Community turns out for Buda Fun Fish

KYLE — Kyle City Council voted 6-1 on Tuesday, Jan. 17 to approve the Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) ordinance with two amendments.
The ordinance would set the parameters of the TNR program, which would allow Animal Control or volunteers to trap cats in the Kyle community and bring them to the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter (SMRAS), where they would be spayed/ neutered and receive treatment. Under the program, volunteers could then return the cats
where they were trapped, releasing them back into the community.
Currently, any cat picked up by Animal Control is taken to the shelter, where they are housed until adoption. At the end of the year, the city pays for the total amount of time cats spend in the shelter. The TNR program would ultimately be funded by approximately $300,000 already allocated to these costs. Volunteers would also assist Animal Control in trapping and returning the cats, saving the city money in labor costs.
HAYS COUNTY — As a looming deadline is quickly approaching, thousands of Texans could be affected if an agreement is not reached between a major hospital system and one of the state’s largest insurance providers.
The current contract between Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) and Ascension Texas is set to expire on Jan. 31. Without a new agreement, Ascension
hospitals will leave the Blue Choice PPO, Blue Essentials, Blue Advantage HMO and Medicare Advantage PPO networks on Feb. 1.
Ascension hospitals will remain in the Medicare Advantage (HMO) and Medicaid networks.
Ascension doctors would also be removed from the Blue Choice PPO, Blue Essentials and Medicare Advantage networks on May 1. The doctors and healthcare professionals would leave the Blue Advantage HMO network on June 15.
This leaves many to be concerned about the future of their health needs, including current BCBSTX policyholder Kim Meneses. Her husband is an open heart surgery survivor and during his recovery time, he was instructed by the surgeon to seek care at a Level 2 Trauma Center if he ever had cardiac issues or stroke symptoms.
“Ascension Seton Hays is the only Level 2 Trauma Center in Hays County and surrounding
HAYS COUNTY — There was a drizzle in the cold morning air as local teens of the community gathered at Dripping Springs Ranch Park on Saturday, Jan. 21 for the Hays County Livestock Show.
A nervous energy radiated as the queen’s court and ambassadors waited for their names to be announced.
When the emcee called her name, Hays County Livestock Show Queen Lizee McMillan had a grin from ear to ear to the sound of applause as she straightened her sash and took her place among the court.
McMillan didn’t seem to have an ounce of nerves in her. She
knew this day was coming. In 2022, she submitted a cover letter, resume, headshot and reference letters, vying for the top spot. It wasn’t until December that she knew she’d been named queen.
“We did our interview in October; I was pretty nervous, but it went really well. We were actually able to connect with the judges because we were in person, not on Zoom or anything. So then in early December, they started announcing [the court] and I started getting nervous because I saw there was princess and queen left and they announced princess and I knew,” McMillan said. “In my pictures, I wasn’t even smiling; I was just so
‘We want to make this right, be we do not want to go in this blindly’PHOTOS BY BRITTANY ANDERSON
BUDA — Buda is once again proving to be a hotspot for new development, with a mixed-use project potentially coming to the city’s north side.
Buda City Council held a workshop for the unnamed development during the regular council meeting on Jan. 17.
Forum Investment Group presented its plans for the project, with senior managing director of development Rich Wilson explaining that the group has experience building mixed-use developments in several markets and is interested in expanding into the Austin area.
While no action was taken, the workshop allowed the council to learn more about the site plans and provide feedback.
According to the group, the site “sits perfectly in a transition location between the high activity of Buda’s commercial district to the south, and the tranquility of the low-density surroundings outside the Buda city limits to the north and west.”
The development is set to be located on approximately 31 acres of land on Old San Antonio Road and Manchaca Springs Road, right off of the I-35 frontage road.
KYLE — In light of several major projects in the works for Kyle, city staff has planned multiple open house events in order to garner resident and business feedback.
At its regular meeting on Jan. 17, Kyle City Council received updates on various projects and events planned around the city. In addition to Spring Break Camp, the Valentine’s Dance for Individuals with Disabilities and teen programming at the library, the city discussed dates for upcoming open houses.
The open houses are intended to give residents and business owners an opportunity to visit with staff and contractors and provide their input and feedback.
The scheduled events include:
• Gregg- Clarke Splash Pad Open House to be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30 and Tuesday, Feb. 7 at city hall.
• Kyle 2030 Comprehensive Plan Open House to be held from noon to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at Fire Station No.2, located at 150 Bunton Creek Road
From Page 1
nervous because I wanted it for like four years and I finally made it.”
But for McMillan, it’s not just about the pomp and circumstance and the parades, it’s about being a role model for the community.
“The main thing for me is being a role model for young kids. I love when little girls come up to us and ask, ‘Oh my god, are you a princess?’ And they always ask to wear the crown,” the queen said.
“So that’s my biggest thing is being a role model for the younger kids.”
Duchess Haley Ronshausen agreed, saying, “It’s all about leadership. Being on it, you can’t do whatever you want. We have to definitely be a role model and a leader for Hays County. When we do parades, we’re very noticeable. You have to be able to be a role model. It’s setting a good example.”
McMillan’s reign will last until interviews next year. Until then, she’s proud to represent the community as queen during parades and rodeos in the coming year.
Council members discussed the program and the potential legal liability as the city awaits clarification from the Texas Attorney General.
Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra, who was in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting, spoke in favor of the TNR program, as this measure was approved on a countywide level.
“There are infinite amounts of variables that you can be given, but at the end of the day, you’re already, as a city, paying for a service,” Becerra said. “The
The 2022-23 Queen’s Court and Ambassadors include the following individuals: Seth Herzog, senior ambassador emeritus; Caroline Burklund, duchess; Ally Schrandt, duchess; Samantha Rivers, duchess; Amanda Alderson, duchess; Laci Holloway, duchess; Barrett Colins, ambassador; Haley Ronshausen, duchess; Zane Elmer, ambassador; Riley Steineke, duchess; Jonah Barnard, ambassador; Madyson Clark, duchess; Justin Hill, ambassador; Molly Massey, princess; Drake Alderson, senior ambassador; and Lizee McMillan, queen. While the introduction of the Queen’s Court and Ambassadors kicked off the Hays County Livestock Show, there are plenty of great events still to come: Wednesday, Jan. 25
• 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Home Skills Judging
• 9 a.m. Breeding Rabbit Show
Followed by Market Rabbit Pens & Market Fryer Show
• 10 a.m. - Breeding Goat Show
ordinance being passed today would simply fall within that expense [$300,000] and you would, in turn, actually save money because they [cats] wouldn’t be waiting to be adopted at the shelter … So, you’re already paying for this thing and you’re going to get volunteers to return them.”
