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Oct/Nov 2014
Issue 13
Planned retail and commercial developments gain momentum
Top & Right: Artist’s impressions of the regional mall and surrounding commercial/retail developments. Brand names indicated on images have been used for illustrative purposes only. Abland,Commercial and Retail Developer of the Hazeldean Node Development, is now planning the development of a 100,000m² super regional shopping centre in all earnest. This shopping centre will be 1 of only 7 centres of such magnitude in South Africa. Initial services for the regional mall should already commence in 2015.
The 950ha Hazeldean Node Development will ultimately be as large as Stellenbosch, and effectively stemming the development of a new city.
Commercial developments exceeding 800,000m² of FRPPHUFLDO Ă RRU VSDFH DUH SODQQHG LQ DQG DURXQG WKH commercial/retail hub of the node. Furthermore, the Certain principal approvals have already been provided development will include 1,6 million m² of developable by the major shareholders involved in the development, Ă RRU DUHD DOORFDWHG WR D PL[WXUH RI FRPPHUFLDO SULPDU\ Pivotal Property Fund being one of them. Various national secondary- and tertiary educational, retail, hospitality, and international retail outlets have expressed their places of worship, light industries and other related uses. interest in the mall thus far and future shoppers can look forward to a mix of entertainment, fashion, restaurants Pivotal Property Fund, one of the major shareholders of and food courts, anchor tenants and much more. the future regional mall as well as the Hazeldean Square 6KRSSLQJ &HQWUH DQG WKH +D]HOGHDQ 2IĂ€ FH 3DUN DPRQJVW Along with the development of this new regional mall, others, was established in 2005 by Abland. They create the much anticipated new N4 highway off-ramp will be sustainable growth by investing in property development, constructed. This interchange, situated between the strategic alliances, acquisitions and long-term incomeSolomon Mahlangu/Hans Strijdom and Boschkop off- producing assets. Pivotal will be investing heavily in the ramps, forms part of the future PWV17 highway linking future commercial developments within Hazeldean. the N4 to the R21, past Irene and Rietvlei. The fund recently announced a R1.5 billion acquisition Another very exciting prospective development which from Standard Bank Properties, which includes a major residents in the area can look forward to, and which is sure stake in Sandton’s landmark Alice Lane development, in to increase property values in the area, is the proposed the lead-up to Pivotal’s planned listing on the Johannesburg next phase of the Gauteng Rapid Rail Link which has been Stock Exhange. “This major deal moves us closer to our earmarked to run through the Hazeldean Node. These goal of listing on the JSE’s main board with a portfolio in links are currently in feasibility phases, and the plans are excess of R9 billion,â€? says Pivotal Property Fund managing to link Pretoria East with Midrand and the balance of the director, Jackie van Niekerk. Gautrain Rail Network.
Upon completion the Hazeldean Node could provide an additional 11,000 residential dwellings, including a secure residential lifestyle estate with educational facilities and convenience retail situated within the estate. This estate is currently in its planning phases. Abland and Sable Homes, Residential Developer of the Hazeldean Node, have already started building their success in the node with current and completed developments including Hazeldean Square Shopping &HQWUH +D]HOGHDQ 2IĂ€ FH 3DUN 7LMJHU 9DOOH\ 2IĂ€ FH 3DUN The Retreat Retirement Estate, The Ridge- and Oukraal Estates and more. Schools already established in Hazeldean include the highly successful Curro Hazeldean Primary School and Curro College High School, both of which are double-medium private schools. Visit for more information.
Oct/Nov 2014
Residential Construction News We are very excited with the progress of The Retreat Frail Care Centre’s construction. We have started with the installation of the roof and we are still on track to have occupation ready by Feb 2015. Construction and sales feedback as at the time of going to print are as follows: Services have been completed in Phase 5 of The Retreat, with 10 units currently under construction and another 5 foundations to be laid during October. Sales of the recently launched Phase 6 of The Retreat is going smoothly and the services in this phase should be completed by end November. Only 1 Retreat Apartment is still up for sale! At The Ridge we are now 60% sold, with 15 occupied homes and another 13 currently under construction! We are very excited to to see this estate being transformed so rapidly of late!
