AUGUST 12, 2020 SHARK!
Local angler lands a big one on coastal excursion.
Nothing official, but there will be balloons come Labor Day.
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© Barton Publications, Inc.
Hays Free Press
Vol. 126 • No. 20
Serving Hays County, TX
Montague tapped for ballot, interim post BY ANITA MILLER
When County Judge Ruben Becerra cast his vote last week against Don Montague, Republican candidate for Precinct 3 Constable, to fill the unexpired term of disgraced former constable
Ray Helm, he said he did so without intending to “reflect negativity.” Instead, Becerra had hoped to fill the unexpired term of disgraced former constable Ray Helm, who resigned and surrendered his certification July 31 to avoid
Parents face big decisions upon school opening
prosecution, with someone who would not appear on the ballot in order to not “tip the scales.” Several residents from the Wimberley Valley and beyond felt the same way. In comments given in person and in those read aloud in
court during the Aug. 7 special meeting of the commissioners court, people from both ends of the political spectrum spoke against someone who would be on the ballot filling the post in an interim position. “Put someone in who is
The band plays on
Kyle CIP projects underway BY MEGAN WEHRING
BY MEGAN WEHRING Hays CISD parents will start making decisions whether they want their children to continue virtual learning or attend in-person learning in the classroom. The form went live today in Parent SelfServe. All students will be required to participate in virtual learning from Sept. 8 to Sept. 25. Parents will be asked if they should be considered for the In-person Virtual Learning Support Program. The option allows for parents to send their children to school in-person during that period, as some students may not be able to participate in a virtual learning environment. More information about the program can be viewed in the COVID-19 response plan. Parents will then choose virtual learning or in-person learning for the remaining first nine-week grading period between Sept. 28 and Nov. 6. Parents can change their choices for the later periods up until the listed deadlines. For the second nineweek period (Nov. 9, 2020 to Jan. 29, 2021),
a caretaker and will not be seeking office in November,” said perennial court watcher Sam Brannon. “Anything else would be suspect.” Brannon called out what he called “bipartisan crony-
PHOTO BY SARAH BRAGER An upperclassman gives instructions to the cornet section during a recent practice session. They won’t be on the football field but will be working on material for UIL competitions.
Hays High School Band, masks at ready, hits the practice field BY SARAH BRAGER CVOID-19 brings many uncertainties for the upcoming school year; while the plan for the fall has been released by the district, certain details are still undetermined, like what extracurriculars are going to look like. Despite this unpredictability, Hays High School band students are preparing for the fall semester like any other,
“Unlike most subjects, the arts, especially music, cannot be taught efficiently over a computer screen.” –Gabe Lecca, HHS Drum Major
with the proper safety precautions of course. For them, the show must go on. In-person band rehearsals started July 13, but they recently launched their “summer band process,â€
where they begin learning marching fundamentals and playing as a full ensemble. Band students will be rehearsing Mondays-Thursdays until Aug 13. To ensure this is a safe process, students
are required to fill out a health assessment form and take temperature checks each morning, and masks are worn when they are not playing instruments. “Safety of the band members is our number one priority as we go through this dangerous time. The Hays band is really lucky to be in a location where we are able to still hold
Your hometown newspaper named ‘Best Newspaper in South Texas’ STAFF REPORT
Hays Free Press staffers celebrate the good news in a Zoom meeting. Left to right, top to bottom are: Cyndy Slovak-Barton and Arlene Monroe behind her, Tracy Mack, David White, Sahar Chmais, Jane Kirkham, Verna Womack, Exsar Arguello, Megan Wehring, Anita Miller and Moses Leos III. Staff not shown include Jim Darby and Clint Younts.
The staff of the Hays Free Press once again has brought home the gold. The newspaper was named the Best Newspaper for its size in all of south and west Texas by the South Texas Press Association Aug. 7 for 2019. The award is based on points accumulated for awards in various categories. One of the awards, the coveted Griff Singer Award of General Excel-
CITE & RELEASE Local police policy to change Sept. 1 for low-level offenses.
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The Hays Free Press Barton Publications, Inc. The Hays Free Press (USPS 361-430) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
Several projects are well underway in Kyle with plans for some to be completed by the end of August. Lehman road, near Lehman High School, construction is 91% complete along with the paving finished. It’s currently closed from Hallie Dr to Bunton Creek Rd. The road is expected to be completed by the end of the month. Based on pay estimates, the Burleson Road project is currently 83% complete. Paving is complete except for Rodriguez to the roundabout. Traffic signals and lights are in progress. Substantial completion is planned for this month. The SouthSide Wastewater Improvements Project is 59% complete. One crew is working on the Post Road lift station. The other crews are working on water lines near Public Works and bore at Post Road near I-35. The Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion is at 5.21% completion. More project information will be posted near trails for residents.
Stimulus funds signup for small biz now open BY MEGAN WEHRING Hays County businesses can now apply for the Emergency Cash Assistance Program (ECAP) grant fund. The program, administered through the People Fund, will disperse a total of $600,000. Hays County is providing $500,000 while the city of Kyle is adding $100,000 toward supporting Kyle businesses. Grant funds will provide up to $10,000 to eligible
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CITY OF BUDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FY 2021 OPERATING BUDGET A Public Hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. This public hearing will be a video conference public hearing. This public hearing is in compliance with the City Charter. The purpose is to hear oral and written comments and discuss proposed uses of operating and capital funds and to consider adopting a budget allocating operating and capital funds anticipated to be available to the City of Buda during the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020 and ending on September 30, 2021. THIS BUDGET WILL RAISE MORE TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES THAN LAST YEAR’S BUDGET BY $246,418, OR 12.4%, AND OF THAT AMOUNT $188,173 IS TAX REVENUE TO BE RAISED FROM NEW PROPERTY ADDED TO THE TAX ROLL THIS YEAR. The proposed budget and capital improvements plan can be provided by the City Clerk of the City of Buda upon request anytime between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, or they can be viewed on the City’s website at Published this 12th day of August, 2020 by the City of Buda Members of the public are encouraged to attend this hearing and express their views to the City Council.
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Infrastructure in Kyle: Honeywell offers solutions A representative for Honeywell, suggested management systems for multiple buildings allow for more efficient controls.
Honeywell partnered with city engineers to develop an assessment report on Kyle’s infrastructure. Representatives from Honeywell International, Inc. presented investments to Kyle City Council on Tuesday, Aug. 4. The assessment report included water utility, water meter and building infrastructure. Buildings in Kyle are currently operating independently with no management system. Luis Montes, business development consultant for Honeywell, said management systems for multiple allows for more efficient controls. “A building management system is a system that is able to connect all the building’s infrastructure and run the systems more efficiently,” Montes said. “Because the city doesn’t have any, it is really difficult to control and bring energy efficiency to those systems.” One challenge included in the report is the city of Kyle suffers from water loss. According to the assessment, there is a 14% average yearly water loss which equals to about 136 million gallons yearly. Honeywell recommends the city of Kyle to create a ‘smart city platform’ that will manage the infrastructure more efficiently. “The city can grow effectively,” Montes said. “They could alarm, monitor and automate a lot of the processes that are currently in place. It would be able to geofence specific residences, homes, neighborhoods, calculate and analyze how much water is being used. This would all be calculated in real time.” Montes said he believes Kyle residents would gain the most out of the platform. “We’re talking real time data, real time usage, automatic billing, accurate
billing,” Montes said. “So it would definitely be a great plus and bonus for the residents. In addition to the city being taxpayer fiscally responsible.” Council member Alex Villalobos questioned the accessibility services offered with the platform. “From the staffing standpoint, what type of tools would they have should something be happening to the system? Would they be able to do anything remotely?” Villalobos asked. Montes ensures that the platform will be mobile-friendly, especially in
the current technology-driven world. “The building management system for the city would be cloud-based, the SCADA system,” Montes said. “We definitely have the right technology to be able to have the city’s employees be able to remote in a secured channel that is definitely protected from cyber threats.” Employees would also be able to make adjustments when needed, while receiving notifications from alarms on the platform. It would be accessible through a laptop or cellphone through a central command station.
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City of Kyle, Texas Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Budget & Property Tax Rates For Fiscal Year 2020-2021 The Kyle City Council is scheduled to conduct public hearings on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 including revenues, expenditures, property tax rates, water and wastewater service rates, storm drainage fee, and other fees and charges for various City services.
