BC's Equine Lifestyle - Spring/Summer 2016

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The Official Member Magazine of Horse Council BC


Spring/Summer 2016 www.hcbc.ca

Equine Lifestyle


BC Heritage Championships

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Equine Lifestyle Spring/Summer 2016

In This Issue 4


is published biannually by


27336 Fraser Hwy., Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5 T: 604-856-4304 | F: 604-856-4302 Toll Free: 1-800-345-8055 www.hcbc.ca

Horse Council BC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President 250-359-7293

CAROLYN FARRIS Treasurer 250-546-6083


SUSAN HARRISON VP Competition 250-416-0094

TERRE O’BRENNAN VP Recreation 604-940-6958

HCBC Affiliate Directory HCBC Club Directory

NEWS 13 2015 HCBC Award Recipients 14 HCBC’s 2016 Horse Sport Symposium With Jec Aristotle Ballou 14 Horse Day 2016 At The PNE! 15 Two Lifetime Memberships Awarded in 2015! 15 Share The Trails Workshop 2016 16 Apply For A 2016 HCBC Scholarship 16 Thank You To Our Partners


Secretary 604-719-1989

VP Membership & Marketing 604-512-4472



VP Education 604-943-8155

5 8


VP Industry 250-747-3700

24 Coaches, Riders, & The Theory Of Kaizen Credit: Cara Grimshaw


President’s Message


Executive Director administration@hcbc.ca ext.1008


Senior Program Director Manager, Industry & Agriculture industry@hcbc.ca ext.1006


Manager, Coaching & Education coaching@hcbc.ca ext.1004


Manager, Competition & Sport competition@hcbc.ca ext.1005


Membership Coordinator membership@hcbc.ca ext. 1002

AYNSLEY CAIRNS Marketing & Communications Coordinator



LYNDA ECKSTEIN Reception reception@hcbc.ca ext. 1001

18 Participation & Travel Funding Available In 2016

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT 19 Vaulting: Taking Equestrian Skills To New Heights!



Recreation Coordinator recreation@hcbc.ca ext.1009

Copyright, including electronic, belongs to HCBC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Articles and letters are welcome from members, but must be signed and include a phone number. The publisher reserves the right to revise all material accepted for publication, including articles, columns, photographs, images, and advertisements.

UPCOMING PUBLICATION DATES Fall/Winter 2016 | October 2016 Spring/Summer 2017 | April 2017

25 BC Heritage Circuit & Championships - What’s New for 2016! 25 Exciting Changes For The 2016 Heritage Championships 26 Have You Declared For The BC Summer Games In Abbotsford Yet?


LYNN WALLDEN Finance & Grants finance@hcbc.ca ext. 1007


21 22 23 23

Horse Rescue Training In BC Gets A Pony Name The Horse Contest! 2016 Census of Agriculture Is On The Horizon Biosecurity: Why Is It So Important?

TRAILS & RECREATION 27 Protect Your Trails About The Cover: Meet Norseman! Norseman is owned by Esmee Ingham of Langley, BC. HCBC is honoured to be presenting him with the 2015 HCBC Horse of the Year - NonCompetitive Award later this year.

www.hcbc.ca | 3

President’sMessage The signs, sounds and smells of spring are in the air and on the ground the grass is starting to grow and trees are budding (at least where I live in the Kootenays), I know everything is in full bloom on the coast and Islands but for many of us it seems like spring comes too slowly, only when the clocks change and we get the extra hour of light in the evening do things improve and it makes a huge difference to ones’ feeling of wellbeing. With Spring comes feisty, shedding horses and ponies and that are also happy to see longer, warmer days. I guess we all look forward to the upcoming riding/driving/equine activity related season.

As President of Horse Council I have spent my winter working on a wide variety of items. It started with a social media frenzy concerning insurance and we learned that the average person does not understand how insurance policies work or who is responsible for what. Our aim this year is to improve this understanding and yes, we are currently reviewing the insurance program that is offered as part of your membership package. Then on a lighter, more pleasant note, my daughter and I visited George Bloor at his indoor arena and barn in Fruitvale (near Trail) and presented a very humble and grateful man with his “Life Time Membership Award”. George told us that he was actually member #1, while Sherman Olson became the first President of Horse Council BC. (There is a picture of the presentation in the Zone 1 report.) Zone AGMs took place during January and February. There are 8 Recreational/Sport Zones across the Province and each Zone has two Director positions. These are elected on alternate years. This year Horse Council initiated a new format for the election of Zone Directors in five Zones with the intent of providing Horse Council members greater opportunity to apply for a Director position. The call for Directors was sent to all members prior to their Zone meetings. Five Zones then held their AGM’s via conference call or a combination of call and face to face meeting. One Zone had multiple applicants and voting was done via email, which resulted in 60 plus members voting! This is a larger number than usually seen at face to face meetings held in one location as has been the norm. Lisa Laycock and I attended the AGM calls in all 5 Zones and other than a few technical difficulties things seemed to go smoothly. The other 3 Zones held traditional face to face/single location AGM meetings where attendance varied, as it did on the conference calls. At the Board Meeting in November we passed out a survey with questions aimed at discovering how Directors felt they were doing in their jobs as Directors and how well we are doing at helping Directors in their positions. It appears that Affiliate Directors may be slightly more aware than the Zone Directors of how to be effective in meetings and of their roles and responsibilities. Overall, it seems that our Directors are fairly comfortable in their positions with Horse Council. However, we do have several Zones with only one Director at this time so if you are interested in getting more involved with your organization, 4 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

please get in touch with either Lisa or myself. We are always available if you have suggestions, questions or concerns about being a Director or any other Horse Council business. After a summer of forest fires, evacuations and destruction the winter has followed with a rash of barn fires across Canada. We should all take them as a wakeup call and take the time to check things in our stables and barns. Several helpful publications are available on the Horse Council web site these include a “Barn Safety Check List”, “Fire Safety for your Barn”, and “Disaster Preparedness Guidelines for Horse Owners”, as well as a short video which can be viewed online. Let’s hope for a quiet summer, but make sure we are prepared for most eventualities. That outlines some of the topics that I have been involved with over the past few months. There have been many hours on the phone and time spent on my duties as your President and as a Director on the Board of Equine Canada (a position that is related to my position with Horse Council). I am also a member of the EC Provinces Committee which is composed of all 11 PTSO Presidents and senior staff. As part of the Provinces Committee, Lisa and I have worked to ensure that BC has excellent representation on various Equine Canada committees as our National Organization goes through some major changes to its operations. Our thanks go out to several Horse Council members who have stepped up to these committee challenges. On March 10, Susan Thompson and Lisa Laycock had the pleasure of attending the annual Sport BC Awards, where Susan presented Maureen Walters with the HCBC President’s award for her volunteer work in equestrian sport. It sounds like it was a great evening celebrating the best in Sport in BC. Congratulations Maureen, you are certainly deserving of this award and recognition. Thank you Susan for making the presentation on behalf of Horse Council. As always, thanks to all the Horse Council staff, you are all really professional and friendly and you definitely take your jobs very seriously. Thanks also to you, the Board, the Executive, and the members! Without you we would not have a Horse Council with which to serve the equine community. Have a great riding/driving/equine activity filled season!

