Phone: 641-675-3971 • Fax: 888-203-9720 • E-Mail: HAWKEYE REE Every Friday Vol. 20 No. 38 September 23, 2022 Bob & Dorthy Quick Estate Auction Location: 802 E. Nodaway, Oregon, MO 64473 Saturday, September 24 - 10:30 am Featuring Antiques, Primitives, Guns, Vintage Back Bar, Horse Drawn Equipment and More! www.y OuNgErAuctiON .c OM For complete listings and more pictures visit our website YA INC d. Mark Younger, 660-541-1977Auctioneer Email: SaleTagToolWoodworkingLargeDaysBothPM4toAM9•1stOctober&30thSeptemberIAMartinsburg,•Street4th105 10NomortiserPowermatictopmdfliftprlfencelewoodpeckerstableRouteruniplanesawscrolljointer4”1460,latheRockwellDeltaliftrouterdogBenchfeederpowerDelta1/4HPnewtj,pmPowermaticnewliftprlWoodpeckersligtenonsmall&largeDeltabusterboreLJS16Omninewlikedrive,wormSkilsawnew1400,routerFestoolmotorno18”,Sandfleenew124,DeWaltdoctorDrillgoodverguides,withfmtLeighnewfence,superrouterWoodpeckerspositionerincraLSnewtable,clampKregVariousclampsroutersVariousDWSTO8810radioDeWaltsuppliesMisctoolspower&handofLotsmoreLots&headmoulderHusseyWilliamheadplanerParksOwnerYeager,SteveCell641-224-2231SALESEARLYNOShineorRainAccidentsforResponsibleNotOnlyCash cms,tablerouterFestoolnewlike sawscrollRbivs226 lathewoodRockwellDeltaprogressivetableRouter46-450newlikelift,airmodel, B6100EKubotaCyl,3drive,wheel2tractor,dieselgoodruns

Kroening Livestock Equipment Auction
Quality Tested Hay Online Auction
Stuedemann Brothers Equipment Online Auction Plato, MN | Closes: October 11 at 7PM
©2007 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Vetter Equipment Company 2503 Hwy 2 • Corydon, IA • 641-872-2000 For All Your Equipment Needs • 2012 John Deere Mega568Wide Net & Twine, Float Tires, Bale Kicker$15,950 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Special2022EditionGITri-Glide JUST IN! MUST SEE! NEW

Dickey County, ND Land Online Auction -

Todd County, MN Land, Home & Lake Shore
FOR SALE: Ford IH JD Tractors; Have Loaders, Blades, Mowers, Disc, Plows, Spring Tooth, Lots Of Other Equipment. Pomeroy, IA. No Texts. 712-299-6608 10-25

FOR SALE: JD 643 Cornhead, Poly, Single Point Hookup, Hyd. Deck Blades; Kuhn Wheel Rake, Like New. 641-990-2432 9-30
FOR SALE: John Deere 850 With 82 Inch Belly Mower, $3,000 Or Best Offer. 319-529-1331 9-30
All Locations | Closes: October 12 at 10AM
Steffes Online Auction - 10/12
Des Moines County, IA Land Online Auction

Steffes Facility, Litchfield, MN | Closes: October 11 at 12PM
Danville, IA | Closes: September 27 at 4PM

FOR SALE: JD 318 Garden Tractor, Hydro, PW Steering, 48 Inch Deck, 54 Inch 4 Way Front Blade, JD Cab And Chains. 641-572-0061 9-23
Steffes Facility, Litchfield, MN | Closes: September 27 at 12PM
Johnson Farms Excess Equipment Online Auction Glyndon, MN | Closes: September 28 at 12PM
FOR SALE: JD 6 Row 30 Inch Cornhead, Field Ready. 16 Ft Head Mover, Long Tounge On JD Gear. Milton, IA. 515-419-1232 9-30

Oakes, ND | Closes: September 27 at 10AM
Jefferson County, IA Land Auction - 150± Acres Lockridge, IA | October 11 at 10AM
Steffes Construction Consignment Online Auction
All Locations | Closes: September 28 at 10AM

Transcan Motorsports Group Equipment Online Auction

Fosston, MN | Closes: September 27 at 10AM
Kurtenbach St. Jude Benefit Online Auction Lawler, IA | Closes: September 28 at 1PM
Peyton Family Farm Estate Auction Long Prairie, MN | October 7 at 11AM
Steffes Truck & Transportation Online Auction Steffes Facility, Mt. Pleasant, IA | Closes: October 11 at 1PM

Bertsch Estate Online Auction Newburg, ND | Closes: October 12 at 2PM
160± Acres

City of Fargo Online Auction - 2 Rings Fargo, ND | Closes: October 4 at 7PM

FOR SALE: 1991 Int. 1640 Axial Flow Combine, Cummings Motor, New Transmission 202,Never Used 2021 Season due to Poor Health, $10,000 OBO. 641-990-4464 9-23
Steffes Facility, West Fargo, ND | Closes: September 29 at 10AM


FOR SALE: J&M 525-14 Grain Cart, Small 1,000 PTO Shaft, No Tarp Or Scales, 23.1x26 Diamond Tread Tires, Always Shedded, $8,000. 641-990-1249 9-30
Hauck & Buchholz Drywall Retirement Online Auction Fargo, ND | Closes: October 13 at 2PM

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 2 DES MOINES DIESEL INC Servicing All Your Diesel InjectionFuelNeedsPumps,Nozzles&Turbos 1-800-475-6086 • 515-265-7318 3211 Delaware Ave Des Moines, IA 50313 1 Blk E. of the ADM Soybean Plant Ag & Truck Performance Parts 20’ & 40’ Storage StartingContainersat$1,895 For Sale or Rent ABC Portable Storage Delivery Available 563-299-2901 Dry & Mouse Proof Open Cell & Closed Cell Foam Call or Email Craig 641-328-4163 NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, POLE BARNS CRAWL SPACES, ATTICS & MORE Free Estimates • Fully Insured WWW.5STARSPRAYFOAM COM 5-STAR SPRAY FOAM INC. BROOKLYNMONTEZUMA W E N OW O FFER C ONCRETE R AISING & L EVELING HINDMAN641-485-9071LOGGING Bonded & Insured Timber Paid in Full Before Cutting Want to WalnutBuy SERVING ALL OF IOWA TINY HOMES GOTTEMWE 573-881-3283 Upcoming Auctions 319.385.2000 | Steffes Group, Inc., 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, IA More auctions listed at
Volk Estate Online Auction Harvey, ND | Closes: October 4 at 10AM
Real Estate Auction - 354± Acres, 10 Tracts Long Prairie, MN | October 7 at 10AM
Buttke Excess Equipment Online Auction Fingal, ND | Closes: October 13 at 12PM
Stuthman Estate Farm Equipment Online Auction Columbus, NE | Closes: October 12 at 11AM
Quality Tested Hay Online Auction

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 3“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” 1187 Orange Ave, Kalona 319-646-1103 vm Bring In Your Plans for a Free Estimate Specializing in Roll Forming • Pole Barn Packages • Re-Roo ng Full Line of Building Materials CONTACT US FOR PRICING Baring, baringelevator.com660.892.4411MO We want to purchase & market your grain. Buyers of Corn and Soybeans. Organic & Non-GMO Corn and Soybeans. Contracts Offered • Foward Pricing C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,SissyBar&Pad,Only7100Miles!WOW!! $13,995NOFEES!DOC RJBuyingStandingWANTEDTimberWalnut,OakandMaple20YearsInTheBusinessIPayBeforeICutLumberLLC•RaymondYutzyVM:641-722-3348 Online Auction Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services, LLC. The information in this brochure are from sources deemed to be reliable but it cannot be guaranteed by Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services, LLC. Truck, Trailers, Four Wheeler, Mower Shop Items/Tools, Hunting/Fishing, Household/Antiques Visit to bid online nowBiddingdaughertyauction.hibid.combeginstoend9/30/22at 7:00 pm CST Pick up 10/1/22 between 9-3pm at 2554 Redwood Ave. Guthrie Center, IA Chad Daugherty - Owner/Auctioneer(515)993-4159103 N 9th St. Suite A Adel, Iowa Email- BIDDING IS NOW OPEN Truck, Trailer & Extra Parts Good Shape, Under 10K Miles NO TEXT CALL 641-660-7272 Leave Message Asking $18,000 OBO Save Your Pickup Firewood Haulers

FOR SALE: Int. M Tractor, Int. Super M Tractor, Wide Front End, 8N Ford. All Shedded, Not Started For Several Years. Make Offer. 641-990-4464 9-23

FOR SALE: 2 Ford 8N Tractors, Both Good Condition, 1-$1,600 And 1-$1,800. 660-341-8089 9-23
WANTED RETIRED FARMER: With IH 1066 For Sale With No Cab And Reasonable Hours Or Any Older IH Tractor, 100 To 125 HP. 563-343-6119 9-23
FOR SALE: Nice Older PTO NH No. 818 Corn Chopper, 1-Row Chopper, Low Wear, $950; JD 1-Row PTO Corn Binder, Nice, $950. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 4 ?? THE BLOOMFIELD DEMOCRAT WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 2022 PublicSaturday,AuctionOct.1•9:30a.m.Sharp 708 W. North St., Bloomfield Shop Tools and Misc. 5x8 Bumper pull trailer with Ryobirampspeed saw Bostitch air load driver Concrete tools Forge tools 8’ Wind mill, in box 3-Bar stools, in box 3-24” Bar stools, in box 14” FishingAnvilpoles, tackle Turkey CampAir7”ElectricPlate2-AirDrywalldecoyshoistcompressorscompactorchainsawGutterscrewsnailerstovekit Natural gas fire place Chicken feeders and waterers Wash tubs 60” Hardwood workbench, in Smallboxacetylene torch set Metal gas cans Receiver hitch Carrier with Vertical/horizontalramp band saw Saw horses Husqvarna mower-no deck 36” Bathroom counter top 3” High speed cut off tool 20v Impact driver, in box 1/2” 25’WeldingPartsAngleDrillgrinderwashertableRetractable hose reel Belt 2-Pittsburghsander 40 pc. tap and die 4-AdjustablePowersetstrips work bench/ 225cabinetspc.mechanic tool set 7-1/4” miter saw with laser 2-Stackable tool chests 6 Drawer tool chest with power Oakstripwall hanging quilt rack Misc. pocket knives 2-Wooden adirondock chairs Electric guitar; violin Books and cookbooks Lots of misc. hand tools Antiques Cast iron pulleys Cast iron Jack Small well pump Oil Cornlampssheller Cast iron apple peeler OldSadironswooden pully Doll house furniture Curio cabinet Cast iron lamp Old bottles Guns Maverick 12 gauge Model 88 pump (with slug barrel) Marlin 30-30 Model 336w SPMlever-actioncoach410 double barrel shotgun Cricket bolt action rifle (Keystone Arms Co.) Jimenez JA-380 handgun Ruger LCP 380 handgun Force laser sights Gun cases Red Ryder BB gun Crosman pellet air rifle Please Note: Gun permit required to purchase guns Auction Rep: Richard Yoder, 641-226-4984 Auctioneers Comments: Folks this is a brief listing of tools and misc. Majority of tools are brand new still in boxes. Bring your family and enjoy the day. Lynette Smith 708 W. North St., Bloomfield, IA SALE CONDUCTED BY Horn’s Auctioneering Service 209 East Jefferson, Bloomfield, IA Don Horn - 641-208-0254 • Richard Yoder - 641-226-4984 “We don’t talk service, we give it.” Auctioneers: Don Horn • Richard Yoder • Rodney Lawson • Josh Williams Terms: Cash or good check. $35.00 returned check fee. Not responsible in case of accident The information in this sale brochure was obtained from the best reliable sources available to us. However, the Auctioneers or their employees will not be held liable should the above infor mation be incorrect. Any announcement made day of sale will take precedence over any previous advertisingCheck out our website for more photos C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,48K $19,995NOFEES!DOC 660-263-6700 Cairo, MO • 573-594-2167 Vandalia, MO Fans • 12'' 1 HP 642 • 18'' 3 HP 1364 • 24'' 5-7 HP 2082 • 24'' 7-10 HP 2363 • 26'' 10-15 HP 2961 • 28'' 10-15 HP 2994 • 10 HP Centrifugal 3457 • 10 HP Centrifugal 3-Phase 3234 • 15 HP Centrifugal 3-Phase 3662 • Used 24'' Fan & Transitions 950 Heaters • 24'' Liquid-Thermostat 2383 • 24'' Liquid-Mod Valve 3021 • 26'' Liquid-Thermostat 2428 • 28'' Liquid-Thermostat 2472 • 28'' Liquid-Mod Valve 3120 • 28’’ Super Low-Temp 1928 • Centrifrugal Liquid-Thermostat 2630 • Centrifugal Super Low-Temp 1976 Transitions • 24'', 28'' & Centrifugal 737 Stirring Machine • 36' Fastir w/3 Down Augers 8905 Down Augers • 17' 4'' 254 • 20' 287 • 24' 386 Grain Spreader • Gravity Grain Spreader 972 • Used Spread-All Spreader 450 Numerous Sumps, Flights, Power Heads & Electric Motors On Hand! Over 80 FansOver 30 Heaters Consignment Auction Friday, October 28, 2022 @ 9:00 a.m. Same location @ Downing, Mo. on Hwy 136 West, 1 mile to auction site. No additional hay racks items. Advertising deadline October 1. to consign items contact 660.216.0515 consign now! Although Kris has left, due to many requests, our family has made the decision to hold another consignment auction this fall. SPORTING FridayCONSIGNMENTGOODS/RECREATIONAUCTIONEve,Oct21st•6:30PM-8:30PM Hunting & Fishing Misc Items Saturday, Oct 22nd • 9:00 AM Five Star Auction Yard - 2530 Hwy 22 • Riverside, IA ConsignmentsWanted! Guns/Ammo/Hunting & Fishing Supplies Recreational Equipment/Boats/RV’s Campers/4-Wheelers/Side by Side Motorcycles/Snowmobiles/VehiclesUTVTrailers&More Advertising Deadline – October 4th Accepting Items Friday, Oct 14th Through Thursday, Oct 20th, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Open House: Friday, October 21st, 10:00 AM - 8:30 PM Gun Transfers Done on Site. $10.00 Fee. Sales Tax Charge on All Items. DelmarAuctioneers:Yoder319-430-2711 Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019

