Special Healt h Bulletin From Dr. Al Sears, M.D.
Anti-Aging Breakthrough
of the 21st Century… This Brand-New, Super-Potent Nutrient Floods Your Body With Healing Energy Power up your heart for a long and healthy life Supercharge your stamina and discover energy to burn Fire up your aging brain – no more mental cobwebs! Sharpen your vision to see sharp lines and bright colors Turbo-charge your immune defenses ... for good Feel younger, longer And much, much more INSIDE: Important news from Dr. Al Sears, M.D., board-certified anti-aging specialist and author of The Doctor’s Heart Cure…
A Special Message From Anti-Aging Expert Al Sears, M.D.
“This Is the Biggest Anti-Aging Breakthrough of the 21st Century!” — Al Sears, M.D. Dear Friend, When I was in medical school 20 years ago, a small group of researchers were investigating the anti-aging properties of a newly discovered super-nutrient found in every cell of the human body. The research was electrifying. It found this nutrient could be a virtual “fountain of youth” that could ward off chronic health problems while maintaining youthful vigor well into your 60s, 70s and 80s. At the time, it sounded like science fiction. But today, it’s finally a reality. People are now experiencing its full potential. They are living long and healthy lives. Plus, they’re physically strong, have amazing energy, and feel full of vitality. I’ve seen it first-hand. What these people are doing is taking advantage of a brand-new super-nutrient. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains. I believe almost everyone could benefit from this amazing nutrient — and so I’ve prepared this special report for you to explain why this super-charged nutrient could be one of the most important health discoveries of your life. I urge you to read it right away. For Your Health, Al Sears, M.D. P.S. I’ve also arranged for a special offer for you, so you can try it out risk-free. Read more about it on the inside back cover of this little booklet.
ABOUT DR. SEARS: A physician, author, physical trainer, and researcher, Al Sears, M.D., is one of today’s leading voices in anti-aging medicine and natural health. Dr. Sears has seen over 20,000 patients at his thriving private practice, now located in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Sears has written six books and over 500 articles on supplements, alternative medicine, and anti-aging.
He also publishes the newsletters Health Confidential and Doctor’s House Call. With the publication of The Doctor’s Heart Cure, Dr. Sears established himself as a leading authority on alternative and natural medicine. He has since published a revolutionary theory of exercise, PACE: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution. Thousands of readers now credit Dr. Sears’ PACE program for their return to health and fitness. Dr. Sears is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is BoardCertified in Anti-Aging Medicine. He is also the founder and director of The Wellness Research Foundation, a non-profit organization involved in ongoing original research to evaluate natural alternatives to pharmaceutical therapies.
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New, Super-Potent CoQ10 Floods Your Body With
Healing Energy
By Al Sears, M.D.
Medical Director, Center for Health and Wellness
Dear Health-Conscious Reader,
ou’ve probably heard about Coenzyme Q10 — the amazing anti-aging, heart-healthy, energy-boosting nutrient:
T he National Institutes of Health says that CoQ10 may reduce chest pain in people with clogged arteries.1 M embers of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists insist that CoQ10 promotes heart health.2 E ven the National Cancer Institute says the body uses CoQ10 for cell growth and to protect cells from damage that could lead to abnormal growths.3
In fact, hundreds of studies by researchers worldwide suggest that Coenzyme Q10 could help power up your heart, brain, energy levels … and more! But here’s what you may not know … The latest research suggests CoQ10 can have a much more 1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/patient-coenzymeq10.html 2. http://www.guideline.gov/summary/summary.aspx?doc_id=4265&nbr=3265 3. http://tinyurl.com/ohcuq These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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powerful effect on these types of health problems when two conditions are met:
Your body must be getting enough CoQ10 — many times more than the typical amount contained in diluted, over-the-counter CoQ10 supplements; and, more importantly …
The CoQ10 in your bloodstream must be the right TYPE of CoQ10, in the form that your body’s cells can use to create limitless amounts of new energy and restore and repair damaged tissues.
