Hatchell Wood Primary School Plumpton Park Road Bessacarr Doncaster DN4 6SL
www.hope4mae.co.uk ‘Hope 4 Mae’ Family Quiz Night Great news!!! The date for our annual Family Quiz Night has been set and tickets are now available. This event is guaranteed to be great fun and is designed to involve the whole school community – including Pupils, Teachers, Parents and extended family members. This year however, we want as many people as possible to take part, as ALL profits will go straight towards helping local charity ‘Hope 4 Mae’ (please visit www.hope4mae.co.uk) The ‘Hope 4 Mae’ Quiz Night shall be held on Thursday 7th November 2013 at 6:00pm in the School Hall. Tickets are priced at £4.00 per person, which includes complimentary Pie & Peas. PLUS every member of the winning team shall each receive a very special prize!!! Due to the popular nature of this event and for obvious reasons, places are limited and are on a “first come, first serve” basis. Quiz Teams shall also be restricted to a maximum of 6 people per team. Please note that pupils must be accompanied by an adult. To make it more fun (as well as educational) children are devising some of their own questions in school - with the help and assistance of their class teachers. These questions will include curriculum subjects which they have covered during their time at Hatchell Wood. However, parents do not panic! There will be plenty of questions that I’m sure you’ll know the answers to (hopefully anyway, as we don’t want it to turn into the show “Are you smarter than a 10 year old!). The children are really excited about being asked to take part and contribute by making up some of the questions and they’re also looking forward to hearing their own questions being read out on the night of the quiz!
All in all, our 6th Family Quiz Night is sure to be another great night of family fun and entertainment – with a few surprises on the night too I’m sure!!! Should you wish to take part in this exciting event, please complete and return the form below and return it to school, in an envelope for the attention of Miss Bellis – Year 2 by Monday 21st October 2013 along with the correct payment. All cheques are payable to Hope 4 Mae. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any of the Committee if you have any questions. Many thanks for your continued support Mark Huby Hatchell Wood Primary School
TICKET ORDER FORM FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT Thursday 7th November 2013 – 6:00pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)
Name of pupil: ………………………………………………………………… Year/Class: ……………………………………………………………………. Number of tickets required (£4.00 each): ………………. Amount enclosed: ……………………........... (All cheques payable to: Hope 4 Mae)
Number of ‘Pie & Peas’ required: …………………………... (Please note a vegetarian option shall be available – please state if you require this option and how many)
Please note that tickets shall be issued in school and sent home with your child. ALL tickets will need to be presented on the door upon arrival
‘Hope4Mae’ www.hope4mae.co.uk