FOR SALE: 510 Massey Ferguson Combine, Diesel, Hydro, 16 Ft. Grain Head, 4 Row Narrow Corn Head, Rice Tire, Runs, $1,750. 319-750-2740 9-23
FOR SALE: Ford 3000, Live Power, $4,000. 660-341-8089 9-23

FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22

FOR SALE: J&M 250 Bushel Gravity Flow Wagon And Gear, $600. 319-750-2740 9-23
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN

Household: Small desk; 3-chest of drawers; 2-beds; half bed; 2-night stands; 2-cribs; buffet; China cupboard; cof fee table; nut cracker; crocket set; 3-milk cans; ironing board; family life magazines; young companion magazines; ambassador of peace magazines; grit magazines; ducky child rocker; sausage stuffer; cast iron kettle; gas lanterns; lady finger pop corn sheller; hand meat saw; butcher knives: Shop Supplies & Tools: Work bench; bolt bins with bolts; steel punch; 3/4” socket set; 1/2” socket set; 3/8” socket set; pipe clamps; welding vise grips; pipe cutter; crowbars; long pry bars; 10” Bosch miter air chop saw; central pneumatic air drill; central pneumatic air grinder; hand drill; thread cutters; Home lite chain saw; hole saws; hand saws; chain hoist; ladders; ladder jacks; log chains; v-belts; pulleys; Hobart welder ford engine; drill press; Olsen metal band saw; Rockwell wood band saw; table saw; Grizzly table saw; little anvil; big anvil—(100lb); steel roller; NEW Grizzly 36” drum sander; buzz saw; Belsaw wood plainer; RB Industries wood plainer molder; steel rack; steel; torch & tanks; steel cutter; air miter; miter table; miter bits; big drill press; drill bit; welding table; portable vise; tool box on wheels; stand on mower dolly; large & small c-clamps; glass cutter; buzz saw blades; hammers; pipe bender: Lawn & Garden & misc. parts: Gas engines; lawn mowers; engine parts; traps; wood stoves; air tanks; 100gal LP gas tank; wheel barrows; oak lumber; lumber racks; metal shelving; Troy built horse tiller; buggy parts; buggy wheels; gas barrel.

Note: Since Joe has retired and closed his doors, they will offer all shop equipment & supplies along with some house and yard related items at public auction. •MANY MORE ITEMS, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION•

Terms: Cash or Check w/ID. Not responsible for accidents or theft. All announcements day of auction supercede previous advertising. Food on Grounds. OPEN HOUSE: Friday, October 7th, 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
Owners: Joe & Laura Overholt
Auctioneers: Delmar Yoder 319-430-2711 Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 5“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” SAM’S AUTO SALES 319-204-5214 www.samsautosalesia.comPleaseSeeOurWebsiteforOurRepairableVehicles! Mt. Pleasant, IA • 803 East Winfield Ave • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS 2014 DODGE RAM 3500 BIG HORN 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 8 Ft LB, SRW, 6.7 Turbocharger, Diesel, 175,301 Miles $32,800 CLEAN2020TITLETOYOTA TACOMA TRD SPORT 4x4, 4 Dr Double Cab, 3.5L V6, Gas, Auto, 6 Spd, 43,700 Miles $30,500 READY TO GO 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4, 4 Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, 5.3L V8, Flex Fuel, Auto, 6 Spd, 117,096 Miles $25,500 CLEAN TITLE 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 4x4, 4 Dr SUV, Auto, 5 Spd, 3.6L V6, Gas, 150,928 Miles $23,000 CLEAN TITLE 20181500SIERRAGMCSLT 44x4,Dr Crew Cab, 5.8 Ft SB, Auto, 8 Spd, 5.3L One82,051V8,Miles,Owner $35,500CLEAN TITLE 2017 TRADESMAN2500RAMST 4x4, 4 Dr, Crew Cab, 6.3 Ft SB, 6.4LAuto,V8 Gasoline, 122,997 Miles $26,000CLEAN TITLE Cut-to-LengthMetalfor Roofing Siding & Trim Buy Direct Snap Lock Standing Seam Roofing Rolled On Site Interior Liner Steel “Our Business is Rolling!” Where Quality and Affordability Meet BEFORE AFTER 303 Cleveland St Muscatine, IA 52761 Email: www.affordablemetalmfg.comamminfo7@gmail.com563-264-8212

See Website for Photos
Five Star Auction Yard • 2230 Hwy 22, Riverside, IA

Saturday, October 8th @ 9:00 a.m.


For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465.

FOR SALE: Nice Clean Mini Pickup, 4 Spd, 4x4, 35K Miles, $7,500. Pomeroy, IA 515-230-3000 9-30
20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Warranty Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to January 1, 2023, with possession given upon removal of 2022 crop.

FOR SALE: Several Hyd. Wagons, 6x10, 6 Or 7x12, Heider Or Stand Hoist Steel Box Wagons, $450 To $1,450. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30

FOR SALE: 1999 Chevy 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 4WD, Automatic, 5.3 Engine, Box Has Damage, $1,500 Or Best Offer. 319-529-1331 9-30
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 6 A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS SINCE 1979 DAN JOE JIM BILL MJOHN ATT MICHAEL LUKE Headquartered in Hamilton, Illinois, Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC is one of the largest Real Estate and Farm Machinery Auctioneers in the nation. For more than 40 years we have been conducting professional auctions. We connect our sellers with thousands of interested buyers around the world. AUCTIONEERS, LLC Considering an Auction? CALL OR EMAIL TODAY FOR A NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION! Toll Free (844) 847-2161 ||Lic.#444000107

Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: If you are looking for that investment parcel of land, or add-on, be sure and take a look at this property.

FOR SALE: Ford 3000 With Live Power, Power Steering, Good Condition. $4,500. 660-341-8089 9-23
METALWAGLERROOFINGInstallingMetalRoofingOnAlltypesofBuildingsHouses&BarnsCommercial&ResidentialCustomerSatisfactionIsOurGoal!BUILDERS CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: 641-777-5000 New Mobile HoMe Stock Just Received (5) New Units, They Gotta Go! amegamobilehomes.com573-657-2176 Golden Grain Bins Spring www.gmlsindustries.comDiscount Grain Bins 18'x18' 4,195 Bu. $7,398 27'x21' 11,265 Bu. $14,850 42'x24' 32,245 Bu. $34,617 18' $2,065 21' $2,824 27' $4,710 30' $5,764 36' $8,211 42' $11,182 GMLS Industries, Inc. PH: 660-699-2179 Or 888-983-2136 Floors W/12" Supp. & Flashing - Want To BuyNEED SOME EXTRA CASH? Sell Me Your Coins & Currency. I Pay Cash On The Spot. I Buy Gold Coins Dated Before 1932, Silver Coins Dated Before 1964, Silver Dollars & $500 & $1000 Bills. Buyer Of Collections & Estates For Over 50 Years. Will Pick Up At Your Home Or Bank. Try Us - You Will Be Pleased. WALLIS COMPANY MAX HAGEN Cedar Rapids, IA • Same Address For 50 Years Call For Info: 319-396-7760 Or 319-360-0213 If You Have Any Tax Obligations When Selling, I Can Help. Call Me. AdThisSave&ClipAdThisSave&Clip Concrete Feed Bunks J PastureBunksBunksWaterTanks YPYoder Precast 641-203-7772 2870 210th St 641-898-2803 Seymour, IA 52590 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LuggageRack,BackRest,LowMiles,19KMiles $7,995NOFEES!DOC I am Looking to Buy Your Deer Antlers, Sheds & Heads Big & Small, I Buy Them All!! Ronnie Coffelt 417-339-1462 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 OVER 30 40 USEDStartingHARLEYSat$6,995 AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street • Ottumwa, 641-682-5465Iowawww.almartinauctions.comind us on Facebook at Al Martin Real Estate Co LAND AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2022 10:00 AM 1396 – 720th AVENUE, EDDYVILLE, IOWA 77 ACRES M/L SECTIONS 23 & 26, PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, MONROE COUNTY, IOWA Or South of Eddyville on the Monroe-Wapello Co. Road (T-61) 2-1/2 miles, then West on 140th Street (H-21) OR at the corner of 140th Street & 720th Avenue TRACT I – 37 ACRES m/l (Subject to survey): Bare land with approx. 36 acres tillable. This high-producing parcel of land has large pond, consisting of mostly Grundy-Haig & Persing

reserves the right to refuse any ad or to edit any portion of an ad at any time. The Hawkeye Trader will give credit for only one week of incorrect ad copy. If there is an error in the first week’s publication, call our office and an adjustment will be made. In case of error your ad may be run in the following week’s edition at no charge or you may request a refund or credit on your bill.

The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred.

The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope. soils.