Unfortunately, until very recently, most people have been taking the WRONG KIND of CoQ10. Here’s why …
Why Most CoQ10 Supplements Are Obsolete! You see, there are actually two basic types of CoQ10. The first is the basic, unrefined form called ubiquinone. But before your body can take advantage of the heart-healthy, age-fighting effects of CoQ10, it first has to convert ubiquinone into another substance it can absorb called ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is the form of CoQ10 that provides all the health benefits! The analogy I like to use is oil. Before crude oil can actually be used, it first has to be converted (“refined”) into a form that our machines can burn effectively, like gasoline or jet fuel. You could pour as much crude oil into the tank of your car as you want, but it still wouldn’t go anywhere. It’s useless … in that form! The same is true of CoQ10! Unfortunately, virtually ALL of the CoQ10 sold on the market today is ubiquinone — the crude, less usable form of CoQ10.
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Accel Keeps CoQ10 in Your Bloodstream Longer for 24-Hour Rejuvenation! In one laboratory study, Accel was found to be present in the blood at a nearly FOUR times greater concentration after eight hours.
CoQ10 Levels (mcg/ml)
Blood Levels: Accel vs. Traditional
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Accel 150 mg
Traditional 1,200 mg
Accel 300 mg
Traditional 2,400 mg
A higher amount of CoQ10 in your blood means your body’s cells have access to more of the cellular “jet fuel” that allows your body to heal itself. Plus, you feel a surge of new energy and vitality. TRY Accel RISK-FREE! Save up to $89.73 with instant discounts on Accel’s advanced CoQ10 formula — and get up to 4 FREE gifts. See page 23 for details, or for faster service, call toll-free 1-877-331-5913 to find out how.
And while your body has the ability to convert (or “refine”) the crude, unusable form of ubiquinone into the high-octane “jet fuel” of ubiquinol, it gradually loses that ability after age 45.
Up to 8 Times More Potent Than Conventional Forms of CoQ10! But in just the past few years, scientists in Japan have discovered how to make ubiquinol in a super-concentrated, usable These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Real-life customers agree:
Accel Is the Most Effective Form of CoQ10 Ever Tried!
“I felt incredibly better!”
“I have tried other brands of CoQ10 and have never felt a difference. Once I started Accel, I felt incredibly better; my mind was sharp throughout the day and my energy was boundless. Thank you, Dr. Sears!”** — Patty, Newfane, VT
“Increased energy and endurance significantly!”
“I am a 70-year-old man and I have been taking Accel for about 2 1/2 months. I believe it has increased my energy and endurance significantly. On a recent treadmill stress test, I was told that I did as well as several patients tested who were in their 20s.”** — J.H., Bradenton, FL
“Gives me the energy of a person much younger!”
“Every benefit that Dr. Sears has outlined in his advertisements for Accel is true. It gives me the energy of a person much younger than me. I run two miles several times a week and feel just great all around. I am 71 years old and in excellent health.”** — K.F.S., Palos Verdes Estates, CA ** Results not typical
form that your body can absorb directly. This brand-new type of CoQ10 is called Accel. Accel is revolutionizing the practice of anti-aging medicine — and finally making the overwhelming potential of CoQ10 supplementation a clinical reality. That’s because Accel supplements flood your bloodstream with a therapeutic dosage (a sufficient amount) of CoQ10 … AND … in a form that your body can use. Let me tell you about just one of the ways Accel can make your life a whole lot better …
Research Shows That Accel Protects and Strengthens Your Heart For an aging heart, Accel may be the closest thing to a miracle there is. Here’s why: CoQ10 is essential for the production of cellular energy. It’s the “fuel” that your body’s cells use to produce energy. And the heart needs energy
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more than any other organ in the human body! When your heart begins to tire from lack of energy, blood flow is reduced. So what happens when doctors give patients CoQ10? According to a study of 144 patients suffering cardiac events4 … More than 90% experienced improvement within a month of starting supplementation. 50% fewer patients suffered problems of any kind over the following 28day period. The CoQ10 group showed an increase in levels of antioxidant vitamins A, E, C, and beta carotene. The study concluded that the ingredients found in Accel “can provide rapid protective effects in patients if administered within three days of the onset of symptoms.”5
Researchers Call It An “All-Purpose Heart Booster” More than 320 different research studies, in 20 different countries, have proven the clinical benefits of CoQ10 for various health problems.6 In addition, medical researchers say there have been at least 4. http://preview.tinyurl.com/solanova-abstract 5. http://preview.tinyurl.com/solanova-abstract 6. http://faculty.washington.edu/ely/coenzq10.html These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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nine double-blind, placebo-controlled studies worldwide on the effectiveness of CoQ10 specifically for heart ailments — the “gold standard” for scientific research. All nine of these studies “confirmed the effectiveness” of the primary ingredient in Accel as well as its “remarkable safety.”7 They concluded that it “significantly improved heart muscle function” while producing “no adverse effects or drug interactions.”