Liz Saunders HCBC President


HCBC Club & Affiliate Directory HCBC AFFILIATES

BC 4-H PROVINCIAL COUNCIL www.bc4h.bc.ca Agassiz Rainbow 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Beatton Community 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Beaverly 4-H Club beaverly4-h@hotmail.com Blue Mountain 4-H Club egulbranson9@gmail.com Boots N Bridles 4-H Club chara_4@hotmail.com Boundry C 4-H Club jennifer.macdonald@sd51.bc.ca Chilliwack 4H Horse Club kteschke@nicbc.ca Coombs Country 4H Horse Club johnandlindah@gmail.com Cowichan Horse 4-H Club clarify4me@hotmail.com Creston Valley 4H Horse Club patriciahayes@shaw.ca Double L 4-H Club dlhigg@telus.net Fort St James 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Fraser Valley Footprints 4-H Club heatherschmidt91@gmail.com Gabriola 4-H Club s_boulton@shaw.ca Glen Valley 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Hoof ‘N Boots 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Hooves and Hands Haines Junction 4-H Club claudia@northwestel.net Hooves and Hounds 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Kelowna HoofBeats 4-H Club horsesonhuckleberry@hotmail.com Mid Valley 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca North Valley 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Northwest 4-H Club joycefoxcroft@hotmail.com Penticton Trail Breakers 4-H Club alex.macrae451@gmail.com

Prairie Trotters Horse,Hound & Busy Hands 4-H Club wenmolhle@yahoo.com Quick Community 4-H Club pauladieleman@gmail.com Rodeo Rednecks 4-H Club daninoble1@gmail.com Rose Lake/Miocene 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Rusty Spurs Horse 4-H Club marcyneudorf@shaw.ca Saanich Horse 4-H Club arlenejones@shaw.ca Saddle Champs 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Salmon Valley Trail Dusters 4-H akkaclark@yahoo.ca South Country Craft and Critters 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca South Valley Silver Spurs 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Spirit Riders Horse 4-H Club ghstables@northwestel.net Squamish Community 4_H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Topley 4-H Club rjdieleman@yahoo.ca Twin River Riders 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Valley Lopers 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca Vernon Young Riders 4-H Club lkotz@shaw.ca Watson Lake Multi 4-H Club manager@bc4h.bc.ca

BACK COUNTRY HORSEMEN SOCIETY OF BC www.bchorsemen.org Alberni Valley Back Country Horsemen ericablake@shaw.ca Aldergrove Back Country Horsemen bharder@usw.ca East Kootenay Back Country Horsemen bmarriott65@gmail.com Kamloops Back Country Horsemen pjohannson@telus.net Kootenay Boundary Back Country Horsemen ricof@fdirect.ca Merritt Back Country Horsemen kellybrookallen@hotmail.com www.hcbc.ca | 5

DIRECTORIES North Cariboo Back Country Horsemen rob@mnrfarms.com North Okanagan Back Country Horsemen darcyandclare@gmail.com North Thompson Back Country Horsemen norm@owspower.ca Northwest Back Country Horsemen kkennedy@bulkley.net Okanagan Back Country Horsemen chikijacques@shaw.ca Pemberton Back Country Horsemen sor_si_air@information.ch Powell River Back Country Horsemen cabraun@shaw.ca Robson Valley Back Country Horsemen hbwally@gmail.com Shuswap Back Country Horsemen lindaturtlevalley@gmail.com Skeena Stikine Back Country Horsemen r.rennison@hotmail.com South Cariboo Back Country Horsemen jeastwood@finning.ca Vancouver Island Central Back Country Horsemen neseeka@shaw.ca Vancouver Island North Back Country Horsemen oneonone@telus.net Vancouver Island South Back Country Horsemen rondahittinger@shaw.ca Vermillion Forks Back Country Horsemen jimmccrae1@gmail.com Yarrow Back Country Horsemen hawkeye2@telus.net BC HUNTER JUMPER ASSOCIATION www.bchja.com BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY www.bccarriagedriving.com BC Carriage Driving Fraser Valley Chapter audmacd@shaw.ca BC Carriage Driving Vancouver Island tinatrotter@hotmail.com Cariboo Trails Carriage Driving Club huberx3@telus.net Kootenay Carriage Driving Club mnasmyth@shaw.ca North East Interior Carriage Driving Club applejackranch@hotmail.com North West Interior Carriage Driving Club emarrochi@hotmail.com Okanagan Carriage Driving Club spurvalleyranch@hotmail.ca BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION www.bcqha.com Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association pia.petersen@aurelsystems.com 6 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

South Central Quarter Horse Association cfarris@telus.net Vancouver Island Quarter Horse Association info@firstplaceshows.com BC THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOCIATION www.vcn.bc.ca/bctra/ Balance Equestrian Center wandagust@hotmail.com Cariboo Hoofbeats Assisted Activity Program (chaaps) www.chaaps.ca Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association www.ctra.net Creston & District Society For Commmunity Living Therapuetic www.cdscl.com/trp.htm Errington Therapeutic Riding Association www.etra.ca Golden Maples Farm goldenmaplesfarm@shaw.ca North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association www.nftra.ca North Okanagan Therapeutic Riding Association www.notra.info Northwest Therapeutic Equestrian Association www.nwtea.com Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities (PRDA) Langley www.prda.ca Pony Pals Therapeutic Riding Association www.ponypalsstables.com/therapeutic-riding Saltspring Island Therapeutic Riding Association www.sstra.ca Therapeutic Riding on the Sunshine Coast (TROTSC) www.trotsc.com Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association www.vtea.ca Victoria Therapeutic Riding www.vtra.ca CANADIAN PONY CLUB BC DIVISION www.canadianponyclub.org BC Island Alberni Valley Pony Club dj_yeha@hotmail.com BC Island Comox Valley Pony Club penny@wavecoaching.ca BC Island Greater Victoria Pony Club hilaryharrisk@gmail.com BC Islands Campbell River Pony Club shannonbuck@shaw.ca BC Islands Cowichan Valley Pony Club tarka@shaw.ca BC Islands P’s & Q’s Pony Club cannedempster@gmail.com BC Islands Salt Spring Island Pony Club sclarkson4@icloud.com BCIN Armstrong Pony Club akorberg@hotmail.com BCIN Kelowna Pony Club sharonwal-ters04@gmail.com