Following his comments, a motion was made to approve the ordinance with two amendments: exclude the opinion language about “feral” and “free-
Followed by Market Goat Show
• 4 p.m. - Presentation of Home Skill Awards
• 4:30 - 5 p.m. - Home Skills Open for Public Viewing
• 5 p.m. - Breeding Sheep Show
Followed by Market Lamb Show Thursday, Jan. 26
• 8 - 10 a.m. - Poultry Check In
• 9 a.m. - Breeding Swine Show Followed by Market Swine Show
• 11 a.m. - Poultry Show
• 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Home Skills Open for Public Viewing and Check-Out
• 5 p.m. - Breeding Cattle Show
Followed by Market Steer Show Friday, Jan. 27
• 10 a.m. - Setup Auction Ring (All Help is Appreciated) Saturday, Jan. 28
• 10 a.m. - Awards
• 10:30 a.m. - Auction Starts Sunday, Jan. 29
• 9 a.m. - Show Breakdown/CleanUp
roaming” cats and change instances of “Release” to “Return.”
The measure passed 6-1. Council member Yvonne Flores-Cale, who expressed concerns about the cost and legal liability to the city, cast the sole dissenting vote.
“This is like a blank check,” Flores-Cale said. “I wouldn’t do that for any other ordinance and I really am not going to do that for this one.”
The TNR ordinance went into effect immediately following Tuesday’s vote.
BUDA — Thousands of food insecure
Hays County residents will soon be able to enjoy a meal, thanks to a fundraiser that has brought art and the community together to make it happen.
Inspired Minds Art Center (IMAC) in Buda held its annual Empty Bowl fundraiser on Jan. 21 in celebration of the center’s third birthday.
Since 2021, IMAC has partnered with local artists and restaurants to provide handmade bowls and homemade soup for the community to purchase and enjoy, with proceeds from the bowl sales going to the Hays County Food Bank (HCFB).
Thousands of Hays County residents are considered food insecure, and HCFB is the only food bank that serves the entire county. In 2022, every $1
could feed four people in the county. This year, due to inflation, the number of people has dropped to three —
HAYS COUNTY — At the Hays County Livestock Show last weekend, the first event following the presentation of the queen’s court and ambassadors was the Horse Show.
The patronage winners included the following individuals:
Junior English
• First: Hailey Cruce ($567)
• Second: Anna Ashley ($283.50)
• Third: Ainsley Bennett ($170.10)
• Fourth: Caydee Ralston ($113.40)
Senior English
• First: Caitlin Paier ($648)
• Second: Amber Wortham ($324)
• Third/Fourth: Allyson Reynolds and Ellie Warner ($162 each)
Junior Western
• First: Audrey Wilks ($540)
Senior Western
• First: Amber Wortham ($810)
• Second: Caitlin Paier ($405)
• Third: Ellie Warner ($243)
• Fourth: Mareinna Cherica ($162)
Junior Stockhorse
• First: Emma Pierce ($226.80)
• Second: Brooke
Bethea ($97.20)
Senior Stockhorse
• First: Amber Wortham ($891)
• Second: Ashley Wortham ($445.50)
• Third: Mareinna Cherica ($267.30)
• Fourth: Caitlin Paier ($178.20)
Junior Speed
• First: Audrey Wilks ($405)
• Second/Third: Adalynn Fee and Halie Warner ($202.50 each)
• Fourth: Brooke Bethea ($81)
Senior Speed
• First/Second: Brooklyn Alexander and See HORSE, Page 5
If you’ve spent any time driving around the Hill Country, you’ve likely seen large areas of dead oak trees – or worse, maybe you have those skeletal oak trees on YOUR property! The likely culprit is oak wilt, a disease caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum, which has become widespread throughout Central Texas.
THE HILL COUNTRY STEWARDspores. If a beetle then comes into contact with an open wound on another oak tree, fungal spores are spread to that tree. From there, the fungus can travel through that tree to other oaks that are connected through the roots.
Disease prevention is key. This includes:
from growing. Infected red oaks can be cut down and burned (responsibly), chipped for mulch, or buried underground or under a clear tarp.
Why should we be so diligent with oak wilt prevention? Oaks are not only special to us and our landscape, but they also provide many ecosystem services.
An oak wilt infection begins when fungal spores are transferred to a healthy tree by way of tiny beetles in the nitidulid family commonly referred to as sap-feeding beetles. These beetles are attracted to sweet smells, including the fungal mats of oak wilt. Fungal mats are the reproductive structures found under the bark of some infected red oaks.
When these beetles crawl on a fungal mat, they can pick up oak wilt
• Avoid pruning all oak trees from February 1 –June 30 because this is the time of year the sapfeeding beetles are most active.
• When pruning (or accidentally wounding) an oak tree, paint the exposed wood immediately to deter beetles from the fresh wood smell that would attract them to the tree.
Regular paint will do the trick - tree-specific wound closure products are not necessary.
• Infected RED oaks need to be destroyed as quickly as possible to prevent a fungal mat
With live oaks especially, these trees are typically much older than any of us – possibly older than even our greatgrandparents. Their long lives and large size equate to thousands of tons of carbon stored away from our atmosphere while providing oxygen and clean air for our benefit. Oaks also filter stormwater by slowing down runoff, allowing the water to gradually soak into our soils to replenish our aquifers, creeks, and rivers.
Live oaks are semievergreen, meaning they have green leaves almost year-round. They start dropping their old leaves while simultaneously growing
new ones in late winter/ early spring, giving us shade and a green tree to enjoy all year long. They also provide shelter and food to many wildlife species. For example, the golden-cheeked warbler, an endangered bird that exclusively breeds in the Texas Hill Country, not only needs mature Ashe juniper trees for habitat, but also the insects found on oaks and other hardwood trees for food. When pruning or
working around oak trees, keep oak wilt prevention at the forefront of your mind. Treating cuts on a single tree to prevent a new oak wilt infection can potentially save hundreds of trees. And a tree saved today may live to see another century and continue providing benefits to future generations of Texans.
To learn more and connect with folks who care about your piece
of Texas just as much as you do, visit www. Looking forward to learning more with you. –The Hill Country Steward The Hill Country Steward – not a person, but a partnership of local experts dedicated to sharing the best information, tips, and lessons learned. Have questions? Send them to DearStew@ Learn more at www.
Following a weeklong engagement at the Majestic Theater, a cheering crowd saw off Harry Houdini, escape artist extraordinaire, at the Dallas train station on Jan. 25, 1916.
by Bartee HaileThe four-year-old Hungarian, destined to be the most famous live performer of his generation, came to the United States with
his family in 1878.
