See election notices printed throughout sections A and B
See photos of last week’s high school sports
–Section A & B
–Pages 1-4B
Hays Free Press © Barton Publications, Inc.
Vol. 126 • No. 30
Serving Hays County, TX
I-35 traffic stop ends in shootings by deputies, Buda PD STAFF REPORT Hays County deputies and Buda police fired on a vehicle that fled a traffic stop during the afternoon rush hour on Monday. No officers were harmed and the unnamed suspect is recovering in a local hospital. The chase started around 5:15 p.m. Monday when a deputy spotted a vehicle traveling north near the 210 mile marker traveling recklessly, weaving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed. The deputy attempted a
Costumed attendees filled the city streets at last year’s Boo-dah Halloween celebration This year, cities won’t have the public celebrations due to the Coronavirus, but there will be some activitiies available. See below.
Coronavirus hasn’t spooked Hays County’s Halloween spirit BY MEGAN WEHRING
As for handing out candy, the CDC recommends for treats to be given outdoors or placed in stations with individually bagged treats, if possible.
HAYS COUNTY — Halloween is right around the corner and even faced with the pandemic, local communities are celebrating in their own way. Residents are getting creative this year because to Centers for Disease trick-or-treating is off the Control and Preventable for many. According tion (CDC) guidelines,
loween night. Six-foot social distancing should be practiced between members of different households. Cloth masks are highly recommended, and to make it fun for trick-or-treaters, cloth masks can be coordinated with costumes.
there are several steps that should be taken in preparation for Hal-
Drought conditions expected soon STAFF REPORT
It’s still a long-range model, but forecasters are calling for drought conditions to return to much of Texas by early next year. The prediction is based on the developing La Niña phenome-
na, which occurs when sea level temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific are below normal. The most recent drought map, released on Oct. 15, shows no drought in the local region, although Travis County is depicted as
“abnormally dry” and portions of the Panhandle are shown to already be in “severe” stages of drought. Forecasters at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center — a division of the National Weather Service — are also closely monitoring persistent
Coming Up Kyle VFW fundraiser
Kyle VFW will be selling barbecue plates with sausage, brisket, beans and potato salad on Saturday, Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. until sold out for $10 plus $1 drinks at 103 Front Street, Kyle. proceeds will benefit programs for veterans.
See local Halloween events going on near you. Page 10A
Wedding bells are playing a different tune during pandemic.
–Page 10B
drought during the winter months ahead, with more than 45% of the continental U.S. now experiencing drought, the agency says in its weekly report. Currently, large areas of drought extend over
Online seminar on avoiding caregiver burnout
Burnout isn’t limited to the workplace, especially in the age of COVID1-9. An online seminar to address those issues will be held on Friday, Nov. 13 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Sponsored bye AGE of Central Texas and the city of Buda Senior Task Force, “Avoiding Caregiving Burnout During COVID-19 will be offered free and will provide caregiving strategies and tips on adapting to the “new normal” during the coronavirus pandemic, including regional resources. Though the seminar is free, space is limited. Participants can register by calling 512-600-9275 or at http://www,TinyURL.com/Buda/Nov. 13. For more information visit www. AGEofCentralTX.org.
traffic stop but the vehicle fled, with HCSO units and Buda police in pursuit. Officers were able to disable the vehicle on South Loop 4 near Interstate Drive just south of the Buda city limits. Once the vehicle was stopped, the driver diplayed a handgun and officers fired, striking the suspect. Sheriff’s department say the driver is in stable condition.The HCSO did not release any further information, but said it would issue updates as they became available.
Attorney: ‘Rebel Road’ meeting violated Open Meetings Act BY ANITA MILLER
documents and emails, which he narrowed down KYLE — A local atto fewer than 50. He has torney has uncovered asked the city of Kyle what he characterized as and Hays County District a “clearly documented Attorney Wes Mau to violation” of the Open investigate. Meetings Act regarding The vote to change the vote over the summer the name of the portion by the Kyle City Council to of FM 150 that had been rename a portion of a city known as Rebel Road street “Fajita Drive.” occurred in Augus, on the Chevo Pastrano said his heels of the decision by open records request to the Hays CISD to change the city of Kyle regarding the the name of the the matter and how it was Hays High School Rebel handled by the council mascot, a controversial and Mayor Travis Mitchell resulted in 1,500 to 2,000 MEETING VIOLATION?, 4A
Still Budaful Stimulus 2.0 expands funding amount, relaxes regs BY SAHAR CHMAIS
25% in revenue. Anderson said that some businesses Buda businesses will had big losses in dollar have another chance to amount, but it would only apply for the Still Budaful show a 22% or 23% loss, so Stimulus 2.0 program, removing that regulation even if they have already can help more businesses. received funds; during BEDC has also increased the city council meeting the amount a business Wednesday night, memcan receive. Previously, bers approved the newer, businesses could only get laxer qualifications. $5,000, that amount has The 2.0 stimulus doubled. Any businesses program originally had that have applied before $250,000 worth of funds can reapply and get anand has about $168,000 other fund, but the overall left to give to businesses. amount they can receive Changes were made by the from all rounds is $10,000. Buda Economic DevelopThere are still some Buda ment Corporation because businesses which need asthey were still seeing busi- sistance, even though they nesses in need of help, said applied and received monTraci Anderson, executive ey, Anderson said, explaindirector of BEDC. ing why the city expanded The new regulations its requirements. have removed the two-emAll council members on ployee minimum, but still the call approved the new kept the maximum at 50 changes. employees. There is no lon“Great program,” Mayor ger a cap on revenue loss; George Haehn praised the prior to the changes, the BEDC. “I’m hoping we can BEDC required businesses help as many businesses as to show a loss of at least possible in Buda.”
The Hays Free Press Barton Publications, Inc. The Hays Free Press (USPS 361-430) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
Page 2A
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
New Hays High mascot on hold for time being
“Students will be involved in the nomination and voting process and will likely also be a part of the graphics design process.”
KYLE – The issue that dominated Hays CISD-related social media and many school board discussions over the summer is on the back burner for now. It’s now official that the Rebel is out as the mascot at Hays High School but, according to a district spokesman, the process to replace it is now “on hold.” That’s in order to focus on getting school back open, explained Tim Savoy, Hays CISD Communications Director. “Last week was our first in-person week,” Savoy told the Hays Free Press/News Dispatch on Oct. 9. “Now that school is up and running with the COVID protocols in place, we will turn our attention to designing a process and timeline to
–Tim Savoy, Hays CISD Communications Director
select a new mascot.” Saying he expects that process to begin either in December before the winter break, or in January when classes resume, and that it will occur in stages. “Phase one will entail a nomination, review and selection process but the specifics haven’t been determined. Once the mascot depiction is determined, we’d need to order uniforms, etc. We hope to have phases 1 and 2 before we go on spring break.” The cost depends on the price of uniforms and that
won’t be known until bids are obtained. “Students will be involved in the nomination and voting process,” Savoy said, “and will likely also be a part of the graphics design process.” He noted that the city of Kyle is responsible for renaming that portion of FM 150 that was previously called Rebel Drive. “I’ll let them comment on where they are with that process and whether they plan to name the road after the new mascot. We’d be supportive of their decision either way.
With no straight ticket voting this election, please be sure to scroll down the ballot to your local races and VOTE!!
DO JUSTICE. LOVE KINDNESS. WALK HUMBLY. Pol. Ad. Paid for by the David Junkin Campaign, Teresa Junkin, Treasurer, P.O. Box 1265, Wimberley, TX 78676
Judge Junkin respects the Consitutional separation of powers and will not legislate from the bench. Judge Junkin serves our community with honor and dedication, maintaining law and order to protect our families.
PEC donates masks to Scott & White
Endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police Hill Country Lodge #23
With no stra to scroll dow
DO JUSTICE. DO JUSTICE. LOVE LOVE KINDNESS. Pol. Ad. Paid for by the David Junkin Camp WALK HUMBLY. www.KEEPJUDGEJUNKIN.com Pol. Ad. Paid by the David Junkin Campaign, Teresa Junkin, Treasurer, P.O. Box 1265, Wimberley, TX 78676
The Austin Cancer Center would Dr. Kassondra Grzanko like to welcome our three newest IS JOINING THE TEAM O doctors serving in your area. AUSTIN CANCER CENT GYNECOLOGIC ON Dr. Kassondra Grzankowski MD, FACO
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Austin Cancer Center has three locations to serve you.
masks for patients, visitors and staff to wear outside of the clinical setting, this donation will further limit community spread of COVID-19,” Bennett said. “It is an honor to be the first full-service hospital in Buda, and we are excited to continue partnering with others to better the community we serve.” PEC will continue delivering masks received from the program to local hospital partners. For those interested in participating, it’s not too late. Learn more about PEC’s Masks for Members program and how to donate at pec.coop/masks.
our members have stepped up and donated thousands of masks, with a genuine desire to help protect Central Texans,” Porter said. “We can’t thank them enough for their time and for coming together with us to support this important cause.” Recipients, including Ascension Seton and Baylor Scott & White Health, are helping PEC distribute the masks to those in need. Drew Bennett, director of operations, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Buda, said his team is humbled by the support and grateful. “By helping us provide
JOHNSON CITY — Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC) has donated 1,500 masks to Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Buda. The masks, many of which are handmade, were donated by PEC members who participated in the cooperative’s Masks for Members program, which launched in September. Since then, PEC members have pledged to donate more than 3,500 masks. PEC Community Relations Coordinator Caroline Tinsley Porter said Masks for Members is a shining example of the cooperative spirit. “In just one month,
With no straight ticket voting this election, please be sure to scroll down the ballot to your local races and VOTE!!!
Phone: 512-505-5500
Dr. Sangeetha Kolluri, DO, FACOS is 512-334-2883 joining the team of doctorsFax: as Austin AustinCancerCenters.com Cancer Center’s newest Breast Surgeon Dr. Kolluri brings years of experience while treating breast cancer and benign breast disease, risk assessment including genetic testing, ultrasound guided biopsy & surgery and mastitis.
Serving the Kyle, Austin and Lakeway locations
Opinion Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Strange Facts
Last week we noted that Carrie Isaac is trying to win back her husband’s seat from Erin Zwiener in what we called a rematch-ish of the last state rep race. Really bad choice of words. Isaac, a Republican proud to be part of the conservative right, is indeed trying to win back her husband’s old seat from Zwiener. But to clarify, Zwiener, a Democrat, didn’t actually beat State Rep. Jason Isaac (Carrie’s husband) two years ago. Jason Isaac resigned his seat to run for Congress. (He didn’t make it.) Ken Strange, a popular Wimberley school board member and EMS director from Wimberley won the Republican nomination and was favored to win the seat – until Zwiener, a newcomer to local politics, upset him. Carrie won a bruising Republican primary to become the nominee this year – forced to a runoff, but winning that comfortably. We corrected the story in online editions. Sorry for the confusion. One of the marbles was loose in the pre-frontal cortex.
A Taxing Race
Daphne Tenorio married into a legendary Kyle political family. Her husband, Willie Tenorio, Jr., is a Hays school board member. His uncles – Sam and Blas – broke barriers as Mexican-Americans elected to the Kyle City Council, and his cousins, and others in the family, have been influential in local and regional politics. Daphne Tenorio has served on the Kyle City Council, where she made a name for herself both for doing her homework and for a certain mercurial combativeness and independence. Now she’s running as a Democrat for tax assessor collector. Her opponent, Jenifer O’Kane, took a much different route to what is typically a relatively low-profile and even somewhat stodgy job: she was a clerk to the former tax assessor, Luanne Caraway.
Educate Thyself
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try, try again? If you think education is in part about learning perseverance, then you’re bound to like RBM – that’s Rebecca Bell-Metereau, a Texas State University educator so fed up with ideologues at the State Board of Education that she’s making her FOURTH run for a seat on the board, representing a whole swath of Central Texas counties. This may be her best chance yet in what’s considered a close race against Republican Lani Popp and Libertarian Stephanie Berlin.
Deep in the Zelhart of Texas
In County Court-at-Law No. 3, incumbent Judge Tacie Zelhart, a Republican appointed to the seat in 2019, faces Democrat Millie Thompson, an attorney in private practice. In her short time on the bench, Zelhart has started the county’s first mental health specialty court and pledges to continue to implement specialty courts and diversion programs aimed at reducing jail recidivism and guiding individuals out of the criminal justice system.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY This week was the last week to publish letters to the editor regarding elections or options on the ballot until after the November 3 election. Letters to the editor regarding other topics, may be sent to csb@haysfreepress.com.
Vote your pocketbook
f you just vote for whichever candidate you think will be best for the economy, you should vote for the Democrat every time. Surprised? According to Brad Simpson, Chief Wealth Strategist at TD Wealth, Republicans have held the White House for 65 years since 1900. During that time, the average stock market return has been 7.9%. Not bad, but during the 55 years that Democrats held the White House, the return was 12.0%. Historically, the market does 50% better under Democrats. Focusing on 75 years since World War II, Democrats have held the White House for 36 years; the market has returned a stellar 14.4%. In the 39 years Republicans held the White House, the return has been 8.4%. Thus, Democrats outperformed Republicans by a whopping 70% margin since World War II. Trump brands himself a genius at running the economy. Let’s compare him to Obama. When Obama took office in January of 2008, the economy was in free fall. In March of 2008, about 6 weeks into his first term, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) bottomed at 6470. What followed was the longest bull market in
God and Country by Phil Jones
American history. On Nov. 5, 2016, that bull market was still going strong, with the DJIA at 18,332 – a meteoric 8-year rise of 278%. Taking compounding into account, the annual rate of growth was 14.55%. The bulls kept right on galloping, to the last day of the Obama administration and beyond. When Obama left office in January of 2016, the Dow was sitting at 19,804. If we credit Obama for all the gains from March 2008 to January 2016, that comes to 300%, which equates to 15.0% per annum, for 8 straight years. Trump inherited a Dow at 19,804, and the market gained nicely, for 3 years and one month, hitting a pre-COVID high of 29,551 on Feb. 12, 2020. That’s a gain of 49%. When you take compounding into account, the annual growth rate for Trump’s first 37 months in office was 13.88%. In other words, he managed to extend Obama’s bull market for another 3 years. If you plot the
unemployment rate during Trump’s first three years in office, you find that it extends the steady drop in unemployment during the Obama years, in virtually a straight line. Then the pandemic hit. That would have been terrible for the stock market, no matter who happened to be President at the time, so we will not count it against Trump. Therefore, at least superficially, it is nearly a tie. Obama’s 15.0% growth rate for 8 years was better than Trump’s 13.88% for 3 years, but not by much, particularly if you take into account that a sizable portion of the gains between the 2016 election and the 2017 inauguration were caused by the anticipation of a tax cut and infrastructure spending under Trump. But the DJIA is not the same as the economy. During a time when 20 million people have lost their jobs, the Dow has been on an epic climb. Rich people with investments in the market are raking in money, while working people without stocks have lost homes and run through savings, and are on the verge of being evicted. There is also the federal budget deficit. In Obama’s first year, to stem the momentum
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of the financial meltdown he inherited, he ran the deficit up to a then-record $1.43 trillion, according to TheBalance. com. Thereafter, he reduced the deficit every year through 2015 ($442 billion, a two-thirds reduction from 2009), leaving office with a deficit of $585 billion in 2016. By contrast, Trump, who campaigned on a pledge to eliminate the national debt, has instead increased the deficit every year, despite the galloping bull market. In just 3 years prior to the pandemic, he had already nearly doubled the deficit ($1.08 trillion in 2020, not counting the impact of COVID). Because of COVID, of course, the deficit has ballooned to a previously unthinkable $3.70 trillion, on Trump’s watch. So Obama had stock market returns equal or better than Trump’s. At the same time, Obama reduced the deficit and Trump increased it. When you add all that up, it’s really no contest. Obama managed the economy better than Trump, judged by these macroeconomic measures. But what do you expect? After all, Obama is a Democrat, and Trump is just a Republican. djones2032@austin.rr.com
Bring balance to state courts T he national debate over the selection of the next Supreme Court Justice has grabbed the attention of the public because of the long ranging effects that will emerge from that selection. But while the national attention is warranted, Texas voters need to focus their attention closer to home. Unlike the federal court, Texas has a two-court system to adjudicate final decisions on state matters. The Texas Supreme Court decides civil cases while the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals addresses criminal matters. Texans have an advantage over the nomination and confirmation process that is practiced at the federal level. Texas voters get
Guest Column by Ramon Chavéz
to choose who is placed on the state’s highest courts. Four justices face reelection in the all-Republican Supreme Court that has made a series of controversial decisions, including lifting a moratorium on evictions and limitation on voting by mail. Likewise, the justices of the Court of Criminal Appeals are also all-Republican, with three members up for re-election. As observers of the na-
tional debate have seen, the party affiliation and political philosophy of judicial candidates matters. Conservatives are fond of saying that they will best serve the courts by Constitutional interpretation of the law in its various decisions. They claim that progressive justices will “legislate from the bench,” as if conservatives are above making decisions that are divorced from their own personal social orientation and biases. If you are a good judge of human behavior, you know that this party line is a myth. What Texas needs and deserves are for its two courts of last resort to have a balance of judicial viewpoint. We don’t have that now with the cur-
rent composition. The Democrats have offered up a slate of highly qualified candidates who deserve your attention and scrutiny. It is important that voters examine the qualifications of those fine candidates, including a Democratic candidate for Chief Justice of the 3rd Court of Appeals. Let’s bring some balance to our state courts in order to facilitate fair decisions.
will vote no for prop A, because the term “any authorized purposes” is in the proposition. Cary Terrall
tection Program) for his auto dealership. Though there is nothing exempting congressmen from taking PPP money, it was really meant for citizens who are on the verge of losing their businesses and livelihoods due to Covid 19, not to help well paid congressmen whose salaries average about $174,000/yr. (We’ve heard auto sales are good during the pandemic, unlike businesses on the verge of bankruptcy.) For this act of money grabbing, we recommend voting for Julie Oliver (D) over Roger Williams (R). A. Villalobos (D), running for Hays Co. Sheriff, has some questions of conduct surrounding him (see: News-Dispatch letter on 9/30/20). There are 3 questions about his ethical/legal behavior which sound credible and include the problem of his missing personnel file. So far, he has not responded to these allegations. Why not? Gary Cutler (R), who has an open and proper record, may serve Hays Co. more openly and ethically than Mr. Villalobos. Martha Leren Dripping Springs
Ray Chávez is a retired journalist and mass communications professor who lives in Buda. ramon.chavez. communications@ gmail.com
Pelosi as Vice-President? Nancy Pelosi had no ratKamala Harris has a 0 ing for 2019 and an overall rating for 2019 in ratings rating of 9. Not good either by the Citizens Against for all of her constituents government Waste and in California. overall lifetime rating of In Texas John Cornyn 1. For the taxpayer catehas 2019 rating of 83 and gory this makes her very lifetime of 87. He is rated Hostile to taxpayers. If she as a Taxpayer hero. would have to become Ted Cruz has a 2019 president, would you feel rating of 100 and lifetime safe with her at the top? Or of 98. He is considered a
Barton Publications, Inc. News tips: news@haysfreepress.com Opinions: csb@haysfreepress.com 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640 www.haysfreepress.com 512-268-7862 Publisher Cyndy Slovak-Barton News Editor Anita Miller Reporters Megan Wehring, Sahar Chmais, Chase Rogers Columnists Bartee Haile, Pauline Tom, Clint Younts Proofreaders Jane Kirkham Marketing Director Tracy Mack
If you think it’s news, we probably do too! • Newsroom phone: 512-268-7862 • E-mail: news@haysfreepress.com • Mail: 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640
Marketing Specialist James Darby Production Manager David White Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia Office Manager Arlene Monroe Circulation/Classifieds David White, Arlene Monroe Distribution Kimberlee Griffon
Taxpayer Super Hero. Basically for all of the Democrats in TX they are rated as Hostile to taxpayers, and the Republicans are rated as Taxpayer Heroes or Super Heroes. Judicial Watch has uncovered some records about Joe Biden and his son Hunter about travel to countries for business purposes. Hunter did fly with his father numerous times on either Air Force One or Two. There were 411 flights. The country that really caught my attention was China. They made numerous trips from 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. As we have heard, his son was involved in influence peddling scandals with Burisma-Ukraine-and China. Hunter formed a Chinese private equity fund that at the time was to raise big money for all involved. Do we really want Biden as President? Ms. Harris’s family in Jamaica were slave owners. She is not African American for her father is from Jamaica and her mother from India. Back in June at the Democratic debates she stated that Biden had sexually harassed women as a Senator. Sounds fishy
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be corrected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
to me and that a deal was done so she could be his VP candidate if she did not go forward with an investigation into him. Just wanted to make you aware so that you can have facts, and not false news, before you go to the polls. God Bless America and help us. Renee Hill, Buda
VOTING NO ON PROP A Hays co Proposition A states, in part, that it is for “acquiring open space and conservation land and conservation easements on land for any authorized purposes.” Why does it state for “any purposes”? Could “purposes” extend beyond parks and recreation? Purposes such as allowing thousands of biologically harmful wireless radiation 5G minicell towers to possibly be placed near parks, schools and neighborhoods? Also in Prop A is the term “connectivity,” a term that is often used when referring to wireless communication technology such as 5G. Wireless radiation like 5G has been proven in studies to be harmful to bees, trees, birds and widlife. I and others I know
• The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication. • The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classified word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
CONCERNED ABOUT PROP A I, and others I know, are concerned about Proposition A on the current Hays Co. ballot. $75 million is a very large sum of money for one single county to provide and, if passed, will be paid for by a tax increase on Hays Co. citizens, a large burden especially during this pandemic. Also, it states in Prop A that the purpose is for “acquiring open space and conservation land and conservation easements on land for any authorized purposes.” ANY? Like easements for utilities, including perhaps placing many thousand of short beam small towers to support (unnecessary) 5G deployment? (These are small unsafe antennas that must be placed very close to homes, businesses, schools, etc.) Or perhaps like providing easements for future pipelines coming through Hays Co.? Consider voting NO. Roger Williams has admitted taking $1-2 million from PPP (Payroll Pro-
We welcome locally written letters to the editor on timely topics of community interest. We ask that you keep them to about 350 words in length and that you not indulge in personal attacks on private individuals. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. All letters should be signed by the author and include a daytime phone number where the author can be contacted for verification. Letter writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters can be emailed to csb@haysfreepress.com.
