@ResearchWales Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
The magazine to showcase health and social care research in Wales
Page 10
Barking up the right tree Professor Iain Whitaker, Health and Care Research Wales Specialty Lead for surgery, is working on cutting-edge research that aims to bioprint ears.
Page 12
Page 14
Making a difference through research: meet our new Director
Research funding: the secret to success
Read our Q&A with Professor Kieran Walshe,
Find out what the funders are looking for
the new Director of Health and Care
and learn more about some of our successful
Research Wales.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Contents 2
PAG E 1 0
Barking up the right tree
PAG E 1 4
PAGE 1 2
Research funding: the secret to success
Making a difference through research
PAG E 0 3
PAGE 0 4
Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health
Research news from across Wales
and Care Research Wales
PAG E 1 0
PAGE 1 2
Barking up the right tree
Making a difference through research
Read about our surgery Specialty Lead and
Find out more about the new Director of
his cutting-edge bioprinting research
Health and Care Research Wales in our Q&A
PAG E 1 4
PAGE 1 8
Research funding: the secret to success
Calendar of events
Discover some tips to help make your
Save the date: key research and development
funding application stand out
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
elcome to Issue 7 of
what they contribute to the wider stock of
@ResearchWales. This edition
knowledge, and what they mean for policy
showcases some of the great partnerships
and practice. Researchers can’t influence
and collaborations that are making it
practice just by writing journal articles
possible to support and deliver excellent
for prestigious academic peer-reviewed
health and social care research in Wales.
journals – knowledge mobilisation is about relationships, networks and influencing skills,
The annual Health and Care Research Wales
and it is surely part of every researcher’s
conference in October gave me my first
responsibilities to get involved.
opportunity to start meeting researchers, clinicians, managers, patients and the public
Over the next few months we want to take
and others with a stake in our health and
stock of what Health and Care Research
care research. I am now starting to get out
Wales has achieved and think carefully about
and about to universities, NHS organisations,
what would help us to make more progress
and other groups across Wales. This is about
towards a health and care system that is
more than meeting people, though that is
really evidence-based. All ideas welcome!
important. It is about understanding what works really well already, and where we
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of
could make improvements in our future
@ResearchWales and I look forward to
strategy and plan.
working with you all to make a difference to the health and wellbeing of the people in
Our shared aim should be a knowledge-
based health and care service in Wales, where we are really good at finding or producing the evidence from research to inform decision-makers about the design and delivery of care to people. I make no apology for this being a pretty applied, needs-led view of research. While discovery science matters hugely, most of what we do in Health and Care Research Wales is more to do with the translation of ideas into innovations, which can then be evaluated and then, when their value has been demonstrated, scaled and spread across the NHS and the social care system. As a researcher, of course I am intensely curious about what we will find when I lead a study. But I need to be equally interested
Professor Kieran Walshe
in how those findings are going to be used,
Director, Health and Care Research Wales
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
News Research news from across Wales
Specialty Lead and team achieve breakthrough in breast cancer care Internationally acclaimed research, led by
patients with a very common form of breast
Health and Care Research Wales Specialty
cancer. In the UK for example 55,000 new
Lead Dr Rob Jones, has found that incurable
cases of breast cancer occur each year and
breast cancer can be better controlled by
about three quarters are oestrogen receptive
combining investigational therapy with
positive breast cancers. That equates to
standard treatment, which could benefit
millions of patients around the world that
millions of people.
potentially are going to get benefits from this breakthrough,” Dr Jones commented.
A breast cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and one in seven women will be diagnosed
For this life-changing research the FAKTION
with the disease in their lifetime. This
study team, which included a Health and
diagnosis is even more painful if you’re
Care Research Wales funded research nurse
told your cancer is incurable. The FAKTION
and research fellow, were nominated by Astra
study could give these patients the hope of
Zeneca for the National Cancer Research
controlling their cancer for twice as long.
Institute (NCRI) award for highest impact factor research to have been delivered in the
FAKTION, which was supported by Velindre
UK over the last five years.
University NHS Trust, the Centre for Trials Research and the Wales Cancer Research
The research has progressed to a phase three
Centre, investigated whether researchers
trial, where the investigational combination
could reverse or delay resistance to hormone
will be tested in a larger number of patients,
therapy in post-menopausal women whose
before any recommendations can be made
cancer had spread, by adding a targeted
to take it up as a new standard of treatment
therapy called Capivasertib to existing
on the NHS.
therapy. “The incremental benefit from Capivasertib is highly significant and the trial involves
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Welsh health boards take part in international study Cwm Taf Morgannwg and Aneurin Bevan University Health Boards are working in partnership with 60 other sites on an international study looking to reduce the risk of breathing complications following major abdominal surgery. This type of surgery can have a huge impact on the respiratory tract, and every year between one and
Dr Tamas Szakmany, Health and Care
participate in the study and is currently the
four percent of the two million surgical
Research Wales Specialty Lead and one of
third highest recruiting site in the UK with
procedures carried out in the UK result in
the principal investigators for the PRISM
181 participants recruited since 2016.
study, said, “The PRISM trial will answer important questions on how to best treat
“I was able to recommend Cwm Taf
Several small studies have suggested that a
patients after routine major abdominal
Morgannwg University Health Board as a site
form of treatment called continuous positive
when the PRISM investigators were looking for help to kick start the recruitment. The
airway pressure (CPAP), where extra oxygen is given through a slightly tighter mask than
“We know that respiratory problems occur
team at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital have
normal or a clear hood, received after surgery
frequently in these patients and it is unclear
just recruited their 65th patient which is
can reduce the likelihood of complications.
