Health Action Winter 2013/14

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Winter 2013/14

A Non-Profit Project of Health Action Network Society (HANS) Information Education Action

2013: The Year in GMOs Healthy Liver = Healthy Hormones Electromagnetic Radiation under Review

Giving Thanks to Those Who Created Healthy Horizons Is There a Type H (Healing) Personality? Ayurveda for Detoxification and Rejuvenation

Support HANS—Your Natural Health Network p 11 Looking for a Practitioner, Product or Service? Visit the HANS Wellness Directory p 28

“Love the show, love the samples. Absolutely fantastic . Educational and entertaining !”


Helping you find balance. Need help finding balance in your life? Look no further than the upcoming Wellness Show. There will be cutting-edge presentations on today’s most pressing health and wellness issues. Some of Canada’s top chefs and cookbook authors will host healthy cooking demonstrations. Fitness gurus will show us the latest trends on getting fit, staying well and more than 250 exhibitors will be displaying products and information related to traditional, complementary, alternative and spiritual health, fitness, nutrition, and recreation.



Health Action

Health Action Winter 2013/14

Standing with Dr. Roger Rogers...................................................5 2013: The Year in GMOs.................................................................6 HANS Member News...................................................................10 Giving Thanks to Healthy Horizons...........................................12 Triphala—An Ayurvedic Formula for Detoxification and Rejuvenation.........................................14 Naturopathic Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease..............15 Is There a Type H (Healing) Personality?...................................18 Electromagnetic Radiation under Review.................................20 Healthy Liver = Healthy Hormones...........................................23

Published quarterly by Health Action Network Society President Jane Shaak Executive Director Lorna Hancock Managing Editor Michelle Hancock Assistant Editor/Proofreader Julie Cheng Layout & Design Angela Nat Contributors Milt Bowling; Jim Harding; Nelie Johnson, MD; Trish Lim O’Donnell; Ingrid Pincott, ND; Lucy Sharratt; Marita Schauch, BSc, ND; Neelam Toprani Submissions: Letters to the editor and requests for article references may be sent to editorial@ HANS reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity.

“And Then I Found NeurVana”...................................................24 Forgiveness and Hope...................................................................26 Remembering a Great One.........................................................27 HANS Wellness Directory...........................................................28

Health Action Network Society 214-5589 Byrne Rd, Burnaby BC V5J 3J1 T: 604-435-0512 F: 604-435-1561 PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40050050 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 330-123 Main St, Toronto ON M5W 1A1 Health Action magazine is a free publication to its membership. The opinions expressed within are those of the writer and not necessarily those of HANS. Those with health concerns should contact their health-care provider. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

2013: The Year in GMOs...p 6

Heart Health...p 15

Help for Troubled Teens...p 24

3 | Health Action |

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Toll-free 1 (866) 837-1523 Discounts are available for members of the Health Action Network Society. 4 | Health Action |

Standing with Dr. Roger Rogers


s you look through the different articles in this Health Action magazine, please take a moment and consider this little story from my ­early days. Thirty-five years ago, I was a young, eager wife and mother of two. I had no idea who I was, what was going on or what the world had to offer, and somehow I stumbled onto a small group of medical doctors who were meeting surreptitiously in the basement of a Vancouver church. They were having a dinner meeting put on by early HANS member Inge Hanle, and I had volunteered to help. I will never forget scrubbing freshly picked carrots from her garden that she carefully steamed in preparation for the meal. One of the 20-plus doctors was kind enough to come up to me and thank me for helping. I was thrilled that he even ­noticed! I told him that I was excited about the new thinking that they were ­expressing—about how nutrition affected health. I told him they were nothing short of wonderful for being wise enough to go there. He said, “Yes, it is great and is so important. But, we can’t do it without you and other people who help us behind the scenes here. Your help is invaluable.” That was Dr. Roger Rogers, founder

of the Centre for Integrated Healing, now InspireHealth, a premier integrated cancer care program that has grown to several centres in B.C. So. This year. I am sitting in the Dr. Rogers Prize Colloquium with HANS director of operations Michael Volker and many other colleagues. My thoughts ­return to Dr. Rogers. How this message, year after year, still comes up. Our precious Dr. Rogers has passed on, but his legacy remains. The topic is—drum roll please— how ­nutrition impacts mental health. Dr. John Gannage of the Markham ­Integrative Medicine clinic gave a compelling speech about his practice in ­Ontario, and one sentence in particular stood out. He said he loves his work, but he works in a lonely place, and what I took that to mean is that he works, as Rogers did, out front where few but the courageous still dare to go. Public support and interest is what ­fuels this important direction for the world. Are we standing there with him? Health Action Network Society is more than just this magazine. This organization represents personal and professional courage—something invaluable and precious—and I hope when you ­renew your membership, you think about

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that. I hope you think about Dr. Rogers, and make a pledge that you will continue to stand firm in some kind of personal resolve that says we need to stay here, do this and do the best we possibly can, to continue to bring this important message to the public. H

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2013: The Year in GMOs by Lucy Sharratt


enetically modified crop technologies are failing, and yet the GM food experiment persists. The year 2013 saw the climax of many of the predicted environmental and social problems with GM (also called ­genetically ­engineered) crops. GM herbicide-­tolerant and insect-resistant crops are failing to perform, and GM contamination incidents are increasing. Industry public relations picked up its pace, to match a raging public controversy. The GM menu While GM food ingredients have proliferated in packaged and processed foods―unlabelled―in North America, the reality is that there are very few GM crops and traits on the market globally. Farmers in Canada grow GM corn, ­canola, soy and white sugar beet (for sugar processing). Farmers in the U.S. grow these four crops as well as GM cotton, GM papaya (in ­Hawaii), some GM squash varieties, as well as GM alfalfa. There are no ­other types of GM crops planted around the world, it’s just these eight. For example, there is no GM rice, no GM wheat and no GM potatoes or ­tomatoes a­ nywhere, yet. However, most of the soy, corn, ­canola and cotton grown in North America is now GM. Ninety-three percent of soy, 88 percent of field corn (not sweet corn) and 94 percent of cotton in the U.S. is GM (the Canadian government does not keep statistics). Testing from the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network showed that Monsanto’s GM sweet corn was sold widely this season in Canada, since coming on to the market in 2011. With the exception of virus-resistant papaya and squashes, the only GM traits on the market are herbicide tolerance and insect resistance, and last year we ­witnessed the

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beginning of the end for these two traits with the development of superweeds and superpests. Superweeds Eighty-five percent of all GM crops in the ground are herbicide-tolerant, which means they are designed to survive herbicide sprayings that will kill all the surrounding weeds. New glyphosateresistant weeds in North America are ­evidence of the overuse of glyphosate, a key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide formulation. Many farmers in the U.S., and some in Ontario and Alberta, are now unable to kill key weeds with glyphosate. To take on these superweeds, Monsanto and Dow have created GM crops that are tolerant to the older herbicides dicamba and 2,4-D, so farmers can use chemicals and still buy GM seeds. This solution from the biotech industry will perpetuate the chemical cycle and create even more superweeds. Contamination At the end of May 2013, the U.S. government confirmed that some of Monsanto’s unapproved GM Roundup Ready wheat was found in a farmer’s field in Oregon. Japan and South Korea halted wheat imports from that part of the U.S. until testing results showed no further contamination. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has still not figured outwhere the contamination came from, particularly since there is no GM wheat on the market anywhere in the world. International customers also tested and rejected a shipment of hay from the U.S. because of GM alfalfa contamination. Again, the source of contamination is not known. Such contamination is predictable, and yet GM alfalfa could soon be released in Canada. Alfalfa is pollinated by bees and is the first perennial crop to be ­genetically engineered, which means there is a higher risk of contamination than with other, annual, GM crops. Farmers in ­Ontario took the issue of GM alfalfa contamination to the provincial environment minister who

did not, unfortunately, see fit to conduct an environmental assessment. GM alfalfa contamination threatens family farming across Canada and, most immediately, organic farming. Alfalfa is often part of pasture and hay for animals but organic farming prohibits the use of GM seeds and GM animal feed. Organic dairy and livestock farmers could lose a very important feed source for their animals, and contamination could jeopardize organic certification. Many farmers could lose the option of planting alfalfa to improve soil fertility, one tool that replaces chemical fertilizers. This issue hits many more farmers however, both conventional and organic, as alfalfa is actually one of the largest crops in Canada by area, and

Canada is one of the world’s five largest exporters of alfalfa pellets and cubes. Global GM disintegration Huge pesticide-dependent soy farms dominate South America’s GE production, mostly for animal feed and biofuels, and are responsible for ecological and ­social devastation. Together, the U.S., Brazil and Argentina grow 76 percent of the world’s GM crops (the U.S. grows 43 percent). It’s called “green gold,” but the cost of this model of chemical monoculture is starting to hit agribusiness itself. Argentina’s largest fertilizer association is now warning that the country is planting too much soy, which is depleting soils that need crop rotation to keep their nutrients.

Union of BC Municipalities Asks Province to Ban GE Crops and Animals In an unprecedented step, the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), at their annual general meeting in Vancouver on September 19th, 2013, passed a resolution “that UBCM ask the British Columbia government to legislate the prohibition of importing, exporting and growing plants and seeds containing genetically engineered DNA, and raising GE animals within B.C., and to declare, through legislation, that B.C. is a GE-free area in respect to all plant and animal species.” Already 14 municipalities in B.C. have declared themselves GE-free zones, and 10 Official Community Plans of regional districts have come out against GE crops, as communities across the province mobilized for a ban on GE crops. “We’re overjoyed with our success,” said Teresa Lynne of the Society for a G.E. Free B.C., a volunteer non-profit group. “We’re so grateful to all the councillors who heard our concerns and took this amazing step

on our behalf. The provincial government needs to legislate this ban and then ask the federal government to do the same.” “This was possible thanks to the actions of so many passionate and committed people. Every action made a difference,” said Lynne. “We all want to protect our families, environment and food system from the risks of genetically engineered crops and foods.” “This is an unprecedented ­victory for grassroots communities,” said Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network. “Finally we see a level of government in Canada debate this issue and respond to peoples’ concerns.” Supporters of the UBCM motion gathered almost 7,000 signatures on online and hardcopy petitions, and rallied on September 18th outside the UBCM meeting location. —CBAN, Media Release, September 19, 2013

“Ninety-three percent of soy, 88 percent of field corn (not sweet corn) and 94 percent of cotton in the U.S. is genetically modified.” 7 | Health Action |