TRACT II – 40 ACRES m/l: Located across the road from Tract I. This parcel has 36.02 acres tillable, with no improvements. Tract I & Tract II will be sold individually and not TERMS:combined.
FOR SALE: 2013 Chevrolet 2500HD 4x4 Club Cab Pickup. One Owner, 109,000 Miles. Dealer Manufactured Loaded VERY NICE For Information. Call: 309-221-3390 9-30
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 7“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” CLASSIFIED COUPON Use the Power of Your Traders for Regional Classified Results! Clip this coupon to run a Classified Ad for $8.75 for one week. 1 Classified Ad for two weeks or 2 Classified Ads for one week for $17.00. Picture ads are not included with coupon, call for pricing. Each ad must be 20 words or less. additional 20¢ per word over 20 words AD NO. 1: (20 Words Or Less) AD NO. 2: (20 Words Or Less) Triple Your Classified Ad’s Power By Running It In The Traders The HAWKEYE TRADER, SHOW ME TRADER & MID-MO TRADER! When You Select All three trAderS, Your Ad Will Be reAd in over 170 countieS in 5 StAteS & online! HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For One Week $8.75 (84 Counties) HAWKEYE TRADER ONLY: 1 Ad For Two Weeks $17.00 Or 2 Ads For One Week $17.00 (84 Counties)

Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $25.00 (170 Counties)

BOTH HAWKEYE & MID TRADER: 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (106 Counties)

To Receive This Rate, Coupon Must Be Mailed In With your Payment Or Use Our Website @ For More Savings Options HAWKEYE TRADER, P.O. Box 96 Pulaski, IA 52584 Harbison Brush Mowing Brush Mowing • CRP Fields • Timber • Trails Pasture Cleanup • Tree Shear • Fence Rows Jeremy Harbison Cell: Home:319-461-0376319-694-2300 HARBISON FENCING “For All Your Fencing Needs” Barbwire • Woven Wire Silt Fence • Vinyl Fencing Hi Tensile 319-694-2300 - Home 319-461-0376 - Cell LAN-DOW BUILDINGS “We Build to Suit Your Needs” “Custom Built” Pole UtilityGaragesBarnsBuildings “H“ Don or Dick Middleton Phone:1-800-337-5858660-465-8595Fax:660-465-8596MemphisLumberCo. FOR SALE Driveway Fabric Rolls Commercial, Heavy Duty Designed for Heavy Traffic 12'5" Wide • 432' $370.00/RollLong 660-216-0938 WhereQuality Comes First WAGLER METALS Are You Thinking About A Building? Bring Your Size And We’ll Give You A FREE Price Quote! WE WILL ENGINEER YOUR TRUSSES TO YOUR SPECS BUILDING PACKAGES (TAXES INCLUDED) SERVING THE TRI-STATE AREA SINCE 1992 BUILD YOURSELFIT OR HAVE ONE OF DOCONTRACTORSPROFESSIONALOURITFORYOU. Call For Pricing On Building Packages! - WE WILL DELIVERFREE ESTIMATES ON ALL BUILDINGS WE MANUFACTURE STEEL ROOFING, SIDING AND TRIM, CUT TO THE INCH. WarehouseMissouri BUY ANDDIRECTSAVE! We ImportantYourYourHardWorkForSuccess.Business&SatisfactionIsToUs! MON.-FRI. 7AM-5PM SAT. 7AM-2PM 4 MILES SE OF REVERE, MO OR 6 MILES NW OF WAYLAND ON C. 26758 HWY C., ALEXANDRIA, MO 63430 www.awmetal.net641-664-3990 Metal Roofing Buy Direct 205± Acres • Jasper County, Iowa Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock SIMULCAST AUCTION L-2200594 For more information on property details, please contact: To Register and Bid on this Auction, go to: -- OPEN tenancy for 2023! -- Established waterways, terraces, and tiled --- 23.95 acres of CRP with wildlife habitat -- Cropland average CSR2 of 64.2 -John & Kathy Van Zee, Agents • Mitchellville, Iowa Phone: (641) 521-0151 or (641) 521-5305 • Eric Van Zee, Agent • Colfax, Iowa Phone: (515) 971-2633 • Live Event: Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 10:00 AM American Legion 105 West Rogers Street • Laurel, Iowa ONLINE SIMULCAST BIDDING: Bidding starts Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 8:00 AM Bidding ends Thursday, October 20, 2022 at close of live event C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,HarleyLeatherBags,Only9KMiles,Nice! $6,995NOFEES!DOC LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Outstanding Black Simmental, 18 Months Old Bull. Big Rugged Bulls, Ready For Heavy Service. Larry Drake (Drake Simmental). Centerville, Iowa. 641-895-9422 10-14 FOR SALE: 9 Head Of Registered Boer Does, Born April And May Of 2021. 641-660-6625

Best Value: HAWKEYE, SHOW ME & MID MO TRADER: 2 Ads For One Week $47.00 (170 Counties)

BOTH HAWKEYE & SHOW 1 Ad For One Week $17.00 or 2 Ads For One Week $32.00 (150 Counties)

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 8 SCHUYLER & HANCOCK COUNTY, IL & HENRY COUNTY, IA LAND AUCTION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AT 1:00 PMCDT 613 ACRES± • 8 TRACTS TRACTS 1 - 5 are located in Schuyler County, IL and contain a total of 481.7 acres± which represent outstanding hunting & recreational land with crop acres, potential home building sites and development land. TRACTS 6 & 7 are located in Hancock County, IL and contain a total of 122 acres± which represents outstanding hunting & recreational land with crop acres. TRACT 8 is located in Henry County, IA, a short distance south of Mt. Pleasant, IA and contains 5.7 acres of development land. JOE & DAWN SULLIVAN Representing Attorney on Illinois Tracts 1 - 7: Thomas F. Hartzell | Carthage IL | (217) 357-3121 Illinois Auction Manager: Louie Zinn (319) 795-2314 Representing Attorney on Iowa Tract 8: James Becker | Mt Pleasant, IA | (319) 385-3911 Iowa Auction Manager: Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 VIRTUAL ONLINE SCHUYLER COUNTY, MISSOURI LAND AUCTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2022 AT 10:00 AMCDT 38 ACRES± (SUBJECT TO SURVEY) • 2 TRACTS The Cowell farm is located in Section 12, Liberty Township, Schuyler County, Missouri. 1 mile north of Lancaster, Missouri. Make plans now for this upcoming Schuyler County, Missouri real estate auction. Tract 1 features a well kept 3 bedroom, 2 bath country home that will be situated on nearly 9 acres. Other improvements on this tract include a nice barn and pipe fence corrals for working cattle. Tract 2 of fers productive tillable farmland currently in hay production with good exterior fences. Both tracts are conveniently located north of Lancaster, Missouri on US Hwy 63. This is an auction that you will not want to miss! OPEN HOUSE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 • 4:00 – 6:00 PM GERALD L. & CONNIE COWELL Closing & Title Work: Pickell Abstract Company 115 S Franklin St, Kirksville, MO 63501 | (660) 665-8324 Auction Manager: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 VIRTUAL ONLINE (844) 847-2161 • WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM License #44400107 CONTACT US TODAY Shay Esbeck 660-605-0839 Barney Esbeck 660-605-0841 Justin Harlow 660-605-2346 WANTEDBUYERS NEXTSELLERS&AUCTION SAT., NOVEMBER 5, 2022 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION join us on facebook! 2022 BUY SELL TRADE EVERY DAY GALLATIN MISSOURI HAULING AVAILABLE • LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING • NATIONWIDE ADVERTISING • CONSIGN NOW! B&S EQUIPMENTAUCTION TOCALL DAY! Post Frame Buildings • Shop Houses • Metal Roofing • Free 641-203-6663Estimates SlaytonPOLARIS 10456 State Route B, Downing, MO slaytonpolaris.com63536 2022 RANGERPOLARIS1000 660-328-6627 Call Dean or Tim to Order Your New Polaris Today!

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 9“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” 5701 E. University • Pleasant Hill, IA 515-564-0937KARS, INC OF Pleasant Hill 2015 Honda Civic LX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Good MPG! 106K, $13,995 2009 Ford Edge SEL AWD, V6, Auto, Full Power, CD/MP3, Keyless Entry, 178K, $8,995 2016 Chevy Tahoe 1500 LTZ, 4WD, 5.3 V8, Auto, Loaded, Heated & Cooled Seats, Sunroof, 3rd Row Seating, 148K, $29,995 2006 Chevy Colorado LT w/1LT, 2WD, Crew Cab, 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cloth Seats, Power Windows, Keyless, 152K, $8,995 2015 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4, V6, Auto, Loaded, Leather, 3rd Row Seating, 78K Miles, $20,995 2007 Ram 2500 ST 4x4, Quad Cab, 5.9 Cummins, Full Power, 157K, $22,995 2016 Chrysler 300C V6, Loaded, Full Power, Heated & Cooled Seats, 50K, $22,995 2016 Chevy Colorado, 4x4,WT, Ext Cab, 4 Cyl, Auto, Power Drivers Seat & Windows, 60K Miles, $22,995 2013 Ram 2500 ST, Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, Cruise, TIlt, 8’ Box, 136K, $23,995 2013 Chevy Malibu LTZ, Loaded, Heated Leather Seats, CD/MP3, Satellite Radio, Media Storage, 107K, $13,995 2015 Ford F250 6.2 V8, Auto, Big Grill Guard & Bumper, Aftermarket Wheels, Nice! 73K Low Miles, $29,995 2008 Chevy Silverado K2500HD 4WD, Ext Cab, 6.0 V8, Auto, Air, PW, PL, Cruise, Tilt, CD/MP3, 130K, $16,995 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4, V6, Auto, Full Power, MP3 Player, 95K Miles, $20,995 2005 Silverado 1500 LS Ext Cab, 4 Dr, 5.3 V8, Auto, Air, Keyless Entry, 157K, $9,995 2012 Chevy Malibu LS 4 Cyl, Auto, Nicely Equipped,111K Miles, $11,995 Low Miles Post & Pole Frame Buildings 2 Miles N. of Drakesville on pavement 888-371-4710 • 641-722-3505 17549 Husky Trail Drakesville, IA 52552 Specializing in: Post Frame Buildings (Up to 100’ Wide Clear Span) Agricultural • Commercial Residential • Equine Heat Formed Metal Roofing & Siding With 50 Year QualityWarrantyWorksmanshipBestQualityMaterial 660-646-1957 And Remember Rain or Shine bid Online! Monday, October 10, 2022 *ONLINE AUCTION* Starts Closing at 7 PM INTERNATIONAL 5100 DRILL, TRAILERS, KANSAS KLIPPER TREE SHEAR, SEVERAL LOTS OF NEW TIRES, NEW ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY Check Out our Website for more Listings Rhino 31502000 39’ Renegade RV 2014 18’ Trailer w/2” Beavertail New Holland TT 45A Dieselw/BladeTractor Post Frame Buildings All Sizes On Sale Price Includes All Tax and Labor Call (641)295-4970 • (641)295-4467 Customersareresponsibleforallpermits. 30 x 40 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $33,000 24 x 30 x 10 1-10x8 Overhead Door 1 Walkout Door Concrete Floors $29, Check Us Out! New Edition Online Every Thursday Morning!

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 10 JAMESPORT660-684-6931BUILDERS POST FRAME BUILDINGS Machine Sheds • Horse Barns • Garages WE ALSO DO METAL ROOFS, SPRAY FOAM INSULATION (OPEN & CLOSED CELL) & CELLULOSE INSULATION We Have: House Plans, Dirt Work & Concrete Available Hours: Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5 PM • Sat By Appointment Only 32137 State Hwy 6 • Jamesport, MO 64648 *Serving Southern Iowa* EstimatesFree Looking to Sell Your Farm or Construction Equipment? GALLATIN MISSOURI • All Makes and models - Loader Tractors, MFWD Tractors, 2wd Tractors, 4wd Tractors • Kinze Planters - Split row & 30" planters • Later Model John Deere & CIH Platforms, Corn heads • Grain Carts • Combines, 90s models and newer • Skid Steers • Excavators • Wheel Loaders One piece or a whole line of farm or construction equipment; Let us know what you have. Shay 660-605-0839 Justin 660-605-2346 AUCTIONVEHICLES EQUIPMENT&BIDNOW! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 INVENTORY INCLUDES: pickup trucks, street sweeper truck, flatbed pickup trucks, service trucks, semi truck, utility vehicles, flatbed truck, bucket trucks, SUVs, boats, aerial platform fire truck, wheel loader, RV and more. All items are sold “AS IS.” 10% buyers premium applies. 866.608.9283 DQ2919 ‘12 Ford F250 Super Duty Crew Cab flatbed pickup DJ7720 ‘00 Peterbilt 379 semi truck DK6446 ‘08 Ford F250 Super Duty Crew Cab pickup truck DK6450 ‘12 Ford F350 SD Lariat King Ranch Crew Cab DR2028 ‘07 Freightliner Biz Class M2 street sweeper truck 430+ ITEMS SELL NO RESERVE! MOVING AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022, AT 11:00 A.M. FAIRGROUNDS COMMUNITY BUILDING • WINTERSET, IOWA Hartman auctioneering Steve Hartman - Cell 515-468-7857, Home 515-462-4584 HOUSEHOLD: Queen power bed; 2 open bookcases; 4-Drawer metal file cabinet; Card table w/4 chairs; Kitchen table w/2 chairs; Bissel Power Vac; Revere Ware; DVDs, CDs, New CD player; Large fold ing round table; DVD movie projector; George Foreman Rotisserie; Crock pots; Sunbeam Mixer; Bedding; Paper cutter; Prints; Canes; Small kitchen appliances; and more. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Oil lamps; Large 36” Dunn Monument Works thermometer, Chariton, IA, ph.282; Collection of Zane Gray books; Louis Lamour books; Signed oil on canvas Russell print; Large oil on canvas “Smoke Signal” by Frederick Remington; Metal tool box; Fordson tool box; Lightning rod ball; Lionel train & parts; Wood advertising box; Car headlight; Fenton lamp; Epergne; Hull vases; Roseville; Prints; Large Winchester framed picture “Bear Dogs”; Carrom board; Paper weights; Marbles; Opalescent glass; Green Depression; Belt buckles; Knives; Mini cast iron stove; Hay trolleys; Wrenches; Hog leads; Candle chandelier; Carousel horses; Black Minstrel Man; Black baby on pot ashtray; Black Sambo game board; Mirror; Lamps; Plant stand; Wooden ladders; Doctor’s scale; and more. TOOLS & OUTDOOR: Large bolt cutters; Toolboxes; Craftsman tool chest; 3 Gal Compressor w/hose; Pneumatic tools: Levels; Heavy drop cords; Tool tote; Galv minnow buckets; Stepladders; Wet saw; Craftsman tools; Pickup toolbox; Wheelbarrows; Large nut/bolt bin; Large dog cage, never used; Rifle vise; Airport runway lights; Pipe clamps; Set of wood lathe chisels; Set of wrenches; Elec leaf blower; Weedeater; Small gas garden tiller; Power washer; Zero turn Toro mower; Air compressor; Patio furniture; and more.

