Fall 2013

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Fall 2013

health. wealth. life.

Remembering Jack Horan

What You Need to Know About Health Care Reform Before 2014 | 4 |

65 Years of Promises Kept | 12 |


In Pursuit of What Matters Most.

Fall 2013 C O N T E NT S


PAGE 3 – A Letter from Terry Horan, President and CEO PAGE 4 - 6 – What You Need to Know About Health Care Reform Before 2014 PAGE 7 – Health Care Reform’s Significant Impact on Individual Health Insurance PAGE 8 & 9 – Business Succession Planning: A Strategy to Ensure Future Growth PAGE 10 – Improving Retirement Readiness Through Education PAGE 11 – HORAN Receives 2013 Private Business Award from Goering Center Nick Reilly Honored with Cincinnati Business Courier Forty Under 40 Award HORAN Sponsors Xavier University’s All For One Golf Classic HORAN Honored at Wright State University’s Legacy of Giving Event

PAGE 12 & 13 – 65 Years of Promises Kept PAGES 14 & 15 – Client Spotlight: Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc.

October 24

Medicare Seminar: General Medicare Overview

October 30

Medicare Seminar: AARP Medicare Advantage Review

November 12

Small Business Roundtable

November 12

Medicare Seminar: Aetna Medicare Advantage Review

Please join us in welcoming our new corporate clients! - Alpha & Omega Construction Builders, LLC - Best Upon Request - Combined Technologies, Inc. - Cornerstone Controls - Dayton Art Institute - Empire Marketing Strategies - Kaleidoscope

- Lifeline of Ohio/LifeCenter - Medpace, Inc. - Polysource, Inc. - Sheakley Group of Companies - Vistek Medical, Inc. - VonLehman & Company, Inc. - Wright-Patt Credit Union, Inc.

Cover: The fall quarter magazine proudly features an article regarding the history of our company as we celebrate our 65th year in business. The desk on the cover was sold by our founder, Jack Horan, to Great-West Life Assurance Company in the mid-1940s when he worked as a furniture salesman for Globe Business Interiors. When Jack joined Great-West as an insurance salesman in 1948, this was the desk he used. Sixty-five years later, it now resides in the training center at our corporate headquarters and serves as our registration table for those who attend our education seminars and special events. Jack, this issue is dedicated to you, with a special thank you for your vision, entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to promises kept.

health. wealth. life.

Look for us online! Go to and click on Education to learn more about upcoming educational opportunities as more seminars will be scheduled throughout the year. Also, visit our Newsroom to view the online version of


A letter from Terry Horan

In Pursuit of What Matters Most. In order to survive the constant evolution of business, companies have to be nimble - and they need to grow. Over the past 65 years, HORAN has certainly grown. HORAN sprouted from the roots of GreatWest Life Assurance Company and has grown from a single employee, my father, Jack Horan, to a company of 91 employees and counting. HORAN has focused our efforts on expanding our health care reform and compliance resources in order to meet our clients’ needs as they navigate the new challenges in the employee benefits industry. In the health section, we discuss the impact of the employer mandate delay, and the need to use the time left in 2013 to prepare and strategize for 2014 and beyond. A business cannot continue to grow without developing a plan for the future. In the life section of this issue we highlight the importance of business succession planning and how to use life insurance as a source of funding to do so. Growing retirement savings is a goal for most of our clients’ employees. The HORAN Corporate Retirement Plan Consulting team utilizes their holistic approach of working with clients’ employees during one-on-one education sessions to provide customized guidance to meet employees’ retirement goals. Our client spotlight highlights Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc.’s growth in the United States as their business brings international scope to the region and their candy brings smiles to the faces of many. We sat down with them to talk about their exciting new plans to captivate their customers and grow and cultivate their products in the United States. I hope you will enjoy this issue’s feature story, which discusses the 65-year history of HORAN. My father founded his business on the concept of keeping the promises he made to his clients. Throughout the years, HORAN has evolved to be successful in a changing industry, but one thing we have always kept at the forefront of the business is to keep the promises we make to our clients. We are committed to providing knowledgeable guidance and to ensuring we are there for our clients’ health, wealth and life needs. This issue of is dedicated to my father, Jack Horan. The values he established for his company and to which he remained steadfast throughout his career are still tied to the work we do at HORAN today. In the spirit of promises kept,