Sales in Phase 3 have also dramatically increased of late and we only have 2 units still available in this phase. The installation of services in Phase 3 and Phase 4 of the Oukraal Houses is currently underway and should be completed by mid December. Stands in The Meadows are sold out, with 138 completed houses, 39 houses currently under construction, 6 approved building plans and another 14 building plans currently awaiting approval. Visit for more. Top right: Construction of Phase 2 of the Oukraal Houses are nearing completion. Below left to right: Herman & Di Cochius, one of our latest levy competition winners; Construction of the Retreat Frail Care is on track; Construction at The Ridge is at an all time high.
In phase 2 of the Oukraal Houses we only have 1 unsold unit, 11 units have been completed and another 2 units are currently under construction, with the remaining 2 yet to be constructed.
HAZELDEAN LEVY REBATE COMPETITION Congratulations to our latest levy competition winners: Sherri Naidoo from The Meadows & Herman & Di Cochius from The Retreat Stand a chance to be one of two lucky owners to receive R5000 of their levy account!
brought to you by
Entries close at 16:00 13 October 2014.
Only for registered owners in The Ridge, The Meadows, The Retreat, Oukraal Houses and the Hazel Meadow estates. *Competition rules apply. for more
Abreal Nuus Ons kan met trots rapporteer dat Abreal Eiendomsbestuur, voortaan die onderhoud van die Hazeldean Node gaan behartig. Hulle het die leisels oorgeneem by Sabreal in hierdie verband. Sabreal behartig wel steeds die algemene landgoedbestuur van die verskeie landgoedere in Hazeldean, waar Abreal meerendeels sal fokus op die operasionele deel van die bestuur van die node en die omliggende omgewing. Abreal is, onder andere, reeds jare lank al in beheer van die Hazeldean Square winkelsentrum, sowel as die Hazeldean Kantoorpark, en ‘n groot eiendomsbestuur portfolio regoor Gauteng, spreek boekdele van die professionele diens wat hulle lewer. Deur die dienste gelewer in die node te sentraliseer en slegs een eiendomsbestuurder oor al die huidige en toekomstige eiendomme in die node aan te stel, kan ons verseker dat inwoners slegs die beste diens kan ontvang. Abreal gaan onder andere fokus op die algemene instandhouding van gemeenskaplike tuine, verfwerk en
meer. Verdere dienste sal ook gelewer word op aanvraag van die gemeenskap. Abreal het toegang tot ‘n verskeidenheid diensverskaffers, o.a. loodgieters, eletrisiĂŤns, algemene instandhoudingsverskaffers ens. wat baie waarde kan toevoeg en help met algemene werk in en om die node. “Inwoners van Hazeldean kan verwag om binne die volgende paar maande ‘n merkbare verbetering in die algehele kondisie van die node op te merk. Ons span van 21 werkers is reeds hard aan die werk om Hazeldean ‘n woonbuurt te maak waarop inwoners werklik trots kan wees,â€? noem Marianne Botes, die nuwe Node Bestuurder (of soos kollegas haar skertsend noem, “Die Burgermeesterâ€?) van Hazeldean.
Bo, links na regs: Marianne Botes, die nuwe Node Bestuurder van die Hazeldean Node; Remona van Seventer, FinansiĂŤle Bestuurder van Hazeldean.
behartig. Remona werk al 7 jaar lank by Abreal en het reeds 17 jaar se ervaring in Finansiele Bestuur. Inwoners is welkom om enige navrae met betrekking tot Marianne het reeds 15 jaar se ervaring in die die onderhoud en algemene bestuur van die node te rig eiendomsbedryf op haar kerfstok, waarvan sy 4 jaar aan Hul kantore is gelĂŤe by by Abreal werk. Sy word ook bygestaan deur Remona Die Ridge se waghuis in Hazeldean en ‘n landlyn sal ook YDQ 6HYHQWHU ZDW GLH DOJHPHQH Ă€ QDQVLHV YDQ GLH 1RGH eersdaags beskikbaar wees.
