Kyle woman who killed daughter, stabbed father-in-law gets life sentence.
Buda business owners express frustration with city’s lack of communication.
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Hays Free Press © Barton Publications, Inc.
Vol. 125 • No. 50
Serving Buda, Kyle and Northeast Hays County, TX
‘Blackface’ bandit robs Buda bank
Couple heads to military base, TXST campus on ‘self quarantine’ BY ANITA MILLER
“Wash your hands like you’ve been chopping jalapeños and need to change your contact lenses” goes a meme circulating on Facebook concerning tips to avoid catching the newest
Read the results of our local Coronavirus survey, page X
round of Coronavirus. It’s good advice. Though there are still no confirmed cases of COVID 19 in Hays
County, a Wimberley couple is among the passengers of a cruise ship being taken to a military installation for two weeks of quarantined observation. Additionally, Texas State University says 10 people who had traveled interna-
tionally are “to self-isolate at home” for 14 days prior to returning to campus. “There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 among the individuals self-isolating and there no reason
BY ANITA MILLER Buda Police are seeking a man who donned blackface before robbing the Broadway Bank Monday afternoon. According to the BPD, the man walked into the Broadway Bank located on FM 1626 at 3 p.m. and handed the
Super Tuesday results in four local runoffs
Making way for Emerald Crown
Dripping Springs
ty un nty o u C s ll Co y Ha we ld Ca
nco er
ee through eminent ly, rnot k domain. “We are specifically Wimberley saying we don’t want any eminent domain to be used for any part of this trail system,” Sherwood Bishop, president of the board of the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, stressed to Hays County Commissioners last week. “What each community is choosing to do is to align the proposed rail routes along either places where there is a a trail or a trail is planned or along places building new
Spring is dawning at Lake Kyle Park, and the sound of the Kawasaki Gators driven by park staff scare up an occasional blue heron or red-tailed hawk beside the path along Plum Creek that will eventually be a part of a trail system allowing people to hike and bike from San Marcos to Austin. The Emerald Crown Trail (ECT) is envisioned as the backbone of a regional trail system in eastern Hays County. The ECT’s commitment is to acquire land voluntari-
The Republican primary for State Representative District 45 will go to a runoff between Carrie Isaac, who gained 46.89 percent ISAAC WYMORE of the vote, and Kent “Bud” Wymore, with 42.23 percent of the vote. The winner will face incumbent State Rep. Democrat Erin Zwiener, who won the Democratic primary with 68.90 percent of the vote.
Onion Creek
HAYS COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR RACE Angela “Tia Angie” Villescaz, who earned 41.55 percent of the vote, will face Donna Haschke, with 39.36 percent, in a runoff election. VILLESCAZ HASCHKE Runoffs in both parties will be held Saturday, May 26, when polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at all Hays County Voting Centers. The last day to register to vote in those runoff election is Monday, April 27. Early voting will run from Monday, May 18 to Friday, May 22. The last day to apply to vote by mail is Friday, May 15.
San Marcos Violet Crown Trail Green Emerald Trail
COMING UP Kyle to celebrate National Pi Day this Saturday
City Square in downtown Kyle will be dedicated to all things “pi,” and “pie,” this Saturday. Celebrations of National Pi Day will kick off at noon and run through 6 p.m., including “pi” recitations at 3 p.m. and a “Pie in the Face” fundraiser at 12:30 p.m. The
final event, a Pie Eating Contest, will begin at 5 p.m. This is the second celebration of National Pi Day for Kyle, which bills itself the “Pie Capital of Texas.” The city’s other big event, the Pie in the Sky Festival, takes place each September. Admission is free, but parking may be scarce.
Census takers are coming March 30 through April 1: The Census Bureau
Update on Lehman Road, Bridge at Plum Creek and Burleson Street.
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will count people who are experiencing homelessness over these three days. As part of the process, the Census Bureau counts people in shelters, at soup kitchens and mobile food vans, on the streets, and at non-sheltered, outdoor locations such as tent encampments. April 1: Census Day is observed nationwide. By this date, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. When you respond to the census, you’ll tell the Census Bureau where you live as of
Tr a Ha vis ys Co Co un un ty ty
County supports connecting trail Cy
Super Tuesday is now in the past, but a number of races are still to be decided. Here’s a rundown:
k Stacy Anderson takes a chainsaw saplings in the way of a CreeLaketoKyle n 3.8 mile portion of trail through Natural Area that she o i n O and Benito Pereda have been tasked with clearing.
The above image was taken from surveillance video at the Broadway Bank in Buda.
April 1, 2020. April: Census takers will begin visiting college students who live on campus, people living in senior centers, and others who live among large groups of people. Census takers also begin conducting quality check interviews to help ensure an accurate count. May through July: Census takers will begin visiting homes that haven’t responded to 2020 Census to help make sure everyone is counted. December: The Census Bureau will deliver apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law.
News……………… 2, 4, 5 Opinion Page………… 3 Community………… 6, 7 Sports………………… 8, 9
Police Blotter………… 10 Service Directory…… 11 Public Notices…… 12-13 Classifieds…………… 13
In an earlier edition of the Hays Free Press, we incorrectly stated that tattoo parlors are illegal in the city of Buda. In fact, tattoo studios are permitted in the B-2 and B-3 zoning districts. The Planning and Zoning commission action in question was to amend the zoning rules to allow such businesses to move into Buda. The amendment would clarify that the services could be offered in other zoning districts as well as the F5H, where Buda Lash and Brow is located. We regret our error and any confusion it may have caused.
Page 2
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Trial of Kyle woman who killed daughter unusual from start to finish
Hays Free Press The Hays Free Press (USPS 361-430) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
If you think it’s news, we probably do too! • Newsroom phone: 512-268-7862 • E-mail: • Mail: 113 W. Center Street, Kyle, TX 78640
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be corrected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
• The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy in the Hays Free Press is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication. • The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classified word advertising in the Hays Free Press is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
We welcome locally written letters to the editor on timely topics of community interest. We ask that you keep them to about 350 words in length and that you not indulge in personal attacks on private individuals. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. All letters should be signed by the author and include a daytime phone number where the author can be contacted for verification. Letter writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters can be emailed to
From the outset, the capital murder trial of former Kyle resident Krystal Villanueva was anything but ordinary – but so was her crime. Villanueva, 27, not only stabbed her five-year-old daughter to death after the girl asked for cereal, she also cut off the child’s head, fingers and toes. Villanueva attacked her father-in-law with the same knife on Jan. 5, 2017 inside the mobile home they all shared. Villanueva was found guilty of both crimes on Thursday by a Hays County jury that deliberated for less than four hours. Because it was a capital offense concerning the death of a child under the age of 10, Villanueva received an automatic sentence of life without parole. Villanueva’s attorney didn’t deny her guilt but argued that she was suffering from a syndrome that made her believe her family had been replaced by imposters or clones. She removed her dead daughter’s fingers, the argument went, because she was looking for a ring that would help her restore her
real family. So deep was her delusion that when District Judge Bill Henry asked for her plea, her attorney rose to say the defendant “stood mute,” basically declaring she was incapable of knowing what she did was wrong. “It’s fairly unusual for a defendant to stand mute and have the court enter a not guilty plea on her behalf,” District Attorney Wes Mau said the day after the verdict was delivered. “But in an insanity defense you cannot enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity, so I think it is probably more common in those cases.” Another early indication that the trial was outside the purview of most murder cases were remarks by both the defense and prosecution advising jurors that although crime scene photos would be described in court and entered into evidence, whether or not to person-
in-law. That’s when SWAT forcefully entered the home. Testimony in the trial went on for eight days, with witnesses including members of the SWAT team and other law enforcement personnel and ally view them was the little girl’s death had no choice of each individual such option, as they found expert witnesses called by juror. the girl partially dismem- both sides. Eustorgio Arellano also took the stand. Again, Mau explained. bered after encountering Mau argued that Vil“In every case where there Villanueva, just out of the are photos of a crime shower and naked, inside lanueva didn’t suddenly “snap,” and pointed to her scene I would offer those the home’s living room. history of mental health photos into evidence,” he Villanueva’s father-inissues and drug use, as told the Hays Free Press. In law Eustorgio Arellano this case the defendant’s was home for lunch when well as that her “symptoms” at the time of the guilt of the crime and how he heard her daughter it was committed were not Giavanna whimpering in a crime had not surfaced before nor after her arrest. issues that the jury was bedroom, saying “momIn addition to the autolikely going to struggle my, no!” matic life sentence, Henry with, since the defendant Then, he testified, gave Villanueva 20 years was admitting to what she Villanueva came into the behind bars for the attack did.” room with a knife and on Arellano. Mau said he made the stabbed him in the back. “A case like this leaves decision to tell the jury He fled to call 911, telling an unforgettable mark on what he did because “the what had happened and everyone involved, espegraphic nature of the pho- that Villanueva was still cially the child’s family,” tos was such that I didn’t inside with the girl. Mau said. “Every law enwant to put them on the The SWAT team was forcement member who big screen in front of the called and arrived and victim’s family and the surrounded the residence worked on this case will forever be traumatized by more sensitive members when Villanueva placed what Ms. Villanueva did of the jury, so I let them a call to 911 complaining to her innocent daughknow they should look at that people were outside ter. I commend all the the photos if they had any who wanted to kill her. investigators and officers doubts that the pictures Then she added that she who endured this horror could resolve.” had killed her daughter with calm professionalism Law enforcement per“because she asked for so that justice could be sonnel who responded to cereal” and that she had done.” the scene that day of the also stabbed her father-
Buda Bank Robbery: Perpetrator wears blackface during heist Continued from pg. 1
teller a note demanding money. He fled on foot with an undetermined amount of cash. No weapon was seen. In the wake of the robbery, Buda police swarmed the scene, assisted by the Hays County Sheriff’s Office and the San Marcos Police Department, which brought its K-9 unit. Photos posted by the BPD on Facebook clearly show the suspect, who hoodie and dark pants. was dressed in a dark blue He had on a dark blue
also dark blue. He has a mustache and goatee visible through a black substance smeared on his face, excepting his ears and around his mouth. The BPD is enlisting the public’s help in locating
ball cap with an insignia obscured by sunglasses,
Continued from pg. 1
incumbent U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, who won his primary with 72.86 percent% of the vote.
