Lifestyle Southern Africa 04/17
Bongi Mbonambi
Eating Habits
The Power of Positive Thinking As you think, so you are Setting a goal, knowing your why and learning are the keys to success in this business. Start sharing, use the products and teach others what you know. In life, no matter where you start; anywhere, any place you have to simply take step one and learn what you’re about to do and secondly practice it and teach somebody else what you know. If you do these things, no matter where you start, you’ll see progress. But we also learn about ourselves, there’s a self-improvement aspect that goes along. As one of the great motivators of all time Jim Rohn, said many times, “if you want to be paid more money, you have to become worth more money”. It’s a great truth. You don’t need to be over the top genius level, you just need the will to learn. If you can learn how to drive a car or dance, you can learn this business. My reason for getting excited, my ‘why’ is that I was excited about my health improving from supplements and saw these supplements that I can sell to make money, I then coupled that with my need for more income. When I was 19, my brother, Bob and I watched a presentation of the business together. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to join the business but the person told me “we’re going to do this with or without you” and I thought wow, they’re going to do this without me and for some reason this pushed me to join the business. I borrowed $50 from my brother and that’s how we started. From there on it was trying to learn; having meetings where no one shows up and getting discouraged. I had a lot of worst times when I was a Distributor, but what I remembered the most is how I felt, and one of the strongest emotions I felt was being seized by fear in my little house. I had been working at a furniture store and quit my job to go full-time with the business and I found that when I went full-time I didn’t have the same source of people that I had
when I had my job so I always encourage people not to go full-time prematurely. But because of that I had stood in a halt. I remembered that my car had a flat tyre and I was afraid to go out of the house. I was seized by fear. I didn’t want to go out of the house. I felt so low. Like even if I talked to people, no one would listen. I started putting some good thoughts into my mind. I read the bible and Think and Grow Rich. I had bought a record by Earl Nightingale and I remember him saying that the “Creator of the Universe did not build a stairway leading nowhere”. The things I was listening to and reading crowded out my own negative thoughts. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” We become what we think about. If we think we might fail or can’t do something, or listen to people that give us negative input; and it’s always the ones closest to us that affect us because we care about the people that care for us. I sat there in my house and somehow, I finally had enough positive input coming in and all of sudden I started to have better thoughts and those thoughts gave me the push to get up, get out and get my tyre fixed, get out there and get active. From that experience, I learned that we can change, you can change. It is really true that what we think about determines what we’re going to look like in the future. In fact, Apostle Paul wrote about that very thing, guarding your thoughts, “if anything is excellent or praise worthy- think about such things”. If we don’t direct and control the input that comes into our mind, then it’s coming from someplace else. The bible says that the spiritual war are at war over our thoughts, our mind and our hearts and if you’re not in control of it, you’re not going to change. We are going to change. Our health can change, we can become more negative or positive. What we become, this is why it’s important to set a goal and
develop our “why”. If we design that life the way we would like to have it, then we continue to put the positive input in then we start to become more qualified and worth more, and the picture that we have on our mind starts to become a reality. We’ve seen that on the international scale with people like Jeff Bezos in Amazon, he envisioned an ecommerce business that would literally take over. The smartest investor ever, Warren Buffett said he made the mistake of not believing in Jeff Bezos' vision and did not invest. Jeff Bezos did not quit just because the smartest investor did not believe he could do it. Now about 50% of all retail business go through Amazon. The retailers are failing and you’re seeing a transformation in the shopping center— they’re going to be empty. Look at Elon Musk, he envisioned a Tesla car and now the brand value is worth more than GM. That’s the reason we put our picture out there, all our decision making starts to fall in line with that goal. The goal and the objective and the “why”, the type of person you want to be, the type of family you want to have the type of business you want to build. All of these then start to dictate your business. If you want to be world class athlete, if you want to be a world class swimmer, you better get in the pool every day and you swim for miles and miles a day, develop your body and eat a certain diet because you want to be a gold medalist—your “why” has to be first. That’s why setting a goal is so important because then the choices are made for us.
about as effective as buying lottery tickets— it might work but you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning. What matters is that every day when we get up, whoever we can come in contact with, we share the business. Your own doubt influences your child, spouse, mother or father; that’s negative influence but you can ask the people close to you that if they’re not going to help, don’t discourage. But if you act positive, the ones who are negative all the time start to peel away. If you get things in order and stay on track, no matter what happens, keep the positive input coming so the negative input can’t get in. Then this truth that we read about which says— “As you think, so you are” will happen.