DIRECTORIES BCIN Lakes District Pony Club aimee.ancheta@zayac.org BCIN North Thompson Pony Club meadford@telus.net BCIN Omineca Pony Club bobi@telus.net BCIN Penticton Pony Club ktreader@hotmail.com BCIN Shuswap Pony Club juliebose123@gmail.com BCIN South Thompson Pony Club letterg@telus.net BCIN Terrace Pony Club knernes1@hotmail.com BCIN Thompson Valley Pony Club pamketter@gmail.com BCIN Vernon & District Pony Club hamfarm6@gmail.com BCIN West Kootenay Pony Club athomson9@shaw.ca BCLM Alouette Pony Club alouetteponyclub@gmail.com BCLM Boundary Bay Pony Club kkurta@journeyfreight.com BCLM Burnaby Lake Pony Club bluewater@telus.net BCLM Campbell Valley Pony Club joan_e_t@yahoo.com BCLM East Maple Ridge Pony Club eastmapleridgepc@gmail.com BCLM Glen Valley Pony Club marta_m@telus.net BCLM Golden Ears Pony Club thewahlfamily@yahoo.com BCLM Hazelmere Pony Club mdedrick@telus.net BCLM Langley Pony Club lisa_george@telus.net BCLM Mission Hills Pony Club tracy@techbits.ca BCLM Mount Cheam Pony Club go_event@smartt.com BCLM Richmond Pony Club cjrichardson@stiffbunnies.com BCLM Vancouver Pony Club hemming@pobox.com

EQUESTRIAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION OF BC www.vaultcanada.org/EVABC Airborn Vaulters www.allinclusivehorsemanship.com Freedom Acrobatics www.freedomacrobatics.com Fusion Vaulters jessicachurch@gmail.com Kaskati Vaulters studiodani@gmail.com Koot-Neigh Vaulters www.kootneigh.com Manestream Vaulters www.manestreamvaulters.com NorthLight Vaulters www.letsvault.com Triple M Vaulters triplemfarms@shaw.ca Valley Vaulters cvtrs@telus.net West Coast Vaulters www.westcoastvaulters.com HARNESS RACING SOCIETY OF BC www.harnessracingbc.com HORSE TRIALS BC www.horsetrialsbc.com


www.hcbc.ca | 7


HCBC CLUBS 100 Mile & District Outriders Club 100 Mile House, BC www.100mileoutriders.com


Agriplex Riders Club Prince George, BC andacres@telus.net Alex Fraser Park Society Quesnel, BC www.alexfraserpark.com American Saddlebred Horse Association Of BC Aldergrove, BC Armstrong Enderby Riding Club Armstrong, BC armstrongenderbyridingclub.com


Baker Creek Gymkhana Club Baker Creek, BC pawandhoof2000@yahoo.ca Barnhartvale Horse & Hiker Trail Preservation Society Kamloops, BC yvonneprokopetz@gmail.com Barriere & District Riding Club Barriere, BC www.barrieredistrictridingclub.com BBQ Ranchers Community Club Wardner, BC cgkelly@hotmail.com BC Competitive Trail Riders Association Nanaimo, BC www.bcctra.ca BC Cutting Horse Association Kamloops, BC www.bccha.ca BC Interior Arabian Horse Association Salmon Arm, BC www.bciaha.com BC Interior Hunter Jumper Association Prince George, BC bcihjaoffice@gmail.com BC Ranch Cutting Horse Association Langley, BC www.bcrcha.com BC Standardbred Horse Adoption Society Langley, BC parts@cdnairparts.com 8 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

BC Team Cattle Penning Association Maple Ridge, BC www.bctcpa.com BC Team Roping Association 100 Mile House, BC www.ropebc.org BC Young Riders Dressage Program Port Coquitlam, BC www.bcyoungriders.com Bit-A-Bling Grand Entry Vancouver, BC www.bitabling.com Borsos Torzs Horse Archery Club Pemberton, BC www.horsebackarchery.ca Bouchie Lake Gymkhana Club 2 Quesnel, BC dmorley@netbistro.com Boundary Horse Association Grand Forks, BC kmespenhain@telus.net Bowen Island Horse Owners And Riders Association Bowen Island, BC www.bihora.org British Columbia Interior Morgan Horse Club Kamloops, BC www.bcimhc.com British Columbia Miniature Horse Club Lindell Beach, BC miniaturehorsesbc.com Burnaby Horsemen’s Association Burnaby, BC www.burnabyhorsemensassociation.ca


Cadora British Columbia Association Nanaimo, BC www.cadorabc.com Campbell Valley Equestrian Society Langley, BC www.cves.ca Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society Langley, BC www.chhaps.org Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association BC Kelowna, BC www.canadianwarmbloods.com Cariboo Draft Horse & Driving Club 150 Mile House, BC

DIRECTORIES Cedar Horse Club Ladysmith, BC cedar_horseclub@yahoo.com

Fraser Valley Equestrian Society Chilliwack, BC www.fraservalleyequestrians.com

Chetwynd Gymkhana Club Chetwynd, BC wphol@mail.sd59.bc.ca

Fraser Valley Hunt Society Aldergrove, BC www.fraservalleyhunt.com

Chilliwack Riding Club Chilliwack, BC www.chilliwackridingclub.com Circle F Horse Rescue Society Abbotsford, BC www.circlef.ca Country Dressage Langley, BC cassabyrne@shaw.ca Courtenay Cadora Merville, BC www.courtenaycadora.com Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association of BC Wynndel, BC info@cmsabc.ca Cowichan District Riding Club Duncan, BC www.showpen.com/cdrc Creston Valley Horse Association Creston, BC www.crestonvalleyhorseassociation.org


Dawson Creek & District Stables & Arena Association Dawson Creek, BC dcdsaa@gmail.com Delta Riding Club Delta, BC deltaridingclub@gmail.com Denman/Hornby Island Equines Association Denman Island, BC kjwithmr@interbaun.com Doe River Gymkhana Club Dawson Creek, BC doerivergymkhanaclub@yahoo.ca


Elk-Beaver Lake Equestrian Society Victoria, BC beacton@shaw.ca


Fraser Lake Saddle Club Fraser Lake, BC


Garden City Horsemen’s Club Mill Bay, BC www.gchc.info Garnett Valley Gang Kelowna, BC mexicaliboots@gmail.com Git Along Horse Club Charlie Lake, BC www.gitalonghorseclub.com Git Er Done Gymkhana Club Pritchard, BC www.giterdonegymkhanaclub.com


Haney Horsemen Association Maple Ridge, BC www.haneyhorsemen.ca Highlands Horse Club Victoria, BC jwbizjan@gmail.com Hope for Horses Qualicum Beach, BC www.islandequineaffair.ca Horse Association of Central Kootenay Crescent Valley, BC mpmalekow@shaw.ca Horse Protection Society of BC Langley, BC www.horseprotectionsocietyofbc.com


Inland Draft & Teamsters Association Armstrong, BC marg.sidney@gmail.com Interior Cutting Horse Association Knutsford, BC www.ichacutting.com Island Barrel Racing Errington, BC islandbarrelracing.web.com


Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association Kamloops, BC www.ktrahome.ca www.hcbc.ca | 9

DIRECTORIES Kelowna Gymkhana Club Kelowna, BC www.kelownagymkhana.com

NCBC CADORA Prince George, BC m.dreise1@gmail.com

Kelowna Riding Club Kelowna, BC shantimclean@hotmail.com

Nelson & District Riding Club Nelson, BC www.nelsonridingclub.com


Lakes Community Horse Club Prince George, BC mirawarrington555@hotmail.com Lakes District Cattle Penning Association Burns Lake, BC aprilbaker_15@hotmail.com Langley Horse and Farm Federation Langley, BC www.langleyhorsefederation.ca Langley Riders Society Langley, BC www.langleyriders.com Lower Island Equestrian Club Victoria, BC www.liec.ca Lower Mainland Ranch Sorting Association Chilliwack, BC www.lowermainlandranchsorting.com Luxton Equestrian Association Victoria, BC luxtoneatreasurer@gmail.com


