Phone: 641-675-3971 • Fax: 888-203-9720 • E-Mail: HAWKEYE REE Every Friday Vol. 20 No. 35 September 2, 2022 SLTDakotaDodge2004Air,Auto,V8,4x4,101K,Locks,&WindowsPower $9,995 SportRAV4Toyota2011124K,Sunroof,Equipped,WellAuto,Cyl,44WD, $14,995 ST,1500Ram2014 Cab,Crew4x4,Locks,&WindowsPowerAuto,Hemi,5.7119K,MP3,Cruise,Tilt, $23,995 SXT,DurangoDodge2015 Auto,V6,AWD,Miles,52KMILES!LOWSeating,Row3rdSunroof,Power,Full $23,495 LSTraxChevy2018Miles72KEquipped,WellAuto,Cyl,4$15,995 RX5350Lexus2008Loaded,Leather,Power,FullAWD,350144K,Sunroof, $12,995 LT,K1500Silverado2015 Cab,Crew4x4,143K,Sharp!SuperTopper,MatchingHotspot,WiFiLoaded,V8,5.3 $25,995 uringToSportRegalBuick2017116K,Sunroof,urbocharged,TLeather,HeatedLoaded, $15,995 LTZK1500SilveradoChevy2008Loaded,Auto,V8,5.3Cab,Ext4x4,145K,Power,FullLeather, $13,995 2LTMalibuChevy201395K,Sunroof,Power,FullLeather,Loaded,Cyl,4 $13,995 LX200Chrysler201666K,Miles,LowMP3,Start,KeylessEquipped,Nicely $16,995 ConvenienceEncoreBuick201482KPower,FullCyl,4AWD,$15,995 1LTMalibuChevy2012Miles69KOnlyCD/MP3,Loaded,$12,995 EXCivicHonda2006WOW!!!Miles,59KOnlySunroof,Equipped,WellAuto,Cyl,4 $12,995 SXTChargerDodge2016Seats,HeatedPowr,FullAuto,V6,AWD,101K,Camera,Backup $19,995 LowMiles LowLowMilesMiles IAMoines,Des•EuclidE.2000515-265-0215 INCKARS, DeMarcusforAsk 17920 US Hwy 136 | Memphis MO 63555 Ed’s 660-527-6279www.edsmachinery.com2016JOHNDEERE6125M 538 Hours, 24 Speed Power Quad Trans, MFWD...$129,000 2015 JOHN DEERE 8370RT 4,210 Hours, IVT, 18”, Big 1000 Pto.......... $199,500 2002 JOHN DEERE 7410 5,054 Hrs, 16 Speed Power Quad, MFWD..... $72,500 2001 CASE IH MX240 3,889 Hours, Power Shift, MFWD, 4 Hyd...$85,000 2003 J&M 875-16 875 Bu, Big 1000 Pto, Roll Tarp, 16” Auger..... $24,900 2008 LEXION 580R 2917/1810 Hours, 4X4, Single Point, 3 D Sieves..... $59,500 2014 JOHN DEERE S680 2374/1704 Hours, 2 WD, 3 Spd Trans, Single... $125,000 1998 BRENT 974 Scales, 30” Tracks, Big 1000 Pto ( No Tarp )... $39,500 JOHN DEERE 637 23’7” Width, 3 Bar Spring Tooth Harrow....$24,500 2010 CASE IH 8120 4223/3208 Hrs, 2WD, Bin Ext, Pro 600 Screen.... $59,900 Stock Number: 103871Stock Number: 103859 2012 NEW HOLLAND T8.330 2,874 Hrs, Power Shift w/ Lefty Hand Rev., 4 Hyd.... $149,500 2012 CASE IH MAGNUM 235 1,069 Original Hours!, Power Shift, MFWD ..........$165,000 Stock Number: 38536 Stock Number: 38507 Stock Number: 38493 Stock Number: 103514 Stock Number: 36716Stock Number: 38351 Stock Number: 38162 Stock Number: 38243 Stock Number: 38129 Stock Number: 81612

Sperr Family Trust Hobby Farm Equipment Online Auction Cokato, MN | Closes: September 8 at 7PM Vander Pol Estate Farm Equipment Auction - 2 Rings! Sully, IA | Closes: September 7 at 1PM Upcoming Auctions 319.385.2000 | Steffes Group, Inc., 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, IA More auctions listed at AG RELATED FOR SALE: IHC 1460 Combine , Hydo Leask, Good Shape Other Than That. 319-430-7253 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 653A Row Head, Kilbros 375 Gravity Wagon, Heider 200 BU Gravity Wagon. 641-632-8463 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 7 Knife Disk Ripper, Very Nice Shape; 50cc Scooter, Very Nice Shape, Low Miles. 641-751-7896641-489-2823 9-2 FOR SALE: Red International Cub Lowboy, Includes Front Blade And Small Disk, Good Condition, $3,600 Or Offer, NO Text. 641-990-1012 9-9 FOR SALE: John Deere Material Cart, Power Flow, Complete Unit. Fits X500, X520, X534, X540 Tractors. Quincy. $300.00. Call Only. 217-257-4276 9-2 FOR SALE: Two Parker Wagons. #2600 For $1,500 And #4000 For $1,800, Good Condition. 515-205-1989 9-2 HAY FOR 641-208-5445SALE: 9-2 WANTED RETIRED FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23 FOR SALE: JD 318 Garden Tractor, Very Low Hours, 50 Inch Deck, Very Good Condition, New Tires, $1,500 OBO. 641-572-0061 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 7720 Combine LWA 3400 Has Several Augers. Recently Reflighed Motor, Sound. $5,000. Cell:660-388-6381660-676-8953 9-2 AG BULLDOZING: Ponds, Fence Rows, Building Pads, Still Time For Pond Constructions This Summer And Fall. David 641-226-9630Mozingo: 9-2 FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22 WANTED OR FOR SALE: Vermeer T650 Trencher. 319-430-7253 9-2 FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN
Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 2 DES MOINES DIESEL INC Servicing All Your Diesel InjectionFuelNeedsPumps,Nozzles&Turbos 1-800-475-6086 • 515-265-7318 3211 Delaware Ave Des Moines, IA 50313 1 Blk E. of the ADM Soybean Plant Ag & Truck Performance Parts 20’ & 40’ Storage StartingContainersat$1,895 For Sale or Rent ABC Portable Storage Delivery Available 563-299-2901 Dry & Mouse Proof Open Cell & Closed Cell Foam Call or Email Craig 641-328-4163 NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, POLE BARNS CRAWL SPACES, ATTICS & MORE Free Estimates • Fully Insured WWW.5STARSPRAYFOAM COM 5-STAR SPRAY FOAM INC. BROOKLYNMONTEZUMA W E N OW O FFER C ONCRETE R AISING & L EVELING HINDMAN641-485-9071LOGGING Bonded & Insured Timber Paid in Full Before Cutting Want to WalnutBuy SERVING ALL OF IOWA TINY HOMES GOTTEMWE 573-881-3283 17893 212th Street • Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-722-3605 • Mon. - Fri. 7 AM - 5 PM Bring Your Plans In For FREE ESTIMATE Full Line MaterialsBuildingOf COMMERCIALRESIDENTIALAGRICULTURAL Voted as one of AMERICA’S TOP FLEAS & VINTAGE SHOWS by Flea Market Style Magazine 217-883-0570 City of Fargo Bulk Ammunition Online Auction Steffes Facility, West Fargo, ND | Closes: September 6 at 10AM Lien Family Farm Retirement Online Auction Lisbon, ND | Closes: September 6 at 7PM Steffes Online Auction - 9/7 All Locations | Closes: September 7 at 10AM Ellefson Equipment Online Auction Milnor, ND | Closes: September 7 at 11AM Multi-Party Sugarbeet Consignment Online Auction Eastern Montana | Closes: September 8 at 10AM MDT Multi-Party Farm Equipment Auction Decatur City, IA | September 8 at 10AM Miller Farm Retirement Auction Fairmount, ND | September 8 at 10AM Wright County, MN Country Home Online Auction Cokato, MN | Closes: September 8 at 1PM Miller Concrete & Excavating Equipment Online Auction Killdeer, ND | Closes: September 8 at 2PM Bristow Farm Retirement Online Auction Backus, MN | Closes: September 8 at 7PM Asfeld Estate Equipment Online Auction Beardsley, MN | Closes: September 9 at 10AM VanGundy Antique Tractor Auction Jamaica, IA | Closes: September 9 at 10AM Secured Lender Farm Equipment Online Auction Larchwood, IA | Closes: September 9 at 12PM Eicholtz Masonry, Inc. Retirement Online Auction Fargo, ND | Closes: September 12 at 1PM
Jacobson Excess Inventory Online Auction Halstad, MN Closes: September 13 at 10AM Schindele Farm Retirement Online Auction Tolna, ND Closes: September 13 at 12PM Tested Hay Online Auction Steffes Facility, Litchfield, MN Closes: September 13 at 12PM Real Estate Online Auction ND Closes: September 13 at 1PM County, IA Online Auction - 155± Acres Wellsburg, IA Closes: September 13 at 1PM County, ND Online Auction - 462± Acres Edinburg, ND Closes: September 13 at 2PM Revocable Trust Farm Equipment Online Auction IA Closes: September 13 at 3PM

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 3“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” 1187 Orange Ave, Kalona 319-646-1103 vm Bring In Your Plans for a Free Estimate Specializing in Roll Forming • Pole Barn Packages • Re-Roo ng Full Line of Building Materials Contact Us For Prices & Delivery 660-423-5482 • Channel Catfish Grass Carp Bluegill • Hybrid Fathead Minnow Black Crappie Walleye Redear Largemouth Bass YellowKoiPerch Order Your Fish Today bait fish. NOW COOLORDERSTAKINGFORALLWATERSPECIES:•WALLEYE•YELLOWPERCH•SMALLMOUTHBASS•MUSKIE•NORTHERNPIKE Contact Us For Price & Delivery C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,SissyBar&Pad,Only7100Miles!WOW!! $13,995NOFEES!DOC Outfit your truck here! Ask us abour our monthly special!! FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES Outfit your truck here! 660-397-2551 burkholdertrucksales.com51001 State Hwy 15, Edina, MO 63537| | JUMP STARTER AND POWER BANK 18,000MAH LITHIUM POLYMER BATTERY PROVIDES 300 CRANKING AMPS/600 PEAK CRANKING AMPS OF STARTING POWER POWERFUL ENOUGH TO START GAS AND DIESEL BUILT-INENGINESFAILSAFE PREVENTS ARCING WHEN POLARITY IS CROSSED BUILT-IN LED FLASHLIGHT TWO USB CHARGING PORTS TO CHARGE ALL OF YOUR DEVICES, INCLUDES CHARGING CABLES FOR IPHONE AND ANDROID DEVICES INCLUDES 120V AC CHARGING CABLE AND 12V DC CHARGING CABLE CONVENIENT CARRYING CASE PACKS EVERYTHING UP INTO A SMALL, EASILY STORED KIT BUILT-IN LED FLASHLIGHT1-YEAR TRUCKGEAR.COM View our inventoryvehicleonline DON’T JUST PROTECT IT IT BEDLINERS.PROTECTIVEACCESSORIES.COATINGS. WHEN BUYING YOUR NEW TRUCK, ASK FOR LINE-X BY NAME. Burkholder Truck Sales 660-397-2551LLC AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1969 C50 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, Good Bed And Hoist. $1,000. 660-388-6381 Or Cell: 660-676-8953 9-2 LIVESTOCK HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23 FOR SALE: Dorset Yrlg. And Ram Lambs. Jim 319-371-Montrose,VermzenIA.7189 9-9 FOR SALE: 80 Head Boars Doelings, Red To Dapple And Read Head Boar Billy’s For December And January Kidding, Asking $325 A Piece. Tobias Miller 2217 190th Ave. Mt. Ayr, IA. 50854 9-16 FOR SALE: Katahdin Ram Lambs - Proven Genetics That Will Add Pounds To Your Lambs. Visit Francis Family Farms Katahdins On Facebook. 573-473-0633 9-9

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 4 WHAT IS DREDGING??? DREDGING IS A PROCESS USED TO REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM THE BOTTOM, AND IN SOME CASES, THE BANKS OR SIDES OF A RIVER, LAKE, STREAM OR OTHER BODY OF WATER. A SPECIALIZED PIECE OF EQUIPMENT CALLED A DREDGE CREATES A VACUUM THAT SUCKS UP AND PUMPS OUT THE UNWANTED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS. CALL US TODAY TO GET YOUR PROJECT SCHEDULED FOR 2022! IA,SERVINGYOURSERVINGMIDWESTDREDGINGNEEDS!MO,IL,NE&KSwa DREDGING Iowa Dredging utilizes a compact dredge engineered specifically to facilitate removal of sediment in HOA Ponds - Sediment Basins Rural - Farm Ponds & Small Lakes. Doug 641-980-0828 Rusty iowadredging@gmail.com515-300-1290 Doug 641-980-0828 Rustyiowadredging@gmail.com515-300-1290iowadredging.comIOWA www.iowadredging.comDREDGING

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 5“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” LAND FOR SALE Washington 319 382 3343 • • Located 7 miles south of Riverside, IA • Mixture of Row Crop, CRP, and Timber • Attractive Building Site 72.34 Acres m/l Washington County, IA C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,48K $19,995NOFEES!DOC FOR SALE • Case Model 34 Backhoe Attach, Could be Made Into 3 Pt Hitch Mount • JD 7.6L Diesel Out of 9600 • Dual Hyd Set Up for JD 4010 • Allied 695 Quicktach Loader w/Bucket & Bale Forks, Will Fit For 7700-7740 Parting Out • AC WD D17 190XT & 6080 • JD 4010 Diesel • IH HM 560 Gas & Diesel, 1680, 2388 • IH 806 Diesel & IH 1086 • JD 6000 Sprayer TEUBEL SALVAGE 19387 ICE AVE • BLOOMFIELD, IA 52537 641-799-8371 GREENFIELD SWAP MEET Iowa’s Oldest & Largest Swap Meet GREENFIELD, IOWA ADAIR COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS NORTH OF JUNCTION OF IOWA HIGHWAYS 25 & 92 900 EAST ELM STREET September 9th - 10th - 11th, 2022 All Vendor Spaces (Outdoor) $30 Variety Market Spaces (Indoor) $20 FREE Admission • Food Available FOR INFO AND RESERVATIONS Greenfield Swap Meet Phone: (641) 221-0670 PO Box 257, Greenfield, IA 50849 Watch our Facebook page for any changes or additional info. SAM’S AUTO SALES 319-204-5214 www.samsautosalesia.comPleaseSeeOurWebsiteforOurRepairableVehicles! Mt. Pleasant, IA • 803 East Winfield Ave • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS 2014 DODGE RAM 3500 BIG HORN 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 8 Ft LB, SRW, 6.7 Turbocharger, Diesel, 175,301 Miles $32,800 CLEAN2015TITLECHEVROLET SILVERADO 3500HD LT 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, SRW, Auto, 6 Spd, 6.6L V8 Turbocharger, Diesel, 135,000 Miles $40,500 READY TO GO 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, 5.3L V8, Flex Fuel, Auto, 6 Spd, 117,096 Miles $25,500 CLEAN TITLE 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 4x4, 4 Dr SUV, Auto, 5 Spd, 3.6L V6, Gas, 150,928 Miles $24,800 CLEAN TITLE 20181500SIERRAGMCSLT 44x4,Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, Auto, 8 Spd, 5.3L One82,051V8,Miles,Owner $35,500CLEAN TITLE 2017 TRADESMAN2500RAMST 4x4, 4 Dr, Crew Cab, 6.3 Ft SB, 6.4LAuto,V8 Gasoline, 122,997 Miles $26,000CLEAN TITLE BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN FOR SALE: Suffolk And Hamp Rams, Meat Type Producers, Of Champion And Reserve Champion Club Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 6 A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS SINCE 1979 DAN JOE JIM JBILLOHNMATT MICHAEL LUKE Headquartered in Hamilton, Illinois, Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC is one of the largest Real Estate and Farm Machinery Auctioneers in the nation. For more than 40 years we have been conducting professional auctions. We connect our sellers with thousands of interested buyers around the world. AUCTIONEERS, LLC Considering an Auction? CALL OR EMAIL TODAY FOR A NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION! Toll Free (844) 847-2161 ||Lic.#444000107 NOTICE!
METALWAGLERROOFINGInstallingMetalRoofingOnAlltypesofBuildingsHouses&BarnsCommercial&ResidentialCustomerSatisfactionIsOurGoal!BUILDERS CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: 641-777-5000 Golden Grain Bins Spring www.gmlsindustries.comDiscount Grain Bins 18'x18' 4,195 Bu. $7,398 27'x21' 11,265 Bu. $14,850 42'x24' 32,245 Bu. $34,617 18' $2,065 21' $2,824 27' $4,710 30' $5,764 36' $8,211 42' $11,182 GMLS Industries, Inc. PH: 660-699-2179 Or 888-983-2136 Floors W/12" Supp. & Flashing STANDINGTIMBERBUYER All Species & Select Yard Trees Over 40 DiameterInches BondedCertifiedw/Iowa DNR Jaguar Lumber Bloomfield, IA 641-664-2080 - Want To BuyNEED SOME EXTRA CASH? Sell Me Your Coins & Currency. I Pay Cash On The Spot. I Buy Gold Coins Dated Before 1932, Silver Coins Dated Before 1964, Silver Dollars & $500 & $1000 Bills. Buyer Of Collections & Estates For Over 50 Years. Will Pick Up At Your Home Or Bank. Try Us - You Will Be Pleased. WALLIS COMPANY MAX HAGEN Cedar Rapids, IA • Same Address For 50 Years Call For Info: 319-396-7760 Or 319-360-0213 If You Have Any Tax Obligations When Selling, I Can Help. Call Me. AdThisSave&ClipAdThisSave&Clip GINGERICHSAWMILL,INC. Buyers of standing timber. Walnut & soft Maple (our specialty), also other species. Bonded. WE PAY BEFORE CUTTING BLOOMFIELD, IA • 641-722-3002 30YearsBusinessIn G CUSTOM BUILT PAINTED & VINYL BUILDING & SHEDS Many Styles & Optional Features Available FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 30 MILES Hillview Mini Barns David W. Schrock VM: 641-664-2842 15383 180th St Drakesville, IA RENTTOOWN 16 EXPERIENCEYEARS Buck Wheaton Memorial Tractor Pull Sat, September 10th Pull Starts Right After Parade (Approx 12:30 or 1:00 PM) at the North End of the Pulaski Park. $15.00 Fee Per Class. Trophies for 1st & 2nd Place in All Classes. WEIGHT CLASSES: 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 10,500 11,500 Non-Turbo RULES: WE’RE GOING BACK TO THE BASICS 1. Two Wheel Drive Tractors of Any Year Can Pull in Farm Class. 2. Drawbar No Higher Than 20 Inches in All Weight Classes. 3. All Tractors Must Have an Area 6 Inches Wide & 12 Inches High Directly Above Drawbar Free of Obstructions. 4. Wheelie Bars Are Recommended, But if You Don’t Have Wheelie Bars, We’ll Be Using a Magnet & Chain. 5. Most Important Rule of All, Just Have Some Fun! OPEN RUN WHAT YOU BRUNG CLASS WEIGHT CLASSES: 5,500 6,500 7,500 8,500 9,500 10,500 11,500 12,500 PICKUP: 6,500 7,500 8,500 **Hearts of Hope Will be Serving Food at the Tractor Pull** For More Information, Please Call: Jerry Robison 641-680-8054 Thank You for the Buck Wheaton Memorial Tractor Pull Sponsors! 2022 Pulaski Corn Show Sept 8th - 11th Concrete Feed Bunks J PastureBunksBunksWaterTanks YPYoder Precast 641-203-7772 2870 210th St 641-898-2803 Seymour, IA 52590 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,BackRest,LowMiles,19KMiles $7,995NOFEES!DOC MISC J&J ROOFING: SIDING: Call Today! Barnes City, IA. 641-638-2402 9-2 YARD SALE: September 1st thru September 4th. Time: 8 AM – 5 PM. We have lots Including; Antiques, Tools, KnickKnacks, Wooden Bench, 44 Inch Pull Brush Mower, Yard And Garden Tools. 2910 Racine Ave. New London, IA 9-2 LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN
THE HAWKEYE TRADER reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill. The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred. The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope.