Page 4A
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Winter 2020
U.S Precipitation Outlook
Precipitation outlook for December 2020 - February 2021. Issued October 15, 2020.
NWS Climate Prediction Center Map by NOAA Climate.gov
Probability (percent chance) drier than normal equal chances wetter than normal 80
Continued from pg. 1A
expanded and intensifying drought during the winter months ahead. “With La Niña well established and expected to persist through the upcoming 2020 winter season, we anticipate the typical, cooler, wet-
ter North, and warmer, drier South, as the most likely outcome of winter weather that the U.S. will experience this year,” said Mike Halpert, deputy director of NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
Meetings Violation?
46 Years, County and State Level, including 10 Years as the Hays County Sheriff.
10.7 Years, Texas State University and 1.4 Years, Reserve Deputy Constable.
Never Been Under Investigation, maintained the highest level of integrity throughout career.
Currently Under Investigation by the Texas Rangers, Texas Attorney General and previously investigated at Texas State University for misconduct.
Peace Officer
Honorably Commissioned as Texas Peace Officer for 46 Years.
Not Commissioned as Texas Peace Officer.
Brady (Disclosure) List
Not on Brady List for any Texas County.
On Brady List for Hays County, listing of peace officers deemed dishonest, untrustworthy, and not credible.
Jail Administrator
Passed all inspections since November 2010 with Texas Commission on Jail Standards, has experience working in a county jail at beginning of his career.
No administrative/work experience overseeing a county jail.
Staffing and Hiring Practices
Established and implemented an extensive hiring process which includes written test, physical fitness, and interviews. Brady List applicants are disqualified since designated as untrustworthy.
Hiring processes at Texas State University under his direction were not followed which led to unqualified officers being hired attributing to a lawsuit filed against Texas State University.
Clery Act Reporting (Federally Required Mandate to Provide Transparency on Reporting Crime on College and University Campuses)
Consistently makes accurate reports as required by federal law.
Texas State University reports filed with statistics from his tenure have been reviewed by the U.S. Department of Education and deemed inaccurate due to intentional under reporting of crimes.
Continued from pg. 1A
reminder of the Civil War. Kyle’s decision to name the street Fajita Drive was later rescinded and a committee has been appointed and begun meeting in order to to review the matter. However, Pastrano says some of the documents that came into his possession indicated that the name change was “predeter-
Drought Update the western half of the U.S., with parts of the Northeast also experiencing drought and near-record low stream flows. With a La Niña climate pattern in place, southern parts of the U.S. may experience
mined” as early as June in an “exchange of jokes.” “Throughout July, preparations are being made for a name change with the acknowledgement that the name change would be to ‘Fajita Drive,’” Pastrano wrote. “By late July into early August before the ‘open meeting,’ the mayor is defending the name change
to ‘Fajita Drive.’” “To drive the point home that the matter had already been discussed in quorum,” Pastrano said, he pointed to emails indicating the decision was already made and noting that sings labeling Rebel Drive/FM 150 were discussed in detail including design specifics and price.
Pol Pd Ad Cutler for Sheriff
Tuesday, November 3rd
EARLY VOTING OCTOBER 13TH-30TH Pd. Pol. Adv. Cutler for Sheriff
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Page 5A
Hays County again leads in some real estate markers BY ANITA MILLER
sales dollar volume (50.3% to 487 sales), home sales Austin’s tight real estate (50.3% to 487 homes‚) new market is continuing to listings (rose 40.6 % to 485 influence home sales, listings). price and availability in Over the same time Hays County, where the period, active listings most recent Central Texas tumbled 43.1% to 558 Housing Market report listings and pending shows Hays County leadsales increased 42.9% to ing the region in some key 480. Housing inventory indicators of the market’s dropped by 1.5 months to overall health. The latest 1.5 months. report puts Hays County In Austin, median home at or near the top in terms price in the same period (comparing this Septemrose by 13.8% to $420,000, ber to last September) of residential sales grew by median home price (which 27.1% and sales dollar rose 15.1% to $310,000), volume increased by 50%
Across the region (city of Austin and Travis, Hays, Williamson, Bastrop and Caldwell counties,) sales dollar volumes grew by 51.87%. Median home prices were up by 12.1% to $355,000 and new listings increased 5% to 3,539. Pending sales jumped 28.2 % to 3,767 and active sales fell 49.9% to 3,708 listings.
to $1,018,324. Pending sales were up 16.6% to 1,164 while active listings were down 24% to 1,164.
Monthly inventory decreased 0.4% to 1.4 months worth of inventory. Across the region (city of Austin and Travis, Hays, Williamson, Bastrop and Caldwell counties,) sales dollar volumes grew by 51.87%. Median home prices were up by 12.1% to $355,000 and new listings increased 5% to 3,539. Pending sales jumped 28.2 % to 3,767 and active sales fell 49.9% to 3,708 listings.
“The housing market is pumping billions of dollars into our region’s economy at a time it’s greatly needed, but we also need to be cognizant of the impact such rapid growth is having on record-low inventory levels and rising home prices,” Romeo Manzanilla, Austin Board of Realtors president, said. “Austin’s suburban markets have historically offered housing stock at lower price point that’s created opportunity for people when buying or renting inside Austin city limits was not an option. Now, these markets are showing the same gains in prices and declines in inventory as we’re used to seeing in Austin, putting pressure on the market as a whole.” Vaike O’Grady of Zondo Real Estate Group said the fact the city of Austin has such a limited number of
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residential lots is forcing developers to move out of town where land is more available and less expensive. Homes simply can’t be put on the ground fast enough to meet demand in suburban markets, Grady said. “We need to remove barriers to new construction and open up more building opportunities across the region to create more inventory for buyers,” Grady said. “Austin’s economy is bouncing back better than most cities, allowing more people to make a move to a home that meets their needs.” “The Austin area needs more housing supply at all price points in order to stabilize home price growth and help make ownership accessible, especially for first-time homebuyers,” Manzanilla said.
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Page 6A
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Wimberley council discusses downtown traffic control BY MEGAN WEHRING WIMBERLEY — Population growth and downtown shopping are causing traffic to be a major issue in the Wimberley Square. That issue became a topic of discussion for the Wimberley City Council on Oct. 15. Sheriff deputies have started six-hour shifts on Saturdays and four-hour shifts Sundays trying to manage the heavy traffic, according to interim city administrator Paul Parker. Positive feedback about the traffic control assistance was received from downtown merchants, Parker said. Wimberley does not have its own police department and relies instead on Hays County Sheriff deputies. Council member Teresa Shell said she has slowly started to see more improvement in the traffic flow. “It’s still bumper to bumper but it’s moving,” Shell said. “In my mind, that means they are coordinating the two crosswalks to some degree to keep the flow of pedestrians and the flow of cars.”
Sheriff deputies have started six-hour shifts on Saturdays and four-hour shifts Sundays trying to manage the heavy traffic in downtown Wimberley. Ranch Road 12, leading into the Wimberley Square, is becoming busier due to the growing population and increased sales tax, Shell said. “It’s not just on the weekends,” Shell told council members. “It’s not just Friday afternoons, Sunday mid-day, it’s every single day.” Mayor Pro Tem Rebecca Minnick suggested a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Old Kyle Road and Ranch Road 12 to limit traffic backup. The city of Wimberley would need to coordinate with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot) to request a new traffic signal.
County proclaims ‘Weatherization Day’ STAFF REPORT
DSHS senior one of 100 in writing competition
The district installed a 200,000-gallon rainwater and AC condensate storage tank at Blue Hole Primary as well as implementing an advanced system to reuse the captured water for irrigation and toilet flushing.
Blue Hole Primary School constructed with green design SUBMITTED REPORT
within the region. The One Water WIMBERLEY – Blue concept that stressHole Primary School es the importance of has just been open since water and its continAugust, and the honors ued flow through the have already begun to Texas Hill Country is roll in. The architecture reflected throughout firm of O’Connell Robthe 90,000-square foot ertson and engineering Pre-K through second firm MEP say it has won grade campus. Morethe 2020 Rain Catcher over, it serves as a Award from the Texas model for future schools Water Development in the area as the region Board and the school, adapts to water chalthe first One Water lenges and develops inSchool in Texas, has novative ways to benefit already inspired more the community and the One Water initiatives envionment in which it
exists. “We are thrilled that the Blue Hole Primary School integrated with the One Water System has been honored with the Rain Catcher Award, reinforcing our design’s enrichment of lives and deepening of students’ education in Wimberley ISD. This focus and display of sustainability will impact generations to come, said Jarrod Sterzinger of architects, O’Connell Robertson. The One Water’s approach for Blue Hole
For all the latest news in Hays County, visit...
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See solution on page 6B
Dripping Springs High newly published authors School senior Lauren and illustrators during its Sanders is one of 100 11th annual Virtual Book students selected Signing Brunch to be published (with a special by the iWRITE guest appearance nonprofit organifrom Academy zation. Her entry Award-winning was a poem called actor Matthew “The Truth of the McConaughey. Stars.” Through the Each year, years, iWRITE has iWRITE offers published 730 stustudents in grades dent authors and SANDERS 3-12 the opporillustrators from tunity to submit 11 different counshort stories, poetry and tries resulting in more artwork to its publishing than 11,000 anthologies contest called, I Write that have gone to print. Short Stories by Kids for Founded in 2009, the Kids. On Nov. 14, the iWRITE nonprofit organiiWRITE literacy orgazation builds student connization will honor the fidence through writing.
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Primary was to reduce groundwater usage and reuse water produced by the school. To do this, the district installed a 200,000-gallon rainwater and AC condensation storage tank. They implemented an advanced system to reuse the captured water for irrigation and toilet flushing. Efficient use of the system enables the management of all water – drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and grey water – as a single resource.
Sudoku puzzle courtesy of www.4puz.com
vate funding to provide cost-effective, energy efCiting benefits includ- ficient retrofits to homes ing preparedness and occupied by low-income saving money, the Hays families. On average, the County Commissionretrofitting reduces heaters Court on Tuesday ing costs by 30%, which declared Oct. 30 “Weath- saves the average family erization Day.” $283 a year. Retrofitted The proclamation households also enjoy touted the Combined health and safety benefits Community Action Inc. including improved air Weatherization Program, quality. Homes that do which provides economic not have smoke and carassistance for low income bon monoxide detectors households. receive them. According to the proc“Weatherization is lamation language, for critical amidst the COVID every $1 investment in pandemic because it the program, more than makes indoor environ$4 is returned in energy, ments healthier, safer health and safety beneand more comfortable fits. for medically vulnerable The program uses fed- individuals,” the proclaeral, state, local and primation says.
See solution on page 6B
Page 7A
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kyle, Texas, hereby finds that an election should be held to determine whether said governing body shall be authorized to issue bonds of said City in the amount and for the purposes hereinafter identified; and
WHEREAS, the City Council (the “Council”) of the City of Kyle, Texas (the “City”) has heretofore found that the funding and construction of certain improvements within the City is in the public interest; and
WHEREAS, the Council has made provision for the conduct of the City bond election to be conducted jointly with other political subdivisions in the area under the authority of Texas Election Code Chapter 271; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Hays County Elections Administrator have authority, pursuant to Chapter 31, Subchapter D, of the Texas Election Code and Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, to enter into an agreement for the Hays County Elections Administrator to conduct the City’s elections; and WHEREAS, the Council hereby finds that it is in the public interest that the City’s special bond election be conducted as provided for by the Council;
Section 1. Call of Election; Date; Eligible Electors; and Hours. A special bond election (the “Election”) shall be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, which is seventy-eight (78) or more days from the date of the adoption of this ordinance (the “Ordinance”) within and throughout the territory of the City at which all resident, qualified electors of the City shall be entitled to vote. The Council hereby finds that holding the Election on such date is in the public interest. The hours during which the polling places are to be open at the Election shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Section 2. Conduct of Election. The Election shall be conducted by election officers of Hays County, in accordance with the Texas Election Code, Chapter 1251, Texas Government Code, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. The Hays County Elections Administrator will conduct the election for the City and include the City’s registered voters in Hays County. The early voting and election day polling locations shall all be located within Hays County and serve the City’s registered voters for Hays County. The Hart InterCivic Verity Duo Voting System shall be utilized for the Election. Paper ballots will be used for early voting by mail. Pursuant to Chapter 31 of the Texas Election Code, the Council finds that this Election will be conducted under the terms and conditions of a contract for election services between the City and Hays County (the “County”) which is attached as Exhibit “A” to this Ordinance, and hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set out in the body of this Ordinance. Additionally, the County is hereby authorized and directed to provide any other manner of notice as authorized or required by law. Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code provides that the authorities of two or more political subdivisions, that have ordered elections for the same day in all or part of the same territory, may enter into an agreement to hold the elections jointly in election precincts that can be served by common polling places, and the Council is expressly authorizing this action. Pursuant to Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code, the Council hereby finds that this Election be conducted under the terms and conditions of one or more agreements to conduct joint elections which agreement(s) are also included in Exhibit “A” to this Ordinance.
there shall be submitted to the resident, qualified electors of the City the following propositions (the “Propositions”): City of Kyle Proposition A
“SHALL the City Council of the City of Kyle, Texas be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of said City in an amount not to exceed $37,000,000 for the purpose of planning, designing, constructing, improving and equipping a public safety facility, specifically a new police station and emergency operations center in the City, and other costs related thereto; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a period not to exceed thirty (30) years from their date, to be issued and sold in one or more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or otherwise and not exceed the maximum rate prescribed by law) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?” City of Kyle Proposition B
“SHALL the City Council of the City of Kyle, Texas be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of said City in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 for the planning, designing, constructing, improving and equipping of, and acquisition of real property for, parks in the city; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a period not to exceed thirty (30) years from their date, to be issued and sold in one or more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or otherwise and not exceed the maximum rate prescribed by law) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?”
Section 5. Ballots. The ballot shall be suitable for use with an electronic voting system, and shall otherwise conform to the requirements of the Election Code as to permit the electors to vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the aforesaid measures which shall appear on the ballot substantially as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT
[ ] FOR
Counting; Tabulation; Canvassing of Returns; Declaring Results. In accordance with the requirements of the Election Code, the election officers shall make and deliver a written return of the Election. The Council shall canvass the returns and declare the results of the Election.
Section 8. Custodian of Records. To the extent not otherwise provided for in the election services agreement, or in any joint election agreement(s), Ms. Jennifer Holm, the City Secretary, is the custodian of records (“Custodian”) and will perform duties related to the conduct and maintenance of records of the Election as required under the Election Code during the period beginning the third (3rd) day after the approval of this Ordinance, and ending not earlier than the fortieth (40th) day after the day of the Election. In particular, the Custodian shall accept and maintain records regarding campaign expenditures that may be filed with the City. The Custodian shall maintain an office open for election duties for at least three hours each day, during regular office hours, on regular business days during the period designated in this section. The Custodian shall post notice of the location and hours of office as required by the Election Code. The Custodian shall maintain in office the documents, records and other items relating to the Election and shall be the person designated to receive documents on behalf of the City that are required by the Election Code.
Section 9. Election Information to be Provided in Spanish. The City Secretary and all other election officers appointed by the Council responsible for the preparation of notices, instructions, ordinances, resolutions, ballots and other written material pertaining to the Election shall cause each such document to be translated into and furnished to voters in both the English language and the Spanish language, in order to aid and assist voters speaking Spanish as a primary or an alternative language to properly participate in the election process. In addition, the City Secretary and other responsible election officers are hereby authorized and directed to make available to the voters having the need of an individual capable of acting as a translator and speaking both English and Spanish languages, who will assist Spanish speaking voters in understanding and participating in the election process. Section 10. Notice of Election Publication and Posting Requirements. Publication of Notice of Election
Notice of the Election, containing a substantial copy of this Ordinance, including a Spanish translation thereof, shall be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in said City, the first of said publications to appear in said newspaper not more than thirty (30) days and not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the day of the Election. Posting of Notice of Election
Notice of the Election, containing a substantial copy of this Ordinance, in both the English and Spanish languages, shall also be posted (i) on the electronic bulletin board used by the Council to post notices of the Council’s meetings, (ii) at three (3) other public places within the City, and (iii) on the City’s Internet website, prominently and together with the notice of the election, sample ballot and the contents of the propositions, no later than the twenty-first (21st) day before the Election. Additionally, the Mayor and the City Secretary of the City, in consultation with the City’s Attorney and bond counsel, are hereby authorized and directed to provide any other manner of notice as authorized by law. A copy of this Ordinance, in both the English and Spanish languages, shall also be posted in a prominent location at each polling place on Election Day and at each early voting polling place during early voting by personal appearance.
tax rate for its outstanding debt obligations of $0.22620 per $100 of taxable assessed valuation. (j) Of the aforementioned City debt, the City considers $30,801,218 and $22,253,127 of that principal and interest, respectively, to be self-supporting debt payable from sources other than ad valorem taxes. (k) The weighted average maturity of the issue of bonds does not exceed 120% of the reasonably expected weighted average economic life of the improvements and personal property financed with the issue of bonds.
If a majority of the resident, qualified electors of the City voting at the Election, including those voting early, shall vote in favor of a Proposition, then the issuance and sale of the respective bonds shall be authorized in the maximum respective amount contained therein, and such general obligation bonds shall be issued and sold at the price or prices and in such denominations determined by the Council to be in the City’s best interests. City staff shall prepare a voter information document and post such document in accordance with Section 1251.052 of the Texas Government Code. Section 12. Necessary Actions. The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City, in consultation with the City’s Attorney and bond counsel, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code and the Federal Voting Rights Act in carrying out and conducting the Election, whether or not expressly authorized herein, including making changes or additions to polling places or procedures to the extent required or desirable or as may become necessary due to circumstances arising after the date of this Ordinance.
Section 13. Preamble Incorporation. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true, and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings of the Council.
Section 14. Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters found herein.
Section 15. Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the Charter, Ordinances and Resolutions of the City of Kyle, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. Section 16. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance and the supplication of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the Council hereby declares that this Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid provision.
Section 17. Notice of Meeting. The Council officially finds, determines, recites and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was posted on a bulletin board located at a place convenient to the public at the City’s administrative offices for at least seventy-two CITY OF KYLE PROPOSITION B (72) hours preceding the scheduled time of the [ ] FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL meeting; that a telephonic or telegraphic notice OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE of such meeting was given to all news media PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO who have consented to pay any and all expenses EXCEED $10,000,000 FOR THE incurred by the City in connection with providPLANNING, DESIGNING, ing such notice, both as required by the Open CONSTRUCTING, IMPROVING Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Texas Government AND EQUIPPING OF, AND Code, as amended; and that such meeting was ACQUISITION OF REAL open to the public as required by law at all times PROPERTY FOR, PARKS IN during which this Ordinance and the subject THE CITY; AND THE LEVY OF matter thereof was discussed, considered and A TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF. formally acted upon. Pursuant to the March 16, [ ] AGAINST Section 11. Debt Service and Tax Rate 2020 proclamation issued by Governor Abbott, Information of the City. The following this meeting may be held by videoconference in Section 6. Early Voting. Early voting for information in provided in accordance with the order to advance the public health goal of limthe election shall be conducted jointly with provisions of Section 3.009(b), Texas Election iting face-to-face meetings (also called “social other political subdivisions. The Hays County Code. distancing”) to slow the spread of COVID-19. Elections Administrator shall serve as the Early (a) The Proposition language that will appear Some Council members may attend the meeting Voting Clerk and shall appoint any necessary on the ballot is set forth in Section 5 hereof. via videoconferencing. This meeting can be early voting clerks to assist her. (b) The purpose for which the bonds are to be viewed live online at https://www.cityofkyle. Early Voting by Mail Section 3. Voting Precincts; Polling Places; authorized is set forth in Sections 4 and 5 hereof. com/kyletv/kyle-10-live or Spectrum10. Election Judges, Alternates, Clerks and (c) The principal amount of the debt obligaBallot applications shall be addressed to the Section 18. Authorization to Execute. The other Election Officials. Except as otherwise tions to be authorized is $47,000,000. Early Voting Clerk at the following address: Mayor is authorized to execute and the City provided herein, the presently existing boundar(d) Taxes sufficient to pay the annual prinSecretary is authorized to attest this Ordinance ies and territory of the election precincts of Hays Early Voting Clerk cipal of and interest on the general obligation on behalf of the Council; and the Mayor is 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Suite 1012 County that are wholly or partially within the bonds may be imposed. authorized to do all other things legal and territorial boundaries of the City are hereby des- San Marcos, TX 78666-5999 (e) The City intends to issue the bonds necessary in connection with the holding and ignated as the voting precincts for the Election. authorized by the Propositions in a manner and An original, signed, complete application for consummation of the Election. The precinct numbers for the City’s election in accordance with a schedule to be detera ballot by mail can be emailed to elections@ precincts shall be the corresponding precinct Section 19. Effective Date. This Ordinance mined by the Council based upon a number of co.hays.tx.us. If you are submitting your apnumber of each precinct as designated by the is effective immediately upon its passage and factors, including, but not limited to, the then plication for ballot by mail by fax or email, the Hays County Elections Administrator. The current needs of the City, demographic changes, approval. original, hard copy of the application MUST be election day polling places for the Election will prevailing market conditions, assessed valuamailed and received by the Early Voting Clerk Passed and Approved on first reading this the be presented to the Council for its approval. tions in the City and management of the City’s no later than the 4th business day after it was 6th day of October 2020. The Council finds the use of vote centers short-term and long-term interest rate exposure. originally submitted. PASSED AND APPROVED on first and final under the Countywide Polling Place Program, Market conditions, demographics and assessed For the use of those voters who are entitled as described in Section 43.007 of the Texas valuations vary based upon a number of factors reading this the 17th day of August, 2020. by law to vote early by mail, the Early Voting /s/ Travis Mitchell, Mayor Election Code, will result in a more convenient beyond the City’s control, and therefore, the Clerk shall provide each voter with a ballot with City of Kyle, Texas voting opportunity for the voters and a more City cannot and does not guarantee a particuinstructions to mark the ballot indicting his or efficient and cost effective administration of lar interest rate or tax rate associated with the her vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the ProposiATTEST: the election, and use of vote centers is hereby bonds authorized by the Propositions. As such, tions on the same ballots utilized for early voting /s/ Jennifer Holm, City Secretary approved. A list of voting precincts and polling the information contained in this paragraph is by personal appearance at the Election. City of Kyle, Texas places for each voting precinct, and, as applicaprovided solely for illustrative purposes and The period to apply for a ballot by mail is ble, each vote center used as a polling place on does not establish any limitations or restrictions January 1, 2020 through October 23, 2020. The EXHIBIT A Election Day will be presented to the Council or create a contract with the voters. The City application must be received by the Early Voting for its approval. currently estimates that, if the Propositions were Contract for Election Services and Joint Election Clerk by October 23, 2020 (mere postmarking Agreement(s) The Council approves the appointment of approved and the bonds proposed herein were by the deadline is insufficient). persons designated by the County to serve as authorized and issued in accordance with the SUPPLEMENTAL ORDINANCE Early Voting by Personal Appearance election workers. Such proposed presiding judgCity’s current estimated project plan of finance, APPROVING EARLY VOTING es and alternate judges shall meet the eligibility the maximum interest rate of the bonds is not Early voting by personal appearance for LOCATIONS, DATES AND TIMES, AND requirements of Chapter 32, Subchapter C of the expected to exceed 6.00%. the Election shall be conducted jointly at the ELECTION DAY VOTING LOCATIONS Texas Election Code. The rate of pay for judges (f) If the bonds are approved, they may be locations and on the dates and times specified by FOR THE CITY OF KYLE FOR THE and clerks of the Election shall be determined issued in one or more series, to mature serially, the County and will be presented to the Council SPECIAL BOND ELECTION TO BE according to the election services agreement. over a period not to exceed thirty (30) years for its approval. HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 2020 Compensable hours shall be determined in from the date of issuance of each series of Additional Temporary Branch WHEREAS, the City Council of the City accordance with the provisions of the Texas bonds. Early Voting Polling Places Election Code, as amended (the “Election (g) The City, as of the date of this Ordinance, of Kyle, Texas (the “City Council”) and (the “City”), at the meeting held August 17, 2020, Code”) and other applicable laws. had outstanding an aggregate ad valorem The Temporary Branch Early Voting Polling The Council approves the appointment of tax-supported principal amount of debt equal to ordered a special bond election to be held on Places and the dates and times for voting by November 3, 2020 (the “Bond Election”) to persons designated by the County to serve $98,195,000. personal appearance at the Temporary Branch issue bonds of said City; and on the Early Voting Ballot Board, the Central (h) The aggregate amount of the interest Early Voting Polling Places will be presented to Counting Station, and as deputy early voting owed on such City debt obligations, through the Council for its approval. WHEREAS, the City Council has the clerks. respective maturity, totaled $39,753,587. authority pursuant to Chapter 85, Texas Election Section 7. Delivery of Voted Ballots; (i) The City levied an ad valorem debt service Code to designate early voting locations, dates, Section 4. Propositions. At the Election Continued on next page
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Page 8A
WHEREAS, the City Council has authority pursuant to Chapter 43, Texas Election Code to designate the election day polling locations for the City; and
WHEREAS, it is now necessary for the City Council to supplement the Ordinance Calling the Bond Election for the City, approved by the City Council at a meeting held on August 17, 2020 to approve early voting and election day voting locations and dates and hours of early voting by personal appearance as the governing body of the entity calling the Election; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the early voting and election day voting locations and the dates and hours for early voting are in the public interest.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS: Section 1. Preamble Incorporation. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true, and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes and are adopted as part of the judgment and findings of the City Council. Section 2. Approval of Early Voting Polling Places, Dates and Times and Election Day Polling Places. The City Council hereby establishes the early voting dates, times and locations, and election day polling locations for the City’s Bond Election as set out in Exhibit “A” to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.