whether applying a small amount of positive
double their initial recruitment target, a huge
This has yet to become routine practice as
pressure (CPAP) straight after waking up
achievement – congratulations to the team,”
more research needs to be done.
from an anaesthetic could help in preventing
Dr Szakmany continued.
these complications. This large, multiThe Prevention of Respiratory Insufficiency
national, pragmatic randomised controlled
The study is on track to finish at the end of
after Surgical Management (PRISM) study
trial could lead to significant changes in
the year. If the team find CPAP is a successful
team aims to fill the gap in research by
patient management.”
treatment option this could mean reduced risks associated with abdominal surgery,
recruiting 4,800 patients over the age of 50 who will receive either CPAP for four hours
PRISM has currently recruited 4,600 patients
leading to patients recovering more quickly
after their surgery or the current routine
across the globe. Aneurin Bevan University
and returning home sooner and in better
Health Board was the first site in Wales to
Shaping future research for public health in children Future research for children’s public health
Working across organisational boundaries,
Michael Seaborne, Knowledge Exchange
and identifying common areas of interest
Officer at Public Health Wales, said: “There
can prevent duplication, and ensure a more
has been a positive response to involvement
efficient, agreed research agenda that
from all areas of practice within the Welsh
improves outcomes for the whole population.
Government, children’s charities, academic and internal researchers.
is being shaped by a collaborative project between Public Health Wales and the
The project interviewed key stakeholders
National Centre for Population Health and
for their opinions on the gaps in research
“Suggestions have been given by the
Wellbeing Research.
knowledge, and also surveyed the public,
Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales,
policy makers, and academic researchers to
Deputy Director of Housing Policy, Detective
produce a summary report.
Inspector Lead for Protecting Vulnerable
Funded by Health and Care Research Wales,
People as well as leaders in midwifery,
the Knowledge Exchange workstream helps to ensure research activities are addressing
The final report is set to have a large impact
the most important questions to improve
on the population health and wellbeing of
early years health, by better understanding
Wales, by informing research areas for which
“All are eager to work together and form
the gaps in evidence-based policy and
there is a lack of evidence and helping to
working relationships which complement
practice and developing more collaborative
produce a more efficient evidence base of
each other.”
research programmes.
public health interventions.
health visiting, education and social care.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Attack of the T cells New research from Cardiff University has discovered that a patient’s chances of fighting cancer are greatly improved when the anti-cancer T cells already in their body are given a boost from a molecule called L-selectin. So far, treatment that harnesses the power of a patient’s T cells, the cells that attack viruses and cancers, has only been successful when fighting certain types of Leukaemia. This is because cancerous cells circulating in the blood are easier for T cells to find and attack, whereas treating solid cancers is much harder.
Part-funded by the Wales Cancer Research Centre through Health and Care Research Wales, the study team is using the knowledge that L-selectin helps T cells move from the bloodstream into inflamed tissue to help fight infection, to find out if increasing the amount of the molecule will replicate this effect for T cells when attacking solid cancers. Professor Ann Ager, from Cardiff University’s Systems Immunity Research Institute, said: “Our results were surprising. While increased L-selectin did improve the ability of T cells to fight solid cancers it wasn’t because of
‘Seal or Varnish?’ dental study receives prestigious award Professor Ivor Chestnutt, Health and Care Research Wales Specialty Lead for oral and dental health, has won the 2019 International Association of Dental Research (IADR) award for best paper published in the Journal of Dental Research. Professor Chestnutt received the prestigious William J. Gies Award for the ‘Seal or Varnish?’ study, run through the Health and Care Research Wales funded Centre for Trials Research at Cardiff University.
better homing [the T cells ability to find inflamed tissue]. “The modified T cells entered solid cancers within the first hour and kept accumulating inside the solid cancers over more than a week, suggesting that L-selectin also plays a role in activation and retention of anticancer T cells inside cancers.”
The ‘Seal or Varnish?’ study, in collaboration with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Community Dental Service, treated just over 800 children with either fissure sealants or fluoride varnish to discover which treatment is most effective and offers the best value for money for children aged 6-7 years. The team found that applying fluoride varnish to children’s teeth is just as effective
at preventing tooth decay as the alternative method of sealing teeth and could save the NHS money. Professor Chestnutt, who led the study, commented: “This award demonstrates that we have the capacity in Wales to conduct impactful research that has implications for dental prevention, not only locally, but across the world. “This work was facilitated by close collaboration between the NHS and Cardiff University and is just recognition of the tremendous efforts of a large team of clinical and research staff, in seeing the work to completion. “Assistance from Health and Care Research Wales in relation to funding and governance aspects of the work was also key to successful delivery.”
This could mean that this type of therapy, called immunotherapy, can be used to treat more types of cancer. “This is great news as this type of treatment is more targeted and doesn’t damage healthy cells,” Professor Ager commented. This research has therefore revealed a new role for L-selectin in cancer therapy, one that could provide immunotherapy for solid cancers that currently can’t be treated with T cell-based therapies.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Read more about the study in @ResearchWales Issue 2.
