NeoLife Lifestyle SA Q1 '17

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Lifestyle Southern Africa 01/17


Perfect Cleaning Partners


Peter & Gloria Joubert


Power Up Your Life!






4 I News You Can Use

Welcome to The Founder's Table Kendra: Hi everyone. Welcome to The Founder’s Table. I’m Kendra Brassfield, the CEO of NeoLife International and in this interview I’m going to be sitting down with Jerry Brassfield, the Founder and Chairman of NeoLife International, and asking him to share stories and life lessons that have paved the way for international success as an entrepreneur with a life’s mission of making a measurable difference in peoples’ lives. This is our very first interview of The Founder’s Table. Growing up, the most valuable education I got didn’t take place in school or even university. The lessons that I have personally found to be priceless in developing a mindset for success, and wealth management, and other critical aspects of being an entrepreneur mostly took place during candid, off the record conversations with my father and other successful people who have been there and done it. And that’s what we want to accomplish in this space—to invite you into those candid conversations. So let’s start from the beginning. JB, can you tell us about what life was like growing up? Jerry: Thank you Kendra. Life for me, as I think back on my early childhood, things that stick out in my life are my health, which was very poor. My family, we were a loving family, we were maybe a notch above the poverty line but compared to the other kids that I grew up with and went to school with, we did not have as much as most people and although I think of it as a happy time I also think of it as a time of struggle. Kendra: In addition to the struggles that you had growing up in a household that didn’t have a lot of wealth, what were some of the other health challenges that you struggled with growing up? Jerry: Well of course asthma was my main struggle and I seem to have had a severe case of asthma, which was threatening to kill me every year. It’s worse especially during the growing season when the crops were in bloom and all the dust and pollen associated with the farming area that I was in. And the fact that I turned out to be having allergies as well as many things that contributed to severe asthma and that asthma dominated my life. In my early childhood I struggled. Kendra: I always really enjoyed when I get to hear you tell the story of a moment when you really had a wakeup call to fight for your life and it gives us a glimpse into how bad your asthma was. Can you tell us about that night? Jerry: Yes, that stands out because I grew up in a Christian home and my mother was the spiritual


Issue 4 | 2016

head of our family and on one particular night I remember that she called the minister of our church, Reverend Anderson, and asked him to come to our little house. And he came I didn’t know he was coming but when he showed up I was sitting up in bed and I was pulling for every breath. She of course welcomed the minister in our home. The walls were thin so we could hear from one room to the other if there was talking, and so outside my bedroom that I shared with my brother Bob there was conversation with my mother. I heard her say to the minister apologising for calling him in the middle of the night and saying the only reason that she did it because she was afraid that I was not going to make it. I was not going to live through the night! And so I heard this and that was definitely a wakeup call for me if anything it just made me more determined that I am going to try to survive. Kendra: That is a great story and now your mother didn’t stop at prayer did she? Can you tell us about what she ended up going and doing that really was a turning point in your life? Jerry: Yes my mother believed in prayer but she believed that in taking action herself and that God would lead her in the right direction. Through networking with other people in the community and other mothers, one of her friends had a son who benefited from supplementation and this lady friend introduced my mother to supplements. She brought them home and these were things like cod-liver oil that you take by the spoonful right out of the bottle so it didn’t taste very good at all and it was also multi-vitamins in the form of liquid vitamins. In those days you have to keep in mind this was 62-63 years ago that it tasted so bad that they didn’t even think about trying to cover the taste of the vitamins with flavours. So my mother forced me to take these everyday she would call me to come to the stand in front of the refrigerator come on it’s time to take your vitamins and your supplements and then she would give me a spoonful because I recall two spoon full of each these—large table spoonful of cod-liver oil and two large spoonfuls of vitamins and boy you had to choke this down with water and I hated it. Kendra: I think if I recall correctly, nutrition really wasn’t something mainstream like it is today. How was nutrition viewed back then? Jerry: My father viewed it all as medicine and my mother was more open minded and especially when I started to see progress. My doctor was told that I was taking these supplements and that I was improving and his response was “well he is just