Section 3. Notice of Meeting. The City Council officially finds, determines, recites and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Ordinance was adopted was posted on a bulletin board located at a place convenient to the public at City Hall for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of the meeting, that notice of such meeting was given to all news media who have consented to pay any and all expenses incurred by the City in connection with providing such notice; both as required by the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code as amended; and that such meeting was open to the public, as required by law at all times during which this Ordinance and the subject matter thereof was discussed, considered and formally acted upon. Pursuant to the March 16, 2020 proclamation issued by Governor Abbott, this meeting may be held by videoconference in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called “social distancing”) to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some Council members may attend the meeting via videoconferencing. This meeting can be viewed live online at https://www.cityofkyle.com/kyletv/kyle-10-live or Spectrum10.
Section 4. Necessary Actions. The Mayor and the City Secretary, in consultation with the City Attorney and bond counsel, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code and the Federal Voting Rights Act in carrying out and conducting the Election, whether or not expressly authorized herein, including making changes or additions to polling places or procedures to the extent required or desirable or as may become necessary due to circumstances arising after the date of this Ordinance.
Section 5. Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters ordered herein. Section 6. Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the Ordinances and Resolutions of Kyle, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. Section 7. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance and the supplication of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City Council hereby declares that this Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid provision. Section 8. Authorization to Execute. The Mayor is authorized to execute, and the City Secretary is authorized to attest this Ordinance on behalf of the City Council; and the Mayor is authorized to do all other things legal and necessary in connection with the holding and consummation of the Election. Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and approval.
Passed and Approved on first reading this the 6th day of October 2020. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 6th day of October 2020 /s/ Travis Mitchell, Mayor City of Kyle, Texas ATTEST: /s/ Jennifer Holm, City Secretary City of Kyle, Texas
CONSIDERANDO QUE, el Consejo de la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas, por medio de la presente dispone que se debe celebrar una elección para
determinar si dicha entidad gubernamental recibirá autorización para emitir bonos de dicha Ciudad en la cantidad y para los propósitos que se identifican en este documento; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, el Consejo de la Ciudad (el “Consejo”) de la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas (la “Ciudad”) hasta la fecha ha establecido que el financiamiento y la construcción de ciertas mejoras de la Ciudad son de interés público; y
CONSIDERANDO QUE, el Consejo ha dispuesto que la celebración de la elección de bonos de la Ciudad se debe llevar a cabo conjuntamente con otras subdivisiones políticas en el área, según dispone el Capítulo 271 del Código Electoral de Texas; y
CONSIDERANDO QUE, la Ciudad y la Administradora de las Elecciones del Condado de Hays, en virtud del Capítulo 31, subcapítulo D del Código Electoral de Texas y el Capítulo 791 del Código Gubernamental de Texas, tienen autoridad para establecer un acuerdo para que la Administradora de las Elecciones del Condado de Hays lleve a cabo las elecciones de la Ciudad; y
CONSIDERANDO QUE, el Consejo determina que es de interés público que se celebre la elección especial de bonos de la Ciudad como lo dispone el Consejo; POR LO TANTO, EL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE KYLE, TEXAS ACUERDA:
Sección 1. Convocatoria de elección, fecha, electores y horario. Se celebrará una elección especial de bonos (la “Elección”) el martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020, fecha que es setenta y ocho (78) días o más de la fecha de aprobación de esta ordenanza (la “Ordenanza”) dentro y en todo el territorio de la Ciudad, en la cual todos los residentes electores de la Ciudad tendrán derecho a votar. Por medio de la presente el Consejo determina que la realización de la Elección en tal fecha de interés del público. El horario de operación de los lugares de votación el día de la Elección será de 7:00 a. m. a 7:00 p. m.
Sección 2. Realización de la Elección. Los funcionarios electorales del Condado de Hays realizarán la Elección en cumplimiento con el Capítulo 1251 del Código Electoral de Texas, el Código Gubernamental de Texas y la Constitución y las leyes del estado de Texas y de los Estados Unidos de América. La Administradora de las Elecciones del Condado de Hays celebrará la elección para la Ciudad e incluirá a los electores registrados de la Ciudad en el Condado de Hays. Los lugares de votación adelantada y del día de la Elección se ubicarán en el Condado de Hays y darán servicio a los electores de la Ciudad registrados en el Condado de Hays. En la Elección se usará el sistema de votación Hart InterCivic Verity Duo. Se usarán boletas impresas para la votación adelantada por correo. En virtud del Capítulo 31 del Código Electoral de Texas, el Consejo determina que esta Elección se realizará bajo los términos y las condiciones de un contrato de servicios de elección establecido entre la Ciudad y el Condado de Hays (el “Condado”), que se adjunta como Apéndice “A” a esta Ordenanza, y por medio de la presente se incorpora como referencia como si estuviera totalmente asentado en el cuerpo de esta Ordenanza. Además, por medio de la presente se autoriza e instruye al Condado a proporcionar cualquier otra modalidad de aviso como lo autoriza o requiere la ley. El Capítulo 271 del Código Electoral de Texas dispone que las autoridades de dos o más subdivisiones políticas que hayan ordenado elecciones para el mismo día en todo o parte del mismo territorio, pueden acordar realizar las elecciones conjuntamente en distritos electorales que pueden servir como lugares de votación comunes, y el Consejo expresamente autoriza esta acción. En virtud del Capítulo 271 del Código Electoral de Texas, por medio de la presente el Consejo determina que esta Elección se realizará según los términos y las condiciones de uno o más acuerdos para realizar elecciones conjuntas, y este acuerdo o acuerdos también se incluyen en el Apéndice “A” de esta Ordenanza.
Sección 3. Distritos electorales; lugares de votación; jueces electorales, suplentes, secretarios y otros funcionarios electorales. Excepto como se disponga de otra manera en este documento, los actualmente existentes límites y territorio de los distritos electorales del Condado de Hays que se encuentran total o parcialmente dentro de los límites territoriales de la Ciudad, por medio de la presente se designan como distritos electorales para la Elección. Los números de distrito de los distritos electorales de la Ciudad serán el número correspondiente del distrito electoral de cada distrito como lo designe la Administradora de las Elecciones del Condado de Hays. Los lugares de votación para el Día de la Elección se presentarán al Consejo para su aprobación. El consejo determina que el uso de los centros de votación según en Programa de Lugares de Votación del Condado, como se describe en la Sección 43.007 del Código Electoral de Texas, dará como resultado una oportunidad más conveniente para que los electores voten y una administración de la elección más eficiente en función de costos, y por medio de la presente se aprueba el uso de centros de votación. Se presentará al Condado para su aprobación una lista de los distritos electorales y de los lugares de votación de cada distrito electoral, y según corresponda, de cada centro de votación usado como lugar de votación el Día de la Elección. El Consejo aprueba el nombramiento de las personas designadas por el Condado para servir como funcionarios electorales. Tales jueces presidentes y jueces suplentes propuestos deberán cumplir los requisitos del Capítulo 32, Subcapítulo C del Código Electoral de Texas. La tarifa salarial de los jueces y de los secretarios de la Elección se determinará según el acuerdo de servicios de elección. Las horas compensables serán determinadas con base en las disposiciones del Código Electoral de Texas, según enmiendas (el “Código Electoral”), y en otras leyes aplicables. El Consejo aprueba el nombramiento de las personas designadas por el Condado para que presten servicio en la Junta de Boletas de
Votación Adelantada, la Estación Central de Cómputo y como secretarios delegados de Votación Adelantada.
Proposición B de la Ciudad de Kyle
“¿SE AUTORIZARÁ al Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas, a emitir bonos de obligación general de dicha Ciudad en una cantidad que no exceda $10,000,000 con el propósito de planear, designar, construir, mejorar y equipar, y adquirir bienes raíces para parques en la ciudad; tales bonos vencerán en serie, o de otra manera durante un periodo que no exceda treinta (30) años a partir de su fecha, que serán emitidos y vendidos en una o más series a cualquier precio o cualesquiera precios y que devengarán intereses a cualquier tasa o cualesquiera tasas (fija, flotante, variable o de otro tipo y que no exceda la tasa máxima prescrita por la ley) como lo determine el Consejo de la Ciudad en el momento de la emisión o de la venta de los bonos; y si se impondrán impuestos ad valorem sobre toda la propiedad imponible en la Ciudad en una cantidad suficiente para pagar el interés anual y permitir un fondo de amortización para pagar los bonos a su vencimiento?”
Sección 4. Proposiciones. En la Elección se presentará a los electores residentes de la Ciudad las siguientes proposiciones (las “Proposiciones”): Proposición A de la Ciudad de Kyle
“¿SE AUTORIZARÁ al Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas, a emitir bonos de obligación general de dicha Ciudad en una cantidad que no exceda $37,000,000 con los propósitos de planear, designar, construir, mejorar y equipar una instalación de seguridad pública, específicamente una nueva estación de policía y centro de operaciones de emergencia en la Ciudad, y otros costos relacionados; tales bonos madurarán en serie, o de otra manera durante un periodo que no exceda treinta (30) años a partir de su fecha, que serán emitidos y vendidos en una o más series a cualquier precio o cualesquiera precios y que devengarán intereses a cualquier tasa o cualesquiera tasas (fija, flotante, variable o de otro tipo y que no exceda la tasa máxima prescrita por la ley) como se determine según el criterio del Consejo de la Ciudad en el momento de la emisión o de la venta de los bonos; y si se impondrán impuestos ad valorem sobre toda la propiedad imponible en la Ciudad en una cantidad suficiente para pagar el interés anual y permitir un fondo de amortización para pagar los bonos a su vencimiento?”
Sección 5. Boletas. La boleta será adecuada para usarse con un sistema de votación electrónico, y en los demás aspectos cumplirá con los requisitos del Código Electoral para permitir que los electores voten “A FAVOR” o “EN CONTRA” de dichas medidas que aparecerán en la boleta substancialmente de la siguiente manera:
EXHIBIT A • APÉNDICE A Vote Center Locations for Early Voting and Election Day 2020 November General Election Ubicaciones de los Centros Votación Anticipada y el Día de la Elección Elección de Bonos de 3 de Noviembre, 2020 Early Voting: October 13th, 2020 – October 30th, 2020 Votación Anticipada: 13 de Octubre de 2020 – 30 de Octubre de 2020 Tuesday, October 13th – Friday, October 16th 10 AM - 7 PM Martes, 13 de octubre 10 AM – 7 PM Saturday, October 17th, 7 AM - 7 PM Sabado, 17 de octubre 7 AM - 7 PM Sunday, October 18thLocations for Early Voting and Election1Day PM - 6 PM Vote Center Domingo, 18 de octubre 1 PM - 6 PM 2020 November General Election Monday, October 19th – Friday, October 23rd 10 AM - 7 PM th, 2020 — October 30th, 2020 Early Voting: October Lunes, 19 de octubre – Viernes, 23 de13 octubre 10 AM - 7 PM th th Tuesday,24th October 13 — Friday, October 16 10 AM —77AM PM - 7 PM Saturday, October th October 17 7 AM — 7 PM Sabado, 24 Saturday, de octubre 7 AM - 7 PM Sunday, October 18th 1 PM — 6 PM Sunday, October 25th 1 PM - 6 PM Domingo, 25 de octubre Monday, October 19th — Friday, October 23rd 10 AM —17 PM PM - 6 PM Monday, October 26th – Friday, AM - 7 PM Saturday, October 24th October 30 7 AM — 77 PM October 25th 30 de octubre 1 PM — 67PM Lunes, 26 deSunday, octubre – Viernes, AM - 7 PM Election Day, November th3rd, 2020 th Monday, October 26 — Friday, October 30 Día de Elección, 3 de Noviembre de 2020 7 AM — 7 PM Tuesday, November 3 Election Day: November 3rd, 2020 7 AM-7 PM Martes, 3 deTuesday, noviembre 7AM-7 PM November 3rd 7 AM — 7 PM Jennifer Anderson, Elections Administrator (administradora de elecciónes), Jennifer Anderson, Elections Administrator: (512) 393-7310 (512) 393-7310
Early Voting
Election Day
San Marcos
Calvary Baptist Church
1906 North Interstate 35 Frontage Road
Centro Cultural Hispano
211 Lee Street
Dunbar Center
801 Martin Luther King Drive
First Baptist Church San Marcos
325 West McCarty Lane
Hays County Government Center
712 South Stagecoach Trail, Northwest Conference Rooms
Hays County Transportation — Yarrington Building Live Oak Health Partners (formerly County Health Department)
2171 Yarrington Road 401 Broadway Street #C
Promiseland Church
1650 Lime Kiln Road
San Marcos Activity Center
501 East Hopkins Street
San Marcos Fire Station #5
100 Carlson Circle
San Marcos Housing Authority/ CM Allen Homes
820 Sturgeon Drive, San Marcos
Sinai Pentecostal Church
208 Laredo Street
South Hays Fire Station #12
8301 Ranch Road 12
Stone Brook Seniors Community
300 South Stagecoach Trail
Texas State University Performing Arts Center
405 Moon Street Buda
Buda City Hall
405 East Loop Street, Building 100
Buda Elementary Upper Campus
300 San Marcos Street
Hays Hills Baptist Church
1401 North FM 1626
McCormick Middle School
5700 Dacy Lane
Southern Hills Church of Christ
3740 FM 967
Kyle and Uhland ط
Chapa Middle School
3311 Dacy Lane
HCISD Admin — Arnold Transportation Building (formerly the bus barn)
21003 Interstate 35 Frontage Road
Hays County Precinct 2 Office
5458 FM 2770
Kyle City Hall
100 West Center Street
Live Oak Academy High School
4820 Jack C. Hays Trail
Tobias Elementary School
1005 FM 150
Uhland Elementary School
2331 High Road (Uhland)
Wallace Middle School
1500 West Center Street
Dripping Springs and Austin ط
Belterra Centre
151 [688] Trinity Hills Drive (Austin)
Dripping Springs Ranch Park
1042 Event Center Drive (Dripping Springs)
Hays County Precinct 4 Office
195 Roger Hanks Parkway (Dripping Springs)
North Hays County Fire/Rescue Station #2 — Driftwood Battalion
15850 FM 1826 (Austin) Wimberley
Cypress Creek Church
211 Stillwater
Scudder Primary School
400 Green Acres Drive
VFW Post #6441
401 Jacobs Well Road
Wimberley Community Center
14068 Ranch Road 12
Page 9A
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
como mínimo tres horas cada día, en horas hábiles y en días laborables durante el periodo designado en esta sección. La Encargada deberá publicar un aviso indicando la ubicación y el horario de la oficina según lo estipula el Código Electoral. La Encargada deberá mantener en la oficina los documentos, registros y otros materiales relacionados con la Elección y deberá ser la persona designada para recibir en nombre de la Ciudad los documentos que requiere el Código Electoral.
Sección 9. Información de la Elección que se proporcionará en español. La Secretaria de la Ciudad y todos los demás funcionarios electorales nombrados por el Consejo, responsables de la preparación de avisos, instrucciones, ordenanzas, resoluciones, boletas y otro material impreso relacionado con la Elección, harán que tales documentos sean traducidos al español y que sean proporcionados a los votantes tanto en español como en inglés a fin de ayudar a los votantes que hablan español como idioma principal o como idioma alternativo a participar apropiadamente en la elección. Además, en virtud de este documento se autoriza e instruye a la Secretaria de la Ciudad y a otros funcionarios de la Elección responsables, a poner a disposición de los votantes que la necesiten a una persona que hable inglés y español y sea capaz de actuar como intérprete para ayudar a los hispanohablantes a entender y a participar en la elección. Sección 10. Requisitos para la publicación del aviso de la Elección en diarios y en otros medios. Publicación del aviso de la Elección en diarios
El aviso de la Elección, que incluya una copia substancial de esta Ordenanza, y su traducción al español, se deberán publicar el mismo día en dos semanas consecutivas en un diario de circulación general de dicha Ciudad, apareciendo la primera de tales publicaciones en dicho diario en el periodo comprendido entre treinta (30) y catorce (14) días antes del día de la Elección. Publicación del aviso de la Elección en otros medios
espera de la vida económica de las mejoras y la propiedad personal financiadas por la emisión de los bonos.
Si la mayoría de los residentes electores de la Ciudad que votan en la Elección, incluidos aquellos que votan adelantadamente, votan a favor de una Proposición, entonces la emisión y la venta de los bonos respectivos serán autorizadas en la cantidad máxima respectiva indicada en este documento, y tales bonos de obligación general deberán ser emitidos y vendidos al precio o precios y en las denominaciones que el Consejo determine que convienen a los intereses de la Ciudad. El personal de la Ciudad preparará un documento informativo para los votantes, y publicará tal documento según la Sección 1251.052 del Consejo Gubernamental de Texas. Sección 12. Acciones necesarias. Por medio de la presente se autoriza e instruye al Alcalde y a la Secretaria de la Ciudad, en consulta con el Asesor Jurídico Municipal, a tomar cualesquiera y todas las medidas necesarias para cumplir las disposiciones del Código y de la Ley Federal de Derecho al Voto referentes a la realización y la conducción de la Elección, ya sean o no expresamente autorizadas en este documento, incluidos cambios o adiciones a los lugares o procedimientos de votación, al grado requerido o deseable o como pudiera resultar necesario debido a circunstancias que surjan después de la fecha de esta Ordenanza. Sección 13. Integración del preámbulo. Por medio de la presente, las cláusulas contenidas en el preámbulo del presente documento se consideran veraces, y tales cláusulas por medio de la presente se integran a esta Ordenanza para todos los propósitos y se adoptan como parte del juicio y de las conclusiones del Consejo.
Sección 14. Disposiciones incongruentes. Todas las Ordenanzas y Resoluciones o partes de estas, que entren en conflicto o sean incongruentes con cualquier disposición de esta Ordenanza, por medio de la presente se revocan en la medida de tal conflicto, y las disposiciones de esta Ordenanza deberán controlar y seguirán controlando los asuntos aquí incluidos.