Welsh GP surgeries take part in national study A total of 328 patients from 33 Welsh GP surgeries have taken part in a recent study that found a simple finger-prick blood test could prevent unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics to people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Over one million people in the UK have COPD, a condition that affects the lungs and causes difficulties breathing, and over 80 percent of these patients are prescribed antibiotics when they have exacerbation of their symptoms. However, in two thirds of cases antibiotics have no effect on their condition. The ‘Point of care testing to target antibiotics for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations’ (PACE) study, involving researchers from the Centre for Trials Research and the Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency Care Research (PRIME Centre Wales), aimed to reduce antibiotic consumption without negatively impacting on COPD patients’ condition. Working with GP surgeries across England and Wales, PACE found that by giving a finger-prick test that measures the amount of C-reactive protein (CRP) – a marker of inflammation that rises rapidly in the blood in response to serious infections –
researchers could reduce the number of antibiotics prescribed by 20 percent, without there being any negative effects for patients. Michelle Morgan, Research Assistant at Llan Healthcare, one of the practices that took part in the study, said: “Being new to research, this was the very first study that I had worked on. Knowing that COPD was on the rise, that antibiotics were being so over prescribed, and that we may one day all develop antibiotic resistance, it was great to be part of a study to see whether a simple blood test would help clinicians in the future decide whether or not to prescribe antibiotics. “Within our practice we found patients were very willing to participate in the PACE study, as they felt confident that they were getting
a test done, which actually gave them the result there and then.” Safely reducing the use of antibiotics in this way may help in the battle against antibiotic resistance. Health and Care Research Wales funded research nurses were also involved in patient recruitment and data collection for the PACE study, which has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The publication has prompted a review of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines, and the study team aims to inform new Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease guidelines for the management of COPD.
New Specialty Leads appointed David Hill, Angharad Davies, Aled Jones and Francis Sansbury have been appointed as Health and Care Research Wales Specialty Leads. They join the 2019 group of researchers announced in June and will represent the following areas: • • • •
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) – David Hill Infection – Angharad Davies Health services research – Aled Jones Genomics and rare diseases – Francis Sansbury
“Mainly I will be seeking to find ENT consultants and registrars who wish to adopt established studies already running in other parts of the UK, and act as a facilitator, for their adoption by colleagues in Wales,” said
David Hill, a Consultant ENT Surgeon at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. “I plan to develop the Health and Care Research Wales portfolio for ENT by matching new and ongoing studies in the UK to colleagues in Wales who share that interest.” Angharad Davies, who is a Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Microbiologist at Swansea University Medical School, is “delighted” with her appointment. “Increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance, emerging infections and increasing numbers of vulnerable patients mean that infection research is needed more urgently than ever,” she said. “For example we need new rapid diagnostics to support improved antimicrobial stewardship, and we need to strengthen the evidence base for best management of infections, and infection prevention. This
requires a coordinated approach between microbiologists in academia and health professionals. My aim is to enhance the potential for infection research in Wales by involving and linking these various groups.” Aled Jones, a Professor of Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality at Cardiff University, said: “Welsh universities and NHS partners are internationally renowned for having excellent researchers. However, there are few opportunities available for health services researchers within Wales to network and share successes and challenges of undertaking projects, capturing meaningful research impact and generating research income. “Similarly, improving opportunities for health services researchers to inform and guide policy makers and decision makers in Wales and elsewhere in the UK are things I want to review.”
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Setting the standard for public involvement The final UK Standards for Public Involvement, which aim to improve the quality and consistency of public involvement in research, were released on 18 November. Health and Care Research Wales formed a key part of a UK-wide partnership to develop the Standards, which were piloted in ten sites across the UK including the Wales School for Social Care Research and the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research. The Standards set out six areas for
of public involvement activity that are
research community and the public to shape
developing good quality public involvement.
happening in Wales and work together as
future plans around public involvement and
These guidelines can be used by members of
a community to embed public involvement
the public, groups, researchers and research
as standard practice everywhere it is
organisations as well as public involvement
appropriate to happen.”
facilitators. They include:
“The current work around our public involvement and engagement ambitions in
Health and Care Research Wales set out
the ‘Discover your role’ document provides
Inclusive opportunities
ambitions for public involvement and
a way for colleagues to engage with the
Working together
engagement in health and social care
actions and activities that will form our
Support and learning
research earlier this year in the document,
future plans, and the UK Standards for
‘Discover your role in health and social care
Public Involvement in health and social
care research offers a fantastic framework
to support people to undertake meaningful A consultation on this document, including
public involvement,” Alex continued.
Alex Newberry, policy lead for public
an online survey and three community of
involvement at Welsh Government’s
practice workshops, has been held over the
The information gathered from the
Health and Social Services Research and
last month. These events were the main
workshops and survey will inform the
Development Division, said, “Looking ahead,
mechanism for Health and Care Research
development of Health and Care Research
we want to build on the great examples
Wales to engage coproductively with the
Wales’ strategic plans for 2020 onwards.
New communications, engagement and involvement lead Health and Care Research Wales is delighted
“It’s an exciting time as we see the launch
to welcome Felicity Waters as its new
of the UK Standards for Public Involvement
Head of Communications, Engagement and
and build on the success of our ‘Let’s talk
research’ public engagement events. I’m really looking forward to working on some
Felicity joined the organisation on 7 October
key communications projects with the team
from Cwm Taf Morgannwg University
as well to further showcase the excellent
Health Board, where she was Head of
research taking place in Wales.”