04 News You Can Use
12 Better Eating Habits
Eat more fruit & vegetables
3 Hidden links
Thank you for all that you do, through the years. God Bless,
Jerry Brassfield
10 This Year’s Top Achievers Talk
14 NeoLife Sports Ambassador
Charlie & Alta Bolton and Salome & Gilbert Sebete
Bongi Mbonambi, South African rugby player
Check NeoLife social media for more • • • •
20 NeoLife strengthens the SAB Introducing Dr. Liz Applegate
22 Step-Ups Recognition for July, August and September 2017
There are all these things that are dictated by our goals. It helps us make the right choice. You can’t just go around and hope that something good happens to you. You can just say “I’m going to get my 3 people and I hope they do something”. That’s
TAKE A BIG BITE OF POWERFUL, PROTECTIVE PHYTONUTRIENTS! We are constantly reminded of the absolute importance of vegetables and fruits as the foundation of a healthy diet, but just how much are we really supposed to be eating every day? And which kind of vegetables and fruits should we aim to buy?
Remember that both variety and quantity are important. Some authorities recommend “eating a rainbow every day.”1 In this way we can begin to achieve the diverse mix of phytonutrients that our bodies need to fully protect itself against the dreaded lifestyle-related or chronic diseases.2 But it is also important to note that fruits and vegetables bring significant levels of potassium and fibre to our diet.1 Fruit and vegetables fall broadly into five different colour categories: red, purple/ blue, orange/yellow, green and white/ brown. It is the coloured pigments or phytonutrients, that give fruits and vegetables their distinctive, often vibrant colour and of course, many of their healthgiving properties. Sadly, today few South African adolescents or adults reported consuming even half of the recommended daily minimum of 5 portions of fruits and vegetables.3
According to the WHO and FAO, East and West African populations are not eating nearly enough fruits and vegetables. Consumption in the East African region is estimated at 38% of the daily 400 grams recommended to contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases. In parts of West Africa, an average Ghanaian for example consumes about 3.5 portions compared to the 5 – 6 portions recommended by the WHO4. Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in Africa remains an important public health strategy for weight management and reduction of risk for chronic disease. Based upon a global assessment of specific fruits and vegetables and the quantities consumed, it has been estimated that average intakes of phytonutrients vary greatly between geographical regions. People eating high amounts of fruits and vegetables were found to have between 2 and 6-fold higher intakes of the selected phytonutrients studied: principally of the carotenoid and flavonoid families. The authors suggested that future research in this direction might help establish specific guidelines for these phytonutrients.5 continued on page 6...
of US adults & adolescents reported they did not consume fruit even once a day6 PORTION SIZE MATTERS!
Ground breaking studies conducted on a wide scale in Europe have gone a long way to clarifying the enormous health benefits of every extra portion of vegetables and fruits above the conservative “5-a-day.” The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition project (otherwise known as EPIC), was designed to investigate the relationships between diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors.7 More than half a million adults living in ten different European countries took part in the investigation and follow up study. The aim of the study was firstly to help us understand more about the health protective-effects of eating more vegetables and fruits, and secondly to assess the amounts and varieties of vegetables and fruits needed for this protection. The results were clear, in that those subjects who ate more than 570g (or 7 portions) per day had a lower risk of dying due to heart health, respiratory health or digestive-health related causes when compared to subjects who ate less than 250g (or 3 portions) per day. The benefits attributed to eating vegetables were stronger than those from fruits. Of particular interest was the apparent greater protection associated with the consumption of raw vegetables. Furthermore, raw vegetables were particularly protective against cancers and mental health disorders. Researchers concluded that the mode of preparation of vegetables might be particularly important as well as other lifestyle factors.
SQUEEZE IN MORE ‘RAW ’ SCIENCE! The Mediterranean diet and accompanying lifestyle has been known for many years to be associated with a long and healthy lifespan with a lower overall likelihood of developing chronic lifethreatening conditions.8 This type of diet pattern includes high quantities of vegetables, fruits, olives and olive oil, nuts, fish and only moderate amounts of lean meats. Whole food phytonutrient intakes, and particularly the polyphenols and carotenoids are particularly high in the Mediterranean diet, and the way in which foods are cooked lightly (or consumed raw) also helps preserve the nutrient and phytonutrient quality.9
In spite of the extensive nature of many studies around the world, including the EPIC project there are still many questions regarding the daily amounts and particular types of vegetables and fruits which confer maximum benefit. In order to try to further unravel these associations, researchers from Imperial College London have recently published a paper after examining 95 studies on fruit and vegetable intake, covering all regions of the world.10 The Imperial College team concluded that the greatest protection against cardiovascular diseases and all-cause premature death occurs with a daily consumption of 800g of fruits and vegetables. In their conclusion they emphasise that this level, at 10 portions per day, is about twice the amount recommended by various authorities. The researchers also reported that high consumption of apples/ pears, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables/ salads and cruciferous vegetables were particularly protective against heart disease and premature death. In terms of cancer risk the most protective were green-yellow vegetables and cruciferous vegetables. Overall they attributed the protective effects of vegetables and fruits to the “complex network of nutrients they hold.” In other words, the phytonutrients.