Jump-Start Your Heart CoQ10 is perhaps most famous for helping patients who suffer from a weakening heart. As you age, your heart muscle sometimes just gets tired out. Well, researchers have found that CoQ10 jump-starts tired-out hearts and gives them a jolt of new energy and life! For example, one study of 641 people with moderate to severe problems related to a weakened heart found that patients who took a sufficient amount of CoQ10 saw a “significant reduction in the severity of their symptoms.”8 That’s amazing! Imagine feeling too tired to walk up stairs, play tennis … or enjoy life. But after just a few weeks of taking Accel — the supercharged form of CoQ10 — you can. You suddenly feel re-energized, full of vim and vigor! That’s why so many people swear by Accel! 7. http://faculty.washington.edu/ely/coenzq10.html 8. Morisco C, Trimarco B, Condorelli M. Effect of coenzyme Q10 therapy in patients with congestive heart failure: a long-term multicenter randomized study. Clin Investig. 1993;71(suppl 8):S134-S136.
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The Most Powerful Anti-Aging Formula Just Got Better! We’ve added a vital new ingredient to Accel … tocotrienols, the most effective form of Vitamin E. Tocotrienols are remarkable antioxidants. They have powerful heart benefits that … Promote normal cholesterol levels Encourage healthy triglyceride levels Achieve normal blood pressure But here’s the big news: When Vitamin E-based tocotrienols are mixed with Accel, it takes on remarkably heightened characteristics. In effect, it becomes super-potent, super-powerful, and lasts far longer in your system. This means that with the addition of tocotrienols to Accel, your body now has even stronger weapons to fight off agerelated diseases – diseases that can attack every organ in your body, from your heart to your liver, even your brain.
Plus, Accel Helps Improve Circulation, So You Feel Bursts of New Energy! Some people prefer to use natural methods to keep their blood pressure in check. That’s why so many people are delighted when they discover Accel! According to a clinical trial published in the Southern Medical Journal, patients who took the active ingredient in Accel saw significant declines in their blood pressure. In the study, 83 patients were given either the active ingredient in Accel or a placebo. The Accel group saw an 18-point reduction in their systolic blood pressure compared with only a two-point These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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decline in the placebo group.9 In fact, a systematic review of eight clinical trials found that the active ingredient in Accel (CoQ10) resulted in a mean decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure among patients taking blood pressure drugs.10
Accel Prevents and Even Reverses Many Of the Health Problems of Aging! Best of all, Accel doesn’t just help your heart! It also has amazing healing properties that can help slow the normal symptoms of aging.11 I recently met with one of the Japanese creators of Accel, Dr. Tatsumasa Mae. He gave me an exclusive look at his 15-month study testing Accel on mice. One group of mice received a standard lab diet with no CoQ10. The second group received the same diet with the traditional form of CoQ10. The final group received the lab diet with the new form of CoQ10 — Accel. At 12 months of age (the point that translates into “late middle age” for humans), the mice that took no CoQ10 looked tired and infirm. The mice that took traditional CoQ10 (ubiquinone) looked better, but still showed many signs of aging. However, the mice that took Accel were simply astonishing! They were energetic with bright, glossy coats. They looked and acted like young, healthy mice! Dr. Mae’s research showed that the mice that took Accel 9. http://bastyrcenter.org/content/view/470/ 10. Rosenfeldt F, Hilton D, Pepe S, Krum H. Systematic review of effect of coenzyme Q10 in physical exercise, hypertension and heart failure. Biofactors 2003;18:91-100. 11. Clin Interv Aging. 2006;1(3):261-5. Orthomolecular medicine: the therapeutic use of dietary supplements for antiaging. “The evidence shows benefits in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, congestive heart failure, age-related deterioration of brain function and vision, and immune function, as well as other age-related health problems.”