Oct/Nov 2014
Hazel’s Nature Nook By Jean Jonker
‘One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.’ William Shakespeare Like many of our residents I believe that we are truly living the South African dream. Where else can you be 10 minutes away from a National Highway, 20 minutes from the CBD and wake up enjoying your coffee and watching a Steenbok browse on an Acacia shrub. It’s moments like these I can truly understand why development is booming in Hazeldean. I would have to say a bushveld break is always needed to recharge my batteries, but seeing all the wildlife in our estates really gives me the feeling that we are doing something right. Eco-Estate-living is a philosophy whereby man lives in harmony with nature. This is achieved by careful design RI KRXVHV VHQVLWLYH ODQGVFDSLQJ HQHUJ\ HIĂ€ FLHQF\ DQG general conservation principals. I have to confess; sometimes living with these beautiful creatures can be YHU\ FKDOOHQJLQJ 1HZ Ă RZHUV FDQ IDOO SUH\ WR IRUDJLQJ buck and a hungry porcupine can cause havoc in a newly ultimately makes homeowners dislike this large rodent. A porcupine can strip a bark off a tree and kill it. This landscaped garden. is particularly troublesome because porcupines prefer Here are a couple of tips to keep these visitors trees with smooth bark—as most decorative trees and shrubs have. Due to this fact we recommend plants in the from ruining your perfectly landscaped garden: Hazeldean plant palate to be planted in outside gardens. Porcupines usually ring bark exotic trees and tend to Porcupines In the wild, these giant rodents eat buds and young green leave the local Acacia’s and Karee trees alone. leaves, targeting the most tender and nutritious foods available. When they wander into gardens they apply their Steenbok: well-developed sense of taste to gardens’ ornamental Steenbok typically browse on low-level vegetation (they WUHHV DQG Ă RZHU EHGV 7KH SRUFXSLQH LV QRW D GHOLEHUDWH cannot reach above 0.9 m), but are also adept at scraping nuisance to humans. It is the destructive nature of this up roots and tubers. There are different ways to stop rodent and the unappealing thought of quill exposure that them devouring your perennials: warrants humans requesting little contact with the animal. ‡ 3ODQW 7XOEDFKLD Ă RZHUV WKH\ DUH EHDXWLIXO Ă RZHULQJ plants and their natural strong smell will keep the A porcupine is likely to create a den in any area it feels is 6WHHQERN RXW RI WKH UHVW RI \RXU Ă RZHUV secure, and this list includes the underside of decks, sheds, ‡ 3ODFH D ZLUH PHVK DURXQG WUHH VDSOLQJV WLOO WKH OHDYHV DUH garages, and other outbuildings. The desire to eat is what higher than 0.9 m
‡ 7KHVH VK\ FUHDWXUHV DUH QDWXUDOO\ DIUDLG RI DQ\ SUHGDWRUV 7DNH \RXU GRJ IRU D ZDON DURXQG \RXU à RZHU EHGV DQG WKH smell should deter them. Scrub Hares: These beautiful furry creatures are very common in the Highveld. They are amusing to watch and are some of the most playful mammals we have in the area. The Scrub Hare feeds mainly on short, green gasses, but during times of hardship scrub hares will also take leaves, stems and rhizomes of dried grass. With the vacant stands being kept short, they should leave your prized Gazania alone. My best advice, is still to welcome these animals in your garden and by planting the correct plants you can keep WKHP ZHOO IHG DQG RXW RI \RXU à RZHU EHGV ,I DOO HOVH IDLOV contact your Estate Manager and he will safely relocate the animal if the problem persists.
Resales & Rentals Available The Meadows
R2.5 mil
4 bed, 2 bath house with 3 living areas and double garage. 280m² home with built-in braai.
The Meadows
R2.5 mil
4 bed, 2 bath house with double garage. 280m².
The Meadows
R2.5 mil
4 bed, 2 bath house with double garage. 280m².
The Retreat - rental R12 500 p.m
Retirement estate. 2 bed, 2 bath 163m² unit with double garage. Levy included, W & E excluded. Immediately available.
Berdine: 010 040 3305 Liza: 010 040 3378
Oct/Nov 2014
BERDINE: 010 040 3305 LIZA: 010 040 3378
The Retreat Phase 6 now selling!