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The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 is a complete financial plan for all City funds, programs, services, operations, and capital improvement program (CIP) activities for the period October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for all City expenditures, as amended by City Council on August 1, 2020, totals approximately $134.2 million and includes 279.0 full-time equivalent positions. The City of Kyle’s proposed property tax rates for Tax Year 2020 (Fiscal Year 20202021) are as follows: • Proposed Tax Rate: • No-New-Revenue Tax Rate: • Voter-Approval Tax Rate:
$0.5201 per $100 taxable assessed valuation $0.5292 per $100 taxable assessed valuation $0.5202 per $100 taxable assessed valuation
The public hearings on the City’s proposed budget and property tax rates for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 are scheduled to be conducted by the Kyle City Council on the following dates and time: • August 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., in City Council Chambers located in City Hall at 100 West Center Street, Kyle, Texas • August 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., in City Council Chambers located in City Hall at 100 West Center Street, Kyle, Texas The Kyle City Council is also scheduled to consider Ordinances on first and second readings for the City’s budget and property tax rates for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 on the following dates and time: • August 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., 1st Reading of Budget & Property Tax Rate Ordinances • August 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., 2nd Reading of Budget & Property Tax Rate Ordinances All Kyle residents, taxpayers, and interested persons are invited to attend the City Council’s budget meetings and public hearings to provide their comments to the City Council. The proposed budget and property tax rates for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 are available on the City's web page at: A printed copy of the budget document is also available for public inspection during business hours at Kyle City Hall located at 100 West Center Street, Kyle, Texas, and at Kyle Public Library located at 550 Scott Street, Kyle, Texas. Perwez A. Moheet, CPA Director of Finance August 12, 2020
QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Both my staff and I struggle to get phone calls returned (from county officials) and we are not included in the county’s briefings of elected officials.” –Erin Zwiener, State Representative. Story on page 6.
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
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Transparency in economic development Guest Column by Jason Giulietti
s a public-private non-profit organization, the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP) utilizes both public and private sector dollars to support the work we do to bring new jobs to Hays and Caldwell counties. This means that the counties and cities in our region, together with more than 100 companies, invest in GSMP. Our region’s municipalities invest in GSMP because they know that bringing new companies and jobs to the region will help grow the local tax base and help finance more and better services for the community along with increasing the economic well-being of our residents. Businesses invest in GSMP to strengthen the economic situation of our region while ensuring our regional economy remains strong. Our public and private sector partners both support the concept that a rising tide lifts all boats. A win for one community will most definitely benefit the other. It is truly a team sport that takes a collaborative mentality of all communities and partners to find success. Since 2009, GSMP has facilitated securing more than 6,500 direct new jobs and approximately $600 million in capital investment. These accomplishments pump over $2 billion into our region’s economy every year. Along with our mission to improve the quality of life for the residents in our region, a guiding core value for GSMP is transparency. We have several measures in place to help maintain transparency, including public sector representation on the GSMP Board, public postings of our upcoming board meetings, and key documents posted at www. I invite you to visit our website where you will find our annual reports and strategic plans and much more. In fact, this column is intended to share insights and hopefully dispel some of the misperceptions and mysteries of how GSMP conducts economic development. Every economic development relocation project that GSMP decides to compete for must meet the needs of our communities with the ultimate goal of benefiting economic opportunities for the residents of our region. This includes meeting basic thresholds for paying quality wages with benefits. Another consideration is the industry sector represented by the company looking to relocate. The industry sector must be one that we consider desirable because it is considered a growing sector, and it must align well with our community’s values. Rest assured that GSMP will never support a potential location that does not economically benefit our region. GSMP does not accept financial contributions from any company seeking to locate in our region. With that said, GSMP helps all companies regardless of size or scope of investment. We maintain that even one high paying job could change a resident’s life for the better. If you have any questions about GSMP, I recommend you call me at 512-393-3400, tweet me at @JasonGiulietti or email me at jasong@ I look forward to hearing from you.
Barton Publications, Inc. News tips: Opinions: 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640 512-268-7862 Publisher Cyndy Slovak-Barton News Editor Anita Miller Sports Editor Moses Leos III Reporters Megan Wehring, Sahar Chmais, Chase Rogers Columnists Bartee Haile, Pauline Tom, Clint Younts Proofreaders Jane Kirkham
If you think it’s news, we probably do too! • Newsroom phone: 512-268-7862 • E-mail: • Mail: 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640
Marketing Director Tracy Mack Marketing Specialist James Darby Production Manager David White Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia Office Manager Arlene Monroe Circulation/Classifieds David White, Arlene Monroe Distribution Kimberlee Griffon
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be corrected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
Jake & me – perfection
uppy perfection, he was. All 11 pounds of him for his first visit to the vet. A chocolate lab as adorable as they come, with green eyes and a mouth full of teeth like little needles. On the way home from picking him up he fell asleep with my finger in that sharp little mouth, those green eyes slowly sliding shut. On Thursday, Aug. 6, those eyes, now brown, closed for the final time. After losing our black lab India in January 2007, I made my grief no secret, and voiced to acquaintances including a retired police officer that we could do with another puppy. He said he would put the word out. Fast forward a few months to a voice mail message at work. The caller, a DPS Trooper, said he wanted to tell me about a lab. Earlier that day I had written about the discovery and takedown of a meth lab out in the county somewhere. I
Guest Column by Anita Miller
dismissed the message. Here’s where memory grows a little dim. At some point, we got it straightened out. His dog had sired a litter, would I make an offer on his pick of the litter? We heard no further until Nov. 11. David Byley and I had married 23 years ago on that date, though we had no plans. The day before we’d attended the memorial service of a dear old friend. Then the phone rang. It was the trooper. He couldn’t meet us there as planned, but the puppy was ready to go. He gave us directions. We made a trip to Tractor supply before leaving. There were 9 in the litter. He had the lavender collar. We’d compiled maybe
a half dozen dog-raising books with all kinds of advise and if they had one thing in common, it was that a new puppy be introduced slowly, first to the family and later to friends and neighbors. It was getting dark when we pulled into our cul-de-sac and most of our neighbors were waiting. So much for that advice. It wouldn’t be the last time we should have known better. To say he was headstrong is selling him short — he never gave up hope he would be the leader of our pack. He was our brave protector, rushing out to bark in the middle of the night when the coyotes were near. He knew the good and bad side of living on the river. He loved the stray pets from the maidens who floated by on good days, and he endured the sound of helicopters taking off to rescue people from their roofs when the floods came. He howled at the
moon, and when anyone sang Happy Birthday. He jumped through hula hoops. He never got to go duck hunting, but he never gave up on squirrels. Over the summer his health and mobility declined rapidly. His bright eyes turned dull, and he was asking for our help. We were all helped enormously by the nice mobile vet who came to the house. Big changes around here now. We don’t have to close the gate, scoop poop, sweep the floor every few hours, take walks in the pouring rain or a thousand other little things that once were routine. Nobody celebrates suppertime anymore. He is resting forever in the back yard, under the oak tree we planted several years back. He is facing the river. That’s where the cat naps now. We’ll break the old habits in time. There’s no changing the fact he was perfection.
Judicial candidates deserve a look
oters in November will have a chance to bring some political balance to the Texas Supreme Court. I know many feel these should be non-partisan positions, but that’s not what we have in Texas, so we should at least seek balance. Many voters also overlook these positions as they concentrate on the presidential, senatorial and other races. Of the nine members of the Texas Supreme Court, all but two initially gained their seats through appointment, and all nine list their party affiliation as Republican. But an impressive array of Democratic opponents will be before voters in November, and they are worth your vote. Among them are: • Amy Clark Meachum, candidate for the state Supreme Court’s Chief Justice, is a judge in Texas’ 201st District Court, where she has served since 2011. A. graduate of SMU and the UT-Austin law school, she serves as
Guest Column by Kate McCarty
Civil Presiding Judge for all civil and family law cases in Travis County and is judicial liaison for the Administrative and Public Law Council for the state Bar of Texas. She was the recipient of the Travis County Women Lawyers Association Pathfinder award in 2015, among many other awards, and is a frequent speaker for the State Bar of Texas, Austin Bar Association and Texas Center for Legal Ethics. • Kathy Cheng operates her own law firm in Houston where she also volunteers with the League of Women Voters and other non-profits. A native of Taiwan, she immigrated with her parents and three siblings at the age of 9 due to political uncertainty in her native land. She has de-
• The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication. • The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classified word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
grees from LSU-Shreveport and South Texas College of Law. An advocate for her clients for nearly two decades, she understands that to achieve equality and fairness one must have a voice. She notes that there is a dire need for diversity on the state’s highest court, which for more than two decades has been comprised solely of Republicans. • Staci Williams is a judge in Texas’ 101st District Court where she has served since 2014. She has a B.A. from Smith College and a J.D. from Georgetown University. With a wide variety of corporate and retail legal work under her belt, she has served as trial attorney and administrative judge for the EEOC, counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and a municipal judge in Dallas. Williams has also been on arbiter panels for the USPS, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and Finan-
cial Industry Regulatory Authority. • Gisela Triana serves in Place 6 of the Texas Third District Court of Appeals, a position she has held since last year. She holds a B.A. from the University of Texas-San Antonio and a J.D. from UT-Austin. Triana has worked as Trial Division director with the Travis County Attorney’s Office and as staff attorney with the Texas Secretary of State’s Election Division. Triana has more than 24 years of experience on the judicial bench. Before serving on the Appellate Court, Triana served on every level of the Texas trial courts. Her experience makes her highly qualified to serve. The importance of the case law that comes from the judiciary impacts our lives daily. Texans would be well served by all of these impressive candidates. Please go to the polls informed about all candidates, even those often overlooked.
We welcome locally written letters to the editor on timely topics of community interest. We ask that you keep them to about 350 words in length and that you not indulge in personal attacks on private individuals. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. All letters should be signed by the author and include a daytime phone number where the author can be contacted for verification. Letter writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters can be emailed to
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Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
A tax rate of $0.0750 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of Hays County ESD 2.
