Healthy Beginnings Magazine July 2015

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Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® ISSN 2150-9921










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2 February 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.

July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings Visit

departments health 08 Yoga’s True Nature

By Shawna Lee West

09 Endless Summer Yoga Retreat By Shawna Lee West

10 Headaches

By Dr. Michael Gerber

16 What Are You Talking About? By June Milligan

18 The Domino Effect By Dr. Tony Jensen

28 Memory Loss is not an Automatic Side Effect of Aging

By Metro Creative

integrative health 12 Stay Away From Statins! It Gets Worse By Dr. Robert A. Eslinger

spiritual health 15 God Trumps All Odds By Andy Drymalski

16 What’s Testing You?

By Kate Colby Nelson


inside the

issue 7 2015

on the cover

in every issue

08 Granlibakken

04 Publisher’s letter

The Ultimate Yoga Retreat

18 Your Feet, Your Foundation 12 Stay Away From Statins! It Gets worse

20 The Many Causes of Headaches 20 Pasta P(r)esto!

13 Crystology 14, 20, 24 Recipe 30 Herbs & Spices 32 Professional Directory 34 Calendar

26 The Soil Will Save Us

26 The Soil Will Save Us

How Scientists, Farmers and Foodies are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet By Kristen Ohlson Reviewed By June Milligan

crystology 13 Jasper

The Make-Up Stone By Lissie Lyles

herbs&spices 30 Medicinal Qualities of Saffron By Lauren Lander

recipes 14 Tropical Smoothie By Lynn Virgilio

20 Pasta P(r)esto!

By Marie-Claire Hermans

24 Mediterranean Wild Rice Salad By Shannon Vigil

Healthy Beginnings • July 2015


publisher’s letter publisher’s letter


appy July! Happy Summer!

July is always a fun month as we get to celebrate the birthday of our beloved country and reflect on our gratefulness for the freedom that we enjoy. We have so much to be thankful for living in America. How about spending the month of July being grateful? Noticing what you are grateful for each day could be a very rewarding way to spend the month. To begin to bring more gratitude into your life, you can deliberately meditate on the things in your life that help you, that you appreciate, or that give you pleasure. Gratitude can lead to feelings of love, appreciation, generosity, and compassion, which further open our hearts and help rewire our brain to fire in more positive ways.

are grateful for. For example; write what you are grateful for in your daily journal, post pictures, create affirmation cards, or recite your list of what you are grateful for each morning. You can also express your gratitude by writing cards to friends and family, baking cookies for neighbors or sharing food with the poor, expressing appreciation for the abundance of food that we have in this country. Enlist your family and friends in a month of gratitude! Everyone that participates will feel better!

“Have an attitude of gratitude. The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude.” — Zig Ziglar

One of the most wonderful reasons for being grateful is the positive impact it has on the way we feel. Also, being grateful is an energizing way to start your day!

I am grateful to our wonderful contributors for our July issue, and I am grateful for how they share their expertise and knowledge to help us live a healthier life.

Make July your gratitude month! Make a commitment to an attitude of gratitude for the thirty-one days of July and notice how much that impacts your outlook. Pick a way you will express what you

Of course, we are grateful to you, the reader! In this issue you will find a request to share your favorite smoothie recipe on facebook:

Lynn Virgilio

We also would love to hear from you on instagram, twitter and pinterest.




Use #HealthyBegins to Share a photo of your smoothie. We are grateful for your submissions!


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

Farmer’s Market at Kahle Community Park

eloquent speech. It is said to through aid in 4-7 p.m. Every Wednesday night September Kahle Community success in at business matters, Park and in is South Lake Tahoe. particularly known for assistance in areas of legal affairs. Emerald is reputed to possess the power to assist Farmers Market at the Tahoe one in becoming an eloquent speaker. Biltmore Aristotle, a great fan of the gem, wrote 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Every Friday throughthe that owning an Emerald increases Sept. 25 in the front parking lot. owner’s importance in presence and speech during business, gives victory in trials, and helps settle litigation.

El Dorado County Certified

Emerald the stone that most Farmers is Market 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuesday June 2 of represents theEvery energy patterns through October in the American Legion an activated Heart Chakra. Located parking lot in South Lake Tahoe. near the center of the breastbone this chakra regulates our interaction with AmericanLegionSouthLakeTahoe.asp the external world and controls what we embrace or resist. When the Heart Ski Run Farmer’s Market & Chakra is out of balance, one may Street Fair feel either controlling or controlled 3-8 p.m. Every Friday June 5 through in a relationship, and become overly Sept. 4 between Larch and Birch critical avenuesofonothers. Ski Run Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe. Inappropriately strong emotional

responses to everyday external stimuli can be a sign of an imbalance Downtown Reno Farmers in this chakra. Green crystal energy, such Market as Emerald, is used to resolve such 4-9 p.m. Every Thursday June 11 blockages and27toatre-balance Heart through Aug. The Sandsthe Regency Chakra. strong and open heart also Hotel in A downtown Reno. allows universal blessings to flow into SPARKS---THURSDAYS.html one’s life. Emerald is a powerfully grounding stone in meditation, it helps Free Line Dancing Lessons the meditator to maintain focus on the Every Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the slow, rhythmic breathing necessary Vinyl inside the Hard Rock Hotel and to attaining depth in a meditative Casino Lake Tahoe. Call (775) 588-1010. state. Once achieved, it assists in maintaining the cool brilliance of Nature Inspired deliberate reflection.Yoga and Yoga


Every Wednesday and Thursday through August at 8:30 a.m.. These events References: will blend nature, yoga, meditation, adventure and sustainability practices 1. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s and are available to everyone. Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Community and donation based. For Metal Magic. Llewellyn Publications. more information, contact Erica Hartnick St 2001. at Paul,

2. c r y s t a l v a u l t s . c o m / c r y s t a l Church of Inner Light encyclopedia/emerald

Meditation service followed by aura healings. Every Sunday at noon. Open to all.


Trance Medium Healing Clinics

A spirit to spirit healing done out of body using a canneler and spirit guide. Every second and fourth Thursday 7:308:30 p.m. Costs $25.

Lose 10 to 15 LBS in Just 10 Days! What’s the Secret?

Hands On Healing Clinics Anabolic Cleansing with A massage that clears the energy events in your body and being. Every Raw, Living Superfoodsbetween first and third Saturday 10 a.m. to 12:20

the area

p.m. Costs $25.

Tranformation Cleanse!

• Awaken mental clarity Aura Healing Clinic • Tone muscle, tighten skin Healers clear foreign energy from your • Break addiction to false foods space, allowing you as a spirit to be lost 19.9 lbs in 10 days! more Guyla in yourA:body. • Resculpt your body Every Tuesday 5-7 p.m. FREE Consultation and $50 Gift Card! 2 FREE 45 min coaching sessions

Womans Energy Healing Clinic

Receive your female To look and feela healing yearsforyounger

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Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D.

Exchange ideas and Reiki energy. Open Mans Energy Healing Clinic to anyone who does Reiki and anyone Receive a healing for your male energy. who is curious. Please call or email to Visit Every second Thursday 6-7 p.m. register. Space is limited. 775-782-3481

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20 Hillcrest Drive • Reno, NV 89509 • (775) 324-2872

Healthy Beginnings 2015Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 Life’s• a July journey.






Lynn Virgilio, Kippy Spilker

Content Director

Lynn Virgilio

Design & Layout

Alexandria Olivares-Wenzel

Social Media Managers Web Archiving Contributors

Abbey Smith, Steph Merkle, Cambria Roth June Milligan, Kate Colby Nelson, Shawna Lee West, Lissie Lyles, Lauren Lander, Metro Creative

Contributing Medical Writers

Dr. Andy Drymaslski, Dr. Michael Gerber, Dr. Robert Eslinger, Dr. Tony Jensen, SpineNevada

Healthy Recipes

Marie-Claire Hermans, Lynn Virgilio, Shannon Vigil


Healthy Beginnings’ Mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location nearest you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 408.406.9799 or e-mail us at We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission be obtained in writing. Please email for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at in the footer of the home page.

Questions, Comments, and Submissions

Printed in the USA HB Magazine is printed on partially recycled newsprint



July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings


SpineNevada Sparks Relocation On June 8, 2015, SpineNevada Minimally Invasive Spine Institute relocated its Sparks office to a 15,000 sq. ft. free-standing building residing at 780 Vista Blvd. SpineNevada’s center of excellence combines the expertise of fellowship-trained spinal neurosurgeons and non-surgical spine physicians along with physical therapists, an exercise gym and open InMotion MRI. SpineNevada’s total spine care approach puts all the key multi-disciplinary spine treatment components under one roof, for one stop spine care. The Center includes offices in Reno, Sparks and Carson City. For more information, please call 775.348.8800 or visit

In each city they visit, the relics are inspiring communities to come together and experience an inter-faith celebration focused on our shared human qualities – love, compassion and the importance of having a ‘good heart.’ Visitors may participate in a Blessing Ceremony where the relics of the Buddha are gently placed on the crown of the visitor’s head for a personal blessing.

Patricia Elliott RN, LMT

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Posture. Ease. Pain Relief. Rolfing Structural Integration promotes postural efficiency and freedom of movement. It creates feelings of wellbeing and can revive vitality.

Exhibition of the Buddha’s Ancient & Sacred Relics comes to Reno

Friday, July 17: 6pm to 8pm, Opening Ceremony followed by viewing of the relics

July 17-19, 2015

Saturday, July 18: 10am to 7pm

Free entrance

Sunday, July 19: 10am to 5pm

The 3,000 relics were found among the cremation ashes of Buddhist masters, and are clearly visible inside display cases that encircle a life-sized golden statue of the Maitreya Buddha. They resemble beautiful, pearl-like crystals that Tibetans call ‘ringsel’ and it is believed the relics embody the master’s spiritual qualities of compassion and wisdom, deliberately produced by the master at his death.

Location: Dharmakaya, 501 W. 1st Street, Suite A, Reno, Nevada 89503 (entrance on Ralston Street).

Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

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Yoga’s True Nature Written by Shawna Lee West


ll around us, people are being drawn to Yoga. There are studios in every community. Yoga clothes and accessories have become a multibillion dollar industry. You say the word yoga and somebody inevitably has a reaction; “I love my teacher” or “I’m not flexible enough for yoga.” Although most people have heard of yoga, for many the practice is still somewhat shrouded in exotic mystery. People begin practicing yoga for many reasons: to get in shape, a doctor’s orders, to meet new people or maybe to find solace, quiet and peace. For whatever reason one starts, Yoga quickly reveals itself as so much more than a physical experience. Yoga is a mindful exploration of one's internal and external space. It is a practice that is deeply personal and one that opens itself infinitely. The word “yoga” means to yoke, or to unite, completely with all that surrounds and fills the individual so that one feels his/her place as a part of the Universe- not apart from it. Yet it is not a religion nor need it be focused in its spiritual disciplines. Yoga - it’s a form of exercise by American standards, yet originally it was


developed in India as a practice, a way of living through eight standards. So why has Yoga become the latest craze? Maybe it’s because yoga is a union of mind, body, spirit. Yoga creates reflection and involves meditation- quiet and calm amongst a world that is in constant chaos. The most widely known part of yoga includes Asana and Vinyasa, the flowing movement of one pose to the next. To tap into the full benefits of yoga, one also practices breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation. Yoga also includes elements of behavior and living. To practice yoga means to practice consideration so that you may move with grace and consideration for the good of all that inhabits the Earth.

pain relief, a lighter spirit, longer and leaner muscles, more open joints, increased range of motion, and so much more. Locally, there are opportunities to participate in yoga retreats that give you a chance to learn more about yoga, practice and immerse yourself in a full body, mind, spirit workshop. To learn more, contact, Shawna West Ganlibakken Tahoe, 800 543 3221 See ad on page 9

Benefits of yoga include greater mental clarity, flexibility in both body and mind, a calmer and steadier heart, healthier functioning systems (i.e. digestive, cardiovascular, emotional),

July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

Endless Summer Tahoe Wellness

Yoga Retreat Written by Shawna Lee West air yoga at Lake Tahoe and what do you get? A perfect union. Think Lake Tahoe and you’re whole body reacts. You feel a soothing mountain breeze, you smell aromatic earth and pines, you see clear blue skies and vast, perfect blue waters. This is summer at Tahoe. To prolong the serenity of summer in Tahoe as long as possible, Granlibakken Tahoe introduces our 2nd annual Endless Summer Yoga Retreat, September 4-6, 2015.