1,2 & 3 bedroom homes selling from
R1 350 000 Retirement living at its best - situated in a beautiful country setting...
Berdine: 010 040 3305 | Liza: 010 040 3378
Facilities include: Frail Care - under construction Clinic with professional medical services Fully-equipped clubhouse with lounge, ladies bar, gym, indoor, swimming pools, library & more Regular social activities Shuttle Service
Oct/Nov 2014
Retreat resident impresses at world orchid conference Our very own Di Cochius, a resident of The Retreat Retirement Estate recencly entered the Floral Design Section of the World Orchid Conference held at the Sandton Convention Centre from 10-14 September this year. 6KH ZDV DZDUGHG Ă€ UVW SUL]HV VHFRQG SUL]H DQG fourth prize: 1st: “My African Queenâ€? - imposed design. 1st: “ Treasure Chestâ€? - pre-constructed design. 2nd & 4th: “ This is a petiteâ€?. World Orchid Conferences have been held every three years since 1954, each time in a different city around the world. While the long and arduous work entailed in staging each conference is undertaken wholly by local orchid groups DQG WKHLU HQWKXVLDVWLF VXSSRUWHUV WKH Ă€ QDO UHVSRQVLELOLW\ for the series of World Orchid Conferences rests with the trustees of the World Orchid Conference Trust, established for that purpose jointly by the American Orchid Society and the Royal Horticultural Society. For more go to Left: Di with one of her 1st prize winners,“Treasure Chestâ€?. Right: The other 1st prize winner, “My African Queenâ€?.
Did you know?
The movie, “Halloween� (1978), was made in only 21 days on a very tight budget. They used the cheapest mask they could find for the Michael Meyers character, which turned out to be a William Shatner Star Trek mask. They spray-painted the mask, teased the hair, and reshaped the eye holes. Halloween is on 31 October.
At Ha zel dea n
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To Polokw ane
To Pretoria
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Hazeldean e Sales Offic
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BERDINE: 010 040 3305 LIZA: 010 040 3378
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
Focus on Doppio Zero - Hazeldean Square The hugely popular restaurant group - Doppio Zero - is opening the doors of its latest restaurant at Hazeldean Square in October 2014! This trendy restaurant has existing restaurants in Greenside, Bedfordview, Sunninghill, Northriding, Rosebank, Sandton City, Irene, Fourways, Cradlestone Mall, Cape Town, and Egypt.
where you will receive a R100 voucher to use in your birthday month. Book a table for 10 or more on your birthday and receive a complimentary bottle of house wine!
Latest campaign Doppio Zero will have a new campaign running from 22 History October called “Tapas and Craft Beerâ€?. The campaign will Doppio Zero started out in Greenside in March 2002 as consist of a choice of 3 Tapas and a 1L jug of Jack Black a corner street style bakery and cafĂŠ, serving breakfasts, Beer for only R175! This offer is valid from Sundaysthin-crust gourmet pizzas and cafĂŠ style Mediterranean Fridays 2-6pm. food. Since then it has grown to 11 restaurants with a complimentary blend of franchise, corporate and joint Craft Beer has become a very trendy phenomenon. Mix YHQWXUH SDUWQHUVKLSV DQG WKH Ă€UVW LQWHUQDWLRQDO UHVWDXUDQW in the great decks and outside areas of Doppio Zero opened in Alexandria, Egypt, in February 2014. and you have a great way to enjoy lazy warm summer afternoons with friends. What’s in the name? 'RXEOH =HUR LV D JUDGLQJ RI WKH Ă€QHVW PLOOHG Ă RXU What is Craft Beer? used to make pizza, pasta and confectionery. Doppio Zero A microbrewery or craft brewery is a brewery that SURGXFHV D VPDOO DPRXQW RI EHHU ([DFW GHĂ€QLWLRQV YDU\ uses ‘Farina 00) to make their famous gourmet pizzas. but the terms are typically applied to breweries that are much smaller than large-scale corporate breweries and Philosophy Doppio Zero believes in the goodness of quality, this are independently owned. attidtude has shaped their hands-on approach. Every Visit for more. season they revisit their menus with some fresh ideas and seasonal ingredients. They love entertaining and celebrate each season with fresh campaigns and promotions on dishes or products they love.
