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Hospice Regatta CYC
from 2020 MBSA Yearbook
Event Sailing Instructions
Hospice Regatta -- Care Dimensions 26th Annual Benefit Regatta Sunday, June 21, 2020 Organizing Authority: Corinthian Yacht Club
Event: Hospice of the North Shore and Greater Boston, 26th Annual Benefit Regatta Sunday June 21, 2020. The Organizing Authorityis the Corinthian Yacht Club (CYC). This regatta is a MBSA season championship Qualifier. Eligibility: Boats with valid current ORR-ezratings are eligible for"spinnaker" and "jib&main" classes. The Race Committee (RC) may establish one-design classes with a minimum of three boats. Registration and Fee: Enter on line at www.regattaman.com/calendar.php. The entry fee is $50. All entry fees go
to support Care Dimensions.
Handicaps: Will be Time on Time under ORR-ez. Before the first warning signal the RC will announce, on VHF Ch. 72, the projected wind range (based on the RC's current knowledge) that will be used for computing corrected times, i.e., Lightor Medium or Heavy. Rules: The ORRezdivision will be governed by the Mass Bay Sailing Association General Sailing Instructions except as changed by these Event Sailing Instructions. One-design classes will be governed by the Marblehead Racing Association Sailing Instructions except as changed by these Event Sailing Instructions.
Notices to Competitors: Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board in the hallway near the trophy room of the CYC and by E-mail to addresses supplied when registering. Lists of entries will be available on the Regattaman site (item 3). Changes to Sailing Instructions: Will be by E-mail to addresses supplied when registering and posted on the official notice board (item 6). Signals Made Ashore: Will be displayed from the yardarm of the CYC flagstaff. Schedule of Races: For ORR-ez,one race is scheduled for "spinnaker" and "jib&main" classes. There may be additional races for one-design classes. Warning Signal: The first warning signal will be made not before 1230 EDT. Classes and Flags: Alphabet code flags will designate classes in accordance with MBSA class splits. Class flags will be used for one-design classes. Racing Area: Start will be in the vicinity of Tinker's Rock Gong, MBSA List A, Mark D. The Course(s): The RC intends to use MBSA Standard Courses.
Marks: Orange or green tetrahedrons and a black band attached to an orange or green tetrahedron for a change mark; if the mark is changed again, it will be without the black band. Otherwise see MBSA Lists A & B for descriptions and locations.
Recalls: As a courtesy the RC will attempt to hail OCS boats on VHF channel 72. Time Limit: The time limit will be 4 (four) hours after the start of each class. For one-design classes the time limit will be 2 ½ hours. Prizes: Trophies will be awarded in each class. The The award ceremony is scheduled for approximately 1700 at CYC.
Social Activities: Sunday social activities will begin after the races. The CYC facilities will be open after the races to offer hospitality to competitors, their crew and guests. Further details may be found on the CYC Web site www.corinthianyc.org, and the Care Dimensions Web site www.caredimensions.org/regatta.