Power up your healthy heart with optimal nutrition

outgrowing it now”. So no credit was given to the supplements but I learned over time that when I did not take the supplements my asthma would return and so as a result that was always in my mind. I knew from testing time to time, either through stopping intentionally or just neglect, I would go a short time without taking supplements and my asthma would return so I learned early on that I needed these supplements. I didn’t know why, but I just knew that my asthma was under control when I took the supplements. Kendra: Now shifting a little bit, I just want to fastforward a few years. I often find that people are surprised to find out that you weren’t formally educated in university and I think you mentioned after attending only one half of one semester of college you decided on a different course. Can you tell us about that decision and what was going through your mind at that time? Jerry: Yes, I think that looking back on it I maybe questioned everything around me more than I saw my peer group questioning. For example, I was studying at the local college. It was free, Porterville Junior College. I went in to see my counselor, it was mandatory and I wanted to find out what I should be taking course wise. I was concentrating on engineering courses that would lead me into that direction, so a lot of math. I asked my counselor what I could expect when I became an engineer and he looked at his book and showed me some numbers. He said I could go to work for four hundred dollars a month that I would maybe get one thousand dollars a month, maybe once I served my apprentice. And that of course would be maybe equivalent to five or six thousand dollars a month now, and maybe more. But I looked at him and he could not give me satisfactory answers. And as I looked at him, I just saw a man sitting there with his lunch pail, with his rundown shoes, with his suit that didn’t fit, and I looked at him and I just said you know this is not anybody I want advice from. When he finished that interview telling me what I could expect I walked directly from there to my locker, took my books out, walked into the office, set them on the counter, and walked out and got into my car and drove away. I decided that this was not for me, and not knowing exactly what I was going to do, but I knew that I was not going to be held back by people like this counselor in college.



I Formula IV Plus

Think inside the box!

16 I Super 10 and LDC

The perfect cleaning partners



I Celebrating 40


years with NeoLife

I What’s in a story?

Great NeoLife Distributor testimonies

Thank you Peter & Gloria Joubert



I Business Building The importance of creating success habits


I Step-ups

Recognition for October, November & December 2016

God Bless, Jerry Brassfield








he heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. It beats over 100,000 times and pumps over 9,500 litres of blood through the body each and every day.1 Without a properly functioning heart, the body is deprived of the oxygen and nutrients it needs for optimal function. That’s why maintaining cardiovascular health is so important—it affects every part of our body. However, despite improvements in medicine and technology, cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in world.2 While it tends to strike men earYour heart beats over 100,000 times every day.

100,000x lier in their lives, it affects both genders and can be a severe and debilitating condition leading to frequent hospitalisations and prescription medications. The good news is that cardiovascular disease can be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes. Studies continue to support the role of exercise, nutrition and healthy diet in preventing heart disease. Whether you are young or old, everyone can benefit from * These Medicines have not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. These Medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


improving diet and lifestyle to prevent this debilitating condition. This issue of News You Can Use will go into some of the latest nutrition research in heart health and provide tips for how to keep your ticker ticking.


HEART HEALTHY The American Hear t Association recommends at least two servings of fatty fish per week to support heart health and for good reason.3 A large body of evidence supports the role that omega-3’s play in protecting against cardiovascular disease by decreasing triglyceride levels, slowing the growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque and lowering blood pressure.4 And now a recent study published by a global

Salmon Oil Plus The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fatty fish per week

consortium of researchers known as the Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium, or FORCE, found that omega-3 fatty acids from seafood and plant-based foods are associated

Each serving of our exclusive UHPO3 (Ultra High Potency Omega-3) formula provides 1,070mg of total omega-3 fatty acids with standardised amounts of all eight naturally occurring omega3s, promoting heart health. Salmon Oil Plus is clinically proven to support cardiovascular health. #2672 – Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus, 90 capsules


exercise, nutrition and healthy diet

in preventing heart disease. with a lower risk of fatal heart attack. By pooling data from diverse large studies from 16 countries that included more than 45,639 participants, researchers found that omega-3s were associated with a 10% lower risk of fatal heart attacks.5 These findings are the most comprehensive to date of how omega-3s may influence heart disease and support the importance of fish and omega-3 consumption in heart health.