Terence L. Horan, CLU, ChFC President and CEO of HORAN

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The play-or-pay requirement states that employers with 50 or more fulltime or full-time-equivalent employees must offer affordable, minimum-value coverage to full-time (30+ hours/ week) employees or pay a penalty. The requirement was scheduled to take effect January 1, 2014, which included extensive reporting requirements regarding the coverage offered to employees. The government stated these mandates were not fully vetted and needed to be moved to 2015. The delay allows employers to have more time to strategize and implement the reporting structure they will need to establish during 2014. The delay is intended to give administration officials more time to simplify the requirements and allow

The Department of the Treasury and the White House announced in late summer that the employer reporting requirements and the employer shared responsibility (play-or-pay penalty) are delayed until 2015.

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employers more time to put systems in place to properly track and report covered employees and provide information about health benefits offered to full-time employees. It may be tempting to some employers to push off critically important decisions and action plan development. However, employers should use the extra time as a result of the delay to put administrative systems in place for future implementation. Employers may also want to consider collecting reporting data in 2014 and test systems to work out any problems before 2015. It is important not to forget that the delay does not affect all elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - it only impacts the employer mandate. The health care reform provisions still in effect include the PCORI fee and other taxes and fees, elimination of all preexisting conditions exclusions, 90-day waiting period limits, W-2 reporting and new wellness requirements. To help with these requirements, the chart on the right is a readiness checklist to ensure your company is prepared for 2014. Also, the delay does not affect the individual mandate, which requires all Americans to have “minimum essential” coverage, or they will have to pay a penalty with their federal income tax. All Americans are required to have “minimum essential” coverage by January 1, 2014. The employer mandate delay also did not affect the insurance marketplace reforms, also known as exchanges. Employers were required to provide employees with exchange notices which introduced the health insurance marketplace before the open enrollment period began on October 1, 2013. Please contact your HORAN Account Manager or Client Specialist with any questions about the pay-or-play mandate delay and what is still required in 2014.


All employers should be taking steps now to be sure they are prepared for the PPACA requirements that take effect later this year, in 2014 and in 2015. While some requirements vary based on employer size, other requirements apply to all employers. The most significant requirements and options for an employer include:


All plans that ended between October 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012, must have paid the PCORI fee by July 31, 2013.


If coverage is offered, regardless of the employer’s size, as of the start of the 2014 plan year the plan must be updated to eliminate pre-existing condition limitations, and annual dollar limits, mandate waiting periods not exceeding 90 days and ensure out-of-pocket maximum for in network coverage is not more than $6,350 for single coverage ($12,700 for family coverage).


If the plan is not a calendar-year plan, the employer should decide whether it will allow employees to make mid-year election changes to move from the plan to the exchange/marketplace and/or to allow employees who previously declined coverage to enroll as of January 1, 2014.


Although the employer shared-responsibility/play-or-pay requirement has been delayed to 2015, employers should take advantage of this extra time to consider their options.


If the employer is large enough that the shared-responsibility requirements will apply in 2015, the employer needs to decide how it will determine which of its employees are “full-time” under PPACA.


If the employer is large enough for employer shared responsibility requirements to apply, the employer needs to decide whether it will offer coverage to its full-time employees or pay penalties instead.

All employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) needed to provide a notice about the new health insurance marketplace (also called the affordable care exchange) by October 1, 2013.

Visit the Health Care Reform section of to ensure you are prepared for the changes in employee benefits.




ne of the key requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act legislation involves nondiscriminatory wellness incentives. Programs that require an individual to satisfy a standard related to a health factor must meet specific requirements to comply with the nondiscrimination rules. One of the most significant changes to what is already in place for wellness programs today is if there are multiple health-based factors that must be met to qualify for the reward, the total reward can now be 30% in 2014 (20% today). For example, if both appropriate body mass index and cholesterol levels are considered health factors that must be met, the reward for both factors combined cannot be more than 30% of plan cost. Beginning in 2014, programs designed to prevent and reduce the use of tobacco can offer rewards worth an incentive of up to 50% of the plan cost. In 2014, if a plan offers incentives for meeting both health-related standards and tobacco cessation, the maximum reward cannot exceed 50% of the cost of coverage. Likewise, the total incentive for health-related standards (not including tobacco cessation) can now be 30% of the premium.