P ER S O NA L CARE TIP! Forget tanning... Get a Healthy Glow from Fruits & Vegetables! Human skin colour is influenced by melanin formed through unprotected sun exposure, carotenoids from fruits and vegetables, or from hemoglobin. New studies in Australia investigated which skin colour young people associate with a healthy complexion. The overwhelming result was that young people preferred skin colour associated with a higher fruit and vegetable (or carotenoid) intake.11
At NeoLife we have been recommending going much higher than the often recommended “5-a-day” portions for years. Since 1958 we have been developing whole food supplements containing the very phytonutrients that help you achieve that target: Products such as Carotenoid Complex, Cruciferous Plus, and Flavonoid Complex. Take FULL advantage of the synergistic relationship of all three products with PhytoDefence. This phytonutrient protection pack has the power of six optimal servings from a variety of fruits and vegetables in each sachet, to support your body’s natural defences. continued on page 8...
PhytoDefence #2503 – 30 sachets
(defence) 7
HAPPINESS & WELL-BEING Fruits & Vegetables Make You Feel Good & Look Good! Recent research has also revealed really interesting findings about the effects on well-being that comes with a higher fruit and vegetable intake. In a study of dietary habits conducted by Australian and U.K.-based researchers it was found that individuals who followed recommendations to eat more fruits and vegetables scored much higher in life satisfaction, happiness and general wellbeing.12 These improvements took effect rather quickly and were very significant when 8 portions of fruits and vegetables were consumed. The researchers speculated that higher circulating levels of antioxidant phytonutrients such as carotenoids may be involved in this effect.
New benefits to these super phytonutrients continue to be unveiled as the research community builds on the foundation of knowledge, which first led to the development of NeoLife's Carotenoid Complex back in the 90’s.13
The importance of carotenoids to eye health is also long established, and it is known that consumption of carotenoidrich foods can help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD).14 In spite of this knowledge, AMD continues to rise in populations around the world because people are still not getting enough portions of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables! The Lancet projects the number of people with age-related macular degeneration in 2020 at 196 million, increasing to 288 million in 2040.15 Today, new techniques have allowed for a greater understanding of exactly how carotenoids protect the eye. And this protection is even more critical in today’s technology driven world of indoor living as we are constantly exposed to blue light, not from the sun, but from the LED screens of our computers, smart phones and iPads. It is thought that just 2 hours of using a digital device is enough to create eye strain, fatigue and dry eyes.16 That is well below the estimated use of the average toddler today, and far below the estimated 11 hours of the average American adult!
SCIENCE CONTINUES TO VALIDATE WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION! As a company NeoLife has built a solid foundation of products integrating the super phytonutrients. Academic research continues to strongly back the benefits of polyphenols such as the family of flavonoids from fruits and vegetables as the best strategic approach to the prevention of all types of chronic disease.17 Furthermore, and of great importance to tackling the current epidemic of “diabesity”, polyphenols are increasingly being cited for their positive effects in the prevention of type-2 diabetes (T2D).18
Carotenoids, particularly lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin are highly concentrated in the retina where they perform important physical and metabolic protective functions.15 They enhance contrast sensitivity improving visual performance and help filter blue light which could otherwise damage the sensitive tissues of the macula and ultimately advance macular degeneration. Carotenoids working as antioxidants and as possible antiinflammatory phytonutrients in the macular region assist in protecting our delicate eye tissues from free radical damage and oxidative stress. Recent studies now also support the importance of lutein and other carotenoids for general brain health. Indeed, recent findings show that there is a high concentration of carotenoids in the brain, and a selective concentration of lutein, which makes up about 60% of the total carotenoids.19
So keeping carotenoids high can be tremendously beneficial. Just how do you top up with these vital phytonutrients? NeoLife’s clinically tested Carotenoid Complex contains 15 different carotenoids in high potency. A single capsule provides the carotenoid equivalents of 1 portion of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables.
1. British Heart Foundation. Should you eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables? Available at: nutrition/5-a-day/colourful-foods. 2. Zhang YJ, et al. Antioxidant Phytochemicals for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Molecules. 2015 Aug; 20(12):21138-56. 3. Mchiza ZJ, et al. A Review of Dietary Surveys in the Adult South African Population from 2000 to 2015. Nutrients 2015 Sep; 7(9), 8227-8250. 4. 5. Murphy MM, et al. Global assessment of select phytonutrient intakes by level of fruit and vegetable consumption. Br J Nutr. 2014 Sept;112(6):1004-18. 6. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables 2013. 2013 May; 8. 7. Leenders M, et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and cause-specific mortality in the EPIC study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2014 Sep;29(9):639-52. 8. Sofi F, et al. Accruing evidence on benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on health: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Nov; 92(5):1189–96. 9. Hoffman R, Gerber M. Food processing and the Mediterranean diet. Nutrients. 2015 Sept;7(9):7925-64.
