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Transforming Communication with Gifted Children Using AI and NFTs

Gifted children are unique compared to their neurotypical age friends, with this giftedness going beyond academic performance into a child’s social and emotional development. Mental wellness is often a struggle that can be even more intense for these children, as Sara Asal, Founder and CEO of Shawerna, a virtual platform steering various projects in the field of VR, AI, and Data Science within healthcare, discusses the role of virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to proactively contribute to children’s academic success.


The benefits of virtual reality (VR) in gifted education and healthcare According to Asal, gifted children are often segregated for added individual attention and protection, but such displacement robs them of societal interaction and tolerance building. “Separation also strains the capacity of specialists who cannot be available 24/7,” she says, and VR is an immersive form of computer-generated simulation that can improve healthcare and education. Matching VR with AI, she adds, also helps staff get work done and leave on time, while tailoring the learning style for students, family, and staff helps remove communication barriers. “When gifted children find inclusion, they develop and contribute to creativity.” The school environment conducive for gifted students When a school environment is both welcoming and safe, Asal reveals that gifted children can explore interests, develop skills, and find their passions. “Healthy educational policies drive healthier eating and reduce obesity and trauma among students,” she says. “Both AI and VR help gifted children to enhance motor skills, social engagement, and speech impairment, and to track their progress.” VR can also be separated from the online metaverse to be safer for a gifted child to experience. Asal also suggests making classrooms with VR toolboxes helps children and staff feel as if they are building their own school experience. Parents helping their gifted children connect with mental wellness coaches There are mental wellness coaches that specialize in connecting with gifted children to understand their unique behaviors, explains Asal. “However, they can face great challenges in explaining their skills and tracking transformations,” she says. “A solution is to help coaches explain their skills and transformations with NFTs, according to mental wellness standards like SPCC.” To overcome disbelief and simplify the wellness journey, it is turned into a personalized story using representations relating to the child’s heroes.

The benefits of NFTs in healthcare and education People struggle with NFTs in healthcare and education because they are an artistic concept and lack medical and teaching standards, but Asal believes they can help by educating staff. She adds, “VR-linked NFTs follow medical codes and ease patient-to-doctor matching in healthcare. Gifted patients create their own world, learn about the disease, and earn money.” In education, NFTs can help students learn from different perspectives, promoting knowledge retention and understanding. NFTs can also enrich online courses to provide a more interactive learning experience, she says, as the visual nature of NFTs further bridges traditional and novel teaching styles online. H

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