HealthÊActionÊ Magazine

In 2013, governments and courts around the world thwarted the plans of biotechnology companies. Peru’s 10year moratorium on GM crop cultivation came in to law. In October, a court in Mexico suspended a proposal from Monsanto, Bayer and Dupont to cultivate 10 million hectares of GM corn. An expert panel ­assembled by the Supreme Court of India recommended that all field trials of GM crops be indefinitely banned, and courts in Bangladesh blocked the commercial ­release of what was supposed to be their first GM crop, a GM eggplant. Though Europe could approve some new GM crops soon, many European Member States were taking action to block GM crops, and in 2013 Monsanto confirmed that it would not submit any new GM crops for approval in the Europe Union. New GM foods to the rescue? The two GM products most immediately on the horizon in Canada are a GM fast-growing Atlantic salmon and a GM non-browning apple, but no one wants them. As the executive director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance told CBC, “The Canadian aquaculture ­industry does not support the commercial production of transgenic fish for human consumption.” The BC Fruit Growers’ ­Association and the U.S. Apple Association oppose the introduction of the GM apple, the companies that sell sliced ­apples don’t want to use it, and 69 percent of Canadians don’t want to eat it. Golden Rice to the rescue? As the public debate over GM food gets messier, the industry’s defence of GM is getting louder. In 2013, media ­reporting of GM vitamin A “Golden Rice” reached a fever pitch, despite the fact that ­Golden Rice is not yet ready for the market. In February 2013, the International Rice ­Research Institute (IRRI), which is a partner in developing Golden Rice, ­released a statement called “Clarifying recent news about Golden Rice” that said, “Golden Rice will not be available for planting by farmers in the Philippines or any other country in the next few months, or even this year.” IRRI also stated, “It has not yet been determined whether daily consumption of Golden Rice does improve the vitamin A 8 | Health Action |

status of people who are vitamin-A deficient and could therefore reduce related conditions such as night blindness.” The bioavailability of vitamin A from the GM rice is not yet proven. Our bodies actually need a minimum amount of fat in our diet in order to absorb vitamin A from food in the first place, an obvious problem for adults and children suffering from malnutrition. Rice is also often stored for long periods of time but no tests have assessed the shelf life of the vitamin A in Golden Rice. Neither have tests been done on the effect of various types of cooking on the vitamin-A availability. Aside from striving to eradicate hunger by alleviating poverty, there are costeffective and proven solutions to ­vitamin-A deficiency. Countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa have ­successfully used supplementation programs, food fortification, nutrition education and diet diversification to reduce vitamin-A deficiency. The Philippines successfully used supplementation to decrease the number of people with vitamin-A deficiency from 40 percent in 2003 to 15 percent in 2008. A single vitamin-A supplement dose costs just a couple of cents. By 2001, Golden Rice development had already cost well over $100 million. Corporate future Corporate concentration in agribusiness is more apparent every year. The same six companies that control all the GM seeds in the world—­Monsanto, ­DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow and BASF―also control 60 percent of the commercial seed market and 76 percent of global agrochemical sales (ETC Group 2013). The degree of corporate control is intense, but as Ontario farmer Dave Lewington said about GM alfalfa, “We will not surrender to the interests of big seed and biotech companies.” The future for GM seeds, therefore, is not at all certain, but is subject to protest by both farmers and consumers around the world.1 H

Lucy Sharratt is the coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network. www.

Take “Mosaic” Approach to Agriculture, Boost Support for Small Farmers—Report Urges by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development


arming in rich and poor nations alike should shift from monoculture towards greater varieties of crops, reduced use of fertilizers and ­other inputs, greater support for small-scale farmers, and more locally focused production and consumption of food, a new United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report recommends. The Trade and Environment Report 2013 warns that continuing rural poverty, persistent hunger around the world, growing populations and mounting ­environmental concerns must be treated as a collective crisis. It says that urgent and far-reaching action is needed before climate change begins to cause major disruptions to agriculture, especially in ­developing countries. The report, subtitled “Wake up before it is too late: Make agriculture ­truly sustainable now for food security in a changing climate,” was released September 18, 2013. More than 60 international experts contributed to the report’s analysis of the topic. The study notes that the sheer scale at which production methods would have to be modified under these proposals would pose considerable challenges. In addition, it would be necessary to correct existing imbalances between where food is produced and where it is needed, to reduce the power asymmetries that exist in agricultural input and foodprocessing markets and to adjust current trade rules for agriculture. The Trade and Environment Report 2013 recommends a rapid and significant shift away from “conventional, monoculture-based … industrial production” of food that depends heavily on external inputs such as fertilizer, agro-chemicals, and concentrate feed. Instead, it says that the goal should be “mosaics of sustainable regenerative production systems that also considerably improve the productivity of small-scale farmers and foster rural development.” The report stresses that governments must find ways to factor in

and reward farmers for currently unpaid public goods they provide—such as clean water, soil and landscape preservation, protection of biodiversity, and recreation. The report cites a number of trends that collectively suggest a mounting crisis: • Food prices from 2011 to mid-2013 were almost 80 percent higher than for the period 2003 to 2008 • Global fertilizer use has increased by eight times over the past 40 years, ­although global cereal production has only doubled during that period • Growth rates in agricultural productivity have recently declined from two percent per year to below one percent • Two types of irreparable environmental damage have already been caused by agriculture: nitrogen contamination of soil and water and loss of biodiversity • Greenhouse gas emissions from ­agriculture are the single biggest source of global warming in the South. They are also the fastest growing (along with emissions from transport) • Foreign land acquisition in developing countries (often termed “land grabbing”) in recent years has amounted, in value, to between five and 10 times the level of official development assistance • Almost one billion people currently suffer from hunger and another one billion are malnourished, the report notes, even though current global agricultural production already provides sufficient calories to feed a population of 12 to 14 billion • Some 70 percent of the hungry or malnourished are themselves small-scale farmers or agricultural labourers, indicating that poverty and access to food are the most critical challenges. H 1

United Nations Conference on Trade and ­Development, Press Release 43, September 18, 2013.

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HealthÊActionÊ Magazine

HANS Member News

Siegfried Gursche Sept. 6, 1933–Oct. 2, 2013 It’s with sadness that we say goodbye to Siegfried Gursche, founder of Alive magazine, Canadian natural health pioneer. On October 2nd, he passed away at age 80. A wonderful celebration of his life was held October 15th in Richmond, B.C. This photo was ­taken by Lorna Hancock of HANS when ­Flora Manufacturing & Distributing, also founded by Siegfried, moved locations in Burnaby. New Treatment at New Visage New Visage Advanced Skincare & Anti Aging is now offering a mineral stem cell revival treatment. Minerals are some of the most powerful ingredients, offering a multitude of benefits for various skin conditions including sun damage, hyper-pigmentation and acne scars.­ (604) 893-8872 News from Acu-Bridge Clinic Acu-Bridge Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic is pleased to announce two new practitioners have joined their Burnaby office team. Stella Hu, R.DTCM, R.Ac, focuses on pain and sports injuries. Dr. Hu is also a tai chi master. YanMei Li, R.TCMP, R.Ac, specializes in cardiovascular conditions. Acu-Bridge has also introduced tai chi classes for $20/hour. (604) 432-7209 Welcome to Woodgrove Pines, Dr. Maureen Renier Maureen Renier, Dr.TCM, has been in practice since 1991, following graduation from the oldest traditional Chi-

nese medicine college in Canada. As a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, Maureen is authorized to practice acupuncture and prescribe, compound or dispense Chinese herbal medicine. Maureen is pleased to contribute acupuncture and focal point therapy to the already ­accomplished Woodgrove Pines Wellness and Rehab Clinic. Unit 102-6135 Metral Drive, Nanaimo B.C., (250) 390-2003 HANS Sponsors “We Love Documentary” Film Festival HANS was a sponsor for the “We Love Documentary” Film Festival, October 11th to 13th at the Shatford Centre in Penticton. Renowned filmmaker ­Pepita Ferrari was the artistic director and she is also the chair of the Documentary Organizations of Canada with 650 members nationwide. Mandy Leith, who just completed her Get on the Doc bus tour of Canada also contributed, sharing her story of

Mandy Leith and Pepita Ferrari at the We Love Documentary Film Festival networking and how she connected with filmmakers, festival organizers and media people during her four-month trip. Pepita and Mandy gave an informative talk called The State of Documentary and explained that government funding has diminished for this popular and informative medium. Alternate strategies need to be developed to satisfy the demand and also to inform the audiences of relevant and important issues. 10 | Health Action |

There were five films, followed by panel discussions and question-and­answer sessions. This is the second film festival at the Shatford and it was great to have HANS participate in getting quality documentary films to the community. Recognition for NeurVana NeurVana has recently been recognized with the Amen Clinics as an Amen Affiliated Education Center. NeurVana is the world’s only therapy centre that is ­licensed and affiliated by both the Amen Clinics and Brain State Technologies. NeurVana is also one of the world’s few advanced master’s-level certification centres for the use of BrainWave Optimization. (250) 826-4532 Soulmate Relationship Workshops: New Location Trish Lim O’Donnell’s workshops commence in 2014 at a new location: #2008-608 Belmont Street, New Westminster. Sessions will empower men and women who desire soulmate relationships. Topics include awareness and sensitivity towards both sexes, how they operate, while integrating mindfulness along the way. Trish’s ISMT classes will also teach clients to incorporate sound and music therapy as a healing modality into everyday life. www.trishlimodonnell. com (604) 544-2902 Online Ayurveda Awareness Program The Sewanti Ayurveda Institute is pleased to launch its Ayurveda Awareness Program. The program presents an overview of Ayurveda and how it applies to today’s society. The downloadable online course is intended for health-care professionals; lifelong learners and retailers ­interested in learning a traditional system of medicine; and yoga teachers and herbalists wanting to bring Ayurvedic wisdom to their classes or practice. Contact ­Neelam Toprani, Administrative Dean, (604) 628-2003


Health Action Network Society is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help grow this important organization. If you or someone you know is interested in being part of HANS in a greater capacity, please email

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Free DVD with memberships or renewals! Circle below or call for other favourites. (Please include $5 S&H) Annual Cancer Prevention & Healing Conference: choose from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Digestion, Mercury and Your Health Jonn Matsen, ND, (2010). Women’s Health Collection Hormones in menopause, TCM and fertility, anti-aging strategies and intuitive eating (2009). Healthy Breast Seminar Sat Dharam Kaur, ND, of The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer (2009). Alzheimer’s Disease: Cause-Prevention-Reversal Harold Foster, PhD (2008). Peace Begins with Me Ted Kuntz, M.Ed. – Practical strategies to increase peace, joy and happiness (2008).

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11 | Health Action |

Giving Thanks to Healthy Horizons Saskatchewan consumer group’s important legacy by Jim Harding


moved back to Saskatchewan in 1977 to become research director of the Saskatchewan Alcoholism Commission (SAC). An arm’s length commission within Sask Health, SAC was grappling with a list of abusive substances: alcohol, cigarettes and a rash of medical and non-medical drugs. Health bureaucrats and the medical profession were still ­mostly ­believers in the miraculous medical ­industry. The shift was just starting to ­occur from a disease model to a consumption (epidemiological) model, which assessed pharmacological doses and ­responses as well as benefits and risks of substances. I was often caught between the traditionalists who ran rehabilitation programs and those who took seriously the results of consumption-oriented research on drug dependencies and disabilities. I had to remain committed to methods accepted by research peers and the challenges facing those in the trenches. Things heated up when our research discovered major over and inappropriate prescribing of drugs such as valium (diazepam) and many ­other central nervous system drugs. There was pressure to downplay our research. Luckily I learned about the brave band of pioneers who started Healthy ­Horizons, for this group ­provided one forum where the broader discussion of drug ­dependency could be aired in the context of promoting natural health. Soon I was invited to present our research findings and discuss the growing risks of the pharmaceutics being prescribed to the public in increasing volumes. Horizon’s history Healthy Horizons started in 1975 when Ron Schroeder of Old Fashioned Foods invited Walter Hodson, now known as father of the U.S. health food industry, to come to Saskatchewan after hearing him speak at a conference. He was so convincing that a group of volunteers founded the Consumers Health Association of Sas-

katchewan. Later renamed Healthy Horizons, it was launched at the Echo Valley Conference Centre near Fort Qu’Appelle on the 1976 Thanksgiving weekend. From the start Healthy Horizons worked for more personal choice and responsibility, while always advocating a healthier society. The banner under its magazine reads, “Work for a Healthy ­Society―It’s Worth It!” The wisdom of Healthy Horizons was advocating both personal and social responsibility; this is probably why the organization lasted nearly 40 years. The highly ­educational Healthy Horizons magazine ­became a mainstay at health food outlets; a whole generation grew up with it in their k­ itchens.