Flavonoid Complex is drawn from a select group of nature’s most powerful and unique fruits that are naturally rich in bioactive compounds, called polyphenols, and which have the remarkable ability to promote health.
The blood levels of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin were independently associated with better scores in global cognition, memory, and executive function type tests in a large population of elderly individuals. In addition, it was found that higher zeaxanthin levels were associated with sharper information processing speed.19 The next question the researchers are asking is how the enrichment of these nutrients in different populations (e.g. the healthy population and patients with mild cognitive impairment) can impact scores in cognitive function tests.
Exciting new research just published in the British Journal of Nutrition reveals that many types of polyphenols are able to positively influence metabolic syndrome - considered to be a prediabetic state. A polyphenol drink containing just a third of a gram of strawberry and cranberry polyphenols (equal to 2 servings of fresh fruit) was consumed daily for 6-weeks by overweight and obese adults who were insulin-resistant. The polyphenol drink improved insulin sensitivity and also the performance in an oral glucose tolerance test.20
10. Aune D, et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer and all-cause mortality–a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Feb. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw319. 11. Pezdirc K, et al. Perceptions of carotenoid and melanin colouration in faces among young Australian adults. Aust J Psych. 2017 May. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12163. 12. Mujcic R, Oswald JA. Evolution of well-being and happiness after increases in consumption of fruit and vegetables. Am J Public Health. 2016 Aug;106(8): 1504–10. 13. Carughi A, Hooper F. Plasma Carotenoid Levels before and after Supplementation with a Carotenoid Complex. Ann NY Acad Sci. 1993 Dec;691:244-5. 14. Sommerburg O, et al. Fruits and vegetables that are sources for lutein and zeaxanthin: the macular pigment in human eyes. Br J Ophthalmol. 1998 Aug;82(8):907-10. 15. Wong WL, et al. Global prevalence of age-related macular degeneration and disease burden projection for 2020 and 2040: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2014 Feb;2(2):e106–16.
Carotenoid Complex
Flavonoid Complex
#2564 – 30 capsules #2565 – 90 capsules
#2790 – 60 tablets
These are exciting new findings which further demonstrate the power and diversity of benefits of polyphenols to human health. At NeoLife we have built these benefits into many of our products. One great example is Flavonoid Complex which contains powerful array of polyphenols from berries and grapes. Phytonutrient power and protection for the body is here now and is here to stay. NeoLife, with our strong scientific heritage and portfolio of existing phytonutrient products are uniquely poised to continue to provide the right solutions. n
16. The Vision Council. Digital Eye Strain. Available at: 17. Del Rio D, et al. Dietary (poly)phenolics in human health: structures, bioavailability and evidence of protective effects against chronic diseases. Antiox Redox Signal. 2013 May;18(4):1818-92. 18. Mursu, J., et al., Intake of fruit, berries, and vegetables and risk of type 2 diabetes in Finnish men: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Feb;99(2):328-33. 19. Feeney J, et al. Plasma Lutein and Zeaxanthin Are Associated With Better Cognitive Function Across Multiple Domains in a Large Population-Based Sample of Older Adults: Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2017 Jan. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glw330. 20. Paquette M, et al. Strawberry and cranberry polyphenols improve insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant, non-diabetic adults: a parallel, double-blind, controlled and randomised clinical trial. Br J Nutr. 2017 Feb;117(4):519-31.
President’s Team Members Charlie & Alta Bolton, South Africa
Top Achievers Talk Business
REAPING POSITIVE RESULTS Working with people can be very rewarding and also sometimes very challenging. What helps us handle any situation is our personal growth programme of reading the Bible and positive uplifting books as well as listening to Christian and positive CD’s. We will not be able to do what we do if it was not for our daily exercise programme, taking our NeoLife supplements as well as being conscious of what we eat. We also don’t spend time with negative people. It is very important to get people to believe in themselves and their potential. We try to make new Distributors understand that it is their business and that they need to find ways of making it work. We get people involved at every level of the business so that they can become independent business owners as soon as possible and don’t have to wait for us before something happens. It is very encouraging when people are getting results and earning what is available. This is a great way to build momentum and grow a business.
