kurt Paulsen (712) 870-8182 Paulsen Auctions LLC
Large Antique Gun Collection · Rare Coin Collection · Antique Furniture & Collectibles · Primitives · Cowboy and Old West Large Indian Relic Collection · Taxidermy · Fine Estate Jewelry
BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 8-30
SCOTT HUSKEY’S INSULATED SKIRTING SYSTEMS: Keeps Your Home Cooler In The Summer - Warmer In The Winter - Saves On Utilities And Looks Great! Since 1972. 573-696-3468 TFN
FOR SALE: Steps For RV Camper. Very Heavy 4 Step, Never Used, Needs Assembled $200. 660-216-1544 9-6
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Excess inventory seller no longer needs. Bidding now is encouraged, as closing bids will end quickly (1 lot per minute).
INSPECTION: Wed., Sept. 4, 2024. Or by appointment. (37) New in-box GE Window AIR CONDITIONERS: (22) Model AJCQ08AWH, 8,000 BTU, and (15) Model AJCQ10AWH, 10,000 BTU. Both models are built-in cool-only chassis units, Energy Star certified, 3 fan speeds, 115 volts, and 1 phase, units do not have a sleeve / CONVERTER: American Rotary 3 ph. / Rotobrush DUCT CLEANING SYSTEM / HVAC INVENTORY: Dampers; Fans: Exhaust, ceiling, and cabinet; Assorted registers / (3) ALUMINUM TRUCK BOXES
TERMS: Everything sells like is, as is, where is. No warranties or guarantees are in effect whether expressed or implied. All Sales Final. Payment: Cash, Cashier check (to be overnight mail), Wire Transfer. No Checks, Credit card with a 4% handling fee. Buyer’s Premium 15% applies on all purchases. SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS -
Waterloo, IA PH: 319-235-6007 or Merv’s Cell: 319-415-0816
SALE: 2006 Yamaha YZ 450, 50th Anniversary Edition, Yellow, Excellent Condition, $4,600. 641-208-5946 8-30 FOR SALE: UTV Side By Side - Pug 570A - Needs Work - Parts Available $1,000/Offer. 660-689-3005 8-30
FOR SALE: 2002 Sportsman Camper Toy Hauler, New Tires, Gooseneck Or 5th Wheel, $7,200 OBO. 641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: 63 4010 Wide Front, Runs Good, $8,000. 319-931-1590 9-6
FOR SALE: 2020 John Deere 1025R Compact Tractor Package, Loader 54” Deck, 34 Hours, Like New, All Books, $15,000. Trade Bigger.
660-216-1544 9-6
FOR SALE: 3 – 14 Ft. Silage Wagons, Good Running Gears, $1,200 Each. Leave Message Or Send Text.
515-238-3349 9-13
FOR SALE: Bobcat Skid Loader 543B Kubota, Diesel Motor, Near New Tires, Regular Bucket, Tine Bucket, Good Condition, $6,950. 641-208-5946 8-30
FOR SALE: OCIA Certified Organic Yellow Corn. OCIA Certified Organic Alfalfa/ Grass Hay In Large Square Or Round Bales. 641-751-8382 TFN
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN
Buyers of standing
FOR SALE: 2021 24 Ft Enclosed Car Trailer, Less Than 50 Miles On It, Used For Storage, $10,500 OBO. 641-295-5063 9-6
FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Focus, 122K, No Rust, Lady Driven Since New, No Issues, Good Car, Everything Works, $2,800. 641-895-7982 9-6
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: There are (7) items to sell owners confirmation. Pre-bids are encouraged as closing bids will end quickly (1 lot per minute.) The buyer will be responsible for all loading fees. Items to be removed by scheduled appointment. INSPECTION: By appointment.
