SPECIAL INVESTMENT BULLETIN Larry Edelson, the gold and energy investing genius who guided investors to 271.7% gains in one year flat, now reveals how you can profit enormously as the investment world is shaken by ...
New Oil Wars ...
That Guarantee Select Energy Stocks Will Go Berserk! The Middle East against the West. China against Japan. Russia against everyone. New wars overseas are now exploding or about to explode over oil and energy resources. The only clear winner: Investors who bet on the largest energy-export economy of the world, which will soon see the biggest stock market boom in its history. Here’s what you must do now to protect your nest egg and make life-changing profits as most of the world battles over dwindling supplies of oil and natural gas. ALSO INSIDE:
Dear Fellow Investor,
The Worst Mistake Investors
There are many complex causes for the escalating military conflicts now breaking out all over the world ... in the Middle East ... Asia ... Africa ... and even the Falkland Islands ...
Make When Wars Begin … page 3
Make Up to 7X Your Money on Select Oil Investments … page 7
How to Make 59% a Year on Agriculture Stocks … page 8
How to Protect Your Savings from the Next Dollar Wipeout … page 9
Much More Inside ...
But at least one of the causes is not so complex: A new fight to death over oil and energy. In the next few pages, I will describe how battles over oil and energy resources will shape your financial future for the next decade or more. To be more specific, I will reveal how you can potentially ... ... grab profits of 300% to 750% investing in a handful of select energy stocks — as military conflicts in the Middle East, Asia (over please ...)
and parts of Eastern Europe send the price of oil and natural gas through the roof ... ... earn an average return of as much as 59% per year cashing in on the coming global agriculture jackpot, enough to turn a $100,000 portfolio into $1,016,215 in just 5 years and $10,326,930 in 10 years, and ...
A Series of Bloody Wars Will Break Out Over Oil and Energy There are at least a half dozen territorial disputes over oil and energy that have either already broken out or are about to break out overseas — in the Middle East, between China and Japan, China and its South-
... multiply your net worth by 3 to 5 times with natural resource investments that have already gained as much as 369% in the last few years and which are now set to EXPLODE AGAIN in value as the U.S. dollar plummets ...
First, they are going to drive the price of energy through the roof, triggering a bull market in energy investments like we haven’t seen in a decade; Second, they will unleash the full fury of heavily armed, increasingly ruthless governments in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, some of which, as we’ve recently learned, are more than willing to practice mass murder to advance their goals. Third — and most surprising of all — these new oil wars around the globe will coincide with the last stock market boom of our lifetimes — a boom that many investors will miss out due to bad advice and even blind panic.
Now, I know this may strike you as counter-intuitive ... that oil wars overseas could coincide with a global stock market boom and the rapid accumulation of vast wealth.
Spotting Profit Opportunities Months Before They Appear on the U.S. Media Radar
That’s precisely why I’ve written this special investor bulletin: To show you how to protect yourself ... and how you can take advantage of one of the greatest profit opportunities in a hundred years.
These regional disputes over oil and energy are going to do three things:
east Asian neighbors, Russia and the former Soviet republics, Russia and East European countries and all over Africa, to name just a few.
My name is Larry Eldelson. You may have seen me in Forbes Magazine, or on Bloomberg, CBS Marketwatch, CNBC or another major financial programs and publications. Or perhaps you’ve seen my forecasts and recommendations at MoneyandMarkets.com. For most of this century, I’ve been reporting on the global financial markets while based in Bangkok, Thailand. Living in Southeast Asia, just a few hundred miles from China’s border, has given me a unique perspective on world events. It’s
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Oil Wars
given me access to news of imminent wars that is rarely, if ever, reported in U.S. media outlets. And I’ve been able to use the intelligence I gather overseas to make astonishing profits — profits far beyond what most investors are able to make in the U.S.