This change allows companies that want to switch from a participation-based wellness plan to an incentive-based plan to raise the differentials from 20% to 30% of the premium based on wellness (50% for tobacco use/nonuse). Another requirement of a nondiscriminatory wellness incentive program is that there must be an opt-out option, which means the program must allow a reasonable alternative standard or waiver of the standard for those who would find meeting the standard to be unreasonably difficult or medically inadvisable. It is required that employers pay the cost of the alternative standard program. The additional requirements to comply with the nondiscrimination rules include that the program must be designed to promote health or prevent disease, individuals must have the opportunity to qualify for the reward at least once per year and the employer must disclose that alternative standards are available. We strongly encourage clients to have their program reviewed by legal counsel. Visit our website at to read more about the legislation impacting wellness programs.



Wellness Programs

health. wealth. life.




ealth care reform legislation has had a profound impact on many aspects of the health insurance industry - including individual health. Changes on many current individual health policies, the new products available for purchase in the future and the rising cost of coverage will all impact buying behavior for consumers. Individuals will face many challenges trying to navigate the new Health Care Marketplace, such as calculating whether they qualify for a subsidy or tax credit from the government to help purchase insurance. If an individual or family is between 133 and 400% of the federal poverty level, they can be eligible for assistance with their premiums from the federal government. These calculations will occur via online enrollment into the health care plan of the individual’s choice. Consumers will still be able to obtain health insurance through private insurance companies (e.g. Anthem, Humana, United Healthcare, etc.); however, these participating insurance companies will have regulation requirements ensuring they meet federal guidelines. From a product perspective, there will still be an assortment of options available, ranging from traditional copay plans to

High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) that can be linked to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). One of the key components that will change with many companies is a transition from Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) networks to Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) networks. HMO plans are similar to the way Medicare Advantage HMOs are today. An individual will have a narrow network of hospitals and doctors to choose from for their health care needs. In addition to these smaller networks, buyers will see leaner formulary drug lists (the list of drugs that are covered under a health insurance plan). For current individual health policyholders, if their policy became effective after March 23, 2010, they have something called a “Non-Grandfathered” plan. This means when the plan comes up for renewal in 2014, the current plan will be discontinued and they will be automatically transitioned to an Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant plan by their current insurance company unless they shop in the Health Care Marketplace. If a current policyholder has an effective date prior to March 23, 2010, and

no changes have been made to the policy since that date, the plan may be considered “Grandfathered” and the individual covered will have the opportunity to keep the current plan and not have to be migrated to the Health Care Marketplace. Now more than ever, consumers need help navigating the options available through the new marketplace. When this issue was sent to print, studies have suggested Ohio could see an increase in premiums between 55 and 85% above current available plans. HORAN’s Individual Health and Medicare team has the expertise and experience to guide individuals through the new options available. We are dedicated to providing clients with quality service and unbiased advice to navigate the new health insurance landscape.

Go to and click on Health Care Reform to learn more about preparing for the upcoming reform policies. |7|




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uccess can be defined and conceptualized in many ways. In business, success is often associated with profit margins. A second way businesses can be seen as successful is a sustained history of accomplishments, innovation and preparation for the future. Granted, there are plenty of companies that have proven success without many decades to put behind their name. Twitter, for example, would be enrolling in second grade if it were a person, but in 2012 the company “hashtagged” its way to a reported $129.7 million in advertising revenue. Both new and time-honored companies share the same need when it comes to longevity - a plan for the future. In order to secure the continuation of a closely held business at the death or disability of an owner or partner, formal planning is necessary. The unfortunate truth is that 70% of businesses fail before they are transitioned to a second generation. Much of this failure can be credited to a simple lack of planning. An important component of business succession planning is the use of a buy-sell agreement that plans for the sale of a business interest upon an altering event, such as the death, disability or retirement of an owner or key employee. The arrangement protects the interest of the business owners and helps the continuation of the business in the future. Life insurance is one of the best ways to fund buy-sell agreements to ensure business continuity. It is cost-effective, makes cash available at the time it is needed and proceeds are not subject to income tax.