Sección 15. Ley aplicable. Esta Ordenanza se interpretará y ejecutará según los estatutos El aviso de la Elección, que incluya una comunicipales, las Ordenanzas y las Resoluciones pia substancial de esta Ordenanza, tanto en inde la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas, las leyes del glés como en español, también se colocará (i) en Estado de Texas y las leyes de Estados Unidos un tablero de avisos electrónicos que el Consejo de América. usa para publicar avisos de las reuniones del Consejo; (ii) en tres (3) otros lugares públicos Sección 16. Divisibilidad. Si cualquier dentro de la Ciudad, y (iii) en el sitio web de la disposición de esta Ordenanza o la aplicación [ ] EN CONTRA Ciudad, de manera visible y junto con el aviso de esta a cualquier persona o circunstancia se Sección 6. Votación adelantada. La de Elección, la boleta de ejemplo y el contenido declara inválida, el resto de esta Ordenanza y la votación adelantada en la Elección se realizará de las Proposiciones, a más tardar el vigésiaplicación de esta a otras personas y circunstanconjuntamente con otras subdivisiones políticas. mo primer (21.°) día antes de la Elección. De cias aún serán válidas, y el Consejo declara en La Administradora de las Elecciones del Conda- manera adicional, por medio de la presente, se virtud de este documento que esta Ordenanza do de Hays servirá como Secretaria de Votación autoriza e instruye que el Alcalde y la Secretaria se hubiera promulgado sin tal estipulación Adelantada, y nombrará a los secretarios de de la Ciudad, en consulta con el asesor jurídico inválida. votación adelantada que sean necesarios para municipal y el asesor de bonos, den aviso por Sección 17. Aviso de la reunión. El Consejo brindarle asistencia. cualquier medio autorizado por la ley. oficialmente considera, determina, declara y También se deberá publicar una copia de Votación adelantada por correo dispone que el aviso impreso de la fecha, hora, esta Ordenanza, tanto en español como en Las solicitudes de boletas se deberán dirigir a la inglés, en un lugar prominente en cada lugar de lugar y asunto de la reunión en la cual se aprobó esta Ordenanza se publicó en un tablero de secretaria de votación adelantada a la siguiente votación el Día de la Elección y en cada lugar avisos ubicado en un lugar conveniente para el dirección: de votación adelantada durante la votación público en las oficinas administrativas de la Ciadelantada por comparecencia. Secretaria de Votación Adelantada udad durante al menos setenta y dos (72) horas 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Suite 1012 Sección 11. Información sobre el servicio antes de la hora programada de la reunión; que San Marcos, TX 78666-5999 de deuda y la tasa impositiva de la Ciudad. se entregó un aviso telefónico o telegráfico de Se proporciona la siguiente información según tal reunión a todos los medios de comunicación Se puede enviar por correo electrónico una que han consentido pagar cualquiera y todos los solicitud de boleta de votación original, firmada las estipulaciones de la Sección 3.009(b) del Código Electoral de Texas. gastos en los que incurra la Ciudad por concepy cumplimentada a elections@co.hays.tx.us. (a) El texto de la Proposición que aparecerá to del suministro de tal aviso, ambos requeridos Si va a presentar por fax o electrónicamente su en la boleta se expone en la Sección 5 de este por la Ley de Reuniones Abiertas, Capítulo 551 solicitud de una boleta de votación por correo, documento. del Código Gubernamental de Texas, según DEBE enviar por correo postal una copia im(b) El propósito para el cual los bonos se enmiendas; y que como lo requiere la ley, presa de la solicitud, y el secretario de votación autorizarán se expone en las Secciones 4 y 5 de estuvo abierta al público en todo momento la adelantada la debe recibir no después del 4.° este documento. reunión en la cual se discutieron, consideraron día posterior a la fecha en la que se presentó (c) La cantidad principal de las obligaciones y resolvieron esta Ordenanza y el asunto de la originalmente. de deuda a autorizar es de $47,000,000. misma. En virtud de la proclamación del 16 En el caso de aquellos votantes que por ley (d) Se podrán imponer impuestos suficientes de marzo de 2020 dictada por el gobernador tengan el derecho de votar adelantadamente por para pagar el principal anual y el interés de los Abbott, esta reunión se podría llevar a cabo por correo, la Secretaria de Votación Adelantada bonos de obligación general. videoconferencia a fin de fomentar la meta de proporcionará a cada votante una boleta con (e) La Ciudad tiene la intención de emitir los salud pública de limitar las reuniones persoinstrucciones para marcar su voto “A FAVOR” bonos autorizados por las Proposiciones en una nales (lo que también se llama “distanciamiento o “EN CONTRA” de las Proposiciones en las social”) a fin de enlentecer la propagación de mismas boletas utilizadas para votar adelantada- manera y según un programa a ser determinados por el Consejo con base en varios factores, la COVID-19. Algunos miembros del Consejo mente por comparecencia en la Elección. incluidos pero sin limitarse a las necesidades podrían asistir a la reunión por teléfono o por El periodo para solicitar boletas de votación que entonces tenga la Ciudad, los cambios videoconferencia. Esta reunión se puede ver en por correo es del 1.° de enero al 23 de octubre demográficos, las condiciones prevalentes del vivo en línea en https://www.cityofkyle.com/ de 2020. La Secretaria de Votación Adelantada mercado, las valoraciones tasadas en la Ciudad kyletv/kyle-10-live o en Spectrum10. debe recibir la solicitud para el viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020 (es insuficiente que la fecha del y la administración de la exposición de la CiuSección 18. Autorización para ejecutar. El dad a la variación de las tasas de interés a corto matasellos sea la fecha límite). Alcalde está autorizado para firmar, y la Secy a largo plazo. Las condiciones del mercado, retaria del Condado está autorizada a testificar Votación adelantada por comparecencia los datos demográficos y las valoraciones tasaesta Ordenanza en nombre del Consejo; y el das pueden variar dependiendo de un número La votación adelantada por comparecencia Alcalde está autorizado para implementar todas en la Elección se realizará conjuntamente en los de factores fuera del control de la Ciudad; y por las otras medidas legales y necesarias relaciolugares y en las fechas y el horario especificados lo tanto, la Ciudad no puede garantizar y no ga- nadas con la celebración y la consumación de la por el Condado y se presentarán al Consejo para rantiza una tasa de interés o una tasa impositiva Elección. particular asociadas a los bonos autorizados por su aprobación. las Proposiciones. Por lo tanto, la información Sección 19. Fecha de vigencia. Esta Lugares temporales secundarios adicionales de de este párrafo se proporciona exclusivamente Ordenanza entra en vigencia inmediatamente votación adelantada con fines ilustrativos y no establece ninguna después de su aprobación. limitación o restricción ni establece un contrato Los lugares temporales secundarios de Aprobado y confirmado en la primera lectura votación adelantada y las fechas y el horario de con los votantes. Actualmente la Ciudad calcula este documento el 17 de agosto de 2020. que si las Proposiciones se aprueban y los bonos la votación por comparecencia en los lugares aquí propuestos se autorizaran y emitieran APROBADO Y CONFIRMADO este docutemporales secundarios de votación adelantada según el plan de finanzas estimado del proyecto mento el 17 día de agosto de 2020. se presentarán al Consejo para su aprobación. actual de la Ciudad, no se espera que la tasa /f/ Travis Mitchell, Alcalde Sección 7. Entrega de boletas votadas; máxima de interés de los bonos exceda 6.00 %. Ciudad de Kyle, Texas cómputo; tabulación; escrutinio de los (f) Si los bonos son aprobados, se poDOY FE: resultados; declaración de los resultados. drán emitir en una o más series, para que su /f/ Jennifer Holm, Secretaria de la Ciudad Según los requisitos del Código Electoral, los vencimiento sea serial, en un periodo que no Ciudad de Kyle, Texas funcionarios de la elección deberán preparar exceda treinta (30) años a partir de la fecha de y entregar los resultados de la Elección por emisión de cada serie de bonos. APÉNDICE A escrito. El Consejo escudriñará y declarará los (g) La Ciudad, a la fecha de esta Ordenanza, resultados de la Elección. tenía pendiente de pago una cantidad total de Contrato de servicios de elección y acuerdo(s) deuda de principal costeada por impuestos ad de elección conjunta Sección 8. Encargada de los registros. valorem equivalente a $98,195,000. Al grado que no se disponga otra cosa en el ORDENANZA PARA SUPLEMENTARIA (h) La cantidad total del interés adeudado por acuerdo de servicios de elección o en otro(s) APROBANDO LUGARES, FECHAS tales obligaciones de deuda de la Ciudad, hasta acuerdo(s) conjunto(s) de elección, la señora Y HORARIOS DE VOTACIÓN PARA su vencimiento respectivo, sumó $39,753,587. Jennifer Holm, la Secretaria de la Ciudad, es VOTACIÓN ANTICIPADA, Y LUGARES (i) La Ciudad impuso una tasa tributaria la encargada de los registros (“Encargada”) y DE VOTACIÓN DEL DÍA DE LA ad valorem del servicio de la deuda por sus desempeñará las tareas relacionadas con la realELECCIÓN PARA EL CIUDAD DE KYLE ización y el mantenimiento de los registros de la obligaciones de deuda pendientes de pago PARA LA ELECCIÓN DE BONOS A de $0.22620 por $100 de valoración tasada Elección según lo estipula el Código Electoral, REALIZARSE EL 3 DE NOVIEMBRE DE durante el periodo que comienza el tercer (3.er) imponible. 2020 (j) De la deuda mencionada de la Ciudía después de la aprobación de esta Ordenanza y que termina no antes del cuarentavo (40.°) día dad, la Ciudad considera que $30,801,218 y CONSIDERANDO que, el Consejo Municdespués del día de la Elección. En particular, la $22,253,127 de ese principal e interés, respecipal de la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas (el “Consejo tivamente, es deuda autosuficiente pagadera de Encargada aceptará y mantendrá los registros Municipal”) y (la “Ciudad”), en la reunion fuentes diferentes a los impuestos ad valorem. referentes a los gastos de la campaña que se celebrada el 17 de agosto de 2020, ordenó que presenten en la Ciudad. (k) El promedio ponderado de la madurez se celebrara una elección especial de bonos el 3 de la emisión de los bonos no excede el 120 % La Encargada deberá mantener una oficina de noviembre de 2020 (la Elección de Bonos), abierta para realizar las tareas de la Elección del promedio ponderado que razonablemente se para emitir bonos de dicho Ciudad; y
CONSIDERANDO que, el Consejo Municipal tiene autoridad en virtud del Capítulo 85 del Código Electoral de Texas, para designar los lugares, fechas y horarios de votación para el Ciudad; y
CONSIDERANDO que, el Consejo Municipal tiene autoridad en virtud del Capítulo 43, del Código Electoral de Texas, para designar los lugares de votación del día de la elección para el Ciudad; y CONSIDERANDO que, es necesario que el Consejo Municipal suplemente la Ordenanza que Convoca a la Elección de Bonos para el Ciudad, aprobada por el Consejo Municipal en una reunión celebrada el 17 de Agosto de 2020 para aprobar la votación anticipada y los lugares de votación del día de la elección y las gechas y horas de votación anticipada en persona como órgano rector de la entidad que convoque a la Elección; CONSIDERANDO que, el Consejo Municipal considera que los lugares de votación anticipada y el día de la elección y las fechas y horas para la votación anticipada son de interés público. POR LO TANTO, SEA RESUELTO POR EL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE KYLE, TEXAS:
Sección 1. Integración del Preámbulo. Las cláusulas contenidas en el preámbulo del presente documento por medio de la presente se consideran veraces, y tales cláusulas por medio de la presente se integran a esta Ordenanza para todos los propósitos y se adoptan como parte del juicio y de las conclusiones el Consejo Municipal.
Sección 2. Aprobación de Lugares, Fechas y Horarios para la Votación Anticipada y Lugares de Votación del Día de la Elección. El Consejo Municipal establece las fechas, horarios y lugares de votación anticipada, y lugares de votación el día de la elección para la Elección de Bonos de la Ciudad como se establece en el Apéndice “A” de esta Ordenanza, que se incorpora aquí por referencia para todos los fines.
Sección 3. Aviso de la reunion. El Consejo Municipal oficialmente considera, determina, declara y dispone que el aviso impreso de la fecha, hora, lugar y asunto de la reunión en la cual se aprobó esta Ordenanza se publicó en un tablero de avisos ubicado en un lugar conveniente para el público en el Municipalidad por al menos 72 horas antes de la hora programada de la reunión; que se entregó un aviso telefónico o telegráfico de tal reunión a todos los medios de comunicación que han consentido pagar cualquiera y todos los gastos incurridos por el Ciudad por concepto del suministro de tal aviso, ambos como requeridos por la Ley de Reuniones Abiertas, Capítulo 551 del Código Gubernamental de Texas, según enmiendas; y que como lo requiere la ley, estuvo abierta al público en todo momento la reunión en la cual se discutieron, consideraron y formalizaron esta Ordenanza y el asunto de la misma. De conformidad con la proclamación del 16 de marzo de 2020 emitida por el Gobernador Abbott, esta reunión puede realizarse por videoconferencia para promover el objetivo de salud pública de limitar las reuniones cara a cara (también llamadas “distanciamiento social”) para frenar la propagación de COVID-19. Algunos miembros del Consejo pueden asistir a la reunión mediante videoconferencia. Esta reunión se puede ver en vivo en línea en https://www.cityofkyle.com/ kyletv/kyle-10-live o en Spectrum10. Sección 4. Acciones Necesarias. El Alcalde y el Secretario de la Ciudad, en consulta con el Abogado de la Ciudad y el abogado de Fianza, por la presente están autorizados y ordenados a tomar todas y cada una de las acciones necesarias para cumplir con las disposiciones del Código y la Ley Fdederal del Derecho al Voto al llevar a cabo y llevar a cabo la Elección, esté o no expresamente autorizada en el presente, incluida la realización de cambios o adiciones a los lugares de votación o procedimientos en la medida en que sea necesario o deseable o según sea necesario debido a circunstancias que surjan después de la fecha de esta Ordenanza. Sección 5. Disposiciones incongruentes. Todas las ordenanzas y resoluciones o partes de estas, que entren en conflicto o sean incongruentes con cualquier disposición de esta Ordenanza, se revocan en la medida de tal conflicto, y las disposiciones de esta Ordenanza deberán controlar y seguirán controlando los asuntos aquí ordenados. Sección 6. Ley que rige. Esta Ordenanza se interpretará y aplicará de acuerdo con las Ordenanzas y Resoluciones de la Ciudad de Kyle, Texas, y las leyes del Estado de Texas y los Estados Unidos de América.
Sección 7. Divisibilidad. Si cualquier estipulación de esta Ordenanza o la aplicación de esta a cualquier persona o circunstancia se declaran inválidas, el resto de esta Ordenanza y la aplicación de dicha estipulacion a otras personas y circunstancias sin embargo serán válidas, y el Consejo Municipal declara en virtud de este documento que esta Ordenanza se hubiera promulgado sin tal estipulación inválida.
Sección 8. Autorización para firmar. El Alcalde está autorizado para firmar, y la Secretaria de la Ciudad está autorizada a testificar esta Ordenanza en nombre el Consejo Municipal; y el Consejo Municipal está autorizado para implementar todas las otras medidas legales y necesarias relacionadas con la celebración y la consumación de la Elección.
Sección 9. Fecha de Vigencia. Esta Ordenanza entra en vigencia inmediatamente después de su aprobación.
Aprobado y confirmado en la primera lectura este documento el 6 de octubre de 2020. ADOPTADA Y APROBADA este 6 día de octubre de 2020. /f/ Travis Mitchell, Alcalde Ciudad de Kyle, Texas DOY FE: /f/ Jennifer Holm, Secretaria de la Ciudad Ciudad de Kyle, Texas
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 14, 2020
Page 10A
Texas is getting past voting hurdles BY SAHAR CHMAIS
COVID-19.” Why the sudden interest? In the height of election For a long time, the number season, it is important for of American voters has been constituents to understand dwindling, but suddenly their voting environment. voting is making a comeIn the 2020 race, there is a back. very noticeable pattern seen Segura said he believes across the state – nearly 17 people’s interest has been million Texans are excited peaked because they realize to vote, an unusually high the meaning of their vote number compared to past on the local level, such as years. who becomes the District “What we are seeing is Attorney or Governor. He people are energized to also believes that many vote in incredible numbers people are seeing the adacross the state,” said Andre ministration in Washington Segura, legal director for the D .C. at odds with fairness, ACLU of Texas, “and people justice and equality, and are making plans given they would like to see some
change. Although state residents have become more excited about voting this term, the pandemic has put a stick in the wheels for many. State officials have not tried to ease the process, instead, they have thrown many roadblocks in the voter’s way. The Texas Supreme Court denied voting by mail unless a person is: 65 years or older, sick or disabled, out of the county on voting day, or in jail but is eligible to vote. Another hurdle in the voter’s way this election
period was that Texas did not allow online voter registration. And if a person becomes ill during the pandemic and they passed the deadline to register to vote by mail, they have to get a doctor’s note and deliver it in person to their county court, Segura said. “Most people will not do that,” Segura said. “If they have COVID-19 or become sick, it makes them more at risk. We are challenging that in court. “ The challenges do not stop there. Some state Republican Party officials attempted to block
from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For information about more Halloween activities, please refer to the Buda Library calendar or city of Buda website.
while employing social distancing and safety with this group,” Schmidt said. “Walk your neighborhood and wave to neighbors in costumes keeping a minimum of 6 [feet] from others outside your household or your social distancing buddies.” Any candy gathered should rest in the container at least three days before touching, Schmidt said.
drive-thru voting, but the case was dismissed by court of appeals. While stopping drive-thru voting was unsuccessful, a 2017 law eliminated straight-parting voting was upheld by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; straight-party voting allows a person to vote for all candidates on a particular party with one punch. The issue in taking away straight-ticket voting is that there can be dozens of races on the ballot which would take people much longer to get through the process, explained Segura.
Regardless of these roadblocks, voters across the state have set voter registration records, with Travis County hitting a 97% mark of registered voters and Hays County reaching 86%. As of Oct. 18, there have been 44,869 votes submitted through mail-in ballots and in-person votes in Hays County. “Texas is becoming a voting state, it’s exciting,” Segura told the Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch. “[Voters] shattered it; it’s still not where we want it to be but we will see greater voter turnout this election.”
Halloween Events Continued from pg. 1A
As for handing out candy, the CDC recommends for treats to be given outdoors or placed in stations with individually bagged treats, if possible. The CDC also provided other cautionary steps for Halloween activities. While COVID-19 cases seem to be dwindling down in Hays County, there will be restrictions in the following cities: Kyle, Buda, Dripping Springs and Wimberley.
• Oct. 23 : Submissions for the Family Costume Contest are due by 5 p.m. • Oct. 24 : Spook-tacular Cruise Drive Thru Trunk-or-Treat will be hosted at Gregg-Clarke Park from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Vendors will provide goodies for all attendees.
Most of the community events in the city of Dripping Springs have been cancelled but the events BUDA that are still taking place Beginning Oct. 24, the will be following safety Buda Public Library and guidelines. city of Buda are bringing a The city of Dripping KYLE virtual “Boo-da Halloween Springs Parks & CommuThe city of Kyle kicked at Home.” Residents can nity Services Department off with its first Spooklisten to Halloween stories, and other sponsors will Tacular Movie at Lake Kyle, pick up library craft kits, be hosting a Movie in the showing “Hocus Pocus,” learn how to face paint Park on Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. on Oct. 16 at sundown. and attend other online The event will be a drive-in Only 50 families were programs. style at Dripping Springs allowed to register prior to • Oct. 24 : Spider Mania Ranch Park showing “The the social distancing event. with Ms. Martha at 10 Addams Family.” Only 50 Other Halloween a.m. pre-registered cars will be activities in the city of Kyle • Oct. 26 : Monday Mixpermitted. Attendees must are listed below. Up! (Ages 12-18): Happy remain in or near their • Oct. 19 : Photo Halloween from 5 p.m. vehicles. submissions open for to 6 p.m. Kelly Schmidt, Parks and the Pumpkin Carving • Oct. 27 : Buda BLAST Community Services diand Decorating (Ages 5-7): Author/Illus- rector, advised residents to contest, hosted by trator Spotlight – Haltake the necessary precauthe Kyle Parks and loween with Dav Pilkey tions to have a memorable Recreation Department. from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Halloween. Submissions are due by • Oct. 29 : Buda Kids (Ages “Do something special 5 p.m. Oct. 30. 8-11): Happy Halloween and memorable outside
WIMBERLEY Boo! Hole Halloween is a tradition in the city of Wimberley that brought over 1,300 attendees last year. There will be a modified, drive-thru event this year on Oct. 24 at Blue Hole Regional Park. More than 20 businesses and organizations will be there to hand out candy, treats and prizes for the attendees. Creativity is encouraged with a car costume contest and a booth decorating contest. Friday Night Frights is a new Movies in the Park program in the Blue Hole swim area where the Wimberley Parks and
Sunset Canyon Baptist Church in Dripping Springs plans on having a live Halloween event on Oct. 31.
Recreation Department shows Halloween movies every Friday night in October. “Nightmare Before Christmas” will show on Oct. 23 and “Scooby-Doo!” on Oct. 30. All movies start at 7 p.m. Other events in Wimberley are listed below. • Nov. 7 – Nov. 8: Families can register for the family campout program where they can enjoy social distancing at Blue
Hole. Families will receive a box of activities. Cookware will not be provided. “COVID-19 has impacted all facets of Parks and Recreation,” said Richard Shaver, operations and program manager for Wimberley Parks and Recreation Department. “All of our fall programs and events are administered with safety and public health as our top priority.”
for Buda City Council At-Large, Place 2 I’m seeking your vote in order to: ww
w.W illiesJoint.
Support Public Health and Safety by:
co m
We’re still open! Papa Jack’s
Willie’s Joint
· Equipping our police force and the Buda Citizens Police Academy · Implementing new fresh water sources as soon as possible · Ensuring long term wastewater treatment capacity
Support existing and new businesses by:
· Expediting permitting processes · Coordinating services with EDC and Chamber of Commerce · Maximizing the Buda Main Street Program
Implement improvement initiatives to improve traffic flow. Implement drainage improvements and ensure Early Voting timely completion of capital improvement projects. Oct. 13-30, 2020 Maintain Buda’s small town quality of life. Election Day Pd. Pol. Adv. by Bobby Lane for Buda City Council Campaign Fund
Nov. 3, 2020
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Amber Bass, Au.D.
Section B
Sports & More
ELECTION NOTICES See election notices printed throughout sections A and B
–Section A & B
October 21, 2020 • Page 1B
Hays Free Press • News-Dispatch
HaysFreePress.com /HaysNewsDispatch.com
The road to the postseason A look ahead in District 12-5A, Division I
As the majority of teams in District 12-5A, Division I are idle this week, we at the Hays Free Press and News-Dispatch aim to prepare our sports readers with a look ahead to what our local teams will be facing as district play starts up. Here, we take a look at our three local programs (Dripping Springs, Lehman and Johnson) and how they might stack up against the remaining teams in the district.