REPUBLICAN U.S. DISTRICT 35 RACE Jenny Garcia Sharon, who had 37.09 percent of voters in the district, and “Guillermo” William Hayward, who finished with 34.31 percent, will face off in a runoff election. The winner will face
him. Anyone with any information is urged to contact the department at 512-312-1001 and ask for Detective Fleming. Callers who wish to remain anonymous can also contact Crime Stoppers at 800-324-TIPS.
Runoff Elections
Founded April 10, 1903, by Thomas Fletcher Harwell as The Kyle News, with offices on the corner of Burleson and Miller streets in the town’s oldest remaining building. It merged into The Hays County Citizen in 1956. The paper consolidated with The Free Press in October, 1978. During its more than 100-year history the newspaper has maintained offices at more than a dozen locations in Kyle and Buda.
Villanueva’s attorney didn’t deny her guilt but argued that she was suffering from a syndrome that made her believe her family had been replaced by imposters or clones.
and Lani Popp, who with 33.88 percent of the vote, will face each other in a run-off election. The winner will move on to face the Democratic nominee Rebecca Bell-Metereau, who comfortably won with 63.70 percent of the vote.
Votes in the Republican Primary election will be canvassed at 10:30 a.m. on March 12 at 900 Bugg MORROW POPP Lane #111, San Marcos. On the Democratic side, STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, the canvas will occur at DISTRICT 5 RACE 1:30 p.m. March 12 at the Republicans Robert Hays County Democratic Morrow, who garnered Party office, 215 W. San 40.12 percent of the vote, Antonio, San Marcos.
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QUOTE OF THE WEEK We want to have an open communicative relationship, so we don’t run into issues. And that is not at all what we’ve experienced so far.” –Michelle Beebe, Project Manager for Buda Mercantile. Story, pg. 4.
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Page 3
Talk to your doctor, but learn the lingo first Crow’s Nest by Clint Younts
With all this hysteria over the coronavirus, lots of folks are worried about catching this nasty bug. Although the majority of those who get the virus recover fairly quickly, it isn’t something to mock fun at. If you think you have the coronavirus, or just the plain old flu, it’s best to get checked out by a doctor. But, here lies the problem. With all these adoptive citizens we now have here in Texas and other southern states, these folks from faraway lands like California and New York might not be familiar with medical terminology down here in Dixie. As a professional in the animal health community, plus a reader of several medical books written by Dr. Seuss, I believe I should disperse my finite wisdom to all y’all newcomers to God’s Country who might need to go to a doctor one day. Although most doctors here are fluent in English, some might have difficulty deciphering a Bostonian accent or jargon from Napa Valley. So, y’all might need to know how to properly describe maladies and symptoms ‘round these parts. When you twist your knee chasing the cows in the pens, you might need to have the doc look at your leg ‘cause it’s “all swole up.” This terminology also refers to a gastric condition where something you ate has your belly “swole up like a dead hog.” Having a swole up knee may leave you “laid up” for some time, and even after the swelling subsides, you might have a “hitch in your giddyup” for a few weeks. Now that it’s springtime, you might have to see a doctor after camping in a state park because you’re “ate up with” insect bites such as chiggers. One or two chigger bites ain’t much to fret over, but when your legs look like ostrich-skin cowboy boots, son, you’re ate up. If you don’t want to use this term for your skin irritation for risk of sounding like a hick, you can substitute “got in a mess of poison ivy” or “them ticks thought I was a buffet table.” Now, if you do catch some virus, there’s all sorts of medical terms y’all can use to describe your illness when you call in sick to work. My go-to phrase is “I’m sick as a dawg.” This condition is much worse than “feelin’ poorly” but not quite as bad as “knocking at Death’s door.” The problem with the flu is it can leave you “plumb wore out” and “weak as a new-born kitten.” Sometimes, you wake up and just “ain’t feelin’ perky today.” You might even look “peak-ed (pronounced “peek-id”) since you’re “under the weather.” No need to see a doctor over this, but if you’ve got a bad cough, feel free to tell the doc that you have “the consumption.” Then he’ll know what it is. As we Texans get a bit long in the tooth, we tend to have more maladies. Pert near every morning, I’m all “stove up” from all the work I did the day before. Now don’t get “stove up” confused with “swole up.” While both conditions are painful, they are treated differently. If some ailment sends you back to bed, you can tell your boss, “I’m down with (fill in the blank).” Here’s an example: “Hey, boss, I can’t come in today. I’m down with the gout. My big toe is all swole up and it hurts like all get-out.” There are a few colloquial sayings that y’all might say if you’re really sick, like “I’ve got one foot in the coffin” or “I’ve gotta feel better to die.” Other folks might take a look at you and say, “You look like death warmed over.” If you hear this, you might soon, God forbid, be “pushing up daisies.” Now that y’all are familiar with southern terminology, y’all should feel comfortable talkin’ to your new health care provider. But take precautions to avoid catching these bugs out there. Stay away from sick folks, wash your hands often, use alcohol to kill germs on your hand and esophagus, and stay off cruise ships for a while. Follow my advice and you may stay on this side of the dirt for a few more years.
Where’s the outrage? “Where are you from? Russia?” the middle-aged woman asked matter-of-factly, as she walked toward her polling place in Seaside, California on Super Tuesday. She had been approached by a man wearing a Cossack Ushanka hat with a hammer and sickle pin, offering to buy her vote. Neither she nor her daughter took the bribe, but they seemed intrigued, even charmed, by a guy meddling in our political process. After voting they returned with news that a friend was willing to switch to Donald Trump in the general election if the price were right. This was an experiment for “Candid Camera.” My crew and I have been eavesdropping on the 2020 campaign, gathering material for a humorous documentary titled “Outvoted.” I’ve been at this for too many years to be surprised by most of what folks do or say – but the degree of gullibility we observed in this test of Russian electioneering was stunning. Actor Elijah Morgan claimed to be with the R.F.B.A. (Russians For a Better America). He offered cash to anyone willing to vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary, and then switch their support to Trump
OH, THE TRAFFIC It’s time for Buda to change its slogan from “Breathe Easy Here” to “Pack Some Snacks for the Traffic Jam.” I understand that growth is inevitable, but can’t those in charge of
Publisher Cyndy Slovak-Barton News Editor Anita Miller Sports Editor Moses Leos III
As a purveyor of smiles, I’m pleased by some of this confusion; as a political observer I’m dismayed. Near Columbia University in Manhattan a few years ago we gathered signatures on political “recall petitions.” The elected officials we sought to oust were fictitious, but that didn’t stop most people from signing. One man even signed a blank petition, trusting us to later insert the name of any politician we hoped to remove from office. H. L. Mencken is credited with reminding us, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Personally, I’m still a believer in Americans’ collective wisdom. But the assault by social media, certain cable-TV hosts and the guy in the White House is testing that. Asked to sell her vote by a man she thought was a Russian operative, one woman replied, “I like your hat.” The video may be found at: Peter Funt is a writer and speaker. His book, “Cautiously Optimistic,” is available at and A list of Peter Funt’s upcoming live appearances is also available at www.
We’re not sure how often Clint Younts recommends washing hands, but we know that he tends to clean his esophagus with Lone Star Beer.
Hays Free Press
to flaws in the election process – from failed Guest apps in Iowa all the way to evidence of Russian Column interference. Yes, Elijah by Peter Funt was polite and friendly, but where was the outrage? I was expecting in November. at least a few of the two One Sanders support- dozen people he coner expressed apparent fronted to be what we enthusiasm for the first call “finger-waggers.” request, but quickly We were looking for turned negative after the type of citizen who hearing the second part. would lecture us about “That’s not going to how “You can’t do this happen,” she said about in America!” voting for Trump. Instead, we had a A male voter seemed college student who to like the Trump deal, listened to the pitch and asking “How much then exclaimed, “That’s do you want to buy so cool!” (my vote) for?” He lost A few weeks earliinterest when informed er in Reno, Nevada, I that the payment was in pretended to be from rubles. Canada and asked Another fellow in voters about the rules a tie-dyed shirt who for caucusing. A few got self-identified as a parts right, but none Trump-supporting “T was fully able to explain Man,” examined the the process – especially 10 ruble note and then “early caucusing,” in happily accepted it to which Nevadans were cement his support for required to list their the president. top five choices for the Although our show’s presidential nominalibrary, compiled over tion. seven decades by my Others were totally father, Allen Funt, and confused about the myself, is widely used caucus day itself. “Pete in college psychology had a caucus, Elizabeth classes, we’ve never Warren had a caucus, promoted our work as Joseph Biden had a being scientific. Rather, caucus,” insisted one the clips serve to profellow. “So how many vide real-life support for caucuses do you have?” themes that experts are I asked. Answer: “I analyzing. don’t know.” A womIn this case, our exan summed it up: “It’s periment underscores America. They’re trying the fact that Americans to confuse the hell out have been desensitized of us.”
approving all these new subdivisions along 967 (a two-lane highway with a turning lane) do more to address the current traffic shortcomings? Why not make the developers provide I-35 access to The Colony at
Barton Publications, Inc. News tips: Opinions:
Reporters Camelia Juarez, Sahar Chmais Columnists Bartee Haile, Pauline Tom, Clint Younts
Proofreaders Jane Kirkham Marketing Director Tracy Mack Marketing Specialist James Darby
Cole Springs and The Bailey Tract rather than funneling another two or three thousand cars through downtown Buda twice a day? Don’t appease us by saying 45 will eventually connect to I-35. We saw how long that last section took.
