Hazeldean Times Issue 9 Feb March

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Feb/March 2014

Issue 9

Local organisation uplifts community The Kungwini Welfare Organisation, founded in 1993, is situated on Lynnwood Road and offers a number of social work services to more than 300 people. They are known for their passion for people with disabilities. The Paul Jungnickel Home for people with disabilities is one of Kungwini’s main projects. The home offers care to more than 140 individuals with mental and physical disabilities and attempts to provide for all the needs of the residents - food, toiletries, clothing, medical care, recreation and care giving. This is often a challenging task, considering that people with disabilities have unique and VSHFLDO QHHGV DQG WKDW ÀQDQFLDO VXSSRUW LV RIWHQ OLPLWHG Kungwini Children’s Home provides care to children with VSHFLÀF EHKDYLRXUDO DQG HPRWLRQDO QHHGV 7KH PDMRULW\ of children have been in failed foster care, children’s homes or place of safety placements. With a focus on Life Skills and Social Skills Training the organisation aspires to provide these children with opportunities they otherwise never would have received. The inspirational staff at the organisation makes an effort to celebrate special occasions with residents to colour in their lives and add to their joy. For Valentine’s Day 2014 they started preparing early. In their workshop, the residents made decorations for the big day. On the day they will have special meals with red serviettes and a KRPH ÀOOHG ZLWK UHG KHDUWV 7KH UHVLGHQWV ZLOO DOVR SOD\ their favourite games, including musical chairs and ringa-rosies. They will get spoilt with heart chocolates and other surprises and afterwards end the day with a dance.

Top and right: Some of the people whose lives have been changed by the Kungwini Welfare Organisation.

Kungwini Welfare Organisation’s Early Learning Centres have been successfully established and manages 2 Early Learning Centres in the rural areas surrounding the organisation, caring for children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years. The centre provides educational development and care for more than 120 children. In

Other projects include a women’s club, youth club, pottery project, school holiday projects, Drop-in centres and kickboxing development for disadvantaged youth. Upcoming events include a Golf Day in June at Pebblerock Golf Estate and a children’s party for the Lethabong Creche on 08 March, hosted by the Lions Group.

)RU PRUH GHWDLOV YROXQWHHULQJ ÀQDQFLDO contributions or donations please contact Beånca du Toit on 012 940 0221 or email The Kungwini Protective Workshop provides an marketing@kwo.org.za. employment opportunity for adults with disabilities. www.kwo.org.za addition to the early foundation education, the centre provides these children with 2 meals a day.


Curro Kollege Hazeldean koshuis amptelik oop Die eerste fase van Curro Kollege se koshuis is nou voltooi en 16 leerders is reeds daar woonagtig. ‘n Totaal van 32 leerders kan gehuisves word in hierdie eerste fase. Die koshuis sal uiteindelik 80 leerders kan huisves in 35 dubbel kamers en 10 enkel kamers. ‘n Studio waar ballet en drama klasse aangebied word is ook reeds voltooi, sowel as behuising vir personeellede. Die voltooide eetsaal is tydelik in 2 verdeel, met die kleiner gedeelte wat gebruik word as eetsaal en die groter gedeelte as ‘n tydelike skoolsaal, totdat die skoolsaal voltooi is. Die kombuis is tans onder konstruksie en sal na verwagting teen einde Maart 2014 voltooi wees. Die skoolsaal sal uiteindelik 350 mense kan akkomodeer. Die Curro Kollege het tans 305 leerders.

Heel links: Die Curro koshuis fasade. Links bo en onder: Graad 8 groentjies; een van die rus areas vir koshuisinwoners.

Feb/March 2014



Residential Construction Update Sable Homes started the year off with renewed energy and building activity on-site commenced in full force on the 9th of January 2014. Interest in our Hazeldean GHYHORSPHQWV KDV GHÀQLWHO\ LQFUHDVHG DQG ZH DUH ORRNLQJ forward to growing our developments in the area this year.