Endless Summer Yoga Retreat is the gift you deserve. Amidst the secluded property of Granlibakken Tahoe, you will enrich your mind, body and spirit with fresh pranayama (breathing), contemplation and energy.

Sept 4-6, 2015

Endless Summer Yoga Retreat brings the perfect balance of yoga for all ability levels, meditation, Lake Tahoe activities, indulgent spa treatments at Granlibakken Day Spa,* three restorative meals a day and lodging.

Endless Summer Yoga Retreat

The program begins with a captivating yoga class provided with live music through melodic singing bowls. These sounds offer healing. The sounds of the singing bowls combined with yoga allow you to slip harmoniously into a space of retreat for the weekend. Friday evening continues with a tantalizing dinner and a powerful opening fire ceremony to set your intentions for the weekend. Saturday and Sunday find yourself waking up to a morning vinyasa class with sun salutations, deep twists and a creative sequence of poses.

Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend

Nov 7-8, 2015 877.552.0185

Each full day you have the choice of three yoga classes, a heart pumping Tahoe guided hike and/or an enriching Lake Tahoe water activity including kayaking or stand up paddle boarding. Saturday evening’s Devotion in Motion yoga class with a live DJ will enthuse your flow and levitate your spirits. Stay Sunday evening and enjoy a live performance from Tahoe Flow Arts Studio that will motivate you from within and allow for handson demonstration and workshop. Depart Granlibakken Tahoe Monday morning and return home with a fresh perspective and lasting vitality to nurture your daily life. In addition to daily yoga, meditation and Lake Tahoe activities, learn about nutrition and lifestyle through Ayurvedic health principles.* Our committed Ayurvedic counselor, Shiela Barnett, offers personal consultations though Endless Summer Yoga Retreat. Appointments based on space availability and include an additional cost. Granlibakken Tahoe is located in North Lake Tahoe on Highway 89 in Tahoe City, California. Granlibakken Tahoe boasts lodging rooms, a full breakfast buffet to all overnight guests, on property day spa, North Tahoe Treetop Adventures and a full facility conference venue for meetings of 4-400 people. Book your stay today at or call 800.543.322. Wellness @ Granlibakken Tahoe *Based on space availability and includes additional fee

Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

Photo © Terren Gomez


HEADACHES Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD


eadaches come from many causes. They may originate from hormonal imbalances such as progesterone deficiency and estrogen excess for headaches occurring around menstrual periods. Progesterone topical cream at 50 mg/ pump rubbed into the forearms and wrists can stop many of these headaches in 3 minutes. Taken continuously through the menstrual cycle, progesterone prevents them from happening at all in many women, along with preventing PMS and menstrual cramps by the second cycle. There are no side effects from using progesterone except fatigue which can be very helpful for insomnia, awakening in the night. Hundreds of textbooks have been written about headaches and yet innovative solutions remain elusive. German doctors have taught us about the miracles of Neural Therapy since 1905. Neural Therapy, procaine therapy is used in acupuncture points everywhere in the body and nowhere more effectively than in headaches. Procaine is a molecule that wakes up nerves which have been injured or damaged. For example, ¼ cc of procaine injected into acupuncture points on the back of the head with a


tiny mosquito needle (doesn’t hurt, really) stops many headaches in 30 seconds. Sometimes secondary injections need to be done in the temples, neck and other painful headache points if the pain moves around. There are no side effects from this therapy unless the patient has an allergy to procaine. We always test the patient on sensitivity to procaine before any injection therapy. We can beef up this Neural Therapy with additional injectable combination homeopathic remedies from Heel Company in Baden Baden, Germany. We add these remedies to the injections when there is an element of vascular spasm as found in migraine headaches. It won’t stop a three day migraine with nausea, vomiting and extreme light sensitivity but it helps especially if starting early in the cycle. Intravenous magnesium can be most helpful for migraines. Headaches can come from musculoskeletal stress. If your doctor,

masseuse, spouse or child presses on top of your shoulders and you shriek in pain you have issues of muscles tension. Massage is wonderful for alleviating these stressful muscles. Magnesium, especially magnesium glycinate can relax tight muscles and even relieve fibromyalgia. Too much magnesium can cause diarrhea. If this occurs simply reduce the dose. Topical homeopathic remedies such as Zeel and Traumeel can help relieve sore muscles and joints. There are scores of oral homeopathic remedies which treat headaches. Chiropractic adjustments can also be helpful for headaches related to misaligned neck vertebrae.

July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

Toxicity Food allergies can cause headaches. The big three bad guys to eliminate to see if they impact your headaches are sugar, milk and wheat (gluten). If you take a couple of weeks off these foods and feel remarkably better you may be sensitive to them. A toxic liver (the oil filter for our body) can fail to screen toxic materials from a leaky intestine which allows fecal material (yum) to go directly by the circulation to the liver. This toxicity can cause headaches in many people, especially the very constipated folks (Doctor I have a bowel movement every week or two, that’s normal isn’t it?) People who are having less than one stool per day are creating a toxic load on their body. The Gerson Therapy of coffee enemas has been great for headaches in our past 40 plus years of practice. The coffee goes directly from the bowel into the liver and turns on bile flow which cleans

out the liver. Liver gallbladder flushes are also powerful. For directions look up online. Weakness of any of our hormones such as cortisol, progesterone and thyroid can cause headaches from low blood sugar and adrenalin/cortisol spikes. Over the counter drugs don’t ever answer the causal questions of why one gets headaches in the first place. It is not a lack of drugs – it is always imbalanced body chemistry. Contact Gerber Medical Clinic for more information. See ad on this page.


1. Grain Brain by David Perlmutter, MD Little, Brown and Co. 2013 2. Nutritional Medicine by Alan R. Gaby, MD Fritz, Perlberg Publishing 2011

Looking for an Alternative? Optimize Your Health With Integrative & Preventive Medicine. Gerber Medical Clinic Founded 1975

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blood sugar or illness, can be ameliorated by progesterone cream rubbed on the wrists and forearms. It blocks the adrenalin, as do adrenal cortical hormone support, like a weekly adrenal complex shot, which keeps the blood sugar steady. Thyroid supplementation lowers cholesterol levels

References: 11

1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide. Published by H.A.N.A. Press. 2000.


Written by Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.


he regular readers of this magazine will remember when I wrote an article a few years ago called “Stay Away from those Statins.” Well it has gotten worse.

Dr. Kallash Chand, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association has commented on recent research which found those who take statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs are more than twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease in later life than those who do not. Another recent study showed statin use increases the risk of diabetes by 46 percent.

This has led to calls to end the widespread use of the drugs! The Parkinson’s research carried out over 20 years, and involving nearly 16,000 people, suggests cholesterol may have a vital role in protecting the brain and the nervous system. The brain itself is between 70-80% cholesterol! The findings have alarmed experts who say if applied to the number of Britons deemed eligible for statins, it could equate to 150,000 extra patients with Parkinson’s disease, a central nervous system disorder affecting one in 350 mostly older people. The studies have also fueled concerns that statins, now recommended for up to half the adult population over 50 by government drug policy adviser the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, may be doing patients more harm than good. Other studies have shown a link between the cholesterol-lowering drugs and potentially disabling side effects including cataracts, diabetes, muscle pains, fatigue, memory loss and dementia. Dr. Xuemei Huang, who led the research on the link with Parkinson’s disease, recently published in the Journal of Movement Disorders, expressed concerns about the widespread prescription of statins. The professor of neurology at Penn State College of Medicine in Pennsylvania said: “If we blanket prescribe statins to people, we could be creating a huge population of people with neurological problems.” Dr. Chand is quoted as saying “The risks of sideeffects of these drugs are far greater than any potential benefits and it is high time these drugs were restricted in the low-risk population and only given to people with existing heart disease.” Isn’t it time we started paying attention to studies like this and stop this madness? For further information contact Reno Integrative Medical Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste. B, Reno, NV, 89519, 775-829-1009, See ad on page 2.

references 1.


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings



The Make-up Stone Written By Lissie Lyles Jasper is a fine-grained chalcedony, a microcrystalline quartz. A common stone that comes in many beautiful colors and patterns, Jasper is typically found in hues ranging from black, brown, to red, orange, yellow and green. It is associated with the planet Mars, the element of fire, and has associations with astrological signs of Leo, Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio. Jasper balances yin and yang energies. Metaphysically, Jasper is known as a stone of gentleness. It is sometimes called the "nurturing stone." It is said to provide protection in a way that is both strong and peaceful. It is a grounding, supportive stone in times of high stress. It instills confidence and courage in the wearer, especially when in contact with the skin. Jasper is used for bringing beauty into life and specific situations. Beauty brought by

Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

jasper can be striking inner beauty, as well as external beauty. This has earned it the nickname "make up stone." Red is the most commonly found color of Jasper, and as such, its healing properties are focused on the blood and related organs, such as the heart and liver. Jasper is used in crystal healing, particularly for the liver, kidney, gallbladder, stomach and intestinal problems including heartburn, IBS, acid reflux, hallucinations, longevity, epilepsy and seizures. It is used in gemstone therapy to stimulate sexual energy and fertility, though usually a mix of different jasper colors is used (such as blue jasper, yellow jasper and green jasper), not just the red stones. Jasper can also be used to enhance healing of any kind as well as pain relief. Because Jasper works best when touched, it can be quite effective

if the stone is placed on the part of the body that is troubled. Jasper is also used to align all the chakras, different varieties of the stone have relationships to different chakras according to their energies and colors. Please keep in mind however, healing crystal meanings are intended as spiritual supports to healing, and are not meant to serve as a prescription or substitute for professional health care.


1. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, 2001. 2. 3.


healthy recipe Recipe from Lynn Virgilio, Publisher


t seems like everywhere we go it’s “green smoothies!” The good news is it is a healthy trend taking hold. Green smoothies are a way to pack vibrant nutrients into a simple low calorie meal or snack. In addition, there are tons of recipe variations to choose from. One of my favorite green smoothies is one that has a tropical taste; greens, coconut water, pineapple juice, banana, pineapple, mango, lime and ginger. It is very refreshing and delicious! RECIPE Blend greens and coconut water first in the blender, after the greens and water are pureed, add the remaining ingredients • I cup of greens (spinach, spring mix, mixed greens, kale or any variations of greens) • 6 oz. coconut water • 2oz. pure pineapple juice • ½ cup fresh pineapple • ½ banana (frozen preferred) • ½ mango • ½ lime (no peel) • ½ teaspoons fresh ginger root (optional) • Crushed ice The ginger is good for your digestion, the fruits provide vitamin C and minerals, and the greens provide vitamins A and C. You can also choose to add one of these additional ingredients to your smoothie; 2 tbsp of shredded coconut, 2 tbsp of Chia seeds, 2 tbsp of Flax seeds or a scoop of your favorite plant based protein powder.