Communications for five years. Felicity is also Vice Chair of the NHS Wales “I’m thrilled to be leading the
Heads of Communications group and she
communications, engagement and
has extensive public relations and media
involvement team at Health and Care
Research Wales,” said Felicity.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Let’s talk... success
At Storiel, Bangor and the National Museum
get involved” and “we have medicine today
Cardiff organisations from across the Health
because of research.”
and Care Research Wales infrastructure and the third sector developed engaging,
Barbara Moore, Senior Public Involvement
interactive stands that brought research
and Engagement Manager at Health and
In July, Health and Care Research Wales
to life. Short 10-minute talks were also
Care Research Wales, commented: “The
worked in partnership with health and social
delivered by guest speakers through
days were joyful with an air of excitement.
care researchers, third sector organisations
passionate and often personal stories, which
We facilitated a wide range of people of all
and the public to host two fun, interactive
showed the benefits and differences that
ages discovering examples of how research
and free festivals of research across Wales.
research makes.
shapes and improves lives and realising that
Without the public, life changing health
Over 1,000 people attended ‘Let’s talk
and social care research couldn’t happen,
research’ across both dates. “Research is for
The feedback gathered from the ‘Let’s talk
but general awareness, understanding and
everyone, it’s the only way to make things
research’ events will inform the Health and
engagement with research is low. ‘Let’s
better,” a member of the public commented
Care Research Wales engagement strategy,
talk research’ aimed to help change this,
after attending the event. 200 people said
making sure that the public are central to all
by engaging the people of Wales with the
they learnt something new at ‘Let’s talk
that we do.
research that is happening on their doorstep.
research’ with attendees noting “anyone can
we all have a part to play.”
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Barking up the right tree Eight year old Radiyah desperately wants to have her ears pierced, just like many girls her age. For Radiyah though it’s a bit more of a challenge – when she was born, her left ear hadn’t grown fully.
“The major barrier to plastic surgery is
In Professor Whitaker’s lab in Swansea
improving form and function but we need to
University, there are floor to ceiling
take tissue from elsewhere in the body,” said
incubators and a couple of 3D bioprinting
Professor Whitaker.
“We’re doing nice surgery, taking bits out,
Zita Jessop and Tom Jovic are academic
taking cancers out, making things look nicer
plastic surgery registrars working in Professor
but there’s a pay-off taking things from
Whitaker’s team.
elsewhere, such as pain and scarring, so it’s always been my passion to try and get
Essentially, they’re making an ‘ink’ to print
around that clinical conundrum.”
the different shaped elements which make
adiyah is now facing a series of operations so surgeons can construct a
new ear that looks the same as her right one.
Click on the button to watch the animation
One of the operations involves removing part of Radiyah’s ribcage to use as tissue (cartilage). This is a potentially painful procedure and it’s also likely to leave a scar. But there could be another way. Professor Iain Whitaker, Health and Care Research Wales Specialty Lead for surgery, is working on a novel approach that might help Radiyah in the future. He’s aiming to bioprint ears by creating cartilage from a natural biomaterial found in tree bark. Animation by Steve Atherton, Medical Illustrator, Swansea Bay University Health Board
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
up an ear. To do this they’re mixing patients’
“We’ve been going back and forth to hospital
nasal cells with the tree bark material.
and they’ve been showing us patients who have had the operation where the rib is
“A lot of groups throughout the world are
removed to form an ear,” said Radiyah’s
using plastic materials for their bioprinting
dad Rana.
because it’s a lot easier to print,” said Tom. They’re deciding whether to go ahead with “However, it’s been shown that when plastic
the traditional procedure or to hold out
materials are put into humans they often
for Professor Whitaker’s research to be
invoke an immune reaction because it’s a
foreign material.” “We are willing to wait to see if this new The ‘ink’ has to be the right consistency to be
technology becomes available,” said Rana.
pushed through a printer nozzle but it also
“We would like Radiyah to have an operation
has to be strong enough to set as a solid and
before secondary school so she doesn’t miss
maintain its shape. That’s where the tree bark
classes but if it’s not available then we would
material comes in.
need to wait a bit longer.”
“It’s a cellulose material so it’s very
Professor Whitaker’s research has the
printable,” explained Zita. “It’s got the right
backing of two of the world’s leading plastic
mechanical properties so when you squeeze
surgery bodies - the American Association
“I hope it will give patients a new treatment option, which means they don’t have to have bits taken from elsewhere in the body with the obvious scarring, pain and length of time in hospital.” Professor Iain Whitaker
it out it flows very well, which means that the
of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS) and the European
obvious scarring, pain and length of time in
cells don’t get put under undue pressure.
Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS).
hospital,” said Professor Whitaker.
Earlier this year, he was awarded an AAPS/ “Then once it’s printed we spray a material
EURAPS academic scholarship to form a
“We’re starting with cartilage and facial
on to make it hardened, we call it cross-
research collaboration with Massachusetts
reconstruction but it’s my hope that we’ll
linking. And what we’ve shown is that the
General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
move on to different tissue types and different body areas, which could lead to new
tree bark material has the fibres within it that mimic the natural collagen fibres of tissue,
As part of the collaboration, this cutting-edge
reconstructive options for patients with birth
specifically cartilage.”
research will travel from Swansea to the States
defects or illness or disease, such as cancer.”
so it can be tested in animal models. It’s hoped “The bonus of using a natural material like
the results will be published next year.
