Life's a journey. Make it a healthy one. August 2009
Beginnings lifestyle magazine
Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.
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August 2009
The Sun in Leo
BRAINHEALTH... 8 Improve Learning & Memory
Burning Man Snacks... 11
BOOKREVIEW... 10 The G-Free Diet
How Does Your Garden Grow?... 14
Acupuncture... 24
What's in Your Nail Polish?
HEALTHYGARDEN... 14 How Does Your Garden Grow?
HERBS&SPICES... 15 Medicinal Qualities of Marjoram
Your Doctor Might Be Missing Something... 33 Natural Remedies for Heartburn... 34 Supplements For Diabetes... 36
SUSTAINABLELANDSCAPE... 16 Put Away Those Pruners!
Be Courageous... 44
PRODUCTREVIEW... 26 SanoTint速 Hair Color
CONSCIOUSWEALTH... 29 It's Time To Market
FEATURES The Game Of Life... 18 Detoxification & Elimination... 20
GREENLIVING... 32 Non-Toxic Pest Control
Killing Yourself Slowly... 42
NUTRITION... 33 Celiac Disease
Natural Remedies for Heartburn
SUPPLEMENTS101... 36 Supplements for Diabetes
Soul Visioning Your Life
RECIPES... 11, 38
Killing Yourself Slowly
Ari's Loft
HEALTHYPETS... 52 Microchipping August 2009
For past issues, go to:
Healthy Beginnings lifestyle magazine
ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' writers and advertisers provide the tools you need to aid you in your personal path to wellbeing. We feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.
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• Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles, healthbriefs and newsbriefs. • Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication for Display Ads, CRG and Calendar listings.
Healthy Beginnings Team: Publisher/Editor
Dawn M. Gowery
Creative Director Dawn Gowery Design & Layout Bailey Simantel
Assistant Editor Talia Henderson
Contributing Writers Sara Piccola
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August 2009
Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 25,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. © 2009 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.
Our Trademark
Written by Talia Henderson
ealthy Beginnings announces three years in publication with our trademark, the sunflower! Although the sunflower is a native U.S. plant, cultures globally inherited ancient tales for it. Greek mythology includes a water nymph, Clytie falling in love with Apollo, the Sun God. She was so in love, she would sit on the ground and stare up at the sun all day long, but Apollo never noticed her. The other Gods took pity on her and turned her into a sunflower. Her legs became the stem, her face the flower, and her golden hair the petals. Clytie continues to watch her love, which is why the sunflower’s face follows the path of the sun. In 1532, Peru natives worshipped a giant sunflower; it represented the sacred image of a sun god. In China the sunflower symbolizes longevity and North American Indians used sunflower seeds on graves to nourish the decedents on their long journey. Sunflower, a symbol for global peace. In 1996, Ukraine gave up its last nuclear warhead; Russia and U.S. defense ministers met on a Ukrainian missile base, celebrating by scattering and planting sunflower seeds. Celebrate peace with us, smile at a sunflower!
Dear Readers, Choices… Life is all about the choices we make; where we decide to live, how we exercise our bodies and our brains, how much alcohol we drink, what careers we choose and most important, the food we eat. We may think we are making healthy diet choices only to find out that the whole grain bread or the pasta we have been eating (which sounds healthy) may be the cause of bloating and gas, weight gain, sinus infections, painful joints, muscle aches and a whole host of other lifestyle diseases and health issues. Eating healthy is not easy in our quick paced, high tech, industrial society where the primary focus has been on quantity and convenience rather than quality and sustainability. In this month’s issue you will find several articles that discuss and address food sensitivities and their relation to celiac disease, gluten intolerance and diabetes. Also, a few recipes to get you started if wheat and gluten are a problem for you or someone in your family. When I get off track with my diet, juice fasts and internal cleansing helps me regain my energy in no time, learn more by reading Detoxification & Elimination. If that is not your style, look alternatively to how oriental medicine uses Acupuncture as Energy Medicine or read short articles on the many uses of vitamin C and D. As always, find natural solutions from hair coloring to cleaning and pest control for solving health concerns naturally. To keep the emotional side of life in balance please read, The Game of Life, Be Courageous, Challenge Your Emotions and Soul Visioning Your Life. How we feel has a lot to do with how we view the world around us. The August 2009 issue marks our third year in publication, a gracious and heartfelt Thank You to our readers and advertisers! :) Best in Health and Happiness, Dawn Gowery
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NEWSBRIEFS Attention Massage Therapists – New Regulation
Insight Lecture Series Presents Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
There is a need for a professional association of Massage Therapists in the State of Nevada due to our massage laws and licensing. Which CEH’s are acceptable, and which will be rejected by the State Board? What are the regulations regarding inactive status? If a problem occurs, how do you appeal? Do you know legislation was proposed that would levy a fine up to $50,000 on a therapist? Can therapies not usually considered massage be disciplined by the Massage Board? These are questions that need to be addressed. Please attend the September 15th meeting. We welcome all who work professionally in the Therapeutic Massage field, therapists and managers. For more info, email nevadamassage@
Learn from Gary and Linda a step by step process on how to use each moment to grow spiritually. "Making Your Life" Count will take place on Friday, September 11, 7pm-9pm. The cost is $25. Gary and Linda will put the financial meltdown into a spiritually practical perspective and use it to illustrate options that are healing and powerful. "Authentic Power in Action" will take place on September 12, 10am-5pm. Cost is $100. Both events will take place at the Veteran’s Hall, 255. S. Auburn St, Grass Valley, CA. Please call (530) 265-9255 or visit to reserve your spot today!
Group Meditations at the Om Home
Variety of Detoxifications at Reverse Aging
The Om Home now has group meditations on Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:00pm and Fridays at 6:15pm. A two part class on learning to meditate and exploring various meditation techniques is offered on August 20th & 27th from 7pm-8pm. Om Home 3670 Grant Drive #104A Reno. (775) 250-7756.
Come in for monthly specials on the Royal Flush detoxification. Reverse Aging offers monthly Spa Packages including infrared sweat lodge sessions, spinal alignment, massage, meridian & reflexology balancing and more. For more information contact Diane Underwood at (775) 327-4878.
New Specialty Test Lab in Reno
3rd Annual Green Living Fair
VIP Dx (Viral Immune Pathology Diagnostics) is a Clinical Laboratory specializing in testing for Leaky Gut Syndrome (Intestinal Dysbiosis), Lyme’s Disease with speciation, Heavy Metal Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mycoplasma infections, Herpes Virus Infections including HHV-6, NK cell enumeration & functional Assays, Cytokine and other inflammatory markers. Many patients with inflammatory and/or immune dysregulation are susceptible to secondary bacterial or viral infections and intestinal inflammation and dysregulation. We do testing for patients all over the United States and Canada. VIP DX is CMS and CLIA licensed and licensed by the Dept of Health in Nevada and California. Call (775) 351-1890 for more information.
The 3rd annual Green Living Fair is coming Saturday, September 12th to Lampe Park in Gardnerville from 9am to 7pm. There will be exhibitors, family activities, and food vendors all day, workshops and presentations from 10am-4pm, and live music from 4 to 7 with local band Foothill Road and the Hitchhikers. Drop off used fluorescent light bulbs, household (not vehicle) batteries, and electronics (no TVs or exposed electronics) for recycling. Try out the new bike blender. Enjoy free information, networking, and family fun hosted by the Sustainable Living and Renewable Energy Roundup. Information: or (775) 265-6827.
Congratulations Kim Vodoni! Thank you for entering our contest last month, you have won 5 free massages! Enjoy!
Lungs on Legs Half-Marathon LUNGS ON LEGS, the half-marathon, 10K and 5K run/walk under Nevada’s bright sky, will take place on September 13, 2009. This fast and flat, meticulously-measured course received rave reviews for the inaugural run in 2008. Serious runners and families are welcome. It is the same weekend as the Reno Balloon Races: watch the 100+ hot air balloons on Saturday morning, and run on Sunday morning. Details at or e-mail gbourne@lungnevada. org or call (775) 829-5873.
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"Hi there. I'm writing to enter the Healthy Beginnings Magazine contest to win 5 free massages. I read Heathly Beginnings Magazine to learn about the local natural living community in Reno. I look forward to getting your magazine every month at Whole Foods because I love the articles and especially the recipes. It inspires me to live a healthier life style. Thanks for all that you do!" -KimVodoni
August 2009
Monthly Health Outlook:
LEO Written By Robert Ayres
ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY ••• The Astrology of Self-Transformationsm
his month the Sun passes through Leo. The Sun acts as a focal point for the cosmic energies of this constellation as it influences life on Earth. Leo is a fixed fire sign. The stimulation of the fire element manifests as warmth and heat. The long, hot summer days and nights are the result. From an esoteric standpoint, the alchemical element of sulfur grows in power in nature and the human being. It facilitates the activity of spirit in matter and enlivens the life force. Fire is heating everything up. In our region it is the fire season on all levels. If you are a Leo by Sun sign, or have significant planets in Leo in your natal chart, this information is even more directly applicable. Leo rules the heart and The Lion is a symbol for the heart and the principle of love. It is part of the rhythmic system of the body that keeps our lives pulsating in sympathetic vibration with the cosmos. It is the center of the circulatory system of the blood. The blood is the carrier of the 'I Am' or higher spiritual 'Self.' It is through the blood and circulatory system that spirit directs and controls its vehicle, the body. Some view the heart as simply a pump. From a spiritual point of view, the rhythm of the circulation of the blood is based in the rhythm of the cosmos. It is also believed that the heart consists of four ventricles. There is actually a fifth, etheric ventricle in which the higher Self is centered and grounded. In the spiritual traditions this etheric ventricle is known as “the cave of the heart.”
August 2009
This is where the subtle activities of the transformation of the blood occur which result in higher states of consciousness. During the time of the Sun in Leo, the sulfur content of blood increases dramatically, which results in the fire or passions running high. Taking a daily iron supplement can help to balance the situation. Leo also rules the spine which is the extension of the brain and nervous system from the head. The cerebral spinal fluid flows through this system and is related to the kundalini, or the force of evolution. The primary expression of the kundalini is the sex drive. When it is sublimated and consciously worked with, it is the motive force of the evolution of consciousness. The primary seven chakras or centers of consciousness are located along the spine. The cerebral spinal fluid and the kundalini need to flow unobstructed along this important pathway to achieve well being and true health. If you are having back or heart problems, now is an excellent time to have a chiropractic tune-up or some cranial sacral work. This can reestablish the correct rhythm and flow of spirit throughout your body.
Continued on page 46... 7
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Improve Learning & Memory Written by JoAnne Krumpe
hat is so different about the brains of these individuals? An elderly individual who remains sharp as a tack, a 30-year-old with memory problems, or an intelligent individual who has never mastered reading? The brain can literally "use it or loose it", depending on the intensity or effort the brain applies. Throughout our lives we have the potential to improve memory, attention, speed of information and language processing through specific mental training exercises. Training that implements increased mental effort can improve memory and learning similar to the effect that vigorous workouts have on physical skills. The sharp brain of the 80-year-old is not just a matter of luck or genetics. Using mental tasks of increasing difficulty can "rewire" the brain. The person with reading impairment is an example of incomplete “wiring” of the brain’s language centers. New technology to help retrain our brains can improve our ability to think faster, and remember visual and auditory
Women’s Empowerment Group Tools for development
• trauma • assertiveness • intimacy • relationships • transformation
Call Dr. Jo Anne Krumpe Dr. Katherine Unthank
information. Specific mental exercises can selectively improve visual processing so as to improve spatial skills, sound processing so as to improve language skills and speed of processing so as to enhance information comprehension. Brain fitness training using computer-assisted programs can be adjusted to the difficulty of each task, to the level of the trainee, and to provide "rewards" for each success. Various interventions that have been shown to enhance brain fitness include software programs that target specific skills such as psychotherapy, play therapy, group therapy, speech and language therapy, cognitive therapy, tutoring and many others. A fit brain increases our ability to learn, which enables us to do our jobs more effectively and efficiently. Physical and mental training are integrative. Physical exercise improves mood enhancing brain neurotransmitters in association with increased levels of dopamine. Physical activity appears to increase mental acuity as well. Mental effort increases not only our intellectual capacities, but increases our interest in social interaction (much of which involves physical effort). If gains are to be achieved, a large and sustained effort must be made to maintain mental and physical fitness. Motivated people try to make their brain and body workouts as productive and fun as possible. Sometimes, the key is to find a good coach. Types of "coaches"
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August 2009
who address improving mental fitness are psychologists, neuropsychiatrists, speech pathologists, educators and physicians. Some of the tools psychologists use to monitor the effects of brain fitness treatments are psycho-educational testing such as Intelligence (IQ) and neuropsychological tests. Everyone benefits from mental fitness and testing, be it a child with learning difficulties or an adult wanting to enhance and preserve mental alertness as they age. No matter what the age or circumstance, brain health is essential in living a productive life. For more info, contact Dr. JoAnne Krumpe, specializing in neuropsychology and educational psychology at (775) 233-0717.
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Jennifer Gray, R.Ph. Written by Sara Piccola
“Nothing makes my day more than when someone asks what else they can do to take care of themselves.”
ennifer Gray’s career has been based around one thing; making a difference in people’s lives. Jennifer was on her way to medical school when she took a job in a pharmacy and realized that being a pharmacist meant more than just supplying pills. As a pharmacist she could educate patients on the effects of medicine and build a lasting relationship with them. Jennifer went to pharmacy school at the University of New Mexico and has been in the industry for nearly 20 years. She recently started a new online business, that coincides with her pharmaceutical work. is an online store that offers eco-friendly products for everyday needs. Jennifer chose to have an online store versus a 'brick and mortar' for several reasons. The most obvious is to reach a larger audience. has a variety of eco-friendly products that can easily be incorporated into everyday living. These products range from skin
care for children and adults to cleaning products. The website appeals to men and women and anyone who is looking for ways to green up their life. Having an online store allows Jennifer to be more flexibile with her products and to be accessible to her customers 24/7. She is able to meet the needs and demands of customers and is always open to suggestions for new products. For a product to be accepted by the company has to pass an interview process. Jennifer speaks directly with every manufacturer to assure that the quality of their product will help her consumers. Jennifer enjoys working with smaller companies who produce and sell healthy products, yet are currently marketed through word of mouth. When Jennifer learns about a new product, she and her family personally test the product. Jennifer also assures that the relationship with the manufacturer will be mutually beneficial. Many consumers like the personal contact with a seller as well as being able to touch, feel or smell a product before investing in it. offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If a customer is not satisfied they can return the product for a full refund. However, Jennifer mentioned that in the 10 years she has been in the business, she has had less than five returns. Jennifer makes herself available through e-mail and by
August 2009
phone. She is easily accessible and wants to hear from customers with any questions, concerns or comments. The relationships that Jennifer builds with her patients have always been a top priority in her career. She believes there is a constant misconception about pharmacists; that their education only involves filling prescriptions. Jennifer integrates her pharmaceutical training when selecting healthy products for Her educational background enables her to evaluate a product and know how it is absorbed into our bodies. Jennifer has noticed that the shoppers that frequent her site are people who have already decided to make healthy decisions. The unique aspect of is that it appeals to anyone who is looking to make his or her choices count. has done all the homework; they buy from smart and local companies and provide something for everyone. Jennifer hopes to soon have a forum on wherein people can share questions, stories and testimonials. Her business is largely based around family because she, too, is raising a family. She wants to provide as much guidance and assistance as possible for people looking to better their everyday life. During her free time, Jennifer enjoys reading and exploring the outdoors with her three children and her husband. Go to ad on page 29.