During his childhood in Wisconsin, little Erik Weisz showed more aptitude for athletics than academics and stopped going to school altogether after the third grade.
At 12, Erik ran away from home with Galveston on his mind. No one can say for sure whether he ever made it to the Texas island, only that he rejoined his relatives in New York City a short time later.
When teenaged Harry, his new and more American moniker, was not cutting ties for nearstarvation wages, he was winning foot and bicycle races, boxing matches and swim meets. He even went so far as to try out for the U.S. Olympic team.
But a book, the autobiography of French magician Robert Houdin, changed his life. Harry coined the surname “Houdini” and convinced a co-worker to join him in a magic act billed as “The Brothers Houdini.”
Replacing his original partner with his real brother Dash and buying a $25 trunk trick he renamed “Metamorphosis,” Harry managed to scrape by while learning his craft. In 1893 he changed partners again dumping Dash for his new bride Bess, a Coney Island showgirl he wed after a three-week courtship.
Five years of dime museums, beer halls, traveling circuses and
medicine shows left Harry feeling like a flop. Then he got a careerchanging piece of advice and his big break from a vaudeville impresario, who told him to forget sleight-of-hand and focus on handcuffs.
Harry agreed to give it try, and Martin Beck gave “The Houdinis” an extended tryout on the western vaudeville circuit. Beck followed that up with a tour of Europe, where “The Handcuff King” broke attendance records in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, France, the Netherlands and, finally, Russia.
Upon his triumphant return to The States, Houdini took the country by storm.
Moving on from handcuffs, he created the crowd-pleasing “challenge act.” Nothing could hold him – not thick canvass mail bags, riveted boilers, padlocked crates tossed in the nearest river not even the belly of a dead giant sea turtle – and the public kept clamoring for more.
In 1908 Houdini took wrist restraints completely out of his act and introduced an exciting escape of his own invention.
With posters that proclaimed “Failure Means a Drowning Death,” he risked his life, or so the audience was led to believe, in a custom-built water-filled “milk can.”
Angered by rivals’ cheap imitations of his centerpiece stunt, Houdini replaced the milk can four years later with an escape so
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be corrected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
dangerous that no one dared try to duplicate it in his lifetime. The “Chinese Water Torture Cell” was his bread-andbutter stunt for the rest of his career.
In early 1916, Houdini kicked off a seven-day stay in Dallas with his standard free exhibition. Ten thousand Texans packed the block in front of The Morning News to watch him wriggle free from a strait-jacket while dangling head-first three stories above the street. He accomplished the feat in a mere two minutes and 15 seconds.
For his finale on the evening of Jan. 24, Houdini accepted a challenge from the sheriff to slip out of a so-called “punishment jacket” widely used in the prisons, asylums and hospitals of the day. According to press descriptions, it covered “the body from the neck
to and including the feet.”
The next day’s edition of The Morning News published this eyewitness account of the sensational show: “An audience that filled every seat and available foot of standing room at the Majestic Theater last night cheered Harry Houdini, ‘genius of escape,’ when he extricated himself in full view of the spectators from a ‘punishment suit’ strapped upon him by Sheriff W.K. Reynolds and two deputies. It took Houdini only nine minutes to gain his liberty.”
No one was more astounded that the sheriff, who was quoted as saying that Houdini was “the only person who had been able to release himself” from the contraption.
On his last visit to Dallas in the fall of 1924, Houdini was the star
attraction for “Magicians’ Day” at the State Fair. The enormous turnout had to listen to his long-winded attack on Spiritualism in a lecture titled “Can the dead speak to the living?” before being treated to an encore of the upsidedown strait-jacket escape.
Two years later, Harry Houdini died from a ruptured appendix at the age of 52.
The cause of death was several punches to the stomach from an overzealous college student exacerbated by the great magician’s refusal to seek medical attention until it was too late.
“Unforgettable Texans” brings to life the once famous people no one remembers today. Order your copy for $24.00 (tax and shipping included) by mailing a check to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393.
• The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classified word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
highlighting the need for support more than ever. Across six tables inside the center on Saturday were 250 ceramic bowls at $35 a piece, created and donated by Emily Hohertz, Leah Ireland, Travis Smith, Dee and Terry Buck, David Hendley, Robb McKenzie, Robert and Martina Wiesner, Mary Pound, Mud Studio, the Texas School for the Deaf and IMAC students.
Whether they purchased a bowl in advance or at the door, the community was invited to select a bowl and fill it with hot, homemade soup at the center. Participating restaurants included Amici, Zoi Market and Clay Pit, as well as community members Nancy Keiser with Keiser’s Kitchen and IMAC co-founder Susan Guerra with Guerra
Gourmet. BubaLux Bakery and Main Street Baker also provided bread.
This year’s fundraiser garnered $5,200 for the food bank, which will be able to provide 15,600 meals.
For IMAC co-founder Sinéad Whiteside, this fundraiser fulfills the center’s mission of bringing art and community together.
“Giving to the Hays
Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda
First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda
First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle
Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda
Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle
Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor
Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626
Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770
Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819
County Food Bank in a creative way is exactly what we want to do,” Whiteside said. “We connect the artists with the restaurants with the rest of the community.”
If you are in need of food assistance or would like to donate or volunteer with the food bank, visit www. or its Facebook page at HaysFoodBank.
The City of Kyle is accepting proposals to provide all related services, parts, permits, equipment and labor required to do the Kyle Fair Fireworks show on May 20, 2023 at Lake Kyle Park, 4th of July Fireworks Show on July 4, 2023 and Pie In the Sky Fireworks Show September 2, 2023 at Lake Kyle Park as stated in
this RFP and posted on our website:
Proposals marked FIREWORKS: RFP 2023 08 PARD are to be submitted to:
Mariana Espinoza City of Kyle, Director of Parks and Recreation 700 Lehman Rd Kyle, TX 78640 (512) 262 3939
All proposals received will be reviewed by City Staff. The staff’s recommendation will go to the Kyle City Council for final approval.
Proposals should be clearly marked, “FIREWORKS: RFP 2023 08 PARD”. Any proposal received later than the specified time, whether delivered in person, postal mail or emailed
Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms of the provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code THAT RR 12 Business Inc. d/b/a Time Mart #36 HAS FILED APPLICATION FOR A: Wine Only Package Store Permit SAID BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT: 26207 RR 12, Dripping Springs, Hays County, TX 78620
OWNER: Navid Karedia, President Karim S. Karedia, Vice President Riyazali Kadiwal, Secretary
The City of Kyle shall hold a public hearing on a request by Henry Juarez, of Southwest Engineers, (Z-23-0112) to rezone approximately 14.75 Acres of land from ‘W’ (Warehouse), to ‘O/I’ (Office/Instutional) for property located at 400 Old Post Road in Hays County, Texas.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may consider, assigning any zoning district which is equivalent or more restrictive.