Johnson Jaguars, Current record: 2-1
So far, so good for the Johnson Jaguars who in their first full year at the varsity level have exceeded many people’s expectations. That includes last week’s tough-luck loss to a hardened Alamo Heights team. But will that early success translate to victories in what could be a grueling run through district? Additionally, how will the Jags fare in a full 10-game varsity level season? Propelling the Jaguar offense thus far is an aerial assault led by dual threat sophomore quarterback Jesse Medina and wide receivers Ethan McAlister, Connor Crabtrey and Rich Kelly. Defensively the Jaguars are led by linebacker Alex Izaguirre and defensive lineman Grayson Allred.
Dripping Springs Tigers, Current record: 2-1
Following a slow 1-1 start, Dripping Springs woke up in a big way Oct. 9 by exploding for 800-plus yards and a school-record 76 points in last week’s win over Lockhart. Aided by sophomore quarterback Austin Novosad, who came in late in the team’s Oct. 2 loss against Hays, Dripping Springs is once again a favorite to claim the district crown. Backing up Novosad are wide receivers Cameron O’Banon and Parker Alford, as well as running back Hunter Pierpoint. But can the Tiger defense hold firm? The Tigers have allowed 30-plus points in the past two contests.
Seguin Matadors, Current record: 1-1
While Seguin’s offense hasn’t put up the flashy numbers as their fellow district counterparts thus far, it’s their defense that might play a big role as the season goes on. Through two games, Seguin has allowed only 37 points; of that, 35 was scored by a strong 6A foe New Braunfels a week ago. Offensively, Seguin offers a balanced attack led by quarterback Micah Rodriguez and running back Marquest Washington. A plethora of junior and senior experience guides a Matador team that’s eager to make a return trip to the playoffs.
San Antonio Veterans Memorial Patriots, Current record: 2-1 Run, run, run is the mantra for a Veterans Memorial team that’s amassed close to 800 of its 950-plus yards of offense on the ground. Look for running backs JC Solitare and Alex Alva to shoulder the load for the Patriots. Meanwhile, the Vets Memorial defense is nothing to sneeze at either. Save for a 35-0 loss against Boerne Champion, Vets Memorial has allowed only 23 points since then. Led by an experienced junior and senior squad, the Patriots, playing in their third season at the varsity level, seek a third straight trip to the playoffs and first district title.
San Antonio Harlandale Indians (0-0) and San Antonio McCollum Cowboys (0-0)
Few teams in 12-5A, Division I have been impacted as much by COVID-19 protocols as Harlandale and McCollum, who have yet to play a game this year. Harlandale ISD, which both schools are a part of, suspended in-person athletic competitions until the week of Oct. 24. Both teams’ first games of the season will be their district opener.
Hays Free Press/News Dispatch Projected 12-5A, Division I finish
Lehman Lobos, Current record: 2-1
Were it not for a missed two-point conversion in its week one game against Marble Falls, Lehman could have harbored an unblemished mark ahead of district play. Even so, to say the Lehman Lobos’ red-hot two game win streak is the biggest surprise in 12-5A, D1 is a vast understatement. A powerful stable of running backs in Robert Vasquez, Joey Mojica and Noah Martinez, along with quarterback Joey Guajardo, pace an offense that’s been relatively balanced so far this season. Don’t count out the Lobo defense, either. Lehman has allowed only 48 total points through three games, the third fewest in the district so far. Could this finally be the year Lehman breaks through and earns its first ever playoff berth? Only time will tell.
New Braunfels Canyon Cougars, Current record: 3-0
An old-school frame of mind has carried New Braunfels Canyon to new heights so far in 2020. Defense has been its hallmark so far as the Cougars allowed a district-low 26 total points so far through three games. That includes holding perennial power Alamo Heights to a shockingly low 12 point output Friday. Canyon’s offense, meanwhile, is predicated on the run, led by a triumvirate of running backs in Micah Williford, Jacob Alcorta and Drew Barry. Expect the Cougars, who have wallowed in mediocrity for the last few seasons, to be a force in the district and to fight for, at the very least, a playoff berth.
Harlandale, 2019 record: 5-5 overall, 3-3 in district A new year will mean plenty of new faces for Harlandale which will have to replace its quarterback and top wide receiver, both of whom graduated this past summer. Stepping up into the role could be Joseph Rodriguez, who passed for three touchdowns in limited action in 2019. Harlandale could also rely heavily on senior running back Joe Anthony Vallejo and senior wide receiver Victor Perales. That could spell an uphill climb for a team that leaned heavily on the pass last year. Meanwhile, Harlandale’s defense, which gave up 60 or more points three times last year, could equally struggle against much stiffer district competition in 2020.
McCollum, 2019 record: 0-10 overall, 0-6 in district Conventional wisdom says there’s no where else to go but up for McCollum after a winless campaign a year ago. However, facing a higher level of competition in 12-5A, Division I, could mean another season of struggle for the Cowboys. McCollum is slated to return junior quarterback Sean Tejada, who paced a balanced Cowboy offense a year ago, and junior running back Isaiah Leffler. Shoring up their defense might be the largest struggle for McCollum. Last season, McCollum lost all six of their district games by an average of 24 points per contest.
1. Dripping Springs 2. New Braunfels Canyon 3. Lehman 4. Johnson 5. Seguin 6. SA Veterans Memorial 7. SA Harlandale 8. SA McCollum
Politics are divisive, but there are some things that we can all agree upon. These include the fact that the core services of our local government should be professionally managed with a high level of customer service, and fair and equal treatment of all citizens.
I go to work every day with the goal of handling your hard-earned money with the utmost respect, care, and professionalism because you deserve nothing less in your tax office. Hays County Tax Assessor-Collector
Endorsed by former Tax Assessor-Collector Luanne Carraway!
Jenifer is married to Ben, a small business owner. They have a two-year-old daughter, Adalyn, and another on the way.
Jenifer O’Kane is a native Texan, graduate of Texas A&M, and a ten-year steward of public funds on behalf of Hays County. She is driven by a passion for ensuring her neighbors in Hays County receive first class customer service. In February of 2019 Jenifer was appointed Tax Assessor-Collector unanimously by both parties the Hays County Commissioners Court. Prior to the appointment she served as the Assistant Tax Assessor-Collector for 9 years.
✯ Professional County Collector certification (2014) ✯ Tax Assessor Collector’s Assoc. of Texas member
✯ Regional Coordinator for Tax Assessor-Collector’s ✯ Appointed by the President of TACA to chair the Comptroller Liaison Committee. in the Central Texas area
Page 2B
Surf takes on stiff competition
Lake Travis spoils Hays’ homecoming 70-35
The Surf SC CTX 05/06 girls won twice this weekend over President’s Cup qualifier CSC Impact, which is ranked 14th in the state. Game one was a hard fought 1-0 win in rainy conditions with five saves from Kendra Jensen and 12 shots on goal for Surf. In game two, Surf trailed for the first five minutes, but ultimately responded with three unanswered goals from Haley Lopez and Isabella Franchione (Wimberley High) for the 3-1 victory. The Surf CTX 05/06 girls lead the Division 1 league 4-0-0 and only one goal against them. Emma Feigl and Jensen are credited with 12 saves between the two games. Players of the weekend were Isabella
Not even a five touchdown outburst from quarterback Durand Hill Friday was enough for the Hays football team to keep pace with the seventh-ranked team in 6A. Twenty-one unanswered points scored in the first and fourth frames gave the Lake Travis Cavaliers more than enough firepower to spoil Hays’ homecoming in a 70-35 win. Lake Travis (3-0, 2-0) built a 35-7 lead midway through the second quarter before Hays clawed
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Nate Green (19) throws a touchdown pass to William Agnew (3)
HOMECOMING LOSS, 7B in Friday night’s game against Lake Travis.
Franchione (Wimberley High), Haley Lopez and AJ Haliburton (Lehman High). Surf SC is an elite Division 1 soccer club in Kyle which competes
against teams in the Western District Division One Association and in the Elite Clubs National League Regional Program.
NOTICE OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS • (AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL Y ESPECIAL) To the registered voters of the County of Hays, City of Kyle, Texas: (A los votantes registrados del Condado de, Hays, Ciudad de Kyle, Texas:)
Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., November 3rd 2020, for voting in the following elections: (Notifíquese por la presente, que las casillas electorales citadas abajo se abrirán desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el 3rd de noviembre de 2020 para votar en las siguientes elecciones:)
son vinculantes cuando el consejo desea saber, en forma informal, la opinión de los votantes de la ciudad sobre un tema en específico? Impacto fiscal previsto: Se estima que la aprobación de la Propuesta E no impactará las finanzas de la ciudad de Kyle.
City of Kyle, Charter Amendment, Proposition F - Police Department Oversight
Shall Article VII, Section 7.06 of the City Charter be amended to provide that police department procedures and policies shall be subject to review and modification by the City Council, General Election: To elect Mayor from the to require the Police Chief to provide the City City at large, and Councilmember District Council with an annual report about police de2 and Councilmember District 4, both from partment operations, and to provide for the City single-member districts Council to establish a committee with oversight Eleccción General: Para elegir Alcalde de la over standard operating policies and strateciudad en general, y un Miembro del Consejo gies, data sharing, and use of resources of the de Distrito 2 y un Miembro del Consejo de Dis- police department for the purpose of promoting trito 4, ambos de distritos de miembro único.) public safety, transparency, and crime reduction through community policing models? Special Election: To permit electors to vote “Yes” or “No” on the following propositions Anticipated Fiscal Impact: It is estimated on whether the Charter of the City of Kyle there would be no financial impact on the should be amended: City of Kyle should Proposition F pass. Elección Especial: Para permitirles a los votantes poder votar “Si” o “No” en las Enmienda de la Carta de la Ciudad siguientes proposiciones sobre si la Carta de la de Kyle, Prop. F - Supervisión del Ciudad de Kyle debe ser enmendada: Departamento de Policía
¿Deberá enmendarse la sección 7.06 del artículo VII, de la Carta constitutiva de la ciudad para que disponga que: los procedimientos y Shall Article I, Section 1.07, and Article II, las normas del departamento de policía estarán Section 2.01, of the City Charter be amended to sujetos a revisión y modificación por parte del require consent to annexation of land by the City Concejo municipal, el Jefe de Policía deberá as required by state law and to conform annexproporcionarle al Concejo Municipal un ation and disannexation procedures to state law? informe anual sobre las operaciones del deparAnticipated Fiscal Impact: It is estimated there tamento de policía, y que el Concejo municipal deberá establecer un comité que supervisará would be no financial impact on the City of las normas, operaciones y estrategias esKyle should Proposition C pass. tándares del cuerpo policial, el intercambio de datos y el uso de los recursos del departamento Enmienda a la Carta constitutiva de la de policía con el fin de promover la seguridad Ciudad de Kyle, Propuesta C – Anexión pública, la transparencia y una reducción de la ¿Deberán enmendarse las secciones 1.07 del delincuencia fomentando el uso de modelos de artículo 1, y 2.01 del artículo II de la Carta con- policía comunitaria? stitutiva de la Ciudad de forma que requiera la Impacto fiscal previsto: Se estima que la aprobación de los dueños de las propiedades a anexarse o separarse de la Ciudad tal como ex- aprobación de la Propuesta F no impactará ige la ley estatal y para ajustar los procedimien- las finanzas de la ciudad de Kyle. tos de anexión y separación a la ley estatal? City of Kyle, Charter Amendment, Impacto fiscal previsto: Se estima que la Proposition G - Non- Substantive aprobación de la Propuesta C no impactará las Shall Section 13.11 (Non-substantive Revisions) finanzas de la ciudad de Kyle. of the City Charter be added to grant the City Council authority to make non-substantive City of Kyle, Charter Amendment, revisions to the City Charter for numbering, Proposition D - Election Precincts spelling, grammar, cross-references, and punctuand Polling Places ation without obtaining separate approval of the Shall Article V, Section 5.06 of the City Char- voters in a Charter amendment election? ter be amended to provide that the election Anticipated Fiscal Impact: It is estimated precincts for City elections are those established by ordinance or state law and to provide there would be no financial impact on the that City Hall may be one of the polling places City of Kyle should Proposition G pass. during City elections? Enmienda de la Carta de la Ciudad de Kyle, Anticipated Fiscal Impact: It is estimated there Prop. G - Cambios no sustantivos would be no financial impact on the City of ¿Deberá añadirse una sección 13.11 (ReviKyle should Proposition D pass. siones no sustantivas) a la Carta constitutiva de la ciudad que le otorga al Concejo municipal Enmienda de la Carta constitutiva de la autoridad de realizar cambios no sustantivos la Ciudad de Kyle, Prop. D - Distritos a la misma, como cambios de numeración, Electorales y centros de votación ortografía, gramática, referencias cruzadas y ¿Deberá enmendarse la sección 5.06 del puntuación sin tener que obtener la aprobación artículo V, de la Carta constitutiva de la ciudad de los votantes por medio de unos comicios? para disponer que los distritos electorales para las elecciones municipales sean los establecidos Impacto fiscal previsto: Se estima que la por ordenanza o ley estatal y que el Ayuntamien- aprobación de la Propuesta G no impactará las finanzas de la ciudad de Kyle. to pueda ser uno de los centros de votación? City of Kyle, Charter Amendment, Proposition C - Annexation
Impacto fiscal previsto: Se estima que la aprobación de la Propuesta D no impactará las finanzas de la ciudad de Kyle. City of Kyle, Charter Amendment, Proposition E - Council- Initiated Non-Binding Ballot Propositions
• Exhibit A – Substantive City Charter Amendments Substantive Text Changes on next page • (Anexo A – Enmiendas de la Carta de la Ciudad Sustantiva Cambios de Texto Sustantivos en la página siguiente)
Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas de votación Shall Article VI, Section 6.15 (Non-binding Ballot Propositions) be added to the City Charter adelantada por correo deberán enviarse a:) to authorize the City Council to call elections on Jennifer Anderson ballot propositions that are non-binding in nature Early Voting Clerk when the council wishes to obtain an informal Secretario de Votación Temprana 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Suite 1012 indication of the city's voters on an issue? Address (Dirección) Anticipated Fiscal Impact: It is estimated there San Marcos, Tx 78666-5999 would be no financial impact on the City of City (Ciudad) Zip Code (Codigo Postal) Kyle should Proposition E pass. Enmienda de la Carta constitutiva de la Ciudad de Kyle, Prop. E Prpropuesta no vinculantes
¿Deberá enmendarse la Carta constitutiva de la ciudad añadiéndole la sección 6.15 al artículo VI, (propuestas de votación no vinculantes) que autoriza al Concejo municipal a convocar elecciones sobre propuestas de votación que no
Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on: October 23rd, 2020. (Las solicitudes para boletas de votación adelantada por correo deberán recibirse para el fin de las horas de negocio el: Octubre 23, 2020) Issued this the 5th day of October, 2020.
On Election Day a voter may vote at any of the locations listed below: (El día de las elecciones, los votantes podrán votar en cualquiera de las ubicaciones nombradas abajo:) Day and Hours of Operation (Día y Horas Hábiles) Tuesday, November 3rd 7 AM - 7 PM Martes, 3 de Noviembre 7 AM - 7 PM Location of Election Day Polling Places: (Ubicación de los lugares de votación del día de las elecciones) • • • • • • • • • • • •
HCISD Admin. Arnold Trans. Building - 3311 Dacy Lane, Kyle Kyle City Hall - 100 W. Center Street, Kyle Live Oak Academy High School - 4820 Jack C. Hays Trail, Kyle Hays County Government Center - 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Northwest Conference Rooms, San Marcos Hays County Transportation – Yarrington Building - 2171 Yarrington Road, San Marcos Live Oak Health Partners (formerly County Health Department) - 401 Broadway Street #C, San Marcos Texas State University Performing Arts Center - 405 Moon Street, San Marcos Buda City Hall 405 East Loop Street, Building 100, Buda Dripping Springs Ranch Park - 1042 Event Center Drive, Dripping Springs Hays County Precinct 4 Office - 195 Roger Hanks Parkway, Dripping Springs Scudder Primary School - 400 Green Acres Drive, Wimberley Wimberley Community Center - 14068 Ranch Road 12, Wimberley
For early voting, a voter may vote at any of the locations listed below and the locations listed in Exhibit B: (Para el voto anticipado, un elector puede votar en cualquiera de los lugares enumerados a continuación y los lugares en Anexo B:) Days and Hours of Operation (Días y Horas Hábiles) Tuesday, October 13th - October 16th 10 AM - 7 PM Martes, 13 de octubre - Viernes, 16 de octubre 10 AM - 7 PM Saturday October 17th 7 AM - 7 PM Sábado 17 de octubre 7 AM - 7 PM Sunday October 18th 1 PM - 6 PM Domingo 18 de octubre 1 PM - 6 PM Monday October 19th - Friday October 23 10 AM - 7 PM Lunes 19 de Octubre - Viernes 23 de Octubre 10 AM - 7 PM Saturday, October 24th 7 AM — 7 PM Sábado, 24 de octubre 7 AM — 7 PM Sunday October 25th 1 PM — 6 PM Domingo 25 de octubre 1 PM — 6 PM Monday, October 26th — Friday, October 30th 7 AM — 7 PM Lunes, 26 de octubre — Viernes 30 de octubre 7 AM — 7 PM Locations for Early Voting Polling Places (Ubicaciones para los lugares de votación temprana) KYLE • Chapa Middle School - 3311 Dacy Lane • HCISD Admin – Arnold Transportation Building (formerly the bus barn) 21003 Interstate 35 Frontage Road • Hays County Precinct 2 Office - 5458 FM 2770 • Kyle City Hall - 100 West Center Street • Live Oak Academy High School - 4820 Jack C. Hays Trail • Tobias Elementary School - 1005 FM 150 • Wallace Middle School - 1500 West Center Street UHLAND • Uhland Elementary School - 2331 High Road SAN MARCOS • Calvary Baptist Church - 1906 North Interstate 35 Frontage Road • Centro Cultural Hispano - 211 Lee Street • Dunbar Center - 801 Martin Luther King Drive • First Baptist Church San Marcos - 325 West McCarty Lane • Hays County Government Center - 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Northwest Conference Rooms • Hays County Transportation – Yarrington Building - 2171 Yarrington Road • Live Oak Health Partners (formerly County Health Department) - 401 Broadway Street #C • Promiseland Church - 1650 Lime Kiln Road • San Marcos Activity Center - 501 East Hopkins Street • San Marcos Fire Station #5 - 100 Carlson Circle • San Marcos Housing Authority/CM Allen Homes - 820 Sturgeon Drive, San Marcos • Sinai Pentecostal Church - 208 Laredo Street • South Hays Fire Station #12 - 8301 Ranch Road 12 • Stone Brook Seniors Community - 300 South Stagecoach Trail • Texas State University Performing Arts Center - 405 Moon Street BUDA • Buda City Hall - 405 East Loop Street, Building 100 • Buda Elementary Upper Campus - 300 San Marcos Street • Hays Hills Baptist Church - 1401 North FM 1626 • McCormick Middle School - 5700 Dacy Lane • Southern Hills Church of Christ - 3740 FM 967 DRIPPING SPRINGS • Dripping Springs Ranch Park - 1042 Event Center Drive • Hays County Precinct 4 Office - 195 Roger Hanks Parkway AUSTIN • Belterra Centre - 151 [688] Trinity Hills Drive • North Hays County Fire/Rescue Station #2 – Driftwood Battalion - 15850 FM 1826 WIMBERLEY • Cypress Creek Church - 211 Stillwater • Scudder Primary School - 400 Green Acres Drive • VFW Post #6441 - 401 Jacobs Well Road • Wimberley Community Center - 14068 Ranch Road 12
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020 CONTINUED CONTINUEDFROM FROMPREVIOUS PREVIOUSPAGE PAGE EXHIBIT EXHIBITAA Article I. Incorporation, Article I. Incorporation,Form Formof of Government Governmentand andPowers Powersof ofthe theCity City Sec. Sec.1.07. 1.07.––Annexation Annexationand andDisannexDisannexation. ation. The Thecouncil councilmay mayby byordinance ordinanceunilaterally unilaterally annex annexorordisannex disannexany anyland, land,property propertyor or territory territoryupon uponits itsown owninitiative, initiative,or orupon uponaa petition petitionsubmitted submittedby byaamajority majorityof ofthe thevoters voters residing residingwithin withinthe theterritory territorybeing beingannexed annexed orordisannexed, disannexed,upon uponpetition petitionby bythe theowners owners ofofproperty, property,ororupon uponaapetition petitionsigned signedby byaa majority majorityofofthe theproperty propertyowners ownersininaaplatted platted subdivision, subdivision,as asauthorized authorizedby byapplicable applicable law. law.The Thecouncil councilmay maydisannex disannexor orrelease release extraterritorial extraterritorialjurisdiction jurisdictionwhen whenininthe thebest best interest interestofofthe thecity. city.The Theprocedure procedurefor forthe the establishment, establishment,modification modificationor orextension extensionof of the thecity cityboundaries, boundaries,and andthe theannexation annexationor or disannexation disannexationof ofterritory, territory,will willbe beapplied applied ininaamanner mannerconsistent consistentwith withapplicable applicable State Statelaw. law.Absent Absentprocedures proceduresbeing beingesestablished tablishedby byState Statelaw, law,prior priorto toexercising exercising said saidrights rightstotoannex annexor ordisannex disannexterritory, territory, one onepublic publichearing hearingwill willbe beheld heldat atleast least ten ten(10) (10)but butnot notmore morethan thantwenty twenty(20) (20) days daysafter afternotice noticeof ofsuch suchpublic publichearings hearings are arepublished publishedin inaanewspaper newspaperof ofgeneral general circulation circulationthroughout throughoutthe thecity. city.AdditionAdditionally, ally,notices noticeswill willappear appearin inany anyofficial official means meansofofpublic publicdissemination disseminationestablished established by bythe theCity CityCouncil. Council.The Theprocedure procedurefor forthe the establishment, establishment,modification modificationor orextension extensionof of the thecity cityboundaries, boundaries,and andthe theannexation annexationor or disannexation disannexationof ofterritory, territory,may maynot notbe beinconinconsistent sistentwith withany anyapplicable applicablerequirements requirementsand and limitations limitationsestablished establishedby bystate statelaw; law;provided provided that thatabsent absentprocedures proceduresbeing beingestablished established by bystate statelaw lawthe theaction actionmay maybe betaken takenby by ordinance ordinanceadopted adoptedafter aftertwo twopublic publichearings hearings are areheld heldatatleast leastten ten(10) (10)but butnot notmore morethan than twenty twenty(20) (20)days daysafter afternotice noticeof ofsuch suchpublic public hearings hearingsare arepublished publishedininaanewspaper newspaperof of general generalcirculation circulationininthe thecity. city.Upon Uponfinal final passage passageofofan anordinance, ordinance,fixing, fixing,establishing establishing orormodifying modifyingthe theboundaries boundariesof ofthe thecity, city,or or annexing annexingorordisannexing disannexingany anyproperty propertyby byany any method methodprescribed prescribedherein, herein,the theboundaries boundaries ofofthe thecity cityshall shallbe beso soextended extendedor ormodified modified asasprovided providedininsuch suchordinance. ordinance.Upon Uponan an ordinance ordinanceannexing annexingproperty propertyinto intothe thecity, city, the theterritory territorydescribed describedininthe theordinance ordinanceshall shall become becomeaapart partof ofthe thecity, city,and andthe thesaid saidland land and andits itsresidents residentsand andfuture futureresidents residentsshall shallbe be bound boundby bythe theacts, acts,ordinances, ordinances,codes, codes,resoluresolutions tionsand andregulations regulationsof ofthe thecity. city. Article ArticleII. II. Boundaries Boundariesof ofthe theCity City
Sec. Sec.2.01. 2.01.––Boundaries. Boundaries.