PICKUP: 2005 Chevrolet 2500HD, 8-cyl, dsl, black 4x4 w/243,393 approximate miles, good rubber, runs great. Pickup to sell at 1:30 P.M.

TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. We accept checks and cash only, no cards. We are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank you. LUNCH SERVED.

Comments: Lyle was one helluva a mechanic and tractor enthusiast! This is one of those auctions that will have plenty of surprises! Land will sell promptly at 1PM! Lots of shade, portable restroom and lunch on grounds! Note early start time! Hope to see you at the auction. - Todd Note Starting Time Tractors / Antique Tractors (most will run or have run in the last 2 yrs) • IH 706 Diesel, Cab, NF, Ser#6498 • H Farmall, WF on steel, on rear rubber, will sell with rear steel, 540 PTO, drawbar hitch, ser#290296 • M Farmall, WF, drawbar hitch, clam fenders, 8 rear wheel wts, ser# 295005 • Farmall 706, gas, WF, 2pt w/3pt adapters, 540/1000 PTO, ser# 22389 • Farmall 350 Diesel, ser#5273, NF does not run • Farmall Super C, NF, ser#174361 • Minneapolis Moline G900, propane, WF, 540/1000 PTO, ser# 32800599 • Minneapolis Moline U302, WF, gas, ser#27600242 • Minneapolis Moline 445, NF, ser#10100834 • Cockshutt 570, Perkins diesel conversion, WF, drawbar hitch, 540 PTO • Ford 8N, WF, fenders • John Deere A, NF, styled, elec start, ser#633566 • Michigan Payloader, General Motors diesel engine, model 175 DGM, was completely gone thru several years ago, should run. Parts Tractors/Tractor Parts • Farmall Super M diesel, mostly complete • Styled A John Deere for parts (hand start) • (2) Farmall M’s for parts • Several Farmall NF • Aluminum truck body contest to include: mostly Farmall parts, clam fenders, seats, hoods, side panels, grills, gas tanks, manifolds, engine parts. Farm Equipment • Bush Hog model 257 7’ 3 pt rotary mower • JI Case 4 bottom pull type plow • Woods RM 600 3 pt finish mower • Woodsman No. 211 3 pt buzzsaw • Homemade 3 pt forklift • 3 pt blade, pt hyd cherry picker • IH 540 4 bottom steerable plow • Oliver 565 4 bottom steerable plow • 12’ 3 pt chisel plow • White 271 20’ tandem wing disc • John Deere 210 , 14’ disc • Several old steel wheel side rakes • Several running gears • Massey ? 4 bottom steerable plow • Truck frame tandem axle steel box wagon • Several John Deere pull type trip plows • Several IH pull type trip plows (most were greased and should scour nicely) • Plenty of misc. scrap Tractor Wts (rear wheel & suitcase) 15 IH large suitcase; 4 IH small suitcase; 15-20 IH wheel wts; Massey Ferguson rear and suitcase wts; Oliver rear wheel wts; 12-15 Ford #100 suitcase wts. Additional Items of Interest / Skidloader / Motorcycles Mustang/OMC 12 Skidloader, runs, w/bucket; (2) PTO driven compressors; Bobcat T3101 golf course mower w/Kohler 18 hp made into tree cutter!; Yamaha Moto 4 - 4 wheeler, no run; 750 CC Honda motorcycle, no

Older commercial grade air compressors; AirCo commercial heavy duty AC/DC welder; Somaca surface grinder; cylinder bore machine; Van Norman brake drum machine; Sioux valve grinder/refacer and accessories; Onan gas generator; PFaff In dustrial sewing machine; AirCo heavy duty wire welder; kiln; hand forge; heavy duty bench grinder; coolant reclaimer; 53’ semi trailer full of Lyle’s misc shop items, the above included plus more.
Tools / Shop Items


propane tractor, propane tractor, WF, PS, 3 pt, live hydraulics, runs Ford NAA Jubilee tractor 3 pt, WF, runs BMB 5’ 3 pt rotary mower; IH 540 4 bottom steerable plow; 2 bottom 3 pt plow; 8’ Dearborn 3 pt disc; Dear born 12-88 2 row planter; 3 pt potato plow; homemade 2 wheel trailer; 3 pt JD 3 bottom plow; 6’ IH 3pt blade; 2 bottom Dearborn 3pt plow; small trailer of Minne apolis Moline tractor parts to include: M-670 propane heads, wt brackets, cylinders, hoods, misc. parts, 3 pt. post hole digger C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,CustomGrips,SissyBar&Pad,28KMiles $10,495NOFEES!DOC WE HAVEHOMESMOBILE Instock New Arrivals (8) Homes, Need To Go As Soon As Possible columbiadiscounthomes.com573-499-9993 CRP MIXES • WILDFLOWERS • PRAIRIE GRASSES Office: 641-766-6790 800-582-2788 Or 800-Lucas88 Cell: john@prairieseedfarms.com641-340-0294 Delivery And Shipping To HAWKEYE TRADER Distribution Areas For This SALE Leaf Vac For Lawn Mower, 44 Bushels, $1,800. Toro Lawn Mower W/Draw Bar, $1,100. Grinder Mixers $400 - $1,800. Side Dump Carts 10’ - 12’, 18.4’’ X 38’’ Tires, $300 - $4,000. Flare Wagon w/5th Wheel Steering, $350. Big Round Baler NH664 W/Wrapper & Monitor $1,800. CRP Mixes. Excess Farm Equipment For Sale. Will Send Pictures. Discounted If you Pick Up Here JD Push Blade For JD 2510 Thru JD 6030, $1,800. Extra Heavy Duty 3 Pt. Bale Fork, $300 OBO. Fork Lift Mast Converted To 3 Pt., $450. Factory 3 Pt Lift W/Masts, $450. Fork Lifts $2,000 - $4,000. Pallet Jacks 108''w x 36''d x 11' & 15' h, Starter Units ($440 - $475) & Lots Of Add On Units ($225-$250). Self Locking Cattle Stanchions, $500. Cattle Tub, $4,000. Calving Pen, $500. Hydraulic Hog Trailer, $750 & 3 Point, $500. Bunks Cement Rubber & Elevator, $50+, Bottoms, $50. Elevators Complete Frames Only, Portable & PTO & For Parts Only, $50+. Generators Still In Wrappers, $3,000. Ford F100 1960’s, $4,000. Scooter, $500. Roll Bar Rakes $500. Digger Truck, $5,000. Swathers w/Heads, MacDon, $20,000 And Owatonna, $1,000. JD Soybean Planters 12'', 15'' & 19'', $2,000 - $6,000. Combines $1,000 - $7,000, CIH 1470, JD 8820, JD 6600, Alma 5' Head. Heads JD & CIH 10' - 30' & Hay, $500 - $2,000. Pickups $750 - $2,500. Color Sorter Seed, $25,000. Harrows $500+ Coil Tine, Harrow Gator, Spring Tooth & Weeders. CRP Mixes CP1 - CP43s. Native Grass Custom Air Seeding 60' Booms & Drilling & To Rent. Air Seeding Cover Crops w/Floater Truck. Hagie High Boy $500 - $2,000. Jet Air Seeders 36' & In Pickup w/Air Suspension, $2,000 - $4,000. Aeration Tubes, $300. Tree/Brush & CRP Custom Mowing. MacDon 9200 Mower, $20,000.


Sears Ted Williams .22 rifle; Thompson Center Arms 54 cal black powder; Winchester Model 121 .22 rifle; Bridge Gun Company .410; Thompson Center Encore 209x50 Magnum; Connecticut Valley Arms VS1847 black powder revolver; Norinco 7.62 pistol in box; Taurus Judge .410/45 revolver in box
run; 1981 KTM 495 motorcycle, no run; Towable M&W Dyno; motorized corn sheller Cushman scooter (no engine); Cadet garden tractor parts; 500 gal. propane tank; 3 commercial type sewing machines; 3 old builds com pletely full of ceramic molds; steel building trusses

Reldon Konecne Consignment402-681-8575

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 11“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” POST FRAME BUILDINGS • Best Quality • Great Prices • Great Service LANCASTER LUMBER, INC 800-424-5071 • LANCASTER, MO Auction conducted by Todd Crill Auctions, Creston, Iowa Todd Crill, Auctioneer - 712-621-1453 Auctioneers: Matt Johnston • Nathan Ramsey Michelle Crill, Auction Coordinator - 641-745-9223 or follow us on facebook PORTABLE RESTROOM • LUNCH ON GROUNDS Terms: Cash or good check. Mastercard and Visa credit cards welcome. **Auction Company not responsible for accidents, thefts or fire.** PUBLIC AUCTION LAND • TRACTORS • PERSONAL PROPERTY Saturday, October 1, 2022 • 9 a.m. Location: 1896 210th St., Corning, Iowa 50841 Directions from the Casey’s Store in Corning go west on 6th St. (old Hwy 34) approx 3 miles, 1st place west of Corning Airport. WATCH FOR SIGNS Janelle Wiese and the late Lyle Wiese AuctionLive EverythingGoes! Property / Land Beacon Parcel ID#s 3473100, 3475101, 3476100, 3477100 Sec/Twp/Rng 33-72-34 Quincy Twp - Adams County Brief Legal Descriptions: NE NE (Exc N. of Hwy) Inc Tract Corning, Iowa, Quincy Twp E 1/2 SW NE 33-72-34 SE NE 33-72-34, E 1/2 NE SE 33-72-34 Gross Acres 110.41 Selling 110 Acres AVG CSR2 47.2 FSA Farm# 3701 Tract: 3056 Current CRP Acres 61.42 with contract expiring 9/30/22 Balance in pasture, timber/recreation. Seller retains final CRP payment. Taxes: $1,796 Terms/Conditions: Property being sold in one individual tract to the highest bidder. 10% down payment required day of auction with balance due upon closing. Ted Engel with Engel and Maharry Law Office, Corning, Iowa (641-322-3230) will be handling all closing transactions. Closing and possession to be announced. Farm is being sold with NO RESERVE. Sale of the farm is not contingent on buyers securing financing. Todd Crill Auctions is auctioneer only. Disclaimer: Above printed material is believed to be correct. Buyers should do their own research. Any and all announcements made sale day take precedence over any printed materials. Auction Company is not responsible for misprinted or misinterpreted materials. Auction company not responsible for accidents, thefts or fire.
on cart;

Ford 600 Service Truck, custom cab, Onan generator, Venco boom, pretty clean 1950’s Studebaker pickup mode E1-1013, pretty complete, no title, shows 24,800 miles.