A public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 6:30 P.M
A public hearing will be held by the Kyle City Council on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 7:00 P.M
This is a meeting taking place at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640; Spectrum 10; -10-live
Owner(s): Vertical Chapel 400 Old Post Road, Kyle, TX 78640
Agent: Henry Juarez Southwest Engineers 205 Cimarron Park Loop, Buda, TX 78610 512 312 4336
shall be disqualified. The City of Kyle will not be responsible for delivering mail from the post office. The City of Kyle will not be responsible for proposals delivered to any location other than the one specified above. The City of Kyle will not be responsible for emailed proposals that did not get into “in box”. Respondents are encouraged to hand deliver their proposals well ahead of opening time or follow up to confirm their proposals were received before deadline.
The City of Kyle reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. Resolution 795 Adopted March 20, 2012: The City of Kyle City Council herby gives local preferences if the contractor meets requirements under the Local
Government Code Section 271.9051.
The complete RFP can be found at: https://www.
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Mixed Beverage Permit (MB) by Driftwood Sports Bar, LLC, to be located at 18992 FM 150, Suite 201, Driftwood, Hays County, Texas. Owners of said corporation are David Mann, Managing Member, and Orit Mann, Managing Member.
The City of Kyle is accepting proposals for the selection of a Design Build firm/team for the design construction of one (1) inclusive playground located at Lake Kyle Park as stated in this RFQ and posted on our website: www.cityofkyle. com. The City of Kyle invites qualified companies to submit proposals to provide complete architectural and engineering design and construction cost estimates for the construction of a new inclusive playground at Lake Kyle. The city is seeking a company with Inclusive Playground experience as well as experience working with public municipal agencies.
to: Mariana Espinoza City of Kyle, Director of Parks and Recreation 700 Lehman Rd Kyle, TX 78640 (512) 262-3939
All proposals received will be reviewed by City Staff. The staff’s recommendation will go to the Kyle City Council for final approval.
Proposals should be clearly marked, “DESIGN BUILD SERVICES FOR LAKE KYLE INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND: RFQ-2023-03-PARD”. Any proposal received later than the
Provide positive role modeling, structure, and supervision to adolescent boys. No exp. required, We train comprehensively. Overtime available. $43,500 Average Annual Income. Flexible 8 & 16 hr shift schedules. Health/life/dental/vision insurance after 60 days. Min. requirements: Must be 21 yrs old, HS/ GED, clean TDL, clean criminal history, preemployment TB skin test, and drug screen. Growing (25+ year old) non-profit organization. Call (512)432-1678 for further information.
APPLICATION ENF (Kyle) Technology, LLC, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for: Amendment of Permit 157263
This application would authorize the expansion and added chemical production at the ENF Specialty Chemicals Facility located at 1550 Kohlers Xing Kyle, Hays County, Texas 78640 This application is being processed in an expedited manner, as allowed by the commission’s rules in 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 101, Subchapter J. AVISO DE IDIOMA ALTERNATIVO. El aviso de idioma alternativo en espanol está disponible en This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application The amendment will authorize the addition of the following new air contaminants: organic compounds, anhydrous ammonia, and hazardous air pollutants.
This application was submitted to the TCEQ on January 5, 2023. The application will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Austin regional office, and the Kyle Public Library, 550 Scott Street, Kyle Hays County Texas beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review in the Austin regional office of the TCEQ.
The executive director has determined the application is administratively complete and will conduct a technical review of the application.
PUBLIC COMMENT You may submit public comments to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. The TCEQ will consider all public comments in developing a final decision on the application and the executive director will prepare a response to those comments.
PUBLIC MEETING. You may request a public meeting to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or ask questions about the application. A public meeting about the application will be held if requested by an interested person and the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.
NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. In addition to this NORI, 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 39.419 requires this application to also have a Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision (NAPD) after the application is determined to be technically complete and a draft permit is prepared. Note: The TCEQ may act on this application without issuing a NAPD and without seeking further public comment or providing further opportunity for a contested case hearing if changes to representations in the application make the application no longer subject to the applicability requirements of 30 TAC § 39.402. In such cases, this NORI will be your final notice of this application and you will not have additional opportunities to make comments or request a contested case hearing. If a NAPD is required, it will be published and mailed to those who made comments, submitted hearing requests, or are on the mailing list for this application, and contain the final deadline for submitting public comments.
OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING You may request a contested case hearing if you are a person who may be affected by emissions of air contaminants from the facility If requesting a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, and daytime phone number; (2) applicant’s name and permit number; (3) the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing”; (4) a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the application and air emissions from the facility in a way not common to the general public; (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the facility; (6) a description of how you use the property which may be impacted by the facility; and (7) a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period. If the request is made by a group or an association, one or more members who have standing to request a hearing must be identified by name and physical address. The interests the group or association seeks to protect must also be identified. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the application/permit which would satisfy your concerns.
The deadline to submit a request for a contested case hearing is 30 days after newspaper notice is published. If a request is timely filed, the deadline for requesting a contested case hearing will be extended to 30 days after the mailing of the response to comments.
If a hearing request is timely filed, following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for contested case hearing to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material air quality concerns submitted during the comment period. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the Commission’s jurisdiction to address in this
In addition to submitting public comments, you may ask to be placed on a mailing list to receive future ices for this specific application by sending a written request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address
Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education 687-4040 Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
Further information may also be obtained from ENF (Kyle) Technology, LLC, 1550 Kohlers Xing, Kyle, Texas 78640-6718 Mr. Jusoung Lee, EHS Engineer, ENF (Kyle) Technology, LLC at (210) 307-4128 January 17, 2023
specified time, whether delivered in person, postal mail or emailed shall be disqualified. The City of Kyle will not be responsible for delivering mail from the post office. The City of Kyle will not be responsible for proposals delivered to any location other than the one specified above. The City of Kyle will not be responsible for emailed proposals that did not get into “in-box”. Respondents are encouraged to hand deliver their proposals well ahead of opening time or follow up to confirm their proposals were received before deadline.
The City of Kyle reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. Resolution 795-Adopted March 20, 2012: The City of Kyle City Council herby gives local preferences if the contractor meets requirements under the Local Government Code Section 271.9051.
The complete RFQ can be found at: https://www.