liquidity, sets a fair selling price, sets the valuation for estate tax purposes and maintains harmony during a potentially difficult time of transition. One of the most important benefits of a buy-sell arrangement is to fix a value for the business. Common ways of valuing a business include specific fixed price, book value, capitalization of earnings, formula or appraisal. A business valuation produces a value to be used for federal estate tax purposes, as well as to determine an amount of life insurance needed to fund a buy-sell agreement. Conducting a business valuation is not a one-and-done process. It must be done at regular intervals to keep up with changes that occur in revenue and business strategy. Once every two years is the recommended timeframe for a business valuation. A well-drafted and adequately funded buy-sell agreement is a key component of a business owner’s succession and estate plan, and should be taken into serious consideration in planning for a company’s future growth. Finally, key person insurance is an additional tool used for business succession planning. Businesses purchase this type of insurance on the life of an employee who is crucial to the business’s success to provide the monetary resources needed in case of sudden death or disability. It’s never too early or too late to develop a plan to protect the future of your business.

If a permanent life insurance policy is used, the cash value accumulation in the policy can provide needed equity to buyout a business owner at retirement. In addition, special buysell disability income policies are available to fund a buy-sell agreement in the event of a total and permanent disability. Typical buy-sell arrangements come in the form of either a cross-purchase or an entity purchase. Cross-purchase is an agreement between the owners of the business to buy the business interest of another owner. Entity purchase differs in that the arrangement is between the business entity and individual owners. In a cross-purchase arrangement, the owners pay the premiums, which can be funded by the corporation through a bonus plan. The business pays the premiums in an entity purchase. Entity purchase works best for businesses with several owners because the business will only need to purchase one policy on each owner. There are many benefits of having a buy-sell arrangement. A buy-sell arrangement provides a guaranteed buyer, creates

Life insurance is one of the best ways to fund buy-sell agreements to ensure business continuity. |9|

wealth Improving Retirement Readiness Through Education Countless Americans are stuck under a storm-cloud question “Will I be able to retire?” According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2013 “Retirement Confidence Survey,” Americans are reporting record low numbers in response to their confidence in retirement readiness: • 13% Are very confident • 38% Are somewhat confident • 21% Are not too confident • 28% Are not at all confident HORAN’s Corporate Retirement Plan Consulting Group provides our clients’ employees guidance to increase their retirement confidence. The team meets with individual employees and delivers robust and customized retirement education tailored to meet their unique needs.

“Individuals of all occupations and education backgrounds come to us looking for guidance - all asking the same question: Will I be able to retire?” said David Lohre, AIF®, Vice President at HORAN. “Our main priority is to facilitate the future retirement of our clients’ employees so they are able to have confidence they will be able to retire comfortably and maintain their lifestyle.” HORAN’s approach to retirement education allows the team to assist clients’ employees by providing personalized guidance that will help them understand their employer-provided retirement plan and the considerations that need to be taken into account when planning for the future. The team’s holistic approach takes into account an individual’s (or family’s) income, deferral rate, social security, other investments and current assets. “We generate a customized retirement report that illustrates how much an individual needs to save,” said Karl Diebold, CFP®, Vice President at HORAN. “The one-on-one sessions allow us to sit down with employees, make suggestions to better prepare them for retirement, implement any changes immediately and annually revisit our employees’ plans.” The HORAN team has seen outstanding outcomes resulting from one-on-one education meetings with employees. At a large regional hospital, the HORAN Investment and Retirement Plan Consulting Group met with over 180 individuals, and of those employees - 70 participants increased their retirement savings deferrals, averaging an increase from 3.53% to 9.42%. This contribution increase - assuming an average age of 40, an average salary of $40,000 and an annual return of 7% will generate an additional $11.2 million in total retirement savings (approximately $160,000 per person) by the time these individuals are 65 years old. “The most rewarding part of my job is seeing people who have given up on retiring be able to see and understand what they need to do to be on a path to retirement after our meeting,” said Lohre. The HORAN Corporate Retirement Plan Consulting Group is committed to educating clients on retirement planning and helping them prepare for an enjoyable retirement.