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THE G-FREE DIET A Gluten-Free Survival Guide By Elisabeth Hasselbeck
A book review by
June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt
lisabeth Hasselbeck (co-host of The View) suffered from the effects of celiac disease for over a decade before she was correctly diagnosed and, therefore, discovered what was causing severe abdominal pains, gas, diarrhea, weakness and lack of energy. She went to scores of physicians, was diagnosed with IBS most often and took the prescribed medications, but to no avail. For three years she tried dozens of other medications, both prescription and natural, but got no relief. The symptoms persisted. She tried to go on with her life. It was not until she was accepted as a contestant on the reality show Survivor: The Australian Outback and, therefore, spent time in the most primitive part of Australia did she get relief from the constant stomach pains, bloating and diarrhea. Since she was forced to live off the land there, she came to the realization that what she was eating in the U.S. had everything to do with how her body felt and functioned. As soon as she returned, she wanted to introduce the old familiar foods to her system gradually, but she was famished for her family’s Italian foods: fresh bread, pasta, pizza, and so forth. She dived in and her painful symptoms immediately returned. She did her own research and eventually diagnosed herself with celiac disease, which is a digestive disorder characterized For past issues, go to:
by a toxic reaction to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, barley and some oats. But she couldn’t find a doctor who would run the diagnostic tests to prove she had that particular toxic sensitivity. Loath to believe that diet could be the culprit as well as the cure, physicians continued to prescribe medications which sometimes masked the symptoms, but sometimes had no effect whatsoever. Eight long years later, she found a physician, Dr. Peter Green, who diagnosed her problems as celiac disease. With his help, she learned which foods contain gluten, and how she could most effectively avoid them. Since then she has been free of all symptoms, has a wide range of delicious gluten-free foods she can eat and has the stamina and strength to manage her very busy life. Dr. Green wrote the forward to this book, and therein gives us some insight into why celiac disease is so rarely diagnosed in this country. He was educated in Australia, where they realize that celiac disease affects approximately one percent of the world’s population. Untreated celiac disease can cause an increased chance of other autoimmune diseases as well as malignancies, so it’s important to be tested for this condition as soon as possible if you suspect you may be suffering from it. The list of symptoms is long and was included in the excellent article on celiac disease printed in this magazine last month. That article was written by a nutrition educator who also has this condition. The major issue facing us here in America is the under diagnosis of this disease. This under diagnosis occurs throughout the world, but is most marked here in the U.S., where it is estimated that less than 5% of those with the disease are currently diagnosed. This compares with Finland, where 70% are diagnosed. Awareness of this disease is great in Australia, Ireland, Italy and in many countries of South America. Why is this condition so under diagnosed in the U.S? Because the pharmaceutical industry has great sway over the direction of medical care here, being responsible for the majority of both medical research and medical education. Celiac disease has received little attention from the pharmaceutical industry because the therapy is dietary, and as a result there has been little interest in the disease from among the university-based academic centers.
Continued on page 38... 10
August 2009
Burning Man Snacks Written by Ffjorren Zolfaghar and Atticus Ahrendt
urning Man is just around the corner. During the week of August 31st through September 7th, Burners will spend one glorious week in Northern Nevada’s hot desert sun, exploring this year’s theme “Evolution.” They will have so many questions to ponder. As humans, what are we? Where are we from and where are we going? But more importantly, what are we going to eat today? To answer this, we have called on avid Burner and Sous Chef of August E’s restaurant in Fredericksburg, TX, Atticus Ahrendt. He provided healthful recipes that are easy to make and store. They are delicious, nutritious and perfectly “playa”ble.
Fruit Leather Take 2 cups of your favorite fruit and puree it in a food processor with a little water. Sweeten with a natural sweetener to taste and a little salt to balance the flavor. Take a cake pan and line it with wax paper. Pour the puree in the pan and put another piece of wax paper on top. Set your oven to low and dry the fruit with the door open for several hours. The fruit will have a leathery texture when it is finished drying. To store, cut and roll the fruit leather up in plastic wrap. This is a healthy and convenient snack out on the playa while you are away from your campsite.
Dried Fruit Snacks 2 cups chopped dried fruit 1/2 cup Agave Nectar or other natural sweetener 1 cup Graham Cracker Crumbs Chopped nuts – as needed Combine dried fruit and sweetener. Add enough graham cracker crumbs until mixture holds together. Form into balls or
medallion sized discs. Press in chopped nuts to form an outer layer. Benefits: Dried fruits contain most if not all of the original health benefits that you can find in fresh fruit, but with half of the original size. Nuts help prolong muscular energy. Only a few handfuls of these snacks contain the daily values of vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, potassium, iron and magnesium.
Granola 6 cups Rolled Oats 2 cups unsweetened Coconut strands 2 cups your favorite Nuts, coarse chopped 1 cup Sunflower Seeds 1 cup Bran Flakes 1 cup Wheat Germ Lightly toast each ingredient individually in a 300* oven. Combine and add ½ cup walnut, peanut, or almond oil and ½ cup natural sweetener like molasses, sorghum, or maple syrup. Mix well and bake again until golden brown. Lastly, stir in 2 cups of your favorite dried fruit. Benefits: This granola mixture is vital to a week in the desert. Rolled oats and Bran flakes are a good source of Fiber, Iron, vitamins B-1, B-2 and E. Sunflower seeds are a good source of magnesium which helps calm muscles and nerves by preventing cramping. It also helps regulate blood pressure. Wheat Germ helps improve strength, muscle endurance, and helps the body manage stress.
carob powder, peanut butter, and honey. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Spread out mixture in a cake pan or portion into an ice tray. Cut into pieces when cool if you are using a cake pan or simply pop the pieces out of the ice tray and individually wrap. Benefits: Carob powder has twice the calories, three times the calcium, and caffeine free compared to cocoa powder. Good, pure energy for a long day of bike riding on the playa!
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Carob Energy Bars 1 cup Carob Powder 1 cup Peanut Butter 1 cup Honey 1 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened ½ cup sesame seeds ½ cup mixed nuts In a double boiler mix together the
August 2009
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What’s in Your Nail Polish? Written by Amy Gerbus
s women, we need to become more aware of what is in our beauty products. We buy, apply and use products with long lists of mysterious ingredients never questioning the ingredients' long-term side effects, because we care about maintaining our appearance. We are seduced by advertising and buy pretty packaging, not realizing that there are several toxic chemicals in these beauty products. Lead in lipstick, mercury and tar in mascara and the toxic trio of toluene, dibutyl phthalate, and formaldehyde in nail polishes. What does this toxic trio of chemicals in nail polish do? Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which gives polish flexibility, is a developmental toxin and has been banned from cosmetics in Europe since 2004. Studies have linked DBP, which can be inhaled and absorbed through the skin, to undeveloped genitals in newborn boys. Formaldehyde is used as a hardener and to create a smooth finish, as is toluene. Inhaling excessive amounts of toluene is dangerous as it can lead to coughing and wheezing, as well as eye, nose, and throat irritation. Toluene enriches the pigment and creates a smooth finish, but breathing it in can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue and can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat; high-level intake has also been linked to nervous system, liver and kidney damage. Toluene is most dangerous for child-bearing women as it can be transmitted through the placenta to the fetus and through breast milk. Now, because of increased chemical awareness, there are a handful of companies which are producing vegan nail polish that is free of the "toxic Trio" and is also kind to our animal world. Common products used for color and shimmer are blue heron feathers and crushed beetles. Vegan does not mean
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chemical free, it means that the ingredients are animal free and the chemicals are considered safer. Sparitual and Soulstice Spa are two companies that have led the nail polish industry in making their polishes healthier, beautiful and long lasting. These polishes are free of DBP, Toluene and Formaldehyde and are also free of sulfates, mineral oil and synthetic fragrances. Another concern that has been in the forefront is cleanliness. Some states have passed health requirements ensuring tools for manicure and pedicures be autoclaved, a sterilization process that many medical offices use. The pedicure chair may become extinct because of contaminated water that re-circulates when the unit is not properly cleaned between clients. Sani-jet is one company whose pedi sinks are medically certified to be completely bacteria free and safe. The jets are designed to be pipe-less so that no water re-circulates. As informed women we can make better choices. Simply changing our nail polish can make a huge difference in our overall health. As we make these choices more companies will respond to our demand for products that are safer, cleaner and kinder to our environment. References: 1. 2. 3.
For more info on Vegan nail polish, Sanijet sinks and autoclaves, contact Amy Gerbus at New Spa (775) 787-3529.
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August 2009
Terrible Toxins Ingredients To Avoid In Personal Care Products • Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol: Found in Anti-freeze. Acts as a “surfactant” (wetting agent and solvent). Penetrates skin and weakens protein and cellular structure. Strong enough to remove barracles from boats!
• Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Detergents that pose serious health threats.
Used in garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers – and in 90% of personal-care products that foam.
• DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine) & TEA (triethanolamine): Hormone-disrupting chemicals that can form cancer-causing nitrates. Restricted in Europe due to carcinogen effects, yet they are still used in the U.S. Americans may be exposed 10-20 times per day with shampoos, shaving creams and bubble baths.
Nourish your skin from head to toe
Organic Spa
• Sodium Hydroxide: The most recent addition to our
personal care products. This is a poison (caustic lye) found in drain cleaners, yet is now found in our children and adult toothpaste!
• Triclosan: Synthetic “antibacterial” with a chemical struc-
ture similar to Agent Orange! The EPA registers it as a pesticide, giving it high scores as a risk to human health and the environment. Its widespread use in antibacterial cleansers, toothpastes and household products may have nightmarish implications on future generations.
• DMDM & Urea (Imidazolidinyl): Two of many preserva-
tives that often release formaldehyde which cause joint pain, skin reactions, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pains, ear infections, chronic fatigue, dizziness and loss of sleep.
• Polyethylene Glycol (PEG): Carcinogenic petroleum
ingredient that reduces the skin’s natural moisture. Increases the appearance of aging and leaves you vulnerable to bacteria. Used in spray-on oven cleaners and cleansers to dissolve oil and grease.
• FD&C Color Pigments: synthetic colors from coal tar
that deposits toxins onto the skin, causing skin irritation. Absorption of certain colors can cause depletion of oxygen in the body and death.
• B utane or Propane: Found in aerosol products. May be narcotic and cause asphyxiation.
Continued on page 55... August 2009
Reno’s Signature Green Spa Facials • Body Treatments & Massage Vegan Nail Care • Jin Shin Jyustu Airbrush Tanning • Waxing & Tinting
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Spa Packages Available Specializing in Eminence Organic Skin Care; All natural, free from chemicals, parabens, dyes and perfumes.
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How Does Your Garden Grow? Written by Craig Witt
he soil in a productive garden needs to be in “BALANCE” in order to grow an abundance of nutritious produce.
If you look at the following circles, you can visualize the three basic aspects of soil and how they interact to create a well-balanced mixture.
Physical (Soil Structure)
Chemical (Mineral Nutrients)
Biological (Micro-Life)
Most gardeners and landscapers spend the majority of their time, working on the physical aspects of their gardens. Conventional gardeners and landscapers rely on man made chemical fertilizers for the nutrition in their soil. Organic gardeners and landscapers rely on compost for the nutrition in their soil. Most gardeners and landscapers do not realize the importance of the biological side of their soils. “I believe a plant can consume only what the bacteria will release,” the world
record tomato grower, Charles H. Wilber states in his book How to Grow World Record Tomatoes.
soil the bacteria’s credit card is rejected and no deposits are made into the plants nutritional bank accounts.
This biology, which is responsible for delivering nutrients to the plants, can best be described as the soils “digestive capacity.”
Humus is responsible for promoting the positive characteristics of each of the individual aspects of a balanced soil. Therefore, it is best for your gardens to add the proper amount of humus, along with the nutrients that Northern Nevada soils are deficient in. The most deficient nutrients are humus, available Calcium, phosphorus and organic matter. It is important to identify a local source for compost and soil amendments that know what nutrients are missing in local soils.
Due to Nevada’s dry climate most of our soils have the digestive system of an infant. As we all know we do not feed infants like an adult. Just like babies cannot eat a steak dinner with salad and a baked potato, our soils cannot digest the woody composts sold in the area until they develop the correct digestive capacity. An infantile soil needs to be fed humus. Humus can be defined as organic matter that has gone through the stomach of a microbe, where the correct recipe and composting process has been followed. This humus serves as a huge microbial and nutrient bank account. Humus is responsible for promoting the positive aspects of each of the individual aspects of a balanced soil. Plants expend 30 percent of their energy pumping root exudates into the soil. This feeds the soil biology in order to satisfy the plants nutrient needs. If you know the nutritional content of your soil, you can add the deficient minerals. This facilitates the bacteria’s ability to make a nutritional withdrawal to satisfy the plants needs. If the minerals are not found in the
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August 2009
References: 1. “ADDING BIOLOGY In Soils and Hydroponic Systems” Elaine R. Ingham Carole Ann Rollins 2. “How to Grow World Record Tomatoes” Charles H Wilber 3.
For more info, contact President of Full Circle Compost, Craig Witt at (775) 267-5305 or visit their website at
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"I have really appreciated the Gardening for Health section in your magazine. I love having a magazine I can trust that has so much natural health oriented information about ALL the things in my life. Thanks, HB!" -Esther P.
MARJORAM Written by Lauren Lander
Medicinal Qualities Of
Green Lawns to Lush Gardens... IT ALL STARTS WITH THE SOIL! Custom Organic Soil Amendments Indigenous to Northern Nevada
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weet marjoram, Origanum marjorana, is a fragrant, perennial herb belonging to the mint family. Although easily confused with its closest relative, oregano, marjoram possesses a sweeter, milder flavor than the former. Marjoram is traditionally employed as a medicine for sinus and throat congestion, colds, asthma, indigestion, abdominal cramps, toothache and arthritic pain. Current research has shown marjoram to demonstrate noteworthy antioxidant activity, preventing free radical damage and thereby reducing the risk for cancer and atherosclerosis. This can be partially attributed to the herb's content of rosmarinic acid, a polyphenol valued for its excellent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects. Rosmarinic acid has demonstrated superior antioxidant activity to that of vitamin E3 and is currently used in treating cataract cancer. As an analgesic and antispasmodic, marjoram is an effective pain reliever when taken both internally and externally. Its leaf contains caffeic acid, a
known analgesic and anti-inflammatory compound. Oil of marjoram successfully treats toothaches, headaches, abdominal pain and arthritic pain. Additionally, marjoram's antispasmodic quality eases nausea, sharp intestinal pains and menstrual cramps. Marjoram also provides comprehensive support for respiratory health due to its antiviral, antibacterial, expectorant and antispasmodic attributes. Sauer noted marjoram's warming and drying effects on damp, cold respiratory conditions as well as its thinning effect on phlegm. Current studies have shown small, oral doses of marjoram oil to be effective in relieving asthma and persistent coughs by inhibiting spasms and opening the throat. Tip: For an antioxidant-rich dressing, infuse cold-pressed organic olive oil and balsamic vinegar with fresh or dried marjoram. References: 1. Peter, K.V. Handbook of Herbs and Spices. Woodhead Publishing 2001. 2. rosmarinic-acid.php 3. Fetrow, Charles W. and Avila, Juan R. The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicines. Springhouse Corporation, Springhouse 2000.
August 2009
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Put Away Those
Pruners! Written by Leslie Lyles, M.S.
ot summer temperatures will soon be waning and many homeowners will be anxious to get their yards cleaned up before winter. Pruning is often a task that they just want to get done. Their busy work leads the homeowner to assume that fall is the time for such chores, yet many are unaware that fall is actually one of the worst times to prune!
Nothing aggravates a horticulturist more than seeing many “professional” gardening companies busy pruning down shrubs, trees and grasses. Pruning stimulates growth. If pruning is done in the fall, before the plant has gone dormant, the plant will start using stored energy to produce new growth at a time when it should stop growing and go dormant. Not only does the pruning delay dormancy and increase winter injury to the plant, but it also depletes energy reserves that the plant will use in the spring to initiate new growth. Another problem with fall pruning is that many wood-decay fungi are active in the fall. And since pruning wounds are slow to “heal” that time of year, the plant is least able to defend itself from infection. In other words, fall pruning can make for some really unhealthy plants.
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Leslie Lyles, M.S.
Holly Bromley, B.S.
Stewardship Horticultural
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Now that you are aware that pruning needs to wait until late fall or early winter, you should be aware that timing of pruning is different for different plants. You could actually be robbing yourself of the beauty the plant was chosen for if you do not know what plant you are pruning. Spring flowering shrubs (such as forsythia, lilac, quince and flowering almond) should be pruned in late spring after they bloom. These plants bloom on one-year old wood; pruning in fall or winter removes the wood that would bloom in the spring. For instance, if you prune your lilac shrubs in the fall it is highly likely that you will not have many blossoms the following spring. Spring beauty is not the only thing destroyed by poor pruning. Some plants are attractive assets to the winter landscapes; Caryopteris (Blue Mist Spiraea) have beautiful papery seed pods that brighten up the winter landscape. Ornamental grasses are also placed in the landscape for their winter interest. Most of the grasses bloom in late summer or fall, and their seed heads stand out in the bleak winter landscape. Pruning these plants in the fall will eliminate the winter beauty they provide in an otherwise barren landscape. Before you tackle your landscape this fall, think twice about grabbing the pruning shears. Know what plants you have in your yard and what the proper timing for pruning is for each plant. If you need help, seek out the assistance of a Horticultural Consultant. You will be rewarded with beautiful and healthy plants. References: 1. Bradley, Steve. 2005. The Pruner’s Bible: A step-by-step guide to pruning every plant in your garden. Rodale, inc. 2. Harris, Richard W. 1992. Arboriculture: Integrated management of landscape trees, shrubs, and vines. Second Edition. Prentice Hall.
