Hull College Group Annual Report 2012 2013

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Annual Report 2012-2013


We continue to strive to meet the challenges of changing labour market needs, including re-skilling programmes and responding to changing skills needs in the area Nick Swash Corporation Chair

Contents Chairperson’s Report


Mission & Value Statements


Chief Executive’s Statement


A message from the HCUK Students’ Union President


College Management Team


Corporation of Hull College


Student Success


Hull College Group Facts & Figures


Organisational Development


College Estates 2012/13


Hull College Commercial Division


Successes of 2012/2013


Chairperson’s Report As the Chair of the Hull College Group Corporation I am proud to report that we have had another year of fantastic achievements. Significant developments took place across the Group in 2012-13, with permission received to launch a dedicated new provision for pupils age 14-16. The HCUK 14-16 Colleges - one in Hull and one in Goole - follow a decision by Government to allow 14 year olds to enrol in select colleges full-time - which offers early access to high quality college education. Among the first in the country, the two HCUK 14-16 Colleges offer young people the opportunity to study vocational qualifications alongside GCSEs in core subjects. The Group has also continued to develop its HE provision. In 2012/13 we received full accreditation from our new degree awarding partner, The Open University. Work is ongoing towards achieving Foundation Degree Awarding Powers (FDAP), which will eventually allow the Group to independently award degrees. Employability continues to be at the heart of our provision, as we develop further partnerships with local and national employers and support


agencies. Employment agency REED NCFE opened a new base within Hull College in 2013, which has already supported a large number of individuals into work. As a Group, we continue to strive to meet the challenges of changing labour market needs, including re-skilling programmes where employers have faced making redundancies and responding to changing skills needs in the area. This is reflected in Hull College securing a £3.5 million contract for Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW), which will deliver workplace learning across the Humber region directed towards key industrial growth priorities as identified by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). I pass on my congratulations to all of our students who achieved with the Hull College Group in 2012-13. I also pass on my thanks to the staff of Hull, Goole and Harrogate College and our partners, whose support and dedication are key to our students’ success.

Nick Swash Corporation Chair

Vision Statement First choice for learning, ensuring excellence and innovation in everything we do

Mission Statement Innovative and enterprising people enabling excellent learning for employability and social fulfilment


Chief Executive’s Statement The past year once again saw impressively high enrolment numbers across the Hull College Group exceeding 30,000 students. Some of the key areas of growth were in adult enrolments and Apprenticeships, reinforcing the importance of the emphasis we place as a group on employability and work-based learning. As an outstanding organisation we have continued to deliver an exceptional standard of learning to our students, and have implemented a series of innovative new developments. A highlight was confirmation received from the Government to develop an exciting option to secondary education in Hull and Goole as part of the HCUK 14-16 College. The Group was one of only seven providers nation-wide to be granted permission to directly enrol students from 14. Students across the Group performed fantastically, demonstrating strong performances in exams and assessments. Individual successes were achieved at local and national levels, with students winning awards for their work within the arts, enterprise, design, and community projects. Elsewhere, students have progressed to further courses within the Group, gone on to prestigious universities and embarked on their dream careers both locally and further afield.


In the last year we recorded our highest ever success rate which represents our ninth consecutive year of improvement. Our students are now performing in the top 10% of colleges nationally - this is an enormous credit to the excellent staff across the Group. Finally, I would like to extend my congratulations to all of our students on both their personal and academic successes. Thank you also to colleagues, partner organisations and our team of governors. It is the input of all our stakeholders which ensures Hull College Group continues to succeed as an organisation, delivering outstanding learning opportunities at a local, regional, national and international level.

Gary Warke MBE Chief Excutive



Message from Hull College Group Students’ Union President It is an honour to play a key role in representing the Hull College Group student community and already I have seen the Students’ Union and Hull, Goole and Harrogate College progress further into exciting times. Our key focus throughout anything we plan is student engagement and meeting the students’ needs. Within the Union, we’ve listened to students and worked alongside them to ensure their needs have been met at a high quality, such as creating a structure for Reps and holding monthly Rep meetings across all campuses of Hull, Harrogate and Goole to support the Executive Committee in reaching out to all students and maximising student engagement. From this, the Union will grow from strength to strength and hopefully will be able to reach out to students beyond the College campuses.

students’ voice is incredibly important to us all and by listening to it and taking action; there can be a lot more achievements in the future. Thanks

