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One Egg A Day Keeps Heart Diseases Away - Doctor’s Say

We are all well-versed with the profound impacts of eating eggs. It is one of the best protein food. Let’s look at what researchers have to say about how eating one egg a day is good for preventing heart diseases. This study has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
One of the leading authors from the McMaster University of Canada, Mahshid says, that eating just one egg a day is neither bad for your heart nor will it put people having cardiovascular diseases at risk of dying.
After studying what was conducted at PHRI, there were three other studies made by Mahshid’s group and they included people from various continents who earn different. All of them felt confident and safe about having one egg per day.
This question of whether eggs are healthy or not has come up as different studies say different things. Study’s claimed that eating more than three eggs a week can cause cardiovascular diseases.
One of the doctors contradicts this keeping in mind the size of eggs. He believes that three small eggs cannot make enough difference to one’s health and it is not unsafe. A doctor from the cardiovascular health at the Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in NY says “This very large study has clearly demonstrated that people can have one egg a day without any cardiovascular consequences.”
1. According to renowned doctors, here are some points about the benefits of eating one egg a day
2. Eggs might have cholesterol levels, however, they are nutritious.
3. Eggs have essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, phosphorous and Iron.
4. This protein food doesn’t have preservatives, added sugars or any food dyes. So you can understand when it has nothing harmful, it cannot be bad for health.
How A Toxic Relationship Affects Your Health

A relationship is a great companionship until it doesn’t start to make you unhappy. A person can deal with being unhappy and find some means to make things alright.
What about those times when things go out of reach and get toxic? In this situation, couples get affected mentally, physically and emotionally which is bad for health.
You might feel that a physical workout and a healthy diet are all that you need to keep going. But, the quality of your relationship shows its effects on your health too.
If you are in a happy relationship, you are healthy and when toxicity creeps in, it can totally bog you down. You will truly know your state of mind while you are in a relationship. Signs Of A Toxic Relationship
Take a look at these signs and assess if you are in a happy and healthy zone or are you at risk of feeling sick in a relationship.
and comfortable when your partner is around.

Sign 2 - You don’t have anything in common to smile about.
Sign 3 - When your partner doesn’t make you feel secure anymore.
Sign 4 - If you need to change yourself more than required and it is affecting you.
Sign 5 - When you feel your life is being controlled.
Sign 6 - When you feel emotionally, mentally and physically unsafe with your partner. Sign 7 - When you are never appreciated and you feel low about yourself when your partner is around.
Sign 8 - When you don’t get good or positive vibes in your partner’s presence.
No relationship is born toxic, it either becomes bad over the time or it was always like that and you must have been too engrossed to even notice. Where there is fear, anger, selfishness, sense of insecurity, pain and no trust, that relationship is clearly toxic.
Health Risks Of Being In A Toxic Relationship

Just as eating the wrong food can have a repercussion on your body, it goes the same with your mind as well.

Whenever you feel negative emotions like fear, anger, or pain, your mind gets to know and starts sending certain signals to your body.
The hormones understand these signals and tend to react to your body. Take a look at how is being in a toxic relationship risky for your health
No 1 - Triggers Fight Or Flight Hormones
The fight and flight hormone passes on signals to the brain when we take the stress of any kind. When the brain gets this signal, the response it throws at your body is not a good place to be in as it is not doing any good for your health.
Generally, people in toxic relationships are highly stressed. The flight and fight hormones are triggered and this affects an individual’s mental well-being and physical strength. So, one of the biggest health risks of being in a toxic relationship is feeling physically and mentally weak.
No 2 - Hormones Get Imbalanced
Have you noticed how fast your heart beats in fear? Same way when you are unhappy and stuck in a toxic relationship, it first affects all your hormones. It is so obvious that an imbalance in the mind is likely to disturb the way your hormones function.
No 3 - Sadness Affects Your Mind
It is enough for one toxic relationship to change your world and turn everything upside down for you. That being said, when you are emotionally affected and sad, it takes a toll on your mental and psychological health.
The two hormones that are activated when stressed are cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones go haywire in your body and this would make you feel depressed or you might fall sick.

What happens? A person has sleepless nights and their entire routine is at a stake, this affects immunity. Blood pressure can go high and the muscles get strained. So you can see how a bad relationship can worsen living?

don’t feel like eating much, the stomach bloats up, you experience cramps and inflammation.
No 5 - You Are Likely To Get Obese Conclusion Constant efforts to stay healthy is important. What’s even more important is to be free in the mind, feel happy from within and be part of a relationship that empowers you. The result of a toxic relationship is adverse. It affects your immunity, blood pressure levels and leads to excess weight gain.
No 4 - You Tend To Have Gastrointestinal Problems
What’s in the mind shows up on the stomach and that’s true. When you are emotionally drained out, you get to see its negative outcome in your stomach.
It is beautiful to be in a relationship until it gets toxic and makes you go through emotional stress. Did you know emotional stress can make you put on weight?
Sadly, anxiety or any form of stress is proven bad for your health because the stress hormone cortisol goes through pressure and affects your metabolism resulting in excess weight gain.