Omega-3s were associated with a


of fatal heart attacks






top ways to improve overall cardiovascular health. Exercise & Cardiovascular Health One of the best things you can do for your heart is to get moving! Our sedentary lifestyles put us at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease because the heart is not working to its full potential and grows weaker over time.6 Staying active is one of the top ways to improve overall cardiovascular health. Benefits include improved cholesterol and fat levels, reduced inflammation in the arteries, weight loss, more elastic blood vessels, and improved blood flow/ pressure. For children and adolescents, the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least an hour of physical activity a day, including muscle and bone strengthening activities at least three times a week. For adults, the weekly recommendation is 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise, 75 minutes of vigorously intense exercise, or a combination of the two.7 A good way for individuals who are not currently active to get started is to go for walks and then gradually increase the duration or distance.



reduce our risk for chronic

inflammatory disease.

The Connection Between Oral Hygiene and Heart Health Did you know that oral health can impact your risk of heart disease? The connection is often overlooked, but proper oral hygiene isn’t just about teeth—it can affect the health of the entire body. Periodontitis is a condition of chronic inflammation of the tissue around teeth and can cause gums to recede and teeth to become loose. When oral health is poor, inflammation and infection can spread systemically to other organs like the heart, liver and kidneys. Bacteria enters the

bloodstream via the exposed gums and wreaks havoc on other organs in the body. In fact, a recent study based on data from the Danish Nationwide Cohort of more than 17,600 participants found that compared with a matched control of 83,000 controls from the general population, individuals with a diagnosis of periodontitis had significantly higher risk of poor cardiovascular health and mortality. The participants had a 50% increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events and were 100170% more likely to die.8 Thus while it’s important to keep up with oral hygiene in order to maintain that perfect smile, it can also significantly reduce our risk for chronic inflammatory disease.

* These Medicines have not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. These Medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.





Additional Important Heart Healthy Supplements NUTRIENT




Evidence suggests that increasing intakes of food high in polyphenols (including flavonoids) like anthocyanins and flavanones may help improve cardiovascular health. Recently, researchers at the University of East Anglia (UK) and the Harvard School of Public Health (USA) published a study investigating this association. This study analysed data from more than 43,880 healthy men participating in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study and across 24 years of follow-up. The researchers found that individuals who consumed the highest amounts of foods containing anthocyanins had a 14% lower risk of heart attack and individuals with high intakes of flavanones had a 22% lower risk of ischemic stroke!9 They proposed that the benefits associated with polyphenols might involve their role in improving blood flow and inhibiting platelet aggregation activity. While previous studies have been able to show this benefit in women, this is one of the first studies demonstrating this association among men. Where do you find anthocyanins and flavanones? Red and blue fruits such as blueberries and cranberries are good sources of anthocyanins, and flavanones are commonly found in citrus fruits.

PhytoDefence Flavonoid Complex


It’s long been known that high-fibre diets support cardiovascular health by promoting weight loss, lowering cholesterol and improving hypertension. However, a recent study from Northwestern University showed for the first time that fibre consumption could also impact lifetime risk for cardiovascular disease. This study looked at data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that included more than 11,000 participants and imputed their data into a logistical model that predicted their lifetime risk for heart disease. What the researchers found was that younger adults (ages 20-39) and middle-aged adults (ages 40-59) with the highest fibre intake had a statistically significant lower lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those in the same age group with the lowest fibre intake. Researchers were amazed at the findings and concluded that starting a high-fibre diet now could significantly improve long-term risk for heart problems10. How much fibre should we aim for? The American Heart Association recommends at least 25 grams of dietary fibre a day for adults.11

Multi Fibre Blend Fibre Tablets NeoLifeBar NeoLifeShake


A recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that supplementation with soya protein is associated with improved levels of E-selectin, a biomarker of endothelial (the lining of blood vessels) dysfunction and levels of leptin, a type of adipocytokine (signalling molecule produced by fat tissue). The study was an eight week randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, three-phase crossover trial comparing the effects of a 40 g of soyabean protein supplement, 40 g of milk protein supplement, and 40 g carbohydrate placebo on biomarkers of cardiovascular health. The researchers concluded that soya protein decreased plasma levels of E-selectin, which may improve endothelial function as well as leptin, which may improve metabolic function12. These findings corroborate with previous studies which show that soya can be beneficial for reducing the bad LDL cholesterol in the body, improving endothelial function, and reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation13,14. While the mechanism is not fully understood, one way soya acts on LDL is by increasing the size of LDL cholesterol, which is associated with a lower risk of heart disease compared to small, dense LDL particles, according to researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging at Tufts University15. However, further research is needed to understand all the activities of bioactive compounds in soya.