For more info, contact Leslie Lyles or Holly Bromley, horticultural consultants at (775) 849-1215. Go to ad on THIS page.
August 2009
Restless & Anxious Written by Dana Anderson, MFT
I have too much to do. I cannot relax. It seems like there is so much to get done. All I can focus on is what needs to get done and I know it is not healthy for my body. It seems like my muscles are always tight. What can I do? You sound like a victim of the Information Age. The Internet and all of its cousins (technology advances) have saved us time. Yet managing and maintaining our emails, phone messages, Facebook and Twitter accounts really take a chunk out of our down time. What I have noticed is that women, myself included, have become very good at compartmentalizing. Men can naturally compartmentalize, it is part of their biology. Now it has become necessary for all of us. One day, one thing at a time. While you are thinking about or engaged with that one thing, do not focus on the others. For example, you have to move your sister this weekend; your son is graduating Thursday; next weekend is your father’s birthday and you are bringing the cake and salad; at the end of the month you are going camping for four days with a large group; and somewhere in there you need a hair cut, not to mention the grocery shopping. Well, add children, a husband, and their schedules and you will feel pretty frazzled if you are focusing on all of it at the same time—which we do, naturally. Take the next three days; focus on the graduation, then the move and then the cake, etc. And truly block out all “planning” thoughts and concerns for any of the other events until you are free of the last. You will find yourself saying—when your mom calls two weeks ahead about the Birthday cake, “I can not think about that now. Do not worry, it will be handled.” And know that it will. This will also free you up to let a little spontaneity back into your life, which is always a good thing. You may find you have two hours unexpectedly to pop in at the…wherever. I would
August 2009
suggest the massage therapist because once your body is unable to relax it needs good intervention. Then you can incorporate your own relaxation techniques. I highly recommend Sarah Ban Breathnach’s Simple Abundance and Something More, two books designed to make their gifts easy and helpful. Good luck and many blessings. For more info, contact Dana Anderson, MFT specializing in personal and spiritual growth counseling at (775) 323-4242.
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The Game of Life Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD
ust as the first dream we remember from childhood can be very significant, often hinting at our destiny and the key forces that will shape our life, so the last dream we have before death may summarize how we have lived our life. An example of this is the dream of an 82 year-old man named Carl. On the morning of the day he died Carl dreamed: “I was playing a round of golf, but I didn’t play very well.” In this dream the game of golf is used to symbolize Carl’s life. Although by society’s standards Carl lived a moral and successful life, by the standards of his own soul he fell short of his deeper potential and destiny. Sometimes it is helpful to reflect on how life is like a game and, most importantly, how we are playing that game. A 47 year-old man dreamed: “I am in what seems like an ancient place of carved and weathered red sandstone rock. I see that it is a basketball arena. Although the court and scoreboard are very contemporary in design, the rock and landscape in which they are placed make it seem like they have been there for thousands of years.” Sometimes our dreams unite specific images and ideas in order to help us discover a connection or relationship between them that we have previously missed. In this dream, a modern game is placed in the context of a much earlier historical period. The dream suggests that the metaphor of life as a game has an ancient history, perhaps going back to the dawn of civilization. If we reflect on the nature of games–and life–we can see why this is so. Games have rules which guide their play and define what it means to “win.” The same seems to be true of life. In games, the goal is typically to score more points than the other team or player. On the other hand, in the game of life the goal is the development of the personality in the service of one’s destiny. That we each have a destiny is implied by dreams (like Carl’s above) of playing games well or poorly, and also by dreams of being prepared or unprepared for classes and tests. If there is For past issues, go to:
no goal to be attained through life– no destiny to be approached–then there is no real game to “win,” no class to take, or test to pass. The fact that such dreams are actually quite common suggests that the evolving personality does have a goal, or vision, which we may assist in actualizing, or not. The game background of life helps to account for some interesting psychological phenomena. For example, a woman at midlife experienced considerable distress whenever her favorite basketball team, the Detroit Pistons, lost. While it is natural to experience disappointment when your favorite team loses a game, this Pistons fan would remain significantly depressed until her team won again. If they were eliminated from the playoffs or lost the championship, she would experience a period of depression that lasted for weeks. What would account for these dramatic and persistent changes in her mood? As it turns out, this talented and capable woman was not following the call of her true vocation due, in part, to her fear of taking risks. She was, frankly, shirking her destiny. Because of this, she projected the “game” of her own life onto the Detroit Pistons and, unconsciously, attempted to live her destiny through them. She became extremely depressed when they lost because their losses resonated with the disturbing, but half-conscious awareness that she was herself failing at the game of life. A similar dynamic sometimes occurs in persons who spend their weekends glued to the sports channels. They attempt to live the game of life vicariously through the athletes and games they watch, usually because their workday life is lacking in personal meaning. Watching sports becomes a substitute for discovering and living their own destiny, of “going for the gold,” so to speak. It is not that they need to get off the couch and go play football with their friends (although, for some, this might be a step in the right direction). Rather, they need to discover (or rediscover) what they want from life and, most importantly, what life wants from them. 18
August 2009
At the other end of the spectrum are individuals who seem to be in touch with the fact that there is something important to be accomplished in their life, that there is a game to “win,” but they misinterpret the real object and goal of this game. They experience a drive to succeed, but it is misdirected. For example, a man in his early thirties dreamed: “I am at a horse racing track at night. The track is dimly lit by large spotlights on nearby metal towers. As the race begins the horses race violently and somewhat chaotically under the aggressive direction of their jockeys. Things get so out of hand that they are running into each other, and knocking over the track fences and the light towers. Sparks from downed electrical wires illuminate the grim scene.” This young man, embarking on a new career, had let his competitiveness with other people in his profession overrun him. The real goal of life–the maturation of the personality and the actualization of one’s destiny–was eclipsed by his competitive drive and its insinuation into his relationships with other people. In the game of life, the real competition is within ourselves. Do we have the desire, courage, discipline and perseverance to develop our unique gifts–and weaknesses–for the sake of something more important than ourselves–the soul and our destiny. Or, do we succumb to the regressive tendencies within ourselves and society that would convince us that a well-lived life is not worth the effort. A man in his mid-sixties dreamed: “I am going to play basketball with some other people. We enter the gym, which is archi-
tecturally ornate. A great deal of attention and detail have gone into its construction; even the backboards have an artistic flair. However, when we go to play we find that the ball is very light, almost like a balloon. This becomes very frustrating. We can’t play the game because the ball is not heavy enough to pass or shoot.” In this dream the architecture and artistry of the gym are impressive. However, these details are also extraneous and essentially irrelevant to the game itself. They are symbols of the dreamer’s outer life, the stadium in which the game of life is played. The ball and players, on the other hand, are symbols of his inner life. They are essential to the game. Unfortunately, the ball lacks heft and substance. Symbolically, the dreamer’s inner life is less real to him than his outer life; it carries less weight, is less developed and garners less attention. The dream depicts a fundamental dilemma that all of us face in life whether we realize it or not. What is most real to you: the life of the soul and the promptings of your destiny, or the worldview and collective attitudes of society? The dream suggests that the game of life can’t amount to much when our heart and soul are not genuinely engaged. References: 1. Edinger, Edward. Ego and Archetype. Shambhala Publications, Inc., Boston 1992. 2. Hillman, James. The Soul’s Code. Random House, NY 1996.
For more info, contact Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818.
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& Elimination Written by Carol Christian
ometimes people ask, “I’m eating all of this healthy food, but I feel lousy! I don’t understand it.” Well, our body is like our home. If it hasn’t been cleaned for a while, it will accumulate filth. Your home, like your body, may appear to be clean on the outside, but the interior is what ultimately will keep you healthy. The most successful self-rejuvenation programs begin with internal housecleaning. Colon cleansing allows the body to naturally release toxic wastes that have been accumulating in the body for years. Included is a list of major organs and elimination processes and detoxification tonics:
The Major Organs of Elimination Every cell of the body has a function that facilitates the removal of waste, yet there are organs that specialize in
For Those Who Want To Be on Top of Their Game.
“waste-management” Following is a list of these major organs and of ways in which you can assist them during the initial detoxification period:
The “solid-waste management-organ” of the body. Several pounds of mucous and rubber-like waste can be impacted along the wall of this organ! Colon-hydrotherapies that use wheat grass-juice implants (or the juice of other fresh dark greens) are very effective in minimizing reactions to cleansing. Secondary support can be supplied via LIFEGIVE Internal Cleanser powder or capsules.
Kidneys: The “water-management”
organs. The kidneys are responsible for keeping the chemistry of the blood alkaline by filtering dissolved acid wastes out of the body. Help your kidneys by drinking plenty of distilled water and fresh alkaline juices. Consume a minimum of ½ oz., per pound of body weight on a daily basis. Finish drinking liquids at least three hours before retiring in order to avoid frequent nightly visits to the bathroom.
Liver: The “recycling-center.” This Andy Drymalski, EdD
Lic. Psychologist, Jungian Psychologist
organ separates the bad chemicals from the good ones, and directs the toxins to the appropriate organ for exiting the body. If the primary organ of elimination is clogged, the liver attempts to redirect the toxins. Wheatgrass implants provide a direct “shot in the arm” to the liver and
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August 2009
help pull toxins out of the blood more quickly.
Lungs: The bloods “air purifiers.” The lungs introduce oxygen directly into the bloodstream while, at the same time, removing waste gases that are produced in every cell of our body during the Krebs (energy producing) cycle. Deep breathing from the diaphragm is crucial. It is also important to have oxygen available for breathing, which is often more easily said than done, especially in cities. Regular aerobic exercise in an oxygen rich, clean, pollution-free environment is a solution. If you are a conditioned shallow breather, simple means are available to loosen your breathing.
Lymph: The major “garbage arter-
ies” of the body. This intricate network of tubing carries the bulk of the waste from the cells of the body to the final elimination organs. Major lymphatic glands (“holding tanks”) are the appendix, spleen, thymus and tonsils. These glands tend to swell during detoxification. Regular exercise (both aerobic and resistance) and massage are beneficial to the lymphatic system. Drink plenty of fluids to help dilute, transport and eliminate toxins.
Skin: The
“temperature/humidity controller.” The skin is the elimination organ with the largest surface area. In addition to regulating temperature and
body moisture content, the skin often functions as a support system for the other organs of elimination. Skin disorders are manifestations of its performance of this function. Exercise, dry skin brushing, massage and plenty of fluids facilitate the breathing and perspiration of the skin.
These symptoms should never be taken lightly. You must consult your doctor to consider and eliminate the possibility that they are related to other, and perhaps more serious, conditions. Once you understand that temporary discomfort is the body’s only way to eliminate the accumulation of excess toxins, you will begin to appreciate and cheer your body’s efforts during the days when you do not feel good. And, if you learn to support your body during these times of detoxification and elimination, you will eventually feel – and be – healthier and wiser.
General Detoxification Tonics The following will facilitate your detoxification process significantly: • Drink lemon-water (juice 1 lemon in 8 ounces of water) with a maximum of ½ teaspoon of cayenne upon waking to open the circulatory system and alkalize bodily fluids, thus increasing the rate of detoxification. • Fast one day per week, every week, while consuming freshly squeezed green drinks and vegetable juices, distilled water and herbal teas. These fasting days will facilitate the elimination of long term toxins from your body before they cause any serious damage. This process is analogous to changing your motor oil before your engine fails due to the wear-and-tear caused by dirt in the oil. • Exercise daily (aerobic, resistance and stretching). Exercise and elimination have more in common than merely the fact that they begin with the letter “e”. Walking, dancing, swimming, rebounding and cycling are easy, pleasant and beneficial. • Dry skin-brush for 3-5 minutes before every shower or bath to help remove dead skin and stimulate the lymphatic system. • Allow short-term low-grade fevers to run their course. A fever is an indication that the body is working overtime to cleanse itself. • Laugh and sing. Laughter and song help to release any less-than-happy memories and related emotions that might be trapped inside you. As toxic wastes are eliminated, people often experience discouraging symptoms such as:
Flatulence Diarrhea Constipation Frequent Urination Aches and Pains Runny Nose Loss of Appetite Cold & Flu symptoms Skin Eruptions Edema Bad Breath Coated Tongue
References: 1. Hippocrates Health Institute 2. Norman Walker
For more info, contact Carol Christian at the Reno Alternative Health Clinic (775) 827-6888, now serving two locations: Gerber Medical Clinic and Ageless Zone Medical Spa (775) 826-8888.
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What the heck is
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Vitamin D
Def iciency Killing Your Back? Written by Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD
rolozone is a wonderful treatment that involves the injection of procaine, vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory homeopathic medication and ozone into painful areas in the body including painful joints, necks, feet and backs.
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It has worked for many physicians in manent, long-term disability. When his almost every case, regardless of how blood level of vitamin D was checked serious or chronic the condition is. it was found to be 20 nmol/l (nanimoles However, surprisingly, there have been per liter). His doctor then placed him a handful of cases where the treatment on 4000 units of vitamin D3. Six weeks did not work at all! Now later his vitamin D level there may be an answer was 87 nmol/l, and "his many people symptoms completely as to why. A recent article in the will undergo surgery resolved." Journal of the American Another case was and/or become Board of Family Medialso a man, 47 years cine may have found "This patient had chronically addicted old. at least one reason – a long history of back vitamin D deficiency. to pain medication pain. He required disc The article looked at surgery and initially had when all they really improvement, but sympsix patients, all of whom had severe, long-standing toms returned within 6 have is a vitamin months. back pain. All but two of His pain became these patients were over fifprogressively worse: he had deficiency... ty. One was 75 and another to curtail his usual activities was only thirty years old. All and was no longer able to do yard work of them had one thing in common, their or play golf. He also used medication back pain was disabling. Keep in mind for pain control. We all could call this a that these were difficult cases. Three pasevere case. The report does not give his tients had had multiple surgeries, were initial vitamin D level. He was started on chronic pain medication and still had on 2000 units of vitamin D3, and not no resolution to their pain. Yet, every long after "was able to return to his patient responded to supplementation usual activities and had no further back with vitamin D. pain. He no longer required any pain medications." The first case was a 63 year-old man. He was a regular attendee at the local A case involving a 30 year-old wompain management clinic, and had been an states, "This patient had significant addicted to pain medication for years. back pain, which had become worse He had a history of four back operations after pregnancy (a known risk factor for disc protrusion, the last one being for vitamin D deficiency). She was not fifteen years before. He was on perable to work for a number of years. Each
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August 2009
morning she had difficulty getting out of bed because of severe back pain. Her pain was only partially controlled with medication. She was found to have a severe deficiency of vitamin D and her back pain improved within 3 to 4 weeks with 2000 IU of vitamin D; it completely resolved within 6 weeks. She was able to return to work and has been gainfully employed. Her initial vitamin D level was 18 nmol/l, which was elevated to 82 nmol/l after treatment. These are absolutely remarkable cases. How many people are going to undergo surgery and/or become chronically addicted to pain medication when all they really have is a vitamin deficiency? It also brings to mind a case of chronic fibromyalgia that refused to respond to the alternative therapies of several experts in this field. This woman had severe pain in her neck and shoulders as well as her lower back. Her vitamin D level was 6 ng/ml, which is incredibly low. She was put on 5000 units of vitamin D3 and in 4 weeks her level was still only 17 ng/ml. So her dose was increased until it was over 80 ng/ ml. It was not until that dose was reached that her symptoms all but completely disappeared. It took 20,000 units per day of vitamin D3 to get her to an acceptable level.
with Prolozone Therapy™
Regarding “acceptable levels", most laboratories and studies use different measurements. The reference range for vitamin D is between 30-100 ng/ml. Many doctors consider anything less than 70-80 ng/ml to be insufficient. Those with chronic back pain should make sure to have their level checked. If it is below 70 ng/ml, work with a doctor to establish a dose that will get it to sufficient levels.