There are 4 Retreat Apartments still up for sale and construction on Phase 2 of the Retreat Apartments has been delayed until later in 2014. On the Frailcare, the Site Development Plan has been approved and the building plans are now circulating. Construction is expected to commence shortly.

Construction and sales activities in the node at time of going to print were as follows: Construction activity at The Meadows is steam-rolling ahead with 114 homes already completed, 37 homes currently under construction and another 14 building plans submitted. There are only 2 stands still available in this stunning estate.

On Phase 1 of the Oukraal Houses, 11 units have been completed, 6 are currently under construction and construction on 1 of the units has not yet started. On Phase 2, the services have been completed and construction on the foundations and boundary wall is QRZ ZHOO XQGHUZD\ &RQVWUXFWLRQ RI WKH ÀUVW XQLWV ZLOO commence in February 2014. Interest in Phase 3 of the Oukraal Houses has substantially increased over the past few weeks.

Sales at The Ridge are now booming. 10 homes are now occupied and another 7 is currently under construction in this exclusive estate. Phase 4 of The Retreat is sold out and internal services have been completed. 8 homes are already occupied, 8 are currently under construction and construction on the remaining 6 will commence shortly. Phase 5 is already 76% sold and services will start in )HEUXDU\ 2FFXSDWLRQ RI WKH ÀUVW XQLWV LV H[SHFWHG towards the end of 2014.

Sable Construction recently completed the boundary ZDOOV DW WKH +D]HOGHDQ 6DOHV 2IÀFH DQG DUH QRZ EXV\ with the construction of The Retreat’s staff quarters and storage facilities. Sable Homes recently appointed a new Managing Director, Philip Potgieter. Philip has extensive experience in, and knowledge of the Property Development industry and ZLOO GHÀQLWHO\ EH D YDOXDEOH DVVHW WR WKH FRPSDQ\

Above left to right: One of our levy rebate competition winners for December, Mr & Mrs Broersma from The Retreat; our other winner, Mr & Mrs Kriel from The Retreat. Right top to bottom: Some of our completed Oukraal Houses; An example of the Oukraal Houses’ kitchens; One of the homes currently under construction in The Ridge.

Nuus vanaf Sabreal Die Sabreal span in Hazeldean spog tans met 25 werknemers, met Hans van Tonder aan die stuur as Operasionele Bestuurder. Sabreal is toegewyd daaraan om die diens wat hulle lewer in Hazeldean in 2014 nog te verbeter, met nuwe toerusting wat bestel word en nuwe operasionele skedules wat binnekort geimplimenteer gaan word.

The Ridge: R4.8million 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 garages patio with built-in braai large Garden with pool

The Meadows: R2.42 million

3 bed, 2 bath, 2 garages patio, landscaped garden

Retreat Apartments: R726 000

ÀUVW ÁRRU EDFKHORU apartment - retirement

Die skedule sal beskikbaar gestel word aan huiseienaars in Hazeldean sodra dit goedgekeur is deur die onderskeie HEV’s. Die skedule inkorporeer die instandhouding van gemeenskaplike en private eiendom, vullis verwydering, verfwerk en meer. Daar is geen noemenswaardige sekuriteits- verwante nuus nie, behalwe dat ASS Sekuriteit deurgaans die node se sekuriteit met ‘n ysterhand bestuur. Sabreal verwelkom vir Sandy van Staden, wat die leisels gaan oorneem by Jasper Coetzee as Algemene Bestuurder YDQ 6DEUHDO 6DQG\ LV KRRJV JHNZDOLÀVHHUG HQ EHVNLN RRU baie jare se ervaring in Eiendomsbestuur. Jasper verlaat nie die groep nie en beweeg oor na die Projekbestuur kant van Sable Homes.

Resale Properties

Retreat Houses: R1.4 million

1 bed, 1 bath with 1 garage - retirement

Retirement Rental available: Bo: Hartlik welkom aan Suster Maryna Swart vanaf Aldem Healthcare Services. Maryna is die nuwe Geregistreerde Suster aan diens by Die Retreat en het reeds diep in die harte van ons inwoners ingekruip.