On March 6, 2023, at 7:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Niederwald, Texas, located at 8807 Niederwald Strasse Road, Niederwald, Texas, the City Council will hold a public hearing giving all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on a zoning variance, as petitioned by the property owner, said property being located at 2150 Mathias Lane. The property owner is requesting variance from requirements for lot width, flag lots, and shared driveway access.
If you have any questions regarding this annexation, contact Niederwald City Hall at 512-398-6338.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Juan Martinez, deceased, were issued on January 19, 2023, in Cause No. 22-0436-P, pending in the County Court at Law of Hays County, Texas, to: Florivel Crispin.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being probated are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and manner prescribed by law.
DATED the 20 day of January, 2023
/s/Ryan G. Reiffert
Ryan G. Reiffert State Bar No. 24090349
The Ariel House 8118 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, Texas 78229
Telephone: (210) 817-4388
Facsimile: (210) 614-6401
E-mail: ryan@ryanreiffert. com
Attorney for Florivel Crispin Independent Executrix of the Estate of Juan Martinez, Deceased
Sealed bids addressed to the City of Kyle will be received for the Schlemmer and Porter Street. Phase 2 Wastewater Improvements Project, in accordance with the Specifications, and Contract Documents prepared by LJA Engineering, Inc. (Engineer), will be received at the City of Kyle Public Works Department, 520 E. RR 150, Kyle, TX, until 2:00 p.m., February 24, 2023, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any Proposal received after this time will be returned unopened. Proposals shall be plainly marked with the name and address of the Bidder and the following words:
Bids are invited for several items and quantities of work as follows:
1. Construction of approximately 850 linear feet of 12-inch sanitary sewer lines and 640 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer lines,
2. 7- 48-inch sanitary manholes
3.1-60-inch sanitary manholes,
4. Abandonment of existing wastewater lines/manholes.
5. Surface repairs
Bids must be submitted on the Bid Form provided and must be accompanied by a bid security in a penal sum approximately equal to and not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. The security shall be in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check, or bid bond furnished by a reliable surety company having authority
under the laws of Texas to write surety bond in the amount required, with such security made payable without recourse to the City of Kyle.
Bid/Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, will be on file online by January 25, 2023, at: Copies of the Bid/Contract Documents will also be available at: Builders Exchange, 4047 Naco Perrin, San Antonio, Texas 78217
Bidders should carefully examine the plans, specifications and other documents, visit the site of work, and fully inform themselves as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the plans, specifications or other documents, or should be in doubt as to their meaning, bidder should notify the Engineer and obtain clarification prior to submitting any bid, but no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 14, 2023.
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on February 7, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the City of Kyle Public Works Department Training Room, 520 E. RR 150, Kyle, TX. Attendance at the meeting is not required; however, meeting minutes will not be issued.
Leon Barba, P.E. City Engineer
VB BTS II, LLC is proposing to construct a 310-foot tall (overall height) self-supporting lattice telecommunications structure located at 11201 FM 2325, Wimberley, Hays County, Texas (N30° 05’ 52.6”; W98° 14’ 28.6”). The tower will be lit with FAA Style E lighting. VB BTS II, LLC invites comments from any interested party on the impact the proposed undertaking may have on any districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects significant in American history, archaeology, engineering, or culture that are listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Comments may be sent to Environmental Corporation of America, ATTN: Annamarie Howell, 1375 Union Hill Industrial Court, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004 or via email to publicnotice@ Ms. Howell can be reached at (770) 667-2040 x 405 during normal business hours. Comments must be received within 30 days of the date of this notice.
In addition, any interested party may also request further environmental review of the proposed action under the FCC’s National Environmental Policy Act rules, 47 CFR §1.1307, by notifying the FCC of the specific reasons that the action may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. This request must only raise environmental concerns and can be filed online using the FCC pleadings system at or mailed to FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 within 30 days of the date that notice of this proposed action is published on the FCC’s website. Refer to File No. A1233939 when submitting the request and to view the specific information about the proposed action. 22004495/CVG
Pending in the County Court at Law of Hays County, Texas, Cause Number 220319-P.
WHEREAS, on the 16th day of December, 2022, in the County Court at Law of Hays County, Texas, the undersigned duly qualified as the Independent Executor of the Estate of Robert A. Fraser, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on this estate were granted and this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned within the time and in the manner described by law.
Independent Executor of the Estate of Robert A. Fraser, Deceased Address: c/o John F. Whitworth, Attorney at Law, 13409 N.W. Military Hwy., Ste. 350, San Antonio, Texas 78231.
Sealed Bids for the construction of SUNFIELD LAKE VEGETATED BENCH will be received by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (hereafter
“Engineer”) until 3:00PM on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. The work generally consists of construction of street improvements, water, wastewater, drainage, and associated incidental appurtenances to serve Sunfield Lake Vegetated Bench, east of Buda in Hays County, Texas.
A PDF version of the bid documents can be requested by email or telephone at no charge to the bidder. ben. Phone: 737-241-9084
A Non-Mandatory On-Site Pre-Bid Meeting for this project will be held at 10:00AM on Thursday, February 2, 2023 at the project site location. Representatives of the Owner and Engineer will be present to discuss the project. Engineer will distribute to prospecting Bidders a record of such Addenda as Engineer considers necessary in response to discussions or inquiries arising at the conference. Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond with power of attorney attached or cashier’s check of five percent (5%) of the total amount bid (sum of all bid items) made payable to Sunfield Development LLC, a Texas limited partnership on behalf of Sunfield MUD No. 4.
A Bid which, in the opinion of Owner’s staff, deviates significantly from the contract Documents, and which has not been clarified through a written Addenda prior to Bid submittal deadline, shall be considered an exception to the Contract Documents and grounds for the Bid to be rejected. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities in Bids received.
Bidders should read and understand all terms and conditions contained in the Contract Documents. Contract Time is of the essence, and all work shall be completed within the number of days stated in the Contract Documents after the Notice to Proceed. Bidder to submit a detailed schedule and confirm Contract Time as part of the bid.
Sealed statements will be received by the Purchasing Manager of the City of Buda for the above referenced solicitation. This RSQ is to solicit interest from prospective firms for an on-call contract for a person who is a state certified or state licensed real estate appraiser. The services may be funded whole or in part with federal grant resources and thus may be subject to the requirements of 2 CFR 200 and other federal procurement requirements.
The solicitation package may be obtained online at one of the following bid services: &
Statements shall be delivered in a sealed envelope to City of Buda, City Hall Purchasing Bid Box, 405 E. Loop St., Bldg. 100, Buda, Texas 78610. Write “SEALED STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS” with the RSQ Number, Name, and Due Date on the outside of the shipping package.