Maybe it’s time for Buda City Council to address the current problems its residents face before worrying about increasing their tax coffers through uncontrolled growth. Philip Dunham Buda
113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640 512-268-7862 Production Manager David White Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia Office Manager
Verna Wommack Circulation/Classifieds David White, Verna Wommack Distribution Kimberlee Griffon
Page 4
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Buda business owners frustrated by city BY CAMELIA JUAREZ
Downtown Buda is growing rapidly to the delight of visitors and residents, but business owners question the city’s ability to keep up with the growth. Several merchants and business owners have faced unprecedented challenges getting their businesses open downtown and miscommunication with the city is the common cautionary tale. The Hays Free Press spoke to several business owners, who wish to remain anonymous, and will print an additional story with the city’s perspective for clarification in hopes of better understanding the issues. One business owner found spelling errors and inconsistencies within the Buda Unified Code after city officials told him information that contradicted city code. A different business owner received an apology letter from a city official on behalf of the yelling and unprofessional behavior of a city employee. A business owner who has businesses in other small cities said the experience in other cities is much easier and less of a hassle. The Buda Mercantile or the old “1898 Building” on historic Main Street has been transformed into the local-centric retail store has finally opened its doors – a year later than expected. Project managers Michelle Beebe and Tania DeGregorio were putting the last of their local inventory on decorative wood shelves as they shared a cautionary tale about the roadblocks they faced. “I feel like it's a responsibility for people like us to make sure that the next person that comes up doesn't go through it like
picture, we brought our specialists to make sure that the representatives are getting the correct information which, by the way, involves us paying and printing for UPC code and Secretary of Interior standards, you know, that wasn't cheap,” Beebe said. Several members of the HPC did not show up to the monthly meeting, which meant two things. The first level of frustration was
that the renovations could not be approved without a quorum of committee members present. The second concern was that the project managers were losing money by paying their specialists to come to a worthless meeting. Despite the struggles along the way, Beebe and DeGregorio are grateful for the community support and to finally make their vision a reality.
The Buda Mercantile owners knew meeting with Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) was part of the process, but grew frustrated with the HPC when committee members failed to show up to an important meeting and no action could be taken by the HPC because a quorum was not present.
need more evidence that that was approved’ and we said, ‘well, we're done doing your job for you.’” Due to the historical status of the building they renovated, every alteration had to be approved by the Historical Preservation Committee (HPC). The HPC is an advisory board for city council and handles historic preservation in the city’s historic district, including events and projects. The committee is composed of seven volunteers who meet once a month to decide historical matters. The Buda Mercantile owners knew meeting that. We want to make sure A city official asked the with HPC was part of the that we don't run into any project managers to promore roadblocks. We want vide proof that the awning process, but grew frustrated with the HPC when to have an open commuwas approved, so they committee members nicative relationship, so provided several forms of failed to show up to an we don't run into issues. evidence only to be told it important meeting and no And that is not at all what wasn’t enough evidence. action could be taken by we've experienced so far,” “We called her. We said the HPC because a quoBeebe said. ‘hey, we talked to all these rum was not present. One battle with the city people. Here's the written The important meetwas over the awning on word for it says that it was ing was for the HPC to the side of the building. approved seven-to-zero approve several renovaWhen the sun hits it for by the HPC. Here is the tions, so Buda Mercantile a few hours each day, a video link that shows project managers paid shadow effect with the that they approved it and their engineers and historname Buda Mercantile hits here's everything where it the side of the building; discusses the cutout in the ic preservation specialist extra money to appear at Instagram comments of awning and showed her a the awning are evidence of picture,’” Beebe said. “And the HPC meeting. “To give HPC a full community support. she said, ‘Well, I'm going to
We’re proud to be member-led Looking to actively serve your fellow PEC members? We’re accepting nominations for board directors in districts 2, 3, and 4. Nomination materials are due Monday, March 23, at 5 p.m. Learn more at
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Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Page 5
Some Kyle road projects progress, others face issues BY SAHAR CHMAIS
Some current road projects in Kyle are facing issues, but most are going according to plan. Leon Barba, city engineer, presented a quick and thorough update about where the projects stand and how some of their issues will be handled.
on them,” Mitchell addressed Barba.
Burleson Street is 74 percent complete. The section from Center Street to Rodriguez Street is open only to local traffic with workers in the section. The Burleson Street project is also facing an issue. Due to groundLEHMAN ROAD AND water levels, Schlemmer BRIDGE AT PLUM CREEK Street and Live Oak Street are distressed, Barba Lehman Road overall said. When the contractor is a little more than 50 first scanned for water, percent completed. The the levels were much bridge at Plum Creek is 40 percent complete and lower. Recently, the water its estimated completion tables in the area have become higher and the is April. paint is starting to crack Earlier this year, there open. was an issue discovered The engineer, conwith the hot mix for the section of FM 150 to Ma- sultant and the lab are sonwood Drive. If they do trying to figure how they need to fix this newfound not fix it, the durability water issue. Originally, of the road is subject to they needed to paint one be lowered and will lose life faster. To repair it, the more coat over the street, but now they have to fix contractor will remove the water situation before the top three inches of moving forward. the road. If the second North of Rodriguez layer is not up to par, they will remove another Street to south of the roundabout, the road three inches. Replacement will be at no cost to is closed, and Burleson Street north of the roundthe city. about is open to local To fix the hot mix, they plan to start milling traffic only. Utility work north of the roundabout around March 18. The is 50 percent complete; city will start advertising the project around March soon, they will start fixing the road. 11 to give residents a The estimated comheads up on the road pletion for the Burleson closure. Street project is in June. Barba said they are Beside the updates expecting the overall project on Lehman Road on the road work, Barba to be complete by August, listed three consent items but Mayor Travis Mitchell on the city council’s agenda. is skeptical. The first is the South“[This] makes me a little nervous about our side Wastewater Imcontractor, but I have ROAD PROJECTS, 11 faith in you, please stay
From left, trail builders for the city of Kyle’s Parks Department are Benito Pereda, Mariana Espinoza, Jimmy Gonzales, Sotero Nino, Stacy Anderson, Amado Gomez, Angel Cadena and Martin Rangel.
Emerald Crown Trail: County supports trail Continued from pg. 1
roads,” he said. A “work group” to facilitate the process of establishing and maintaining the Emerald Crown Trail has been meeting since its formation in 2017, Sherwood told the court, which was led by Pct. 1 Commissioner Debbie Gonzales Ingalsbe in the absence of County Judge Ruben Becerra. Ingalse, along with Pct. 3 Commissioner Lon Shell, sponsored Sherwood’s presentation to the court, and also a resolution, later passed by a unanimous vote, to support the Emerald Crown Trail. As envisioned, the trail would connect points from San Marcos north to Austin, meeting up with the established Violet Crown Trail west of Buda near Onion Creek. Sherwood said the work group has stakeholders from the county as well as Kyle, Buda and San Marcos and that the initiate has the support of the Meadows Center for Water and the Envi-
The Emerald Crown Trail would connect points from San Marcos north to Austin, meeting up with the established Violet Crown Trail west of Buda near Onion Creek. ronment as well as the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority, the Hill Country Conservancy, the Department of Geography at Texas State University and Take a Hike. Additionally, the project has been awarded a grant from the National Park System’s Rivers and Trails program. Another supporter of the Emerald Crown Trail is the Great Springs Project, which envisions a trails system between Austin and San Antonio that would connect the “great springs” of Barton Springs, San Marcos Springs, Comal Springs and San Antonio Springs. Bishop said the trail will offer endless possi-
where they don’t want trails.” For purposes of planning, the trail has been divided in 12 segments. One, Bishop said, will be from San Marcos to Five Mile Dam; the next from there to the northern Kyle city limits; then through Buda to the terminus of the Violet bilities for recreation and Crown Trail. would vary from natural The portion of the trail surfaces, to crushed through Kyle is ambirock, to, in some cases, tious. A portion of it will pavement, and would meander through the including signage for Plum Creek Preserve that mileage, trailheads and abuts Lake Kyle. It will more. Eventually, he said, run beneath Interstate 35 it could be lined to other and parallel Jack C. Hays trails that would expand Trail on its way northit to the north, south, ward. Kyle has assigned east and west. the two-person crew of Currently, the project Benito Pereda and Stacy is in its first “phase” of Anderson to build the 3.8 brainstorming. Still to mile portion of the trail come will be opportuwithin the park. nities for public engageWorking with chainment and preliminary saws, they are clearing route planning. a path wide enough for Bishop said though the Gators that will be some landowners have further improved as indicated they would the project progresses. allow the trail through Currently, there are no their property, he has deadlines associated also “heard from people with the project.
Congratulations, John B. Sanford Realtor John B. Sanford was named Businessperson of the Year at the 2020 Buda Chamber of Commerce Gala this weekend! We're thankful to the chamber for this recognition. As we grow, Buda grows!
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Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Get your Bluebird nextboxes here
Left to right, front row first, are: Sheriff Gary Cutler, Captain Julie Villalpando, William Kelly, Allyson Watts, Anna Liska, Ashlee Watts, Chief Deputy Mike Davenport, Instructor Edward Martell. Back row: David Velasco, Danny Castro, Cody Halvorson, Larry Fults, John Wray, Santiago Alfaro, Mark Williams and Joseph Wilburn.
Hays County graduates new class of corrections officers On Monday, Hays County Sheriff Gary Cutler presented certificates to the newest graduating class of the Hays County Basic Corrections Officer Academy, BCAT Class 15. Ten Hays County cor-
rections officers and two Caldwell County corrections officers successfully completed the program. The program consisted of more than 120 hours of intense training designed to meet or exceed the
Texas Commission on Jail Standards. Cadets learned basic concepts such as history, ethics and liability, jail procedures including booking, records and searches; and safety to include use
of force, defense tactics, headcounts and facility security. Cutler congratulated the graduates as they began their new career in the corrections field of law enforcement.
Kyle fine-tuning concept of Heroes Memorial Park Heroes Memorial Park is the working title for a Kyle area project expected to be unveiled on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 – but it’s an apt one for what would be the area’s first veterans memorial. Several years ago, U.S. military veteran and then Kyle City Council member David Wilson came up with an idea to build a memorial for veterans, but the idea was never enacted – until recently. Kyle City Council members recently revived the project and this time instead of budget limited to $10,000, the city is starting with $1.5 million. The concept has been enhanced to include veterans and first responders, but there are still many details to work through. The city is also planning to build a new police station in proximity to the park, which will surround the retention pond on the corner of FM 1626 and Kohlers Crossing. “Kyle has never had a veterans memorial,” council member Dex Ellison said. “I think this is a unique opportunity not only to pay homage and respect to our veterans and our first responders, but also, how cool is it to use waste from our city and school district and other surrounding areas that TDS collects to build that memorial.” Ellison expressed his excitement for how the park will be constructed. The $1.5 million, granted to the city by Texas Disposal Systems as part of a new contract signed earlier this year, was given half in check form and half in materials. Ellison said recycling is right in his wheelhouse, so he cannot wait to use the donated concrete and metal scraps to build the park. Ideas for whom the park will commemorate are still on the drawing board, but the members have some leads. For example, the
“Kyle has never had a veteran’s memorial. I think this is a unique opportunity not only to pay homage and respect to our veterans and our first responders, but also, how cool is it to use waste from our city and school district and other surrounding areas that TDS collects to build that memorial.” –Dex Ellison, Kyle City Council member
city wanted to include first responders because some Kyle and surrounding area first responders have lost their lives in the line of duty. Council members are also trying to get ideas as to who or which wars to include in this three-tofour-acre park. Charrettes were conducted with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, first responders such as the EMS, police officers and firefighters. The charettes helps the city know if it wants to include veterans and wars, which wars it might include, or if the city does not include wars, only names for those they want to include.