“Healthy Horizons was an early warning system about the dangers of industrializing food and drugs.” 25th anniversary I had the opportunity to speak at three fall conferences over its history, and in the early years there were many hundreds in attendance. The organization was clearly playing a vital role in bringing practitioners of natural health, alternative and complementary therapies and critics of industrial medicine together with the broader public. The originators probably never expected to last 25 years, but in 2000 the ­organization was alive and well as it held its anniversary conference at the same place it was founded. The first president, Wylie Simmonds, and three of the speakers from the founding conference were in attendance. After years of service thenpresident Ethel Morden retired from the board. In 2013, at 95, still living in Fort Qu’Appelle, she remains the only living 12 | Health Action |

member of the original founding group. I last spoke to Healthy Horizons in 2006, about water and health. The turnout was a mere shadow of earlier decades and you could sense that the organization was waning. The magazine was discontinued in 2010 and then a quasi-commercial newspaper-format venture started to drain the organization of its savings. The 2012 annual general meeting with Sister Theresa Feist becoming president started the difficult discussion about how best to pass on Healthy Horizons’ important legacy. New Horizons Healthy Horizons initially meant keeping a broad, natural perspective on health, not being narrowed by today’s industrial model. Healthy lifestyles are now a part of mainstream society. Healthy ­Horizons was ahead of its time on a whole range of scientific issues. Early on its magazine emphasized the dangers of the accepted low doses of vitamin D as well as the dangers from the growing consumption of sugar in fast and convenience foods. Healthy Horizons also warned of the dangers of the medical and ­agricultural overuse (abuse) of antibiotics. Healthy Horizons was an early warning system about the dangers of industrializing food and drugs. It reminded us that while illnesses can sometimes be managed by drugs, health can be restored with the help of foods that haven’t had their nutrients depleted in the food market. Looking ahead, Healthy Horizons can have a new life. It can have a more literal meaning, working for a day when as you look across the stunning prairie horizon you can be rest assured that the land is being cared for as part of creating a healthy, sustainable society.1 H

First published in R-Town Newspapers, October 18, 2013. Jim Harding is a retired professor of environmental and justice studies. www.


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Triphala—An Ayurvedic Formula for Detoxification and Rejuvenation by Neelam Toprani


riphala has been considered a most revered Ayurvedic formula since ancient times, believed to promote health, immunity and longevity. It is the most commonly used Ayurvedic preparation as a first line of treatment of many ailments and is used as mild laxative to cleanse the colon and rejuvenate the digestive tract. Triphala literally means “three fruits” and refers to the synergistic formula of amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and bibhitaki (Terminlia belerica). These three herbs are connected to a different aspect of the three humours (doshas) called vata, pitta and kapha. According to Ayurvedic theory, imbalances of these doshas are responsible for all pathological changes in the body. The first ingredient of triphala, ­amalaki, is highly nutritious and contains plenty of vitamin C, minerals and amino acids. It is an immuno-modulator, antioxidant, rejuvenator and potent herb for preserving youth. It has hypoglycemic properties and is a mild laxative, and it promotes vision, helps in skin ailments and increases semen, particularly sperm count. Amalaki normalizes digestion,

supports the liver and in research trials has demonstrated significant liver-restorative and cholesterol-lowering effects. It promotes the health of hair and is applied locally on the scalp for falling and greying hair. Triphala’s next ingredient, ­haritaki, is a fruit with hepatoprotective (liver protective) properties. It is a safe and effective laxative, carminative and rejuvenator. Its decoction is used as a gargle for a sore throat, stomatitis and spongy and ulcerated gums. Haritaki helps to improve digestion, promoting the absorption of nutrients, and regulates colon function. It is particularly useful in prolapsed organs, improving the strength and tone of the supporting musculature. The third ingredient is bibhitaki. This herb has been clinically tested for its benefits for eye diseases like myopia, ­corneal opacity and immature cataract as well as for chronic and acute infective eye conditions. Modern clinical research has validated the benefits of bibhitaki in respiratory conditions including asthma, documenting its antispasmodic, anticough and expectorant properties. Rich in antioxidants, the triphala formulation

has been used in a wide variety of conditions such as infections, obesity, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, high serum cholesterol, poor liver function, large intestine inflammation and ulcerative colitis. It is traditionally prescribed for up to one year in dosages of one to two grams taken twice daily for health maintenance and to prevent sickness. Triphala is proven to have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-allergic and anti-mutagenic effects. Results of a clinical study suggest that triphala exerts a strong anti­inflammatory effect due to the activity of its amalaki component. In summary, triphala directly or indirectly affects all three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) all seven dhatus (vital body tissues) and all 13 srotas (channels) due to its rasayana or rejuvenative properties. 1 H

Neelam Toprani is CEO of Padmashri Naturals Inc., a manufacturer and wholesaler of the ­Sewanti Ayurveda series and Padmashri massage oils. Manufactured in Richmond, B.C., these products are 100 percent vegan and free of additives, heavy metals, pesticides and GMO contaminants.

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Naturopathic Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease by Ingrid Pincott, ND


id you hear about the article with the same title that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) on April 29, 2013? This was one of the first randomized control trials ever written by naturopathic doctors and published in a well-­respected medical journal that showed adding naturopathic medical care to usual medical care may reduce cardiovascular disease amongst those at high risk. Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada and while lifestyle intervention is widely recognized as beneficial to its prevention, most individuals don’t receive intense ­dietary and lifestyle counselling. In this trial, 207 Canadian ­postal workers at higher risk of CVD were shown to have a reduced 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease of three percent and a lower frequency of metabolic syndrome by 17 percent in one year, when they were treated with an individualized approach to health and wellness. Examples of natural health products used in the trial were omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, soluble fibre, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and plant sterols. Participants lost 2.3 to 4.6 kilograms through caloric restriction, exercise and following a Mediterranean and Portfolio diet. The participants were followed with over four hours of individualized consultations throughout the year. There is much criticism about the study but I don’t think it hit the headlines! If something negative was published you would have ­certainly heard about it.

This study also points the way to the kind of research we need to create cost savings through reformed care delivery. What we have learned is that the outcomes of care by naturopathic doctors was proved to be darned good and this is just what the naturopathic medical profession needs to prove in order to drive decisions of employers such as Canada Post and other health-care purchasers and decisionmakers. It is the hope of every practising naturopathic doctor that their treatment protocols will leave ­fewer ­Canadians suffering from the loss associated with stroke and sudden cardiac events.

“Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada.” I see many patients who want to lower their cardiovascular risks by using naturopathic methods. What is even more interesting about this trial is that metabolic syndrome was reduced by a huge 17 percent in one year! Metabolic syndrome is a combination of risk factors including fasting blood sugar over 5.6, high blood pressure, waist circumference greater than 102 centimetres in men and 88 centimetres in women, HDL cholesterol less than 1.03mmol/L and triglycerides greater than 1.7mmol/L. If metabolic syndrome is decreased then many diseases of aging are reduced: cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. This reduction of­­ 15 | Health Action |

17 percent is way over anything a ­prescription drug could even come close to! Many heart labs in the U.S. are specializing in measuring the health of the endothelium of the arterial blood vessel to assess risk of stroke or heart attack. These include tests for phospholipases A2 (PLA2), myeloperoxidase (MPO), C-­ reactive protein (CRP), homocysteine, 25 hydroxy (25-OH) and vitamin D. Many of our naturopathic remedies improve the health of the endothelium including carnitine, lipoic acid, magnesium, CoQ10 and EPA and DHA. These kinds of measures give us the confidence to use other treatments instead of statin drugs and anti-hypertensive drugs where indicated. This is what the patients of naturopathic physicians are looking for. Yes, naturopathic physicians are practising good medicine as was demonstrated by the CMAJ study, and we are here to help take the load off the healthcare system. We are positioned to spend four hours or more with our patients per year to provide individualized care. I practise every day with my patients in a study of one participant, the most important one, the one sitting across from my desk. This is true individualized medicine that is often missed in the evidencebased medical model.1 H

Ingrid Pincott, ND, has been practising naturopathic medicine since 1985 and is currently practising in Campbell River. She­ can be reached at (250) 286-3655 or First published June 26, 2013, in the North Island MidWeek.

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16 | Health Action |

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Is There a Type H (Healing) Personality? by Nelie Johnson, MD


ost of us are familiar with the Type A individual—the hard driving, aggressive and demanding go-getter—who is considered at high risk of heart disease. Numerous studies have focused on identifying the traits associated with those people most at risk of developing cancer, the Type C personality. According to Dr. Gabor Mate in his book When the Body Says No, the most consistent factor is “the inability to express emotion, particularly the feelings associated with anger.” These individuals are also described as overly cooperative, patient, passive, self-effacing, lacking ­assertiveness and accepting. From my own experience of working with a number of patients with cancer, I find that they are either reluctant or have great difficulty to access or talk about their anger, resentment and ­other troubling emotions. They also tend to look after the needs and happiness of others rather than their own. These traits or coping styles are developed at an unconscious level very early in life as a strategy to reduce stress and are mentioned here not as a criticism nor to suggest that the person has done anything wrong. Within the context of their life, people are doing the best they can with what they know.

The Type H personality What might be the character traits and qualities of those people who are most likely to heal—the Type H personality? I have compiled a partial list (see box) from my own observations of patients who have healed from a range of illnesses, including cancer.