A tax rate of $0.1000 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of Hays County ESD 8.
0.0750 per $100 0.0726 per $100 0.0752 per $100 0.0834 per $100
0.1000 per $100 0.0968 per $100 0.1003 per $100 0.1076 per $100
The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2020 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for Hays County ESD 2 from the same properties in both the 2019 tax year and the 2020 tax year.
The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2020 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for Hays County ESD 8 from the same properties in both the 2019 tax year and the 2020 tax year.
The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that Hays County ESD 2 may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.
The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that Hays County ESD 8 may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.
The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that Hays County ESD 2 is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2020 tax year. A public hearing on the proposed tax rate will be held on August 19, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at Buda Main Fire Station, 209 FM 2770, Buda, TX 78610. The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, Hays County ESD 2 is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the Hays County ESD 2 Board of Commissioners at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount=(tax rate) X (taxable value of your property)/100
The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that Hays County ESD 8 is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2020 tax year. A public hearing on the proposed tax rate will be held on August 20, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at Buda Main Fire Station, 209 FM 2770, Buda, TX 78610. The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, Hays County ESD 8 is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the Hays County ESD 8 Board of Commissioners at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount=(tax rate) X (taxable value of your property)/100
The members of the governing body voted on the proposed tax increase as follows: FOR: Jim Hollis, Halley Ortiz, Stacy Morgan, JB Kolodzey AGAINST: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: Bert Bronaugh
The members of the governing body voted on the proposed tax increase as follows: FOR: Jim Weatherford, Paul Kaskie, Carol Greaves, Scott Stevens AGAINST: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: Mitch Johnson
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD 2 last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD 2 this year:
The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD 8 last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD 8 this year:
Total Tax Rate (per $100 of value)
decrease of $0.000 OR 0.00%
Average homestead taxable value
increase of 3.41%
Tax on average homestead
increase of $7 OR 3.41%
Tax on average homestead
increase of $245,792 OR 7.55%
Total tax levy on all properties
Total tax levy on all properties
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for Hays County ESD 2 at 512-393-5545 or, or visit for more information.
Total Tax Rate (per $100 of value)
decrease of $0.000 OR 0.00%
Average homestead taxable value
increase of 3.41%
increase of $9 OR 3.41%
increase of $327,103 OR 7.53%
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for Hays County ESD 8 at 512-393-5545 or, or visit for more information.
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Page 5
No cite & release for Kyle man’s low-level offense Policy to change Sept. 1 Kyle resident Bo Camacho is no stranger to the inside of Hays County Jail. At the age of 49, he has a considerable record of 15 arrests stretching back 19 years. Camacho, who is a cancer survivor, is pretty familiar with the process of getting arrested, too. Still, he wasn’t prepared for what he said happened to him June 16. It was late morning and he had just visited the Kyle Wal-Mart and used the self check-out. He was near the Mr. Gatti’s when he saw a Kyle police car in his rear-view mirror. Once he stopped, he was surrounded by officers with guns drawn, and he was being ordered to put his hands out the window. The officers told him an employee said he “cussed them out” when they tried to stop him as he left the store. Camacho said that didn’t happen. “Long story short, nobody stopped me. I tried to show my receipt to the gentleman at the door but he said, ‘you’re OK.’ I walked to my car, got my bagged groceries and left.” He said he provided the arresting officer with his receipt. His official charge, according to online records, is theft B, which usually represents an amount more than $50 but less than $500. He was not charged with any assaultive offense or use of abusive language. Camacho said he told the arresting officers and personnel at the
Daffodil is a female, 2-year-old Staffordshire Terrier mix. She loves to get her little body moving and loves a good workout. Throw some water in the mix and you’ll really see this girl’s goofy side. Although she does crave activity, she also thrives on learning and positive attention.
Bo Camacho will be one of the speakers at a forum on a cite & release ordinance for Kyle will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12 via Zoom. Moderator is Daphne Sanchez Tenorio.
jail about his status as a cancer survivor, and asked to be separated from the general jail population. That didn’t happen either. “Three or four days after I got out, it was in the paper that Hays County Jail inmates had COVID. I went and got tested,” he said. His test turned out negative. Camacho is one of 34 people arrested by the Kyle Police Department on citation-eligible offenses since the first of the year, according to documentation acquired by the Hays Free Press. Of those, 17 have occurred since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Some of the offenses included fishing without a license,
Aliwishes is a female, 1 ½-year-old Brown Tabby. Aliwishes may strike you as an average, plain tabby cat, but she has an extraordinary amount of love to give. She’s spent her time on this Earth honing her skills in purr-therapy and comfortcuddles and at this point she’s an expert.
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speeding and failure to maintain financial responsibility (no proof of insurance). On Sept. 1 a “cite and divert” policy will go into effect, with the KPD one of the participating agencies. Under that policy, certain lowlevel offenders will meet with a prosecutor instead of going to jail. The intent is to reduce the population of the county jail, which has for years had to outsource inmates to other facilities even as voters approved money to expand jail capacity. The policy would apply to anyone who lives, works or attends
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CITY OF CREEDMOOR NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FY 2020-2021 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all interested persons that the City of Creedmoor, Texas discuss and possible take action on proposed budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 and a tax rate to support that budget. City of Creedmoor Council will meet on August 20, 2020 at the Creedmoor City Hall at 12513 FM 1625 Creedmoor, Texas at 7;15 pm. All persons interested in the above have the right to appear and be heard. By the order of the City Council of Creedmoor, Texas, Robert R.Wilhite Administrator.
0.0993 per $100 0.0960 per $100 0.0908 per $100 0.0993 per $100
The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2020 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for Hays County ESD 5 from the same properties in both the 2019 tax year and the 2020 tax year.
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The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that Hays County ESD 5 may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate, unless the de minimis rate for Hays County ESD 5 exceeds the voter-approval tax rate for Hays County ESD 5. The de minimis rate is the rate equal to the sum of the no-new-revenue maintenance and operations rate for Hays County ESD 5, the rate that will raise $500,000, and the current debt rate for Hays County ESD 5. The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that Hays County ESD 5 is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2020 tax year. A public hearing on the proposed tax rate will be held on August 19, 2020 at 6:30 P.M. at Kyle Fire Station #1 - 210 W. Moore St. - Kyle TX 78640. The proposed tax rate is greater than the voter-approval tax rate, but not greater than the de minimis rate. However, the proposed tax rate exceeds the rate that allows voters to petition for an election under Section 26.075, Tax Code. If Hays County ESD 5 adopts the proposed tax rate, the qualified voters of the Hays County ESD 5 may petition the Hays County ESD 5 to require an election to be held to determine whether to reduce the proposed tax rate. If a majority of the voters reject the proposed tax rate, the tax rate of the Hays County ESD 5 will be the voter-approval tax rate of the Hays County ESD 5.
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The members of the governing body voted on the proposed tax increase as follows: FOR: Eric Holen, Beth Smith, Susan Meckel, Paul Terry AGAINST: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: John Rodriguez Jr. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD 5 last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD 5 this year: 2019
Total Tax Rate (per $100 of value)
decrease of -$0.0007 OR -.70%
Average homestead taxable value
increase of 4.91%
increase of $8 OR 4.18%
Tax on average homestead Total tax levy on all properties
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increase of $299,445 OR 7.47%
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for Hays County ESD 5 at 512-393-5545 or, or visit for more information.
Annual Percentage Rate. Actual rate may vary depending on credit qualifications. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. This Auto Loan rate is applicable for the purchase of a new or used vehicle, or the refinance of an existing vehicle loan from another lender. New auto loan of $20,000 for 72 months at 2.29% APR will have a monthly payment of $298. Federally Insured by NCUA. Austin Telco NMLS #422857
Page 6
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Zwiener looks at discrepancy in coronavirus hospital numbers BY SAHAR CHMAIS
Near the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, some mayors in Hays County told their residents that one of the most defining factors for how the city is doing depends on the number of hospitalizations. Hays County records these numbers and posts them to its webpage; but there has been a mismatch in information that shows one hospital system counted more COVID-19 Hays County patients than the county has posted on its website. The county was notified about this discrepancy by State Rep. Erin Zwiener. She brought forth the information she collected from one hospital system, the Ascension group, and sent a letter to Judge Ruben Becerra on July 31 and she said she did not hear back. In the letter, she states multiple concerns, notably about the underreporting of hospitalization numbers. “I remain concerned about the apparent underreporting of hospitalizations of Hays County residents,”
There has been a mismatch in information that shows one hospital system counted more COVID-19 Hays County patients than the county has posted on its website.