Our type of business is evolving and changing all the time, so we need to be involved at every level to fine tune and make changes where and when necessary. Our methods have changed somewhat this past year and the new way we present the Compensation Plan has resulted in some positive growth. Also having a Retail challenge has encouraged many Distributors to develop retail customers. We hold regular training meetings, weekend functions, day rallies, weekly training and opportunity meetings. We also offer our team some great incentives to participate in as well as encourage them to have dream charts to help them achieve their goals. In NeoLife we all have a responsibility to be the example we want others to follow. When people follow our example, we create hope for a better tomorrow. We see and believe that NeoLife is a company that inspires people to reach their goals and become financially, physically, mentally and spiritually
World Team Members Salome & Gilbert Sebete, South Africa
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT stronger. The more attractive we make NeoLife in the marketplace, the more people will want to be part of us.
“Like everyone who has ever started in NeoLife, we knew very little about the business or the products. Like everything in life, all you need to do is practice and repeat habits that allow you to learn. We found that using the products is the first step to finding out more and learning. It is far easier to sell an item that has benefitted you directly than one you have only read about. Your product story is important. The same goes for the business part of things. For instance, if you have never stood up in front of a group people to speak it can be very daunting to do so for the first time. That’s why we first get people to speak to members of their team and practice public speaking this way. With practice you can learn to do anything including talking and more importantly selling. You don’t have to be born a salesman to be a good salesman – you can learn that through practice. We have also got into the habit of reading as much about the company and products as possible. We encourage our team to do the same and we often get together to discuss things new people
may not understand. This keeps not only our team motivated but ourselves. We love to share NeoLife with everyone. When we started in the business we had no idea how far we would advance and how much we would achieve being part of NeoLife. This year, at NeoLife’s Southern Africa Convention, we were recognised as No. 1 World Team Members. What an honour it was to get the prize and be rewarded for everyone to see. The most valuable thing that the NeoLife Opportunity has given us is something money can’t buy. It has not been the
ability to travel like we have and seen wonderful places and God’s creation; it is not the fact that we are financially stable or the fact that we enjoy exceptional health; and lastly it is not the fact that we have been able to send our children to good schools. It is that NeoLife has allowed us to leave a legacy and a bright future for our children. All our practicing and practicing has created a perfect world for our family. If we can do it then anyone can do it with NeoLife by their side. Thank you NeoLife for succeeding in making the world a healthier and happier place.” 11
Discovering your “why” and keeping a reminder of it visible, could give the extra push to sustain healthy eating habits.
EATING HABITS Great minds think alike; new research from Gallup, a leading research-based performance-management consulting company reveals three hidden factors linked to better eating habits and we couldn’t help but notice… NeoLife is the perfect complement to all three!
Surround yourself with supportive and healthconscious people. FROM GALLUP Gallup-Sharecare research finds a strong relationship between healthy eating and three measures of social support: having someone who always encourages you to be healthy; having friends and family who give you positive energy every day; and having a relationship with a spouse, partner or close friend that is closer than ever. About two-thirds of adults who agree with these statements reported that they ate healthily the day prior to being interviewed. But among those who disagree with each of these statements, the share of adults who reported eating healthily dropped to about half. Individuals can also take matters into their own hands. They can ask a friend to be an accountability partner or a spouse to provide encouragement as they pursue their healthy eating goals.
With NeoLife, you belong to a community of passionate people committed to being their best. You’ll be accepted and loved exactly as you are, but encouraged and empowered to harness your potential and live out your purpose. The Be Your Best Challenge is the perfect way to invite your friends to get healthy, be each other’s accountability buddies.
Find the right career for yourself FROM GALLUP Finding the right career for you—whether that is as a worker, student, volunteer, retiree or stay-at-home parent—can be a powerful motivator for good health. Adults who agree with three measures of purpose well-being—reaching most of their goals in the last 12 months, learning or doing something interesting every day, and having a leader who makes them enthusiastic about the future—are significantly more likely to report eating healthily “yesterday” than those who disagree with those measures.
It seems plausible that having a strong sense of purpose could give someone a compelling reason to want to eat healthily and live their best possible life. Discovering your “why” and keeping a reminder of it visible, such as on the refrigerator or on your desk at work, could give someone the extra push to sustain healthy eating habits. FROM NEOLIFE We believe you were created with a special purpose to change the world in a way that no one else can. And don’t ever forget it! In the words of our CEO, Kendra Brassfield, “through NeoLife, we can work to make a living, but live to make a difference.” Plus, where else can you launch a startup for the same amount of money as taking a couple friends out to dinner? With a NeoLife Nutrition Startup, you own your own business on your own terms—work wherever you want, whenever you want and get rewarded for sharing good health.