Emma Palmer HCUK Student Union President

I would personally like to thank staff and Governors at the Hull College Group for their continued support in the Students’ Union development, but most importantly, I would like to thank the students who are the main purpose of the Union being in place. With such dedication and enthusiasm, they help influence big changes not only on a local level but nationally too. The


College Management Team The members of the Strategic Leadership Team as at July 2013 were as follows:

The members of the College Management Team as at July 2013 were as follows:

Gary Warke MBE

Teresa Chalmers

Chief Executive

Director of Student Services

Lee Probert

Director of Quality

Chief Operating Officer

Paul Clarke

Group Director Finance & Business Development

Graham Towse

Stephen Allen Gary Hughes

Assistant Principal FE

Caron Wright

Assistant Principal HE

Principal of Hull College

Mark Pearson

Lynne Richardson

Matthew Lilley

Principal of Goole College

Debra Forsythe-Conroy Principal of Harrogate College

Director of Funding & Information Services Head of Service - Marketing and Communications

David Mullaney

Director of Infrastructure & Facilities

Sarah Humphreys Dean, Faculty of Arts

Julia Davidson

Dean, Faculty of Business & Science

Diane Rainsbury HE Registrar


Corporation of Hull College Membership from 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013

Governors Mr Nick Swash

Chair - appointed August 2012

Mr Paul Hollins

Vice Chair

Ms Patricia Tomlinson

Vice Chair - appointed August 2012

Dr Elaine McMahon

Chief Executive and Principal (ex officio) - Term of Office ended February 2013

Mr Gary Warke

Chief Executive (ex officio) appointed February 2013

Ms Melissa Askew Mr Kevin Brown

Appointed January 2013

Mr Nigel Coyle

Appointed January 2013

Ms Donna Edgar

Ms Debbie Meakin

Staff Governor

Ms Emma Palmer

Elected as Student Governor July 2013

Mr Robert Peyton Mr Neil Porteus

Term of Office ended December 2012

Mr Chris Roberts Mr Paul Serghiou

Resigned as Student Governor June 2013

Mr Martin Shaw

Resigned February 2013

Mr Rob Smith

Resigned as Student Governor February 2013

Mr Tony Sutton Mr Kevin Whittaker

Appointed January 2013

Mr Chris Fenwick Mr Chris Fleming

Resigned April 2013

Mr David Greenway

Staff Governor

Mr Brian Hill

Resigned December 2012

Ms Hilary Jack

Appointed January 2013

Mr Mark McCluskey

Resigned August 2012

Individuals Co-opted on Committees Mr Andrew Manderfield

Appointed March 2013

Ms Gillian Pattison

Resigned November 2012


Student Success Long Success Rate The Hull College Group enrolled over 30,000 students from Hull, the East Riding, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, nationally and internationally during 2012/13: studying both on College campuses, via workplace learning and community programmes. As part of our commitment to meeting individual students’ needs 2,905 students received support for a range of difficulties including dyslexia, physical disabilities, and visual or hearing impairment. The long success rate for 2012/13 was 85.5%, representing the highest level ever for success rates in the College.




82% 81%









2006/07 69%





2003/04 0%





College Rate 89.9%















2005/06 2004/05









Overall the College success for all qualifications was 89.9% against the national average of 86.5%




Facts and Figures Number of Part-time Students

Age 86%

3% 11%

Part time

 Under 16  16-19  19+

783 2722 21174

Totals 24679

Number of Full-time Students

Age Full-time 63%

 Under 16

35% 2%


 16-19


 19+


Totals 5839

Gender 58%

 Male


 Female



Ethnicity of Students  White


 Black and Minority Ethnic  Unknown

27105 3350 63

0.2% 11%


Income  Funding Council Income £41.90m

73% 16.4% 0.2% 10.5%

 Tuition Fees/ Education Contracts


 Other Income


 Investment Income


Total Income Gross Turnover

£57.40m £68.10m

Expenditure  Staff Costs



 Other Operating Expenses £15.80m

26.9% 0.2% 3%



 Depreciation


 Interest Payable


Total Expenditure


Staffing Profile

(Full-time equivalent)

17.2% 0.1% 7.2%


 Teaching Departments Teaching Staff


 Teaching Departments Teaching Support Staff


 Other Support Services


 Admin & Central Services


 Premises


 Other



Our students are now performing in the top 10% of colleges nationally - this is an enormous credit to the excellent staff across the Group Gary Warke Chief Excutive


Organisational Development

The Organisational Development Strategy describes a strong focus on building successful individuals and teams who are empowered to make local decisions to improve services.