Minneapolis Moline M-670

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 12 c & c custom cycle 888-475-2243 Prices Starting @ $9,995 For Complete Units! Kit Prices Starting @ $5,295 Zero Down Financing With Interest As Low As 4.59% WACWe Can Finance Kits! 2020 Vanderhall Carmel & Venices In Stock! 14 25 Trikes In Stock Ready To Go and Building More We Install Trike Kits on Hondas, Yamahas, Harleys, Triumphs, Victorys, Suzukis & Kawasakis! Get Your Trike Kits Ordered Today! 4 Weeks For Delivery! We Do Hannigan, California Side Car, FBI, Champion, Lehman, Frankenstein, Mystery Design, Motor Trike Kits! We Also Carry Can Am Spyders. 888-475-2243 • Chariton, IA - Click on Trike Gallery! We Also Carry Vanderhalls. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2022 AT 10AM Live with Online Bidding! LAND AUCTIONJefferson County, Iowa Located 7 ½ miles southwest of Lockridge, Iowa on County Highway W40/County Highway H46 (Glasgow Road). Auction held at the Steffes Group Facility, 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Tract 1 – 70.27 Surveyed Acres Approx: 68.5 acres tillable. CSR 2 is 79.3 on the tillable acres. Located in Section 18, Round Prairie Township, Jefferson County, Iowa. Tract 2 – 80.39 Surveyed Acres Approx: 77.5 acres tillable. CSR 2 is 78.5 on the tillable acres. Located in Section 18, Round Prairie Township, Jefferson County, Iowa. FSA indicates: 147.85 NHEL acres tillable on the entire farm. Auctioneer’s Note: Quality Jefferson County farm located on a hard surface road. Selling in two tracts, buy one or both tracts based on your needs! “Selling Choice with the Privilege” acres, two tracts WESLEY & GERALDINE BARTON TRUST Michael W. Barton & Philip D. Barton – Co-Trustees Anderson, Roberts, Porth, Wallace, Stewart & Werner LLP, T.J. Werner – Closing Attorney for Seller Contact Steffes Group at 319.385.2000; Lynn Richard, 319.931.9090 or Mason Holvoet, 319.470.7372 Lockridge, Iowa 319.385.2000 | Steffes Group, Inc., 2245 East Bluegrass Road, Mt. Pleasant, IA detailsforscan “One Man’s Junk Is Another Man’s Treasure!” Sell It in the Hawkeye!

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 13“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” 17893 212th Street • Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-722-3605 • Mon. - Fri. 7 AM - 5 PM Bring Your Plans In For FREE ESTIMATE Full Line MaterialsBuildingOf COMMERCIALRESIDENTIALAGRICULTURAL Auction Personal Property 6918 NW 93rd CT Johnston, IA 50131 Sat. Oct 8, 2022 Sale Time: 10:00 AM Directions: Take NW 70th Ave in Johnston to 93rd CT South to home. Between 86th & 100th Streets. Vehicles 2003 5th Wheel Sprinter Camper by Key Stone 1 slide out, 27 ft. 1992 Mercury Grand Marquis Tools & Parts Parts WagnerWasherPaint Sprayer Craftsman Big Shop Vac & Tools Chain Hoist 220 Air Compressor Metal Band Saw Wood Band Saw Craftsman Table Saw Drill SmallPressHydraulic Log Splitter Homemade Heavy Duty 3 pt Hitch Log Splitter Small Tools Parts Manuals Floor GrindersRouterAirSandersJacks&DrillsTools&Paint Sprayers 2 1” Socket Sets Tap & Die Sets Wheel Pullers Snap Ring Pliers Air Shovels,Gun Rakes, Spades, Towels. Hammers, Saws Parts Washers & 1/2 Barrell of Solvent Misc. Chain Saws Chainsaw Sharpening Kit Battery ChainsawChargersSharpening Kit Battery OtherHydElectricHomelitePressureCraftsmanChargesAirCompressorWasherMultiPurposePumpBoxesFittings,Wire,Chains,Hoses,Fittings Partial Barrell Super Blue High Temp. ToolsGreaseCarts, Tool Carriers, Tool Boxes Metal JohnstonCabinetsMiddle School Lockers Air Pump Antiques Cross Cut Saw Horse Neck York Collar Coal Miners Lamp Army Gas Cans Antique Pressure Cooker 2 Man Chainsaw Banjo Steering Wheel Barber Chair Rope CreamPulleysSeparator Tank Oil WhiteAntiqueCoalLampsBucketToolsAntique Dresser & Mirror Collectibles Shooting Bear Bank Model Tractors, Airplanes, Cars PunchTeaPrecious(Antique)MomentsPots,TeaSetsBowl Automotive Old Repair Manuals (60’s?) 4 Holley Carburetors Auto Diagnostic Performance Tester Timing Lights Ford Mustang Dashboard Misc. Motorcycle Parts & Fender Car Ramps & Creepers Recreation Old Trolling Motor Go CampingFishingSkiesKartRodsDishes Lawn & Garden JD LT 155 Lawn Mower 38’ Deck Misc. Law Art Items Lawn Windmill White Gazebo Arch Small,WellFountainPumpHuge, & Big Iron Pots Big Ceramic Flower Pots LawnBricksWagon Cart Rubbermaid Storage Shed (approx. 5x6x4 high) Leaf GardenWellTreeElectBlowersHedgeTrimmersTrimmerPumpTub Kids 2BooksCroquet Sets Small Pedal Car Child s Round Table Child s Desk & Chair Small Rocking Horse Old PlasticTricycleWagon, Plastic Bats Tonka Winnebago Tinker Toys Fishing Rod Set Bike Helmet Madeine Doll Set Game Box Table Top Foosball & Air hockey Easel Furniture & Accessories White Electric Fireplace Oak Table & Chair + Ottoman Wood Cabinet w/ Computer or Sewing Desk Fold Out LR Upholstered Chair Oak Dresser, Mirror, Lingerie, Nite Stand Wicker Trunk & Wicker Laundry Basket 2 Queen LargeDesignerBeds/FramesTableLampOakTableTop Jewelry Chest White Wood Table Top Jewelry Chest Sewing Desk & Tubs of Fabric 3 Sewing Machines White/Bernette/Kenmore Wood Bench Wall LongabergerArt Baskets White Dresser & Mirror 6 Upholstered Tan Chairs Glass Top Coffee & End Tables 2 Drawer File Cabinet Bunk DresserBeds&Mirror, Dresser, Desk & NiteStand Wood Chairs & Folding Chairs & More Wood Rocker, Twin Headboard Kitchen Appliances Bakers Rack Woods Upright Freezer Crock Pots Washer Assorted Pyrex Old Refrigerator Blue CoffeePyrexPots, Blenders, Silverware & Everything Kitchen Seller: Janet Larson This Auction Arranged & Conducted by: Jackson Auctioneering Carl J. Jackson, Auctioneer Email: Johnston, IA Find us at: #22895 Although believed to be true, the above information is not warranted or guaranteed by the owner, the Auctioneer or the Auctio n Company Announcements the day of sale take precedence over any printed material. Not responsible in case of accidents! Lunch served by DeVries Lunch Wagon For Sales & Service Please Call Chris At 641-919-6922 Check Us Out On Facebook More SOUTHEASTAvailableSizes IOWA STEPS Steps • Stock & Custom Railings PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE FARM CONSIGNMENT AUCTION ONLINE BIDING TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM AND THURSDAY,WWW.EQUIPMENTFACTS.COMSEPTEMBER29TH@1:00PM COME AND BID LIVE. AUCTION STARTS AT 1PM 9799 HWY R63 • INDIANOLA, IA FROM HWY 92 NORTH ON HWY R 63. 1.5 MILES WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM Open for viewing by appointment Online bidders pickup date and time: Thursday After auction till 5 PM and Sunday, October 1st 9am-4pm Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service TRUE MODULARS 30 To 60 Day Delivery Available, 3 And 4 Bedroom chateauhome.net573-657-7040 GrinderCaseMixer$400 660-605-2437

We are honored to conduct this sale for the
Yard Equipment/Tools: John Deere yard cart, 18x40 lawn roller, John Deere lawn sweep, pull behind aerator, yard thatcher, DeWalt compound miter saw, Indian Motorcycle wrench, Porter Cable pancake air compressor, Generac 3100 psi pressure washer, DeWalt 740 radial arm saw, Rand 400 air compressor, Rockwell folding work table, Rigid cordless drill, 2 ton chain fall, Duracraft large bench vise, battery charger, Rockwell 10” bandsaw, drill press, DeWalt cordless drill, Milwaukee electric drill, S-K tool box, Magnum airless paint sprayer, Fiberglass extension ladder; Craftsman: belt sander, router, dual motion sander, 16 gal shop vac; Rockwell table saw, 2 wheeler, jig saw, shovels, rakes, sockets, wrenches, levels, clamps, 14ft aluminum john boat, Skill saw, roto-zip, bolt cutters, drop cords, drill bits, prybars, ratchet straps, misc. hardware, & more.
There will be approximately 1,400 lots to sell. This is the fourth of several auctions from a long time family of collectors. Most items are in the original boxes and have been kept in storage boxes and totes. Items include from Department 56, Precious Moments, Byers’ Choice, Cherished Teddies, Precious Moments, 2000 + Hallmark ornaments dating back to 1979, plus many other items. As of ad deadline time, we are still unpacking boxes so there are more treasures yet to be discovered. more details, pictures, terms, and bidding instructions go to
RIFLES & SHOTGUNS: (2) Winchester Model 12 12-ga. pump shotguns; Winchester Model 1906 22 rifle; (2) Winchester Model 94 30-30 cal. lever-action rifles; (4) Winchester Model 37 shotguns - 410, 16, 20 & 12-ga. single-shot; Winchester Model 1300 12-ga. w/Simmons scope; Remington Model 510 Targetmaster 22 w/scope; Remington Sportsmaster 22 rifle w/scope; Remington Wingmaster 870 20-ga. pump shotgun; Remington Model 597-5A 22 rifle; Sig Sauer Exeter NH USA 5.56 NATO Model AR-15 rifle; (2) Henry Golden Boy lever-action 22 rifles, 1 w/octagon barrel; Ruger Mini 14, 223 rifle w/scope; Ruger 1022 22 rifle; Marlin 60 22 semi-auto. rifle; Marlin Model 98MI 22 rifle w/4x scope; Marlin 22 pump, C.B. caps; Mossberg 410 pump; Mossberg 151N 22 target rifle; Savage Model 775 16-ga. semi-auto. shotgun Savage Model 1100 22 250 w/scope; Savage 24-CW over & under 22-20-ga.; Felix Sakasqueta Pioneer 12-ga. double-barrel over & under; Brazilian ERD Sox Fie 410 double-barrel; Amando Rossi 20-ga. double-barrel w/hammers; Westfield Model M150C 410 bolt-action; German Mauser Model 98 8mm, The German Double Eagle, on sportster stock; Karl Gustass Stads Gevars Faktore Swedish 6.5 cal. bolt-action rifle; 22 carbine w/ 4X scope; Explorer AR-7 single-shot 22 survival rifle; Mississippi Arms 12-ga. single-shot.
CUSTOM LOG SLABBING SERVICES: No Log is Too Big! Maximum Log Capacity 90 Inches Diameter by 27 Foot Long. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
HANDGUNS: 1917 German Luger Serial #9420 w/all markings; German MM Cal State Alsbt 9mm; Stoeger Arms Luger SA22 pistol; Remington Smith & Wesson 32-cal. revolver; Smith & Wesson Model 4043 40-cal. w/extra clips; Smith & Wesson ANT 40-cal. w/clip; Ruger single-six 22 revolver; Ruger SA22 pistol; New Ruger Wrangler 22, NIB, never fired; High Standard Sport King 22 pistol; Taurus Ultra-Lite 38-cal. revolver; (2) US Revolver Co. 32-cal. revolvers; Iver Johnson 32-cal. revolver; Taurus PT-22 22 pistol; Balor Guardian 25-cal. pistol; Navy Model 44 black powder pistol, Italian made; Laser bore sight; Ammunition & other run accessories; (3) Single-door gun safes. GUN PERMIT REQUIRED FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL FIREARMS.
ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS! ID’S REQUIRED FOR BIDDING NUMBER. Terms: Cash, Check & Credit Cards TJ DeMoss, Auctioneer 641-799-2323 Cori DeMoss 515-249-5745 Find us on Facebook! C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,Sport,NewTires,Windshield,Roof,5KMiles $7,295NOFEES!DOC C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,DetachableTourPak,21K $13,999NOFEES!DOC ONLINE AUCTION

LOOKING TO LIQUIDATE OR DID YOU JUST INHERIT STUFF: Let Me Help. On-Site Tag Sale Services. Personal Property And Collectible Consultation. Also Seeking Baseball Cards, Furniture, Comic Books, The Unusual, And Anything Of Value. Before Throwing Out Your Potentially Valuable Items, Contact Me. CAGA Certified. Nathan Lilley. 573-253-4159 TFN
Place Your AdAt