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leadership HORAN Receives 2013 Private Business of the Year Award from Goering Center HORAN was selected as the winner of the Goering Center’s 2013 Private Business of the Year Award in the category for companies with over 35 years of business. The 14th Annual Tri-State Family & Private Business Awards ceremony took place at Cincinnati Music Hall on August 27, 2013. Family and privately owned businesses have a tremendous impact on the nation’s total economic climate. In fact, they account for more than half the total employment, new job creation and Gross Domestic Product. The University of Cincinnati and the Goering Center for Family & Private Business present the annual Tri-State Family & Private Business of the Year Awards to honor the positive contributions made by family and privately owned companies each year. There were 556 family and private businesses that were nominated for the awards. The panel of independent judges selected from 92 finalists to award the Private Business Award and Family Business Award, each of which contained three category winners determined by the companies’ years in business (fewer than 15 years, 15 to 35 years and over 35 years). HORAN was also named as an honoree for the Private Business Award in 2010.

Terence L. Horan receives the 2013 Private Business of the Year Award on behalf of HORAN from Lawrence L. Grypp, President of the Goering Center for Family & Private Business at the University of Cincinnati.

The other Private Business Winners included CTI Clinical Trial & Consulting Services and Definity Partners. The winners in the Family Business category were ProLink Healthcare LLC, Neyer Properties and Apollo Heating Cooling and Plumbing. Castellini Group of Companies was recognized at the event for receiving the 2013 Greater Cincinnati Family Business Hall of Fame Award.

Nick Reilly Honored with Cincinnati Business Courier Forty Under 40 Award Nicholas (Nick) C. Reilly, Portfolio Manager and Principal at HORAN Capital Advisors, was selected as a winner of the Cincinnati Business Courier 2013 Forty Under 40 Award. The award has been given annually to young professionals since 1995, recognizing individuals for their accomplishments in shaping the community’s future. The award emphasizes leadership and potential leadership and encompasses the work conducted in all areas of the community including business, politics, the arts, nonprofits, education, health care or public service. Community involvement is a key factor taken into consideration when selecting the award winners. Nick Reilly is a highly experienced investment professional and partner at HORAN Capital Advisors. Since 1999, Nick has specialized in the unique areas of portfolio construction and risk management. Nick is also committed to using his professional and development skills to help community organizations. A luncheon was held on Thursday, September 19, 2013, at Cincinnati Music Hall to honor this year’s winners.

HORAN Sponsors Xavier University’s All For One Golf Classic HORAN marked the 10th year as the title sponsor of the All For One Golf Classic on Monday, August 19, 2013, at the Kenwood Country Club. The event is a leading fundraiser for the Xavier Athletic Department. The fundraiser reached the $1 million milestone last year, and this year’s event added an additional $115,000 to the total amount of proceeds raised. The money raised will support Xavier Athletic programs and help student-athletes attain academic and athletic achievement.

HORAN was recognized at Wright State University’s 2013 Legacy of Giving event on September 19, 2013. The ceremony honors the individuals and community partners whose exemplary philanthropy enables the university to achieve high levels of excellence.

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health. wealth. life.

65 Years

of Promises Kept For 65 years, HORAN has developed plans to impact costs, insure lives and protect wealth. This is the foundation of what we do. But there’s a “why” each associate embraces that goes beyond simply providing plans. We believe good health and true wealth create a better quality of life for our clients and their families. - Terence L. Horan

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91 employees, 65 years, 3 areas of business focus and one common goal: keeping the promises we make to our clients.

Prior to 1948, Jack Horan was a contract furniture sales representative at Globe Office Interior. He sold a suite of furniture to Great-West Life Assurance Company and impressed the company so much that Great-West Life hired Jack as a life insurance agent. Great-West Life began to offer health insurance products for employers and eventually annuity products for the 403(b) business. Adding these services to the life insurance solutions allowed Jack to shape a thriving practice. He offered holistic guidance and provided products and services to individuals and corporations, predominantly at public schools, hospitals and nonprofits. Jack steadily built a name for himself in Cincinnati. The relationships he created and nurtured were founded on honesty and commitment. He earned the reputation of being a trustworthy and dependable agent. In 1973, Jack’s son, Terry, earned the designation of Chartered Life Underwriter. He joined his father and began working side by side to build the business and serve clients. “The basic foundation of HORAN was in place before I got here,” said Terry Horan, current President and CEO of HORAN. “From my viewpoint, the missing component was a strong team to facilitate the three practices of health, wealth and life. I wanted to create an organization that would alleviate the pressure of my father doing it alone.” In 1981 the business incorporated, becoming HORAN Associates Inc., and began to add new clients and employees. Doug Miller, current Executive Vice President at HORAN, joined the company in 1986 and brought with him the experience and knowledge to create and lead the employee benefits department. He developed a unique service model that allowed HORAN to provide customized solutions to clients and their employees. “Doug’s leadership capabilities and industry knowledge allowed us to focus on strengthening the service we provide to our clients and expand our footprint in the region,” said Terry. The 1990s was a decade of expansion. The company moved from the Downtown Cincinnati office in the