Let us know your favorite smoothie recipe. You can post it on our Facebook page at or email your favorite recipe to We look forward to hearing about your favorite green smoothie recipe!


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

GOD Trumps All Odds Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD

Tom didn’t think he would be able to get a job. At age 58, with graying hair and a noticeable limp from an old back injury, he figured most employers would see him as a liability rather than an asset to their organization. But when he walked into the lobby of a small company looking for someone to help manage their warehouse, he was surprised by an unfamiliar feeling of “coming home.” There was a sense of destiny present which his strongly rational mind took note of but mostly tried to disregard. Nonetheless, the feeling of relaxedness persisted through a sequence of three interviews and he eventually won the job with an effortlessness that he had not experienced in other application attempts.

situation. This is because your psychological and spiritual process defines the boundaries of what is possible and not possible in your future. If it is your destiny to become a doctor, to establish a successful business, to be married, or to raise a child all by yourself, the deck is stacked in your favor. It doesn’t mean that your path will be easy, but it does mean that if you are willing to do your part and make the necessary sacrifices, your dream is attainable.

The primary determinant of what is possible in your future is not the statistical trends of people like yourself, but, rather, the developmental process that is trying to unfold in your life. It was the flowing together of Tom’s psychological process and We tend to make a lot of assumptions I especially like this dream for the way what it so boldly reveals thefor The deepitsreality is that we are morally accountable synchronistic reception in the outer worldcreatures, about life and the future holds moral autonomy of the psyche. This dream was not created whether we want to be or not. This is the case because there is that gave him the feeling of destiny when he creatures, us based upon statistics and conventional I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable by the man’s ego. Itpsyche. was“wisdom”. notThis consciously chosen or devised. a moralwe structure tobe our psyche thatistranscends our conscious interviewed fororthe warehouse position. Many was people read data on whether moral autonomy of the dream not created want to not. This the case because there is I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, hiring trends, such as how difficult it a a moral In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with is by the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised. structure to our psyche that transcends our conscious Destiny to bebecause there moral autonomy of the psyche. This dream was not created whether we want is toall bearound or, Thiswaiting is the case for people of certain ageaor the dreamer didcan notbe to hear. It awas the voice of mind them. We can runtofrom this inner authority, cannot hide In this spontaneous ofwant the unconscious and conscious values, and is often inbut disagreement with byfact, the message man’s ego. It wasproduct not consciously chosen or carried devised. a moral structure our psyche transcends our conscious discovered. You will be that more open to we your level findthe work, and become higher moral authority within him, aItto manifestation of of God fromand it. We can to fool ourselves with in concepts like moral message thespontaneous dreamer didproduct not education want hear. was voice We can runtry from thiswhen inner authority, but we cannot hide In fact,athis ofto the unconscious carried a them. mind conscious values, andyou is often disagreement with personal destiny realize that, We make assumptions within theauthority psyche. thediscouraged. dreamer the the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie,isand life doesn’t lie,cannot and they amessage higher moral him, aignored manifestation of God from it.We Wewhen can to fool with concepts like moral the dreamer didIfwithin not want to hear. It was voice of that them. can run from this inner authority, but we hide ittry comes to ourselves what possible in life, whathim, is true for others be true for relativism, within thehim psyche. If the pursued dreamer ignored the directive but dreams don’t lie, the andmoral life doesn’t lie,like and they to andauthority instead his ego’s goals, thewill results would willit.always reflect back toourselves you code written upon a higher moral within a manifestation ofgiven God from We can try to fool with concepts moral God trumps all odds. us.ego’s Weignored forget that the laws to him have and instead pursued his goals, thestatistics results would will always reflect backdon’t to you code written within the psyche. If the dreamer the directive given relativism, dreams lie,the andmoral life doesn’t lie, andupon they been predictably negative. This is case forand all of us your soul.but For more info, contact Dr. Andy of probability describe groups, not the have been This isagainst the case for allwould of us your to him andpredictably instead pursued the results will always soul. reflect back to you the moral code written upon when we pursue anegative. pathhis thatego’s goesgoals, that of our deepest Drymalski, Reno and Carson City individuals a of group. have been predictably This iswithin the case for all of us when we a pathnegative. that goes against that our deepest your soul. self pursue and destiny. psychologist at phone number when we pursue a path that Albert goes against ourthat deepest self and destiny. Einsteinthat onceofsaid “God doesn’t For more info, contact or Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and (775) 786-3818, The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams self and destiny. play dice with the universe.” Neither does ForCarson moreCity info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams being just one of them. He If the dreamer ignored the guidance Carson For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and play it with your life. Demographic, City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams Enjoy his blog at Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored guidance of his dream, he might have received morethe dreams of even Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online employment, economic, and other statistics Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance of his dream, he mightperhaps have received more dreams of of even See ad onblog thisat page. warning: dreams of being chased, dying Enjoy his reveal trends which, in the final analysis, of his greater dream, he perhaps might have received more dreams ofdying even greater warning: dreams of being chased, of children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might may be entirely irrelevant to your specific greater warning: perhaps dreams chased, of might dying children, or of being in a car crash.ofInbeing his outer life, he actually auto accident. He maylife, developmight anxiety See ad on this page. children, or ofexperience beinganinauto aan car crash. InHe hismay outer actually experience accident. develophe anxiety See ad on this page. symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his See ad on this page. actually experience an auto accident. may developwith anxiety symptoms or have panic attacks. HisHe relationships his wife or andhave children would become more disturbed. One of symptoms panic attacks. His relationships with his wife and children would become more disturbed. One of wife and children may would become more disturbed. One of his children get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his children get sick or become rebellious, mirroring hisattitude ownmay attitude towards of these events would his own towards God.God. SomeSome of these events would his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and is actions. might be synchronistic. What is certain that heOthers will encounter be synchronistic. What is certain is that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is that he encounter a growing number of certain negativeisevents andwill frustrations if he aa growing growing number number of of negative negative events events and and frustrations frustrations if if he he ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, his relationship withwealthy the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. his woman his relationship relationship with with the the wealthy woman would would be be ill-fated. ill-fated.

Moral relativism the philosophical viewpoint moral Moral is philosophical viewpoint that all moral Moral relativism relativism is the theis philosophical viewpoint thatthat all all moral perspectives are equally or “true.” position rests upon perspectives are valid or This position rests upon perspectives are equally equally validvalid or “true.” “true.” ThisThis position rests upon the that aa person’s morality flows from his/ the argument that because a person’s morality flows from his/ the argument argument that because because person’s morality flows from his/ her and people have different values, her system, value system, and because people different values, her value value system, and because because people havehave different values, all is with none any better than another. all morality morality is subjective subjective with with nonenone any any better than another. all morality is subjective better than another. While there no that people may possess While While there is is no denying denying that different different people may possess there is no denying that different people may possess different values, not are For example, different values, not all all values are equivalent. equivalent. ForFor example, different values, notvalues all values are equivalent. example, some values values promote lifea of of psychological andand spiritual some promote aa life and spiritual some values promote lifepsychological of psychological spiritual development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted life. Not Not all all values values are are of of equal equal worth, worth, and and neither are are the the moral moral life. life. Not all values are of equal worth, neither and neither are the moral perspectives that that flow flow from from them. them. perspectives Healthy Beginnings • July 2015 perspectives that flow from them. But the the deeper deeper issue issue here, here, and and perhaps perhaps the the more more paradoxical, paradoxical, But theisdeeper here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, is that that But what right, issue or moral, moral, for one one person in aa particular particular is what is right, or for person in is that whatnecessarily is right, or moral, for one personperson. in a particular situation is not right for another This situation is not necessarily right for another person. This situation is due not necessarily right for another person. This difference is not to differences in their values systems, difference is not due to differences in their values systems, difference is not due to differences in their values systems, but, rather, extends from the fact that what is required for one but, rather, extends from the fact that what is required for one




ave you ever found yourself repeating a negative story that you feel fully justified in re-telling? Something that makes you angry or sad every time you think of it? We need to either do something about it or hush. If you can’t physically do anything about it, focus on what you DO want and leave the old story in the past, where it belongs. The purpose of pivoting your mind to something pleasant is so that you will feel better. Your feelings have everything to do with what you’re attracting for we cannot feel bad and attract something good. Every thought and its accompanying emotion have a vibrational frequency, like a radio signal, beaming out in all directions, attracting the people, conditions and situations that match the thought. Your thoughts, propelled by emotion, have great manifestational power.

Continuing to stew over any negative situation simply attracts more of the same. Continuing to think about a negative situation also causes your body to manufacture cortisol, the stress hormone, which was designed to be in your cells for only a few moments, while you ran from the saber-toothed tiger. By keeping your fight or flight system on high alert all the time through stress or anxiety, that long-term presence of cortisol damages the cells and compromises your immune system.

Are you working for someone you think could win the World’s Worst Boss Contest? Then either consider moving to another job or begin to use the “tapping” energy technique to defuse your anger and frustration.

If your friends really care about you and they know that “like attracts like,” they won’t play the game. They’ll change the subject or remove themselves. Why would anyone consciously allow themselves to be brought down to a low, dense, negative vibrational level? If they care

Have you ever noticed that when you tell a negative story you feel the same emotions you felt when you first lived it? That conversation evokes those same emotions from your friends and acquaintances too. Then they start in on their stories, and you’re soon in an unconscious contest to see who can outdo each other with the worst tale.

about themselves they will depart as fast as possible so that they can get their own thoughts and feelings (vibrational frequencies) back on track. Do you sometimes wonder why we focus on the negative so much? It’s because our society seems to encourage complaining and the telling of sad stories. We grew up thinking it’s normal because everyone was doing it. But it’s not helpful in any way. It’s a dysfunctional habit that breeds more dysfunction. So do yourself, your family and everyone around you the huge favor of raising your consciousness, your vibration, your attitude, and your level of joy, therefore enhancing your experience of being here in this body at this time. We are in charge of our own emotions, so we can always control our response to the actions of others. This is obvious because how we think about a situation evokes our emotions. When a value is assigned to the original feeling around any situation, then that creates positive or negative emotions, which then drive our words and actions. Look back to a certain situation you’ve lived through and follow that progression. For example do you remember what your thoughts were at the time you were reprimanded or criticized for something? They were probably defensive, which in turn created the emotion of anger. The emotion drives our words and actions, so we often end up telling the story to our co-workers, spouse and friends. Instead we need to pause, stand back and observe. Become an observer of human behavior. The moment you let yourself be drawn into the emotional storm, you lose all your personal power. So rather than spreading the negative story around, just stand back, take a deep breath and observe. Every time we tell a negative story, a part of our subconscious mind thinks it has happened