3 bed, 2 bath, double garage R11 000 p/m

Annamarie: 082 741 7766 or Berdine: 082 444 4434

Feb/March 2014



Hazel’s Nature Nook By Jean Jonker


“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.� - Theodore Roosevelt ‡ Building a green home is not just the latest craze. It’s a well-informed decision based on enormous amounts of data with an end goal of not just minimising the effect your dwelling has on the environment, but actually improving it with environmental and economic sustainability leading the decision making process. ‡ A green home not only mimics the natural systems and conditions of the pre-developed site, it actually ensures the future operation of the natural systems.

This all seems great, but building green homes are much more expensive than building conventional homes... Although this was true in the past, with rising energy costs, people are building green to save money in the long run. For example, the use of high performance windows and frames increases the initial building cost, however the resulting cost of the building’s heating and cooling systems more than offsets the added costs of installing a better glazing system. Recycled rain water, harvested storm water and the use of grey water lowers operational costs VLJQLÀFDQWO\ 6RODU RULHQWDWLRQ KLJK SHUIRUPDQFH JOD]LQJ DQG HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQW OLJKWLQJ OHDGV WR \HDU URXQG VDYLQJV So how do I Start? ‡ The decision to build green starts with the site selection.The site characteristics will affect the design and assure overall success and economic viability. Have your green goals and objectives in mind when selecting a site.

Hire a team with green building experience. This will save you money and time and will ensure the success of the project. If the team is not experienced, think about getting an external consultant. Site design is one of the most important factors in green building. It maximises the green potential and minimises additional costs. Think of solar orientation and the natural hydrological cycle on the existing site. The most effective way of minimising costly excavations and time-consuming earthmoving is by UHVSHFWLQJ WKH QDWXUDO Ă RZV DQG IHDWXUHV RI WKH ODQG Use your landscape design to preserve the natural habitat and use indigenous, hardy, drought resistant plants in your design.


Establish a water conservation plan. Rain gardens, constructed wetlands and recycled rain water can play a key role in future cost savings. ‡ (QHUJ\ HIÀFLHQW WHFKQRORJ\ KDV LPSURYHG JUHDWO\ over the past few years. Solar orientation, use of natural light, high performance glazing, insulation and KLJK HIÀFLHQF\ KHDWLQJ DQG FRROLQJ WHFKQRORJ\ DOO contribute to a green home. ‡ Prevent contamination during the building process. ‡ Use sustainable materials and resources when building. These are just a few things to consider, but with proper planning your green home will bring you many years of happy living.

Feb/March 2014



Skoonheidsterapeut nou beskikbaar by Hazeldean Spa Die Hazeldean Spa en Fisioterapie praktyk by die Retreat te Hazeldean spog nou ook met die dienste van ‘n skoonheidsterapeut wat onlangs aangestel is. Die eienaars, Leigh & Ronell Grundlingh, verwelkom vir Anri Marx by GLH VSD $QUL LV ¶Q JHNZDOLÀVHHUGH VNRRQKHLGVWHUDSHXW HQ sal die volgende dienste aanbied:

Fisioterapie dienste sluit onder andere in: Akupunktuur Ortopediese rehabilitasie 5HÁHNVLRORJLH Neuro-terapie en meer

Masserings beskikbaar sluit in: 9ROO\I HQ +DOÁ\I *HZRQH HQ $URPDWHUDSLH PDVVHULQJV Warm Klip Masserings Indiese Kopmassering Sport Massering en meer

Manikure Pedikure Gesigsbehandelings (wat ook wenkbrou en wimper tint insluit) Waksbehandelings en meer

Anri sal een maal per week voldag by die Hazeldean Spa beskikbaar wees en alternatiewelik per voorafbespreekte afspraak. Die Hazeldean Spa het in November 2013 geopen met Leigh wat Fisioterapie dienste aanbied en Ronell wat as Masseuse in die praktyk werk.