– Page 8
New jobs are coming to the city of Kyle
– Page 9
Vol. 126 • No. 17
petition incites
Serving Hays
County, TX County
messages of hate
As the board viously adamantwas pre“I must say the student-led effort,about a copious amount Hays senior Alena we have been of hate tee,” Hernandez said. Hernandez subjected to organized the “I must say the solely up to the has been amount ridiculous. It seems copious students. of students in committee “I don’t believe of hate we have favor of the retiring the Rebel Students banded to have students clear that the choice been subjected administratio ton gether at the The committee mascot. lead this change been has understood the truly Hays passed was not one It seems Board of Trustees CISD around a petition clear that the members of our extent the that prides our that choice to Thursday night. meeting garnered over safety.” have students nity would go commu500 signaMany to battle us –Alena Hernandez, shared their thoughts tures, while sparking change was notlead this on this,” Hernandez Hays High senior mass experiences related and attention across said. prizes our that “People social I am one create went as far to controversy around to media. feedback, Hernandez person, one student fake accounts the rebel mascot. and just informed the While there the community. one child.” to comment on al signatures were sever- the committeeboard that “As a leader, I and message my posts Hernandez also and positive received feel me hateful negative comments inclined to protect tioned the board’s queswords. … It is time Hays from the students of my sion to have the deciCISD takes accountability commitcampaign against the mascot be The Hays Rebel mascot has spiked a recent controversy across social media and the community.
Hegar, Isaac on to fall election
Hays County Democratic and Republican voters made their on who will appearchoices on the Nov. 3 ballot in runoff elections,the July 16 turnout fell shortalthough of what many had anticipated. HEGAR According to ISAAC the Hays County Elections the runoffs, whichOffice, garnered 575,460 postponed from were (61.95 percent) votes compared to the COVID-19 May due to 353-399 (38.05 demic, drew just panfor her opponent percent) 12.93 percent of R. “Beto” Alonzo. Roberto the county’s In Hays registered County, CasThe runoffs, voters. taneda drew Results which 6,396 votes were are unofpostponed from (66.86 perficial until cent), while they are can May due to Alonzo got be can3,170 votes the vassed by COVID-19 (33.14 perthe Compandemic, cent). missioners Castadrew just 12.93 Court. neda faces On the percent of Republican Democratic Jim Wright the county’s side, Mary in Novem“MJ” Hegar registered ber. defeatIn the last voters. ed Royce race on the West by a DemocratBY CHASE ROGERS statewide vote of is tailored to specifi ic 498,180 ballot, (52.13 percent) Donna Haschke cally suit Guzman’s to 457,555 Surrounded by votes 47.87 percent) 5,715 votes (60.57won with injuhis family and community ries sustained perrace for U.S. the cent) to 3,720 after his members, U.S. deployment to votes In Hays County, percent) for Angela (39.43 Army her veteran Sgt. David to his personal Iraq and “Tia even bigger, with win was Angie” Villescaz. skills as a man cut the ribbonGuzprofessional chief. (74.79 percent) 7,364 On the Republican recently finished to his “This home, I compared to of the vote ballot, for State think, is home 2,482 in Wimberley going to be a tool percent) for West. (25.21 on District 45 (HaysRep. day. The house Saturme out in doing to help Blanco counties),and Hegar will face bigger by the nonprofiwas built and better things,” bican John CornynRepuIsaac won with Carrie GuzHome for Our t group man said to attendees, in the fall. Troops, 64.87 percent) 6,420 votes organization aiming an including fellow to 3,476 (35.13 compared In the race for veterans, to build community the percent) and donate specialocratic candidate Dem- for Kent “Bud” leaders and ly built homes friends. “God for the Texas Railroad gave Hays County, Wymore. In ing veterans. to recover- second chance.” me a Isaac capsion, Chrysta CommisCastaeneda Originally announced In 2004, Guzman, on to his be constructed first combat deployPHOTOS BY CHASE RUNOFF ELECTION, U.S. Army veteran in NoROGERS 5 Sgt. David vember 2019, ler (photo at the home top) and in the Guzman with Sheriff Gary home built by HOMES FOR OUR Cutspecialized kitchen the
Veteran cuts ribbo home, joins Wimb n to new custom erley community
Parents, educators share BY SAHAR CHMAIS
day in Wimberley. nonprofit Homes for Our
back to school
of the new Troops on Satur-
Delaying reopening It’s damned damned if you if you do, the schools more campuses grants begin searching for a do new viable The decision not. career? Some solution. to return parents are their safety plan time to work on to school is episodic; wondering, how Some people every long will believe few days new that schools should gives more time and simultaneously kids stay in fear state tions and orders regulalong can they and how reopen campuses, come out. stunt their trend in which to understand the Districts are scrambling development? believe they shouldsome COVID-19 cases to methodically are headed. closed and some be Do we reopen schools, Hays their campuses reopen or not? should be open think it to please a its fall planning CISD kicked off to those myriad of watchers. who need it. If that rush of when it presented quesThen there are tions felt overwhelming parents and Still, parents have teachers with people who need the to , this is the start make a decision. to make a survey, thread. of the but nothing is On July a decision between 14, Gov. For educators final and death. Should life and school Greg Abbott told parents find themselves decisions continue as district districts they send their child going down a postpone their they can to evolve. rabbit hole ensuring their to school, over their head? as soon as they opening dates campus retheir child goes, But when teachers go to in order to keepjob safety mind wander. let their ing funds fromwithout losare they a roof The issue safe from COVID-19? and risk their campus has many sides; Hays CISD usedthe state. lives to Do its depth keep their job, and complexity and plans to startthe delay or do they schools people thinking left some there is no
See what people are saying. –Page
meeting Hall in Kyle. Proceeds will go towards the organization’s veteran’s assistance program.
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Texas Lehigh Cement Co., LP
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Continued from pg. 1
Sudoku puzzle courtesy of
that someone had to be appointed. He pointed to Texas law regarding “holdovers,” which basically says Helm would have been able to continue to direct the operations of his former office, despite his confession and formal resignation, until a successor was named. Montague has a long history in law enforcement and Hays County. A former Texas Highway Patrol Trooper, he was elected Sheriff in 1996, running as a Democrat, and continued to hold that office until 2005, when he retired to become director of the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). He is a resident of Wimberley and switched to the Republican party at the time of his retirement, Ingalsbe floated the possibility of naming Cody Cheatham, a current deputy in Helm’s old office and one of the people who had spoken with investigators from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). Shell shot that down, saying Cheatham hadn’t resided in the precinct long enough to qualify. Cheatham had challenged Precinct 1 Constable David Peterson in the March Democratic primary. Helm had easily defeated a challenger in the GOP March primary and had no Democratic opponent in November. Because of his resignation, both parties may select a candidate. Hays County Democrats have not named theirs.
The Hays Free Press (USPS Barton Publications, 361-430) published Inc., P.O. Box weekly by paid at Buda, 339, Buda, TX TX address changes 78610 and additional mailing 78610. Periodicals postage offices. POSTMASTER: to Barton Publications, Send Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX ISSN#1087-9323 78610.
Montague tapped for Pct. 3 ism.” Precinct 1 Commissioner Debbie Gonzales Ingalsbe, a Democrat, voted with Republicans Lon Shell in Precinct 3 and Walt Smith in Precinct 4 in favor of Montague’s appointment. Cronyism has been a frequent target of Becerra, who called an initial special meeting to accept Helm’s resignation on Aug. 3 that failed to draw a quorum. The court was not scheduled to hold their regular Tuesday morning meeting that week. Brannon charged that commissioners had known for months about alleged wrongdoing by Helm but did nothing. “Someone is guiding you,” Brannon said, “a hidden hand that’s no longer on this court.” Numerous comments read aloud echoed the same sentiment. Ari Alexrod, who initiated the probe that led to Helm’s undoing and was one of 24 people to submit written comments, said that the “best way forward is to choose a current officer until someone duly elected can take over.” Wimberley Valley resident Deborah Morris suggested a member of the court be appointed to oversee the constable’s office until Dec. 31, when Helm’s term expires. Donna Haschke, recently elected Hays County Democratic Party Chair, urged commissioners to hold off on an appointment. “Please allow the electorate to decide,” she wrote. Shell maintained
JULY 22, 2020
Hays Sheriff’s Office debuts new technology
Burger, hot dog sale Aug. 15 in Kyle to benefit veterans Kyle VFW members will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs to the public on Saturday, Aug. 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. their
Be Counted!