The Theboundaries boundariesand andlimits limitsof ofthe thecity cityshall, shall, until untilchanged changedininthe themanner mannerherein hereinprovidprovided, ed,be bethe thesame sameas ashave haveheretofore heretoforebeen been established establishedand andas asexisted existedon onthe thedate dateof ofthe the adoption adoptionofofthis thischarter. charter.The Theboundaries boundariesand and territorial territoriallimits limitsof ofthe thecity citymay mayfrom fromtime time tototime timeby byordinance ordinancebe befixed, fixed,decreased, decreased, modified modifiedororextended, extended,and andproperty propertymay maybe be annexed annexedinto intothe thecity cityor ordisannexed disannexedfrom fromthe the city, city,with withororwithout withoutthe theconsent consentof ofany anyvoter voter anylandowner landownerininthe theaffected affectedas asauthoauthoororofofany rizedby bystate statelaw lawand andthe theCity CityCharter. Charter. rized Seealso alsoSection Section1.07. 1.07. See ArticleV. V. Elections Elections Article
Sec.5.06. 5.06.--Polling PollingPlaces. Places. Sec.
Thecouncil councilshall shallestablish establishone oneor ormore moreelecelecThe tionprecincts precinctsand andprovide providepolling pollingplaces placesas as tion necessaryfor forcity cityelections. elections.Until Untilestablished established necessary otherwiseby byordinance ordinanceor orrequired requiredotherotherotherwise wiseby bystate statelaw, law,the theentire entirecity cityshall shallbe beone one wise electionprecinct precinctand andthe thecity cityhall hallor orthe thecity city election pollingplace placefor forall all hallannex annexshall shallbe bethe theaapolling hall cityelections. elections. city ArticleVI. VI.Initiative, Initiative,Referendum Referendum Article andRecall Recall and
Sec.6.15. 6.15.--Non-binding Non-bindingballot ballotproposiproposiSec. tions. tions.
Thecouncil councilisisauthorized authorizedto tocall callelections elections The onballot ballotpropositions propositionsthat thatare arenon-bindnon-bindon ingininnature naturewhen whenthe thecouncil councilwishes wishesto to ing obtainan aninformal informalindication indicationof ofthe theposiposiobtain tionofofthe thecity's city'svoters voterson onan anissue. issue. The The tion ordinancecalling callingan anelection electionunder underthis this ordinance sectionmust mustbe beapproved approvedby bythe theaffirmaaffirmasection tivevote voteofofatatleast leastsix sixmembers membersof ofcouncil. council. tive Thefollowing followingshall shallapply applyto toelections electionson on The non-bindingballot ballotpropositions: propositions: non-binding (1)The Theballots ballotsmust mustclearly clearlylabel labeleach each (1) propositionas asnon-binding non-bindingin inthe the proposition headingofofthe theproposition. proposition. heading (2)The Theballot ballotcannot cannotcontain containan anindication indication (2) theeffect effectthat thatapproval approvalor ordisapdisapofofthe provalofofaaproposition propositionwill willhave haveon on proval theposition positionof ofthe thecity citycouncil councilon onany any the issue. issue. (3)The Theballot ballotlanguage languagemay maynot notcontain contain (3) morethan thanone onesubject. subject. more (4)Each Eachproposition propositionmust mustavoid avoidincluding including (4) multiplecomponents componentswhich whichare arenot not multiple compatiblyinterrelated. interrelated. compatibly (5)The Theordinance ordinancecalling callingthe theelection electionand and (5) theordinance ordinancedeclaring declaringthe theresult result the theelection electionmust mustboth bothcontain containaa ofofthe clearstatement statementthat thatthe thenon-binding non-binding clear propositionsare arenot notbinding bindingon onthe the propositions citycouncil. council. city (6)The Thecity citycouncil councilshall shallnot notplace placeaa (6) non-bindingproposition propositionon onaaballot ballotas as non-binding substituteor oralternative alternativefor foraabinding binding aasubstitute propositionthe thecouncil councilisisobligated obligatedto to proposition placeon onthe thesame sameballot. ballot. place ArticleVII. VII. Administrative AdministrativeServices Services Article Sec.7.06. 7.06.––Police PoliceDepartment. Department. Sec.
(a) There Thereshall shallbe beaapolice policedepartment departmenttoto (a) preserveorder orderand andprotect protectthe theresidents residents preserve andproperty. property.The Thechief chiefof ofpolice policeshall shall and beresponsible responsiblefor forthe theadministration administrationof of be thepolice policedepartment departmentand andshall shallevaluate evaluate the andsupervise supervisethe thedepartment departmentand andall all and itsemployees. employees.All Allsuch suchevaluations evaluationsand and its actionsshall shallbe besubject subjecttotoreview reviewand and actions modificationby bythe thecity citymanager. manager. Police Police modification departmentprocedures proceduresand andpolicies policies department shallbe besubject subjectto toreview reviewand andmodifimodifishall cationby bythe theCity CityCouncil. Council. cation (b)The TheCity Cityof ofKyle KylePolice PoliceDepartment Department (b) shall collaborate with a committee shall collaborate with a committee establishedby bythe theCity CityCouncil Councilto tohave have established
Page 3B
concejo peticiones peticiones de de destitución destitución concejo de de Kyle. Kyle. (b) (b) El El Departamento Departamento de de Policía Policía de de Kyle Kyle Sección 6.15. – Propuestas no vinculantes Sección 6.15. – Propuestas no vinculantes deberá deberá colaborar colaborar con con el el comité comité de de supervisión Al Alconcejo concejo municipal municipal se se le le autoriza autoriza convocar convocar supervisión que que el el concejo concejo nombrará nombrará para elecciones elecciones sobre sobre propuestas propuestas que que no no son son de de para guiar guiar el el desarrollo desarrollo de de las las normas normas y estrategias a seguirse en cuanto naturaleza vinculante cuando desea obtener naturaleza vinculante cuando desea obtener y estrategias a seguirse en cuanto aa sus sus operaciones, una una indicación indicación informal informal de de la la opinión opinión de de los los operaciones, la la divulgación divulgación oportuna oportuna de votantes votantes de de la la ciudad ciudad sobre sobre un un tema. tema. Toda Toda de datos datos yy el el uso uso de de recursos recursos que que tienen tienen como ordenanza ordenanza que que convoque convoque comicios comicios con con este este como su su fin: fin: (1) (1) proteger proteger toda toda persona, persona, negocio fin findeberá deberá ser ser aprobada aprobada por por un un mínimo mínimo de de negocio yy propiedad propiedad ubicada ubicada dentro dentro de de la seis seis concejales. concejales. Las Las papeletas papeletas electorales electorales que que la ciudad, ciudad, (2) (2) promover promover la la transparencia transparencia del contienen contienen propuestas propuestas no no vinculantes: vinculantes: del departamento departamento ante ante la la comunidad comunidad lo lo cual incluirá los esfuerzos (1) deberán indicar en forma clara, en el (1) deberán indicar en forma clara, en el cual incluirá los esfuerzos de de compartir compartir información título, título, que que la la propuesta propuesta es es de de carácter carácter información que que deberán deberán realizarse realizarse por no no vinculante; vinculante; por lo lo menos menos una una vez vez cada cada trimestre, trimestre, como (2) (2) no no deberán deberán dar dar indicación indicación alguna alguna del del como por por ejemplo ejemplo ruedas ruedas de de prensa, prensa, publicaciones efecto efecto que que su su aprobación aprobación oo rechazo rechazo publicaciones informativas informativas yy el el uso uso de pudiera pudiera tener tener en en las las decisiones decisiones del del de las las redes redes sociales sociales yy (3) (3) fomentar fomentar la la cooperación concejo concejo sobre sobre el el tema; tema; cooperación con con los los residentes residentes por por medio medio de (3) (3) no no deberán deberán abarcar abarcar más más de de un un tema tema aa de programas programas de de capacitación, capacitación, esfueresfuerzos la la vez. vez. zos educativos educativos yy la la implementación implementación del del modelo Además, Además, modelo de de policía policía comunitaria comunitaria más más la la colaboración (4) (4) se se deberá deberá evitar evitar propuestas propuestas que que incluyincluycolaboración positiva positiva con con la la comunidad comunidad para en en distintos distintos puntos puntos no no directamente directamente para así así reducir reducir la la delincuencia. delincuencia. Cada Cada relacionados año, relacionados con con un un mismo mismo tema; tema; año, el el Jefe Jefe de de policía policía oo su su representante representante (5) deberá (5) tanto tanto la la ordenanza ordenanza que que convoca convoca las las deberá proporcionarle proporcionarle al al concejo concejo un un elecciones amplio Article ArticleXIII. XIII.General General Provision Provision elecciones como como la la formaliza formaliza los los resulresulamplio yy detallado detallado informe informe sobre sobre el el funfuntados de la votación deberán contener cionamiento del departamento, las tasas tados de la votación deberán contener cionamiento del departamento, las tasas Sec. Sec.13.11. 13.11.––Non-substantive Non-substantive Revisions. Revisions. el de el texto texto de de la la propuesta propuesta no no vinculante vinculante yy de delincuencia, delincuencia, las las iniciativas iniciativas realizadas realizadas deberán (1) The City Council may, without en (1) The City Council may, without apapdeberán recalcar recalcar su su carácter carácter no no vincuvincuen el el campo campo de de la la capacitación capacitación de de perperlante; proval sonal provalof ofthe thevoters, voters,adopt adopt an an ordiordilante; sonal yy cualquier cualquier otro otro detalle detalle que que se se le le (6) nance haya nancethat thatmakes makesthe thefollowing following types types (6) el el concejo concejo no no deberá deberá incluir incluir en en la la haya solicitado. solicitado. Se Se ordena ordena que que el el concejo concejo misma of promulgue ofrevisions revisionsto tothis thisCharter: Charter: misma papeleta papeleta electoral electoral una una propuespropuespromulgue una una ordenanza ordenanza que que ponga ponga en en ta (A) efecto (A)Correcting Correctingnumbering numbering errors, errors, and and ta no no vinculante vinculante como como alternativa alternativa oo efecto lo lo aquí aquí descrito. descrito. sustituta renumbering renumberingsections sectionsto to correct correct numnumsustituta aa una una propuesta propuesta que que aparte aparte de bering Artículo XIII. Disposiciones generales beringerrors; errors;and and de ser ser vinculante vinculante tiene tiene que que someterse someterse aa votación (B) (B)Correcting Correctingerrors errorsin in spelling, spelling, votación pública. pública. Sección 13.11. – Revisiones no sustanciales grammar, grammar,cross-references cross-references and and puncpuncArtículo (1) tuation. tuation. Artículo VII. VII. Servicios Servicios administrativos administrativos (1) Al concejo municipal se le autoriza promulgar ordenanzas que modifican la (2) (2) AArevision revisionadopted adoptedunder underthis this section section Sección Sección 7.06. 7.06. –– Departamento Departamento de de policía policía carta constitutiva de la ciudad, sin necesiisisnot notintended intendedto toand andisis not not to to be be dad de someterlas a la aprobación de los interpreted (a) Deberá Deberá establecerse establecerse un un departamento departamento interpretedas asmaking makingany any substantive substantive (a) de votantes, siempre y cuando: change de policía policía cuya cuya responsabilidad responsabilidad será será changein inany anyCharter Charterprovision. provision. Any Any mantener (A) olo corrija errores de numeración revision mantener el el orden orden público público yy proteger proteger aa revisionadopted adoptedunder underthis this section section los de secciones y que luego ajuste la that los residentes residentes yy las las propiedades propiedades ubicadas ubicadas thatchanges changesthe thesubstantive substantive meaning meaning dentro numeración de las secciones a la corof dentro de de la la ciudad. ciudad. Será Será la la responsabiliresponsabiliofthe theCharter Chartershall shallbe bevoid. void. dad rección y dad del del jefe jefe de de policía policía administrar, administrar, evalevaluar (B) solo corrija la puntuación, gramátiANEXO ANEXOAA uar yy supervisar supervisar tanto tanto al al departamento departamento de de policía como aa todos sus empleados. El ca, la forma de deletrear una palabra o policía como todos sus empleados. El Incorporación, Incorporación,tipo tipode degobierno gobierno yy gerente administrativo del ayuntamienreferencia cruzadas. gerente administrativo del ayuntamienfacultades facultadesque queejercerá ejerceráel elayuntamiento ayuntamiento (2) to to cuenta cuenta con con la la autoridad autoridad de de analizar analizar (2) Ninguna revisión aprobada acatando a esta sección deberá ser ni se interpretará yy modificar SECCIÓN SECCIÓN1.07. 1.07.––Anexión Anexiónyy separación separación de de modificar toda toda evaluación evaluación yy medida medida como un cambio sustancial a lo dispuesto tomada territorio. territorio. tomada por por el el jefe jefe de de policía. policía. Pero Pero en la carta constitutiva. Si, valiéndose la autoridad de revisar yy modificar la autoridad de revisar modificar Acatándose Acatándoseaalo loque quedispone dispone la la ley, ley, el el de esta sección, se aprobase un cambio las las normas normas yy los los procedimientos procedimientos del del concejo concejocuenta cuentacon conlalaautoridad autoridad de de anexar anexar sustancial, éste será inválido. Departamento de policía la ejercerá el Departamento de policía la ejercerá el ooseparar, separar,en enforma formaunilateral, unilateral, cualquier cualquier terreno, terreno,propiedad propiedadooterritorio, territorio, ya ya sea sea por por propia propiainiciativa iniciativaooaaraíz raízde deuna una petición petición Vote Center Locations for Early Voting and Election Day 2020 presentada presentadapor: por:lalamayoría mayoríade de los los votantes votantes que November General Election queradican radicandentro dentrodel delterritorio territorio que que se se anexará anexaráooseparará, separará,los losdueños dueños de de la la propiepropieEarly Voting (Votación anticipada): October 13th, 2020 — October 30th, 2020 dad dadoolalamayoría mayoríade delos lospropietarios propietarios cuyos cuyos 10 AM — 7 PM Tuesday, October 13th — Friday, October 16th Saturday, terrenos terrenosforman formanparte partede deun unfraccionamiento fraccionamiento 7 AM — 7 PM October 17th planificado. planificado.Si Sielelconcejo concejodetermina determina que que la la 1 PM — 6 PM Sunday, October 18th mejor mejorforma formade deproteger protegerlos losintereses intereses de de la la th rd 10 AM — 7 PM Monday, October 19 — Friday, October 23 Saturday, ciudad ciudades esseparar separaroorenunciar renunciar al al ejercicio ejercicio de de 7 AM — 7 PM October 24th competencia competenciaextraterritorial extraterritorialsobre sobre cualquier cualquier th 1 PM — 6 PM Sunday, October 25 propiedad, propiedad,éste éstecontará contarácon conla la autoridad autoridad de de hacerlo. hacerlo.Los Losprocedimientos procedimientos aa seguirse seguirse 7 AM — 7 PM Monday, October 26th — Friday, October 30th para paraestablecer, establecer,modificar modificaroo ampliar ampliarlos los Election Day (Dia de elección): límites límitesterritoriales territorialesdel delayuntamiento, ayuntamiento, 7 AM — 7 PM November 3rd, 2020 Tuesday, November 3rd inclusive inclusivelos losde deanexar anexarooseparar separaralgún algún territorio, territorio,tienen tienenque queconcordar concordarcon con los los Jennifer Anderson, Elections Administrator: (512) 393-7310 requerimientos requerimientosyylas laslimitaciones limitaciones impuesimpuesEarly Election San Marcos tas taspor porlas lasleyes leyesestatales. estatales.Si Si las las leyes leyes esesVoting Day tatales tatalesno noestablecen establecenalgún algúnprocedimienprocedimienCalvary Baptist Church 1906 North Interstate 35 Frontage Road ط to,antes antesde deejercerse ejercerseelelderecho derecho aa anexar anexar to, separaralgún algúnterritorio, territorio,se se deberá deberá celeceleooseparar Centro Cultural Hispano 211 Lee Street ط braruna unaaudiencia audienciapública públicapor porlo lo menos menos brar (10)diez diezdías díasantes antespero perono nomás más de de 20 20 (10) Dunbar Center 801 Martin Luther King Drive ط (veinte)días díasantes antesde dehaberse haberse publicado publicado (veinte) First Baptist Church San Marcos 325 West McCarty Lane ط enun unperiódico periódicode decirculación circulación general general de de en laciudad ciudadelelaviso avisoconvocando convocando dicha dicha auaula 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Northwest Hays County Government Center ط ط diencia.Dicho Dichoaviso avisotambién también se se publicará publicará Conference Rooms diencia. entodo todomedio medioautorizado autorizadopor porel el concejo concejo Hays County Transportation — en 2171 Yarrington Road ط ط Yarrington Building parala lapublicación publicaciónde deavisos avisos oficiales. oficiales. Los Los para Live Oak Health Partners procedimientosaaseguirse seguirsepara para establecer, establecer, procedimientos 401 Broadway Street #C ط ط (formerly County Health Department) modificarooampliar ampliarlos loslímites límites territoriales territoriales modificar Promiseland Church 1650 Lime Kiln Road ط delayuntamiento ayuntamientoyylalaanexión anexión oo separación separación del deterritorios, territorios,tienen tienenque queconcordar concordar con con los los de San Marcos Activity Center 501 East Hopkins Street ط requerimientosyylas laslimitaciones limitaciones impuesimpuesrequerimientos taspor porlas lasleyes leyesestatales; estatales;pero pero sisi las las leyes leyes tas San Marcos Fire Station #5 100 Carlson Circle ط estatalesno noestablecen establecenalgún algún procedimiento procedimiento estatales San Marcos Housing Authority/ concejopodrá podráactuar actuarpor pormedio medio de de una una elelconcejo 820 Sturgeon Drive, San Marcos ط CM Allen Homes ordenanzaque quese sedeberá deberápromulgar promulgar tras tras ordenanza Sinai Pentecostal Church 208 Laredo Street celebrarsedos dosaudiencias audienciaspúblicas públicas con con por por ط celebrarse losmenos menos10 10de dedías díasde deanterioridad anterioridad pero pero no no los South Hays Fire Station #12 8301 Ranch Road 12 ط másde de20 20días díasantes antesde dehaberse haberse publicado publicado más enun unperiódico periódicode decirculación circulación general general en en la la en Stone Brook Seniors Community 300 South Stagecoach Trail ط ciudadelelaviso avisopúblico públicoconvocando convocando dichas dichas ciudad Texas State University audiencias. Siempre Siempreyycuando cuando concuerde concuerde audiencias. 405 Moon Street ط ط Performing Arts Center conlos losprocedimientos procedimientosaquí aquíestablecidos, establecidos, con aprobarseuna unaordenanza ordenanzaque que establece establece oo alalaprobarse Buda modificalos loslímites límitesterritoriales territoriales de de la la ciudad ciudad modifica queanexe anexeoosepare separealgún algúnterritorio, territorio, los los ooque Buda City Hall 405 East Loop Street, Building 100 ط ط límitesfronterizos fronterizosde delalaciudad ciudad se se modifimodifilímites carán de forma que cumplan con lo aprobaBuda Elementary Upper Campus 300 San Marcos Street carán de forma que cumplan con lo aprobaط do.Si Silalaordenanza ordenanzaanexa anexaalgún algún territorio, territorio, do. Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 North FM 1626 ط éstepasará pasaráaaformar formarparte partede dela la ciudad ciudad yy éste tantolos losterrenos terrenoscomo comolas laspersonas personas que que tanto McCormick Middle School 5700 Dacy Lane ط radicanooradicarán radicaránen enellos ellosse se someterán someterán aa radican lasacciones, acciones,ordenanzas, ordenanzas,códigos, códigos, resoluresolulas Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967 ط cionesyyreglamentos reglamentosde delalaciudad ciudad de de Kyle. Kyle. ciones oversight oversightover overthe thedevelopment development of of standard standardoperating operatingpolicies policies and and stratstrategies, egies,providing providingtimely timelydata data sharing, sharing, and anddeploying deployingresources resources that that aim aim to: to: (1) (1)protect protectall allcitizens, citizens,businesses, businesses, and and property propertywithin withinthe theCity; City; (2) (2) propromote motetransparency transparencywithin within the the police police department departmentto tothe thecommunity, community, to to also also include includedata datasharing sharingcommunication communication in inthe theforms formsof: of:in inperson person briefings, briefings, news newspublications, publications,and andsocial social media media on on aaquarterly quarterlybasis; basis;and and(3) (3) reduce reduce crime crime by byincreasing increasingpositive positivecommunity community engagement engagementand andpromoting promoting cooperacooperation tionwith withall allcitizens citizensthrough through training, training, education, education,and andcommunity community policing policing models. models. Annually, Annually,the thePolice Police Chief Chief or ordesignee designeeshall shallprovide provide the the full full City City Council Councilwith withaacomprehensive comprehensive report report about aboutpolice policedepartment department operations, operations, crime crimestatistics, statistics,training training initiatives, initiatives, and andother otherinformation informationrequested requested by by the theCity CityCouncil. Council. The TheCity City Council Council shall shalladopt adoptan anordinance ordinance implementing implementing the theterms termsof ofthis thissubsection. subsection.