Prolozone® is a safe, effective, natural injection technique developed by Dr. Shallenberger. Prolozone® uses the power of oxygen to stimulate the body to heal itself and end the cycle of pain.
If this does not work, find a doctor who can give you a course of Prolozone. Prolozone is not the same as prolotherapy. Although prolotherapy can be very effective, Prolozone has several advantages. It is not painful, whereas prolotherapy is. It works faster, costs much less and can be used to regenerate cartilage in degenerated knees. Many cases of chronic pain have never responded to prolotherapy, and were only completely cured after a course of Prolozone. To get a list of doctors who have been trained in using Prolozone visit
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References: 1. Schwalfenberg G. Improvement of chronic back pain or failed back surgery with vitamin D repletion: a case series. J Am Board Fam Med. 2009 Jan-Feb;22(1):69-74.
For more info contact Dr. Frank Shallenberger at The Nevada Center, specializing in comprehensive alternative medicine, (775) 884-3990 or
M.D., H.M.D. 1231 Country Club Dr. Carson City, NV 89703
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August 2009
Frank Shallenberger,
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Acupuncture as Energy Medicine Written by Gary Danchak
f you go to a western doctor, the western process of amassing verifiable data begins before you even meet him or her. A nurse will ask you why you’re here, take your temperature and blood pressure, and review your meds. Then the doctor makes his way in, you have a chat, maybe get poked or prodded here or there, then you might be asked for some blood work—to get some “values.” If you come to an acupuncturist, you’ll likely get a cup of tea while you’re brought up to speed with some of the basics: yin & yang, qi & blood, tongue & pulse. Then he or she will reach out and feel your pulses at the radial arteries, and you will be plugged into a 3,000-year-old energy assessment instrument. The data the acupuncturist is amassing is coming in through his or her fingertips and is being assessed between the brain and the gut—The acupuncturist may initially indulge in some analysis as he or she tries to decide what patterns of energetic imbalance are being felt. The acupuncturist may not be interested in quantifying (although some of that goes on and is simply a matter of keeping good notes) as much as he or she is interested in determining the relationships of the energy flowing in the 12 organ systems. This is Chinese medicine. The acupuncture treatment is pretty straightforward after you get a good read on the pulses. Move excess energy from this organ over to that one to tonify
its deficiency. If there’s a bottleneck of energy (pain) encourage proper flow (a matter of needle technique and point selection). Balance the energy and you have a healthy patient. Chinese medicine is based on 3,000 years of observation of how natural forces interact in the world and the assumption that humans are microcosms of the larger world. Western medicine is considerably younger and based on the scientific method, really good with the details, maybe not so much with the big picture. Have you ever laughed so hard you started to cry? Ask a western doctor why this happens and you may have this image of a scientist in a white coat dicing up brain matter and whirling it around in a centrifuge to determine how much serotonin was in the brain at the point of change. Ask an eastern doctor and he’d say: it’s because the universe will not tolerate absolutes. The t’ai qi symbol tells us that as you approach absolute yang, energy becomes yin, and vice versa. All energy is in constant flux—yang becoming yin, yin becoming yang. A snapshot that stops time only shows a partial truth: “The Tao that can be told of is not the Tao; the Name that can be named is not the constant name.” As Ted Kaptchuk, OMD concludes, “The Tao comes to stand for something that does not deny reason, but always manages to remain just outside its grasp.” This is like an extra dimension. As Aristotelian thinkers (we who know for a fact that “A” cannot be “not A”),
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August 2009
western thought is logical, linear and scientific. Eastern, not so much. Taoist sage Lao Tzu (600 B.C.) said: To be bent is to become straight. To be empty is to be full. To be worn out is to be renewed. To have little is to possess. Looking for common ground between these disparate points of view, I stumbled down a rabbit hole into a description of string theory on Wikipedia, which noted that “string theory is the first candidate for the theory of everything (TOE), a way to describe the known fundamental forces…and matter…in a mathematically complete system.” Apparently the math all works out and explains Everything if you just add seven more dimensions to the paltry three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time that we know about now. By comparison, it’s not so hard to believe that when an acpuncturist puts a needle in your arm they’re contacting and manipulating a stream of qi. If you look at matter on an atomic level, you have protons and neutrons and electrons whizzing around them, which means that a big boulder on a hill might look like it’s not moving, but it is moving and it is constantly changing, and we can do tests to prove it. But what value is there to knowing that? Will it make your shoulder stop hurting?
Continued on page 47...
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Written by Kaleigh Richards
Body Wraps
very so often something comes along that makes you say “Wow!!” Whether you’re looking to lose inches, have more energy, look younger or live a stress-free life, It Works has something for you. Since its inception in 2001, It Works has dedicated itself to providing professional quality beauty and wellness products created by physicians and nurses, at affordable prices. The signature product, the ‘Ultimate Body Applicator’ is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning and firming results when applied to the skin. The formula hydrates the skin, and reduces the appearance of cellulite. The average person achieves an inch to three inches of loss in as little as 45 minutes. Even though 45 minutes is the recommended time frame, the applicator is safe enough to wear overnight. The ingredients are absorbed by the body and continue to work for 72 hours after the wrap. Areas where the Applicator can be applied include the abdomen, buttocks, legs, and arms. Other applicators include: the Facial Applicator which softens lines and wrinkles, as well as improving the skin’s elasticity; and the Chin & Neck Applicator which can improve the appearance of a double chin or ‘turkey neck’. Along with offering a line of supplements and lotions, It Works offers a FIT Works complete weight loss program. With no synthetic fragrances, mineral oil, lanolin or animal by-products, It Works offers a safe, natural, affordable way to say good-bye to inches and wrinkles. References: 1. 2. 3.
For more info, contact Kaleigh Richards of Sierra Body Contouring at (775) 233-0346.
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It Works! Do-It-Yourself Body Wrap Literally shrinks your trouble spots in as little as 45 minutes! Botanically-based formula that will tighten, tone & hydrate your skin.
Integrated Awareness A unique & effective way to work through loss, divorce, illness & transitions. Feel Better Now. Call Cheryl Blossom, MA, EdT
August 2009
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SanoTint® HAIR COLOR Written by Lana & Bill Nickerson
reen living has become one of the underlying themes of our lives today, whether it is investing in green energy, green cars or green houses. Living “green” has become a philosophy that, when incorporated into our everyday lives, can be life changing for the environment and our bodies. It represents a desire to live a naturally healthy lifestyle, which also extends to the beauty products we use. Today, an increasing number of women and men are looking for natural, “green” hair color. They hope to find a product that will provide them with rich, natural, permanent hair color without the synthetic chemicals that can cause allergic reactions. In order to create permanent color, commercial products contain a variety of chemicals including ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and p-Phenylenediamine (PPD). Ammonia is a toxic, reactive and corrosive chemical widely used in fertilizer, plastics and explosives. Hydrogen Peroxide is a bleaching, oxidizing agent, detergent and antiseptic. The coloring agent used in most hair color is PPD. This is an extremely toxic chemical, which may cause severe allergic reactions when applied to the scalp, ranging from mild dermatitis to anaphylaxis. Many companies today understand the significant demand for natural hair color and will add some natural ingredients to their product, like essential oils or Aloe. They then falsely claim that their product is "natural." While these products may contain natural ingredients, the fact remains that they also contain the same synthetic chemical ingredients that all permanent hair color treatments must have. Individuals who have experienced serious allergic reactions to these chemicals have no alternative other than resigning themselves to just not coloring their hair. For those dealing with pre-mature graying, a purely natural hair color has become the Holy Grail. Unfortunately, a purely natural, permanent hair color does not exist. There are some natural products such as Henna, but they do not cover well and are not permanent. They quickly For past issues, go to:
wash out, must be re-applied and your choice of colors are limited. SanoTint® hair color is one of the only “green” products available that creates a deep, rich, permanent hair color that will cover grey hair. SanoTint® hair color uses Golden Millet and natural plant extracts to safely color your hair without damaging it. Sano Tint® hair color is a safe, do-it-yourself hair treatment due to the natural ingredients of its formula, which are: extracts of Golden Millet, Olive, Birch and Grape Seed as well as Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5) and Biotin. Reducing the amount of chemicals means reduced risk of allergic reaction as well. Those experiencing allergic reactions using commercial hair color may not only be triggered simply by a specific chemical, but also by the amount of that chemical contained in the hair color. In relation, a glass of wine a day may be healthy, however a bottle of wine a day is not. SanoTint® does not contain ammonia and works with less than 2 percent peroxide, instead of the 10-12 percent that other brands use. It also contains less than 0.4 percent PPD. The Sano 26
August 2009
Tint® Light product actually eliminates PPD and is one of the most natural hair colors on the market. SanoTint® has been dermatologically tested, is free of parabens, alcohol and preservatives, is not tested on animals and does not contain derivatives of animal origin. Those who have experienced allergic reactions to commercial hair color find that SanoTint® can safely provide them with lasting coverage. Every individual’s body chemistry is unique; therefore it is strongly recommended that one should have a sensitivity test done before using any hair-coloring product.
For more information on SanoTint, contact Lana Nickerson at (775)826-VIVA, or write to
A Joke: Have you heard about camping?? Answer: It's intense!! (in tents)
References: 1. SanoTint Product Information for Hair Experts, published by Cosval, Italy. 2. 3. 4.
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Because Your Office Chair Feels Like This. Sitting in front of a desk for 8 hours can cause you more than a few aches and pains. Luckily, Dr. John Rovetti specializes in the latest chiropractic therapies that help keep you pain free from head to toe. The muscle relaxing power of Cold Laser Therapy, or the healing power of mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) will ensure your day at the office is as comfortable as possible.
For a complimentary consultation to see how mHBOT or Cold Laser can benefit you, call
August 2009
Dr. David Rovetti, DC • 775.324.3700
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vs. Toxic Cleaners Written by Jennifer Gray, Pharmacist
Windex® and Paper towels
leaning and sanitizing our living space has become a multi-million dollar industry. The United States market for household cleaning products reached an estimated $7.3 billion in 2007 according to a February 2008 study by Packaged Facts, and the national yearly per capita use of household cleaning chemicals for 2006 came in at 25 gallons. It is clear that consumers want clean homes and have been convinced they have to buy many different products for specific applications, and pay a lot for them. The cost is also not just financial, every day Americans pour about 30 million pounds of cleaning products down the drain, polluting waterways and soil. Also, indoor pollution is of growing concern as more and more evidence points to the harmful health and environmental effects of chemicals and solvents used for “cleaning.” More people are suffering today from asthma, allergies, respiratory ailments and autoimmune deficiencies— all conditions which are aggravated by exposure to many of the chemicals found in conventional cleaning products. It is no wonder consumers are seeking new ways to clean naturally and chemical-free. Before you make your next cleaner purchase, consider the following information:
Windex®, the most recognizable window cleaner in the United States, contains ethylene glycol ether (EGBE) which acts as a degreaser. The compound is on the California list of toxic air contaminants. Its ability to linger in the air allows it to enter the lungs of anyone walking through the area in which it is used. The most immediate reaction to exposure to EGBE is irritation of the eyes and nose, headache, vomiting, and a metallic taste in the mouth. Ninety percent of Americans use convenient, disposable paper towels for their everyday cleaning tasks. More than 20,000 gallons of water is used to produce a single ton of paper towels and over a million tons of paper towels soaked with cleaning chemicals hit our landfills every year, as they cannot be recycled once they are used.
E-Cloths® and Water Eliminating the need for chemicals and using only water as a cleaning catalyst, E-Cloth® is the modern answer consumers are seeking. Cleaning can be fast, easy and non-toxic – it’s a back to basics idea for today’s households. These cloths, made from a blend of fibers are designed to attract dirt and capture grease, bacteria and grime effectively. This means less scrubbing. Conventional cleaning methods rely on chemicals to break down dirt to be absorbed by a rag or paper towel. These cloths can be used to clean almost any hard surface, tile,
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August 2009
stainless steel, granite, laminated counter tops, mirrors, glass, etc. E-cloths can be washed and reused up to 300 times, and are manufactured using sound environmental processes which create neither upstream nor downstream pollution. In addition, the packaging and labeling are 100% recyclable. Windex contains harmful chemicals, which cause indoor pollution. With cleaning power equal (or superior), it becomes “clear” that it is possible to get streak-free cleaning without the environmental and financial costs. By changing cleaning methods, it is possible for consumers to reduce harmful pollution and the financial strain of multiple, custom cleaners. At an estimated 25 gallons per household and at least $8.99 a gallon, that leaves an extra $225 annually in the household budget. References: 1. Eco-Cloth - 2. This Old House - http://hardwareaisle,thisoldhouse. com/2008/07/ecocloth-specia.html 3. The Mommy Blog - http://www.mommymandy. com/2009/02/e-cloth.html 4. Paper Towels - 3000 Tons of Landfill Waste Each Day -,000-Tons-of-LandfillWaste-Each-Day&id=1070655 5. Go Paperless,No More Paper Towels! – 6. Kay, Jane Hazard Warning on Home Cleaners: Study Says Many Use Chemicals Linked to Fertility Problems - http:// 7. Harter, Nick The Poison Lurking in your Home - http://
For more info, contact Jennifer Gray, RPh at (775) 232-5766. Go to ad on page 29.
Written by David Branby
eople often ask me how much they should allocate for marketing. For many years, the rule of thumb was 2-3 percent of revenues for large companies (think Procter & Gamble), and 5-10 percent of revenues for small businesses, especially start-ups. Today, there are many exceptions to this rule. Thanks to the Internet, search and data-driven advertising such as Facebook ads, plus the steady or somewhat reduced prices for traditional media these days, you can be a bit more discerning about your marketing investments and still do pretty well. I always like to have people consider the value of their time when making some of their spending decisions. For example, if you or your designated marketing person has to come up to speed on Google Analytics, Search, Adwords or SEO, you are looking at dozens of hours learning about these great new tools. In my mind, all that futzing with analysis and keywords and conversion rates is a re-allocation of the most valuable commodity you have: your precious time. Nevertheless, if you are going to send a positive message to the marketplace and do a lot of your marketing yourself, start with a simple — yet strategic — plan. First, figure out who the “heavy users” of your product are, or who they are likely to be. For example, if I were going to sell cigarettes (not that I would,
but bear with me), I would go after people like Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones. If I was selling beer, I would go after people like John Belushi’s character in the movie Animal House. The point is, 20 percent of your buyers (your “heavy users”) buy 80 percent of your goods or services, so focus on that 20 percent. Next, figure out what your message is, and stay with it. A little “power copy” helps. In the words of ad great Jim Jordan, “the heart and the power of advertising is...a few words so skillfully targeted, so clear in their positioning, so vivid in their articulation and so memorable in their identification with a given brand...that they become people’s principal reason for buying the brand.” Think "When it rains, it pours." (written in 1914) for Morton’s salt; "A diamond is forever." (written in 1947)
for DeBeers; and “You can do it. We can help.” (written a few years ago) for The Home Depot. The last point is to keep it simple, and fine-tune as you go. Work closely with your media representative to tweak your message, and keep it benefit-oriented. As shallow as it sounds, we all have our own self-interest at heart most of the time, so appeal to that. Talk to real customers, and ask them why they buy from you. Whether you use a testimonial or simply write your appeals using the language your customers use, they will ring true to like-minded people, and your time and investment in marketing your business will be profitably spent. For more info, contact David Branby, a writer and speaker on advertising, brand, and web marketing, at (775) 323-2444.
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B E A G R A I N E X P E RT ! What it is...
Why it’s healthy...
Best to use with...
Although it cooks like a grain, quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is really a plant. When cooked, it resembles small beads & has a fairly mild taste.
Quinoa is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. It’s also a good source of magnesium, which protect against osteoporosis.
It pairs well with vegetables such as kale, spinach & red peppers. Quinoa is delicious served warm or at room temperature.
Wheat berries have a sweet taste; a tight, oval shape; & an unmistakably chewy texture. Minimally processed, they have a nutrient-rich bran.
A complex carbohydrate, wheat berries are packed with protein, vitamin E & iron. Especially high in fiber, they protect against colon cancer.
Wheat berries enhance subtly flavored foods, such as chicken & shellfish. Their sweetness tempers salty ingredients, like capers & bacon.