TERMS: 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Court Officer Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to closing date. Possession of farmland March 1, 2023, or after the 2022 crop removal. Possession of CRP land & timber will be upon closing. Note: For selling convenience, we will be conducting this live auction at the Bridge View Center, 102 Church Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Box & Box, Attorneys C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,HarleyLeatherBags,Only9KMiles,Nice! $6,995NOFEES!DOC
Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 7“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” CLASSIFIED COUPON Use the Power of Your Traders for Regional Classified Results! Clip this coupon to run a Classified Ad for $8.75 for one week. 1 Classified Ad for two weeks or 2 Classified Ads for one week for $17.00. Picture ads are not included with coupon, call for pricing. Each ad must be 20 words or less. additional 20¢ per word over 20 words AD NO. 1: (20 Words Or Less) AD NO. 2: (20 Words Or Less) Triple Your Classified Ad’s Power By Running It In The Traders The HAWKEYE TRADER, SHOW ME TRADER & MID-MO TRADER! When You Select All three trAderS, Your Ad Will Be reAd in over 170 countieS in 5 StAteS & online! HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For One Week $8.75 (84 Counties) HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For Two Weeks $17.00 Or 2 Ads For One Week $17.00 (84 Counties) BOTH HAWKEYE & SHOW ME TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (150 Counties) BOTH HAWKEYE & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (106 Counties) Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $25.00 (170 Counties) Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 2 Ads For One Week $47.00 (170 Counties) To Receive This Rate, Coupon Must Be Mailed In With your Payment Or Use Our Website @ For More Savings Options HAWKEYE TRADER, P.O. Box 96 Pulaski, IA 52584 Harbison Brush Mowing Brush Mowing • CRP Fields • Timber • Trails Pasture Cleanup • Tree Shear • Fence Rows Jeremy Harbison Cell: Home:319-461-0376319-694-2300 HARBISON FENCING “For All Your Fencing Needs” Barbwire • Woven Wire Silt Fence • Vinyl Fencing Hi Tensile 319-694-2300 - Home 319-461-0376 - Cell LAN-DOW BUILDINGS “We Build to Suit Your Needs” “Custom Built” Pole UtilityGaragesBarnsBuildings “H“ Don or Dick Middleton Phone:1-800-337-5858660-465-8595Fax:660-465-8596MemphisLumberCo. FOR SALE Driveway Fabric Rolls Commercial, Heavy Duty Designed for Heavy Traffic 12'5" Wide • 432' $370.00/RollLong 660-216-0938 WhereQuality Comes First WAGLER METALS Are You Thinking About A Building? Bring Your Size And We’ll Give You A FREE Price Quote! WE WILL ENGINEER YOUR TRUSSES TO YOUR SPECS BUILDING PACKAGES (TAXES INCLUDED) SERVING THE TRI-STATE AREA SINCE 1992 BUILD YOURSELFIT OR HAVE ONE OF DOCONTRACTORSPROFESSIONALOURITFORYOU. Call For Pricing On Building Packages! - WE WILL DELIVERFREE ESTIMATES ON ALL BUILDINGS WE MANUFACTURE STEEL ROOFING, SIDING AND TRIM, CUT TO THE INCH. WarehouseMissouri BUY ANDDIRECTSAVE! We ImportantYourYourHardWorkForSuccess.Business&SatisfactionIsToUs! MON.-FRI. 7AM-5PM SAT. 7AM-2PM 4 MILES SE OF REVERE, MO OR 6 MILES NW OF WAYLAND ON C. 26758 HWY C., ALEXANDRIA, MO 63430 www.awmetal.net641-664-3990 Metal Roofing Buy Direct WE HAVEHOMESMOBILE Instock New Arrivals (8) Homes, Need To Go As Soon As Possible columbiadiscounthomes.com573-499-9993 AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co LAND AUCTION 198 ACRES M/L THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 10:00 AM SECTION 10, RICHLAND TWP, WAPELLO COUNTY, IOWA Northwest of Ottumwa on Eddyville Road approx. 1-1/2 miles 125.79 Acres of highly productive cropland plus 34.79 acres in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Balance of 37.42 acres in timber. Several excellent building sites in outstanding rural location, close to Ottumwa. This farm has excellent upland crop acres plus CRP income with outstanding wildlife habitat. This farm has it all.
REAL ESTATE WILL SELL PROMPTLY AT 10:00 AM For information packet or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. made day of sale take precedence any
Steven W. Guiter & Donald Young, Co-Executors

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 8 AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co ACREAGE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 10:00 AM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 13231 ANGLE ROAD, OTTUMWA, IOWA Across from the Cedar Creek Golf Course REAL ESTATE: Be sure & make an appointment to inspect this outstanding 5-bedroom, 3-bath ranchstyle home, on nearly 4 acres, with large living room, kitchen and main floor laundry area. Plus, lower level family room with wood-burning fireplace & large kitchenette. 2-car attached garage plus 2-1/2car detached garage plus metal RV carport. Situated at the northern edge of Ottumwa, this exceptional acreage will sell to the highest bidder. TERMS: : 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Warranty Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement. REAL ESTATE WILL SELL AT 12:00 NOON For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. Watch future publications for a complete sale ad incl. household furnishings, golf cart & 1967 Corvette to be sold also Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. MRS. GEORGE (PATRICIA) BOITNOTT, OWNER 282.53 Surveyed Acres • Henry County, Iowa LAND AUCTION: LIVE AND ONLINE A-21752 For more information on property details, please contact: Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock John Yeomans, Agent • Iowa City, Iowa Office: (319) 338-4771 Cell: (319) 325-3080 • Live Event: Friday, September 9, 2022 at 10:00 AM Something for everyone! Custom farming, recreation, potential acreage site with pond, renewable energy -- Offered in three tracts by Buyer’s Choice! --- 129.4 acres of NHEL -C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,17KMiles $10,995NOFEES!DOC 660-263-6700 Cairo, MO • 573-594-2167 Vandalia, MO Fans • 12'' 1 HP 642 • 18'' 3 HP 1364 • 24'' 5-7 HP 2082 • 24'' 7-10 HP 2363 • 26'' 10-15 HP 2961 • 28'' 10-15 HP 2994 • 10 HP Centrifugal 3457 • 10 HP Centrifugal 3-Phase 3234 • 15 HP Centrifugal 3-Phase 3662 • Used 24'' Fan & Transitions 950 Heaters • 24'' Liquid-Thermostat 2383 • 24'' Liquid-Mod Valve 3021 • 26'' Liquid-Thermostat 2428 • 28'' Liquid-Thermostat 2472 • 28'' Liquid-Mod Valve 3120 • 28’’ Super Low-Temp 1928 • Centrifrugal Liquid-Thermostat 2630 • Centrifugal Super Low-Temp 1976 Transitions • 24'', 28'' & Centrifugal 737 Stirring Machine • 36' Fastir w/3 Down Augers 8905 Down Augers • 17' 4'' 254 • 20' 287 • 24' 386 Grain Spreader • Gravity Grain Spreader 972 • Used Spread-All Spreader 450 Numerous Sumps, Flights, Power Heads & Electric Motors On Hand! Over 80 FansOver 30 Heaters Save Some Trees! Read The Paper www.hawkeyetrader.comOnline! 4 - DynaPro HankookW/LugTiresNuts, 6 Hole, 50% 20'',275/55R20TreadCameOffChevyTahoe 660-605-2437 Or 660-216-0724 $600 1 Large (Tourer) 1 Standard “RollRetracableSizeTop”Shelters Choice $275 Or $400 For 641-980-0828Both2SpeedWayMotorcycleShelters MCKEE COINS: Buys Sells Auctions All Types Of Rare Coins And Currency, War Memorabilia, Antique Firearms. Gold And Silver Bullion. http://mckeecoins. com 213 East Main St. Ottumwa, 641-684-6006IA 9-9 FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. Redmount Midstream LLC. For Details Call. 660-542-3000 10-14 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 9“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You”
Attorney: Thomas L. Anders | Anders Law Office 508 Drake Ave, Centerville, IA 52544 | (641) 856-6088 Manager: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 ONLINE
Lair – Co-Trustees Attorney: Philip
& Ronald
& Jim Huff (319)
We look
McCormick | Whitfield & Eddy Law 111
Representing Attorney: Ronald
Monroe St., Mt. Pleasant, IA | (319) 385-9522 Auction Managers: Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320 & Jim Huff (319)
The G&K Development, L.C. farm is located in Sections 21, 22 & 27, Allen Township, Polk County, Iowa. 1 mile north of Carlisle, Iowa and in close proximity to the Des Moines, Iowa Metro area. Mark your calendars now for this fast approaching Polk County, IA land auction. This farm offers productive tillable farmland and includes soils with CSR2’s in the high 70’s to low 80’s. These tracts have had a recent change (Spring 2022) from the USDA Risk Management Agency from High Risk to Standard/Low Risk Rating. forward to participa tion in the unprecedented Des Moines, IA Metro area land auction. L.C. D. Fadness Montgomery Street, Decorah, 382-2933 856-7355 931-9292
Auction Managers: John Probasco (641)
The Clay Hill Trust farm is located in Section 9, Danville Township, Des Moines County, IA. 5 miles southwest of Danville, IA (13 miles west of Burlington, IA). Make plans now for this upcoming Des Moines County, IA land auction. This farm offers productive tillable farmland, awesome hunting and recreational acreage, Skunk River frontage, as well as several attractive building sites on this property. Tract 1 is improved with an older 1 1/2 story 3 bedroom home, newer detached garage and a nice 50' x 30' storage building. This is an auction that will not want to miss as this farm has been in the Lair family for many, many years.
Christine M. Troutman S. D. W. 931-9292
Phil Prater, Merla Schmell & Camilla Williamson Trustees
The Prater farm is located in Sections 34 & 35, Franklin Township, Mon roe County, Iowa. The farm is further described as being located 4 miles west and 1/2 mile north of Moravia, Iowa. Mark your calendars now for this upcoming Monroe County, Iowa land auction. This farm features productive tillable farmland, hay production and highly improved pastureland. The close proximity to Rathbun Lake provides excellent opportunities for home building sites. You will most certainly want to participate in this unprecedented land auction!
Iowa | (563)
VIRTUAL ONLINE ESTATE AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: THURS., SEPT. 8, 2022 STARTING AT 10:00 AMCDT HIGHLIGHTS: 1994 Ford Ranger 2wd pickup, only 16,046 miles; 1992 Ca dillac Sedan Deville 4 door car, 48,300 miles; 1977 Chrysler Cordoba 2 door car, showing 35,100 miles; 1970 Dodge Cornet 440 4 door car for parts; 1977 John Deere 2640 2wd tractor, 2,147 hours; John Deere 307 “Gyramor” 6’ pull type rotary cutter; John Deere 2 bottom horse drawn plow; John Deere 5 7’ sickle mower; 7’ 3pt. blade; John Deere GT262 lawn mower; John Deere 68 lawnmower; John Deere 42” lawn sweep; 42” lawn tedder; Metal lawn cart; Lawn Chief 5hp garden tiller; Also selling tools, household items, collectible items & antiques. TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE DALE K. WILSON ESTATE Pilot Grove Savings Bank – Executor for the Estate Ted Vonderhaar | President & CEO Nichole L. Nagel | Assistant Vice President/Trust Officer Auction Managers: Pat Steffensmeier (319) 470-5284, Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320 & Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 Physical Address: 2459 Highway 16, West Point, Iowa 52656 WATCH FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE DALE WILSON ESTATE LAND AUCTION BEING HELD ON NOVEMBER 1, 2022 AT 10:00 A.M. If you are considering selling farm machinery or real estate, our team of professionals is ready to help. Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer. IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO START PLANNING YOUR AUCTION! CONSIDERING AN AUCTION? CALL OR EMAIL TODAY! SOLD@SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM | WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM | TF (844) 847-2161 | LIC. #444000107 WednesdayConsignmentPocahontasMachineryAuctionSeptember14,2022@8:00A.M. Big Red Shed on Hwy 3 East ~ 401 1/2 E. Elm, Pocahontas, IA SELLING: Tractors, Skidloaders, Combines, Heads, Spring & Fall Tillage Equipment, Semi’s & Semi Trailers. Plus other misc. farm related items. LOT IS FULL!!!!!! Four Rings starting at 8:00 AM For Full List Go To: or Equipmentfacts for online bidding Winegarden Auctioneering, LLC Rick ~ 712 358 0974 Office 712 335 3117 SlaytonPOLARIS 10456 State Route B, Downing, MO slaytonpolaris.com63536 2022 RANGERPOLARIS1000 660-328-6627 Call Dean or Tim to Order Your New Polaris Today! Closed Monday, September 5th for the Labor Day Holiday. We Will Reopen Tuesday, September 6th. Have a Safe Labor Day Day Weekend! Check Us Out! New Edition Online Every Thursday Morning!
OPEN THURS., SEPT. 15TH 4:00 - 5:30 PM

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 10 JAMESPORT660-684-6931BUILDERS POST FRAME BUILDINGS Machine Sheds • Horse Barns • Garages WE ALSO DO METAL ROOFS, SPRAY FOAM INSULATION (OPEN & CLOSED CELL) & CELLULOSE INSULATION We Have: House Plans, Dirt Work & Concrete Available Hours: Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5 PM • Sat By Appointment Only 32137 State Hwy 6 • Jamesport, MO 64648 *Serving Southern Iowa* EstimatesFree Looking to Sell Your Farm or Construction Equipment? GALLATIN MISSOURI • All Makes and models - Loader Tractors, MFWD Tractors, 2wd Tractors, 4wd Tractors • Kinze Planters - Split row & 30" planters • Later Model John Deere & CIH Platforms, Corn heads • Grain Carts • Combines, 90s models and newer • Skid Steers • Excavators • Wheel Loaders One piece or a whole line of farm or construction equipment; Let us know what you have. Shay 660-605-0839 Justin 660-605-2346 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2022 | 10:00 AM PELLA MEMORIAL BUILDING | PELLA, IOWA 50129 99.17 ACRES M/L IN MARION COUNTY, IOWA High-quality Marion County farmland located eight miles south of Pella, Iowa. This farm is nothing short of exceptional, with 88.2 acres considered FSA tillable carrying a CSR2 of 83.8. The tillable acres are tiled and terraced and boast over 84% Sharpsburg soils. The farm is open for the 2023 crop year with early possession given after the crops have been PeoplesCompany.comharvested.Listing#16295DARAN BECKER | 515.979.3498 | AUCTIONVEHICLES WEDNESDAY,EQUIPMENT&BIDNOW!purplewave.comSEPTEMBER7 INVENTORY INCLUDES: pickup trucks, SUVs, school buses, passenger vehicles, utility truck, vacuum excavator, flatbed trucks, tow trucks, delivery truck, ATVs, shuttle bus, vans, RVs, coach bus, forklifts, equipment trailers, golf cart and more All items are sold “AS IS.” 10% buyers premium applies. DK8302 ‘75 Cessna T310R airplane LK9034 ‘93 Int’l 4700 Crew Cab utility/service truck LM9605 ‘20 Ford F150 Lariat SuperCrew pickup truck KC9759 ‘18 Cadillac ATS LK9027 ‘08 Chevy Express G3500 school bus 400+ ITEMS SELL NO RESERVE! 2SELLING

