Feb 1 2017

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Tri-Canyon’s Only Weekly Newspaper!

Current Weekly News for Leakey, Camp Wood, Sabinal, Utopia and Surrounding Areas Vol. 7 No. 5


............................ Page 7

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Southwest Texas Junior College Alumni Participates in Presidental Inaguration ............................. Page 9


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THE MECHANICS OF OUR TEXAS LEGISLATURE ............................ Page 11


February 1, 2017


TxDOT Road Construction Update When you look around the area in Real County most specifically Leakey, you find lots going on. There are new stores, new visitors and last but not least, new roads. The Texas Department of Transportation contracted with Allen Keller Company for three major road projects in Leakey, Texas. The notice to proceed with the projects was given on January 28, 2015. Area Engineer Lewis Nowlin says to date the project is 80% time complete. The TxDOT Project Tracker website lists the date work began on June 8, 2015. Project 079201031, .0.538 miles West of US 83 on RM 337. The project listed cost is $1,604,637. The next project listed is Project 003605033, North US Hwy 83 from RM 337 to RM 336. The project listed cost is $3,155,233. The third project listed is Project 003606021, South US Hwy 83 from RM 337 to FM 1120. The project listed cost is $2,229,276. The original total budget for these three projects is $6.9 Million, Nowlin said this week the project is slightly over budget by 3% which is just over $200,000. Now lets talk time line. In October of 2016 crews began to pour the concrete roadways, so naturally citizens and business owners were excited and thought they could see the light at the end of the tunnel. So now here were are, RM 337 not complete

By Julie Becker

and only the roadway complete on US Hwy 83. As of today’s date, there are approximately 28 driveways on RM 337 with approximately 4 incomplete. That’s not bad. However, on US Hwy 83 North there are approximately 44 residential and commercial driveways, none have been completed. On US Hwy 83 South there are approximately 49 residential and commercial driveways, none have been completed. Curbs have been completed at US Hwy 83 and 3rd street in Leakey to Main Street and from 4th Street to RM 337 on the

West side only. Curbs pick up again at the old Chicken Earl’s location and continue to FM 1120 on the West side only. So, that leaves 90% of the curbs left to do and approximately 100 driveways. Tony Mangus, project supervisor, at our last meeting stated the project would be completed at the end of April or May, 2017. When I contacted Allen Keller Company directly, I spoke with Project Director Jim Brandenberger, who quickly advised me to contact TxDOT at the Junction office, otherwise he had no comment. If you have questions regarding this project please contact Allen Keller Company project manager Tony Mangus at 210.422.5319 or TxDOT Area Engineer Lewis Nowlin at 325.446.2413. In closing, I want to make sure that you understand the local TxDOT project supervisor Jayme Wooten has been very informative and cooperative since the beginning of this project and deserves only our appreciation for dealing with such a difficult project. Regarding the time line, Nowlin said “We will do everything we can to get out of there by mid-May. In four months there were 28 driveways completed, I certainly hope the pace picks up to complete the other 100 before our tourists arrive.


Uvalde de las Encinas Chapter members, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), meeting at El Progreso Library in Uvalde on Saturday, January 21st, heard a most interesting presentation from member Virginia Davis about preserving family historical documents. She explained how families are losing their histories because pictures and personal papers are not archived for preservation. She told how the local library treats documents and pictures so that they will last for one hundred years, and encouraged members to check into preserving their personal pictures and important papers so their history is not lost forever. Too many such records are stored in plain boxes where dampness and

even insects and rodents destroy them over time. She displayed several properly archived boxes of records owned by the library. About twenty members attended the meeting, and Regent Lesley Jones recognized Mona Booker, Winter Texan Vicki Lee, who is a a member of a Minnesota chapter, and three prospective members as guests. The report given by Secretary Diane Carrillo was approved as read, and Registrar Nancy Baker reported that the paperwork for several prospective members is almost complete. We now have 61 members with ten prospective members. Regent Jones presented the treasurer’s report, in the absence of Sharon Hubble, and it was approved. Billie Franklin read Ann Turner Dillon’s President General’s Message which emphasized that all DAR members should embrace the opportunity to serve our communities. The National Defense Report, read by Diane Dooley, discussed how we should educate our citizens about WWI veterans and how they should be honored for their courage and patriotism, “being gone but never forgotten.”

Parliamentarian Betty Lawrence noted that the DAR Bronze Eagle Lectern was used at the Inaugural Lunch honoring President Donald Trump in Washington, DC on January 20th. Regent Jones stated that the April DAR meeting is scheduled on the second Saturday of the month, rather than the third, and will be held at Fort Clark Springs Association, Brackettville. The State Convention will be held in Dallas this summer. Regent Jones has more information to share with those interested in attending. The next meeting of the Uvalde de las Encinas Chapter, NSDAR, will be at The El Progreso Library on February 18. The program will be about the Vietnam War and will be presented by David Ross. This organization meets on the third Saturday of each month. Any woman 18 years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for membership in DAR. For more information, contact Lesley Jones at 830.563.2347.

2016 Tax Payments Due January 31, 2017 was the deadline to pay all 2016 property taxes. Taxes are delinquent on February 1 of each year, with penalties accruing. Property owners in Real County generally receive two Tax Statements, one from a school district and the other from the Real County Assessor/ Collector’s office. In Real County, our taxing enti-

ties are Real County, City of Camp Wood, Leakey ISD, Nueces Canyon ISD, Uvalde ISD, Utopia ISD, Southwest Texas Jr. College (SWTJC), Real-Edwards Water Dist., & Utopia-Vanderpool ESD. Property owners may pay at the Real County Courthouse for Leakey & Nueces Canyon schools as well as for the remainder of County & other entities. Uvalde & Utopia

schools are paid elsewhere. Payments may be check or money order by mail or walk-in delivery. Credit cards are now accepted in-house & online through Certified Payments. Search online for www.realcad.org, go to Pay Taxes. For the County side of collections go to http://co.real.tx.us, and open the Assessor/Collector page. Owners will need to know their Property ID number & the amount of taxes due. Please fill in all blanks and follow the prompts. Certified Payments uses a 3% service fee. When taxes become delinquent, the accounts are directed to McCreary Vaselka Bragg & Allen, who generate delinquent notices.

Huajilla Unit TRTA January Meeting in Devine ............................ Page 13

INDEX Legals/Jail Register ... . Page 3Community News ......... Page 4-7 Feature Story ............... Page 8-9 Obituaries ...................... Page 10 Classifieds ..................... Page 14

Today’s Weather

High: 78° Low: 43°

On January 23, 2017, the Huajilla Unit TRTA met at Triple C Restaurant in Devine. After the call to order at 10:15 by President Irene Dubberly, Lewis Stroud led the gathering in prayer and a blessing for the meal after adjournment. The group then joined in singing the “America the Beautiful” (1913) by Katherine Lee Bates. Dubberly introduced the 2017 Huajilla officers; welcomed all present; thanked callers; highlighted new members Cindy and Pat Weems, and Pat’s sister Mary Weems; greeted first-timers; and recognized those with recent birthdays. Dubberly also congratulated Verlie Nietenhoefer for her recent 62nd wedding anniversary. The November meeting minutes and treasurer’s reports were given. There being no corrections or additions, they were approved for filing. The committee reports were subsequently presented as follows: Informative and Protective Services Chair Linda Perkins and Health Committee Chair Pat Havel provided handouts: “Identity Theft: Avoidance Is Key” and the January 2017 “Health Bulletin.” The Scholarship Committee Chair Charles Carlson reported that sufficient funds are available

for the Dewey Davis Memorial Scholarship and applications will be disseminated to area schools this month. Future contributions may allow for an additional scholarship. Historian-WebsiteFacebook Chair Irene Dubberly suggested that members friend the Huajilla Facebook page to view Unit information. Retirees were also reminded to think about serving as officers for 2017-18, and nominations will be accepted at the next meeting. The Book Project chair Lola Hill reported that 700 books were collected and were presented to five area organizations at the December 2016 Unit’s social gathering. Hill also encouraged members to turn in their volunteer hours by phone, email, text or regular mail no later than January 31. Legislative and Health Care Committee Chair Ken Hanson presented information about two legislative issues of interest to retirees: health care bills and insurance. At present legislators are working on a very tight budget that will include items to be funded. Members are encouraged to contact their representative and senator focusing on the needs of retired teachers. continued page 7

by Linda J. Perkins

In the photo are James Dunn who presented the program “Death and Taxes,” Irene R. Dubberly, president of Huajilla Unit, and Ernest Evans, who accompanied Dunn. Irene Dubberly is presenting an appreciation gift, a jar of David Park’s Huajilla spun honey, to Dunn for his program presentation.

Page 2 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

V A L E N T I N E’ S D A Y

DANCE Sponsored by Countywide Air & Heat

February 11 2017 8pm - 12pm Leakey American Legion Hall

Leakey, Texas


DJ MUSIC SOUNDMAN ENTERTAINMENT Rick & Ashley Rubio 830-279-2938



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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hill Country Herald Page 3


January 22 - January 28, 2016

Lara, Jose Juan IV, 22 W/M, Camp Wood, Texas, A/O Deputy Cox, Driving While Intoxicated, A/D 1/22/2017, $2,000 Surety Bond; Billman, Jeremy David, 41 W/M, Leakey, Texas, A/O Deputy Castro, Capias Pro Fine - No Valid Inspection Certificate, Capias Pro Fine - Possession of Drug Paraphenalia, Capias Pro Fine - No Liability Insurance, Capias Pro Fine - Display Ficticious Registration, Capias Pro Fine - No Drivers License, A/D 1/24/2017 Credit for Time Served; Dalton, Edward Michael, 46 W/M, San Antonio, Texas, A/O Deputy Castro, Driving While Intoxicated Possession of Marijuana Less than 2 oz., A/D 1/27/ 2017, $4,000 Surety Bond each Real County Law Officers Bruce Carr, Sheriff Steven Castro, Deputy Sheriff Mark Cox, Deputy Sheriff Teddy Douthit, Deputy Sheriff Nathan Johnson, Constable Corporal Jake Sanchez, DPS Highway Patrol Clint Graham, TPWD Game Warden A/D - ARREST DATE A/O - ARRESTING OFFICER Disclaimer: All print and other visual media is for informational purposes only. This information is considered public information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Public Records Act. Any indication of an arrest is not intended to imply or infer that such individual has been convicted of a crime. All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Caddel-Smith Chapter of Daughters of the Republic of Texas Meeting – February 9, 2017 The Caddel-Smith Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas will be meeting February 9, 2017, 10:30 a.m., in the McNelly Room of the First State Bank of Uvalde. Visitors are invited to attend. There will be a business meeting, Nominating committee report and a special program by Kristi Powers: A Virtual tour of the George H. W. Library in College Station, Texas and the George W. Bush Library in Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Powers presents excellent programs enjoyed by one and all. Members will bring brown bag lunch and enjoy a time of fellowship with one another after the meeting.

The Real County Appraisal District is seeking Appraisal Review Board Members. The appraisal review board (ARB) is the judicial part of the system. The ARB is a separate body from the appraisal office and serves a different function. It hears and resolves disputes over appraisal matters. This is a very broad and important responsibility, but the ARB must be sensitive to its legal and practical limits. The ARB has no role in the day to day operations of the appraisal office or in appraising property. Please submit resumes to the Chief Appraiser. Real CAD c/o ARB Application PO Box 158 Leakey, Tx. 78873

Real County Sheriff’s Office Weekly Dispatch Report January 22 - January 28, 2016 01/22/2016 @ 1531 responded to Ranch Road 337 west of Leakey to assist Leakey Volunteer Fire Dept. with a brush fire 1601 responded to Patterson Creek Road west of Leakey to assist Leakey Volunteer Fire Dept. with a grass fire 1838 responded to a residence on North Frio Street in Camp Wood for a civil standby 01/24/2016 @ 1756 responded to Morales Feed Store south of Leakey for a burglary alarm 01/26/2016 @ 1856 responded to Ranch Road 337 east of Leakey for loose livestock 1855 responded to Leakey ISD for a motor vehicle accident

PUBLIC NOTICE The Southwest Area Regional Transit District (SWART) received a grant through the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration’s Enhanced Mobility of Senior and Individuals with Disabilities Program. The program targets a specific Population that is to be served by addressing gaps in service that would not otherwise be available. Senior: an individual who is 60 years of age or older. Individual With a Disability: an individual who, because of illness, injury, age, congenital malfunction, or other incapacity or temporary or permanent disability (including an individual who is a wheelchair user or has semi ambulatory capability), cannot use effectively, without special facilities, planning, or design, public transportation service or a public transportation facility. 49 U.S.C. 5302(a) (5). SWART developed the El Paseo Purchase of Service Program, to address the special needs of this target population. SWART provides services in an 8 county region which includes the counties of Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, and Zavala counties. This program not only gives the target population better access to their destinations, but also assists SWART during peak times, before and after hours, and during non-service days such as weekends and holidays. . SWART intends to contract with other transit providers in the region to assist in providing rural public transit services throughout the region for the target population. Such services will include door to door services locally, in-county, and out of county. The deadline to submit an application of interest is Friday, February 10th, 2017 at 5 pm. To obtain an application of interest, please contact Sarah Hidalgo-Cook, CCTM, and General Manager at 830-278-4155 x 3009 or at scook@paseoswart.org.

