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Healthy Weight Loss Q & As need enough energy-rich foods to give us the caloric energy for our “get up and go,” and we need enough nutrient-rich foods to support our metabolism while we’re on the move. I can make it easy for you to lock into an optimal mix of energyrich and nutrient-rich! Actually, I don’t have to do much at all, because the world of natural, whole foods has done it for me. The World’s Healthiest Foods approach is not only nutrient-rich, but it balances out energy-richness by including energy-rich foods (like nuts and seeds and olive oil) in your regular meal plan, but also watching out for the overall amount included, especially in recipes and stovetop cooking (since I don’t recommend cooking with oil). I don’t let energy-richness get out of hand—but I don’t forbid myself to use energy-rich foods in any of my recipes or meals. At the same time, I focus heavily on the nutrient-rich foods that are lower energy in terms of calories—most importantly, fresh vegetables. I use these foods generously in my weight loss approach, and they are a key component for balancing out your overall weight loss.
Q&A 7: Is My Attitude Towards Weight Loss Important? The aspect of weight loss that many fad diets overlook does not typically involve food selection, but rather, weight loss attitudes and approaches to the experience of weight loss itself. Although weight loss attitudes and weight loss approaches may not seem nearly as important as food selections during weight loss, scientific research tells us otherwise. Put most simply, weight loss only seems to work when we treat it like part of our everyday lives. Over and over, studies show that when we step out of our lives to lose weight our success is temporary at best. Our weight loss under these circumstances may last for months, but never for years and years. 207