To Promote & Protect Homeownership as the American Way
Official Newsletter of the Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
August 2014 Vol 39 Issue 2
Page 9
Mark Your Calendar: Online Calendar August August 6th 9a: Gov. Affairs Committee meeting Noon: NEW MEETING DAY ! Remodelers/Green
Page 10-11
Aug 7th 8:30a: SMC/Parade Noon: Membership Committee Aug 12 2:30 P Home Show Committee 4:15 P Finance 5 P Board of Directors
Aug 26th 6 P General Membership Meeting Guest Speaker: Robert Chandler Director of Lake County Economic Development
Congratulations Sean and Mike Hensley for winning First Place in the 2nd Annual Horseshoe Tournament at Burkes BBQ in Fruitland Park.
Aug 27 & 28 Continuing Education Classes See Page 9 for more details
Thank You to Our Annual Sponsors for your Generous Support 2014 Corporate
2014 Business Silver
August 2014
Home Builders Association Lake-Sumter 1100 N Joanna Avenue Tavares, FL 32778 Ph 352-343-7101 Fax 888-966-0592
Officers & Directors President William Wilburth - W.C. Wilburth, Inc. Construction Services Vice President Sean del Castillo - Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter Associate Vice President Paul Swanson - George Nahas Chevrolet Secretary/Treasurer Dale Roberts - Dale E. Roberts & Assoc. Immediate Past President William Dorman - White Aluminum Products Builder Directors Andrew Nutt - Holly Homes, Inc. Cynthia Couillard - Dibarco Building Corp Craig Hegstrom - Hegstrom Homes Joe Ziler - Kevco Builders, Inc. Philip Crotwell - Design South Homes, Inc. Peter Logan - Medallion Home Associate Directors Susan Adams - Ro-Mac Lumber and Supply Eric Love - The Paint Drop by Valspar Jeanne Abernathy - ERA Grizzard Real Estate Life Directors Mike Carter - Granger-Carter Construction & Dev. Carl Ludecke - Charlie Johnson Builder George Hansford - Prominent Construction Clarence Tibbs - STE Electrical Systems
Staff Carolyn Maimone - Executive Director Kelly Hoover - Administrative Assistant On The Level is published monthly by the Home Builders Association of Lake~Sumter. Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of all information presented, however no guarantee or warranties are provided. For advertising, contact the HBA at 352-343-7101 or visit our website. The HBA reserves the right to refuse any advertising.
Sponsorships Available for Monthly GMMs See page 8 or Call HBA Staff at 352-343-7101 for details
Are you leaving money on the table?? FHBA Member Rebate Program A Member Benefit that Puts Cash In Your Pocket To start receiving your rebate, please register (tells them where to mail your refund check) and submit a Rebate Claim Form found on the website. The Rebate Claim Form lists all participating Manufacturers in the program and what is needed in order to process your rebate. Website to register: More info and Registration form: FHBA_Quarterly_Ad.pdf Have Questions? Program Administrator: Rich Robinson Toll-free direct: 866-849-8400 Email:
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I hope everyone had a great Independence Day. Thank you to all of our members who have served and helped make Independence Day possible. What a great time we had at the Bowling Tournament in June. This was a fantastic opportunity to network and enjoy a little friendly competition. All I saw was a bunch of happy people. That was a great sight. Good job, RO-MAC, this years Champions! Did you know? Your Membership Dues actually do quite a lot. The Resources are there for us to use, with just a click of your mouse. Not only are you a member of Lake & Sumter County HBA,, you are also a member of Florida Home Builders Association, and a member of National Association of Home Builders, All three of these websites are incredible. National offers a large range of educational opportunities and certifications. National does so much for the Industry as a whole covering the entire US. Florida Home Builders Association has so much to offer all of us. There is a large range of contracts and forms for every phase of Construction. The SEBC is hosted by the State and it is in its 36th year. There is a wealth of information and training available, either free or at a discounted member rate. Lake & Sumter County HBA is your best resource. Carolyn & Kelly go above and beyond to help guide all Members through all of our business needs. Suggestions are very welcome as we are constantly growing and learning. This is a tough enough industry to be in, but to know there are so many willing to help another member is a good feeling. If you have never signed on for their resources, it is very easy. If you don't know your number, just ask our office. You have so many people at your finger tips to help you with your company. We are a strong group as members of these Associations. Everyone is here to help.