As for Radiyah, she’s a bit nervous about having an operation, whenever that might be,
the one we’re using is it’s known to have a
but she’s mainly looking forward to it.
low immunogenic profile,” added Tom, “so
Although the aim is to bioprint ears, the full
it’s generally perceived to be safe and well
impact of this research could be much wider
tolerated by the immune system.”
Radiyah is one of Professor Whitaker’s
“I hope it will give patients a new treatment
patients and she’s been attending regular
option, which means they don’t have to have
Radiyah’s even picked out the type of
clinic appointments for the last five years.
bits taken from elsewhere in the body with the
earrings she wants to wear: “Diamond ones!”
“I really want to get my ears pierced and tie my hair back,” said Radiyah.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Making a difference through research: meet our new Director Professor Kieran Walshe had only been in the job a few days when he stepped onto the stage to host our 2019 Health and Care Research Wales conference.
the National Institute for Health Research
If I had to describe myself I would say I’m
– and this is a great opportunity to work at
essentially a social scientist and a health
a government level but in a system where
services researcher. That’s really what I do.
you can really see the line of sight from government to health boards and health
@ResearchWales: What experience do you
services on the frontline.
think will help you most in this role?
I think what all of us working in research
Professor Walshe: I bring a good mix of
want to do is to see the research we do make
experience from both research and working
e told an eager audience of more than
a difference to health services and to people
in government. I think this is a role where if
300 researchers, and support and
and populations, and that to me is an area
you can combine those two things, you can
where Wales is really well placed.
get a lot done.
@ResearchWales: Tell us a little bit about
I’ve not worked in Wales before so I’ve got
yourself and your background…
a great deal to learn about Welsh context,
delivery staff, how working together was key to achieving great things. We caught up with the new Director away
about Welsh health policy, about the
from the bright lights and the microphone to find out more about him, his hopes for the
Professor Walshe: So, as I say, I’m an
landscape if you like – and by that I mean the
role and why he’s a fan of the Welsh hills.
academic, I’m a professor of health
organisational landscape – the geography,
management and policy at Manchester
the way services are organised.
@ResearchWales: First of all – welcome
University. I’ve been there quite a long time.
to Health and Care Research Wales! How
Before that I worked at the University of
@ResearchWales: You mentioned in the
excited are you to be here?
Birmingham, I spent some time in the US,
Annual Report that you want to meet as
at the University of California, Berkeley,
many people across the infrastructure as
Professor Walshe: Really excited. This is a
and worked at The King’s Fund in London.
possible to find out their views. Are you
great opportunity. I’m an academic who has
My background before that was as an NHS
going on tour?!
worked in, and with, government before and
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
do research, how hard it is to get grants, to
“I think what all of us working in research want to do is to see the research we do make
appoint research staff, to give them a proper opportunity to have a career rather than just being on lots of fixed term contracts, to get through all the processes of research and to do so properly, to write for publication and get the journal papers that your universities
a difference to health
want, and also to engage and have impact.
services and to people
So it’s probably quite a good discipline
and populations, and
to carry on being an active researcher
that to me is an area
and I tend to think, in universities, the
where Wales is really well placed.”
most successful leaders are the ones who continue to really care deeply about what made them come into a university, be that teaching or research or a combination of the two, and to still be engaged in that and
the next year, three years and five years, in enough detail for us to be able to be pretty clear about what we’re trying to do, and that will come from talking to people. @ResearchWales: Partnership and collaboration is a key theme for us and we heard lots of examples at our conference. What do you think can be achieved through working together and across different sectors? Professor Walshe: It’s being able to get stuff done, really. One of the challenges is making Professor Walshe: [laughs] that’s a grand
it easy for people to be collaborative and to
term for it! At the moment, I’m lining up ways
work in partnership with others, rather than it
to meet people who I think have a really
being difficult to do.
important stake – so people in the public community, in the research community, in
The metrics we use to measure performance
the policy community and in the practice and
often encourage people to work in their own
NHS and social care community, and that’s an
particular little groove rather than trying
awful lot of people.
to work with other people. So it’s trying to make it easier for people to work together
I want to do this in an effective way, not
and actually help people to see that working
spending all my time simply travelling
collaboratively – not just lots of warm and
around by train, and I want to do it with
fuzzy language – but actually collaborating
a purpose as well. So it’s not just about
practically on projects and activities delivers
meeting people and saying hello but
trying to use that as an opportunity to ask people questions about how they see the
@ResearchWales: This is a part-time role,
development of Health and Care Research
four days a week, which allows you time to
Wales, what they see as the strengths,
carry on doing research. How important is
what they see as the opportunities for
that to you?