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 11“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” Hog Buildings • Semi Hauling • Lagoons M & R MANURE MOVING LLC Ryan 319.430.6968 Isaac 319.683.4692 CONTACT US FOR PRICING Baring, baringelevator.com660.892.4411MO We want to purchase & market your grain. Buyers of Corn and Soybeans. Organic & Non-GMO Corn and Soybeans. Contracts Offered • Foward Pricing 5701 E. University • Pleasant Hill, IA 515-564-0937KARS, INC OF Pleasant Hill 2015 Honda Civic LX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Good MPG! 106K, $13,995 2009 Ford Edge SEL AWD, V6, Auto, Full Power, CD/MP3, Keyless Entry, 178K, $8,995 2009 Ford F250 Super Cab 4x4, 5.4 V8, Auto, Power Windows, 140K, $13,995 2006 Chevy Colorado LT w/1LT, 2WD, Crew Cab, 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cloth Seats, Power Windows, Keyless, 152K, $8,995 2013 Chevy Silverado K1500 LTZ 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, Sunroof, Full Power, 127K, $24,995 2007 Ram 2500 ST 4x4, Quad Cab, 5.9 Cummins, Full Power, 157K, $22,995 2016 Chrysler 300C V6, Loaded, Full Power, Heated & Cooled Seats, 50K, $22,995 2016 Chevy Colorado, 4x4,WT, Ext Cab, 4 Cyl, Auto, Power Drivers Seat & Windows, 60K Miles, $22,995 2019 Ford Fiesta SE 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, Power Windows & Locks, 71K, $13,995 2013 Chevy Malibu LTZ, Loaded, Heated Leather Seats, CD/MP3, Satellite Radio, Media Storage, 107K, $13,995 2015 Ford F250 6.2 V8, Auto, Big Grill Guard & Bumper, Aftermarket Wheels, Nice! 73K Low Miles, $29,995 2013 GMC Sierra K1500 SLT 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, 165K, $16,995 2016 Dodge Dart SXT Sport Rallye 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Satellite Radio/MP3, 54K, $16,995 2005 Silverado 1500 LS Ext Cab, 4 Dr, 5.3 V8, Auto, Air, Keyless Entry, 157K, $9,995 2012 Chevy Malibu LS 4 Cyl, Auto, Nicely Equipped,111K Miles, $11,995 Low Miles Low Miles C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,CustomGrips,SissyBar&Pad,28KMiles $10,495NOFEES!DOC TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22 SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573 696-3468 TFN FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN PETS FOR SALE: AKC & CKC Penbroke Corgi Puppies, Black, Tri, Blue. Merle Sable. 573-473-0633 9-9

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Mark has decided to all merchandise will to the highest bidder. Something at this sale that
w/good roll tarp & good rubber;
Conducted by Ropp Auctions
Glassware, Christmas & Lawn Items: Yard decor items; bag cedar shavings; several lawn chairs; pet carrier; 2-step step stool; Conair electric sweeper; large lot bedding & blankets; jewelry boxes; bath towels; table cloths; tea towels; large lot bakeware & cookware, mason jars & graniteware; (2) floor lamps; canister set; green depression; large lot clear glass trinkets & knick knacks; large collection of Boyd Bears; old homestead picture in frame.
merchandise will sell
for everyone! There will be many more antique & primitive items
Owners: Mark Allen & Cindy Allen Farm Machinery & Trucks
Directions: From Laredo, MO at Junction V & E, go south on V for 4.6 miles to 70th St. SE. Turn left on 70th and go to first house on left side. 677 SE 70th St., Chula, MO 64635 Sharon Allen
Saturday, September 9:30
Metal 4-person merry-go-round (really nice); chicken coop grate; wooden wagon wheels; cast iron rendering kettle w/bail (very n pitcher pumps; cast iron hay hooks; cream cans; oak high chair (very nice); oak China hutch, curved glass front (very nice); oak high chair (nice); granite ware; oak dining room table w/6 chairs (very nice); (2) high back bar stools; world globe on stand; Grannie’s rocker; oak potato bin w/Paul’s Coffee adv. (very nice); oak computer table; child’s wagon; fancy twist oak stand; 3-gallon western crock churn; oak bay window table; head board bench; small curved glass curio cabinet, wash stand (nice); oak bay window stand w/2 doors & 2 draw ers; old cookbooks; oak milk stool; 2 oak end tables; leather recliner; (2) old oak school desks, (1) with ink well hole (nice); school desk chair; oak easel; quilt ladder & string-tie quilt; 3-pillow couch w/2 reclin ers; 8-pc. brown crockery set; oak China hutch w/adj shelves; oak wooden slat sleigh; La-Z-Boy reclin er; oak wooden arm chair; wrought iron TV stand w/drawer and shelves; old iron half bed w/fancy scroll (nice); Singer sewing machine w/cabinet; small oak cabinet w/inset front; oak butcher block (very nice); oak ice box; oak church pew; oak 1-drawer & 2-door wardrobe; oak bedside tables; oak quilt rack; oak queen-size bed (really nice); oak mirror jewelry stand; oak 2-door & 1-drawer stand; oak 7-drawer & 2door; dresser w/mirror; string-tie quilt; 4-pc Temptation glass bowl set w/wire rack; crockery cookie jar w/lid & bail; 1- & 2-gallon stone crock jugs; galvanized kerosene can; stone crock chicken waterer; 2qt. crock packing jar; 1-qt. blue & white graniteware pail w/bail; oak 4-drawer phone cabinet; 2-man saw w/farm painting; wooden buck saw; (2) glass kerosene jugs; 1/2 gal. stone crock jug; old hand corn planter; oak box w/CC Comins adv & bail (nice); Neoute burning oil w/canister & wood crate (very nice); Cabbage Patch doll in chair; wicker chair & love seat; 1-gallon stone crock; large oak wooden spool; 8gallon stone crock w/wire handles; small cast iron stove (salesman sample); chrome table w/expanding leaves; child’s sled; bird houses; crocket set, complete; round galvanized wash stand; (1) round galvanized tub; (12) pieces of play/school toys for kids. Glassware, Christmas & Lawn Items
downsize and
hopper bottom approximately
Glassware, Christmas & Lawn Items
for everyone! There will be many more antique & primitive items at this sale that are not listed. See our website for more pictures at ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, September 10, 2022 • 9:30 am Directions:
Owners: Mark Allen & Cindy Allen
Antiques, Primitives & Collectibles
Forney 220 electric stick welder, needs leads; Coats 10-10 tire machine; Hay baler belt splicer; electric fencing supplies.
10, 2022 •
Farm Machinery & Trucks: 1991 Freightliner Semi Tractor w/Detroit Engine ML Eaton 4/9 spd with good rubber tires & low miles, 68,708; Timpte grain trailer hopper bottom approximately 35’ w/good roll tarp & good rubber; 1972 Chevy C60 grain truck w/Omaha 16’ bed & steel floor w/end gate, good rubber & hydro hoist; IH A180 grain truck, 16’ grain bed & hydro hoist, good rubber; J.D. HD belly mount front end blade, 9’, really good; 65’ grain auger 6” w/bent wheel; J.D. gravity flow wagon Caldwell 10’ 3pt rear blade HD; Ford 3pt 7’ brush cutter; J.D. Model #955 hydro swing moco 14’ 1000 rpm, disc swather; J.D. 2018 Batwing brush cutter; J.D. 1508 Batwing brush cutter; Ford backhoe 3pt quick hitch, good machine; IH beltdriven sickle mower; 36’ booms & saddle tanks for sprayer; Ford 3pt 3 bottom plow; Oliver 3pt 4 bottom plow; Vermeer 605 super J round baler, used last year; 14’ flat rack wagon & gear; bin sweep auger; 18’ fee auger, 6” w/electric motor; seed auger for rear mount hydro bed; drag harrow; tag axle air up & down; hog waterer; hog feeders & creep feeders; Clipper seed cleaners; hay elevator feed bunk; J.D. riding lawn mower; Honda Model #125 motorcycle; Honda Model 70 motorcycle; 5th-wheel lowboy dual tandem trailer, approx. 26’ long w/dove tail; New Holland side delivery hay rake. Shop & Fencing Tools: Forney 220 electric stick welder, needs leads; Coats 10-10 tire machine; Hay baler belt splicer; electric fencing supplies. Antiques, Primitives & Collectibles: Metal 4-person merry-go-round (really nice); chicken coop grate; wooden wagon wheels; cast iron rendering kettle w/bail (very nice); pitcher pumps; cast iron hay hooks; cream cans; oak high chair (very nice); oak China hutch, curved glass front (very nice); oak high chair (nice); granite ware; oak dining room table w/6 chairs (very nice); (2) high back bar stools; world globe on stand; Grannie’s rocker; oak potato bin w/Paul’s Coffee adv. (very nice); oak computer table; child’s wagon; fancy twist oak stand; 3-gallon western crock churn; oak bay window table; head board bench; small curved glass curio cabinet, wash stand (nice); oak bay window stand w/2 doors & 2 drawers; old cookbooks; oak milk stool; 2 oak end tables; leather recliner; (2) old oak school desks, (1) with ink well hole (nice); school desk chair; oak easel; quilt ladder & string-tie quilt; 3-pillow couch w/2 recliners; 8-pc. brown crockery set; oak China hutch w/adj shelves; oak wooden slat sleigh; La-Z-Boy recliner; oak wooden arm chair; wrought iron TV stand w/drawer and shelves; old iron half bed w/fancy scroll (nice); Singer sewing machine w/cabinet; small oak cabinet w/inset front; oak butcher block (very nice); oak ice box; oak church pew; oak 1-drawer & 2-door wardrobe; oak bedside tables; oak quilt rack; oak queen-size bed (really nice); oak mirror jewelry stand; oak 2-door & 1-drawer stand; oak 7-drawer & 2-door; dresser w/mirror; string-tie quilt; 4-pc Temptation glass bowl set w/wire rack; crockery cookie jar w/lid & bail; 1- & 2-gallon stone crock jugs; galvanized kerosene can; stone crock chicken waterer; 2-qt. crock packing jar; 1-qt. blue & white graniteware pail w/bail; oak 4-drawer phone cabinet; 2-man saw w/farm painting; wooden buck saw; (2) glass kerosene jugs; 1/2 gal. stone crock jug; old hand corn planter; oak box w/CC Comins adv & bail (nice); Neoute burning oil w/canister & wood crate (very nice); Cabbage Patch doll in chair; wicker chair & love seat; 1-gallon stone crock; large oak wooden spool; 8-gallon stone crock w/wire handles; small cast iron stove (salesman sample); chrome table w/expanding leaves; child’s sled; bird houses; crocket set, complete; round galvanized wash stand; (1) round galvanized tub; (12) pieces of play/school toys for kids.
Yard decor items; bag cedar shavings; several lawn chairs; pet carrier; 2-step step stool; Conair electric sweeper; large lot bedding & blankets; jewelry boxes; bath towels; table cloths; tea towels; large lot bakeware & cookware, mason jars & graniteware; (2) floor lamps; canister set; green depression; large lot clear glass trinkets & knick knacks; large collection of Boyd Bears; old homestead picture in frame.
Yard decor items; bag cedar shavings; several lawn chairs; pet carrier; 2-step step stool; Conair electric sweeper; large lot bedding & blankets; jewelry boxes; bath towels; table cloths; tea towels; large lot bakeware & cookware, mason jars & graniteware; (2) floor lamps; canister set; green depression; large lot clear glass trinkets & knick knacks; large collection of Boyd Bears; old homestead picture in frame.
Auctioneers: Norman Ropp (660.247.1914) & Richard Yoder and all statements made sale day take precedence over any printed material. Not responsible for accidents.
Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 12
are not listed. See our website for more pictures at Power House Food Catering Porta AvailablePots ESTATE AUCTION
downsize and
1991 Freightliner Semi Tractor w/Detroit Engine ML Eaton 4/9 spd with good rubber tires & low miles, 68,708; Timpte grain trailer hopper bottom approximately 35’ w/good roll tarp & good rubber; 1972 Chevy C60 grain truck w/Omaha 16’ bed & steel floor w/end gate, g rubber & hydro hoist; IH A180 grain truck, 16’ grain bed & hydro hoist, good rubber; J.D. HD belly mount front end blade, 9’, really good; 65’ grain auger 6” w/bent wheel; J.D. gravity flow wagon Caldwell 10’ 3pt rear blade HD; Ford 3pt 7’ brush cutter; J.D. Model #955 hydro swing moco 14’ 1000 rpm, disc swather; J.D. 2018 Batwing brush cutter; J.D. 1508 Batwing brush cutter; Ford backhoe 3pt quick h good machine; IH beltdriven sickle mower; 36’ booms & saddle tanks for sprayer; Ford 3pt 3 bottom plow; Oliver 3pt 4 bottom plo Vermeer 605 super J round baler, used last year; 14’ flat rack wagon & gear; bin sweep auger; 18’ fee auger, 6” w/electric motor; seed auger for rear mount hydro bed; drag harrow; tag axle air up & down; hog waterer; hog feeders & creep feeders; Clipper seed cle hay elevator feed bunk; J.D. riding lawn mower; Honda Model #125 motorcycle; Honda Model 70 motorcycle; 5th-wheel lowboy dual tandem trailer, approx. 26’ long w/dove tail; New Holland side delivery hay rake. Shop & Fencing Tools
SE. Turn left on 70th and go to first house on left side. 677 SE 70th St., Chula, MO 64635 Estate of Sharon Allen Ropp Auctions.qxp_Ropp Auctions 8/11/22 10:12 AM Page 28 Farm Machinery & Trucks 1991 Freightliner Semi Tractor w/Detroit Engine ML Eaton
Forney 220 electric stick welder, needs leads; Coats 10-10 tire machine; Hay baler belt splicer; electric fencing supplies. Antiques, Primitives & Collectibles
Metal 4-person merry-go-round (really nice); chicken coop grate; wooden wagon wheels; cast iron rendering kettle w/bail (very n pitcher pumps; cast iron hay hooks; cream cans; oak high chair (very nice); oak China hutch, curved glass front (very nice); oak high chair (nice); granite ware; oak dining room table w/6 chairs (very nice); (2) high back bar stools; world globe on stand; Grannie’s rocker; oak potato bin w/Paul’s Coffee adv. (very nice); oak computer table; child’s wagon; fancy twist oak stand; 3-gallon western crock churn; oak bay window table; head board bench; small curved glass curio cabinet, wash stand (nice); oak bay window stand w/2 doors & 2 draw ers; old cookbooks; oak milk stool; 2 oak end tables; leather recliner; (2) old oak school desks, (1) with ink well hole (nice); school desk chair; oak easel; quilt ladder & string-tie quilt; 3-pillow couch w/2 reclin ers; 8-pc. brown crockery set; oak China hutch w/adj shelves; oak wooden slat sleigh; La-Z-Boy reclin er; oak wooden arm chair; wrought iron TV stand w/drawer and shelves; old iron half bed w/fancy scroll (nice); Singer sewing machine w/cabinet; small oak cabinet w/inset front; oak butcher block (very nice); oak ice box; oak church pew; oak 1-drawer & 2-door wardrobe; oak bedside tables; oak quilt rack; oak queen-size bed (really nice); oak mirror jewelry stand; oak 2-door & 1-drawer stand; oak 7-drawer & 2door; dresser w/mirror; string-tie quilt; 4-pc Temptation glass bowl set w/wire rack; crockery cookie jar w/lid & bail; 1- & 2-gallon stone crock jugs; galvanized kerosene can; stone crock chicken waterer; 2qt. crock packing jar; 1-qt. blue & white graniteware pail w/bail; oak 4-drawer phone cabinet; 2-man saw w/farm painting; wooden buck saw; (2) glass kerosene jugs; 1/2 gal. stone crock jug; old hand corn planter; oak box w/CC Comins adv & bail (nice); Neoute burning oil w/canister & wood crate (very nice); Cabbage Patch doll in chair; wicker chair & love seat; 1-gallon stone crock; large oak wooden spool; 8gallon stone crock w/wire handles; small cast iron stove (salesman sample); chrome table w/expanding leaves; child’s sled; bird houses; crocket set, complete; round galvanized wash stand; (1) round galvanized tub; (12) pieces of play/school toys for kids.
Junction V & E, go south on V for 4.6
Owners: Mark Allen & Cindy Allen Mark has decided to all to the bidder. Something From MO at miles to 70th St. 4/9 spd with good rubber tires & low miles, 68,708; Timpte grain trailer 35’ 1972 Chevy C60 grain truck w/Omaha 16’ bed & steel floor w/end gate, g rubber & hydro IH A180 grain truck, 16’ grain bed & hydro hoist, good rubber; J.D. HD belly mount front end blade, 9’, really good; 65’ grain auger 6” w/bent wheel; J.D. gravity flow wagon Caldwell 10’ 3pt rear blade HD; Ford 3pt 7’ brush cutter; J.D. Model #955 hydro swing moco 14’ 1000 rpm, disc swather; J.D. 2018 Batwing brush cutter; J.D. 1508 Batwing brush cutter; Ford backhoe 3pt quick h good machine; IH beltdriven sickle mower; 36’ booms & saddle tanks for sprayer; Ford 3pt 3 bottom plow; Oliver 3pt 4 bottom plo Vermeer 605 super J round baler, used last year; 14’ flat rack wagon & gear; bin sweep auger; 18’ fee auger, 6” w/electric motor; seed auger for rear mount hydro bed; drag harrow; tag axle air up & down; hog waterer; hog feeders & creep feeders; Clipper seed cle hay elevator feed bunk; J.D. riding lawn mower; Honda Model #125 motorcycle; Honda Model 70 motorcycle; 5th-wheel lowboy dual tandem trailer, approx. 26’ long w/dove tail; New Holland side delivery hay rake. Shop & Fencing Tools

