To Promote & Protect Homeownership as the American Way
Official Newsletter of the Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
September 2014 Vol 39 Issue 3
Annual General Membership Meeting
September 23, 6 PM Location To Be Announced!! Election of 2015 Officers and Directors Associate Appreciation Month Get Recognized! Bring a Door Prize!
Mark Your Calendar: Online Calendar September Sept. 3rd 9a: Gov. Affairs Committee meeting Noon: NEW MEETING DAY ! Remodelers/Green Sept. 4th 8:30a: SMC/Parade Noon: Membership Committee Sept. 9th 2:30 P Home Show Committee 4:15 P Finance 5 P Board of Directors Sept. 23rd 6 P General Membership Meeting Associate Appreciation
To Buy Your Ticket, Contact a Board Member or Call Kelly
Coming In October Annual Reverse Draw Oct. 28th - Elk’s Club Tickets on sale now from your Board of Directors & the HBA office Tickets $100 for your chance to win the grand prize of $7500 and other cash prizes
Thank You to Our Annual Sponsors for your Generous Support 2014 Corporate
2014 Business Silver
September 2014
Home Builders Association Lake-Sumter 1100 N Joanna Avenue Tavares, FL 32778 Ph 352-343-7101 Fax 888-966-0592
Officers & Directors President William Wilburth - W.C. Wilburth, Inc. Construction Services Vice President Sean del Castillo - Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter Associate Vice President Paul Swanson - George Nahas Chevrolet Secretary/Treasurer Dale Roberts - Dale E. Roberts & Assoc. Immediate Past President William Dorman - White Aluminum Products Builder Directors Andrew Nutt - Holly Homes, Inc. Cynthia Couillard - Dibarco Building Corp Craig Hegstrom - Hegstrom Homes Joe Ziler - Kevco Builders, Inc. Philip Crotwell - Design South Homes, Inc. Peter Logan - Medallion Home Associate Directors Susan Adams - Ro-Mac Lumber and Supply Eric Love - The Paint Drop by Valspar Jeanne Abernathy - ERA Grizzard Real Estate Life Directors Mike Carter - Granger-Carter Construction & Dev. Carl Ludecke - Charlie Johnson Builder George Hansford - Prominent Construction Clarence Tibbs - STE Electrical Systems
Staff Carolyn Maimone - Executive Director Kelly Hoover - Administrative Assistant On The Level is published monthly by the Home Builders Association of Lake~Sumter. Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of all information presented, however no guarantee or warranties are provided. For advertising, contact the HBA at 352-343-7101 or visit our website. The HBA reserves the right to refuse any advertising.
Sponsorships Available for Monthly GMMs See page 8 or Call HBA Staff at 352-343-7101 for details
Are you leaving money on the table?? FHBA Member Rebate Program A Member Benefit that Puts Cash In Your Pocket To start receiving your rebate, please register (tells them where to mail your refund check) and submit a Rebate Claim Form found on the website. The Rebate Claim Form lists all participating Manufacturers in the program and what is needed in order to process your rebate. Website to register: More info and Registration form: FHBA_Quarterly_Ad.pdf Have Questions? Program Administrator: Rich Robinson Toll-free direct: 866-849-8400 Email:
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Can you believe it is September Already!! This is the time of the year when the heat takes over and we start thinking about cooler fall temperatures. And this fall we have tons of great events planned. Get them on your calendar folks, you will want to be a part of the fun, promotion and festivities!! October 28th is our Annual Reverse Draw, being held at the Eustis ELKS Lodge. Tickets are on sale so Call a Board Member or give Kelly a ring and get your tickets today! Always a fun event and $7,500 could be yours! November 15th is the “Support Your Home Team” Home Show at Wildwood Community Center. Over 40 indoors booths and 3 outside booths are available for you to show off your company’s talents, skills and products! Our Tailgate theme should make for a fun time!! Registration forms have been emailed, but they are also available on our website or at the office. Staff will gladly email them to you as well. The Southeast Building Conference (SEBC) was in Orlando in July and we had a fantastic HBA Lake-Sumter turnout. Thank you to George Hansford, Andrew Nutt, Bud Dorman and Jeanne Abernathy for being there to represent our association. Congratulations to Marc Roberts with Appleseed Marketing for winning an Excel award for the HBA’s Profile Video they created during the Parade. Speaking of thank you, I would like to take this opportunity to thank George Hansford with Prominent Construction for his many years of dedicated service to our industry. George is a tireless representative for us at the local and state level. He established Prominent Construction in 1989, the year he joined the HBA of Lake-Sumter. Until I started serving at the state level, I had no idea how deeply entrenched George is in the building industry with FHBA. Did you know that George is serving his third year as the Chair of FHB Insurance? He has been our local PAC chair since 2005 and continues to serve on several committees at FHBA. He was named builder of the year for Lake-Sumter in 1998, 2001, 2002, 2009, has presided as President of our local 3 times in 2000. 2004 and 2009 and has served on the board of directors since 1995. He has chaired or served on every committee for many years and has over 530 SPIKE Credits!! Additionally he was named the 2004 FHBA Builder of the Year, was inducted into the Florida Housing Hall of Fame in 2011 and is a Life Director at the state level. There are too many to name in this one newsletter!! George is one of the most dedicated members of the local and state association that I have ever had the privilege to meet and I want to personally thank him for all the years of service he has given to his industry. Thank you George!