improvement, how they think it might Professor Walshe: It’s kind of who I am. I
probably recognise it’s a bit of a comfort It’s then about trying to bring those ideas
blanket as a researcher to think ‘well, I do
together. I’m not a fan of plans and strategies
want to carry on doing research’, but it’s
that are massively long documents but I
also I think a useful discipline. When you’re
do think we need to articulate a plan for
a researcher you know how difficult it is to
not to spend their whole life at strategic meetings in the Vice Chancellor’s office. @ResearchWales: As you say, research is who you are but when you’re not researching where might we find you – what are your interests? Professor Walshe: Probably my biggest interest is running. I mostly do trail and ultramarathon running so you’ll find me out somewhere in the hills. There are lots of opportunities for that in Wales! Probably the longest run I’ve done is the Spine Race, which is the length of the Pennine Way. So that was 268 miles but I also do shorter races – I do Park Run every Saturday. @ResearchWales: Well, we’re tired just thinking about that! Before we let you go, what else do we need to know about you? Professor Walshe: I’m very approachable and I’m really happy for people to get in touch, and when I’m out and about I’m really interested in hearing about what people are doing. Actually, the exciting bit about it is the research. I had some great discussions at conference with people about pieces of research they’re involved in and there’s nothing more exciting than a really good piece of research – a really great idea that’s been turned into a great research project, which produces something that can make a real difference.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Research funding: the secret to success Find out what the funders are looking for and learn more about some of our current grant holders
Applying for research funding is a competitive process so it’s essential to give your bid the best possible chance of success. But where do you start?
n 2018-19, Health and Care Research Wales awarded 17 grants, worth a
combined total of more than £3 million. Marc Boggett, Senior Grants Team Manager, shares his advice on how to submit a great application plus he takes us behind the scenes of the grants process where some key changes are taking place.
provide significant funding and is a very
the very beginning of the development
prestigious award.
of the research question right through to dissemination.
Getting your application right “We always say you need to thoroughly read the guidance. It’s always worth getting advice from researchers we already fund – what did they find to be successful in their application, what feedback did they have?
“And finally, look at any previous feedback you or colleagues have had on applications and take that into account, because we always try to provide constructive feedback.
Improving the process
(Read more about some of our current grant holders on pages 15 and 16).
“We’ve been reviewing all the grant schemes over the summer with the Wessex Institute,
“There is value in getting the input of the
who administer the online application
wider Health and Care Research Wales
system, peer review process and manage
infrastructure too. If you’ve got anything
panels on our behalf for some of our larger
that involves a trial or large research
numbers then you should get the local trials unit involved, or other aspects of the
“Previously we had a one stage application
infrastructure that we fund. For example if
process for all our schemes but now there
there is a health economics aspect to your
are two stages for the Research Funding
“Every autumn we open competitive, peer
proposals, the Welsh Health Economics
Schemes and RfPPB.
reviewed funding calls for a range of grant
Support Service is an obvious port of call.
What we offer
“We felt we could do with refreshing some
schemes including Fellowships, Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB), and
“Our current schemes no longer have
of the eligibility criteria and priority areas, as
Health or Social Care Research Grants.
themed calls. Instead we encourage
well as making it easier to apply in the first
applications to focus on priority areas, so
“We also run the annual NHS Research Time
when you apply at the first stage make
Awards (formerly known as Clinical Research
sure you have read and explicitly reference
“The first stage is a summary application,
Time Awards) and Health PhD Studentships
‘A Healthier Wales’ and make it clear how
where the applicant must make a case for
too, which we launch every other year during
your research is relevant to a particular
prioritisation. So hopefully that might be
January. We usually get about 40 or 50
policy area or priority area of the Welsh
better for applicants who previously had to
applications to this.
Government as well. That will aid you in
send a full application, which could be, say,
getting through the initial prioritisation
100 pages, and then it gets knocked out at
the first stage.
of UK-level schemes run by the National
“Another key thing is public and patient
“We’re also particularly keen to increase
Institute for Health Research (NIHR),
involvement in research. We expect that
capacity and capability in social care
including a fellowship scheme which can
projects have public involvement from
research. Historically social care research
“We also provide funding to enable researchers in Wales to apply to a range
continues on page 17
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Julie Latchem-Hastings
Andrew Kemp
Institution: Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
Institution: Swansea Bay University Health Board
Award: Social Care Postdoctoral Fellowship
Award: Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB)
Research title: Feeding, Eating and Drinking in Neurological
Research title: Group-based positive psychotherapy for
Care: Sharing Practice to Transform Care (FEAST)
people living with Acquired Brain Injury: A feasibility study
Background: I am a neurological physiotherapist by
Background: I am a psychological scientist with research
background. My research, both past and present, focuses
interests that span cognitive and affective neuroscience
on the care and rehabilitation of people with neurological
through to epidemiology, bridging the gap between
conditions, and the wellbeing of those who care for them.
biological mechanism and public health. Before arriving in
I have conducted a range of studies in the area of severe
Wales in 2016, I was living and working in Sao Paulo, Brazil,
brain injury, focusing particularly on the care of those
on the largest study of the health and wellbeing of the
in long-term care facilities, family and allied health care
Brazilian population.
professional experiences.