Garlic has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It is associated with reduced cholesterol levels, blood pressure and heart disease risk16. A recent meta-analysis adds to the large body of evidence supporting the cardiovascular benefits of garlic. Published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers identified randomised controlled trials evaluating the effect of garlic on blood pressure and cholesterol. They found that garlic supplementation among individuals with hypertension resulted in a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, on average, by 8.7 mmHg and in diastolic blood pressure by 6.1 mmHg. They also reported that previous data showed that treatment of garlic longer than two months was effective in reducing total and LDL cholesterol by 10% among individuals with elevated levels17. Thus, this study suggests that garlic supplements may be a helpful addition to blood pressure and high cholesterol treatments.

Garlic Allium Complex

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is synthesised in the body and elevated levels are often associated with increased cardiovascular risk18. Researchers are not yet sure how high homocysteine levels increase heart disease risk, but it is thought to be related to damaged arteries, which increase the risk for atherosclerosis. In the recently published meta-analysis study, researchers pooled data from 13 trials and found that supplementation with omega-3s when combined with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 had a greater homocysteine-lowering effect than when the participants were supplemented with omega-3s alone. Researchers concluded that the decreases in homocysteine levels are likely attributed to the nutrients’ role in homocysteine degradation19.

Pro Vitality, Vitamin B Co (SR) Lipotropic Adjunct

Omega-3s, Folic Acid, & B-Vitamins


REFERENCES 1. Arkansas Heart Hospital. Amazing Heart Facts. Available from: Accessed Sept 21, 2016.

8. Hansen GM, et al. Relation of Periodontitis to Risk of Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality (from a Danish Nationwide Cohort Study). Am J Cardiol. 2016 Aug;118(4):489-93.

14. Messina M, Lane B. Soy protein, soybean isoflavones and coronary heart disease risk: Where do we stand? Future Lipidology. 2007;2(1):55-74.

2. World Health Organization. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014. 2014;9.

9. Cassidy A, et al. Habitual intake of anthocyanins and flavanones and risk of cardiovascular disease in men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Sep;104(3):587-94.

15. Desroches S, et al. Soy protein favorably affects LDL size independently of isoflavones in hypercholesterolemic men and women. J Nutr. 2004 Mar;134(3):574-9.

10. Lavie CJ, et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular diseases. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Aug;54(7):585-94.

16. Rahman K, Lowe GM. Garlic and cardiovascular disease: a critical review. J Nutr. 2006 Mar;136(3 Suppl):736S-740S.

11. American Heart Association. Whole Grains and Fiber. Available from: HealthyDietGoals/Whole-Grains-and-Fiber_UCM_303249_Article. jsp#.V_VKXJMrJcA. Accessed Sept 22, 2016.

17. Ried K. Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Individuals, Regulates Serum Cholesterol, and Stimulates Immunity: An Updated Meta-analysis and Review. J Nutr. 2016 Feb;146(2):389S-396S. doi: 10.3945/jn.114.202192. Epub 2016 Jan 13.

3. American Heart Association. Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Available from: HealthyDietGoals/Fish-and-Omega-3-Fatty-Acids_UCM_303248_ Article.jsp#.V_VBQZMrJcA. Accessed Sept 22, 2016. 4. Lavie CJ, et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular diseases. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Aug;54(7):585-94. 5. Del Gobbo LC, et al. ω-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Biomarkers and Coronary Heart Disease: Pooling Project of 19 Cohort Studies. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Aug;176(8):1155-66. 6. World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2002 – Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. 2002. 7. US Department of Health and Human Services. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2008; 15-19.