a response. For Census 2020 “Both my staff and I struggle to get phone calls information, visit returned (from county cials),” Zwiener wrote, “and we are not included in the Zwiener wrote to Becerra. Hays County reports the to find out why there is a county’s briefings of elected Later in the letter she said, number of patients hospidifference in the numbers, officials. The lack of incluHays Free Pre ss “I am asking that the county talized based on hospitals the request was passed on to sion for my office and lack offer clarification both to me inside and outside of the the judge’s office, but there of exchange of information and the community about county. is still no word as to why hampers my ability to do my the completeness (or lack The most updated inforhospitalization numbers job and places the residents thereof) of our hospitalizamation Zwiener received do not match the county’s of House District 45 at a tion numbers, or, if approfrom the Ascension system records and the hospital’s meaningful disadvantage.” Homes for our priate, explain this disparity in July stated that Hays records. Troops Zwiener did not hear to me. I have a duty to share County has 136 COVID-19 Hospitals are also unable back about anything she Visit this information with the patients hospitalized. The to discuss why the county wrote in her letter to public, but I believe it would county’s website, on Aug. 7, would have different numerra but hopes that she will or be more effective for our which does not get updated bers showing. be more included in the public health response if it over the weekend, showed The disparity in numbers county’s activities so she for all the latest came from the county.” that the county had a total of is not the only issue that can properly represent her Hays County News Within the same letter, 117 hospitalizations. Zwiener is facing with Hays district. Zwiener wrote that she had The hospitalizations Hays County. As a representative, a meeting with the AscenCounty presented in August Zwiener would like to unsion system on July 16 where are still lagging from the derstand what is going on in they informed her they had information presented by the counties she represents. a meeting with county offiAscension in late July. She has reached out to cials to discuss and improve But these numbers are Hays County with multiple the reporting process. only based off of AscenCOVID-19 information On that day, the Ascension’s hospitalizations. Hays requests but has difficulty sion system had admitted County residents go to mul- getting anything back from Debbie Thames Insurance Agency 122 patients into Travis tiple hospital systems, such them. AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BOAT • HEALTH County Ascension hospitals as Baylor Scott and White For example, on June 12, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm with Hays County zip codes. and Christus Santa Rosa she stated that she want251 N. FM 1626 #2C, Buda, TX 78610 Office: (512) 312-1917 • Fax: 312-0688 But on the same day, the Hospital in San Marcos. ed to find out about the county reported a total of 78 The Hays Free Press county’s contact tracing hospitalized patients. reached out to the county program but never received Your Business & Referrals Are Appreciated
See solution on page 7
See solution on page 7
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Page 7
Nothing could keep Angelina down A
ngelina Eberly, who took everything frontier life threw at her and kept coming back for more, died of natural causes at the Gulf Coast port of Indianola on Aug. 15, 1860. On her 20th birthday in 1818, Angelina Belle Peyton married her first cousin Jonathan Peyton. Her choice of grooms, something that would be frowned upon nowadays, was a common practice two centuries ago and enabled the young bride to hold onto her maiden name. Less than a month later, the newlyweds left their native Tennessee for New Orleans where they spent the next four years. Reconsidering their original idea of relocating to a Caribbean island, the Peytons came to Texas. The newcomers initially lived on land adjacent to Jesse Burnam’s Colorado River trading post in Fayette County. In 1825 they put down permanent roots in San Felipe de Austin, the center of the Anglo-American colony,
Texas History
by Bartee Haile
arriving early enough to join the ranks of the elite “Old Three Hundred” and to qualify for a grant in Matagorda County. They did right well for themselves with Peytons Tavern, which offered good food and clean rooms at a reasonable price. William B. Travis, whose law office was within walking distance, took most of his meals at the cozy inn. Angelina bore Jonathan three children before his unexpected death in the summer of 1834. Suddenly the sole support of her voracious young ’uns, the widow had no choice but to run the family business all by her lonesome. From her vantage point at San Felipe, Angelina watched the fateful events of 1836 play out in the prelude to the 13-day battle at the Alamo. Hurriedly
formed companies passed through town on their way to San Antonio, and volunteers stopped at her inn for a tasty last meal. After settling their bills and thanking Angelina for her hospitality, many of the ill-fated guests told her not to worry. She would see them again as soon as they “whipped” the Mexicans. Of course, she never did, at least not those who broke through enemy lines and reached the mission. After word reached San Felipe of the fall of the Alamo, Angelina with the rest of the frightened residents were left to wonder what would happen to them. By late March, no one had to notify Angelina that Sam Houston and his poor excuse for an army were in full retreat. The steady stream of dispirited Texans headed east instead of west in the direction of Santa Anna’s forces told her that. Then on Mar. 29, 1836, Capt. Moseley Baker informed Angelina that Gen. Houston had ordered him
to destroy San Felipe to keep it out of the hands of the Mexicans. She would describe the panic-stricken flight that came to be known as the “Runaway Scrape.” “What commotion and destruction of property followed! Much was left on the (Colorado) river banks. There were no wagons” since “they had been used for the army. Many had to cross on foot the mud up to their knees – women and children pell mell.” “I gave to the army my rice, sugar and other groceries (and) suffered them to kill my hogs and eat my bacon. I was the last to cross.” In the weeks and months that followed, numerous soldiers sought her out to say how they “hated to burn my house where they had eaten so many good meals.” Never one to brood over bad breaks, no matter how serious, Angelina picked up the pieces of her shattered existence. She took her children to Columbia, where in late 1836 she met and married Jacob Eberly
who too had lost a mate. The reconstituted clan lived in the first capital of the Lone Star Republic for the three months it held that distinction. Angelina could always smell opportunity, and her uncannily accurate nose led her to the future seat of government on the western frontier. She was ready and waiting the day in October 1839 that President Mirabeau Lamar and his cabinet arrived in newly renamed Austin and served them their first dinner in the Eberly House. However, Sam Houston stubbornly refused to accept Lamar’s pet project as a done deal. Taking office for his second term in December 1841, he set about returning the capital from what he deemed a dangerous site in Comanche territory to the town that happened to bear his name. Once again a widow after the death of her second husband, Angelina was not about to let Houston rob her of another
County sets election, approves early voting, Election Day polling places BY ANITA MILLER Hays County Commissioners on Tuesday, Aug. 11 officially set the November General Election for Tuesday, Nov. 3. They also approved a list of early voting and election day polling places that did not include a controversial second election day location on
the campus of Texas State University. Several speakers voiced concerns during the public comment period about the lack of enough places for the university’s burgeoning student population to cast their ballots, referencing the long lines that kept some students in line for longer than the last of the three
Lord of the Rings movies, Kathering Wicker, a field organizer for the Texas Rising Campus Vote project. County Judge Ruben Becerra was the sole vote againat the list of polling places. He had hoped to add a second locaiton on the campus at the Rec Center. The vote means that
prosperous inn. She slept with one eye open waiting for her nemesis to make his inevitable move. On a dark December night in 1842, a small detachment of Rangers acting on secret presidential instructions slipped into Austin for the sole purpose of stealing the Republic archives and other irreplaceable documents. Angelina caught them in the act and alerted the sleeping townspeople with a blast of grapeshot from the community cannon used to warn of an Indian attack. The Rangers got as far as present-day Round Rock before a posse caught up with them and took back the pilfered papers ending the so-called “Archives War.” Angelina Peyton Eberly had succeeded in saving her livelihood and the future of Austin. Get your copy of “Unforgettable Texans” at the reduced price of $20.00 by mailing a check to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393.
Learn five essential ways to prepare before an end-of-life event occurs every Thursday in September at 6 p.m.
Texas State students who wish to vote in person on Election Day will report to the Performing Arts Center. The LBJ Student Center, which had been the primary voting place on campus, is unavailable for the election because its ballrooms are being used for classrooms due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24
Estate Planning Advance Care Directives Memorial Planning Palliative Care
Register online at
County Stimulus Funds: Designed for small businesses Continued from pg. 1
businesses on a firstcome, first-serve basis. Eligible are small businesse with 10 or fewer employees.
Funds can be used for working capital, inventory, supplies, furniture, maintenance and payroll. Applicants can find out
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if they are eligible for the grant prior to submitting their application by visiting greatersanmarcostx. com/ECAP.
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Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle
Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda
First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda
The Connection Church 1235 S. Loop 4, Buda
Antioch Community Church Old Black Colony Rd., Buda
First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda
Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626
15359 IH-35, Ste. B • P.O. Box 1364, Buda, TX 78610
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Texas Crossword, from page 6
Buda United Methodist Church Elm Street & San Marcos
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Applications can be submitted online and will close once all funds are awarded or on Dec. 31, whichever comes first.
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Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda
Mission Fellowship Church 200 San Marcos Street, Buda
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Vertical Chapel 5700 Dacy Lane (McCormick M.S.), Buda A Fountain of Life Church 302 Millenium Dr. Kyle
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Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle
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Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda
Sudoku Solution
Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle
PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle
Journey United Methodist 4301 Benner Rd, Kyle, Tx
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor
New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda
Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca
St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca
Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle
Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170
First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666
New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN
First Baptist Church
A loving & caring Southern Baptist Church 104 S. San Marcos Street, Buda Buddy Johnson, Pastor • 295-2161 Sunday School...........................................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship....................................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Youth Activities...6:00 p.m. AWANA’s (Wednesday)..........................6:00 p.m. 1401 N. FM 1626
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Kingdom United Christian Church 100 Madison Way, Buda
Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle
9:30 a.m. Classic Service 10:45 a.m. Contemporary service
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Completed & Perfected Faith Church Tobias Elementary Cafeteria, FM 150, Kyle
St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle
Baptist Church
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Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald
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Sudoku Puzzle, from page 6
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Page 8
Eligible county jail inmates will be able to vote by mail STAFF REPORT
The possibility of mail-in voting in Texas appears to be dead for the vast majority of the population, but it is assured for one largely-overlooked group of voters – those who are incarcerated. Texas law allows for anyone over the age of 18 to cast a ballot who is not a convicted felon (or has completed their sentence, probation and parole) and has not been declared mentally incapacitated by a court of law.
Hays County Jail has a capacity of 362 but because the Texas Commission on Jail Standards says lockups must have a 10% buffer, the maximum capacity is 311. The majority of those – exact figures are not available – are awaiting trial. An unknown number of those are eligible to vote, Elections Administrator Jennifer Anderson confirmed. Anderson said her office “does have an outreach effort in the jail,” but did not specify further. She noted
that since all inmates are not county residents, many vote by mail to other jurisdictions. She did not respond to questions regarding how many inmates may be receiving ballots, and Lt. Dennis Gutierrez of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office said authorities would have to poll all inmates to come up with that number. Jail Administrator Capt. Julie Villalpando did not respond to an email seeking further information.