“He spoke words of encouragement to his body and called for healthy function of his organs.” Recently I met up with a friend of mine, “Michael,” now in his 80s. Ten years previously he was diagnosed with cancer and then two years ago suffered a heart attack for which he required quadruple bypass surgery. When I asked him how he was getting along, his enthusiastic response was “­never better.” He then expressed how grateful and appreciative he was of the medical care he had received. In our conversation Michael revealed many

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­attributes of the type H personality. Firstly, he did not go into fear. There was concern certainly but not fear. He had learned at a young age that fear served a purpose, that of protection. Fear when facing a dark alley directs one to avoid that way and find a well-lit street. This fear is appropriate and protective. Michael learned that fear of death served no purpose and did not produce positive results. Fear based on anticipation of a worse outcome that may never happen drains one’s energy uselessly. Fear arising from a cancer diagnosis is a natural human ­response. However, the key message is to channel the energy of fear into something helpful and supportive. Instead of responding with fear, ­Michael recognized that there was work to do. He had to contribute whatever he could to ensure the best outcome for himself. He did not feel sorry for himself or resist the reality of the situation or think that his body had let him down. Rather, he viewed his body as a system of which a part was not functioning in a healthy mode. He supported his body by improving his nutrition, taking supplements, keeping active, and getting his rest and sleep. He spoke words of encouragement to his body and called for healthy function of his organs. At the same time he ­firmly and simply asked the cancer to leave. Above all, he kept living his life with health and joy. He worked with his doctors and maintained a positive and uplifted attitude toward his treatments. For example, he approached each radiotherapy session as an adventure and an opportunity to explore new areas en route to the hospital, to plan a picnic or visit. He appreciated the time waiting for his treatments in the reception areas of the hospital along with fellow cancer patients. He decided that his journey with cancer was an opportunity to touch deeply his humanity, everything about life and his connection with others. The waiting room became a meeting place to exchange and

reach out to others through shared experience, tears and laughter. “We laughed a lot together,” Michael told me, “and surprisingly we came to cherish our times together.” He managed his mental and emotional states. He decided that the way to make the cancer treatments as easy as possible was to take the best from every situation and give the best of himself. He showed his appreciation to his caregivers, the nurses, physiotherapists and radiation technicians, with a cheerful or thoughtful comment. “Everyone got the best that I could give.” His care team in turn ­responded with cheerfulness and positivity which greatly supported Michael to maintain a healing environment around him. He asked for the support he ­needed from his family. He was assured and ­relieved that everything was being looked after so that he could put all his attention on his recovery and healing. He read books that supported and inspired him. He found himself appreciating and experiencing every aspect of his life in a


precious way and welcoming the gift of viewing his life through the lens of his experience of cancer, the heart attack and the bypass surgery that followed. What sustained Michael greatly was his belief in his body’s capacity to heal and he continued to talk to his body with encouragement and support. When asked for words of advice, he said, “Staying calm makes sense. Seeking calm brings ease. Not fearing because fearing brings no results.” In conclusion, the Type H personality may appear daunting to achieve and yet it takes only a shift in attitude and a commitment to becoming responsible and self-aware.1 H

Nelie Johnson, MD, is a family physician and facilitator for healing, inspiring and guiding people to tap into their healing potential. She is a contributing author to a bestselling book and provides seminars, workshops and private consultations.

Type H Personality Traits • They learn to feel and express the full range of emotions from anger, fear, sadness to joy. They learn to be assertive and set healthy boundaries. • They are not passive, not playing victim to the disease nor waiting to be fixed. They also do not blame others, which is another way of playing victim and perpetuating a state of helplessness and powerlessness. • They find a way to diminish and manage their fear so that they are not overwhelmed. • They do not accept a grim medical prognosis as a given. They maximize medical treatment for the physical disease and they recognize that they can do more. They maintain a perspective that allows for the possibility of a best outcome and full healing. • They develop and maintain a sense of humour and stay interested and focused on living their life. • They are willing to see the whole disease in all its aspects—­

physical mental, emotional and ­spiritual. They appreciate that the disease is the ­outcome of unconscious, unexamined patterns of stress or styles of ­emotional coping and that they hold the keys to ­unlocking these patterns. They are the very experts they have been seeking and they are willing to uncover and use their own self-knowledge. • They have the courage to be honest with themselves and acknowledge their dark side. Healing can only flourish in a climate of truth, of what is real and not denied. • They are willing to take the high road—transcend conflict, let go, grieve, forgive both themselves and others, and move on. • They are willing to grow in compassion for themselves and others. • They are willing to heal the wounded child aspects of themselves and mature into a more balanced, aware and responsible adult.

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Electromagnetic Radiation under Review Submission to the Royal Society of Canada’s Expert Panel Reviewing Safety Code 6 by Milt Bowling

Author’s note: Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 is supposed to protect the health of Canadians from the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as that from cellphones. The mechanism of harm relied upon in the Code is the heating of tissue. In other words, if EMFs October 31, 2013 Dr. Paul Demers Chair of the Royal Society of Canada’s Expert Panel Reviewing Safety Code 6 Dear Dr. Demers, Having been integrally involved in the cellphone safety issue for more than a decade and a half, it has always struck me that the regulatory system in Canada makes it very difficult for precautionary steps that could save lives to be implemented. The answer most offered by the experts I have consulted: the existing product liability and consumer safety laws in Canada and the U.S. tilt heavily toward the industry in the cellphone arena. I don’t understand all of those political and legal complexities, but it does make sense that when existing law is not working to protect people, then new law is needed. Like hundreds of thousands of other Canadians, I was excited to purchase my first cellphone in the late 1980s. And like most people, I assumed that the phones were safe. Then in 1992, the Larry King Live TV show aired an interview with David Reynard, who was suing the wireless industry because he felt that his wife’s death from a brain tumour was caused by frequent use of her cellphone. Could

don’t heat tissue to a certain degree, they cause no harm. ­However, thousand of studies show harm from non-thermal mechanisms. In 1997, I and others criticized the code as being outmoded. This was ­important because it had not been this really be true? The cellphone ­industry said it couldn’t be true. Their protestations were such that in the spring of 1993, United States Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) convened hearings to address this important health issue. It turned out that there were no data upon which a true judgement of cellphone safety could be based and that set into motion a decade and a half of much-needed global research into the problem. As data poured in, countries around the world took action while Canada and the U.S. stood still. • In unexplainable irony, the U.S. mobile phone industry funded a $28.5 million program in the 1990s to address cellphone safety—still the largest effort in the world. The program identified genetic damage and increased cancer risk associated with cellphone use. The program’s leaders recommended warnings to consumers and the use of headsets as precautions. Nothing was done. • In 1999, the Parliament of the United Kingdom government appointed Sir William Stewart to look into the cellphone safety issue by reviewing all peerreviewed scientific evidence available at the time. His Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones released its report in 2000 and recommended that use of mo20 | Health Action |

u­ pdated since 1991, and cell phones were introduced in the mid-1980s. The Royal Society of Canada is now reviewing the Code a third time, hired by a pressured Health Canada. Revision ­expectations of most advocates are low. It would be nice to be wrong. bile phones be restricted for children under the age of 16; that the industry should refrain from promoting cellphone use by children altogether; and that neither handheld nor hands-free phones be used while driving. • In 2000 the European Union ­funded a 13-country research project titled REFLEX , the results of which were published in 2004. The findings of this program reinforced and confirmed the concerns arising from the industry-­funded U.S. studies and led to a number of European precautionary steps. • In 2001, the German government, upon comprehensive review of available science on cellphone dangers, recommended that: “Parents should keep their children as far away from this technology as possible.” • In March 2002, the French government reiterated an earlier caution to parents to restrict their children’s use of cellphones; recommended that pregnant women should use an earpiece to keep the phone away from their bodies and the developing fetus; and recommended that teenagers should keep cellphones away from their developing sex organs. • In 2003, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-

tion (RNCNIRP) warned that children under the age of 16 and pregnant women should not use cellphones at all. They also recommended that people suffering from neurasthenia, psychopathy and other neuroses, memory loss, sleep disorders and epilepsy refrain from cellphone use. RNCNIRP also recommended that cellphone calls be limited to 3 minutes and that users should wait a minimum of 15 minutes before making another call. The use of headsets and hands-free functions was also recommended. • Finland, the home of Nokia, issued safety warnings about children’s use of cellphones in 2002, and reiterated the warnings in 2004 and 2009. • Following publication of a study by Dr. Siegal Sadetzki showing increases in salivary gland tumours in 2008, Israel’s Knesset placed restrictions on cellphone use by children. • In late 2008, the European Parliament voted 522 to 16 to urge ministers across Europe to promulgate stricter ­radiation limits for emissions from wireless devices and wireless signal delivery systems. • In Brussels, Belgium, in January 2009, the Constitutional Court set aside an opinion that only federal authorities had the power to legislate on standards aimed at protecting human health. It judged “that Regions have the authority to prevent different types of environmental pollution” including radiation. Further, “the choice made by the regional apply the principle of precaution falls within the right of this legislative body to make its own assessment and cannot be rejected simply because there are no stricter international standards in force.” Brussels’ Environment Minister Evelyne Huytebroeck said, “In the absence of scientific consensus, the principle of precaution dictates that we should take measures to avoid the risk of irreversible damage to the environment and to health.” • In Sweden, electro-hypersensitivity—a condition linked to cellphone exposures—has been ruled a “functional impairment,” meaning that its citizens can

claim for compensation from the government from this debilitating environmentally induced health problem. In addition, those suffering from the condition can request special accommodations in public places to reduce exposure so that they are able to gain access to the same places as other Swedish citizens. • In January 2010, an Italian ­Labour Tribunal recognized that a man’s ­benign tumour was caused by working long hours using a cellphone and cordless phone. This is the first time that an Italian judge has recognized the causal link between cellphones and disease and the subsequent declaration of disability due to occupational exposure to cellphone ­irradiation set a precedent for other s­ imilar cases. • On August 29, 2013, the American Academy of Pediatrics (representing 60,000 pediatricians) sent a letter to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which included the following:

“FCC regulations should reflect how people are using their phones today.” As radiation standards are reassessed, the AAP urges the FCC to adopt radiation standards that: • Protect children’s health and wellbeing. Children are not little adults and are disproportionately impacted by all environmental exposures, including cellphone radiation. Current FCC standards do not account for the unique vulnerability and use patterns specific to pregnant women and children. It is essential that any new standard for cellphones or other wireless devices be based on protecting the youngest and most vulnerable populations to ensure they are safeguarded throughout their lifetimes. • Reflect current use patterns. The FCC has not assessed the standard for cellphone radiation since 1996. Approx-

imately 44 million people had mobile phones when the standard was set; today, there are more than 300 million mobile phones in use in the United States. While the prevalence of wireless phones and other devices has skyrocketed, the behaviors around cellphone uses have changed as well. The number of mobile phone calls per day, the length of each call and the amount of time people use mobile phones has increased, while cellphone and wireless technology has undergone substantial changes. Many children, adolescents and young adults now use cellphones as their only phone line and they begin using wireless phones at much younger ages. • Pregnant women may carry their phones for many hours per day in a pocket that keeps the phone close to their uterus. Children born today will experience a longer period of exposure to radiofrequency fields from cellular phone use than will adults, because they start using cellular phones at earlier ages and will have longer lifetime exposures. FCC regulations should reflect how people are using their phones today. • Provide meaningful consumer disclosure. The FCC has noted that it does not provide consumers with sufficient information about the radio frequency (RF) exposure profile of individual phones to allow consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. The current metric of RF exposure available to consumers, the Specific Absorption Rate, is not an accurate predictor of actual exposure. AAP is supportive of FCC developing standards that provide consumers with the information they need to make informed choices in selecting mobile phone purchases, and to help parents to better understand any potential risks for their children. To that end, we support the use of metrics that are specific to the exposure children will experience. The AAP supports the reassessment of radiation standards for cellphones and other wireless products and the adoption of standards that are protective of children and reflect current use patterns.