SELLS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER: OBI PUNCH PRESSES: Federal 60.; Verson No 110.; Rousselle NO. 6.; Rousselle, SS56 NO. 518; L&J, No. 7; OBI Gang press/ LATHES: South Bend gear; NEBEL; American / MILL: Milwaukee model H / PRESSES: Federal No. 10.; Red Arrow Tow Bar Mfg. Co.; Lucas hand arbor press / PLANER: Bridgeport / PUNCHES / Phillips SCROLL MACHINE BENDER / Cincinnati 20” / SHAPER / WBKnight JIB BORE / (5) WELDERS: Miller; Westinghouse; Robotron Taylor / CHAIN HOIST: CM 2T / OTHER MACHINES: Grinders; 3 bar roller; Twister bar; Drill press; Hardness tester; Tracer torch; Die filer.
TERMS: Everything sells like is, as is, where is. No warranties or guarantees are in effect whether expressed or implied. All Sales Final. Payment: Cash, Cashier check, Wire Transfer. Credit card with a 4% handling fee. No checks. Buyer’s Premium 15% applies on all purchases.
Waterloo, IA PH: 319-235-6007 or Merv’s Cell: 319-415-0816
NOW TAKING ORDERS: For Non GMO Fryers. Reuben T. Yoder 10173 Hwy Y Clark, MO 65243 9-27
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2024 @ 11:00 AM
Located at 1094 50th Place • Pleasantville, Iowa Ford 681 Select-o-Speed tractor, rear wts, 3 pt, good 13.6-28 rubber / IH 504 tractor, Nf, gas / IH C tractor / IH H tractor, 1 hyd / 1966 F-250 Twin I Beam pickup, does run / Gleaner F2 corn – soybean combine, hydro-traction drive, chopper w/A-438 corn head & 13’ bean head on trailer / Case IH 5400 drill, markers, 11 rows, 3 pt / JD 7000 4R planter, no-till cutters / JD 215 cone blade disc 10’ with 3bar coil tine harrow / Bush Hog 2010 10’ mower, 540, w/safety chains / Green EZ Flow 300 bu Wagon on EZ Trail gear,11L-15 tires / Red EZ FLOW 150 bu wagon, 11L-15 tires / 22’ 4 section harrow on hyd Cart / Gehl chop-all 1R chopper / Kewanee 1010 18’ flat fold wing disc, notched blades on front / 3 pt 10’- 10 shank chisel plow w/gauge wheels / Vermeer 605H big round baler / F 20 tractor / New Holland 456 7’ bar mower / Avco New Idea 2R mounted picker w/husking bed & sheller unit / A-C pull type combine / IH 33 3pt 4R cultivator / High wheel wood wagon, 36’x10’ box w/end gate seeder / Westfield 8’x31’ PTO auger / 8’ cultipacker / Viking 40’ wide elevator w/drag / JD 2R corn planter / JD 2R pull-type rotary hoe / IH 3x pull type plow / IH 60 3x pull type plow / 6’x10’ steel barge wagon on gear & hoist / 300 gal trailer sprayer / Artsway grinder-mixer / 7’ x14’ hayrack on Kory gear / 6’x10’ wood barge wagon on gear & hoist / 6’ pull type mower / 4 section harrow w/drag / 2x

SEPTEMBER 6-8, 2024
Pre-registered Vendors unable to attend may reserve for 2024 by calling before 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 7, 2024. Phone 641-221-0670
One Block West of Hwy. 16 OR 2 Blocks Northwest of the Wapello Co. Fairgrounds Auction Signs Will Be Posted CRANE, ANTIQUE CEMENT MIXER, TRUCKS, VEHICLES: 1955 Bantam crane, w/40’ mast, 6 cyl. gas engines, runs; Antique Koehring Danby commercial self-contained concrete mixer on steel wheels, complete; 1969 Chev. 1T. service truck, complete w/crane, stabilizer jacks & toolbox body; IH Hough payloader, 6-cyl. gas w/8’ front bucket, runs; Massey Ferguson 65 tractor, gas, WF, 3-pt, runs well; 1999 Ford F150 cargo van, V8, auto, high miles, runs good; 1989 Olds Delta 88, for parts; Challenger 20’ tandem-axle tilt-deck flatbed car trailer; Case 1530B skidsteer uniloader; 14’ alum. jon boat, extra-wide, extra-deep, w/trailer; 12’ alum. v-bottom boat; Several outboard motors, from 15 to 25hp; Shop-built homemade tandem-axle flatbed trailer; 12’ tandem-axle trailer; Large crane counterweight; (2) Dragline buckets.