Bill Wilburth W.C. Wilburth Inc., Construction Services President HBA Lake-Sumter
Building Permits #Single Family Lake County Tavares Eustis Leesburg Lady Lake Montverde Clermont Mount Dora Sumter County
#Single Family Lake County Tavares Eustis Leesburg Lady Lake Montverde Clermont Mount Dora Sumter County
MAY Permits 48 18 24 7 2 1 23 3 183
JUNE Permits 41 16 2 5 0 0 No report 4 176
Value 15,819,848 4,343,811 7,716,554 876,757 425,575 517,728 4,679,285 748,882 49,462,394
Value 13,233,342 3,574,698 548,754 613,490
976,566 52,353,503
Thank you to the building departments for supplying this information. Cities missing did not report.
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
The June Housing Scorecard ( reports sales of new and existing homes are up. New home sales surged 18.6% in May, and were up 16.9% from a year ago. Sales of previously owned homes were up 4.9% from April, and those homes starting the foreclosure process were down 10% from the previous month. The New York Times put it like this: “One way to tell the housing market is beginning to show signs of health would be that the builders are starting to sell more homes than the banks. We’re not there yet, but the gap is narrowing.” On a local level, the resale market is strong in several areas . According to the Realtors® Association of Lake & Sumter Counties, the average sales price in Jun rose to $166,177, up from $159,761 in May. For the first six months
Wish List
Enclose A/C Unit (in garage) Donations for a New Roof (It’s looking bad)
of the year, 2,864 homes have been sold, compared to 2,957 sold in the same period last year. Two other key indicators are the average days on market has dropped from 106 to 90, and the overall inventory has dropped to 5.5 months. Competition is strong in the markets under $200,000, with inventories below 5 months. 513 homes sold in June, and the list to sales price was 96%. Keep your marketing message loud and clear so that buyers can find you! Whether it’s your online presence, or your physical presence in bricks and sticks, there are good, qualified buyers out there looking for great home designs in desired locations that they can call home.
Jeanne Abernathy ERA Grizzard Real Estate Sales and Marketing Chairman
Get on the Email Reminder List for a committee by calling 352-343-7101 or emailing
GREAT NEWS! Jim Rahman (Westmont Construction) who had been battling cancer is now cancer free. We look forward to seeing Jim real soon. Thank you for keeping Jim in your thoughts & prayers
Advertise In
On the Level Special Member Rates Save Up to 30% compared to non-member pricing Call 352-343-7101
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
BROWNE DISTRIBUTORS LANDSCAPE SUPPLIERS COMMERCIAL ● WHOLESALE ● RETAIL Rubber Mulch Red Mulch 15 Varieties of Stone Cypress Mulch Lava, River, Pine Bark Nuggets White Marble, etc. Also in Bags PATTY or DEBBIE Baled Pine Straw Office (352) 326-8461 Potting Soils Two Locations Fax (352) 365-8338 Top Soils 2600 N. U.S. Hwy 27 ● Fruitland Park, FL 34731 U.S. Hwy 27 ● Minneola, FL 34755 Office: (352) 242-0810
Dream Community / Dream Home - an opportunity of a lifetime Greetings Dream Builders, Developers and Remodelers, The Parade Committee and HBA Staff have been working diligently preparing for the 2015 Parade. The Parade Entry Fees and Sponsorship Levels have been finalized. Entry and Sponsorship Forms will be available online at Dream Community Benefits are ready for distribution. Final benefits will be tailored to meet specific needs of the Developer/Builder of the Dream Community or Dream Home. This is an opportunity of a lifetime that extends well beyond the Parade. Do you want to be the center of attention for all things Parade? Are you ready for an increase in traffic, qualified leads and sales? Sure you are. For more information about how you can benefit from being the Dream Community / Dream Home, please contact Carolyn Maimone, EO at the HBA office. Deadline for bids TBA soon! As soon as a Dream Community or Dream Home is announced, we will begin promoting on Social Media and distributing Press Releases to our media partners. We need your PLEDGE. No, not the furniture polish, the 2015 Parade of Homes Entry Pledge. We will be asking for your POH Entry Pledge to get a rough idea of how many entries to anticipate for 2015. We know how many entries we'd like to have but in order to begin planning a relevant marketing and advertising campaign for the Parade, we need to hear from Builders, Remodelers and Developers. The 2015 Parade of Homes Pledge is not a binding agreement, simply a quick survey. So when you get the postcard, email or phone call, please take a minute to respond. Until next month, keep the faith, keep pushin' on, and keep Building Excitement!