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Accel Dramatically Slows Aging in Laboratory Tests! Accel may quickly become one of the preferred treatments in the evolving specialty of anti-aging medicine. That’s because preliminary studies suggest that Accel actually dramatically slows down the aging process. Japanese researchers gave mice Accel, conventional CoQ10, or a placebo. The mice fed a placebo aged normally. While slightly more healthy, the mice given CoQ10 also aged. But the mice given Accel looked and acted like young, healthy mice — despite being the equivalent of 80 years old in human terms. The aging process actually decreased by 51%. Imagine living into your 70s, 80s, and beyond as healthy and with the vitality of people decades younger! Don’t wait. Accept a risk-free trial of Accel today and see for yourself! If you’re not amazed and delighted, you don’t pay a penny. See the inside back cover of this report for details …
actually appeared to age much slower — at half the rate! — than the mice not taking any CoQ10.
Accel May Reduce the Memory Loss and Mental Fogginess Associated With Aging Accel also appears to jump-start your brain cells as well as those in your heart. In fact, some researchers consider Accel to be a high-octane brain booster! Research at a major medical school in California found that the active ingredient in Accel protects brain cells that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. That’s important because dopamine plays a key role in memory These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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and mental functioning. In a study of 80 patients with a degenerative neurological problem, reported in the Archives of Neurology, those who received a large doze of CoQ10 had 44% less decline in mental function, movement, and ability to carry out activities of daily living than those who received a placebo.12
Accel Also Helps Prevent Eye Problems That Cause Blindness in People Over Age 60 A number of problems afflict your eyes as you get older. For example, one ailment slowly eats away at a portion of the retina that keeps your vision focused and clear. This condition is the leading cause of blindness in people over age 60.13 In recent years, however, researchers have found that patients who were given a combination of powerful antioxidants — including the active ingredient in Accel — saw significant improvement in their eyesight.14 A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted a few years ago in which 100 patients with early retina deterioration were given a variety of a combination of antioxidants and CoQ10. The results, published in the journal (Continued on page 14…) 12. S hults CW, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, et al. Effects of coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson disease: evidence of slowing of the function- al decline. Arch Neurol. 2002 Oct; 59(10):1541-50. 13. http://www.emoryhealthcare.org/departments/eye_center/sub_menu/glossary.html 14. Prog Brain Res. 2008;173:575-82. Rational basis for the development of coenzyme Q10 as a neurotherapeutic agent for retinal protection.
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Get the Most Super-Potent Form of CoQ10 Available Today… Accel is an exciting, revolutionary new CoQ10 formulation that allows you to instantly get both (1) a sufficient amount of CoQ10 and (2) the TYPE of CoQ10 that your body actually uses to generate energy AND keep you enjoying radiant health well into your 70s, 80s, and 90s. Here are just a few reasons why Accel is the most exciting breakthrough for CoQ10 in decades …
ADVANTAGE #1 Accel is 100% pure ubiquinol, the form of CoQ10 your body manufactures to power all the cells in your body. Since your body’s ability to convert ordinary CoQ10 into a form it can use DECREASES with age, Accel ensures that you have enough absorbable CoQ10 in your bloodstream at all times.
ADVANTAGE #2 Accel is up to 8 times more potent than traditional forms of CoQ10 sold on the market today! That’s right: EIGHT times more potent. Studies show that you would have to swallow up to 24 capsules of obsolete CoQ10 to get the same blood concentration of just three softgel caps of Accel.