Spelt is a cousin of wheat but has a slightly nuttier, sweeter flavor. It contains more protein and is easier to digest than wheat.
Spelt is an excellent source of vitamin B2, manganse, niacin, thiamin & copper. This combination of nutrients is good for migraines & diabetes.
Spelt flour is a great replacement for wheat flour in baking. Substitute cooked spelt berries for rice or potatoes, or combine spelt pasta with olives, tomatoes & feta cheese.
Kasha (toasted buckwheat groats) has a distinctive slightly sweet & musky flavor. It is often classified with grains but is really a three-sided fruit seed.
A protein-rich, glutenfree food, kasha is high in dietary fiber and antioxidants. It also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Kasha complements richly flavored foods, such as caramelized onions, cured meats, nuts and wild rice.
Bulgur has a granular texture & a nutty flavor. Often sold in coarse & medium-size granulations, it’s made from steamed, dried & cracked wheat.
Bulgur is a good source of potassium, B vitamins, iron & calcium. It has the same amount of protein as brown rice but has less fat & more fiber.
This Middle Eastern favorite is suited to tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley & mint (think tabbouleh), as well as dried fruits, nuts & cinnamon.
Barley has a springy, pasta-like texture & a mild, creamy flavor. It is sold as a whole grain (hulled) or pearled (polished), which cooks faster.
A high-fiber food, barley helps lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent development of type 2 diabetes, & aid regularity.
Whether as a side dish, a salad or in a soup, the grain pairs nicely with roasted meats, fruit & earthy vegetables, like mushrooms and carrots.
The Grain...
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August 2009
Treatments Written by Rebecca Willis
he earliest records of western medicine dating back to 140 B.C. indicate massage as an important healing technique. Asclepiads, considered the founder of western healing techniques in Greece, taught that movement of the body was necessary for health, and that one should restore the movement of the nutritive fluids of the body by means of rubbing. In the 1940’s, Dr. Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan demonstrated that one hour of massage equals four hours of sleep, and the therapeutic effect prepares people for either physical or mental exertion. Study participants did repetitive weight lifts until fatigued, received massage and then tried the weights again. After the massage they could do 30 percent more repetitions than when they started, whereas without massage their performance dropped by 40 percent. In another study done by Dr. Harold J. Reilly of New York, a client used daily massage as a substitute for four of his normal eight sleep hours per night over a nine-month period and successfully completed his Ph.D. during that time. During a massage treatment, the skilled hands of the therapist move over the body and stimulate circulation, improving the body’s ability to heal from injuries, overexertion or lack of exer-
cise. The lymphatic system, the garbage collector of the body is also enthused, ridding the body of accumulated toxins, from chemicals, prescription drugs and pollution. Toxins cause many illnesses and impede the immune system. As the massage therapist works along the spine, the strokes stimulate the nerve ganglia along the spinal column, eliminating blockages and re-establishing the flow of nerve impulses. This stimulation improves the health of every gland and organ in the body. The healing intent of the therapist is equal in importance to the skill of the therapist’s hands. Massage falls into the category of “laying on of hands” or “healing touch.” The effectiveness of the touch of a therapist with a healing attitude and positive intent has been
documented by several studies, and is accepted by many in the medical community as an important component in the healing process. These days, spiraling health care costs behoove us to do all that we can to maintain our bodies by integrating preventive measures to improve our health. Add up the benefits of massage: improved circulation, elimination of toxins, stimulation of the spinal nerves, improved health of all organs, strengthened immune system, strengthened bones, stress reduction and not-to-mention massage feels great! For more info, contact Rebecca Willis, director of Steamboat Hot Springs at 775-853-6600.
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Baked Fresh Everyday! gluten-free (on Mondays) spelt New Owners Welcome You! high-fiber 775.323.7733 100% pure honey 530 W. Plumb Lane • Reno 100% whole wheat Mon-Fri 6am–6pm, Sat 8am–5pm
You can pronounce every ingredient in our bread!
August 2009
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Nontoxic Pest Control
for Your Home & Garden
esticides are toxic and, while often effective against pests, can be dangerous for your family and pets. Outdoors, sprayed pesticides might drift on a breeze and dust your vegetable garden or your neighbor's yard. Indoors, pesticides can linger in the air, exposing the family to harmful chemicals. For these reasons, many people are turning to nontoxic pest control methods. Prevention is the best way to control pests, but there are times when even the most thorough preventative measures will not save you from intruders, so this article discusses both preventative pest control methods and nontoxic pest control products.
Preventative Pest Control Methods Sanitation: As they say, cleanliness is next to Godliness. And it keeps pests out, too. Keeping your home clean is the most effective pest control method. If you don't leave food or dirty dishes lying around the house, animals and insects won't be attracted to the smell. Sweep and vacuum regularly. Remember, just because you can't see crumbs doesn't mean they don't exist. Clean inside pantries and cabinets, under and around the stove and refrigerator at least once a year.
Screens: This may seem obvious, but screens on doors and windows are a simple and relatively cheap way to keep insects out of the house. Also, screens on crawlspaces keep rodents from obtaining easy access routes into the house.
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Caulking: By caulking cracks in your house, you can minimize places for insects to hide and nest. Target bathrooms and the kitchen, especially doors and windows.
Nontoxic Pest Control Products Traps: There are many kinds of traps available that target many kinds of pests. Some examples are sticky traps for cockroaches, glueboards for mice, flypaper, bug zappers, and traps specifically for rats, gophers, or moles. You can usually pick up traps at your local Home and Garden store.
Pheromones: Pheromones, essentially insect scent hormones, can be used in traps as bait. By emitting the scent of the female insect, pheromones can be used to lure males into a trap, where they are caught in a sticky glue. Insects are only attracted by pheromones emitted by their own kind, so you need to know exactly what kind of insects you're trying to eliminate and plan accordingly.
Biological Control: Biological control is more often used in agriculture but can sometimes be used in home and garden situations as well. Basically it means using desirable organisms to eliminate undesirable organisms. For instance, planting certain plants in your garden can deter certain pests. For example, spearmint repels ants. Garlic repels Japanese Beetles. Indoors, spiders eat fruit flies and houseflies, so it may be worth leaving some of those webs around.
Repellents: There are nontoxic repellents available for pest control. Mosquito repellents are the most popular, but if you look around, you can find repellents that target other pests. Some herbs, like eucalyptus and wormwood, are known for repelling animals and insects.
775.324.2872 20 Hillcrest Dr. • Reno
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Reference: 1. Information obtained directly from
August 2009
Your Doctor Might Be Missing Something...
CELIAC DISEASE Written by Christine David
xperts estimate that 3 million people in our country are living with celiac disease, which is approximately the same number of people living in the entire state of Nevada. Unfortunately, 97 percent of the people with celiac disease go undiagnosed. To put this in perspective, this magazine has a monthly readership of about 50,000 people, which means that about 400-500 people reading this article have celiac disease and probably do not even know it. There are serious consequences for the people who are not diagnosed. Recent studies have shown a 400% increase in the risk of death for people with undiagnosed and untreated celiac disease. Early diagnosis is the key to preventing future complications like infertility, osteoporosis, an increased risk of some cancers, neurological conditions, or the development of other autoimmune disorders. It is unfortunate that many doctors in the United States incorrectly believe that celiac disease is extremely rare. Because of this misconception, the average time from the onset of symptoms to a diagnosis is about 10 years. My journey to being diagnosed with celiac disease was a very long one. My initial symptoms began when I was a toddler, and I was not diagnosed until I was 30! As a child I had frequent stomach aches, headaches and ADHD like symptoms. As a teen I had irregular
periods, iron deficiency anemia, stress fractures, extremely dry skin and was frequently sick. All of these are possible symptoms associated with the effects of undiagnosed celiac disease. Throughout my twenties, frequent digestive problems brought me to many doctors, who told me to eat more fiber (which made me feel worse), to take antacids or anti-gas medications, or to just take painkillers to numb the pain. One doctor even told me that I was probably depressed; that my symptoms were all in my head and that is why I had so many symptoms he could not explain. At the age of 24 I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease, and that was my first step towards finding out I had celiac disease. Over the next few years I developed new symptoms of aching muscles and joints accompanied by fatigue and lethargy. When I became pregnant at 30 I decided to see a thyroid specialist during my pregnancy. At my first appointment with the endocrinologist, she was surprised that I had to take such a high dose of my thyroid medication, and was concerned that I was not absorbing the medication for some reason. She decided to test me for celiac disease and malabsorbtion. My test results were positive for celiac disease and for nutrient deficiencies. Since I was pregnant at the time, I was advised to begin a gluten free diet immediately to minimize the risks of birth defects or miscarriage that are associated with untreated celiac disease. During my pregnancy, it did not really hit me how
August 2009
many areas of my life would be affected by living gluten free. I just concentrated on learning about eating a healthy gluten free diet, knowing it was the best thing for my baby. Last month, one of the goals in my article was to help people become more aware of when to ask their doctors to test them for celiac disease by highlighting common symptoms and related conditions. Another challenge in detecting this disease is its’ lack of symptoms in some people. In the landmark prevalence study on celiac disease, it was determined that 41% of adults and 60% of children diagnosed during this study did not show any symptoms.
Continued on page 46...
Tired of
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Jessica Edge, B.S., N.D.
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Na t u r a l R e m e d i e s f o r
H E ART BU R N [ Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) ] Written by Sara Piccola
n estimated 20 percent of Americans experience heartburn/GERD at least once a week and unfortunately, many people buy over the counter medications. One in two households in the United States use antacids. On average, each household spends $11.75 a year on these products. If there are over 300 million people in the United States, even if you divide half of that by $11.75, that is more than $1.7 billion dollars a year being spent on antacids. A simple diet change can save you money, time and pain.
mon symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
GERD is a condition where the liquid contents of the stomach are regurgitated (or refluxed) back into the esophagus, which can damage or inflame the lining of the esophagus. Frequent heartburn is the most com-
If you experience GERD at nighttime try sleeping with your upper body elevated. When we lie down the effect of gravity is removed and the reflux is able to move up into the esophagus. It has also been said that GERD is worse when a patient lies on their right side versus their left.
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Refluxed acid is best treated naturally through diet change and simple life-style changes. The first step is smaller and fewer meals. It is easier to digest a smaller sized meal, so it is more likely that a smaller meal will have left the stomach by nighttime. Some foods that should be avoided in GERD patients are, chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, caffeinated drink and fatty foods. All of these reduce the pressure in the sphincter promoting reflux.
If you are affected by GERD you do not have to rely on antacids to reduce the symptoms. Some natural herb extracts have proven effective in calming GERD symptoms and repairing the inflamed tissue. These extracts include slippery elm, deglycerinated licorice and quercetin, and supplementing with glutamine.
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August 2009
There are some products on the market that contain all of these extracts, however, individually they all have their benefits.
Slippery Elm Slipper elm contains mucilage. When mixed with water, mucilage becomes a gel that coats and sooths the intestines, throat and mouth. It is believed that slippery elm contains antioxidants that aid in healing inflammatory bowel conditions. The recommended dosage of slippery elm is 800-1,000 mg three times a day with a full glass of water for capsules. For tea add 2 tablespoons of powdered bark three times per day. Slippery elm is sometimes referred to as red elm, sweet elm, Ulmus fulva or Ulmas rubra.
Deglycerinated Licorice This extract is made from licorice in which the glycyrrhizin has been removed. It is also referred to as licorice root. Licorice root has been used to cure ulcers, bronchitis and sore throats. The typical dose of Deglycerinated Licorice is 400 to 800 mg 15 to 20 minutes before meals or between meals. The chewable tablets are recommended over capsules.
Quercetin Quercetin is one of the most common bioflavonoids and is found in the coloring of the skin of apples and red onions as well as within most fruits and vegetables. Sold as a dietary supplement, quercetin is a powerful antioxidant, a natural anti-histamine and natural anti-inflammatory. There is no standard recommendation for the dosage of quercetin, general supplementation for adults is 100-250 mg three times per day.
Glutamine Glutamine is an amino acid found in foods high in protein. Glutamine is used by athletes to relieve muscle cramps, pains and serves as an antioxidant. It has the ability to heal mucous membranes including the lining of the esophagus that is damaged from GERD and heartburn. For most people the recommended Glutamine dosage is between 2-15 grams daily, however, the proper dosage depends on body weight, activity level, lifestyle stress, overall health and diet.
food. From fried foods to barbequing summertime is a time for friends and feasts, but the results can be painful heartburn and indigestion. Food is to be enjoyed. Enjoy smaller meals, chew your food slowly and avoid foods that aggravate your digestive process These are general dosages found at articles/slippery-elm-000274.htm,,, http://men-
References: 1. DS00095/DSECTION=symptoms 2. 3. HB_symptoms.html 4. is_n9_v18/ai_18420339/
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Patients commonly accept GERD for what it is; however, there are a wide variety of natural options for calming the symptoms of GERD and heartburn. Summer is here, and with it comes summer parties and events filled with laughter, fun and an abundance of glutamine-dosage.html. This is not meant to diagnose or prescribe. Please consult a health care practitioner for further clarification.
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August 2009
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Supplements for
DIABETES Written by Robert Rand
There are many supplements that can help.
iabetes is a huge problem in the United States, effecting millions. Today, young children are getting the disease at staggering rates. The fact is there are personal choices we can make to change this decline in health and healthy, natural ways to alleviate all ready existing diabetes.
Ironically, cinnamon has been shown to help with insulin sensitivity and this is the best way to attack DMII. Studies have shown that compounds in cinnamon not only stimulate insulin receptors, but also inhibit an enzyme that inactivates them, thus significantly increasing ability to use glucose. However, please do not make cinnamon toast with bread and sugar and think that you are doing your self any favors!
Most have what is now called Type II Diabetes, which used to be called non-insulin dependent diabetes, or adult onset diabetes. Today many are becoming insulin dependent so the name was changed to DM II.
Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that grows in Southeast
While Type I is complete failure of the pancreas and must be treated with insulin, DM II is treatable with good food choices, quality supplements and lifestyle choices. These can be used in combination with the right medications or as a stand-alone treatment for DM II.
Asia and has been shown to help reduce glucose levels. Fenugreek, is also a popular spice in Asia and Europe, which contains a high percentage of a soluble dietary fiber. This helps to inhibit the absorption of sugars, thus causing blood sugar levels to rise at a slower rate. Animal studies indicate it also plays an important role in supporting pancreatic beta-cells during insulin secretion.
Despite the sunny
weather, many Nevadans are vitamin D deficient.
Many dietary supplementation strategies exist to treat DM II. Their primary focus should be on food choice. Stick with low-carb and low glycemic index foods, which means quality meats and veggies. Good dairy products are also often beneficial. The diabetic patient must also become comfortable with testing ones blood sugar level.
Alpha-lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that is made by the body and is found in every cell, supplementing with a high quality alpha-lipoic acid can lower blood sugar levels, and its ability to kill free radicals may help reduce pain, burning, itching, tingling and numbness in people who have nerve damage caused by diabetes (called peripheral neuropathy).
People with DM II should not necessarily believe everything their neighbor tells them, or all that they read. Nor should they necessarily trust their doctor, their uncle Joe, or the proverbial guy at the health food store. People need to check their blood sugars when they get up in the mornings, then 60-90 minutes after meals. Experiment with different foods; see what causes spikes in the glucose levels and trust your glucose meter. DM II is a multifunctional problem but the primary issue starts with and revolves around insulin resistance.
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Benfotiamine is a synthetic fat-soluble form of thiamine (Vitamin B1). Human, animal and cell studies show that benfotiamine reduces formation of advanced glycosylation end products (AGE’s) that are essentially the end product of chronically elevated sugar levels. When
August 2009
doctors check the diabetic patient’s Hemoglobin A1C, they are in essence checking an AGE. AGE’s are appropriately named as they make you AGE FASTER. Benfotamine is very effective in diabetic neuropathy.
Prickly Pear Cactus (Nopales) is also effective in lowering blood sugars and can be mixed into an omelet or eaten as a side dish with meals. People from Mexico have used the juice form for many years to treat DMII and scientific studies have proven it effective. Vitamin D is now thought to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes and reduce complications for those who have already been diagnosed. Despite the sunny weather, many Nevadans are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D has many healthy benefits, too many to review in this article.
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References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars. Richard K. Bernstein MD. Little, Brown and Company; Rev Upd edition (March 22, 2007) 5. Reversing Diabetes: Reduce or Even Eliminate Your Dependence on Insulin or Oral Drugs. Julian Whitaker MD . Grand Central Publishing; Rev Upd edition (June 1, 2001).
