C o n t e m p orar y M osa 誰 cs
HD Gallery
1 5 0 r u e D e f a c q z 1060 - Brussels - Belgium +32(0)485 76 58 59 i n f o @ h d g a l l e r y. e u w w w. h d g a l l e r y. e u
Sylvie Guyomard’s work takes on a form of interiority through its investment in slate as a reflective material. Her works allow a rediscovery of slate in creations that suggest power and energy as much as they can simultaneously suggest simplicity and serenity. Sylvie Guyomard uses slate as a material open to light and to the eye that skims over its tamed but still natural surface. The artist preserves the original appearance of the material suggesting a registering of time as its stratified layers gradually reveal its nature. Her
works are graphic compositions of an aesthetic as subtle as it is raw, playing with light to fire up a
works are on permanent display at the
chromatic palette. commands.
Gallery HD,
but she is dedicated also to projects and specific
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
Hommage à CM, 2015
Slate and aluminium, 58 x 90 cm Unique piece
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
Faille, 2015
Slate & iron, 24,5 x 30 cm Unique piece
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
Tryptique III, 2015
Slate and aluminium, 138,5 x 100 cm Unique piece
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
Failles, 2015
Slate and mother of pearl 30,5 x 40,5 cm; 25 x 30,5 cm Unique pieces
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
Confrontation, 2015 Slate and iron, 79,8 cm Unique piece
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
F没ts, 2015
Slate and Iron, 67 x 10 x 10 cm Unique pieces
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U
HD GALLERY - RUE DEFACQZSTRAAT, 150 - 1060 - BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - +32 (0)485/76.58.59 W W W. H D G A L L E RY. E U - I N F O @ H D G A L L E RY. E U