building currently known as the Mercantile Center to Kenwood, Ohio, in 1990 for more space and resources. HORAN Securities Inc. was formed in 1996 to enhance the retirement planning needs of clients by offering a wide range of wealth management products and services. The expansion of the 1990s was followed by continued growth during a time of economic hardship. During the late 2000s, HORAN built a core service team; grew the Sales team in the areas of health, wealth and life; and established a Marketing department to define and showcase the HORAN brand and the firm’s capabilities. HORAN Capital Advisors was created in 2010 to expand HORAN’s wealth management practice and build on the value HORAN provides to clients. “The recession that occurred in 2008 was difficult for all businesses,” said Terry. “During this time, we chose to grow, invest in resources, innovate and remain dedicated to providing excellent service and support for our clients.” In addition to investing in internal development, HORAN formed solid partnerships throughout the professional community. These partnerships are a fundamental element of the service HORAN offers. Partnering with national firms such as United Benefit Advisors, M Financial and Retirement Plan Advisory Group over the past decade has allowed HORAN to offer a broader range of proprietary products and services. Partnership with these industry organizations adds national scope and scale to the guidance HORAN is able to deliver. “I have always felt that in our business you are making promises of ongoing service for decades,” said Terry. “The products are not necessarily well-understood or wellmanaged without the care of individuals who understand how the product is initiated and how it is managed over the decades. We tailor these products and instill in our HORAN family a sense of pride and ownership to best serve our clients and keep the promises we make.” The sturdy foundation on which the company was built has allowed HORAN to prepare clients for their future and overcome the obstacles many individuals are faced with today. What matters most, each and every day, is helping our clients address two of life’s greatest challenges: obtaining access to quality, affordable health care and securing professional counsel to build wealth and transfer it on to future generations.

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clients Client Spotlight: Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc.


A smile is an international symbol for happiness. At Perfetti Van Melle, the third-largest confectionary manufacturer in the world, the company’s mission is simple. They work hard each day to ensure their products bring a smile to consumers’ faces around the globe.

PERFETTI VAN MELLE, USA INC. INDUSTRY Confectionary HEADQUARTERS Erlanger, Kentucky (Subsidiary) Lainate, Italy, and Breda, Netherlands (Headquarters) KEY PERSONNEL Mehmet Yuksek, President & CEO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 200 (Erlanger, KY) 19,000 (worldwide) YEAR FOUNDED 2001

In 2001, Perfetti (Italy) acquired Van Melle (Netherlands) and created the beloved confectioner Perfetti Van Melle, producer of Airheads, Mentos and countless other brands. Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc., located in Erlanger, Kentucky, is the only Perfetti Van Melle location in the United States. “It’s been a very exciting and rewarding 16 years with Perfetti Van Melle and I have always been very proud to be a member of this great and growing family,” said Mehmet Yuksek, President & CEO of Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. “We care about recognition, life and work balance and each and everyone’s contribution and value to the business. We try our best to be a sweeter culture each and every single day.” Since becoming a HORAN client in 2004, they have worked to construct their benefits program to focus on three key areas: affordability, choice and ease of use. Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. says they consistently receive feedback in employee surveys that the top two incentives that make their company a great place to work are their benefits and wellness activities. “Benefits are an important part of the reason why people choose to work here and our employees really appreciate our benefits and they cannot find them

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anywhere else in the market,” said Yuksek. “It’s important to get the best benefits expertise for our employees, and knowing the scope, footprint and experience of HORAN allows us to create a value for our business and employees.” Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. is committed to helping their employees be their personal and professional best, particularly in terms of employees’ overall health. In 2008, Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. began their wellness journey to help their employees recognize the value of living a healthy life. “If you don’t have your health, little else matters,” said Brenda Gumbs, Vice President of Human Resources at Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. “Since implementing our wellness strategy, we have absolutely seen results in terms of claims and utilization. People who have never had a physical before are now getting them every year, exercising with an instructor onsite and learning how to eat healthier.” The company has hosted fitness walking competitions, healthy cooking demonstrations and annual wellness fairs that included biometric testing, chair massages and beauty consultants to engage their employees in wellness.

