2013 November

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To Promote & Protect Homeownership as the American Way

HBA Lake-Sumter

Official Newsletter of the Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

Fall Home Show

November/December 2013 Vol 38 Issue 5

(Pg 7)

Old West New Horizons

Nov. 9th 9A-3P Wildwood Community Center All Forms can be found online at www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Installation Banquet (pg 7) Thursday November 21st 6 PM Country Club of Mount Dora Installation of 2014 Officers and Directors Recognition of Outgoing Board Members, 2013 Builder & Associate of the Year and 2013 Committee Chairs

Please RSVP by Monday November 18th

Holiday Open House Thursday December 5th HBA Office - 4:30 - 6:30

Mark Your Calendar: Online Calendar November 6th 9 AM Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting November 7th 8:30 SMC/Parade of Homes Meeting Noon Membership Committee Meeting November 9th 9 A-3 P Fall Home Show November 12th 4:15 Finance Committee Meeting 5:00 PM Board of Directors November 13th Noon Remodelers Council/ Green Building Committee Meeting (see pg. 8 for meeting details) November 21st 6:00 PM Installation Banquet Country Club of Mount Dora

You’re Invited

Thank You to Our Sponsors for your Generous Support 2013 Corporate

2013 Business Silver

2013 -14 Touch

Enjoy this newsletter in vibrant color at www.LakeSumterHBA.com

November/December 2013

Home Builders Association Lake-Sumter 1100 N Joanna Avenue Tavares, FL 32778 Ph 352-343-7101 Fax 888-966-0592 www.LakeSumterHBA.com www. facebook.com/LakeHBA

Officers & Directors President William Dorman - White Aluminum Products Vice President William Wilburth - W.C. Wilburth, Inc. Associate Vice President Paul Swanson - George Nahas Chevrolet Secretary/Treasurer James Moore - Aluminum Contractors, Inc. Immediate Past President Andrew Nutt - Holly Homes Immediate Past Associate Vice President Loretta Maimone - Loretta C. Maimone, Inc Builder Directors Sean del Castillo - Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter Cynthia Couillard - DiBarco Building Corp Craig Hegstrom - Hegstrom Homes Joe Ziler - Kevco Builders, Inc. Associate Directors Chuck Hiott - Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott Inc Dale Roberts - Dale E. Roberts & Assoc. Dave Van Winkle - Citizens First Bank Life Directors Mike Carter - Granger Construction & Development Carl Ludecke - Charlie Johnson Builder George Hansford - Prominent Construction Clarence Tibbs - STE Electrical Systems

Staff Carolyn Maimone - Executive Director Kelly Hoover - Administrative Assistant

On The Level is published monthly by the Home Builders Association of Lake County. Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of all information presented, however no guarantee or warranties are provided. For advertising, contact the HBA at 352-343-7101 or visit our website. The HBA reserves the right to refuse any advertising.

Building Permits #Single Family Lake County Tavares Eustis Leesburg Lady Lake Montverde Clermont Mount Dora Sumter County

AUGUST Permits 31 14 8 11 0 0 23 20 336

Value 9,865,874 3,974,654 1,907,246 1,594,520 5,609,851 3,595,298 96,826,230

Thank you to the building departments for supplying this information. Cities missing did not report.