Maverick Riding Club Cranbrook, BC mikeandtracy3@shaw.ca Metchosin Equestrian Society Victoria, BC sandy-ronjenkins@shaw.ca Mid Island Cadora Nanaimo, BC www.midislandcadora.com Mile Zero Roping Club Dawson Creek, BC jackieleask@xplornet.ca Mission Horse Club Mission, BC www.missionhorseclub.com


Nanaimo Equestrian Association Nanaimo, BC www.nanaimoequestrians.com 10 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

New Stride Thoroughbred Adoption Society Abbotsford, BC www.newstride.com Nicola Valley Riding Club Merritt, BC esperanza_h2001@hotmail.com North Cariboo Draft Horse and Mule Association Quesnel, BC joan_geo_mcnaug@shaw.ca North Cariboo Gymkhana Society Quesnel, BC lindsay-brunt@hotmail.com North Okanagan Rodeo Club Armstrong, BC amandafitchett101@gmail.com North Peace Light Horse Association Fort St. John, BC www.nplha.ca North Peace Ride For The Disabled Fort St. John, BC efcalder@shaw.ca North Vancouver Island Horse Association Courtenay, BC www.nviha.ca Northern Horse And Mule Harness Association Fort St. John, BC deabarker@hotmail.com Northern Saddle Club Smithers, BC www.northernsaddleclub.com


Oceanside Hunter Jumpers Association Parksville, BC www.oceansidehunterjumpers.com Okanagan Miniature Horse Club Vernon, BC allylebel@hotmail.com Old Friends Canada Society Lake Country, BC oldfriendscanada.org



Pacific Coast Team Penners Association Maple Ridge, BC theledgers@shaw.ca Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities (PRDA) Chilliwack Chilliwack, BC www.prda.ca Panorama Ridge Riding Club Surrey, BC www.prrc.org Pass Creek Regional Exhibition Society Robson, BC www.passcreekfair.com Peace Country Horse & Rider Association Taylor, BC www.pchra.net Peace River Cutting Horse Association Fort St. John, BC www.northernhorse.com/prcha Peachland Riding Club Peachland, BC www.peachlandridingclub.com Pemberton Valley Trails Association Mount Currie, BC sors_si_air@infomaniak.ch Pinantan Equestrian Club Pinantan Lake, BC harlycat@shaw.ca Pine Tree Riding Club Kamloops, BC www.pinetreeridingclub.com Pineridge Roping Club Kimberley, BC kandyayl@hotmail.com Pipsqueak Paddocks Miniature Horse Haven Society Chilliwack, BC www.pipsqueakpaddocks.com Pleasant Valley Horse Club Telkwa, BC noko@live.ca Powell River Therapeutic Riding Association Powell River, BC prtra@shawbiz.ca Powell River Trail Riders Club Powell River, BC brendajclarke@telus.net Prince George Horse Society Prince George, BC www.pghorsesociety.com

Prince George Rodeo Association Prince George, BC www.pgra-bc.com Prince George Therapeutic Riding Prince George, BC bkbw01@telus.net


Quesnel & District Riding Club Quesnel, BC schliep@telus.net Quesnel Barrel Racers Association Quesnel, BC kschisler@telus.net


Reinforest Riders Port McNeill, BC engel7@telus.net Richmond Therapeutic Riding Association Richmond, BC www.richmondtherapeuticriding.com


Salmon Valley Gymkhana Club Prince George, BC shazb_ah@hotmail.com Selkirk Saddle Club Revelstoke, BC www.selkirksaddleclub.ca Silver Spur Riding Club Errington, BC www.silverspurridingclub.org Slocan Valley Outriders Association Slocan, BC cutcard1@telus.net Smithers Rodeo Club Smithers, BC jmcclary@uniserve.com Sointula Horse Club Sointula, BC slansdowne@hotmail.com Sooke Saddle Club Sooke, BC noracj@telus.net South Country Cowboys Association Jaffray, BC js_enviro@yahoo.ca Southern Interior Dressage Association Salmon Arm, BC lacres1@telus.net www.hcbc.ca | 11

DIRECTORIES Southlands Riding Club Vancouver, BC www.southlandsridingclub.com

Vancouver Island Appaloosa Horse Club Victoria, BC www.viaphc.webs.com

Southlands Therapeutic Riding Society Vancouver, BC stars@ponies.ca

Vancouver Island Arabian Horse Association Nanaimo, BC www.viarabianhorse.com

Squamish Equestrian Gymkhana Club Garibaldi Highlands, BC hunter.kerri@yahoo.com

Vancouver Island Hunter Jumper Association Saanich, BC www.vihja.ca

Squamish Valley Equestrian Association Squamish, BC www.svea.com

Vernon District Riding Club Vernon, BC fullthrottle-equestrian@hotmail.com

Summerland Rodeo Grounds Equine Development Committee Summerland, BC srgedc@hotmail.com

Victoria Polo Club Brentwood Bay, BC www.victoriapolo.com

Sunshine Bay Riding Club Nelson, BC sbrc2013@hotmail.com Sunshine Coast Equestrian Club Roberts Creek, BC scec_entries@hotmail.com


Tabor Mountain Recreation Society Prince George, BC www.tabormountainrecreation.ca The Great Cariboo Ride Society 108 Mile Ranch, BC www.greatcaribooride.com Timberline Riders Gymkhana Club Prince George, BC timberlineriders.org Tiny Tales Pony Rescue Society Delta, BC www.ponyrescue.org Totem Saddle Club Terrace, BC www.totemsaddleclub.com Trail Horsemen’s Society Rossland, BC mhinchcliffe@xplornet.com Tweedsmuir Cavaliers Saddle Club Burns Lake, BC tcsaddleclub.webs.com


Valley Riders - Sparwood Society Sparwood, BC www.valleyriders.webstarts.com 12 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

Victoria Saanich Cadora Saanich, BC www.vscadora.com Vimy Western Riding Club Duncan, BC vimyclub@gmail.com Vintage Riders Equestrian Club Fort Langley, BC www.vintage-equestrian.ca


Wells Gray Riders Association Clearwater, BC ellycowgirl@hotmail.ca West Coast Thunder Drill Team Abbotsford, BC www.westcoastthunderdrill.com


Zajac Ranch For Children Vancouver, BC www.zajacranch.com


5 1 20 HCBC Award Recipients

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL 2015 AWARD RECIPIENTS! Sherman Olson Lifetime Achievement Award Borge Olsen Coach of the Year Jessie Blackmon Horse Industry Professional of the Year Noel Asmar of Asmar Equestrian Junior Athlete of the Year Natalie Alves Horse of the Year - Competitive Wallabee owned by Jolene Benham Horse of the Year - Non-Competitive Norseman owned by Esmee Ingham Congratulations to the worthy recipients of the Horse Council BC’s 2015 Awards! Each award winner will receive their award at an event of their own choosing throughout 2016.

the past year and who have made a positive impact on the community as a whole. Each award recipient was nominated by two or more other Horse Council BC members for an award.