ADVANTAGE #3 Accel maintains blood concentrations of ubiquinol for hours longer. In one laboratory study, Accel was found to be present in the blood at a nearly FOUR times greater concentration after eight hours, ensuring that you always have enough CoQ10 available for maximum energy and healing.
TRY ACCEL RISK-FREE! Save up to $89.73 on Accel – and get FREE shipping and up to 4 bonus gifts when you take advantage of our Recommended Best Deal. Call toll-free 1-877-331-5913 to find out how you can take advantage of Accel’s super-potent, absorbable formulation right now! See page 23 for details.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Opthalmologica, found statistically significant improvement in the treatment group as measured by all four parameters of visual function studied.15 More recently, a study published by Columbia also showed that CoQ10 can have a profound effect on your eye health. The study, published this year, showed that CoQ10 levels in your retina fall 40% by the time you reach 80.16 The directors of the study suggested a link to lower CoQ10 and the overall health of your vision.
I’ve Personally Witnessed Miracles of Healing Because of Accel As an M.D., I can tell you that I’ve had patients literally at death’s door who have made full recoveries and gone on to lead normal, happy lives. It’s happened countless times! One time I had a male patient who was only 45 years old. His situation was dire. His cardiologist asked him if he had a will and even suggested he put his assets in a trust for his family. He was on numerous drugs and about 150 pounds overweight. When he finally made it into my clinic, he had very little energy. He walked with a cane and shuffled around like an old man. After just nine months on Accel, this patient looked like a different person. His symptoms were almost completely gone. What’s more, there was a look of hope on his face. He wore a big smile and talked about how happy he was to be closer to his family. 15. Feher J, Kovacs B, Kovacs I, et al. Improvement of visual functions and fundus alterations in early age-related macular degeneration treated with a combination of acetyl-L-carnitine, n-3 fatty acids, and coenzyme Q10. Ophthalmologica. 2005 May;219(3):154-66. 16. Jinfeng et al. “Coenzyme Q10 in the Human Retina.” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2009. 50:1814-1818.
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Not only did this man’s health improve, his enthusiasm for life came back. He looked reborn.**
More Accel Success Stories:
100% Pure Ubiquinol, the Super-Potent “Jet Fuel” Your Cells Actually Use to Generate Energy Throughout Your Body!
“I have my brain back!”
The fact is, Accel overcomes the disadvantages associated with virtually all CoQ10 supplements on the market today. It is a revolutionary, patented formulation of the active form of CoQ10 known as ubiquinol that readily dissolves and, therefore, is more available to your body’s cells. Accel has enormous advantages over every other CoQ10 product on the market today: n 8 times more potent than conventional CoQ10. It feeds your cells with massive amounts of fresh energy that keeps your cells younger, longer. n Stays in your bloodstream longer, so you
“I have my brain back! Hurray! I am only 57, but my brain was getting fuzzy. Within a couple of weeks of taking Accel, the fuzz was gone, my memory was sharper, and my thought processes were clearer. I take a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and have for years, but after two weeks of Accel, I noticed a distinct improvement. I really wouldn’t be without it. Thanks so much, Dr. Sears — Accel has improved the quality of my life.”** — M.F., Charlotte, NC
“Significant drop in blood pressure!”
“When I started taking Accel, I did not expect too much; but when I took my blood pressure, I observed a significant drop — from 125/85mg to 105/70mg. Believing that my monitor was not functioning correctly, I used another one to measure my pressure. There it was slightly different, but significantly lower than it usually was … Great product.”** — S.G., Doral, FL
“Increased sex drive!”
