Hull College Group Employability Skills Passport

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Our ability to grow Trident is controlled by our ability to assimilate talented new staff and that ability is dependent upon the employability skills students develop whilst studying. The Employability Passport is attractive to local emerging industries. David Keel Trident

Welcome to Hull College Group Thank you for choosing Hull, Goole or Harrogate College for the next chapter in your learning. We have an excellent reputation with employers for preparing our students for work and we have 91% of our students progressing into further study or employment within six months of completing their course. Your route to work does not just mean achieving the qualifications you need for a future job. We know from talking to employers that other knowledge and skills are as equally important and therefore we ensure that our students have the opportunity to take part in activities that support the development of essential skills for employment. To record this, we have created the Employability Skills Passport & Seal.

Introducing the Employability Skills Passport & Seal Within your study programme you will participate in a range of activities that will help you to develop and gain the employability skills employers are looking for. These skills are based on the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) 7 Employability Skills which cover competencies that make someone employable including Self-Management, Team Working, Communication and Customer Awareness. Your Electronic Individual Learning Plan is a way of keeping a record of the employability skills and competencies you will have developed during your time with us. No matter what level of course you are on, you can develop these employability skills. For example, if you are studying on a Level 1 course, you will see your Employability Skill Set change as you move from one level to the next.

Bronze, Silver, Gold and the ‘Employability Seal’ There are 22 sub skills’ competencies within the 7 CBI Employability Skills and these are the sub skills on which you will build whilst you are studying with us. Achievement of all 22 sub skills indicates that you are ready for work and success in these skills will lead to the attainment of the Employability Seal. The table below illustrates the requirements of each attainment stage. Meets 100% of the criteria (22), including attendance and punctuality at 98-100%.

Achieves 17-21 criteria, including attendance and punctuality at 98-100%.

Achieves 12-16 criteria, including attendance and punctuality at 95-97%.

Achieves 7-11 criteria, including attendance and punctuality at 92-94%. If you are at the stage in your learning and development where you have not yet attained one of the above, do not worry, as you will be establishing strong foundations on which you can build as you progress with us.

Keep safe your Employability Skill Set as you progress from one level to the next and see how it changes!

It could look like this‌ Level 1 Study

Level 2 Study

Bronze Attainment Silver Attainment Level 3 Year 1 Study

Level 3 Study

Gold Attainment

Level 3 Year 2 Study

Gold Attainment Employability Seal

These are only examples as you could be work ready at an earlier stage in your progress with us! However, you need to maintain the skills you have developed as you progress.

Progress Stamps 2015/16






Employability Skill Set Track your employability journey

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What will your skill set look like at the end of your journey with Hull College Group? Build your evidence using your eILP

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I really enjoyed working through the Passport. I showed it to my employer at interview stage and they were impressed Kimberley Baynes Hull College Group student

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