TOOLS: P&H industrial port. welder/generator w/4 cyl. gas engine; Large heavy-duty industrial metal lathe w/6’ bed, w/attachments, accessories & tooling; Marquette & Idealarc elec. welders; Bench-mount drill press; Small gas port. generator; Power hacksaw; Shop-built air compressor; AMT bandsaw; Large asst. of drills, anglehead grinder, welding rod, cutoff saw, wrenches, sockets, & tools; Battery chargers; Belt sander; Saw horses; Jacks; Pulleys; Chop saws; Mitre saw; Heavy log chains; Small fuel tank; Jack stands; Hoes, rakes, shovels; Spades; Leaf blower; Front-tine tiller; Forklift extensions; Ladders; Load binders. NOTE: Large asst. of steel, pipe, cable, wiring & assorted iron & steel for salvage. (2) 8’ alum. stairway sections; Large steel rack.
LAWNMOWERS & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Near new Cub Cadet LT46 XT tractor-style riding lawn mower, 46” deck; Several riding lawn mowers incl. Snapper, Craftsman, Husky, Cub Cadet, for parts or repair; Hand garden plow & planter; Near new weedeater; Near new black upholstered recliner lift chair; New elec. hospital bed, complete w/pressure-guard mattress & lift bar, fully adjustable; Asst. of invalid items; Flat-screen TV; Upholstered straight chairs; Tables.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Jim was in the construction business, repairing and operating heavy equipment. There will be many unusual items that are unlisted at this time. Be sure & attend. Check our website for pictures –
All property must be settled for before removal – All items sold as is where is Not responsible in case of accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising.
KRIEGER’S APPLIANCES: Antiques, Maytag, Coke, Pepsi, Tools, Collectibles, Bicycles, A1C’s Good Stuff. 109 East Main New London, Iowa. 319-367-5141 8-30 FOR SALE: 5 Crossbows. 1 Leathol 405 $275; 1 Bear X Reverse Draw $550; 1 Bone Collector 415 With Broadheads $350; Bone Collector 405 $275; Carbon Express $275; Also Lots Of Ammo. Maywood, MO 217-577-9538 8-30
ATTENTION: Are You Needing Someone To Install Continuous Fencing? Call Today. 641-504-8125 9-27
BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 8-30 BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease, $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
Open House: Monday, Sept. 9th 4:00-6:00 PM
Location: 2756 Kentucky Ave, Mt Pleasant, IA
Highlights Include:
• Cat V30D LP forklift
• New quick attach rock/firewood buckets
• 6’ quick attach/fork tube hydraulic hopper bottom livestock feeders
• WindPower tractor driven generator
• Quick attach tree puller
• Multiple Curtis free standing hardware bins full of hydraulic fittings & hardware
• Weatherhead hose crimping machine
• Boston Weatherhead power hose cutter
• Lrg. quantity of new hydraulic hoses, fittings ($1,000’s in new inventory)
• Portable gas-powered hydraulic unit
• DeWalt cordless ½” drive impacts
• Millermatic Vintage wire feed welder w/cart
• Ridgid 300 pipe threading machine w/tristand
• Ridgid threading machine dies
• Ridgid pipe threader set and cutters
• Pipe vise w/tristand
• Power tools & lrg. quantity of assorted mechanics tools
• Industrial pallet shelving
• Quincy 2-stage 80 gal. air compressor
• 20-ton pneumatic jack, hyd. floor jacks & jack stands
• Tool chests & organizers, shop fans & bench grinders
• Rolling steel welding table w/bench vises
• Sheet Master Jaw Horses
• North Star 220v power washer
• Graco commercial paint sprayers, paint pots and rolling paint carts
• New & used trailer repair inventory & accessories
• New & used hyd. pumps & valves, hydraulic cylinders, etc.