01/27/2016 @ 1010 responded to US Highway 83 south of Leakey for loose livestock 1046 responded to Ranch Road 337 east of Leakey for loose livestock 1731 responded to a residence on East Seventh Street in Leakey for a verbal disagreement 1852 responded to Ranch Road 337 east of Leakey for loose livestock 01/28/2016 @ 840 responded to Ranch Road 336 north of Leakey for a motor vehicle accident 1052 responded to a residence in Wood Hollow Subdivision for suspicious activity 1757 responded to a residence on Mountain Street west of Leakey for a report of gun shots

Rep. Smith Statement on President’s Actions to Strengthen Vetting of Refugees and Immigrants Washington, DC – Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s executive order which aims to protect Americans from potential terrorists with stricter vetting of refugees and immigrants coming from terrorismsponsoring countries. Rep. Smith: “I appreciate President Trump’s effort to protect innocent Americans from those who enter the United States to do us harm. We ought to take every reasonable step possible to protect the American people from terrorism. Two years ago,

President Obama designated these seven countries as a security threat for travel purposes. These countries were designated based on the threat of terrorism, not religion or any other factor. Those from terrorist sponsoring countries should not be admitted until they can be properly vetted by our national security agencies. “This action is temporary. The regular process will resume once security policies are updated over the next 90 days. That is what President Trump’s action does.”



Rio Frio Cemetery Tree Project In 2015 the Rio Frio Cemetery Association began a project to manually clean the dead limbs and ball moss from the 125 plus oak trees which make the oldest public cemetery in Real County so unique. Each year we clean twenty trees. This week we add twenty more to the forty already done. Contributions to this rather expensive project may be mailled to Checks should be made payable to The Rio Frio Cemetery Association and mailed to PO Box 96, Rio Frio, TX 78879.

HILL COUNTRY HERALD 337 RR 337 West P.O. Box 822 Leakey, Texas 78873 (830) 232-6294 (830) 433-1424 Published Each Wednesday Julie Becker/Editor/Publisher Billie Franklin, Sabinal Correspondent

Contributing Writers: Elaine Padgett Carnegie Linda Kirkpatrick

email: editor@hillcountryherald.net LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor on matters of public interest are welcome. Letters should be no more than 300 words and must be signed with a phone number. Deadline is Monday, 5 p.m. Letters are subject to editing for length and focus. Send letters to the Hill Country Herald, P.O. Box 822, Leakey, Texas, 78873 or email to editor@hillcountryherald.net. Letters to the Editor published in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication on any subject. We do not print anonymous letters. ©2017 The Hill Country Herald. Any third party materials transmitted or posted to the Herald become the property of the Herald, and may be used, reproduced, published, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise used by the Herald. All rights reserved No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the owners. Hill Country Herald participates in newspaper recycling at South Texas Press, Hondo Texas. Member

GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS City of Leakey Mayor: Harry Schneemann Secretary: Dee Dee Wally Office: 830-232-6757 Fax: 830-232-6775 Councilmen: Ken Auld • Roel Gonzalez• Carl Jensen Frankie DeLeon • Bob Bowers Leakey Volunteer Fire Dept.830-232-4005 Frio Canyon EMS, Inc.830-232-5299 City of Camp Wood Mayor: Jesse Chavez Office: 830-597-2265 Fax: 830-597-5365 email:cityhall@swtexas.net Aldermen: Curtis Wilson • Domingo Tobar • Sammie Ives •Darlene Bullard • Josh Cox Volunteer Fire Dept:830-597-6100 Camp Wood Library: 830-597-3208 Nueces Canyon EMS: 830-597-4200 City of Sabinal Mayor: Charles Story Secretary: Betty Jo Harris Office: 830-988-2218 Councilmembers: Ali Alejandro, Nancy Alvarado, Danny Dean, J. R. Flores, Mike Nuckles, and Andy Schaefer Sabinal Library 830-988-2911 Sabinal Municipal Judge: Anita Herndon 830-988-2630 Justice of the Peace Precinct #2 Bobby G. McIntosh,830- 988-2462 Real County County Judge, Garry Merritt 830-232-5304 Real County Attorney, Bobby Jack Rushing 830-232-6461 County/District Clerk, Jennifer Manchester 830-232-5202 Justice of the Peace Dianne Rogers: 830-232-6630 Justice of the Peace JD Martinez: 830-597-6149 Sheriff, Bruce Carr 830-232-5201 Real County Constable Nathan Johnson 830-232-5201 Tax Assessor-Collector Donna Brice: 830-232-6210 Treasurer, Mairi Gray 830-232-6627 Chief Appraiser Michael Mann 830-232-6248 Real County Public Library 830-232-5199 Camp Wood Public Library 830-597-3208 Real County Commissioners: Precinct #1: Manuel Rubio Pct.#2: Bryan Shackelford Pct. #3:Raymon Ybarra Pct.#4: Joe W. Connell, Sr. Real Edwards Conservation & Reclamation District PO Box 807 . Camp Wood, Texas 78833 (830) 597-3322 office Fax (830) 597-3320 recrd@swtexas.net email Roland Trees, Board President Joel Pigg, General Manager




Office Location: 633 S. Hwy. 83, Leakey, Texas Office Hours: 8 am to 5 pm, Monday-Saturday

830-232-5282 (office) 830-279-6648 (cell)

Page 4 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017



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Eagles Split Games Last Week Tuesday night January 24th the Leakey Eagles Boys’ Basketball squad hosted the Medina Bobcats. The Eagles displayed outstanding teamwork with 20 assists on 27 made shots to secure a 69-39 win. Leakey was tough on defense and held the Bobcats to 24% shooting while the Eagles torched the nets with 42% accuracy. Senior Quinten Pigg had an amazing 7 of 10 shooting performance for 17 points while Junior Coleman Kerr was outstanding from long range and connected on 4 of his 9 three point attempts and ended up with 18 points. Pigg narrowly missed a double - double as he hauled in 9 rebounds to go with his 3 blocked shots and no turnovers. Fellow senior Rylan Springer flirted with a triple double with 12 points, 9 rebounds and 8 assists. Sophomore Hudson

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Frio Canyon Parks Association is doing their annual membership drive. Help your City Park by becoming a member and or by mailing in your donation. Make checks payable to Frio Canyon Parks Association, Attention: Mike Forman, Treasurer. Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated!!


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with 10 seconds remaining to tie the game. Unfortunately for the Eagles, the Cowboys made a big free throw with 4 seconds remaining and held on to a 48-47 victory. Rylan Springer finished the night with 18 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals. Hart notched an impressive double-double with 10 points and 10 rebounds. Pigg had 9 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 steals. Kerr scored 7 points and pulled down 6 rebounds. Bobo had 3 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 steals. Hudson Springer had 7 rebounds and 6 steals. Next week, the Eagles host Rocksprings on Tuesday January 31st and travel to Utopia on Friday. The Eagles thank the community for the support!

Featuring Student Artwork One Act Play The High School Band

Job Site Delivery Blueprint Take-offs Door/Window Take-offs Real Building Supply, Inc. U.S. Hwy 83 Leakey, Texas 830-232-5241

Springer had a nice all-around game with 9 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 steals. Once again Junior Haden Hart was an animal on defense as he blocked 7 shots hauled in 10 rebounds, 2 steals and 4 points. Junior Chandler Young shot very well (2 of 3 from the floor) and had 5 points and 2 rebounds. Senior Ethan Bobo scored 4 points and claimed 4 rebounds as well. Friday night the Eagles traveled to D’Hanis to face the Cowboys. The Leakey boys struggled offensively and found themselves down by 5 points with 3 minutes to play. However, the Eagles made some clutch plays down the stretch. In the final 3 minutes, Pigg went 4 for 4 from the line and Rylan Springer hit a shot in the paint and knocked down a pair of free throws

Nueces Canyon Fine Arts Showcase Fundraiser

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by Coach Springer


Coursework Includes: - Introduction to Integrative Healing - Beliefs, Emotions, Mind/Body and Health - Nutrition, Anatomy/Physiology Fee: $360 - Modern Western Medicine - Traditional Chinese Medicine First Class is ���������������������������������� FREE - Botanicals and Herbal Medicine ���������������������������� - Ayurveda ������������������������������������������������ �������������������� �������������������������������������������� Class instruction will be led by Joanna �������� ������ ��������� ������������������ (1210) and Instructor (1231). Ms. Connor ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ over 250 adult students in Integrative ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������



Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hill Country Herald Page 5

NCJH Girls Basketball vs. Knippa Nueces Canyon Junior High Girls Win Last Home Game On Monday, January 23rd, the Nueces Canyon Junior High girls’ basketball team played their last home game for the season. The young ladies squared off against the Knippa Rockcrusher team for the second time in the season. Both teams showed improvement, but the hometown team could not be stopped. The Lady Panther team jumped out with a lead of 10 to 3 at the end of the first quarter and never looked back. After a big

fourth quarter, the girls won with a score of 50 to 14. Scoring for the night were the following: Paige Elliott with 24, Skylar Harris with 10, Genesis Perez with 4, Layne Hicks with 4, Cadence Balderas was 4 for 4 at the free throw line, Michaela Brown swished a 3 pointer, and Maddie Williams sunk 1 free throw. The team has one more game in Medina before they travel to Leakey on Saturday, February 4th for the final District 31A tournament.

NCHS Boys Basketball vs. D’Hanis The Nueces Canyon boys varsity basketball team fell to D’Hanis 44-58 on Tuesday, January 24th, 2017. The loss dropped the boys District 31A record to 2-5. Our boys started slowly on the offensive end of the floor as we only made three free throws in the 1st quarter of play. Zavey Acosta made two of those free throws and Victor Contreras made the other as we ended the stanza trailing D’Hanis 3-14.

The Panthers did play good defense to start with and that enabled the boys to stay in the game. The second quarter saw our boys to continue to play good defense and we also started to heat up from the offensive end as well as we outscored our opponents 18-11 during the quarter. Nicholas DeLaRosa scored two baskets for us and Zavey made two three pointers and two other baskets to lead the Panthers. Our boys trailed at halftime 21-25.

On The Frio at the Frio Pecan Farm Pavilion 830-232-5022

By Coach Allison Burleson

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By Coach Kane Harris

The Panthers came out and played well during the third quarter as Victor made his only three point attempt, Zavey made three more baskets, and Eli Ludlow came through with two baskets. Our boys played with tremendous effort and cut D’Hanis’ lead to 1 point as we trailed at the end of the third period 36-37. In the end, our boys came out and fought hard but fell short 44-58. We travel to Rocksprings to take on the Angoras on Friday, January, 27th, 2017.

NCHS Boys Basketball vs. Rocksprings

Come enjoy Dining on the River!


By Coach Kane Harris

On Friday, January 27th, 2017 the Nueces Canyon boys varsity basketball team traveled to Rocksprings and fell to the Angoras 5771. The loss dropped our Panthers to a District record of 2-6. The Canyon boys started out strong as Zavey Acosta made two three pointers in the opening frame and Eli Ludlow made two baskets and his only free throw of the night. Nicholas DeLaRosa continued to gather rebound after rebound and Victor Contreras showed his usual outstanding hustle as our Panthers trailed 17-19. We continued with excellent effort during the second quarter of play as we outscored Rocksprings 18-16 to tie the game at halftime 35-35. Nicholas found the basket three times during the period and Victor made two baskets, including a lay-up at the buzzer to end the half on a high note. Roy Schexnider also made a basket during

the second period. The third quarter saw our boys continue to play hard but we were outscored 15-9 to fall behind by a score of 44-50. Nicholas continued to lead the Panthers in scoring and Daunte Flores also found the basket one time for the Panthers. Our boys continued to fight during the fourth period but we could not contain the hot shooting Angoras and they outscored us 21-13 during the quarter. Nicholas had 23 points and 11 rebounds on the night, Zavey had 13 points, Eli had 9 points and 9 rebounds and Victor had 8 points and 8 rebounds. The Panthers will take on the Utopia Buffaloes on Tuesday, January 31st, 2017 at The Bobby Wayne Hatley Gymnasium.

NCHS Girls Basketball vs. Rocksprings This past Friday, the Prowling Panthers traveled to Rocksprings for their second round meeting with the Angoras. N.C. was prepared for a tougher contest this go around, as the Lady A’s always seem to play hard at home. That held true again, but the Panthers made a strong stance early with on-the-mark shooting and active defense. N.C. jumped out to a 22 - 3 first quarter lead. Gabby Irwin led the charge for the Canyon. Rocksprings had no answer for her. She was either helping partner Jayden Aguilera led the transition game in the backcourt for N.C., driving and dishing to teammate Bethany Fisher inside, or creating for herself off of drives. Irwin led all scoring with a strong performance of 20 points, 6 assists, 6 rebounds, and 3 steals. Megan Sifuentes helped to balance the floor and kept N.C. attacking strong on the weak side

as well. She drained N.C.’s second three pointer after Irwin’s and got to the foul line early and often. Sifuentes ended the night with 12 points and 6 blocks, but also got some early fouls from her chances taken in the air. At the end of the first half, Big Blue was clearly in control with a 41- 11 lead. In the second half, N.C. picked up where they had left off with Irwin and Aguilera tiring the Angoras with some break away lay-ups. Aguilera was another Panther in double figures off of lay-ups and some nice jumpers on the interior. She was good for 10 points, 4 assists and 3 steal. Fisher too showed nice shooting touch on the inside and finished a three-point play mid-way in the third. She ended the night also in double digits with 11 points, 7 boards, and 3 steals to give N.C. an inside presence. Then towards the end of the third quarter, the

This past Tuesday, January 24th, the Prowling Panthers took on yet another big challenge in District 31-A, hosting the D’Hanis Cowgirls. The Cowgirls were coming off a disappointing loss to Utopia and were looking to stay in the hunt for post play honors against N.C. The Panthers came out very apprehensively on offense, playing with no confidence. Fortunately, their defensive efforts were a bit bolder, and kept the Cowgirls off balance as they tried to find their go-to player. N.C. grabbed some early steals, and tried to convert at the other end, but their early efforts were thwarted by the larger D’Hanis squad. This seemed to bother the Panthers, and they uncharacteristically stopped attacking the basket. The Panthers held tightly to a low-scoring 5 – 3 lead late in the first quarter. Then a small spark gave N.C. a bit of a boost. Tori

Carabajal hit a pretty jumper on the inside, and Bethany Fisher stepped up her defensive game to grab one of her 4 steals on the night and hit a streaking Jayden Aguilera for two. Megan Sifuentes capped off the short run by hitting an NBA-range three just before the horn. Suddenly N.C. had their first small lead before the buzzer 10 – 3. D’Hanis would respond in the second, and N.C. would return to their offensive shell. The Cowgirls outscored the Panthers 10 – 6 just before the half. Bethany Fisher would keep her team’s heads above water with perfect free throw shooting going 6 for 6 from the charity stripe. The Panthers again clinged tightly to a 16 – 13 lead at the end of the second quarter. Finally, in the second half, the Panthers’ stingy defense began to wear down D’Hanis’s top player, as they made

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By Girls AD Brandy Sweeten

Canyon’s reserves hit the hardwood. They seemed to show jitters early, and the Lady A’s could smell apprehension. Rocksprings took advantage with their own steals, lay-ups, free throws, and 3 three pointers during this juncture. N.C. called a time out in the fourth to discuss. Finally, the Panthers’ bench seemed to find their legs and began making stops on the defensive end and strong takes on the offensive end. By the last buzzer, N.C. notched another victory 67-35. Every Panther found the bottom of the net for a rewarding night of competition. Other scorers for N.C. were: Shelby Pannell, Tori Carabajal, and Mandie Carabajal all had 4 points; and an ailing Vicki Ruiz knocked down a free throw to round out the play. Next Tuesday, the Panthers host Utopia in their last home game of the season.