How I Guided My Subscribers to 271% Gains in Just 12 Months For example, investors following one of my recommendations I made during the last decade — in well managed gold miner — were able to see gains of 271.7% in exactly one year. That’s enough to turn every $10,000 into just over $37,000 — all in just 365 days. I’ve led my subscribers to similar eye-popping gains by taking advantage of the big opportunities I’ve discovered in silver — like the 143% gains booked in less than five months last year ... ... and the 140% gains my subscribers should have made in aluminum shares in the mid 2000s. The specialized information I get living in Asia is also how I’ve been able to show my subscribers how to double their money by investing in Asian petroleum companies with gains of 106% in less than a year.
And Now I’m Gearing up to Show Them How to Make Many Times Even Those Enormous Profits! Now, as I stressed at the outset, the world outside of the U.S.
is heading into a prolonged period of regional wars fought largely over oil and energy resources ... ... and a few savvy investors will make vast fortunes in what will almost certainly end up being the last great bull market in our lifetimes. As the bloody chaos in the Middle East and Asia spreads, hundreds of billions of dollars are about to come flooding into the safety of U.S. financial institutions, sending the prices of select energy stocks and other U.S.based assets through the roof. It will result in unprecedented opportunities for U.S. investors. And you could make a fortune very quickly if you make a few simple, low-risk changes to your portfolio over the next few weeks. Here’s what I see happening ...
In a matter of weeks, ISIS was able to undo the work that the U.S. and its allies spent a decade accomplishing — at a cost of more than $1 trillion and the lives of 4,500 U.S. soldiers. Most of Iraq’s vital northern oil fields were completely shut down by the advance of the jihadist militias, cutting off one of the world’s most important sources of oil. Oil companies in Iraq evacuated workers throughout the country. A senior Iraqi oil official said Baghdad lost at least 400,000 barrels a day in June and July — just because of production cuts at oil fields in Kirkuk and nearby towns. Raising the stakes even more, Israel got sucked into the conflict as rockets rained down on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
OIL WAR #1: Syria, Iraq & Iran A MAJOR civil war over oil is unfolding right now in the Middle East, involving Iraq, Syria, al-Qaeda — and possibly Iran — that could end up making the decade-long Iraq War look like a minor skirmish by comparison. This past summer, a littleknown jihadist army known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) swept through the region, killing thousands of civilians and unarmed prisoners, as it pushed to gain control of virtually all the major oil refineries in Iraq.
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There have been unconfirmed reports that these rockets may have been fired by ISIS terrorists who have infiltrated the Gaza Strip. Now, just five years ago the Middle East was relatively stable. Today, the entire region is descending into utter chaos, increasing the possibility of a catastrophic Middle East war exponentially.
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One chilling possibility now being widely discussed by prominent analysts: What happens if, despite its return to a combat role in the region both in the air and on the ground, the U.S. fails to stop the jihadists in the region? What happens if the terrorists can hold all or most of the cities and oil fields they’ve captured, establishing a firm base from which to launch terrorist strikes on U.S. soil? And what happens when (not if!) the U.S. responds to those strikes with air strikes and more? Scary times indeed. No one doubts that a major war over oil in the Middle East will have profound consequences for energy prices and the global economy. Yet as bad as the looming Middle East war over oil might be, it’s NOT the only war on the horizon ...
OIL WAR #2: China versus Its Neighbors
China’s energy needs for the next 45 years! The resources there are so vast that some experts compare the Senkaku fields to those of Saudi Arabia. Understandably, oil-thirsty China is eying the oil fields greedily ... and a number of recent incidents show that China is engaged in a dangerous game of “chicken” with Japan over the disputed islands. Most Americans know very little about this — or about what is happening right now in Southeast Asia, but the situation is growing increasingly unstable. “The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is significant,” the U.S. based Council of Foreign Relations reported recently. CNN agreed, reporting that “the fragile relationship between China and Japan came under fresh strain ... as ships from both sides crowded into the waters around a disputed group of islands.”