Cite & Release Continued from pg. 7
school in Hays County, and was announced months after the San Marcos City Council adopted an ordinance mandating a “cite and release” policy for officers dealing with certain low-level offenders. Camacho, who, according to jail records, is five feet, seven inches and
175 pounds, is pretty certain it wasn’t a case of mistaken identity when he was pulled over because he saw the initial police car turn around to follow him, as if they had recognized the license plate. “The plates are registered to me … I know they always run a license check. What
I don’t understand is why it took seven of them to arrest me. Camacho’s offenses were primarily drugrelated. He had no history of any arrest for a violent crime. Kyle Police Chief Jeff Barnett told the Hays Free Press he would be looking into the numbers and specific situations involved.
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Hays High Band: Safely practicing Continued from pg. 1
summer band, while maintaining proper safety precautions. This really puts the spotlight on us, and all eyes around the central Texas area will be watching to see whether or not we succeed in keeping our band members safe,” Assistant Drum Major Caiden Borrego said. Many students were anxious to kick off summer band rehearsals — with the disrupted school year coming up, it is nice to have a sense of normalcy back in their lives. The in-person rehearsals are optional; however, rising senior and Drum Major Gabe Lecca believes face-to-face instruction is “essential for the arts.” “Unlike most subjects, the arts, especially music, cannot be taught efficiently over a computer screen. There is a certain cohesiveness that an ensemble has during rehearsals, and if a student does not learn to experience that they will not develop the fundamental skills to be a successful musician,” Lecca said. Rising senior and First Assistant Drum Major Natalie Odom explained the specifics of the summer band process. The band is divided into brass and woodwinds, and each half has a designat-
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401 E. Hwy 290W. P.O. Box 1243 Dripping Springs, TX 78620
PHOTO BY SARAH BRAGER Undeterred by the heat, members of the Hays High School Marching Band are already at work on their routines for upcoming UIL competitions.
ed day to practice. The A/B day schedule was used last year to prevent overcrowding, but it was quickly implemented again this year to promote social distancing. “We generally treat these like any other rehearsals,” Odom said. “Most of our rehearsals are pretty spaced out anyway so it feels normal. The overall attitude has been positive lately most of us were mentally prepared for the season to get cancelled, so the opportunity to have Summer Band this year was a relief.” The student’ leadership responsibilities have changed due to COVID-19; not only does the drum major team assist other students, but they now help ensure the safety of others by enforcing the mask and sanitation policies. The band has also reached out to booster volunteers for
extra help in enforcing these safety protocols. “We have very strict safety guidelines to ensure there is no person-to-person contact and that students have the means to sanitize at any point during the day. This is a completely voluntary activity and we are working hard to keep those that want to see this program succeed safe,” Lecca emphasized. While football season is still up in the air, the band has set a date for their UIL competition on Dec. 3. They will be working toward that while simultaneously practicing their marching on the field. Uncertainty will not get in the way of hard work. “All in all, we will work around any obstacle in front of us. The Hays band is resilient and will find a way to perform while following school protocol to keep our members safe,” Odom said.
Police Blotter The following is a tally of all calls made to law enforcement within Hays County between July 27 and August 2, 2020.
Below is a sample of events reported by law enforcement from July 27 through August 2, 2020. The location is where the event was reported or responded to and may not necessarily be where the event occured.
Civil Matter............................................................................................15 Information............................................................................................29 Property Lost/Found/Imp.......................................................................5 Alarm Business .....................................................................................28 Alarm Residential .................................................................................40 Animal Calls ..........................................................................................58 Field Euthanasia .....................................................................................4 Loose Livestock ...................................................................................30 Assault ....................................................................................................2 Sexual Assault ........................................................................................1 Sexual Assault Child...............................................................................1 Assist EMS ............................................................................................12 Assist Fire Dept ......................................................................................6 Assist Outside Agency .........................................................................14 Suspicious Package ...............................................................................1 Burglary Building ....................................................................................5 Burglary Habitation ................................................................................2 Burglary Vehicle ......................................................................................6 Criminal Mischief ..................................................................................15 Illegal Dumping .......................................................................................2 Enviromental Crime ................................................................................2 Reckless Damage...................................................................................1 Graffiti .....................................................................................................2 Attended Death ......................................................................................6 Death Investigation ................................................................................2 Disturbance Noise ................................................................................19 Disturbance Physical Fight ..................................................................13 Disturbance Verbal ...............................................................................10 Child Custody .........................................................................................9 Narcotics/Information ............................................................................2 Violation of Order....................................................................................2 Alcohol Violation .....................................................................................1 Fraud .....................................................................................................12 Credit/Debit Abuse .................................................................................1 Harassment.............................................................................................6 Threat ......................................................................................................6 Public Lewdness ....................................................................................1 Mental Health Follow Up ........................................................................4 Mental Health Invest...............................................................................2 Mental Health Transport .........................................................................6 Special Assignment ................................................................................1 Canine Search ........................................................................................6 Canine Training .......................................................................................1 Viol City Ordinance .................................................................................1 Viol County Ordinance ...........................................................................1 Missing Person .......................................................................................2 Drone Deployment..................................................................................5 Runaway .................................................................................................2 Public Assist .........................................................................................12 Community Contact .............................................................................53 Disabled Vehicle ...................................................................................39 Foot Patrol ..............................................................................................6 Close Patrol ........................................................................................310 Parental Disciple Assist .........................................................................1 Flagged Down ........................................................................................3 Unsecure/Open Building ........................................................................2 Welfare Concern ...................................................................................44 Suicidal Person.......................................................................................5 Investigation ...........................................................................................3 Supplement...........................................................................................80 Suspicious Circumstances ..................................................................25 Suspicious Person................................................................................20 Suspicious Vehicle ...............................................................................35 Wanted Person .......................................................................................2 Theft ......................................................................................................24
Activity Disturbance - Phys/Fight Harassment Burglary - Building Burglary - Vehicle Vehicle Theft Accident - Major/Injury Death Investigation Death Investigation Missing Person Assault Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Harassment Harassment Burglary - Building Burglary - Vehicle Burglary - Vehicle Suicidal Person Vehicle Theft Sexual Assault Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Burglary - Building Vehicle Theft Sexual Assault - Child Assault Harassment Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Burglary - Building Burglary - Habitation Burglary - Vehicle Burglary - Vehicle Burglary - Vehicle Suicidal Person Burglary - Building Burglary - Habitation Missing Person Suicidal Person Deadly Conduct Suicidal Person Suicidal Person Deadly Conduct Deadly Conduct Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Public Lewdness Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Accident - Major/Injury Disturbance - Phys/Fight Disturbance - Phys/Fight Harassment Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury Accident - Major/Injury
Date 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/27/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/29/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/28/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/29/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/30/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 08/01/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/01/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/02/2020 08/03/2020
Time 21:02:23 16:09:35 7:12:12 10:06:51 9:17:09 15:38:45 12:05:13 13:48:14 11:24:08 17:49:44 21:10:54 0:06:07 13:48:18 11:42:17 12:46:48 8:54:40 6:31:09 7:52:20 6:38:22 10:23:38 15:23:55 21:12:03 13:03:38 16:31:18 22:46:57 12:47:46 7:22:59 23:03:19 13:50:45 16:32:14 16:21:47 17:10:44 17:50:26 10:15:07 21:11:45 6:55:30 11:21:04 15:04:45 21:45:42 10:19:03 11:22:20 22:17:36 10:00:14 16:59:26 4:06:31 18:30:02 10:13:17 19:49:54 10:33:58 10:58:38 20:34:08 15:02:06 13:42:20 14:30:17 17:32:35 18:03:43 18:04:41 22:06:12 0:36:15 2:56:16 11:44:41 21:58:30 23:51:12 21:47:35 10:10:51 16:03:45 0:07:34
Street/City Hot Spring Valley Buda Black Forest Rd Buda Arroyo Ranch Rd/W RR 150 Kyle Silverado Crossing Apartments Buda Silverado Crossing Apartments Buda EXIT 219 NB Buda Sunny Acres RV Park San Marcos Ranchers Club Ln Driftwood Remuda Run Wimberley E El Camino Real Wimberley Hugo Rd San Marcos IH 35 Fr Buda Quality Inn Of Kyle Ih 35 Fr Buda Verizon Settlers Rd San Marcos Hunter Rd San Marcos Silverado Crossing Apartments Buda Pine Arbol Pass Buda Baylor Scott And White Hospital Buda Pine Arbol Pass Buda Oak Crest Dr Dripping Springs Heidenreich Ln Kyle Springlake Dr Dripping Springs Hargraves Dr Austin Ihop Owl Hollow Rd/Hilliard San Marcos N FM 1626/SH 45 EB Manchaca 227 Park 35 Cove North Triple A Storage Buda 911 Canyon Wren Dr Buda RSH Engineering Shady Oaks Kyle Bent Tree Estates Heidenreich Ln Kyle Robert S Light Blvd Buda Dove Dr Buda Sawyer Ranch Rd Dripping Springs W US 290 Austin Leadtree Loop Buda Ozark Dr San Marcos 15295 IH 35 Comfort Inn Suites of Buda Wellington Dr Austin Wellington Dr Austin Talley Loop Buda 13059 Four Star Blvd Trudys Austin Deer Run Wimberley Cole Springs Rd Buda Bonham Ranch Rd Dripping Springs High Rd Kyle Cherry Blossom Ct San Marcos Wynnpage Dr Dripping Springs RR 32 San Marcos Mercer Street Dripping Springs Rental Center Shetland Ln San Marcos E Creek Dr Dripping Springs Woodcreek Dr WOODCREEK S San Marcos St Buda EXIT 220 NB Buda N Old Bastrop Hwy San Marcos Niederwald Strasse/Camino Real Kyle Rr 32 San Marcos Garza Mhp Settlers Rd/Hilliard Rd San Marcos Briarwood San Marcos Stag Horn Pass Kyle Waterfall Ln Kyle W US 290 Dripping Springs Cole Springs Rd Buda Blossom Valley Strm Buda Trinity Hills Dr Austin Saddletree Ln/Rr 12 Dripping Springs E Us 290 Dripping Springs Hawthorn Dr/Hometown Pkwy Kyle
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Page 9
Plum Creek Uptown plan and final plat approved Big Catch
by Megan Wehring Kyle City Council consented to the Plum Creek Uptown site plan and Phase 1A final plat on the Aug. 4 agenda. The site plan includes 12.62 acres with three lots of a multi-family complex with amenities and a mixed-use component of retail and restaurant. Phase 1A final plat is 14.667 acres with five lots for properties. Both the site plan and final plat have lots for property east of FM 2770 and west of 1626. Doherty Street is located to the south of the property with the future extension of Burnham, Jack Ryan and Everett.