Ope n Octo ing ber 2014 !
A sense of community Doppio Zero is proud to be involved in their local communities, from their annual Christmas Wish Tree campaign to their ongoing JOE (Just One Earth) recycling programme, they believe in active participation in the community. These community programmes are focused on communities close to each of their restaurants. Loyalty Card <RXU OR\DOW\ FDUG ZLOO JLYH \RX H[FOXVLYH EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV DQG special offers. Purchase a loyalty card in store for only R30. The R30 will automatically be loaded back onto your card. You then earn 5% cash back every time you eat or drink at Doppio Zero. Your accumulated cash back can be redeemed on all future visits. With this loyalty card you will be eligible to make use of their special birthday offer,
Doppio Zero...passionate about fresh bread, coffee and delicious food.
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
Beast of the East challenges cyclists The 6th annual Hazeldean Beast of the East Mountain Bike Race took place on Saturday, 27 September 2014. As always the race was a big success and the routes were challenging. Cyclists and spectators arrived early for pre-registration and feasted on coffee and breakfast especially prepared by Doppio Zero, in the Beer Tent.
Below, top row, left to right: Cyclists in the 65km at the start of the race; A proud father and son took advantage of the opportunity for some quality time together; Danie de Goede, Managing Director of Abreal, and Brad Bentz, Financial Manager of Abland, also came to show their steel. Below, bottom row, left to right: A special kids
entertainment area was set up where the little ones could get their faces painted, indulge in some sand art and buy some great goodies; Cyclists could ease their post-race pains at the sports massage area; Philip Potgieter, Managing Director of Sable Homes (who also took part in the race) hands over the cash prizes to some of the winners on the day.
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
Curro Hazeldean spog met hul leerders Curro Hazeldean Laerskool is baie trots op die volgende leerlinge wat uitgeblink het in verskeie gebiede gedurende Augustus en September vandeesjaar.
Krieket: Die O/9 en O/10 spanne het 2de geëindig in die liga en dring deur na die krieket uitspeelwedstryde.
Karate: Christo Olivier het aan die KSA Ontwikkeling Kampioenskappe in Durban deelgeneem en algeheel 5de in Kata geëindig.
Atletiek - klubkampioenskappe: Chadleigh Johnson - 1ste plek in 60m Charlize Eilerd - 1ste plek in 200m & 200m Hekkies Cara Krugmann - 4de plek in Gewigstoot en Diskus Alexander Greenan - 4de plek in 600m Hans Brits - 6de plek in 600m Hokkie wedstryde Dogters: O/7: 1 wen, 2 gelykop en 0 verloor O/8: 4 wen, 2 gelykop en 3 verloor O/9: 3 wen, 1 gelykop, 2 verloor O/10: 2 wen, 0 gelykop en 4 verloor O/13A: vs Menlopark - wen O/12A: vs Totiusdal - wen vs Wonderboom - gelykop O/11A: vs Skuilkrans - wen O/11B: vs Eduplex - wen vs Garsfontein - gelykop Seuns: O/7: 2 wen, 1 gelykop, 3 verloor O/8: 2 wen, 1 gelykop, 0 verloor O/9: 6 wen, 0 gelykop, 0 verloor O/10: 3 wen, 0 gelykop, 0 verloor O/12A: vs Tygerpoort - gelykop Landloop: Hier volg die uitslae van ons 6 landloopatlete wat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Landloop Kampioenskappe deelgeneem het: Sebastian Greenan - O/8 - 10de plek Hans Brits - O/9 - 32ste plek Alexander Greenan - O/9 - 38ste plek Juanike Cronjé - O/11 - 13de plek Marianke Cronjé - O/11 - 22ste plek Cyla Brits - O/11 - 28ste plek Die meisiespan het algeheel 2de geëindig.
