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Vivek Singh: No Holds Barred

Vivek Singh:



How many people think about the struggles a poker player goes through when they book a victory? Flaunting the chinks in one’s armor is not what most players are comfortable doing. Yet here is a player who speaks about his struggles with as much honesty as his victories. The floor is yours, Vivek Singh!

When did you decide on playing poker professionally?

So, poker was always cash games when I started with very small buy-ins. But I was always intrigued; I got hooked to the game between 2011 and 2015. I had a personal setback in life. The plan was to make a comeback to the game with a very professional approach. It wasn’t a bed of roses when I began. I had no direction for two years and was just playing to survive. In these two years I met Vikram Kumar a.k.a ‘Lungi.’ We had a good rapport. He had an idea to start a stable and I was all for it. It was around 2017-18 when ‘Lungi’ guided me to move forward.

Did you tell your family or friends about your

decision to play poker in the beginning?

All my friends knew and all of them have been very supportive throughout. Initially, I hid it from my mother but the rest of the family knew. However, I was not happy doing it without my mother’s consent. One day I sat her down, explained the entire mind-sport to her and she understood. Since then she has been very supportive towards my career. I am very lucky to have such a robust support system back home.

What were the initial days like when you had just ventured into poker?

Initial days were stress free. I played out of pure passion with very little knowledge, just like aspiring players do. I had a very rough start to my tournament career. For almost two years, I didn’t see any monetary rewards. Then came a point where I had to really think about the way forward. I felt that my passion for the game wasn’t enough as the rewards kept avoiding me. I was taught by my mentor Aditya Agarwal to not care much about the results of a game. This changed my outlook completely and since then I have been doing well. ThE STRuGGLES

REaLLY aRE wiThin and

I wanTEd To pRovE iT onLY To MYSELF. ThE aiM waS To bE a bETTER pERSon aLonG

ThE waY.

What was the struggle like when it came to establishing yourself in the Indian poker circuit?

The struggles really are within and I wanted to prove it only to myself. The aim was to be a better person along the way. There are a lot of good players in our field and I did have a hard time winning. But now I look at it as a source of learning as I play tough contenders in the game. I’m more into doing better the next time I am in similar scenarios.

What kept you motivated?

I am always motivated by my fellow grinders who have been there on this journey with me. I had Kumar, Agarwal and Kartik Ved who kept me on my toes at all times. Setting a goal is very important to keep yourself charged up.

How do you deal with the highs and lows in poker?

I have a very controlled emotional approach to the highs and lows as I’ve played so many games through the years. I don’t get very happy when I win a tournament and neither am I too hard on myself when there is a downswing.

One message you would like to share with aspiring poker players?

Set a long term vision, create short term goals, be happy from within. Most importantly, do not attach yourself to outcomes.

From our conversation with this prolific poker player, one can easily deduce that it’s all about hard work. If you are an aspiring poker player, don’t shy away from hurdles or hardships; just remember–nothing is impossible.

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