Horse Council BC’s annual awards serve to honour outstanding achievement within BC’s equestrian community. These awards acknowledge those who have stood out from the crowd over

As of April 1st, 2016 HCBC has awarded one of the seven awards.Two will be awarded in May and the remaining three will be awarded in the Summer at various events. www.hcbc.ca | 13


HCBC’s 2016 Horse Sport Symposium With Jec Aristotle Ballou

Credit: Cara Grimshaw

Sport Symposium has proved to be a popular event, bringing people from across British Columbia and even across the border from the USA to attend. This year Jec Aristotle Ballou was the clinician, bringing her wealth of knowledge about classical dressage, jumping, and western dressage training exercises.

The HCBC Horse Sport Symposium was brought back to Thunderbird Show Park in Langley, BC on February 6th & 7th to an eager crowd of riding enthusiasts. The annual Horse

We can’t wait for August! Horse Day is back at the Fair at the PNE! Come to the Agrodome on Saturday, August 27th to visit the horses and watch the Horse Day Extravaganza! Our familyfriendly event is intended to show those new to horses that there’s lots to choose from when it comes to horse activities. Bring your non-horsey friends to see all the different clubs who are filling the barns with horses and booths and maybe you’ll end up with a new riding buddy! 14 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

Horses of varying disciplines were put through their paces doing lots of trot poles and cavaletti work in combination with classical exercises to increase balance and to encourage the proper use of muscle groups. Jec also showed some bodywork movements for horse owners to do with their horses to help release tension and assist with nerve connection. Results happened in real time as the audience was able to see riders and horses improve and correct errors right before their eyes. The audience definitely appreciated the symposium format and was encouraged to participate through asking lots of questions during the two day symposium. Jec’s books are available to purchase through HCBC, visit: store.hcbc.ca to order online.

Horse Day has been held annually since 2002 as ‘Horse Week;’ a full week celebrating the horse with events happening all over the province. The goal of Horse Day is to share the enjoyment of horses with the public and introduce newcomers to the beauty of favourite horse breeds and the fun of equestrian activities. Horse Council BC encourages its members to hold events during Horse Day and invite the public to come watch these events and activities — and to meet the horses!


2 Lifetime Memberships Awarded in 2015! George Bloor was a pioneer in the BC horse industry and is still involved with horses today in the interior of BC. He is a mentor to many BC riders and trainers and an all around great horseman. While presenting George with the award we learned that his original HCBC Membership number was in fact 1. George was HCBC’s very first member 36 years ago when HCBC got it’s start (with George’s help of course!). The Honourary Lifetime Membership Award is not something HCBC gives out on a regular basis. In fact, only five other people have ever been awarded with the same honours throughout the whole of HCBC’s history. Dorothy and George join the ranks of Bill Archibald, June Lalonde, Alf Fletcher, Danny Bland and Sherman Olson.

Dorothy Kirby from Nanaimo, BC and George Bloor from Trail, BC were awarded with Honourary Lifetime HCBC Memberships in December 2015. There are few who have worked for as long and with as much passion for the vocation of teaching as Dorothy Kirby has. As a coach, Pony Club examiner, and tireless volunteer at the provincial and national levels, Dorothy has always believed in the importance of good coaching. She has spent decades advocating for programs like Pony Club and the Canadian coaching system. Dorothy continues to coach a few lucky students, and while her schedule may be a little less hectic, her commitment to good horsemanship and to the organizations she has helped to mold remains as strong as ever.

An Honourary Lifetime HCBC Membership may be granted by the HCBC Board of Directors, at their discretion, to any HCBC member who has demonstrated exceptionally outstanding service to HCBC and the BC equine community. The nomination criteria is tough and requires a majority vote (minimum 75%) of the HCBC Board of Directors present at a meeting to grant it. Any individual or club/affiliate of HCBC is entitled to nominate a candidate for “Honourary Lifetime Membership” at any time throughout the year. The award consists of a lifetime regular membership to HCBC. Nominations must be made in writing and sent to administration@hcbc.ca.

Share The Trails Workshop 2016 The 2016 Share the Trails Workshop celebrates the 5th year Horse Council has successfully gathered people together to talk about the different issues trail users, builders, and managers experience every day. To celebrate, we’ve gone back to the beginning and have focused this workshop on sharing the trails. Taking place in the lovely Salmon Arm area, topics include avoiding conflict and resolving disputes, working with First Nations groups, and discussions surrounding the

experiences and success of three different trail groups across BC.

We are excited to announce that Backroad Mapbooks is the lunchtime sponsor of this years’ workshop. Together, with the continued financial partnership of the Outdoor Recreation Council BC, and local planning assistance by area host Shuswap Trail Alliance, this promises to be the best workshop so far. Keep checking our website, newsletters, and social media for information and updates about the workshop.

Share the

Trails www.hcbc.ca | 15


Apply For A 2016HCBC Scholarship! Let HCBC help you further your education!

HCBC has up to five $1000.00 scholarships available to Horse Council BC members in good standing, who are a BC graduate from grade 12 and entering into a accredited College or University Study program.

CRITERIA • Recipient must be a Horse Council BC member in good standing for at least two years prior to High School graduation or Scholarship application. • Recipient must be a Graduate from a BC High School and be a resident of BC. • Home Study, Home Schooling, or online programs do not qualify for this scholarship.

CONSIDERATIONS • Volunteer hours at equestrian events and within their community. • Past or current participant in the HCBC High School Recognition Program. • Academic excellence, minimum B average on transcript. • Participation experience at Equestrian events.

• Proven leadership, sportsmanship and contribution to equestrian sport. • Equine or agricultural studies may be given preference. • Essay.

APPLICATION PROCESS • Application deadline is June 30th 2016. • Applications must include a copy of the students interim transcript. • Applications must include confirmation of intent to enroll in a Post Secondary Program at a college or university. • Application must include an essay that will reflect the student’s eligibility for this scholarship and outline their post secondary plans. Please tell the scholarship committee why you feel you are a good candidate for the scholarship and outline your contributions to the sport and your community. • Application must include proof of volunteering. Learn more about the HCBC Scholarship program and download the application form online at: www.hcbc.ca/index.php/programseducation/programs/postsecondary-scholarship-program/

Thank You GOLD

To Our Partners SILVER


Horse Council BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. 16 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015












Participation & Travel Funding Available in 2016 PARTICIPATION GRANTS

This program was created to encourage clubs to hold events that attract new participants to horses, clubs, riding and Equestrian Sport. For 2016, Athlete Development has been added as an additional focus for clubs holding clinics that offer athlete development and skill improvement for events such as BC Summer Games, Heritage Championships and the Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships (on hiatus in 2016). Successful 2016 applications will be from HCBC Member Clubs holding events that are open to nonclub members, increase participation and new membership for their club as well as those for athlete development. HCBC will administer grants until the funding is exhausted for 2016.