A Final Thought… FROM GALLUP With obesity, diabetes and depression rates at all-time highs, it is clear today's population need new strategies to improve their eating habits. Seeking out strong social support, identifying a strong purpose in life and reducing financial stress could help people make lasting changes that will reduce chronic illness and improve the well-being of people across the world.
Get your finances in order. FROM GALLUP Research has shown that long-term stress can cause a spike in stress hormones that lead people to overeat and choose foods higher in fat or sugar. Unfortunately, finances are one of the biggest stressors for many. Gallup has found that a majority of people worry about financial issues, including having enough money to retire, to pay unexpected medical expenses and to maintain their standard of living. Gallup-Sharecare research also finds that those who agree they have enough money to do everything they want to do are significantly more likely to report eating healthily “yesterday” than those who disagree. Simply having a budget and long-term financial plan in place to pay off debt, save for retirement and meet other goals can reduce undue financial stress.
FROM NEOLIFE FROM NEOLIFE Almost two out of three people don’t have enough savings to pay for a $500 car repair or a $1,000 hospital bill. That breaks our heart. That’s why we do what we do. The NeoLife Startup Opportunity offers a solution to life’s most pressing needs and wants, no matter what stage you’re at. Whether you want to get out of debt, build a strong financial future for your family, or simply earn extra money for a quality education for your children, we want to show you the way. Plus, enjoy the quality of life available to those who’ve found meaning, purpose and belonging through their career. Travel the world while you change the world.
We are on a mission to make the world a healthier and happier place using superior quality whole food nutrition as our weapon of choice.
Let’s do this!
TRUIMPH OF SPIRIT national side, the Springboks. At only 26 years of age he has represented his country in several international games and did them proud.
Recently NeoLife chatted to star Rugby hooker and one of our latest Sports Ambassadors, Bongi Mbonambi at the Sports Science Institute in Newlands, Cape Town. “I’m hooked on NeoLife. I’m so excited and proud to have joined forces with NeoLife to Make the World a Healthier and Happier Place!” he enthusiastically starts. Bongi’s unstoppable talent and outstanding performance was first spotted at a Craven Week (South Africa’s top annual rugby union schools event), where he was scouted and offered a scholarship to the prestigious St Albans College in Pretoria. From there Bongi landed a place with the Bulls. In 2012, he made his senior debut playing against the Crusaders during the Super Rugby season in Pretoria. He currently represents the Stormers and the Left: Proud to be part of the Western Province Team, Currie Cup Winners 2017
“Like most athletes who compete at a professional level, I find recovering from training crucial to my performance in game time. That, along with maintaining a strong immune system to minimise downtime, helps keep me going and well prepared for matches. I use Pro Vitality every day and find the single sachet containing all the necessary supplements easy to take and convenient when I’m on the go! I also take NeoLife’s Vitamin C for an extra boost in winter.” Bongi admits that the part of his training he finds most challenging is keeping his fitness levels up. “That’s where NeoLifeShake comes in very handy. When my team and I are doing
Current team
back-to-back fitness training sessions, and have very short breaks in between, I’m able to give my body the nutrition needed to keep going.” On days like these Bongi takes up to three NeoLifeShakes as meal replacements. “What I also like about NeoLifeShake is that although they’re complete and satisfying, they never make you feel heavy or uncomfortable afterwards. Personally, I love the chocolate flavour and I have never tasted such a delicious meal replacement shake before. The awesome NeoLife Nutritionals have already made an enormous difference in my life, even though I’ve only been taking them since the end of last year. In nutrition terms that’s still early days, so I can’t wait to see how much more that they’ll bring to me on a long-term basis” says Bongi. But, for this NeoLife
Sports Ambassador, being a part of the NeoLife family is not only about enjoying and promoting great products - it’s about giving back. Bongi grew up in Bethlehem, in the struggling mining belt of South Africa - a place where very little hope exists for many young people. “If it wasn’t for rugby, the support of my family and God’s grace I’m not sure where I would be today. Like most children around me, I grew up with very little chance of making anything of my life. That’s why I want to inspire and motivate others by example. Through my success I want to show kids that with faith and a positive attitude they can become anything they want to, no matter what their background” says Bongi with conviction. “I believe that with NeoLife as a partner I can make a positive change in many people’s lives. Like me, the NeoLife Family are committed to uplifting communities, while helping people to be their best and reach their full potential!”
Senior career Years
2012 - 2014
Blue Bulls
2012 - 2014
2015 - present
2015 - present
Western Province
National team(s) Years
South Africa Under-20
2016 - present
South Africa
Springbok XV
Stats as of 30 October 2017
Fun & Fellowship
eadership School attendees enjoyed world-class training while making lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories at the idyllic Irene Country Lodge outside Pretoria. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what the NeoLifestyle is all about. It was clear even before the end of the event, these truly remarkable NeoLife family members were called to lead as we partner together to make the world a healthier and happier place. And this is only just the beginning!