NCHS Girls Basketball vs D’Hanis


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OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 AM TO 11PM By Girls AD Brandy Sweeten

her work for every touch of the ball. This paid off on Big Blue’s transition game as well. Jayden Aguilera found some breathing room and connected on some good feeds from Fisher and fellow guard Gabby Irwin off of steals. Aguilera finished with 12 much-needed points. Aguilera’s buckets seemed to loosen up her teammate, Irwin, who finally came to life in the fourth quarter. Irwin led the way for the Canyon scoring nine of her 14 points in the fourth quarter to go with 7 steals, 4 rebounds, and 3 assists. This effort put the lid on the victory for N.C. The Panthers rode out the clock in the waning minutes of the fourth to grab the 44 – 29 victory. Other scoring for N.C. was Megan Sifuentes with 8 points, Tori Carabajal had 4 points and 4 rebounds, and Shelby Pannell also gave some good minutes off the bench.



All Types of Bobcat Skid Steer Work

NCHS Boys Basketball vs. Medina The Canyon boys varsity basketball team traveled to Medina on Friday, January 20th, 2017 and came away victorious, improving their District 31A record to 2-4. The first quarter of play was definitely the least exciting period of play with our boys from the Canyon taking a 15-9 lead. Zavey Acosta made one three pointer, Nicholas DeLaRosa made two baskets and Victor Contreras made both of his Free Throw attempts as the Panthers got off to a good start. The second quarter saw our boys playing with a lot of confidence as we outscored the Bobcats 29-13 to take a commanding 44-22 halftime lead. Zavey made two more three pointers, Nicholas made two more baskets and controlled to boards along with Eli Ludlow, who also scored two baskets. The Panthers played outstanding defense during the entire first half of play, limiting the Bobcats to only 22 points and forcing many turnovers, some of which led to easy baskets. The second half opened with the Bobcats trying desperately to get themselves back in the game. They did outscore us for the quarter 23-19, but our boys hung tough and kept our composure. Zavey

By Boys Coach Kane Harris

made another three pointer, Eli continued to do a good job rebounding along with his two baskets, Victor made two baskets and Tony Gonzales contributed to the scorebook as well, with one basket. The fourth quarter saw our boys hold off a furious Medina rally, as they outscored the Panthers 26-21 for the frame, making the final score 84-71 in favor of The Canyon. Zavey made two more three pointers and all four of his Free Throws attempts, Nicholas made 5 of 7 Free Throws down the stretch. It was a great team effort from our boys as Roy Schexnider, Winston Walker, Daunte Flores and Kyle Floyd all contributed to the victory. Zavey ended the night with a career high 40 points, Nicholas had an awesome night with 17 points, 16 rebounds, 6 steals, and 5 assists, Eli had 11 points and 10 rebounds, Victor had 10 points and 3 steals, Tony Gonzales chipped in 4 points, and Roy scored 2 points. Our Panthers will take on D’Hanis in the Bobby Wayne Hatley gymnasium on Tuesday, Jan. 24th and then travel to Rocksprings on Friday, Jan. 27th.

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Page 6 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


by Billie Franklin

Brunch and Bubbly

A bridal shower for Sarah Nunley was held last Saturday at the home of Steve and Debby Horton in Concan. The day was brisk, but beautiful for the outing. Sarah got many gifts and all the guests had a great time. Hostesses for the event were Katie Bales, Mary Bales, Pam Clary, Karen Driskill, Trish Driskill, Brittney Horton, Debby Horton, Ann Keath, Betty Mathis, and Marge Story.

Central Christian


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This past Sunday there was a congregational meeting following the worship service. Then the pasta bar 5th Sunday dinner followed the meeting. Mark your calendars for February 19 when Jim Fox, applicant for the position of pastor, will bring the messalge. Don’t forget that Wednesday night is the Bible study on 2 Corinthians. It is open to all.

Church of Christ

This past Sunday the Sabinal Church of Christ held their 5th Sunday dinner. The Wednesday evening Bible study group has changed their meeting time from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m. so if you come at the old time, you miss the opportunity.

First Baptist

A winter retreat for the youth in grades 7 through 12 “Fierce” will be held at the Alto Frio Encampment February 17 through 20. Cost is $60 per person. Ryan Roberts will be the worship leader and teacher. Call Youth Pastor Joe Redus for reservations at 817-6941169. The men of the church are invited to the Baptist Men’s Fellowship which will be held at Blackbrush Ridge Ranch. Dr. Jimmy Creel will lead the fellowship. They will leave Tuesday February 7 at 4 p.m. There is to be a ladies retreat, which is open to all, on February 10 through 12 at Alto Frio Encampment. Opportunity options are for one night, two nights, or one day. Contact Nova Cole for details.

First United Methodist

Youth group met this past Sunday and is for grades 6 through 12 with a meal, worship, and Bible study. Youth and confirmation class are invited to go to Camp Tejas in Giddings, Texas on February 24 through 26. Transportation is provided, Cost is $125 per person with scholaships available. It is open for grades 6 through 12. Registration is made online and Pastor Glenn asks you to call him. Bible News Club is the Barnyard Roundup and continues at 4 p.m. each Wednesday. It is for all school age children. Women’s Bible Study is using the book “Breathe” by Priscilla Shirer. They meet each Thursday; contact the church office at 9882535 for more details.

l to r Sarah Nunley, Caroline Nunley, Brittney Horton Exercise class are held at 8:30 a.m. each Tuesday and Friday in the fellowship hall. Bring an exercise mat. There is to be a fundraiser for the new community playscape, to replace the former wooden structure in the playground behind the education building. The meal is a hamburger plate luncheon and cake auction. It will be held February 19 from noon to 2:30 p.m. All monies earned go directly into the playground equipment fund.

St. Patrick’s Catholic

Religious Education classes will be held again on February 5 from 9 to 10:50 a.m. in the large parish hall, and the students in grades 1 through 12 are required to attend Mass which follows the classes. First Friday of the month, February 3, begins with Eucharistic Adoration at St. Patrick’s beginning at 8 a.m., Rosary at 6 p.m., followed by Benediction and Holy Mass. First Saturday of the month, February 4, and Mass will be held at St. Patrick’s at 11:30 a.m. in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The May 2017 St. Patrick’s Church raffle will begin soon. Proceeds from the raffle will go to the purchase of new church pews. Donations of prizes are accepted and the person to contact is Maria Banda at 988-2557. Prizes need to be in by February 11. At the entrance to the church, offering boxes are available. If you do not find yours, then let the office know so they can provide you with yours. The office hours are 10 a.m. to noon and 3 to 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday. Congratulations to Monsignor Michael Joseph Boulette, founding director of St. Peter Upon the Water, which is located in Ingram, Texas, as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. He was selected by Pope Francis. Congratulations are in order.

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Beginning Monday, January 30th, 2017, referrals will be accepted for the Sabinal Elementary Gifted and Talented Program. Referrals are open to all students who are currently enrolled at Sabinal Elementary grades first through fifth grade. If you would like to referral your child, please ask your child’s teacher for a referral form. Completed referral forms are due to your child’s teacher no later than February 28th, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact Sabinal Elementary 830-988-2436.

The Dave & Daphne Show - Devine Area Artists’ Series From classic country to Broadway, from pop songs to Southern Gospel, and from jazz to blues, the Dave & Daphne Show will bring high energy and marvelous music to the stage at the George S. Woods Community Center in Devine. The third concert of the Devine Area Artists’ Series’s Season features a dynamic duo from Nashville. Although Dave and Daphne live in Nashville, Tennessee, they “winter” in three different states. In February they’re in Texas so luckily the warm Texas weather brings them closer to Devine. Roy Clark considered Dave Salyer to be one of the most fabulous guitarist on the planet. Dave was Barbara Mandrell’s lead guitarist for 10 years. His repertoire ranges from “Orange Blossom Special” to “Flight of the Bumblebee”. In addition he is an accomplished vocalist, songwriter and humorist. Daphne Anderson grew up in Albany Georgia. She has toured with some of the greatest Southern Gospel Music groups of all time including the Bill Gaither Group. She was selected as the Southern Gospel Music Female Vocalist of the Year. With a voice considered to be a cross between

Patsy Cline and Shania Twain, she also does impressions of Loretta Lynn, Whitney Houston, Liza Minnelli, and Etta James to name a few. February 18 at 7:30 p.m. is the date and time for The Dave & Daphne Show! Single tickets at the door are $10. Students K-12 are admitted free if accompanied by an adult.

The Devine Area Artists’ Series is made possible by 42 underwriters and the four sponsors: A Bushel and a Peck, Lytle State Bank, Mark Kidd’s State Farm Insurance, and Security Bank. The last concert of the season will be Johnny P and the Wiseguys on April 1, 2017.

FREE VETERANS BENEFITS FAIR On Saturday, February 4, 2017, Texas Veterans Land Board representatives will be at the Kerrville VA Medical Center’s Auditorium from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. This is a FREE event for Veterans, Military members and their families. Texas Veterans Land Board representatives will be onsite to provide information regarding home loans, land loans, home improvement loans, State Veterans Homes and State Veteran Cemeteries. Texas Veterans Commission: Counselors to assist with disability and pension claims, employment services and educational benefits. Department of Veterans Affairs: Representatives to assist with federal earned benefits. For more information, please contact Jim Mickler at 512.417.3757 or jim.mickler@glo.texas.gov

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 Here’s some background information about the Super Bowl, the championship game of the National Football League. The game was created as part of a merger agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League (AFL). After the merger the teams were divided in to conferences. Currently, the National Football Conference (NFC) leads the league with 26 wins to 24 wins for the American Football Conference (AFC). The Pittsburgh Steelers have the most Super Bowl victories with six. The New England Patriots have the most Super Bowl appearances with nine. The day on which the Super Bowl is played, now considered by some as an unofficial American national holiday, “Super Bowl Sunday”. It is the second-largest day for U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day. In addition, the Super Bowl has frequently been the most-watched American television broadcast of the year; the seven most-watched broadcasts in U.S. television history are Super Bowls. The Super Bowl is also among the most-watched sporting events in the world, almost all audiences being North American, and is second to soccer’s UEFA Champions League final as the most watched annual sporting event worldwide. After the NFL’s Green Bay Packers won the first two Super Bowls, some team owners feared for the future of the merger. At the time, many doubted the competitiveness of AFL teams compared with their NFL counterparts, though that perception changed when the AFL’s New York Jets defeated the NFL’s Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III in Miami. One year later, the AFL’s Kansas City Chiefs defeated the NFL’s Minnesota Vikings 23–7 in Super Bowl IV in New Orleans, which was the final AFLNFL World Championship Game played before the merger. Beginning with the 1970 season, the NFL realigned into two conferences; the former AFL teams plus three NFL teams (the Colts, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Cleveland Browns) would constitute the American Football Conference (AFC), while the remaining NFL clubs would form the National Football Conference (NFC). The champions of the two conferences would play each other in the Super Bowl.