Statements will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. local time, February 15, 2023. Questions may be directed to the City of Buda Purchasing Office via email at
Charles Oberrender, CPPB Purchasing Manager City of Buda
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Gregory Scott Southwell, deceased, were issued on January 5, 2023, in Cause No. 22-0035-P, pending in the County Court at Law of Hays County, Texas, to: Sandy Southwell Cheslock.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being probated are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and manner prescribed by law.
DATED the day of 17 day of January, 2023 /s/ Ryan G. Reiffert Ryan G. Reiffert State Bar No. 24090349
The Ariel House 8118 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, Texas 78229
Telephone: (210) 817-4388
Facsimile: (210) 614-6401
E-mail: ryan@ryanreiffert. com
Attorney for Sandy Southwell Cheslock, Dependent Executrix of the Estate of Gregory Scott Southwell, Deceased
Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managing properties listed below will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. The seller reserves the right to reject any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of following tenants, with brief description of contents in each space.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
12:00 pm AAA Self Storage Dripping Springs @ 2300 W. US Hwy 290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 www.SelfStorageAuction. com Kara Reeder: misc. items.
An application has been submitted with HAYS COUNTY to subdivide 290.1 acres of property located at along SH 45 and FM 1626, Manchaca, TX 78652. Information regarding the application may be obtained from Hays County Development Services (512) 393-2150. Tracking number: PLN-2090-NP
The City of Kyle (City) will accept sealed qualification statements from firms who can demonstrate they have resources, experience, and qualifications for the Right of Way Acquisition Services City Wide Projects until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
Requirements may be secured from the City’s website.
Qualifications submissions addressed to the City Engineer, City of Kyle, 100 W. Center St., Kyle, Texas 78640 will be received until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at the office of Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer, City Hall, 100 W. Center St., Kyle, Texas 78640. Qualifications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked:
Right of Way Acquisition Services
City Wide Projects Kyle, Texas “K22-23.4”
A non-mandatory virtual pre-submission Teams Meeting will be held virtually at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 2, 2023. To join, please email Cynthia Gonzales at by end of business day January 30, 2023.
No fax submissions will
be accepted. No late submissions will be accepted. All submissions received after the deadline will be returned unopened.
CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS /s/ Leon Barba Leon Barba, P.E. City Engineer
An application has been submitted to HAYS COUNTY to subdivide 2.52 acres of property located along Highway 21 in San Marcos, TX 78666. Information regarding the application may be obtained from Hays County Development Services (512)393-2150. Tracking Number: PLN-2139-PC.
Bartlett Cocke General contractors, Construction Manager-at-Risk, for: Wallace Middle School Improvements, is requesting competitive proposals from subcontractors and suppliers.
Subcontractor and supplier proposals will be received via Fax to (512) 326-4339 or (512) 326-3990 Fax or via email to bidaus@bartlettcocke. com no later than 2:00:00 PM on 2/7/2023. Any proposals received after this time will not be accepted.
Electronic copies of the proposal documents may be obtained from Bartlett Cocke or viewed at local and online planrooms. Contact Angela Erickson via email Aerickson@ or phone (512) 326-4223 Phone to make arrangements.
Small, Woman Owned, Disadvantaged, HUB, HUBZone, 8(a), Minority, and all similar firms are encouraged to submit proposals on this project. Bartlett Cocke General Contractors is an equal opportunity (EEO) employer.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the clerk of the 274th District Court of HAYS County, Texas, November 16, 2022, in cause numbered 182377, styled POST OAK ONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. versus ENRIQUE REYES on a judgment rendered against ENRIQUE REYES; I did on December 9, 2022,at 2:00 p.m., levy upon as the property of ENRIQUE REYES the following described real property:
On February 7, 2023, being the first Tuesday of the month, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Hays County, at the South Door, 712 Stagecoach Trail of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of San Marcos, Texas, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of ENRIQUE REYES in and to the real property described above.
Dated at Kyle, Hays County, Texas, December 9, 2022.
Michael Torres Constable, Pct. 2 Hays County, Texas 5458 FM 2770 Kyle, Texas 78640
by Patrick Chasse, Deputy
Notice to Bidders: You are buying whatever interest, if any, the Debtor has in the property. Purchase of the Debtor's interest in the property may not extinguish any liens or security interests held by other persons. There are no warranties, express or implied, regarding the property being sold, including but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Notice to Judgment Debtor: If there is any property, real or personal, you want to point out for levy in lieu of the above described property, you must contact this office immediately.
State of Texas County of Hays Cause: 19-0584
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the clerk of the 453rd District Court of HAYS County, Texas, December 2, 2022, in cause numbered 190584, styled POST OAK ONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. versus Raymond Haag on a judgment rendered against Raymond Haag; I did on December 28, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., levy upon as the property of Raymond Haag the following described real property:
On February 7, 2023, being the first Tuesday of the month, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Hays County, at the South Door, 712 Stagecoach Trail of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of San Marcos, Texas, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of Raymond Haag in and to the real property described above.
Dated at Kyle, Hays County, Texas, December 28, 2022.
Michael Torres Constable, Pct. 2 Hays County, Texas 5458 FM 2770 Kyle, Texas 78640
by Patrick Chasse, Deputy
Notice to Bidders: You are buying whatever interest, if any, the Debtor has in the property. Purchase of the Debtor's interest in the property may not extinguish any liens or security interests held by other persons. There are no warranties, express or implied, regarding the property being sold, including but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Notice to Judgment Debtor: If there is any property, real or personal, you want to point out for levy in lieu of the above described property, you must contact this office immediately.
Will the owners or lien holders of a 1978 Datsun vin # HLS30-467275, please contact Quantum Towing at (512) 295-8697. The vehicle is being held at our storage facility (VSF0658080) located at 800 Summit Dr. Kyle, TX 78640.
The vehicle has been in our possession since 12/4/2022 and has accrued fees of $1046.77 as of 1/6/2023. The vehicle will continue to accrue storage fees of $21.03 + tax a day until vehicle is released. The failure of the owner to claim the vehicle & personal property before the 30th day after the date of this notice is provided is a waiver by the person of all right, title or interest in the vehicle & personal property and is a consent to the sale of the vehicle at a public auction.
Will the owners or lien holders of a food trailer with a Vin # of 571BE1628HM019359, please contact Quantum Towing at 512-295-8697. This trailer is being held at our facility (VSF0658080) located at 800 Summit Dr. Kyle, TX 78640. This trailer has been in our possession since 12/1/2022 and has accrued fees of 910.14 as of 12/16/2022. This trailer will continue to accrue storage fees of 36.80 + tax a day until trailer is released. The failure of the owner to claim the trailer & personal property before the 30th day after the date of this notice is provided is a waiver by the person of all right, title or interest in the trailer & personal property and is a consent to the sale of the trailer at a public auction.
