First Draft
Construction of Contents Page
Hayley McCarthy City College Norwich AS Media Studies
Original Flatplan
Drafted in content names. Added placeholder text for editorial. Created title and formatted regular article list (top right).
Designed Title to be wider, bolder and higher, deďŹ ning the text. Reformatted top right regular article list to be wider. Added statement line to underline this content.
Added subheading under ‘From the Editor’. Removed line around editorial content boxes, removed Bebas Neue strap line.
Included image box relating to content of editorial. Added decorative lines to title to tie with composition. Replaced strap line with bold Open Sans.
Changed width of editorial section.
Finished placeholder text layout for regular article list.
Reformatted layout to give the featured articles more exposure. Inclusion of two new image placements.
Moved annel panel to the left hand side w/ 5mm margin in order to give more space for the text.
Added typographic header to cover star feature. Included circular image frame for a feature content, whilst using same setting from title for header.
Included placeholder text for cover feature and feature content. Cover feature has justiďŹ ed text to continue the ow, whereby the rounder WTK content features centred text to match jagged margins.
Arched text for lower left feature section, as well as adding placeholder text.
Added header for middle lower feature, removed box outlines of two feature sections, replaced with line. Colour ďŹ lled Regulars section to demonstrate margin.
As well as adding more content to the features section, I reshued the content to heighten the aesthetics of the page.
Here I added draft boxes in the bottom left for the social buttons.
Looking back to my primary feedback, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram were all popular social networking sites, so I have decided to include these in the social section. Each button is taken from the oďŹƒcial website.
Added image which corresponds with the editorial section. Features cover star.
Included image relating to feature content with food, and tour content with a crowd.
Circular masked image added to feature section relating to an album. Text lowered slightly to accommodate.
Changed text colour of top right articles and contents page to match that taken from the front cover. Images appear to contrast against the modern background.
Changed colour of lines to be consistent with house style. Also moved the cover star feature to the bottom middle, as it is now surrounded by a box, demanding more attention. The change of editorial text to teal used on the front cover aids consistency.
Here I changed the images to Black and White using a ďŹ lter in photoshop. These look far less processed than the teal versions, and the monochrome adds a sophisticated tone to the magazine.
In order to aid the consistency of the page, I have also edited the social media buttons to be black and white, conforming to the house style of the page.
Changed the top left content box to feature competition info. As this is separated from the regular articles, this aids consistency due to this information being placed as the buzz content on the front cover, once again drawing your eye. Dark grey background taken from header, originally from front cover.
Added page number to bottom left corner. Enlarged annel/credit section.
Drafted in ďŹ nal text for regular article list.
Added more text to regular article list, yet space at the bottom could allow for one more regular article.
Looking at my overall flatplan for the layout of content in the magazine, on page 88 was a Live Event List which I had not originally intended to be featured in the contents page. Despite this, this added article fills the column effectively.
The final text for the bottom features section has been added. As well as some minor adjustments to the width of various content boxes.
Adding text to editorial section. A large drop cap draws the eye to this feature without being too distracting against the other content. The unconventional blue text breaks up the content further. There is space for a conventional signature which I can create.
Signature and name section added to editorial to further conventions.
Added credits for front cover model and image to the left hand side.
Final Version. Drop cap removed from editorial as well as line indents. Replaced with bold artist names. Alt Magazine web address added to page number.