Hill Country Herald Page 7

The winning team receives the Vince Lombardi Trophy, named after the coach of the Green Bay Packers, who won the first two Super Bowl games and three of the five preceding NFL championships in 1961, 1962, and 1965. Following Lombardi’s death in September 1970, the trophy was named the Vince Lombardi Trophy. The first trophy awarded under the new name was presented to the Baltimore Colts following their win in Super Bowl V in Miami. February 5, 2017 - The New England Patriots will face the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI (51) at NRG Stadium in Houston. February 7, 2016 - Super Bowl 50 is played at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California. The Denver Broncos defeat the Carolina Panthers 24-10. Broncos linebacker Von Miller is named the MVP. Lady Gaga is expected to perform during the Super Bowl halftime show. Luke Bryan will sing the national anthem. A relatively “New” phenomena is the Super Bowl Commercials: In 1967 - A 30-second commercial costs about $40,000 during the first Super Bowl. In 2016 - A 30-second spot sells for a record cost of $5 million, according to Les Moonves, CEO of CBS. CBS is packaging the ads so the $5 million buys TV air time and live streaming during Super Bowl 50. The prior record of $4.5 million for a 30second spot was set in 2015 by NBC. In 2015 - Super Bowl XLIX (49) was the most watched US telecast of all time, with an average viewership of 114.4 million. Super Bowl XLVIII (48) had the second largest viewership with an average audience of 112.2 million. 2016 - Super Bowl 50 is the third most watched broadcast in US television history, with an average viewership of 111.9 million. First Super Bowl - January 15, 1967 - The first Super Bowl championship game was

between the NFL (Green Bay Packers) and AFL (Kansas City Chiefs) champions at Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles. The score was Green Bay, 35 and Kansas City, 10. Attendance was 61,946. Bart Starr, the quarterback for Green Bay, was named the MVP. Lowest Winning Score - January 14, 1973 - Lowest scoring winner - Miami Dolphins 14, Washington Redskins 7 Super Bowl VII, at the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles. Highest Winning Score - January 28, 1990 - Highest scoring winner - San Francisco 49ers, 55, Denver Broncos, 10 - Super Bowl XXIV, at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. This was also the largest margin of victory to date. Most Played - Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots are tied for appearances in the most Super Bowl games - 8. (as of January 2017) Most Wins - Pittsburgh Steelers, 6. Most Losses - Denver Broncos, 5. The NFL pays for up to 150 rings at $5,000 per ring (plus adjustments for increases in gold and diamonds). The NFL also pays for 150 pieces of jewelry for the losing team, which may not cost more than half the price set for the Super Bowl ring. The Vince Lombardi Trophy is made from sterling silver by Tiffany & Co. History: On February 6, 2011 - Cowboy Stadium seating problems, “incomplete installation of temporary seats in a limited number of sections made the seats unusable,” leaves 1,250 ticket holders without seats. 850 were distributed around the stadium to other seats, 400 were left with no options. NFL promises triple refunds for the $800.00 ticket for all 1250 people. On February 3, 2013 - Super Bowl XLVII (47) is played in New Orleans at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. The Baltimore Ravens defeat the San Francisco 49ers 3431. Beyonce is the half-time performer. A power failure at the Super Dome halts the game, and leaves half of the stadium in the dark for 34 minutes. In the coming years the Super Bowl Sites are: 2018 – Minneapolis, 2019 – Atlanta, 2020 - South Florida, 2021 - Los Angeles.

You can rank players on many criteria, from last year’s performance to expert predictions of this year’s performance. Researching can help you get your best lineup each week to crush the competition. Whether you’re playing to win or just for fun, some preparation can help ensure you put together your dream team. 3. Score savings with an audible. More than a third of fantasy sports players primarily use their phones to track scores, follow teams, make lineup changes and communicate with others about their fantasy sport, according to the FTSA. That’s a lot of phone usage on-the-go that can potentially cause high overage charges. Switching to a more affordable plan can make your fantasy football season more cost efficient. Just in time for kick-off, Straight Talk Wireless is launching Straight Talk Plus(TM), giving customers even more options to save on their wireless service. Available exclusively at Walmart, Straight Talk Plus lets you get the latest smart phones like the Samsung Galaxy S7 for just about $1 a day. Just add our unlimited service plan with 5GB of high speed data (then 2G speeds) starting at just $45 per month to make sure you’re covered for all of those game-day

Huajilla Unit TRTA Two legislative committees to watch are the Pension Committee in the House and the State Affairs Committee in the Senate. Following committee reports President Dubberly announced a temporary recess for presentation of an estate planning program by guest speaker James Dunn which focused on the pros and cons of wills and trusts . Following the program, Dubberly returned to the agenda. Under unfinished business, Dubberly reported that she had attempted to contact approximately 50 at-large TRTA members (those currently belonging to the state organization only) to encourage them to join the local unit. Ken Hanson reported that the ad hoc committee, charged with studying a possible raise in local unit dues for 2017-18, made the following recommendations. Based on their findings, the committee recommended that members be asked if they wish to donate $5 to $10 (or any other amount) above the local dues and to designate the amount to be allotted to a category

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5 tips to score big in your fantasy football league this season More than 57 million people will play fantasy sports this year, according to the Fantasy Sports Trade Association (FSTA). With fantasy football season underway, you need to make sure your game face is on and your line-up is set. If you have a team this season, or this is your first year playing, here are some tips for scoring a successful season: 1. Don’t receive an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Whether you’re playing in a formalized league or one the office football aficionado threw together, it’s important to know and follow the rules of your league. Just like the real deal, fantasy football has rules and regulations. Run afoul of those rules in a formalized league and you might be invited to leave, or at the very least, not come back next year. Mess up in the office and you’ll have to hear about it until you retire. Realize people will play with varying levels of commitment and proficiency, but everyone wants to have fun - and rules help make that possible. 2. Avoid fumbling your lineup. Once you have your lineup locked in for draft day, your player knowledge doesn’t stop there. Devote time each week to research your player’s strengths and weaknesses.


lineup changes. Best of all, there is no contract on your smartphone or unlimited plan - letting customers cancel anytime with no activation fees or penalties. 4. Tackle Traditions. Every fantasy football league is different. It’s much more than just strictly about winning. This is a game that brings friends, roommates and colleagues together to participate alongside their favorite players each week. With this, the collective personalities and traditions between leagues can vary. Whether you’re new to the league or the reining champ, make sure you double check the scoring system and are aware of your league’s traditions. 5. Get caught up with sideline streaming. Remember, one does not simply pick a team and then stop paying attention. In fact, keeping track of how players on your team are performing in real life is what makes fantasy football exciting. Not everyone has time to watch every game their players are in, or even just the highlights. Consider downloading a fantasy football app for your smartphone to stream games, keep track of stats, scores, injuries and more. Straight Talk Wireless will help you have your data streaming needs covered.

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continued from front page

of their choosing. Dubberly reminded attendees about the 2017 TRTA State Convention in Austin on February 28-March 1. A motion was made and seconded to send President Irene Dubberly and Treasurer Sam Dubberly as Huajilla Unit delegates. The motion passed. The next item was a candle-lighting, memorial ceremony to honor recently deceased Huajilla Unit members and/or those submitted by attendees. During the observance, several shared memories about the deceased, and President Dubberly read from author and motivational speaker Larry Johnson’s “Search for Thoughts for 2017,” thoughts for passed ones, taken from the Judaic Gates of Prayer. Among those remembered were four departed Huajilla Unit members: Virginia Woolls, Terry Schueling, Margaret Boone, and Gerald Hay. Others offered in memoriam were Anna Ardillo and Dr. Phillip Stiles. Afterwards, announcements of the following were shared:

The February 27 Unit meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at Sammy’s Restaurant in Castroville. Agenda items include the annual membership drive and 2017-18 officer nominations. Dubberly called attention to an error regarding the meeting date located in the Huajilla Unit 2016-17 Handbook. She reminded callers to add the new members to the appropriate list. Dubberly then gave a writing assignment to members for the May 2017 meeting; they are to write and present personal stories from their experiences as parents, grandparents, et cetera, entitled “Kids Say the Funniest Things” (a takeoff from Art Linkletter’s “Kids Say the Darndest Things”). Members may collaborate with others or work on their own. Before adjourning the meeting, Dubberly awarded the guest speaker James Dunn and Ernest Evans with a jar of spun huajilla honey. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:12 p.m.

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Page 8 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


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Pictured above LtoR: Keith Cox and Darrell Tucker and the Vessels and Smokestacks of the one time C.W. Company Cedar Mill that was located at the present day Frio Canyon Park location North of Leakey, Texas in the early 1970’s.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hill Country Herald Page 9

Southwest Texas Junior College Alumni Participates in Presidental Inaguration

Frio Canyon Real Estate, LLC Shawn Streib Gray, Broker 830-232-4500

230 US Hwy. 83 Leakey, Texas 78873


Property 09: The finest home in the Concan Country Club is available! 3BA/2.5BA, oversized garage and HUGE patio. $595,000 REDUCED Property 18: 9.47 ac. Near Garner State Park! 3BD/2BA + office and an 800 sq. ft. guest house! GORGEOUS views; hunting ok. $279,900 Property 24:Cute 3/2 brick home in town. Easy walk to shops, restaurants, library and the Frio! Circle drive + carport. $129,500 Property 38: 1137 Skylane North in Uvalde! Beautiful 3BD/2BA under old oaks! Close to schools. Numerous updates. $224,000 Property 41: Nice 52 acre place with a spacious 2BD/ 2BA home located halfway between Uvalde & Camp Wood. $325,000 Property 42: 337 River House. 1.68 acs. with 3BD/2.5BA main home + 1/1 Gst. House! River front and POOL! $425,000 HUGE REDUCTION! Property 45: Large 3BD/3BA home on 1+ ac. 270 Whitetail Run, Reagan Wells. 100+ acres of common area for owners. $174,900 REDUCED Property 48: EXCELLENT location! Next to House Pasture in Concan. 3BD/3BA + lg. bunk room. New POOL! It RENTS! $450,000 Property 65: 306 Walter White Rd. 3BD/2BA log home on 1 ac. Nice pool, great views. Rentals ok! $275,000


Uvalde, Texas, Jan. 26 – The exact year escapes my memory, but I remember waiting outside the Uvalde Police Department waiting for a police officer to pick me up for a ride along. The officer who drove up was a young kid right out of the academy, the rookie’s name: Nano Rendon. Now fast forward to 2017, where on Saturday morning (Jan 21) I received a text from a mutual friend with a photo of Nano standing on Pennsylvania Avenue. The text was to notify me he had been chosen to work security detail for the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C. If someone told me back then that a kid from Uvalde, Texas would be part of the ceremony that would inaugurate Donald Trump as our 45th President, I would have had a good laugh. Long ago have been the days since Rendon patrolled the streets of Uvalde. Lately, he spends his days riding in a patrol car marked SAPD as in the San Antonio Police Department. Rendon is a 2005 graduate of the Southwest Texas Junior College Middle Rio Grande Law Enforcement Academy. Immediately after graduating, he joined the Uvalde Police Department where he worked until 2007. In late 2007, he was accepted to the San Antonio Police Department Police Academy where he graduated in May of 2008. Rendon currently serves on the DWI task force with the SAPD. According to Rendon, the process to be part of the inauguration began last July, when he submitted his request letter. “Once approved by the chief of police there is a selection process where a committee reviews the several hundred applicants from our department,” said Rendon. “Then it’s a waiting game. I was notified in early October that I had been selected.” Rendon’s four-day excursion to the nation’s capital began when he arrived at the San Antonio International Airport at 3 a.m. to catch his flight, which was scheduled for departure at 5 a.m. According to Rendon, the first day in Washington was spent taking in the historic sites the city had to offer. “Once in Washington, we were able to get in some of the monuments Washington had to offer. We visited the Arlington National

Property 01 : 9.3 ac. Views, underground elec., city water and sensible restrictions. Borders a large ranch. Owner/ Broker. $99,900 REDUCED Property 07 : Concan Country Club lot! On Starry Night cul-de-sac w/lots of trees. Great Price. $70,000 NEW Property 08: Wooded residential lot in Canyon Oaks. Frio River access + hillside and valley views. Water & elec available. $56,000 Property 15: 1.18 acre lot in Rio Park Estates. Frio River access, unequipped well, adjacent lot (Prop 16) also available. $45,000 Property 16: 1.18 acre lot in Rio Park Estates. Frio River access, adjacent lot (Prop 15) also available. $40,000 Property 17: Residential lot on Wisteria Way @ Mountain Valley in Concan. Nice, level, water & elec. Available. $76,000 Property 21: Shady & quiet lot in Old Town Uvalde @ 213 W. Mesquite. 60’x120’. $41,000 Property 33: 5.16 ac. lot near town. City water & elec. Gorgeous views for MILES (see Old Baldy), paved roads, security gate. $74,900 Property 35: 5.16 ac. Adjacent to Prop#33! Buy BOTH for a $10,000 discount ($69,900 each). See Old Baldy from here! $74,900 Property 37: 5 ac. @ 1186 N. Saddle Mtn. Rd. EXCEPTIONAL VIEWS! Has a water meter. $65,130 Property 43: 8+ acs. w/gorgeous oaks and great bldg. sites. Electricity available. AG VALUATION = LOW taxes!! Shady Oaks Subdv. $77,045 Property 47: 1+/- ac. lot Mountain Valley in Concan. Close to golf course, House Pasture, Frio. Rentals OK!!! $89,000 Property 52: 5+ ac West of Leakey. Fronts on John Buchanan Rd. Bldg. site faces east and is ready to go!