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 13“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” New Mobile HoMe Stock Just Received (5) New Units, They Gotta Go! amegamobilehomes.com573-657-2176 Rain Date “Only if Severe” Sunday, September 18th @ 10:00 AM 2246 Bevington Park Road • St. Charles, IA Location is Only 40 Minutes West of Knoxville on Hwy #92 to Bevington Across Interstate #35 on West 1.2 Miles. Bevington Park Road Then South 1.9 Miles South. “Watch for Signs”. 12 Acres of Off Road Parking Available. Auctioneers Note: For the Ease of Selling, the Following Has Been Moved From Pella, IA in Order to Conduct This Amount of Quality Merchandise Requiring 2 Rings Most of the Day. Please Bring a Friend & Don’t Miss This Quality Auction. Hope to See You Here!! HOUSEHOLD: Full Size Console RMC, Laser Phono Compact Disc Jukebox, Works Fine; Brown Corduroy Dbl Lounger, Like New; Oak Custom Made Entertainment Center; Grandfather Clock; Potty Chair; Brown Leather Sectional Sofa & Ottoman; Dark Brown Microsuede Sofa; Black Twin Size Bed Complete w/Bookcase Headboard; La-Z-Boy Light Brown Elec Power Recliner; White Apt Size Chest Freezer; White Stacked Washer & Elec Dryer, Used Very Little, Still Has Lowes Sticker on It; White Frost Free Top Freezer Refrigerator, Used a Very Short Time; Grills & Smoker to Include 36” Blackstone LP Flat Top Grill; CharGriller LP Gas, Charcoal & Smoker Combo Grill; Camp Cheft 4 Burner LP Gass Grill, Used Twice. Flatscreen TV’s to Include: Vizio 42’ & 32” Element, Both w/Remotes; 9” Orion Combo DVD-TV; Large Vintage Blk Wrought Iron Cushioned Patio Set, Very Nice; Super Nice & Comfortable Single Outdoor Swing; Elec Freestanding Fireplace; Modern Oak Triple Curve Lighted China Cabinet; Oak Mirrored & Lighted Curio Cabinet; 9’ Prelighted Earl May Christmas Tree, Paid Over $500 New; Tiffany Style Hanging Leaded Glass Light Fixture; Tall Metal Vases; 3 Dehumidifiers; Air Care Humidifier; Comfort Zone Elec Heaters; 2 Large Kerosene Free Standing Heaters & Approx 30 Gal of Kerosene; Lots of Holiday Decorations to Include Board Games & Legos; Custom Oak Handcrafted Childs Oak Sleigh & Rocking Truck; Plus Most Usual Housewares. Vintage Gas Pump & Signage: Authentic Old Signs to Include GoodYear Tires; AC Oil Filters; Pioneer & Standard Service; Plus Other Modern & Decor Items to Enhance a Man Cave!! Super Nice 1920’s Wayne Model 615 Lighted 10 Gal Visible Gas Pump, Completely Restored; Vintage Mobil Regular Gas Globe in Plastic Capco Housing. 2006 Honda CRF 450R Motorcross Bike, Acreage Use Only, Less Than 30 Hrs, Never Raced. Building Materials & Storage Cabinets: 4-30” White Solid Four Panel Interior Doors; 4 Boxes 18”x18” Ceramic Tile; White Woden Rubbermaid Storage Cabinets to Include 8-24”w x 35 1/2”h; 1-23.8w x 7’8”h; and Others; Plus Much More. Tractors & Acreage Equipment: 2015 5045E John Deere Open Station 45HP, 3 Cyl Diesel, Construction Tires, Set Up for Loader, 3 Pt, Only 134 Hrs, Looks Same As New. 1975 JD 2630 70HP Diesel Open Station, Shows 2860 Hrs, 3 Pt w/Model 146 7’ Loader, New Clutch, Rubber Shows Wear, Runs Very Well, Selling Complete As One Unit. Frontier 7’ 3 Pt Rear Blade, Used Very Little, Looks New; 2015 Land Pride FDR1672 6’ 3 Pt Finish Mower, Looks New; 6’ 3 Pt Country Line Brush Mower. 2010 Cub Cadet Commercial 10.5HP B&S Self Propelled Lawnmower, 4 Spd Foward & Reverse, 33” Cut. Ambulance: 1995 Chevy C3500 6.5L Detroit Diesel, Complete New Engine, (95,338 Miles on Chassis, 15,000 Miles Engine), New Front Tires, 2 New Batteries, New Alternator, Recently Serviced, Rear Heat & Cabin Air All Work. Tools & Equipment: MK Pro Series 101 Wet Tile Saw w/Extra Blade & Stand; Craftsman 5HP 22 Gal Vert Port Air Compressor Dual V Air Compressor; Craftsman 6.5HP B&S 18” Rear Tine HD Rotary Tiller; Craftsman 5.5HP Honda Powered Pushmower w/21” Cut w/Mulcher; Yard Machine 5HP 22” Snowblower; 10” 15A Skilsaw Brand Tablesaw; Porter Cable Model 3802 12” Compound Mitre Saw; Cat Brand 12V CJ3000 Battery Pack; 7 1/4” Wormgear Mag 77 Skilsaw; Makita Model 9021 Belt Sander, Like New; Porter Cable FR350 Rnd Head Air Nailer in Case w/ Case of Nails; Echo SRM-225 2 Cyl Weedeater; Cent Pneumatic Port Sandblaster; Weedeater 2 Cyl; Schumaker 50-30-10 Amp Battery Charger; B&D 3”x2” Belt Sander; Ryobi 18’ Telescopic Window Washer, Used 1 Time; Husky 2200 PSI B&S Gas Power Washer; Several Yard Carts; 100 Gal Rubbermaid Port Waterer; Rodenator Pro Model, Used Very Little w/Oxy Tank; Variety of Lumber to Include: Live Edge Blk Walnut, Cedar Decking & Rail Board and Other Trim Boards; 3.5 Gal Parts Washer; Poulan Mod BVM 200C Blower; Sawhorses & Roller Stand; 24 Keller Alum Ext Ladder w/D Rungs; Hose Reels; Specialty Tools to Include: Ball Joint, Tune Up & Suspension Equip; Husqvarna 350 Ranch Chainsaw w/Extra Bar Lengths; Plus Several Garage, Yard & Garden Tools Too Numerous to Mention!! Scrapbooking & Crafts: Felt Fabric; Cutting Board; Sizzix; Paint, Scrapbook Paper; Knifty Knitter; Stickers; Scrapbooks; Craft Storage; Plus Much More. Guitars & Amplifier: Blk 6 String Estovan Guitar; Austin 4 String Elec Base Guitar; Peavex 15 Watt Base Amplifier. Sporting Equipment: Sun Dolphin Model Bar 10SS One Person Kayak; Wage & Knee Board; Wave-Master XXL Standup Punching Bag for Kick Boxing; Archery Target; Roller Blades; Super Mable Towable Tube; Air Head Brand Big Slice Air Tube; Sevylor Tube; 2 Bikes, 15 Spd Huffy, 26 Spd Next; Golf Clubs; Pool Floaties; Pool (4’x10’?); Snow Tubes; Croquet Sets; A Lot of Baseball & Softball Equipment; Plus Much More! Firearms - Ammo - Knives & Accessories: The Following Requires Bidder to be At Least 21 Yrs of Age & Must Present Current Purchase or Concealed Weapons Permit. Matching Set 30-30 Cal Mod 94 Winchester Commemoratives Centennial 66 20” Carbine & 26” Rifle, All Unfired in Orig Boxes, Protective Sheath & Paperwork in Consecutive Serial #s, Great Investment #2)Opportunity!!!12GaPump Kel Tec w/Laser & Red Dot Sights #3) 7.62x39 S. Auto Siaga Izhmash AK47, New in Box #4) 22LR S. Action Uberti Revolver #5) .223 S. Auto Stainless Steel Ruger Mini-14 #6) 22 LR Bolt Action S. Shot Model 510 Remington Target Master #7) 45 Cal S. Auto Model 8045D Beretta Cougar #8) 22LR S. Action Ruger Bearcat #9) 410 Ga S. Shot Bolt Action Mod 273B Mossberg #10) 22 LR S. Auto High Standard Sport King Special Tube Fed Org 1960’s 710 Bowie Knife & Sheath; Swiss Army Knives. Over 8,000 Rounds of Ammo to Include: 1000-7.62x39; 1000-5.56; 1 Case 12 Ga 00; 810-45 ACP; 360-9mm; 340-.380; 4675-22LR Hollow Point; 50-410 Ga 3” 6 Shot. Accessories to Include: New AK47 30 Rnd Mags; Various 1911 Shoulder RIgs; Glock Right Hand Holster; 50 Rnd AK Mag; 5.56mm 100 Rnd M-16 Style Mag; New .223 AR 30 Rnd Mags; 7.62x39 Ruger 30 Rnd Mags & More!! Collectibles: 30 Lb Natural Copper Nugget From Upper Peninsula of Michigan; 1957 Chevy Passenger Truck Grills; 1970-73 Camaro Drivers Front Fender; 1969 Chevelle Parts; 1975-1979 Jeep Charokee Rear Windows; 1915 REO Radiator; Large Grinding Wheel; Antique Coke Trays. Collections of Coins, Stamps & Figurines to Include: Precious Moments, Snowbabies, Boyds Bears; Plus Many, Many More Too Numerous to Mention. Lunch on Hand Portable Restroom on Site Phone Bidding Welcomed View for More Pictures. OWNERS: Dr. Michael & Anne Thompson Auctioneers: Rick VanDonsler 641-891-2222 • Jason Unger Guest Auctioneers: Ryan Henderson • Brianna Chavez As Dr. Michael & Anne Thompson Have Sold Their Home in Pella, IA & Relocating Out of State, They Will Offer the Following at HUGE QUALITY & QUANTITY LIVE PUBLIC MOVING AUCTION TWO RINGS Saturday, September 17th @ 10:00 AM FOR SALE: Cotunix Quail Chicks And Adults, $1.50 Each; Showgirl Chickens, $7.00 Each; Male Chinchilla Very Friendly, $100 OBO. 660-216-4696 9-2 FOR SALE: AKC Registered German Shorthair Pointer Pups. Black Or Liver. Will Be Ready To Start This Fall. 641-594-2704 9-2 FOR SALE: APRI Dachshund Puppies, 2 Males And 1 Female, Shots UTD, Would Trade For A Miniature Dachshund Puppy, $700 Each. 660-216-4696 9-2 PUPPIES, PUPPIES: We Want to Buy Your Puppies! Registered or Mixed Breeds. We Have Homes Waiting for Them! 573-784-9866 TFN REAL ESTATE MUST SEE!!: Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Double Wide Home On Lake Front At Lakeside Estate, Many Updates, Could Also Be Moved. 641-242-0467 9-2 AG RELATED FOR SALE: IHC 1460 Combine , Hydo Leask, Good Shape Other Than That. 319-430-7253 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 653A Row Head, Kilbros 375 Gravity Wagon, Heider 200 BU Gravity Wagon. 641-632-8463 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 7 Knife Disk Ripper, Very Nice Shape; 50cc Scooter, Very Nice Shape, Low Miles. 641-751-7896641-489-2823 9-2 FOR SALE: Red International Cub Lowboy, Includes Front Blade And Small Disk, Good Condition, $3,600 Or Offer, NO Text. 641-990-1012 9-9

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 14 Post & Pole Frame Buildings 2 Miles N. of Drakesville on pavement 888-371-4710 • 641-722-3505 17549 Husky Trail Drakesville, IA 52552 Specializing in: Post Frame Buildings (Up to 100’ Wide Clear Span) Agricultural • Commercial Residential • Equine Heat Formed Metal Roofing & Siding With 50 Year QualityWarrantyWorksmanshipBestQualityMaterialC&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Special2022EditionGITri-Glide JUST IN! MUST SEE! NEW THE AMERICAN LEGION POST #172 IN MOUNT AYR, IOWA Hosts their third TRAINS AND TOYS SHOW for Kids and Adults on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Open to the Public Concessions will be available!! Great Opportunity to Christmas Shop Early VENDORS WELCOME - $10 PER TABLE Friday night setup For information contact Owen Martsching @ 641-414-8097 (If no answer, leave a message please) or email: No Entry Fee WE BUY FARMS 4 Any Condition. 4 Quick Decision. 4 Quick Closing. Honey Creek Farms, LC. Contact: Steve: 515-208-1149 | Dave: 515-991-0308 Featuring the fantastic collection of Lee Egleston of Marshalltown, Iowa & Others Over 100 Guns, Ammunition, WWII German Helmets, Gun Safes & Much More! Black Powder Guns, Hand Guns, Antique Guns, Hand-crafted One-of-a-Kind Guns made by Lee, Related Sporting Items Highlights- Smith & Wesson 357 Revolver Model 686 with box; Ruger old Army Black Powder Revolver; Several other Revolvers & Hand Guns & Dueling Pistols; Flintlock Rifles; Riot Guns; Winchester Shot Guns; Military Rifles & Bayonets; Lots of ammunition; Gun Cabinets & Racks; Approximately 100 Guns! Lee was a quality gun builder & we have accessories & stock to build guns & several Special Rare Black Powder Rifles made by Lee PLUS 3 authentic WWII German Helmets with leather liners all in excellent, original condition & much more. Visit Our Website For Photos. Photos will be added right up to sale day so keep checking back! 641-752-8753 Fred Van Metre & Jake Goecke Auctioneers 3 of the Black Powder Rifles in This Photo Are Custom Made by Lee Egleston US Model 1847 Revolver Ruger Old Army Black Powder Revolver w/Ivory Grips Smith & Wesson 357 Model 686 German WWII Helmets Sportsman Gun & Collector’s Auction Sunday – September 11 – 11:00 A.M. Van Metre Auction Center 1603 Iowa Avenue West • Marshalltown, Iowa FOR SALE: John Deere Material Cart, Power Flow, Complete Unit. Fits X500, X520, X534, X540 Tractors. Quincy. $300.00. Call Only. 217-257-4276 9-2 FOR SALE: Two Parker Wagons. #2600 For $1,500 And #4000 For $1,800, Good Condition. 515-205-1989 9-2 WANTED OR FOR SALE: Vermeer T650 Trencher. 319-430-7253 9-2 AG BULLDOZING: Ponds, Fence Rows, Building Pads, Still Time For Pond Constructions This Summer And Fall. David Mozingo: 641-226-9630 9-2