Soon, the city will hold a public meeting to get residents’ consensus and ideas to add to the information it already has. The price tag on the park has not yet been determined, and many steps need to be taken before
final costs can be calculated. Ellison said this is a backward approach from what the city usually does, but he has an optimistic manner that made him see this as a unique opportu-
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through a distributor, the organization gives a free nestbox. Nestboxes can be purchased for $25 including sales tax. How was your Valentine’s Day? A few of you have followed this column for years and will not be surprised that RonTom gave to me the same old Valentine. Before heading to the hospital for his knee replacement, he pulled out the card in its tattered envelope. The morning he returned home from surgery was Valentine’s Day. He presented to me the now priceless Valentine from the mid-70s that moved into a manila envelope after several years. It reads “To My Valentine for “ and each year, year after year, is “x’d” through as a new year gets added. I created a cape for KissMe with a white and red fabric Valentine placemat and binder clip. He made an adorable Valentine carrier. Many in Mountain City checked on RonTom, some from the street and some through FaceBook. Peggy Meador, our YMCA arthritis aqua exercise instructor, had the class sign a get well card for him and it was hand delivered by Brett Meador. For all the prayers and sentiments, we are grateful. Congratulations to Drew Hilton on earning Eagle Scout status in February. Please email tidbits to, subject: Tidbit.
“Without the element of surprise, there is no delight,” Marketing wizard, Roy Williams, in his Monday Morning Memo, shared recently. My thoughts immediately went to bluebirds and Texas Bluebird Society No wonder the organization has been so successful. Bluebirds bring such beautiful surprises. What a surprise Mr. Bluebird gave to me when he, a delightful harbinger of hope, sat on a front yard nestbox when I returned home with Ron Tom after his knee replacement in mid-February. What a surprise when I turned off the lawnmower that Sunday and heard a sweet chortle in the backyard. Filled with delight, I invited RonTom to sit on back porch with me. A bluebird landed on a nestbox back there. Always the surprise appearance of various elements of nesting /NestWatch‘ing (courtship, nesting material, blue eggs, hatchlings, empty nest) bring delight. Who would not want their life filled with this? For RonTom and me, getting to this point (with bluebirds in front yard and in the back), was 20 years in the making. For those with appropriate habitat, a bluebird nestbox brings the hope of attracting a bluebird through the provision of a missing element – a cavity for nesting. Thank you, God, for bluebirds in Mountain City. If you’d like a bluebird nestbox, I’m a volunteer Nestbox Distributor for Texas Bluebird Society, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. With a $20 new membership purchased face-to-face
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Page 7
Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning’s staff as the naRev. tional Episcopal Church’s Canon Director of Government Robert J. Relations for 10 years. Brooks During that time, he repD.D., resented the public policy Episcopal positions of the church to priest for the White House, Con46 years, gress, Executive Branch, died Febdiplomatic community ruary 29, 2020, leaving and foreign heads of state behind a significant legand government. He acy in the areas of public played a back-channel policy and liturgics. role for Presiding BishBrooks was born and op Edmond Browning raised in Austin, and was during peace negotiations the son of R. Max Brooks, in El Salvador. For his noted architect of the extraordinary service, he LBJ Library, the Johnson was installed as lifetime Space Center, NASA in Honorary Canon of the Houston, and the Labor Diocese of El Salvador. Building in Washington, From January 2000 – D.C. Brooks spent many February 2001 he was years visiting President Director of the Business and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson Partnership for a New at the LBJ Ranch. He was Global Future where he a leader of young Demoorganized the corporate crats in the state of Texas coalition in support of full and president of the Youth Congressional funding for for Kennedy-Johnson in debt relief for the world's 1960. Brooks was a mem- poorest countries which ber Austin High School’s passed the U. S. Congress Class of 1965 and gradin October 2000. Beginuated from St. Edward’s ning in 2004, he became University in 1970 where rector of St. Paul’s Episcohe served as president of pal Church in Willimantic, St. Edward's University Connecticut for several Students' Association, Inc. years. He retired to his and as a member of the beloved Texas for the last Board of Trustees. few years of his life while Answering a call to be remaining canonically a priest in the Episcopal resident in the Diocese Church, he graduated of Connecticut. Brooks from the Church Divinreceived an honorary ity School of the Pacific Doctorate of Divinity (CDSP) in Berkeley, from CDSP in 2015. California in 1973. He Brooks was equally at was named vicar of All home discussing liturgy Saints, Baytown, Texas, by and public policy, which Bishop Milton Richardson he interwove into his in 1973. He was ordained long ministry. He served a priest in the Diocese on the church’s Standing of Texas in 1974 serving Liturgical Commission, All Saints for 10 during was a member of Internawhich he introduced the tional Anglican Liturgical catechumenate, a rite to Consultation (IALC), the prepare candidates for North American Academy baptism. During his time of Liturgy, and was an at All Saints, he earned Episcopal representative a Master of Arts Degree to the Anglican Consulin Theology/Theological tation on Liturgy and Studies with an emphaserved as vice president sis on liturgics from the of Associated Parishes for University of Notre Dame. Liturgy and Mission. After He also was a commissary his retirement he served to the Diocese of Namibia as chair of the Episcopal in southern Africa. Urban Caucus, a social Following his service to justice organization. the Diocese of Texas he Despite his very busy was canonically resident, life, he found time to but not domicile, in the serve as a commander in Diocese of Hawaii from the Most Venerable Order 1983 until 1988 when of the Hospital of Saint he was transferred to John of Jerusalem, an the Diocese of Washingorganization where he enton where he served on joyed many friendships.
Buda, Texas • 15300 S. IH-35 • 312-1615
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203 Railroad Street Downtown Buda Pharmacy 312-2111 Fountain 312-2172
He also was a longtime member of Friends of the LBJ Library. Brooks was preceded in death by his father R. Max Brooks and mother Marietta Moody Brooks. He was also preceded in death by former partner Kevin Gessler. Brooks is survived by his partner and companion of many years, Adisak 'Toi' Nernbok, and Adisak’s son, Autophon 'Auti". Brooks is also survived by one sister and 2 nephews. Further survivors include longtime friends: Rev. Canon Brian Grieves, Garey Atkinson and Manuel Lopez, Robert H. Dunlap Jr., Lindy Hutchinson, Veronica Irwin, and Mike Walton, Hector De Leon, Miguel Linares, James C. Todd, and Bill and Marcy Leonard, along with a host of grieving friends, former parishioners and former colleagues who cherished his fine intellect, his delightful sense of humor and wisdom born of a long life well lived. Reverend Canon Robert Brooks’ life will be celebrated with a wake at Harrell Funeral Home in Kyle from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 12. Funeral services will follow at 11 a.m. Friday March 13 at Saint Alban’s Episcopal Church, 11819 S Ih 35, Austin, followed by a reception at Saint Alban’s. Interment will take place at Austin Memorial Park, 2800 Hancock Drive Austin, Texas at 2:30 pm, March 13. Visit to share a fond memory, photograph, or condolence with Robert’s friends and family on his online memorial site.
CARVER Christopher Lynn Carver died on February 29, 2020 at the age of 51 in Kyle. He was born Dec. 18, 1968 in Victoria, Texas. Carver is the son of Judith and Gary Carver (adoptive father) of Georgetown and Dr. Lynn and Lisa Thompson
Locally owned and operated by Jimmy and Cindi Ferguson
NON-DENOMINATIONAL Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle
First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda
Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle
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Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W.
St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland CHRISTIAN
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
1100 Main Street • Buda, Texas 78610 Office: 512-312-2520 • Fax: 512-295-2034 • Rev. David Leibham, Pastor • Rev. Amado Ramos, Assoc. Pastor CONFESSION Saturdays: 4 p.m.-5 p.m. MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday evening: 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. (Spanish), 11 a.m. (English) 5 p.m. (English)
OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda EPISCOPAL St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca LUTHERAN Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland The Well Buda
CATHOLIC Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda
Texas Crossword, from page 6
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Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770
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METHODIST Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle Journey United Methodist 4301 Benner Rd, Kyle, Tx St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor
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Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda
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Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN
Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca
St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca
Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle
Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170
First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666
Elm Street & San Marcos
*Traditional Worship (Worship Center)-9 a.m. Sunday School (all ages)-10:00 a.m.
*Informal Worship (Worship Center)-11 a.m. Wednesday Evening (Chapel)-6:30 p.m.
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Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle
New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda
Buda United Methodist Church
Click on the “Give Now” button and select ACC Foundation Memorial Scholarship. Under gift type, click on “In Memory Of “ and enter Christopher Carver. For questions, you can contact the ACC Foundation office at (512) 223-7743. Visit to share a fond memory, photograph, or condolence with Carver’s family on his online memorial site.
Debbie Thames Insurance Agency
Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda
Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor
McDonald’s of Buda
11 a.m. Saturday, March 14 at Harrell Funeral Home in Kyle. Internment of remains will be immediately following at Kyle Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family would like to establish a scholarship in his name through Austin Community College Foundation. Gifts can be made at 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, TX 78752 or online at www.