Vitaderm produkte is nou ook by die Spa te koop! Vir meer inligting en besprekings kan die Hazeldean Spa gekontak word by 012 809 5799.

Fase 5 reeds 76% verkoop!

Feb/March 2014

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ANNAMARIE 082 741 7766 BERDINE 082 444 4434


Feb/March 2014



Feb/March 2014



Focus on Sparkling Auto Hazeldean Sparkling Auto Care Centre is a one-stop shop giving vehicle owners the opportunity to have their vehicles washed and to have minor interior and exterior repairs done, all under one roof and while they shop; a web cafĂŠ is also on offer while customers wait. Since the inception of Sparkling Car Wash in 1992, the company has grown into a leader in the automotive industry by adding various automotive body repair services. This has brought about transformation in the South African car wash industry and to date they maintain a highly professional point of departure in comparison to the more traditional car wash businesses. In 2006, the franchising company with its unique concept was established: Sparkling Auto Care Services (Pty) Ltd. Combining car wash & valet with automotive body repair services - all under one roof. The only company with an internationally accredited training centre in South African with the Dink King USA. Their Hazeldean outlet was launched in September 2011. “One day dent repair serviceâ€? Sparkling Auto Care Centre Hazeldean offers complete auto body repairs for all your vehicle’s needs. To keep your vehicle’s resale value, but in most instances also a critical requirement to keep your vehicle in a reliable and roadworthy condition. They handle all of your vehicle body care and repair needs: panel repairs, replacement, dent repairs, rust repairs, re-spray painting, and more. Their paint is dealership approved and gives a lifetime guarantee. So whether it is a small or large bumper bashing, or dent damage that you need repaired, Sparkling Auto Hazeldean can assist.

Their additional services includes car wash, detail valet, industry through their continuous dedication to quality ÀOP SURWHFWLRQ ZKHHO DOLJQPHQW DQG EDODQFLQJ ZLQGVFUHHQ and customer service. replacement, smash & grab and much more all under one Contact Sparkling Auto Hazeldean on 012 809 roof. 0521 or go to www.sparklingauto.co.za. Mike and his friendly auto care team is committed to For franchising contact Corne on 083 794 8224 or provide the best sparkling care and repair service in the Marissa on 018 293 3970.

Use the right materials: Using the right techniques will make washing your vehicle as simple and easy as it should be. When rinsing your vehicle, hold the hose at a low angle to the surface and let the water stream across the metal for a thorough rinse and minimal splashing. Don’t wait to do a full wash if you see bird droppings, dead bugs, or other obvious contaminants building up on the paint surface. Bird droppings, in particular, have a high acidity that, if left on the paint for any length of time, can eat into the clear coat. Rinse this type of debris off the surface as soon as possible, using either water or an instant-detailer type of product. Do rinse your vehicle off after a period of rainy weather if your area suffers from acid rain. The acidic chemicals in the rainwater will remain on the surface after the droplets have evaporated, leaving a mark that can permanently stain the paint. Don’t wash your vehicle when the metal is hot. The heat causes the soap and water to dry much faster than on a cool surface, which can make the washing process harder DQG SRVVLEO\ GXOO WKH ÀQLVK )LUVW WKLQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ LV D good time to do a wash, or, if the vehicle has been parked in the shade for a while, the metal is likely to be cool enough to do it any time of the day. Do hose off the vehicle before washing. A thorough prerinse will not only help cool off the metal, but will also remove loose dirt, leaves, or other debris which could scratch the paint if caught under a sponge or towel. If there is packed-on mud, use a strong steady stream to break it up and rinse it off entirely. Don’t use a household detergent to wash your car. This is one of the most common mistakes. Dish soap, laundry soap, and household cleaners are often too harsh to use on a car’s paint. These kinds of products can strip off the protective wax coating and possibly dull the paint’s ÀQLVK $ GHGLFDWHG FDU ZDVK IRUPXOD RQ WKH RWKHU KDQG is formulated with a milder soap which doesn’t affect the