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 15“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” For Sales & Service Please Call Chris At 641-919-6922 Check Us Out On Facebook More SOUTHEASTAvailableSizes IOWA STEPS Steps • Stock & Custom Railings POST FRAME BUILDINGS • Best Quality • Great Prices • Great Service LANCASTER LUMBER, INC 800-424-5071 • LANCASTER, MO C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,FuelInjected,Only670Miles,Clean! $6,695NOFEES!DOCPUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE ONLINE FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION ONLINE AUCTION BID TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM ONGOING HEAVY EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH STARTING AT 10AM. EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN WARREN COUNTY, IOWA. VIEWING AND INSPECTION MY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Pickup of equipment must be completed by September 30th by appointment. Please Call (515) 961-4124 with any questions and make appointments. Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) • Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service Shay Esbeck 660-605-0839 Barney Esbeck 660-605-0841 Justin Harlow 660-605-2346 WANTEDBUYERS NEXTSELLERS&AUCTION SAT., NOVEMBER 5, 2022 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION join us on facebook! 2022 BUY SELL TRADE EVERY DAY GALLATIN MISSOURI HAULING AVAILABLE • LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING • NATIONWIDE ADVERTISING • CONSIGN NOW! B&S EQUIPMENTAUCTION TOCALLDAY! 641-980-0828 Multiton EME30 Electric Pallet Truck 30" Forks, Works Well in Tight Places Like Cargo Trailers & Truck Boxes, Needs Battery $1,000 OBO WANTED RETIRED FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23 FOR SALE: JD 318 Garden Tractor, Very Low Hours, 50 Inch Deck, Very Good Condition, New Tires, $1,500 OBO. 641-572-0061 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 7720 Combine LWA 3400 Has Several Augers. Recently Reflighed Motor, Sound. $5,000. Cell:660-388-6381660-676-8953 9-2 HAY FOR 641-208-5445SALE: 9-2 FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22 FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1969 C50 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, Good Bed And Hoist. $1,000. 660-388-6381 Or Cell: 660-676-8953 9-2 LIVESTOCK HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23 FOR SALE: 80 Head Boars Doelings, Red To Dapple And Read Head Boar Billy’s For December And January Kidding, Asking $325 A Piece. Tobias Miller 2217 190th Ave. Mt. Ayr, IA. 50854 9-16 FOR SALE: Katahdin Ram Lambs - Proven Genetics That Will Add Pounds To Your Lambs. Visit Francis Family Farms Katahdins On Facebook. 573-473-0633 9-9 BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN FOR SALE: Suffolk And Hamp Rams, Meat Type Producers, Of Champion And Reserve Champion Club Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16 FOR SALE: Dorset Yrlg. And Ram Lambs. Jim 319-371-7189Montrose,VermzenIA. 9-9 MISC TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 16 RON HARRIS ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, September 10, 2022 10:00 a.m. 23762 110th Ave. Seymour, IA 52590 collection; LG 54” Craftsman 10” saw w/portable cart; Delta 10” table saw with extra large portable table; Craftsman 12” pla Craftsman 1 ½ hp router w/portable cart; Craftsman 4”x6” belt and disk sander w/portable cart; portable router table; stora electric welder; Ryobi 18” mini lath; Craftsman mini lath; Harris torch and tanks on car trimmer/mower; (3) aluminum extension ladders; several rakes, shovels, etc… 2005 Case 420 skid steer diesel loader, 877 actual hours, 66” bucket, tooth bar; 7’ 3 15 15’ bat wing mower, small 1, since new; IH model 40 8’ 3 9’ bar mower; model 1010 20’ flat fold disk; Ford 8’ tandem 2016 Country Clipper, Boss XL, 60” mowing deck, 93 hrs.; Weed ater 20” push mower; 8’x24’ triple axel flatbed bumper hitch trailer; 8’x21’ triple axel flatbed trailer, fold up ramps, bumper hitch; 4’x6’ lawn Auction conducted by Todd Crill Auctions, Creston, Iowa Todd Crill, Auctioneer - 712-621-1453 Auctioneers: Matt Johnston • Nathan Ramsey Michelle Crill, Auction 641-745-9223Coordinator or follow us on facebook RESTROOM • LUNCH ON GROUNDS Terms: Cash or good check. Mastercard and Visa credit cards welcome. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022 • 10 a.m. 1732 Creamery Rd., Afton, IA 50830 (Hwy 34 and Creamery Rd intersection approx. 1 mile north. Watch for Signs) Auctioneer Comments: Due to Bob’s unfortunate passing and Maxine’s health concerns we will sell their personal property items at auction. Your attendance and participation is greatly appreciated. Tractors and guns sell at 12 Noon. Hope to see you at the auction! - Todd TRACTORS/MACHINERY LAWN TRACTOR / MOWER / GARDEN EQUIPMENT ANTIQUES / COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE / ANTIQUE FURNITURE / APPLIANCES GLASSWARE / KITCHEN ITEMS TOOLS / 2 GRAIN BINS HANDGUNS / LONG GUNS /AMMO Robert and Maxine Moreland YARD SALE: September 1st thru September 4th. Time: 8 AM – 5 PM. We have lots Including; Antiques, Tools, KnickKnacks, Wooden Bench, 44 Inch Pull Brush Mower, Yard And Garden Tools. 2910 Racine Ave. New London, IA 9-2 MCKEE COINS: Buys Sells Auctions All Types Of Rare Coins And Currency, War Memorabilia, Antique Firearms. Gold And Silver Bullion. http://mckeecoins. com 213 East Main St. Ottumwa, 641-684-6006IA 9-9 FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. Redmount Midstream LLC. For Details Call. 660-542-3000 10-14 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 17“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” NEW FOR 2022CHICKENFREEonLunchDINNERSANDBakeSaleGroundsCOFFEE&DONUTS‘TIL9AM AUCTIONEERS: RANDY HIGH - JARED MILLER - JEFF GARBER - JEREMY GARBER JESSE GARBER - JUNIOR FOX - LARRY MARTIN - LOREN MARTIN - MEL YODER For additional information go to: or email: Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents or thefts. Announcements day of sale take precedence over any advertising. 7th Annual Lebanon School Consignment Auction Sat., Sept. 17, 2022 @ 9:00 AM Horses - PONIES (Sells at 12:00 PM) • 3 yr. old Standard Gelding, lady broke, TSS • 2 yr. old 30” Mini Paint Pony, broke to ride and drive • 4 yr. old Standard Bred Gelding, well broke • Teenage Belgian Mare, broke to all farm machinery, not for heavy loads • 14 yr. old Black/White Pony, broke to ride and drive • 3 yr. old Mini Stud, broke to ride and drive • 2 yr. old Quarter Horse Mare, well started to ride • 2 yr. old Black Freisan Standard Bred Filly, well started, sharp hard copy papers • Freisan Gelding Ready for Miles, Sire: Royce of Crawford Acres, Dam: BC’s Lea x Park Place • 2 yr. old Standard Bred Bay Mare, well started, star grade • 4 yr. old 36” Pony, babysitter, broke • 2 yr. old Percheron Standard Bred X Mare, broke • Team 2 & 3 yr. old Belgian Halflinger x Full Brothers Red Sorrel, well built and blocky, gelding, broke, single and double • Set of Nylon Draft Harnesses, will sell with above team, like new • 7 yr. old Halflinger Mare, vet checked in foal to Belgian Blonde, broke to ride and drive • Weanling Filly Blonde Halflinger Belgium X, from above mare • 17 yr. old Standard Bred Mare, Sire: Harry Star Ranger, Black, Brood Mare Exposed • Team 5 & 6 yr. old Belgian Geldings, Red Sorrel, well broke • 2 yr. old Bay Standard Bred Gelding, 15.3h, Sire: Honey Don’t Hanover, Dam: Conway Hall TSS, started to top buggy • 2 yr. old Black Standard Bred Gelding, 15.1h, Sire: Conway Hall TSS, drives nice • 3 yr. old Dark Bay Standard Bred Mare, 15.2 high, Sire: Conway Hall TSS, drives w/snap • 3 yr. old Halflinger Paint Cross, 14h, rides and drives, crosses ditches and logs goes where you point him. • 2 yr. old Dutch Standard Bred X Gelding, driving pony, safe for the women • 2 yr. old Paint Cross Brown/White Gelding, 13.2h, rides good, meets you at the gate • Tennessee Walker Gelding, 9 yr. old, show record, broke to ride • Tennessee Walker Gelding, 14 yr. old, broke to ride • 48” Brown/White Paint, 10 yr. old, broke to ride • 4 year old Belgian Stallion, Red Sorrel, Broke, well built TACK (Sells at 9:00 AM) (1) Lot Tack • (100+) Lead Ropes • Harness Hooks • Whips • Leaf Rakes • (1) Set Bio Draft Harness • (2) Leather Buggy Harness • Bio Buggy Harness • (100) Lead Ropes with Bull Snaps • (NEW) Halters • New Draft Team Lines • New Bio and Nylon Harness Parts • Countryside Hole Puncher • Heritage Foot Press with Harness Attachment • Lots of rolls of Nylon and Brahma Webb Material • (1) Single Driving Harness • (1) Single Driving Harness Deluxe • (1) Set Nylong Team Harness. MACHINERY - FARM MISC. (Sells at 2:00 PM) Forecart, shop built • (2) 3 ton Bulk Bins, good condition • Ash Wagon Tongues • McCormick No. 9 Hay Mower w/Trailer Gear, 7’ bar, new paint • MF 3 pt. Cat., 1 Pitmenless, 7’ Mower #71 • Ford 3 pt. Cat. 1 Dirt Scoop • 3 pt. Cat. 1 6’ Brush Cutter • 22’ Bale Elevator on Wheels • 16’ Single Disc • New Idea Hay Rake • New Idea 402 Hay Rake, good condition • 2 Bottom Dearburn Plow • Fuel Barrel on Stand • I.H. Manure Spreader 100 • New Idea Manure Spreader Gear • 1500 gal. Wood Supply Tank • McCormick #7 Mower Reg. Gear 6’ Bar • Pioneer Bale Unroller, like new • Scag 52” Mower, 200 hours • Dixon 60” Mower, 280 hours • John Deere 54” Deck Mower • Bachtold Attachment • Roof Weed Mower • Craftsman Chipper/Shredder • 5-1/2 hp Briggs • 017 Stihl Chain Saw • Hit-Miss Engines: International 1-1/2 hp LB Engine, runs; International 2-1/2ho LB Engine, runs; JD 1-1/2 hp Hit Miss; Fairbank Morris 1-1/2 hp; Maytag Engine • (2) Dump Rakes • Jay Hawk Hay Stacker • 5-Wheel Hay Rake • 3 pt. Rotary Hoe • Emerson Sulky Plow TOOLS (Sells at 9:00AM) (4) Sets 5’ Scaffolding • Swenson Soffit Shears • Assorted Metal Screws and Trim • Rebar Cutter/Bender • (20) 10’ Concrete Bin Forms, Flex 12” • (20) 10’x12” Steel Forms • Dewalt Sliding Miter Saw, 12” Stihl Motor • Large Solar Panel • 3’x6’ Foundry Cart • Stroke Sander • (1) Load Dewalt Tools • Basement Jack • Wall Cabinet • (3) Windows • Stools • (2) Entry Doors w/Glass • Steel Wall Mount Racking, (4) 3ply, 12 post and (600 pc) 2x4x6-9 • (20) 2x10’s • (12) 2x8’s • (14 pc) 26 ga. Metal 14’ • (20 pc) Metal • (12) 14” I-Joist x16’. PLANTS - TREES - SHRUBS (Sells at 9:00 AM) Load of Shade and Fruit Trees • Load of Trees, Shrubs, Perennials • (1) Lot of Yard Art: Spinners, Signs, Metal Roosters, 6’ Ferris Wheel Planter, Weather Vanes, Garden Decorations • PVC Hotbed • Large Lot of Mums NEW FURNITURE - QUILTS (Sells at 11:30 AM) Oak 48”x72” Double Pedestal Table w/4 Leaves • 5 Piece Hackberry Bedroom Set • 8 Drawer Rustic Hickory Sewing Cabinet • Hackberry Changing Table • 48” Oak Flip Top Desk w/Hutch • Oak Mag-About • Bent Hickory Rocking Chairs • Children’s Furniture • Cedar Swivel Gliders • Outdoor Play Set • Powder Coated Aluminum Drying Rack • Poly Double Wash Tubs • New Handwoven Shag Rugs • Grey Elm Sewing Cabinet, made to fit 712 Janome • Local Handwoven Twine Rugs • Bookcases • 20’ Oak Dining Table • 20’ Walnut Dining Table • 12’ Oak Dining Table • 12’ Walnut Dining Table • Walnut Bureau. QUILTS: Trip Around The World • More new quilts and comforters. HOUSEHOLD - GLASSWARE - MISC. (Sells at 9:30 AM) (2) 5 Burner Oil Stoves • New Perfection 5 Burner Table Top, Rebuilt • Kitchen Queen Stove, good condition • Maytag Wringer Washer, rebuilt • Several Maytag Wringer Washers • Laundry Spinner w/Flex Shaft • 4-Burner Gas Stove • Wall Mount and Gas Heater • Chest of Drawers • Chairs • 42” Solid Oak Round Table, Oakwood Industries, good condition • Oak China Hutch, like new, all wood doors • (2) Cherry Twin Bed Frames • Dresser w/Mirror • Bureau • Grandfather Clock • Louis Lamour Book Collection • Corner Kitchen Table with Bench. GLASSWARE - MISC. Fenton Glassware, Milk White Glassware, Frank Oma Pottery (green and brown) • 40 pc. 1876 Cape Cod Collection, mostly in original boxes, plates, glasses, cups and footed bowls. ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES - TOYS (Sells at 9:30 AM) Small Jenson Dry Fuel Fired Steam Engine, Style 75 • JD Anvil Bank • Keen Kutter Hatchet Breast Drill, 3 tine fork • Winchester Ax-Hatchet-Breast Drill • (3) Daisy Butter Churns • 3 old Horatio Alger Books • Griswald #8 Waffle Iron • Several Sleds • (2) Enterprise Lard Presses • Coleman Gas Iron • Wall-mount Oak Telephone • Peterwright 150 lb. Anvil • Vulcan 100 lb. Anvil • (2) #8 and (1) #9 Griswald Skillets • (1) #8 Griswald Skillet w/Lid • Lodge Skillets • (5) Ice Tongs • (3) Wood Augers • (2) Craftsman Reel Mowers • Several Lightning Rods w/Balls • Hand Potato Planter • Table Top Scales w/Weights • “Brass Steam Whistle” Headlight • Antique Cast Iron Ceiling Fan out of Troy Academy • Several Hay Trolleys, including Brands: Eagle, Loudon and M.T. Buchanan • Ingersol-Deadlock Church • Set of Blue Butter Churns • Dough Bowl w/Stand • Snow Shoes • Wooden Pulleys • Several Coleman Gas Lanterns • Crosscut Saws • 5 Gallon Jar of Marbles • Several Small Jars of Marbles • Several Animal Weather Vanes • Set of Longhorns • Barnwood Stars • Grist Mill • Lot of Burlap Feed and Seed Bags • Salesman Sample Archer Oil • Red Comet & Fire Extinguisher in Original Box • (2) Old Brass Torches • CocoaCola Platters • Land ‘O Lakes Platter • Oil Cans • Seythe w/Cradle • (2) Sythes • Wood Planes • Hand Saws • Hay Knives • Wooden Eveners • McCormick Hand Crank Corn Sheller • Copper Kettle • #6 Bear Trap • Chicken Feeders • Oil Lamps • (6) Small Anvils • (2) John Deere, (1) Farmall, (1) I.H., (1) Shell Material, (1) Golden Fleece Motor Oil • (1) Aero 12” Windmill • Metal Signs: ACCO Seed, (1) Cargill Seed, (2) McCormick Deering, (2) Allis Chalmers, Firestone Tires, Pepsi, Delaval Cream Seperator, Diamond Tires (porc) and John Deere Implements (porc) • (1) 15 gal. Crock and (1) 20 gal. Crock. TOYS: Mostly 1/16 scale in box, including JD, IH, White Ford, Case, MM, Cockshut, Cat, Hvina, True Scale and Oliver • JD Pedal Tractor w/Trailer • Firefighter Unit 508 Pedal • Green Pedal Car • 1931 Hawkeyes Truck Bank • 1932 Ford Bank • IH 606 • IH 460 Grove • Truscale Combine • JD 4010 - 4430 - 42303010 - 4240 - 4450 - 8400 Tractor • Case 9190 • JD 430 High Crop • JD 340 Large Square Baler • Oliver Disc • Severl JD Crawlers • IH 80 Combine • JD Field Sprayer with Booms • MG 3660 • Farmall 460 • JD 1930 BR • IH 606 • Cockshut Tractor • JD 1947 MI Tractor • JD 40 Tractor • JD 1935 BR Tractor • JD 620 Orchard Tractor • JD 1953 D Tractor • JD E Hit & Miss • JD BW Tractor • (2) JD 1937 G Tractors • JD Haybine • JD 348 Square Baler with Kicker • JD 1912-1992 80 Tractor • JD D Tractor • Hay Elevator • Ford NAA Golden Jubilee Tractor • JD 6600 Combine with Grain Head • Case IH Square Baler • IH Barge Wagon. BUGGIES - HUNTING - MISC. (Sells in the PM) (NEW) Pioneer Buggy Gear w/Shafts, ready for top • 2-Wheeled Pony Cart • (1) EZ Entry Road Cart • (1) Single Buggy Gear • (1) Double Buggy Gear • (1) Pony Sled • (NEW) 360 Pro Series 6’ Hunting Blind, insulated window option with 8’ tower • (NEW) 6’ Black Arrow Hunting Blind, insulted, bow windows, with 8’ tower • Midwest Extreme Hunting Blind • 1 Lot 20 ga. #s, 3” Steel Shot • 1 Lot 410 Ammo • Turtle Trap • 1 Lot Tree Stands • Matthews (Triax) Bow 2018 Model, 28” Custom Strings • IQ Range Finding Sight, fully loaded, like new. All commission will go to the school. Rates: Horses and Ponies 7%; All other merchandise up to $100.00 15%, over $100.00 10%, all items under $4.00 will be donated to the school fund. Loader available on auction day. Selling times approx. We will be accepting consignments onsite from 7 AM to 6 PM - Wed., Sept. 14 to Fri., Sept. 16 Loader will be available Friday or by Appt. NO ITEMS ACCEPTED DAY OF AUCTION NOTICE: NO GARAGE SALE ITEMS PLEASE. For more information, contact: Delmar Weaver 641-777-0736 or Allen Miller 319-677-6021 or Paul Yoder 641-242-0909 Auction will be held at 14682 Route J40 • Milton, IA 52570 Just West of the 4-way stop in Lebanon, IA MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, September 10, 2022 • 8:00 a.m. Five Star Auction Yard 2530 Hwy 22 • Riverside, IA Tractors/Vehicles/Trailers: Deutz D6807 2wd 4340 hrs; 51” Fergusen T020 utility/been restored/almost new rear tires: Harry Fergusen utility; IH Cub Lo-Boy utility/been restored: Fergusen 35 utility/tractor Cade tractor; Fergusen utility; IH240 utility; Fergusen rear axle/transmission/for parts; ’05 Agco Rt 135 7800 Hrs/CVT/cab suspension/forward reverser/hi speed/transmission/Cab-n-air/FWA/works good; IH684/rollbar canopy/FW/ 4422 hrs; IH 2200 7 ft loader/runs good; Deutz 6275 2wd 12,000 plus hrs; Westendorf 2,000 hrs since overhaul, loader; 1066 IH brackets/ 7ft bucket/pallet forks; JD 2010 bull dozer/pto and dual hydraulics/straight blade/works good; ’03 CIH JX95 tractor/FWA/3512 hrs/CIH LX132 loader/works good; IH 1066 tractor/black stripe; ONAN 30EK LP generator/6 cyl Ford engine/533 hrs/3 phase or single phase/on skid/works good; Automatic transfer switch/7000 series/200 amp single phase; ASCO automatic transfer switch, series 300, 104 amp 3 phase; Farmall 560 gas FH; K-2 Koyker loader/ bucket/manure fork/FH 8 ft blade; FH post hole digger; 2 FH 3 pt adaptors; Petter 1 cyl diesel engine/needs work; IH1586 2wd cab-n-air/duals/Quicktach; Deutz 8006 2wd, dual hydraulics/new brakes/ new clutch/field ready; JD 6200 2wd/roll bar/ 5900 hrs/works good; ’01 Chevy Venture/8 passenger/172k miles; ’76 F-100 360 V8 pickup/flatbed/2wd/auto trans/pwr steering/pwr brakes/new battery/fuel pump/master cylinder/ needs tune-up/runs drives ok; Several smaller BH utility trailers; 18 ft. tandem axel/BH trailer/ramps/3500 lb torsion axels/steel deck/very good; ’98 Maclander 14 ft BH trailer/ramps; ’11 Keifer GN 20 ft livestock trailer/ steel deck; Farm Equipment: JD 1210 400 bu grain cart; JD 216 grain table/JD header cart; Kewanee 500 ele vator; Parker 525 bu gravity; Unverferth 630 bu gravity/like new truck tires; Westfield 10x71’ auger/swing hopper; Woods 15’ batwing mower; MF No 12 small sq baler; JD 3800 pull type chopper/hay head; Oliver 83 2 row corn picker; 2 Westfield 10x73 augers/swing hoppers; NI 218 manure spreader; Bradford 275 bu gravity; JD 300 corn picker; 3-260 bu Dmi gravity; Meyer 2636 manure spreader; JD 18 ft. Wingfold disc; 7 ft 3 pt food plot disc; 12 ft Krawse 209 wheel disc; 3 pt 7 ft Landpride blade; JD 16 ft 400 Rotary hoe/good spades; 10 ft wheel disc; 3 pt sickle mower; wagon hoist; misc steel wheels; 3 pt 7 ft rotary mower; 3 pt 5 ft rotary mower; 3 pt 7 ft Landpride rotary mower; Gehl 204 3 pt 4-wheel rake; 3 pt bale mover; 20 ft storage container; Dakon 231 gravity; 6x10 Barge wagon/hoist; Killbros 300 bu gravity; EZ flow 300 bu gravity; IH 550 5-bottom plow; IH 234 mounted corn picker/12 roll Husking bed; Hesston 1120 Sickel mower conditioner; 3pt Big chief post hole digger; NH 3pt bale fork; 2000 JD 920 bean head; JD 566 round baler/netwrap/kicker bar/works okay; pull type chisel; 3pt deep ripper; 3pt Kewanee 8ft 3-way blade; 8x61 Westfield auger; GEHL 99 silage blower; 7 11-L15 brand new wagon tire/8 ply; NH 479 mower conditioner; WR20 Vermeer 8 wheel rake; NH 479 Mower conditioner; 6x10 Heider barge wagon; IH 14 Ft wheel disc; Hutchinson 52’ auger; Farm Star 33’ fill stand; 175 Bu gravity; Kewanee 295 disc ripper; Wood T 308 3 Pt backhoe; 2-300 Bu gravity wagons; 6-250 Bu gravity wagons; Fuerst M200 G manure spreader; Westfield MK871 auger w/swing hopper; 1,000 Gal air tank; Lots of misc screws & nails; Lots of building materials/asst lumber; Livestock Equipment: Cattle panels; Hog panels; Hog gates; Cattle gate; Lots of fencing supplies; 4 Big Husky pig creep feeders; 3-Husky hog feeders; Lamb creep feeder; Wooden feed bunks; Bale feeders; Wooden posts; T posts; Steel C chamel fencing; wooden feed bunks; Assorted eye beams; Farmstar creep feeders; Apache creep feeder on wheels; SS nursery pig feeders; Assorted hog waters; Mineral feeders; Storage tanks; Assorted pvc pipe; Chicken feeders; Egg nests; Waters; Portable chicken coop; Lawn-Garden: Vinyl privacy fencing; Chainlink fencing; 2 patio fire pits; Wooden picnic table; Garden carts; Snow blower/canopy; Case 224 rider/with attachments/belly mower/snow blower; Echo Bear Cat 3206C chipper shredder; Dixon 3 ft snow blade; Huskavama 545 chainsaw/new; Stihl 311 chainsaw/like new; String trimmers; Toro power curve snow blower; JD 322 rider, 50” deck; 3 cycle liquid cooled Yanmar gas w/receiver hitch; Troy Bilt 2 cycle leaf blower; Kubota FZ2100 62” deck mower, zero turn, AWD, diesel; Building Materials/Shop Tools: Approx. 10-12 hayracks small tools; 2 Hydraulic motors; 4 pallets tile; Wet tile saw; Dewalt steel shop saw; MTM 3004 power washer; Charge air pro compressor; Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; Step ladders; Fiberglass extension ladders; Generators; Hose reels; Battery Chargers; Craftsman router; Bench grinders; Sears air compressors; Craftsman 10” bandsaw; Metal bandsaw; Concrete bull float; Truck tool boxes; 30 dolly castors; Dewalt 20 volt cordless tools; Craftsman 100” table saw; Lots of construction & drywall tools; Bosch dual bevel 12” sliding compound saw/ stand; Kobalt 10” table saw; Lots of used lumber; 1x4/2x4/2x6/2x10/1x10; 20-1/2” osb; Lots of used steel roofing & siding; New steel packages. Items to be removed in two weeks!! Storage fees apply thereafter. Auctioneers Note: This is an early listing! Lot more items coming in daily! Note start time 8 a.m. on Hayrack smalls. Come prepared as we will sell with 5-6 rings part of the day. Accepting items thru Thursday, September 8th or until lot is full!!! Bring items early for better exposure! Sales tax will be charged on all shop tools/lawn garden/building materials. Lunch on Grounds • Cash or Check Terms: Cash or Check w/proper ID. Not Responsible for accidents or theft. All announcements day of auction supersede previous advertising. DelmarAuctioneers:Yoder319-430-2711 Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019 Jason Hershberger, Sheldon Heading, Randy High