“In January 2010, an Italian Labour Tribunal recognized that a man’s benign tumour was caused by working long hours using a cellphone and cordless phone.” 21 | Health Action |

The scientific data accrued over the past 16 years that have compelled precautionary and compensatory actions around the world have been interpreted much differently by officials in Canada. To this point in time, the only possible protection for Canadian consumers against cellphone dangers has come through administrative systems and the courts in the United States. • In 2005, Sharesa Price was awarded a settlement in the California workers’ compensation system for her claim that cellphones caused her brain cancer and other permanent harm. • In 2006, Mark Hart was awarded a similar claim in the California workers’ compensation system based on the same science as in the Price case. At the time of the settlement, he was deceased and an undisclosed amount of compensation was awarded to a surviving family member. • In July 2007, John Orchitt succeeded in his claim against AT&T, Alascom and Ward North America, Inc. in the Alaska Supreme Court for injuries suffered at work following exposure to wireless radiation signals while repairing a damaged

transmitter. Of special note is that his injuries were recognized by the court as being non-thermal in nature, a finding that runs in the face of Canada’s Safety Code 6 and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission guidelines, which are based on thermal measures. While governments around the world have heeded emergent medical data

“Canada has distinguished itself by inaction in the face of mounting evidence.” showing danger and taken steps to protect citizens, especially the young, Canada has distinguished itself by inaction in the face of mounting evidence suggesting that cellphones may pose the greatest general public health threat in a century. Precautions regarding cellphone dangers are long overdue for their citizens. While it is true that big questions re-

main about whether health effects reach a lot of people, or a few people, starting with a Frye Hearing in Washington, D.C. Superior Court on December 2, 2013, in a lawsuit begun in 2001, the science will be heard with all witnesses under oath. It will be the most rigorous review of the science ever done, particularly when careers are on the line and perjury is a threat. So, we will know more about the objective science next spring, but right now there is certainly uncertainty. My Endnote library contains almost 19,000 studies on this issue. It would hardly be even possible to read those in four years’ time. Thus, by practical definition, the Royal Society cannot possibly complete a comprehensive review in the time that it has been given. It can, however, acknowledge that there is at least doubt as to the adequacy of the safety provisions of Safety Code 6, and recommend precaution and more rigid standards until the answers become clear.1 H Milt Bowling is Chair of the Clean Energy Foundation, Burnaby, B.C.

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Healthy Liver = Healthy Hormones by Marita Schauch, BSc, ND


ealthy hormone balance is absolutely essential during a woman’s reproductive and menopausal years. Disruptions in hormone balance can lead to menstrual disorders such as ­irregular or heavy bleeding, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), uterine ­fibroids as well as menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and insomnia later in life. Stress, aging, exposure to pesticides and human-made chemicals, too much or too little exercise, or improper nutrition can all affect the delicate balance of hormones. When hormones return to balance, the organs and tissues can return to their proper functioning. It is now well known that one of the most prominent causes of PMS-­related symptoms, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, and breast, uterine and ovarian cancer is excessive estrogen exposure from xenoestrogens, which are synthetic estrogens from the environment. This is most often referred to as Estrogen Dominance. Two major sources of these exogenous estrogens are oral contraceptives (birth control

pill) and hormone replacement ­therapy. These hormones are considered “foreign,” which the body does not recognize to be identical to its own hormones. The liver is key for hormone balance The liver is considered a key player when treating hormone imbalances. Many of our hormones, such as estrogen, pass through the liver and are broken down into their respective metabolites. The problem arises when xenoestrogens pass through the liver because they often create very damaging byproducts and harmful estrogen metabolites, which can put a lot of additional stress on the liver as well as disrupt our normal hormone pathways. Other major sources of xenoestrogens are environmental toxins found in pesticides, plastics, household cleaners and many of our personal hygiene products and cosmetics. These toxins are structurally similar to estrogen and have the ability to mimic the harmful estrogens in the body, increasing a women’s risk for cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer. Research has shown that both “good”

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23 | Health Action |

and “bad” natural estrogens exist in the body; for example, 16α-hydroxylated estrogen metabolites are stronger and associated with a higher risk of breast cancer compared to 2-hydroxylated estrogen metabolites, which are considered friendly and protective estrogens. Support liver detox Our liver is one of the most important organs in the body for detoxification. Keeping the liver healthy and supporting its ability to break down hormones efficiently is essential for healthy hormone balance. Look for natural formulas that support healthy liver detoxification at your local health food store. Liver supportive ingredients such as milk thistle and curcumin are essential for supporting detoxification pathways. Milk thistle is a well-researched botanical extract that contains potent antioxidants that protect liver cells from free radical damage and support detoxification. Calcium-d-glucarate, indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane help the liver metabolize excess estrogens from the body. Green tea extract has been shown to reduce excess testosterone levels and to control high levels of insulin. It is also a potent antioxidant, as are lycopene and rosemary extract. Antioxidants help bind onto free radicals during the detoxification of harmful substances and have anticarcinogenic properties, thus protecting the body from environmental insult as well as reducing one’s risk of cancer.1 H

Marita Schauch, BSc, ND, is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Schauch’s articles educate about health and wellness and have been featured in numerous print media. She currently resides and has her clinical practice in Victoria, B.C.

“And Then I Found NeurVana” Dramatic results for teenagers with behavioural and emotional problems by Roger Gans


fter her son’s latest drug episode, Dr. Joan Franz* was at her wit’s end. At 18, Timothy was already a veteran of two overdose hospitalizations, three stays in detox, two boot camp programs and years of therapy with a succession of child psychologists. “His life was in danger and our ­family was crumbling,” she said. “We tried every modality I could find across North America and Europe, the most ­advanced programs, but nothing seemed to help.” Despite her training as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Joan was at a loss and losing hope. “So I did what every good psychologist does,” she said. “More research. That’s when I came across NeurVana. Their progressive, brain-focused approach made sense, but it went against decades of psychoanalytic tradition.” NeurVana is a brain-healthy, holistic recovery and wellness program for young people with self-destructive behavioural, emotional and psychological problems. The NeurVana program combines advanced neuro-balancing technology and common-sense life coaching with a Paleo/Omni organic diet and vigorous exercise in a caring but highly structured,

therapeutic environment. The program also includes yoga, meditation, music, art therapy, and wilderness camping expeditions. Compared to the years-long programs and uncertain outcomes of talk therapy practised by most residential schools and treatment centres, NeurVana’s promise of dramatic changes in her son’s behaviour

“We believe most problems like Timothy’s are rooted in neurological imbalances often caused by early childhood trauma.” within just a few short weeks sounded ­optimistic at best. “I admit I was skeptical at first,” said Dr. Joan. “It took a leap of faith, but I called. That call literally saved our lives.” Located in B.C.’s spectacular Okanagan Valley, NeurVana’s campus is a world away from the chaos and stress in which

most troubled young people find themselves. Without the constant triggers of peer pressure, dysfunctional relationships, violent video games and compulsive text messaging, a young person can begin to learn and appreciate healthier ­behaviour patterns. Within a few short but intensive days at NeurVana, Timothy’s mental fog began to lift. By the end of his second week, he was starting to look ahead and make plans to continue his academic career. By the fourth week, his cognitive performance, self-control and overall sense of happiness and well-being had been profoundly changed. “We believe most problems like Timothy’s are rooted in neurological ­imbalances often caused by early childhood trauma,” says Dave Kenney, MEd, NeurVana’s founder and executive ­director. “Drug abuse and acting-out ­behaviours are symptoms. Most programs just address the symptoms, and often rely ­heavily on medications, but do not correct the cause. Our non-invasive neuro­balancing therapy enables the brain to regain its normal, balanced function. It relieves the need for self-medication and cycles of acting-out behaviour. And unlike

“Their progressive, brain-focused approach made sense, but it went against decades of psychoanalytic tradition.” 24 | Health Action |

Dave Kenney and wife Susan have ­dedicated their lives to educating and helping atrisk youth with challenges. They founded ­NeurVana in 2011. The campus is located at the Ranch at Gallagher’s Canyon in Kelowna, B.C. 1 (888)-657-9355

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25 | Health Action |




*Joan’s and Timothy’s names have been changed to preserve their privacy.

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talk therapy programs that can take years with little progress, our program produces results in just two to six weeks.â€? “It’s a short-term program,â€? says Kenney, “but not a short-term fix. When the brain is brought to a natural state of homeostasis it wants to stay there. That means recovery is long term.â€? NeurVana is one of the world’s few advanced master’s-level certification centres for the use of BrainWave Optimization therapy, a state-of-the-art technology licensed through Brain State Technologies of Scottsdale, Arizona. While the neuro-therapy sessions work to bring the young person’s brain functions back into balance, NeurVana’s brain-healthy programs of Omni/Paleo organic nutrition, exercise and well-regulated sleeping and waking cycles—inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Daniel Amen of the famed Amen Clinics—enable the young person to experience the rewards of a balanced, healthy, positive approach to life’s challenges. NeurVana is the world’s only therapy centre that is licensed by both the Amen Clinics and Brain State ­Technologies. More than a year after returning home, Timothy is still on a positive path. He graduated from a prestigious private school in the USA and is attending postsecondary education studying business. And the experience of Dr. Joan and Timothy seems to be par for the course for NeurVana. The program has provided dramatic results for more than a hundred teens and young adults suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, anger/rage, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), self-harm and a wide range of other behaviour problems. “I’m so grateful to NeurVana and Dave Kenney,â€? says Dr. Joan. “It’s like a miracle I get to enjoy every day.â€?1 H

Forgiveness and Hope by Trish Lim O’Donnell “Each is responsible for the evil anywhere in the world. All that unites with the universal is virtue. All that separates is sin. You are a part of the Infinite. This is your nature. Hence you are your brother’s keeper.� —Vivekananda


n this path of life, forgiveness is an art form that most of us grapple with. If we are fortunate to master this illusive art, then we give ourselves, others and this Earth immeasurable peace, love and worth back. Forgiveness is the continuous, dedicated effort you make to let go someone who has hurt you deeply. enough for you to hold a grudge for years. The willingness and the readiness to forgive arise only when you are ready to forgive yourself first and foremost. This compassionate space recognizes human frailty and its fallibility and embraces our collective ­humanity. The move to take on forgiveness as a spiritual practice is the birthplace of the third eye chakra—your sixth chakra—which sees “you in all others and all others in you.â€? As autonomous individuals, we each possess the power to hold a grudge or to let someone go. You let go because you no longer wish to hold another person or

yourself stuck in a prison of that long-ago place. You wish to move forward—unencumbered—with precious, sacred energy for your everyday. If you are able to let others go, you give yourself liberty and transformation. It is not possible to be not hurt in our relationships because we did not acquire an absolute, flawless knowledge and awareness of how to be with each other. We didn’t come packaged in perfection. You may think yourself perfect because you have the illusion that you are sensitive or aware. In actuality, human beings are often sensitive only to how they process information. Unless you spend considerable time learning how others tick, how to communicate effectively and graciously, the chances of you hurting someone unaware is possible. It is through the mindful application of now that we undertake to heal and sustain our sacred relationships. It’s important to examine an incident or trauma right from the beginning where you got hurt so you get a different perspective—from an adult’s standpoint— as to what you can do now when that pain comes up for you. You take stock of where you have evolved adequately and beautifully as a result of that mistreatment; you give yourself and others peace,

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26 | Health Action |

finally, with what was. You celebrate the fact that, as a conscious being, you are infinitely free to create each moment with another in a new, more vibrant and connected way. The choice we make to heal our lost selves—to let another off the hook— is ours to make. We make this decision ­because of our hope in humankind and our conscious self. We belong to one ­another; we commit to treat each other well because we affect each other ­deeply. We owe this gracious care because that is the only way we feel safe and healed at the end of the day. “I am my brother’s keeperâ€? underscores the unitive hope that humankind is one. This hope is our possibility for joy and love; this hope is our spiritual, mental, emotional strength and vision with which we apply ourselves to the next moment in a spirit worthy of our highest calling. Just as we are forgiven many times over by those who dare to love us in the first place, so must we give back that measure of transformation.1 H Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CCP, is a certified life coach practitioner and E.Q. Music recording artist with 28 years of personal and professional life coaching experience. (604) 544-2902 DID YOU KNOW? Spinal misalignments put pressure on your nervous system causing dis-ease in the body. Common symptoms of spinal misalignments are: headaches, back, neck, and hip pain, pregnancy pains, sleep problems, decreased immune function. Dr. Rozeela Nand is offering a FREE consultation for the first 10 people who call us at 604-736-5157. For more information visit our website at Dr. Rozeela Nand, DC INNATE CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTRE 212-2475 Bayswater St. Vancouver, BC