• New chainsaw & harvester bars, chain, sharpeners & misc. inventory
• Log chains, chain binders, ratchet straps & recovery straps
• Also selling office desks, file cabinets, desk chairs, phone system, cabinets, breakroom table, Lathem thermal time clock, office supplies, etc.
For Questions Contact Tim Batey 319-750-5525
Owner, Jayme Walker, 816-665-4277
Randy Vanderkooi, Fieldman 816-632-0694
Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043
Frank Peterson, Fieldman 660-247-2306
Dale Coble, Fieldman 816-213-3581
By virtue of a writ of Special Execution to me directed, issued by the Clerk of District Court of Davis County, Iowa
Case #EQEQ007515
Denis Ritz
The Estate of Jean Young, Unknown Heirs, Beneficiaries, and Successors in Interest of Jean Young, and Parties in Possession
I have levied upon and will sell at public outcry in the lobby at the Davis County Law Center, 102 Anderson Street, in the City of Bloomfield, Davis County, Iowa on 9/10/2024 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day, the following described property:
The East 535 feet of the West 900 feet of the North 255 feet and the
of the North
Todd Gottswiller, Fieldman 816-390-7917
Gary Mann, Fieldman 816-294-5849
Bill Bray, Fieldman 816-724-0438
Gary Jackson, Fieldman 816-724-4348 Dennis McDowell, Fieldman 816-646-6634
of the
of the West 900 Feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4NW1/4) of Section (6), Township Seventy (70) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 5th P.M. Commonly known as 28119 Davis-Wapello St., Eldon, Iowa 52554 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only.
SCOTT HUSKEY’S INSULATED SKIRTING SYSTEMS: Keeps Your Home Cooler In The Summer - Warmer In The Winter - Saves On Utilities And Looks Great! Since 1972. 573-696-3468 TFN
FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN
FOR SALE: Steps For RV Camper. Very Heavy 4 Step, Never Used, Needs Assembled $200. 660-216-1544 9-6
FOR SALE: 2006 Yamaha YZ 450, 50th Anniversary Edition, Yellow, Excellent Condition, $4,600. 641-208-5946 8-30
FOR SALE: UTV Side By Side - Pug 570A - Needs Work - Parts Available $1,000/Offer. 660-689-3005 8-30
FOR SALE: 2002 Sportsman Camper Toy Hauler, New Tires, Gooseneck Or 5th Wheel, $7,200 OBO. 641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: 63 4010 Wide Front, Runs Good, $8,000. 319-931-1590 9-6
FOR SALE: 3 – 14 Ft. Silage Wagons, Good Running Gears, $1,200 Each. Leave Message Or Send Text. 515-238-3349 9-13
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: The Jerald Sulky Co. was a 135-year business. Manufacturing horse carts and high-quality horse blankets. The current owner is discontinuing production. Prebids are encouraged as closing bids will end quickly (1 lot per minute.)
INSPECTION: Wed., Sept. 4, 2024. Or by appointment.