Come worship with us
Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle
Your Hometown McDonald’s
(affectionately known as Tom) of Austin, and the husband of Tina (Cook) Carver, of Kyle. Carver led a full and rich life. He graduated from Athens High School and immediately entered the Navy Reserves, serving 10 years as a Marine Combat Medic, including in Operation Desert Storm. He attended Austin College in Sherman and was an active member of the Chi Delta Eta fraternity, where he and his brothers made many memories. He was a friend to everyone, and established life-long friendships that he cherished until his death. Carver worked for the Texas Department of Health in Austin providing technical and facilitative support to EMS providers in Central and East Texas. He then served as a paramedic and flight medic for Lubbock EMS, specializing in burn patients, pediatrics and women’s health. His calling to higher education began at Texas Tech University, as the EMS Education Coordinator, and continued at Austin Community College as a Professor of Emergency Medical Services, where he taught until his death. Carver shared his undying passion for EMS with all of his students and peers and has left a permanent legacy on the profession in Central Texas. He is survived by his wife Tina Carver, daughter Sophia Cook Carver, daughter Taylor Adair Carver Black of St. Louis, Missouri, step-daughters Tatum and Taylor Jund of Pflugerville, step-daughter Lindsay Brooks Nault and husband Justin Nault of Lawrence, Kansas, granddaughter Harper Renee Nault, brother Dustin Carver of Georgetown, brother Sam Morris and wife Jennifer of Elk Grove, CA, and nieces Megan and Laura Morris of Elk Grove, CA. He additionally leaves behind his parents, cousins and a host of friends, students and peers. Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, March 13 at Harrell Funeral Home in Kyle. Memorial Service will be held
Sudoku Puzzle, from page 6
First Baptist Church
Hays Hills
A loving & caring Southern Baptist Church 104 S. San Marcos Street, Buda Buddy Johnson, Pastor • 295-2161
Baptist Church
Sunday School...........................................9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Classic Service 10:45 a.m. Contemporary service
Wednesday Bible Study/Youth Activities...6:00 p.m.
Adult (including an 8:30 a.m. early bird class), teen, children’s classes * Children’s worship Professionally-staffed nursery & pre-school
Morning Worship....................................10:45 a.m. AWANA’s (Wednesday)..........................6:00 p.m. 1401 N. FM 1626
Nursery Provided •
Page 8
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Lobos soccer draws 1-1 with Anderson BY SHANE SCHOLWINSKI
thing we’ve been working on is to go the ball, crash it Playing the role of and then someone follow spoiler Friday, the Lehbehind that,” Lehman man Lobos boys soccer head coach Rene Medina team placed the Anderson said. “It worked out for us, Trojans’ playoff hopes in so it's good to see training jeopardy following a 1-1 tie come into the game and at Lobo Field. work out.” Lehman put together a Despite an offensive solid performance against surge by the Trojans in a Trojans team that is still the second half, the Lobo fighting for a playoff spot defense held strong by not with only a few regular-sea- allowing an Anderson goal son games remaining. the rest of the way. AnderBoth scores came in the son rattled off eight total opening half of play with shots in the contest, four of Anderson jumping on those on goal. the board first within ten For Medina, the Lobos minutes on the clock on met their goal of improving a corner kick that found their game-to-game shot its way into the net on the ratio. back post. But Lehman anLehman outshot Answered back at the 15-min- derson 16-12 in the game, ute mark with a score by including a 10-7 on-goal senior Erick Marin, who ratio. cleaned up a free-kick “That's something we’ve rebound off the Trojans been really keeping count goalkeeper. of is our shot-ratio,” said “We’ve been working Medina. “You know what on free kicks, and the big team is getting more shots.
We did really good in the first half, second half we didn’t do as good on that. That's something we need to put a full game together.” Lehman got solid performances from its backline defense and two goalkeepers Marshal DuKett and Jose Flores. DuKett and Flores split time in the goal with each playing one half, and they combined for 10 total saves. “Both goalies were solid in there,” Medina said. “We’ve been big on them communicating with their backline, and the defense getting organized. The attack telling them what to do, the information and instructions. They did that.” In addition to the improvement in defense and shot-ratio, Medina was impressed by the Lobos’ mid-field transition against the Trojans. Medina said he thought freshman mid-
fielder Adrian Perez had a great game controlling the transition, especially late in the second half. “We’ve been on them about mid-field transition a lot, like who’s going to win that mid-field battle,” Medina said. “When possession and transitions are there in the mid-field, when the possession changes what happens? Are we going to win it back and get into our attacking third, or are they going to win it back and get into our defensive third. So we did a good job of that tonight.” Despite a season’s worth of struggles, Lehman seeks to close out the 2020 campaign with a win Friday against Akins at 7:45 p.m. “The season hasn’t gone the way would’ve liked,” Medina said. “We’ve just got to show that we have some character and some mental fortitude to finish out strong.”
Lobos’ Edwin Baltran (10) dribbles past an Anderson defender during Friday’s game.
Cavaliers trounce Hays soccer 4-0 on senior night BY SHANE SCHOLWINSKI
missed multiple pointblank shots in front of Senior night wasn’t kind the goal. Hays’ offensive for the Hays boys soccer attack was in rhythm for team (11-8-4) Tuesday as the opening of the first the Rebels were shut out half but got into a rut after 4-0 by the state-ranked two missed shots within Lake Travis Cavaliers (16six yards from the goal. 2-4) in their home finale at Lake Travis then went on a Shelton Stadium. run of its own to take a 2-0 “Nobody wants to lose lead by halftime. on their last home game “Our first ten to fifteen night, but I think they gave minutes we were connectit their all and they tried ing passes well, but they really hard,” Rebels head scored on us and we kinda coach Cole Reynolds said. went head down and start“I’m really proud of those ed playing flat,” Reynolds guys, they’ve been doing said. “We had six to seven that for me all year.” good opportunities, but Missed opportunities just couldn’t put it in the plagued the Rebels at the net tonight.” start of both halves as they The second half was
Hays CISD selections to the 25-6A boys basketball All District team
nearly identical to the first as the Rebels struggled to produce after missing potential game-changing shots. Instead, the Cavaliers added two more goals to the scoreboard, creating an insurmountable lead. “We were right there, just weren’t able to convert the points tonight,” Reynolds said. “Not only does it affect the scoreline, but it affects the players with their outlook and their attitude. We’ve done pretty well coming back from that kind of thing this season, we weren’t able to put that together tonight.”
COACH OF THE YEAR Matt Sandoval, Hays
FIRST TEAM HAYS Caden Doyle Luke Watson
Hays’ Andres Gomez Jaimes, left, and Cooper Cawley particiHAYS BOYS SOCCER, 13 pate in a three-way head butt with a Cavalier opponent.
Austin Maroons blasts Hays softball 6-1 BY MOSES LEOS III
Six unanswered Austin Maroons runs tallied in the final five frames Tuesday spoiled the Hays Rebel softball team’s home opener in a 6-1 loss. Austin’s ability to exact damage with limited outs played a primary role in Rebel struggles. All six Maroon runs were scored with two outs in a frame. Inexperience in handling high pressure situations was Hays’ downfall, an issue that allowed Austin to extend innings, Rebel head coach Lisa Cone said. “We have a lot of people new to varsity. It’s understanding it’s a different game. It’s a lot more pressure,” Cone said. “We have to learn how to adjust to that. That has something to do with it.” Hays (9-5, 2-2) captured a 1-0 lead after two innings via a solo home run from catcher Annaliese Rodriguez. However, Austin began its comeback by tallying a run in the third and fourth frames to take a 2-1 lead. The Maroons maintained momentum in the fifth
six strikeouts in seven innings of work. While Austin’s offense thrived, Rebel
bats couldn’t find their rhythm. Hays scatted only
Will Agnew Zack Harris
As teammates watch on behind her, Hays Rebel Emily Palacio (12) leaps to secure a relay throw to the infield following an Austin base hit in the seventh inning Tuesday.
frame when a two-out single allowed Jayda Lafleur to have an unexpected at-bat. Lafleur capitalized with a two-run home run, giving the Maroons a 4-1 lead. Lexie Aleman padded
the Maroons’ lead with a two-run home run to left center field in the seventh inning, giving Austin a 6-1 advantage. All told, Austin High tallied eight hits off of Rebel pitcher Katie Noble, who finished with Tammie is a spayed female, 4 year old, Rottweiler Mix. She has giant, beautiful, brown eyes that she’ll use to win your heart (and your treats!). In fact, once she has your attention, she will do the “Tammie crazy dance”. It’s quite a sight! Tammie loves swimming, walks, and toys. In the right home, we know Tammie will flourish into a confident, amazing companion.
Hays’ Aleman heads to UST in Houston
Space City will be the home for Hays High softball player Carla Aleman in fall 2020 after she signed her letter of intent March 9 to play at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. Helping to celebrate Aleman's signing were parents Yvette and Carlos Aleman, Hays High softball head coach Lisa Cone, American Freedom club softball coach Ricky Noska, as well as numerous family and friends. The University of St. Thomas, a NCAA Division III school, competes in the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference.
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Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Page 9
First Lockhart National Bank is taking prudent steps to ensure our continued delivery of excellent banking services while keeping our Team members and valued customers as safe as possible. We are fortunate that Central Texas has apparently not been impacted by COVID -19 and we are taking full advantage of this time to carefully prepare for less favorable conditions so that we act in ways that inhibit, rather than spread, the virus. First Lockhart National Bank is:
PHOTO BY MOSES LEOS III Lehman Lady Lobo Hannah Loya (10) gets a foot in front of an Ann Richards School player in a battle for possession of the soccer ball.
Lady Lobo soccer is playoff bound BY MOSES LEOS III
For the first time in four seasons, the Lehman Lady Lobos girls soccer team is playoff bound. By virtue of a 2-1 win over Austin Anderson March 3, Lehman officially punched the program's first ticket to the playoffs since the 2015 campaign, as well as the second time Lehman has qualified for the postseason at the 6A level. Lobo Hannah Loya tallied both of Lehman's goals against Anderson. In addition, Lehman also secured the third place spot out of 25-6A with a
Lake Travis 14-1-1 Westlake 11-1-4 Lehman 11-3-2 Austin 9-5-2 Bowie 8-4-4 Anderson 7-7-2 Hays 4-9-3 Ann Richards 3-11-2 Del Valle 1-13-2 Akins 1-15
2-1 win over Bowie on the road Friday. The 2020 UIL girls soccer playoffs begin March 26-28.