WHO CAN APPLY? Grants are available to current HCBC Clubs who are organizing and running the event. Clinics organized by individual HCBC members do not qualify.


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$250 - $500 per event (two events per calendar year per club maximum) until funding is exhausted. Grant amounts will be based on geographic location with clubs 200 km’s or more outside of the Lower Mainland receiving up to the maximum of $500 per clinic.


Through the BC Ferries Sport Experience Program, BC Ferries and viaSport provide travel support to eligible not-for-profit sport organizations and athletes. Vouchers may be used by athletes traveling to compete in international events, national championships, western Canadian championships, provincial championships or selection camps (does not include pre-season, tournaments, regular season league or event play). Eligible applicants may apply for up to 2 one-way passenger vouchers per eligible traveler.

WHO CAN APPLY? Applications may be submitted, individually or for a group, by the following: • • •

EVENT SCOPE • • • • • • • •

Events directed primarily at rider development (ie: BC Heritage, BC Summer Games, General Performance, and Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships). Events directed at recreational rider participation also qualify. Grants will not be accepted for competitions. Events should be open to all youth and adult riders or participants. “Horse training” clinics do not qualify. Grant money is given to subsidize clinic costs paid by the Club. Participants must be HCBC members or become members due to their attendance at the event. Grant funds must be applied for and approved before the event.

18 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

Athletes aged 18 years and younger, or someone representing the athlete (e.g. parent, guardian, coach), Not-for-profit provincial sport organizations, Not-for-profit local sport organizations, clubs and associations that are: • A member in good standing of an appropriate provincial sport organization OR working in partnership with an appropriate provincial organization; and • Demonstrate inclusive and equitable practices that maximize sport, recreation, physical activity and leadership opportunities in the community, Coaches or officials traveling to a recognized certification or professional development opportunity.

IMPORTANT: Applications for ferry vouchers must be received 12 business days before first day of travel in order to be considered for the grant.

WHERE TO APPLY FOR BOTH FUNDING PROGRAMS You can find out more information about both programs and get the application forms online at www.hcbc.ca then to Membership->Funding for HCBC Members.



Taking Equestrian Skill To New Heights

Article by Barb Schmidt

If you love horses, have a passion for gymnastics and enjoy the thrill of acrobatics, then the sport of equestrian vaulting might be for you. One of the oldest equestrian disciplines, vaulting has seen a surge in popularity since the mid-1900s when the sport reemerged in Europe and eventually found its way to Canada. It is most often described as gymnastics, dance and acrobatics on a moving horse and its appeal has led to the development of vaulting clubs in most regions of BC. It is one of the 10 disciplines recognized by the International Equestrian Federation and is part of the World Equestrian Games. Vaulting is believed to have originated in the Greek and Roman eras when mounted soldiers, in full body armor, performed intricate makeovers on the back of charging horses as preparation for battle. As our means of warfare became more sophisticated, vaulting moved from the arena into the gymnasium. Those vault boxes and pommel horses seen in many gymnastics programs are testimony to that sport’s equestrian roots. Vaulting largely disappeared as an equestrian sport after the Renaissance, only to reemerge in Europe as a youth sport in the 1950’s. Its popularity, especially in Germany, led to it becoming one of the fastest growing youth sports in Europe. Many European riding schools began offering classes to young aspiring riders. Even today many European coaches insist

that youngsters (and even oldsters) learn to vault before being allowed to take the reins in a riding lesson. Vaulting soon found its way to Canada led primarily by European coaches who immigrated here and brought the sport with them. Lessons were often integrated into Pony Club programs. In the early 1970’s Borge Olsen of Chilliwack founded the Equestrian Vaulting Association of BC, recognizing that enthusiasts of the sport needed to work together to build a solid foundation of coaching and competitive programs. BC became the first province in Canada to develop a coaching certification program, official vaulting rules and inter-club competitions. By the early 1990s as many as 100 youngsters were participating in the annual BC provincial championships. Vaulting can be done competitively, or recreationally, by all ages – yes, not just the young, although youth and flexibility are evident at the elite competitive level. The sport in BC has now grown to over a dozen registered clubs, all operated by one of more certified provincial trainers. All clubs offer both recreational and competitive programs and many include adult recreational classes in their programs – a little aerobic workout while playing on a horse! It’s easy to see the appeal and, no, an adult does not have to be particularly fit or agile to have fun playing on a horse. Spandex is definitely not a requirement. Vaulting horses come in all shapes and sizes. At the elite level, warm bloods and draft/warm blood crosses are very prevalent, www.hcbc.ca | 19

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT on the horse at the same time – now that’s how to play well with others! The lunger guides the horse from the center of the circle and is considered part of the competitive unit of horse, vaulter and lunger. All three are scored separately and factor into the final score awarded for the class.

but at the beginner and recreational levels you can find almost all breeds represented. Any calm, patient horse who enjoys hugs and attention from scores of young children is an ideal mount for this sport. Although recreational programs abound, many enthusiasts of the sport enjoy the opportunity to engage in competition – and there are many opportunities each year to do so. Vaulting has a very gradual, progressive system for competition. Vaulters begin at walk, progressing through 3-4 levels at each gait as they develop their skills. Horse Council BC sanctioned shows provide an introduction to the competitive system and can lead to both the BC Heritage Games and BC Summer Games. The Equestrian Vaulting Association of BC organizes a provincial vaulting championship each season and hosts the Canadian national championships biannually. For elite vaulters BC hosts an international competition, known as a CVI (Concours de Voltige International) each year so that vaulters from this province have an opportunity to earn qualifying scores for both the Junior and Senior World Championships. Many BC vaulters have represented Canada at CVI and world championship events, including the World Equestrian Games. In a vaulting competition athletes perform compulsory exercises and freestyle routines in individual, pairs (pas de deux) and team events. Team vaulting involves as many as three vaulters 20 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

One of the many appeals of vaulting is that participants do not need to buy their own horse. In fact, few of them do. Horses and tack are typically owned by the coach which means this sport is accessible to anyone with a love for horses. Many vaulters come from city families who could never practically own a horse and yet, in this sport, they have access to both recreational and competitive programs. Vaulters can hone their skills and work their way right up to the World Equestrian Games even if they never have the opportunity to own horses. Many of us have no option but to live in a city or suburbs for work, but that does not mean the next generation has no access to horse sport. Vaulting provides a unique pathway into the equestrian world – one that will help ensure that future generations have an opportunity to benefit from a relationship with horses. As Sir Winston Churchill famously said “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man”


BC Emergency Responders Have A New Piece Of Training Equipment To Help BC Horses!

Horse Council BC has facilitated Livestock Emergency response courses with expert technical instructors for fire, police and veterinarians. The sessions are fully funded by HCBC and offered to personnel as part of our mandate to improve horse welfare. The courses have proved to be very popular and it was realized through the process of training the value of ‘real–life’ hands on exercise.

the Maple Ridge Fire Department approached the Horse Council of BC (HCBC) proposing a collaboration to acquire a life-sized equine mannequin and cargo trailer for use by Fire Departments in our province.

Proper rescue training is not just about getting a horse out of trouble. A rescue must include the methods for the best possible outcome for the horse and the people involved. The safety of the crew and welfare of the horse are of vital importance.