By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in any way and who won’t shut up. any way and who won’t shut up. Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every to us again and gives us the Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, emotions to match. A vicious situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, and as you stand the emotional emotionalstorm, storm,you’ll you’ll cycle. We cannot tell negative and as you standback, back, away away from from the realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer stories and not have it affect our own realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer about andmore morecalm, calm,cool cool vibrations and therefore our own health. aboutwhat whatyou youwant, want, more more empowered empowered and and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try toto Get creative about what you can do change enough chances, chances,walk walkaway away changeafter afteryou’ve you’ve given given them them enough to improve your situation and make for good. Their manipulative behavior may be be too too deeply deeply has settled in your body is also relieved. for good. Their manipulative behavior may a conscious effort to stop telling the ingrained By staying staying in in proximity proximity ingrained for for them them to to ever ever change. change. By same old stories. Change the way Your body is the only vehicle, the totothat person, they’ll break your morale, which which would wouldonly only that person, they’ll break your morale, Steve Jobs….inventor, you’re thinking. Your old programming only “astronaut suit” available to lead to your getting used and manipulated by everyone else. lead to your getting used manipulated by everyone else. entrepreneur, co-founder (thoughts, beliefs and expectations) you for survival on this planet, in this Spirit. your Mind. Protect Protectyour yourHeart. Heart.You You Protectyour your Spirit.Protect Protect of Apple, Inc., and a real from family and culture may not atmosphere, with this particular level Protect are an Eternal Spiritual Being, living this temporary physical are an Eternal Spiritual Being, in this temporary physical genius, said, “Your time is limited, so be serving you any more; maybe it of air pressure and gravity. Your body the of this experience. Bedetermined determined bodyfor fordon’t thedeliciousness deliciousness experience. waste it living someone else’s Be never did. External situations change is like a self-regulating space suit, withbody makeit itas asdelicious delicious as possible. totomake life. Don’t be as trapped by dogma, constantly and our bodies are also fifty trillion moving parts, carrying which is living the results of other naturally in a constant state of change. your spirit around. So do your body, also. What “appropriate” past generationmay may herehere also. What waswas “appropriate” forfor thethe past generation people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise So we have to continue to change our mind and spirit a favor by being more not desirable or workable today. Parents,and andsometimes sometimes notapproach be be desirable today. Parents, of others’ opinions drown out your attitudes and mental to lifeor workable References: positive, looking for the best, feeling References: spouses, have been trained what appropriateand andmay may have trained as as to to what is is appropriate own inner voice. And most important, too, or we becomespouses, sick, stale, andbeen stuck. appreciation, telling uplifting stories be expecting behavior from you, forty yearsafter afterthey they 1.1. Forward, Forward, Susan, Ph.D. Emotional When stillstill be expecting thatthat behavior from you, forty years Ph.D. Blackmail: When have Susan, the courage to Emotional follow your Blackmail: heart and acting like the miracle you are. The state of your body is directly were programmed and conditioned to believe that only certain The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt were programmed and conditioned to believe thatofonly certain The People Your LifeThey Usesomehow Fear, Obligation andin intuition. already and Guilttoto Enjoy every moment this amazing affected by the level ofbehaviors stresswere you allow were “right.” manipulate you. William Morrow 1998. behaviors “right.” you. William Morrow Publishing. 1998. know what you truly wantPublishing. to become. life. Shrug off the small stuff and live,manipulate yourself to experience. Do you think Everything else is secondary.” love, laugh and be happy. You influence If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, 2. Simon, George K., Ph.D. In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding that you aren’t ableIfto control your to stop being manipulated in any relationship, you truly want 2. Simon, George K., Ph.D. In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding dozens, maybe hundreds of believe people and Dealing you need to learn to take a stand. You need starttoto with info Manipulative People. Parkhurst For more contact June Milligan own stress, and thatyou someone is to take need toelse learn a stand. You need totostart believe and Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers Brothers each day, andrights you automatically attractPublishers. you’re worthy of the basic human listedabove aboveand and 2010. at 775-786-9111 or visit online at “doing it to you,” that someone else thatthat you’re worthy of the basic human rights listed Publishers. 2010. whatyou you’re thinking, calmly speak your mindmore aboutofwhat don’t want tofeeling do. is to blame for the way youspeak feel? Not calmly your mind about what you don’t want to do. This life is free-will-inCommunication is vital. and Talk speaking. to the manipulator and explain so. You choose how you respond to Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain ad on this page. and it’s pure genius, get into For more info, contact June See how you feel. Sometimes action they may not even realize thatsothey’re everything. If you find Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or howyourself you feel.enduring Sometimes they may not even realize that they’re For more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or the habit of will uplifting yourself and others being manipulative. Confronting them give you the courage great stress and if you stillmanipulative. want to stayConfronting visit online at references being them will give you the courage visit online at by telling only positive stories and by to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize in the job or marriage or situation you to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize 1. Gach, Michael Reed. Acupressure for expectingbyonly best. you feel. attempts at emotional blackmail thethe emotions find yourself in, you’ll need to a way blackmail See ad on Emotional this page.Healing. Bantam Books. 2004 attempts atfind emotional by the emotions you anger, feel. Identify those emotions as to what they are: sadness, page. to reduce the stress or your body will do When youthey are are: upset, breatheanger, deeply orSee ad on2. this Hicks, Esther and Jerry. Ask and It Is Given Identify those emotions as to what sadness, or whatever. Just know that each of those negative it for you by becomingfrustration, incapacitated. use the tapping process. And remember – Learning to Manifest Your Desires. Hay frustration, or whatever. Just know that each those negative emotions chemicals andofhormones in your House. 2004 And it has thousands of ways to are do creating toxic to pivot your mind to something positive emotions are creating toxic chemicals and don’t hormones in your own body if you stuff them down and doflow something that. Your body can’t tell you in so many so you can interrupt the of old ownabout bodythem. if you stuff them down and don’t do something Consulting Hypnotist words what’s happening within, so it’s thoughts and stories. We think over fifty about them. Consulting Hypnotist Teaches Self Acupressure going to show you by aches and pains, thousand thoughts a day butup they’re Identify them to yourself, decide you’re not going to put with Teaches Self Acupressure ailments and diseases. Don’t wait for Learn How to Quickly usually the same thoughts. By doing this Identify themoftomanipulation, yourself, decide you’re going to put with any kind speak yournot mind calmly andup directly, Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative Feelings that to happen. Either use a stress and Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative we’re boring ourselves nearly to death. anythen kindremove of manipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, yourself from any confrontive storm that may be Remove Negative Feelings From Any Scene/Memory anxiety reducing technique or find a way Feelings From Any Scene/Memory When we think and visualize joyful thenbrewing. remove yourself from any confrontive storm that may be Often repeating the same phrase, no matter what From Any to get out of the situation. IfOften you have thoughts of what we toinexperience, THEN ADDScene/Memory SUGGESTIONS brewing. repeating the same“I’m phrase, no want matter what the manipulator says, is effective: not interested doing experienced traumatic situations which we activate a part of our mind that does USING HYPNOSIS FOR THEN ADD SUGGESTIONS To that the manipulator that’s what we’ve the that.” manipulator says, is effective:may “I’msay, not“But interested in doing have generated negative emotions, notmay get say, involved ifthat’s we “But just think the NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS USING HYPNOSIS FOR always done.” “I’m not interested in doing why? Wesame that.” To that the manipulator “But that.” what we’ve those emotions can bereally removed old not thoughts. So in exercise that We powerful NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS needfrom to donot that.” “I’m doing that,” and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION always done.” “I’m interested ininterested doing that.” “But why? any scene or memory, so quickly and the same phrase manifestational part of your mind, and on. Repeat until the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! really need to do that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,” and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION permanently. When the emotions are attract to talking yourselftowhat you DO your point of view or phrase youtherefore realize that you’re a brick so on. Repeat the same until the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! removed or transformed into positive want than youoffice, don’t.the wall. Then leaveorthe room, therather house, the what car, the your point of view you realize that you’re talking to a brick emotions, the place where the trauma situation. Calmly yourself from wall. Then leave the remove room, the house, the the car,emotional the office,storm. the situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm.

How Howcan canyou youtell tellififyou’re you’re being beingmanipulated? manipulated?

The Theeasiest easiestway wayto tospot spot it itisistotopay payattention attentionto to how howyou youfeel feelwhen whenyou’re you’re around aroundthe theother otherperson. person.

Call 775.786.9111 Call 775.786.9111

Healthy Beginnings • July 2015 February 2015

February 2015

17 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®





The Domino Effect Written by Dr. Tony Jensen


e have two major foundations to our body. The first is our feet and the second is our pelvis, or low back. If one of these foundations gets out of place or distorted, problems can arise. By the age of 20, nearly 80 percent of us have some kind of feet problems, and by age 40 almost all of us do. Your feet are the foundation of your body. They support you when you stand, walk or run. They also help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from damaging stress as you move around. Your feet perform better when all their muscles, arches and bones are in their ideal stable positions. Healthcare professionals know that alleviating pain in one part of your body often requires treating a different part. The pain you feel in your neck could be caused by a misalignment in your spine that is caused by unbalanced positioning in your feet. This is called a chain reaction. By adjusting, stabilizing, and balancing your feet with the use of orthotics, it will enhance your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain, and contribute to your total body wellness. Orthotics complement your healthcare professional’s treatment when you stand, walk, and live your active life. The second foundation, the pelvis or low back, is the number two reason that Americans see their doctor – second only to colds and flu. It is not necessarily one event that actually caused your pain. You may have done many things improperly– like standing, sitting, or lifting–for a long time. Then suddenly, one simple movement, like reaching for something in the shower or bending from your waist, leads to the feeling of pain. Many experts believe that over time, muscle strain can lead to an overall imbalance in the spinal structure. This leads to a constant tension on the muscles, ligaments, bones, and discs, making the back more prone to injury or re-injury. The causes of pain in the low back, or lumbosacral region, tend to add on to one another. For example, after straining muscles, you are likely to walk or move in different ways to avoid pain, or to use muscles that aren’t sore. That can cause you to strain other muscles that don’t usually move that way.