1) Reminding you that our state-of-the-art banking technology makes almost all your banking needs possible electronically. Our banking services that are available electronically include online and mobile banking where you can set up bill payments, funds transfer, mobile check deposit, stop payments, reorder checks, update your mailing address, send customer service a secure message for any inquiry and view account statements. On you can open and fund accounts as well as apply for a loan. If you are unfamiliar with the banking technology that we provide or need a refresher course on how to access these resources, please call us. 2) Instituting a more frequent cleaning of our common areas, especially those that are frequently touched. 3) Providing our Teammates with paid time away from the Bank should circumstances develop that require their quarantine. We are investing in additional resources that will allow such affected Teammates to continue serving you remotely. 4) Urging all Team members to refrain from unnecessary travel within the United States or internationally, especially to any part of the country where the virus is known to be active or to any country with a CDC Level 3 travel health restriction. We urge you to be similarly cautious. 5) Requiring any Team member who has any possibility of having been exposed to COVID-19 to get tested and to begin the appropriate self-quarantine period. We urge you to follow the same precautions. We will provide updates to the COVID-19 response on our Facebook page, our website and by email as changing circumstances warrant. If you have any questions about this letter, please call me on my direct line at 512-620-9139. If you have any questions about how you can handle your banking needs remotely, please call us at 512398-3416. Sincerely,
Mark Sheffield President/CEO
Austin 319 W Slaughter Ln Austin, TX 78748
Margaret Dailey Chairman of the Board
Kyle 800 West FM 150 Kyle, TX 78640
Lockhart 111 S Main St Lockhart, TX 78644
San Marcos 2507 Hunter Rd San Marcos, TX 78666
Page 10
48.1% say Coronavirus is a bunch of hype
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020 What is your fear/panic level with the Coronavirus on a scale of 1 to 5? One being the lowest level of concern.
Have you increased your online shopping or curbside shopping because of the virus?
Have you changed your daily routine or hygiene habits because of the Coronavirus scare?
Have you used any new online shopping or curbside shopping options for the first time because of the virus?
Are you making preparations for an outbreak by stocking up on food and supplies?
Do you think the Coronavirus scare is just a bunch of hype?
The Hays Free Press asked its audience its opinions about the Coronavirus. Out of 110 participants, this is what they had to say: This is a media driven scare tactic. It’s so out of hand. The reporting is only driven to encourage fear so people will keep watching the news. As someone that has been in and around the healthcare field for over 15+ years, I cannot grasp the mass hysteria the media is causing over the coronavirus. The flu virus causes many more deaths annually. Many other issues such as cancer, AIDS, opioid’s addiction and suicide cause many more deaths per day than this virus. Is anyone focusing on these MAJOR issues, well no, these are not “breaking” stories to scare people who are easily swayed by taking every media story to heart rather than just doing 30 minutes of research for themselves. Fear is a powerful tool which is being used to best advantage regarding the coronavirus. Prevention is simple, wash your hands (something we SHOULD have already been doing) cough/sneeze into your elbow, and stay home if you are sick, simple! I personally believe that it has been spreading in the US for much longer. I even had
a bad virus back in January that kept me down for 3 weeks after traveling through DFW airport in late December where many people from China were traveling. My doctor was confused and couldn’t explain what it was when my tests for flu, mono, and strep all came back negative with how weak and miserable I felt. They just said I had a bad infection and gave me some antibiotics. Be prepared by stocking up on things you would already use. We’re freezing a lot of meals & preparing for a home self-quarantine up to 2 months. Better safe than sorry. Fake news. Regular influenza is more dangerous. The biggest threat with this virus is people panicking and causing a shortage of food and supplies. As far as extra precautions for hygiene, hand washing and staying home if you are sick should be something one does even if there is not a current outbreak of a virus. I have a 13-year-old heart and cancer patient having open heart surgery on March 10. She is also immunocom-
promised so any virus can be deadly to children like her. I think people should prepare now before it arrives here. It is only a matter of time. I work with young children so I’m already constantly washing my hands, disinfecting items, and practicing illness prevention techniques in my daily life. I’m honestly more scared of catching the flu from my school kiddos and I have gotten my flu shot. I understand the precautions people are taking but it hasn’t affected my personal health habits. I’m very concerned about the misinformation coming from the White House and the effect it has on the general public and the disregard for the advice of health professionals I am concerned, but not in panic mode, I am immune compromised so for me it’s normal to be careful, wash hands etc. The numbers you see online are scary, but who knows how true they are. It’s like any other virus out there. A bit unknown, but with caution all is well.
Coronavirus: Wimberley couple moved to military base Continued from pg. 1
for alarm,” Chief Medical officer Dr. Emilio Carranca said. “The university is committed to protecting the health of our Texas State community and will continue to closely monitor the evolving coronavirus situation. University business and classes will continue as usual.” Last week, the county’s Epidemiologist Dr. Eric Schneider confirmed others in the county are also in self-imposed quarantine because they “believe they may have been exposed to a confirmed case.” Schneider added that those individuals are being monitored. Among the cruise ship passengers are Skip Casteel and his wife Anna of Wimberley. Casteel’s brother Wayne Casteel told the Hays Free Press that his brother is insulin dependent and his sister-in-law underwent heart bypass surgery not long ago and still needs medication. He said both had faced challenges getting their medication while onboard
the ship, and that supplies beyond what they now have will be sent to their final destination, presumably Lackland AFB in San Antonio. “Somebody decided they would send the rest of it to their destination, wherever that is,” Wayne Casteel said. “There are 90 people on board from Texas, so they will either be sent to Lackland or some place in Georgia.” He said neither had been tested for the virus, but that the couple remains in “pretty good” spirits. At the time they boarded the Diamond Princess, they were avid cruisers and had another trip already lined up. “We’ve canceled that,” he said. Skip Casteel is a former deputy with the Hays County Sheriff’s Office who retired in 2011. Officials at the County Health Department, meanwhile have established a “monitoring protocol” that will be explained to individuals if they have
Disease control, noted that good health practices for keeping the virus at bay are similar to ones people use to avoid catching the flu – but stressed that the two are very different diseases. Symptoms of COVID 19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath that can show up as soon as two days after exposure, but can also not show up for up to two weeks. Flu symptoms not associated with COVID 19 include headache, chills, body ache, sore throat, fatigue, stuffy nose and/or sneezing. More recent advisories reiterate what Schneider had previously advised for local residents, including washing hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds including between fingers and under fingernails. “Handwashing is considered the best way to remove germs and dirt, and hand sanitizers should be used only when handwashing is not available,” the advisory said. “The hand sanitizers should be at least 60 percent alcohol
• Avoid handshaking and high-fives • Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose and mouth. • Stay home when you feel sick. • Cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue, and then throw it away. Alternately, use the crook of your elbow if a tissue is not available. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household disinfectant cleaning spray or wipe. Clean cell and desk phones, computer keyboards, door handles, and work surfaces often. • Face masks are not considered an effective way to prevent someone from catching a virus unless you have close, frequent contact with a sick person; however, they are an option for sick people to use to keep from spreading the virus. • Avoid travel to areas that have been designated high-risk areas because of multiple verified cases of Corona.
symptoms indicative of the virus. As of Tuesday, the virus had been detected in more than 100 countries across the globe and 423 domestic cases in 35 states and the District of Columbia. Of those, 72 are believed to be travel related and 29 are thought to have been
spread from person to person. Across the nation some schools have closed and mass gatherings – including Austin’s SXSW – were canceled. Schneider, who told the Hays Free Press last week that he is in constant touch with the Centers for
to be effective.” Anyone concerned they may have been exposed is urged to contact the county Public Health Department at 512-393-5520 to discuss exposure risk. Coronaviruses are not new – some are responsible for common colds and some for more serious infections like SARS – but this particular strain is new which explains why it is often referred to as Novel Coronavirus. Schneider said while he is “anticipating cases to eventually show up in Hays County,” the first line of defense against an outbreak or community spreading is to follow the good health practices whether you are healthy or feeling sick. Schneider also recommended that residents rely on qualified information sources for additional information, such as the Centers for Disease Control at and the Texas Department of State Health Services at dshs.
Police Blotter The following is a tally of all calls made to law enforcement within Hays County between March 3rd and March 5th , 2020.
Below is a sample of events reported by law enforcement from March 3rd through
Civil Matter............................................................... 5
Canine Search......................................................... 1
Information............................................................... 9
Canine Training........................................................ 1
may not necessarily be where the event occured.
