Module Code OUGD303
Module Title
Doc. Code OUGD303
Title - Yearbook Brief BA (Hons) Graphic Design yearbook proposal for 2012 graduating year. Will communicate the diverse, creative and professional quality of the work produced on the course.
Background / Considerations The yearbook is an annual publication designed to showcase the graduating year. The book is distributed to industry contacts, potential applicants and visitors to the end of year show. The yearbook is also used as a marketing tool to raise the profile of the course with feeder colleges and the creative industries. Concpet was to reflect the course in numbers. Demonstrating the huge array of visiting professionals, the small course team and selective process of students who enrol. Our design team is typographically focussed and so this also plays to our strenghts. Each students will have a large amount of space to showcasr their work and also have a profile image with their work to show who is behind the design.
Mandatory Requirements
The Course, Institution’s Name and year of graduation must be clearly presented on the cover and spine of the publication. Each graduate has an equal amount of space containing samples of work, a personal statement and photograph. Produced to a standard square format of 210mm x 210mm. The use of Futura and Helvetica as font choices with a strong colour palette of black and fluorescent orange.
3 x A2 proposal boards including concept, printing processes and branding such as font and colour as specified under ‘Mandatory Requirements’. Sample layouts and cover design need to be included on the proposal boards.
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline
Find out 18.01.12 if selected.
If not selected for the Graphic Design yearbook, could be directed towards another courses yearbook.
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.
Module Code OUGD303
Module Title
Doc. Code OUGD303
Title - Aura Brief Demonstrate a practical understanding of aura and my findings from my dissertation to be given to contributors and also as an informative piece to designers who may not be aware of the theory.
Background / Considerations The piece must refelct my personal view of aura in todays design practice and how effective they each are in their own way. Consider how this relates to value, and in turn, cost of production. How can each element (digital, mechanical and manual processes of design) be visually reflected through type. Consider print processes and style for each process.
Mandatory Requirements
Must be clearly related to the theory and my dissertation. Contributors must be acknowledged and recieve copies of products as a coutesy.
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline
cannot start until 01.02.12
Find out 18.01.12 if selected.
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.
Module Code OUGD303
Module Title
Doc. Code OUGD303
Title - Music Mag Brief Design a music magazine to be produced every few months for the Leeds area with Steph Bourne.
Background / Considerations Previously designed by Tom and Ollie from Catalogue. Following designers (hopefully me and Steph Bourne) would have full creative freedom . This is printed in the thousands and distributed around Leeds. Need to reflect the content appropriately, and add a new look to the mag.
Mandatory Requirements Both our styles to be reflected, utilising typography, illustration and photography.
Deliverables Magazine... tbc
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline
interest expressed on 13.01.12
Find out 18.01.12 if selected.
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.
Module Code OUGD303
Module Title
Doc. Code OUGD303
Title - Film identity Brief Design the identity including imagery, type and application onto deliverables for the release of the film and cinema screenings.
Background / Considerations Decide on film and find out more about the plot and what needs to be communicated. Colour considerations rather than stock. How the text interacts with the imagery from the film. Application of this effectively for each format.
Mandatory Requirements
Need to choose a film/set of films to be the content. Content could reflect my interests in films... what do I like?
Poster, sleeve, tickets...
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline 17.05.12
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.
Module Code OUGD303
Module Title
Doc. Code OUGD303
Title - Design Context Brief Produce a printed graphic product that effectively communicates the context of your design practice.
Background / Considerations Design and produce the book that you wish you could buy and that would explain to everyone (yourself included) who you are as a designer. What and who has influenced you? what do you want to say? How do you want to say it? What are you passionate about? What inspires you? As well as Why?
Mandatory Requirements
Indepth research into specific graphic design disciplines, professional practices, social/ ethical/commercial considerations and industrial production methods relevant to your own individual design practice and creative concerns. You will need to use your FMP blog to document your on going investigation, organisation, critical analysis and evaluation of research activities and source material. Research activities should include visits to studios, interviews, questionnaires as well as material from a breadth of secondary sources.
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline
Majority of research to be collected for 10.02.12
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.