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TRANSPLORATION! An exploration of the kidney transplant experience at Manchester Museum by Tracey Walshaw - Artist Starts: 8 July 2013

Registered Charity No: 505256

Tracey’s Story I am a fifty three year old mother of two fantastic young people and wife to man who gifted me his kidney January 2012. I have polycystic disease and was in renal failure awaiting transplant when I started to document the process through my mosaics. I am a person centred counsellor, supervisor and trainer, a mosaic artist and writer. I engaged with my creativity in exploring some of my thoughts and experiences throughout this whole transplant experience. My creative process seems to manifest itself in creating images and making things which help me think and focus on what is currently happening for me. This exhibition is about my experience throughout this process and in no way is an attempt to suggest this is how it is for other people. I am hoping that one of the spin-offs from this exhibition is to raise awareness about kidney donation. The gift of a kidney and the potential for life and a future for the recipient of that kidney is both wonderful and incredible.

Be that a live donor or a donor who in the event of their death has chosen to donate a person in kidney failure the possibility of a healthy and normal life. No words can express the gratitude that recipients feel towards donors. Through my art I have found a way of honouring this gift. This exhibition is a taste of the mosaic pieces I created before, during and post-transplant. I am dedicating this exhibition to the donors, potential donor and staff (my renal family) at The Manchester Royal Infirmary. There are two pieces which I feel warrant a mention here, “The Blessing Tree” I feel blessed I was gifted with a kidney I feel blessed I was gifted with my life I feel blessed I have been gifted with my future Also “Let’s hear it for the Donor” This is a celebration of the selfless act of the donor. Words cannot express the gratitude we as receivers of this tremendous gift of life feel.


More information on the Transploration! Exhibition is available online:


Manchester Musuem As a university museum, Manchester Museum uses its international collection of human and natural history for enjoyment and inspiration. Working with people from all backgrounds, the Museum provokes debate and reflection about the past, present and future of the earth and its inhabitants. Manchester Museum actively promotes well-being through a process of education through art appreciation, object handling and participatory workshops. We work in partnership with health professionals – often with impressive results, whether for patients or healthcare professionals themselves. Manchester Museum is home to one of the largest and most important collections of ancient Egyptian artefacts in the United Kingdom. The Vivarium houses a wide variety of live animals including frogs, toads, snakes and other reptiles and amphibians. One of the star attractions in the Museum is the T.rex, displayed in the pre-historic gallery alongside rare examples of fossils dating back to the Ice Age. Manchester Museum is the UK’s largest university museum and all of its collections are designated by the government as being of national and international importance.

Open daily 10am-5pm with FREE ENTRY

Organ donation saves lives Around 1,000 people will die this year in the UK whilst in need of an organ transplant because there are not enough organs available. You can help make a difference and save up to nine lives after your death by simply signing up to the NHS Organ Donor Register. Please tell your loved ones once you’ve registered so they can ensure your donation wishes are carried out should the time ever come.

How to register


call 0300 123 23 23

text the keyword SAVE to 62323

Please help us turn people’s good intentions into action by joining the register and pass it on by making sure your close family and friends know your wishes.

Get in touch If you would like further information on Kidneys for Life or Manchester Manchester Museum please get in touch: Irene Chambers, Fundraising Manager Kidneys for Life fundraising for MINT Renal Unit, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL Tel: 0161 276 6671 Email: Wendy Gallagher, Arts for Health Partnership Manager Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL Tel: 0161 275 2648 Email:

Donations If you would like to make a donation to Kidneys for Life this can be done in a number of ways including:

Online: Text: To donate £5 please text MINT01 £5 to 70070 If you would like to make a donation to Manchester Museum this can again be done in a number of ways including:

Online: supportus Text: To donate £5 please text STAN33 £5 to 70070

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