Meeting time was followed by team building games, relaxation and lots of laughter. The event closed with a gala dinner.
Leadership & Empowerment The event was filled with business and product training and workshops geared towards empowering our leaders with knowledge to take their business to the top!
Real People, Real Results
25% Say Hello to the new NeoLifeShake
“I challenged my husband and I to climb the CN Towers in Toronto in under 20 minutes. We were able to do it in 15:25 with the help of NeoLifeShake
by keeping ourselves fueled but not too full during training. I am also a fitness instructor and massage therapist and after two years of the NeoLifestyle, I am lifting heavier, massaging longer and generally more energised!”*
NeoLifeShake Clinically Proven Benefits* :
njoy the delicious health benefits of all new NeoLifeShake. With 25% less sugar but 100% deliciousness, it’s the perfect shake for the entire family!
Weight Loss† Reduced Body Fat and Body Size Lowered Body Mass Index (BMI) Cardio Protective BASED IN NATURE
“I decided to do a sprint triathlon over the summer just to try something new, and it was hard, but I made sure to substitute the NeoLifeShake for a before and after fuel recovery meal; I found myself energised and alert even after the race! The Breakfast Pack helped me achieve my fitness goal and I’ve also been able to mantain my weight by having at least one shake a day consistently, and by staying active as frequently as I can.”
“Using NeoLifeShake to replace two meals a day helped curb my urges for junk foods and made it easy to stay away from snacking throughout the day.
NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
Pro Vitality was also a key factor because I didn’t know how much my body was lacking from my previous daily nutrition. I noticed a huge energy gain which was very beneficial for me to power through my workouts and was amazed at how providing my body with the proper nutrition helped me with both my energy levels and all around food cravings!”*
“Before NeoLife I would usually get fast food after the gym, which kind of defeated the purpose of going to the gym! I replaced breakfast with a NeoLifeShake and also had a shake when I got my late night post gym cravings. My endurance has improved tremendously, and I have more energy than anyone else in my day job. I can also now fit comfortably into my size 34 pants!”*
“I wanted to walk to the top of Stone Mountain and back in 90 minutes. To give my body what it needed, I used the Breakfast Pack and NeoLifeBar; I blended a bar in with my smoothie twice a day and took my Pro Vitality as additional nutritional supplements. I was able to accomplish my goal! I had been walking that
mountain for years, but never twice in 90 minutes!”* EUNICE PHILLIPS
15 servings #2912 — Creamy Vanilla #2913 — Berries n’ Cream #2914 — Rich Chocolate
In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 2.39 kg. over a 12 week period. 19
The 23rd ANNUAL
Arthur Furst Undergraduate Scholarship Award
NeoLife Strengthens Its Scientific Advisory Board
ACCOLADES • Teaching, research & service • Author of several books • Written more than 400 articles for national magazines • Regularly appeared on international, national and local radio • Regularly appeared on television shows • Frequently quoted in magazines and newspapers.
ARTHUR FURST (1914-2005) Founding Member Emeritus NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board Ph.D., Sc. D., D-A.T.S. Toxicologist, Pharmacologist
Meet Dr. Liz Applegate Ph.D., Nutrition, Sports Nutritionist It is with great pleasure that we introduce our NeoLife Family to Dr. Liz Applegate! Dr. Applegate earned both her B.S. in Biochemistry, and her Ph.D., in Nutrition Science at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Applegate is a faculty member of the Nutrition Department, and the Director of Sports Nutrition at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Applegate currently holds a position on the editorial board of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. She is also a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, and a member of the Sports and Cardiovascular Nutritionists, a practice group of the American Dietetic Association. Check out her interview with CEO Kendra Brassfield from North America Convention 2017 in Las Vegas, and get to know the latest member of the Scientific Advisory Board: Kendra: Dr. Applegate, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Dr. Applegate: I’ve been in the world of nutrition and fitness for a long time. I went to school at UC Davis and I haven’t left and now I am a professor there. Now I’ve been there for over 30 years. I teach a class of 1200 students per quarter, and if you do the math of how long I’ve been there, I have instructed over 65,000 students. I was a biochemistry major at the start and I just knew I loved health and fitness. Nutrition and biochemistry came together and I care about it. I care about my health, the health of my children, students and athletes and I like making a difference. I translate science to a simple form and that’s my goal.