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 18 Vermeer 605 N Balers, Twin Rakes, Trailed Mowers, Disc Mowers, Tedders, Bale Hide-AwayDanhauserDewEzeProcessorsBaleBedsPostholeDiggers&PostholeDrivers5thWheelHitchesFlexHarrowsUsedEquipment9000BaleProcessor Call Us For All Your Used Equipment Needs Liebhart Sales, Inc 17546 Lacey Drive • New Boston, MO 63557 660-689-3406 AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co REAL ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 5:00 PM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 1022 S. HANCOCK, OTTUMWA, IOWA REAL ESTATE: This property consists of a 2-bedroom, single-story home with open kitchen/living room area. Main level laundry and full bath. Located in an excellent South location, on a 40’x193’ lot, with a newer 16’x22’ single-car detached garage plus newer 12’x12’ metal storage building. This home has seen a lot of remodeling in recent years. CAR: 2004 Buick LeSabre, 4D, 3800 V6, auto, 171,000 miles, runs & drives excellent. TERMS: 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Court Officer Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement. REAL ESTATE WILL SELL PROMPTLY AT 5:00 PM For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. JUDITH K. FARRINGTON ESTATE, OWNER Minnette Baxter-Jarrard, Executor Box & Box, Attorneys Edina, Missouri Weekly Sales Start @ 12:30 PM Friday, September 2nd - NO SALE - Labor Day Friday, September 9th - Special Feeder Calf Sale ALL SALES TELEVISED ON DV AUCTION To Consign For Any or All Sales or For All Information Call: Owner - Kevin Strange • Cell: 660-341-9974 Ryan Strange • Cell: 660-341-9721 Sale Barn: 660-397-9999 Field Reps: Bill Tom Hall 660-342-5420 • Jason Bischel 660-216-0373 Mike Bronestine 660-341-9965 • John Powell 660-341-1717 175.77± Acres • Mahaska County, Iowa Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock SIMULCAST AUCTION L-2200522 For more information on property details, please contact: To Register and Bid on this Auction, go to: -- Quality cropland with open tenancy for 2023! --- Selling in two individual tracts -- CSR2 of 76 for Tract 1, 70 for Tract 2 -John & Kathy Van Zee, Agents • Mitchellville, Iowa Phone: (641) 521-0151 or (641) 521-5305 • Eric Van Zee, Agent • Colfax, Iowa Phone: (515) 971-2633 • Live Event: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM Americinn 910 West 16th Street • Pella, Iowa ONLINE SIMULCAST BIDDING: Bidding starts Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 8:00 AM Bidding ends Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at close of live event LocatedLIVESTOCKOSBORNAUCTION7milesWestofCamerononHWY.36,OSBORN,MO Danny 816-675-2424 or 816-695-0504 Randy Vanderkooi, Fieldman 816-632-0694 Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Transportation and order buying available • Bonded • Insured Barn Phone: 816-675-2424 FRIDAY!EVERYSALE FRIDAY!EVERYSALE RECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time. MARKET REPORT: May 18 Sale Top Butcher Cow - $0.68 Top Bull - $0.81 246 Butcher Cows Sold. Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We currently have 5 butcher cow buyers. NEXT SALE FRI, June 11:30AM1st Barn Phone: (816) 675-2424 (816) 649-8485 Transportation and Order Buying Available • Bonded • Insured SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY | 10:00 a.m Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We Have 9 Butcher Cow Plants RepresentedDannyRECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time COW DISPERSAL: ROBIN ECTON - LATHROP 35 ANGUS COWS W/CALVES Top Cow: $1.02 - Princeton Top Bull: $1.28 - Wathena Holsteins & Longhorns: $0.58-$0.81 Longhorn X & Dairy X: $0.82-$1.08 Owner, Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Randy Vanderkooi, 816-632-0694Fieldman Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Frank Peterson, 660-247-2306Fieldman Dale Coble, Fieldman 816-213-3581 Todd Gottswiller,816-390-7917Fieldman Gary Mann, Fieldman 816-294-5849 Bill Bray, Fieldman 816-724-0438 Gary Jackson, Fieldman 816-724-4348 STEERS HEIFERS 300#........................................$2.32 .............................................$2.11 400#........................................$2.25 .............................................$2.02 500#........................................$2.16 .............................................$1.88 600#........................................$2.08 .............................................$1.76 700#........................(Potload) $1.88 .............................................$1.59 800# .......................................$1.68 .............................................$1.55 900#........................................$1.60 .............................................$1.40 1000#......................................$1.50 .............................................$1.30 1100# Fats ..............................$1.31 .............................................$1.30 889CALVES265COWSLASTWEEK|EXPECTING1200THISWEEK C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 New Harleys 3.29% For 66 Months And $0 Down With Qualified Credit! Call Us Before You Buy! NO DOC FEES! MOBILEWholesaleHOMESININVENTORY We Gottem In Stock, Call For Information 573-249-3333 Or marktwainmobilehomes.com573-303-5529 GrinderCaseMixer$800 660-605-2437 CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573 696-3468 TFN FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN PETS FOR SALE: Cotunix Quail Chicks And Adults, $1.50 Each; Showgirl Chickens, $7.00 Each; Male Chinchilla Very Friendly, $100 OBO. 660-216-4696 9-2 FOR SALE: AKC Registered German Shorthair Pointer Pups. Black Or Liver. Will Be Ready To Start This Fall. 641-594-2704 9-2 FOR SALE: AKC & CKC Penbroke Corgi Puppies, Black, Tri, Blue. Merle Sable. 573-473-0633 9-9 FOR SALE: APRI Dachshund Puppies, 2 Males And 1 Female, Shots UTD, Would Trade For A Miniature Dachshund Puppy, $700 Each. 660-216-4696 9-2 PUPPIES, PUPPIES: We Want to Buy Your Puppies! Registered or Mixed Breeds. We Have Homes Waiting for Them! 573-784-9866 TFN REAL ESTATE MUST SEE!!: Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Double Wide Home On Lake Front At Lakeside Estate, Many Updates, Could Also Be Moved. 641-242-0467 9-2 AG RELATED FOR SALE: IHC 1460 Combine, Hydo Leask, Good Shape Other Than That. 319-430-7253 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 653A Row Head, Kilbros 375 Gravity Wagon, Heider 200 BU Gravity Wagon. 641-632-8463 9-2 WANTED OR FOR SALE: Vermeer T650 Trencher. 319-430-7253 9-2

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 19“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” ESTATE AUCTION Located Duwa’s Auction Building 1365 Hwy 22, Wellman or 1 1/2 mi West of Wellman on Hwy 22 Sat. – Sept. 17, 2022 – 9:00am SPOOL CABINETS – DYE CABINETS – 6 FEATHERLITE SINGER SEWING MACHINES – VINTAGE SEWING MACHINES W/STANDS - 80 CHILD’S SEWING MACHINE COLLECTION: Walnut 34”x18”x21” John Clark Jr & Co spool cabinet; Oak J&P Coats 3 dr & 6 dr spool cabinets; Crowley’s Oak 10 dr Needle cabinet; Crowley’s Oak 1 dr Needle cabinet; 2-Walnut double sided Diamond Dyes cabinets; Walnut Dy-o-la double sided Dyes cabinet; Walnut German Household Dyes-for Wool-Silk-Cotton or Linen cabinet; Wall hung Rainbow Dyes cabinet-One Dye for all Fabrics; Wall hanging walnut German Seed cabinet; Sew Handy-Standard Featherlite sewing machine; Howe, Stitchwell & Singer machines w/cabinets; Astra & New National port machines; Ideal, German Singer treadle machines, 20 Child’s Cast sewing machines: Willcox & Gibbs, Singer, Mother’s Helper, Spenser, Smith & TGGE, Baby, The Little Comfort, Grain, Essex-Made in England, Made in Germany, Baby Grand, Peter Pan, Stitchwell, etc, 60 Tin Child’s sewing machines: The Little Mother, Lindstrom-Little Miss, Diana, Junior Miss, Gateway, Casiges, So Toy, Sew Master, Little Betty’s, The Tabitha, assorted w/decorative stenciling-Made in Germany & others; Belding silk thread-Brothers & Co mini holder; Floor style sewing caddy/cabinets; Table clamp on pin cushion; Shaker style sewing baskets; FURNITURE – QUILTS – LONGENBERGER BASKETS: Simmons Hdwe Co–Oak White Clad ice box; Pine pie safe w/6 punched tins; 48” rd oak table w/5 leaves & 6 dining chairs; Walnut 3 drawer dresser; 38” Oak church pew; Pine dough box; Wooden tub; Hickory rocker; Child’s high chairs; Oak sewing stands; Walnut drop leaf dining table w/5 leaves & 6 caned bottom chairs; Quilt rack; Rocking cradle; Green Arrow child’s wagon; Child’s chairs/rockers/school desk; Yarn winders; Wicker doll buggies; Benches; Wooden ironing board; Little Plate chalkboard; Walnut doll chest; Prints: DeLaval Adv poster/tin; 1992 Al Koenig Amish print; P Buckley Moss-Old Country Store by the Yard; Vintage Quilts: Log Cabin, Trip Around the World, Postage Stamp, Sun Dial, Tulip, Christmas stripes, Dresden Plate, Lone Star, Asstd variations of colors & styles of 9 patch, Wool black/red/green quilt; 1990 Dorothy Miller Preheim-Quilted by Freeman Academy, Morning glory, Road to Kalona quilt & others; ABC baby size; Quilted Wall hangings: Assorted solid colored vintage hangings, Ocean wave, basket, Trip Around the World, 9 patch, Red/White & Blue, Log Cabin, Denim, Crazy, 1988 Log Cabin Voyager w/local names, Cutter quilts; Many vintage linens; 33+ Longenberger baskets: Traditions Collections: 2-Generosity, Hospitality & Community; Gathering baskets; Planter; Collector’s Club, Bonnie’s 90th Birthday; Pie baskets; ’91, ’93, ’95 & ’99 Christmas Collection & others;
OPEN HOUSE: Friday Sept 16th - Noon-7pm. OF at 6 pm conducted at the located at 123 W. Monroe Street, Memphis, MO.
SALE: Two rings throughout the day w/Household & collectibles. 11:30am-Appliances. 1:30pm-Spool cabinets & furniture. SARA A. MILLER ESTATE: owner AUCTIONEERS: Dwight Duwa 319-646-6775 – Jeff Wille Web: Terms: Cash or ck w/ID Lunch: Good Samaritan’s Not responsible for accidents/theft Clark County, MO SeptemberThursday,8 th
STONEWARE - PRIMITIVES: Salt glazed jugs: 2 gal Beehive w/Cobalt design-Somerset Pottersworks, 2 gal w/mesh design-Return to James Fe & Bros- Rochester NY, 2 gal w/bird design-Whitestrica?, 1 gal w/flower design-NY Stoneware Co; 2 gal churn-Hamilton & Johnson-Greensboro, PA; 1/2 gal churn; E.S.&B. New Brighton PA jardinière; Salt glazed Crocks: 2 gal-NY Stoneware Co, 1 gal, 3 gal w/dragonfly design, 1 gal tall, 1 gal E.B. Norton, 2gal Red Wing w/Target, 2 & 3 gal; Misc Stoneware: 5 gal Western crock & jug; 2 gal star & sugar crocks; Butter crocks; Chicken water; 1 gal Western jug; Primitives: Wooden & Metal butter churns: Dazey #80 glass churn; 22+ Butter Molds including: Double Pineapple, Flowers, Sheep, Bird, Many unique shapes & sizes; 25+ Butter Pat collection: cow, flowers, etc; White Mountain Jr Salesman Sample & #2-1 qt ice cream freezers; Adlake NYCS RR lantern; 3 doz wooden egg carrier; Cast iron, granite, tin & wooden buckets; Arcade Imperial coffee grinder; Watkins wooden carrier; Watkins tins; Garden gate; Jack Spratt & other early Kitchen tins; Gray graniteware; Cast iron salesman cream separator; Nutmeg grinders; Unique beaters; Gray Enameled covered jar, unique funnel, sugar/creamer; Cast iron pea huller; Gray granite wall hanging w/cup; Primitive kitchen utensils; Chocolate molds; Wooden canister spice set; Child’s telephones; Vintage bar soap; Tin Toys: Child’s Dayton wheel barrow; Wagon, Sand dump; Jack & Jill went up the hill-Wishing Well; J Chein & Three Little Pigs wash tubs; Sand bucket-Ohio Art; 2-ABC plates; Kitchen & doll house sets; Snow White & Dwarf’s pail; Blue granite child’s dinnerware, Red Riding Hood tine dinnerware & other tin dinnerware; Santa Clause dinner pail; Tin chicken/cart toy; 5 SALESMAN SAMPLE COOKING STOVES – CHILD’S WASH MACHINES: Eldora No 110 wringer washer w/stand; 2 large wooden wash tubs; Salesman Sample-Maytag wringer washer; Wash Machines: Glass Modern Mist & Busy Betty #354, Tin-Walt Disney, 2-J Chein-Dolly’s Laundry, 2-J Chein-Three
MICHAEL & MELISSA MCCREARY, SELLERS need of repair. New roof 2013, Property Sells “as found” to the highest bidder without reserve.
ROBERT E. AYERS, ESTATE Selling a nice variety of household furnishings, game and gym room equipment, collectibles, glassware, antiques, art work- prints & paintings, lawn related and much m
FlatwareSilver ahoka, MO375 S Johnson Kahoka, MO www.mcafeeauctionservice.com660-727-3796Home
found” to the highest bidder without reserve. ROBERT E. AYERS, ESTATE Selling nice variety of household furnishings, game and gym room equipment, collectibles, glassware, antiques, art work- prints & paintings, lawn related and much more. FlatwareSilver ahoka, MO375 S Johnson Kahoka, MO www.mcafeeauctionservice.com660-727-3796 PICK UP LOCATION: 10272 HWY. 136 ARBELA MO. (COUNTY LINE) LOTS START CLOSING AT 10 AM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH THE FAMILY OF TERRY JONES, SELLERS Selling JD 4440, QR, Reads 7278 Hrs; Kubota 900 Diesel, 1331 Hrs; HouseholdFarmBoat,Skidsteer,Equipment,Tools&Related,OakwoodFurniture,Misc. TIMED ONLINE ONLY ESTATE AUCTION COMPLETE DETAILS ONLINE! BID NOW! C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 The All New IN STOCK!NOFEES!DOC
ROBERT E. AYERS, ESTATE Selling nice variety of household furnishings, game and gym room equipment, collectibles, glassware, antiques, art work- prints & paintings, lawn related and much m
MICHAEL & MELISSA MCCREARY, SELLERS of repair. New roof 2013, Property Sells “as found” to the highest bidder without reserve.
217 ACRES/4 TRACTS-GrasslandCroplandTillable - RecreationalHuntingSale
MICHAEL & MELISSA MCCREARY, SELLERS of repair. New roof 2013, Property Sells “as found” to the highest bidder without reserve.
Little Pigs, The Princess, The Wolverine, Deluxe & others; Wooden Wee Washer, Horseshoe Brand Salesman sample wringer; Salesman sample-Banner #30 wringer; GLASSWARE: Aladdin lamps; kerosene lamps w/match holders; Finger lamps; Single angle lamp; 3-Doll glass whipper jars; Oneida 12 piece set of silverware; ADVERTISING: Walnut 25”x11”x18” DeLaval Cream Separator cabinet; DeLaval Holstein, Guernsey & Jersey cow/calf sets; 2 Jersey cows, DeLaval match holder & oil tin; Tip Trays: Bettendorf Steel gear wagon & pin, DeLaval Cream Separators, Quick Meal Ranges & Fairy Soap; Pot Scrapers: Junket, Sharples, King Midas, Grand, Penn & Fairmont; King Midas flour scoop; Early children’s books-Dick & Jane, etc; APPLIANCES & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Maytag Super Cap Nat. gas range; Frigidaire 20cu ft upright freezer; Kenmore Elite washer & ele dryer; Floral blue/ivory couch; Tan w/oak trim couch, loveseat & matching oak end tables; 4 piece Oak like Bedroom set w/Highboy, dresser, night stand & bed frame; Maroon Lazy Boy recliner; Office chairs; Storage cabinets; Shelving; Card tables/chairs; Park bench; Sewing Machines: JC Penny Model 6984A, 3-Singers, Nelco, White Treadle, Singer 301 & 301A & other port Singer machines, Many quilt frames, books & patterns; Loads of quilt fabric yardage/pieces; Fabric measuring machine/ table; Sewing supplies; Electrolux vacs; KITCHEN – HOUSEHOLD MISC: Oneida cookware; Blenders; Roaster; Slow cookers; Baking pans; Mixing bowls; Corningware; Corelle dinnerware; Silverware; Canning jars; Cookbooks; Little Middleton dolls in boxes; Large collection of Beanie Babies; Religious books, CD’s, Cassettes & VCR’s; Household linens; Garden cart & tools.
Lying in Sect. 7 and 18, Twp 65N, R9W Clark County, MO
ROBERT E. AYERS, ESTATE Selling nice variety of household furnishings, game and gym room equipment, collectibles, glassware, antiques, art work- prints & paintings, lawn related and much more. FlatwareSilver
MICHAEL & MELISSA MCCREARY, SELLERS d of repair. New roof 2013, Property Sells “as