Plum Creek Uptown Phase 1A
Most Texas newspapers run photos of dead deer. We run dead fish. Here’s one caught by Buda resident Grayson Allred. He caught a 104-pound spinner shark fishing in the Gulf of Mexico on a charter out of Woody’s Sports Center in Port Aransas.
Doherty FM 1626
Cromwell Dr
Everett St
Kohler’s Crossing
Pet adoption goes awry Dog rescue owner says she’s sorry for situation BY MEGAN WEHRING Pet adoption is one of the many joys in life. Some say it improves emotional well-being. Dogs are man’s best friend. But, what all goes into adopting a pet? What could be a simple process of filling out paperwork can go wrong with one false move. Holly’s Hope Rescue in Buda was recently accused of breaking a contract via email. Prospective dog parent Amber Roberson was preparing to have the adopted dog transferred from Houston to Boston. Holly’s Hope Rescue founder and CEO Gayla Goertz then said she was “unable to take the dog away from her friend,” leaving Roberson with a broken contract and no furry friend. Buda resident Sheri Brown shared her own concerns about the experience with Goertz over an email conversation. “Sadly, my friend (who was to get the dog) is subjected to the sadness of the news along with some really questionable
Holly’s Hope Rescue in Buda was recently accused of breaking a contract via email. unprofessional behavior on your end,” Brown said. “If you are asking people to extend themselves and adopt a pet that needs a home, at the very least you should be putting the needs of that animal first, not to mention standing by your own contract.” With the contract not explicitly addressing a change of mind, Goertz addressed her intentions with the organization’s main goal: do what is best for the animal. “Having to make Gigi [adopted dog] travel a far way with the possibility of it not working out was a concern of mine that I decided to address at the very last minute,” Goertz said. “I understand that I should have taken more time to carefully think through each decision made, and how it was unprofessional that I had given my word to Amber that Gigi would go to her. My emotions and tears kicked into
overdrive.” Not all the pets brought into rescue centers have a positive attitude. Previous trauma can affect pets negatively. Gigi is not unknown to that. She went through three different fosters, failed several meet-and-greet sessions yet managed to find her loving self, Goetz said. Holly’s Hope Rescue aims for the best interest of all animals and to provide them with a forever home. With her six years experience of saving animals, Goertz is embarrassed about the incident. “I can only act with humility and ask for empathy and compassion from this moving forward,” Goertz closed out the email. “I can assure you I will utilize the mistakes I made, in addition to your criticism, as an opportunity for growth and development.”
ACC is for
EVERYONE Skills for essential careers.
School Opening: Parents have choices Continued from pg. 1
parents have until Oct. 30, 2020, if they want to make changes. The deadline for the third nine-week period (Feb. 1, 2021 to April
9, 2021) is Jan. 22, 2021. Lastly, the deadline for the fourth nine-week period (April 12, 2021 to June 15, 2021) is April 2, 2021.
More information about details regarding in-person and virtual instruction can be found in the Hays CISD back to school plan.
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Classifieds Page 10
20 WORDS FOR $8!
• Place your classified ad by calling 512-268-7862 • Email We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover Deadline: Noon Monday for Wednesday’s paper
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
By Order of the Village of Bear Creek City Commissioners, notice is hereby given that on Monday, August 24, 2020 at 7:00PM at the Village of Bear Creek City Commissioners Meeting held via Zoom teleconference URL: Meeting ID: 5128262602 will be a Public Hearing to consider approving Preliminary Plat to subdivide 8105 Bear Creek Dr, Resubidvision of Lot 36A of the Resubdivision of Lot 36 of the Replat of Lot 36 and Lot 35, Bear Creek Oaks Section 1. Preliminary Plat to subdivide Lot 36A a 10.86 acre tract into 36A -3.44 acre tract and 36C -7.42 acre tract.
Hays CISD is Requesting Proposals for RFP #25072001JO Auto Body Repair & Paint. Proposals will be accepted until 09-10-2020 at 2:00 p.m. local time. Specifications are available in the HCISD Purchasing Office Attn: Jennifer D. Ornelas (512-268-2141 ext. 46035) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Proposal responses must be submitted on the Public Purchasing website by the date and time indicated above. Late Proposals will not be accepted
after time and date listed above. The HCISD Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive all formalities in the bid process.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to City of Buda Charter, Article III, Section 3.11 (D). Ordinances, that the Buda City Council, at its regular meeting on August 4, 2020, adopted an ordinance(s) to amend Ordinance 2016-25 granting an exclusive franchise to Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. for the collection of refuse for residential, multi-family, commercial and industrial establishments; adding temporary construction roll offs as part of scope of the exclusive franchise containing various terms and conditions with regard to the grant of such franchise; providing for penalties for failure to comply with such ordinance(s); providing for publication; and, providing for an effective date. By: Mayor George Haehn. Attest: Alicia Ramirez, City Clerk. (full text is available in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, TX, during business hours and on
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to City of Buda Charter, Article III, Section 3.11 (D). Ordinances, that the Buda City
Council, at its regular meeting on August 4, 2020, adopted an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Appendix A Fee Schedule for activities related to the Parks and Recreation Department; providing for penalties for failure to comply with such ordinance(s); providing for publication; and, providing for an effective date. By: Mayor George Haehn. Attest: Alicia Ramirez, City Clerk. (full text is available in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, TX, during business hours and on
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to City of Buda Charter, Article III, Section 3.11 (D). Ordinances, that the Buda City Council, at its regular meeting on August 4, 2020, adopted an ordinance suspending the solicitor permit process Ð Ch. 14, Art. 14.02, Section 14.02.007, Peddlers and Solicitors (practices involving door-to-door marketing or registration); providing for penalties for failure to comply with such ordinance(s); providing for publication; and, providing for an effective date. By: Mayor George Haehn. Attest: Alicia Ramirez, City Clerk. (full text is available in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, TX, during business hours and on
Separate sealed Bids for the County Line Special Utility District – BUNTON LANE WATER LINE RELOCATION AT BUNTON CREEK, SWE Project No. 0017-066-20 will be received by and at the office of the General Manager, County Line SUD office, 8870 Camino Real, Uhland, Texas 78640 until 10:00 AM, Tuesday, August 25, 2020 where they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope or package with the words “County Line SUD – Bunton Lane Water Line Relocation Project”. Bids received after this time will be rejected and returned unopened. “In accordance with DSHS guidance, the County Line Special Utility District is practicing good hygiene, environmental cleanliness and sanitation, and implementing social distancing by minimizing social gatherings; therefore, no more than ten (10) people can attend the bid opening and each person in attendance should also be practicing good hygiene and will be required to implement social distancing to minimize in-person contact. Project consists of, but is not limited to the following: Furnish and install one 12inch waterline crossing and two 8-inch water line crossings across Bunton Creek along Bunton Lane. The crossing will be installed in steel casing to be installed by open cutting. The project will consist of approximately 360 linear feet of 8-inch water line and 150 linear feet of 12-inch water line and will include open cut steel casing, gate valves, hydrants, tie-ins, etc. Each Bidder shall also include the time when he could begin work and the number of days needed to complete the project as part of his bid. This may factor into the award of the project. The Information for Bidders, Bid, Bid Bond, Contract, Plans, Specifications, Performance and Payment Bonds and the Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations: SOUTHWEST ENGINEERS, INC., 307 ST. LAWRENCE STREET, GONZALES, TEXAS 78629 (830) 672-7546 Plans and Specifications are available at the office of Southwest Engineers, Inc. in three different formats: Hard Copy - $80.00 (Non-Refundable) CD in PDF Format - $30.00 (Non-Refundable) Download - $25.00 (Non-Refundable) A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid issued by an acceptable surety registered with the U.S. Treasury shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check payable to the County Line Special Utility District may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond. The County Line Special Utility District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the County Line Special Utility District for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder's qualifications prior to the contract award. July 30, 2020 County Line Special Utility District Chris Betz, President