For more info, contact Dr. Robert Rand, Board Certified Family Medicine, Medical Acupuncturist at (775) 826-7263.
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Finally Chromium and Vanadium are known to be important minerals for the diabetic. Chromium works to make insulin more effective and Vanadium can actually do the job of insulin and transport sugar to the cells. Individual patients respond to medications, lifestyle changes and supplementation differently and therefore changes in the regimen of each patient need to be discussed with your health care provider.
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August 2009
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THE G-FREE DIET A Gluten-Free Survival Guide
(Continued from page 10) This translates as: there’s no money in it for Big Pharma. Even if you do not have celiac disease, you may have a sensitivity to gluten which untreated, may become celiac disease. After all, Elisabeth did not have any symptoms of the disease at all until she had a bout of flu while in college. That seemed to trigger the symptoms. This means she experienced years of consuming lots and lots of gluten in the form of breads, pasta and pizza before she ever developed symptoms. So it stands to reason that the information and recipes included in this book could come just in time. Chapters include how to shop, how to eat g-free while dining out or traveling, how to pack g-free lunches for your kids, how to be g-free and slim, what the Autism connection is to gluten-intolerance and much more. Elisabeth’s physician, Dr. Peter Green, is a Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University. His website is Check it out for additional information. The G-Free Diet can be purchased for about $17 at www. For more info contact June Milligan, specializing in wellness support acupressure/ hypnosis at (775) 786-9111.
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Pistachio Crusted Chicken Salad with Green Garlic Dressing GLUTEN-FREE RECIPE Submitted by Christine David
ummer is a wonderful time to enjoy salads with fresh greens, but sometimes the gluten-free salad options can be a little boring. Usually a simple oil and vinegar dressing will be gluten-free, but gluten can be hidden in other dressings, nut toppings and even the chicken breasts served at many restaurants. This salad is a nice change of pace from the “plain” salads that many people, eating glutenfree, are accustomed to. It is delicious for everyone else too.
Serves 4 Ingredients: 7-10 cups mixed baby greens 4- 4ounce boneless skinless chicken breasts, pounded thin ¾ cup shelled pistachios, crushed in a bag with a rolling pin ¼ cup gluten free bread crumbs, or flour, or crushed GF crackers (whichever you have) 1 egg mixed with 1 tablespoon water ¼ tsp. sea salt and pepper 1 cup fresh raspberries 1 tbls. olive oil Preparation: 1. Mix crushed nuts with breadcrumbs on a large plate. 2. Mix the salt and pepper into the egg and water mixture. 3. Drizzle oil in a large pan and begin to preheat the pan to medium heat. 4. Dip each pounded chicken breast in the egg mixture to lightly coat, followed by dipping it in the pistachio mixture to coat.
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August 2009
5. Press the larger pieces into the meat with your fingertips if needed. 6. Once all of the chicken pieces are coated, carefully transfer the coated chicken to the hot oil in the pan, being careful not to brush off the coating. 7. Allow the chicken to cook undisturbed for 3-4 minutes, then carefully flip with a large spatula to ensure the pistachios do not get brushed off. 8. Allow the second side to cook 3-4 minutes and then carefully flip again. (Frequent turning is needed to avoid burning the delicate nuts) 9. Continue cooking for 2-4 minutes until chicken tests as done with a meat thermometer. Place 1 chicken breast and ¼ cup raspberries on top of each plate of mixed greens. Serve with Green Garlic Dressing.
Green Garlic Dressing Ingredients: 1 small or ½ of a large Hass avocado 2 tbsp each of: olive oil, champagne vinegar, sour cream and water 1-2 cloves chopped garlic, depending on taste ½ tsp. sea salt ¼ tsp. black pepper Preparation: 1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. 2. 1-2 tbsp. of additional water may be added for a thinner consistency. Can be served in a small ramekin on each plate for dipping or drizzling over the salad.
Written by Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC
or many people, this is a period of uncertainty, turmoil and discontent; compounded by fast-paced lifestyles and multiple demands on our time and energy. It is no surprise that people seek greater meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Many are reprioritizing and searching for greater clarity and purpose. Soul VisioningTM is a hypnotherapeutic process “that allows you to envision and create with the guidance of your Soul, your ideal future in the areas of work, career, relationships, finances, health and spirituality,” according to Susan Wisehart, a holistic psychotherapist and certified hypnotherapist with over thirty years of professional experience. In a state of deep mental and physical relaxation, your deepest yearnings and inner desires are revealed through higher soul visioning. This process leads to a vision that encompasses your core values, life desires and aspirations, all in alignment with a fulfilling and purposeful life. To prepare for the process of soul visioning, start by contemplating your core values. What guides your daily actions and responses? What do you value above all else? What are you unwilling to compromise? Next, reflect on your inner desires. What would your life be like if no
obstacles limited your ideal vision? What brings you joy and contentment? What would your ideal day look like? Finally, what would you aspire to accomplish if time, money and other’s opinions were of no consequence? These answers set the foundation for your soul visioning work. As you begin to clarify your life mission and connect with the energetic response to that vision, you directly influence the Reticular Activating System in your brain. According to Cathy Demers, award winning entrepreneur, small business mentor and catalyst for positive change, “Your reticular activating system is like a filter between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. It takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious.” This process generates a powerful magnetic draw toward circumstances and opportunities that support your vision. What prevents people from living their life’s purpose? Often there is a state of incongruence between the conscious and subconscious mind. It is important to uncover and reframe any subconscious limiting beliefs, misperceptions and negative cellular patterns that interfere with your vision. Hypnotherapy is of great value in resolving these conflicts and soul visioning your life. When you are congruent your energy soars. You feel empowered to take action. You will know you are following the right path when your life flows with inspiration and passion. Obstacles are viewed
August 2009
as opportunities for growth. You feel abundant, uplifted and inspired to embrace life fully. You are congruent and living your Soul’s Vision.
Soul Visioning Your Life
References: 1. Wisehart, Susan. Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future. Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing. 2009 2. Demers, Cathy. “From Dream to Done: The Vision for your Business and You in it.” Motivational Resources. com. 2009.
For more information on soul visioning your life, contact Virginia Parsons at 775-250-6482.
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Unlock the 7 keys to self-actualization
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HYPNOCOACHING WORKS Life Enhancement Services Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NC 20 Years Experience
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Powerfully Effective Viral Treatment
VITAMIN C Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD
his past June a Las Vegas resident died after being diagnosed with the Swine Flu. At this day in age it is intolerable that people are still dying from cold and flu viruses! Especially with all of the scientific research proving that simple preventative methods could have been used. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, strengthen our bodies against these viruses. A healthy immune system could have saved many killed by this flu. This knowledge should bring attention to the fact that nutritional and integrative practices have yet to be embraced by our hospitals It is important to note that all other species can make vitamin C except primates (humans), Guinea pigs, fruit flies and fruit bats. Many people are in a state of sub-clinical scurvy, a sign of vitamin C deficiency. A goat makes 13,000 mg of vitamin C daily in its liver, while we make none. All viruses exert their damage via free radical mechanisms and the best free radical absorber is vitamin C. Both orally and intravenously administered, vitamin
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C is very powerful in protecting against viral injury. Thomas Levy’s MD, JD Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins details over 1200 scientific references confirming vitamin C’s efficacy dating back to 1948, when Fredrick Klenner, MD of North Carolina successfully treated polio and other viral diseases with vitamin C. Meyer’s cocktail, named after John Meyer, MD in the 1950’s, is a great flu treatment. It contains 50 cc IV of calcium, magnesium, B5, B6, B12, B complex, 5,000 mg of vitamin C and 5 cc of low dose cortisol followed by a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide with manganese and magnesium. This markedly improves non-resolving flu immediately. With severe illness, increase vitamin C intake to 25,000 mg or 50,000 mg in the Meyer’s cocktail and then follow with the peroxide IV. Viruses and bacteria are killed inside white blood cells by peroxide. The nutrients in the Meyer’s IV empowers the peroxide IV to work better. This combination has been used for over 50 years and it is very safe and effective. If one begins to get sick with a cold or flu the amount of oral vitamin C that is tolerated is dramatically increased. If one takes two thousand mgs of vitamin C on a daily basis it is possible to take many times that amount when under attack by viruses, often 10,000 mg to 30,000 mg or more. According to Dr. Cathcart’s Rule, as soon as you reach the diarrhea point cut back your dose. There are many wonderful antiviral strategies available from the realms of nutrients, herbs and homeopathic remedies. Oxidative therapy via peroxide, ozone and ultraviolet light has been used
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August 2009
in Germany since the 1920’s. Ozone and peroxide were used in the great equine encephalitis pandemic in Germany and were credited with saving 80 percent of patients’ lives. Oxidative therapy is Mother Nature’s viricide. It turns on the TH-1 immune system of the body, promoting an increase the immune cells cytokines and lymphokines. This turns on the white blood cells and the circulating immune system. Vitamin A and D as well as zinc and many American and Chinese herbs are wonderful preventives and treatments for the flu. Cassava root and Tapioca root contain buffered, non-acidic vitamin C and are also terrific when taken on a regular basis. Isopathic remedies from Germany are homeopathic remedies made from parts of fungi and bacteria. They marvelously stimulate the immune system and have no toxicity. Others include Penicillium notatum, freqentens, roqueforti and Bacillus firmus. Notatum was the first penicillin discovered by Alexander Flemming in 1929 when the bread mold flew through his laboratory window and killed all the bacteria on a Petridish. Keeping your immune system strong, no matter what the season, goes a long way in preventing colds and flu’s. References: 1. Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. Xlibris Corporation 2. Nutritional Influences on Illness second edition by Melvyn R. Werbach, M.D. Third Line Press
For more info, contact Michael Gerber, MD, HMD of the Gerber Medical Clinic at (775) 826-1900.
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August 2009
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Killing Yourself Slowly Written by Bruce Eichelberger, OMD
f you have young children or grandchildren, you should be aware of a number of important recent developments in children's health.
Imagine a 22 year-old woman calling to find out if acupuncture might help with the sudden onset of feeling ill. She describes the symptoms: sudden dizziness, inability to focus well and tiredness. She has already been to the ER, where they could not identify the problem. These symptoms are consistent with someone having a stroke. But what 22 year old has a stroke? Isn’t that an old person’s disease? As it turns out, this young woman did, in fact, have a stroke. It took a second visit to the emergency room for them to finally figure out the correct diagnosis. This is not an isolated incident. Increasingly, health professionals see younger and younger patients with diseases previously relegated to the elderly. Here are some examples of this: • The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1/3 of the children born in 2000 will develop diabetes. The ratios are even higher for black and Hispanic children. • The number of obese children has steadily grown (no pun intended) worldwide over the past 20 years. Childhood obesity is a well-established precursor for heart disease and type-2 diabetes in adulthood. That number is estimated to now be 15.3 percent of children in the U.S. alone. • The combined percentage of overweight and obese children
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in the U.S. is 30.3 percent. That means that almost 1 child out of 3 is heading for future health problems. • The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that showed that 25 percent of obese children under 10 years had either blatant or pre-adult onset type-2 diabetes. • The worldwide estimate is that over 22 million children are obese. In certain parts of Africa, obesity is 4 times more common than malnourishment. • Nine out of ten children are addicted to sugar and refined flour by age 4. The primary difference between refined sugar and flour and hard drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin is that the sugar and flour are much cheaper and
August 2009
easier to get. All of them are addictive and very hard on the body, especially over time.
2. Gross, L. S., et al. Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States: an ecologic assessment. Am J Clin Nutr. 79(5):774-779, 2004. 3. 4. Erkkila, A. T., et al. n-3 Fatty acids and 5-y risks of death and cardiovascular disease events in patients with coronary artery disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 78(1):65-71, 2003.
• The number of children diagnosed with behavioral and attention problems such as ADD and ADHD has grown astronomically since 1995. A reported 5-20 percent of schoolage children are affected and over 2 million children take the drug Ritalin.
For more info, contact Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD of Reno, Alternative Medicine at (775) 827-6901, specializing in Oriental Medicine. Go to ad on THIS page.
What do all of these childhood statistics have in common? Aside from the fact that they have emerged in relatively recent times, the other common feature is that they all are directly affected by diet.
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As an example, the young woman first mentioned in this article had a diet consisting primarily of sweets and highly refined foods. Her typical meal was something like bread, cereal, coffee and a sweet roll. During the day she would drink sodas and juice – both very concentrated sources of sugar. And she practically ate no protein at all.
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Sadly, this is not that different from how many children eat. And, because the most serious childhood health problems listed above are diet-related, this is a totally preventable and reversible trend.
Jane O’Brien, PT MSPT Managed by North Tahoe PT
Another clear example is the predominance of ADD/ ADHD (behavioral and mental focus problems). The leading medical experts on this subject have found that diet has a profound impact on 5 out of 6 types of ADD/ADHD.
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Although it is difficult to get children to stop eating sweets and refined carbohydrates, it is not impossible. If your children or grandchildren have difficulty with school, have been diagnosed with behavior problems or do not seem to have the energy and mental focus they should, look to diet as an important component of this process.
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Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD
References: 1. Hyperhealth Pro Science Based Encyclopedia of Nutrition & Natural Health, Version 8.0, In-Tele-Health-America, Hansville, WA, 2004
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Challenge Your Emotions • Interview with Gary Zukav and Linda Francis •
Lotus Guide: When you say, “Change is not stressful. Resis- LF: Something happened a couple of days ago that I can refer tance to change creates stress,” are you saying that all change is good? And if not, is there a way to not resist without feeling like you are giving up and being a victim?
to. I felt that someone had done something that was very hurtful to another person. And what I noticed was that I felt a lot of pain and I had a reaction to it. What I always know if I have a reaction to something is that there is some work I need to do Gary Zukov: There’s a lot in that question. inside myself to change what is going on in me, rather than Linda Francis: Yes, great question. trying to change the other person, or judge the other person. GZ: What I would say is that every personality has frightened What I do is I allow myself to feel my reaction fully without a parts and loving parts. And by the frightened parts of the judgment and without getting angry at someone else. I know personality I mean those parts that are angry, jealous, resent- that it is my work to do if I’m having a reaction. It’s one thing ful, vengeful, that feel superior, that feel inferior, that need to to see something that’s unjust and do what you can to change please, that need to dominate, and so on. And every personal- it. It’s another thing to see something that’s unjust and then ity has loving parts as well, and by loving, I mean those parts get angry about it and judgmental about it. That’s a reaction, and it comes from frightened parts of my of the personality that are grateful, and personality. In this way I can continue patient, and kind, and caring, and conIt doesn’t require courage to send love to the world and be love in tent, and when change happens, and it the world. always happens, the frightened parts of to be angry or jealous or the personality are those that resist, and This is where we go beyond believvengeful. It requires courage LG: that resistance takes the form of all those ing and enter into an inner knowingness things that I’ve just mentioned, anger, that we are all part of one being. If it to feel the painful physical jealousy, resentment, superiority, all of wasn’t for the fact that it is so deceptively which are stressful experiences. sensations underneath those simple, you could just say, “Be present, be conscious.” Because that’s what So when you encounter stress, or emotions & challenge them... and it seems to boil down to—we lose our any of these emotions that are painful, presence and we lose our consciousness you can use them as an indication that by not acting on them. in the moment through reaction instead the frightened part of your personality is of taking action. active. And that’s good to know, because when you act on a frightened part of your personality it creates GZ: I would add one more thing to being present and conscious painful consequences. And the absence of stress, the joyful and that’s to be responsible. appreciation and acceptance of something, you can use as an There is something else when it comes to judging something indicator of the loving part of your personality being active. we see as just or unjust. We don’t know enough to judge. For LG: Linda, in today’s world, with all of the change going on, example, we see one person abusing another. We don’t know it seems like a lot of women I talk to that start getting in touch what is coming to conclusion in that action or what is being with the oneness, with their power, also get in touch with a lot balanced. We don’t know if the abuser and the abused are of residue from centuries of suppression and pain from the col- perhaps exchanging roles that they played in another time lective feminine nature on this planet. How do you, as a woman, and in another place. So we can’t judge what we see. If we heal that? Within yourself? Eckhart Tolle calls it the “pain body.” judge what we see, we create negative karma for ourselves. How do you process that in such a way that it heals? This doesn’t mean that we don’t protect the one who’s being
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August 2009
abused or support the one who’s being oppressed, but if we judge it, then we contribute what would create painful karma for ourselves.