Dale Roberts Dale E Roberts & Associates 2015 Parade Chair
Can we quote you on that? SAID A BUILDER ABOUT THE 2014 PARADE - We “ had good traffic, really excited about new Realtors that toured homes, we will definitely participate again next year. Overall very successful! " KB Home
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
Local News
Lake School Board says impact fees must be increased to pay for growth —June 16, 2014
LIVI STANFORD | Staff Writer With a projected increase of 400 students next school year, several Lake County School Board members say they must raise more revenue to pay for new classrooms and other capital needs and borrowing money is not an option. School Board Member Tod Howard said not raising school impact fees could force the district to go to year-round school to accommodate the overflow of students. Read More here...
Tired of Impact Fees?? Attend the “Meeting of the Minds” August 18th at the HBA office, 10 AM. FHBA Governmental Affairs Director Doug Buck and Chief Council Keith Hedrick will be coming from Tallahassee to meet with the HBA members to discuss options and devise solutions. After, they will meet with Senator Hays to take our message to the Legislature. Come be a part of the solution. Get your message and ideas heard.
10 am Monday August 18th, HBA Conference Room
$500 NAHB Discount
George Nahas Chevrolet Dedicated to Serving All Your Automotive Needs
Paul Swanson Commercial/Fleet Manager Direct line 352-748-8605 Cellular 772-521-6064 pswanson@ 4135 E State Rd 44 in Wildwood
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
SEBC Highlights!!
A Celebration of Paul Thompson’s Retirement
Paul Thompson and his grand daughter
FHBA Board Meeting: George Hansford, Andrew Nutt, Bill Wilburth and Bud Dorman
Attorney General Pam Bondi spoke to the GA Committee
Marc Robertz with Appleseed Marketing won an Excel Award for the HBA Profiles Video
Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam addressing the Board
See all Newsletters in Vibrant FULL COLOR at
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
General Membership Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities
Remodelers Council
HBA Member Pricing $175 per Meeting Save $75 off Non-member price 2014 Available Meeting Dates* General membership meetings begin with networking at 6 PM, followed by dinner and the program. Some meetings are held August 26 at the Elks Lodge, 2540 Dora September 23 Avenue, Tavares. Know of a October 28 good meeting location? Please share with us. We like 2015 to move the meetings around January to better serve our members, March make things interesting and April promote local businesses. Dates are subject to change.
What You Receive as a Meeting Sponsor ∎
Name & logo on front page of newsletter (time sensitive)
Name & Logo in an eMember Connection
5 Minutes at the Podium
Your Flyers & Widgets at Meal Tables or Display Table
2 Complimentary Meals
Reserve your date now by phone or email to the HBA : 352-343-7101 or Did you know that you can save Thousands of Dollars a year with the FHBA Member Rebate Program? It is easy to Register. Click the Logo to access the page online. Or go to:
Cindy Couillard (Dibarco Building Corporation, Remodelers Council Chair and Andrew Nutt (Holly Homes Inc., Green Building Chair
July we had a mid-year round table discussion; So far this year we have had great speakers, an awesome field trip to Romac Lumber & Supply and accomplished getting the CAPS designation course taught locally here at our HBA office. In addition, was able to tour the Lake County Animal Services Center and see the dire conditions and need for help. Everyone brought great ideas for the remainder of the year, below is a couple of ideas we are working on for Aug-Oct Speaker on appraisals – how are they getting their numbers? Comps? Remodel loans vs conventional.. Field Trip to Leesburg High School to visit the Future Builders of America class and possibly organize a project with the class.. I hope everyone had a great Independence Day ! **Remember the remodel council moved its monthly meeting to the first Wednesday of each month; the next meeting will be August 6th at Noon. EVERYONE IS WELCOME – SEE YOU THERE !