Peasleywww.peasleyauction.comAuctionandAppraisalsStevePeasley515-313-8587 call or text or on Facebook
FOR SALE: Suffolk And Hamp Rams, Meat Type Producers, Of Champion And Reserve Champion Club Lambs. Hindman Breeding. 660-341-6625 9-16
Furniture: Electric reclining love seat, tan love seat, lighted glass hutch, oak entertainment center, floral pattern couch, small refrigerator, tan Lazy Boy recliner, glider rocker, oval parlor table, scalloped edge lamp table, 2 Samsung flat screen TV’s, kitchen table w/6 chairs & 1 leaf, Eden Pure heater, mission style wash stand w/mirror, end tables, vanity w/mirror, 3 & 4 drawer chest of drawers, matching 5 drawer chest of drawers & 9 drawer dresser w/mirror, 4 square storage stand, kids play table, Toshiba TV, Emeril Air Fryer, Masterbuilt fish fryer, Power Cooker digital pressure cooker, turkey fryer, Presto cool daddy deep fat fryer, & more. Collectible/Household/Misc: Cloth Albia Centennial Banner from 1959, Bear fishing bow, vintage Golden Chief arrows w/box, Tonka dump truck, 8 gallon Western crock, P Buckley Moss prints, “Beyond The Call” Firefighter collector figures, JD Lamp, Hot wheels, metal gas cans; Lionel Train: Outfit 1505WS, #6415 Sunoco Tanker, #153 auto block signal & control, #6357 Caboose, #2046W tender w/whistle, #6464 Box car, #2064 Locomotive; Lincoln Logs, Dr Suess books, Albia Screech’s from 1951-1955 & 19711974, 911 Firefighter Memorial statue, bowl back mandolin, Longaberger basket, Yamaha saxophone, 2 Albia Boosters bleacher pads, Willow Tree angels, Casio electric keyboard, White Mountain ice cream maker, #12 cast iron pan, concrete water fountain, galvanized wash tubs, plastic water fountain, Charbroil infrared grill, big wheel bicycle, small kitchen appliances, kitchen Klatter, cook books, silverware, dishes, Knick knacks, precious moments, Irish Santa Clauses, pots & pans & more.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 10:00 AM
IS INFLATION GETTING YOU DOWN?: We Have The Solution For You. Go To Dyaslist.Com To Find Out More. Any Questions Call. 217-653-7480 9-23
Hannan. Ed loved collecting guns and doing woodworking. We have an outstanding lineup of guns and well-cared-for tools. Be sure & attend this fantastic auction. See pictures on our website –www.almartinauctions.comTERMS:CASH/GOODCHECK MASTERCARD/VISA POSITIVE ID REQUIRED DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS All property must be settled for before removal – All items sold as is where is Not responsible in case of accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. HELEN HANNAN & THE ED HANNAN ESTATE, OWNERS Edina, Missouri Weekly Sales Start @ 12:30 PM Friday, September 23rd - Special Feeder Calf Sale Friday, September 30th - Special Feeder Calf Sale ALL SALES TELEVISED ON DV AUCTION To Consign For Any or All Sales or For All Information Call: Owner - Kevin Strange • Cell: 660-341-9974 Ryan Strange • Cell: 660-341-9721 Sale Barn: 660-397-9999 Field Reps: Bill Tom Hall 660-342-5420 • Jason Bischel 660-216-0373 Mike Bronestine 660-341-9965 • John Powell 660-341-1717 KENNY & MARILYN STEPHENS ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, October 1st @ 10AM 619 North Main St • Albia, IA Guns:
OR 2 Miles North of Blakesburg, Iowa to Ridge Road, then East 1/2 mile OR 10 miles east of Albia, Iowa OR 12 miles West of Ottumwa, Iowa on U.S. Hwy. 34, to the Monroe-Wapello Road (Blakesburg turnoff), then South 1-1/2 miles to Ridge Road Auction Signs Will Be Posted
HORSE 641-224-5037SHOER!: 9-23
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 14
Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN

TOOLS: Craftsman 15” drill press; Craftsman 10” table saw; Delta hollow chisel mortiser & stand; Delta 16’ variable-speed scroll saw & stand; (2) Dewalt 10” planers & stands; Jet 16-32 drum sander; Craftsman 12” wood lathe; Craftsman 10” mitre saw; (2) Delta belt sanders; Rockwell 6” planer; 50 or more bar & pipe woodworking clamps, assorted sizes; Craftsman spindle sander; Accordian-style roller conveyor, on wheels; Craftsman 12” bandsaw; Shop vacs; Disc & belt sander on stand; New Porter Cable sander, NIB; Several nail guns; Skil & Craftsman jig saws; Surface grinder; Commercial-style disc sander; Bench grinder; Asst. of air tools incl. air impacts, sanders, drills, rechargeable drills; Craftsman base tool cabinet; Asst. of wrenches, hammers, sockets, pliers, tape measures; Folding saw horses; Hand saws; Levels & squares; Ladders; Sandpaper; Dust vac; Hardware cabinets; Shop lights; Anglehead grinders; Routers; Rotary tools; Large amt. of sanding paper & sanding discs; Extra saw blades; Dremel kits; Staplers; Concrete mixer; (2) Stihl MS180C chain saws; Stepladders; Large asst. of rough-sawn hardwood lumber – oak, walnut, various sizes; Large asst. of woodworking magazines. NOTE: Ed Hannan Estate & Helen Winchester model 94 30-30-win action, Smith& Wesson 38 special, Springfield 22 caliber long rifle, Stevens model 59A 410, Mossberg model 183 D-C 410, Stevens model 94 single shot 20 gauge; Daisy BB guns: model 142 Defender & model 930.
Auctioneer note: Plan to join us for the day. This will be a great auction you will not want to miss. These items are exceptionally nice and well-maintained items. There is sure to be something you may want. made day of the sale take precedence over all ads

INSULATION: We Install Open & Closed Cell Sprayfoam. Strengthen Your Building And Block Drafts! Over 1 Million Bd. Ft. Applied. Contact Lester At: Spray Tek, LLC 16302 192nd St., Bloomfield, IA 52537 641-208-7071 TFN
PICKUP & MOTOR HOME: 2018 Ford F-150 FTX PU, 4x4, V8, auto, ext. cab, full power 6’ bed w/ cover, 35,583 miles – this truck is absolutely like new; 2000 Itasca Spirit Class C motor home, Ford F350 chassis, V8, auto, 32,314 actual miles, rear bedroom, roof air, bath w/shower, sleeps 6, always stored inside; John Deere 325 riding lawn mower w/deck, hydro; John Deere 260 riding lawn mower, hydro, w/JD rear tiller & mower deck; Sears tractor-style riding lawn mower; Craftsman 5hp rear-tine tiller; John Deere 22” mower; Sportsman 5’x8’ 2-wheel trailer.
PIPE 2” To 48” Diameter, Located: Carrollton, MO. Redmount Midstream LLC. For Details Call. 660-542-3000 10-14
FOR SALE: Hundreds of Live Edge Slabs in Stock. Specializing in 40 Inches Plus Diameter Slabs/Logs. Jaguar Lumber 641-664-2080 TFN
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 15“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” SHEEPGATE: ADULT & TEEN CHALLENGE VEHICLE AUCTION Saturday, October 8, 2022 • 10 am 900 N. League Rd • Colfax, IA 50054 Vehicles May be Viewed Friday, October 7th from 9 am-6 pm. We Will Have Over 80+ Vehicles This Auction (Cars, Trucks, Vans, SUV’s & Motorcycles) All Vehicles Sold As-Is but Have Been Through Our Shop to Ensure Drivetrain & Brakes Work Properly. Payment can be in the form of cash, credit-debit card (515) 288-1165 LocatedLIVESTOCKOSBORNAUCTION7milesWestofCamerononHWY.36,OSBORN,MO Danny 816-675-2424 or 816-695-0504 Randy Vanderkooi, Fieldman 816-632-0694 Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Transportation and order buying available • Bonded • Insured Barn Phone: 816-675-2424 FRIDAY!EVERYSALE RECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time. MARKET REPORT: May 18 Sale Top Butcher Cow - $0.68 Top Bull - $0.81 246 Butcher Cows Sold. Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We currently have 5 butcher cow buyers. NEXT SALE FRI, June 11:30AM1st Barn Phone: (816) 675-2424 (816) 649-8485 Transportation and Order Buying Available • Bonded • Insured SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY | 10:00 a.m Buying Butcher Cows & Horses Daily We Have 9 Butcher Cow Plants RepresentedDannyRECEIVING HOURS: Daily until sale time 1 COW DISPERSAL - PLATTSBURG 1 POTLOAD 750# HEIFERS Top Cow: $0.95 - Wheeling Top Bull: $1.18 - Lexington Holsteins & Longhorns: $0.63-$0.85 Longhorn X & Dairy X: $0.86-$1.14 Owner, Jayme Walker 816-665-4277 Randy Vanderkooi, 816-632-0694Fieldman Ivan Kanak, Fieldman 816-724-1043 Frank Peterson, 660-247-2306Fieldman Dale Coble, Fieldman 816-213-3581 Todd Gottswiller,816-390-7917Fieldman Gary Mann, Fieldman 816-294-5849 Bill Bray, Fieldman 816-724-0438 Gary Jackson, Fieldman 816-724-4348 STEERS HEIFERS 300#........................................$2.33 .............................................$2.30 400#........................................$2.26 .............................................$2.11 500#........................................$2.15 .............................................$1.96 600#........................................$2.04 .............................................$1.80 700#........................................$1.81 .............................................$1.65 800# .......................................$1.70 ...............(2 Potloads 808#) $1.60 900#........................................$1.65 .............................................$1.51 1000#......................................$1.49 .............................................$1.34 1100# Fats ..............................$1.34 .............................................$1.29 959HEADLASTWEEK|EXPECTING1100THISWEEK www.awmetal.net641-664-3990NeedRebar? Wholesale C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,17KMiles $10,995NOFEES!DOC MOBILE HOMES IN INVENTORY We Gottem In Stock, Call For Information 573-249-3333 Or marktwainmobilehomes.com573-303-5529 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LowMiles,VariousOptions,GreatMPG! Starting at $8,495NOFEES!DOC THE CITY OF JAMESPORT is taking bids on a 2002 S185 Bobcat skid steer with S185 hand and foot controls and a bucket.

The City of Jamesport has the right to refuse any and all bids. The City of Jamesport is an equal opportunity employer.
FREE HEAT & HOT WATER: Eliminate Monthly Heating Bills w/Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace. No Sunday Calls. 660-707-3866 TFN
FOR SALE: Mini Aussie Puppies, 8 Weeks Old. 1 Male And 1 Female Blue Merle; 1 Male And 1 Female Black Tri-Colored. Friendly, $200 Each OBO. Jerry 11782ShrockSt.Hwy 3 Laplata, MO 63549 9-23

TIMBER MANAGEMENT: Buying Standing Timber. Bonded & Insured. PAID IN FULL PRIOR to HARVESTING. Specializing In Walnut - Oak - Maple. Cole. 641-895-8209 12-31-22

FOR SALE: Registered Jack Russell Puppies, Great Pets And Varmint Dogs Or Would Make Good Breeding Stock, For More Info Call. If No Answer Leave Message. 641-929-3021 9-30
Please mail or deliver sealed bids to: City of Jamesport, 112 S. Broadway, PO Box 222, Jamesport, MO 64648, phone 660-684-6111. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. October 10th, 2022.
SCOTT HUSKEY’S HOME SERVICE: Insulated Skirting Systems For Manufactured, Modular And Site Built Homes. Lowers Energy Cost And Prevents Frozen Water Lines. Since 1972. 573-696-3468 TFN


Shots; 8 Aussiedoodle
FOR SALE: Puppies, 9 Wks Old, Had All Puppies, 8 Wks, Had All Shots. 641-932-7310 9-30
PUPPIES, PUPPIES: We Want to Buy Your Puppies! Registered or Mixed Breeds. We Have Homes Waiting for Them! 573-784-9866 TFN
FOR SALE: Nice Older PTO NH No. 818 Corn Chopper, 1-Row Chopper, Low Wear, $950; JD 1-Row PTO Corn Binder, Nice, $950. Pomeroy, IA. NO TEXT. 712-299-6608 9-30