protective coating. Do wash the vehicle in sections. Wash and rinse one area at a time. This will help prevent the sudsy water from drying on the paint before you can rinse it off. Don’t use abrasive material on the paint. Whether washing or drying, never use a cloth or other material with a surface that can leave hairline scratches. A large sponge works well, or many professional detailers prefer to use a lamb’s-wool mitt. The thick nap of the lamb’s wool allows loose particles to be worked up into the wool rather than remaining on the surface. Whichever you use, apply lots of suds to help keep the paint surface well lubricated. Do rinse out the sponge or mitt often. It’s preferable to use seperate buckets for suds and rinse water, which keeps dirt from getting mixed into the sudsy wash water. Squeeze the sponge/mitt out in the rinse water and then dip it into the soap bucket for a fresh batch of suds. Don’t continue to use a sponge or mitt that has been dropped onto the ground. It could instantly pick up large particles of dirt that, although you may not see them, could scratch the paint. The clear coat on most of today’s factory wheels can be damaged by a wheel cleaner that is too strong. Before you buy, be sure the cleaner is labelled as safe for all wheels. Do XVH D EXJ DQG WDU UHPRYHU WR ÀQLVK WKH MRE 0LOG FDU wash formulas often aren’t tough enough to remove road tar, grease, or similar residues. For this, a strong bugand-tar remover is necessary. Since this type of grime will usually blacken whatever you use to clean it, it’s advisable to use a separate cloth for this job instead of your sponge or mitt. Don’t use your sponge or mitt to clean the wheels and tires. Because of the brake dust and road debris that collects here, it’s often the dirtiest part of the car. Again, use a separate cloth or sponge. If the residue is light, soap and water will usually clean it adequately. For more

Tips to keep your vehicle in tip top condition

stubborn grunge, use a special wheel cleaner and brush. Be sure to use a product that’s appropriate for your type of wheels. For instance, a strong acidic product formulated for mag wheels could damage the clear coat used on most modern original-equipment rims. If in doubt, look for one that’s labeled safe for all wheel surfaces. Do D ÀQDO RYHUDOO ULQVH $ ÀQH VSUD\ LV SUHIHUDEOH IRU rinsing. In addition, spraying the water on at a low angle will help form a sheet of water that will better cover the contours of the body, plus it will keep splashing to a minimum. Don’t allow the water droplets to dry on their own. Especially in areas with hard water, the tap water used for rinsing will have a high mineral content. When the water evaporates, it leaves the minerals on the paint, which creates noticeable water spots. Not only are these XQVLJKWO\ EXW LI OHIW RQ WKH ÀQLVK IRU D ORQJ WLPH WKH\ FRXOG HDW LQWR WKH SDLQW DQG EHFRPH GLIÀFXOW WR UHPRYH Do use a chamois, terry towel, or synthetic chamois to dry the vehicle. If you choose to use a terry towel, as many professional detailing shops do, have several on hand. A natural chamois works well, but requires more maintenance.