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

no apparent reason, or even begun to remember forthings no apparent reason, orlong evenago; begun to remember out that happened things that had kngly about things that happened long ago; things that had forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, back or emingly forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, back or omehow brought back that memory so clearly it The most common causes er, somehow back thator so clearly it of low inintears for apparent reason, ormemory even begun to remember remember tears for no nobrought apparent reason, even begun to have happened only yesterday. That memory had back pain are: to have happened yesterday.long Thatago; memory had and talk about things that happened long ago; thingsthat thathad had and talkcells about thingsonly that and things in the somehow was1)now Sprainre-surfacing. or strain been seemingly an arm arm or leg, leg,back backor or ored the cellsforgotten. somehowMassaging and was now re-surfacing. beenin seemingly forgotten. an or 2) Pressure on the so nerve roots init shoulder, somehow brought back memory clearly shoulder, somehow brought that memory so clearly it elieves thefor mechanism ofreason, this process is that when, the spinal canal in tears no apparent or even begun to remember no believes the mechanism of this process is that when, to happened only yesterday. yesterday. That memory memory had seemed to have have happened becomes That had yseemed life, the unconscious aware 3) Disclong degeneration orthe herniation andlife, talk about things that happened ago;that things that had yday unconscious becomes aware that the been in cells was now re-surfacing. re-surfacing. beenstored storedthe in the the cells somehow and was now ingbeen to “blow up” forgotten. emotionally seemingly Massaging an they arm(joint orfinally leg, back or 4)because Osteoarthritis degeneration), is going to “blow up” emotionally because they finally which typically develops with age it shoulder, somehow brought back that memory so clearly Dr. Sarno believes the making mechanism of this process that believes the mechanism this process thatwhen, when, hDr. ofSarno whatever was them angry or isisupset, ough of whatever was making them angry or upset, seemed tolife, have happened only yesterday. memory had 5) Obesity everyday life, the becomes aware that everyday the unconscious becomes aware that the the yininhave been accumulating over many That years) the may have been accumulating over many years) the been stored in the cells somehow and was now re-surfacing. goingato toway “blow emotionally because they finally 6) Fractures of the vertebrae; usually person isisfinds going “blow emotionally because they finally sperson mind toup” “distract” that person from cious mind finds a way towas “distract” that from due to trauma orperson from osteoporosis (a hadDr. enough of whatever making them angry or upset, had enough of whatever them angry or upset, Sarno (and believes the mechanism ofand this process is that when, onal upset save them from doing or saying thinning weakening of the bone) motional upset (and save them frombecomes doing or saying (which may have been accumulating over many years) the (which may have been over many years) the in everyday life, the unconscious aware that the socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen 7) Your state of mind also has an effect unconscious mind finds to “distract” that person from ing socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen unconscious mind finds a way “distract” that person from person is going to “blow up” emotionally because they finally on of yourthe levelbody. of pain Maybe and whether it he blood to atoupset certain part it their emotional (and save them or saying their emotional (and save them from doing ororPeople saying by the blood awhatever certain part of thefrom body. Maybe itupset, had enough ofupset was making themdoing angry becomes long-lasting (chronic). who fea the body that suffered a wound in the past. The something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen are depressed, have trapped emotions in something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen (which may have been accumulating over of the body that suffered a wound in themany past.years) The the their lowpain. bodyof area, under stress, unhappy carried by the thethat blood to aacauses certain part the body. Maybe itit of oxygen to area That distracts carried by blood to certain part of the body. Maybe unconscious mind finds a way to “distract” that person from ion of oxygen to that areaincauses pain. Thatmoney distracts their work, or seeking for an injury, an area of the the body body that suffered aIt in the The their emotional upset (and savelikely them from doing or saying isisan area of that suffered a wound wound in the past. past. The rom their emotional challenges. doesn’t actually are more have chronic back pain. son from their emotional challenges. Ittodoesn’t actually restriction of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts something socially unacceptable) bytorestricting the oxygen of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts hole situation because now thethe person has aato pain The best thing do in order prevent erestriction whole situation because now person has pain the person from their emotional challenges. It doesn’t actually carried by the blood to a certain part of the body. Maybe it the person from their emotional challenges. It isdoesn’t actually thisdistracted unwinding process to seek out have before; but he/she is now, and isn’t dn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, and isn’t help the whole situation because now the person has a pain is an area of the body that suffered a wound in the past. The a Chiropractor or health care provider help the from wholethe situation because now thetoperson has a pain much emotional reaction whatever that looks at the whole body andand its biothey didn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, isn’t g as much from the emotional reaction to whatever restriction of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts they didn’t have before; butmechanics. he/she isAlso distracted now, and isn’t one that knows how to treat nation caused it because their focus is on the physical suffering as much much fromemotional the emotional reaction to whatever thecaused person from their challenges. It doesn’t actually it because their focus is on the physical suffering as from the emotional reaction to whatever them or slow down the process. life situation caused because their focus isperson on thehas seems that when the emotional trauma thethat whole situation because now theis a pain ut ithelp seems when emotional trauma isremoved, removed, life situation caused ititthe because their focus on the physical physical By keeping your twoisfoundations in pain. But it seems that when the emotional trauma isabout. removed, they didn’t have before; but he/she is balanced distracted and isn’t es away that’s what Sarno’s book isisall about. npain. fades away and that’s what Sarno’s book allnow, alignment, and stabilized, you But itand seems that when the emotional trauma is removed,

thesuffering pain fades Sarno’s book istoall about. as away muchand fromthat’s the what emotional reaction whatever can prevent domino effect and the pain fades away and that’s what Sarno’sthisbook is all about.

lifecomes situation caused because their focus is on the physical ongoing or of; future problems. owho comes up with a new idea is made fun people up with a itwith new idea is made fun of; people Anyone who comes up a new idea is made fun of; people pain. But itcomes seems up thatwith when the emotional trauma isof; removed, For more contact Anyone who a new idea isaconventional made funinfo, people their programming, whether it’s a nto their programming, whether it’s conventional hang onto their away programming, whether it’s book aDr.conventional Tony Jensen at the pain fades and that’s what Sarno’s is all about. onto their programming, whether it’s conventional edical education or aorcertain ororareligious nhang medical education a certain political religious Western medical education or a political certain political or 323-1222. religious (775) Western education ora athat certain political or of; religious tomedical hang onto that than do some research on who comes up that with new idea is made fun people outlook. It’s toonto hang onto than do some research on .easier It’sAnyone easier toeasier hang than do some research on outlook. It’s easier to hang onto that than do some research on See ad on this hang onto their programming, whether it’s a conventional your own. That’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that hat’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that wn. That’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that page. your own. That’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that Western medical or amake political or college religious been proven andeducation peer-researched, toitmake into oven andproven peer-researched, to into nhas proven and peer-researched, tocertain make it intoitcollege college has been and peer-researched, to make it into college outlook. It’s easier to hang onto that than do some research on textbooks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were Most professors want to hang onto what they were ks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were references textbooks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were your own. That’s why itOne takesof over years for a new idea that taught; it’s 1.comfortable. our20 greatest physicists, Max “Human Body tab, Foundation of your body.” comfortable. One of peer-researched, our greatest physicists, Max it’s comfortable. One of our greatest physicists, Max taught; it’s comfortable. One of our greatest physicists, Max has been proven and to make it into college Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature when 2. “Low Back Pain” ously understood thisthis quirk of human nature when obviously understood quirk of human nature when Most professors want topain-cause” hang onto what they were Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature 3. “Low back he textbooks. said, “Truth never triumphs. Its opponents just diewhen out. taught; it’striumphs. comfortable. ofaIts our greatest physicists, Max he said, “Truth never opponents justout. die out. ruth never ItsOne opponents just ,Science “Truth never triumphs. Its opponents justdie die out. advances one triumphs. funeral at time.” Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature when Science advances one funeral at a time.” e advances funeral a time.” vances oneone funeral at aattime.”

The callsnever this triumphs. mindbody he author said, “Truth Its process opponentsthe justTension die out. The author calls this mindbody process the Tension Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; Science advances one funeral at a time.” uthor calls this mindbody process theTension Tension rMyositis calls this mindbody process the Myositis Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; Follow Healthy Beginnings on Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in s Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction TMS; ndrome. Chapters include: Introduction toto TMS; The author calls this mindbody process the Tension Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations Upper Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations in Facebook for more interesting in in stations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations ons in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Myositis Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; Upper Back, Neck,Pain Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations in Tendons; Chronic and on Lyme Disease; and The Power articles improving your Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations in k, Shoulders and Manifestations in Tendons; Chronic and Lyme Disease; and The Power ofNeck, Knowledge. ThisPain book is Arms; available online or at your local health! Upper Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations in s;bookstore. Chronic and Lyme Disease;and andThe The Power hronic PainPain and Lyme Power of Knowledge. This book isDisease; available online or at your local Tendons; Chronic Pain and Lyme Disease; and The wledge. book is available onlineororatatyour yourlocal localPower /HBMagazine ge. ThisThis book is available online bookstore. of Knowledge. This book is available online or at your local


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Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

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healthy recipe

Pasta Submitted by Marie-Claire Hermans, Energy Coach for Experts™


fter a busy day, you want to wave a quick dish that everyone loves. Pasta is the perfect instant dinner for those moments. Unfortunately, pasta as you know it doesn’t offer the nutritional value that your body is longing for after a long day. The gluten make you crash in your couch after the last bite, the carbohydrates are being transferred into sugars, the sauce that you pulled out of a jar on the shelve is only delivering empty calories that stick to your belly and hips.

It doesn’t have to be that way. What you want when you come home is energy to do the things you love doing. Living, plant-based food is giving you everything you need to fully enjoy life. You don’t have to miss anything, au the contrary! Your reward is on its way with every bite you take: good mood, a young skin, kicking energy. The scale is smiling at you, your day feels lighter, you are getting more done in less time. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult, boring or time consuming at all. Yet, this is the combination and perception that scares most people off to choose for making fresh, energizing choices. You can start today and give yourself a treat with this delicious raw pesto pasta. Ready in ten minutes, a delight for the eye and a pleasure on your tongue with a boost of energy for an animated evening on top. TOOLS YOU NEED A potato peeler A food processor INGREDIENTS FOR THE PASTA 1 medium zucchini per person


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

have received more dreams of even Enjoy his blog at ps dreams of being chased, of dying a car crash. In his outer life, he might uto accident. He may develop anxiety See ad on this page. c attacks. His relationships with his ld become more disturbed. One of ck or become rebellious, mirroring s God. Some of these events would s decision and actions. Others might is certain is that he will encounter egative events frustrations if he TO MAKEand THE PASTA… Would you like to know more about how you can generate Peel the zucchini more energy by adjusting your food? Visit the website of ves of his deeper self. Needless Ravishing Raw and sign up for the free series of 5 videos that Now continue “peeling” while youto are say, turning the zucchini around teach you day by day how you can elevate your energy in one You will create lovelybe “linguini” pasta with this technique wealthy woman would ill-fated.

P(r)esto! When you get to the seed core, stop and use the heart in a soup or sauce Your linguini is ready: set aside

hilosophical viewpoint that all moral INGREDIENTS FOR THE PESTO PEOPLE) valid or “true.” This position rests(2upon 1 C of fresh basil (firmly packed) se a person’s flows from his/ ¼ Cmorality macadamia nuts or pine tree nuts 3 TBSPhave organic,different cold pressed values, virgin olive oil ecause people ¼ tsp sea salt e with none1 red any better than another. jalapeño pepper (keep this aside as garnish) TO MAKE THE PESTO may possess ng that different people Dice the red hot pepper very finely and set aside values are Throw equivalent. For example, the other ingredients in your food processor and pulse until the scents enchant you and the texture pleases you a life of psychological and spiritual Mix the pesto right before serving with the vegetable linguini Flatter goodnessmuch on a beautiful plate e systems lead tothis a pretty wasted Sprinkle the tiny hot pepper pieces on top and serve equal worth, and neither are the moral TIPS om them. When you are serving, you can finish like a real Italian:

drizzle some more olive oil on top with flair You can replace the basil by other greens: dandelion, arugula, … This pasta is easy to digest and keeps your tummy light and flat Only mix sauces under zucchini right before serving to avoid watery effects Leftovers keep well in the fridge for days and are a delish in salads or wraps

e, and perhaps the more paradoxical, moral, for one person in a particular arily right for another person. This differences in their values systems, the fact that what is required for one dividual may not be the same as what For example, quitting your job because h one of your co-workers could be a ision if you are in the wrong line of is just one more prodding from life to lly love. Conversely, your decision to esponsible if life is trying to teach you and you are just trying to avoid this

week by making only one small change to your busy day. Every day comes with a recipe and handy shopping list. Are you a professional and you want to maximize the quality of your productivity, life and happiness by mastering your health? Book 30 minutes of private time with Marie-Claire to explore what’s possible. Marie-Claire Hermans Energy Coach For Experts™ Author, Speaker at Ravishing Raw™

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Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