FOR SALE: JD 643 Cornhead, Poly, Single Point Hookup, Hyd. Deck Blades; Kuhn Wheel Rake, Like New. 641-990-2432 9-30
FOR SALE: 1991 Int. 1640 Axial Flow Combine, Cummings Motor, New Transmission 202,Never Used 2021 Season due to Poor Health, $10,000 OBO. 641-990-4464 9-23
FOR SALE: J&M 525-14 Grain Cart, Small 1,000 PTO Shaft, No Tarp Or Scales, 23.1x26 Diamond Tread Tires, Always Shedded, $8,000. 641-990-1249 9-30
FOR SALE: ACK French Bulldog Puppies, Blue Male And Blue Fawn Female, DOB 5/16/22, For Information Call. 641-664-1689 9-23
FOR SALE: 22 Acres Macon County Highway 3 And Fleetwood. Approximately 10 Acres Crop, 10 Acres Pasture, 2 Acres Excellent View. 573-470-1028 10-14

6 Goldendoodle
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 16 C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,WaterCooled,4900Miles $3,995NOFEES!DOC Zimmerman’s store Main Street • Rutledge, MO • 660-883-5766 Bartlett Pears by the Bushel Gala, Jonathan, Ginger Gold, Summer Rainbow, Early Gold Apples by the Bushel, Peck or Pound Local Field Grown Tomatoes ....................................................................69¢ Lb & Up Chili Lemons, Pack of 7 .......................................................................................$2.29 10 Kind of 5# Blocks of Shullsburg Creamery Cheese.........................$2.89 Lb & Up 5 Lbs Cheddar or Cheddar Jack Cheese .......................................................$3.59 Lb Muenster Cheese ...........................................................................................$3.98 Lb Many More Kinds of Cheese Assortment of Country Bobs Sauces..........................................................$2.59 & Up 15 Oz Chef Boyardee Pizza Sauce w/Cheese ....................................................$1.98 12 Oz Regina Red Wine Vinegar ........................................................................$2.45 32 Oz Lilly of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice Preservative Free ...............................$6.19 46 Oz Madhava Organic Light Agave ................................................................$11.79 Strong Plastic w/Rubber Up Dust Pans ...............................................................$2.79 64 Oz Stay-Flo Liquid Starch...............................................................................$3.49 Homemade Lye Soap .....................................................................................$2.29 Lb 5 Kinds of Dr. WOods 32 Oz Naturally Good for All Skin Types 12 Scrubbing Pads Steel Wool ...............................................................................98¢ Tractors - Grain Heads - Corn Heads - 15+ Gravity Wagons – Tillage Equipment - Planting Equipment - Discs - Field Cultivators - MowersLivestock Equipment -Tools - Trailers - 5 Pick Up Trucks - New Skid Steer Attachments - Jon Boats - 3 Campers - ATVs - Hay Rack Items- Tires & MUCH MORE! - 640+ Lots A Few Highlights: 2013 Chevrolet 4x4 Crew Pick-Up; Ford F350; Ford F150; IH Farmall 756; Ford 9N; 2-Farmall H; Farmall C; Hyster Fork Lift; and Grapple Buckets; Skid Steer Plates; Fork Extensions; Hitches; Masonic Lodge Items; SS Feeders; Sheds; Deer Blind; and much more! Check website for latest listings.View MACHINERY MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT Online-Only AUCTION Greiner Real Estate & Auction LLC, Richland - Licensed in Iowa Terms: See on-line auction site for terms. Link will be on Information is believed to be accurate however buyers should verify information to their satisfaction. Starting at 10 AM, soft close View our website for additional information: Myron Greiner, Auctioneer - 319-694-4522 Our Hours Are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM M-F • Sat 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SAM’S RIVERSIDE REPAIRABLES PARTS 515-265-8792 HEAVY TRUCKS 515-265-1656REPAIRABLES 515-265-1212 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT Regular Cab, 4x4, 6.0L, 8 Cyl, 184,497 Miles $14,900 SKU:C49183 2019 Ford F150 XLT Super Crew Cab, 4x4, Theft, 3.3L, 6 Cyl, 53,003 Miles, $27,900 SKU:K46628 2017 Lincoln Continental Select AWD, Theft, 3.7L, 6 Cyl, 45,505 Miles $21,900 SKU:H14599 2021 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT Z71, Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, 6.6L, 8 Cyl, 12,935 Miles, $59,900 SKU:M95785 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT 4x4, Crew Cab, 6.0L, 8 Cyl, 93,273 Miles $27,900 SKU:E75401 2011 Ford F250 Super Duty Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 59,720 Miles, $36,900 SKU:B88788 2020 Ford F250 XLT Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 57,385 Miles $49,900 SKU:L21143 2013 GMC Yukon XL 1500 Denali AWD, 3rd Row, 6.2L, 8 Cyl, 110,775 Miles $18,900 SKU:D17280 2019 Ford F250 Supery Duty Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 44,804 Miles, $52,900 SKU:K82265 2017 Ford F250 SD Lariat Crew Cab, Diesel, 4x4, Theft, Regular Title, 6.7L, 8 Cyl, 48,559 Miles, $54,900 SKU:H17633 2013 Dodge Ram 2500 ST Tradesman Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.7L, 8 Cyl, 57,984 Miles $27,900 SKU:D37513 2019 Ford F250 Super Duty XLT Regular Cab, 4x4, 6.2L, 8 Cyl, 9,685 Miles, $39,900 SKU:K64617 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Work Truck 4x4, Crew Cab, 5.3L, 8 Cyl, 46,885 Miles $28,900 SKU:K11522 2015 GMC Acadia SLE AWD, 3.6L, 6 Cyl, 56,942 Miles $17,900 SKU:F50252 2015 Ford Explorer Limited 4x4, Theft, 3.5L, 6 Cyl, 83,265 Miles $17,900 SKU:F65439

PUPPIES: UTD On Shots, Wormed, Nice Pets $200$250. Coming Soon Westie And Cairn Terrier Puppies. 660-291-4723 9-30
FOR SALE: Ford IH JD Tractors; Have Loaders, Blades, Mowers, Disc, Plows, Spring Tooth, Lots Of Other Equipment. Pomeroy, IA. No Texts. 712-299-6608 10-25

FOR SALE: APRI Registered Beagle Puppies, Reasonable Prices. VM: 641-664-1264 9-30
FOR SALE: Beagles AKC Registered, 4 Yr. Old Female. 2 Yr. Old Male, 8 Week Old Puppies. Hunters Or Companions. 641-233-7771 9-30
(Take exit 43 off Interstate 35 and go east
Farmall 300 (2 pt., power steering, new brakes) 2 pt arms; 3 pt for 2 pt system; 6’ 3 pt blade; JD round-top fender; Yamaha 200 3-wheeler (runs); Troybilt Bronco tiller; pushmower; power washer; front-tine tillers; Craftsman lawn sweep; wheelbarrow; dog crate.
Auctioneers note: large auction with quite a variety of items! This is only a partial day of the sale take precedence all ads 515-249-5745
TIME: 11:00 A.M.
AUCTION Oct 1 • 10 am New Virginia, Iowa 3 R45

Kitchen cupboard (cherry); Lincoln desk; oak music cupboard; cradle; sewing rocker; laundry rack; hall table; sofa table; crock chicken water; primitives; license plates; hames; pop bottles; wood boxes; blow torch; oil cans; 5 gal & qt oil cans; tins; wall mount coffee grinder; metal butter churn; milk bottles; salt & pepper shaker collection; Pyrex pieces; pulleys; hay forks; metal locker; bicycle grinder, sleds.
Dining rm table w/6 chairs & hutch; table w/6 wicker
dresser; card table & chairs. SPECIAL MENTION: Metal signs to include the following: Kent (4x8), Purina (4x8); Firestone; road signs; misc advertising signs; many man cave items. Tractor and 3-wheeler to sell at approx noon. For pictures check the link on our website Busby Auction Service Tim Busby (641) 449-3619 or (515) 238-9866 This is a live, in-person auction. Proper photo ID required to register for bidding number. Method of payment is cash or good check. No credit cards or Venmo accepted. Announcements made sale day take precedence. Not responsible for accidents or inadvertent errors in advertising.
ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS! ID’S REQUIRED FOR BIDDING NUMBER. Terms: Cash, Check & Credit Cards TJ DeMoss, Auctioneer 641-799-2323 Cori DeMoss
Find us on Facebook!

chairs; microwave; computer desk;
MISCELLANEOUS: 200+ used T post, 24-2 3/8 x 9’ oil field pipe post, 2-20’ con tinuous panels, 10+ wire panels, 6 concrete feed bunks, 300 gallon poly wa ter tank, 150 gallon poly water tank, 2 heavy duty bale rings, several new green gates-12’,14’ & 16’, fiberglass fence post, electric fence post, 12 heavy gates, 12 light gates, truck bed trailer, Stihl 290 chainsaw, Stihl FS38 weed eater, lots of coon & coyote traps, lots of fencing tools and supplies, goose neck plate w/ball, 4 used trailer tires 235x85x16 10 ply half tread.
Announcementslisting. made

Hwy. Watch for sale signs!)
HAY: 14-2-year-old net wrap bales of hay
METAL: Lots of I beams and flat metal

PICKUP: 1989 GMC 250 6 bolt wheels 350 motor automatic transmission 4x4 EQUIPMENT: New Inline 7 bale trailer, 6 bale trailer, 3 pt. Dan Houser post hole digger, Schuler silage wagon, manure spreader, 3 pt. bale spear, skid loader post hole digger w/4 bits, 8460 IH baler twin tie w/monitor, 6’ tree shear for skid loader, heavy duty skid loader log splitter w/32” stroke.

Furniture/Misc: Antique glass hutch, ornate curved glass deluxe secretary, Safe guard gun safe, Antique double door hutch, vintage side board, Oak single pedestal table w/6 chairs & 1 leaf, King size w/dresser drawer base & head board, 7 drawer oak chest of drawers, Queen size bed w/head & foot boards, 3 & 4 drawer chest of drawers, Oak TV cabinet, small rolltop desk, three hole desk, Disney VHS’s, DVD’s, roasters, dishes, books, pot & pans, bake ware, vintage Hamilton Beach malt mixers, Lots of Jewelry, harmonicas, 2 large shell casings, brass items, leather biker jacket, oil skin duster, & more.
Busby’s Barn,
Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 17“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” SEAMLESSGUTTERROLLING Vernon Mast 5308 Hwy 1 SW • Kalona, IA 52247 319-471-0253 72.50± Acres • Jasper County, Iowa Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock SIMULCAST AUCTION L-2200564 For more information on property details, please contact: To Register and Bid on this Auction, go to: -- 100% tillable NHEL cropland with CSR2 of 91! -- OPEN TENANCY for 2023 -- Great location just south of Iowa Speedway -John & Kathy Van Zee, Agents • Mitchellville, Iowa Phone: (641) 521-0151 or (641) 521-5305 • Eric Van Zee, Agent • Colfax, Iowa Phone: (515) 971-2633 • Live Event: Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 3:00 PM Newton Arboretum 3000 North 4th Avenue East • Newton, Iowa ONLINE SIMULCAST BIDDING: Bidding starts Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 8:00 AM Bidding ends Thursday, September 29, 2022 at close of live event C&C Cycle Chariton, IA •,LowMiles,LikeNew!5300Miles $6,995NOFEES!DOC Low Miles C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • 888-475-2243 New Harleys 3.29% For 66 Months And $0 Down With Qualified Credit! Call Us Before You Buy! NO DOC FEES! LAND AUCTION 556.5 ACRES/ML IN 9 TRACTS IN WAYNE COUNTY, IOWA Jared R. Chambers 641.414.0234 Mike Nelson 641.223.2300 Listing #16367 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 2022 | 10:00AM Wayne County Fair Event Center | 800 2nd Avenue | Corydon, Iowa 50060 SELLS WITH ‘NO-RESERVE’ TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Gary W. Thomas, Executor of the Estate Jenna K. Lain, Attorney at Law – Meyer & Lain – Attorney for the Estate Raymond C. Meyer, Attorney at Law – Meyer & Lain – Attorney for the Estate Alan M. Wilson – Attorney at Law – Miles Law Firm - Attorney for the Thomas Family The Estate of Wayne E. Thomas & The Thomas Family PUBLIC AUCTION Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 @ 11AM Monroe County Fairgrounds 6393 170th St • Albia, IA Appliance/Restaurant Equip.: Frigidaire stainless steel gas stove; Whirlpool: washer, dryer, upright freezer, 2 refrigerators; dual sliding door Coca Cola cooler, large meat grinder, cotton candy machine, snow cone machine, stainless steel prep tables, 2 door bread tender, large gumball machine, 2 popcorn poppers, popcorn warmer, restaurant style plates & bowls, plate cart, & more; ITEMS TO BE REMOVED BY PURCHASER: 6’x12’ walk-in cooler, Dual overhead exhaust w/Ansul system, Frymaster 6 basket deep fat fryer w/warmer station.