THERESA KEITH — recipient of 2017 Dr. Arthur Furst Scholarship Award, with SAB members Mark Lowman and Dr. Diane E. Clayton
When you look at a NeoLife supplement... It’s all about the story, the synergy that these different compounds have and how they work in the body. That's what NeoLife is about. Kendra: I was fascinated to learn about your career in sports, can you tell me about that? Dr. Applegate: When I was in elementary school I was in track and field and competed alongside Bruce Jenner back in the 70’s. I went to UC Davis and did some sports there and became a professional triathlete for several years, sponsored by Nike. It was a great synergy with my degree in Nutrition and from that I started writing for magazines and I went from there. Kendra: Can you tell us about how that translated to your work with athletes? Dr. Applegate: By being interested in athletics myself and trying to understand how I can optimise my performance and recovery, reduce my injury risk, I do this every single day with over 600 athletes at UC Davis. It is an important combination and trying to get an 18year old to eat well is rather challenging as a lot of you know, even getting a 38-year old, or a 68-year old to do the same. So I understand
the complexities of nutrition science, but I’m all about making nutrition practical and simple. Kendra: What attracted you to NeoLife’s Scientific Advisory Board? Dr. Applegate: I’m very aware of a lot of different supplement companies and I’m asked to participate at different levels but I’m very careful of how I associate my name with different entities. I’ve been aware of NeoLife for a long time and what impresses me and why I have joined as a member, and I’m very honoured to have been asked—It’s the science of every single product. That it’s driven by solid science—and that’s huge. When you look at a NeoLife supplement, there’s a background behind it, what went into it. There isn’t just one ingredient that you can focus on. It’s all about the story, the synergy that these different compounds have and how they work in the body. That’s what NeoLife is about and the Scientific Advisory Board drives that.
Dr. Applegate, during her interview with NeoLife CEO, Kendra Brassfield.
Kendra: What are you excited about for this partnership with NeoLife into the future? Dr. Applegate: What I’m looking for is talking about nutrition and putting nutrition research into messages people can do and understand. I’m really interested in people being able to communicate science into simple messages. I’m interested in being able to support that, to join the excellent Scientific Advisory Board and to help contribute. Kendra: We are so blessed to have you in the family. We are looking forward to this partnership! n
Watch the full interview at
This year’s 23rd annual Arthur Furst Undergraduate Scholarship Award was given to Theresa Keith, a junior at the University of San Francisco (USF), majoring in both Biology and Spanish. NeoLife gives this prestigious award in honour of Dr. Arthur Furst, founding member emeritus of the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board. The scholarship is presented to an undergraduate science major at USF who demonstrates outstanding academic ability and a strong desire to pursue research. Theresa’s passion for science is indisputable. Biology students usually get involved in research in their junior or senior years. Theresa started in the fall of her sophomore year, investigating the species succession of phytoplankton in the San Francisco Bay, work that she continues today. Professor Karentz proudly expresses her support, “Theresa has demonstrated a passion for learning and strong sincere interest in research. Perhaps most important, she exhibits the flexibility and tenacity required to become a successful researcher.”
In addition to fieldwork and research, Theresa has served as an Animal Care Volunteer at the Marine Mammal Center (MMC) for several years. Every Sunday, Theresa applies her knowledge of toxicosis of marine mammals and how domoic acid (DA) concentrates through the food chain to better understand and support sea lions. She explains, “I’m excited about what is left to explore of the natural world and I’ve discovered the best way to obtain a holistic understanding is through practice.” Dr. Furst would surely agree with Professor Karentz; “Theresa is a true scholar with a breadth of knowledge and curiosity that indicate great aptitude and potential for research.” As for the future, Theresa plans to attend graduate school after USF, to pursue a career in conservation biology and sustainable development. NeoLife is proud of our association with the University of San Francisco and our participation in the Arthur Furst Undergraduate Scholarship. Our goal is to recognise and support exceptional achievement in science.
Congratulations to these Directors who are reaching for the top by moving up one or more levels for the months of July, August and September 2017.
Eritosin & Samuel Afolabi
Ntombotukela Gwebani
Sarah Senso & Michael Basondole
Chukwuma & Agba Agba
Bongiwe Hlela
Eunice Jonathani & Salvatory Manamba
Bidemi & Fatimo Ajibade
Sithembiso & Nonhlanhla Mataba
Marcelina & Patrick Anya Alphonsus Edochie
Paul & Margret Ssasi Bright
Anthony & Evlyn Fidelis
Alice Samo
Charles Nwankwo
Maria & Eugenio Samo
Clement & J Nyirandekeyaho Mbonanibucha
Mamuda & Abdulazizu Yusif
Mary Slessor Osok Awino
Yessehere & Silue Soro
Lydiah Wangari & Benson Murugami
Mirenso & Georgina Tingan
Mary Atieno & Arthur Owaka
Maria Olajide
Usman & Rahama Abdullahi 23
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