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 20 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,DetachableTourPak,21K $13,999NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LowMiles,VariousOptions,GreatMPG! Starting at $8,495NOFEES!DOC OBERHOLTZER Specializing in Aluminum Hopper Trailers • Repair & Rebuild We Install Tarps & Power Tarps Timpte & Wilson Trailer Parts Available 660-341-6027 • 660-282-1012 3 Miles East of Gorin, MO on Route U SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Tuesday, September 6th @ 12:30 PM EarlyListings 220 hd - Mostly Blk Strs - 850-850# off grass 250 hd - Mostly Blk Strs - 750# off grass 100 hd - Blk Strs - 700# off grass 180 hd - Blk Hfrs - 650# off grass 60 hd - Mostly Blk Strs & Hfrs - 550# 30 hd - Blk Strs & Hfrs - 450-500# 70 hd - Blk Strs - 700# running out 17 hd - Blk Strs & Hfrs - 700-800# 15 hd - Mxd Strs & Hfrs - 600-700# 70 Hd - Blk & BWF Strs & Hfrs - 350-550# - 1 round, off cow 40 hd - Blk Bulls & Hfrs- 450-550# 220 hd - Blk & Bwf Strs & Hfrs - 450# - 1 round, off cow 20 hd - Blk Strs & Hfrs - 400# - LTW, 1x Vacc 35 Hd - Blk Strs & Hfrs - 500# DAIRY SALE Tuesday, September 13th @ 10:30 AM Selling Dairy Cattle, Springers, Fresh Cows & Open Heifers. Followed by Veal Calves & Steers. EarlyListings 25 Hd Holstein Springer Heifers 100# Close Up 400 Hd Angus X Strs & Hfrs 650-750# SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Tuesday, September 20th @ 12:30 PM 250 hd - Mostly Blk Strs - 700-750# off grass I am Looking to Buy Your Deer Antlers, Sheds & Heads Big & Small, I Buy Them All!! Ronnie Coffelt 417-339-1462 Our Hours Are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM M-F • Sat 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SAM’S RIVERSIDE REPAIRABLES PARTS 515-265-8792 HEAVY TRUCKS 515-265-1656REPAIRABLES 515-265-1212 2016 Subaru Crosstrek Premium AWD, 2.0L, 4 Cyl, 87,518 Miles $15,900 SKU:G77936 2011 Ford F250 Super Duty Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, 6.7L 8 Cyl, 59,720 Miles, $36,900 SKU:B88788 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4x4, Theft, Regular Title, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 70,558 Miles, $26,900 SKU:H00127 2021 Volkswagen Atlas SE w/Technology AWD, Theft, 2.0L, 4 Cyl, 19,297 Miles $31,900 SKU:M36824 2021 Nissan Murano SL AWD, Theft, 3.5L, 6 Cyl, 12,073 Miles $31,900 SKU:M33880 2017 GMC Canyon SLECrew Cab, 4x4, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 43,545 Miles, $24,900 SKU:H79467 2015 Ford F150 Lariat Super Crew Cab, 3.5L, 6 Cyl, 63,151 Miles $26,900 SKU:F39981 2017 Dodge Ram 200 SLT Big Horn Mega Cab, Diesel, 4x4, 6.7L, 6 Cyl, 52,732 Miles $39,900 SKU:H12490 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Premium AWD, 2.5L, 4 Cyl,l 75,001 Miles $10,900 SKU:A75165 2021 Chevrolet Colorado LT Crew Cab, 4x4, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 2,784 Miles $31,900 SKU:M82258 2016 Mazda CX3 Grand Touring AWD, 2.0L, 4 Cyl, 39,731 MIles $16,900 SKU:G38596 2011 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLT Extended Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, 6.6L, 8 Cyl, 110,586 Miles, $24,900 SKU:B29662 2012 Hyundai Sonata GLS 2.4L, 4 Cyl, 31,952 Miles $11,900 SKU:C93033 2015 Honda Accord EX 2.4L, 4 Cyl, 55,358 Miles $16,900 SKU:F08064 2017 Toyota Camry SE Theft, 2.5L, 4 Cyl, 81,160 Miles $14,900 SKU:H77367 FOR SALE: JD 7 Knife Disk Ripper, Very Nice Shape; 50cc Scooter, Very Nice Shape, Low Miles. 641-751-7896641-489-2823 9-2 FOR SALE: Red International Cub Lowboy, Includes Front Blade And Small Disk, Good Condition, $3,600 Or Offer, NO Text. 641-990-1012 9-9 FOR SALE: John Deere Material Cart, Power Flow, Complete Unit. Fits X500, X520, X534, X540 Tractors. Quincy. $300.00. Call Only. 217-257-4276 9-2 FOR SALE: Two Parker Wagons. #2600 For $1,500 And #4000 For $1,800, Good Condition. 515-205-1989 9-2 WANTED RETIRED FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23 FOR SALE: JD 318 Garden Tractor, Very Low Hours, 50 Inch Deck, Very Good Condition, New Tires, $1,500 OBO. 641-572-0061 9-2 FOR SALE: JD 7720 Combine LWA 3400 Has Several Augers. Recently Reflighed Motor, Sound. $5,000. Cell:660-388-6381660-676-8953 9-2 AG BULLDOZING: Ponds, Fence Rows, Building Pads, Still Time For Pond Constructions This Summer And Fall. David 641-226-9630Mozingo: 9-2 FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22 HAY FOR 641-208-5445SALE: 9-2 FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1969 C50 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, Good Bed And Hoist. $1,000. 660-388-6381 Or Cell: 660-676-8953 9-2

September 8th at 10:00
CONSIGNED BY MIKE WILSON & OTHERS: Red Wing 6-qt. water jug; Red Wing buttermilk crock; Pittsburg 5-qt. crock; Ice cream crock; Other jugs & crocks; Cast-iron pots w/lids; Antique wash stand w/mirror; Antique laundry cabinet; Antique wicker doll buggy; Antique RR depot wooden chair; Small pull-behind pony cart; Marshall Pottery butter churn; Antique butter churn; Bookin Jewelry Bulova wall clock; John Deere 20 Series pedal tractor w/wagon, all original; Flow blue pitcher w/basin & candleholder; (15) P. Buckley Moss framed pictures & plates; Pink Depression cake plate; Flaid wall clock; Cuckoo clock; Child’s rocker; Stainless steel pots & pans; Laundry hamper; Wicker baskets; Picnic basket; Old pictures & frames; Plant stands; Hand saws; (3) Shop vacs; Ornate antique curved-glass secretary china cabinet w/mirrored top; Treadle sewing machine; Aladdin pink Lincoln drape lamp w/shade; Cedar chest; Unique Mahogany lingerie chest; Mahogany ladder bookcase; Large variety of Princess House decorator, bakeware & glass & tableware items.
Hiniker AR-2000
3 Pt),
Jack Ruiter Retirement: John Deere 4450 (MFWD, 4217 hrs, Duals, Quick Hitch, 2 Owner), John Deere 7200 Planter (12R, 30”), John Deere 7000 Planter (6R, 30”), John Deere 9500 Combine (4383 Engine, 3099 Sep Hrs, Duals, New Rubber, Very Nice), John Deere 643 Corn Head, John Deere 925 Platform, Zierkes Head Cart, 400 Grain Cart, ’75 Chevrolet C65 (350 Motor, Tag Axles, 18’ Box). Tractors, Skidloader, Backhoe, Forklifts, Attachments: ’78 John Deere 4440 (8550 hrs, QR), Case 870 (WF, No Cab, 7053 hrs), White 2-135 (8299 Hrs, Duals), Massey Ferguson 231 (2099 hrs, Very Nice), Case 530 Construction King Backhoe, IH 5612 Forklift, Pettibone Three Stage Forklift, Brown Pull Type Box Scraper (12’), Schweiss 8’ Snowblower, Loftness 8’ Snowblower, Gnuse 8’ Bucket, George White 8’ Snowblower, Vermeer PT-12 Trencher Attach. Tillage, Planting, Spraying & Fertilizer Equipment: John Deere 512 Disk Ripper (12’6”), John Deere 2700 Disk Ripper (7 Shank), M&W Ripper (7 Shank), Brent Disk, Minneapolis Moline Disk (18’), John Deere 2800 Plow, International 9 Bottom On Land Bottom (3 Pt), Massey 820 Disk (28’), 470 Disk (16’), Deere 230 Disk (24’), Deere 610 Chisel Plow (17’), Deere 1600 Chisel Plow (24’), (10’, (10’), 1550 Disk Chisel (12’), Deere 1100 Field Cult (24’), Field Cult, Case 955 Planter (12R, 30”, Trash Whippers), IH 800 Planter (8R), John Deere Van Brunt Drill (10’), Minneapolis Moline Drill (12’), 2 Box Seed Tender, IH 153 Cult (12R), IH 133 Cult (8R), Noble Cult (12R), Fast 7000 Sprayer, Pull Type Fenceline Sprayer, Anhydrous 13 & 9 Shank Applicators, Yetter 3421 Rotary Hoe, Hiniker 1000 Bar w/Flexi-Coil Tank, Anhydrous Tanks on Gears, Case IH 4520 Titan Floater (3982 Hrs, 810 Air, CFX-750). Equipment, Cutters, Equipment: Deere 1209 Mower Conditioner, Int’l Draw Bar Sickle Mower, Deere 410 Round Baler, on Tops, TW284 3 Pt Mower, Stalk Chopper (8R), Stalk Chopper (8R), Stalk Chopper (8R), Deere 27 Stalk Two EZ Flow Wagons on EZ Trail Gears, Lindsay Barge Box (JD Gear), Flare Box on John Deere Gear, Par Kan Weigh Wagon, Parker 514 Series II Grain Cart, Lindsay Big 12 Grain Cart, Brandt 13 110HP Auger w/Swing Hopper, Westfield MK 130-81 Drive Over Hopper, Brandt Grain Deck Drive Over Belt Hopper (Gas Motor), Hutchinson Auger (12”x60’, newer bearings/chain), Hutchinson (10”x60’), Many Other 8 & 10 Inch Augers, Neco Utrough (10”x27’). Semi, Pickups, Trailers, Camper, Boat, Vehicles, Lawnmowers & Other: ‘11 Dodge Caravan Stow & Go (210,000 miles), ‘07 Chrysler PT Cruiser (129,000 miles),‘04 Chevrolet Silverado LT C71 (178,000 miles, good cond), ’03 Volvo (500HP, 13 Spd, 230” Wheel Base), ’02 Freightliner Cascadia (N14 Cummins), ’96 Int’l 9200 (M11 Cummins, 593,000 miles, 10 Spd Eaton), ’06 Chevrolet 7500 (8.1 Gas, 83,000 miles, Flatbed),’94 Ford F250 (7.3L turbo dsl, flatbed, need miles), ‘94 Ford F150 (4wd, 92,338 miles, has topper),’77 GMC 6500 (Omaha Steel Box), ’76 GMC C65 (56k miles, 18’ Omaha Box, 366 Gas), ’89 Chevrolet 3500 (12’ Flatbed, Dually), ’77 Ford F150 (4x4, 351, Rebuilt Motor & Trans), ’19 Pacesetter Livestock Trailer (16’, Bumper Hitch), ’07 Neville Fertilizer Trailer, ’00 Mauer Fertilizer Trailer, ’03 Trailmobile Van Trailers, ’99 Wilson DWH 400, ’00 Cornhusker Grain Trailer, ’99 Four Star Step Deck (53’, Triple Axle), Swather Trailer, ’04 Savoy by Holiday Rambler Camper (5th Wheel, Slideout, Bunkhouse), ’00 Ford Taurus, DM 30’ Head Trailer, Electric Gear Head Trailer, Fuel Tank on Gear, Starcraft Boat on Trailer, More.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Be sure & attend this auction of outstanding antiques & collectibles. Pictures on our website – TERMS: CASH/GOOD CHECK MASTERCARD/VISA POSITIVE ID REQUIRED DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS All property must be settled for before removal – All items sold as is where is Not responsible in case of accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. KAY CARPENTER DOYLE TRUST & MIKE WILSON, OWNERS C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 OVER 30 40 USEDStartingHARLEYSat$6,995 AUCTION Saturday, September 10 @ 10:00 A.M. 2098 NW Mill Ceek Drive • HAMILTON, MO Due to the Passing of Our Grandparents, David & Ova Lee Ellifrits, We Will Hold an Auction at the Farm. PARTIAL LIST: JD 3720 Hydro 4x4 Tractor w/300 CX Front Bucket Loader & Belly Mow er, Shows 165 Hrs; Ford 1600 Utility Tractor; Case 1190 Utility Tractor w/3 Pt Hitch; JD Model B Crawler Dozer w/Reserve; Some 3 Pt Equipment; Shop Tools; Old Time Antiques & Collectibles. OWNERS - Bob & Randy Sauceda Eddie Pickett Auction Service Inc Eddie Pickett 816-632-0700 • Trent Mumm 660-238-3960 TWO DAY SAPP MACHINERY AUCTION 2409 Highway 9 • Buffalo Center IA Wednesday, September 7th Online Only Auction for Small Line items Lots begin closing at 5:00 pm Items to include: tools, shop items, woodworking equipment, light trailers, lawn mowers, golf carts, building materials, and miscellaneous items.
Wilrich Chisel Plow
Pull Type), Stanhoist Chisel Plow
open Labor Day. 800-373-2255
Live auction with online simulcast bidding Early Listings Tractors from
JD Gear, New Hayrack
Thursday, a.m. the Collection: John Deere 4010 High Crop (Diesel, John Deere 820 (Dsl), John Deere 730 (Gas, John Deere 730 (Gas, John Deere 720 (Gas, John Deere 620 (WF, 3 John Deere 520 (Restored, John Deere 70 (PS), John Deere 60 (New Rubber), John Deere 50 (Good Rubber, Stuck); John Deere 40 Crawlder, 2-3 Btm Plows (Mounted), John Deere Pull Type Disk Plow. Other Antique Tractors: John Deere 4020 Gas (Older Restoration, Out of Estate), John Deere 4010 Dsl (Syncro, Nice Orig), John Deere 630 (Restored, As Nice As You Can Find), John Deere MT (Restored, w/1 Btm Plow), John Deere 70 (Restored), Allis Chalmers WD (Single Front, Mounted Cult), Minneapolis Moline R (Good Rubber, Older Restoration), Minneapolis Moline U (Runs).
Chopper, MC 9E Flail Chopper, John Deere 68 Auger Wagon, Better-Bilt 2500 Tank, Artsway 425-A Grinder Mixer, Gehl 7286 Feedwagon, NH 770R2 Chopper Head, Farmhand 300 Stacker. Combines, Heads: ’88 John Deere 7720 Titan II (4700 hrs, 650 hrs on engine, new concave & hydrostat pump), John Deere 7720 Titan II (4693 hrs), Gleaner M2 Combine (4109 hrs), Gleaner Six Row Corn Head, John Deere 643 Corn Head (Poly), John Deere 630 F Hydraflex Head, John Deere 925F, John Deere 930, John Deere 920, New Holland 973 Platform. Wagons, Grain Handling: 2 Brent 640 Wagons, Brent 544 Wagon (Tarp, Fenders, Lights), Two 5500 Parker Wagons, 6 Parker 4000 Wagons, 3 Parker 2600 (J&M Gears), Parker 2600 (JD Gear), 3 Parker 2500 Wagons, Parker 200 bu (Westendorf Gear), Kilbros Wagon (JD Gear, Seed Auger), DMI Wagon,
Pt, Good Rubber,
NF, Fenders),
To consign call Hallberg Auction 800-373-2255 & Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:00, until September 3rd. Not
WF, 3 Pt),
Jack Angle
WF, 3 Pt),
2 Racks
Loader available
Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 21“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 10:00 AM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 33 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE, OTTUMWA, IOWA Birchwood Drive is located off of Pike Road, East of Elm Street or South of E. Alta Vista APPLIANCES, ANTIQUE & MODERN FURNITURE: Amana refrigerator/freezer w/ice & water dispenser in door; Lady Kenmore auto. washer & matching elec. dryer; Signature upright deep freeze; Antique ivory upholstered fainting couch w/hand-carved wooden frame; Antique Victorianstyle upholstered loveseat; Antique 4-drawer chest w/hankie drawers; Antique 2-drawer dresser w/ oval mirror; Antique flat-top trunk; Antique steamer trunk; Antique 4-door painted kitchen cupboard; 3-drawer chest; Antique oak multi-drawer cabinet; Antique wooden rocker w/upholstered seat & back; Jadeite Aladdin lamp; Glass-top patio table w/4 chairs; Antique walnut flip-up 2-drawer desk; Several wood straight chairs; Old violin in case; Old Native American doll; Child’s rocker & stool; Cedar chest; Wardrobe; Pink & Green Depression ware; Blue glassware; Old jewelry box; Chandelier; Old dollhouse; Old 12” Melons crate; Old L & B Co. box; 3-cushion ivory upholstered sofa w/2 matching chairs; Ivory upholstered wingback chair; 4-pc. bedroom suite incl. queen-size bed, mattress & box springs, 3-drawer dresser w/mirror & 2 matching nightstands; Iron full-size bed w/mattress & box springs; (2) Twin-size beds, w/wood head & footboards, mattress & box springs; Glass-top coffee table; Wooden end table; Table & floor lamps; Small rolltop desk w/chair; Large asst. of pots, pans, dishes, Pyrex & Fire King, convection toaster oven, silverware, copper kettle, canister set, several china dish sets incl. Spode, Johnson Bros. & Newland; Tea sets; Wicker shelves; Wicker patio set; Pottery pieces; Old coffee tins, jelly jars, beer mugs; Buttons; Wicker baskets; Asst. of books & cookbooks; Asst. of pictures & frames; Invalid walker & canes; Magnum stationary bicycle; Schwinn bicycle; Asst. of tools – hammers, screwdrivers & wrenches.
Plow, Two
drop-offs accepted
TAMA LIVESTOCK AUCTION 641-484-3465 Fed Cattle, Slaughter Cows & Bulls Every Wednesday at 9:00 am SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Monday, September 26, 2022 - 11:00 AM Monday, October 10, 2022 - 11:00 AM SPECIAL CATTLE SALE & CUSTOMER APPRECIATION BBQ Monday, September 12, 2022 - 11:00 AM For Markets & Listings go to
Good Rubber, 3Pt),