LG: What do you mean when you say “living courageously in difficult times”?
INSIGHTlecture series PRESENTS
Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
GZ: Well, to create authentic power requires courage. If you
are someone who’s angry, before you respond, that’s the time to stop, and put your attention inside your body, put your attention on each of your chakras. For example, your heart area, your throat area, your solar plexus area, and allow yourself to feel the physical sensations that you’re feeling. And if the threatened part of your personality is active, those sensations will be very painful. Beneath anger is physical pain. Painful physical sensations in your body, and if you want to heal this frightened part of your personality, it’s necessary to experience those painful, physical sensations. That’s how you challenge a frightened part of your personality. And as you challenge it that way again and again and again and again, it begins to lose its grip over you, its power over you, and as its power over you diminishes, eventually it disintegrates, and that’s how you create authentic power. That requires courage. It doesn’t require courage to be angry or jealous or vengeful. It requires courage to feel the painful physical sensations underneath those emotions, and challenge them. Challenge that frightened part of your personality by not acting on them. That’s one way it requires courage to live in the world. It requires courage to become aware, emotionally aware, the courage to make responsible choices.
Making Your Life Count
Lecture & Book Signing
Tickets available online at For more information
7-9 pm Doors open at 6:30 pm $25 advance, $35 door
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Suzie Daggett 530-265-9255
10 am-5 pm Doors open at 9:30 pm $100 advance, $110 door
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Both events at the Grass Valley Veteran’s Hall 255 S. Auburn St., GV
Now accepting new adult and child patients in the South Lake Tahoe area.
LG: In your workshop that you and Linda give, what is it called?
LF: Well, the workshop that we’re giving in Grass Valley is called “Making Your Life Count.” That’s Friday night. And then the weekend, actually the daylong workshop that we’re giving, is called “Authentic Power in Action.” The workshop is an experiential gathering that will give tools and guidelines to support them in creating authentic power. It doesn’t matter what tradition you come from, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve been doing your work, it’s always good to get these basic tools and guidelines to support you in deepening your own spiritual growth.
GZ: It doesn’t matter where you start, it doesn’t matter what
orientation you have. If you’re open, if you want to become aware and present and responsible, this workshop will help you. It will provide you practical, grounded, useful, accessible tools to apply to your everyday experiences so that you can use them to grow spiritually; creating authentic power is using all the experiences of your life to grow spiritually. For more info, visit
For details about their workshop in Grass Valley on September 11th and 12th, Go to ad on THIS page.
August 2009
Barton HealthCare System welcomes Sonia Rupp, M.D., Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist with a sub-specialty in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specializing in: ❖ Depression ❖ Eating disorders ❖ Bipolar ❖ Anxiety ❖ ADHD disorders Call for your confidential & private appointment.
Licensed in California and Nevada. Providing psychiatric services and support for English and Spanish-speaking families. Office Location: Tahoe Family Physicians ❖ 1090 Third Street, SLT, CA
w w w. b a r t o n h e a l t h . o r g
For past issues, go to:
Your Doctor Might Be Missing Something... (Continued from page 33)
(Continued from page 7)
There are some things we can learn from other countries that have similarly high rates of celiac disease in their population. In countries like Italy, where the rate of celiac disease is 1 in 250, or Ireland where the rate is 1 in 300, doctors have a much greater awareness of the disease and they are more proactive in diagnosing it. For example, in Italy, they screen all children by the age of 6 for celiac disease, even if they have no symptoms. In the United States, celiac disease is estimated to be 2-3 times more prevalent than it is in Italy or Ireland, yet here we have no standard screening protocols, even in higher risk populations. Large amounts of money are wasted each year on unnecessary medical tests and treatments, when what is really needed are celiac disease tests and treating the cause of the disease by removing gluten from the diet. “We now have evidence that the increased awareness and diagnosis of celiac disease would benefit not only the patients but would result in health care cost savings,” said Peter HR Green, M.D., professor of clinical medicine and director at Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University Medical Center. I believe this is important to know so that you can feel more comfortable asking your doctor and insurance company to pay for testing if you have any symptoms or a health condition that may increase your odds of having celiac disease. Christine David enjoys living a Gluten-free life in Minnesota. She can be reached at (952) 484-5936.
For information on where to buy local wheat and gluten free bread, Go to ad on page 31.
· Personal, Business, Relationship & Relocational consultations Robert Ayres
When the fire element is being so strongly stimulated at this time, it can be wise to balance this out with the element of water. It is important to drink lots of fluids, especially water. You will feel better if you take the time for a cool shower or a swim. We are blessed with an abundance of rivers, lakes and swimming pools. Swimming should be a fundamental part of your summer experience. It is one of the healthiest activities you can do. The herbs of Leo strengthen the heart, regulate blood pressure and can have an uplifting effect on the spirit. Borage tea is excellent for strengthening the heart. Hawthorn berry tea can be used to treat high and low blood pressure. Motherwort is used to address heart palpitations and to prevent heart attacks. All of the above and more can be used to tone up the heart and circulatory system now. Vitamin D is ruled by the Sun and during the summer our bodies need more if it. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin and we receive most of it through the rays of the Sun. It is involved in the calcium formation of our bodies, which we can facilitate through supplements or leafy green vegetables. Our quality of life is directly related to our state of health. It is important to understand our strengths and weakness. We can then know how to achieve a state of balance among the complex mixture of cosmic forces that constitute our being. Self knowledge is essential if we are to live a truly fulfilling life. We need to consciously work with the forces of nature and the cosmos of which we are a part. Knowledge is power and we can use it to heal ourselves. Let’s get healthy!
Robert Ayres is an internationally known astrologer with over 40 years of experience. He can be reached for personal consultations at (530) 550-1118 or at his website at astrologicalalchemy. com. Go to ad on THIS page.
· Metaphysical teacher · 40+ years of experience
530.550.1118 PO Box 727 · Truckee, CA 96160
For past issues, go to:
August 2009
Acupuncture as Energy Medicine (Continued from page 24) Our bodies appear solid, yet we know that little sub-atomic particles are constantly tearing through us without our awareness (nevermind permission), some no doubt whacking a few electrons out of their orbits—a bit of DNA in your brain, a chunk of carbon in your heart—but most passing through this relatively amorphous construction, our bodies, seemingly without causing much trouble. But who knows? Pathogens lurk on doorknobs and in sneeze clouds. Secondary pathogens caused by improper diet impede the flow of energy and slow healing. East and West agree that we are energetic beings in constant flux. What better or more direct way to achieve health and harmony than using tiny needles to lever and redirect energy back to a comfortable pattern of flow? And it even works on shoulders.
Acupuncture &
Herbal Medicine Treatments for: Musculo-Skeletal & Nerve Pain, Migraines, Insomnia, Infertility, Menopause, Allergies, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Low Energy, Low Immune Function, GI Disorders, Cholesterol ••In-House
Pharmacy–Customized Herbal Formulas••
Using your body’s own energy to treat pain & internal disease
Dr. Gary Danchak, OMD
[This meditation is inspired by my annual re-reading of the seminal “The Web That Has No Weaver” by Ted Kaptchuk, OMD.]
9393 Gateway Dr., Reno
For more info, contact Gary Danchak, OMD specializing in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine at (775) 849-9800. Go to ad on THIS page.
Ari's Loft
Written by Arianna Purcell, 11 yrs. old
f you are looking for something to do over the summer, then do something outside! Get some fresh air, and while you are at it do something for our planet! Plant some flowers or trees, planting flowers or trees is a great way to put more oxygen into our planet. Something else you can do is to do something for your community, like help pick up trash around play grounds, or like I said plant some flowers or trees in your community! Have fun this summer, and remember to stay green! Here are some tips on staying green:
(inside S. Reno Athletic Club)
Mass age Specializing in neck, shoulders and lower back
CranioSacral • Reiki
Cheryl Kiraly, LMT LIC# NVMT2049
218 California Ave. • Reno
For more info/coupon go to
1. Remember to always turn
off the light when you are done in a room. 2. Recycle old papers, cans, and bottles.
Radical Forgiveness & Radical Manifestation
3. Never litter. 5. Instead of watching TV,
• Find unconditional love & acceptance of yourself. • Clean up the past & bring energy to the present.
6. Instead of playing on the
Individualized Coaching & Group Workshops
4. Pick up litter. go outside and play.
computer, go outside.
Call (530) 414-1420 Dinny Evans, Certified Coach
Stay green!
For past issues, go to:
COMMUNITYRESOURCEGUIDE ACUPUNCTURE DR. GARY DANCHAK, OMD 9393 Gateway Drive Reno, NV 89521 (775) 849-9800 Energetically restore your body’s natural health and balance with Acupuncture and Customized Herbal Formulas. Successful, natural treatments for: MusculoSkeletal & Nerve Pain, Infertility, Pre- & PostMenopause Hormonal Imbalance, Migraines, Allergies, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Fatigue, Cholesterol, TMJ & more. Go to ad on page 47. DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 85 Washington Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress & fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation & energy; emotional weight loss. You can look & feel better with time-tested healing techniques. Go to ad on page 43.
ALICIA WRIGHT - JUST ASK (775) 750-4248
Find yourself living a life where you know and feel that everything is perfect exactly as it is, through Radical Forgiveness & Radical Manifestation. Offering personal coaching sessions, workshops, ceremonies and group studies. Go to ad on page 47.
Let Just Ask manage your to-dolist: Running your errands; Gift & Grocery shopping; Home, garden & pet sitting; Oversight of home repair while you work; Packing, moving & downsizing assistance; Home & office organization; Special project & administrative services.
COLON HYDROTHERAPY RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian (775) 827-6888 Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Serving 2 locations: Gerber Medical Clinic & The Ageless Zone (775-826-8888). Go to ad on page 41. THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck (775) 884-3990
The astrology of self-transformationSM. Personal, business, relationship and relocational consultations. Metaphysical teacher. Over forty years of experience. Go to ad on page 46.
ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. Go to ad on page 23.
DR. TONY JENSEN 112 Moana Lane St. 101 Reno, NV (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Now offering ProAdjuster Technique, NO twisting, popping, safe and effective for all ages. Go to ad on page 35.
Practicing Total Healing Energy Treatments for over 30 years, Master John uses Shiatsu to harmonize and balance the body’s energy. Relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, body pains, digestive problems, endurance levels, unknown diseases and more. Regain your health and happiness. Go to ad on page 37.
NEVADA ECONET 1 Booth St. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 323-3433
Sophisticated equipment allows the gentle flow of water into the large intestine. Water is then released taking with it impacted waste and toxic build up from the intestine. This is repeated for 45 minutes, providing a valuable and extensive cleanse.
Specializing in Ear Candeling and Brazilian Waxing. Full body waxing, Facials, Massage, Lash and Brow Tinting. Steam Canopy Body Detoxing Treatments. Nail Services. For more information and current specials, go to www.
LINDA TIERNEY Colon Hydrotherapist 1515 S. Virginia St., Reno Inside Everlasting Health (775) 321-9313
For past issues, go to:
THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE Karen Tenaglio 507 Casazza Ste. E • Reno (775) 337-2525
MASTER JOHN MIYATA, DSM Executive Stress Care Consultant 218 California Ave. #203, Reno (775) 720-7188
ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY Robert Ayres (530) 550-1118
August 2009
Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in Northern Nevada. It is a network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.
COMMUNITYRESOURCEGUIDE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.
FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore Member of Alliance Feng Shui (775) 830-8168 Reno Rebecca is an environmental energy and design consultant who can help you avoid costly mistakes and enjoy long-term prosperity, health and success within your home and business, including existing, remodels, site selection, building design and commercial developments.
HYPNOTHERAPY JUNE MILLIGAN, M.Ed., CCHt Joyful Changes Acupressure/ Hypnosis (775) 786-9111
JESSICA EDGE, BS, ND (775) 324-3500
Improve your golf score with hypnosis! Reprogram your subconscious mind to automatically trigger the right muscle memory. Learn new acupressure techniques which reduce performance anxiety during the game, therefore powerfully increasing your focus. This works with any sport. Call now! VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 250-6482 Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management & Positive Lifestyle Change. Lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits & thinking. Virginia provides caring & supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 yrs experience. Go to ad on page 39.
VIVASAN USA™ • Lana Nickerson 6490 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. D37 (775) 826-8482 VIVASAN is the magic touch of nature from Switzerland. Offering personal and health care products with the same high Swiss quality acknowledged worldwide; therapeutic essential oils, herbal medicinal creams and balms, natural hair color, foot, body, hair and face products. Go to ad on page 27.
GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave. • Reno (775)-826-1900
A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. No-Needle Mesotherapy cellulite reduction. Go to ad on page 37.
ORGANIC SPA NEW SPA Mayberry Landing (775) 78-Relax (787-3529) Specializing in organic skin care and body treatments, New Spa delivers results without chemicals, parabens, or dyes. Services include massages, vegan nail care, airbrush tanning, waxing and tinting. Browse the spa store for hand-made purses, jewelry and Thai silk scarves. Go to ad on page 13.
Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, thermography, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on page 41.
August 2009
Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hormone balancing, lifestyle modification & hydrotherapy used to address the causes of disease. Menopause, PMS, Diabetes, Migraines, Digestive Problems, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression, Sleep, Allergies. Go to ad on page 33.
RAND FAMILY CARE 6880 S. McCarran Blvd. Suite 14 • Reno (775) 826-RAND (7263)
Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Go to ad on page 11.
Reno, NV (775) 250-3030 Elmore Oil, an all natural, fast acting pain relief for all types of arthritis and soft tissue pain. If you have arthritis, muscle aches and pains, sore neck or back or sports related injuries, try Elmore oil for soothing, relief. Go to ad on page 15.
PET CARE SHAKESPEARE ANIMAL FUND (775) 342-7040 The Shakespeare Animal Fund gives financial aid to low income, elderly and disabled pet owners who need help with emergency vet care. We welcome volunteer work and donations.
For past issues, go to:
COMMUNITY RESOURCEGUIDE STRESS REDUCTION DANIEL KANE, NCTMB 1026 West First Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 233-8404 An ancient physio-philosophy that reduces stress and complements other modalities. Using gentle touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu releases accumulated tensions by balancing the body’s life force energy, resulting in deep relaxation and peacefulness. Balance & harmony are necessary for good health.
THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE CHERYL KIRALY, LMT 218 California Ave. Suite 208 • Reno (775) 772-9101 Relief from chronic pain in neck, back, shoulders, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain. Combined modalities promote balance and healing. CranioSacral and Reiki available. Cheryl specializes in natural relief helping people regain their quality of life. Go to ad on page 47.
WEIGHT LOSS VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 250-6482 Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Go to ad on page 39.
EDITOR'S RETRACTION: In July's Northern Nevada Knowledge Quiz, an alert reader has pointed out an error in item number 1: The question should have read "Lake Tahoe is the ____ deepest lake in North America and the ____ deepest in the world."
Have a Headache? Try these yoga poses to soothe the brain and release the neck.
Beautiful Zen office space close to river. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 826-8482. Room for rent inside beautiful Skin Care/Massage Office. Call Karen (775) 337-2525. Beautiful upscale office with room(s) to rent in southwest Reno. Perfect for massage /aesthetician with sinks/cabinets in rooms. (775) 825-9494.
•JOB OPPORTUNITIES• Wanted: Hair Stylist to experiment with Natural Hair Tint Product. Call Lana: (775) 826-8482.
Head-to-Knee Pose Sit with both legs straightened. Bend the right knee, rest the sole of your right foot against the inner left thigh, and bend forward from the hips. Support your head on a bolster across the left shin. Switch sides.
Downward-Facing Dog From a standing position, fold forward and place your hands on the floor about 4 feet away from your feet. Reach your pelvis up and press your heels down. Support your head on a block.
2002 Honda Civic LX for sale. 5-speed, 4-door, 79k miles, great condition, excellent gas mileage. Call Bailey: (775) 772-5992.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose 2002 Jeep Wrangler for sale. 4WD, 60k miles. Removable hard top. CD/aux input. $9500 OBO. Call Zack: (612) 508-7313.
Lie down with your back, head, and neck supported on a blanket roll or bolster. Bring your feet together and drop your knees out to the sides. Place folded blankets under your thighs for support.