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healthy recipe


apple cidar vinegar cherry tomatoes

feta cheese

Mediterranean W I L D



Submitted by Shannon Vigil, Holistic Health Coach

olive oil


his recipe is from my Superfood Salads collection. Nutrient-dense, easy to make, and keeps well for up to 4 days. I choose one of these salads every Sunday and make a big batch to use for lunches and side dishes. Wild rice is the superfood in this recipe; it’s low in fat and contains more protein, fiber, and iron than brown rice. Add in fresh veggies, feta and nuts and you have a complete meal ready to go.

wild rice





red onion


MEDITERRANEAN WILD RICE SALAD (gluten free + dairy free) Serves: 6-8 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes INGREDIENTS: Use organic whenever possible 2 cups uncooked wild rice 1 cup cherry tomatoes, chopped 1 medium cucumber, chopped 1/2 red onion, diced 1/4 cup kalamata olives 1/4 cup toasted almonds, chopped 3 oz feta cheese crumbles 2 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped DRESSING: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (raw + organic) 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon cumin salt + pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Rinse the rice in cold water. Boil 8 cups of water. Add rice and return to a boil. Cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for 45 minutes or until desired tenderness. While rice is cooking chop the veggies and prepare the dressing. Once rice is done, add the veggies, herbs, feta, nuts + dressing and mix well. Serve warm immediately or store in the refrigerator in a glass container for up to 4 days. Shannon Vigil is a Holistic Health Coach and creator of online nutritional programs. Sign up for her healthy recipes newsletter online at

kalamata olives

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Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

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What’s Testing You? Written by Kate Colby Nelson, RScP


n the epic Indian tale, The Ramayana, is an illustration of the power of choice and the decision to claim the Truth for ourselves. Rama is the human aspect of God and Sita is his beautiful, loyal, and loving wife. While hunting one day Rama draws a circle of protection around Sita and tells her to not leave the circle while he is away. Ravana, the incarnation of evil, sees the beautiful Sita and determines that he must have her as his own. Knowing it is the custom of her culture to help the elderly he transforms himself into an old beggar and approaches Sita. Sita is faced with a spiritual dilemma, Rama has instructed her to stay in the circle, yet an old man is in need, her culture is whispering for her to help, it would be the right thing. Sita decides to leave the circle, and when she does, is abducted by Ravana. What no one knows is that Sita is with a child, Rama’s child, a secret she has not revealed, even to Rama. This epic is filled with wild drama as Rama and his devotee, Hanuman, fight legendary battles to rescue Sita. All the while, Ravana is in agony, as Sita remains faithful to Rama, never setting eyes on Ravana, that is the depth of her loyalty. After many heroic feats Rama rescues Sita. To his surprise he sees she is with child. They return to the kingdom to ‘live happily ever after’, yet the village folk are not so happy. They began gossiping about Sita’s condition, noting that she was, after all, with Ravana for many months. The whispers and gossip became so unrelenting that Rama decides to test Sita. He orders Hanuman to build a path of fire through the city and asks Sita to prove her loyalty by walking through the roaring pyre. She begs Rama not to make her do it, but the villagers persist. With the


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

streets lined with onlookers and the flames leaping higher and higher, Sita, knowing her own Truth, walked steadfast into the fire. The flames licked at her body, and, with each step the flames were transformed into rose petals at her feet. The test was passed and she took her rightful place in the Kingdom. But not for long, time passed and the villagers once again began to question if the fire was not hot enough or big enough. So once again Rama asked Hanuman to build a fire bigger and hotter so that Sita could prove herself again. Again Sita begged Rama not to do this yet Rama could not stop the voices, “Test, test, test” they called to him. Sita, in all of her spiritual power, decided not be tested, she stood at the path of fire and said, ‘no’, and exiled herself to the forest. The Ramayana continues and Sita and Rama’s story is far from over, yet there is a pearl in this teaching. The pearl is ‘What is my test?’ What is the test that keeps coming up, what is the test that whispers, “I don’t believe the Truth of who you are” and keeps us from our good? When we can root out those false beliefs, patterns, and whispers of the mind through conscious work and selfawareness we can make the choice to transform fire into rose petals. We can choose to distance ourselves from the negative gossip of our thoughts and move into the power of our true nature.

Follow Healthy Beginnings on Pinterest for more ways to incorporate more positivity into your life!


Are you Living the Life you


Seeds of Radiance “Where Spirit and Matter Meet” Sessions provide a sacred space for you to grow, transform, and intentionally create the life you love. • Release false beliefs • Reveal the gifts of your true nature • Use your creative power to experience more joy, love, peace and freedom • Gain insights and tools for transformation • Experience an immediate shift in your mental clarity and well being • Deepen your connection to Life

For more information, contact, Kate Colby Nelson See ad on this page.

references 1. Holmes, Ernest, A New Design For Living, Penguin Group, New York, 2010 2. Prime, Ranchor, The Ramayana Tales of Gods and Demons, Mandala Publishing, San Raphael CA, 2001

Healthy Beginnings • July 2015

Kate Colby Nelson, RScP Spiritual Guidance and Support


THE SOIL WILL SAVE US How Scientists, Farmers, and Foodies Are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet


By Kristin Ohlson Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR

f it’s not in the soil it’s not in the spinach! This book explains how thousands of years of farming and ranching practice, especially modern industrial agriculture, have led to the loss of up to 80% of carbon from the world’s soils. That carbon is now floating in the atmosphere and even if we stopped using fossil fuels today it would continue warming the planet. Journalist and bestselling author, Kristen Ohlson, makes an excellent case for our “Great Green Hope”. This describes processes being used by progressive ranchers and farmers all over the world which can turn atmospheric carbon into beneficial soil carbon and potentially reverse global warming. But that’s not all these new practices can accomplish. Ohlson conveys her information in a lively style, easily readable so that we see the ground at our feet not as just dirt but rather as a coral reef teeming with life. Our soil is a massive biological machine on which the health of our species depends. Dirt is not just something that holds plants upright. It has billions of microorganisms in every teaspoon. Soil has finally been included in the conversation about food and it’s easy to see how the web of life below the surface is strongly affected by the web of life above ground, for better or worse.

There is a new movement among small farmers who are changing their practices with soil in both large and subtle ways, knowing that the soil is the foundation of all agricultural life whether they raise chickens, corn, pigs, spinach, beef or peaches. Sometimes they call themselves microbe farmers, aware of the billions of tiny creatures they can’t see but they know are at work in the soil. Sometimes they call themselves carbon farmers knowing that it’s carbon that is making their soils richer, moister and darker. In order to make a living as a farmer they had to let go of some of the old conventional ways of looking at farming. They learned that leaving the land fallow for so much of the year starves the microbes below the soil. They learned that if they used cover crops instead of letting the land lie fallow the microbes are working all year and making the soil richer. When soil is depleted by allowing the microbes to die during the winter, the crops that are grown there have only a fraction of the nutritional value of the food grown by our grandparents. There is an amazing symbiotic relationship between the earthworms, fungi and microbes in the soil and the plants that are growing there. Conventional agriculture has known little or nothing about this or at least it has not been conveyed to the farmers until recently. These new farmers are not plowing the land. They have learned that this releases tons of precious carbon into the air. They have also learned that the hoof prints of animals stir up the soil just enough. It doesn’t seem to matter how many animals graze the land, only how long they are allowed to stay there. Farmers are learning how to develop topsoil as deep as four feet - topsoil that held only one inch of rain a few years ago can now take a seven inch rain easily without flooding. Farmers have demonstrated to the author how deep the topsoil is by thrusting a steel rebar four feet into the ground with one thrust. Even the author could do this, all the way up to her knuckles with minimum effort. Farmers today are learning they need to have an open mind as well as the ability to research. That’s easy because of the internet. There are many organizations that are promoting these new ideas too. They


hold seminars and gladly dispense written information. Most of them are listed in this book. Farmers that want to prosper more and work less are using these new methods. Through the internet farmers, fruit growers and ranchers exchange information and get new ideas about how to make their land more productive and their animals healthier. Without a profit no rancher or farmer can survive so they look very closely at how these changes are going to affect the bottom line. This author gives dozens of examples of how farmers all over this country as well as in other countries have made the transition and are making more profit than before. She gives the names and websites of many organizations that are on the front line of these changes. One of the farmers she interviewed said of his neighbor, who is still spraying pesticides and using lots of fertilizer “He needs to get lazier. He’s working way too hard and spending way too much money.” Consumers are becoming aware of the dangers of pesticides and as a result, they’re demanding more organic food than the U.S. is currently producing. It’s a shame that we have to import healthy food for our citizens. And because of the widespread use of chemical fertilizer runoff, we create polluted land, water tables and rivers. The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico at the mouth of Mississippi River, caused by fertilizer runoff, is one of the largest in the world – over 5,000 square miles! On a related subject, giant corporations like Monsanto try to force farmers all over the world to plant only GMO seeds. However, people are getting wise and countries like India as well as great swaths of Asia and Europe have banned GMO’s altogether. But not the U.S. Why? There are four lobbyists for every congressperson in this country and those lobbyists keep pretty busy handing out gifts and campaign contributions. The book Altered Genes, Twisted Truth tells how the efforts by big chemical corporations to genetically engineer our food have subverted science, corrupted the government and systematically deceived the public. The highhanded tricks of these corporations are becoming well known now and people are asking questions and rejecting GMO foods. Eighty percent of all corn currently grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. What if people start buying only imported GMO-free corn products? This is probably the only thing that will get the attention of these big chemical corporations and the farmers who use GMO seeds. Farmers are vastly underappreciated in this country. Think about it. In times of a national emergency who would have the knowledge to produce food? Only a small percentage of us – only gardeners, farmers, fruit growers and ranchers. These skills aren’t learned overnight. So kudos to all these open minded, curious and dedicated people who are learning new ways to work in partnership with the animals, plants, soil, microbes, fungi and earthworms to create a symbiotic relationship through their love of the land. After all, the rearranged letters of the word heart spell earth. This is an excellent book with lots of up to date information. It can be purchased at your local bookstore or online.

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Written By Karen Tenaglio | MTNV#1534


here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.

Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.

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References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.

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Memory Loss is Not an Automatic Side Effect of Aging Metro Creative Graphics, Inc.


o one, regardless of age, is immune to random bouts of memory loss. While misplaced car keys or forgetting items on your grocery list are nothing to get worked up over, many men and women over 50 do start to worry about memory lapses, especially when they start to occur with more frequency than they might have just a few years ago. But while memory loss might be quickly associated with aging, increased forgetfulness is not an inevitable side effect of getting older, a fact that those at or approaching retirement age should find comforting. When considering the relationship between memory and aging, it's important that men and women recognize the distinction


between memory lapses and dementia, as the two are not one and the same. As a person ages, his or her hippocampus, the region of the brain involved in the formation and retrieval of memories, often deteriorates. This can affect how long it takes to learn and recall information. But just because this process is slower does not mean it's a warning sign of dementia, which is the loss of certain mental functions, including memory. Though taking longer to recall information can be frustrating, many people still retain their ability to recall information. In addition, while dementia brought on by conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease is untreatable, there are things men and women can do to strengthen their memories and reduce their momentary lapses in memory.