The site includes 28 acres, or 590 units, of multi-family residential space and three acres, or 6,000 square feet, of commercial space.
Multi-family housing, according to the developers, is typically multi-story apartments or condominiums with some ground floor retail spaces. The group anticipates three- to four-story buildings for this development and said that the 900 or so residents it would bring in would help stimulate Buda’s local economy.
“With the growth that is happening along the I-35 corridor and south out of Austin, [like] Texas Children’s Hospital locating their site not too far north of here, we feel like there is continued need for housing those folks who are coming to this area for the growing employment base, and this could be a part of that,” Wilson said.
Some of the proposed amenities of the development include a pocket park, pet parks, resort-style pools, fitness and activity centers, co-working areas, enhanced
areas,” Meneses said. “We currently live in Seguin so we would have to drive to Hays right now. In the event he would need a Level 2 Trauma Center in the future and Blue Cross and Ascension do not meet an agreement, the nearest Level 2 option would be University Hospital in Northwest San Antonio. We have a long history with [Ascension] Seton Hays Hospital and even though it’s a 50-minute drive from our current home, it is our first choice for specialty hospital care.”
Changing insurance providers could be an option for some, but it’s not for all.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have the option of switching insurance companies, as this insurance is the one I pay for from my job,” said Mando Navarro, Hays County resident. “I’d have no option but to travel to another hospital/clinic for healthcare.”
Hays CISD is currently locked into a contract with BCBSTX for this year — if the district had intended to pull away from the insurance provider, it would have had to notify the company in December.
Dr. Fernando Medina, chief human resources officer at Hays CISD, said that several employees rely on the services Ascension Seton Hays provides.
“Last year, we had an alternative healthcare plan made available to our employees and the reason that it was not successful was that Ascension Seton was not in their network and that was among the biggest feedback we received,” Medina said.
“Now that is a potential problem, we know that those same employees will be concerned [if] Ascension Seton is not in the network. We are on standby to see what actually happens because even if they decide it’s not going to be something they can work out, there really is nothing our employees are going to be able to do at this time.”
Tracey Ramsey, director of human resources at Wimberley
pedestrian streetscapes and green pathways that connect the residential to commercial.
The development would be implemented in three phases, with the first two phases building out the residential and the final phase building out the commercial.
While the site is located entirely within Hays County, only 12 acres sit within Buda’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) with the remaining 19 acres within Austin’s ETJ. As such, developers are looking for Buda to request the ETJ release from Austin and provide water and wastewater utilities. According to the presentation, the city has plans to expand the 8” wastewater line to 12” to 15” that would be able to serve the site, and currently has capacity to provide water to the site with an 8” line.
“We’re in this really interesting predicament in Buda with water and wastewater … there’s been a lot of good planning to prepare for things that are coming, both in terms of residential and
ISD (WISD), said the district contracts with Teacher Retirement System (TRS) to find health insurance. She explained that TRS negotiates the best price for employees and services.
While the negotiations are unsettling for many, Ramsey explained that this happens often.
“They do this every year; this is not the first time … I’ve seen this happen. I was in healthcare before education, and this is not unusual,” Ramsey said.
“With everything costing so much more, they are probably just trying to reach a happy medium so that the people offering services can still stay afloat while offering us a good price.”
Ramsey is confident that if an agreement is not reached between BCBSTX and Ascension, TRS will do its best to find another provider for WISD.
“The only thing that it would probably do is make it inconvenient if we have to drive farther, but I know that TRS will do its best. They are a pretty large organization and they should be able to come up with an agreement,” Ramsey said. What do the companies say?
In a Jan. 3 statement, Ascension Texas said that it's committed to building healthy communities and providing access to healthcare services.
“We enable insurance companies like BCBSTX to offer value and choice to its members. By removing Ascension Texas from their network, BCBSTX is significantly reducing the value of its members' insurance coverage,” the statement reads.
The statement continued to say that “Ascension Texas offers the area’s only comprehensive, freestanding pediatric hospital in the region and the only Level 1 Trauma Center for adults in the Austin area” and for many patients, “securing comparable services elsewhere would require a two-to-three-hour drive if BCBSTX does not
commercial developments,” council member Evan Ture said. “We have a lot of water and wastewater available, but growth kind of slowed down through COVID and through some projects changing in some ways where we’re paying for those projects in our rates with a few less people … To some degree, extending services helps in that it spreads those costs over more users.”
The site is not contiguous to the existing retail and commercial nodes, instead separated by about half a mile of vacant land and a plant nursery. However, it’s adjacent to the “Interstate Corridor” District in the city’s Future Land Use Plan, Wilson said, and according to the city’s 2030 comprehensive plan, dense multi-family housing is appropriate for this district.
While the council members were in support of the development and appreciative of receiving information so early on, several agreed that they would like to see more commercial space (or B3 zoning) within the
commit to reasonable terms.”
Ascension’s statement concluded that it wants new terms to be reached as soon as possible to prevent any disruption in services for BCBSTX members.
On Jan. 12, BCBSTX released an updated statement about the continued negotiations with Ascension Texas. The insurance provider pledged its commitment to reaching an agreement that will continue members’ access to Ascension facilities at a fair price.
“We value the care Ascension provides our members, but it is already one of the most expensive health systems in the Austin and Central Texas area. As a customerowned health insurance industry leader in Texas for more than 90 years, it is important to stand up for affordable care, especially in a time when most businesses and our members in the Austin and Central Texas region are facing inflationary pressures and a potential recession,” the BCBSTX statement said.
BCBSTX also clarified that emergency or trauma services at any hospital, regardless of an existing contract, are covered at in-network rates for BCBSTX members.
“Members being treated for a pregnancy, disability, acute condition or life-threatening illness may qualify as a continuity-of-care patient,” the statement reads. “This means they may still be able to receive care at in-network rates at Ascension even after it leaves our networks. To find out if they are eligible, members can call the number on their member ID card for more information.”
If Ascension facilities and providers leave networks, BCBSTX “will do everything we can to help members move their care to quality,
development, which Ture said would be the “best thing for Buda” in order to get more sales tax dollars.
Wilson noted that the site is not at the I-35 access road or contiguous with the rest of the commercial corridor, which is part of their reasoning for not wanting to do full or even majority B3.
“We don’t think that there’s currently viability for a largescale commercial project. We do understand that it’s important to the city to have the commercial tax base, which is why we tried to integrate some component of that,” Wilson said.