“I have tried other CoQ10 products, but Accel is far better. My husband and I notice memory improvement and increased sex drive.”** — P.H., Mauldin, SC ** Results not typical
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Experience Accel-erated Health at No Risk! Accel helps your cells generate LOTS MORE energy — energy your body needs to regenerate itself, replace damaged cells, and repair vital organs, so you experience radiant health well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond! Imagine what it would be like to be healthy and vibrant all year long … to enjoy feelings of energy and vitality you haven’t felt for decades. And think about how much better you could feel if you didn’t have to spend time at the doctor’s office. Instead of sitting around waiting for appointments, you’re active at golf or tennis, taking frequent walks, and traveling as you like. Don’t wait. Experience what Accel-erated health is like. Accept a risk-free trial of Accel today. See the inside back cover of this special report for details!
have more energy, more endurance, and greater healing power. n More absorbable. The liquid softgel is easier for your body to dissolve, so Accel enters your bloodstream almost immediately ... reigniting your cellular metabolism and sending waves of new healing energy throughout your body.
Plus, an Unprecedented Introductory Offer: $161.53 in Savings and FREE Bonus Gifts! I’m convinced that you’ll notice an immediate difference in how you feel with Accel — as the cellular “jet fuel” of ubiquinol floods your body with new healing energy. That’s why I’m willing to make 16
To order, call TOLL-FREE 1-877-331-5913
you this unprecedented offer: Accept a risk-free trial of Accel simply by calling toll-free 1-877-331-5913 or by completing the Risk-Free Trial Certificate found on the inside back cover of this special report. Sign up for our Recommended Best Deal and you’ll get … nA n immediate discount of up to $89.73 off the price of a six-month supply of Accel … n FREE shipping and handling … an $11.95 savings … n A FREE copy of my newly updated “user’s guide” to using Accel for both healing and rejuvenation — Miracle Nutrient CoQ10 Breakthrough, a $19.95 value. You’ll discover how to take advantage of CoQ10’s impressive health properties … what the optimal therapeutic dosages of Accel are … why the new ability to manufacture a usable form of ubiquinol is such a major health breakthrough … how to use Accel as an anti-aging treatment … the key to unlocking CoQ10’s potential for life extension … and lots, lots MORE. A $19.95 value, yours FREE! n A FREE copy of my Seven Pillars of a Long and Healthy Life — a simple, practical plan that takes advantage of the latest discoveries in anti-aging medicine. As one of the first Board-Certified experts in anti-aging medicine, I’ve followed the latest developments very closely. In this report, I’ll show you why slowing the aging process can prevent a host of degenerative health problems … how a special enzyme called telomerase may hold the key to enormous gains in human longevity … why new, second-generation antioxidant vitamins hold so much promise … how to reverse age-associated muscle These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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loss … simple strategies for reducing stress and keeping your brain young … why hormone replacement therapy is not just for women … and lots MORE. A $19.95 value, yours FREE! n A FREE copy of Fat Loss Frauds — where I expose the diet pill rip offs you see on TV and in the drugstores. Before you reach for one of those “miracle fat-loss pills,” learn the facts! You’ll find out which new diet pill will send you running for the bathroom … the downside of “carb blockers” … and why a famous diet-pill company might be fined $4 million by the FTC. Plus, you’ll get all the details on four natural fat busters that really work. You’ll discover which must-have mineral helps you burn fat … Why your body makes and stores fat, and the nutrient that keeps it in check … How to reduce your appetite with a remarkable Asian fruit … and lots more. A $19.95 value, yours FREE! When you add it all up, this comes to $161.53 in savings,
Just 1 Accel Softgels Provide the Same Power As 8 Conventional CoQ10 Capsules Just one softgels of Accel’s advanced CoQ10 formula (ubiquinol) are the equivalent of 8 capsules of the obsolete, medically useless forms of CoQ10 (ubiquinone) sold on the market today. Imagine the savings — and the convenience!
1 … or 8?
Don’t delay. Accept a riskfree trial of Accel today!
To order, call TOLL-FREE 1-877-331-5913
discounts and free gifts when you order the Recommended Best Deal.