I have been working with Zoe Fisher, Consultant Clinical
What does this award/grant allow you to do? Almost 23,000
Psychologist and Deputy Head of Department for
people reside in care homes in Wales, about double the
Community Brain Injury Rehabilitation, for more than
number of NHS beds. Many have complex care needs due
three years, developing an innovative and evidence-
to neurological conditions. People in care homes consider
based theoretical framework of wellbeing that has led to
mealtimes as central to the quality of their experience but
new interventions for managing chronic conditions, and
repeatedly report dissatisfaction. My research aims to:
is guiding significant service redesign in the healthcare
identify the learning needs of all those who prepare food
and those who feed or support people with neurological
What does this award/grant allow you to do? The main goal
conditions to eat in long term care settings; understand
of our funded project is to determine the feasibility of a
the facilitators and barriers to creating positive mealtime
new and innovative positive psychotherapy intervention
experiences; and foster positive change through co-
that we have developed for people living with acquired
designing learning tools and establishing supportive
brain injury. Traditionally, neurorehabilitation has focused
on reducing impairment following brain injury. Our
What impact are you hoping to achieve with your research?
approach is to deliver traditional neurorehabilitation
The study findings will be used to: guide the development
in combination with interventions that promote factors
of educational materials for catering and care staff to
critical for the experience of wellbeing.
improve assisted feeding skills and understanding about
What impact are you hoping to achieve with your research?
the needs and preferences of people with neurological
We hope that our research will:
conditions; act to connect care providers across Wales and
1) enable people living with acquired brain injury to
encourage them to share ideas for improving standards
rebuild meaningful and purposeful lives;
at mealtimes through the establishment of All-Wales
2) create stronger networks with community providers and
Catering in Social Care Network; and bring together people
third sector organisations on which long term wellbeing
with neurological conditions, their families, expert clinical
and resilience can be promoted in the community;
and care staff to develop new neurological care food and
3) lay a foundation for a more effective and sustainable
feeding recommendations to set a benchmark for high-
model of healthcare for people living with chronic
quality care in this area.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Adam Mackridge
Heather Strange Institution: Cardiff University
Institution: Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
Award: Research Funding Scheme: Health Grant
Award: Clinical Research Time Award (CRTA)
Research title: NIPT (Non-Invasive prenatal testing) WALES:
Research title: Pharmacy in primary care and the community
Understanding and Improving the New Landscape of
Prenatal Screening
Background: Early in my career, I undertook a PhD at Aston
Background: I am a researcher at Cardiff University’s Centre
University, through which I explored the issue of waste
for Trials Research (CTR); I work as part of a small qualitative
medicines in primary care. Following this, I moved into a
team that provides sociological and methodological
full time academic role in Liverpool John Moores University,
expertise to CTR studies and trials. I originally trained in
began building a research network and undertook small scale
medical, social and political philosophy, and after spending
projects, building to moderate sized projects by the time I
some time working within a research centre dedicated
left to join Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. Over my
to examining the ethical and social aspects of genomic
career, I have undertaken a number of research projects around
technologies, I completed my PhD at Cardiff University’s
various aspects of health research and have published around
School of Social Sciences; an empirical study of the
25 peer reviewed papers arising from this.
emergence and translation of non-invasive prenatal testing
What does this award/grant allow you to do? The CRTA grant
(NIPT) within the UK. My main areas of interest are medical
allows me protected time away from my normal duties to
sociology, the sociology of reproduction, bio/medical
devote to planning and undertaking research, as well as
ethics, the social and cultural impact of genetic/genomic
building my research network. In addition, the grant provides
technologies, science and technology in healthcare and
funding for training, which is helping me to further develop
implementation/improvement science.
my knowledge and skills around research methods, building
What does this award/grant allow you to do? This grant
on my existing experience and adding to my expertise. The
will allow us to work closely with both the healthcare
relationship with my mentor has enabled me to connect with
professionals who discuss and deliver NIPT (midwives,
other researchers in North Wales, as well as contribute to
fetal medicine consultants, genetic counsellors), and the
supporting others in my team to engage with research and
patients who use or are offered this new test, to build a rich
evidence-based practice.
understanding of what current practice looks like, and what
What impact are you hoping to achieve with your research?
matters most to them. We will build on this knowledge
Through undertaking the activities set out in my work plan I
together, in order to generate consensus on key issues and
hope to develop myself as a researcher, broadening my skills
concerns, to coproduce guidance for the provision of NIPT
and experience, as well as supporting wider engagement
in Wales, and develop a prototype tool designed to enable
around research through my colleagues and wider professional
best practice.
network. The work itself is intended to help build an evidence
What impact are you hoping to achieve with your research?
base for the transformational change that is taking place
We hope to facilitate a shared understanding of what
around pharmacy in primary care and the community, which
matters most to both the healthcare professionals involved
will help to inform future investment and service design. The
in the delivery of NIPT, and the women who use or who are
award will give me the time to ensure that the projects needed
offered the test; and help enable best clinical practice in
to build this evidence base are well planned and I am able to
order that the needs of key stakeholders may be fulfilled.
devote the necessary time to gain funding for robust projects. See the full list of 2018-19 grant holders in our Annual Report
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
“The research funding world is quite competitive. There are lots of great researchers and potential research projects but there’s obviously only so much we can fund...”
continued from page 14 is less developed capacity-wise compared
sent out to peer reviewers across the UK.
researchers, or who are lead investigators,
to health research. So with the social care
As I mentioned, we work closely with the
but also projects that have great value to
grants, we’ve loosened the eligibility criteria.
Wessex Institute to deliver some of our grant
members of the public and patients, and to
schemes. They have a massive database and
policy and practice as well.