* These Medicines have not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. These Medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

12. Rebholz CM, et al. Effect of soybean protein on novel cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013 Jan;67(1):58-63. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2012.186. Epub 2012 Nov 28. 13. Reynolds K, et al. A meta-analysis of the effect of soy protein supplementation on serum lipids. Am J Cardiol. 2006 Sep;98(5):63340.

18. Peny HY, et al. Elevated homocysteine levels and risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2015 Jan;16(1):78-86. 19. Dawson SL, et al. A combination of omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid and B-group vitamins is superior at lowering homocysteine than omega-3 alone: A meta-analysis. Nutr Res. 2016 Jun;36(6):499-508.


Making A Difference Peter & Gloria Joubert 4 Ruby Directors It’s no surprise that after forty years in NeoLife, Peter and Gloria still have the enthusiasm and passion one would expect from new-starts in the business. “NeoLife has kept us young, not only physically but on an emotional level too.” says Gloria. “Our lives have never been the same since saying “yes” to an opportunity to make a little bit of extra money,” she adds. “Our initial goal was

to make a lofty R200 a month. We quickly superseded that and started to really reap the rewards of this business, while we were doing what we liked most – helping others live better” says Peter. Gloria was first introduced to the products by a colleague at the hospital where she was working as a nursing sister. “At the time Golden Products offered products that were unique to our

Working with local community


market, as they still do today. In my job I would often see children being rushed to the emergency room after ingesting toxic and harmful household cleaners. Golden Home Care products were the only cleaners on the market that offered a safe alternative. I was overjoyed when a year or so later Golden introduced Nutritionals to the market. It gave me a greater opportunity to make a huge impact on people’s health and wellness.”



We have been using “NeoLife products daily for 40 years.

Mauritius The NeoLife Opportunity also gave Peter and Gloria the chance to see the world and make friends wherever they went. “Our NeoLife family is a priceless asset. Our first overseas trip was to Mauritius. Every time we go somewhere new we collect souvenirs in the form of new friends. We have made friends that have stood the test of time. When we attend an event anywhere in the world we have wonderful times with our NeoLife family. Our second favourite destination was Singapore, and our favourite, favourite destination is Disneyland. We have visited Disneyland so many times we can’t count, and every time we go there we feel like kids again!” laughs Peter. Peter and Gloria Joubert attribute their outstandingly good health over the years to taking NeoLife Nutritionals regularly. “We have been using NeoLife products daily for 40 years. I don’t really have a favourite product,

Our NeoLife “family is a

Passionate About


priceless asset.

At home with some of our team



Meeting with old friends - Disneyland I believe they each hold a special and unique benefit. We use just about every product in the Nutritionals, Golden and Nutriance ranges. We look and feel much better than people of the same age, or younger who have not had the benefit of NeoLife products. I still have the same energy levels that I had when I was 25,” Gloria explains. Peter and Gloria have been working together fulltime for over 20 years, and enjoy every day they can spend with each other. “Our journey with NeoLife over the past four decades has been a wonderful and fruitful adventure. It has been amazing to spend time working along with our team, and as a couple

Venice, Italy towards a common goal. Like NeoLife’s mission, our mission has been to make the world a happier and healthier place. We know we’ve made a success of our lives when we look at all the lives we have improved over the years, be it though the NeoLife products or the NeoLife Opportunity. Thank you to our team and to NeoLife for making life worth living.”










Use the Incentives to reach your business goals. NeoLife Incentives like 3-in-30, Director Incentives and Consistency Incentives are designed to guide you step by step to success. They require a bit of focus and some hard work, but are highly inspiring and drive your business. Encourage your team to participate in incentives that are relevant to them.





2017 Incentives Book and Africa Incentives Guide is available on the Distributor-only website.

SOCIAL MEDIA We all have a network of friends and acquaintances. In today’s world most of us belong to a social media community like Facebook, Twitter or even a WhatsApp group. Sharing NeoLife has never been easier. Sharing or re-tweeting is just a click away. Use social media to keep in touch with team members and also use it to communicate with those you want to introduce to NeoLife.

