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Robert Hartl Memorial Spring Regatta Constitution YC
from 2020 MBSA Yearbook
Constitution Yacht Club Presents The Robert Hartl Memorial Spring Regatta June 06, 2020
Notice of Race
1.1 Event: The Robert Hartl Memorial Spring Regatta, Saturday June 06, 2020. The Organizing Authority is Constitution Yacht Club. Come celebrate the first South Shore MBSA Qualifier! This race counts as a “travel” regatta for North Shore participants, so come get your travel requirement in early! 2.1 Eligibility and Entry: This race is open to boats with a valid ORR-ez Certificate. Classes will follow the MBSA Class Splits. A Sport Boat division will be formed if there are at least 3 participating boats. 2.2 Registration will be through http://regattaman.com up until the race date. Handicaps will be Time on Time under ORR-ez. CYC reserves the right to refuse entry to any boat. Boats that are refused entry will be provided with a written explanation of the refusal and a refund of any entry fees. 2.3 Fees: $50 ($5 discount for MBSA members) 2.4 Handicap System: The system will be ORR-ez using Time on Time scoring. 3 Rules: The Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. The MBSA General Sailing Instructions, except as modified by these Event Sailing Instructions, shall apply, as will the ORR-ez Rule Book and MBSA Orr-ez bylaws. 4 Notices to Competitors will be made via Regattaman. 6.1 Signals made ashore: There will be no signals made ashore 7.1 Schedule: Up to 3 races are scheduled. The scheduled time of the first warning signal is 1200. 9 Racing Area: The races will be held in Broad Sound in the vicinity of R2 QR Bell Finn’s Ledge 10.1 Courses: Courses will be standard MBSA courses or selected from the MBSA marks list. 11 Marks: Refer to the Sailing Instructions for this event for a description of the marks in use. 14.2 Recalls: Will be announced on VHF 69. A lack of radio hail does not exonerate any individual recalls. 17.1 Time Limit: Will be 4 hours from the first warning signal. No race will be started after 1600. 18. Radio Communication: The race committee will make all announcements on VHF Channel 69, including the anticipated ORR-ez wind range for each race. Rule 41 applies to all racing boats. 19.1 Protests and Requests for Redress: Protest forms are available at the following address: https://www.cycboston.org/s/US-Sailing-2017-2020-Protest-Form.pdf . Protests will be accepted in person, or via email to lryley@cycboston.org. For each class the protest time limit is 3 hours after the last boat has finished the last race of the day or the race committee signals no more racing today, whichever is later. Notices will be posted no later than 30 minutes after the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. The posting may be in the form of email to the interested parties and witnesses. Hearings will be held on the deck of Constitution Marina, 28 Constitution Road, Charlestown, MA beginning no earlier than 1700. 24. Awards will be presented at the CYC Annual Brunch in November.
25. Disclaimer of Liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
26. Insurance
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance.
27. Further Information
For further information please contact Lance Ryley at lryley@cycboston.org