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Safeguard yourself against Coronavirus the natural way

When it comes to boosting your immunity and overall health, what you eat contributes a lot. If you struggle with poor immunity, it is likely that your diet could be one to blame. In order to keep yourself healthy and in the best shape, especially during this pandemic spread of coronavirus, the naturopaths believe that eating foods that boost immunity can help keep you safe. Some of the necessary items that are worth including are gut friendly foods like sauerkraut, yogurt etc. and even other foods like coriander, ginger, garlic and such foods.
Do some kind of physical activity
Amidst all the panic across the world following the impacts of coronavirus, people are looking for every kind of preventive measure they can take to keep themselves healthy. While there is no possible cure or vaccine yet discovered for the Covid-19, the naturopaths and the Ayurveda experts are suggesting some natural ways that can help boost the overall immunity to help combat the condition better. If you have been trying to find better ways to cope with
the situation, one of the best ways to do so is by following through the tips mentioned.
Keep a check on your diet

People get stressed when talking about exercises and physical activities. But, one of the most important ways to keep your body in the best condition is to ensure that you lead an active lifestyle.
More than anything, it is necessary that you maintain an active lifestyle if you want to keep your immunity in the best condition. Yoga has been found to have amazing benefits, especially in helping promote the drainage of the lymph nodes, which is necessary for our body’s detoxification. It also helps boost the circulation in the body to further promote better health. Managed stress levels have been found to boost your immunity for the better.

Try taking warm baths
Practice self massage

Another effective way to combat and prevent the risks of coronavirus with the natural ways is by taking warm baths. Warm baths with Epsom salt and essential oils have been found to have amazing impacts in keeping your health in check. It also keeps your skin clean and wipes out any possible incidence of the viral infection on the body.

Avoid deep fried foods
As much as the fried foods are delectable to eat, they do no good to your body, especially when you are struggling with the rising
Abhyagna or self massage which is very common in the field of Ayurveda is believed to have amazing benefits in helping keep your body prepared to fight the risks of coronavirus. Studies have found that doing this helps keep your body’s stress levels in check and even improve the nervous system function in the body which again has positive impacts in helping promote better health.

risks of the virus around. Fried foods and even sweet food items have been found to have impacts on the digestive health, slowing down the overall metabolism too. It also does affect one’s immunity in the long run. They are difficult to digest, which is the reason why it is important that you stick to healthier food options instead.

Practice mindfulness
on the overall immune function of the body.

It is likely that you wouldn’t draw correlations between your mental health and your physical well being but the two are interconnected. If you want to keep your immunity in check and prevent the risks from taking over your body, it is necessary that you find effective ways to combat the condition and practicing mindfulness is one of the best ways. Meditation can help you collect your thoughts better, thereby preventing the risks of stress which has adverse impacts
Take your sleeping cycles seriously
Sleep and immune functions are correlated which is one of the reasons why the Ayurveda experts suggest getting quality sleep at night. Focus on getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep during the night. This reduces the risks of stress, promotes better immune function and even keeps you alert through the day. If you want to keep the risks of coronavirus in check, it is very important that you do let you body rejuvenate and rest through the night for it to be able to fight back.
Holy basil to the rescue
Tulsi, as it is called in India, has amazing impacts on your overall health. This herb has medicinal and therapeutic properties which are considered good enough for you to add to your daily routine. It is likely that it might not do anything to control your condition once you are infected but it can provide with a mode of defense when you are trying to prevent the virus from infecting you. It does help in keeping the condition of cold and cough in check and help keep the condition from getting worse.