Phone: 641-675-3971 • Fax: 888-203-9720 • E-Mail: HAWKEYE REE Every Friday Vol. 20 No. 37 September 16, 2022 641-664-3990 Premium Metal Roofing 641-664-3990 Premium Metal Roofing 641-664-3990 Premium Metal Roofing 641-664-3990 BUILDING PACKAGES Give Us A Call For All Your Building Needs RollformingPoleGaragesShousesBarnsLumberMetal Commercial & Residential here!truckyourOutfitspecial!!monthlyourabourusAskACCESSORIESOFLINEFULLhere!truckyourOutfit 63537MOEdina,15,|| vehicleourViewonlineinventory HitchesTrailerBodiesTruckMartinFlapsMudGatorbackToolboxes AluminumAllCustomizableMadeAmerican ITPROTECTJUSTDON’T IT ACCESSORIES.BEDLINERS.COATINGS.PROTECTIVENAME.BYLINE-XFORASKTRUCK,NEWYOURBUYINGWHENLLCSalesTruckBurkholder660-397-2551 productsWeatheryourallforusSeeTech

FOR 660-341-8089 9-16

Box Estate Farm Equipment Online Auction - 2 Rings! Salem, IA | Closes: September 20 at 1PM
All Locations | Closes: September 21 at 10AM
LaMoure, ND | Closes: September 21 at 3PM

Cass County, ND Land Online Auction - 156± Acres Sabin, MN | Closes: September 20 at 12PM
All Locations | Closes: September 21 at 10AM
M&R Seed Inc. Business Retirement Online Auction Beltrami, MN | Closes: September 21 at 12PM

Quality Tested Hay Online Auction Litchfield, MN | Closes: September 27 at 12PM
MN Land Online Auction

Online Steffes Auction

Hunter, ND September at 10AM
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 2 DES MOINES DIESEL INC Servicing All Your Diesel InjectionFuelNeedsPumps,Nozzles&Turbos 1-800-475-6086 • 515-265-7318 3211 Delaware Ave Des Moines, IA 50313 1 Blk E. of the ADM Soybean Plant Ag & Truck Performance Parts 20’ & 40’ Storage StartingContainersat$1,895 For Sale or Rent ABC Portable Storage Delivery Available 563-299-2901 Dry & Mouse Proof Open Cell & Closed Cell Foam Call or Email Craig 641-328-4163 NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, POLE BARNS CRAWL SPACES, ATTICS & MORE Free Estimates • Fully Insured WWW.5STARSPRAYFOAM COM 5-STAR SPRAY FOAM INC. BROOKLYNMONTEZUMA W E N OW O FFER C ONCRETE R AISING & L EVELING TINY HOMES GOTTEMWE 573-881-3283 WE BUY FARMS 4 Any Condition. 4 Quick Decision. 4 Quick Closing. Honey Creek Farms, LC. Contact: Steve: 515-208-1149 | Dave: 515-991-0308 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Special2022EditionGITri-Glide JUST IN! MUST SEE! NEW Upcoming Auctions 319.385.2000 | Steffes Group, Inc., 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, IA More auctions listed at Collectible Tractor, Equipment & Support Items Auction

All Locations | Closes: September 28 at 10AM
Luepke Farm & Hog Equipment Online Auction Echo, MN | Closes: September 21 at 7PM
Online Steffes Auction 9/21

Various Locations | Closes: September 21 at 1PM

Steffes Construction Consignment Online Auction
SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050.
Clay County, - 120± Acres Sabin, MN | Closes: September 16 at 12PM

Fraedrich Family Excess Inventory Online Auction Enderlin, ND | Closes: September 20 at 2PM
FOR 660-874-4455

Des Moines County, IA Land Online Auction Danville, IA | Closes: September 27 at 4PM

Groe Farm Retirement Online Auction

Kroening Livestock Equipment Online Auction Fosston, MN | Closes: September 27 at 10AM
50+ Year Collection High End Gun and Knife Auction Featuring Snake Guns, Colts, Rugers, Collectible Knives, Memorabilia, Advertising and More! Saturday, Oct. 8 - 10:00 am & Sunday, Oct. 9 - 10:30 am Saturday, Nov. 19 10 am & Sunday Nov. 20 - 10:30 am Younger Auction Gallery, 312 E. South Hills Dr., Maryville, MO - Online Bidding Available Rick Dillon, Owner More Photos on Website www.y OuN gerauctiON .c Om For complete listings and more pictures visit our websiteMark Younger, 660-541-1977Auctioneer Email: AG RELATED FOR SALE: Ford 3000, Live Power, $4,000. 660-341-8089 9-16 FOR SALE: JD 6R 30 Inch Cornhead, Field Ready. 515-479-1232 9-23 FOR SALE: 510 Massey Ferguson Combine, Diesel, Hydro, 16 Ft. Grain Head, 4 Row Narrow Corn Head, Rice Tire, Runs, $1,750. 319-750-2740 9-23 FOR SALE: Nice Older PTO NH No. 818 Corn Chopper, 1-Row Chopper, Low Wear, $950; JD 1-Row PTO Corn Binder, Nice, $950. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30 FOR SALE: J&M 250 Bushel Gravity Flow Wagon And Gear, $600. 319-750-2740 9-23

ND | September 16 at 10AM Cass & Traill County, SD Land Online Auction - 466± Acres
SALE: Ford 3000 With Live Power, Power Steering, Good Condition. $4,500.
LaMoure County, ND Land Online Auction

| Closes:
Farm Retirement Online Auction Cosmos, MN | Closes: September 22 at 7PM

Hettinger County, ND Land Online Auction - 783± Acres Mott, ND | Closes: September 20 at 12PM MDT
Dickey County, ND Land Online Auction - 160± Acres Oakes, ND | Closes: September 27 at 10AM
Klein Farm Retirement Online Auction Carrington, ND | Closes: September 22 at 12PM
Multi-Party Antique, Collectible and Restored Tractor Online Auction
Bejou, MN | Closes: September 21 at 7PM

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 3“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” 1187 Orange Ave, Kalona 319-646-1103 vm Bring In Your Plans for a Free Estimate Specializing in Roll Forming • Pole Barn Packages • Re-Roo ng Full Line of Building Materials CONTACT US FOR PRICING Baring, baringelevator.com660.892.4411MO We want to purchase & market your grain. Buyers of Corn and Soybeans. Organic & Non-GMO Corn and Soybeans. Contracts Offered • Foward Pricing Voted as one of AMERICA’S TOP FLEAS & VINTAGE SHOWS by Flea Market Style Magazine 217-883-0570 THE AMERICAN LEGION POST #172 IN MOUNT AYR, IOWA Hosts their third TRAINS AND TOYS SHOW for Kids and Adults on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Open to the Public Concessions will be available!! Great Opportunity to Christmas Shop Early VENDORS WELCOME - $10 PER TABLE Friday night setup For information contact Owen Martsching @ 641-414-8097 (If no answer, leave a message please) or email: No Entry Fee C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,SissyBar&Pad,Only7100Miles!WOW!! $13,995NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,CustomGrips,SissyBar&Pad,28KMiles $10,495NOFEES!DOC Hog Buildings • Semi Hauling • Lagoons M & R MANURE MOVING LLC Ryan 319.430.6968 Isaac 319.683.4692 FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN WANTED RETIRED FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 4 WHAT IS DREDGING??? DREDGING IS A PROCESS USED TO REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM THE BOTTOM, AND IN SOME CASES, THE BANKS OR SIDES OF A RIVER, LAKE, STREAM OR OTHER BODY OF WATER. A SPECIALIZED PIECE OF EQUIPMENT CALLED A DREDGE CREATES A VACUUM THAT SUCKS UP AND PUMPS OUT THE UNWANTED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS. CALL US TODAY TO GET YOUR PROJECT SCHEDULED FOR 2022! IA,SERVINGYOURSERVINGMIDWESTDREDGINGNEEDS!MO,IL,NE&KSwa DREDGING Iowa Dredging utilizes a compact dredge engineered specifically to facilitate removal of sediment in HOA Ponds - Sediment Basins Rural - Farm Ponds & Small Lakes. Doug 641-980-0828 Rusty iowadredging@gmail.com515-300-1290 DREDGING Doug 641-980-0828 Rustyiowadredging@gmail.com515-300-1290iowadredging.comIOWA www.iowadredging.comDREDGING



growing evergreens. Note: Listing subject to change according to availability. All announcements day of auction take precedence over previous advertising. Maple Avenue Greenhouse Auctioneer: Dwight Duwa - 319-646-6775 Web: Terms: Cash or Ck w/ID Lunch on grounds Not responsible for theft or accidents TAMA LIVESTOCK AUCTION 641-484-3465 Fed Cattle, Slaughter Cows & Bulls Every Wednesday at 9:00 am SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Monday, September 26, 2022 - 11:00 AM Monday, October 10, 2022 - 11:00 AM Monday, November 7, 2022 - 11:00 AM For Markets & Listings go to FOR SALE: Several Hyd. Wagons, 6x10, 6 Or 7x12, Heider Or Stand Hoist Steel Box Wagons, $450 To $1,450. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1988 2.8L V6 With Transmission, 92K, All Good, $350; (4) 195/75R14 Tires With Rims, 3/4 Tread, $100. 319-470-9388 9-16 FOR SALE: 1971 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, 50,000 Actual Miles; 1979 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, 54,000 Actual One Owner Miles. 573-473-2418 9-16 FOR SALE: Nice Clean Mini Pickup, 4 Spd, 4x4, 35K Miles, $7,500. Pomeroy, IA 515-230-3000 9-30 LIVESTOCK HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23 FOR SALE: 80 Head Boars Doelings, Red To Dapple And Read Head Boar Billy’s For December And January Kidding, Asking $325 A Piece. Tobias Miller 2217 190th Ave. Mt. Ayr, IA. 50854 9-16 BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
Few Early Listings:
Mid-States Horse & TACK AUCTION

AQHA 2yr. Dual Rey/Rowdy Joe Kid Broke Gld. with 60 days riding; AQHA 2yr. Peponita/High Brow Cat Gld. with 30 days of riding; AQHA Weanling Palomino High Brow Hickory bred stud colt; Fancy AQHA 8yr. Really Broke Bay Roan Corona Cartel/CEE Booger Red Mare; Fancy AQHA 9yr. Bay Roan Ranch Broke Mare Eddie Preeta/Roy Boy Hancock, done all aspects of ranch work; AQHA 10yr. Gray Ranch Broke Gld. Sugars Oak Bar/Kool Fistful; APHA 15yr. Broke Black mare Majors Twist of Blue/Majestic Max; Fancy 10yr. Ranch Broke Red Dun Gld. Lots of Shape; Fancy 8yr. Really Broke Palomino Gld. Done everything; 8yr. Broke Buckskin mare; 5yr. Broke Black Mare; 7yr. Broke fancy Molly Mule with lots of chrome; 11yr. Fancy Palomino Molly Mule; 11yr. Fancy Zebra Stripped Dun 15.1 hand Molly Mule; 15yr. 12 hand Broke pony mare; Fancy really broke 6yr. Paint Pony.
This is just a partial listing, check out our Facebook page Mid-States Livestock Sales for other early listings & videos. For More Info: Josh Weaver 660-341-7964 Jeb Weaver 660-341-1866 Kirksville Livestock Market Hwy 63 North • Kirksville, MO Saturday, September 24, 2022 Tack @ 10:00 AM - Horses @ 2:00 PM

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 5“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” Our Hours Are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM M-F • Sat 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SAM’S RIVERSIDE REPAIRABLES PARTS 515-265-8792 HEAVY TRUCKS 515-265-1656REPAIRABLES 515-265-1212 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT Regular Cab, 4x4, 6.0L, 8 Cyl, 184,497 Miles $14,900 SKU:C49183 207 GMC Canyon SLECrew Cab, 4x4, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 43,545 Miles $24,900 SKU:H79467 2021 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT Z71, Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, 6.6L, 8 Cyl, 12,935 Miles, $59,900 SKU:M95785 2008 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4, 3.7L, 6 Cyl, 99,581 Miles $6,950 SKU:806469 2011 Ford F250 Super Duty Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 59,720 Miles, $36,900 SKU:B88788 2020 Ford F250 XLT Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 57,385 Miles $49,900 SKU:L21143 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT 4x4, Crew Cab, Theft, Regular Title, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 37,111 Miles, $36,900 SKU:K31079 2004 Infiniti QX56 AWD, 5.6L, 8 Cyl, 119,673 Miles $9,950 SKU:401601 2019 Ford F250 Supery Duty Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 44,804 Miles, $52,900 SKU:K82265 2017 Ford F250 SD Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, Regular Title, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 48,559 Miles, $54,900 SKU:H17633 2013 Dodge Ram 2500 ST Tradesman Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.7L, 8 Cyl, 57,984 Miles $27,900 SKU:D37513 2019 Ford F250 Super Duty XLT Regular Cab, 4x4, 6.2L, 8 Cyl, 9,685 Miles, $39,900 SKU:K64617 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Work Truck 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 46,885 Miles $28,900 SKU:K11522 2017 Hyundai Sonata SE 2.4L, 4 Cyl, 49,681 Miles $14,900 SKU:H90713 2017 Chevrolet Cruze Premier 1.4L, 4 Cyl, 45,466 Miles $14,900 SKU:H74731