A potentially horrific war is looming between China and Japan over the South China Sea, dragging in Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and inevitably even the United States. China is engaged in an escalating naval and air conflict with Japan over control of the Senkaku Islands, five uninhabited islets in the East China Sea. Reason: The Senkakus have enough offshore oil and gas that they could supply all of Page 4
with China ... over the uninhabited rocks that Japan calls the Senkakus and China calls the Diaoyu islands,” wrote analyst Hugh White of The Sydney Morning Herald. “And don’t assume the war would be contained and short.” With its huge thirst for oil and gas, some of my sources in Asia tell me that we’re likely to see China invade the Senkaku Islands sooner rather than later, provoking a war in the South China Sea. Moreover, any aggression in the China Sea could easily disrupt the global supply of oil, sending prices to the moon. The right oil investments could potentially multiply your money by 3, 4, even 7 times in just a few years.
OIL WAR #3: Russia against the West. Much of the world was shocked when Russian troops seized control of the Crimean Peninsula early in 2014, triggering international condemnation and fear over renewed Russian military expansion. I wasn’t. I saw it coming. But what many people didn’t know was that the seizure of the Crimea was largely motivated by greed over oil.
Military experts are terrified that even a minor, accidental military confrontation between China and Japan could quickly escalate into a world war. “[D]on’t be too surprised if the U.S. and Japan go to war
That’s because the Russian annexation instantly gave it access to underwater oil and gas resources of the Black Sea potentially worth trillions of dollars. In fact, petroleum analysts believe the Black Sea energy Oil Wars
resources may rival those of Britain’s North Sea, which have enriched Norway and the U.K. for decades.
What’s more, Russia’s swift takeover of the Crimea proves that Russia’s emerging dictator, Vladimir Putin, is playing for keeps.
In addition, the Crimean region is increasingly perceived to be critical in the emerging battle to dominate energy transport corridors linking the oil and natural gas reserves of the Caspian basin to European markets.
In 2009, during one of the harshest winters in memory, Russia shut down the natural gas pipeline supplying Europe, leaving millions without heat. And now ...
Russia is now the world’s second largest producer of petroleum, and the number one producer of natural gas in Europe and Asia. A new network of pipelines allows Russia to ship natural gas and petroleum to its neighbors. In 2013, Russia completed the final stage of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline, which now allows it to export as much as 25% of its crude oil to Asia.
“With Russia’s invasion of Crimea, the threat is greater than Vladimir Putin’s ambitions, the real danger to the world is that oil and natural gas are once again being used as a weapon of war,” writes T. Boone Pickens in Forbes Magazine. An even bigger danger: Putin will take advantage of Europe’s desperate need for energy resources to ignite regional wars in Eastern Europe — a ploy to reclaim vast swaths of territory Russia lost in the collapse of the Soviet Union.
OIL WAR #4: Africa In 2012, a nasty battle erupted between Sudan and the newly formed nation of South Sudan over the oil-rich region of Abyei, two million acres on the central east-west border. Coming on the heels of decades of civil war, in which an estimated two million people were killed, the brief skirmish over oil rights unnerved diplomats in the region. Fierce battles erupted over the Heglig oilfields, located in the Sudanese state of South Kordofan. The two countries clashed repeated throughout April and May with between 500 and 1,000 people estimated killed. Experts say the conflict was fueled by many factors, including economic disparities between the two countries and longstanding distrust between the southerners (who are mostly black Africans and Christian) and the northerners (who are mostly Arab and Muslim). A cease fire was declared and both sides retreated to their positions at the start of the conflict. But in 2014, the fighting started again ... only this time, in South Sudan. Rebel forces captured the oil hub of Bentiu from the government, leaving more than one million people displaced as fighting raged. In fact, according to the U.N., the fighting over oil has created the worst humanitarian (Please turn ...)
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crisis Africa has seen since the Ethiopian famine of three decades ago. Officials say that half of the entire population — or more than 6 million people — are facing mass starvation or evacuation by the end of the year. But this is just one of the many regional disputes over oil that is rapidly spiraling out of control in Africa. You may have heard about some of these oil wars. But there are still many others you probably have not heard of. For example ...
OIL WAR #5: Argentina and the Falkland Islands Argentina remains obsessed with the Falkland Islands, attempting every few years to re-ignite the crisis that led to a brief but intense war in 1982.
And there’s a reason: Oil. Lots and lots of oil.
is illegal, punishable with prison sentences of up to 15 years.
Recent seismic surveys of the waters surrounding the islands have revealed massive deposits of oil and natural gas.