SEMAS Pretoria: 122 leerders van Pretoria, Pretoria-Oos en Bronkhorstspruit het deelgeneem. Hulle het elkeen 6 vraestelle geskryf. Alexander Greenan is gekies om aan die PAMA Internasionale Kompetisie aan die einde van 2014 deel te neem. Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat tydens die Pretoria Streekskampioenskappe hul heel beste gegee het: Alexander Greenan - Gr. 3 - 2de plek Kampioen Trofee Jayden van den Heever - Gr. 2 - 2de plek Kampioen Trofee Caitlin Myburgh - Gr. 3 - Goud Hayley Booysen - Gr. 2 - Silwer Anouk Pelser - Gr. 1 - Brons Carmen Pelser - Gr. 2 - Brons Kultuur: Voortrekkers: 2 voortrekkers van Curro Hazeldean het verskeie Spesialisasies verwerf: Carla van den Berg: Volksdanse, Afrikaner Tradisies, Spoorsny, Persoonlike Versorging en Ruiterkuns. Liezl van den Berg: Taalpret, Veldkook, Knope (Touwerk),
Tennis: Seuns: O/11C - Deur na uitspeelrondtes Dogters: O/11A - Deur na uitspeelrondtes
Curro Kollege brei uit Curro Kollege gaan vanaf 2015 spog met ‘n splinternuwe binneshuise, verhitte, FINAstandaard swembad. Die skool is ook tans besig om ‘n Astro hokkieveld te bou wat teen volgende jaar gereed sal wees. Vroeër vanjaar het hul koshuis geopen en met al hierdie nuwe fasiliteite het Curro .ROOHJH GHÀQLWLHI UHGH RP WH VSRJ
Lekker sing, Noodhulp en Padveiligheid. Boeredansgroep: Carla van den Bergh is lid van die Wapadrand Boeredansgroep wat tydens die Tshwane Jeugkunstefees in die Staatsteater opgetree het. Hierdie groep se doel is om boeredanse as deel van die Afrikaner kultuur lewend te hou. Centurion Kunstefees: Anriëtte Botha: Openbare Redevoering: A++ Poësie: A++ Gedramatiseerde Voordrag: A++ Pretoria Eisteddfod: Jan-Willem Verhoef: Beeldende Kunste: A++ Beeldende Kuns - Teken Gr.4: A+ Skilderkuns Gr. 5: A Pretoria Viool Eisteddfod: Lize Bekker:Viool Barok 12/O: A+ Viool Modern 12/O: A Viool Romanties 12/O: A Viool Ensemble 12/O: A+ Viool Ensemble 10/O: A+ Strykers Ensemble 12/O: A Orkes: Carla Whelpton is deel van die “UP4 Stryk kwartet” wat onlangs by die Universiteit van Pretoria gespeel het. Die beskermheer van die orkes is Gérhard Korsten.
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
You are not fat, you simply have fat! Ask us now to show you how to get rid of it for good!!! Contact: 078 804 7505 /
Oct/Nov 2014
&RQVWUXFWLRQ RI RIĂ&#x20AC; FHV LPPLQHQW Abland should, by all expectations, commence construction RI ERWK WKH )ODPLQJR DQG -DFDQD &ORVH RIĂ&#x20AC; FH EXLOGLQJV LQ WKH +D]HOGHDQ 2IĂ&#x20AC; FH 3DUN E\ WKH HQG RI DV RI each building has now been sold. Only 550m² of office space is still available in each building. The offices are being sold as sectional title units and the sale price is R16,000/m² (excl.VAT). The size of the offices ranges from 150m² to 550m² per building. Each building will have basement parking, a lift and a backup generator. Occupation of the buildings will be on 01 October 2015. Contact Renier Swarts on 082 555 3979, or Louis Swart RQ WR VHFXUH \RXU RIĂ&#x20AC; FH LQ WKH +D]HOGHDQ 2IĂ&#x20AC; FH 3DUN QRZ
Did you know? Guy fawkes night is observed on 05 November worldwide. Its history stems from 05 Nov 1605, when guy fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the house of lords in great britain. People started to commemorate king James the 1stâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s survival of this attempt on his life by lighting bonfires around london each year on 05 november.