MAPLE AVENUEAUCTIONGREENHOUSE of this section of trees are also available from the Tree Farm - balled ready to go: Swamp White Oak; Red Sunset Maple; Autumn Blaze Maple; Sugar Maple; Black Hills Spruce; Norway Spruce; Fat Albert Spruce; Arbrovitaes; ORNAMENTAL TREES & BUSHES: Fruit trees; Crabapple; Dogwood; Rose Bush; Dwarf Burning bush; Lilac Bush; Weigila; Spirea, Nine Bark; other low

End of Season Inventory Clearance Located at 1069 Maple Ave, Kalona, IA which is 1 mile North of Casey’s on 6th St/Maple Ave Saturday – Oct 1, 2022 – 9:30am REMAINING INVENTORY OF TREES & SHRUBS Many

in a larger size

**The Padget’s took excellent care of everything they owned and it definitely shows in how clean and well kept everything is!! **Arrive on time as this will not be a long sale.**Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material**Concessions by Aunt Denise’s Bakery**Cash or good check accepted**Must have photo ID to pay with check**Complete @ Sands Auction on FB. Auction on FB
WANTED: Ponies Sizes. Leave VM. 660-425-7488 9-16 SALE: Suffolk And Rams, Meat Type Of Champion Reserve Champion Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16

The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope. sets, 8’ alum step ladder, 20’ alum ext ladder, wooden glider, gas cans, kerosene heaters, pipe wrenches, prybars, asst yard tools, fertilizer cart, cement yard statues, battery charger, wood planters.

FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. Redmount Midstream LLC. For Details Call. 660-542-3000 10-14
SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN
IS INFLATION GETTING YOU DOWN?: We Have The Solution For You. Go To Dyaslist.Com To Find Out More. Any Questions Call. 217-653-7480 9-23

Place Your AdAt

TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22
I am Looking to Buy Your Deer Antlers, Sheds & Heads Big & Small, I Buy Them All!! Ronnie Coffelt 417-339-1462

RENT A HORSE: And Ride 2 1/2 Hour Guided Forest Trail Ride, $45 Each. Call for Reservations. 319-878-3596 9-16
reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill.

listing and photos

SANDS AUCTION SERVICE 660-341-2776 Rusty Sands–Auctioneer Find us @ Sands

METALWAGLERROOFINGInstallingMetalRoofingOnAlltypesofBuildingsHouses&BarnsCommercial&ResidentialCustomerSatisfactionIsOurGoal!BUILDERS CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: 641-777-5000 New Mobile HoMe Stock Just Received (5) New Units, They Gotta Go! amegamobilehomes.com573-657-2176 Golden Grain Bins Spring www.gmlsindustries.comDiscount Grain Bins 18'x18' 4,195 Bu. $7,398 27'x21' 11,265 Bu. $14,850 42'x24' 32,245 Bu. $34,617 18' $2,065 21' $2,824 27' $4,710 30' $5,764 36' $8,211 42' $11,182 GMLS Industries, Inc. PH: 660-699-2179 Or 888-983-2136 Floors W/12" Supp. & Flashing - Want To BuyNEED SOME EXTRA CASH? Sell Me Your Coins & Currency. I Pay Cash On The Spot. I Buy Gold Coins Dated Before 1932, Silver Coins Dated Before 1964, Silver Dollars & $500 & $1000 Bills. Buyer Of Collections & Estates For Over 50 Years. Will Pick Up At Your Home Or Bank. Try Us - You Will Be Pleased. WALLIS COMPANY MAX HAGEN Cedar Rapids, IA • Same Address For 50 Years Call For Info: 319-396-7760 Or 319-360-0213 If You Have Any Tax Obligations When Selling, I Can Help. Call Me. AdThisSave&ClipAdThisSave&Clip GINGERICHSAWMILL,INC. Buyers of standing timber. Walnut & soft Maple (our specialty), also other species. Bonded. WE PAY BEFORE CUTTING BLOOMFIELD, IA • 641-722-3002 30YearsBusinessIn G C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,HarleyLeatherBags,Only9KMiles,Nice! $6,995NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,BackRest,LowMiles,19KMiles $7,995NOFEES!DOC PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPT. 24th @ 10:00 A.M. MARY & “THE LATE” JAMES PADGET Sale location: Padget Residence–625 N. Madison St. • Bloomfield, IA HOUSEHOLD: 8’ pool table w/1” slate top-NICE, fall decor, oak picture frames, asst of dishes, twin bed, 4 pc solid wood bedroom set w/full size bed, baby crib, White Mountain ice cream maker, TV/DVD combo, CABLE med sz organ & bench, wooden folding chairs, microwave, 3 matching swivel barstools, hardwood octagon kitchen table w/6 chairs & 2 leaves and matching sofa table, nice sofa, 2 burgundy recliners, 2 blue recliners, luggage, several boxes misc. ANTIQUES: Chrome rim table w/4 chairs, Aladdin lamps, galv washtubs w/stand, International Harvester white/ chrome refrigerator, metal cabinets, milk box, oil bottle crate, runner sleds, Blue Coleman metal cooler, Bloomfield Lumber Co. canvas bag, wooden chairs. TOOLS/OUTDOOR: Metal 6 pc patio set, Christmas blow molds, JD 26” elec start snowblower, Brand New Genie 1/2hp chain drive garage door opener, tilt bed yard cart, 48” yard sweep, JD 118 elec power washer, Garden King 5hp rear tine tiller, 6’ workbench, post mall, creepers, wrenches, socket

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 6 A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS SINCE 1979 DAN JOE JIM BILL MJOHN ATT MICHAEL LUKE Headquartered in Hamilton, Illinois, Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC is one of the largest Real Estate and Farm Machinery Auctioneers in the nation. For more than 40 years we have been conducting professional auctions. We connect our sellers with thousands of interested buyers around the world. AUCTIONEERS, LLC Considering an Auction? CALL OR EMAIL TODAY FOR A NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION! Toll Free (844) 847-2161 ||Lic.#444000107

The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred.

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 7“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” CLASSIFIED COUPON Use the Power of Your Traders for Regional Classified Results! Clip this coupon to run a Classified Ad for $8.75 for one week. 1 Classified Ad for two weeks or 2 Classified Ads for one week for $17.00. Picture ads are not included with coupon, call for pricing. Each ad must be 20 words or less. additional 20¢ per word over 20 words AD NO. 1: (20 Words Or Less) AD NO. 2: (20 Words Or Less) Triple Your Classified Ad’s Power By Running It In The Traders The HAWKEYE TRADER, SHOW ME TRADER & MID-MO TRADER! When You Select All three trAderS, Your Ad Will Be reAd in over 170 countieS in 5 StAteS & online! HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For One Week $8.75 (84 Counties) HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For Two Weeks $17.00 Or 2 Ads For One Week $17.00 (84 Counties) BOTH HAWKEYE & SHOW ME TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (150 Counties) BOTH HAWKEYE & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (106 Counties) Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $25.00 (170 Counties) Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 2 Ads For One Week $47.00 (170 Counties) To Receive This Rate, Coupon Must Be Mailed In With your Payment Or Use Our Website @ For More Savings Options HAWKEYE TRADER, P.O. Box 96 Pulaski, IA 52584 Harbison Brush Mowing Brush Mowing • CRP Fields • Timber • Trails Pasture Cleanup • Tree Shear • Fence Rows Jeremy Harbison Cell: Home:319-461-0376319-694-2300 HARBISON FENCING “For All Your Fencing Needs” Barbwire • Woven Wire Silt Fence • Vinyl Fencing Hi Tensile 319-694-2300 - Home 319-461-0376 - Cell LAN-DOW BUILDINGS “We Build to Suit Your Needs” “Custom Built” Pole UtilityGaragesBarnsBuildings “H“ Don or Dick Middleton Phone:1-800-337-5858660-465-8595Fax:660-465-8596MemphisLumberCo. WhereQuality Comes First WAGLER METALS Are You Thinking About A Building? Bring Your Size And We’ll Give You A FREE Price Quote! WE WILL ENGINEER YOUR TRUSSES TO YOUR SPECS BUILDING PACKAGES (TAXES INCLUDED) SERVING THE TRI-STATE AREA SINCE 1992 BUILD YOURSELFIT OR HAVE ONE OF DOCONTRACTORSPROFESSIONALOURITFORYOU. Call For Pricing On Building Packages! - WE WILL DELIVERFREE ESTIMATES ON ALL BUILDINGS WE MANUFACTURE STEEL ROOFING, SIDING AND TRIM, CUT TO THE INCH. WarehouseMissouri BUY ANDDIRECTSAVE! We ImportantYourYourHardWorkForSuccess.Business&SatisfactionIsToUs! MON.-FRI. 7AM-5PM SAT. 7AM-2PM 4 MILES SE OF REVERE, MO OR 6 MILES NW OF WAYLAND ON C. 26758 HWY C., ALEXANDRIA, MO 63430 WE HAVEHOMESMOBILE Instock New Arrivals (8) Homes, Need To Go As Soon As Possible columbiadiscounthomes.com573-499-9993 Concrete Feed Bunks J PastureBunksBunksWaterTanks YPYoder Precast 641-203-7772 2870 210th St 641-898-2803 Seymour, IA 52590 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,48K $19,995NOFEES!DOC 175.77± Acres • Mahaska County, Iowa Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock SIMULCAST AUCTION L-2200522 For more information on property details, please contact: To Register and Bid on this Auction, go to: -- Quality cropland with open tenancy for 2023! --- Selling in two individual tracts -- CSR2 of 76 for Tract 1, 70 for Tract 2 -John & Kathy Van Zee, Agents • Mitchellville, Iowa Phone: (641) 521-0151 or (641) 521-5305 • Eric Van Zee, Agent • Colfax, Iowa Phone: (515) 971-2633 • Live Event: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM Americinn 910 West 16th Street • Pella, Iowa ONLINE SIMULCAST BIDDING: Bidding starts Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 8:00 AM Bidding ends Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at close of live event SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573 696-3468 TFN

LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN

FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 8 * UPCOMING AUCTIONS* Friday, September 23 @ 10:00 A.M. 301 S. Johnson Street • HAMILTON, MO Antiques, Collectibles & Modern Including Collection of Jewel T Jim & Pam Sweiven Friday, September 30 @ 11:00 A.M. ATTEND ON TIME Location - Hideaway Lakes, South of Polo, MO Nice Lake Home & Personal Property Jack Kennedy 660-354-3086 Saturday, October 1 @ 10:30 A.M. ATTEND ON TIME 901 NE Vanburen Road • Lathrop, MO NH LS170 Turbo Skidsteer - 2015 Polaris Ranger - PJ 12’ Dump Trailer Leroy & Barbara Schwery See Website for Full List & Pictures Eddie Pickett Auction Service Inc Eddie Pickett 816-632-0700 • Trent Mumm 660-238-3960 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,DetachableTourPak,21K $13,999NOFEES!DOC HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE • 2016 Buick LaCrosse sedan, fully loaded w/28,106 miles Excellent Condition! • 1970 Chevy C10 pickup mostly restored and Very Sharp! • 1998 Honda XR650 L motorcycle street legal! • 2002 Harley Davidson FLHTCI motorcycle • 2004 Harley Davidson FLHT1 Electra Glide Motorcyle • 1984 BMW R100RS Motorcycle • 1972 Polarkraft 16’ Jon boat w/Mariner outboard eng. & single axle trailer • 1984 Sea Ray Seville 19’ boat w/4 cyl. Mercruiser outboard eng. & single axle trailer • 1987 Cruise Master LM 33’ motorhome w/51,XXX miles • 80+ firearms including long guns & handguns majority are new or have never been fired Ammunition, new & used gun cases, holsters & misc. accessories. Gun safe and gun cabinets. Several Grandmother/Grandfather clocks & mantle clocks. Large pocket watch collection. Craftsman upright air compressor & toolboxes. Assorted hand tools & automotive jacks. Nice assortment of wood working equipment (majority is Craftsman) including bandsaw, table saw, drill press, routers, etc. John Deere riding mowers, push mowers, snowblower, string trimmers, etc. Modern furniture & stereo equipment. Electric stairlift. Usual household goods. RC cars, airplanes & misc. parts & accessories. AUCTION IS MUCH LARGER THAN LIST INDICATES! **ALL FIREARMS LAWS & REGULATIONS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED** TODD BROWN ESTATE; DALE RUTH ESTATE & OTHERS SELLERS Items at the Fraise Auction Center, 205 N Cottonwood, New London, IA C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,17KMiles $10,995NOFEES!DOC 660-263-6700 Cairo, MO • 573-594-2167 Vandalia, MO Fans • 12'' 1 HP 642 • 18'' 3 HP 1364 • 24'' 5-7 HP 2082 • 24'' 7-10 HP 2363 • 26'' 10-15 HP 2961 • 28'' 10-15 HP 2994 • 10 HP Centrifugal 3457 • 10 HP Centrifugal 3-Phase 3234 • 15 HP Centrifugal 3-Phase 3662 • Used 24'' Fan & Transitions 950 Heaters • 24'' Liquid-Thermostat 2383 • 24'' Liquid-Mod Valve 3021 • 26'' Liquid-Thermostat 2428 • 28'' Liquid-Thermostat 2472 • 28'' Liquid-Mod Valve 3120 • 28’’ Super Low-Temp 1928 • Centrifrugal Liquid-Thermostat 2630 • Centrifugal Super Low-Temp 1976 Transitions • 24'', 28'' & Centrifugal 737 Stirring Machine • 36' Fastir w/3 Down Augers 8905 Down Augers • 17' 4'' 254 • 20' 287 • 24' 386 Grain Spreader • Gravity Grain Spreader 972 • Used Spread-All Spreader 450 Numerous Sumps, Flights, Power Heads & Electric Motors On Hand! Over 80 FansOver 30 Heaters FOR SALE Driveway Fabric Rolls Commercial, Heavy Duty Designed for Heavy Traffic 12'5" Wide • 432' $370.00/RollLong 660-216-0938

BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 9-16

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 9“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” DUST IS NOT JUST AIRBORNE DIRT... IT CARRIES: VIRUS’S, PATHOGENS & BACTERIA!!! • Allergies From Dust • Asthma Irritation • Eye Irritations • Endotoxins Exposure • Dust Entering Your Home & Vehicles • Coughing & Wheezing Caused By Breathing Dust 660-956-3890 DUST MAKESCONTROLCOUNTRYLIVINGCLEANER&HEALTHIER! DEWDUSTCONTROL.COM

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 10 Looking to Sell Your Farm or Construction Equipment? GALLATIN MISSOURI • All Makes and models - Loader Tractors, MFWD Tractors, 2wd Tractors, 4wd Tractors • Kinze Planters - Split row & 30" planters • Later Model John Deere & CIH Platforms, Corn heads • Grain Carts • Combines, 90s models and newer • Skid Steers • Excavators • Wheel Loaders One piece or a whole line of farm or construction equipment; Let us know what you have. Shay 660-605-0839 Justin 660-605-2346 Contact Us For Prices & Delivery 660-423-5482 • Channel Catfish Grass Carp Bluegill • Hybrid Fathead Minnow Black Crappie Walleye Redear Largemouth Bass YellowKoiPerch Order Your Fish Today bait fish. NOW COOLORDERSTAKINGFORALLWATERSPECIES:•WALLEYE•YELLOWPERCH•SMALLMOUTHBASS•MUSKIE•NORTHERNPIKE Contact Us For Price & Delivery Bob & Dorthy Quick Estate Auction Location: 802 E. Nodaway, Oregon, MO 64473 Saturday, September 24 - 10:30 am Featuring Antiques, Primitives, Guns, Vintage Back Bar, Horse Drawn Equipment and More! www.y OuNgErAuctiON .c OM For complete listings and more pictures visit our website YAC, INC b. Mark Younger, 660-541-1977Auctioneer Email: 1998 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 Pickup with Extended Cab with 140, 223 miles, runs good, would make great work truck, American Trailer Company Enclosed Cargo Trailer 14x6, 2” ball, Stoneware, Household Primitives, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Small Antiques & Collectibles, Antique Furniture & Old Store Cabinet, Vintage 1950’s Coca-Cola 10 Cent Bottle Vending Machine & Much More! Visit Our Website For Photos. 641-752-8753 Fred Van Metre & Jake Goecke Auctioneers 1998 Chevy 1500, 4x4, Ext Cab American Trailer Co. Large Variety & Antique Auction Sunday – September 18 – 11:00 A.M. Van Metre Auction Center 1603 Iowa Avenue West • Marshalltown, Iowa

FOR SALE: 3 Black And White Male Toy Aussipoo Pups. 1 – Female Born 8-7-22, Shots UTD, None Shedding, Will Stay Small And Cute. 641-203-6834 9-16 FOR SALE: ACA Registered Shiba Inu Born 6-7-22, 2 – Females, 4 – Males, All Shots And Wormings Done, $300. Call, Leave Message. 573-767-5498 9-16 FOR SALE: Beagles AKC Registered, 4 Yr. Old Female. 2 Yr. Old Male, 8 Week Old Puppies. Hunters Or Companions. 641-233-7771 9-30
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 11“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” TRUE MODULARS 30 To 60 Day Delivery Available, 3 And 4 Bedroom chateauhome.net573-657-7040 17893 212th Street • Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-722-3605 • Mon. - Fri. 7 AM - 5 PM Imagine A Lifetime Of Beauty With The Strength Of Steel. As The Original Stone Coated Steel Roofing System, The DECRA Product Line Represents A Perfect Blending of Over 50 Years of Research & Practical Experience. Offering The Ultimate In Performance & Engineering Design Is What DECRA Roofing Systems Are All About. SHINGLE XD SHAKER XD BringFullLineOfBuildingMaterialsYourPlansInForAFREEESTIMATE Guns & Nails TIMED ONLINEDes Moines County, Iowa PAUL A. NAU & DONALD G. NAU TRUST Julie Perez – Executor Bradley & Riley PC – Matthew G. Barnd – Closing Attorney Contact Mason Holvoet of Steffes Group, 319.385.2000 or 319.470.7372 Tract 2 – 72± Acres (Subject to final survey) FSA indicates: 67.65 tillable acres. Corn Suitability Rating 2 is 85.4 on the tillable acres. Located in Section 3, Danville Township, Des Moines County, Iowa. Tract 1 – 49± Acres (Subject to final survey) FSA indicates: 48.08 tillable acres. Corn Suitability Rating 2 is 87.3 on the tillable acres. Located in Section 4, Danville Township, Des Moines County, Iowa. Land is located 2 miles north of Danville on Danville Road/X31. Auctioneer’s Note: Here is your chance to buy investment quality Des Moines County, Iowa farmland on a hard surface road! CLOSES: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 | 4PM 2022CDT Danville, Iowa 121± acres two tracts 87.3CSR2! 319.385.2000 | Steffes Group, Inc., 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, IA detailsforscan 800-373-5550 • ClearyBuilding.comSpecializing in High-Quality, Customized Post Frame Buildings • Search Our Buildings • Virtual Planning • Financing Available Discover The Cleary Advantage Get started ClearyBuilding.comat Debt-Free, over 122,000 buildings since 1978 DE SOTO, IA 515-834-2372 FAIRFIELD, IA 641-472-1525 TIPTON, IA 563-886-2903 Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 10:00 AM 528 ACRES± • 5 TRACTS (Subject to Survey) VIRTUAL ONLINE TRACTS 1-4 are located approximately 1 mile south of Harris, MO or approximately 6 miles south of Newtown, MO in Sections 2 & 3, T63N•R22W, Liberty Township, Sullivan County, MO. TRACT 5 is located approximately 0.5 miles southeast of Newtown, MO or approximately 5.5 miles northeast of Harris, MO in Section 12, T64N•R22W, Clay Township, Sullivan County, MO. CWS Farms, LLC Representing Attorney: TL Walker Law, LLC | Tara L. Walker 605 E. 9th Street | P O Box 457 | Trenton, MO 64683 | (660) 339-5050 Title Work: Sullivan County Title, LLC 102 N Main St. | Milan, MO 63556 | (660) 265-3744 Auction Managers: Bill Fretwell (660) 341-7735 & Jennifer Wood (217) 257-8812 3 HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE TILLABLE CROPLAND! 3 IMPROVED PASTURELAND/HAY PRODUCTION! 3 PRIME WHITETAIL DEER & WILD TURKEY HUNTING ACREAGE! SULLIVAN COUNTY, MISSOURI LAND AUCTION SlaytonPOLARIS 10456 State Route B, Downing, MO slaytonpolaris.com63536 2022 RANGERPOLARIS1000 660-328-6627 Call Dean or Tim to Order Your New Polaris Today! CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN


Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 13“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” WARRENCOUNTY Farmland Auction Friday, September 30th, 2022 at 10:00 AM Immaculate Conception Hall, 101 James St, St. Marys, IA 50241 188.25M/L Acres Offered in 4 Tracts Peoples Company is pleased to represent the Jeanette Leach Estate in the auction of 188.25 acres m/l located on the west edge of St. Marys, Iowa in Warren County. This farm has a little something for everyone, high-quality tillable acres, recreation, and a fixer-up acreage! Tract 1: 103.53 Acres M/L Tract 2: 41.07 Acres M/L Tract 3: 40.95 Acres M/L Tract 4: 2.67 Acres M/L. Open House showing on Friday, September 9th, 2022 3:00 PM-6:00PM SCAN FOR MORE INFO Daran Becker: 515.979.3498 Mike Nelson: 641.223.2300 Contact 2004 Dodge Dakota SLT 4x4, V8, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, 101K, $7,995 2011 Toyota RAV4 Sport 4WD, 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Sunroof, 124K, $14,995 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4WD, V6, Auto, Air, CD/MP3, 144K$22,995 2017 Jeep Wrangler Spot V6, Auto, 4x4, Winch, MP3, 52K Miles$25,995 2014 Honda Ridgeline RTL 4WD, Crew Cab, V6, Full Power, Heated Leather, Loaded, 156K, $17,995 2008 Lexus RX5350 350 AWD, Full Power, Leather, Loaded, Sunroof, 144K, $12,995 2015 Silverado K1500 LT, 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3 V8, Loaded, WiFi Hotspot, Matching Topper, Super Sharp! 143K, $25,995 2017 Buick Regal Sport Touring Loaded, Heated Leather, Turbocharged, Sunroof, 116K, $15,995 2010 Chevy HHR LT 4 Cyl, Auto, Full Power, Sunroof, Leather, 107K, $8,995 2013 Chevy Malibu 2LT 4 Cyl, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, Sunroof, 95K, $13,995 2016 Chrysler 200 LX Nicely Equipped, Keyless Start,MP3, Low Miles, 66K, $16,995 2008 Ford Escape XLT V6, Full Power, Leather, 146K$7,995 2012 Chevy Malibu 1LT Loaded, CD/MP3, Only 69K Miles$12,995 2006 Honda Civic EX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped, Sunroof, Only 59K Miles, WOW!!! $12,995 2007 Chevy Tahoe 1500 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, 3rd Row Seating, 161K, $10,995 Low Miles Low Miles 2000 E. Euclid • Des Moines, IA 515-265-0215KARS, INC ON Euclid Ask for DeMarcus

• Large handing 3 door wall cabinet with glass (burgundy)