“One of the services Maple Ridge Fire Department (MRFD) provides to the community is response to Large Animal Rescue. In preparation MRFD staff train on the principles and skill sets required for these rescues. Until recently, this training would occur at actual incidents, as a Large Animal Mannequin was not available for use” states Assistant Chief – Training & Safety Bryan Vinje. HCBC and the Equine Foundation of Canada funded the mannequin/trailer and MRFD will support logistics

But it is not practical to always use horses, especially for extrication and accident response. Recognizing this challenge,

/storage. “BC firefighters now have access to this equine mannequin for training in large animal rescue, reducing www.hcbc.ca | 21

risk to firefighters and increasing animal safety.” Thanks to a generous donation from the Equine Foundation of Canada, HCBC has purchased from Resquip United Kingdom a life sized equine mannequin. This is the first one in BC that is available for emergency personnel to use for practical hands on training in the safe and humane extrication of horses. HCBC is thrilled to work with the support of Equine Foundation of Canada to enhance these training opportunities. “On behalf of the Equine Foundation of Canada, we are very pleased and excited, as is the entire board, to be a part of this exciting venture”. Bob Watson, President and Pat Crema, B.C. Director who have been instrumental in the success of this project comment “We look forward to working with HCBC in the future and we want to thank HCBC for all the work to bring this opportunity to fruition.”

To support our members and aid in the welfare of BC’s horses the Horse Council BC board agreed to allocate a portion of the annual budget to a Disaster Relief fund for the purpose of but not limited to; education on emergency planning for our membership, training or local equine emergency coordinators province wide, facilitating communication and other linkages between local emergency coordinators and municipal emergency planners. The scope of this specific project fits within HCBC’s strategic plan and funds were released to pay for a cargo trailer to store and haul the mannequin to training sites for fire personnel anywhere in the province. The Equine Foundation of Canada founded in 1983 is a Registered Charity with all donations being tax deductible and an official receipt is issued to the donor. The fundraising is carried out by dedicated volunteers across Canada and 100% of the donations are used to maintain the organization and the various programs. The purpose of the Foundation is to aid in the health and welfare of the horse with its programs being unbiased as to the breed of horse or area of the country.


Our new horse mannequin didn’t come with a name so we are giving you the chance to name him! He’s a lifesize mannequin that will be used to help equine rescuers learn how to handle horses in emergency situations. FACTS ABOUT THE HORSE: • Palomino in colour • Large white blaze • Stands about 16hh

HOW TO ENTER: • Send an e-mail with your name suggestions to: communication@hcbc.ca • Contest deadline - July 1st, 2016

Anyone is eligible to enter and can enter as many times as they would like during the duration of the contest! The name will be chosen by Horse Council BC Staff and the Winner will receive a free 2016 OR 2017 Individual HCBC Membership and a fun gift surprise!

22 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015


The 2016 Census of Agriculture The Horizon! Is On

At the beginning of May 2016, Canadian farm operators will have the chance to take part in a national dialogue by completing the Census of Agriculture questionnaire.

Census of Agriculture data is the definitive source of community-level data. By drawing on this data, decision makers will be assured that they are acting in the interest of farmers, farm communities and agricultural operations. Farm organizations are heavy users of census data and draw on this information to formulate policy recommendations, produce communications and outreach work, and conduct market development. Regional, provincial and federal government policy advisors use Census of Agriculture data to help develop programs related to farm support and to evaluate the impact of natural disasters (such as floods, droughts and storms) on agriculture. This allows for a quick reaction when a natural disaster does occur.


Identifies trends and provides factual information on

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emerging issues, opportunities and challenges within the agricultural community.Identifies trends and provides factual information on emerging issues, opportunities and challenges within the agricultural community. Covers a wide range of topics, such as land use, crops, livestock, agricultural labour, machinery and equipment, land management practices, and farm finances. Provides farmers, farm organizations, policy makers, stakeholders and citizens with relevant information about the future of the Canadian agricultural sector, and help them make informed decisions regarding agricultural practices in this country.

Support your community and complete your Census of Agriculture questionnaire in May 2016! The Census can be completed by anyone who is responsible for, or knowledgeable about, the day-to-day management decisions of your farming operation. As required by the Statistics Act, the information you provide will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes. For more information, please visit the Statistics Canada website (www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SD DS=3438)


Why Is It So Important?

Biosecurity planning helps to ensure that practices routinely carried out on your farm are beneficial to your horses health. By adopting the guidelines Horse Council BC has posted under the Equine Welfare section of the HCBC website (www.hcbc. ca) and working with a veterinarian, you can play a significant role in keeping your horses and your industry as healthy as possible.



This can be done through the use of controlled access points.

Biosecurity: Measures that prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases.

Get more detailed information about proper biosecurity procedures on a farm online at: www.hcbc.ca

Control movements of people, animals, equipment and vehicles: • Into a designated zone, • Out of a designated zone, • Between the designated zones.

www.hcbc.ca | 23


Coaches, Riders

& The Theory of Kaizen with a coach or instructor who constantly learns is a step in the right direction. Due to BC’s geographic size and challenges, it can be difficult for some members to find a Certified Coach or Instructor. The reality is that for some members in BC access to coaching is a challenge, but there are many other methods that can be used. There is a huge amount of educational videos available on DVDs and in online instructional material. HCBC has free online courses and short videos that any member can take advantage of. Many clubs hold educational events for their members as well. In my opinion, there is nothing that can replace a good book. A book these days can be electronic and you can read it on your e-reader, however nothing changes the fact that books are awesome learning tools. Access to books can be done through the library, online, your local horse club, and many other sources. The vast range of titles and subjects available will suit every horse persons needs.

The Sino-Japanese word “kaizen” simply means “change for better”, with no inherent meaning of either “continuous” or “philosophy” in Japanese dictionaries or in everyday use. The word refers to any improvement, one-time or continuous, large or small, in the same sense as the English word “improvement”. Equine Canada Certified Coaches and Instructors are required to submit proof of continued learning and improvement of their coaching skills to remain “current”. This requirement is mandated by Equine Canada Policy, but this is also a requirement from the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC). Coaches from 67 different sports in Canada are required to submit proof of continued Learning to their Provincial Organizations and the CAC. Coaches and Instructors in general attend far more Professional Development events than they are required to. Keeping up to date with trends, theory or advanced practices helps the coach to become a better teacher and as such, provides an opportunity for their students to embrace Kaizen. Advances have been made in learning theory, both human and horse. Tried and true methods of teaching and training that are safe and effective are always part of a coach’s skill set. They can refresh their skills by riding at and auditing clinics from the “masters”. Every horseperson can embrace the theory of Kaizen. Working 24 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015

Never discount learning from a person who has years of experience! They might not be certified by a governing body but their knowledge can be hard to match. Ask questions! It is also likely that they will tell you that they learn something new every day. Vets and Farriers are also valuable resources for their clients. Parents can and should learn as much as possible about the care, feeding and health of the horses they or their kids own and ride. Guidance is required so horse owners can provide adequate care for the health and wellbeing of the horses. Call HCBC for a copy of the “Code of Practice” and start the learning journey with knowing the minimum standards of care for our equine friends. Manufacturers are also always continually improving their safety equipment such as helmets and vests. This practice of Kaizen benefits everyone. We should also embrace what is available to protect us or our children when riding. Wear a hard hat when you ride or drive a horse. No one wants the learning experiences that stem from a traumatic brain injury. The conclusion is that the theory of Kaizen is applicable to everyone. Every time we think we have seen it all or know it all, horses will continue to surprise us. Horses will present a mystery lameness, a refusal to canter on the right rein or have strange bumps all over their body and we have to figure out what it is and what to do. By constantly expanding our knowledge, looking for answers, seeking help and guidance, riders, horse owners, coaches and instructors are embracing the theory of Kaizen.