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals addressed to North Hays MUD No. 1 (“OWNER”) for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and performing all work required for the construction of the following project: SHADOW CREEK DRAINAGE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS, will be received at the office of Atwell, LLC (“ENGINEER”) at 3815 S. Capital of TX Hwy, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78704 until Wednesday, AUGUST 26, 2020 at 2:00 pm. Bids will be opened and read aloud via Zoom Meeting. Any proposal received after the closing time will be returned unopened. Proposals shall be plainly marked with name and address of the BIDDER and the following, bolded, words: SHADOW CREEK DRAINAGE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS The SHADOW CREEK DRAINAGE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS proposal includes approximately: Backfill 200 LF of eroded ditch, regrade and re-slope, install 25’ x 200’ concrete channel, 3000 psi concrete, #3 rebar on 15” centers, 12” x 24” grade beam around perimeter of channel, install limestone boulders, regrade ditch and install limestone boulders 10’ wide x 300’ long. All work must conform to State of Texas, County of Hays, TxDOT, TCEQ, and North Hays MUD No. 1 applicable rules and criteria. Copies of the Plans, Specifications, and Bidding Documents will be on file at the office of Atwell, LLC at 3815 South Capital of Texas Highway, Building III, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78704, where they may be examined without charge. Copies may be examined or obtained from the ENGINEER on or after Thursday, August 20th, 2020 for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set, or you can request an electronic version by emailing . Checks for Plans and Specifications, and Bidding Documents shall be made payable to Atwell, LLC. A Cashier’s Check, Certified Check or acceptable Bidder’s Bond, payable to Kyle 150, LP in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the Bid must accompany each bid as a guarantee that, if awarded the Contract, The BIDDER will enter into a contract and execute bonds within ten (10) days of award of the Contract. Performance and Payment Bonds shall also be executed on the forms furnished by the OWNER and shall specifically provide for “Performance” and for “Labor and Materials Payment”. Each bond shall be issued in an amount of one hundred percent (100%) of contract price by a solvent Surety company, authorized to do business in the State of Texas and acceptable to the OWNER. The DISTRICT reserves the right to reject any and all bids to waive any and all technicalities and formalities in bidding. The OWNER reserves the right to determine which bids are most advantageous to the OWNER, and to award the Contract on this basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after opening of the bids. If a submitted bid is withdrawn within said period, bid guaranty shall become the property of the OWNER, not as penalty, but as liquidated damages, or OWNER may pursue any other action allowed by law. Prospective bidders are encouraged to visit the site before or after the pre-bid meeting. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, August 20th, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom Meeting. A meeting invitation can by requested by emailing .
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of WILLIAM ELBERT SPEARS, JR., Deceased, were issued on July 8, 2020, in Cause No. 20-0176-P, pending in the County Court at Law of Hays County, Texas, to: MICHAEL SPEARS. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Nichole C. Howard, Attorney 77 Sugar Creek Center Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas 77478 DATED the 4th day of Au-
gust, 2020. /s/ Nichole C. Howard Nichole C. Howard Texas Bar No. 24110018 Howard Law Firm, PLLC 77 Sugar Creek Center Blvd., Suite 600 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Telephone: (346) 702-4344 Facsimile: (346) 245-8037 Email: nichole@nhowardlaw. com ATTORNEY FOR MICHAEL SPEARS
Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code hereby gives notice of public sale under said act to wit: This sale will be held August 28, 2020 at 2:30 PM on The
property in the storage unit(s) listed under tenant’s name is being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The property contents of all storage unit(s) sold at this sale are purchased “as is” “where is” for CASH/CREDIT. Safe-nSound Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid or to cancel any public sale advertised. Announcement made the day of the sale takes precedence over any printed materials. PATRICIA GONZALEZ 10X15 NC – Toys, 10’ Ladder, Lamps, Bookcase, Bed with frame, Christmas decorations, Artwork, Garden Hose, Spreader, 3 truck tires, Boxes, Totes and Misc. items.
Classifieds Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Page 11
Huge Super Sale
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Pursuant to chapter 59; Texas property code; Cornerstone Storage 281 N FM 1626 Buda, TX, 78610 will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord lien. The sale will end on or around 10:00 a.m. on August 27, 2020 via storagetreasures. com. Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. A $50.00 clean up deposit will be required. Unit must be cleaned out 48
hours from end of sale. Sale is subject to adjournment. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale. Unit 5185 - Michelle Sanchez.
Morningstar Storage wishes to avail themselves of the Texas Provision of chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code by conduction a Public Sale to the Highest bidder for cash on their premises.
The company reserves the right to reject any bid and withdraw any from the sale at any time. This sale is listed below. Date : 8/21/2020 Time: 12:00 AM Location: Units: Unit # 2126 - Dani Villalpando - Baby bed, metal side table, dryer, flatscreen TV, mattress and box spring, bed frame, night stand, boxes, totes.
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‘Super 2’ treatment coming to SH 21 in Hays County Construction is now underway on more than 15 miles of State Highway 21 in Hays County from SH 80 to the Caldwell County line. The roadway is being converted to a “super 2” highway with paved shoulders to improve safety between San Marcos and Niederwald. A super 2 highway helps increase safety by providing a periodic passing lane on a 2-lane rural road. The passing lane alternates from one direction of travel to the other, allowing passing opportunities in both directions for motorists. “The improvements will allow vehicles to safely pass on what is currently a narrow 2-lane road,” TxDOT Area Engineer Epi Gonzalez said. “Ultimately, this project will help motorists arrive safely at their destinations.” The shoulder improvements start west of William
The roadway is being converted to a “super 2” highway with paved shoulders to improve safety between San Marcos and Niederwald.
Pettus Road and the super 2 section starts east of FM 1966. “We’re happy this project has begun,” said Hays County Commissioner, Pct. 1, Debbie Ingalsbe. “As commissioner, I work hard to ensure we are doing all we can, to provide safety to all motorists, and this transportation project will help accomplish that goal.” There will be two sections of the super 2 passing lane constructed in both the eastbound and westbound direction. “From highways to county roads, we are committed to doing our part to improve safety and quality of life for all travelers,” said Hays
County Commissioner, Pct. 2, Mark Jones. “This project will help ensure our highway system remains as safe as possible.” Construction on the $17.4 million project is anticipated to be complete in fall 2022, weather permitting. The contractor for the project is Hunter Industries. Though the “Super 2” highway will be the first in Hays County, others are in the future. TxDOT says similar stretches of roadway can be found from US 281 south of Blanco to the Blanco County line, SH 16 south of Fredericksburg to Kerrville, SH 71 from Llano to US 281 and US 183 between Luling and Gonzales.
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 12, 2020
Best Newspaper in South Texas Continued from pg. 1
lence, put the Hays Free Press at the top of the pile. Judges wrote, “Stories are well written; very nice, clean layout inside; good use of art throughout.” In addition, judges gave the Hays Free Press first place in Page Design: “The Hays Free Press has the cleanest, most-professional design in this division. The paper could easily fit in a metro category thanks to purposeful design decisions, excellent typography and a splash of fun.”
Arguello IN ALL THE KYLE-BUDABASED NEWSPAPER WON: • 3rd – Feature Writing, • • • • • • • •
1st – General Excellence 1st – Page Design 1st – Lifestyle Pages 3rd – Editorial writing, Cyndy Slovak-Barton 3rd – Humorous Column Writing – Clint Younts 1st – News Photos, Moses Leos III and Elizabeth Garcia 1st – Feature Photos, Moses Leos III and Katie Burrell 1st – News Writing, Exsar
Exsar Arguello • 3rd – Sports Coverage • 2nd – Headline Writing • 3rd – Display Advertising Design
The Hays Free Press won the sweepstakes by garnering 925 points in its category. Taking second place with 550 points was the Sealy News and taking third place was the Frio-Nueces Current with 475 points.
Balloon pilots say they’ll help lift spirits in Kyle this Labor Day The Kyle Pie in the Sky Hot Air Balloon Festival has unfortunately become an actual pie in the sky dream this year due to COVID-19, but the city has lined up several socially-distanced events for the community to enjoy. “Although we can’t see a safe way to bring the city the Pie in the Sky Hot Air Balloon Festival they have known and loved in past years, we are absolutely delighted that we can still provide some of that magic with our Labor Day Celebrations,” city council member Tracy Scheel said. There will be three events happening over Labor Day weekend. A
photo contest will be held Sept. 4 - 11 with the theme of what Labor Day means to you. Winners of the photo contest will receive cash prizes – 1st place is $200 and 2nd-5th are $50 each. Winners will be announced by city council at its Sept. 15 meeting. Vis-
it ( or for information on how to enter the photo contest. Other events include a 7 a.m. Sept. 5 balloon launch from surprise locations and a Drive-Thru Glow Shot at 7:45 p.m. Sept. 5. Details at laborday.
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