Cindy Couillard Dibarco Building Corporation 2014 Remodelers Council Chair
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
Sponsored by:
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
1st Place Winners Sean and Mike Hensley, Mike Hensley Construction, Inc.
2nd Place Winners Lewis Duke, Ro-Mac Lumber and Chuck Hiott, BESH
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
Lumber & Commodity News The Home Builders Association Wood Commodity Index (Index) firmed up in mid-July, as spruce and sheathing products reversed losses from the prior month. The total Index increased 6.6% to $338.51, which is significant given the hot, steamy days of summer. Whether real momentum is beginning, no one knows. However, the market’s firmness may be a weak indication of a strengthening housing market, or it could be another false positive. The wood portion of the Index increased 8.0% to $404.66 per thousand with most of the heavy increases occurring in dimensional spruce. All dimensional spruce items, including studs, increased in price. Stud price increases ranged from 4.8% to 8.3% depending upon length. Dimensional 2x4 spruce averaged increases of nearly 12% while 2x6 spruce jumped 13.2% to 16.4%. Mills doing a better job balancing supply with demand seem to be the main impetus for the increases. Pine prices dragged as rainy weather in the south seems to be tapering demand. 2x4 pine dropped nearly 3% while wider width pines gave up just under 10%. If spruce continues to strengthen, expect the pine markets to wake up. The sheathing portion of the Index increased 5.1% to $289.10 per thousand with both CDX pine and OSB sheathing moving up. CDX pine was the firmest with prices increasing 5%-8%; OSB added on average $6 per thousand or 3% on average. The OSB market declined too much over the last quarter, and this reversal is probably a welcome sign for the housing market. Although many builders may not like it, an increasing market is actually the best barometer of the housing market, barring extraneous events like hurricanes or other national disasters. The two challenges over the next few months will be hurricane season and momentum. Another year without a hurricane will keep the markets trading in a narrower range, while momentum will indicate a more robust economy. Builders should be wary that July may be the lowest point of the market for the next quarter, and bid accordingly.
Don Magruder Ro-Mac Lumber and Supply Fall Home Show Committee Chairman Don Magruder is the Chief Executive Officer of Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply, Inc. in Central Florida (, and he is a former President of the Southeast Mississippi Home Builders Association, and past Associate Vice President of the Home Builders Association of Lake County. To contact Magruder, email him at
Thank YOU!! Carl Ludecke (Charlie Johnson Builder) for getting us a new flag to take to our meetings and events. It’s pretty fancy so make sure to check it out at your next meeting.
Our Members are AWESOME !!!!!
License #CBC1252465
WHATEVER YOUR LIST IS, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED! ● Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply, Inc. is a Florida Company ● Complete Lumber and Plywood Supplier ● Free Estimates and Free On-Site Service ● Prompt and Professional Delivery Service ● Quick Special Order Service ● In-House Door Shop for Custom Orders ● Your Complete Window Installation Headquarters ● Premier Garage Door Department ~ Largest Garage Doors Installer in Lake County ● Truss Plant on Site ~ Roof, Floor, Wood and Steel Trusses Built to Your Specifications ● Knowledgeable Staff for Commercial Needs LEESBURG 700 E. Main St. 352-787-4545
MT. DORA 2411 W. Old Hwy. 441 352-383-4111
THE VILLAGES 722 Duck Lake Rd. 352-753-3333
OCALA 1432 S.W. 15th Ave. 352-622-7099
DOOR PLANT 700 E. Main St. in Leesburg
TRUSS PLANT 312 E. Main St. in Leesburg
Your Total Contractor Supply Headquarters!
GARAGE DOORS 722 Duck Lake Rd. in The Villages 352-748-4575 720 E. Main St. in Leesburg
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
WINDOWS 700 E. Main St. in Leesburg 352-787-4545
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August 2014
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
The Official Painting Company of the HBA of Lake~Sumter!!