BC Heritage Championships



The BC Heritage program is designed to promote and encourage participation in local competitions at an affordable and accessible competition program. Competitors of all ages and skill levels can qualify at local sanctioned competitions throughout the provincial zones to qualify to attend the Provincial Championships held annually the first weekend of July. The qualifying season begins on June 26th of the previous year, and ends June 25th of the current year. Cash prize money and awards will be offered for all levels and divisions at the Championships. Qualifying competitions are listed by discipline divisions on the HCBC website under Competition Dates identified as “BC Heritage Qualifier”. The BC Heritage Championships offers $10,000.00 in prize money! In addition, travel assistance grants are provided for exhibitors who qualify and travel over 500 km return to attend the Championships.

By participating in the BC Heritage Program as a qualifying competition you will help to support grassroots rider development in a fun, safe and affordable environment. Your show will have the opportunity to increase entries by marketing and exposure on the HCBC website and forums. Qualifying competitions draw in additional competitors eager to compete at the BC Heritage Provincial Championships.

To qualify for the 2016 BC Heritage Championships – competitors must compete at a minimum of two (2) BC Heritage Qualifier competitions from June 25, 2015 to June 25, 2016. NO LOGBOOKS are required! Qualified competitors must list 2 Qualifier shows attended on the BC Heritage Championship Entry Form, including Name, Date, and Location, attended from the current Qualifying period. They may then enter any of the divisions or classes offered at the BC Heritage Circuit Championship.

NEW IN 2016! Two new classes have been added to the lineup for the 2016 BC Heritage Championships! • •

HCBC Mini Prix with $500 of additional prize money, 40km Open Endurance Ride.

Horse Council BC would also like to introduce the brand new logos for the BC Heritage Championships and the BC Heritage Circuit!

BC Heritage Championships

BC Heritage CircuitQualifier

Remember to keep your eye out for the brand new BC Heritage T-shirts available in limited quantities before (online at: store. hcbc.ca) and during the 2016 BC Heritage Championships July 8, 9, 10, 2016 at Maple Ridge Equisport Centre.

www.hcbc.ca | 25



Team Age: A minimum of 11 years of age and a maximum of 18 years of age as of January 1, 2016. Zone Team Composition: 4 Athletes per zone - 8 Zones in total. Wildcards: 16 wildcard spots Maximum Athletes: 48 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE BC SUMMER GAMES, VISIT WWW.HCBC.CA Horse Council BC 27336 Fraser Hwy., Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5 tf: 1.800.345.8055 p: 604.856.4304 f: 604.856.4302

26 | Equine Lifestyles Fall/Winter 2015


Protect Your Trails

With spring finally here, you may be starting to plan your days out on the trail. What a privilege it is to be able to enjoy both your equine companion and your beautiful community or back country at the same time! But what if that community has plans to stop you from taking your horse out on the trail? Quite often, for seemingly unknown reasons, governments will decide to deny access to horses on trails where horses used to be allowed. Their reasons are varied and often made using information and input from only a few groups, leaving them with less than all the information needed to make an unbiased decision. How can we as equestrians make sure horses are considered in future plans? It all comes down to building respect and relationships. When the Land Managers sit down to draft their new Management Plan, horses should be at the front of their mind in the most positive light.

LEARN ABOUT YOUR LOCAL TRAILS Find out the history of the trail. Have horses always been allowed access? Was the trail a route for industry via horseback/carriage? Who used to use the trail, and why? Historical access can be an important part of keeping a trail open to horses, so the more you know, the better you’re able to defend your right to ride there.

ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LAND OWNER Every trail sits on someone’s land. If it’s on public land, you’ll want to contact your city hall to find out if the trail is on Municipal or Provincial land. You can also contact Front Counter BC (www.frontcounterbc. gov.bc.ca) to find out information including land ownership, tenures, and whether or not the trail is registered through them. By building a relationship with the people in City Council, BC Parks, and Recreation Sites & Trails, you can be assured that they’ll think of you when they start planning for any upgrades to their Management Plan. If you see that there was some maintenance done on your favorite trail, why not give the land owners a call or shoot them an email to thank them? If you have ideas or suggestions, perhaps let them know. Does the trail need some maintenance work? If you’re part of a club, it might make a good impression to work with the land owners and your club to arrange for work bees, where the club will lend volunteers to help with simple maintenance. This will keep you in touch with the staff, and help to show that equestrians are an important and helpful user group. For back country trails, it might be harder to coordinate these activities, but it’ll be worth it to have continued access.

ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER TRAIL USERS If a trail is used by many different trail groups, why not get to know them a bit. See about going to any meetings for other trail users. Bring along some materials for them on sharing trails with horses. Perhaps arrange for people to meet a horse and learn how to interact with them on the trail. Maybe hold work bees with volunteers from every user group to make sure the trail stays in tip-top condition. Find out what the other trail users need as far as interaction goes and make sure to spread the word to other equestrians out there. By using common courtesy and proper trail etiquette, you can give other trail users a positive experience and encourage support from non-equestrian trail users.

READ THE MANAGEMENT PLANS To keep horses on the trails it’s important to stay informed. You don’t necessarily have to attend every city council meeting or public input period, but you might consider checking their agendas to see what they plan to discuss. Make sure to check the local paper and the city, BC Parks, & Recreation Sites & Trails websites to see if there are any notices posted. If they’re reviewing or updating a Management Plan, make sure to read the fine print. There may be a small snippet buried in there about a trail they’re considering paving. Use your computer’s “Find” feature to search for key words such as “horse,” “equestrian,” or “equine.” That may make reading through the document a little less intimidating.

PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC INPUT PERIODS When the government is ready to hear public input about their plans, make sure the equine community is a large voice. Encourage your club members, local stables, feed & tack stores, and anywhere else you can think of to speak up about the contributions equestrians make in the community, to the trail, and to the well-being of local citizens. Incorrect assumptions about riding are often made by those not familiar with the economic and health benefits of riding a horse and so horse access may be thought of as less important than other physical activities. Let them know why that trail is important to you and other riders. The best way to keep a trail open is to stay informed and connected. Horse Council BC can help to connect active equestrians to areas of concern and we can lend our voice of support as well, but we depend on people at the local level to let us know what’s happening across the province. The more voices speaking on behalf of equestrian access, the better the chances are to save your trails. www.hcbc.ca | 27

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