July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

own in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s a Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, ghout es that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom agne • Start playing games. Games that test Duval-Leroy’s • are Become social butterfly. Maintaining Blanc (“white from white”) Champagnes madea from 100 The most common today isCuvée Brut, although throughout low. Chardonnay gives Pérignon, Cuvée Femme and Polstyle Roger’s the percent mind have long been believed to de Noir a(“white social life as you age is athe great way to Chardonnay and Blanc from black”) 19th century and into the early 20th century Champagne or. Most Chardonnay Sir Winston Churchill. benefit the brain,is though some remain keep touchMeunier with friends was and generally family. Champagnes are made solely from Pinot noir,inPinot much sweeter than it is today, age”, skeptical about the true impact of brain But there's another reason to continue or aÉpernay, mix of the two. Four other grape varieties are permitted, the southgames. of Follow Healthy ltiple However, a University of Iowa to rich be socially engaged. A Most 2008 study of thesuch Champagne produced today is “Non-vintage”, Champagne in trace as magnesium, mostly for historical reasons, as they areis rare in current usage. minerals ntage s the villages of Avize, study funded by the National Institute spearheaded by the clinical trials meaning it is a blended product of grapes from multiple The 2010 version of the appellation zinc regulations lists seven rcent and lithium. A 2007 joint study byfrom the on Aging found that brainpotassium, games may administrative director at Southern Beginnings on year vintage vintages. Most of the base will be a single ifferencesin fact in climate varieties as allowed, Chardonnay, Petit Meslier, es. payA numerous and Arbane, long-term California Kaiser Pinot Permanente Medical with producers blending anywhere from 10 University Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the to 15 percent blanc, Meunier andofPinot noir.and published ally a dividends. In the Gris, study,Pinot 681 healthy Group in the American e differences in Pinot grape (even as high as 40 percent) of wine from older vintages. A Twitter for more volunteers overs the age ofhigh 40 were Journal of length Public Health that amount theitsantioxidant polyphenols ucer’ Pinot noir and Pinot Meunier give theof wine and found cuvée deolder prestigein is sparkling a proprietary wine blended wine, usually a fferent grape dividedvarieties into four groups. One group women who maintained large social ristal, backbone. They are can predominantly grown indeterioration two areas--the of Champagne that isdue considered to be the top of a producer’s help prevent brain cells to oxidative played computerized crossword puzzles, networks were 26 percent less likely to as within Champagne, D o m tips, tricks, Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis and Cristal, and three other groups played a brain develop dementia than with stress. While the co-authors ofwomen the study maintain that it’s too&Roederer’s Cuvée are notable for north-facing chalky slopes that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët Chandon’s Dom hampagne house. training video game from Posit Science smaller social networks. In addition, early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial the warm winds rising from the valleys below. Chardonnay gives Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée Femme and Pol Roger’s Cuvée designed specifically to enhance the those who had daily contact with interesting reads theand wine its acidity and flavor.friends Most Chardonnay Winston Churchill. speed accuracy of visual processing. and family cutistheirSir risk of nt of sugar added after forbiscuit-like brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. sium, grown in a showed north–south-running south by of nearly Épernay, Theh volunteers less decline strip to the dementia half. The study also y t e Champagne is rich inon trace minerals such as magnesium, es and will affect the as how to keep called the Côte deswell Blanc. the villages of Avize, in visual processing as in This otherincludes noted that regular social interaction can at the potassium, zinc and lithium. A 2007 joint study by the Pouring sparkling wine while tilting the glass at an angle and tests thatbottled measured concentration, delay or possibly even prevent Oger and Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. The differences in climate mpagne when wine University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the memory andthe thevineyards ability togently shift quickly around accounts for the cognitive differences in grapealong the side will preserve the sliding in theimpairment. liquid your mind and dative high amount of the antioxidant polyphenols in sparkling wine e finished between wine. Wines tasks, and the benefits fromfrom the different grape varieties characteristics. Blending juice • as Continue your career. While the idea most bubbles, opposed to pouring directly down. Colder ’ s too can help prevent deterioration of brain cells due to oxidative training games lasted as long as seven sourced from multiple geographical areasofwithin Champagne, ng smaller producers, retiring poolside and watching the stress. While the co-authors the study maintain that it’s too ficial years aftertotraining. games body healthy! bottle temperatures also in such reduced loss ofofbubbles. helps get the Brain desired styleare for each Champagne house. world go by mightresult seem nice, a be very dry, with less than ever before, early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial now more accessible ging. scenario is not necessarily good for your Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses as players can access such games on The ripeness of the grapes and the amount of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. brain. Numerous studies have shown er in the finished wine.tablets, ereaders, e and their smartphones, the second fermentation—dosage--varies and willto affect the engaged the benefits that staying in designed specifically reduce the amount of bubbles lost. Pouring sparkling wine@healthybegins while tilting the glass at an angle and e the andamount computers. And inremaining addition toin the Champagne when bottled e the sweetness ofof the sugar professional activities can have on brain

gently sliding in the liquid along the side will preserve the being games provideof the finished wine. Wines older foreffective, sale, andthe hence thealso sweetness health. The brain does not thrive if it's most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down. Colder entertainment value. bbles. labeled Brut Zero, more common among smaller producers, sitting on the sideline. Staying active temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. asses • Alter Many working in very your career will less continuebottle to provide haveyour no routine. added sugar and will usually be dry, with esidual sugar per liter) Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses References: st. professionals that eachsugar day per literthe challenges brain needs to than threerecognize grams of residual in the finishedyour wine. designed specifically to reduce the amount of bubbles lost. tends have its mundane moments. and avoid Thetofollowing terms are used to describestay the sharp sweetness of thememory loss and Thebottled brain can grow accustomed to these struggles with concentration. Men and wine: 1. RENEWED!





moments, which tend to be a routine women who want to leave office life part of the But altering your 6 daily behind sugar can branch out on References: their own and • day. Extra Brut (less than grams of residual per liter) Movement challenges? I can help. 2. forcing routine can jar the brain awake, work as consultants or put their years • Brut (less than 12 grams) Balance • Pain Relief • Grace • Ease 1. it to focus during those times that had of experience to use by teaching at a Better Function • Empowered Living become mundane but now present new nearby university or secondary school. • Extra Dry (between 12 and 17 grams) 2. challenges. Something as simple as But heading off for the hammock once Carole Bucher, BA alternating routes to17 work • driving Sec (between andfrom 32 grams) you have hung up your briefcase can Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® day to day or preparing some new, yet prove troublesome for your brain. 775-240-7882 • Demi-sec 32 help and 50 grams) healthy, breakfast each (between morning can the brain stay alert and sharp. Class Schedule in “Ongoing Events” Smart Movement Solution

® February 2015 Life’s a journey. Healthy Beginnings • July 2015 Make it a healthy one.

• Doux (50 grams)




Medicinal Qualities of Saffron Written by Lauren Lander


July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

affron is a golden, aromatic spice obtained from the delicate red stigma of the Crocus sativus flower. Roughly 80,000 flowers must be harvested from this perennial to yield merely one pound of saffron. As a result, saffron fetches a lofty price of up to $2,000 per pound.

COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING Saturday, February 14th only: From 12 pm to 2 pm. there will be a face painter at the Day Lodge.



Saturday and Sunday - EpicMix Photo will have large conversation regular doses over an extended period of time. According to or Leonurus cardiac, is an herbaceous Although long valued forotherwort, its exotic aroma hearts for guests to take photos with in various locations around Tierra, the traditional Chinese medicine energy and flavors are perennial plant andsaffron member of the mint family. Some common and warm, slightly-sweet flavor, the resort. Photographers will also be available at the race course bitter, spicy, and slightly cold, and the systems affected are the namesofoftraditional this herbmedicinal include Throw-wort, Lion’s Ear and Lion’s has a long history taking photos. use, employed other things as an pericardium and liver. Tail.among Originally from Central Asia and southeastern Europe, aphrodisiac,it energy-enhancer, digestive is now found the world over, as its popularity for use as an VALENTINE’S SCAVENGER HUNT you trust before working with As always, consult a care provider aid, cough herbal suppressant, antidepressant remedy spread. this, or any herbal remedy. Motherwort is an attractive plan and analgesic. As an anodyne and Saturday and Sunday - prizes will be hidden in the village and on discutient, saffron was commonly added that thrives in our high desert climate. Bees enjoy its beautifu Motherwort thrives on roadsides, fields, even in disturbed theareas mountain to be found. in combination with camphor to fine flowers, and it requires very little pampering. like dumps and vacant lots. The plant prefers well-drained soil brandy, providing relief from intense pain. and partial shade, and thrives in climate zones four through



eight. indicates Motherwort has a square, hairy stem and flowers of a Modern research saffron’s Come ski onReferences: Valentine’s Day, Saturday 2/14, and receive the Ski potential aslight an anti-carcinogen, pink/violet huewhich appear at the top part of the plant. It can includes chemicals mayover reduce pin on your EpicMix account. grow to that a little three feet in height. The leaves are Heart the part the occurrence of plant cancers. Crocin, the 1. Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books. New York of the used in medicinal preparations. Saffron also carotene responsible for the spice’s TAVERN 1980. 6330’ golden color, is a potentenjoyed antioxidant with Motherwort a long historyexhibits of use in traditional medicine Tavern be donating of allWoman dessert sales on February Weed, Susun 10% S. Wise Herbal for the Childbearing the ability to programmed cell FEBRUARY 14, 2015 Asia - FEBRUARY 15, 2015 in trigger Central Europe, and Northremarkable America. Some believe the6330’2.will activity, could death in several of humancomes cancerfrom itsanti-inflammatory 14thwhich to Tahoe SAFEWoodstock, Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s Year. 1986. nametypes Motherwort popularity among midwives explain its ability to prevent heart on 2/14. cells. This was confirmed by research Day Menu who used it for a variety of purposes including uterine tonic disease. In one study, twenty in Mexico showing several of saffron’s CUPID’Sand COURSE VALENTINE’S FUN RACEThere is somehuman3. for the prevention of uterine infection. subjects, half of whom STAR sufferedGAZING from components to inhibit malignant human SNOWSHOE TOURS disagreement among herbalists heart as todisease whether and Motherwort the other half cells none the same To bewhile held having 10:30 am to of 3:30 pm. each day. Challenge your loved shouldcells. be given to pregnant Susan Weed recommends healthy, 50 mg of emulsified effect Instead, saffron Time: Varies. Take advantage of the dark skies above Northstar on one toon a normal head-to-head Valentine’s race women. and find out received who gets it for promoting relaxation, easing pains during and after labor, showed twice daily. All subjects stimulated benign a snowshoe tour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet bragging rights for cell the formation, next year! Skiers and saffron riders of all levels inher cholesterol and hemorrhage. Michael Tierraimprovements disagrees including that ofpreventing lymphocytes. Tony Berendsen. The 2 to 2.5 hour guided tour begins at the Cross are welcome to participate in this fun race at significant our EpicMix Race with to free damage, and believes should be susceptibility contraindicated for radical pregnant Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The group Venue. EpicMix Race feesthe willherb be $6. particularly those suffering from heart the serene forest while observing the starry sky women, since the herb can cause bleeding when taken in through will trek LARGE SELECTION disease. The first 150 racers each will receive induce a complimentary larger doses andday could therefore miscarriage. Inabove, China,all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Each • Salves • 200 bulk herbs Northstar Valentine’s Day pin. used to prevent pregnancy and regulate adventure will include a laser tour of the stars and constellations, it was historically • Herbal Extracts • Supplements references a telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, • Special Orders menstruation. • Essential Oils 50% of all race fees collected both days will be donated to the • Medicinal bottles and a chance to relax around a fire pit and warm up with wine 1. Saur, Christopher. Sauer’s Herbal Cures: Tahoe SAFE Alliance. Motherwort contains the alkaloid leonurine, a mild vasodilator America’s First Book ofand Botanic hot Healing cider. Dogs on leashes are welcome to join the 1982 fun! Knowledgeable Staff Serving YouinSince 1762-1778. Translated by William has a relaxing effect is ontosmooth muscles. For this reason, it Woys The missionthat of Tahoe SAFE Alliance end the incidence and Weaver. Routledge, New York 2001. Truckee Herbs Truckee Meadow Herbs has also been used as a cardiac tonic, andviolence, to ease flatulence, trauma of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual 2. Murray, Michael N.D. The Encyclopedia Your Complete QualityHerbal HerbalProducts Products Your CompleteSource Source of of Quality and child abuse in North Lake Tahoe Truckee. menstrual cramping andand insomnia. Susan Weed cautions of Healing Foods. Atria Books, New York 786-8814 • 1170 S. S. Wells Wells Ave.•Reno Ave. • Reno 786-8814•1170 there is a risk of this herb becoming2005. habit forming, if taken in Tahoe SAFE Alliance believes every person has the right to live a life free of violence and abuse. The core of our beliefs is that violence is a learned behavior and therefore it can be prevented. Through education, 33 advocacy February and engaging in 2015 everyone Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® • non-toxic HairVisit Color our cause, we can create violence-free • 100% Grey Coverage communities where healthy relationships • Rich in Nutrients thrive. For more information please visit • Kim specializes in Color, Cutting & Texturizing