And more recently, there were reports that Argentina was purchasing special vessels in order to hijack British oil rigs near the Falklands to stop them drilling in the disputed territory. Soon thereafter, Argentina’s foreign minister demanded direct, bilateral talks with Britain over the islands.
An estimated 400 million barrels of recoverable oil could be below the northern sea bed, enough to make all the residents of the British protectorate billionaires overnight. Argentina has repeatedly tried to re-start the Falklands War even before oil was discovered. Now that billions of dollars are at stake, few observers expect the once-bankrupt country to back off. It should have come as no shock, therefore, when Argentina last year passed a new law declaring any oil or gas exploration on the Argentine continental shelf
No one knows how this simmering potential crisis will unfold, but a replay of the 1982 war — this time over oil and energy — is hardly out of the question.
And That’s Only the Tip of the Iceberg! The fact is, skirmishes over oil, oil pipelines and access to natural gas are springing up all over the world. Does this mean gloom and doom? For the millions of people who fail to prepare for what is coming, yes! But there’s also a light at the end of the tunnel: That’s because U.S. stock markets usually SKYROCKET during periods of military conflict overseas! The reason: Money literally pours into the United States, as desperate investors overseas seek the protection of U.S. markets. That’s exactly what happened during the Iraq War. Hundreds of billions of dollars in Middle Eastern assets rushed into the relative safety of U.S. markets when the war
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Oil Wars
began, helping to prompt a stock market boom that lasted for a full FIVE YEARS ... Between March 2003, when the war began, and the peak in 2008, the Dow Jones Average rose steadily ... and I guided my own subscribers to some of the biggest profits we’ve ever seen.
during an era of increased global conflict — you could end up making more money in the next two years than you’ve made in the past two decades. And at the end of this special report, I’ll tell you how to get a free copy of my new Oil Wars Investment Dossier. But first, let me give you a brief preview of what it’s all about ...
You Could Easily Make More Money in the Next Two Years than You’ve Made in the Past Two Decades!
It was during the Iraq War that one of my investment recommendations should have made my subscribers nearly THREE TIMES their money in just one year — turning every $10,000 into $37,171 in exactly 12 months. Another investment in this period rose 139%. A third was up 106.8%. That’s why, over the past several months, I’ve been compiling a special dossier on the oil wars breaking out now overseas — my Oil Wars Investment Dossier — including the specific, highly targeted investments that will profit from them. If you invest in just a few key of these — in sectors of the economy that will likely explode
If you think energy is hot right now, just wait to see what happens as Baghdad falls or a second Iraq war breaks out over access to oil supplies in the region ... or if an oil war breaks out in Asia. The price of oil could go berserk, and energy investments could make you a fortune overnight. Look! During the first few years of the Iraq War, oil company stocks did a moon shot. Exxon skyrocketed 196.8%, from $32 to $95 a share. Chevron gained 293.7%,
going from $32 to $126 a share. And Conoco-Phillips
gained 291.6%. And those are just the big boys! Mid-tier oil companies made their investors vast fortunes during the same period: China’s Sinopec was up
418% between 2003 and 2007 ...
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Noble Energy was up
494.4% ... And Hess did a moon shot,
earning its investors a staggering 779% in just five years. Listen: That’s enough to turn every $20,000 invested into $175,877 in just 60 months. At that rate ... Even a modest $100,000 portfolio could potentially grow into as much as $3.5 million!
In Just 4 Years, This Company’s Share Values Exploded by 1,260%! One energy play that I currently recommend is a Chinese energy company that supplies power to 18 of China’s provinces. The company also serves the giant municipalities of Shanghai and Chongging. It owns 16 power plants outright and controlling interest in 10 more. It’s already up 83% in just the past 24 months alone. The reason is clear: For the first quarter of 2014, consolidated operating income jumped 44.2% over the same period last year. This company’s growth is almost off the charts. There is A LOT more room for appreciation with this company. I believe it’s another 10-bagger going forward — as with all the investments I recommend for protecting yourself and growing wealthy during the new cycles of global warfare. (Please turn ...) Page 7
I give you all the details about this Chinese energy company in my Oil Wars Investment Dossier.