Bill Wilburth W.C. Wilburth Inc., Construction Services President HBA Lake-Sumter
Building Permits #Single Family Lake County Tavares Eustis Leesburg Lady Lake Montverde Clermont Mount Dora Sumter County
JULY Permits 63 21 28 8 6 No Report 8 7 156
Value 20,752,110 15,405,459 8,414,704 1,037,854 688,000 1,847,048 1,422,076 45,092,703
Thank you to the building departments for supplying this information. Cities missing did not report.
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September 2014
SALES AND MARKETING (SMC) Marketing To The Millenials
Get ready. Get set. The Millenials are the next big thing! This group of up and coming home buyers have a different set of eyes and ears when it comes to home buying. This demographic is generally those born between 1980 and 2000, and is approximately 80 million people. At the 2014 Florida Realtors Conference and Expo in August, I attended a panel of Millenial homebuyers and have some great insight on how they approach the home buying process. I also interviewed 2 millenial young ladies, and learned some really valuable information. First, the highlights from the panel: They won’t be friends with you on Facebook, but will “like” your business page. The use Google to find out “how to” do anything, from buying a house, a car, etc. They use one app or web platform, figure it out, and become experts with it. Up to date websites are a must, they expect really fresh, relevant content. Proper grammar and spelling is a must. They ask their friends for referrals, and don’t rely on unknown testimonials, skeptical that some may be fabricated, or think that is what you want them to see. Use video testimonials instead! Always be professional, and respond to text messages as soon as possible. Respond to email and voicemail within 24 hours. Send a birthday card, even Geico does that! They appreciate hand written notes. Websites with really good pictures will keep their attention. Don’t have date and time stamps on them (is this a product or a crime scene they said!) Use hyper links, but don’t insult their intelligence with “Click Here” on the page.
The personal interviews were quite revealing. One stated that Millenials are very visual. Images truly help convey to them “how to” do something, and they rely heavily on You Tube Videos to learn how to do something, or how a process works. They will rely on the advice of their peers personal experiences. The second young woman frankly said that there are many Millenials who have experienced the pains of their own families going through the housing bust, foreclosure, job loss, relocation, etc. and are actually hesitant to become home owners. The painful memories of what they experienced are inhibiting them from considering home ownership over renting. The Millenials are a huge market segment that we can’t overlook. Sponsoring content on social media may get their attention because that is what they are so used to seeing. Our marketing messages need to be professional, and while they may never be our social friends, we can be their trusted advisors that help them navigate complex processes.
Jeanne Abernathy ERA Grizzard Real Estate Sales and Marketing Chairman
BROWNE DISTRIBUTORS LANDSCAPE SUPPLIERS COMMERCIAL ● WHOLESALE ● RETAIL Rubber Mulch Red Mulch 15 Varieties of Stone Cypress Mulch Lava, River, Pine Bark Nuggets White Marble, etc. Also in Bags PATTY or DEBBIE Baled Pine Straw Office (352) 326-8461 Potting Soils Two Locations Fax (352) 365-8338 Top Soils 2600 N. U.S. Hwy 27 ● Fruitland Park, FL 34731 U.S. Hwy 27 ● Minneola, FL 34755 Office: (352) 242-0810
Advertise In
On the Level Special Member Rates Save Up to 30% compared to non-member pricing Call 352-343-7101
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September 2014
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
Local News Governmental Affairs (GA) Impact Fees vs. Transactions Fees
Springs (aka Septic Tank) Bill
HOA Bill
These are the a few of the issues we are facing at the Governmental Affairs Committee meetings. We need you!! We need more Builder and Associate members to help be a voice with Politicians, County Commissioners, School Board Members and State Legislatures. There are hundreds of supporting industries that are impacted by bad legislation. Help spread the word that any legislation that hurts the building industry in turn impedes growth and effects the lives and businesses of hundreds, not just the builder. You can make a difference, there is strength in numbers, The Governmental Affairs Committee meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 9 AM.