$52,500 Property 55: 1 acre lot in Valley Vista w/AMAZING views! Underground electric & water at site. $44,500 Property 81-83: 1-9 ac. lots in Concan. You have to see these lots. All utilities and VIEWS for miles. $39,500-$49,500--$55,500


Property 11: 800’ RIVERFRONT! Paradise on the FRIO. 27+ acs. Cute 2BD/1BA cottage ++ NO RESTRICTIONS $699,000 REDUCED Property 12: 5+ ac north of Leakey w/2400 sq. ft. metal bldg. Hwy. frontage. Some elevation for great views. Ag. Exempt. $179,000 REDUCED NEW Property 13: 67.4 acs. in Paint Creek Ranch. Teeming w/exotics, relatively flat, cabin w/elec. & rain harvest. NICE!! $185,000 Property 19: 50 ac located just minutes from Neal’s Lodges & the Frio River. Easy access, elec nearby. Excellent hunting! $150,000 PENDING Property 22: LIVE WATER ranch! 195 acs. w/both sides of Camp Wood Creek! 4BD/3.5BA home, 50x100 barn on slab. Must see! $1.8M Property 25 : RR336 north of Leakey. 17+ acs. West prong of the Frio River on eastern boundary $222,000 Property 28: 160 acs Extensive Hwy. 83 frontage in Concan. Homesites, game, views, seasonal Shut In creek. $3995/ac PENDING Property 29 : 260 acs. +/- WILL DIVIDE Hwy. 337W frontage. Views for miles! $4250 per acre Property 34: 71 ac. w/shipping container converted to a bunk room. Big views. Remote, no utilities. 4x4 needed. $190,000 REDUCED Property 40: 17.6 acres w/Frio frontage! Close to Leakey. Several building sites. Electricity nearby. $230,000 Property 46: Between Leakey & Camp Wood is 28+ ac. ready for hunting, camping and enjoying the views! Elec close. $98,000 REDUCED Property 53: 25 acres in Hidden Hills, Center Point— Kerr County. Gated, paved roads, beautiful homes! Ag. Exempt! $250,000 PENDING Property 60: 125 ac. west of Leakey on Hwy 337. Electricity on 2 sides. Frontage on highway and County Rd. $4,250 per acre Property 61: 50 acres. w/Hwy. 41 frontage in far NW Real County. Fairview Ranch. Neat little hunting place! $175,000 Property 79: 640 acres north of Leakey off Cypress Creek Rd. Beautiful ranch with spring-fed creek! $2,500 per acre SOLD!!!!! Property 086: 26.69 acs. west of Leakey 6 miles. County Road frontage. Elec available. Rough to rolling terrain. $4,000 per acre

Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, the White House, and the Iwo COMMERCIAL Jima Marine Statue,” said Property 3-6: 1+ ac. Commercial lots Concan. Frontage Rendon. “We walked about on US HWY 83. All utilities available. MAKE OFFER!!! 13 miles that first day.” $139,000-$149,000 On Thursday (Jan. 19), Property 031: Riverfront home in the Frio Pecan Farm! In rental pool. Lots of amenities. $269,000 Rendon and the other SAPD Property 36: Riverstone Vacation Cabins! 13.9 acres officers chosen for security w/500’ of Frio river frontage. 5 cabins + main home. detail joined over 3,500 law $775,000 REDUCED enforcement and police officials from across the country to be sworn in as special temporary U.S. Marshals. On inauguration day, Rendon began his day by catching a bus at 3 a.m. along with his VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION, NEW LISTINGS, PICTURES AND PLATS fellow officers, which took Give us a call to list YOUR property….. We get results! them to their inauguration WWW.FRIOCANYONREALESTATE.COM post assignment. “We were assigned to a specific area, and from my post, it was a sea of people for as far as I could see,” said Rendon. “Inauguration day was a 16-hour multisystems intervention day, with 13 hours of it being on my feet.” rachel goodman yates, ph.d., l.m.f.t. According to Rendon, his favorite part of this whole experience psychotherapist advocate was to be able to part of history. Rendon further added, “Coming from a small town I never thought the “hoffice” at 60 chidress lane I would be part of such a historical event like a presidential inaup.o.b. 1251 leakey, texas 78873 guration,” Rendon stated. “It was a blessing to be able to represent the City of San Antonio, and also the City of Uvalde in the 58th Presidential Inauguration.” 830-232-4343 cell 830-591-3625 Currently, the college has academy classes in Uvalde and Eagle fax 775-923-7353 talkingriver@hctc.net Pass. For more information on attending the law enforcement academy, contact Terri Zamarripa at 830-591-4158.

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The Friends of the Library is celebrating ‘25 The Friends of the Library is celebrating ‘25 Years of Library Magic’ this year with a SterYears of Library Magic’ this year with a Sterling ling Mardi Gras Gala! Mardi Gras Gala! The Gala would is made possible, in part, by The Gala would is made possible, in part, by our our generous sponsors, and this week the FOL generous sponsors, and this week the FOL would like to give sincere thanks our Gold would like to give sincere thanks our Platinum Sponsors. Sponsors.


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We offer fast and professional services For free estimates. Please call Britt James at 830-275-9829

Page 10 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

O B I T U A R I E S Duke Elvis Greer

Aubrey Franklin Robinson

(December 3, 1927 - January 24, 2017)

(March 22, 1928 - January 26, 2017)

Aubrey F. Robinson of Uvalde passed away on January 24, 2017 in San Antonio at the age of 89. He was born on December 3, 1927 in Sabinal to Benjamin Franklin Robinson and Ina Caddel Robinson. He is survived by his wife, Sally of Uvalde; three sons, Harry Robinson and wife, Cindy of Cleburne; John Robinson and wife, Polly of Boerne; and Brian Robinson and wife, Brenda of Castle Rock, CO; three grandchildren, Kelsey Robinson, Will Robinson, and Austin Robinson. He was preceded in death by his parents and sister, Dorothy Pike. Graveside services were held on Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 2:00 PM in Concan Cemetery. Mr. Paul Stephens will officiated.

Duke Elvis Greer of Uvalde passed away on January 26, 2017 at Amistad Nursing Home in Uvalde at the age of 88. He was born on March 22, 1928 in Camp Wood, Texas to Walter Lee ‘’Jack’’ and Carrie Belle (Jernigan) Greer. He married Jane Flowers on May 29, 1948 in Uvalde by Judge Taylor. He worked as a transport truck driver for over forty years, earning numerous safe-driving awards, his last employer being JD Ward and Sons of Uvalde. He is survived by his three daughters; Dru Ann Spring and husband, Doug of Uvalde, Sharon McKenney and husband, Ross of Colleyville, and Susan Thompson of La Marque; six grandchildren, Jon Welch, Scott Moon both of La Marque, TX , Allen Burks of Sherman, TX, Christopher McKenney of Colleyville, Douglas Spring, Jr. of North Uvalde, Ryan Spring, Sarah Spring of Midland, and Reagan and Josh King of Uvalde; two great-grandsons, Easton King and Sutton King of Uvalde, and numerous nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents, two sisters, four brothers, and wife of 55 years, Jane Greer. A graveside service were held Saturday, January 28th at 2:00 pm. at Hillcrest Cemetery.

There is no charge for obituaries in The Hill Country Herald

The Following Donations have been made to the Rio Frio Cemetery Association

The Following Donations have been made to the Frio Canyon EMS:

In Loving Memory of Tela Patterson by: Norman and Joan Anderson, Bill and Linda Weatherford, Steve and Shawn Gray, Mary Jones, Willis Springfield and Lanny & Marilyn Leinweber

In Loving Memory of: Otela Patterson from: Mary Davis Doris Reynolds Family Victor John Niemeyer

Funeral Honoraria and Acknowledgements An honorarium is a monetary expression of appreciation given for a service provided for free. Most clergy will not accept a gift for their services at a funeral service; however, it is proper etiquette to offer one. When considering the appropriate amount to offer, one should consider several aspects. Did the clergy meet with the family before or after the services? Did he or she travel a substantial distance? If so, travel time and expense, as well as, the length of service, should be considered in the amount offered. Was the clergy present at multiple ceremonies? Is the clergy the family’s usual pastor? In other words, does the family already contribute to the welfare of the clergy? Does he or she pastor at a church or does he/she rely on funerals and weddings as his or her source of income? Others participating in any of the ceremonies surrounding death should also be considered when giving honoraria. It is appropriate to provide honoraria to musicians and service related personnel. Parking attendants and servers often rely on tips to supplement their low wages. As a funeral director, I have often been offered hono-

St. Raymond Catholic Church 2nd and Mountain St. P O Box 989 Leakey, TX 78873 830.232.5852 Mass: 5:30pm Saturday 6:00 pm 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Parish Priest Fr. Adrian Adamik Rectory: 830.683.2165 St. Mary Catholic Church Hwy 187 Vanderpool, TX Mass: 9:00am Sunday Contact:830.966.6268

raria. Although it is not my practice to accept honoraria, there have been clever families who have found unique ways to express their appreciation. I have received award winning pies, salsas, homemade jams and jellies, my favorite fruit, homemade bath soaps, my favorite perfume, boxed chocolates, lovely jewelry, gift cards to favorite restaurants, movie passes, and many other thoughtful gifts. I have received anonymous thank you cards with cash tucked in them ranging from a couple of hundred dollars to multiple thousands (now that is an honorarium of great appreciation). Nevertheless, I as do most clergy, feel that my salary covers my services. An acknowledgment is a written expression of appreciation. Although a regular thank you card will suffice, they seem ordinary. The services rendered at the death of a loved one are generally performed out of great love and respect; quite often deep sorrow plays a vital role as well. This type of service is not ordinary and should not be treated as such. The services rendered by pallbearers, ushers, etc. and the flowers sent by family and friends represent their love

Come and Worship With Us

Evening Worship: 6:00pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00pm Preacher: Charlie Gant 830.232.4230 Frio Canyon Baptist Church Pastor Michael Howard Hwy 83 South Leakey, TX (830) 232-5883 Sunday School: 9:45am Worship Service: 11:00am Evening Worship: 6:00pm Wed. Prayer: 6:30pm

Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church 401 N Hwy 377 P O Box 877 Rocksprings, TX 78880 830.683.2165 Mass: 9:00am Sunday

First Baptist Church P O Box 56 Hwy 83N Leakey, TX Pastor: Mark Spaniel Bible Study: 10:00am Worship: 11:00am Evening Worship: 6:00pm Wednesday Prayer: 7:00pm Mon-Fri Daily Prayer 11:00am 830.232.5344

Reál County Church 121 Oak Hill Ste. 4 Leakey, Texas Sunday School: 10:00am Worship: 11:00am

Living Waters Church Hwy 1050 Utopia, TX 830.966.2426 Sunday School: 9:30 am Worship: 10:30 am

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church Camp Wood, TX Mass: 11:30am Sunday

Wednesday: 7:00pm Youth Alive: Saturday 7:00pm Youth Pastor James Jones Pastor Dr. Robert Richarz

830.232.6933 Sunday School: 10:00am Come and Worship: 10:45am Evening: 6:00pm Wednesday: 7:00pm

Church in the Valley Hwy 83 Leakey, TX 78873 830.232.6090 Pastor Ray Miller Sunday School: 9:45am Worship: 10:45am Childrens Church 11 Evening: 6:00pm Wed. Service 6:30 Fellowship (2nd & 4th) 7:00pm Spanish Service Sat. 6:00pm

Concan Church of Christ Hwy 83 Concan 830.232.4058 Ministers: Paul Goodnight and Ray Melton Sunday School: 10:00am Com and Worship: 11:00am Evening: 6:00pm Wednesday: 7:00pm

New Fellowship Church Hwy 337 & Camino Alto Leakey, TX 830.232.4287 Sunday School: 9:45am Pastor: Greg Mutchler Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Service and Youth 6:30 p.m. Leakey Church of Christ One Block N of Courthouse Leakey, TX 78873

Concan Baptist Mission Hwy 83 Concan, TX Worship: 9:30am Sunday School: 10:30am Evening Worship: 6:00pm Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00pm Pastor Willis Adair Cowboy Church in the Nueces River Canyon HWY 55 N @ Angel Wings Cafe’ PO Box 158 Barksdale, TX 78828 (830) 234-3180 or 2345170

by Tracy Renee Lee, FD, GC-C

for the decedent, their love and support for the survivors, and their expressions of sorrow. In the case of such thoughtful acts of love and respect, thoughtful expressions of appreciation are more appropriate than ordinary thank you notes. Beautifully embossed acknowledgment cards printed on archival papers with special inks and foils are available from your funeral home and express the extra appreciation you have in your heart for the kindnesses afforded you during your time of need. Thank you notes are a wonderful kindness and should not be overlooked. They are held in reserve, however, for less personally acquainted individuals who have gone beyond what was expected through obligation. In other words, if those who are obligated to serve, or hired to serve during funeral ceremonies, go beyond what is usually offered in their capacity, a handpenned thank you note is a kind and thoughtful gesture. Thank you notes (more so than tips), assist individuals in service related fields realize when they have done something noteworthy. Knowing this helps them to improve their services to future clients. Expressed appreciation

always improves performance, self-esteem, and satisfaction in one’s work. There are many levels of acquaintance, service, and obligation at the passing of loved ones. There are likewise many levels of acknowledgment and honorarium. It is the survivor’s personal choice to appropriately express his or her appreciation to those who served during their loved one’s days of final disposition. My name is Tracy Renee Lee. I am the owner and Managing Funeral Director at Queen City Funeral Home in Queen City Texas. I am an author, syndicated columnist, and co-founder of Heaven Sent, Corp. I write books and weekly bereavement articles related to understanding and coping with grief. I am the American Funeral Director of the Year Runner-Up and recipient of the BBB’s Integrity Award. I deliver powerful messages and motivate audiences toward positive recovery. It is my life’s work to comfort the bereaved and help them live on. For additional encouragement, read other articles or watch video “Grief Briefs,” please go to my website at www.MourningCoffee.com.