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Mehmet Yuksek, President & CEO of Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc.

“Before our partnership with HORAN, we really didn’t have a lot of information on how our employees were doing in terms of health,” said Gumbs. “Our biometrics testing has allowed us to have so much valuable information on 95% of our population. This has helped us partner with our employees in a way that makes them healthier as well as help us manage our health care costs.” Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. has also partnered with HORAN on their employees’ retirement plans. The company has a well-above-average participation rate in their retirement plan program and offers a generous employee match. HORAN provides Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc.’s employees with oneon-one education sessions to improve retirement readiness, and works with their benefits department on plan design. “This is a time in our history as a country where things are moving so unbelievably fast - you just can’t keep up with health care reform; companies also need to be informed on retirement plans and how much the average employee needs to be

prepared for retirement,” said Gumbs. “HORAN is our content expert; it’s nice to know what other organizations are doing and to have the information you need to make educated decisions for your employees and business.” Perfetti Van Melle, USA Inc. plans to continue to launch exciting new products that will captivate consumers, focus on their recently launched products and expand and diversify their production capabilities. They also want to continue to provide their employees with a benefits program that will address their needs and facilitate the continued growth of the company. “Over the years, we have formed a strong partnership in terms of making sure we bring the best knowledge, resources and expertise in the market to help grow our business and fulfill the needs of our people,” said Yuksek. “We have been able to utilize top-notch expertise in terms of health and wealth management, and HORAN has been a very important partner in the pursuit of our employees’ health and happiness.”

“As a result of that initial phone call, we were able to design a benefit package that far exceeded our(s), and more importantly, our employees’ expectations. Through that phone call we were connected to Julie Tople (Account Manager at HORAN), who made a positive impression on us with her knowledge and her impeccable customer service. We were excited to continue these relationships and want to personally say thank you for having a talented, professional and personal staff who embraced us through this difficult time. They made us feel empowered and increased our knowledge to allow us to present a strong benefit package to our employees.”

- Debra Capra-Bowman, Director of Human Resources, EH&S & Business Services

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uar Rev ial iew

Asset LongCareTerm Allocation



Pla Esta nn te ing

Actuarial Review

Investment Management

Life Insurance Financial Analysis

Charitable Giving Strategies



Buy –Sell Agreement

Buy –Sell Agreement


Social Security Expertise


M H an ea ag lth em en t


F I am Formal Pla nco ily nn me Compliance Review in g Health Management

Long Term Care

ion at ing iliz rt Ut epo R Vendor Search

Plan Fee Benchmarking


Long Term Care




l cia ty So curi tise Se per Ex

Funding Alternative Strategies

Health Management

Estate Planning

Key Person Insurance

Health Management

l cia ty So curi tise Se per Ex



Buy-Sell Agreement

Employee Benefits Wealth Transfer Consulting Stewardship Reports

Actuarial Review


s n Claim lutio Reso

HORAN Capital Advisors

Plan Fee Benchmarking Education Seminars Wealth Transfer

Health Management

Employee Benefits Consulting

Billing and Eligibility Issues



Financial Planning

ry Services

Social Security Expertise

Fiduciary Services

Policy Assessment

Buy –Sell Agreement

Employee Surveys

Pe r

Ke y

Compliance Updates Disability

Social Security Expertise

Family Income Planning Social Security Individual Health Insurance Expertise Cost Containment Strategies

Renewal Ana ly si and Negotiation s s

h nt alt me He age an M

Strategic Planning

Customized Estate Employee Planning Education Individual

Social Security Expertise

E x e c u t iv e B enefits Fiduc ia

In su ra nc e

4990 East Galbraith Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45236

C E L E B R AT I N G O U R 6 5 TH Y E A R O F S E R V I C E T O O U R C L I E N T S



4990 East Galbraith Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 513.745.0707 | 800.544.8306

2480 Kettering Tower 40 North Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45423 937.610.3700 | 800.544.8306

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