Mike Carter Granger-Carter Construction Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman
$500 NAHB Discount
George Nahas Chevrolet Dedicated to Serving All Your Automotive Needs
Paul Swanson Commercial/Fleet Manager Direct line 352-748-8605 Cellular 772-521-6064 pswanson@ 4135 E State Rd 44 in Wildwood
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
Membership Drive
September is a Triple SPIKE Point Membership Drive Month! You and members just like you are the heart and soul of the HBA Association. Everything that goes on at your local, state and national HBA is meant to be a tool in your toolbox to help you grow your business and protect your industry. Why not share that tool with a colleague or friend? September is the Fall Membership Drive Month, and you can earn Triple Spike points for each new member you recruit. Tuesdays will be Call Days at the HBA. Come to the HBA, staff will have prospects ready for you if you need them. Get away from your busy day and use the member office to make calls in a quiet atmosphere. Need ideas for Potential Member Industries ? Click Here!
Spike Party Is Announced! All Spikes are Invited! Watch your Email or Call Kelly for the Details
Need to print a few Membership Applications? Click Here! Need to know what to say when they say NO? Click Here! Need proof that NAHB works hard for every member? Click Here
Learn More about becoming a SPIKE ! Click Here
See all Newsletters in Vibrant FULL COLOR at
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
General Membership Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities
NAHB: Eye on Housing
HBA Member Pricing $175 per Meeting Save $75 off Non-member price
Housing Construction Rebounds
2014 –15 Available Meeting Dates* General membership meetings begin with networking at 6 PM, followed by dinner and the program. Some meetings are held September 23 at the Elks Lodge, 2540 Dora October 28 Avenue, Tavares. Know of a good meeting location? 2015 Please share with us. We like January to move the meetings around March to better serve our members, April make things interesting and May promote local businesses. June Dates are subject to change.
What You Receive as a Meeting Sponsor ∎
Name & logo on front page of newsletter (time sensitive)
Name & Logo in an eMember Connection
5 Minutes at the Podium
Your Flyers & Widgets at Meal Tables or Display Table
2 Complimentary Meals
Reserve your date now by phone or email to the HBA : 352-343-7101 or
BY DAVID CROWE on AUGUST 19, 2014 After a dismal June report, housing starts rebounded to an annual rate of 1.093 million for a 15.7% increase over the upwardly revised June level. The substantial June dip caused by a fall in single-family construction in the South was wiped out as single-family construction rose 8.3% for the US with increases in three of the four regions. Midwest single-family starts were down 6.8% to 109,000 but remain at about the same level as the second quarter average. Multifamily starts burst forward to 437,000, the highest since February 2006. That increase was also spread across three of the four regions. Midwest multifamily starts were down 46% but that was from an unusually low June. The June-July average is still well above the first half of the year. Permits for building also rose to 1.052 million, up 8.1% from June. Single-family permits were roughly even with an upwardly revised June to 640,000 and up 3.9% from July 2013. Multifamily permits broke the 400,000 barrier again to 412,000 or a 21.5% increase over June as the need for apartments for young adults continues. The July report confirms the forward momentum in housing construction that was stalled from the unusual winter weather in many parts of the country and continued to meander as the weather improved. The June report caused a concern that the market would not revive, but positive economic news, continued low mortgage rates and significant pent up demand have revived the market. NAHB expects continued improvement through the rest of 2014. Did you know that you can save Thousands of Dollars a year with the FHBA Member Rebate Program? It is easy to Register. Click the Logo to access the page online. Or go to:
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September 2014
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
PICTURE GALLERY August GMM at Country Club of Mount Dora Sponsored By:
Thank you for donating the Awesome Door Prizes!!
Sean del Castillo and Jimmy Moore, looks like Holly Nutt has had an influence on the guys as well!! Strike a pose.
And Thank you to Janet Noack, USB, for donating her 50/50 winnings back to the HBA.
