GUTSHOT March Issue 2021

Page 26




ow many people think about the struggles a poker player goes through when they book a victory? Flaunting the chinks in one’s armor is not what most players are comfortable doing. Yet here is a player who speaks about his struggles with as much honesty as his victories. The floor is yours, Vivek Singh!




When did you decide on playing poker professionally? So, poker was always cash games when I started with very small buy-ins. But I was always intrigued; I got hooked to the game between 2011 and 2015. I had a personal setback in life. The plan was to make a comeback to the game with a very professional approach. It wasn’t a bed


of roses when I began. I had no direction for two years and was just playing to survive. In these two years I met Vikram Kumar a.k.a ‘Lungi.’ We had a good rapport. He had an idea to start a stable and I was all for it. It was around 2017-18 when ‘Lungi’ guided me to move forward. Did you tell your family or friends about your

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