• Oak 2 door bookcase cabinet
• Maple tea cart

• Mustard painted coffee table 3 antique oak rocking chairs Misc. antique hardwood chairs
• Painted oak apothecary hanging wall cabinet
• Oak small commode with tilting mirror and side towel bar
• J & P Coats oak 4 drawer spool cabinet with hinged top and leather insert and square tapered legs J& P Coats 5 drawer spool cabinet J & P Coats 4 drawer spool cabinet with hinged slant
top and metal pulls • Merricks 6 drawer oak spool cabinet with metal ring pulls • Fields 6 drawer oak spool cabinet with slant hinged top, padded inert and ink well holder • Framed Merricks “Best” Advertising picture ANTIQUES / PRIMITIVES • 6 Early wooden syrup buckets (various sizes) • Fred W. Doge wooden egg crate, Creston, Iowa • Several advertising wood dovetailed boxes (Cudahy’s, Gold Cure, Bordens, Gold Medal) • Early flat top trunks • Wooden lunch box • Oak watchmakers toolbox • Several wooden butter molds • Hog weather vane with blue star ball • Horse weather vane with double white balls • Coca cola cooler • Casey Jones Cannonball Express No. 9 pedal car • Black Americana sprinkler man • Wooden galvanized lined opal Japan tea box • Wood table top butter churn • National vacuum washer with copper tub (Lovell Manufacturing) • Large National Cash register • Early General Store paper dispenser with cutters and paper • Oak A.C. Barler round shoe shine stool • Advertising glass milk bottles and carrier • Agnews Clothing House metal sign (Creston) • The McCaskey System cash drawer • Early wood pencil and hanky boxes • Schowalters Store adverting mirror • 3 Vintage adjustable dress forms • Creston Advertising card table • 2 sets sleigh bells • Celluloid rings • Horse bits/stirrups • Candle Molds • Tin head doll • Achilles Business Stamp holder with stamps • Armstrong & Son, Lorimer Iowa account ledger • Wood carved ram • Pig/Boar weather vane placard • Cast iron burr mill • Glass battery • 2 slag lamps • Many bags of old silverware • Sad irons • 5 large cannisters of marbles (several large ones) • Misc glass canisters of game pcs, dominoes, poker chips • Ladder rack • Perfection clothes dryer • Large copper vessel • Victrola with records (works and looks beautiful) • G.G. Wood Co. ringer/washer salesman sample • Child’s cash register and typewriter • Paper cutter • Seth Thomas kitchen clock • 10-12 woven baskets/carriers • 2 wood spice cabinets • Green and clear Aladdin Washington Drape lamps, Ditmar, Climax, Coleman and other misc oil lamps • Wicker baby buggy • 2 Wooden geese • Blue Jars and carrier • Old Tricycle • Postcards • Decorated/Guilded photo albums CROCKS & STONEWARE (65 PCS) • 5 gal Redwing Jug • 3 gal Redwing Crock • 4 gal Redwing/Union Crock (Birchleaf) • 3 gal Redwing Churn • 4 gal Western pottery jug • 3 gal Redwing/Union Jug (Birchleaf) • 8 gal Western with app. handles w/fruit image • 4, 3, 2 gal Western crock w/flower patterns • Emrichs old Glory vinegar crock • 2 gal Western with maple leaf • 3 Salt Crocks • Butter Crock w/lid and handle • (2) 2 gal salt glaze with designs • Western splash proof buttermilk freezer • 15 large crock bowls various colors • Many blue banded crock bowls • 7 unmarked crock jugs, 2, 3, 4 gal • 4 gal brown crock churn P. BUCKLEY MOSS / REDLIN / STAINED GLASS • Music Festival 257/1000 • School Yard Memories 549/1000 • All Together 265/1000 • Flowers for Mother 324/1000 • Spring Cleaning 941/1000 • Laura’s Flowers 325/1000 • Cherry Blossoms 704/1000 • Moss Americas Homeland (Iowa) • Unknown P. Buckley Moss • Terry Redlin - Winter Wonderland • Church stained glass window • 6’ stained glass • Several framed etched glass scenes (from old doors & windows) • Other misc. framed lithos QUILTS (APPROX 18) • States Crest • Acorns/leaves • Dresden Plate • Lemoyne Star (Eight Pointed) • Embroidered Rose • Crazy • Star • Plus several others. Auctioneer Comments: Rex and Lois have moved to town and this auction will begin the process of dispersing and selling their enormous collection! These items are very clean coming from their smoke, pet and child free home! This is a live in person auction at our auction building. Make plans to attend. A preview day is scheduled Saturday the 24th from 9-12 Noon or by appt. Hope to see you at the auction! - Todd PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE LETO SHOP LIQUIDATION AUCTION. FULL LINE OF MECHANIC TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT, AND VEHICLE LIFT. ONLINE BIDING TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. COME AND BID LIVE. AUCTION STARTS AT 9AM 8017 HWY 28 • PROLE IA FROM HWY 92 NORTH ON HWY 28 3 MILES FROM HWY 5 SOUTH ON HWY 28 8.5 MILES Open for viewing Sunday September 18, 2022 10am-2pm. Online bidders pickup date and time: Saturday, Septeber 24th After auction till 3PM and Sunday September 25th 1pm-3pm Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) • Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service DON’T FORGET! Our Deadline for Display ads is Tuesdays at 5:00 PM & Our Deadline for Classified Ads is Wednesdays at 12:00 PM
• Small oak desk
• Pine wainscott 2 door dry sink w/copper basin

• Oak large 2 door ice box
• Oak sellers kitchen cabinet w/Tambour door, slag glass windows, spice racks and potato bin
• Oak 20 drawer card catalog with brass pulls
• Quarter sawn oak 18 drawer library bureau card catalog with brass pulls

• Small oak commode with towel bar

• Early walnut 2 door/1 drawer flat front cabinet

• Primitive pine flat front kitchen cupboard, white

• Oak gentleman’s wardrobe dresser with tilting mirror and hatbox
Penney store)

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 14 For Sales & Service Please Call Chris At 641-919-6922 Check Us Out On Facebook More SOUTHEASTAvailableSizes IOWA STEPS Steps • Stock & Custom Railings Post & Pole Frame Buildings 2 Miles N. of Drakesville on pavement 888-371-4710 • 641-722-3505 17549 Husky Trail Drakesville, IA 52552 Specializing in: Post Frame Buildings (Up to 100’ Wide Clear Span) Agricultural • Commercial Residential • Equine Heat Formed Metal Roofing & Siding With 50 Year QualityWarrantyWorksmanshipBestQualityMaterial PUBLIC AUCTION Live Auction Rex and Lois Daub Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022 • 11 a.m. Location: 1447 Cromwell Rd, Creston, IA (Todd Crill Auctions Building) Auction conducted by Todd Crill Auctions,LLC , Creston, IA Todd Crill, Auctioneer - 712-621-1453 Auctioneers: Matt Johnston • Nathan Ramsey Michelle Crill, Auction Coordinator - 641-745-9223 or follow us on facebook INDOORS WITH SEATING • RESTROOM • LUNCH ON GROUNDS Terms: Cash or good check. Mastercard and Visa credit cards welcome. **Auction Company not responsible for accidents, thefts or fire.** ANTIQUE/PRIMITIVE FURNITURE

• Quarter sawn oak 3 drawer pattern cabinet (from J.C.

garbage cans; 12” Hitachi chop saw/stand; 10” Hitachi table saw/stand; excel rollaway tool box; Reddy heater/kerosene; DeWalt router; Hole saw set; Hitachi jig saw; DeWalt narrow crown stapler; Hitachi circular saw; Bostitch compressor; Lots & Lots of misc. hand tools;
FOR SALE: Several Hyd. Wagons, 6x10, 6 Or 7x12, Heider Or Stand Hoist Steel Box Wagons, $450 To $1,450. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30

Retirement Auction Friday September 23r d @ 9:00a.m. *ON SITE* 3060 297th St. Crawfordsville, IA 52621 Directions: West of Crawfordsville on pavement to 297th St. turn right on gravel, 1/2 mile North; *watch for signs*

FOR SALE: J&M 250 Bushel Gravity Flow Wagon And Gear, $600. 319-750-2740 9-23
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN

FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23
PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE PHILLIPS FLOORS OVERSTOCK AND MOVING AUCTION. HARDWOOD, CARPET, LAMINATE FLOORING, TOOLS, STORAGE CONTAINERS AND PALLET RACKING. ONLINE BIDING TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM ONLINE BIDDING ENDS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2022 LOTS START CLOSING AT 5:30 PM, SOFT CLOSE 2714 N JEFFERSON WAY (HWY65/69) • INDIANOLA, IA Open for viewing Sunday, September 25, 2022 10am - 3pm Thursday, September 29th 10am - 3pm. Pickup Friday, September9am-4pm30th and Saturday, October 1st, 9am – 1pm. We will have forklifts onsite for loading assistance. Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) • Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 15“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” MOBILE HOMES IN INVENTORY We Gottem In Stock, Call For Information 573-249-3333 Or marktwainmobilehomes.com573-303-5529 POST FRAME BUILDINGS • Best Quality • Great Prices • Great Service LANCASTER LUMBER, INC 800-424-5071 • LANCASTER, MO

FOR SALE: Ford 3000 With Live Power, Power Steering, Good Condition. $4,500. 660-341-8089 9-16
Antiques & Farm Primitives: Milk cans; oil lamps; old canner; metal egg crate; planes; wooden mallets; secretary table; China cupboard with hickory handles; McCoy pottery; popcorn set; light fixtures; lamps; bistro table/ chairs; White Clad wooden freezer; wooden chairs; West Burlington school desk; Singer sewing machine; Armoire oak wardrobe; baby bed; lots of tins; marble board; old trunks; several porcelain dolls; rockers; Dutch oven; pleasure chest; push cultivator; galvanized buckets; stainless buckets; 3pr. Steel wheels; wood lathe;
Construction Tools & Equipment: Craftsman roll away tool box; DeWalt Sawzall & charger; truck hitch accessories; log chains; Air nailers (Bostitch, Portercable); DeWalt biscuit Jointer; tow rope; tie down ratchets; electric drop cords; 28’ Werner Fiberglass extension ladder; electric fans; work light; jack stands; floor jacks; air ratchets; portable air compressors; cabinet clamps;

Household Items: Coolers; fish aquarium/stand; corner shelf; cherry tv stand; file cabinets; book shelves; wooden gun cabinet; 2 turkey pictures; 1 wolf picture; wolf clock; folding chairs; tv trays; sharp sweeper; step stools; fans; mirrors; night stands; ice cream freezer; pet carriers; 4ft, 6ft, 8ft, banquet folding tables; flattop grill;
Shop Tools: Cal Hawk 3’ drill press/stand, with vise clamp; wooden saw horses; Hitachi sander; US General Roll away tool box; multi tool; DeWalt laminate trimmer; DeWalt angle grinder; Sanborn 30gal. Upright compressor; air hoses; Lots of misc. wrenches & sockets; square hole bits; lots of hand tools; router bits; 4’ double step ladder; 6’ fiberglass step ladder; Performax spindle sander; central machinery, mini wood lathe and accessories; Milwaukee charger/radio;
Terms: Cash or Check w/ID Not responsible for accidents or theft All announcements day of auction supercede previous ads. Food on Grounds Auctioneers: Delmar Yoder 319.430.2711 • Lonnie Miller 319.461.0019 See5starauction.comwebsiteforphotos Auctioneers Note: As Craig & Karen are moving in retirement all items are offered at public auction. Thers’s something for everyone. Owners: Craig & Karen McCoy Open House: Thurs. September

Lawn & Garden: Patio set; barbeque grill; shop vacs; lawn chairs; MS180C Stihl chainsaw (good); vinyl dog box; lots of garden tools; garden hose; aluminum cargo carrier; steel cargo carrier; automotive storage cabinet; Weber smokey Joe grill (NEW); trash cans; camping chairs; cots; hand sprayers; Cub cadet z force 48in. Zero turn mower, 22hp Kohler engine, works good; Craftsman lawn trailer/no flat tires; dog kennel panels; aluminum dog box; 4x8 BH trailer; 8 live animal traps; 2 rolls 1”sq. vinyl covered metal wire rolls; misc. rabbit fence & wire; Melroe 610 Bobcat skidsteer, no cab, 40hp Wisconsin gas engine, works ok; electric fencing; 2000 Honda Foreman 450 4 wheeler, 4wd, winch, sprayer, works good; 4 portable chicken coops, various sizes; 22nd 1:00 7:00p.m.