BUSINESS BUILDING YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS MAKE THE MOST OF THE OPPORTUNITY It’s easy to see the rewards of the NeoLife Opportunity when you take a look at the lifestyles our successful Distributors are enjoying! All these Distributors have achieved their goals by focussing on Business Building. That’s because any organisation with strong foundations will remain consistent and enjoy longevity. Consistency is key to success in every endeavour in life. The NeoLife Business is no different. If you’re simply in the business to earn a bit of extra money to supplement your 12

income then selling and sharing the products is the perfect way to achieve that goal. You’ll be making a healthy retail profit on your sales and saving money on your own purchases. But then what? Once you’ve seen the benefits of the Business and experienced the NeoLife products for yourself, you’ll want to take the next step towards making NeoLife your primary focus. This is when building a network and recruiting new people becomes important in your strategy.



By having multiple downlines or duplicates of yourself helps you capitalise on the efforts of others in the business. Remember - in this business we share in the good times.

What is your goal? How much money do you want to make? We guide you step by step towards success in NeoLife. By following the Compensation Plan you will have goals and measurable results.

The longer your legs are and the stronger your business’ foundations are, the more success you will enjoy. It’s proven that the easiest way to make the best of the NeoLife Opportunity is simply to imitate your Upline and then duplicate that knowledge with your Downline.

At each step along the journey you will know what you should be earning and the benefits that you will be enjoying. Top earners know that reaching your next step is a 'mini goal' which will help you realise your ultimate goal. Recruiting new people is crucial to reaching these goals.

See Getting Started #409

Compensation Plan #322

• USE THE PRODUCT Be an example of the power of NeoLife. Replace supplements, skincare and household products with those in the NeoLife range. Why buy from someone else when you can be buying from your own business? • SHARE THE NEOLIFE PRODUCTS AND THE OPPORTUNITY Talk to at least one person a day, every day. Tell them your story. • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Spend 15 minutes a day reading, watching or listening to something for self-improvement.




Advantage NeoLife. Game, Set, Match “NeoLife supplements have made a significant difference in our children's health, physically and cognitively. They say the greatest development in children happens between the ages of 2-18 years, so we knew it was important to give them Nutrition as soon as they reached the toddler stage. All five of our kids have grown into individuals with boundless energy and vitality. My daughters love to play tennis. Recently, our oldest daughter Fatima reached the semi-finals and Shakirat, our second oldest, reached quarter finals representing their school. Their academic results are also wonderful. Notably, Fatima is 1st in her class and overall best student at the school! Our advice to other parents - if you want to get the best out of your children, then give them the best - NeoLife Children’s Nutrition.” Majeed & Olaitan Wuraola, Nigeria



MUCH MORE THAN JUST A MULTI... Trusted for decades Formula IV Plus offers total nutrition one cell at a time. Formula IV Plus not only provides all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, but with added Tre-en-en, vital nutrition is delivered to the cells of the body where it is most needed. For nutritional assurance choose NeoLife’s convenient and unique nutrition supplement - it’s what’s inside the box that counts!


Carotenoid Complex - See The NeoLife Difference “When I joined NeoLife in the early 1990’s, I was in my 50s and my eyesight was deteriorating. Not too long after starting to use the products I noticed a difference in my eyesight. On one occasion, without even wearing my glasses, I picked up a needle, and threaded it before I remembered that I couldn’t previously do that. I firmly believe my improved eyesight is thanks to Carotenoid Complex. I’m now 77 and recently a fortysomething year old man, asked me how I can read the keyboard on my cell phone - because he can’t.” Marguerite Wessels, South Africa


Successful NeoLife Distributors know that the best way to sell products is by having a good NeoLife product story of your own. If you believe in a product it is easy to tell other people about it. The only way to believe in a product is to use it and feel the benefits for yourself. Here are some Distributors who are sharing their stories about how great NeoLife’s products are!