5th Sunday 6:30 pm and Every Tuesday @ 6:30 pm United Methodist Church P O Box 417 419 N. Market Leakey, TX 78873 830.232.6266 Pastor: Rev. Walter Prescher Adult Sunday School: 9:30 am Worship: 11:00 am Children’s Church: 11:10 am Wednesday: 5:30 pm,

Youth Group, Grades 7-12 Mt. Home Divide Chapel Hwy. 41 (near YO gate) 121 Divide School Rd. 640-3307 2nd Sun: 2:30 p.m. Wed.: 11a.m. Bible Study

Reagan Wells Baptist Church 8415 Ranch Road 1051 830-232-5504 Pastor: Mark Moore Sunday School: 9:45 am Sunday Services: 10:50 am & 6:00 pm Wednesday Service: 7:00 pm

LAGUNA MONUMENT CO. 4139 Hwy. 90 East Uvalde, Texas 78801

Billy Welch Office 830-278-5261 Cell 830-591-6367


“Let Us Help You Select An Appropriate Memorial”

NELSON FUNERAL HOMES We offer funeral services, traditional and non-traditional, cremations, prearrangements and monuments Camp Wood 310 S. Nueces St. Camp Wood, Texas (830) 597-5135

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Leakey 103 Market St. Leakey, Texas 78833 (830) 232-6667

Rocksprings 301 S. Live Oak St. Rocksprings, Texas 78880 (830) 683-6233

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hill Country Herald Page 11

Trump’s First Week


by Elaine Padgett Carnegie

True to his nature, President Donald Trump began his tenure in the White House with a bang! We will begin with a look at the busy week in Washington as President Trump’s executive orders affecting the Affordable Care Act, Abortion, Mexico Border Wall, the “renegotiation” needed to restart two controversial pipeline programs, other various objectives, and last but not least the ban on Muslim immigration. The New York Times said, “If other new occupants of the White House wanted to be judged by their first 100 days in office, President Trump seems intent to be judged by his first 100 hours. No president in modern times, if ever, has started with such a flurry of initiatives on so many fronts in such short order.” Thomas Barrack Jr., a longtime friend of Mr. Trump who led his inaugural committee, said the president’s accomplishments have been “meteoric.” “He has done exactly what he has said he would do,” Mr. Barrack said. “He has delivered results at a faster pace than any president in history.” It seems to be a general consensus among “everyone” that President Trump is leaping before he looks. His business man’s approach to running Washington is not without its true difficulty. Nearly every new president has a learning curve and it can take time to establish processes that carefully consider ramifications and limit unintended consequences. There is talk of forming a Committee of strategic planning that will be better able to look forward. While the President seems to have every single good intention of carrying out every single campaign promise. Some of the Presidential mandates already issued are causing chaos in the rank and file of regular Americans. The Washington Post said again, “The action-oriented approach reflected a businessman’s idea of how government should work: Issue orders and get it done. But while the rapid-fire succession of directives on health care, trade, abortion, the environment, immigration, national security, housing and other areas cheered Americans who want Mr. Trump to shake up Washington, it also revealed a sometimes-unruly process that may or may not achieve the goals he has outlined. On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump boasted he had no government experience and, in his first week in the White House, it sometimes

showed. Orders were signed without feedback from the agencies they would affect. Policy ideas were floated and then retracted within hours. Meetings and public events were scheduled and then canceled. Advisers to the president made decisions without telling one another. The president called for an investigation looking at voters registered in more than one state, unaware that it would include his chief strategist, press secretary, treasury secretary, daughter and son-in-law. And Congress often appeared to be an afterthought.” Well, everybody’s got to learn! I think President Trump is trying to do what we asked him to… against all odds! I did not vote for Trump, ‘nor did I vote for his Democratic opponent. I am however, absolutely willing to give him a wide berth as long as he is trying so hard to be what he promised us he would be! He nipped the TPP in the bud! A victory from American workers. IN his address this week he said he had been in communication with factory and business owners reinforcing the fact that if we buy it in America, it will be built in America! We gave him a tall order… so far he seems to be taking that very seriously. Cries of fascism and worry about the dark ages… bunk from main stream media! The truth is that nearly half of all Americans agree that having an abortion is morally wrong, yet 59% believe it should be legal in all cases. A “woman’s right to choose”. That is not my argument and should be decided by the American People in a totally separate vote! Legal or Illegal. It is an issue that should not elect politicians but should benefit our children and populace. I don’t believe that Abortion should ever have become a political issue. Have a national election, let the people decide and then “do it.” That simple! On other fronts, Mr. Trump is fighting the Press to get the truth of what he is doing before us in a way that is not tainted by opinion and innuendo by the Media. I applaud his decision to give us a weekly update! He does not seem to be trying to shut the media up, he just seems to be telling his side of the story which he has every right to do, as do we all! I am praying for our President and our Country. Won’t you join me?


The 85th meeting of the Texas Legislature began on January 10th. Unlike the U.S. Congress which meets practically year round, our state legislature meets for just 140 days every two years, so we have to get down to business and focus on our primary task – passing another fiscally conservative, balanced budget. The first two to three weeks of the session are largely ceremonial, however. This is because the rules of the House of Representatives prohibit the debate of legislation on the House floor prior to the 60th day of the session unless it is deemed an emergency by the governor. This lull at the beginning of the session allows members

and their staffs to work with the lawyers and drafters who turn ideas into actual bills ready for consideration. As of this morning, there were 1,989 bills already filed this session. Proposed bills also cannot proceed through the legislative process until the Speaker of the House appoints members to fill the thirty-eight standing committees. Thus far, those assignments have not been made, and while there is no mandated deadline, historically the committees are filled around the first week of February. In 2015, I was assigned to the Transportation Committee, the Culture, Recreation and Tourism Committee, the Rules and Resolutions Committee, and (following session, in the interim) the Select Committee on Mental Health. I do not know if I will be returning to those committees at this time, or be named to one or more different committees, but once assignments are announced, I will be sure to update you further. In addition to committee assignments, this week we are receiving two speeches from our state’s leaders. On January 31st, Governor Abbott will address a joint session of the Texas House and Senate for his state-

of-the-state address. During that time, he will likely inform us of any issues or legislation that he has decided rises to the level of an emergency item. The next day, on February 1st, the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, Nathan Hecht, will also address a joint session of the legislature to deliver his state-of-the-judiciary address. I am excited to get down to business and begin this important work, and I would like to ask all of you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and to contact me with your comments and opinions. As always, it is an honor to represent you in the Texas House of Representatives. Please visit my website at www.AndrewMurr.org or contact our District Office in Kerrville (715 Water St.) at (830) 257-0432 or our Capitol Office in Austin at (512) 463-0536 and let me hear from you. Rep. Andrew Murr is a rancher, attorney, small businessman and former Kimble County Judge who has represented District 53 in the Texas House since 2015. House District 53 includes Bandera, Crockett, Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Mason, Medina, Menard, Real, Schleicher and Sutton Counties.

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Page 12 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017



Shirley Shandley, Broker 698 Highway 83 South * Office 830-232-6422 · #16 – New Listing! 20.17 AC Secluded getaway, cabin, travel trailer, water, electrical system, satellite TV, blind & feeder, 4WD access $99,750 · #25 – REDUCED! 503.44 AC Real Co. N. of Leakey, water well & stock tank, 2 mobile homes, great exotic & native hunting, secluded canyons & 4 wheeler trails throughout the ranch $1,069,810 · #10 – New Listing! 6.10 fenced AC, 3 Living areas, dbl carport, views, minutes to Garner SP & Frio River $224,950 · #15 – New Listing! Frio River Access at private park – 1.68 Ac gated, water & electric available, RV storage $115,000 · #2 – New Listing! Secluded 7.14 AC 2/2 home w/sunroom, dbl garage, 2 stocked ponds, views $275,000 · #5 – New Listing! Concan 3/2 Home Canyon Oaks, Frio River access, rental possibility $217,000 · #3 – Bluff Creek frontage – 5.27 AC+/-, nice travel trailer, electric, septic, water, phone, W/D, covered deck, fenced $149,500 · #41 – 4/3 Home w/sleeping loft on 1.52 AC, 2 car garage, huge Oak trees, Frio River access, gated $459,000 · #14 – 6.62 AC Ready to build on near Concan, cabin, electric, well, big oaks, gated $159,000 · #8 – 5.5 AC near Garner SP, gated, electricity, views, ready to build on $69,500 PENDING · #37 – Creekfront furnished cabin, all utilities + well house/ utility room w/washer/dryer, freezer, refrigerator; 40’ storage container $230,000 · #32 – 27.22 AC+/- off Hwy 41 with plenty of cover & numerous oaks, lots of wildlife in area, electricity close $90,000 · #7 – 90.87 AC+/- off RR 337, cabin, well, electric, septic, storage bldg., 2 RV hookups, Axis, Whitetail, Sika $515,000 PENDING · #22 – Concan -3-4 BD + sleeping loft, 2 full & 2 half bath home on 5+ AC, River Access, 3 car garage, gated, Wildlife Val. $551,000 · #4 – 5.74 AC off scenic RR 337, several bldg. sites, fencing, low taxes, sensible restrictions $49,900 · #11 – Frio Riverfront, Concan Area – 10.92 AC unrestricted, home overlooks river, + manf. home & bunk house, ideal for large family, corp. retreat, commercial dev. $695,000 · #33 – 3/2 Energy efficient home on 1.3 AC, high ceilings, dbl garage, fenced, workshop, landscaped $219,900 · #54 – 3/1 Home + guest house, Frio River access, gated entry, beautifully landscaped, large shed, patio w/bbq pit $255,000 · #20 – 2.61 AC Nueces River access, gated, phone & electric avail., river park to fish, swim, kayak $30,000 · #30 – Nueces River Access 4.56 AC water & elect. avail., septic installed. Bldg site w/view of hills, gated $90,000 · #53 - 5.35 AC+/- with access to 50 acre park – spring fed

swimming hole, fishing lake, campsites $52,000 PENDING · #1 – 6.57 AC 281.34’ Wilson Creek, water well, elec., septic, caliche pad, 30 amp RV hook-up, spectacular views! $139,000 · #35 – 1.01 AC underground elect., water system, scenic views. Great views, near Frio River & golf at Concan $39,000 · #6 – 191.31 AC +/-, Beautiful 4/3 Stone Home w/FP, free roaming Axis & Whitetail Deer $739,900 · #29 – 3.58 AC N. of Leakey, fronts Hwy 83, water & electric available $99,999 · #31 – 7 AC w/outstanding views, 3/2 Home overlooking spring-fed lake which is part of 50 AC park for Roaring Springs $199,000 · #57 – 1.07 AC Concan adjacent & access to community clubhouse/swim pool, water system, underground utilities, paved street (Owner/Broker) $49,500 · #13 – 4.40 AC between Garner SP & Concan, water & electric available, access to club house w/pool $55,500 · #21 – 199.41 AC hunting ranch, 4x4 access, water well, elect. avail., blinds & feeders, Agr. Val. $448,673 · #36 – 9.3 AC. water, elect., views, homesite, possible terms $108,600 · #9 – 5.86 AC spectacular views, access 50 AC spring-fed park – swim, fish, hike $47,000 PENDING · #42 – Frio Riverfront – 4/3.5 home on 3.54 AC, covered porches, fenced yard, cabana $595,000 · #18 – 3/2 Rock home on 5.14 AC, 2 car garage, perimeter fencing, off scenic RR 337 $269,000 · #12 – Frio Riverfront 1.5 AC lot, Prime Location, Nightly Rentals OK $225,000 · #27 – Corner lot along the 3rd hole Concan Golf Course, gated, underground utilities $80,000 · #17 – NUECES RIVER ACCESS, 2+ AC Homesite tract, water, elect. & phone avail., Gated Comm., Owner terms – call for details $55,000 · #26 – RiverTree, Access River Park, 1.87 AC, water/electric avail., gated for privacy (Owner/Assoc. Broker) $69,995 PENDING · #44 – 5.601 AC Sabinal River, huge Cypress (Owner/Agent) $215,000 · #45 & 46 – 2 Sabinal Riverfront Lots, Hwy 187 front, Utopia (Owner/Agent) $75,000 & $85,000 · #34 – 82.37 AC great views, cabin, great hunting $430,000 · #28 – Prime Frio River tract, Frio Vista #7, Cypress trees, N. of Leakey 1.26 AC (Owner/Broker) $275,000 · #56 – Lot 27 VV 1.08 AC, gated community near Garner State Park, underground water & elect. $49,500 · #77 – Lot 57 VV 1.01 AC, elect. & water, gated, area access to clubhouse w/swim pool $39,500

For more info – photos, plats, more listings, go to www.hillcountryrealestate.net


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Recycle in Leakey

(Sort items by type before drop-off) Aluminum Cans – no aluminum foil, no steel cans, no cat tins or pie plates, no trash Cardboard – flattened, MUST BE DRY, and free of food contamination (no pizza boxes) #1 Plastic – no lids, no liquids Batteries, rechargeable – no single use batteries Electronics NO – No longer accepting electronics The drop-off location for recyclables is at Rio Brewster Waste Management, which is on FM 337 west, across the street from the post office. Stop at the RBWM office for directions on where to unload your recyclables. No charge for recyclable items. All proceeds go to support Keep It Real-ly Beautiful, the local 501(c)3 organization for recycling and beautification in Real County.

GRANNY’S KITCHEN BACK TO BASICS... SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! It’s time to gather with friends and family to enjoy America’s (especially Texas) #1 Sport! Here are some fun and easy ideas that are sure to please. Some “make aheads” so the “Day” is not so crazy. Enjoy the camaraderie and the food! Make it easy on yourself with these recipes!