FOR SALE: 1988 2.8L V6 With Transmission, 92K, All Good, $350; (4) 195/75R14 Tires With Rims, 3/4 Tread, $100. 319-470-9388 9-16

FOR SALE: Suffolk And Hamp Rams, Meat Type Producers, Of Champion And Reserve Champion Club Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16

FOR SALE: 1971 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, 50,000 Actual Miles; 1979 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, 54,000 Actual One Owner Miles. 573-473-2418 9-16
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN

SPRAY FOAM INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN
WANTED: Ponies All Sizes. Leave VM. 660-425-7488 9-16

FOR SALE: 80 Head Boars Doelings, Red To Dapple And Read Head Boar Billy’s For December And January Kidding, Asking $325 A Piece. Tobias Miller 2217 190th Ave. Mt. Ayr, IA. 50854 9-16

FOR SALE: Nice Clean Mini Pickup, 4 Spd, 4x4, 35K Miles, $7,500. Pomeroy, IA 515-230-3000 9-30
FOR SALE: Ford 3000 With Live Power, Power Steering, Good Condition. $4,500. 660-341-8089 9-16

HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 16 PUBLIC AUCTION Freda Bumgarner www.goehringauctionservices.comSaturday,September24,2022@10:00AMAt210NorthFrontStreet,Farmington,Iowa52626 Terms: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over ads. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Sold “as is, where is.” Mike Goehring 319 288 0704 Mike Best 641 777 1429 Enamel Ware Sugar Sacks Sad Iron’s Cane Chairs Glass Insulators Army Trunk Books Kitchen Ware Pots Pans Cigar Box’s Drop Leaf Table Canning Jars Office Supplies Antiques Dresser Vintage Bottles Thomas Kinkade (5 out of 12) Snowman Depression Glasses (Green and Pink) Button Display Case (Gamble Store) Christmas Dishes Christmas Items Sewing supplies Vintage Chairs Vintage Cameras Crocks Vintage Suitcases Toys Sewing Rocker Vintage Ladies Hats Vintage Chandelier Baskets Large Vintage Cash Register Pillows Seasonal Decorations Advertising Boxes Miniature Lamps Puzzles Comic Books Vintage Calendars Cloth Calendars Lamps Tramp Mill Vintage Tins Vintage Christmas Tree Antique Sewing Table Round Table with 4 Chairs Hutch Pot Belly Kitchen Cabinet Bird Plates Bradford Exchange 2 Cherry Chairs Bowl w/Apples Apple Pitcher Van Buren County Plates Doll China Milk Bottles Crocks/Jugs Kraut Cutter Wash Board Jelly Cupboard Iron & Lace Pictures Hall Tree Office Chairs Books (Lg) Miscellaneous Computer Equipment TV Stand Sleeper Sofa Glider Rocker Recliner Planters Lanterns Lawn and Garden Lawn Ornaments Cream Cans Wooden Boxes Tools Tomato Stakes Apple Baskets Ladder Metal Buckets Scale Fruit Jars Watering Can Steel Wheels Lawn Cart Drying Rack Lawn Furniture Bird House Kids Wagon Wheel Barrow Rug Beaters Saw Horses Fishing Poles J.D. Oil Can Shepard Hooks Bedding Fridge Freezer Still Unpacking Much More to Come BID NOW! TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 INVENTORY INCLUDES: motor grader, wheel loaders, SUVs, skid steers, airplane, pickup trucks, equipment trailers, passenger vehicles, dozers, coach bus, dump trucks, digger derrick truck, reel trailer, prisoner transport van and more. All items are sold “AS IS.” 10% buyers premium applies. DK2033 ‘05 CAT 140H motor grader DS7111 Piper Navajo PA 31-325 airplane DG2735 Kubota M126GX MFWD tractor DG2727 ‘04 Case 721D wheel loader KP9400 ‘01 Int’l 4900 dump truck 670+ ITEMS SELL NO RESERVE! AUCTIONEQUIPMENTGOVERNMENT BIDDINGWWW.BIDCBM.COMEVERYTHINGSELLS,NORESERVESCLOSESSEPT.22ndat6:00PMDON’TWAITGETREGISTEREDTOBIDTODAY Contact Chris Riley with questions at 816.365.7565 or Like us on Facebook Visit us on YouTube CASADY MOTOR IMPLEMENT & TRACTOR ABSOLUTE ONLINE AUCTION 504 N. 25th, Bethany, MO 64424 JAMESPORT660-684-6931BUILDERS POST FRAME BUILDINGS Machine Sheds • Horse Barns • Garages WE ALSO DO METAL ROOFS, SPRAY FOAM INSULATION (OPEN & CLOSED CELL) & CELLULOSE INSULATION We Have: House Plans, Dirt Work & Concrete Available Hours: Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5 PM • Sat By Appointment Only 32137 State Hwy 6 • Jamesport, MO 64648 *Serving Southern Iowa* EstimatesFree


RENT A HORSE: And Ride 2 1/2 Hour Guided Forest Trail Ride, $45 Each. Call for Reservations. 319-878-3596 9-16

Terms: Cash or Check – NO Debit or Credit Not responsible for accidents.

Go to for complete list and photos.
Brad’s Repair - Brad Bushong, Seller

Herb Burns, Auctioneer
KRIS AUCTION660-626-4960ALTISERAPPRAISAL C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,FowardControls,CustomPipes,SissyBar,CustomBars&Mirrors $5,995NOFEES!DOC Edina, Missouri Weekly Sales Start @ 12:30 PM Friday, September 16th - Special Cow Sale Friday, September 23rd - Special Feeder Calf Sale ALL SALES TELEVISED ON DV AUCTION To Consign For Any or All Sales or For All Information Call: Owner - Kevin Strange • Cell: 660-341-9974 Ryan Strange • Cell: 660-341-9721 Sale Barn: 660-397-9999 Field Reps: Bill Tom Hall 660-342-5420 • Jason Bischel 660-216-0373 Mike Bronestine 660-341-9965 • John Powell 660-341-1717 Joe Hagan - Complete Dispersal 80 4 & 5 year old Fancy Angus Cow/Calf Pairs Bred to Angus Bulls to calve in March Calves weigh 250 to 450 lbs Ryan Woodard 30 Fall Calving Cows calving now Don Roper Estate 30 cows many with calves on side NORTH MISSOURI LIVESTOCK AUCTION, LLC. Paul & Deanna Eitel, Owners 52762 Bus Hwy 5 • Milan, MO SEPT 22 SPECIAL BREEDING STOCK SHEEP & GOAT SALE • 6 P.M. A few early consignments: EXPECTING 800 hd. 60 hd of 2&3 yr old Kat ewes., 30 hd 2-3 yr old Boer x Kiko, nannies , 30 hd Boer x nannies. , 8 hd 3-5 yr old Boer nannys exposed to kiko Billy, 1hd 3 yr old Kiko Billy, 3 hd old Kat rams 1 -5 yr old, 5 hd 2 yr old Fancy Boer Nannies , 6 hd Boer x Span Nannies, 2 purebred Boer billys, 1 purebred Span Billy, 2 Nub Dapple Billys, 10 hd Dorp x ewes, exp to Kat Ram, 49 fancy Boer and Boer x nannies 1-3 yr old- Complete Dispersal exposed to Reg Boer Billy that will also sell, 70 hd yrling kat x dorp ewes, 3 nub nannies, 3 nub x boar billies. 3 nub x boer nan, born in may, 2 yr old Barbodoe horned Ram, 2 Barbadoe ewes 2 spring born Barbadoe rams., 4 yr old Poly Pay ram, 3- 7 month old Poly x Texel rams, 1 Hait ram, 1-7 month old Kat x Dorp ram, 9 Boer Nannies 2&3 yr old, 1- yrling Dapple Boer Billy, 1 yr &1-8 month old dapple buck, 15 Boer yrling nannies,running with Billy. 1 yr Dapple Boer Billy, 30 Kat x Dorp ewe lambs 70-80 lb, 2 pygmy pairs. ----------------------SEPT 26 REGULAR SHEEP & GOAT SALE- NOON START Check us out at BARN: 660-265-4286 Paul Eitel 660-265-6404 Mike Edmundson 660-358-2010 Joseph Gingerich 660-684-6265 Auctioneer: Doug Bige 641-895-8985 Stop by today to learn more! A variety of great financing plans are available to help you get the mower of your dreams, with payments that won’t give you nightmares. Get the Mower of Your Dreams. for 48 months USED SCAG ZERO TURNS PRICE '21 STTII-52V-31BV 513 HRS $11,500 '21 STTII-52V-31BV 507 HRS $11,000 '19 STTII-52V-26CH-EFI 545 HRS $9,750 '18 STTII-52V-26CH-EFI 490 HRS $9,500 '20 SCZII-72V-37BV 867 HRS $9,000 '21 STCII-52V-26FT-EFI 324 HRS $8,500 '12 STT72V-791DFI 1000 HRS $7,000 '04 STWC61A-27CV 1348 HRS $4,500 '09 SFZ48-19KA 550 HRS $3,500 USED WALK BEHINDS PRICE '21 SCAG SWZT48H-15FSE 14 HRS $5,000 SCAG SWZ52-18BV E/S W/BAG $2,500 EXMARK VIKING $1,500 12372 Hwy 163 West • Prairie City, IA 50228 515-994-3200 • 800-994-3202 USED ZERO TURNS PRICE '16 CUB CADET PRO Z900 60" 264 HRS $6,500 '18 JD Z915E 54" 694 HRS $5,500 '16 HUSQVARNA MZT61 60" 326 HRS $4,500 JD 757 Z TRACK 60" 828 HRS $4,000 '14 HUSQVARNA MZ61 60" 220 HRS $3,500 '13 TORO Z MASTER 3000 60" 1984 HRS $3,500 '06 EXMARK LZ27KC605 60" 606 HRS $3,500 '02 TORO Z MASTER Z149 52" 1049 HRS $2,500 USED RIDING MOWERS PRICE AGCO ALLIS 1614H 581 HRS $1,200 Other Used Brands Of Zero Turns Available! Program not available in all areas, and is subject to change or end at any time without obligation. New equipment only. All loans subject to approval. Fees may apply. Available to qualified buyers with rates dependent on credit records and credit score. Not all customers will qualify for the above listed program. Higher rates may apply for buyers with marginal credit. Stop by today to learn more!

TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22
SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573 696-3468 TFN

As Joan is downsizing, she will be selling their collection. The Websters were well known for their Winchester collection & even wrote a price guide book for rare Winchester collectibles. There are several rare and hard to find cardboard displays, 5 piece window displays, JR rifle Core Matches print, hundreds of advertising prints, metal signs, Winchester Store wood cookstove and Parlor stove, Winchester oak ice box, Winchester Store fans, Winchester Oak display cabinet, other Winchester items to include butcher knives, drill bits, fishing rods, toolbox, saw, pipe wrench, screwdriver, flash light, plate, gun scabbards, brass shells, hat, blasting cap box, stove door, calendars, risky prints from the 60’s, other like items: rare Iver Johnson lady print, rare Western print, early ladies with gun prints, several round oak stove calendars, unique curved glass & metal showcase, Phillip R Goodwin items, Horton Bristol fishing rods calendar, ornate Indian lamps, Indian bookends, several Sterling silver Indian spoons, several deer horns some very large ones, fly traps, duck decoy weights, advertising items with deer on them, large cuckoo clock with animals carved on it, brass and horn powder horns.
Preview from 2 to 6 pm on September 23rd. Food and restrooms available. Indoor sit-down style auction. Check out pictures on auctionzip or our Facebook page.

September 24th • 10 am
CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 17“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” CUSTOM BUILT PAINTED & VINYL BUILDING & SHEDS Many Styles & Optional Features Available FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 30 MILES Hillview Mini Barns David W. Schrock VM: 641-664-2842 15383 180th St Drakesville, IA RENTTOOWN 16 EXPERIENCEYEARS Shop Tools & Support Equipment Sat. Sept. 24, 2022 • 9:00 am 1112 E. Jackson Ave., Monmouth, IL 61462 THIS IS A REAL LIVE AUCTION! NO INTERNET BIDDING! NO BUYER’S PREMIUM! I have sold the building after 24 years at this location & will sell the following at public auction! Inspection – Sept. 19 – 23 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Shop Equipment – Tools: Forward 14000 lb 4 post drive on hoist w/2’ extensions; Pneumatic rolling jacks, selling separately; 275 gal fresh oil tank on casters w/meter; Ammco 3860 brake lather w/adapters; Blue Bullet Mod BB-2 exhaust pipe bender up to 3”; Blackhawk 4000 lb engine hoist; Craftsman 33 gal port air compressor; H frame hyd shop press; Stinger AC reclaimer w/tank; Snap on sand blast cabinets (needs new glass); Portable gas caddy; Acetylene/oxygen cutting torch on cart; Associated engine jump starter w/gas engine; Complete set of Stemco seal drivers; Mac 1000lb engine traverse bar; Pneumatic grease pump 30 gal on casters; Snap on & Mac Battery chargers; Snap on EVAP smoke machine emissions tester; Gates portable hose fitting crimper w/qty of fittings, hyd hose dies & AC dies; Branick G-300 brake bleeder; Lincoln oil drain w/tank on casters; Elec drain snake; Lg chain fall hoist; Blackhawk 10T portapower; Mac 3/4” impact gun; Ingersoll 1” impact gun; Impact sockets for both; 1” drive socket set; 3/4” drive socket set; Blue point 1T trans jack; Walker trans jack; AC Delco trans jack; Snap on air bumper jack; Walker 5T air jack; Walker 2T Mod J96 floor jack; RR jack 40T; 3-4 floor jacks, 1 Mac; Pr of go jacks for maneuvering cars; Barrel cart; Misc shop carts; Homemade jack stands; Pr 10,000 lb port truck ramps; Engine stand; Steel work bench w/lg vise & double grinder; Famco 3R arbor press; Duracraft floor mod drill press; 10’ wall mount jib crane; 2–Clean burn 180,000 btu used oil furnaces, both need repairs, both have tanks; 10T floor jack; Lakewood 4’ round floor fan; Master floor fan; Trash dumpster on casters; Misc creepers; Older 50 gal kerosene barrel w/pump; Oil transfer tanks; 2 gear lube barrels w/pumps; 20’ fiberglass ext ladder; Sm alum ext ladder; Grinders, sanders, ring compressors, pullers; 2 lg chain binders; Automotive advertising cabinets; Napa storage cabinets; Blue fireproof storage cabinets; Chilton manuals; Motor manuals; Diesel manuals-Cummins, Cat; Filko cabinet & parts; Sev. multi drawer cabinets of parts & hardware; Bolt bins & bolts; Multi drawer cabinets, full; 6-7 4 drawer sliding cabinets; File cabinets; 2 metal desks; Sorenson ignition parts cabinet; 3 or 4 wooden work benches; 5’ metal work bench w/ light. Truck beds: Dodge 8’ pick up bed, fits 90s; Dodge dually 8’ bed w/GN hitch. Misc: Sm chest freezer; Sm refrigerator; Shop vac; Misc support equipment; GE automatic washing machine; Pr of washtubs on stand; Ranch hand push bar cattle guard.

FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. Redmount Midstream LLC. For Details Call. 660-542-3000 10-14
Burns Auction Service, Monmouth, IL

IS INFLATION GETTING YOU DOWN?: We Have The Solution For You. Go To Dyaslist.Com To Find Out More. Any Questions Call. 217-653-7480 9-23

BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER: Walnut & Soft Maple Are Our Specialty; Also Other Species. Bonded & in Business for 30 Years. We Pay Before Cutting. Gingerich Sawmill LLC, Bloomfield, IA. 641-722-3002 9-16

APPLIANCES, FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES: Amana refrigerator/freezer; Vizio 65” flat-screen TV; Vizio 40” flat-screen TV; Insignia 19” flat-screen TV; Bose radio; Sunbeam microwave; Ivory 3-cushion sofa & matching 2-cushion loveseat; Bamboo glass-top patio table w/4 chairs; Maple sofa table & matching end tables; Glider rocker; 5-pc. oak bedroom suite incl. queen-size bed, double dresser w/mirror, 5-drawer chest & nightstands; (2) Matching Lazy Boy recliners; TV stand; (5) Matching upholstered barstools; Beautiful oak oval dining table w/6 matching chairs, extra leaves & matching double-door glass-front hutch; 4-drawer kneehole desk; Large 7-drawer executive desk; 2-drawer file cabinet; Floor & table lamps; Pictures & frames; Queen-size bed, mattress & box springs; Nightstand table; 5-drawer lingerie chest. Antiques - (2) Old railroad lanterns; Salesman’s sample Maytag wringer washer; Maytag oil cans; Antique washstand w/towel bar; Old wooden kitchen clock; Antique upholstered hall bench; Pressed-back straight chairs; Old radio; Old wooden carpenter’s toolbox w/assorted antique tools. Pictures & frames; Exerciser; Large asst. of kitchen items incl. pots, pans, dishes, coffee maker, toaster, elec. roaster, 12-place setting of stoneware dishes; Oriental chocolate set; 12-place setting of Mikasa dish ware plus crystal items; Lawn chairs; Vacuum cleaners; Elec. heater; Set – folding chairs.
REAL ESTATE WILL SELL AT 12:00 NOON For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465.

1967 CHEV. CORVETTE STINGRAY W/CONVERTIBLE & HARD-TOPS, 327 350hp V8 4-speed, red in color w/black interior, always garaged. Beautiful automobile. Yamaha golf cart, gas, w/canopy; 2-wheel lawn trailer; 4-wheel lawn wagon; Weber gas grill; (3) Metal lockers; Bench vise; Shop vac; Bench grinders; Ladders; Asst. of hand tools incl. wrenches, pliers, hammers; Black & Decker hedge clippers; 110 port. air compressor; Husky 38” lawn sweep; Set – John Deere wheel weights; Hoes,
rakes, shovels, forks; Battery charger; Fishing rods & reels. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This will be an outstanding sale of highly desirable executive home & acreage plus collector Corvette & furniture. Be sure & attend. Go to our website for pictures –www.almartinauctions.comTERMS:CASH/GOODCHECK MASTERCARD/VISA POSITIVE ID REQUIRED DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS All property must be settled for before removal – All items sold as is where is Not responsible in case of accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. MRS. GEORGE (PATRICIA) BOITNOTT, OWNER C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 New Harleys 3.29% For 66 Months And $0 Down With Qualified Credit! Call Us Before You Buy! NO DOC FEES! C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 OVER 30 40 USEDStartingHARLEYSat$6,995 LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN PETS FOR SALE: 3 Black And White Male Toy Aussipoo Pups. 1 – Female Born 8-7-22, Shots UTD, None Shedding, Will Stay Small And Cute. 641-203-6834 9-16 FOR SALE: ACA Registered Shiba Inu Born 6-7-22, 2 – Females, 4 – Males, All Shots And Wormings Done, $300. Call, Leave Message. 573-767-5498 9-16 Place Your AdAt
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 18 OBERHOLTZER Specializing in Aluminum Hopper Trailers • Repair & Rebuild We Install Tarps & Power Tarps Timpte & Wilson Trailer Parts Available 660-341-6027 • 660-282-1012 3 Miles East of Gorin, MO on Route U Vermeer 605 N Balers, Twin Rakes, Trailed Mowers, Disc Mowers, Tedders, Bale Hide-AwayDanhauserDewEzeProcessorsBaleBedsPostholeDiggers&PostholeDrivers5thWheelHitchesFlexHarrowsUsedEquipment9000BaleProcessor Call Us For All Your Used Equipment Needs Liebhart Sales, Inc 17546 Lacey Drive • New Boston, MO 63557 660-689-3406 72.50± Acres • Jasper County, Iowa Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock SIMULCAST AUCTION L-2200564 For more information on property details, please contact: To Register and Bid on this Auction, go to: -- 100% tillable NHEL cropland with CSR2 of 91! -- OPEN TENANCY for 2023 -- Great location just south of Iowa Speedway -John & Kathy Van Zee, Agents • Mitchellville, Iowa Phone: (641) 521-0151 or (641) 521-5305 • Eric Van Zee, Agent • Colfax, Iowa Phone: (515) 971-2633 • Live Event: Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 3:00 PM Newton Arboretum 3000 North 4th Avenue East • Newton, Iowa ONLINE SIMULCAST BIDDING: Bidding starts Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 8:00 AM Bidding ends Thursday, September 29, 2022 at close of live event LocatedLIVESTOCKOSBORNAUCTION7milesWestofCamerononHWY.36,OSBORN,MO Danny 816-675-2424 or 816-695-0504 Randy Vanderkooi, Fieldman 816-632-0694 Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Transportation and order buying available • Bonded • Insured Barn Phone: 816-675-2424 FRIDAY!EVERYSALE FRIDAY!EVERYSALE RECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time. MARKET REPORT: May 18 Sale Top Butcher Cow - $0.68 Top Bull - $0.81 246 Butcher Cows Sold. Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We currently have 5 butcher cow buyers. NEXT SALE FRI, June 11:30AM1st Barn Phone: (816) 675-2424 (816) 649-8485 Transportation and Order Buying Available • Bonded • Insured SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY | 10:00 a.m Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We Have 9 Butcher Cow Plants RepresentedDannyRECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time 2 POTLOADS 800# HEIFERS Top Cow: $0.96 - Troy, KS Top Bull: $1.19 - Chillicothe Holsteins & Longhorns: $0.62-$0.84 Longhorn X & Dairy X: $0.85-$1.16 Owner, Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Randy Vanderkooi, 816-632-0694Fieldman Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Frank Peterson, 660-247-2306Fieldman Dale Coble, Fieldman 816-213-3581 Todd Gottswiller,816-390-7917Fieldman Gary Mann, Fieldman 816-294-5849 Bill Bray, Fieldman 816-724-0438 Gary Jackson, Fieldman 816-724-4348 STEERS HEIFERS 300#........................................$2.30 .............................................$2.27 400#........................................$2.24 .............................................$2.10 500#........................................$2.16 .............................................$1.96 600#........................................$2.02 .............................................$1.78 700#........................................$1.80 .............................................$1.63 800# .......................................$1.70 .............................................$1.58 900#........................................$1.64 .............................................$1.47 1000#......................................$1.51 .............................................$1.31 1100# Fats ..............................$1.33 .............................................$1.29 910HEADLASTWEEK|EXPECTING1000THISWEEK AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co ACREAGE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 10:00 AM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 13231 ANGLE ROAD, OTTUMWA, IOWA Across from the Cedar Creek Golf Course REAL ESTATE: Be sure & make an appointment to inspect this outstanding 5-bedroom, 3-bath ranch-style home, on nearly 4 acres, with large living room, kitchen and main floor laundry area. Plus, lower level family room with wood-burning fireplace & large kitchenette. 2-car attached garage plus 2-1/2-car detached garage plus metal RV carport. Situated at the northern edge of Ottumwa, this exceptional acreage will sell to the highest bidder. TERMS: 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Warranty Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement.

Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 19“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You”

Watch future publications for a list of pickup, furniture, glassware & household.

Sale to be conducted at the property located at 178 E. Alta Vista Street, Ottumwa, Iowa (Auction signs posted)


Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 20 SAM’S AUTO SALES 319-204-5214 www.samsautosalesia.comPleaseSeeOurWebsiteforOurRepairableVehicles! Mt. Pleasant, IA • 803 East Winfield Ave • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS 2014 DODGE RAM 3500 BIG HORN 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 8 Ft LB, SRW, 6.7 Turbocharger, Diesel, 175,301 Miles $32,800 CLEAN2017TITLECHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, 5.3L V8, Gas, Auto, 6 Spd, 59,293 Miles $26,500 READY TO GO 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, 5.3L V8, Flex Fuel, Auto, 6 Spd, 117,096 Miles $25,500 CLEAN TITLE 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 4x4, 4 Dr SUV, Auto, 5 Spd, 3.6L V6, Gas, 150,928 Miles $23,000 CLEAN TITLE 20181500SIERRAGMCSLT 44x4,Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, Auto, 8 Spd, 5.3L One82,051V8,Miles,Owner $35,500CLEAN TITLE 2017 TRADESMAN2500RAMST 4x4, 4 Dr, Crew Cab, 6.3 Ft SB, 6.4LAuto,V8 Gasoline, 122,997 Miles $26,000CLEAN TITLE LAND AUCTION 556.5 ACRES/ML IN 9 TRACTS IN WAYNE COUNTY, IOWA Jared R. Chambers 641.414.0234 Mike Nelson 641.223.2300 Listing #16367 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 2022 | 10:00AM Wayne County Fair Event Center | 800 2nd Avenue | Corydon, Iowa 50060 SELLS WITH ‘NO-RESERVE’ TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Gary W. Thomas, Executor of the Estate Jenna K. Lain, Attorney at Law – Meyer & Lain – Attorney for the Estate Raymond C. Meyer, Attorney at Law – Meyer & Lain – Attorney for the Estate Alan M. Wilson – Attorney at Law – Miles Law Firm - Attorney for the Thomas Family The Estate of Wayne E. Thomas & The Thomas Family C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LowMiles,VariousOptions,GreatMPG! Starting at $8,495NOFEES!DOC Consignment Auction Friday, October 28, 2022 @ 9:00 a.m. Same location @ Downing, Mo. on Hwy 136 West, 1 mile to auction site. No additional hay racks items. Advertising deadline October 1. to consign items contact 660.216.0515 consign now! Although Kris has left, due to many requests, our family has made the decision to hold another consignment auction this fall.