As Energy Prices Rise, Food Prices Will Also Do a Moon Shot! First, though let me tell you about another way to protect your life savings and grow wealthy as wars over oil spiral out of control: The skyrocketing food sector! Way back in January 2005, I warned subscribers to my Real Wealth Report that food prices were heading for an inflationary spiral which would spell the end of cheap food. Here is what I wrote: “World demand for food will keep growing significantly as the world population continues to explode and the diets of developing countries grow more sophisticated. Meanwhile, the world is running out of arable land to cultivate ... demand will grow rapidly while supply will struggle to keep up and could eventually fall behind.” And while nobody else in the financial press was talking about food, Real Wealth Report was the first to urge readers to invest in what I called “Protein Gold” — core sectors of agriculture and food production. Nine years after I first called investors’ attention to the profit potential of investing in agriculture, the sector is still only in its early bullish stages. Page 8
Since early 2009, for example ... ConAgra Foods, Inc. (CAG) is up 109.8% ... Kellogg Company (K) is up 79.4% ... General Mills (GIS) is up 122.9% ... while farm stock Deere & Company (DE) is up 237.8%, and BASF SE (BASFY) is up 314%. If you want to know just how profitable the agricultural sector will be when new oil wars break out in the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe, consider what happened with the former Dutch agriculture company CNH Global (CNH) from March 2009 through June 2013. If you had purchased shares just four years ago, you would have nearly SEXTUPLED your money with a gain of 541.1%.
$1,016,215 in just 5 years and $10,326,930 in 10 years. Can you see why I say that investing in the right sectors, even during an era of increasing global warfare over oil and civil strife, could end up making you seriously rich? I explain all this in detail — and tell you all about my best current agriculture investments — in my Oil Wars Investment Dossier.”
Multiply Your Net Worth Many Times Over as the U.S. Dollar Continues to Collapse! The U.S. now has the largest debt of any nation in the history of the world — at least $130.6 TRILLION. That includes $17.6 TRILLION of national debt on the books plus $113 TRILLION of unfunded liabilities in Social Security, Medicare, and prescription drug benefits. And over the next 10 years, it will add another $12 TRILLION in cumulative deficits projected, not to mention at least another $1 trillion in extra Obamacare costs.
That works out to a compounded average annual return of 59% a year. That’s how you build serious wealth in a hurry! A consistent return of 59% a year would let you turn a $100,000 portfolio into
But here’s something you may not know. The U.S. government is actually secretly working with the Chinese government to deliberately devalue the U.S. dollar. The U.S. is prodding the Chinese to dump their dollars on the open market, thereby increasing the supply. Oil Wars
Here’s What Investors Are Saying about Larry Edelson “Thanks for your no-B.S. way of communicating. You by far are the most direct speaking and results accountable [analyst] that I know. Refreshing!” — D.L., Channahon, IL “You have earned my respect. I have a lot of faith in your knowledge of the economy and financial markets.” — F.W., Adkins, TX “I’m eagerly awaiting the coming opportunities in the precious metals and commodities markets.” — D.L., West Haven, CT “In retrospect, I found your insights to be amazingly accurate! This sadly leaves me wishing I had HEEDED your advice (which I didn’t do, to the detriment of my portfolio). You are now my primary guiding light!!!” — G.S., Ridley Park, PA
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You Can Protect Your Savings and Even Profit from This Sneaky Currency Maneuver!
I am currently recommending a company I call “The Ultimate Natural Resource Stock.”
Your strategy to protect your wealth: To invest in select natural resource stocks in which the revenues are traded in Chinese currency!
This Chinese company is the world’s largest diversified resource company and gives you an investment in many different resource areas ...
Over the past two years alone you could have banked ...
gas, liquid natural gas (LNG) ...
Petroleum — oil, natural Base metals — copper, sil-
57% on China Petroleum ...
ver, zinc, lead, tin, aluminum ...