Sponsorships Available for the Monthly General Membership Meetings Call HBA Staff at 352-343-7101 for details www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE To The Members This is my last newsletter as President of the HBA of Lake-Sumter. I want to start by thanking the Board of Directors and the Membership At Large for allowing me to serve for this prestigious association. It was an honor for me and my company. I have a lot of people to thank for their hard work, which allowed me to serve. First I want to thank all the Chairs that served so dutifully. Since I had the privilege to serve two years, I want to list the committees and the chairs for both years, because without their hard work and willingness to serve the association would not survive. So here we go – Thank you to GA Chairs George Hansford & Mike Carter, Green Committee Chair Jim Rahman both years (get well soon you are missed), Golf Committee Chair Chuck Hiott both years, Home Show Committee Chairs Loretta Maimone & Don Magruder, Membership Chairs Paul Swanson & Andrew Nutt, Parade of Homes Chair Dale Roberts both years, Remodelers Council Chair Mike Carter & Bill Wilburth, SMC Chairs Carroll Jaskulski & Jeanne Abernathy and Spike Club Chairs Karen Schroeder & Susan Adams. To all I owe a debt of gratitude. From a successful Parade to a dynamic Golf Tournament to being informed about government issues, to the great programs at the Morning Buzz. From Green & Remodeling to phenomenal Home Shows and the hard work from Membership to the SPIKE 50/50’s at the GMM’s. I have truly been blessed to have had such great people sharing their time and leadership for the better of this association. A special shout out to George Hansford and Jim Bible for their mentorship. And of course, last but certainly not least, I want to thank the most dedicated staff of any HBA in the state, the hardest working most dedicated two women I know, EO Carolyn Maimone & Admin Kelly Hoover. Personal thanks to you both.

Bud Dorman

Advertise In

White Aluminum Products President HBA Lake-Sumter

On the Level Special Member Rates Save Up to 30% compared to nonmember pricing Call 352-343-7101


Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013


“Pinterest, Houzz, & The Parade of Homes” Do we do anything, without first consulting some kind of website on the internet? With thousands of ideas for consumers to browse on their tablets at their leisure, we collect information, ideas, and see new trends, just as do new homebuyers or those considering renovating their existing homes. But taking in an entire room from seeing it through bursts of light and colors, hearing the clicks of heels on wood floors, touching the controls of a rain shower, cannot be attained on your iPad. Touring a Parade of Homes can be a wonderful sensory overload! A Parade of Homes experience allows the public to see for themselves a variety of interesting products, innovative designs, modern fixtures and appliances, handcrafted finishes, and professional decorating all neatly showcased in these homes. It’s an opportunity to introduce and educate consumers on energy efficiency as well. New home communities should tell a story – what type of lifestyle happens in this neighborhood from waterfront activities, active adult, family oriented, golf, or low maintenance. As you are preparing for the 2014 Parade of Homes, get your products visible online now on websites like Pinterest, Houzz, and a business Facebook page. Start building interest with your current followers, and attract new ones before the event. You can also utilize your existing email database and initiate a Parade of

Homes campaign. Check out a company like EmailStationery.com for a package that offers personalized email stationery and virtual postcards, with direct links to your website. Be sure your website has a Parade of Homes feature page to showcase your company, product, and community! Once you register for the 2014 Parade of Homes, you may use the trademarked logo on all your advertising collateral. Be sure to put a sign out on your home while under construction advertising your future parade entry to build some buzz! You may not have the roof or walls up yet on your parade entry, but you can certainly start now on your marketing and promotions foundations!

Jeanne Abernathy Southern Style Management Inc. Sales and Marketing Chairman

BROWNE DISTRIBUTORS LANDSCAPE SUPPLIERS COMMERCIAL ● WHOLESALE ● RETAIL Rubber Mulch Red Mulch 15 Varieties of Stone Cypress Mulch Lava, River, Pine Bark Nuggets White Marble, etc. Also in Bags PATTY or DEBBIE Baled Pine Straw Office (352) 326-8461 Potting Soils Two Locations Fax (352) 365-8338 Top Soils 2600 N. U.S. Hwy 27 ● Fruitland Park, FL 34731 www.landscapesuppliers.com U.S. Hwy 27 ● Minneola, FL 34755 Office: (352) 242-0810

Our Condolences To George Billings (Showcase Homes) & his family on the passing of George’s Father George Sr. on September 28th at age 84. To the family of past member Jeff Elszasz (Tailored Foam of Florida) who passed away on October 5th at age 53. Many members worked with Jeff. Our thoughts & prayers go out to each family and the many friends of George Billings Sr. & Jeff Elszasz. They will be greatly missed. www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