Bud Dorman, making Karen Schroeder giggle with his quick wit!
Everyone was so happy to see Paul Swanson and his lovely wife Suzan.
Carl Ludecke sporting his Purple SPIKE Jacket
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September 2014
PICTURE GALLERY Robert Chandler, Director of Economic Development for Lake County updated the attendees on programs and services offer by his department. His presentation was informative and enlightening.
It was great to see Andy and Kim Dixon, and Don Magruder!
Sheri Wilburth and her guest Barbara Abetz
Our President, Bill Wilburth, getting it done!
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September 2014
Lumber & Commodity News The Home Builders Association Wood Commodity Index (Index) for August increased 1.5% primarily on mills and manufacturers controlling supply and a fire that destroyed the Swanson Mill in Springfield, Oregon. Most would agree the tepid and disappointing housing numbers had little to do with the increase. It is probably fair to say that most people in the industry are getting weary of a constant upbeat housing forecast that never materializes. The excuse of blaming the weather earlier in the year has run its course. The dimensional lumber portion of the Index increased 1.3% to $409.93 per thousand, as mill shutdowns and increased export activities fueled demand in spruce. The degree of price increases varied with demand on particular sizes. Wide width 2x12 pine had major drops in pricing as demand plunged. Retreats from $20 to $45 per thousand in pricing were common, as mills searched for buyers. Narrower width pines such as 2x4 and 2x6 increased almost 6%. This pinpoint in increases by size is a major indicator of just how thin lumber inventories are on the ground.
The wood sheathing segment of the Index was a complete mixed bag. The mill fire in Oregon pushed CDX pine pricing up 8% to 11% depending upon thickness. Keep in mind, that mill produced fir sheathing, not pine, for the west. This is the best example of the state of plywood manufacturing in America and how the shutdown of the plywood mill in Hawthorne, Florida is affecting the Florida market. OSB Sheathing dropped $10 plus per thousand (or 5.1%), as supply was too much for the demand. In my view, the drop in OSB pricing at the beginning of hurricane season best describes the state of this market. Thin inventories and a supply chain, which is unable to withstand events across the country, are worrisome as hurricane season begins. Builders should be very mindful that a real hurricane threat or strike will immediately drive up pricing. Quotes in mid-August on OSB or CDX could be cheap in late September if a hurricane event occurs. It goes without saying--bid pricing should be price protected. The supply markets have proven, with this fire, there will be no forgiveness.
Don Magruder
Ro-Mac Lumber and Supply Fall Home Show Committee Chairman
License #CBC1252465
WHATEVER YOUR LIST IS, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED! Don Magruder is the Chief Executive Officer of Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply, Inc. in Central Florida (, and he is a former President of the Southeast Mississippi Home Builders Association, and past Associate Vice President of the Home Builders Association of Lake County. To contact Magrud-
Thank YOU!! Pat Smallwood (Smallwood Sign Co.) for donating a new outdoor flag and putting it up for us. Thanks Pat you’re the BEST!!
Our Members are AWESOME !!!!!
● Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply, Inc. is a Florida Company ● Complete Lumber and Plywood Supplier ● Free Estimates and Free On-Site Service ● Prompt and Professional Delivery Service ● Quick Special Order Service ● In-House Door Shop for Custom Orders ● Your Complete Window Installation Headquarters ● Premier Garage Door Department ~ Largest Garage Doors Installer in Lake County ● Truss Plant on Site ~ Roof, Floor, Wood and Steel Trusses Built to Your Specifications ● Knowledgeable Staff for Commercial Needs LEESBURG 700 E. Main St. 352-787-4545
MT. DORA 2411 W. Old Hwy. 441 352-383-4111
THE VILLAGES 722 Duck Lake Rd. 352-753-3333
OCALA 1432 S.W. 15th Ave. 352-622-7099
DOOR PLANT 700 E. Main St. in Leesburg
TRUSS PLANT 312 E. Main St. in Leesburg
Your Total Contractor Supply Headquarters!
GARAGE DOORS 722 Duck Lake Rd. in The Villages 352-748-4575 720 E. Main St. in Leesburg
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
WINDOWS 700 E. Main St. in Leesburg 352-787-4545
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September 2014
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
The Official Painting Company of the HBA of Lake~Sumter!!