Remembering a Great One Whitehorse Mayor Dr. Donald Branigan by Lorna Hancock, HANS Executive Director


n 1991, HANS hosted Health Action ’91, which included a guest ­speaker by the name of Dr. Donald Branigan of Whitehorse, Yukon. For those of you who remember this exceptional man, you remember that he was one of the most controversial figures in Canada when it came to his open-mindedness about what health and healing was all about. And he didn’t mind saying so whenever and wherever he could, including explaining, of all things, psychic surgery to a Senate Committee in the mid-’80s. His quest for knowledge took him around the world to conduct his own research, and he even made a documentary on psychic surgery that he naively thought would hit the airwaves and revolutionize medicine. Other healing modalities he was interested in included the somatoscope, Qi Gong, a Chinese holographic medical device, in addition to herbs, hypnosis and meditation. Branigan stepped outside the box ­often enough that he seriously aggravated his local medical college and went to court repeatedly to defend his right to practice

medicine. One of the records says that it was 10 times he was challenged by them. He repeatedly won, and would simply shrug and say that one has to remember that they are good people with a different point of view. Having to defend himself gave him an opportunity to network and be that ambassador for change that he felt he was given the honour to be. He stayed at our house during the weekend he visited, and I remember only too well cutting his hair in our kitchen. Imagine that, if you will. I had just met him essentially, and he’s a doctor and ­mayor no less, and yet because he’s just seen me cutting my husband’s hair, he says that would work for him, too. Oh, gulp. But yet. It was a brilliant job, he said, and I left feeling like a million bucks. He had the same charismatic approach to every single person he met, regardless of age, nationality or problem. They fell under the Branigan spell and left feeling a little better about themselves and the world, as well as empowered to bring about change. One change that Branigan was fear-

less about was the need to change the ­political will. As we wrote in Health ­Action magazine in 1992, “It is an important time to assert ourselves. People who resist these changes have to work in a system, and we forget that we are that system. We remember that every four years when we have an election.” Having been in politics, Branigan ­realizes how sensitive politicians are to people. Approach them, he says. I very much appreciate Dr. Don Branigan, and always will. He may have passed away at the too young age of 66 in 1999, but his influence will always be felt by people like me who want to remember how early people like him took it for today’s team. If the day comes that HANS creates consumer awards for special people, I hope that we have a Branigan Award, to stand for courage, determination and a great love for humanity. H

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27 | Health Action |

HANS Wellness Directory Your natural health resource. More details at * *Discount to HANS Members naturopathic physicians acupuncturists chiropractors homeopaths environmental services natural skin/hair care and more. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine ACU‑BRIDGE Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic (604) 432‑7209 5238 Irmin Street, Burnaby BC BC Naturopathic Association (604) 736‑6646 2238 Pine Street, Vancouver BC, bcna. ca BodaHealth (604) 733‑2632 bodahealth. ca 302‑1245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Lorne Brown, BSc, CA, Dr TCM, RAC (604) 678‑8600 #250 ‑ 828 West 8th Avenue, Van BC acubalance. ca Caldwell Acupuncture Clinic and TCM (604) 618‑3111 #801 ‑ 1200 Burrard Street, Van BC caldwellclinic. com Dr.  Erikson‑Chinese Medical Dermatology (778) 886‑1180 15767 Roper Ave, White Rock BC drerikson. com Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Lifelong Health lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology & Concussion Clinic Vancouver BC, (604) 736‑3963 neurokinetics. com Shelley L Page, Dr TCM (604) 541‑9336 690‑15355 24th Ave, Surrey BC PCU College of Holistic Medicine www. pcucollege. ca 604‑433‑1299 TCM Association of BC (604) 602‑7550 4347 W 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC tcmabc. org Dr.  Chun‑Kai Wang, DTCM Internal Medicine & Pain Clinic 15532‑ 92A Avenue, Surrey www. drwang. ca Jen Wasmund, RTCMP (604) 738‑5569 #409 ‑ 2150 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Yackel, Avery, BASc, R. TCM. P.  (604) 671‑4682 202‑2383 King George Hwy, Surrey BC Yackel, Avery, BASc, R. TCM. P.  (604) 671‑4682 108‑2078 West 4th Ave, Vancouver BC Lyla Yip, MSc, RAc, DTCM (604) 872‑6833 #203 ‑ 2256 Brunswick Street, Vancouver BC Weidong Yu, DTCM, FAc. , BM, MPh (604) 737‑7876 916 West King Edward Avenue, Vancouver BC

Animal & Pet Holistic Health Care Richard Calland, DVM (604) 565‑7217 7280 Adera St, Vancouver BC

For Associations, Non-Profits and Support Groups, please visit HANS does not recommend, prescribe or endorse any particular product, service or professional. This directory is for informational purposes only.

Fraser Valley Animal Care (604) 852‑4480 206 ‑ 2825 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford BC

Aromatherapy Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Young Living Essential Oils (604) 874‑7318 Carolyn Zerr & Micheal Au http:/ / carolynzerr. younglivingworld. com

Assessments NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology & Concussion Clinic Vancouver BC, (604) 736‑3963 neurokinetics. com Revitalize Health Centre 3331 No.  3 Road Richmond www. revitalizecentre. com info@revitalizecentre. com

Associations For these FREE listings, visit

Ayurvedic Medicine Padmashri Naturals Inc.  www. sewanti. com 60022‑6417 Fraser St, Vancouver 604‑ 628‑2003 Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Jaisri M Lambert, www. ayurveda‑seminars. com Ayurveda Seminars and Consulting (604) 290‑8201

Biofeedback Embrace Continence Solutions Ltd.  www. embrace‑cs. ca 6729 Tisdall St.  Vancouver 604‑327‑7056 Eloise O’Ball, RN, Registered Holistic Allergist pacificallergyandwellness. com (778) 839‑6557

Business Opportunities Pacific Institute of Reflexology (604) 875‑8818 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Cancer Information, Treatments & Support Acquired Intelligence Inc (Salvestrols) Victoria BC salvestrol. ca (250) 483‑3640 Callanish Society (604) 732‑0633 2277 W 10th Ave, Vancouver BC Brian Davies, BSC, ND (778) 340‑1114 #1‑156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC

28 | Health Action |

InspireHealth (604) 734‑7125 #200 ‑ 1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver BC Dr Nelie C.  Johnson, MD (604) 467‑1794 www. awarenessheals. ca LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care (604) 428‑1991 327 Renfrew St, Vancouver BC Ovarian Cancer Canada www. ovariancanada. org 205 145 Front Street East Toronto ON Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Port Moody Naturopathic Health & Wellness (604) 949‑0077 #202 ‑ 101 Klahanie Drive, Port Moody BC **Solutions Health Care Navigation (Cancer Coaching) North Vancouver, BC (778) 237‑4137 Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC Wellness Trading Post www. wellnesstradingpost. com Julieta Criollo, DNM, CHT, New Westminster, BC

Children’s Health National Vaccine Information Centre (703) 938‑DPT3 204 Mill Street, Suite B1, Vienna Virginia Autism Canada (519) 695‑5858 PO Box 366, Bothwell ON Autism Research Institute 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego CA Sabrina Chen‑See www. DrChenSee. com 905‑750 W.  Broadway Vancouver 604‑566‑9088 Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Integrated Health Clinic, Sarah Sjovold, ND Fort Langley, BC (604) 888‑8325 www. drsjovold. com VRAN ‑ Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc.  (250) 355‑2525 PO Box 169, Winlaw BC

Chiropractors Gregg Anderson, DC (604) 531‑6446 305 ‑ 1656 Martin Drive, Surrey BC Christine Bird, DC (604) 885‑7124 Box 358, Sechelt BC Dr Janice Blanke (819) 687‑9021 90 CH Morgan, Montcalm QC Sabrina Chen‑See www. DrChenSee. com 905‑750 W.  Broadway Vancouver 604‑566‑9088

DesLauriers Chiropractic Group & Assoc 1219 Johnston Road, White Rock BC (604) 535‑2500 Dr Barbara James Chiropractic (250) 868‑2951 1333 St.  Paul St, Kelowna BC Dr Kevan Shong Chiropractic (604) 540‑1551 Suite E ‑ 7487 Edmonds Street, Burnaby BC evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Helen Fadden, DC (604) 852‑4480 #206 ‑ 2825 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford BC Dr.  Mahin Darabi ‑ Fraser Chiropractic (604) 321‑6704 #315, North Tower 650 41st Ave W, Vancouver BC Drs Rainer & Randall Zindler ‑ Fraser Chiropractic (604) 321‑6704 #315, North Tower 650 41st Ave W, Vancouver BC John W C Loh, MSc, DC (604) 941‑0644 201 ‑ 3377 Coast Meridian Road, Port Coquitlam BC Karin Mattern, DC (250) 758‑7022 3648 Departure Bay Road, Naniamo BC Kitsilano Chiropractic (604) 731‑6773 3446 W.  Broadway, Vancouver BC Alvin G Klassen, DC, FCCRS(c), CPT (604) 271‑6442 10020 No 3 Rd, Richmond BC Jay Lepp, DC (604) 939‑7556 2325 St.  John’s Street, Port Moody BC Dorothea McCallum ‑ Ventura Chiropractic 101‑32920 Ventura Ave, Abbotsford 604‑859‑6781 Peter Mulyk, DC, 1318 Alberni St, Vancouver, BC (604) 685‑9416 Rozeela Nand, DC (604) 736‑5157 #220‑2475 Bayswater St, Van, BC Don Nixdorf, DC (604) 278‑3505 10020 No.  3 Rd. , Richmond BC Nucca Spine Clinic ‑ Dr.  Michael J.  Foran Vancouver, BC (604) 266‑1461 www. neckdr. com Orion Health‑ Surrey (604) 575‑2325 #120 ‑ 16555 Fraser Highway, Surrey BC Robert T Ohori, DC (604) 946‑0144 5017 ‑ 48th Avenue, Delta BC Edith Veillette, DC (819) 669‑9676 435 boul.  La Verendrye e. , Gatineau PQ Brent Willox, DC (604) 253‑6930 1279 Nanaimo St.  Van, BC www. vanwellness. com Woodgrove Pines Chiropractic (250) 390‑2003 or (250) 390‑2993 102 ‑ 6135 Metral Dr, Nanaimo BC

Cleansing & Detoxification ABC of Colon Care/ Prime Vitality (604) 929‑7019 North Van BC primevitality. ca Cedar Springs Renewal Center (360) 826‑3599 Sedro Woolley WA cedarsprings. org Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com **South Granville Naturopathic Clinic (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC Lisa Keith (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Colon Hydrotherapy ABC of Colon Care/ Prime Vitality (604) 929‑7019 North Van BC primevitality. ca **Kevin Patrick /  Vestta (604) 731‑3571 111‑511 W 7th, Van /  vesttawholehealth. com Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Lifelong Health www. lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC Lisa Keith (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC The Happy Colon (604) 525‑8400 #360 ‑ 522 ‑ 7th Street, New Westminster BC **Vancouver Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC Village Health Clinic (604) 575‑7275 105 ‑ 15153 No 10 Hwy, Surrey BC