Three-Cheese Mini Bacon Macaroni and Cheese Bites

1/2 pound elbow macaroni 1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus melted butter for greasing the tins 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3/4 cup whole milk 4 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded (about 1 packed cup) 4 ounces deli-sliced American cheese, chopped 1 large egg yolk 1/4 teaspoon smoked Spanish paprika 2 slices thick-cut bacon (about 3 ounces), cooked and chopped Preheat the oven to 425°F. Brush the wells of four 12-cup, nonstick mini muffin tins with melted butter. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of the parmesan cheese, pressing it up the sides of the wells. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the macaroni until al dente, about 5 minutes. Drain, shaking off the excess water. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, melt the 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat. Whisk in the flour and cook for 2 minutes. Whisk in the milk and cook, whisking constantly, until boiling and thickened, about 5 minutes. Add the cheddar and American cheeses and whisk until melted. Off the heat, whisk in the egg yolk and paprika. Fold in the bacon and macaroni. Fill the wells of the muffin tins to the top with macaroni, using damp fingertips to pack the macaroni into the tins. Sprinkle the remaining parmesan on top. Bake the mini macs in the upper and middle thirds of the oven for about 10 minutes, until golden and sizzling, rotating the pans halfway through cooking. Let cool for 5 minutes. Using a spoon, carefully loosen the mini macs, transfer to a platter and serve.

Loaded Baked Potato Dip

(Make-ahead) 8 slices bacon (9 oz) cooked until crisp, cooled and crumbled into bits 1 (8 oz) pkg. Neufchatel cheese, softened 1 1/4 cups sour cream 1 (1 oz) pkg. Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dressing Mix 1 cup finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese 1/3 cup chopped green onions (from about 2) Fresh vegetables and crackers, for serving Place Neufchatel cheese in a medium mixing bowl and using an electric hand mixer whip until smooth. Add sour cream and mix until smooth. Add dressing mix, cheddar cheese, green onions and bacon and stir and fold until well blended*. Serve with vegetables and crackers. Store dip in refrigerator in an airtight container. *If you’d like to have some of the cheddar, onions and bacon on top of the dip just set some aside before mixing the rest in.

Chocolate-Frosted Peanut Butter Bars (Make ahead) 2 cups (10 ounces) all-purpose flour 2 cups (6.4 ounces) quick oats 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup (8 ounces) unsalted butter, softened 1 1/4 cups (9 1/2 ounces) packed light-brown sugar 3/4 cup (5.7 ounces) granulated

sugar 2 large eggs 1 cup (8.6 ounces) creamy peanut butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract For the frosting: 1 cup (8.6 ounces) creamy peanut butter 1/2 cup (4 ounces) unsalted butter, diced into 1 tablespoon pieces 1/4 cup (26 grams) unsweetened

By Elaine Padgett Carnegie

Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter a rimmed 18-by-13-inch cookie sheet. In a mixing bowl, whisk together flour, oats, baking soda, and salt. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, blend together butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar until creamy. Mix in eggs one at a time. Mix in 1 cup peanut butter and the vanilla. With mixer set on low speed, slowly add in flour mixture and mix just until combined. Drop cookie dough onto prepared baking sheet. Spray hands with non-stick cooking spray and spread dough into an even layer. Bake in preheated oven 12-15 minutes until golden (careful not to over-bake or edges will be dry; don’t wait for it to be golden brown. They should be puffed and beginning to set but still soft). Remove from oven and cool 5 minutes, then dollop remaining 1 cup peanut butter by spoonfuls over top. Let sit 1 minute, then spread peanut butter into an even layer to cover top. Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Stir in cocoa, milk, and salt and bring mixture just to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla, then stir in powdered sugar and mix until well combined (if needed you can add 1 tablespoon hot water to thin). Immediately pour over bars and spread into an even layer. Allow frosting to set then cut into squares. Store in an airtight container.

5-Ingredient Buffalo Chicken Pinwheels (Make ahead) 1 cup shredded cooked chicken 6 ounces light cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup Frank’s RedHot sauce 3 green onions, thinly sliced, plus more for garnish 4 (6-inch) flour tortillas Mix chicken, cream cheese, hot sauce, and green onions until combined. Spread on to tortillas. Wrap tortillas up jelly-roll style, and cut into 1/2-inch slices. Pop into the fridge to chill for 10 minutes. If serving later, individually wrap rolls in plastic before cutting, and chill in the fridge. Garnish with sliced green onion.

Slow-Cooker Carnitas Tacos With Quick-Pickled Onions For the carnitas: 1 medium red onion, sliced into 1/4-inch-thick 2 1/2 pounds bone-in pork shoulder (or 2 half-moons pounds boneless) 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar Kosher salt 1 teaspoon kosher salt 2 teaspoons dried oregano 3/4 cup rice vinegar, white wine vinegar, or 1 teaspoon ground cumin apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon neutral oil, such as grapeseed 5 black peppercorns, optional 1 yellow or white onion, quartered 3 small springs thyme, optional 4 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed For the tacos: 1 jalapeño, stem removed and cut in half Small corn tortillas, warmed The juice of 1 orange Chopped cilantro The juice of 1 lime 1 lime, cut into 8 wedges For the quick-pickled onions: Liberally rub the pork shoulder with salt. Mix the oregano and the cumin with oil and rub all over pork. Transfer the pork shoulder to a slow cooker, and add the onion, garlic, jalapeño, orange, and lime juice. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours or on high 4 hours. Meanwhile, pickle the onions: bring 3 cups water to a boil and spread the sliced onion out in a strainer set in the sink. Slowly pour the boiling water over the onions to soften the onions and temper their bite. Add the sugar, salt, and vinegar to a half-pint mason jar and shake until the sugar and salt dissolve. Add the onions, peppercorns, and thyme sprigs (if using). Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes (preferably a few hours) before using. Once the meat is tender, remove from slow cooker and let cool slightly before pulling apart with a fork. Add back to the slow cooker, season to taste with salt (if needed), cover, and keep warm for 30 minutes. (Reserve the braised onions and garlic for adding to tacos or other uses. They’re basically confited in pork fat!) Preheat the oven to the broil setting. Spread the carnitas out on a rimmed sheet pan and broil until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes. To assemble the tacos: Add to each tortilla carnitas and pickled red onions. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve with lime wedges.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 AMERICA (ABC)—Protests Build Across the Country Against Trump’s Immigration Order-President Trump defended his executive order restricting the entry into the U.S. of people from seven Muslimdominated countries, saying the move was not about religion but about keeping the country safe, even as protests against the order grew. Crowds turned out at dozens of airports and in cities across the country today to protest the order, which lawyers and advocates for immigrants and refugees said has created an emergency, with people still being detained at airports across the country despite a federal court ruling issuing a stay on the order. Trump issued a statement Sunday, saying the countries chosen for the “extreme vetting” had been “identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror.” “To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. This is not about religion - this is about terror and keeping our country safe,” the statement reads. YEMEN (ABC)—US Service Member Killed in SEAL Raid on Al-Qaeda in Yemen. One U.S. service member was killed and three others were injured in Yemen during a raid Saturday by Navy SEALs targeting al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s senior leadership, officials said today. The operation, which officials said was launched by the elite counterterrorism unit SEAL Team Six, was the first carried out with the direct approval of President Donald Trump and resulted in 14 al-Qaeda operatives killed, officials said. Trump in a statement Sunday afternoon, “Americans are saddened this morning with news that a life of a heroic service member has been taken in our fight against the evil of radical Islamic terrorism. The sacrifices made by the men and women of our armed forces, and the families they leave behind, are the backbone of the liberty we hold so dear as Americans, united in our pursuit of a safer nation and a freer world. My deepest thoughts and humblest prayers are with the family of this fallen service member. I also pray for a quick and complete recovery for the brave service members who sustained injuries,” Trump said. IMMIGRATION BAN (AP)— Anger and dismay, along with congratulations from Europe’s far-right, rippled across the world Sunday as politicians, community leaders and even a sports star reacted to the entry ban U.S. President Donald Trump imposed on refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-

Hill Country Herald Page 13

By Elaine Padgett Carnegie

majority nations. As the realization sank in that people with dual-citizenship who live outside the targeted Mideast and African countries would be affected, condemnation mixed with concern about families with traveling members who could be prevented from returning to the United States they call home. FRANCE (ABC)— Hard Work Starts Now for France’s Socialist Candidate. Beating a politically weakened ex-prime minister proved easy for Benoit Hamon, who will represent France’s ruling Socialist Party in the country’s presidential election. Far harder will be convincing voters that his hard-left platform isn’t the recipe for ruin his critics claim. Hamon’s comfortable victory Sunday in a Socialist primary runoff against Manuel Valls owed much to his radical proposal to give all French adults a regular monthly income to protect them in an automated future where machines will take their jobs. Hamon’s winning margin — nearly 59 percent of the votes in the three-quarters of polling stations tallied — also appeared as a resounding rejection of unpopular outgoing President Francois

Hollande and Valls, his prime minister for more than two years. But the path forward for Hamon is littered with obstacles. UNITED NATIONS (AP)— “There is a new US UN, it is a time of action and strength, said U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley in her first visit to the United

Nations. In no certain terms, she put U.S. allies on notice: “For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names.” JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the American embassy in Israel should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, injecting himself once again into a charged campaign trail promise

of U.S. President Donald Trump. Netanyahu’s comments at his weekly Cabinet meeting appeared aimed at countering reports that Israel was concerned about the fallout of such a move, which is vehemently opposed by the Palestinians. It comes a day after Netanyahu unilaterally endorsed Trump’s call to build a wall along the Mexican border, saying the Israeli model along its border with Egypt has proven successful. “I would like to clarify unequivocally that our view has always been, and continues to be, that the United States’ embassy should be here in Jerusalem,” Netanyahu said. “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and it is appropriate that not only the American embassy will be here but that all embassies will move here and I believe that in due course most will come here, to Jerusalem.” CANADA (CBC)-6 dead in shooting at Quebec City mosque. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard call shooting an act of terrorism against Muslims. Quebec provincial police say six people are dead and eight were wounded after shots were fired inside a mosque on Sunday night during evening prayers. Sûreté du Québec Sgt. Christine Coulombe says the victims range in age from 35 to 70. Both Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Quebec government have called the shooting an act of terrorism. At the moment of the attack, the men were praying on the ground floor of the building, while women and children were upstairs. Two suspects have been arrested, one of whom was apprehended after a chase that ended near l’île d’Orléans. Authorities are asking anyone with information to contact Quebec provincial police at 1-800-659-4264.

Land Commissioner George P. Bush announces raises to veteran land and home loan limits Land loan limit from $125,000 to $150,000 VA Home loan guarantee/limit from $417,000 to $424,100 AUSTIN - Land Commissioner George P. Bush announced that Texas veterans are now eligible for low-interest land loans up to $150,000. Commissioner Bush increased the land loan limit from $100,000 to $125,000 in his first act as chairman of the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) in 2015 and he’s raised it again two years later. Additionally, the VLB Veterans Housing Assistance Program (VHAP) loan guarantee was increased from $417,000 to $424,100, the current maximum VA conforming loan amount. “In Texas, honoring veterans is in our DNA,” Commissioner Bush said. “From the days of the Republic to the present day, we provide vets with additional services and benefits above and beyond those provided in other states. As Chairman of the VLB I have made it my mission to improve the benefits we provide and work to ensure that more of my fellow veterans are aware of the great benefits they earned serving our great country.” Texas has always taken care of her veterans. In 1836, the Texas General Land Office was formed, in part, to make sure veterans of the Texas Revolution received the land rights they were promised in exchange for their role in the liberation of Texas. The Texas Veterans Land Board was created in 1946 to do the same for Texas veterans who helped liberate the world. Today, the VLB serves more than 1.7 million Texas veterans of all ages. “No other state can match what the VLB offers: low-cost land, home and home improvement loans;

skilled nursing in long-term care facilities, and cemeteries - all exclusively for Texas veterans and their spouses,” said Matt Elledge, Senior Deputy Director of the VLB. “Additionally all of our programs are self-funded, which is great news for Texas taxpayers.” The cornerstone of benefits for veterans in Texas is the VLB’s ability to offer below-market interest rate loans for land and home purchases, and home improvements. The VLB operates eight Texas State Veterans Homes that serve more than a thousand veterans and their families needing long-term, highquality care. The VLB also provides free burial of veterans with full military honors at Texas State Veterans Cemeteries in Abilene, Corpus Christi, Killeen and Mission. To qualify for VLB benefits, veterans must be honorably discharged, have served at least 90 days on active duty and live in Texas. “Texas veterans have more than earned this benefit,” said Bill McLemore, Deputy Director of VLB Loan Operations. “This will make it easier than ever for veterans to achieve the American Dream they fought and sacrificed so much for through their service.” For information about the Texas Veterans Land Board, visit TexasVeterans.com or call 1-800252-VETS (1-800-252-8387). Follow the VLB on Facebook at Facebook.com/TXVLB, Twitter Twitter.com/TexasVLB, YouTube YouTube.com/ TexasVLB, and Instagram Instagram.com/ TexasVeterans, and visit the Texas Veterans Blog at TexasVeteransBlog.com.


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Page 14 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Classified Ads

The Hill Country Herald P.O. Box 822 Leakey, TX 78873 Phone: 830-232-6294 editor@hillcountryherald.net




EMPLOYMENT Work with abused children and teens on our residential campus near Kerrville. $2,150.00/ mo and career ladder after pre-service training, certification. Houseparent, Night and Day Shifts available. Benefits package. Must be 21 or older. No pets. Subject to background check and drug test. Hill Country Youth Ranch. 830-367-6111. EOE


Experienced cook, apply in person at the Friends Grill, 153 Hwy. 83 South, Leakey, Texas 830232-6301 Need Part-Time Janitorial Workers, Great Pay, Please Call 1-855-595-5589 Night staff needed at Big Springs Ranch for Children. Gain valuable experience working with our youth on our campus in Leakey. Must be 21 years of age of older. Training, certification, career ladder, benefits. Call for more information! 830-367-6111. EOE

Sales Utopia Texas

Job opening available for an inside salesperson. Computer skills, excellent phone skills and desire to succeed are required. Hourly pay PLUS commission will allow you to build a great income for yourself. Come learn & earn $$. Send resume to Ty@EvidenceGrade.com. Part time cleaning help needed. Reliable transportation required. Call Frio River Cabins at 830-232-5996.