^êÉ=vçì=oÉ~Çó=íç=fåëéáêÉ\= The Early Bird Special for YOUR Parade Entry ends November 29th. This year we have one of the most dynamic Parade of Homes committees in many years. That experience and years of perseverance is molding this into one of the BEST PARADES EVER. Parade Entries are starting to come in… How do you plan to participate his year? Our goal of 40 Entries is not out of reach!! Start talking about the Parade with everyone who could be an entry. We can do this!! Dream Home or Community! We are looking for a Dream Home or a Dream Community for the 2014 Parade of Homes. The Bidding was opened a few weeks ago and there is a Buzz about the committee as members talk to Builders and create the excitement One thing is for certain, whoever is chosen for the Dream Community will be brought into one of the HBA of Lake~Sumter’s largest Multimedia Marketing Strategies of the year. If you were here last year, you know that our Dream Community Trilogy was everywhere. We tirelessly promoted them at every opportunity. From the cover of the Guidebook, which is delivered to 70,000 home deliveries and displayed all over Lake and Sumter counties in Newsstands, to our email signatures at the bottom of hundreds if not Thousands of emails, as well as the cover Page on Facebook, to all newspaper, magazine, TV and Radio advertising. Everywhere the Parade of Homes was advertised, so was the Dream Community. The sooner you commit, the more coverage you will receive. It is that simple. Showroom Showcase!! An exciting addition to the Parade of Homes is the new Showroom Showcase category. Do you have a showroom? Whether it is a Showroom to show off flooring, windows, swimming pools or remodeling options… This is a fantastic opportunity for you to get involved in the Parade of Home like you never have before. When you enter your showroom, it gets coverage in a special section of the Parade Guidebook, similar to a home. Additionally, your Business will be listed on a special “Showroom Showcase” page in the guidebook, listing all the showrooms with the addresses and phone numbers and will get recognition at the Parade Banquet. This category will not be judged, but it is an exceptional way to market to consumers who are looking at remodeling or doing a little DIY. This will give your business exposure like you have never had before. So what are you waiting for? The Parade Entry Packet is on the HBA Website, www.LakeSumterHBA.com or call the HBA office at 352-343-7101 and HBA staff will email or fax it to you. Let’s get this Parade started shall we? Sincerely,

Dale Roberts IMPORTANT DATES! Early Bird Discount Deadline Final Entry Deadline Builder Breakfast Judging Day Awards Banquet www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Dale E Roberts & Associates 2014 Parade Chair

4 PM Friday November 29, 2013 4 PM Monday January 6, 2014 9 AM Thursday February 13, 2014 9 AM Tuesday February 18, 2014 6 PM Friday February 21, 2014 Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

State & National News FHBA News - New President takes the reins Builder Ron Lieberman of Lecanto and building supplier Cindy Hall of Jensen Beach were installed as the 2013-2014 President and Second Vice President, respectively, of the Florida Home Builders Association October 19 during the FHBA Annual Fall Leadership Conference in Tampa. Lieberman and Hall (of Cobble Systems, Inc.) are joined on the Senior Officers team by First Vice President/Treasurer Jerry Linder of St. Augustine, Secretary Ray Puzzitiello of West Palm Beach, and Third Vice President Paul Iandoli of Orlando, along with Past President Suzanne Graham of Port Charlotte and Past Second VP Patty Wedge-Ludwig of Bonita Springs. “Ron (Lieberman) doesn’t try to act like the smartest person in the room… but I’ll put him up against anyone in terms of his knowledge of our business,” said FHBA Past President Al Zichella of Naples. “And his loyalty to FHBA, his concern for the members, and his passion to do a great job as President are off the charts.” Hall’s leadership skills are also highly regarded. “What you get with Cindy is someone who’s really smart and really focused,” says engineer George Cooper, like Cindy a member of the Treasure Coast Builders Association (TCBA). “I see first-hand the great work she does for TBCA and have no doubt she’ll make an impact as FHBA’s No. 1 associate leader.” FHBA Action News October 21st, 2013

$500 NAHB Discount

George Nahas Chevrolet Dedicated to Serving All Your Automotive Needs

Paul Swanson Commercial/Fleet Manager Direct line 352-748-8605 Cellular 772-521-6064 pswanson@ georgenahaschevrolet.com www.georgenahaschevrolet.com 4135 E State Rd 44 in Wildwood


Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

Home Show Committee Report By Don Magruder The HBA of Lake-Sumter “Old West-New Horizons” fall home show is just about here, & we really need your support through attendance, set-up, & participation. The home show will be on Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 9:00 to 3:00 at the Wildwood Community Center, 6500 Powell Road in Wildwood. The show is absolutely free to attend & we need your help. These are the areas where you can help the HBA Lake-Sumter promote this home show: Please take the time to attend, and encourage all of your friends, family, and employees to attend. Post the home show on your Facebook, community bulletin board, and email everyone in your address book. Contact Kelly or Carolyn for a flyer you can post and email. • On Friday afternoon, November 8th between Noon and 4:00 p.m., stop by and help us set-up. If you are a vendor in the home show, please set-up your booth during that time period. • The home show is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; however, an hour before and after we will need some help getting started and tearing down. If you know a vendor company that should be in the home show, tell them to call Carolyn or Kelly so we can be assured a show sell out.

• •

The HBA Lake-Sumter is giving away a $500 grand prize drawing at the show. In addition, most vendors will be holding their own special door prize drawings. WLBE 790AM will host a live remote during the event, so people throughout the area will hear the excitement going on. Plus, we will have some great seminars on reverse mortgages, wind mitigation, and safety from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. Also on hand will be 2014 NFL Hall of Fame finalist, 6-time Pro Bowler, 3-time Super Bowl Champion and 14-Year NFL starter from the Oakland Raiders, Ray Guy. From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Ray Guy will have a meet and greet at the RoMac Lumber & Supply, Inc. booth where he will sign autographs, take pictures, and talk football. Stop by and meet the greatest punter ever to play football. This is a great event we have planned, but we desperately need your help. Please participate by purchasing a booth; attending the show; promoting the show; and, encouraging others to attend. With your help, we can have an event that will set the stage for a great 2014 for the Home Builders Association of Lake and Sumter Counties.

Thank you... Thank you... Thank you... Paul Swanson for selling 26 October Party tickets, Don Magruder for selling 19 and George Hansford for selling 15. Thank you to everyone who sold tickets, bought ticket(s) & especially to those who attended the event. It was a great time as usual, we are already planning next year’s

Thank you Bunches!! Joe Ziler with Kevco Builders for planting the seed for a new computer to replace the one in our office that is over 10 years old. Joe donated $800 and several board members stepped up and met the challenge. Thank you to Carl Ludecke, Loretta Maimone, Bill Wilburth and Chuck Hiott for pitching in and helping the cause. Because of the donations received the PC including all the software and a 3 TB backup drive will cost less than $250 to the association.

Our Members are AWESOME!!

Installation Banquet Thursday November 21st 6:00 pm Country Club of Mount Dora Reservation required, $25 pp Installation of 2014 Officers and Directors - Recognition of Outgoing Board Members Recognition of 2013 Builder & Associate of the Year - Recognition of 2013 Committee Chairs

Please RSVP by Monday November 18th For More Information please call 352-343-7101 or Email Admin@LakeSumterHBA.com.


Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

General Membership Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities

Remodelers Council

HBA Member Pricing $175 per Meeting Save $75 off Non-member price 20132013-2014 Available Meeting Dates* General membership meetings begin with networking at 6 PM, followed by dinner and the program. Some meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 2540 Dora January 28, 2014 Avenue, Tavares. Know of a March 25, 2014 good meeting location? April 22, 2014 Please share with us. We like May 27, 2014 to move the meetings around June 24, 2014 to better serve our members, July 22, 2014 make things interesting and August 26, 2014 promote local businesses. Dates are subject to change.