Visit our website at NANCY THOMAS – OWNER GREG AUCMILLIKENIONASSOCIATES,L.L.C. DEPOT: (641)653-2258 • FAX: (641)653-4047 • CELL: (641)777-6459 PRECEDENCEMADEANNOUNCEMENTSALLSALEDAYTAKEOVERALLPRINTEDMATERIALRESPONSIBLENOT IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS. FOR SALE: Beagles AKC Registered, 4 Yr. Old Female. 2 Yr. Old Male, 8 Week Old Puppies. Hunters Or Companions. 641-233-7771 9-30 FOR SALE: 2 Blue Merle 1 1/2 Year Old Female French Bulldog Beagle Cross, Friendly, Will Tie and Lead, $500 Each. Also, Their 8 Week Old Puppies, Various Colors. 641-664-1689 9-16


Sale starts at 10:00 AM; Real Estate portion at 12:00 Noon
REAL ESTATE consists of a 2 story, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath dwelling with full unfinished base ment. This home has dine-in kitchen w/ breakfast nook, formal dining room, living room w/wood burning fireplace and office area off of the living room. The three bedrooms are located on the 2nd level along with a full bath w/ walk-in shower & separate tub. Other inside amenities incl. hardwood floors, partial open staircase, natural woodwork, some replacement windows, gas forced air heat & central a/c. Outside amenities incl. metal roof, permanent siding, 1-car attached garage along with a carport and a rear wooden deck. This home is situated on a level lot measuring 50 ft. wide and 133 ft. in depth with alley access. If you are looking for a family home on Ottumwa’s north side, contact the auction company for more information or to inspect this property.
FOR SALE: ACK French Bulldog Puppies, Blue Male And Blue Fawn Female, DOB 5/16/22, For Information Call. 641-664-1689 9-23
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 21“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,Sport,NewTires,Windshield,Roof,5KMiles $7,295NOFEES!DOC FRANCES HARPOLE ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2022 AT 11:00 A.M. FAIRGROUNDS COMMUNITY BUILDING • WINTERSET, IOWA Hartman auctioneering Steve Hartman - Cell 515-468-7857, Home 515-462-4584
TOOLS & OUTDOOR: Wrenches; Floor jack; Lawn chairs; Bicycle; and more.

and more. COINS TO SELL AT 1:30: 33 Mint sets, 1960’s thru 1990’s; Foreign coins; 8 rolls of Wheat Pennies; Bag of Wheat Pennies. TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. We accept checks and cash only, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank you. LUNCH SERVED. 1977 Military Dodge M880 All Redone w/Power Steering, 21,450 Miles 319-795-6919 Asking $8,500 or Make Offer RJBuyingStandingWANTEDTimberWalnut,OakandMaple20YearsInTheBusinessIPayBeforeICutLumberLLC•RaymondYutzyVM:641-722-3348 65'' Vizio TV Great Picture, Too Large For Corner Of Room 32'' Symphonic TV Take Both 641-980-0828$375 $350 OBO $100 OBO CRP MIXES • WILDFLOWERS • PRAIRIE GRASSES Office: 641-766-6790 800-582-2788 Or 800-Lucas88 Cell: john@prairieseedfarms.com641-340-0294 Delivery And Shipping To HAWKEYE TRADER Distribution Areas For This SALE Leaf Vac For Lawn Mower, 44 Bushels, MFG. $3,990+ Options, Like New $2,000+/-Offers. Troy Lawn Mower W/Draw Bar, $1,200. Grinder Mixers New Mfg. $93,000+, Used $500 - $2,000+/- Offers, Scales (No Head), Used To Mix Seed, 24’ Unload Auger, Hammers Like New, Hyd Augers. Side Dump Carts 10’ - 12’, 18.4’’ X 38’’ Tires, $400 - $5,000+/- Offers;. Flare Wagon w/5th Wheel Steering, $500+/- Offer. Big Round Baler NH664 W/Wrappers & Monitor $2,000+/- Offers. CRP Mixes. Excess Farm Equipment For Sale. Will Send Pictures. Discounted If you Pick Up Here JD Push Blade For JD 2510 Thru JD 6030, $2,000 OBO. Extra Heavy Duty 3 Pt. Bale Fork, $400 OBO. Fork Lift Mast Converted To 3 Pt., $500 OBO. Factory 3 Pt. Lift W/Masts, $500 OBO. Fork Lifts Self-Propelled, Big & Small. Pallet Racks 108''w x 36''d x 11' & 15' h, Starter Units ($330-$375) & Lots Of Add On Units ($250-$275) OBO. Self Locking Cattle Stanchions. Cattle Tub. Livestock Trailers Small-Huge. Calving Pen. Hydraulic Hog Trailer & 3 Point. Bunks Cement Rubber & Elevator Bottoms. Elevators Complete Frames Only, Portable & PTO & For Parts Only. Generators Still In Wrappers. Ford F100 1960’s. Scooter, Low Miles. Roll Bar Rakes Left & Right w/Hitch. Digger Truck. Swathers w/Heads, MacDon And Owatonna. JD Soybean Planters 12'', 15'' & 19''. Combines CIH 1470, JD 8820, JD 6600, Alma 5' Head. Heads JD & CIH 10' - 30' & Hay. Pickups 1/2 Tonners. Color Sorter Seed. Harrows 7 & 8 Sections Coil Tine, Harrow Gator, Spring Tooth & Weeders. CRP Mixes CP1 - CP43s. Native Grass Custom Air Seeding 60' Booms & Drilling & To Rent. Air Seeding Cover Crops w/Floater Truck. Hagie High Boy For Sale. Jet Air Seeders 36' & In Pickup w/Air Suspension. Aeration Tubes. Tree/Brush & CRP Custom

HOUSEHOLD: Three-piece bedroom set w/king size bed; Oak table; 2-drawer oak file cabinet; Microwave; Small Oak S-curve roll-top desk; Small oak 3-drawer chest; Oak shelf; Small curio; 6’ folding table; 6-gal Shop Vac; Several hand-blown glass Christmas ornaments; Shin ey Brites; Other Christmas; Folding dog kennel; Teak trunk; Coffee tables; Drop-front desk; Carved table; Area rugs; CDs; and more.

FOR SALE: Registered ACA Shiba Inu Puppies, Bron 8-10-22, Reddish Brown Color, Black Face, 3 – Females, 2 – Males, $500. Call, Leave Message. 573-767-5498 9-16
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Oak triple-curve china w/ griffins & claw feet; Oak server w/lions heads & claw feet; Ash commode; Oval marble-top parlor table; Square marble top parlor table; Mahogany dresser; Oak high boy dresser w/mirror & hat box; Round oak table w/claw feet, 4 leaves, needs finished; Walnut barrel-front desk w/bookcase top; Two Walnut dressers; 3-pc. Walnut par lor set; 2 walnut chairs; Early Maple dresser; 1-door pine cabinet; 2 quilts; Oak parlor table; Wicker table w/oak top; Walnut plant stand; Mahogany game table; Sewing table; Walnut kitchen clock; Oak clock shelf; Small Mission clock; 6 Oak chairs; Camelback trunk; Sewing drawers; Wooden boxes; 20-gal Western crock; Crock bowls; Other crocks; Cranberry light shades; Other shades; Lots of post cards; Grain painted door; Old drum; Rug beater; Draw knife; Several prints ; Oil on canvas; German helmet; Scrap books; Old flutes; Records; Small scales; Ice tongs; Irons; Baseball cards; Large Bible; 4 barn trolleys…Louden, Porter, Ney, Leader; Windmill tail; Barn door hinges; Carpenter’s box; Redi Bolt Display cabi net; 6 wooden pulleys; Metal boxes; Planter boxes; DX can; Coop can; 2 porcelain lights; 2 small hog house vents; 2 Harrow wheels; Tractor seat; Several yardsticks; Barnwood cabinet; Wood tote; 2-man saws Several barn wood pieces; Other barn goodies; Ammo boxes; Barn door; and more.
FOR SALE: 2007 28 Foot Crossroads Cruiser Travel Trailer, Clean, One Slide, Queen Bed, Rear Bath, New Tires, $11,000. 641-682-5366 9-16
FOR SALE: Ford 3000, Live Power, $4,000. 660-341-8089 9-16

FOR SALE: JD 6R 30 Inch Cornhead, Field Ready. 515-479-1232 9-23
PUPPIES, PUPPIES: We Want to Buy Your Puppies! Registered or Mixed Breeds. We Have Homes Waiting for Them! 573-784-9866 TFN
SIGNS: Coca-Cola, Nutrena, Tomco, Harmar Feeds, Asgrow, Jacques, Annsco, Land-O-Lakes, Kent, Purina, Arcadian, Seidlitz Paints, De Laval, Surge; Road signs, and others.

FOR SALE: 510 Massey Ferguson Combine, Diesel, Hydro, 16 Ft. Grain Head, 4 Row Narrow Corn Head, Rice Tire, Runs, $1,750. 319-750-2740 9-23
OUTDOOR: Roll of barb wire; Yard tools; Stanley plane; Level; Aerator for garden tractor; Sled; Mowing.
FOR SALE: Pomeranians Dogs, 3 – Males, 1 –Female, Call, Leave VM. 660-425-7488 9-16
FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22
HOUSEHOLD: Duncan Fife table w/2 leaves & 4 chairs; New complete full bed; 2 pc. Cupboard; Dressers; 2 recliners; Lift chair; Glider rocker & ottoman; Open bookcase; Kenmore floor-model sewing machine; End tables; Card table & 4 chairs; Small microwave; Misc. chairs; New Bunn coffeemaker; Knee-hole desk; Stacking 3-drawer metal file cabinet; Table & floor lamps; Full-body massage pad; Radios; Pots, pans, & small kitchen appliances; Bedding; Silver ware; Fans; Pyrex; Corelle dishes; UMY & the Good Timers tapes; Kirby Classic 3 Vac; Christmas; Exer cise bike; and more.
FOR SALE: 80 Head Boars Doelings, Red To Dapple And Read Head Boar Billy’s For December And January Kidding, Asking $325 A Piece.
HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23

BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN

FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: Nice Older PTO NH No. 818 Corn Chopper, 1-Row Chopper, Low Wear, $950; JD 1-Row PTO Corn Binder, Nice, $950. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30
RENT A HORSE: And Ride 2 1/2 Hour Guided Forest Trail Ride, $45 Each. Call for Reservations. 319-878-3596 9-16
FOR SALE: Several Hyd. Wagons, 6x10, 6 Or 7x12, Heider Or Stand Hoist Steel Box Wagons, $450 To $1,450. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30
FOR SALE: USED STEEL PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. Redmount Midstream LLC. For Details Call. 660-542-3000 10-14
FOR SALE: Ford 3000 With Live Power, Power Steering, Good Condition. $4,500. 660-341-8089 9-16

FOR SALE: Suffolk And Hamp Rams, Meat Type Producers, Of Champion And Reserve Champion Club Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16

WANTED: Ponies All Sizes. Leave VM. 660-425-7488 9-16
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 22 5701 E. University • Pleasant Hill, IA 515-564-0937KARS, INC OF Pleasant Hill 2015 Honda Civic LX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Good MPG! 106K, $13,995 2009 Ford Edge SEL AWD, V6, Auto, Full Power, CD/MP3, Keyless Entry, 178K, $8,995 2009 Ford F250 Super Cab 4x4, 5.4 V8, Auto, Power Windows, 140K, $13,995 2006 Chevy Colorado LT w/1LT, 2WD, Crew Cab, 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cloth Seats, Power Windows, Keyless, 152K, $8,995 2015 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4, V6, Auto, Loaded, Leather, 3rd Row Seating, 78K Miles, $20,995 2007 Ram 2500 ST 4x4, Quad Cab, 5.9 Cummins, Full Power, 157K, $22,995 2016 Chrysler 300C V6, Loaded, Full Power, Heated & Cooled Seats, 50K, $22,995 2016 Chevy Colorado, 4x4,WT, Ext Cab, 4 Cyl, Auto, Power Drivers Seat & Windows, 60K Miles, $22,995 2013 Ram 2500 ST, Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, Cruise, TIlt, 8’ Box, 136K, $23,995 2013 Chevy Malibu LTZ, Loaded, Heated Leather Seats, CD/MP3, Satellite Radio, Media Storage, 107K, $13,995 2015 Ford F250 6.2 V8, Auto, Big Grill Guard & Bumper, Aftermarket Wheels, Nice! 73K Low Miles, $29,995 2013 GMC Sierra K1500 SLT 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, 165K, $16,995 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4, V6, Auto, Full Power, MP3 Player, 95K Miles, $20,995 2005 Silverado 1500 LS Ext Cab, 4 Dr, 5.3 V8, Auto, Air, Keyless Entry, 157K, $9,995 2012 Chevy Malibu LS 4 Cyl, Auto, Nicely Equipped,111K Miles, $11,995 Low Miles C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Looking for a New Ranger? Order Today for Quicker Ship Time on 2023’s Post Frame Buildings All Sizes On Sale Price Includes All Tax and Labor Call (641)295-4970 • (641)295-4467 Customersareresponsibleforallpermits. 30 x 40 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $33,000 24 x 30 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $29,000ASTERUILDERS
Tires With Rims, 3/4 Tread, $100. 319-470-9388 9-16