“Previously we said that you could only
substantial experience of obtaining peer
apply if you had a PhD but no more than 60
reviews. That’s something that previously
“So it’s trying to balance that – not only
months (5 years) of post-doctoral research
has been very difficult for us to do because
increasing capacity and capability in
experience, whereas now we’ve removed
you have to contact many academics across
Wales but also making sure the research
this ‘early stage career researcher’ limitation.
the UK in a range of subject areas to review
being delivered is scientifically robust
So you might be a much more experienced
applications and provide scientific comments
and methodologically sound, and reflects
post-doctoral applicant or a well-established
for the applicants to consider. So, the Wessex
important priorities for people in Wales.
independent researcher and you can still
Institute manage that process and they send
apply, whereas before there was a cut-off
the peer reviews to us and we then manage
“The research funding world is quite
point. Hopefully this means more social care
the scientific boards. It’s like a handover at
competitive. There are lots of great
researchers will apply this time.
that point.
researchers and potential research projects
Behind the scenes
“The scientific boards will look at the peer
fund, so I would encourage any researchers
review scores and comments. The board
who were not successful in one call to not be
members are usually senior academics
too disheartened and to take the feedback
along with public members who will then
on board.”
but there’s obviously only so much we can
“There are various stages to the application process. We’ve mentioned the prioritisation stage, which we’ve tweaked slightly for some of our schemes, and there’ll be a much wider pool of officials, practitioners in NHS Wales or local authorities, social care, and public members, which is important as well, who will individually review applications. They’ll score the applications according to how important they think the research question is to patients, public and the NHS in Wales.
undertake a final assessment. They’ll make recommendations to Health and Care Research Wales, along with points of feedback or any changes that are needed for the successful ones. “We write to the applicants once everything’s signed off and we provide applicants with feedback. Then we produce grant offer letters for the successful applicants and we manage those researchers and their projects as well.
“After that, a prioritisation oversight committee will see all the scores and they’ll rank the applications according to policy
Next time it could be you
importance. They’ll invite those who’ve got through that first triage to submit a full stage
“Our aim is not to catch people out with
two application, which includes things like
applications, it’s to support capacity building
methodology and costs.
by developing talented individuals as well as projects and their teams. So we have
Marc Boggett
“At the next stage it’s the science that’s
high-quality schemes and fund high-
Senior Grants Team Manager
reviewed and those applications will be
quality individuals who can become lead
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Calendar To find out more about any of these events, visit the Health and Care Research Wales events calendar or training calendar. 18
MediWales Innovation Awards 2019
UK HealthTech Conference 2019
4 December 2019 National Museum Cardiff
4 December 2019 Park Plaza, Cardiff
Over 300 VIPs and guests come together
UK HealthTech brings together key speakers
for this gala evening to celebrate the
to discuss the major strategic issues and
achievements of the NHS, life science and
policy developments facing the life science
health technology communities.
and health technology sector.
4th International Conference on Administrative Data Research
Cardiff Research Education Forum 2019
9-11 December 2019 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff
18 December 2019 Clinical Research Facility Seminar Room, University Hospital of Wales
Administrative Data Research Conference
This is a drop in session where research
2019 is particularly relevant to anyone
training information and resources will be
involved in administrative data research,
from the social science community, or both.
JBI-Accredited Systematic Review Training Programme
Valid informed consent in research
13-17 January 2020 University of Nottingham
4 February 2020 ILS 1, Swansea University
This five day course offers an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the principles and processes of undertaking systematic reviews to inform healthcare policy and practice.
This half day course is aimed at research staff working in NHS research and social care settings who are involved in the recruitment of people to research studies.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Welsh NHS Confederation Annual Conference
Communication skills in research 1 – creating and maintaining effective working relationships
Managing essential documents in research
5 February 2020 Cardiff City Hall
21 February 2020 Carlton Court, St Asaph
26 February 2020 Health and Care Research Wales Support & Delivery Centre, Cardiff
The Welsh NHS Confederation’s conference
The course will cover the principles of
The training will address the GCP standards
and exhibition is an opportunity to celebrate,
organisational communication, negotiating
and research governance, responsibilities of
motivate and galvanise the NHS and social
and influencing skills.
research staff with regard to investigator site
care, stakeholders and the public towards a
file management, essential documents and
healthier Wales.
quality systems.
Communication skills in research 2 – managing challenges and difficult behaviour
British Journal of General Practice Research Conference
Support & Delivery Service Day 2020
6 March 2020 Health and Care Research Wales Support & Delivery Centre, Cardiff
12 March 2020 RCGP, London
19 March 2020 Mercure Hotel Holland House, Cardiff
The course will cover the principles of
The conference is an exceptional opportunity
Bringing together Health and Care Research
assertive communication, conflict
for researchers at all stages of their careers
Wales support and delivery staff from across
management, principles and practice of
to acquire new research skills and present
Wales to celebrate achievements.
transactional analysis and trouble-shooting.
their work in a constructive, peer-reviewed environment.
NHS R&D Forum Conference 2020
International Clinical Trials Day 2020
Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference
10-12 May 2020 Sage Gateshead Conference Centre, Newcastle
20 May 2020
8-10 July 2020 School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
Health and Care Research Wales is proud to
20 May 2020 marks 273 years since the start
The Joint Social Work Education and
be a premier sponsor of this event.
of the first clinical trial on board the HMS
Research Conference is the UK’s only
academic conference covering the whole of the social work field.
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019
Health and Care Research Wales conference 2019: partnership and collaboration
Read the conference highlights on our website
Join us on our social media channels
Health and Care Research Wales Magazine - Issue 07 - November 2019