What You Receive as a Meeting Sponsor ∎

Name & logo on front page of newsletter

Name & Logo in an eMember Connection

5 Minutes at the Podium

Your Flyers & Widgets at Meal Tables or Display Table

2 Complimentary Meals

Optional Door Prize Opportunity

Reserve your date now by phone or email to the HBA : 352-343-7101 or Admin@LakeSumterHBA.com Did you know that you can save Thousands of Dollars a year with the FHBA Member Rebate Program? It is easy to Register. Click the Logo to access the page online. Or go to: http://hbarebates.com/fhba.html www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Bill Wilburth (WC Wilburth), Remodelers Council Chair and Jim Rahman (Westmont Construction), Green Building Chair

The October Remodelers Meeting was a good turn out. We had a Representative from Lake County Licensing as well as from Lake Tech. There was a lot of discussions on the future certification classes that really need to be created for our industry. I thank everyone who came and participated in our workshop. Our industry is in need of education in the Construction field. We all agreed that we need to focus further in ways to implement more training in the High School level as well as Lake Tech. We all need to keep our focus on moving forward with more education as good workers are getting harder to find. I also would like to thank Sheri, my wife, with W.C. Wilburth Inc. Construction Services for providing our wonderful lunch from Heavenly Ham. Our November Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13th at the HBA office. We will be discussing further the moves to take on education we discussed last month. I invite everyone to attend and participate in the discussions. This will be a Workshop on Education for our future. Please come and make a difference. We will all benefit in the future from our efforts today. I would love to see our Counties make an impact in Certification and Education making the future work force stronger. We will also be discussing our Nominees for the next year for leadership in the Remodelers Council. Please RSVP to Kelly by November 11th. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all!

Bill Wilburth W.C. Wilburth, Inc., Construction Services Remodelers Council Chair HBA Vice President

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

Lake County Building Permit Report

Lake County Building Permit Report

Data Compiled by Home Builders Weekly

Data Compiled by Home Builders Weekly

September 2013

September 2013

By the Builders Volume (New Homes)

By the City Volume (New Homes)

Pulte Homes Royal Oak Homes Lennar Homes D R Horton Meritage Homes Owner Pulled KB Homes Maronda Homes Plummer Construction American Family Homes Design South Homes Harbor Hills Development Highland Homes IGGY Builders J & J Building LLC Kevco Builders Inc. Sam Sadler Val Coursey Homes

9 8 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1







Mount Dora






Lady Lake






See all Newsletters in

Vibrant FULL COLOR at LakeSumterHBA.com/newsletters.html


Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013


FHBA Fall Conference - Oct 17 - 19, Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay

Governor Rick Scott was the guest speaker at the conference this year.

Leadership Bud Dorman, Bill Wilburth and George Hansford , representing HBALS at the Board Meeting.


Alan Baggett, EO with Okaloosa/Walton showing off his C.E.O. award

Challenges Accomplishment Dedication Teamwork Pride

Builders, Associates, EO’s and Staff having a little fun time on down time‌ What a Crazy bunch!!

FHBA Leadership - Being involved at the state level means working together with members from over 20 other Builders Associations in Florida to obtain a common goal. Nothing compares to Team Building at this level !! www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013


30th Annual October Party

Newest members of the 2014 Board of Directors

The Master and Mistress of Ceremonies, Holly and Andrew Nutt with Holly Homes

The important task of “Counting the Balls”...

And the winner is… The $5,000 Pot was split 4 ways! George Hansford with Prominent Construction had the LAST ball pulled. He has been playing every year since 1989 and won for the first time. Ed Chiverton with BlueLinx won for the second time, he won in 2010 as well. Delton Gingerich with Ace Custom Cabinets and Edgar Zaldana with Natural Stone Installation where also big winners. Congratulations!! www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