Learning and Development - Our People

Staff Development

With a drive for exceptional performance, we seek to support all staff to develop their skills, work towards increased competency and gaining relevant, valuable qualifications.

Working proactively to support and develop our people, staff engaged in:-

Preparation to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS), Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTTLS).

402 Learning and Development Opportunities were supported through the Staff Development Budget. The wide range of qualifications undertaken and courses attended include:-

During 2012/13 11 members of staff have undertaken PTTLS training and 3 began their CTTLS training.

Cert Ed/PGCE In 2012/13 a total of 53 members of staff were studying either the Cert Ed or a PGCE.

Higher Education 25 staff were studying Higher level qualifications including 12 Bachelor Degrees in a topic relevant to their role.

6318 Learning and development activities in 2012/13 from both support and academic roles.

CIPD & CMI courses  Multiple Conferences Aiming for Excellence  IOSH  Equality & Diversity Professional Updating  Assessment for Learning Safeguarding  Work Experience  Employability Coaching  Child Protection  Vocational Learning 14- 16 Events  Mentoring  British Sign Language (BSL) L1 & 2  NVQ4 IAG and professional courses. Specific staff development days are used each year to enable staff to focus on the service needs in their area.

Assessor / Verifier qualifications 27 staff undertook assessor and verifier qualifications.


Estates Update 2012-2013 HCUK estate investments in the 12/13 period included

Hull Studio School – Wilberforce Building A £600,000 internal refurbishment with exterior entrance works, the Hull Studio School estate within the College’s Wilberforce building provides a variety of innovative spaces designed around the CREATE framework. Working within a local design partnership, Morgan Lloyd Jones and local contractor Hobson and Porter, the building interior was transformed from a linear, compartmental footprint to a modern, open plan environment with a number of innovations including a variety of mobile technologies and walls that can be used as whiteboards through Idea Paint™

School of Academic Studies – Queen’s Gardens Tower Block Following the development of the Hull Studio School, the school of Academic Studies relocated from the Wilberforce building to the Tower Block Third Floor. The internal refurbishment of this area provided a zoned base for the College’s English and Maths provision.


Faculty of Business and Science – Energy and Climate Centre The Energy and Climate Centre underwent an internal refurbishment to accommodate the establishment of the Faculty of Business and Science. New spaces and facilities provided include one to one tutorial rooms, a faculty office and break out IT areas.

Strategic Sustainability Objective Through work carried out as part of the College’s Estates Strategy, Hull College Group emitted 5437 tonnes of CO² and will continue sustainable development through strategic investments in the coming years.

ICT and E-Learning As part of the ICT Strategy and E-Learning Strategy, ICT Services Implemented comprehensive Wi-Fi coverage across all Group campuses to improve the student experience, this provides greater network flexibility and maximises the use of College and student-owned mobile devices.


Doing my Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship is giving me the on the job experience I need to improve my career prospects Shannon Hull College Group Apprentice


In 2012/2013 the Hull College Group continued to support local businesses across the region The Hull College Group is committed to ensuring that local people entering the world of work through work related learning routes possess the essential skills that employers demand and that those already in employment have the opportunity to up-skill within their existing role and pursue a long term career path. The Commercial Division works in partnership with local and national employers, developing individualised skills training and development solutions to support positive bottom line impact, future growth and stability.

Apprenticeships The Hull College Group delivers Apprenticeships across all sectors as the national skills agenda continues to focus on the benefits of the apprenticeship career route, particularly for young people. The Group has continued throughout 2012/13 to develop sector led qualification frameworks to meet the needs of the local economy and emerging growth sectors for the region. Working strategically alongside employer partners we are able to determine industry need and lead the way in developing innovative training and recruitment solutions through the apprenticeship route.

Small Business Support Working closely with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), the Commercial Division and consortium partners are promoting workforce up-skilling opportunities to local SME’s through the ESF led Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) fund.