Lawnmower/Tools: John Deere X485 riding lawnmower w/hyd 3 pt, Coleman generator, Yard Machine 18” rear tine tiller, Craftsman 22” walk behind weed trimmer, Yard Machine 12 front tine tiller, Craftsman rolling toolbox, Pittsburgh bench vise, sawzall, grinders, Hyper Tough air compressor NIB, S-K tool organizer, hand tools, power tools, log chains, shovels, rakes & more.
Clarke Mig 130EN welder w/cart; cutting torch w/tanks; bench drill press (HD); new anvil; air compressor; drills; saws, sanders; sockets; wrenches; yard tools; elec fencers; solar fencer; live traps; elec smoker; post vice; HD vice; torpedo heater; Worx elec snowblower; framing nailer; drill bits.
Collectibles: Steel Craft “Inter City Bus” metal toy, Graf Zepplin large metal push toy, 20 gallon Western crock, cast iron single horse milk wagon, Marx metal Army tank, cast iron double horse fire tank cart, Sers & Roebuck train set in box, misc. silver coins, plastic army men; Hot Wheels: NIB cargo plane, 2 cargo carriers, G-force, Wild Wave, Cap Blasting tracks; marbles, enamel Colonial Bread sign, Bonanza metal lunch box, diecast cars, Pepsi clock, Coca Cola clock, Pepsi molded signs, Herman Café vintage menu board & more.
miles on G76 Hwy. The auction barn is located at the intersection of G76 and

CATTLE EQUIPMENT: Round tub w/working alley, 20+ Stroberg panels on trailer.
NOTE: There is a very large supply of used gates and panels. Tools are not listed. Much much more auction time! COOK SHACK WILL BE OPEN DAY OF AUCTION!

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 18 PUTNEY AUCTION SERVICE VEHICLES, TRACTOR, LONGABERGER, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD, PRIMITIVES, LAWN & GARDEN, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, AND MUCH MORE!! ONLINE BIDING TODAY @ WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM ONLINE BIDDING ENDS OCTOBER 1ST, 2022 LOTS START CLOSING AT 4PM, SOFT CLOSE 2612 W. 2ND AVE. • (HWY 92 WEST) INDIANOLA, IA 50125 WWW.PUTNEYAUCTION.COM Open for andSaturdaysviewingSundays9am–4pmfromnowtillauctionday.PickupSunday, October 2nd, 9AM to 4PM-One Day Only. Shipping is available Putney Auction Service Mark Putney - Auctioneer 2612 W 2nd Ave (Hwy 92 West) Indianola, IA 50125 Cell 515-249-3676 • Office 515-961-4124 View Photos online @ & LIKE US on Facebook: Putney Auction Service

Automobile Equipment Collector

Primitives, Antiques & Advertising Collectibles - 1950’s Coca-Cola Portable Cooler; 1970’s Firestone Tire Metal Sign; Early 1900’s Oak 15 Drawer Card File Cabinet with roll door front, sturdy & all original, counter-top style; All kinds of primitives such as Cistern Pumps; Copper Boiler; Brass Blow Torches; Old Tools; Small Antique Gas Engines; Other Small Advertising Items & Primitives to dig out of the buildings & more! Old Metal Chairs Barn Finds! Visit our website for more photos & details right up to Sale Day

– Shop Tools – Primitives &

2014 Chevy Cruze LTZ –RS- w/73,900 miles, single owner, like new! All black leather interior, immaculate inside & out, near new tires, Front wheel drive, In-line 4 Gas Engine, 4 Dr – Top of the Line Vehicle; Dixon ZTR 5422 Commercial Grade Riding Mower w/1405 hrs, has Kohler 16hp Engine, was used on a 1 acre home – works good.

641-752-8753 Fred Van Metre & Jake Goecke Auctioneers Oak 15 Drawer Cabinet w/Rollup Door UPCOMING VAN METRE AUCTION SUNDAY – OCT. 2 – 11:00 AM 1603 Iowa Avenue West • Marshalltown, Iowa WARRENCOUNTY Farmland Auction Friday, September 30th, 2022 at 10:00 AM Immaculate Conception Hall, 101 James St, St. Marys, IA 50241 188.25M/L Acres Offered in 4 Tracts Peoples Company is pleased to represent the Jeanette Leach Estate in the auction of 188.25 acres m/l located on the west edge of St. Marys, Iowa in Warren County. This farm has a little something for everyone, high-quality tillable acres, recreation, and a fixer-up acreage! Tract 1: 103.53 Acres M/L Tract 2: 41.07 Acres M/L Tract 3: 40.95 Acres M/L Tract 4: 2.67 Acres M/L. Open House showing on Friday, September 9th, 2022 3:00 PM-6:00PM SCAN FOR MORE INFO Daran Becker: 515.979.3498 Mike Nelson: 641.223.2300 Contact C&C Cycle Chariton, IA • NOFEES!DOC Looking for a New Ranger? Order Today for Quicker Ship Time on 2023’s

– Lawn

Items & Advertising Items – Combining Local Estates

A Shop Full of Equipment – Century Power Mate 100 Dual Purpose Wire Feed Welder; Homak 2-Section Rolling Mechanic’s Toolbox with 11 Drawers all full; Generac RS8000 E 8000 Watts Generator, new right out of the crate; Craftsman 5hp 30 gal Portable Air Compressor; Tool Shop 2.5hp 6 gal Portable Air Compressor; 6” Bench Grinder with its own heavy duty stand; Northern 30” “3 in 1” Steel Shear, Brake & Roll-1mm maximum; Horizontal Steel Cutting Band Saw; Brand new in box Crescent 148 Piece Professional Tool Set; Hundreds of small tools, wrenches, sockets, Precision Tools, hammer drill, power drills, home style sandblaster, bench tools & much more.

Outside Items – include 2 Wheel Pull Behind Metal Dump Cart; Pull Behind Lawn Sprayer battery powered; Ranch King Pull Behind 38” Lawn Sweeper; Poulan Pro Gas Pushmower in new condition; Earthquake Gear Drive Walk Behind Roto Tiller w/a Kohler XT-7 Engine; All kinds of good long handled tools, residential style ladders & much more.

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 19“Your Trader Goes A Long Way to Serve You” Wayne and Maxine Boley Estate & www.goehringauctionservices.comOthersSaturday,October1,2022@10:00AMAtMM&TEnterprisesLLC.AuctionGallery Terms: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over ads. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Sold “as is, where is.” Mike Goehring 319 288 0704 Mike Best 641 777 1429 John Deere X370 101 hours 42’’ Deck New Battery Mulcher Oak Commode Electric Lift Chair 3 Sliver Enamel Topped Tables 2 Swivel Chairs High Chair TV Stand Couch Emerson Flat screen TV End Tables Lamp Stands Glass Candy Dish Vintage Record Player Green Depression Glass Pots Pans Fire King Hen on Nest Antique Desk Antique Skis Crockery Bowl Kitchen Utensils Silverware Microwave Large Amounts of Glassware Vintage Red Glassware (Baskets) Pictures Baskets Round Oak Table (2 Leaves 5 Chairs) 6 Wood Chairs (padded seats) Oak Rocker Fur Coat Vintage Children’s Clothing 4 Drawer Dresser Desks (3) McCoy Vase Milk Glass Nesting Tables Toy Cars Office Chairs Sleigh Bells Ash Tray Baby Bed Coolers Blenders Coffee Pots Cake Carrier 5 Gallon Crock (Blue Ribbon) Hub Caps Miscellaneous Tools Kenmore Sewing Machine and Stand Infrared Heaters (3) 5 Drawer Dresser Jewelry Several Pocket Knives Antique Dresser w/ mirror Head Board Dresser w/ Mirror (2) Sewing Rocker Mustache Cup Lava Lamp Miscellaneous Advertising Plates Thimbles Sewing Supplies Quilting Supplies Buttons Birmingham Homecoming Pens Vintage Silverware Large amount of Country Cassettes Kitchen Table (6 chairs) Currency Franks 1928 2 Dollar Bill Tokens 1964 1/2 Dollars 3 cent piece (2) 1952 Franklin 1/2 Dollars Still Unpacking Much More to Come 910 Louis Street Keosauqua, IA 52565 WE BUY FARMS 4 Any Condition. 4 Quick Decision. 4 Quick Closing. Honey Creek Farms, LC. Contact: Steve: 515-208-1149 | Dave: 515-991-0308 FOR SALE: Ford 3000, Live Power, $4,000. 660-341-8089 9-23 FOR SALE: JD 6 Row 30 Inch Cornhead, Field Ready. 16 Ft Head Mover, Long Tounge On JD Gear. Milton, IA. 515-419-1232 9-30 FOR SALE: John Deere 850 With 82 Inch Belly Mower, $3,000 Or Best Offer. 319-529-1331 9-30 FOR SALE: JD 318 Garden Tractor, Hydro, PW Steering, 48 Inch Deck, 54 Inch 4 Way Front Blade, JD Cab And Chains. 641-572-0061 9-23 FOR SALE: New 3 pt. Tillers, Heavy Duty, Gear Driven, 7’ to 12’, Starting at $4,050. 660-874-4455 12-23-22

Hawkeye Trader, September 23, 2022 Page 20 2004 Dodge Dakota SLT 4x4, V8, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, 101K, $7,995 2011 Toyota RAV4 Sport 4WD, 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped,Sunroof, 124K, $14,995 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4WD, V6, Auto, Air, CD/MP3, 144K$22,995 2017 Jeep Wrangler Spot V6, Auto, 4x4, Winch, MP3, 52K Miles$25,995 2012 Chevy Equinox LT AWD, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, CD/MP3, Backup Camera, 140K $9,995 2008 Lexus RX5350 350 AWD, Full Power, Leather, Loaded, Sunroof, 144K, $12,995 2014 Dodge Charger R/T Hemi V8, Auto, Full Power, Heated Seats, CD/MP3, 95K, $19,995 2017 Buick Regal Sport Touring Loaded, Heated Leather, Turbocharged, Sunroof, 116K, $15,995 2010 Chevy HHR LT 4 Cyl, Auto, Full Power, Sunroof, Leather, 107K, $8,995 2013 Chevy Malibu 2LT 4 Cyl, Loaded, Leather, Full Power, Sunroof, 95K, $13,995 2016 Chrysler 200 LX Nicely Equipped, Keyless Start,MP3, Low Miles, 66K, $16,995 2013 Honda CR-V EXL 4WD, Full Powr, Heated Leather, CD/MP3, Sunroof, 144K, $14,995 2012 Chevy Malibu 1LT Loaded, CD/MP3, Only 69K Miles$12,995 2006 Honda Civic EX 4 Cyl, Auto, Well Equipped, Sunroof, Only 59K Miles, WOW!!! $12,995 2007 Chevy Tahoe 1500 5.3 V8, Loaded, Leather, 3rd Row Seating, 161K, $10,995 Low Miles Low Miles 2000 E. Euclid • Des Moines, IA 515-265-0215KARS, INC ON Euclid Ask for DeMarcus 19091 180th St • Bloomfield, IA 641-722-3540 • VM 641-664-2814 REFRESHMENTS SERVED ALL DAY! Stop in to check out these thesetoday!fireplacesfireplaces • Coal Stove COMFORTMAXMODEL#75 • 88% Efficient • 2 Year warranty • Thermostat Control COOKCOMFORTGRANDWOODSTOVE DOORPRIZES REFRESHMENTSOPEN HOUSE OVER 30 STOVES IN OUR SHOWROOM! • 81% Efficiency • Up to 12 hours heat life • Heats up to 1,900 sq. ft. HERITAGE • Up to 75,000 BTU/h while using cordwooddry WE HAVE: Stainless steel & black stovepipe. Several different brands of chimney available. • Stainless Steel Chimney Systems • 6”, 7”, & 8” • Class A In Stock! Hard Coal In Stock! Buy a new coal stove and 1 ton of coal get 1,000 lbs of coal FREE Made ComeAmerica!incheckthemout! • 92% Efficiency OSBURN 2000 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1ST