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Diamonds and specialty
products — diamonds, titanium minerals ... Coal, Uranium ... And in nickel, chrome and
nickel ferroalloys, stainless steel ... Between early 2009 and its recent high, every $10,000 invested in this company would have turned into $40,000. The company’s stock skyrocketed from $37.54 to $101.24 a share. That’s a gain of 169.7% — and it’s just getting started! I tell you all about this stock ... and all my other falling dollar investment strategies — in your copy of the Oil Wars Investment Dossier.
Introducing Real Wealth Report: A Source for Reliable Intelligence You Can Take to the Bank! Much of what you’ll discover in “Oil Wars Investment Dossier” goes against what you are currently hearing in the mainstream media and from politicians in Washington. The reason is many reporters and government workers never step foot outside the United States! They have no clue about what’s really going on in Iran, Northeast Asia, and especially in Southeast Asia, where I live. That’s why I am offering a special package of investment tools and resources all geared towards helping the average in(Please turn ...) Page 9
Real Wealth Report is your guide to investing in real value ... real assets ... real earnings ... real growth The investment guidance in Real Wealth Report is based upon my three decades of experience in the precious metals and natural resources investment markets. I constantly scour the globe for the best investment ideas — frequently traveling overseas to personally investigate what’s happening ... where ... why ... and how. Plus, I visit — first hand and at my own expense —
vestor ... not merely survive this new era of escalating wars over oil and energy ... but actually grow far wealthier than anyone could ever expect.
Preparing in Advance is How the Rich Get Rich and STAY RICH! The moment you join, the first thing you’ll get is my brand-new free special report about investing in wartime — “Oil Wars Investment Dossier.” This no-nonsense investing guide reveals in detail precisely why the world is facing a new era of intense regional wars over oil and energy resources AND it provides the specific investments, strategies and techniques you need to protect your savings and grow wealthier, not poorer, during this new era. Page 10
A leading manufacturer
of precision metal parts for the global markets that saw its stock jump 41.94% in just one year alone (just the beginning of a far larger move) ... That’s to name just a few.
many of the companies and opportunities that I will be bringing you. I insist on investing only in real companies ... with real assets ... that produce real profits ... and that deal with real, tangible value — things that customers, corporations, and entire nations must have to survive.
Here are a few of the investments it covers in detail: Specialized precious met-
als investments that will provide you with iron-clad protection when global conflicts accelerate the return of high inflation and rising interest rates ... Easy-to-make foreign cur-
rency plays that let you diversify your wealth outside the U.S. dollar but without having to trade foreign currencies, travel overseas or even hold paper currencies ... A fantastic investment
that will let you earn eyepopping profits with emerging markets overseas ... Two Asian income invest-
ments that let you grab huge dividends and that could potentially double, even triple your money ...
Based on my recent success rate, the gains on these war-related investments could be substantial, and could be made quickly. Some of my biggest winners, such as the 271.7% gains I showed my subscribers on one mining company, came in a matter of months. In fact, some of the investment opportunities I’ve recommended recently to subscribers of Real Wealth Report are already surging fast. One is already up 190%% since I recommended it. Another is up 155%%. And yet another, one of my favorite gold funds, is up 55% since I recommended it.
Special One-Time Offer: Test Drive Real Wealth Report Risk Free Now, I talked my tight-fisted publisher into lowering the fee for the Real Wealth Report service to only $198 ... but you won’t have to pay anything close to that! As we were preparing this special report, we decided that even that low price didn’t fit the gravity of the situation. As a result, I’ve arranged for a special, limited-time price Oil Wars
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For more information: 1-800-291-8545
For an even better deal, consider a two-year membership for a mere $89 — and I’ll send you FOUR additional bonus reports for FREE! That’s a savings of $307 off the normal two-year rate. Combined with the $395 special reports you’ll receive for free, that’s a total savings and value of a whopping $702! BONUS GIFT #1: The Great Agriculture Jackpot of 2014-2016. This is a $79 value but it’s yours FREE! In this remarkable report, I name the four stocks I believe are most A $79 Value likely to FREE! multiply your money in the years ahead. Here again, the profits are likely to be enormous — like the 541.1% profits you could have grabbed investing in the former CNH Global (CNH) in four years. And you probably won’t have to wait long to begin seeing them! Thanks to massive demand from China, food stocks are ALREADY exploding higher ... and they’re just getting started! I’ll tell you all about ... My 5 favorite agriculture
and food stocks ... The single best way to cash
in on the agricultural bonanza ... (Please turn ...) Page 11
How to profit from runaway
food prices while also helping get food to more people ... And much MORE!