YHATA YHATA (Yorkshire & Humber Apprentice Training Agency) provide employers with the finest apprentice candidates to fill their vacancies. The provision comprises a complete recruitment and selection support service assisting with the development of the job description, advertising, selection, interview and preparation for work. YHATA continue to provide information, advice and guidance to anyone interested in an apprenticeship. Maintaining strong links with local schools and supporting various events YHATA provide young people with the advice they need to help shape their future learning and career development. This work is vital and continues to help develop the workforce of the future. All candidates being put forward for interview are properly prepared, qualified and have all the competencies and skills required by the employer, all they have to do is select the right one for the job. YHATA continue to support the apprentice and the employer post recruitment, helping to build long term relationships that are beneficial to all parties. Hull College Group is committed to investing in young people through the Apprenticeship route and up to 2012/13 45 apprentices have been employed at Hull, Goole and Harrogate College during their apprenticeship studies.


Open University Partnership announced In April 2013, a new partnership was confirmed between Hull College Group and The Open University (OU). The partnership will see the OU validate almost 50 of the Higher Education (HE) programmes offered by the College. Through its partnership with the OU, Hull College Group, which includes Hull, Goole and Harrogate College, will offer a range of Foundation Degrees and BA (Hons) programmes leading to OU validated awards.

Hull College Group celebrated becoming one of the OU’s approved institutions at a signing ceremony held at its Hull College site. Gary Warke, Hull College Group Chief Executive, said: “This exciting partnership will give the Hull College Group the opportunity to further expand our HE programmes and develop research and scholarly activity benefiting from The Open University’s world leading expertise in research and innovation. In due

course, this could mean the chance to carry out our own research programmes – an exciting prospect for both staff and students.” Dr Liz Marr, Director of the Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships, said: “Key academic partnerships are the building blocks to success in education and so we are particularly proud to welcome Hull College Group within The Open University’s well established network of approved institutions.”

Announcement of HCUK 14-16 College


Hull College Group was announced as one of only seven FE providers in the country to be granted special permission to recruit 14 year olds full-time at its campuses in Hull and Goole.

selection of specialisms to choose from, including: Construction, Engineering, Creative Technologies, Sport, and Health and Social Care. Pupils also have access to a range of progression opportunities.

The HCUK 14-16 College is suitable for any student who will benefit from early access to a high quality college education combining core GCSEs with a specialist vocational pathway. Students have a wide

They are offered a guaranteed place at Hull or Goole College at age 16 to be able to continue on a vocational course full time, or alternatively take A Levels, embark on an Apprenticeship or seek

employment. Hull College Group Chief Executive Gary Warke said: “The Government permission to proceed with the HCUK 14-16 College is a historic moment for Hull College Group and one that signifies a momentous moment in education. Our previous experience has cemented Hull College Group as a pioneer of 14 -16 education.”

Government business Secretary visits Hull College Group Hull College Group Chief Executive awarded MBE Gary Warke, Hull College Group Chief Executive was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in June 2013. In July 2013, Business Secretary Vince Cable paid a visit to Hull College Group. The senior cabinet member visited the Queens Gardens site on the same day an independent report announced Hull and Goole Colleges make a massive contribution of more than £500 million each year to the regional economy.

The total contribution of the colleges to the economy of Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire is £517 million annually, equivalent to £1 in every £20 spent in the region or more than 23,000 jobs on average wages. Accompanied by CBI Director General John Cridland, Mr Cable visited the College’s School of Construction and the Built Environment, which

is one of the UK’s largest providers of construction skills training. The Secretary of State also visited the award-winning Voids project, under which Hull College construction students have completely refurbished derelict properties on the city’s Preston Road estate. Business Secretary Vince Cable said “This is an admirable project and shows how construction apprentices are contributing to the regeneration of our towns and cities. “As part of our industrial strategy we announced last week how we will work with the construction sector to help achieve 70 per cent growth by 2025. With Hull College’s excellent training facilities, it is well placed to play a pivotal role.”

Gary received the order for services to education, alongside a number of other influential figures across the UK. During his tenure at the College, HCUK has achieved ‘outstanding’ status, significant growth and sponsorship of one of the most improving secondary schools in the country. Gary’s leadership of the policy agenda to enrol young people into colleges directly at 14 was also recognised. On receiving the letter confirming the award, Gary said: “It is a real honour to receive the MBE, both professionally and personally. This personal recognition is a testament to the hard work and support of the staff and governors within the Hull College Group who have enabled the College to be an ‘outstanding’ organisation that transforms the lives of thousands of students every year. “The award also recognises the innovation of the Hull College Group within the education sector sponsoring our highly successful Sirius Academy, setting up our studio school as well as playing a lead role nationally as one of the first centres in the UK to offer full-time college education to young people aged 14.”