WELCOME BACK Faden Builders, Inc. / Todd Faden 352-735-9805 General Contractor Sponsored by Mike Brown / Harris Oil & Air Conditioning
Residential & Commercial Painting
THANK YOU FOR RENEWING 20 - 24 Years Florida Pest Control (21) Hegstom Homes (24) 15 - 19 Years Browne Distributors & Landscape Supplies (17) 10 - 14 Years Builders Unlimited, Inc. (10) 5 - 9 Years American Residential Products, Inc. (7) Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter (9)
When It’s Worth Doing Right…Call Us! 352-253-0224
1 - 4 Years Lake Technical Center (1) Thank You For Your Membership Please plan to participate in 2014 It’s a great way to network & have fun! If you know or do work with someone who is not a member please ask them to join. Let’s build our membership -There is strength in numbers
35 years Experience Licensed & Fully Insured ∙INTERIOR-Painting & Staining ∙EXTERIOR-Pressure Washing, Painting, Decks, Sidewalks, Floors
~~ Free Estimates ~~
3650 County Road 561, Tavares, FL 32778
Baker Construction of Mount Dora Green Built Solutions Park Square Homes Sherwin Williams If you know or do work with anyone listed above please give them a call with a little reminder to let them know it is time to renew their membership. We are all working together for one purpose and that is the betterment of the construction industry. We appreciate ALL of our members.
GET WELL SOON! To Paul Swanson (George Nahas Chevrolet) who is fighting his battle with Esophageal Cancer. Please keep praying for Paul & his wife Suzan. A GofundMe Account has been set up for Paul to help him until his disability starts. To Donate: Please visit
Members Do Business With Members
Paul would love to hear from you, and enjoys the company, if you have a few minutes, he is home and so BORED!! His cell # is 772-521-6064, if you would like to visit him. Want to send a card? Give us a call at the office and we can provide an address.
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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August 2014
NAHB SPIKE CLUB Statesman George Hansford (1)
Super Carl Ludecke Karen Schroeder
Royal Bud Dorman (1) Andrew Nutt Craig Hegstrom Clell Coleman Don Magruder Paul Fallman
500-999 530.5
250-499 428 409.5
150-249 215 205 199 185 167 154.5
Paul Swanson (1) Susan Adams Clarence Tibbs Dale Robert s
136.5 124 120 113.5
Lee Humphrey Gerry Suarez Eric Love
93.5 82.5 80.5
Jim Bible Jody Coursey Mike Carter Nancy Hoff Dick Stier
78.5 77 68.5 55.5 52
Joe Ziler (3) Rob Granger Ron Griffith
49 45.5 30.5
Stephanie Vaughn 25 Ron Schwarz 22.5 Jason Hansford 20 Brian Walsh 18.5 Loretta Maimone (1) 17 Robert Filebark 17.5 Bill Wilburth 12 Cynthia Couillard 10.5 Jeanne Abernathy (1) 10 Bart Lucas (1) 10 Allison Garner-Thomas 9 Glenn Phillips 8 Brad Wanzenberg 7 Jimmy Moore 6
Tacks Less than 6 Credits Jorge Garcia Danny Gaughan Lee Woods Chuck Hiott Mary Rhodes (1) Chip Gannaway Tom Pfeiffer Jim Rahman Ken Ward Janet Noack Philip Crotwell Janeen Swanson Kevin Branch (1) Mike Brown (1)
3.5 3 3 3 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 .5
Recruit at least one Member in 2014 Retain Members Encourage Member Participation
With Stronger Membership Base, We will all benefit!
The Spike Club is an elite group of Association members recognized for outstanding achievement in membership recruitment. Simply put, you become a Spike by recruiting new members. Each new member recruit earns 1 credit towards a Spike. Each member retained earns 1/2 a credit. Each Affiliate member recruit earns a 1/2 credit. Recruiting an NAHB Council Member earns 1/2 a credit and retaining them earns a 1/4 credit. Blue Spike = 6 credits Life Spike = 25 credits Green Spike = 50 credits Red Spike = 100 credits Royal Spike = 150 creditsSuper Spike = 250 credits Statesman = 500 credits Grand Spike = 1000 Credits All-Time Big Spike = 1500 + Credits Members who have earned less than 6 credits are referred to affectionately as Tacks. (#) = Number of new members for 2014.
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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HBA of Lake -Sumter 1100 N Joanna Av Tavares, FL 32778