Feb/March 2014



Feb/March 2014



Feb/March 2014




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Feb/March 2014







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Feb/March 2014



First TJM shop in Africa is open in Hazeldean 7-0 +D]HOGHDQ KDV EHFRPH WKH ÀUVW FRUSRUDWH VWRUH RI TJM South Africa! TJM is the leading 4x4 and outdoor accessories brand in the world. With 40 years of experience and knowledge, TJM is well trusted in the 4WD industry world wide. The TJM Product range includes; steel and alloy bull bars, nudge bars, side and rear protection bars, side steps, trade racks, roof racks, TJM recovery equipment, TJM winches, TJM XGS suspension, Airtec snorkels, TJM Pro Lockers and TJM roof top tents & awnings. While TJM has grown to be an international company, they have never forgotten the key elements that resulted in the formation of the brand and extent those values throughout Africa: ‡ 7UXVW IURP WKH TXDOLW\ RI PDQXIDFWXULQJ ‡ 3ULGH LQ RXU LQQRYDWLYH GHVLJQV ‡ $GYHQWXUH KHDGLQJ RXW WR WKH ZLOGHUQHVV WR WKH IDU reaches of Africa. TJM is still at the same address: Cnr Lynnwood Road and Silver Lakes Drive, Hazeldean Shopping Centre, Second Entrance. Tel: 012 809 0090 | Fax: 012 809 1087 Contact your preferred sales person on the below email address: Marius marius@tjmsa.co.za Tian tian@tjmsa.co.za Raymond raymond@tjmsa.co.za They look forward to seeing you at their store, with all that their new and expanded product line offers. New Website Launched: http://www.tjmsa.co.za

Top row, left to right: Gary Swemmer; Gary with his team in Hazeldean. %RWWRP URZ OHIW WR ULJKW 7KH +D]HOGHDQ VKRS IURQW WKH ÀUVW $UFWLF 7UXFN &UXLVHU GRXEOH FDE LQ the world, which was built in the TJM Hazeldean workshop.



Feb/March 2014



Curro Hazeldean wys hul staal

Bo: Fotos van die onlangse huissport by Curro Hazeldean, sowel as ‘n vriendskaplike atletiek byeenkoms by Monument Park Laerskool. Die byeenkomste het beide in Januarie 2014 plaasgevind.

Curro se belangrike datums om te dagboek Feb/Maart Belangrike datums vir Februarie: Laerskool: 06 Feb: Atletiek by Curro Hazeldean 11 Feb: Gr.4-7 Toetsreeks begin 14 Feb: Atletiek Cluster by Curro Hazeldean 21 Feb: Atletiek Distrik

Belangrike datums vir Maart: Laerskool: 01 Maart: Atletiek Gauteng Kampioenskappe 28 Maart: Skool Sluit

Hoërskool: 04 Feb: Toetsreeks begin 05 Feb: Tennis: Senior Dogters vs Cornwall Hill 06 Feb: Swem vs Pretoria Noord 07 Feb: Atletiek vs Hoerskool Delmas (weg) 12 Feb: Atletiek Cluster Tennis: Senior Dogters vs AHMP 13 Feb: Swem vs Prestige Kollege 14 Feb:Valentynsdans 19 Feb: Atletiek: PUK Top 10 (Pilditch) Tennis: Senior Dogters vs Waterkloof B 20 Feb: Curro@Nite 26 Feb: Swem: Interhoër Tennis: Senior Dogters vs Garsfontein 28 Feb: Interhoër - Tuis

05 Maart: Tennis Senior Dogters vs Menlopark B 06 - 08 Maart: Graad 11 Kamp 06 Maart: SAASTA Wetenskap Olimpiade Gr. 10-12 13 Maart: PSPA Curro Kilo 13 Maart: Graad 12 Restaurant aand 14 Maart: Rugby:Voortrekker (weg) 14 Maart: Hokkie Kliniek (tuis) 17 Maart: Dogters Hokkie Interhuis 17 Maart: Netbal Interhuis en Netbal Proewe - Curro Roodeplaat 18 Maart: Dogters Hokkie Interhuis 19 Maart: Rugby vs Cullinan (tuis) 20 Maart: Graad 11 Restaurant aand 21&22 Maart: Curro 7’s Streeksuitdunne 26 Maart: Seuns Hokkie 28 Maart: Skool Sluit


Did you know? In the middle ages, on valentine’s day, the names of young men and women were drawn from a bowl and were declared each other’s valentines. These names were then pinned to their sleeves for everyone to witness for one week. That’s how the famous expression, “to wear your heart on your sleeve” originated.