Ofsted Chief hails Hull College as example to other organisations In February 2013, Ofsted’s Chief Inspector of Schools, Sir Michael Wilshaw highlighted Hull College as an ‘example to others’, praising levels of aspiration and achievement. The Ofsted Chief paid the College a four hour visit, and after meeting both staff and students said he could see why the College received its ‘outstanding’ Ofsted rating. He said that he would now look at how the good work at the College can be used to benefit other organisations. He said: “The College has certainly impressed me. It is my third visit to a college and it was a heart-warming

experience. [Hull College] is an outstanding college. It certainly was when we last inspected it and I can see the reason why. I have spoken to the students and the staff and all of them have said how much they enjoy working here, being here and learning here. “Aspirations are high, expectations are high and students are achieving very, very well. What needs to happen now is that excellence needs to transfer down to schools. We want to see more schools in Hull doing as well as this college is doing and that’s something Ofsted will be looking at closely over the next few months. This is a shining beacon of

good practice and one of the issues we have just discussed is how we can disseminate that good practice to other institutions.” Hull College Chief Executive Gary Warke said he was ‘delighted’ by Sir Michael’s comments: “Staff and students all work extremely hard to make the College a success, so to have that reflected in the Chief Inspector of Schools’ comments is fantastic. We’re very proud of our students and staff and all that they achieve, and the fact Sir Michael has gone away with such a positive impression of the organisation will only serve as motivation to continue striving even harder.”

Job Club steaming ahead A group of Hull College construction students are gaining essential experience working on real-world projects and commissions. The Hull College Job Club has created a series of successful projects for local schools, libraries and individuals, including toy kitchens, and storybook furniture. Launched in 2012, the Job Club involves students completing ‘live’ projects in their spare time and


they are constantly receiving new commissions and inquiries. Hull College curriculum leader for 14-16 in construction, Darren Storrer said: “I started the Job Club as I wanted to give young people a real experience of the construction industry and working with clients as well as great experience from the diversity of work that we do. This gives them real employability skills. Work for the students is flooding in

and future projects include a Dr Who replica Tardis, a full size replica F1 formula one car, a writing shed and a second wooden play train as well as windows and staircases. “It’s a great opportunity for the students to learn how business works and to give them valuable experience should they ever wish to start their own.”

National recognition for community scheme An ongoing community project which has seen Hull College students transform derelict properties into high quality affordable homes was recognised by a prestigious national award scheme in 2012. The Green Gown Awards, now in their eighth year, recognise exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK. Hull College received its nomination for the Hull East Voids scheme, under which construction students completely refurbished run-down homes which had been empty for

at least five years. The project was Highly Commended in the Social Responsibility category, despite tough competition from across the country. Julia Davidson, Director of Curriculum and Development at Hull College, attended the black tie awards event. She said: “It was a huge honour just for the College to be nominated, so we were particularly delighted to be Highly Commended. Competition within all the categories was extremely tough and we were up against some truly fantastic projects.

“The Hull East Voids Project was a true partnership, involving students, staff, Hull City Council and, of course, the community.” Judges of the Green Gown Awards highly praised the College, saying in the formal winners’ brochure: ‘The judges were impressed with how the College worked with the local community to bring about positive outcomes rather than follow the norm of working within college workshops. This is a project that can be replicated by any college that teaches construction skills.’

STEM Manifesto launched In the summer of 2013, Hull College Group launched its STEM manifesto – a pledge to enhance renewables training, in order to prepare the region’s workforce for the expected green jobs boom. Announced during the annual Humber Business Week, the manifesto set out a plan to increase provision within Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects. HCUK Chief Executive Gary Warke MBE said STEM subjects were ‘absolutely critical’ in terms of meeting the skills needs of the region’s businesses.

long-term careers we have craved for so long”. Other commitments in the pledge included a plan to convert the Preston Road Skills Centre into a dedicated ECO Centre, focusing on green construction skills, the introduction of courses providing qualifications to assess properties under the Government’s Green Deal building stock energy efficiency programme and the launch of a new Bachelor of Science Higher Education programme in Sustainability and Environmental Management.

