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Arts & Culture
A Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce Initiative in Partnership with the Business Community, Town Governments and Residents
Arts & Culture
Page 1 - Path Forward Readiness Plan
Arts & Culture Task Force Phase One Best Practice Recommendations The following Best Practice recommendations are meant to enhance public health and safety in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the first phase of a CDC three-phase reopening plan. This document will be modified as further information is provided from Goverment entities.
CHECKLIST Recommended Employee Safety
Highly recommend employees, including volunteers, wear masks and sanitary gloves in high touch point areas. ☐
Proper posting on handwashing hygiene, use of personal protective equipment and “contactless” service. ☐
Provide hand sanitizer and encourage employees to wash their hands as often as possible. Consider daily temperature checks and creating a health checklist for screening employees to reinforce importance of monitoring health. ☐ ☐
Communicate with employees regularly regarding their health status and the health of anyone with whom they may be in close contact. ☐
Advise employees to stay home if they are feeling ill or have any symptoms of a communicable virus. ☐
Recommended Customer Safety Highly recommend employees, including volunteers, wear masks and sanitary gloves in high touch point areas. Encourage customers to wear masks, eliminating the need for employees to make the request. Provide hand sanitizer througout venue. ☐ ☐ ☐
Place signage at entrance to business with expectations for customers regarding protective measures, including social distancing and sanitizing hands before entering. ☐
Limit number of employees in at any one time. ☐
Tape or mark 6-foot spacing at counters and waiting lines outside the venue. ☐
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Limit cash transactions, move to a credit card scanners for customers. ☐
Install acrylic sneeze guards at high frequency areas; concessions, ticket windows etc. ☐
Recommend serving a limited number of customers per show, event, tour. Disinfecting equipment after use or providing sanitary wipes for self-cleaning. ☐ ☐
Post at the entrance to your business and on your website a self-assessment certification and seal developed by the Chamber of Commerce that outlines steps you have taken to protect the public. ☐
Recommended Other Considerations Advocate for central procurement of protective equipment and sanitizing supplies and/or funding from Town of Hilton Head Island and Town of Bluffton. ☐
Recommend online or mobile app reservations or ticket purchase and pre-payment to reduce cumstomer/employee contact. ☐
Increase distance between seating within venues, public areas, concessions etc. ☐
Note: All businesses must adhere to any new requirements and restrictions mandated by the governor and SCDHEC.
Page 30 - Path Forward Readiness Plan