MEMBERS IN ACTION Lumber & Commodity News Your Home Builders Association Wood Commodity Index (Index) increased 4.4% to $329.42 per thousand, as slim supply throughout the supply chain kept mills and manufacturers busy. Housing demand is suspect, given the government shutdown problems; the 36,000-decline in building permits in August; and, the lackluster housing start data, which suggests housing starts remain doggedly below one million. Add interest rate concerns, and you have a market that is engulfed in uncertainty. The only reason why the commodity markets are not down further is due to a supply chain that refuses, or cannot load the wagon because cash is king. Inventories in the supply chain are “hand-tomouth” at best, and market volatility is not encouraging risk-taking. The dimensional lumber composite of the Index increased 4.7% to $391.63 per thousand, as most items experienced double digit increases. Items lesser in demand, such as 8’ and 10’ lengths, were flat-to-down; however, popular sizes were up $15-$25. Wide width pines were up $25-$30 while 2x4 treated added almost 11%. All items in the sheathing portion of the Index, but one, increased. CDX plywood was up 4.5% plus while OSB sheathings hovered around the 4.0% increase. It appears mills have done a good job matching production with demand, and limited on-ground inventory by many dealers will keep pricing firm. In other commodities, drywall companies have begun announcing potential 10%-20% increases for 2014 and cement manufacturers are projecting 6%-9% increases with environmental charges on top. Window manufacturers are still in charge as demand is overwhelming supply. So, expect those prices to continue to increase. The new Department of Transportation rules are limiting drivers’ hours, and trucking has become a real issue. Expect logistics to get tougher in both pricing and delivery times. I predict that in 2014 getting special order and custom merchandise on time will probably be one of the biggest problems for most builders. For the next few months, expect pricing to remain firm-to-down depending on the weather and the folks in Washington, D.C. If uncertainty remains in the nation’s capital you can expect to see it in the commodity markets.

Don Magruder

Governmental Affairs (GA) The Lake County BCC approved a 25% School Impact fee for 6 months, then will reevaluate. On Jan 13, 2014 all the impact fees will be back in place. Transportation in South Lake at 70%, North Lake at $13% and Schools throughout the county at 25%. School Board members and County Commissioners have already started discussions with Senator Hays to construct a bill that would give Counties the leeway to increase Doc Stamps to replace impact fees. It appears that several members of both boards understand the damage these fees can do to the building industry. It is exciting to see that they are attempting to work on an alternative means of funding. Our Executive Director spoke on behalf of HBALS at the Legislative Delegation meeting held on October 21st at Lake Sumter State College. The main message was the HBA supports an alternative funding method. Additionally, we provided the legislature statistical data to show the correlation between the employment rate and permits, as well as the obvious difference between the quick Real Estate rebound vs. the slow Building Industry rebound. This will be the discussion to watch over the next few months.

Mike Carter Granger Construction & Development Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Ro-Mac Lumber and Supply Fall Home Show Committee Chairman


License #CBC1252465

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Your Total Contractor Supply Headquarters!



722 Duck Lake Rd. in The Villages 352-748-4575 720 E. Main St. in Leesburg 352-314-0893

700 E. Main St. in Leesburg 352-787-4545

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013


Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Coldwell Banker Camelot Realty / Marilyn Hottle Ph (352) 735-1010 Real Estate Sponsored by Bill Wilburth /


THANK YOU FOR RENEWING 30 - 34 Years Harris Oil & Air Conditioning (30) 20 - 24 Years Herb Smith Construction (24) 15 - 19 Years Al & Sons Millwork, Inc. (16)

Fence It In Kiley & Sons Medallion Home Rick Tanner Builders Spencer D. Davis

10 - 14 Years Goecke Homes, Inc. (10) Heath Construction, Co. (10)

If you know or do work with anyone listed above please give them a call with a little reminder to let them it is time to renew their membership. We are all working together for one purpose and that is the betterment of the construction industry.

SUPERHEROES September Membership Drive

1 - 4 Years Rob’s Septic Tanks, Inc. (1) Roger Stephen Builders, PLLC (2) BlueLinx Corporation (1) Windsor & Son, LLC (1) Izzi Bath & Spa Manufacturing (2) Weathermaster Building Products (1) South Lake Electric & Construction (1) George Nahas Chevrolet (4) Five Star Landscaping & Irrigation, Inc. (2) United Southern Bank Affiliate Jeanne Lazo (1)