ArtículoII. II. Artículo Límitesfronterizos fronterizosde de la la ciudad ciudad Límites SECCIÓN2.01. 2.01.––Límites Límitesfronterizos. fronterizos. SECCIÓN Loslímites límitesoofronteras fronterasmunicipales municipales ya ya Los existentesyyque quese sehayan hayanestablecidos establecidos antes antes existentes deldía díaen enque quese seaprobó aprobóesta estacarta carta constituconstitudel tiva,seguirán seguiránsiendo siendolos losmismos mismos hasta hasta que que tiva, pormedio mediode delos losprocesos procesosaquí aquí previstos previstos se se por modifiquen.De Devez vezen encuando, cuando, el el ayuntaayuntamodifiquen. mientopodrá podráfijar, fijar,establecer, establecer, modificar, modificar, miento disminuirooextender extenderlos loslímites límites fronterizos fronterizos disminuir delalaciudad ciudadanexando anexandoooseparando separando algualgude napropiedad, propiedad,con conoosin sinlalaaprobación aprobación del del na votanteoodueño dueñode dedicho dicholugar, lugar, conforme conforme lo lo votante establecido por la leyes estatales y esta carta establecido por la leyes estatales y esta carta constitutiva.Véase Véasetambién tambiénla la sección sección 1.07. 1.07. constitutiva. ArtículoV. V. Elecciones Elecciones Artículo SECCIÓN5.06. 5.06.--Centros Centrosde de votación votación SECCIÓN
Elconcejo concejoestablecerá estableceráuno unooomás más distritos distritos El electorales, así como los correspondientes electorales, así como los correspondientes centrosde devotación votaciónque quesean seannecesarios necesarios para para centros realizarlas laselecciones eleccionesmunicipales. municipales.A Amenos menos realizar quese sepromulgue promulgueuna unaordenanza ordenanza oo las las leyes leyes que estatalesrequieran requieranalgo algodistinto, distinto, toda toda la la estatales ciudadfungirá fungirácomo comoun undistrito distrito electoral electoral yy ciudad edificiode delas lasoficinas oficinasde deayuntamiento ayuntamiento eleledificio o su sucursal, siempre se utilizará como el el o su sucursal, siempre se utilizará como unode delos loscentros centrosde devotación. votación. uno ArtículoVI. VI. Iniciativas, Iniciativas,referéndums referéndums yy Artículo
Kyle and Uhland
Chapa Middle School
3311 Dacy Lane
HCISD Admin — Arnold Transportation Building (formerly the bus barn)
21003 Interstate 35 Frontage Road
Hays County Precinct 2 Office
5458 FM 2770
Kyle City Hall
100 West Center Street
Live Oak Academy High School
4820 Jack C. Hays Trail
Tobias Elementary School
1005 FM 150
Uhland Elementary School
2331 High Road (Uhland)
Wallace Middle School
1500 West Center Street
Dripping Springs and Austin ط
Belterra Centre
151 [688] Trinity Hills Drive (Austin)
Dripping Springs Ranch Park
1042 Event Center Drive (Dripping Springs)
Hays County Precinct 4 Office
195 Roger Hanks Parkway (Dripping Springs)
North Hays County Fire/Rescue Station #2 — Driftwood Battalion
15850 FM 1826 (Austin) Wimberley
Cypress Creek Church
211 Stillwater
Scudder Primary School
400 Green Acres Drive
VFW Post #6441
401 Jacobs Well Road
Wimberley Community Center
14068 Ranch Road 12
Page 4B
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Hays CISD Cross Country Invitational
Close to 200 varsity and junior varsity runners hit the trails at Hays High Saturday as they competed in the Hays CISD Invitational at Hays High. The event was the second cross country meet held by Hays and is one of the last few meets for runners to warm up prior to District meets later this month. Dripping Springs' varsity girls team came away with the team gold medal as Johnson High finished second and Hays took third. In the varsity boys race, Hays High's team won the gold by narrowly edging out second place Dripping Springs by three points. Johnson High's varsity boys team finished in third.
Dripping Springs Tiger Maddie Livingston (64) begins her slowdown after winning the Hays CISD Invitational Cross Country meet held Saturday at Hays High School.
Lehman Lobo Lilyana Castro (858) maintains her pace down the final stretch as Westlake Chaparral Vivienne Brown (939) and Hays High's Yessie Parra (52) try to close the gap in Saturday's varsity girls 5,000 meter race at the Hays CISD invitational.
Clocking in a finishing time Saturday was Hays High junior Abby Parra (50) who finished with the individual bronze medal at the Hays CISD Invitational Meet.
With Johnson High sophomore Kyra Gaddy (4) closing the gap, Dripping Springs Tiger runner Jesse Bookbinder (60) speeds down the final few meters in the Hays CISD Invitational cross country meet.
With the finish line in sight and a second place individual finish nearly secured, Lehman Lobo cross country runner Esteban Garza (865) smiles with glee as he stays a step ahead of Pflugerville Hendrickson's Kevin Castruita at the Hays CISD Invitational meet.
Dripping Springs Tiger Caleb Lopez (851) exhales after winning the varsity boys 5,000 meter cross country run at the Hays CISD invitational Saturday.
In a tightly contested race to the finish, Johnson High runner Warren Anguiano (51) sprints down the final stretch as Dripping Springs Tiger Dominic Gearing (848) keeps pace Saturday.
It was a photo finish Saturday for Hays High runner Isaac Sellers (right) and Del Valle's Daniel Sustaita as they cross the finish line in almost the same time in Saturday's Hays CISD invitational meet.
4 4 4
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Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Page 5B
The most famous Padre Island treasure
ne of the many articles that have kept alive the legend of hidden riches on a narrow strip of sand off the Texas Gulf Coast ran in the Harlingen-based Valley Morning Star on Oct. 27, 1966. The subject of this always entertaining tale is the treasure supposedly buried on Padre Island by a band of castaways in the early days of the Civil War. Driven from their private paradise, the Singers never imagined they would lose everything they had created over the past decade and a half. John V. Singer was born near Albany, New York in 1793. A free spirit by nature, the wanderer left home before his younger brother Isaac was born in 1811. Although he could not take credit for the invention of the sewing machine, Isaac made it easy to use and affordable with a monthly payment plan. While his clever sibling was amassing the colossal fortune that would rank him among the richest men in the world, John was courting a New Orleans belle named Johanna Shaw. She brought her own money, reportedly a five-figure sum, into the marriage. In 1847, the year after the Mexican War, the cou-
have sat back and done ed from the mainland, the bare minimum while she began making butter Texas awaiting their rescue. and selling the surplus at History Instead they Port Isabel spent the crossing the by Bartee Even though daylight open water Haile hours prein a skiff her John was an paring for husband experienced ple with their four young an extended handcrafted. children set sail for Texas stay. When John’s sailor, he in a three-masted schooa rescue next major was badly ner christened the Alice ship finally project was Sadell. Even though John came for overmatched by the conwas an experienced sailor, them, the struction of the high winds he was badly overmatched Singers said, spacious livby the high winds and “Thanks but ing quarters, and stormstorm-tossed seas off Padre no thanks.” which he tossed seas off erected on Island. He tried to steer the The Texas bucking schooner safely to version of the founPadre Island. shore only to have it break the “Swiss dation of a He tried to steer ranch house apart on impact. Family RobMiraculously all six Sing- inson” had that had the bucking ers survived the shipwreck found a new vanished schooner without serious injury. home. decades earThe emergency salvage A melier. Within safely to shore operation was a commuthodical exa couple of only to have it nal effort as everyone big ploration of years, the and tiny picked through the 100-mile number of break apart on the pieces of the shattered long island, John’s cattle impact. schooner searching for which meaincreased food, scraps of wood, anysured 1.3 to the point thing that might increase miles at the widest point, that he was able to sell the their chances of enduring confirmed they were inextra head to eager buyers the ordeal. deed the sole inhabitants. on shore. Before dark that first But for them the isolation Utilizing a portion of dreary day, John fashioned was a godsend not a curse. Johanna’s nest egg, they a tent from the canvas The industry and self-re- bought Padre Island – the sails. The next day, he got liance that the Singers entire island! – from the right to work constructing displayed over the ensuing heirs of the original recipia small shelter from what months and years would ent of a Spanish land grant. remained of the Alice have been the envy of the In the meantime, she gave Sadell. It wasn’t much to hardiest pioneers. From birth to three more children look at, but the ramshackle the seeds she planted, Jobringing the total to seven. structure kept out most hanna Shaw grew bumper As the legal owners of of the rain and acted as a crops of vegetables. With Padre Island, the Singers windbreak on chilly nights. the milk from the small were entitled to everything The castaways could herd of cattle John import- they found washed up on
Beto O’Rourke to teach political course at Texas State in spring SAN MARCOS – Beto O'Rourke, former presidential and senate candidate as well as former U.S. Representative for the 16th Congressional District of Texas, will teach a class on Texas politics at Texas State University in spring 2021, pending finalization of his hire. As an adjunct lecturer, O'Rourke will teach the course PS 4325 (Texas Politics), a synchronous online class that will feature remote lectures with up to 15% of instruction delivered in-person, COVID-19 permitting. "Having Beto O’Rourke teaching Texas Politics will give Texas State students a unique opportunity to learn about some of the major institutions, issues, personalities, challenges
and opportunities in our political system from the perspective of an experienced elected public serO’ROURKE vant," said Gene Bourgeois, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Texas State. O'Rourke brings firsthand experience to the classroom. He ran for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination before suspending his campaign in Nov. 2019. Prior to that, he gained national attention in his 2018 senate race against incumbent Ted Cruz, narrowly losing despite setting a record for the most votes ever cast for a Democrat
in Texas history. O'Rourke served as U.S. Representative for the 16th congressional district in Texas 20122018. Before being elected to congress, O'Rourke served on the El Paso City Council June 2005-June 2011. “I thought it would be a great idea to have a former congressman, a former senatorial candidate teaching, just like (former U.S. Ambassador) Bob Krueger, who taught here after he served in the senate,” said Ken Grasso, chair of the Department of Political Science. O'Rourke attended Columbia University and graduated in 1995 with a degree in English literature. Upon graduation, O'Rourke co-founded Stanton Street Technology, an internet services and software company, in El Paso.
the beach or covered by the sand. The children were natural beachcombers, who brought home assorted prizes from Spanish coins to gold pieces and possibly even a silver bar or two. John hid the family valuables, that included the bulk of his wife’s cash, in a sand dune he dubbed “The Money Hill.” Life was good and seemingly secure until the war came along. The Singers, who were openly sympathetic to the northern side in the conflict, were driven from the island not by hostile Confederates but the Union navy that wanted Padre for military reasons. Forced to flee in the dead of night, John dumped everything that could not be carried in “The Money Hill.” The Singers returned four long years later to find the Yankee sailors had killed and eaten the cattle,
torn down their house for firewood and stolen everything of value. Worst of all, storms and strong winds had completely changed the landscape making it impossible to locate “The Money Hill.” Following Johanna’s passing the next year, John took the children still living at home and left Padre Island forever. He died a broken pauper in 1877. Treasure hunters have yet to find the Singers’ secret stash but stubbornly cling to the belief that it lies hidden somewhere beneath the shifting sands of Padre Island. Read about Bonnie and Clyde and other Thirties outlaws in “Texas Depression Era Desperadoes.” Available at reduced price of $20.00 by mailing a check to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393.
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Page 6B
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Full-Circle Aftercare
A public visitation will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, October 15, 2020 at Harrell Funeral Home in Kyle, with recitation of the Rosary at 7 p.m. A funeral mass will be conducted at 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 16 at Santa Cruz Catholic Church of Buda, with cremation to follow.
for Phil with The Coastal Corporation, the family On relocated to Corpus October Christi, where Jeanne 12, 2020 at continued her career with the age of TEC. Coastal relocated 62, Linda the family back to Marie Houston in 1973 bringing Ramirez of Jeanne back to the Kyle, Texas, Houston TEC. She ended died, her career with the State surrounded by her loving of Texas as a Supervisor family. She was born Feb. II in March 1995, retiring 10, 1958 to Alejandro and to spend more time with TERRELL Rosa Valenzuela Gomez the grandkids. After Phil Jeanne in Brownsville. retired in 1999, the couple Graves She graduated from relocated to Dripping Terrell, 77, James Pace High School Springs in 2001 where of Dripping with the class of 1977 they became founding Springs, and her high school members of Dripping Texas, sweetheart, Alfonso Springs Presbyterian formerly "Poncho" Ramirez, III. Church, where Jeanne of Hoxie, They first met at Stell was involved with various AR and Middle School in 1971 church activities, and was Houston, died in the and eventually married a member of the “Groancomfort of her home on in 1980 at St. Mary’s Ups” group. She was a Oct. 13, and joined her Catholic Church in voracious reader and had husband, her parents Brownsville. a thirst for knowledge, and older sister. She was Linda began always encouraging born in Hoxie, AR on working for IBC Bank her kids, grandkids and Jan. 26, 1943 to Steve H. in Brownsville and, in others to never stop and Johanna H. Graves. 1985, she transferred to learning. Her family lived in Hoxie a branch in Austin. Her She would travel back where she attended work eventually took her home to Hoxie for class school, participating to the Texas Department reunions and enjoyed in many school and of Insurance, from which the time she spent with activities of the Baptist she retired in 2010. her old classmates and church. After her Alfonso and Linda had family. She loved deeply graduation from Hoxie a home where family and unconditionally. High School in 1961, and friends were always Mom LIVED her “DASH” her family relocated to welcomed and often throughout her life. Those Houston. After arriving in gathered for parties. who knew her know what Houston, she met Philip Linda always enjoyed that little line is worth, Terrell on a blind date, set getting together with up by her future brother- and the world was a her sisters and friends better place with her in in-law. Many dates to dance, to play lotería, it. She will live on in our and loved to be social and followrf and they began hearts and minds. to plan a future together, have a good time. She She was preceded in including attending was loved and cherished death by her husband, St. Luke’s Presbyterian by all. her parents and older Church. In early 1962, She was a wonderful infant sister, Maida Anne she began a 30-plus year mother and raised three and a great grandson. career with the Texas wonderful children. She is survived by Employment Commission Linda is survived by her her children Dayn, as a secretary. Jeanne husband of 40 years, Wesley (Debbie), Leslie married Phil on June Alfonso Ramirez, III; (Adrian) Rodriguez, six 16, 1962 at St. Luke’s their children, Celina grandchildren and one Presbyterian Church. Rollins and husband Together they raised three greatgrandson. She is Brian Rollins, son Adam also survived by her active children, which Nicholas Ramirez and sister, Joyce H. Trlicek, she shuttled to activities fiancé Roxanna Flores, her brother-in-law, while continuing her and son Andrew Lee Smitty (Laurie) Terrell, career. In 1969, due to Ramirez. She also is sister-in-law, TeRisa a corporate relocation survived by her grandson Ethan Rollins. Surviving siblings include Rose Marie Gomez Meade Aleman, Dolores Montemayor, Leticia Eads, Patricia Reilly and Hilda Castillo. Linda was predeceased by her parents Alejandro and Rosa Gomez, as well as twin brothers Alex Gomez Meade and Carlos Gomez Meade.
Terrell Brown, and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. A special acknowledgment to her children, Debbie Terrell and Sandra McReynolds, for her care these last few years. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday at Harrell Funeral Home in Dripping Springs. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. on Friday at Dripping Springs Presbyterian Church. Burial will follow in Phillips Cemetery. As an alternative to flowers, the family requests contributions be made to Dripping Springs Presbyterian Church or a charity of your choice.
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Come worship with us ASSEMBLIES OF GOD
Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda
Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770
Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle
Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda
First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda
The Connection Church 1235 S. Loop 4, Buda
Antioch Community Church Old Black Colony Rd., Buda
First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626 Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle
Sudoku Puzzle, from page 6A
Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle
Texas Crossword Solution
Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W. CATHOLIC Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda
Texas Crossword, from page 6A
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca LUTHERAN Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland The Well Buda
Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda
Mission Fellowship Church 200 San Marcos Street, Buda
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Vertical Chapel 5700 Dacy Lane (McCormick M.S.), Buda A Fountain of Life Church 302 Millenium Dr. Kyle
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Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda
Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle
203 Railroad Street Downtown Buda Pharmacy 312-2111 Fountain 312-2172
PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle
Journey United Methodist 4301 Benner Rd, Kyle, Tx
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor
New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda
Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca
St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca
Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle
Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170
First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666
New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN
First Baptist Church
A loving & caring Southern Baptist Church 104 S. San Marcos Street, Buda Buddy Johnson, Pastor • 295-2161 Sunday School...........................................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship....................................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Youth Activities...6:00 p.m. AWANA’s (Wednesday)..........................6:00 p.m.
www.hayshills.org 1401 N. FM 1626
Pure Texas
Spring Water!
New Covenant Community Church 1019 Main Street, Buda (in Dance Unlimited)
St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland
Adult (including an 8:30 a.m. early bird class), teen, children’s classes * Children’s worship Professionally-staffed nursery & pre-school
Providing you with your most important local news for Kyle, Buda and surrounding communities
Kingdom United Christian Church 100 Madison Way, Buda
Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle
9:30 a.m. Classic Service 10:45 a.m. Contemporary service
Hays Free Press
Completed & Perfected Faith Church Tobias Elementary Cafeteria, FM 150, Kyle
St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle
Baptist Church
Like us on Facebook
Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald
Hays Hills
Nursery Provided
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Your Hometown McDonald’s
McDonald’s of Buda 15359 IH-35, Ste. B • P.O. Box 1364, Buda, TX 78610
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Sunday Morning
11:00 AM
Sunday Worship
5:45 PM
Wednesday Meal
6:30 PM
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A Family of Faith... www.sunsetcanyonchurch.org
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4000 E. HWY 290
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Page 7B
Hays High wide receiver Michael Boudoin squeezes past a pair of Lake Travis Cavalier defenders for more yardage Friday.
Homecoming Loss Continued from pg. 2B
back into contention. A 25-yard touchdown pass from wide receiver Bryant Lewis to Hill, mixed with a successful two-point conversion on a botched extra point, cut Lake Travis’ lead to 35-15 and shepherded a mini Hays comeback. After Lake Travis tallied another touchdown on the ensuing drive, Hays countered with a 69-yard touchdown pass from Hill to Lewis, which whittled the Cavalier lead to 42-22 at halftime. A 63-yard Hays touchdown early in the third
quarter further cut the Cavalier lead to 42-29. Hays (2-2, 1-1), however, couldn’t curtail the effectiveness of third-string Cavalier quarterback Bo Edmunsson and the myriad of weapons surrounding him. Lake Travis flexed its offensive muscle Friday by amassing 693 total yards in the contest with Edmunsson going 22 of 26 for 446 yards and six touchdowns passing. After a Hill to Lewis 60yard touchdown late in the third frame, Lake Travis sped away by tallying three more scores in the final
quarter. Hill went 8 of 16 for 178 yards and three touchdowns passing. He also rushed for 93 yards on nine carries and a touchdown while also receiving one pass for 25 yards and a score. Lewis caught five passes for 143 yards and two touchdowns. Boudoin rushed for 101 yards on nine carries. Hays continues district play Friday at San Marcos, followed by an Oct. 30 road tilt against No. 4 Westlake. The team’s next home game is scheduled for Nov. 5 against Austin High.
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107 S. Main St., Ste. A • Kyle, TX
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Classifieds Hays Free Press • October 21, 2020
Page 8B
This is a live-out position work,from Monday to Thursday. $700 weekly. Childcare and light housekeeping. Must be able to interact with children, speak English, and non smoker. MUST HAVE REFERENCES AND BE RESPONSIBLE,If interested contact Mia at miahousing00@gmail. com
DIRECT CARE COUNSELORS Provide positive role modeling, structure, and supervision to adolescent boys. No exp. required, We train comprehensively. Pay starting at $12 per hour for flexible 8 & 16 hr shift schedules. Health/life/dental insurance after 60 days. Min. requirements: Must be 21 yrs old, HS/GED, clean TDL, clean criminal history, pre-employment TB skin test, and drug screen. Growing (20+ year old) non-profit organization. www.pegasusschool.net. Call (512)432-1678 for further information.
155 Beacon Hill Rd., Buda PREVIEW: Thurs., 10/22/20 AUCTION ENDS: Tues., 10/27/20 FEATURED ITEMS 2005 Chev. C & C, 2009 Chev. Pickup, Piano, Table Saw, Cafeteria Equip., Car Lifts, Vapor Lighting, Gym Equip., Truck Tool Boxes & Racks, Chain Link Fencing, Field Sweeper, Appliances, Safes, Student & Office Furn., Electronics, Sound Equip., & More. 13% B.P. www.onlinepros.com #7341 www.lemonsauctioneers.com (800)243-1113 or (281)357-4977
To all persons interested in the Estate of Harris Gene Roberts, Deceased, Cause No. 20-0321-P, in the County Court at Law, Hays County, Texas. The alleged heir(s) at law in the above-numbered and entitled estate filed an APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP AND FOR LETTERS OF INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION BY AGREEMENT in this estate on the 6th day of October, 2020, requesting that the Court determine who are the heirs and only heirs of Harris Gene Roberts, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in such estate. The Court may act on this Application at any call of the docket on or after 10:00 A.M., on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten (10) days, exclusive of the day of Publication, from the date this citation is published, at the Hays County Government Center in San Marcos, Texas. All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written contest or answer to this Application should they desire to do so. To ensure its consideration, you or your attorney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Hays County, Texas on or before the abovenoted date and time. Applicant’s Attorney: Jesse E. Ramon 4301 W. William Cannon Dr. Ste. B-150 #239 Austin, TX 78749
512-915-9195 Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at the office of the Hays County Clerk in San Marcos, Texas on this the 16th day of October, 2020. Elaine H. Cárdenas County Clerk, Hays County, Texas 712 S. Stagecoach Trail, Suite 2008 San Marcos, Texas 78666 BY /s/ Christopher Alaniz, Deputy
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Ronald Frank Khederian, Deceased, were issued on July 8, 2020, in Cause No. 20-0100P, in County Court at Law, sitting in matters probate of Hays County, Texas, to: David Baumgartner. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time
and in the manner prescribed by law. Estate of Ronald Frank Khederian c/o David Baumgartner 1100 Alpine Trail San Marcos, Texas 78666 DATED Oct. 21, 2020. Respectfully submitted, LAW OFFICES OF MARI GARZA AND LYNN PEACH, PLLC 102 Suttles Ave. San Marcos, Texas 78666 Tel: (512) 667-7274 Fax: (512) 667-7374
By order of the Hays County Commissioners Court, notice is hereby given that on October 27th, 2020 at 9 a.m. in the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San Antonio Street, the Hays County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing to consider: Rolling Oaks, Section Four Subdivision, Replat of Lot 7.
