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MBSA Rules
from 2020 MBSA Yearbook
I Introduction Mass Bay Sailing Association (MBSA offers the ORR- EZ rating system to its members. This document spells out the rules and regulations for its use. In addition to the MBSA General Sailing Instructions (GSI), MBSA will utilize the full ORR- EZ Offshore Racing Rule as published by ORA. This document indicates where the MBSA implementation of the ORR- EZ Rules differ from the official ORR- EZ Rules published by ORA and is organized into the same sections and rule numbers as the official ORR- EZ rulebook (Rulebook).
To download the latest Rulebook, and for an introduction to and overview of the system, use this link: https://offshoreracingrule.org/orr-ez/orr-ez-rulebook
II Obtaining a Rating To obtain, change or renew a rating, please go to RegattaMan https://regattaman.com/certificates_page.php and apply using the link for the New England ORR-ez fleet.
III Handicapping Procedure Refer to section III of the Rulebook for a detailed explanation of the handicapping procedure, including measurement requirements.
Section E. Sail Limitations is modified as follows:
Table 1 Mainsail Headsails or 4 Large Headsails plus 1 Large Roach Headsail >50% mid-girth:foot ratio Light Staysails Spinnakers Storm Trysails Storm Jib (headsail) Heavy-Weather Jib (headsail) Mizzen Mizzen Staysails 1 5 4+1=5
1 3 1 1 1 1 3
For inventory purposes, Code 0 Sails will be classified as follows: <50% mid-girth to foot length ratio is a Headsail >50% and <75% mid-girth to foot length ratio is a Large Roach Headsail (LRH) >75% mid-girth to foot length ratio is a Spinnaker
IV Changes and Adjustments to Handicaps – No changes.
V Fees – No changes.
VI Definitions – No changes.
VII Privacy – No changes.
Appendix A – Course Types Course types and wind ranges have been standardized nationwide. Here are the course types and corresponding MBSA courses described in the MBSA GSIs: Standard Courses: Courses A, C, H, K, L = WW50%/LW50% Courses B, D = WW60%/LW40% Courses E, F, G, M, O = Random Leg* Ocean & Point to Point: Mostly WW Mostly LW Random Leg* *Random Leg may be used for “navigator” style courses where conditions warrant it.
VPP based Ratings were developed using the following wind range probabilities (i.e., typical wind speed observed 50% of the time along with gusts above and/or lulls below the typical wind speed for a given range) The following table gives the guidelines for each wind strength category:
Table 2 Category V. Light Light Medium Heavy
TWS Range 4.9 kts or Less 5 –8.9 kts 9–16 kts 16.1 kts or Greater
Blend 100% 4kts 50% 6kts, 25% 8kts, 25% 10kts 25% 10kts, 50% 12kts, 25% 16kts 25% 16kts, 50% 20kts, 25% 24kts
ORA recommends that when in doubt, choosing “Medium” and “Random Leg” provides a fair rating across most classes.