Team DC Comics/ Captain Dale Roberts as Superman

Thank You For Your Membership

5 New Members Danny Gaughan - 1 Joe Ziler - 1 Bud Dorman - 2 Bill Wilburth - 1

If you know or do work with someone who is not a member please ask them to join. Let’s build our membership There is strength in numbers

Team Marvel / Captain Andrew Nutt as the Hulk

Members Do Business With Members

4 New Members Andrew Nutt - 2 Paul Swanson - 1 Jeanne Abernathy - 1 Team Invincibles / George Hansford as King George III

23rd Annual Golf Tournament

4 New Members

“Zombies on the Green”

Don Magruder - 3 Susan Adams - 1

Friday, April 25, 2014 Harbor Hills Country Club

Top Recruiter

Get Your Name On The List Now! Call the HBA for all the details

Don Magruder / Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply Free Membership value $440

Congratulations Don! All recruiters received Triple SPIKE Points See page 15 to learn how to become a member of the SPIKE club. www.LakeSumterHBA.com

2014 Eagle Sponsors Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott (BESH) Loretta Maimone, Broker Assoc. with Real Living Good Neighbor Realty Get Ready For a Day of Fun & Networking

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

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November/December 2013

NAHB SPIKE CLUB Statesman George Hansford (2)

Super Carl Ludecke Karen Schroeder

Royal Bud Dorman (6) Craig Hegstrom Clell Coleman Andrew Nutt (5) Don Magruder (5) Paul Fallman


500-999 529.5

250-499 428 409.5

150-249 199.5 199 185 179 167 154.5


Clarence Tibbs Paul Swanson (2) Dale Robert Susan Adams (2)

120 121.5 108.5 106.5



Lee Humphrey Gerry Suarez

Jim Bible Jody Coursey (1) Mike Carter (1) Nancy Hoff Dick Stier

78.5 76 68 55.5 52


CONGRATULATIONS JOE ZILER with Kevco Builders for Earning LIFE SPIKE Below: Susan Adams with Ro-mac Lumber & Supply presented Joe with his SPIKE pin at the 30th Annual October Party.


Rob Granger Joe Ziler (2) Ron Griffith

45.5 35 30.5



Jason Hansford Stephanie Vaughn Loretta Maimone (2) Robert Filebark Allison Garner-Thomas Glenn Phillips Bill Wilburth (4) Bart Lucas Jeanne Abernathy (2) Jimmy Moore

20 16.5 14 13.5 9 8 8 7 7 6

93.5 82.5

Tacks Less than 6 Credits Cynthia Couillard Brad Wanzenberg Jorge Garcia Danny Gaughan (1) Lee Woods (1) Chuck Hiott (1) Chip Gannaway Tom Pfeiffer Jim Rahman Janet Noack Philip Crotwell

4.5 4 3.5 3 3 3 2 2 1.5 1 1

Membership Drive The May September Drives are over but no need to stop recruiting. Let’s DOUBLE our membership by 12/31/13! The Super Heroes theme will carry out through this year. If you want to be a Super Hero call the office and let us know which one and we can add you to the Super Hero Group. Might as well have fun while recruiting.

The Spike Club is an elite group of Association members recognized for outstanding achievement in membership recruitment. Simply put, you become a Spike by recruiting new members. Each new member recruit earns 1 credit towards a Spike. Each member retained earns 1/2 a credit. Each Affiliate member recruit earns a 1/2 credit. Recruiting an NAHB Council Member earns 1/2 a credit and retaining them earns a 1/4 credit. Blue Spike = 6 credits Life Spike = 25 credits Green Spike = 50 credits Red Spike = 100 credits Royal Spike = 150 credits Super Spike = 250 credits Statesman = 500 credits Grand Spike = 1000 Credits All-Time Big Spike = 1500 + Credits Members who have earned less than 6 credits are referred to affectionately as Tacks. (#) = Number of new members for 2013. www.LakeSumterHBA.com

Home Builders Association of Lake-Sumter

Page 15

HBA of Lake -Sumter 1100 N Joanna Av Tavares, FL 32778

Or Current Resident

Pre-Sort Std. US Postage PAID Mid-FL FL Permit # 78112

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