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Mixed Beverage Permit (MB) by Laura’s Eats & Treats LLC d.b.a. Lala’s, located at 108 S. Front Street, Kyle, Hays County, Texas. Owner, Laura Chabarria.
CITY OF BUDA • BUDA, TX RFP 21-001 Grant Writing and Management Services ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Sealed Proposals, pursuant to Local Government Code Chapter 252, will be received for Grant Writing and Management Services by the City of Buda, 405 E. Loop Street, Buda, Texas until 2:00 PM local time on November 2, 2020. Immediately thereafter, the bid proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Multi-Purpose Room 1034 within Buda City Hall located at 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, Texas. The City of Buda seeks written proposals from qualified firms to assist in the application preparation and overall grant management required by the City for the implementation of a capital improvement project(s) for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs, Texas General Land Office Community Development Block Grant Programs, Texas Water Development Board Grant Programs, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Grant Programs, and other state and federal grant programs. The management consultant or firm to be hired is to provide contract-related management services to the City. It is the intent of the City of Buda to select a single consultant to accomplish all the services outlined in this Request for Proposals. The Issuing Office for this Solicitation is the City of Buda - Finance Department, 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, Texas 78610, Attn: Rosemary Esparza, Purchasing Manager; purchasing@ci.buda.tx.us. Prospective Proposers may examine the Bid Documents at the Issuing Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Website as described below. Proposal documents may be viewed and accessed online through the Procurement Website as described at http://ci.buda.tx.us/137/Purchasing. The City of Buda has partnered with BidNet as part of the Texas Purchasing Group and posts bid opportunities to this site. The documents are made available for the sole purpose of obtaining Bids for completion of the Project and permission to download does not confer a license or grant permission or authorization for any other use. Authorization to download documents includes the right for Bidders to print documents for their sole use, provided they pay all costs associated with printing or reproduction. Printed documents may not be re-sold under any circumstances. All official notifications, addenda, and other documents will be offered only through the Procurement Website. The Procurement Website may be updated periodically with Addenda, meeting summaries, reports, or other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project.
INVITATION TO BIDDERS Sealed Electronic Bids addressed to North Hays County Municipal Utility District No. 2 , Attention Meghan Skornia, President, Board of Directors, will be electronically received, until 10 a.m. Local Time, Friday November 6, 2020, and then publicly opened and read at LandDev Consulting, LLC, 4201 W Parmer Lane, Suite C-100, Austin, Texas 78727 for “PLUM CREEK REGIONAL DETENTION – DRAINAGE FACILITIES for North Hays County Municipal Utility District No. 2, Hays County, Texas” Due to the pandemic and Federal guidelines, bids will be opened and read aloud over a teleconference hosted by LandDev Consulting, LLC. Bidders may call into the bid opening through the following phone number: (512) 900-8904, (User Pin: 4607) Scope of Work of the Contract includes the following: Drainage improvements include the construction of approximately 6,300 LF of homogenous earthen dam embankment, 0’ to 12’ in height, with concrete overflow weir. Additional drainage improvements include the construction of approximately 7,575 LF of earthen channel. Water improvements include the lowering of approximately 130 LF of 12” Waterline. An additive bid alternate for additional grading improvements includes excavation and embankment of onsite dirt. Bids received after the closing time will not be considered. An OPTIONAL pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 3:00p.m. Local Time. The teleconference will be conducted through the following link: join.me/landdevatx. If contractors choose to call-in instead of using the link above, please utilize the call-in number and meeting ID noted below: +1.720.650.5050 Conference ID: 411-683-201 # Attendance by each prospective bidder or its representative at the pre-bid conference is OPTIONAL. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or a certified or cashier’s check, acceptable to the Owner, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount Bid, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into the Contract and execute the Bonds on the forms provided, and provide the required insurance certificates within seven (7) days after the date Contract Documents are received by the Contractor. If a certified or cashier’s check is provided, the successful bidder shall deliver, at the bid opening address, the original certified or cashier’s check within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the bid opening. Copies of the bidding documents may be reviewed and obtained from www. civcastusa.com. There is NO charge to view or download documents. Bidder must submit its Bid and bid securities in compliance with Owner’s Order Adopting Section 49.2731 Electronic Bidding Rules and all Bids and bid securities must be submitted through www.civcastusa.com. search: Plum Creek Regional Detention – Drainage Facilities. Bidder must register on this website in order to submit a Bid and bid security and there is no charge to submit Bids and bid securities on this website. By submitting a Bid, Bidder acknowledges and agrees that the Contract Documents may be accepted, executed or agreed to through the use of an Electronic Signature, as defined by and in accordance with Owner’s Electronic Signature Rules for Construction Contracts. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive all defects and irregularities in bidding or bidding process except time of submitting a Bid. The Successful Bidder, if any, will be the responsible Bidder which in the Board’s judgment will be most advantageous to the District and result in the best and most economical completion of the Project. The requirements of Subchapter J, Chapter 552, Government Code, may apply to this Bid and/or Contract and the Contractor agrees that the Contract can be terminated if the Contractor knowingly or intentionally fails to comply with a requirement of that subchapter. NORTH HAYS COUNY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
TO: DAMIEN GUTIERREZ, Defendant in the hereinafter referenced cause: You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. You are commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiffs Original Petition & Request for Disclosure on or before 10:00 a.m. on the first Monday after the expiration of 20 days from the date of issuance of this Citation, in the County Court At Law No. 1 in Hays County, Texas at 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Ste 2292, San Marcos, TX 78666. The case is Cause No. 19-1065-C, styled Lisa Marie De Los Santos et al. v. Damien Gutierrez. The Petition was filed on July 29, 2019. The attorney for the Plaintiffs is Sean B. Swords, Wenholz I Dow P.C., 9433 Bee Caves Road, Ste. 1-200, Austin, Texas 78733, p: (512) 478-2211. The nature of the suit is as follows: Defendant Damien Gutierrez was negligent in the operation of a motor vehicle. On or around April 7, 2018, Plaintiffs were travelling southbound in the 1600 block of Highway 80. Defendant, travelling northbound on Highway 80, crossed into Plaintiffs oncoming lane and struck the back of Plaintiffs’ driver’s side. Defendant then jumped over the guardrail and came to rest approximately fifty (50) feet off the roadway. Plaintiffs suffered property damage as well as substantial personal injuries requiring medical attention. If you fail to file an answer, judgment by default may be rendered for the relief demanded in the petition. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the first Monday following the expiration of 20 days from the date of issuance of this citation, a default judgment may be taken against you. Applicant’s Attorney: Sean B. Swords 9433 Bee Caves Rd., Ste. 1-200 Austin, Texas 78733 512-478-2211 Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at the office of the Hays County Clerk in San Marcos, Texas on this the 8th day of October 2020. Elaine H. Cardenas County Clerk, Hays County,
Texas 712 S. Stagecoach Trail, Suite 2008 San Marcos, Texas 78666 By Jennifer Grantham, Deputy
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the clerk of the 428th District Court of HAYS County, Texas, August 20, 2020, in cause numbered 16-0950, styled KENSINGTON TRAILS ASSOCIATION OF
HOMEOWNERS, INC. versus Marcial Diaz Reyes on a judgment rendered against Marcial Diaz Reyes; I did on September 22, 2020, at 9:30 a.m., levy upon as the property of Marcial Diaz Reyes the following described real property: KENSINGTON TRAILS SEC 3B, BLOCK A, LOT 10. CURRENTLY KNOWN AS 325 NOTTINGHAM LOOP, KYLE, TEXAS 78640. On November 3, 2020, being the first Tuesday of the month, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Hays County, at the South Door, 712 Stagecoach Trail
of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of San Marcos, Texas, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of Marcial Diaz Reyes in and to the real property described above. Dated at Kyle, Hays County, Texas, September 22, 2020. Michael Torres Constable, Pct. 2 Hays County, Texas 5458 FM 2770 Kyle, Texas 78640 by Patrick Chasse, Deputy Notice to Bidders: You are buying whatever interest, if any, the Debtor has in the property. Purchase of the
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE ELECTION To the Registered Voters of the Johnson City I.S.D., Texas, Johnson City Independent School District hereby orders a trustee election to be held November 3, 2020 as a result of the postponement of the May 2, 2020 election. Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on November 3, 2020, for voting in a trustee election, to elect two (2) trustees. Se da aviso par la presente que los lugares de votación que se enumeran a continuación estarán abiertos de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., el 3 de noviembre de 2020, para votar en una elección de fideicomisario, para elegir a dos (2) fideicomisarios. ELECTION DAY-HAYS COUNTY (DIRECCIÓN(ES) DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES) Johnson City !SD includes part of Hays County which participates in the Countywide Polling Place program. Registered voters of Hays County will be able to cast Election Day ballots at any of the Vote Centers identified on the County's website. Of these locations the following is located in Johnson City ISD: Precinct 337, VFW Post #6441, 401 Jacobs Well Rd., Wimberley, TX 78676 For more information please visit the counties website at: https://hayscountytx.com/ departments/ elections/current-year-elections/nov-3 -2020-general-election/ (Johnson City ISD incluye parte del condado de Hays que participa en el programa de lugares de votación en todo el condado. Los votantes registrados de! Condado de Hays podrán emitir papeletas de! dia de las elecciones en cualquiera de los Centros de Votación identificados en el sitio web del Condado. De estos lugares, las siguientes se encuentran en Johnson City ISD: Precincto 337, VFW Post #6441, 401 Jacobs Well Rd., Wimberley, TX 78676 Para obtener mas información, visite el sitio web de las condados en: https:/ /hayscountytx.com/ departments/elections/ current-year-elections/nov-3-2020-general-election/ EARLY VOTING - HAYS COUNTY Early voting begins Tuesday, October 13, 2020 and ends Friday, October 30, 2020. La votación anticipada comienza el martes 13 de octubre de 2020 y finaliza el viernes 30 de octubre.
Neighborhood Commercial ‘NC’, rezone and increase to approximately 27.215 acres o f l a n d f r o m ( P U D ) R e s i d e nPage t i a l9B Condominium ‘R-1-C’ to (PUD) Residential Condominium ‘R-1-C’ and rezone and reduce to approximately 3.824 acres of land from (PUD) Agriculture ‘A’ to (PUD) Agriculture for property 602 Debtor's interest in ‘A’ the propability or located fitness for aatparticular erty may not extinguish any purpose. Creekside Trail, in Hays County, Texas. liens or security interests held Notice to Judgment Debtor:
by other persons. There are no If there is any property, real or warranties, express orand implied, personal, you want to point The Planning Zoning Commission may regarding the property being out for levy in lieu of the above recommend, City Council sold, including but notand limitedthe described property, youmay must to consider, warranties of title, merchant- any contactzoning this office immediately. assigning district
which is equivalent or more restrictive. Public Notice
Notice of Public A public hearing will Hearing be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission Notice is hereby Given to all interested persons, that: on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 6:30 The City of Kyle shall hold a public hearing on aP.M. request by Kyle Chateau Bella, Inc. (Z-20-0065) to rezone and reduce to approximately 2.3 acres land by fromthe (PUD) A public hearing will be of held Kyle Neighborhood Commercial ‘NC’ to (PUD Neighborhood City Council on Tuesday, November 17, Commercial ‘NC’, rezone and increase to approximately 27.215 at acres of land from (PUD) Residential Condominium 2020 7:00 P.M. ‘R-1-C’ to (PUD) Residential Condominium ‘R-1-C’ and rezone and reduce to approximately 3.824 acres of land from This is planned a virtual meeting (PUD) Agriculture ‘A’ toas (PUD) Agriculture ‘A’ for property located at 602 Creekside Trail, in Hays County, Texas. taking place at https:// The Planning and Zoning Commission may recomwww.cityofkyle.com/kyletv/kyle-10mend, and the City Council may consider, assigning any live. Should theis COVID-19 disaster be zoning district which equivalent or more restrictive. repealed between thebydate of thisandnotice A public hearing will be held the Planning Zoning Commission on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 6:30 P.M. and the date of the public hearing, the A public hearing by the KyleHall, City Council location willwill bebeatheld Kyle City 100 on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. W. Center Street, Kyle, TX 78640. This is planned as a the virtual meeting taking placeproper at https:// Please check agenda for the www.cityofkyle.com/kyletv/kyle-10-live. Should the location. COVID-19 disaster be repealed between the date of this notice and the date of the public hearing, the location will be at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, TX Owner: Kyle Chateau Bella, 78640. Please check the agenda for theInc. proper location.
Agent: William O. Schock, P.E. Owner: Kyle Chateau Bella, Inc. TerraO. Assoc. Agent: William Schock,Inc. P.E. Terra Assoc. Inc. (210) 298-1600 (210) 298-1600
Publication Date: October 21, 2020 Publication Date: October 21, 2020 Z-20-0065 Z-20-0065
Days (Dias) Hours (Horas) Tuesday, Oct. 13-Friday, Oct. 16th, 10AM-7PM; Saturday, Oct. 17th, 7 AM-7PM; Sunday, Oct. 18th, 1PM-6PM; Monday, Oct. 19th-Friday Oct. 23rd, 10AM-7PM; Saturday, Oct. 24 7AM-7PM; Sunday, Oct. 25th, 1PM-6PM; Monday, Oct. 26th-Friday, Oct. 30th, 7AM-7PM. For early voting, a voter may vote (Para la votación anticipada, un votante puede volar) Hays County Precinct 4 Office, 195 Roger Hans Parkway, Dripping Springs For other early voting locations visit the counties website at: (Para otro votación anticipada, visite el sitio web de los condados en:) https://hayscountytx.com/departments/ elections/current-year-elections/nov-3-2020-general-election/ Applications for ballot by mail should be sent to (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia par correo deberán enviarse a): Hays County Elections Administrator, Jennifer Anderson, 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Ste. I 045, San Marcos, TX 78666 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on Friday, October 23, 2020 Las solicitudes para boletas de votación adelantada por correo deberán recibirse para el fin del las horas de negocio el: viernes, octubre 23, 2020. Issued this the 4th day of September (Emitada esta dia 4 de Septiembre)
Police Blotter The following is a tally of all calls made to law enforcement within Hays County between Oct 9th-Oct 15th, 2020.
Below is a sample of events reported by law enforcement from Oct 9th-15th, 2020. The location is where the event was reported or responded to and may not necessarily be where the event occured.
911 Investigation ................................................................................109
Date/Time 10/9/2020 7:54 10/9/2020 10:19 10/9/2020 13:10 10/9/2020 14:18 10/9/2020 14:18 10/9/2020 15:35 10/9/2020 17:40 10/9/2020 20:27 10/9/2020 7:23 10/9/2020 10:50 10/9/2020 23:09 10/9/2020 8:51 10/9/2020 9:03 10/9/2020 20:34 10/9/2020 20:26 10/9/2020 21:00 10/10/2020 12:18 10/10/2020 12:43 10/10/2020 19:44 10/10/2020 0:55 10/10/2020 2:00 10/10/2020 17:50 10/10/2020 19:02 10/10/2020 22:50 10/10/2020 22:50 10/10/2020 13:23 10/10/2020 18:26 10/10/2020 20:49 10/10/2020 21:34 10/10/2020 22:17 10/10/2020 22:48 10/11/2020 0:41 10/11/2020 7:11 10/11/2020 9:04 10/11/2020 12:18 10/11/2020 5:14 10/11/2020 5:21 10/11/2020 13:50 10/11/2020 11:26 10/11/2020 18:07 10/11/2020 19:26 10/11/2020 14:30 10/12/2020 8:29 10/12/2020 8:46 10/12/2020 12:20 10/12/2020 13:40 10/12/2020 17:29 10/12/2020 19:42 10/12/2020 19:50 10/12/2020 22:11 10/12/2020 10:30 10/12/2020 14:01 10/12/2020 15:20 10/12/2020 17:32 10/12/2020 20:29 10/12/2020 21:24 10/12/2020 21:54 10/12/2020 23:39 10/13/2020 1:58 10/13/2020 11:43 10/13/2020 12:22 10/13/2020 12:46 10/13/2020 14:05 10/13/2020 10:45 10/13/2020 11:48 10/13/2020 13:23 10/13/2020 19:06 10/13/2020 21:50 10/13/2020 22:02 10/13/2020 23:04 10/13/2020 23:16 10/15/2020 12:33 10/15/2020 13:17 10/15/2020 16:49 10/15/2020 23:40 10/15/2020 7:44 10/15/2020 16:18 10/15/2020 23:23 10/15/2020 23:29
Accident ................................................................................................28 Accdent Auto Pedestrian .......................................................................2 Accident Hit and Run .............................................................................8 ACO Bite Case ........................................................................................2 ACO Cruelty Neglect ..............................................................................2 ACO Follow Up .....................................................................................13 ACO Information Call..............................................................................2 ACO Injured / Sick ..................................................................................5 ACO Loose Livestock ...........................................................................11 ACO Other...............................................................................................5 ACO Stray ...............................................................................................6 ACO Unrestrained Animal ......................................................................4 ACO Vicious Animal ...............................................................................2 ACO Wildlife............................................................................................4 Alarm Business .....................................................................................28 Alarm Residental ..................................................................................26 Alcohol Violation .....................................................................................1 Assault .................................................................................................33 Assist EMS/Fire ....................................................................................12 Assist Outside Agency .........................................................................14 BMV.......................................................................................................20 Burglary Residence ................................................................................3 Business/Industrial Contact...................................................................5 Citizen Assist/Service Call ...................................................................62 Civil Matter............................................................................................13 Code Compliance ...................................................................................3 Community Contact .............................................................................24 CPS Referral .........................................................................................16 Damaged Property ...............................................................................12 Death Investigation ................................................................................6 Drug Offences.........................................................................................1 Forgery/Fraud .........................................................................................8 Harassment/Stalking ............................................................................10 Identity Theft...........................................................................................5 Information............................................................................................25 Law Enforcement ...................................................................................3 Lost / Found Property ............................................................................5 Mental Health .......................................................................................27 Missing Person/Runaway ......................................................................5 Noise Complaint ...................................................................................24 Other .......................................................................................................7 Patrol/Premise Check ........................................................................188 Reckless Driving ...................................................................................51 Recovery Stolen Property ......................................................................1 Sex Offender Registry ............................................................................3 Solicitation ..............................................................................................1 Supplement/Follow Up.........................................................................39 Suspicious Activity ...............................................................................82 Test ..........................................................................................................1 Theft/Stolen ..........................................................................................24 Threat ......................................................................................................5 Traffic/Roadway....................................................................................44 Traffic Stop..........................................................................................520 Tresspassing .........................................................................................19 Warrent Service ......................................................................................5 Weapon .................................................................................................10
Type Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Assault Assault Assault Theft / Stolen Theft / Stolen Theft / Stolen Weapons Weapons Accident Accident Accident Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Weapons Weapons Weapons Weapons Weapons Weapons Accident Accident Accident Accident Assault Assault Assault Theft / Stolen Theft / Stolen Threat Weapons Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Accident Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Weapons Accident Accident Accident Accident Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Accident Accident Accident Accident Assault Assault Assault Assault
Page 10B
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • October 21, 2020
Wedding bells are ringing a different tune BY MEGAN WEHRING
DRIPPING SPRINGS – The wedding industry continues to change rapidly as the COVID-19 pandemic brings more surprises. Some venues, like the Terrace Club, are still welcoming events — even if they are smaller than years past. Dripping Springs is a popular location for hosting weddings, estimated at about 1,000 per year. In light of the pandemic, the wedding culture has seemingly changed, yet that hasn’t stopped couples from making their big day memorable, said Pam Owens, president of the Dripping Springs Visitors Bureau. “None of us thought it would last this long,” Owens referred to the pandemic. “It hasn’t been easy working within the guidelines and mandates but venues and couples are doing it creatively and with style. … If the wedding budget is already set then couples are using the money to make their weddings even more special – maybe better food, more flowers, gifts for the guests, etc.” Wedding season typically extends from late spring until the early fall months but that has not been the case this year. Many couples have decided to postpone their wedding further to next year or even 2022, said Hunter Connor, owner of the Terrace Club. “All the people that are looking for wedding venues right now, they are looking at fall of next year,” Connor said. “Nobody is looking at summer or spring of next year. They’re all waiting a whole year to plan their wedding because they still don’t know what’s going on
going to be around next year,” Connor said. “There’s a handful of them that are still really busy but there’s also a handful of them that I think are going to lose half of their vendors between now and next year.” Planning a wedding during a pandemic may seem like walking through uncharted waters; Owens provided some lasting advice for couples during this time. “Just be aware of what the venues are mandated to adhere to and be flexible,” Owens said. “Remember it is supposed to be a day to celebrate. Don’t let anything keep you from doing that.”
“Nobody is looking at summer or spring of next year. They’re all waiting a whole year to plan their wedding because they still don’t know what’s going on or what it’s going to be like in six months.”
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–Pam Owens, president of the Dripping Springs Visitors Bureau
Connor said. While venues rely heavily on a consistent schedule of bookings, it’s about 50/50 for how the Terrace Club and preferred vendors have been holding up financially, Connor explained. “Some of them are really busy still and some of them are struggling big time, as in I don’t know if they are
PHOTO COURTESY OF THE TERRACE CLUB From face masks to social distancing, the wedding culture looks a little different this year.
or what it’s going to be like in six months.” Not only are there postponements, Connor said there were even less engagements due to the previous shutdown. There are less people coming by the venue for tours; normally the venue has six to eight private showings, but for the past five months showings became scarce,
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