Leigh Grundlingh Physiotherapist PR7227051 For appointments please call 082 646 1680 or 012 809 5799 Hazeldean Spa email: Offering a full spectrum of physiotherapy: Orthopedic Neuro Rehabilitation Nebulisations Reflexology, Acupuncture Etc
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
EIA for the proposed Hazeldean Boulevard The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality is proposing to construct a Class 3 Road (to be known as Hazeldean Boulevard) to connect the K34 (Lynnwood Road/Graham Road) and the Hazeldean Node. The proposed dual carriage road will have a total length of 2km and a road reserve of 32m, where each carriageway will be 8.3m wide. In terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process being followed as per the amended National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA), two alternative alignments are being considered for the proposed road. Strategic Environmental Focus (Pty) Ltd (SEF) has been appointed as independent environmental impact assessment practitioners to facilitate the EIA process.
Ms Kagiso Motlhasedi or Ms Jessica de Beer via Tel (012) 349 1307, Fax (012) 349 1229. Email: /
Interested and Affected Parties who would like to obtain more information can contact SEF:
Did you know? world diabetes day is celebrated every year on 14 November. According to the international diabetes federation 382 million people were living with diabetes in 2013. By 2035 it is estimated that this number will escalate to 592 million. Individuals can experience different signs and symptoms of diabetes, and sometimes there may be no signs. Some of the signs commonly experienced include:Frequent urination, Excessive thirst, Increased hunger, Weight loss, Tiredness, Lack of interest and concentration, A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands or feet, Blurred vision, Frequent infections, Slow-healing wounds, Vomiting and stomach pain (often mistaken as the flu). The development of type 1 diabetes is usually sudden and dramatic while the symptoms can often be mild or absent in people with type 2 diabetes, making this type of diabetes hard to detect. If you show these signs and symptoms consult a health professional.
Oct/Nov 2014
Oct/Nov 2014
events calender 24-25 Oct 09 October 09 October 16 October 17 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 30 October 30 October 31 October
Alice in Wonderland - Dance production- at the Atterbury Theatre October Kids Carnaval - at Cedar Junction Hansie & Grietjie - Children’s Theatre at the Atterbury Theatre Boss Day Jazz Lunch - at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana Atterbury National Piano Competition at the Atterbury Theatre Kevin Leo - Gé - Lied van my lewe - at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana Helene & Cobus Bester Band - at the Centurion Theatre Drie van die Bestes - at the Atterbury Theatre Nataniel - Lentekombuis - at the Atterbury Theatre Radio Kalahari Orkes - at the Atterbury Theatre Wild Frontier - A tribute to Gary Moore at the Atterbury Theatre Karlien van Jaarsveld - Dinner & Show at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana Romeo & Juliet - Drama - at the Aula Theatre, UP Somers Kersfees- Sonja Herold - at the Centurion Theatre Halloween 2014 - at Arcade Empire
sudoku challenge 6 1
5 4
3 9
6 9
3 1
dŚŽŵĂƐ ĂƌƚůĞŵĂŶ DĞŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ^ŽƵƚŚ ĨƌŝĐĂŶ /ŶƐƚŝƚƵƚĞ ŽĨ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů ĐĐŽƵŶƚĂŶƚƐ ;^ /W ŵĞŵďĞƌ ŶƵŵďĞƌ͗ ϮϲϱϭϵͿ
07-09 Nov 02 November 05 November 06 November 06 November 07 November 09 November 13 November 24 November 25 November 26 November
Greek Cooking Weekend - at Puschka Farm - Magaliesburg Amanda Strydom - Vuur gevang in glas at the Atterbury Theatre Steve Hofmeyr - Toeka 3 Bursary Fund Show - at the Atterbury Theatre Ses Snare - Dinner & Show - at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana The Sleeping Beauty - Ballet - at the SA State Theatre Dan Patlansky - Dear silence thieves - at Centurion Theatre Die Klaagliedere van Ds Tienie Benade at the Atterbury Theatre Rocco de Villiers - Country Boy...Almostat the Atterbury Theatre Nataniel - Somerkombuis - at the Atterbury Theatre Old Friends - Tribute to Simon & Garfunkel - at the Atterbury Theatre Chris Chameleon - Drie Vriende - at the Centurion Theatre
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