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 22 Post Frame Buildings All Sizes On Sale Price Includes All Tax and Labor Call (641)295-4970 • (641)295-4467 Customersareresponsibleforallpermits. 30 x 40 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $33,000 24 x 30 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $29,000ASTERUILDERSRJBuyingStandingWANTEDTimberWalnut,OakandMaple20YearsInTheBusinessIPayBeforeICutLumberLLC•RaymondYutzyVM:641-722-3348 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,Only1200Miles,GreatShape! $14,995NOFEES!DOC PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES, BOAT, TRACTOR, FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD, PRIMITIVES, LAWN & GARDEN, APPLIANCES, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, FABRIC, PRECIOUS MOMENTS, AND MUCH MORE!! ONLINE AUCTION BID TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM ONLINE BIDDING ENDS SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2022 • STARTING AT 4PM SOFT CLOSE 2612 W. 2nd Ave. • (Hwy 92 West) Indianola, IA 50125 Open for viewing Saturdays and Sundays 9am – 4pm from now till auction day. Pickup Sunday September 11th 9AM to 4PM-One Day Only. Shipping is available Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) • Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service 660-646-1957 And Remember Rain or Shine bid Online! Monday, September 12, 2022 *ONLINE AUCTION* Starts Closing at 7 PM MORE ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY JOHN DEERE 635F BEAN HEAD, 880 EZ TRAIL HEAD TRAILER SEVERAL SEMI TRUCK STORAGE TRAILERS 1989 GOOSENECK SUNDOWNER SPORTSMAN 2 HORSE TRAILER SEVERAL LOTS OF BRAND NEW TIRES • FORD 861 TRACTOR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 1980 HYDRO 186 LOTS OF GUNS AND AMMO NEW ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY Check Out our Website for more Listings

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 23“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Looking for a New Ranger? Order Today for Quicker Ship Time on 2023’s WWW.BIDCBM.COMEVERYTHINGSELLS,NORESERVESBIDDINGCLOSESSEPT.8that6:00PMDON’TWAITGETREGISTEREDTOBIDTODAY Contact Chris Riley with questions at 816.365.7565 or Like us on Facebook Visit us on YouTube CASADY MOTOR IMPLEMENT & TRACTOR ABSOLUTE ONLINE AUCTION 300 N. 28th, Bethany, MO 64424 DOWNSIZING AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2022 AT 11:00 A.M. FAIRGROUNDS COMMUNITY BUILDING • WINTERSET, IOWA Hartman auctioneering Steve Hartman - Cell 515-468-7857, Home 515-462-4584 HOUSEHOLD: Prints; Paper shredder; Speaker towers; Cool Mist humidifier; New large George Foreman grill; HL 220 HD Laser printer; Fans; I Robot Vac; Large wicker baskets; Lamps & more. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Single bottom plow; 1 oz. . 999 Silver bar; Large Hall vase; Mini Kerosene lamp; Coca-Cola trucks; Cast iron bank; Spools; Tire ashtrays; Political buttons; Carnival & misc glassware; Stoneware; Wooden sleeve measurer; Small woven rug; Norman Rockwell items; Waterford Crystal; Old lettuce chopper; Large glass jug; Milk boxes; Pyrex; Wood crates; Cutter quilts; Wire baskets; Carnival glass water set, compote & 2 vases; Carnival Glass Cat, Hen on nest; Duck on nest, Horse on nest; Jadeite dishes; Belden advertising rack; 45s records, Elvis Pre sley, Ricky Nelson & more, some w/covers; Feed sacks; 2 Wyandot tow trucks; Vintage children’s books; Tom Thumb cash register; Structo toys…” Construction Co.” Truck; Roseville handled pot; License plates; Full set Children’s Hour 1st Story Book; Booneville IA sign; Cooper Tires and T&H Tire signs; Parking signs; Hoegenreyer Hybrids Dealer signs, (2); Cargill Hybrid Seeds Sales & Service signs, (2); Gunny sacks w/adv; Adv seed sacks; Wooden Carpenter caddy; Outside green light fixtures (2); Liberty Bike (Vintage); Old toys; 3-pane window; Chimney cupboard; and more.
TOOLS & OUTDOOR: Yard art; Patio chairs; Ext cords; Sawhorses; Posthole auger; Rakes, shovels, etc; New 6” Bench grinder; Cordless tools; Newer Husky floor model toolbox; Elec tile cutter; Belt sander; Dremel
tool; Air pin nailer; B&D electric Mega-Mouse sander; 5’ Folding stepladder; Lots of small hand tools and more. GUNS & AMMO TO SELL AT 1:30 PM: Raven 25 cal pistol; 22 cal RG Model 9 Revolver; Ruger 50th An niversary Mark 2 new in box; Remington Model 700 243 Winchester w/Vortex scope; Browning 12 ga over/under shotgun; Remington Model 700 7mm Rem Mag rifle; Remington 1100 12 ga Rifled Auto shotgun w/scope; 50 cal Black Powder BPI Connecticut Arms Optima Pro w/scope; 20 Plus boxes of 243 Winchester, and 1 box of 223; and misc. TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. We accept checks and cash only, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank you. LUNCH SERVED. TRUE MODULARS 30 To 60 Day Delivery Available, 3 And 4 Bedroom chateauhome.net573-657-7040 Don’t miss out on a great deal. Be sure & check out our latest issue online every week at 65'' Vizio TV Great Picture, Too Large For Corner Of Room 32'' Symphonic TV Take Both 641-980-0828$375 $350 OBO $100 LIVESTOCKOBO HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23 FOR SALE: 80 Head Boars Doelings, Red To Dapple And Read Head Boar Billy’s For December And January Kidding, Asking $325 A Piece. Tobias Miller 2217 190th Ave. Mt. Ayr, IA. 50854 9-16 FOR SALE: Katahdin Ram Lambs - Proven Genetics That Will Add Pounds To Your Lambs. Visit Francis Family Farms Katahdins On Facebook. 573-473-0633 9-9 BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN FOR SALE: Dorset Yrlg. And Ram Lambs. Jim 319-371-7189Montrose,VermzenIA. 9-9 FOR SALE: Suffolk And Hamp Rams, Meat Type Producers, Of Champion And Reserve Champion Club Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16 MISC J&J ROOFING: SIDING: Call Today! Barnes City, IA. 641-638-2402 9-2 YARD SALE: September 1st thru September 4th. Time: 8 AM – 5 PM. We have lots Including; Antiques, Tools, KnickKnacks, Wooden Bench, 44 Inch Pull Brush Mower, Yard And Garden Tools. 2910 Racine Ave. New London, IA 9-2 TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22 LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN

Hawkeye Trader, September 2, 2022 Page 24 For complete listings and more pictures visit our website YAC, INC d.b.a Mark Younger, 660-541-1977Auctioneer Email: Fall Farmer’s Machinery Consignment Auction Friday & Saturday, Sept. 9 & 10 Live Online Bidding Will Be Available Younger Auction Gallery, 312 E. South Hills Dr., Maryville, MO Just a Few Highlights - See Website for More Outstanding Gun Auction 50+ Year Collection Primarily Ruger Pistols, Shotguns and Rifles including Red Label, Set of Matching Serial Numbers, also Browning, Winchester, and Ammo of Various Calibers – Online Bidding Av A ilABle H H Saturday, September 17 H H Younger Auction Gallery, 312 E. South Hills Dr., Maryville, MO Ruger 10/22 with Viridian Scope Ruger 10/22 Shark Ruger Mark II Target 22 LR Ruger P85 9 mmRuger SP101 .38 Special October 2022 Oct. 7 - Robbins Home in Maryville 4-5 Bedroom on .34 Acres, near University Loupeestuff Classic Car Parts, Warrensburg 2 - Weekends: Oct. 15, 16, Oct. 21, 22, 23 November 2022 Nov. 5 & 6 - Thornton Military Gun Auction Historical Firearms including M1 Garand Sniper Rifle, M1 Garand National Match, Bayonets; Ruger, Colt and Taurus Handguns; Winchester, Miroku, Frenchi Shotguns; SKS Rifles & Trap Doors; Ammunition & Reloading Equip/Supplies; Daisy Anniversary Red Riders, and More Watch for Upcoming Auctions H H H H H H H H H H Ruger Redhawk Ruger Mark II Plus Upcoming Real Estate, Gun Auctions, Coin Auctions and Much More! • 1998 Cat 85E Track Tractor, 5200 Hours, 4 SCV’s, 90% Tracks, Bareback • John Deere 4650, 6069 Hours, 15 Speed Power Shift, 20.8-38 Dualed Rubber, 3scv’s, 1000 pto with 540 adapter • Case IH 140 Maxxum, MFWD, 533 Hours, 3scv’s, 540/1000 PTO, LIKE NEW, 16 Speed, WITH L750 Loader, Joystick Control, Bucket & Pallet Fork • 2015 Case IH 580 Quad Trac Tractor, 7520 Hours, 4 SCVS, No 3pt, 90% On Tracks, Left Hand Reverser, 16-Speed Power Shift, Red Leather Interior, Tow Cable System • 1993 John Deere 7600 Tractor, 2wd, 3 Scv’s plus Power Beyond, 19 Speed Power Shift, 6740 Hours • 1975 JD 4630 Diesel Tractor, dualed, 90%, 18.4-38” inside tread, 50% on axle mount duals, quad range, New Batteries and Cables, New Cab Kit • 1990 John Deere 2555 Tractor, Canopy, Wide Front, 2 SCVS, 8 Forward 4 Reverse Gears, 540 PTO, Good Seat, 6092 Hours, Has Manual, WITH Westendorf TA 26 Loader, Bucket and Bale Spike • 2017 Case IH 75c Tractor, Open Station, MFWD, Approx. 75 Hours, 8x8 Power Shuttle Shift, 4 Rear Weights, 16.9 R30 Rear Tires, WITH LOADER and Joystick Control • 2013 JD 1760 Planter, 12 Row 30in, Flex Wing, Max EmergeXP Row Units, Vacuum, Drawbar Hitch, Markers, Trash Whippers, Chain Drive Trans., 3 bu Boxes • JD 1590 15’ Box Drill, Grass Seed Box, Dolly Wheels, 7.5” Spacing, Openers In Good Shape, One Owner • Sunflower 1436 Tandem Disk, One Owner, 350Acres, 33’, Hydraulic Leveling, Flexes Good, LIKE NEW • 2006 John Deere 2210 Field Cultivator, 27.5’, Some New Shovels, 4 Bar Harrow2005 John Deere 9560sts Combine, 2wd, Contour Master, 18.5’ Unloading Auger, Greenstar, Touchset, Electric Chaffer Sieve Adjustment, Single Point Hookup, 3228E 2245S Hours • John Deere 9550 Sidehill, Walker Machine, 5135E 3522S Hours, Maure Grain Hopper Topper, SN:H09550H690736 • 2008 New Holland CR9060 Combine, 4wd, Ag Leader Ready, No Globe or Monitor, 4485E 2950S Hours • 2018 Case IH 4412, One Owner, Corn Head, 12 Row 30”, Rigid, Field Tracker Ready, 3 Header Height Control Sensors, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Been Over APPROX. 5000 Acres, Field Ready, Variable Speed Gathering Chains • 1996 Gleaner R52 Combine, 5038E 3592S Hours, New Bubble Up Tube and Auger in 2016, Has Upgraded Accelerator Rolls, Replaced Rotor Bearing and Mounting Plate in 2021, Replaced New Board and Clean Grain Chain in 2021, 4 Wheel Drive • 2018 Geringhoff 1220 Corn Head, 12 Row 20”, Nice Head, 6500 Acres Approx., Good Deck Plates and Gathering Chains, Red Polly, Case IH Face Plate Ready, Hilco or Level Land Drive Shafts, Stalk Stompers For Dual Wheels • Brent 782 Auger Wagon, 1000pto, Hydraulic Spout, Good Flighting, 30.5L-32 Turf Tires, Lights, Tarp • 2014 Peterbilt 386 Heavy Haul Semi Truck, Air Tag Triple Axle, Cummins 700hp Engine With DEF DELEATED, 18 Speed, Caution Lights In Grill, Sliding 5th Wheel, Wet Kit, Borg Warner Turbo, 332,000 Miles, Loaded With Options, Leather Seats • 2002 International 4400 Ten Wheeler, Blue, 54,000lbs, AC, 302190 Miles, 11R 22.5 Tires @ 70%, 9 Speed, Air Brakes, WITH 20’x60”x96” Reiten Bed, Harsh Twin Cylinder Hoist, All Aluminum Box, Roll Over Tarp • 1988 LS 9000 Ford Truck, L10 Cummins Engine, 9-spd., 10 Wheeler with Up & Down Air Tag, Air Brakes, 18’x60” Box, 600bu, Cargo Doors, Twin Cylinder Scissor Hoist, Roll Over Tarp • John Deere 946 MoCo, 1000pto, 2pt, Fail Knives • 2008 John Deere 568 Baler, Twine and Net Wrap, Mega Wide Pickup, Hydraulic Raise and Lower Pickup, 1000 pto, 15,000 Bales • 1990 Dynahoe 490 Backhoe, 4 in 1 Bucket, Some Cylinders Rebuilt, Very Few Leaks, Detroit Engine, Block Heater, Allison Auto Trans With Twin Disk Clutch, Straight Tin, SELLING WITH, Very Large 8’ Long Pallet Fork, HEAVY BUILT, For 490 Dynahoe Backhoe • 2005 John Deere 332 Wheel Skidloader, Selling With John Deere Smooth Bucket, Good Tires, 3206 Hours • 2022 Diamond Skidloader Mower, New, Never Used, 72” Cut • Genie Model Z45/22 Basket Lift, DC Powered Elec. Hydraulic, 12 New Deep Cycle Interstate Batteries in May 2021, Charger Included, Dexron II Oil, Serviced By United Rentals in May 2021, 2 Wheel Drive, 2-Man Lift Rated At 500#, Mobile and Lift Function Operated From Basket, 45’ Vertical Height, 22’ Horizontal Reach, 179 Degree Rotation