FOR SALE: J&M 250 Bushel Gravity Flow Wagon And Gear, $600. 319-750-2740 9-23
Tobias Miller 2217 190th Ave. Mt. Ayr, IA. 50854 9-16


LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN
CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
FOR SALE: Nice Clean Mini Pickup, 4 Spd, 4x4, 35K Miles, $7,500. Pomeroy, IA 515-230-3000 9-30

FOR SALE: 1988 2.8L V6 With Transmission, 92K, All Good, $350; (4) 195/75R14
FOR SALE: 1971 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, 50,000 Actual Miles; 1979 Chevy 2 Ton Truck, 54,000 Actual One Owner Miles. 573-473-2418 9-16
FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 23“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” DES MOINES COUNTY, IOWA LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 AT 10:00 AMCDT The Clay Hill Trust farm is located in Section 9, Danville Township, Des Moines County, IA. 5 miles southwest of Danville, IA (13 miles west of Burlington, IA). Make plans now for this upcoming Des Moines County, IA land auction. This farm offers productive tillable farmland, awesome hunting and recreational acreage, Skunk River frontage, as well as several attractive building sites on this property. Tract 1 is improved with an older 11/2 story 3 bedroom home, newer detached garage and a nice 50' x 30' storage building. This is an auction that you will not want to miss as this farm has been in the Lair family for many, many years. CLAY HILL TRUST Christine M. Troutman & Ronald S. Lair – Co-Trustees Attorney: Philip D. McCormick | Whitfield & Eddy Law 111 W. Monroe St., Mt. Pleasant, IA | (319) 385-9522 Auction Managers: Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320 & Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 VIRTUAL ONLINE 106 ACRES± (SUBJECT TO SURVEY) • 2 TRACTS MONROE COUNTY, IOWA LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 AT 1:00 PMCDT 360.38 SURVEYED ACRES • 4 TRACTS The Prater farm is located in Sections 34 & 35, Franklin Township, Monroe County, IA. The farm is further described as being located 4 miles west and 1/2 mile north of Moravia, IA. Mark your calendars now for this upcoming Monroe County, IA land auction. This farm features productive tillable farmland, hay production and highly improved pastureland. The close proximity to Rathbun Lake provides excel lent opportunities for home building sites. You will most certainly want to participate in this unprecedented land auction! MERLE D. PRATER REVOCABLE TRUST Phil Prater, Merla Schmell & Camilla Williamson – Trustees Attorney: Thomas L. Anders | Anders Law Office 508 Drake Ave, Centerville, IA 52544 | (641) 856-6088 Auction Manager: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 VIRTUAL ONLINE POLK COUNTY, IOWA LAND AUCTION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 AT 10:00 AMCDT 444 ACRES± • 3 TRACTS The G&K Development, L.C. farm is located in Sections 21, 22 & 27, Allen Township, Polk County, IA. 1 mile north of Carlisle, IA and in close proximity to the Des Moines, IA Metro area. Mark your calendars now for this fast approaching Polk County, IA land auction. This farm offers productive tillable farmland and includes soils with CSR2’s in the high 70’s to low 80’s. These tracts have had a recent change (Spring 2022) from the USDA Risk Management Agency from High Risk to Standard/Low Risk Rating. We look forward to your participation in the unprecedented Des Moines, IA Metro area land auction. G&K DEVELOPMENT, L.C. Representing Attorney: Ronald D. Fadness 900 Montgomery Street, Decorah, Iowa | (563) 382-2933 Auction Managers: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 & Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 VIRTUAL ONLINE (844) 847-2161 • WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM • LICENSE #44400107 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION? CONTACT US TODAY NOW BOOKING WINTER ‘22/’23 AUCTIONS 1 Large (Tourer) 1 Standard “RollRetracableSizeTop”Shelters Choice $275 Or $400 For 641-980-0828Both2SpeedWayMotorcycleShelters GrinderCaseMixer$800 660-605-2437 HINDMAN641-485-9071LOGGING Bonded & Insured Timber Paid in Full Before Cutting Want to WalnutBuy SERVING ALL OF IOWA C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,WaterCooled,4900Miles $3,995NOFEES!DOC

Decatur Co, Iowa - 40 +/- acres, Located 3/4 mile off of the hard surface road is a potential build site with views. $218,000
Iowa - 23 +/- acres, This small tract has a lot to offer with a building site, beautiful hardwood timber ridges, tillable acres, and great hunting. SOLD
Davis Co, Iowa - 391 +/- acres, Since 2008, one of the original Quality Deer Management Association members‚ ‘Doc Jones’ and his family, have built this completely turnkey whitetail hunting paradise known as Fox River Farm. SOLD Decatur Co, Iowa - 113 +/- acres, This is the farm that has all the components of the perfect combination farm in the right spot. It is located in one of the most intensely managed and expansive whitetail management neighborhoods.
Decatur Co, Iowa - 240 +/- acres, This combo farm has many possibilities that include a building site, virgin hardwood timber and stocked pond.
Ringgold Co, Iowa - 66 +/- acres, This tract offers income-producing acres enrolled in CRP and also offers great hunting opportunities.
Van Buren Co, Iowa – 137 +/- acres, This farm offers excellent hunting and solid income in an area of southeast Iowa that is a top producer for monster whitetails.
Louisa Co, Iowa - 200 +/- acres, This farm represents an ideal blend of agriculture and recreational acres within convenient reach of the IC/CR Corridor and Quad Cities. SOLD

Lee Co, Iowa - 281 +/- acres, This large wildlife sanctuary consists of a nineteen-year-old, regenerating wetland habitat situated along southeast Iowa’s Des Moines River. $450,000
Iowa - 160 +/- acres, Located about 30 minutes from the greater Des Moines area, this property offers CRP income, a great mixture of habitat with hardwoods, water sources, and thick draws to bring the deer in. SOLD
Tama Co, Iowa - 113.75 +/- acres, Enjoy recreation and investment income on this pheasant hunting property in central Iowa. SOLD
Taylor Co, Iowa - 325 +/- acres, This property offers a high-income pro ducing CRP contract, a beautiful 10-acre pond, and recreational opportuni ties with hunting and fishing! $1,845,000
Jefferson Co, Iowa - 242 +/- acres, This well-kept combination farm features 83 tillable acres, 89 CRP acres, approximately 25 acres pasture, timber and buildings. SOLD
Wayne Co, Iowa - 119 +/- acres, Top notch combo/rec farm with a home and large shop. $1,000,000
– 25.03 +/- acres, This property on the county line along the Henry/Washington county line is great for buyers who want a property to either hobby farm, pasture, grow crops, or build. $230,050
Hawkeye Trader, September 16, 2022 Page 24 WHITETAILPROPERTIES.COM TO VIEW THESE PROPERTIES AND HUNDREDS MORE GO TO BEN HARSHYNE Licensed in Iowa 319.853.1162 RICH BAUGH Licensed in Iowa 319.750.9273 Whitetail Properties Real Estate, LLC DBA Whitetail Properties, DBA Whitetail Properties Real Estate. In the States of Nebraska & North Dakota DBA Whitetail Trophy Properties Real Estate LLC. Licensed in CO, MN, ND, SD, TN & WI - Jeff Evans, Broker. Licensed in FL, KS, MO, OH & PA Jefferson Kirk Gilbert, Broker. Licensed in TX & NM - Joey Bellington, Broker. Licensed in IN Bill Minor, Broker. Licensed in AL, GA, LA, & MS - Sybil Stewart, Broker. Licensed in TN - Tim Burnette, Broker. Licensed in TN - David Pritchard, Broker. Licensed in AR - Anthony Chrisco, Broker. Licensed in NC, SC, VA Chip Camp, Broker. Licensed in IA, NC - Richard F. Baugh, Broker. Licensed in MI - Edmund Joel Nogaski, Broker. Licensed in IL, MD, WV Debbie S. Laux, Broker. Licensed in ID, MT, OR, UT, WA, & WY Aaron Milliken, Broker. Licensed in NY John Myers, Real Estate Broker. Licensed in OK Dean Anderson, Broker. Licensed in KY Derek Fisher, Broker. Licensed in OH Jeremy Schaefer, Principal Broker. Licensed in NE - Jason Schendt, Broker GABE ADAIR Licensed in Iowa 515.971.8182
Marion Co, Iowa - 64 +/- acres, This farm is very diverse when it comes to wildlife and has CRP income producing acres. $396,800
Iowa - 147 +/- acres, This property offers great income production with the majority of the acres enrolled in CRP and has great hunting and fishing opportunities. $855,000
Union Co, Iowa - 104 +/- acres, Located in a great neighborhood is this beautiful combo farm with home, shop and 1 stocked pond. SOLD
Jefferson Co, Iowa – 511 +/- acres, This breathtaking farm has timber, topography, quality farmland, and a top-end lodge. Currently a high fence game preserve, it offers hunting flexibility‚ especially for non-resident landowners. $3,020,000
Co, Iowa – 67 +/- acres, This property near Cedar Creek has a proven history of big mature whitetails and turkeys and has been in the same family for 71 years! PENDING
Ringgold Co, Iowa - 39 +/- acres, This small rec farm has lots to offer and has the perfect 50/50 combination of tillable acres and cover. PENDING
Polk Co, Iowa - 79 +/- acres, Farmland with Residential Development Upside Near Bondurant, IA. Auctioned Ranch and Farm Auctions, a division of Whitetail properties, for $15,000/acre. PENDING
Henry Co, Iowa – 29 +/- acres, This smaller hunting property on Cedar Creek is right in the heart of some of the best deer country in Southeast Iowa.
Van Buren Co, Iowa - 23.9 +/- acres, Enjoy freedom at its finest on this beau tiful country acreage near Bonaparte. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect property with a home, shop, and pond in southeast Iowa; this may be the one.
Lucas Co, Iowa - 175 +/- acres, Great tillable producing acres that gen erate approx. $215/acre annually, as well as great hunting opportunities.
Co, Iowa - 160 +/- acres, This property offers a secluded home, high-quality tillable, timber, creek, and excellent hunting! PENDING
Wayne Co, Iowa - 38 +/- acres, This 38-acre property offers good CRP income generating $4,514 annually and also offers great hunting with highly managed surrounding farms. PENDING
Monroe Co, Iowa - 626 +/- acres, We are honored to bring to the market this world-class whitetail farm that sits in one of the most desirable trophy-managed neighborhoods in the entire state of Iowa. SOLD

Iowa - 13 +/- acres, Home built in 1900, 3 story farmhouse with attached 2 car garage. Over 1700 sq. ft., brick foundation, stick built frame in Decatur County PENDING
Henry Co, Iowa - 9.37 +/- acres, This beautiful acreage near Highway 34 and Mount Pleasant includes a building site overlooking a stocked pond, CRP income, and timber. $99,500
Johnson Co, Iowa - 81.5 +/- acres, Located eight miles east of Solon lies this beautiful farm that has seclusion, rolling cropland, abundant wildlife, grand old Oak trees, and an amazing building site view. $855,750
Washington Co, Iowa - 94.79 +/- acres, Combination farm adjacent to Lake Darling State Park auctioned by Ranch and Farm Auctions, a division of Whitetail properties, for $11,000/acre. PENDING
Mahaska Co, Iowa - 80 +/- acres, This nice farm along a paved road includes tillable, CRP, timber, and open acres to customize into your own needs. SOLD
Appanoose Co, Iowa - 78 +/- acres, This hunting farm has rolling terrain, mature timber, brush, creek bottoms, ponds, sanctuary, food plots, machine shed, building site, CRP income, and priceless views. PENDING

Davis Co, Iowa - 80 +/- acres, This farm west of Bloomfield, Iowa, is primarily tillable with two secluded hunting sites. $496,000
Jefferson Co, Iowa - 55 +/- acres, Tucked away on a secluded timber hilltop stands this extraordinary custom home in the southeast Iowa countryside, just a short distance south of Fairfield. $1,410,000
Appanoose Co, Iowa - 134 +/- acres, Located on the northeast fringe of Center ville lies this attractive combination farm that includes income-producing acres, wildlife habitat, and excellent building opportunity. PENDING