BOX WHATS INSIDE THE BOX? 30 once-a-day sachets (#2556) or 60 once-a-day sachets (#2557)

WHAT’S INSIDE EACH SACHET? Multi Vitamin and Mineral tablet containing: • Vitamins A and D • B-Complex vitamins • Vitamin C and bioflavonoids • The complete vitamin E family • Broad spectrum minerals (iron-free) • Selected enzyme for easy absorption Tre-en-en Grain Concentrate containing: • Whole grain lipids and sterols for optimal cellular nutrition • PLUS 50% more Tre-en-en

Weight Loss To Inspire Others “I was introduced to NeoLife products because of bone-related health challenges I needed to overcome. I also knew that I would need to lose weight to ease the strain on my bones and joints. In April last year I started a weight loss programme using NeoLifeShake, Fibre Tablets, Pro Vitality and GR 2 Appetite Reducer, and by December I was 37kg lighter. I am thrilled with the results and have regained a great deal of my lost confidence. Today I am a walking testimony to how well NeoLife products work. It takes very little for me to convince people to buy the product when they see my Before and After photos.” Jenoveva Mcharo, Tanzania

*These medicines have not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. These medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.





Super 10 and LDC

THE PERFECT CLEANING PARTNERS Since the introduction of Golden Homecare in Africa over four decades ago, these leading homecare products have succeeded in making homes across the continent healthier, happier places. Golden’s top selling products complement each other perfectly to make a winning cleaning team! Balanced Partnership One is gentle and mild; the other is powerful and potent. Together Super 10 and LDC will do the jobs that several over the counter cleaners could only dream of doing, while saving you a ton of money.



Multi Purpose Heavy Duty Cleaner

Concentrated Light Duty Cleaner

• Tough and Effective

• Mild and Gentle

• Versatile, a 101 uses

• Suitable for most surfaces

• Highly diluteable • Powerful, but not harsh

• Gentle on the skin – can even be used as a liquid hand soap

• Safe, non-toxic and earth-friendly

• Safe to use around your family

#2012 – 5 Litre #2013 – 25 Litre #2016 – Fragranced 1 Litre #2017 – Fragranced 5 Litre #2019 – Fragranced 25 Litre

• Kind to the environment


#2021 – 1 Litre #2022 – 5 Litre #2023 – 25 Litre

SAVE WITH GOLDEN • Save money – all Golden’s core home care products can be diluted with water to go a very long way. • Multi-purpose formulas dispense with the need to purchase specialised, often expensive cleaners. • Being concentrated means that you save excess packaging finding its way to landfills. • Saves the environment – non toxic and earth-friendly, the benchmark green range since the 1960s.


17 17


Congratulations to these Directors who are reaching for the top by moving up one or more levels for the months of October, November and December 2016.








ATHLETES Cheer on NeoLife powered Athletes from around the world. They prove anything is possible with whole food nutrition.




PRODUCT Breaking down all the cool science and high tech features that have made NeoLife the best for over 50 years.

FITNESS Feel your best. Look your best. We’ve got workouts that take just 10 minutes out of your day that are guaranteed to get you results.

LIFESTYLE Because who can honestly say they wouldn’t love an all expenses paid trip to Mauritius? That’s what we thought! So get on the web to learn how you can be beachside.




Trending! 5

STORIES Don’t just hear about it. See it!



Adewale & Idiat Ajetunmobi

Rose Nafula & Wilberforce Mainya

Mathieu & Sebasiene Sotoessi

Jane Anyona Onyango & Anne Ongecha

Gyal Yakubu Ann Oranye OLUSEGUN & LATIFAT FABUSOYE Nigeria


Ifeanyi Eze Juliet Omonrigiwo


Ihuoma & Chidi Denwigwe

Josaphat & Jennifer Andreas

Opeyemi & Oladuni Dada Elie & Ruth Tchate Abosede Akinloye Rabiat Ahmed Gift Christian Anthony Odiah

C’mon get social with us…

Ekene & Chinyere Ijeoma CHRISTIAN & ORU ORU Nigeria 18


Temitope & Agunbiade Agunbiade



@NeoLife_Africa 19


It’s time to kick back, relax and experience paradise

at its best as we look forward to the next exotic World Team Conference destination. Join us in 2018 on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. Spending time with friends at a world class resort, taking in the breathtaking scenery and enjoying perfect white sand beaches... what more can one want. Look out for qualification and incentive details to follow.


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