Compliance Check.................................................. 7
Drone Deployment.................................................. 3
Civil Standby............................................................ 1
SRP Drill................................................................... 4
Property- Lost/Found/Imp...................................... 1
Missing Person........................................................ 2
Sex Offender Registy.............................................. 1
Public Assist............................................................ 4
Alarm Business...................................................... 11 Alarm Residential.................................................. 15 Alarm Panic............................................................ 15
Close Patrol......................................................... 103
Animal Calls........................................................... 32
Welfare Concern.................................................... 11
Loose Livestock...................................................... 3
Suicidal Person........................................................ 2
Assault..................................................................... 5
Investigation............................................................ 3
Assist EMS............................................................... 3
Supplement........................................................... 25
Assist Fire Dept....................................................... 5
Suspicious Circumstances..................................... 6
Assist Outside Agency............................................ 9
Extradition................................................................ 2
Burglary Building..................................................... 1
Suspicious Person................................................. 12
Burglary Vehicle....................................................... 1 Criminal Mischief..................................................... 2 Graffiti...................................................................... 1
Identity Theft............................................................ 1
Illegal Dumping........................................................ 1 Enviromental Crime................................................. 3 Death Investigation................................................. 3
Vehicle Theft............................................................ 2
Disturbance Noise................................................... 6
Accident Minor...................................................... 19
Disturbance Physical Fight..................................... 3
Accident Hit and Run.............................................. 4
Disturbance Verbal.................................................. 8
Accident Major/Injury............................................ 16
Child Custody.......................................................... 1
Abandoned/Stored Vehicle..................................... 2
Narcotics/Information............................................. 2
Traffic Control/Direction.......................................... 2
Drug Paraphernalia................................................. 1
Directed/Area Enforcement.................................. 18
MIP – Tobacco......................................................... 3
Traffic Hazard......................................................... 12
Marijuana................................................................. 1 Fraud........................................................................ 9 Counterfeiting.......................................................... 1
Traffic Stop........................................................... 178
Credit/Debit Abuse.................................................. 1
March 5th, 2020. The location is where the event was reported or responded to and
Agency Activity
Uhland Rd San Marcos Public Safety Building
Uhland Rd San Marcos Hays County Law Center
Community Contact.............................................. 18
Accident - Major/Injury 03/03/2020
EXIT 223 NB Buda EXIT 223 NB
Disabled Vehicle...................................................... 8
Accident - Major/Injury 03/03/2020
S Fm 1626/Jack C Hays Trl Buda
Accident - Major/Injury 03/03/2020
Bell Springs Rd Dripping Springs
Texan Blvd Wimberley Danforth Junior High
Clovis Barker Rd San Marcos STV Oil
Disturbance - Phys/Fight 03/04/2020
Lillie Robyn Ln Buda
Disturbance - Phys/Fight 03/04/2020
S Fm 1626 Buda Bucks Backyard
Suspicious Vehicle............................................... 11
Accident - Major/Injury
Exit 220 Nb Kyle EXIT 217 NB
Wanted Person....................................................... 1
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
EXIT 219 NB Buda EXIT 219 NB
Theft......................................................................... 6
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
EXIT 221 SB Buda EXIT 221 SB
Unauth Use Vehicle................................................. 2
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
Bebee Rd/Goforth Rd Kyle Reyes Automotive
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
W Us 290/Rr 165 Dripping Springs
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
Windy Hill Rd/Dacy Ln Kyle
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
Bebee Rd/Kensington Blvd Kyle
Accident - Major/Injury 03/04/2020
Windy Hill Rd/Cherrywood Kyle
Disturbance - Phys/Fight 03/05/2020
Jack C Hays Trl Buda Hays High School
Attempt to Locate................................................. 21
Accident - Major/Injury 03/05/2020
N Fm 1626/Rr 967 Buda
Parking Enforcement............................................... 4
Accident - Major/Injury 03/05/2020
Rr 967 Buda Johnson High School
Trespassing/Unwanted......................................... 36
Accident - Major/Injury 03/05/2020
Fm 2001 Buda
Harassment.............................................................. 6
911 Abandoned/Open........................................... 37
Threat....................................................................... 2
911 Aban/Misdial/Open.......................................... 1
Accident - Major/Injury 03/05/2020
Kildeer Dr Buda
Mental Health Follow Up......................................... 3
Discharge Firearm................................................... 1
Accident - Major/Injury 03/06/2020
Hugo Rd/Rr 12 San Marcos
Mental Health Invest............................................... 1
Private Tow/Repo.................................................. 10
Service Directory
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
Page 11
Air Conditioning
“Proudly Serving Central Texas”
Residential • Commercial • After Hours Available
Email: O. 512-312-9081 • C. 512-789-5132 Buda, Texas 78610 • TACLA 34861C
Home Improvement John’s Paint, Drywall & Carpentry Residential & Commercial Services
• Interior/Exterior Painting • Powerwashing • Tape & Float Texture • Popcorn Ceilings John Mendoza • Water Damage • Siding 512-214-5952 • Soffit 20 Years Experience • Facial References Available • Windows Free Estimates
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Lawn Care TACLB015741E
Licensed and Insured
TECL 24139
Offering competitive pricing and superior service in the Manchaca, Buda, and Kyle area since 2010
• Flower Beds • Fencing • Sprinkler Systems • Patios • Mowing, Edging and Cleanup • Tree Trimming and Removal • Rock Gardens • Garden Boxes • Build Sheds • Leaf Raking
Call Jesse Reyna at 512-788-2180 or email
Painting, Remodel & Home Repair, Flooring & Tile, Carpentry, Decks & Fences, Pressure Washing, Gutters, Cleaning & Repair, RV Repair
• Residential Repair Specialist • Remodeling & Water Heaters • Sewer Cleaning & Replacements • Slab & Gas Leak Repair • BBB Member
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(512) 312-5050 Member of the BBB
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For all the latest news in Hays County, go to .com
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Pool Service
Serving S. Austin, Dripping Springs, Driftwood, Kyle and Buda since 1994.
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Road Projects Continued from pg. 5
provements Project which is about 45 percent complete. This project addressed issues with utilities being in the right-of-way on IH-35 Frontage Road and the relocation of those lines. The contractors are working on the first phase. The agenda called for an amendment for a contract with Espey Consultants, Inc. for $99,000, not exceeding $931,000 for additional engineering services to the wastewater project. There is additional planning that needs to go into the project with a phase three in its future plans. Getting easements
from the adjacent neighbors for the wastewater project was difficult and is still requiring some work. Barba presented an amendment for State-
side Right-of-Way Services LLC. to acquire the easements. The requested amount is $18,000, not to exceed $67,000. Burrgess and Niple
Inc. are the engineers of record who designed the city’s wastewater treatment plant expansion project. In order for them to continue
working on the project to handle requests for information, submittals coming in for materials and equipment, attending meetings and giving
a final letter of completion, they require an amount not exceeding $981,560. The city council approved all three items.
20 words for $8!
• Place your classified ad by calling 512-268-7862 • Email We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY FOR WEDNESDAY’S PAPER
Hays Free Press
Page 12
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION FOR TPDES PERMIT FOR MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER RENEWAL PERMIT NO. WQ0011060001 APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. City of Buda and Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, 405 Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, Texas 78610, have applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a renewal of Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0011060001, which authorizes the discharge of treated domestic wastewater at an annual average flow not to exceed 3,500,000 gallons per day. TCEQ received this application on August 2, 2019. The facility is located at 575 County Road 236, in the City of Buda, Hays County, Texas 78610. The treated effluent is discharged via Outfall 001 to an unnamed tributary, thence to Andrews Branch, thence to Porter Creek, thence to Soil Conservation Service (SCS) 6 Reservoir, thence to Porter Creek; and via Outfall 002 to an unnamed tributary, thence to an unnamed lake, thence to an unnamed tributary, thence to SCS Site 11 Reservoir, thence to an unnamed tributary, thence to SCS Site 12 Reservoir, thence to Brushy Creek, thence to Plum Creek in Segment No. 1810 of the Guadalupe River Basin. The unclassified receiving water uses for Outfall 001 are limited aquatic life use for the unnamed tributary and Andrews Branch. The unclassified receiving water uses for Outfall 002 are minimal aquatic life use for the unnamed tributary (above the unnamed lake), limited aquatic life use for the unnamed lake and the unnamed tributary (below the unnamed lake), and high aquatic life use for SCS Site 11 Reservoir. The designated uses for Segment No. 1810 are primary contact recreation, aquifer protection, and high aquatic life use. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and is not part of the application or notice. For the exact location, refer to the application. The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The permit application, Executive Director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at Buda Public Library, 405 Loop Street, Buda, Texas. PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ holds a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. Unless the application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name, address, phone number; applicant's name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the proposed facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period and, the statement "[I/we] request a contested case hearing." If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify by name and physical address an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are relevant to the group’s purpose. Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material water quality concerns submitted during the comment period. TCEQ may act on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater without providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The Executive Director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed. If a timely hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed, the Executive Director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. All written public comments and public meeting requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at within 30 days from the date of newspaper publication of this notice. INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database at Search the database using the permit number for this application, which is provided at the top of this notice. AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Any personal information you submit to the TCEQ will become part of the agency’s record; this includes email addresses. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040 or visit their website at Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. Further information may also be obtained from City of Buda and Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Lauren Willis, Manager of Environmental Science, at 830-379-5822, Ext. 312. Issuance Date: February 19, 2020
Notice of Public Sale of property to satisfy landlord’s lien. Sale to be held at online at www.storagetreasures. com by competitive bid. Faciltiy is located at: 880 Windy Hill Rd. Kyle, TX 78640 Bidding will open 04/01/2020 at 11 a.m. and conclude 04/14/2020 at 11 a.m. Cleanup deposit is required. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale. Unit sold as-is to highest bidder. Property includes the contents of self-storage space of the following tenant: Abraham Muskyoka – (3) MAZDA sports cars, VINs: SA22C-564512, SA22C-625428, SA22C-546203 Joni Bell – (1) BMW coupe, VIN: WBAWB73558P156636
An applicant sponsored meeting is to be held at the Hays County Government Office at 6 p.m. the evening of March 27th in order to present the Emma Park Subdivision concept plan and receive public comment. Emma Park Subdivision is to be located on the south side of Hillside Terrace. Please see attached copy of the proposed concept plan for subdivision. Project Details: The propose subdivision is a proposed preliminary plan containing approximately fifty- nine (59) acres with the intent to be divided into 197 residential lots. The tract is located with Hays County Jurisdiction. The lots will be served by Goforth water and Windy Hill Utility wastewater service. Electric service will be provided by Pedernales Electric Cooperative. The proposed development is located within the Emergency Service District #8 (EMS). The developer for this subdivision is GJG Development II. Information regarding the application or meeting location may be obtained by contacting Hays County Development Services at (512) 393-2150 or Colby Machacek, County Planner, at (512) 393-7301.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Independent Administration for the Estate of Philip McKeon, Deceased, were issued on February 26, 2020 under Docket No. 19-0449-P, pending in the County Court of Hays County, Texas, to Nancy McKeon-Andrus. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the estate, addressed as follows: Representative, Estate of Philip McKeon, Deceased c/o Bethann Eccles Eccles & McIntosh, PC 506 West 16th Street Austin, Texas 78701 All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Dated March 4, 2020. Eccles & McIntosh, PC
Bethann Eccles Attorney for Independent Administrator
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Katherine P. Lighthouse, Deceased, were issued on February 12, 2020, in Cause No. 19-0438-P pending in the County Court of Hays County, Texas, to: Lynda L. Transier. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Ms. Lynda L. Transier c/o Ridout & Dawson, PLLC 6363 Woodway Drive, Suite 615 Houston, Texas 77057 DATED the 3rd day of March, 2020. Attorneys for Estate Ridout & Dawson, PLLC John T. Ridout State Bar No.: 16901800 Email: Kathy A. Dawson State Bar No.: 24035501 Email:
6363 Woodway Drive, Suite 615 Houston, Texas 77057 Telephone: (713) 334-2800 Facsimile: (832) 202-2545
Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code hereby gives notice of public sale under said act to wit: This sale will be held March 27, 2020 at 2:30 PM on StorageAuction. com. The property in the storage unit(s) listed under tenant’s name is being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The property contents of all storage unit(s) sold at this sale are purchased “as is” “where is” for CASH/ CREDIT. Safe-n-Sound Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid or to cancel any public sale advertised. Announcement made the day of the sale takes precedence over any printed materials. ANTHONY QUINNEY 10X15 NC – King Mattress w/Box Spring, Headboard, Dresser, Nightstand, Pictures, 2 Dining Room Chairs, 2 Brand New Electric Guitars by Keith Urban, 3 Guns, Totes, Boxes of Misc. Items.
