Newsletter feb 14

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Tel: 01302 538108

February 2014

We are now officially halfway through the school year already and it just seems to be flying by. Yet again we have had great support from parents, governors and the PTA in providing positive school experiences for the children at Hatchell Wood. We are looking at ways in which we can get parents into school more. One way is to invite parents into class aassemblies so that you can see what your children have been learning. Watch out for the date for your child. After six very successful years at Hatchell Wood Primary School, Mrs Vickers has decided to leave her role as Deputy Headteacher. She will be finishing at the end of the Summer Term and we wish her all the best for the future. Mr James Bullock who is currently an Assistant Head at another school in Doncaster will join us in September as Deputy Headteacher. Medical Appointments Could we ask you to make all appointments outside of school time wherever possible to avoid disruption to the school day

PTA The PTA are looking for new members to help support fund raising events. They are a highly enthusiastic, supportive and fun group of people but they are a bit short of numbers at the moment. Please see any teacher or PTA

LATE ARRIVALS Could I remind you that the children need to be lined up on the playground at 8.45am. If they are later than this they will be classed as late.

BAKE SALE Thank you for all your support at our bake sale last week. The funds raised will be going towards maths equipment in school.

New Reading Books We have just spent a lot of money on nearly two thousand new books to replenish our reading scheme. It will take us a little while to stamp them and get them onto the shelves but soon your children will have a huge range of new high quality reading books to enjoy. Please could you ensure they look after them at home as we want them to last for many years to come. ATTENDANCE LETTERS We have sent out the standard Local Authority attendance letters to parents of children with low attendance. Please be aware we have to send these out even if we know the reason why your child is off as it is our duty to inform you of their attendance. The next set of letters is due to go out again before Easter. Book Fair Thank you again for your support. The book fair has raised over £400 in credit to spend on books in school

PTA School Disco Yet again we had a very successful disco and the new arrangements worked well. Thank you for your support.

PARKING OUTSIDE SCHOOL The local police are currently monitoring parking outside school and have been giving tickets out after complaints from local residents and parents in school. Please be careful and do not park on yellow lines or corners. DINNER MONEY

Breakfast Club—Breakfast club is continuing. The cost is £2 per day and includes cereal or toast and a drink plus activities for the children. Reminders   

The school website calendar will give you the dates of upcoming events and holidays Please keep us up to date with contact details as we need these for emergency contact as well as mobile numbers for texts Half term is the week beginning Monday 24th February

Dinner money will be £60 for the half term up to Easter. Please ensure all weekly money is paid on the Monday as we cannot allow credit to build up. Absence Phoneline: 538108 then press 1 to leave a message. Absence Email:

School uniform available from Cliffs, Printing Office Street, Doncaster Tel: 342983

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