Our Zero-Risk MoneyBack Guarantee: If You Don’t Feel Better in 60 Days, It’s FREE! If you’ve never tried the super-energy nutrient CoQ10 before … or if you’ve only tried an obsolete, worthless form of CoQ10 that your body couldn’t absorb properly … I understand if you’re skeptical. After all, how could a single, all-natural nutrient do so much — offer protection and healing for everything from heart problems and poor circulation to chronic headaches and low libido — as well as spectacular, life-altering boosts in energy and vitality to boot? Well, please don’t take my word for it. Instead, let me PROVE it to you at our risk. Just call TOLL-FREE 1-877331-5913 or return the RISK FREE-TRIAL CERTIFICATE on the inside back cover of this special report. We’ll RUSH you
Real-Life Accel Testimonials:
“Helps with my stamina!”
“I have had three strokes and two heart attacks. I feel the CoQ10 helps with my stamina and keeps me going. I also volunteer at the hospital so I have to remain in good shape, and I feel this is helping me.”** — N.V., Lakewood, NJ
“Doing 300 push-ups per workout now!”
“The Accel CoQ10 has made a difference in several ways. Before I started using it, I was wiped out for two or three days after an intense class. Now I do classes six days a week, in addition to extra exercise. This, along with smart recovery supplementation (shakes with raw eggs), has allowed me to put on several pounds of fatburning muscle. I don’t need the lengthy recovery periods I used to. I’m doing 300 push-ups per workout now and not sore the next day. In the past, I was lucky to do 50.”** — C.K., Baltimore, MD
“I have more energy!”
“I do believe I have more energy. I will continue to take Accel instead of the CoQ10 products I had previously been taking because of your evidence that Accel provides more CoQ10 that has longer lasting effects in the bloodstream.”** — K.S., Germantown, TN ** Results not typical
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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your risk-free trial supply of Accel and your FREE gifts. If, within 60 days, you don’t feel a dramatic difference in how you feel — if you don’t notice new energy, vitality, and aliveness AND if you haven’t experienced a significant improvement in your health — then just return the unused portion and we’ll refund every penny you paid, no questions asked. That’s right: You risk absolutely NOTHING. And if you do decide that Accel is not right for you, all the FREE copies of Miracle Nutrient CoQ10 Breakthrough … Seven Pillars of a Long and Healthy Life … and Fat Loss Frauds — are yours to keep without further cost or obligation.
But Don’t Delay! Act Now … The truth is, 99% of the CoQ10 sold on the market today may be worthless and obsolete. As I’ve said, it’s made up of ubiquinone, the type of CoQ10 that your body must first convert into ubiquinol before it can help you — and, as we’ve seen, your body loses its ability to convert ubiquinone into ubiquinol as you age. That’s why Accel is truly revolutionary. It’s 100% pure ubiquinol. Using Accel is like providing every cell in your body with pure, ultra-powerful, super-refined cellular “jet fuel” — instead of the unburnable crude oil that is ubiquinone. If you’ve ever considered trying CoQ10 for heart health, renewed energy, increased longevity, better immunity … or if CoQ10 supplements didn’t meet your full expectations in the past … I urge you to take advantage of our risk-free trial offer without delay.
To order, call TOLL-FREE 1-877-331-5913
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to experience the healing and revitalizing power of Accel at low, low prices and without risk. Just pick up the phone and call 1-877-331-5913 right now. Operators are standing by 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, CoQ10 has been endorsed by many researchers, medical doctors, and cardiologists worldwide. You owe it to yourself — and to your health — to give this revolutionary NEW form of CoQ10 a try. You have nothing to lose … and a whole new world of health and vitality to gain! Don’t delay. Call 1-877-331-5913 right now. To Your Good Health, Al Sears, M.D. P.S. FAST-REPLY BONUS: As an added bonus for acting before the deadline, call toll-free 1-877-331-5913 within the next 10 days and you can get a FOURTH valuable gift — FREE! It’s a copy of my new, privately printed report titled Repair Your Aging Brain. This valuable special report reveals simple steps you can take to maintain a crisp, clear memory at any age. It normally sells for $19.95, but it’s yours FREE, just for responding within the next 10 days!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Al Sears, M.D. 11903 Southern Blvd #208 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
n Slows down the aging process!