CITY OF BUDA Buda, TX IFB 20-005 Sportsplex Wastewater Line Upsize Project ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed Bids, pursuant to Local Government Code Chapter 252, will be received for the Sportsplex Wastewater Line Upsize Project by the City of Buda - Finance Department, 405 E. Loop Street, Buda, Texas until 2:00 PM local time on April 16, 2020. Immediately thereafter, the bid proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Multi-Purpose Room 1034 within Buda City Hall located at 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, Texas. The project includes replacement of an existing 8-inch PVC Wastewater Line with a 12-inch PVC wastewater line, installation of manholes, utility adjustments, bypass pumping, traffic control, erosion and sediment control, and site restoration. Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a lump sum and unit price basis, with additive alternate bid items (if any) as indicated in the Bid Form. The Issuing Office for this Solicitation is the City of Buda - Finance Department, 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, Texas 78610, Attn: Rosemary Esparza, Purchasing Manager; Prospective Bidders may examine the Bid Documents at the Issuing Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Website as described below. Bid Documents may be viewed and accessed online through the Procurement Website as described at http:// The City of Buda has partnered with BidNet as part of the Texas Purchasing Group and also posts bid opportunities to this site. The documents are made available for the sole purpose of obtaining Bids for completion of the Project and permission to download does not confer a license or grant permission or authorization for any other use. Authorization to download documents includes the right for Bidders to print documents for their sole use, provided they pay all costs associated with printing or reproduction. Printed documents may not be re-sold under any circumstances. All official notifications, addenda, and other documents will be offered only through the Procurement Website. The Procurement Website may be updated periodically with Addenda, meeting summaries, reports, or other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. The cost of printed Bidding Documents from the Procurement Website will depend on the number and size of the Drawings and Project Manual, and method selected by the prospective Bidder. Any cost associated with accessing the Bid Documents is non-refundable. Upon Issuing Office's receipt of payment, printed Bidding Documents will be sent via the prospective Bidder's delivery method of choice; the shipping charge will depend on the shipping method chosen. The date that the Bidding Documents are transmitted by the Issuing Office will be considered the Bidder's date of receipt of the Bidding Documents Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Owner: City of Buda By: John Nett, PE Title: City Engineer Date: March 6, 2020
Hays Softball Continued from pg. 8
five total hits against a trio of Maroon pitchers, who combined stranded seven Rebels on base. Cone said while coaches tried to motivate players into a groove at the plate, the team never found its footing. Adjusting to Austin’s multiple pitching changes might have played a partial role in the team’s offensive woes, Cone said. “This is not like us. We weren’t ourselves tonight,” Cone said. “We typically get in a groove quicker than that. We definitely know what we have to work on.” The absence of Rebel sophomore Megan Kelnar, who suffered a season-ending leg injury against Bowie March 3,
Hays (9-5, 2-2) captured a 1-0 lead after two innings via a solo home run from catcher Annaliese Rodriguez. is a void Hays still hasn’t been able to fill. Heading into Tuesday’s game, Kelnar had notched a team-leading 18 RBIs from the leadoff spot. “It’s quite the adjustment. Megan led by example. The way she works and talks,” Cone said. “It’s an adjustment and we’re going to make the adjustment, but it’s going to take us a little bit to try to mesh again and get in that rhythm.” Building confidence at the plate will be Cone’s goal as they prepare for the meat of district play in
the coming weeks. Getting a chance to field a full practice without a disruption from the elements is also something she hopes for. “It’s one of those things where they need to see lots of pitches. That’s how you build confidence,” Cone said. “But the weather has kept us from being able to do that on a regular basis, like we used to. Hays takes on crosstown rival Lehman Friday at 6 p.m. The Rebels return home to play Westlake Monday at 12:30 p.m.
Hays Free Press
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
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Page 13
1 Plot at Live Oak Cemetery in Buda/Manchaca area. $3000 Please call Ramona 512-698-4193
Texas Statewide Advertising Network
Trump, Biden emerge as winners in Texas primaries Incumbent President Donald J. Trump, who received 94% of the vote in the Lone Star State’s Republican primary election, and former Vice President Joe Biden, who received 34.5 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary, were their parties’ top vote-getters on March 3, Super Tuesday. Biden’s closest rival was Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who received 30% of the Democratic vote. Sanders was followed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 14.4%, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 11.4%. Overall voter turnout figures posted by the Texas Secretary of State’s Elections Division show 4,084,431 of the state’s 16,211,198 registered voters cast a ballot – slightly more than 25% of total registered voters. That’s a higher participation rate than in the 2016 Super Tuesday vote. Then, 3,289,218 Texans cast a ballot, or 23% of the 14,238,436 voters who were registered at the time. In a major down-ballot race, state Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas, and former Air Force helicopter pilot M.J. Hegar, will face each other in a May 26 Democratic primary runoff. The winner will run against long-term incumbent U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican, in the Nov. 3 general election. Complete election results are available at the Texas Secretary of State’s website, sos.
Capital Highlights
Gov, AG warn gougers
Gov. Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton on March 6 issued a warning to anyone participating in price-gouging of medical supplies as Texas continues to combat the Texas now has the potential threat of the capacity to test for coronavirus. COVID-19, Gov. Greg Abbott said he would Abbott announced invoke a state law that on March 5 in a joint gives Paxton ”broader press conference with powers” to prosecute Department of State price gougers. Texans Health Services Comwho suspect a case of missioner John Hellerprice-gouging related stedt and Texas Division to the potential coronaof Emergency Manage- virus threat should file ment Chief Nim Kidd. a consumer complaint Six public health labs with the Consumer within the Texas LabProtection Division of oratory Response Netthe Office of the Attorwork are now equipped ney General of Texas, to perform COVID-19 Abbott said. Consumer testing, with the reProtection Hotline: (800) maining four being fully 621-0508. equipped in the coming days, Abbott said. The network provides laboratory diagnostics and maintains the capacity to respond to biological Texas Comptroller and chemical threats Glenn Hegar on March 3 and other public health said state sales tax reveemergencies. The six nue totaled $2.89 billion public health labs with- in February, an amount in the network that are 3.5 percent more than equipped to perform the amount reported in COVID-19 tests include February 2019. Austin, Houston, Dallas, Growth in state sales El Paso, Fort Worth and tax revenue was led by Lubbock. The remainreceipts from the retail ing four labs in the net- trade and informawork will be equipped tion services sectors, with testing capabilities while receipts from the in the coming days: Ty- construction sector ler, San Antonio, Corpus were down from a year Christi and Harlingen. ago and growth in tax The state public health receipts from retail trade lab network will be able was slightly boosted by to test over 125 patients collections from online per day once the entire marketplace providers network is equipped, and remote sellers, HeAbbott added. gar said. by Ed Sterling
Abbott: Texas can test
Revenue total reported
Hays Boys Soccer Continued from pg. 8
Lake Travis’ elite offensive attack out-produced the Rebels in shots 24-11, including a 16-5 advantage with shots on goal. Cavalier seniors Ben Arney and Emilio Aguilar highlighted two of the four goals on the night. “We were able to hold
them out a little better the last round, but they made their way through tonight.” Reynolds said about the Cavaliers’ offensive attack. Nine seniors played their final home game of their Rebels careers including captains Lane Reynolds and Gerardo
Rodriguez. Other seniors honored were Adrian Rodriguez, John Murillo, Anthony Hellen, William Turner, Jesus Campos, Jayden Hipolito and Thomas Fisher. Hays’ final game of the season will be at Del Valle at 7:45 p.m. this Friday.
Memorial Park Continued from pg. 6
nity. So far, the city has hired Nudge Design as the landscape architects, and they are identifying opportunities and materials to build the memorial. Once the city has a clearer view on what will be included in the park and it has a design, it will go back to fundraising. Financial support can come from companies or private donors. Looking toward the future, the city would like for this park to be low maintenance and to be an ongoing project so more names or information can be added to the memorial. “There will be conflicts and other wars,” Ellison said. “Unfortunately, other men and women will lose their lives. So that is something we’ve identified; we want to make this something that we can continue to add on to.” Ellison sees many benefits and lots of great
The city wanted to include first responders because some Kyle and surrounding area first responders have lost their lives in the line of duty. potential to come from this park. He anticipates the city will eventually build a cultural trail that will take visitors to the memorial park and to a central park that will be nearly two acres. Residents will not have to pay anything to enjoy it because these will be public amenities. Another benefit he sees from the memorial, besides the recognition of those who served, is an educational one. He believes that those who may take the service for granted should know what those who serve do for our country. Creating a memorial park can also aid veterans by connecting them to
city benefits. “One feedback that we had from meeting with the VFW,” Ellison said, “was that we could have something there so when veterans visit the memorial they can talk to somebody and be educated about the resources locally for whatever it is they need help with. There are a lot of resources locally. A lot of the times it’s about people being educated about how to get connected with those resources.” Ultimately, the city’s role is not to dictate anything in the process, but rather to facilitate the creation of the memorial and find a way to fund it, Ellison said.
Page 14
Hays Free Press • March 11, 2020
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Everybody counts
Multi-generational pleas for participation in the 2020 Census rang out on the lawn of the Hays County Courthouse in San Marcos Saturday. In a celebration that also gave a nod to Texas Independence Day, students from Hays CISD’s Elm Grove Elementary sang. Speakers included Kyle City Council member and Democratic nominee for sheriff Alex Villalpando and Maria Rocha of the Institute of Indigenous Cultures. The united theme? “Everybody counts.”
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