Counsellors (Registered) Brigitte R.  Clark M. Ed, C. C. C. , S. E. P.  Vancouver, BC (604) 928‑5913 www. freefallinsurrender. com Vital Synergy Mind Fitness Inc 604‑770‑3038 www. vitalsynergy. ca

Craniosacral Therapy Brenda Pulvermacher, BSc (604) 986‑9355 200‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC

Dentists Arshbir S.  Kler, DDS/ A.  Ross Gorrell, DDS #201‑5405 12th Ave, Delta BC (604) 943‑2291 Art of Dentistry (604) 431‑0202 104‑6411 Nelson Ave, Burnaby BC Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca Evangelo Papoutsis, DDS (604) 886‑4543 315 ‑ 287 Gower Point Rd, Gibsons BC Van Cosmetic/ Implant Dentistry (604) 434‑0248 #359 ‑ 4800 Kingsway, Burnaby BC

Electromagnetic Fields & Earth Radiation Jim Waugh, EMF SafeHome (604) 788‑0743 Greater Vancouver, BC EMFSafeHome. com Milt B Bowling (604) 949‑1502 http:/ / www. cleanenergycanada. com/  Earthing Canada 1‑877‑819‑1968 www. earthingcanada. ca Farren Lander, HealthyHomes Environmental Surrey, BC (604) 538‑0809 **Vlasty Senovsky, Geopathic Consultant (604) 990‑0524 Lower Mainland, www. geopathic‑consulting. com

Energy Medicine **Brioso Holistics, Robine Yohm (604) 317‑6676 Burnaby BC, www. briosoholistics. com CHI Wellness (604) 767‑3834 Vancouver BC CHI MACHINE www. chidvd. com/ chiwellness Maria Djordjevic, BSc.  CIEHP (604) 727‑4186 Vancouver BC sanare. ca Earthing Canada 1‑877‑819‑1968 www. earthingcanada. ca Diane Louie, EFT Practitioner (604) 888‑2950 21231 ‑ 93rd Avenue, Langley BC Michael D’Alton’s School of Bio‑Energy Healing (604) 688‑5177 www. daltonsbio. com Vancouver BC Ann Perrick (604) 250‑4916 EMF Balancing Technique, North Vancouver, BC The HeartMind Institute (778) 476‑1414 Penticton BC www. theheartmindinstitute. com Phillip W Warren (604) 946‑4919 4459 ‑ 52A Street, Delta BC rebprotocol. net

Environmental Products & Services Milt B Bowling (604) 949‑1502 http:/ / www. cleanenergycanada. com/  **Nature Cleaning Services (604) 255‑3735 Port Coquitlam BC

Food Preparation & Healthy Cuisine Earthsave Canada (604) 731‑5885 Vancouver BC, www. earthsave. ca FarmFolk/ CityFolk Society (604) 730‑0450 Vancouver, BC ffcf. bc. ca Raw Food Society of BC (778) 737‑8852 8051 Poplar St, Van BC www. rawbc. org

Health & Education Centres Amazing Health (604) 856‑9472 6581 Sunshine Drive, Delta BC Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (604) 730‑5611 #100 ‑ 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Dominion Herbal College (604) 433‑1926 Burnaby BC, dominionherbalcollege. com

29 | Health Action |

IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Institute of Holistic Nutrition (604) 558‑4000 300‑604 Broadway W, Vancouver BC Love Peace Harmony Vancouver (604)733‑0853 www. lovepeaceharmonyvancouver. com PCU College of Holistic Medicine www. pcucollege. ca 604‑433‑1299 Vancouver Island College of Natural Wellness Nanaimo, BC (800) 255‑2816 www. vicnw. com

Health & Life Coaches Allan Lawry Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching (604) 220‑7188 www. alfitness. ca Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC Moira Khouri, NC, MH, HHP, CCP Vancouver, BC (604) 346‑1471 Trish Lim‑O’Donnell, CCP (604) 544‑2902 Vancouver BC, www. trishlimodonnell. com Gillian Padgett, Okanagan Stress Management Inc www. okanaganstressmanagement. com (250) 542‑7602

Health Food Stores **Alive Health Centres www. alivehealthcentre. ca With 14 locations in BC, mostly in the Vancouver area Ave Maria Specialties (250) 563‑6388 1638 20th Ave, Prince George BC Clearwater Natural Foods Limited (250) 674‑3147 735 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater BC Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Consumers Nutrition Centre (604) 270‑0007 #1318 ‑ 6551 No.  3 Road, Richmond BC Dawson Creek Health Food Ctr (250) 782‑4656 901C ‑ 103rd Avenue, Dawson Creek BC Edible Island Whole Foods Market (250) 334‑3116 477‑6th St. , Courtenay BC **Gaia Garden Herbals 604‑734‑HERB (4372) 2672 West Broadway, Van BC, gaiagarden. com **Kelly’s Specialty Shop Ltd.  (604) 485‑5550 4706 Marine Ave, Powell River BC Lifestyle Markets, #180‑2950 Douglas St.  250‑384‑3388 **Marks Pharmacy (604) 731‑8535 3750 Oak Street, Vancouver BC **Mother Natures (250) 365‑7750 Caslegar, BC www. mothernaturescastlegar. com Nurture Health & Wellness (403) 208‑0812 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary Alberta Sunnyside Naturals Kaslo BC (250) 353‑9667 The Peanut Mill Natural Foods Market (905) 685‑8848 191 Welland Ave. , St.  Catharines ON Valley Health (780) 624‑1332 10019‑100 St Peace River AB

Health Products & Equipment AIM Canada (604) 263‑8497 theaimcompanies. com 390‑2025 W.  42nd Ave. , Vancouver BC Earthing Canada 1‑877‑819‑1968 www. earthingcanada. ca Eastern Currents Distributing Ltd.  (604) 263‑5042 9109 Shaughnessy St, Vancouver BC easterncurrents. ca Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Independent Zango Distributor, Surrey, BC Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC **Healthy Business Consulting Ltd (778) 294‑0611 Ron & Maggie Gale South Surrey BC healthybusiness. ca

Infinite Possibilities Consulting (250) 598‑8574 USANA Distributors, possibilities_intl. usana. com Preferred Nutrition (519) 853‑1118 153 Perth St. , Acton ON, pno. ca Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com

Health Retreats & Spas Cedar Springs Renewal Center (360) 826‑3599 Sedro Woolley WA cedarsprings. org

Healthy Homes & Interiors Holistic Interior Consultant (778) 823‑6960 Kimberly Easterbrook Farren Lander, HealthyHomes Environmental Surrey, BC (604) 538‑0809

Herbalists (Registered) Dominion Herbal College (604) 433‑1926 Burnaby BC, dominionherbalcollege. com Island Healthworks Natural Health Clinic (250) 468‑7685 1830 Douglas Crescent, Nanoose Bay BC Lifelong Health lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC PCU College of Holistic Medicine www. pcucollege. ca 604‑433‑1299 Wellness Trading Post www. wellnesstradingpost. com Julieta Criollo, DNM, CHT, New Westminster, BC

Herbs & Herbal Products Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Eastern Currents Distributing Ltd.  (604) 263‑5042 9109 Shaughnessy St, Vancouver BC easterncurrents. ca Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Independent Zango Distributor, Surrey, BC **Gaia Garden Herbals 604‑734‑HERB (4372) 2672 West Broadway, Van BC, gaiagarden. com Joy of the Mountains Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano joyofthemountains. com (866) 547‑0268

Holistic Massage Heather Donaldson, Nature’s Way Holistic Health 604‑815‑3436 www. natureswaymassage. ca

Homeopaths Arnica Homeopathy Centre (604) 780‑2114 205‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC BC Society of Homeopaths www. bcsh. ca Referrals to classical homeopaths Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 Marie Lamey, Trinity Homeopathy Clinic Vancouver, BC (604) 837‑7396 Diane Louie, DCH, RSCHom, Classical Homeopath 21231‑93rd Avenue, Langley BC (604) 888‑2950 Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH (604) 677‑7742 351 E 39th Ave, Van, BC Neil Tessler, ND, DHANP (604) 542‑9759 203‑2828 152nd Street, Surrey BC West Coast Homeopathic Society (604) 803‑9242 #101 ‑ 1001 West Broadway Ave Unit 120, Vancouver BC

Hyperbaric & Oxygen Therapy Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325

Hypnotherapy Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BC Div) (604) 688‑1714 2036 West 15th Ave. , Vancouver BC Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Suite 176 106‑1656 Martin Dr, Surrey BC

Gillian Padgett, Okanagan Stress Management Inc www. okanaganstressmanagement. com (250) 542‑7602 Vital Synergy Mind Fitness Inc 604‑770‑3038 www. vitalsynergy. ca

Inspiration **Banana Moon (250) 390‑4010 102 ‑ 6135 Metral Dr, Nanaimo BC

Iridology **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Island Healthworks Natural Health Clinic (250) 468‑7685 1830 Douglas Crescent, Nanoose Bay BC

Kinesiology **Well Balanced Kinesiology and Consulting (604) 936‑5463 Coquitlam BC denisecambiotti. com CHI Wellness (604) 767‑3834 Vancouver BC CHI MACHINE www. chidvd. com/ chiwellness Alexis Costello (250) 491‑7559 7655 Falconridge Cres. , Kelowna BC

Live Blood Analysis Arnica Homeopathy Centre (604) 780‑2114 205‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC

Massage Therapy Behrs’ Massage Therapy Clinic (604) 485‑2155 4763 Joyce Avenue, Powell River BC Mavis Brown RMT ‑ (250) 774‑6769 Top Flr, Sikanni Plaza/ 5004 52nd Ave W, Fort Nelson Elfi M.  Dillon‑Shaw, RMT (250) 247‑9504 730 Captain Ahab’s TRC, Gabriola Island BC Electra Health Floor (604) 685‑4325 Electra Health Floor ‑ 970 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC Doug Fairweather, RMT (250) 542‑3553 11601 Palfrey Drive West, Coldstream BC Pauline Johnson, RMT (250) 472‑3629 #106 ‑ 1595 Mackenzie Avenue, Victoria BC Joyce L deVooght, RMT (250) 372‑1365 #92 ‑ 665 McBeth Place, Kamloops BC Sandra MacDonald, RMT (902) 421‑7549 #440 ‑ 5991 Spring Garden Road, Halifax NS Massage Therapy Assn of BC (604) 873‑4467 Ste 180 Airport Square 1200 W 73rd Ave, Vancouver BC John Russell & Colleen Schmitt, RMT (604) 436‑5500 308 ‑ 4900 Kingsway, Burnaby BC www. burnabyrehab. com Murray P Schwabe, RMT (604) 532‑3050 #203 ‑ 5755 Glover Road, Langley BC Leslie Smith, RMT (250) 492‑5599 1458 Government Street, Penticton BC

Mattresses Essentia ‑ Natural Mattresses (604) 738‑0321 2144 West 4th Ave, Van.  BC myessentia. com

Medical Doctors Connect Health Centre (604) 733‑4400 205 ‑ 2786 16th Ave W, Vancouver BC International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario Zoltan Rona, MD (416) 920‑9241 8188 Yonge St.  Suite 101, Thornhill ON