FOR SALE Solar System $1500, almost new; 1550 gallon Water Tank, barely used, $400, call Kevin 713.449.1411

LAND FOR SALE: Uvalde County 20 acres of hunting land atop a hill, 4 mi west of Montel, Tx. 4 wheel drive transportation a must $20,000 call 210-454-9000

For sale:Good Selection of Registered Horned Hereford Bulls call Howard Herefords, Sabinal, Texas 830-591-3110

Enhanced Horizons is seeking a part time Resident Support Staff to provide guidance, encouragement, and life skills training to the at-risk, homeless, and former foster young adults residing at our transitional living campus near Ingram. If you are a flexible team player with a passion for sharing your talents and care with others, please contact: Beth at 830-3674330. ext. 231 or beth@enhanced horizons.org. Monday and Tuesday 4pm-11pm. Saturday and Sunday 8am-4pm. Cleaning Lady for Office and homes, please contact Texarome at 830-279-2944 HELP WANTED Housekeeper needed for vacation rental in Leakey. Applicant needs to be reliable and an independent worker. Rentals all year round. Please contact Vicki Pannone at 361 549-4719 for more details. First United Methodist Church of Sabinal, located at 200 West Fisher Avenue, is searching for a musician and vocalist to begin January 1, playing for church services. Please contact the church at 830-988-2535 if you are interested. If no answer, please leave a message. Someone will contact you.

40. European river 41. Tally 43. Temporary provision of money 44. Office worker 46. Reign 47. Misplace 48. Plaid design 50. Genuine 52. Church bench 53. Gown 55. Rend 57. Environmental condition 61. Consign 65. Automaton 66. Epoch 68. The Little Bear, Ursa ___ 69. Develop 70. Pelt 71. Excessive 72. Outdo 73. Hankering 74. Wading bird

The office of the Real County District and County Clerk is accepting applications for the position of Deputy Assistant. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications are available in the office of the Real County District and County Clerk or on the Real County website and can be returned to the District and County Clerk between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Real County is an equal opportunity employer. Work with traumatized children who need patience and love. Singles or couples. Training, certification, career ladder, benefits. Two campuses near Kerrville or Leakey. Must be 21 years or older. Hill Country Youth Ranch, 830-367-6111 EOE SPACE AVAILABLE for Vintage Store vendor/dealer in UVALDE... Call Gloria 830-486-6982 or Diana (817) 213-7595.

Groundskeeping Position:

The H. E. Butt Family Foundation Camp Facilities near Leaky, TX seek full time Groundskeeping support for immediate hire. Some experience preferred. This role includes the maintenance and beautification of grounds, planters, trees, and shrubs. We offer competitive pay and benefits. For more information or to apply, please contact 713 303 7086.

Technical Services Technician

The H. E. Butt Family Foundation Camp Facilities near Leaky, TX seek full time Technical Services (HVAC) support for immediate hire. The Technical Services Specialist monitors, maintains, and repairs technical systems, including but not limited to, HVAC and refrigeration equipment, commercial appliances, and water systems.. Minimum of 3 years of current technical experience with HVAC, refrigeration, appliance service and repair, water and/or wastewater systems experience a plus. Associate degree or formal HVAC technical education preferred. Applicable licenses and/or certifications including basic building maintenance skills needed. Competitive pay and benefits. For more information or to apply contact 713 303 7086.

WANTED DEER LEASE WANTED Responsible group looking for +/- 1500 acres. Please email Brandon@jerdonlp.com Or call 210-722-5591

SERVICES Handy Man, Carpenter, Frame, Paint, Roofing, Sheetrock. Hang Ceiling Fans, Light Fixtures, Toilets. 20 Years Experience. Please Call 830-928-2043 Do you need a house sitter, pet sitter, or plant sitter while you go out of town or on vacation? If so give me a call at 830-279-4014 then you can enjoy your trip with no worries If you are looking for a pet sitter/Housesitter while you are out for the night or weekend? Or week? Then I will be there for you. Call 830-328-4983. Only available for weekends and holiday weeks

CROSSWORD PUZZLE Across 1. Jeer 6. Part of a circle 9. Stop 13. Coconut meat 14. Exclude 15. Court panelist 16. Help 17. Oculus 18. Herb with aromatic seeds 19. Associated 21. Prescribe 23. Appearing bloodshot 24. Traditional music 25. First woman 28. Travel by horse 30. Scaling device 35. Hobble 37. Layer of paint 39. Appeared with Bogart in The Maltese Falcon, Peter ___

Employment Notice

Down 1. Indication of previous damage 2. Inlet 3. Gemstone 4. Mendicant 5. Waver 6. Not up and about 7. Beam 8. System of beliefs 9. Search and pursue 10. Melody for solo voice 11. Disorientated 12. Large plant 15. Canine mammal 20. Decree 22. Unwell 24. Characteristic 25. Choose 26. House 27. Glowing fragment of coal 29. Threshold 31. Child’s plaything


32. Wilt 33. Delete 34. Regenerate 36. Saucy 38. Story 42. Acquire knowledge 45. Martial art 49. Negation of a word 51. Paper used to test acid or alkali 54. Burly 56. Produced from a photographic negative 57. Crustacean 58. Traditional knowledge 59. Long-billed bird 60. The greatest number 61. Acquire by effort or action 62. Release a fastening 63. Rancid 64. Journey 67. Regret Answers page 7

FULL TIME REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS Exposure is what it’s all about, Properties that we market are placed in a total of 5 multiple listing systems, including San Antonio, Midland/Odessa, Kerrville, Uvalde, and Del Rio. No one else gets your property exposed the way we do. If you seriously want to sell your property, we will seriously get it exposed! Call us today! We Sell Service!

Check out the Ridge Subdivision if you are looking for a beautiful building site in the Frio Canyon with all the amenities, such as a TCEQ approved water system, beautiful river park, paved roads, and a security gate. Prices start at $99,500 for 5 acre tracts. You’d pay that much for a 1-acre tract in Concan with all the noise and traffic. Why do that? Don’t overlook the Ridge. Call us for a tour of heaven in the hill country today. HUNTING PROPERTY PRICE REDUCED!!!267 acres located approximately three miles east of Rocksprings. Easy access, low fenced on three sides. End of road location, yet close to town. Minerals intact! $1800 per acre! YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS ONE TO BELEVE IT! Hidden River Ranch, 265 acres with approximately 3⁄4 mile Frio River frontage, only 2 miles from town, deep in the heart of the Frio Canyon. Extensive frontage on blacktop, excellent topography with pecan bottoms and field areas, three houses, a horse barn, and tractor shed, fenced and cross fenced. Property is loaded with wildlife, including Axis and White Tail deer, feral hogs, Blackbuck Antelope, wild turkey, and others. Must see to appreciate. COMMERCIAL Established Auto Parts Store located in the heart of Leakey. Well established, great business in a great location. $259,000 plus inventory! PRICE REDUCED! OWNER FINANCING OPPORTUNITY! Looking for an established business in the Frio Canyon. Now you can own the Leakey Beverage Barn. Best location in town right across the street from Stripes. This is a wellestablished money maker! $295,000. OAKRIDGE LODGE AND CABIN located in the RIDGE. The main lodge features over 4300 feet of centrally heated and cooled area that is configured to sleep up to 30 guests. The property also features a detached cabin that sleeps an additional 10 guests. This is the best income producer in the Frio Canyon. An in ground pool and outdoor fireplace adds to the ambience, or relax on the upper deck and watch the sun go down. This property commands approximately $1,000 per night and is on track for 100 nights this year. This is the investment you’ve been looking for. Call today for a showing. Like new retail building located along Highway 83, close to Stripes with great visibility and easy access. Has a history of successful operations. This is the first building on the left that you see when you enter Leakey from the south. Over 2,000 sf of building area situated on a highly visible one-acre tract on Highway 83. $275,000. Modern Office Building on Highway 83, move in ready. City utilities, excellent visibility and access. Price Reduced. $225,000 FRIO PECAN FARM managed rental with 2b/2ba, covered porch, beautiful Pecan grove, wildlife, price reduced to $150,000. Close to Leakey and walking distance to the river! OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE! LAND NEW LISTING in Rivertree. Beautiful residential lot covered with giant oak trees. Close to community club house and river park. This is probably the prettiest lot in the development. Come look at it and you’ll see what I mean. $95,000 NEW LISTING in Flatrock. This is a 3.11-acre river front tract with over 200 feet of frontage along the east bank of the Cypress lined Frio River. This property is improved with a 2 bedroom one bath manufactured home. $225,000 PRICE REDUCED! 14 acres of Cypress lined Mill Creek in close proximity to Lost Maples State Park. Great for gentleman’s estate building along the bank of the creek. Good tillable soil that is perfect for vineyard. Extensive black top frontage with “live” water and excellent topography. Beautiful home site in Frio River Place. Gated community, sensible restrictions, beautiful river park, parking area for owner’s RV, priced right at $75,000. BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT TRACT, this five acre building site on the Frio River can be yours today! Huge cypress trees line this blue water hole that is teeming with fish. Fronts on Highway 83 and the Frio River, private, yet close to town. Good restrictions, beautiful building site overlooking the river. It just doesn’t get any better than this!!! Price Reduced to $299,900 THE RIDGE-Experience the Texas hill country at its finest w/ private access to your own beautiful Frio River park w/BBQ pavilion. Underground utilities WITH TCEQ APPROVED WATER SYSTEM, paved roads, security gate, free roaming wildlife, hiking, biking & much more! This restricted subdivision offers 5 acre tracts of peaceful solitude that are beautiful building sites for your dream home, retirement, or vacation get-away. B&B allowed. Call for a showing or take a drive out 4 mi. south on RR 1120. Prices start at $99,500 RESIDENTIAL Rustic elegance best describes this beautiful new listing in the Rivertree Subdivision! This 4 bedroom 4 bath charmer features over 3600 square feet of centrally heated and cooled area, and comes with a detached 2 bedroom 2 bath guest house containing an additional 900 square feet. All this on an approximate 1.93-acre site. The house is expansive with 9 foot ceilings, a huge fireplace, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances including a 6 burner stove and two dishwashers in the kitchen, hardwood floors, and an open floor plan so that everyone can be included in the conversation. Enjoy the view of the surrounding Texas Hill Country from decks on three different levels. All this for $695,000 Like new home in the heart of Leakey. Three bedroom two baths with approximately 1640 sf of centrally heated and cooled area. Walking distance to the banks, restaurants, grocery store, and the court house. All this for just $220,000. HERE IT IS, your own private cabin with frontage on the Frio River and also has access to the beautiful Leakey Springs Park. Cabin consists of a great room with kitchen and sleeping quarters, with two full baths. Only $185,000. This is turnkey, and ready for you! Approximately 176 feet of river frontage and a home in Frio River Place. Beautiful cypress lined private swimming hole in addition to subdivision park, three bedrooms and three full baths in main house, with guest quarters complete with a full bath. Lots of storage space, huge covered patio to watch the sun go down over the river, black top frontage. Close to Garner, Con Can, and Leakey, yet quiet and peaceful. $575,000. Like new three bedrooms 2 bath home on 5 acres with river access. Close to town in Frio River Ranch. $245,000. Beautiful four bedrooms, 2 1⁄2 bath home with over 2500 square feet of living area, located in close proximity to the river in Reagan Wells. Did I mention that it had a three car garage and a detached guest house. Huge covered and open deck area. Access to a mile of river and over 100 acres of wooded trails and pasture land. This one is priced right at $429,000. RIVERTREE! Two story log home nestled beneath huge Pecan trees. Walking distance to the river, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath, vaulted ceiling and wrap around porch. $329,900.

Dub Suttle GRI - Broker Kathy Suttle GRI, - Associate Broker Fred McNiel GRI, - Associate Sterlin Boyce - Associate Doug Smith - Associate COME BY FOR ONE OF OUR COMPLETE LISTS OF PROPERTIES, CHECK US OUT ON THE WEBSITE OR SCAN THE QR CODE BELOW WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE!

1260 S US Hwy 83, Leakey, Tx. 1/2 mile south of Leakey city limits on US Hwy 83 830-232-5242 www.SuttleandCompany.com

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hill Country Herald Page 15




In the old Legion Hall 4,000 square feet! Wed-Sat 10:00-5:00 Camp Wood 597-6400


The Friend’s Grill Restaurant in Leakey, Texas - Hours of Operation Wednesday - Sunday 11: 00 AM - 9:00 PM The Patio Grill Bar will be open Thursday & Friday 4 PM to 11 PM, Saturday Noon to 11 PM, Sunday 3 PM to 11 PM Drinks, Beer, Wine, Light Food & Appetizers. Big Screen TV for Weekend Football!!







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Page 16 Hill Country Herald

Wednesday, February 1, 2017





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100% TEXAN 410 S Hwy 83 Leakey, TX 78873 Ph. 830-232-4553 Office Hours-Lobby Mon-Thu 9:00 to 3:00 Fri 9:00 to 4:30 Office Hours-Drive-Thru Mon-Fri 9:00 to 4:30 Sat 9:00 to 12:00 Drive-Up ATM Located at Branch Also located inside Concan General Store

Take It Anywhere - A deflated Stand Up Paddle Board is the size of a rolled up sleeping bag and stores in the ‘Backpack’ for easy transport and storage. Tickets - $5 each or 5 for $20 – Available at the Library Drawing will be held at the Gala on Feb. 25, 2017 You do not need to be present to win.


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