Tip: Saffron’s

flavor and chemical

components are only

released in hot water,

Organic Hair Color

alcohol or citrus.

by Kim

To gently activate saffron, immerse in warm orange blossom water.

A FULL SERVICE SALON For appointments call Kim at 775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St. Reno

February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® Healthy Beginnings • July 2015




professional directory

allergies Melissa Monaghan, RN, APH Advanced Practitioner — Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic Reno, NV (775) 826-1900 Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 20 years Integrative Medical Experience specializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.

business opportunities Commission Ad Sales

Do you have an advertising sales background? Do you enjoy setting your own schedule? Are you interested in health and wellness? Earnings depend on you and the amount of effort you put into your career. Healthy beginnings Magazine is looking for a contract sales professional to sell ads into our print and online publications. Email your résumé to

Call Office: 408.406.9799

body work Rolfing with Alexi Alexi Boshart (775) 419-2639

If you are experiencing pain or posture issues, Rolfing structural integration promotes postural efficiency and freedom of movement.

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cancer therapy Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD (775) 829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience.

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chiropractic health Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple St. Ste #105 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster technique, NO twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Se Habla Español.

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crisis intervention Crisis Call Center (775) 784-8085 Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing face-to-face crisis intervention and advocacy services to victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problems.

ear candling Therapeutic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments. Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit

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environmental resources Sierra Green Building Association Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.

gift shops Mystic Rose Gift Shop 20 Hillcrest Drive Reno, NV 89509 (775) 324-2872 Open 10 am to 7 pm Mon.-Thur., 10 am to 5 pm Fri. & Sat. Eclectic and unique tools of spiritual traditions, crystals, jewelery and candles. Natural healing aids: Magnesium Chloride, Diatomacious Earth, Himalayan Salt and salt products. Tropical Traditions raw coconut oil, aromatherapy and massage oils. Ancient healing wisdom for today’s wellness.

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July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

health food stores Quincy Natural Foods Cooperative 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528 We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Mon.-Sat. 7 am - 8 pm, Sun. 9 am - 7 pm

Sprouting Roots Market 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642 Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements, skin care products, and more. Stop in or give us a call.

Vitamin Connection 2295 S. Virginia St. #13, Reno, NV (775) 825-3993 Vitamins 20% below retail. Hard to find supplements. Ionized Alkaline Water, full up your water jugs here. Turbosonic sessions, ten minutes equal to an hour workout. We carry supplements featured on the Dr. Oz TV show. Lose belly fat with HCG drops. Open Mon.-Sun.

hypnosis Joyful Changes June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt Consulting Hypnotist (775) 786-9111 Quickly remove negative feelings from any scene or memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques as well as new ways to replace negative thoughts. Then together we instill the powerful goal suggestions that YOU want. All in one 2-hour session. Procrastination, situational stress, worries, smoking, ect.

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integrative medicine Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900 Since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered familyoriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities.

Go to ad on Page 11 Smart Movement Solutions The Feldenkrais Method ® Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher 775-240-7882 Mindful, noninvasive movement classes and private lessons with Carole (RENO FELDENKRAIS) provide a simple, empowering path to improve vitality, reduce pain and functional limitations, and to regain quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. See Ongoing Events and visit for weekly Class Schedule. The only continuous Feldenkrais classes in Nevada, since 2009.

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massage therapeutic Therapuetic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 Since 1992, specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discount on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit

pet care Sugarland Ranch (775) 970-5350 Sugarland Ranch is a community based, nonprofit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers an donations are welcomed.

spiritual centers Spiritualist Society Larry D. Johson Community Center 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 Meetings every Sunday at 11a.m. Spiritual awakening is a personal path, but a community helps you find the way. The Spiritualist Society of Reno is a community of like-minded people seeking to help one another on their spiritual path. Meetings include talk, mediation, healing and message service.

Kate Colby Nelson, MA Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Licensed HeartMathTM Provider Radiant Living Life Coach 775.400.8879 Find that “sweet spot”, put your life in alignment with the universe. Kate Colby Nelson is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, RScP, through United Centers for Spiritual Living. Practitioner sessions focus on bringing the client into alignment with the life they want. Using spiritual principles and tools for transformation clients are guided through inquiry, dialogue, meditation, and affirmative awareness to create the life they love while releasing false beliefs, hidden patterns, and sabotaging habits. Deepen your experience of life through sacred support and guidance.

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Patricia Elliott #NVMT5274

(775) 830-6284 Licensed RN specializing in therapeutic massage. Dedicated to providing beneficial therapeutic massage. Located in the center of Reno.

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Healthy Beginnings • July 2015


calendar of events



9:30-11:30 a.m. A 1-mile, gravity fed fun event for all ages and abilities. firecraker-mile/

9 a.m. – 2 p.m. The adventure starts at the beautiful Sand Harbor State Beach on Lake Tahoe’s East Shore. After getting outfitted and covering a comprehensive paddling lesson, the journey begins with a 1.5-mile paddle along the coastline to the beach at Thunderbird Lodge. After an hour walking tour of the Lodge, lunch will be served on the beach before a short paddle back to Sand Harbor.

Firecracker Mile

Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga

8:30 a.m. Join the Tahoe yoga community for an exciting and empowering experience this summer on the West Shore. A true test of balance and inner strength, paddleboard yoga classes are a fun yet challenging way to practice yoga.

4th of July Kid’s Bike Parade

Annual 4th of July Kid’s Bike Parade. Kids are invited to decorate their bikes, razors, big wheels, clothing, themselves, etc. in front of Mine from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. At 2:00 p.m. the kids will be escorted around the Village in a parade by Northstar Fire Department and CHP to show off their creativity and festive flair. This is a free event and all parent/ guardians must sign a waiver. 12 pm - 3 pm.

07.06.15 Trailblazer Teen Mountain Bike Camp Are your kids looking for some exciting opportunities to meet friends and grow as mountain bikers? This year’s Trailblazer Camps will be the best summer fun your 10-16 year olds have ever had. Your kid will spend the day with like-minded riders while being overseen by some of Lake Tahoe’s best bike coaches. Our coaches will teach your kids how to make the most of the Northstar Bike Park. Groups will be created based on ability, so whether they’re here to learn the basics or prepare for race day, we’ll have them covered. 10 am - 4 pm. $395 per session.

Thunderbird Lodge Kayak Tour


Waterman’s Paddle Jam Standup/ Prone Paddleboard Race

9 a.m. The 6-mile race will start and finish at the Waterman’s Landing in Carnelian Bay. SUP awards after the race.

07.16.15 - 07.19.15 Wanderlust Yoga & Music Festival

A festival bringing together the world’s leading yoga teachers, top musical acts and DJs, renowned speakers, top chefs and winemakers, and more.


Journey into Healing

7 - 8:30 p.m. Meet Dr. Abey Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama, a renowned Ayurvedic medical doctor, healer, teacher and author. He comes from a lineage of 31 generations of unbroken traditional Sri Lanka Ayurveda. As a medical doctor and healer, Dr. Abey works to relieve physical and mental, visible and invisible sufferings using the ancient miracle science of chanting mantras and energizing water.

07.25.15 - 07.26.15

Donner Lake Triathlon and Truckee Open Water Swim

The whole family can enjoy music, vendors and barbeque. The venue, setting and course offer a truly beautiful and challenging experience. Register online and visit the website for more information.


09.04.15 - 09.06.15 Endless Summer Yoga Retreat @ Granlibakken Tahoe

Start your yoga practice or enhance it at Lake Tahoe with soothing mountain air and clear blue water. Granlibakken Tahoe presents Endless Summer Yoga Retreat, September 4-6, 2015 for all yoga level abilities. Join us for a rejuvenating weekend of yoga, meditation, daily restorative meals and lodging. The weekend program is complete with live music, daily yoga classes, unique yoga performances and entertainment and Lake Tahoe activities. Book now at or contact for more information.

09.19.15 & 09.20.15 Earth Spirit Faire

Healing Arts, Intuitive Readings, Aromatherapy, Aura Drawings, Crystals, Massage, Jewelry, Gemstones & Beads, Candles, Delicious Food, Silent Auctions & Raffle Prizes, and much more! $7 for One day or $10 for Both. Children 6 & Under free. Proceeds to benefit esperanza Foundation & Heart to Heart School (501c3 Non-Profits) 10 am - 4 pm. Located at Mills Park in Carson City, NV.

11.07.15. & 11.08.15 Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend @ Granlibakken Tahoe

Granlibakken Resort hosts the annual Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend (WWW), November 7 & 8, 2015. This long loved program is alive with a complete schedule of speakers, exercise classes, vendor booths, health fair, food and wine. Medical doctors and health professionals present information on nutrition, relationships, metabolism, pelvic problems, hormone therapies and environmental toxis. The event starts on Saturday with an optional yoga class (7:30am) and ends with the beloved health fair. WWW is $120.00, additional charge for lodging and continuing education credit. Book now at or contact for more information.

July 2015 • Healthy Beginnings

ongoing events Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment. 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900. Smart Movement Classes RENO Feldenkrais Schedule • TUES 10 am at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. • THURS 5:30 pm at The Reno Buddhist Ctr., 820 Plumas St. • SAT 3 pm at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. All levels of fitness. You can start anytime by contacting: Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher • 775-240-7882

Better Health at Your Fingertips Zyto technologies, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330. 7 Day Slim Down Whole foods cleanse to control cravings and boost metabolism. Sign up at or call cellular (916) 718-2684. Ringing in Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues. These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free Support Group. Call Gloria (775) 851-3322.

Energy Healing Clinic Every Saturday 2:00-3:00pm Meditation Tools Class & Energy Healing I Saturday 11:30am Each class is six weeks, two hours a week. The cost is $125 if paid first class or $25 a week. Classes start Saturday, May 23 *Each class includes an aura reading.

Visit Reno Psychic Institute’s new permanent location in Carson City! 1800 Hwy 50 #207

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