Mental & Emotional Wellness **Brioso Holistics, Robine Yohm (604) 317‑6676 Burnaby BC, www. briosoholistics. com Heather Donaldson, Nature’s Way Holistic Health 604‑815‑3436 www. natureswaymassage. ca IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Dr Nelie C.  Johnson, MD (604) 467‑1794 www. awarenessheals. ca NeurVana Recovery and Wellness Inc.  www. neurvana. ca 250‑826‑4532 1‑888‑657‑9355

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Gillian Padgett, Okanagan Stress Management Inc www. okanaganstressmanagement. com (250) 542‑7602 Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd (888) 878‑3467 PO Box 888, Raymond Alberta Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC

Naturopathic Physicians A New Leaf Naturopathic Clinic (604) 514‑8555 #103 ‑ 4061 ‑ 200th Street, Langley BC Arbour Wellness Centre (250) 729‑4969 2136 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo BC BC Naturopathic Association (604) 736‑6646 2238 Pine Street, Vancouver BC, bcna. ca Bellevue Natural Health Clinic (604) 913‑2262 1467 Bellevue Ave, West Vancouver BC Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (604) 777‑9981 #300 ‑ 435 Columbia St, New Westminster BC Anita Bratt, ND (250) 862‑2673 www. drbratt. com 102‑1441 Ellis St, Kelowna B. C.  Timothy W Brown, ND (604) 538‑3017 #200 ‑ 12761 16th Avenue, Surrey BC Kristen Brown, ND (604) 568‑6899 350‑507 West Broadway Ave, Vancouver BC Cdn Assoc Naturopathic Doctors (416) 496‑8633 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto ON Phoebe Chow, ND (604) 327‑0021 2298 Newport Ave, Vancouver, BC Brian Davies, BSC, ND (778) 340‑1114 #1‑156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC Mandana Edalati, ND (604) 987‑4660 213‑1940 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Paula Fainstat, DC, ND (604) 222‑2433 #312 ‑ 2083 Alma Street, Vancouver BC Dorothy Fairley, ND (604) 738‑2205 2490 Blenheim St, Vancouver BC Juliet Ghodsian, ND (604) 697‑0397 487 Davie Street, Vancouver BC Brenda Gill, ND (250) 362‑5035 Suite 1 1995 Columbia Ave Box 1841, Rossland BC Tom Glew, ND (604) 263‑6338 330‑2025 W 42 Ave, Vancouver BC Hawthorne Naturopathic Centre (250) 598‑3314 1726 Richmond Avenue, Victoria BC Holistic Healing Arts Centre (519) 751‑3488 213 King George Road Unit 209, Brantford Ontario InspireHealth (604) 734‑7125 #200 ‑ 1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver BC Shyrose Karim, ND (604) 451‑7786 or 604‑922‑7372 J2‑925 Main St, West Vancouver BC Westcoast Naturopathic Clinic (604) 681‑5585 1190 Thurlow Street, Vancouver BC **Michael Lederman, LLB, ND (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care (604) 428‑1991 327 Renfrew St, Vancouver BC Paul Levendusky, ND, RAc (604) 536‑8600 #202 ‑ 15210 North Bluff Road, White Rock BC Bruce Lofting, ND (403) 270‑3372 3701 17th Avenue SW, Calgary AB Jonn Matsen, ND (604) 986‑7774 156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC Heathir Naesgaard, ND (604) 980‑4181 #1 ‑ 3731 Delbrook Avenue, North Vancouver BC Dr.  Karen Parmar, ND Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Peninsula Naturopathic Clinic (250) 655‑1660 102 ‑ 9725 Fourth Street, Sidney BC

Ingrid Pincott, ND (250) 286‑3655 300 ‑ 1170 Shoppers Row, Campbell River BC Dr Allana Polo, ND (778) 397‑3979 New Westminster, BC www. drallanapolo. com Port Moody Naturopathic Health & Wellness (604) 949‑0077 #202 ‑ 101 Klahanie Drive, Port Moody BC Danny Jui, ND Ray Clinic (604) 461‑7900 #3‑201 Morrissey Road Port Moody BC Denise Rochon, ND, FCAH, CCH (604) 885‑3150 8442 Redrooffs Rd, Halfmoon Bay BC William Russell, ND (604) 535‑4003 305‑1656 Martin Dr, Surrey BC Brewster Scott, ND 250‑382‑2639 855 Cormorant Street, Victoria BC Selkirk Naturopathic Clinic (604) 463‑4911 230‑22529 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge BC Dr.  Pieter C Taams, MD, ND (604) 856‑5687 Abbotsford, BC www. naturopathic‑retreat. com Neil Tessler, ND, DHANP (604) 542‑9759 203‑2828 152nd Street, Surrey BC Gudrun Tonskamper, ND, RAc (604) 536‑1400 #200 ‑ 1676 Martin Drive, Surrey BC Village Health Clinic (604) 575‑7275 105 ‑ 15153 No 10 Hwy, Surrey BC Jennie Weisenburger, ND (604) 876‑1150 603 ‑ 805 West Broadway, Vancouver B. C.  **Jese Wiens, BSc,ND 250‑494‑3321 or 778‑476‑6016 Practising in Summerland and Penticton, BC

Neurofeedback Vital Synergy Mind Fitness Inc 604‑770‑3038 www. vitalsynergy. ca

Non-profit Organizations For these FREE listings, visit

Nurses (Registered) Embrace Continence Solutions Ltd.  www. embrace‑cs. ca 6729 Tisdall St.  Vancouver 604‑327‑7056 Betty Minifie, HTCP/ I, RN, BSCN, QM Calgary, AB (403) 474‑7399 **Solutions Health Care Navigation North Vancouver, BC (778) 237‑4137

Nutritional Consultants (Certified) Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (604) 730‑5611 #100 ‑ 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Institute of Holistic Nutrition (604) 558‑4000 300‑604 Broadway W, Vancouver BC

Organic Products Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB FarmFolk/ CityFolk Society (604) 730‑0450 Vancouver, BC ffcf. bc. ca Genki Foods Calgary, AB 1‑866‑338‑6583 Experience the power of whole foods! genkifoods. com **Green Earth Organics (604) 708‑2345 Organic delivery service in Vancouver BC Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC NingXia Red™ Super Juice 604‑874‑7318 Van BC, ningxia‑red‑juice. com 778‑222‑7318 cell **West Pointe Organic Produce (604) 736‑2839 2183 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Orthomolecular Medicine International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario

ISF International Schizophrenia Foundation (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario

Osteopathic Practitioners **Carolyne Abrams, DO DPO (UK) (604) 730‑5950 11‑3615 West 19th Ave, Van ‑ vancouverosteopathy. net **Sarah Stranan, Vancouver Osteopathy Centre 201‑2475 Bayswater St, Vancouver BC (778) 835‑1633 Melanie Swithin‑Jones (604) 973‑0210 North Vancouver, BC harmonyosteopathy. ca **West Coast Clinic of Osteopathy (604) 960‑1171 210‑145 West 15th St. , North Vancouver BC

Personal Development Brian Madigan (604) 626‑6277 Stressed out at work? endworkstress. com The Haven 1‑800‑222‑9211 240 Davis Road, Gabriola Island BC

Professional & Business Friends of HANS Caligiuri Financial Group Inc.  (604) 685‑6525 1200‑1111 Georgia St W, Van caligiurigroup. com Jane Shaak (888) 484‑7253 Royal LePage 484 Main Street, Penticton BC

Publications (Health & Environmental) Alive Publishing Group Inc.  (604) 295‑9333 100 ‑ 12751 Vulcan Way, Richmond BC Common Ground Publishing Corp (604) 733‑2215 #204 ‑ 4381 Fraser Street, Vancouver BC The Herbal Collective Magazine (250) 754‑7103 Distributed on Vancouver Island, BC The Natural Health Show www. thenaturalhealthshow. ca Saturday mornings at 11am on am650 Vancouver

Reflexologists Enerflow Alternative Healing ‑ Amelie St.  Pierre Port Coquitlam, BC (778) 668‑6750 enerflowhealing. com **Moira Khouri, NC, MH, HHP, CCP Vancouver BC (604) 346‑1471 Pacific Institute of Reflexology (604) 875‑8818 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC Reflexology Association of BC (604) 435‑8325 720 Sixth St PO Box 248, New Westminster BC

Rehabilitation Blue Lotus Revitalized Health (778) 899‑1179 Vancouver, BC www. bluelotusrevitalizedhealth. ca NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology & Concussion Clinic Vancouver BC, (604) 736‑3963 neurokinetics. com NeurVana Recovery and Wellness Inc.  www. neurvana. ca 250‑826‑4532 1‑888‑657‑9355 **South Granville Naturopathic & Prolotherapy Clinic 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC (604) 738‑3858

Reiki Inner Focus Holistic Healing (604) 985‑7302 North Vancouver BC innerfocus. ca Christa Lynn (604) 837‑5125 Vancouver BC www. christalynn. ca Brian Madigan (604) 626‑6277 Stressed out at work? endworkstress. com Myorei Healing (778) 239‑4555 Vancouver BC myorei. ca

Saunas Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com **South Granville Naturopathic Clinic (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Shiatsu Heather Donaldson, Nature’s Way Holistic Health 604‑815‑3436 www. natureswaymassage. ca Raphael Limsico (604) 876‑4948 House calls available, www. shiatsubyraphael. com

31 | Health Action |

Skin & Hair Care Active Skin Care (604) 961‑7533 Vancouver BC www. activeshiatsu. com Dr.  Erikson‑Chinese Medical Dermatology (778) 886‑1180 15767 Roper Ave, White Rock, BC drerikson. com Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 New Visage Advanced Skincare & Anti Aging Ltd.  #417 ‑ 1770 W 7th Ave, Vancouver BC (604) 893‑8872

Sound Healing Harmony of the Spheres (604) 340‑4955 Vancouver BC www. harmonyofthespheres. net

Support Groups For these FREE listings, visit

The BodyTalk System Christa Lynn (604) 837‑5125 Vancouver BC www. thebodytalkclinic. com

Water & Air Systems Best Water For You, Keremeos, BC Toll Free 1‑855‑499‑8892 www. bestwater. ca Watermatters (604) 733‑7888 Vancouver BC www. yourwatermatters. com World Living Water Systems Ltd.  (604) 990‑5462 North Vancouver, BC www. alivewater. com

Weight Management AL Fitness ‑ The Healthy Weight Program (604) 220‑7188 www. alfitness. ca Dr.  Lederman Weight Loss Clinic 604‑738‑3858 www. DrLweightloss. com **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH (604) 677‑7742 351 E 39th Ave, Van, BC Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com

Wellness Centres NeurVana Recovery and Wellness Inc.  www. neurvana. ca 250‑826‑4532 1‑888‑657‑9355 Revitalize Health Centre 3331 No.  3 Road Richmond www. revitalizecentre. com info@revitalizecentre. com

Women’s Health Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Integrated Health Clinic, Sarah Sjovold, ND Fort Langley, BC (604) 888‑8325 www. drsjovold. com Dr.  Karen Parmar, ND Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC Vancouver Women’s Health Collective (604) 736‑5262 #225 ‑ 119 West Pender, Vancouver BC

Yoga Marie Chang, Burnaby, BC (604) 809‑8378 www. insighttowellness. com Salt Spring Island Centre of Yoga (250) 537‑2326 Salt Spring Island BC www. saltspringcentre. com Sandra Tonn (604) 483‑3509 Powell River BC, sandra_tonn@telus. net

Search the directory at by keyword, location or name.

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