Speaking at the launch event he said: “As this region stands on the cusp of potentially a new industrial revolution, powered by renewable energy, we risk having too few skilled workers to take advantage of the well-paid,


Pilot scheme gets vulnerable Hull students into work Hull College was one of only a handful of colleges around the country to take part in a national pilot scheme in early 2013, which saw vulnerable students and those with learning difficulties and disabilities undertake Supported Internships with local companies. The 15 students gained reallife experience within different businesses ranging from a garage to a care home, football coaching academy, landscape gardening

company, nursery, charities and computer repair shop. All completed an OCN City and Guilds qualification in Work Skills and spent time in the classroom, receiving practical coaching in interview techniques, CV writing and other work-related subjects. Alex Edmonds, 19, and Richard Ness, 18, were among the first learners to be matched with an employer and both were eager to be involved.

Alex said: “I felt excited when I heard about the course, because I wanted a way to get into sports coaching, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. But my placement was with Soccer Sensations, and it felt great to get it. I was coaching children on football which was great, as I’m passionate about football and want to work with young people long term. I’m captain of my football team, so I felt I had lots of skill and experience to pass on.”

Artist in residence scheme for Harrogate Harrogate School of Art and Design welcomed two artists in residence for the first time in 2012. The two artists were Pam Grimmond, artist and printmaker from Marketing, North Yorkshire and Karen Thompson, ceramist from Scarborough. The project enabled both artists to access the excellent facilities within the School and undertake creative work as professionals between October 2012 and April 2013. They also worked alongside art and


design students studying in Further and Higher Education. Karen said: “My aim was for my presence within the College to give the students some insight into the processes of my working methods and the challenges facing contemporary artists actively developing their professional practice.” Pam added: “The residency was a great opportunity to be back in college again after working alone in my studio for the past year. I

really appreciated the freedom to experiment with new ways of working and the chance to discuss ideas with staff and students during the printing process.”

Harrogate College announced as host of regional skills competition

Goole students sleep rough in aid of charity

In June 2013 it was announced that Harrogate College had been chosen to host the regional Sparks and HIP National Apprentice of the Year competition – an annual search to find the UK’s most talented electrician and plumber.

Goole College students took part in a national event in March 2013, where staff and students slept rough to raise awareness of the plight of homeless people. The College opened up its grounds for the Sleep Easy event, which is organised annually by the YMCA.

The competition sees colleges from the North West region as far afield as Liverpool enter students in a series of timed practical activities while been assessed by a panel of judges. Each participant receives £100 worth of tools with the regional winner going to compete at the national competition. Harrogate College Electrical Apprentice Jacob Graham

was revealed as the College’s representative in the competition, in electrical installation. He said: “I am doing the competition because it’s a good experience and good fun. It also gives me a chance to check out the quality of other peoples work and I would like to represent my college”. HIP and SPARKS Event Organiser Celia Matthews said “We are absolutely delighted to be holding the event at Harrogate College this year. The calibre of students emerging from their electro technical department is second to none and so it was an obvious choice for us to hold the event here.”

Prince’s Trust scheme launches Goole College launched a Prince’s Trust scheme in summer 2013, which is designed to help individuals aged 16-25 gain the necessary confidence to increase their team building, communications and employability skills. The programme involves a 12-week course incorporating a variety of experiences, including a week-long residential stay, where participants work on team building abilities and making a difference in the community. They also undertake two weeks’ work experience, receive help in writing a CV, undergo mock interviews, deliver

The fundraising initiative saw charity supporters give up their homes and beds for the night in order to spend a night sleeping rough at the College, and experience the hardships faced by homeless people every night. Armed with nothing more than sleeping bags and boxes to fend off the elements, staff, students and local people joined forces to spend the night outdoors on campus. Those taking part collected sponsorship in return for taking part and the funds were donated to the local branch of the YMCA. Lynne Richardson, Goole College Principal, said: “The College works tirelessly to support local charities and organisations. The Goole Sleep Easy highlights the difficulties faced by young people living on the streets and is an excellent way to raise money for the YMCA.”

a presentation to a small audience and take part in an exciting community challenge, for example, refurbishing a local youth centre. At the end of the programme, individuals gain a real sense of achievement and develop the necessary confidence to approach employers. They also have the opportunity to enrol on a College course. Some previous students who have completed this programme have gone on to be ambassadors for the Princes Trust – two individuals from the Humber region went on to take an ambassador role last year.

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Hull College Queens’ Gardens Wilberforce Drive Hull HU1 3DG

T: 01482 329943

Harrogate College Hornbeam Park Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 8QT

T: 01423 879466

Goole College Boothferry Road Goole DN14 6SR

01405 762420


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