Feb/March 2014



+D]HOGHDQ 2IÀFH 3DUN EORVVRPV 2IÀFH 6WDQGV IRU 6DOH With 3 stands sold in the exciting new phase of the prestigious eco-friendly, and now fully let Hazeldean 2IÀFH SDUN WKH ODVW VWDQGV DUH QRZ EHLQJ RIIHUHG IRU sale, to end-users & developers to build their own head RIÀFH EXLOGLQJV RU WR OHW WR SURVSHFWLYH WHQDQWV 1HZ VHFWLRQDO WLWOH RIÀFH VXLWHV IRU VDOH 2IÀFHV DUH DOVR EHLQJ ODXQFKHG IRU VDOH IURP Pò 7KHVH RIÀFH VXLWHV WR EH GHYHORSHG WR WHQDQW VSHFLÀFDWLRQV DQG LQ OLQH ZLWK WKH H[LVWLQJ XSPDUNHW architectural design of HOP, will be ready for occupation by 01 April 2015. If you snooze, you’ll lose: As the market is already in an upward trend, and all indications are that the next growth-phase and subsequent rise in property prices are in full swing, don’t wait to VHFXUH \RXU IXOO\ VHUYLFHG RIÀFH VWDQG RU VHFWLRQDO WLWOH RIÀFH VSDFH LQ WKH 21/< $ *5$'( RIÀFH SDUN LQ WKH 7RS $Q DUWLVW·V LPSUHVVLRQ RI WKH QHZ VHFWLRQDO WLWOH VXLWHV DW +D]HOGHDQ 2IÀFH 3DUN greater Hazeldean/Silver Lakes node. Contact Louis Swart on 082 900 9977.


Did you know? The italian city of verona, where shakespeare’s lovers romeo and juliet lived, receives about 1000 letters addressed to juliet every valentine’s day!

Feb/March 2014



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Feb/March 2014


events calender Strictly No.1’s at Barnyard Theatre Parkview 08 Feb - 09 Feb Sandra Prinsloo: Oscar en die Pienk Tannie at the Atterbury Theatre 21 Feb - 22 Feb Stef Bos en Koos Kombuis Boskombuis at Atterbury Theatre 08 March - 09 March Cansa Relay for Life at the Pretoria Military Sports Grounds 09 Feb Regional Market at the Voortrekker Monument 11 Feb Senior Citizens Free Day at the National Zoological Gardens 12 Feb Benjamin Falletto - The French Boy Sings at the Brooklyn Theatre 13 Feb Jak de Priester sing Kramer, Krog en Kerkorrel at Atterbury Theatre 13 Feb Valentine’s Moroccan Picnic ft. Just Jinger at Menlyn Park Shopping Centre 13 Feb KykNET Fiestas Awards at the SA State Theatre 14 Feb Pianist Anton Nel - Valentine’s Concert at the Brooklyn Theatre 14 Feb My Bloody Valentine by Zombie Run at the National Zoological Gardens, Pretoria 15 Feb Beauty and the Beast at the Barnyard Theatre Parkview 21 Feb Beethoven Violin Concerto at the Centurion Theatre 23 Feb Saxophone Trio at the Brooklyn Theatre 25 Feb Cabernet-Cabaret met Magda Biljon en Clinton Zerf at Atterbury Theatre 26 Feb Willem Botha and Monique at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana 28 Feb Amanda Strydom - ‘n Vuur gevang in Glas at Centurion Theatre 01 March Rocco de Villiers - My Country at Atterbury Theatre 02 March Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte by the Gauteng Opera Orchestra at the SA State Theatre 02 March Karin Hougaard - Alien Sky at Atterbury Theatre 02 March Jack Parow at the Barnyard Theatre Parkview 07 March Ses Snare at the Centurion Theatre 14 March Nianell at the Centurion Theatre 21 March Mozart Harp & Flute Concerto at the Brooklyn Theatre 28 March AFFIANCE live at Arcade Empire


sudoku challenge

04 Feb - 09 March



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Did you know? Richard cadbury invented the first valentines day candy box in the late 1800’s. SOCIAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT

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