35 - 39 Years Sherwin Williams Co. (37) 30 - 34 Years Harris Oil & Air Conditioning (31)
Residential & Commercial Painting
25 - 29 Years Lassiter-Ware, Inc. (25) United Southern Bank (25) 15 - 19 Years Bonded Builders Warranty Group (15) 10 - 14 Years Mason Dixon Contracting, Inc. (12) Heath Construction Co. (12) 5 - 9 Years W.C. Wilburth, Inc, Construction Services - Bill (5) AgeWave Solutions, Inc. (5) 1 - 4 Years W.C. Wilburth, Inc. Construction Services - Sheri (1) Kiley & Sons, Inc. (4) The Paint Drop by Valspar (1) Mark Cook Builders, Inc. (1) Elite Lifestyles of Florida, Inc. (1) ACE Custom Cabinets (4) Gingerich Construction (1) Thank You For Your Membership Please plan to participate in 2014 It’s a great way to network & have fun! If you know or do work with someone who is not a member please ask them to join. Let’s build our membership -There is strength in numbers
∙INTERIOR-Painting & Staining ∙EXTERIOR-Pressure Washing, Painting, Decks, Sidewalks, Floors
~~ Free Estimates ~~ 3650 County Road 561, Tavares, FL 32778
To Paul Swanson who continues his fight with Esophageal Cancer. Please keep praying for Paul & his wife Suzan. A GofundMe Account has been set up for Paul to help him until his disability starts. To Donate:
American Builders Supply Besco Electric Supply Co.
If you know or do work with anyone listed above please give them a call with a little reminder to let them know it is time to renew their membership. We are all working together for one purpose and that is the betterment of the construction industry.
35 years Experience Licensed & Fully Insured
Members Do Business With Members
When It’s Worth Doing Right…Call Us! 352-253-0224
Please visit Paul would love to hear from you, and enjoys the company, if you have a few minutes, he is home and so BORED!! His cell # is 772-521-6064, if you would like to visit him. Want to send a card? Give us a call at the office and we can provide an address.
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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September 2014
NAHB SPIKE CLUB Statesman George Hansford (1)
Super Carl Ludecke Karen Schroeder
Royal Bud Dorman (1) Andrew Nutt Craig Hegstrom Clell Coleman Don Magruder Paul Fallman
500-999 530.5
250-499 428 409.5
150-249 216 205 199 185 167 154.5
Paul Swanson (1) Susan Adams Clarence Tibbs Dale Robert s
136.5 126 120 113.5
Lee Humphrey Gerry Suarez Eric Love
93.5 82.5 80.5
Jim Bible Jody Coursey Mike Carter Nancy Hoff Dick Stier Joe Ziler (3)
78.5 77 68.5 55.5 52 50
Rob Granger Ron Griffith
45.5 30.5
Stephanie Vaughn Ron Schwarz Jason Hansford Brian Walsh Loretta Maimone (1) Robert Filebark Bill Wilburth Cynthia Couillard Jeanne Abernathy (1) Bart Lucas (1) Allison Garner-Thomas Glenn Phillips Brad Wanzenberg Jimmy Moore
25.5 22.5 20 18.5 17 17.5 12 10.5 10 10 9 8 7 6
Tacks Less than 6 Credits Jorge Garcia Danny Gaughan Lee Woods Chuck Hiiott Mary Rhodes (1) Chip Gannaway Tom Pfeiffer Jim Rahman Ken Ward Janet Noack Philip Crotwell Janeen Swanson Kevin Branch (1) Mike Brown (1)
3.5 3 3 3 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 5 1
Recruit at least one Member in 2014 Retain Members Encourage Member Participation
With Stronger Membership Base, We will all benefit!
The Spike Club is an elite group of Association members recognized for outstanding achievement in membership recruitment. Simply put, you become a Spike by recruiting new members. Each new member recruit earns 1 credit towards a Spike. Each member retained earns 1/2 a credit. Each Affiliate member recruit earns a 1/2 credit. Recruiting an NAHB Council Member earns 1/2 a credit and retaining them earns a 1/4 credit. Blue Spike = 6 credits Life Spike = 25 credits Green Spike = 50 credits Red Spike = 100 credits Royal Spike = 150 creditsSuper Spike = 250 credits Statesman = 500 credits Grand Spike = 1000 Credits All-Time Big Spike = 1500 + Credits Members who have earned less than 6 credits are referred to affectionately as Tacks. (#) = Number of new members for 2014.
Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter
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HBA of Lake -Sumter 1100 N Joanna Av Tavares, FL 32778