BONUS GIFT #2: The Great Energy Windfall of 20142016. This, too, is a $79 value but it’s also yours FREE! You’ll discover three energy stocks set to multiply your money in the A $79 Value months FREE! ahead. Some of these shares are up 1,260% since 2000 — enough to turn a $25,000 grubstake into more than $340,000! You’ll learn about ... 4 companies that are mak-
ing investors rich as Midas by providing oil, strategic metals and chemicals to China ... 3 Rare Earth giants capable of multiplying your money many times over ... 7 Western companies that
are perfectly positioned to explode in value as China begins exerting its influence on world affairs. Just to name a few.
BONUS GIFT #3: The Foreign Currency Bonanza of 2014-2016 — also a $79 value. China believes it’s time to make the supremacy of its currency — the yuan — OFFICIAL — by gutting the U.S. dollar. And our own leaders — President Obama, Treasury Secretary Geithner and Fed chief Bernanke — are obediently helping Beijing do just that! Page 12
Special $5,000 or FREE Membership Guarantee Use the Free Gift Certificate on page 15 or dial TOLL FREE 1-800-291-8545 to join us now! Then, take up to a full year to decide for yourself. You must be completely convinced that the Real Wealth Report service will save you or MAKE you at least $5,000 in the next 12 months — more than 64 times the discounted rate for a one-year membership. Otherwise, just let us know and we’ll rush you a full refund of every penny you paid. And of course, everything you’ve received in the meantime is yours to keep — completely without cost or obligation — in the unlikely event you decide that my service isn’t for you.
Larry Edelson Editor, Real Wealth Report
In this valuable, privately printed bonus report, not available in any store or on the Internet, I reveal the handful of stocks that are poA $79 Value sitioned FREE! to soar as China rises ... as the yuan surges ... and as the U.S. dollar plunges! You’ll also discover... 6 steps you must take now
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One final comment: I’ve become well known for accurately warning them of major turns in the markets well in advance. I accurately warned my readers of the stock market crash of 1987 and the rally that followed ... ... The bursting of the tech stock bubble in 2000 that cost U.S. investors an estimated $6.5 trillion in losses ... ... And the 2007 collapse in U.S. stocks that drove the S&P 500 56% lower. I also called the bottom of gold prices at $255 in 1999 and the bull market that has taken the yellow metal to well over $1,200 per ounce so far ... Without bragging, I can honestly say I’ve been right more often than I’ve been wrong. And now I am issuing my most shocking forecast yet. Many people will ignore it. But I must warn you: The wealth of much of the world is going to literally FLOOD into U.S. markets over the next several years, sending the stock market soaring and making some people very, very rich ... This will almost certainly be your last great chance to earn
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Copyright © by Weiss Research, Inc., Real Wealth Report 15430 Endeavour Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33478; 561-627-3300. Sales: 800291-8545. Real Wealth Report (“RWR”) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and does not provide investment advice tailored to each individual’s circumstances. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in RWR are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The performance reported by subscribers in this report may differ from what you experience. Although Real Wealth Report accepts subscriber testimonials in good faith and requires signed affidavits, we have insufficient information to determine if the results are typical. Your results may vary due to many factors, such as how closely you follow the recommendations, the specific price you get, or the commissions you pay. As with all investments, losses are also possible. Data date: August 8, 2014.
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The Next Oil Boom Is About to Begin! Larry Edelson Editor, Real Wealth Report
Energy stocks rebounding, so you must act NOW!
Here’s What Investors Are Saying about Larry Edelson …
Look inside for … The 5 Reasons Why the Price of Oil is About To EXPLODE! (page 3)
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An Overseas Energy Company Set to Soar in Value (page 7)
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A Stock That Has Earned 59% a Year For the Last 4 Years! (page 8)
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