Full Size Bed with frame and mattress for sale. Good condition, really comfortable! $75 OBO. Call Sara: (775) 901-0910.
HEALTHYRECIPES always found on our website!
For past issues, go to:
August 2009
Legs-up-the-Wall Pose With a bolster or blanket beneath your sacrum, firm your legs enough to hold them vertically in place, and release your torso into the floor.
August 22nd
September 12th
Summer Psychic & Wellness Fair at the Peppermill Casino 11am to 7pm. Say Hello to your spiritual side and have fun. Intuitive readers and alternative health practitioners. (775) 324-2872.
Working and Healing with Energy Workshop. 10am-5pm. 4 presentations: Healing Touch, Reiki, Working with Auras, and tips on using a Pendulum. $60 for all or $20 each. Call (775) 250-7756.
'Authentic Power In Action' by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis in Grass Valley, 10am – 5pm, $100 .Veteran’s Hall, 255 S. Auburn St., Grass Valley, CA 95945. (530) 265-9255,
August 11th
August 22nd
Free Diabetes Screening - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the South Lake Tahoe Farmers Market at the American Legion Hall. 530-543-5548.
Carmen Carr’s monthly hike is at Frogs Lake Overlook this month. Contact (530) 550-5192 or for directions to trailhead.
Green Living Fair. Saturday, Lampe Park, Gardnerville, 9am–4pm. Exhibitors, workshops/ presentations, family activities, food, music, fluorescents/batteries/electronics recycled. Info: or (775) 265-6827.
August 28th
September 13th
Reno Vein Clinic will be offering free vein health screenings to the community. Call (775) 329-3100 to reserve your screening appointment.
Lungs On Legs, the half-marathon, 10K and 5K run/walk. Serious runners and families are welcome. Details at or e-mail or call (775) 829-5873.
August 13th “Why Diets Don’t Work” Free on-line Seminar. Learn what Happens to your Metabolism during diets and reprogram your metabolic switch in 6 weeks. 5:30 PM, Pre-registration required. Virginia or (775) 250-6482.
September 12th
September 11th
August 15th Aromatherapy “Scentshop”, 3-5pm. Explore the Natural Healing world of aromatherapy oils. Learn how oils work & how to use to heal yourself and others. $20, (775) 324-2872.
'Making Your Life Count' by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis in Grass Valley, 11, 7pm - 9pm. $25. Veteran’s Hall, 255 S. Auburn St., Grass Valley, CA 95945 (530) 265-9255.
Attract health minded individuals to your events! Calendar Listings: $50/month
ONGOINGCALENDAR MS Self Help Group Meetings
Weekly Group Meditations
Enjoy a small variety of gluten free breads baked fresh. Call to reserve yours (775) 3237733. (Disclaimer: We are a wheat Bakery and
Groups are a source of information & support, an environment for people to gather & share. Groups meet in Reno, Sparks & Truckee. Call (800) 344-4867.
Group meditations on Mondays at 6pm & Fridays at 6:15pm. Om Home 3670 Grant Drive, Ste 104A, Reno NV. For more info: (775) 250-7756.
Free Chiropractic Workshop
Monthly Specials at Reverse Aging
Gluten Free Mondays at Great Harvest Bread Company
cannot guarantee a 100% gluten free product)
Get better faster, Stay better longer, Spend less money. New chiropractic technologies. FREE!!! Tuesday’s 6 – 7:30pm Reserve now - Call today! Jensen Chiropractic (775) 323-1222.
Monthly specials on spa packages and detoxification. Experience the “Royal Flush,” infrared saunas and the chi machine. Call Diane, (775) 327-4878.
Wednesdays: 6-7:30pm. Come and find ways to re-enter your life renewed. Contact Dr. Krumpe at 233-0717 or Dr. Unthank at 742-1475.
Widening the Circle...It is painful life-loss such as this that holds the power to transform our lives. Weekly groups. Phone Terry Lowey at (775) 322-1924.
August 2009
Join us for an open meditation every Sunday from 12–1pm. At the Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno. (775) 324-2872.
Transforming Loss
Women's Empowerment Group
Sunday Meditation at Noon
love the simple, informative, authentic way this magazine distributes truth & wisdom! I pick it up at Pnuematic Diner." –Morgan Sandberg
For past issues, go to:
t's always sad to see a flyer stapled to a signpost or on a bulletin board at the grocery store with a picture of a lost pet. You imagine a child waiting for the phone to ring, hoping that some kind person happens to find his kitty and see his flyer. Sadly, once a pet is lost, the odds are against her finding her way home again. According to the American Humane Association, only about seventeen percent of lost dogs and two percent of cats ever find their way back from shelters to their original owners. Almost 9.6 million pets are euthanized every year because their owners can't be found. There are ways to beat these odds though, and they involve using nametags, collars and microchips. To give your pet the best chance to be identified, no matter how far she roams, have her implanted with a microchip and wear an updated nametag. Besides providing your contact information, a collar and nametag notifies others that your pet is domesticated and strangers are more likely to assist your pet in finding her home. Since tags can fade, rust, or get scratched and become impossible to read, AAHA suggests inspecting your pet’s tags and collars once a month. If the tags become unreadable or outdated, it is important to immediately replace it with a new nametag with your current contact information. Although tags and collars are important, they can tear or slip off. With microchipping, on the other hand, a veterinarian injects a tiny computer chip—about the size of a grain of rice—just under your pet's skin, between the shoulder blades. A number on the microchip is entered into an international database, like the Central Animal Registry or PETtrac. If your dog or cat is found, any animal hospital, shelter, or humane society can use a microchip reader to read the unique ID number contained on the chip. The veterinarian or worker can accesses the database by imputting the number given off by the microchip. The chip can't be lost or damaged, and it lasts for the pet's lifetime. However, it is your responsibility as the pet owner to update your contact information. The microchip is convenient, safe, and reliable. Though many veterinarians and animal shelters are actively working For past issues, go to:
to inform their clients about microchipping, there are still a number of myths keeping pet owners from microchipping their pets.
The myth: The implantation procedure is too expensive. The truth: While the price can vary from one
veterinarian to another, it often falls between $25 and $40. A lot of veterinarians will charge even less if they perform the implantation at the same time as another procedure, like spaying, neutering, or dental work. It's a one-time fee; the chip never needs maintenance or replacement. There may be a fee, generally under $20, to enter your pet's ID number in a database, and there may be a small fee for changing your address, phone number, or other contact information in the database. Ask your veterinarian for more information.
The myth: It's going to hurt my pet to get the chip implanted.
The truth: The procedure is simple, routine, and painless, and it doesn't require any anesthesia. Your pet simply gets an injection just under the loose skin between the shoulder blades; it's a lot like getting vaccinated. Most animals don't react at all. The myth: They couldn't possibly give every pet with a microchip a unique number. My pet's number will be duplicated.
The truth: The way technology works today, these tiny micro-
chips can hold huge amounts of information. In fact, the microchips are designed to produce 275 billion different identification numbers. On top of that, manufacturers add unique product and manufacturer's codes to identify their chips. With all the possible combinations of ID numbers, there are more than enough numbers to make sure every pet has a completely unique number.
The myth: Most shelters and veterinarians don't have microchip readers, so they won't be able to identify my pet.
The truth: It's true that a microchip won't work to identify your pet unless your pet comes in contact with a microchip reader. There are few shelters and veterinarians in the US today that
August 2009
don't have readers. (In Canada, almost all the animal control services and veterinarians have readers.) The main microchip manufacturers offer universal microchip readers to humane societies, shelters, and veterinarians for free or for a small fee. Until recently, each brand of microchip could only be read by its own brand of microchip reader. Recently, though, universal readers that read all brands of microchips have been made available to the shelter community. Ask your veterinarian, your nearby Humane Society or shelter, or the animal control department in your area whether they have microchip readers readily available. If not, encourage them to get the readers. Of course, to be sure your pets will be returned to you, you should identify them with an updated tag and a microchip.
The myth: Eventually, the microchip
will wear out and I'll have to have it replaced.
The truth: The chip doesn't have an
internal battery or power source. Most of the time it is inactive. When the microchip reader is passed over it, it gets enough power from the reader to transmit the pet's ID number. Since there's no battery and no moving parts, there's nothing to wear out or replace. The microchip will last throughout your pet's lifetime. However, it is your responsibility as the pet owner to update your pet's microchip everytime you change addresses or phone numbers.
The myth: My cat never goes outside.
She doesn't need to have a microchip ID.
The truth: It's wonderful that you're
keeping your pet safe inside, but a guest or a repair person could easily leave the door hanging open, or a screen could come loose from an open window. Unaltered pets in particular will take any chance to roam. There's a possibility that your house could be damaged in heavy storm, flood, or other natural disaster, causing your cat to run away in fear. Pets can even be stolen – particularly birds and exotic or purebred animals. No matter how closely you watch your favorite animal friend, there's always a chance she could get out, and if she doesn't have any ID, it will be extremely hard to find her.
The myth: If someone else ever tries to but there is a chance a shelter won’t have claim my pet, the microchip ID number won't hold up in court.
The truth: A microchip ID number is
unique, it can't be changed, and it links a pet to its owner through an international database. It works a lot like the serial numbers that link vehicles, stereos, TV sets, and other valuable possessions to their owners. The American and Canadian Kennel Clubs have recognized microchipping as definitive proof of a dog's identity and ownership, and accept microchip identification to register purebred dogs. If you own a very valuable pet, or if you're afraid there might be a question about who has custody of your pet, microchip identification could be a big help.
The myth: It's not safe for my dog to have a foreign object inside his body.
The truth: Any foreign material injected
carries some risks. However, the risks of are extremely minimal compared to the risk of your pet becoming lost. Veterinarians have been implanting microchips in animals for years, and the process has been proven to be very safe. The chip is made out of an inert, biocompatible substance, which means it won't cause an allergic reaction in your furry friend, and it won't degenerate over time. The first versions of the microchip would sometimes migrate from where they were injected, but manufacturers now design the chips with antimigrating properties. When they're implanted properly, today's chips won't migrate. Once they're in place, they won't move around or get near any delicate tissues or organs. You can help make sure the microchip incision heals securely by keeping your pet calm and quiet for the 24 hours following injection. Because the microchip is placed just under the skin and not internally, microchip reading is completely safe as well. Microchipping is safe, effective, durable, and dependable, but it can’t absolutely guarantee that a lost pet will be found. The best way to keep your pet safe is to use more than one form of identification. Microchips are long lasting and a wonderful means of identification,
August 2009
a reader, so a tattoo would be an effective backup form of identification. If kind strangers find your dog in the street, on the other hand, they won’t have a reader handy to check for a microchip and won’t know where to call to match a animal’s tattoo to an owner. A tag with your name and address would let them bring your pet right back to your door. Another possibility would be a tag that informs readers that your pet has been microchipped and/ or tattooed and gives them the number to call to reach the ID number database. There’s always the possibility that one kind of identification could fail, but if your pet has two or three kinds of ID, there’s a good chance that at least one will help bring her home to you. Talk to your veterinarian about how to provide the best identification for your pet. In a perfect world, leashes, fences, and doors would be enough to keep your pet safe at home. In the real world, accidents happen, and your pet depends on you to protect her against the things that could go wrong. With a little effort now, you can take a big step toward ensuring that your furry friend will be with you in the future. References: 1. Directly referenced from
We Take Vitamins Seriously.
• Expert Knowledge. • Continual product testing. • Exceptional quality at a highly competitive price. Sign up for the Healthy Awards Club today! Call:
775.852.7158 6135 S. Virginia St. • Reno
For past issues, go to:
Fridays, 5:30-7pm, July 3-Sept. 25 LDS Church Park Holly, (775) 726-3109
Tuesdays, 4:00-8:30pm, June 16 – Aug. 25 (closed July 7) Churchill County Fairgrounds 325 Sheckler Rd Don, (775) 427-3428
Wednesdays, 4-8pm, June 10–Aug Somersett Town Square, 7650 Town Square Way Linda, (775) 787-4500 Ext 311
Saturdays, 9am-2pm, May 30-Sept. Slanted Porch Restaurant parking lot 310 S Taylor St Steve, (775) 423-4489
Sundays, Call for dates & times West Street, Downtown Reno Shelli, (775) 334-2077
Tuesdays, 8am-1pm, June 2-Sept. 15 United Methodist Church, 1231 Pyramid Way Everett, (775)358-0925
CARSON CITY Saturdays, 9am-1pm, June 27-Oct 3rd & Curry St Linda, (775) 882-6741
DAYTON Thursdays, 4-7pm, June 25-Sept. Community Roots Nursery, Hwy 50 & 2nd Ave Wendy, (775)250-7884
Call for dates and times CJ Gueldner, (775) 846-0494
ELY Saturdays, 10am-2pm, Aug. 15 Sept. 19 400 Ely Street Phil, (775) 289-8364
Wednesdays, 8am-1pm, June 3 Sept. 16 Lampe Park Jana, (775)782-9828 sites/recdept/Adult.cfm
Thursdays, 4-7pm, July - Sept. Gold Street Gary, (775) 237-5326
Tuesdays, 4-8pm, June 2 - Sept. Esmeralda Avenue, downtown Roxanne, (775) 782-2444
c 6139 S. Virginia St. • Reno (at Neil & S. Virginia) Store Hours: 8am-9pm, 7 Days a Week For past issues, go to:
Thursdays, 4-9pm, June 11-Aug. 20 (no market Aug. 6) Sparks Hometowne Farmers Market Victorian Avenue in Sparks Greg, (775) 353-2291
WINNEMUCCA Thursdays, 5-7pm, July-Sept. Next to the Community Garden Ed, (775) 623-8413
Ha r d t o F ind Or ga nic & Natural Baking Goods Artisan Bread Bakery Large Selection of Supplements Buffet & Pizza Bar, Eat-In or Take-Out Locally-Grown Featured Produce Gl u t e n- F r e e & W he a t - F r e e Packaged Goods
(775) 852-8023
August 2009
HERBS& SUPPLEMENTS Fulvic Acid: a Super-Antioxidant
Free Natural Stress Reliever!
Drink only one delicious ounce a day to get natural sustained energy throughout your day without turning to caffeine, sugar, or other stimulants. Fulvic acid makes nutrients more absorbable — 98% is absorbed. 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. Power of 3™ •• 775.220.6995
Magnolia Extract is the natural way to reduce stress and tension. Buy one bottle for just $14.95 and get the second bottle FREE! Use Savings Key Code: N44961. Health Freedom Nutrition • 800-980-8780 255 Bell St. • Reno, NV 89503 •
BEAUTY SCENE Tan & Revitalize Your Skin Without Sun
Vegan Nail Polish
InfinitySun introduces a portable, sunless tanning system! This hand-held, fine-mist spray provides custom-blended, clean, even coverage that lasts up to 2 weeks! Hydrating formula features antioxidants and vitamins A & E to enrich your skin. Call today for package specials. Found exclusively at... New Spa • 775.787.3529 • Located in Mayberry Landing at Mayberry & McCarran
Terrible Toxins
Beautify your nails naturally! Treat your hands and feet to an organic manicure or pedicure at New Spa. We use nail polishes that are free of DBP, Toluene, Formaldehyde, sulfates, mineral oil and synthetic fragrances. A shimmering collection of colors for healthy and resilient nails, found exclusively at... New Spa • 775.787.3529 • Located in Mayberry Landing at Mayberry & McCarran
Ingredients To Avoid In Personal Care Products (Continued from page 13)
• Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40): drying,
disorders. Baby oil is 100% mineral oil!
irritating solvent that strips skin’s moisture and immune barrier, making you vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Made from petroleum derivative found in shellac, antifreeze and personal care products. Promotes brown spots and premature aging.
• Fragrances:
• Mineral Oil: Petroleum by-product that
• Parabens: Act as preservatives and are
coats the skin like plastic wrap, clogging the pores. Interferes with skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other
Can contain up to four thousand ingredients (including animal urine), many toxic or carcinogenic. Causes headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing, vomiting, and skin irritation. present in most moisturizers and some deodorants. Scientists have shown that chemicals in cosmetics can pass through
August 2009
the skin, into the bloodstream and internal organs.
• Phthalates:
Some of these chemicals have the potential to disrupt hormones and affect reproductive health, or make us more susceptible to cancer or health problems later in life. Reference: 1. This information was provided directly from the Terrible Toxin pamphlet
For past issues, go to:
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