3D PRINTERS: Ender; Virtual Foundry for Metal / IRON BENDER: Hossfeld universal / LATHES: Lemann; Warner Swassy / DRILL PRESSES: Walker Turner; Jet; Duracraft / AIR COMPRESSOR: Ingersoll Rand / Eastman MATERIAL CUTTER / SHOP MACHINES: 3-bar roll; Banding machine; Bandsaw; Hossfeld #2 bender; Conrac bender / WELDERS: Lincoln, Miller; Welding curtains; Welding Smoke Eater / Air King hanging AIR FILTER / DUST COLLECTOR: Enlon EV-DC3D; Other / 2T manual CHAIN HOIST/ GENERAL SHOP: Anvils; Portable airlift; Large quantity bolts; Carts; Floor scale; Worktables; Shelving and racking / ASSORTED TOOLS / SANDERS / SAWS / INFRARED dry paint LIGHT / VAC PUMP/ SYSTEM / (20) Various MOTORS / SUPPORT ITEMS: Single round bale spear attachment; Parts cabinet; (2) Pallets cement block; Paint air guns; Sulky high wheels for horse cart; Harnes buckle hardware / (160) New in box LAGUNA WATER FOUNTAINS: Various styles sold in (13) lots consisting of various quantities.
TERMS: Everything sells like is, as is, where is. No warranties or guarantees are in effect whether expressed or implied. All Sales Final. Payment: Cash, Cashier check (to be overnight mail), Wire Transfer. No Checks, Credit card with a 4% handling fee. Buyer’s Premium 15% applies on all purchases.
Waterloo, IA
PH: 319-235-6007 or Merv’s Cell: 319-415-0816
Friday, September 27th • 9:00 AM
Saturday, September 28th • 9:00 AM
Five Star Auction Yard - 2530 Hwy 22 • Riverside, IA
Hunting Supplies, Fishing Supplies, Archery, Knives, Optics, Wall Pictures, Deer Mounts, Redloading Equipment & Supplies, Tree Stands, Outdoor Items, Campers, RV’s, Small Trailers, Boats, Vehicles, ATV’s, UTV’s & Much More. Ammunition - of All Descriptions. Guns - Air Rifles, Blackpowder Rifles, Revolvers, Pistols, Long Rifles, Shotguns, Collectors, Wall Hangers, Etc.
Advertising Deadline – September 9th, 2024 Accepting Items September 16th - September 25th.
Open House: Thursday, September 26th, 8 AM - 8 PM.
*All Gun Transfers Done on Site* Auctioneers Note: Mark Your Calendars! 2 Big Days! Only Guns & Ammo Day 2. Call Early for Proper Advertising. *Live Onsite Auction*
FOR SALE: 2020 John Deere 1025R Compact Tractor Package, Loader 54” Deck, 34 Hours, Like New, All Books, $15,000. Trade Bigger. 660-216-1544 9-6
FOR SALE: OCIA Certified Organic Yellow Corn. OCIA Certified Organic Alfalfa/ Grass Hay In Large Square Or Round Bales. 641-751-8382 TFN
Auctioneers: Delmar Yoder 319-430-2711 Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019
FOR SALE: Bobcat Skid Loader 543B Kubota, Diesel Motor, Near New Tires, Regular Bucket, Tine Bucket, Good Condition, $6,950. 641-208-5946 8-30
FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN
and limited space, items will be available from two separate locations. The auction will be conducted exclusively online, with items from both sites ending on the same day. This presents a unique opportunity for local residents and collectors alike to bid on General Store fixtures & cabinets and other historical items. Visit for detailed catalogs, featuring comprehensive descriptions and hundreds of photographs for bidding.
Featured Highlights Include:
• Early antique General Store fixtures include: backs bars, tobacco cabinets, walk -in humidor, display cabinets, countertop display cases & others, etc.
• Architectural salvage
• Taxidermy mounts acquired in the 1930s
• Vintage breweriana, cigar, soda pop, tobacco advertising & collectibles
• Double sided sidewalk hanging porcelain signs
• Classic Brunswick pool hall billiards tables and stools
• Pre-gambling coin operated machines
• Combination floor safes
• Tin litho toys
• New 1980’s & 1990’s baseball card wax packs
• Remaining sporting goods inventory to include firearms, ammo, hunting & pocketknives and large quantity of fishing