“I think part of the ask today is whether we’re willing to extend services [for] water and wastewater, do the ETJ swap, things like that,” Ture replied.
“If we’re doing things like that, it’s sort of an ask of us. So the ask would be for y’all to significantly increase the retail portion as much as possible that the project can sustain.”
“Buda needs more access to places where we can get those tax dollars in, because
cost-effective, in-network hospitals and healthcare professionals.”
Members can find innetwork care by:
• Visiting the online Provider Finder at www.
we just don’t have enough of that room to be able to not make a good decision,” council member Terry Cummings added. “I think to not use the site lines along the I-35 corridor to promote some retail businesses would be a mistake, because that’s something that we need to try and sponsor and promote, and we don’t have enough of that space to just throw up a bunch of apartments and keep our fingers crossed … I hope you understand where we’re all coming from on this, because we have some very difficult decisions to make regarding our very little available land.”
While city staff has not done any analysis of the development yet, the group has submitted a letter of intent to request a development agreement. In the meantime, the group will continue to work with the city on the project as several more steps are needed to be taken before its final approval, including the release of the Austin ETJ portion and annexing and zoning of the land.
• Registering for Blue Access for Members at member/memberresources/member-
• Calling the Customer Service number on their member ID card
Updates about the ongoing negotiation can be found at ascensionseton.
Border security, tax relief and raises top list
For the Texas House and Senate, there is not much daylight between each chamber’s priorities in this year’s legislative session. Leaders say the focus will be on property tax relief, border security and employee raises.
Preliminary budgets from both chambers were released last week, the Austin AmericanStatesman reported, with
in Kyle.
According to the city’s website, “This is a come-and-go style event where residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback on each quadrant of the city. Including housing, density, non-residential developments, vacant properties and more.” For more information on the comprehensive plan process, visit
• Downtown Master Plan Open House to be held from 5 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23 at city hall.
Recently, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted not to recommend the Downtown Master Plan to city council and city council approved having city staff bring back proposed revisions.
The open house will provide an opportunity to review the draft of the plan and tell staff what could be improved, added, changed or kept the same. For more information on the plan, visit downtown.
a record $288.7 billion budget for the next two years. The money in the budget is made up of $93.7 billion in federal funds, $130.1 billion in state general revenue funds, and $64.9 billion in other funds.
The tussle likely comes when lawmakers start spending a whopping $32.7 billion budget surplus sitting in the state’s coffers from the previous biennium.
Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick want to provide property tax relief to homeowners, with Patrick proposing raising the homestead exemption to $70,000 from $40,000. Both draft budget bills set aside $15 billion – almost half the surplus – for property tax relief.
Increased funding for border security, public education and for raises for state employees are also in the draft budgets, which are likely to change several times before session’s end.
The Texas Tribune reported the preliminary budgets still leave more than $50 billion in state funds up for grabs. One of the biggest challenges is that state law and the Texas Constitution set limits on how much tax spending can increase between sessions.
Possible end to Confederate Heroes Day?
A 50-year-old state holiday honoring soldiers who fought for the
Confederacy in the Civil War is again the target of a lawmaker who wants to end the holiday.
State Rep. Jarvis Johnson filed the bill, telling the American-Statesman, “This is not the look we want for our state anymore.”
Johnson has filed this measure before without success. Confederate monuments on public grounds have drawn complaints across the state, including the Texas Capitol.
The day is observed on Jan. 19, the birthday of Gen. Robert E. Lee.
On occasion, the holiday celebrating slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, which is held on the third Monday in January, and Confederate Heroes Day fall on the same day.
“While (the King holiday) is a reminder that we are all created equal, how do we simultaneously celebrate an ideology that has been linked with oppression and supremacy?” Johnson asked.
Natural gas supplies held up during winter storm
The bout of subfreezing temperatures blanketing much of the state a few days before Christmas sparked concerned for the state’s electric grid, which reached its highest peak for the entire year. But the grid held, and natural gas supplies to power plants were ample, state officials said.
The Texas Railroad Commission issued a press release saying, “There was ample natural gas supply to help the state’s electricity supply chain and keep Texans safe.”
The agency said it would continue to inspect natural gas facilities throughout the winter to ensure “infrastructure is hardened against extreme weather conditions.”
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in October said the grid is still at risk of failure during extreme winter conditions, such as what happened in February 2021 with Winter Storm Uri.
The Public Utility Commission last week approved a potential overhaul of the Texas electricity market in hopes of attracting private investment in new power plants, the Statesman reported. However, the Texas Legislature has ultimate approval. Critics say the plan is untested and could increase electric bills for consumers.
Abbott has already backed the plan, which is an effort to make the power grid, managed by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, more reliable. It is intended to encourage more private investment in “plants that can turn on and off quickly depending on need.”
If approved by legislators, the plan could take up to four years to implement.
Lawmakers highlight state’s fragile water infrastructure
A bipartisan group of 38 state legislators have banded together to educate fellow lawmakers about water security issues, the Texas Tribune reported. Aging infrastructure and lack of funding have created water-supply problems across the state, particularly in rural areas.
Last year there were more than 3,000 boilwater notices issued across the state because water quality was in doubt. Seven of the 10 water systems that issued the most notices were in rural parts of East Texas, the Tribune reported after analyzing data from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. There have already been 79 boil-water notices in January.
The group is not advocating for any specific bills.
“Water security is critically important to all Texans and our economy,” state Rep. Tracy King, who heads the caucus, said in a statement. “We must continue to innovate, invest and strategize longterm to manage our water resources efficiently.”
The Texas Historical Commission’s latest historic site is 274 years old. Presidio la Bahia was the site of the Goliad Massacre in March 1836. More than 300 Texians were held inside the church before being executed by Mexican
The presidio was established on that site in 1749 during the Spanish colonial period. The fort became the nucleus of the modern-day city of Goliad.
The Presidio underwent restoration in the 1960s under the oversight of renowned restoration architect
Raiford Stripling of San Augustine. More than 33,000 people visit the Presidio each year, according to its website.
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations drop
The number of new COVID-19 cases in Texas during the past week reported to the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University was 26,996, down about a third from the previous week, with 270 new deaths, up from 148. The number of labconfirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations in the state, according to the Texas Department of State Health Service, totaled 2,837, which was down 17% from the previous week. Readers should keep in mind that only reported cases are tallied. People who test positive with a home test kit likely are never reported.
Gary Borders is a veteran award-winning Texas journalist. He published a number of community newspapers in Texas during a 30-year span, including in Longview, Fort Stockton, Lufkin, Nacogdoches and Cedar Park. Email: