May 2007
Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine
PANCHA KARMA Ayurvedic Cleanse
ORGANIC Vegetable Gardening
MAD COWBOY A Book Review
Animals Smarter Than Humans
A Therapeutic Ally
Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.
Your Local Source for Healthy Living
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Lose the appearance of inches today! • Reduce Cellulite • Improve Circulation • Hydrate Your Skin • Lose Appearance in Inches Other Providers include: Adrienne Hardt, Lee Thorpe & Joan Hite, Licensed Massage Therapists. Cheryl Christensen, Permanent Make-up & Paramedical Specialist. NUTRITIONAL BIOPHYSIOLOGIST
Dr. Grange will assess your personal health and nutrition by using metabolic profile evaluations. It is then that he can design and recommend a personalized nutritional program that will bring your body back to optimum health.
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(775) 825-7727 Dr. Grange has a Master’s of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Ph.D. in Nutrition and a Doctor of Naturopathy from Clayton University.
Janet Henshaw Owner
Circle of Life Staff
TODD’S SUCCESS STORY My name is Todd Patterson. I had Gulf War Syndrome and was plagued with many symptoms. I had no energy, was pale and swollen, and in terrible pain. I had often considered ending my life because the pain was unbearable. Janet and I have been friends for a while. She had been trying to get me to Reno for quite some time to detox my body. Finally convinced, I arrived at the Circle of Life Spa for my first of many wraps, sauna sessions, and massages. I had some difficult and emotional periods as my body detoxed. Janet worked on changing my diet to encourage an alkaline environment which promotes health and healing. Janet and Carla were right there supporting me through it all. After 2 weeks, the 3 of us stood in the foyer of the spa hugging and crying as I prepared to go home, a healthy man. I never thought I would be pain free, yet here I stood feeling amazing. My swelling was gone and I looked vibrant because I had color and energy. Most importantly, I no longer felt pain. I was a vision of health that none of us had seen in quite a while. Today, my wife and I are adopting a baby girl from China. I can be the father I want to be because I am healthy. I thank Janet and Carla for giving so much of themselves to help me heal.
Other services include: Far Infared Sauna, Floatation Tank, Massage, Dance Classes and Meeting Rooms.
5301 Longley Lane, Suite A8 • Reno, NV 89511 • Fax: (775) 825-7880
Publisher/ Editor
Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine
ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends regarding Alternative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support Natural and Holistic health. Timely Information Each month Healthy Beginnings' advertisers and writers provide the tools you need to aid your personal path to well-being. We feature articles by national authors as well as from local leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe. Advertising To advertise in Healthy Beginnings, simply call 775-828-4547 or Email To review a Media Kit visit Email PDF display advertising to:
Content Editor
Carole Bucher
Contributing Writers Erina Fischer Meredyth Lynn Creative Design Dawn M. Gowery Design & Layout Bailey Simantel Sales & Marketing
Dawn M. Gowery Carole Bucher 775-828-4547
Email Community Resource Guide listings to:
Email Article submissions to: Email NewsBrief submissions to: Email Calendar Events to: Email Contest Entries to: Email Subscription Requests to: For questions or reservations regarding the Health Professional Network please send email to: For distribution requests for the magazine please email to: Deadline is the 5th of the month prior to publication for all articles. Deadline is the 11th of the month prior to publication for ads and listings.
Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.
Dawn M. Gowery
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $25. Call for details 775-828-4547.
Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our local advertisers. It is widely distributed throughout the Reno, Carson and Tahoe areas, including most public libraries, health and education centers and wherever free publications are generally found. Please call for a location near you, or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. To contact Healthy Beginnings call or write us at:
PO Box 19041 • Reno, NV 89511 (phone) 775-828-4547 (fax) 775-828-1305 © 2007 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.
May 2007
contents Inside This Issue
To our Readers,
Happy May to all! For me, May marks the end of winter and welcomes in the beginning of summer. May 5th is Cinco de Mayo, May 13th is Mother’s Day, May 14th is Bailey’s Birthday and May 28th is Memorial Day. Whew…many VIP holidays fall in the month of May. May 14th -18th is Bike To Work Week, save the planet while improving your overall health. Now that is a deal!
Laughter Marilyn Sprague-Smith 14
We have a terrific variety of articles in this month’s issue: Laughter; The Best Heart Attack I Ever had; The Mad Cowboy; and Animals are Smarter than Humans, to mention a few. Many of this month’s articles really motivate us to take a long hard look at ourselves. And it’s all good — from time to time we need a bit of shaking up, and we appreciate your feedback.
Mad Cowboy June Milligan 30
A special thank you to all of our content contributors! You keep us informed of the latest modalities in alternative health therapies that address the varied aspects of body mind and soul. You all are dearly appreciated! Until next month, Best in Health and Happiness!
Dawn M. Gowery Publisher / Founder Healthy Beginnings
Our Advertisers enjoy hearing you saw their Ad in Healthy Beginnings.
Pancha Karma Claire Riendeau 20 Animals are Smarter than Humans Mike Adams 26
Orcanic Vegetable Gardening Andrew Delroy 32
14 26
Departments NEWSbriefs...5 PROVIDERprofile...9 GREENbuilding & SUSTAINABILITY...12 SUPPLEMENTS 101...16 CONSCIOUShealth...20 COOKINGforHEALTH...24 KNOWyourHERBS...25 HEALTHYpets...26 BOOKreview...30 RAWfoods...33 FAMILYhealth...34 NATURALbeauty...35 COMMUNITYresourceGUIDE...38 COMMUNITYcalendarEVENTS...41 CLASSIFIEDS...41 ONGOINGcommunityEVENTS...42
Our Cover Written by Meredyth Lynne Basil is best known for adding flavor to gourmet cooking. But, did you know it is also used for aromatherapy? It can improve the look and feel of your skin, control acne and add shine to your hair. It is the vitamin A in basil that creates a glowing complexion, glossy hair and keen eyesight. Also known as sweet basil, it is a tender annual herb with dark green, pointed oval leaves that may be fuzzy. The entire basil plant (Ocimum basilicum) emits a fresh, sweet herbaceous scent. Steam-distilling the flowering herb produces oil that can be colorless, pale yellow or pale green, having a light spicy smell with a balsamic or camphor undertone. Basil has been used to prevent emotional trauma, anxiety attacks, nervous tension and insomnia. The powerful stimulating action of basil oil can increase concentration, sharpen the senses, clarify thoughts and clear the head, minimizing fear and sadness while fortifying weak nerves. In Europe, basil is used to treat melancholy and depression. The herb’s nutritional value cannot be underestimated — rich in vitamins A and C, it also contains potassium, magnesium and iron, as well as phosphorous and calcium. You can find basil at your local supermarket or health food store. But note that like peppermint, over-processing basil during harvest and manufacturing reduces basil’s health benefits.
NEWSbriefs Just released: National Statistics on Alzheimer’s Disease
Amazon Herb Health and Beauty Presentation in Reno this Spring
There are now over 5.1 million people in the US living with Alzheimer’s! Someone develops the disease every 72 seconds. By 2050 someone will develop Alzheimer’s every 33 seconds bringing the total to 16 million people and their families affected. We do not want to be victims of this disease, but victorious in our efforts to find a cure! If you would like to help spread awareness, and raise funds for research and local education, programs and services please register for the Reno/Sparks or Carson City 2007 Memory Walks! You can register on-line NOW at There is no charge to register and walk for the Cause for a Cure. Or please call our office in Reno for more information at 775-786-8061 ext. 1504 and we’d be happy to answer your questions.
The Amazon offers health and beauty solutions to meet the needs of today’s lifestyles, including concentrated nutrition and natural, nontoxic skin care for youthful, glowing skin. Special rainforest explorers and health educators will be in Reno this May to present the secrets of the rainforest. Attend the presentation and discover the many health benefits of wild-crafted herbs. Experience for yourself a new level of vitality with herbal samples and tea. Sponsored by the Reno Alternative Health Care Center, the lecture will include visual presentations of the Peruvian rainforest, plants and culture. Mark your calendar to attend the Rainforest Wellness Extravaganza with “Amazon” John Easterling at the Reno Airport Plaza on May 26th. To reserve your complimentary seat please contact the Reno Alternative Health Care Center at (775) 827-6888.
Health Professional Network Healthy Beginnings Magazine proudly sponsors the HPN (Health Professional Network).This networking group meets monthly the first or the second Thursday of each month. If you are in a health-related field and are interested in joining us, please email us at or call (775) 828-4547 for confirmation of location, time and topic of discussion. There is no charge to join these informal and informative meetings. This is an opportunity to meet your colleagues who share common healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you there. May 2007
NEWSbriefs A Healthy Mouth Can Now Be Yours! Good oral health is paramount to total body wellness. Our office now offers a 12- month interest free payment plan for your entire dental needs. Unlike insurance, there are no restrictions on what dental treatment you may choose. And, this payment plan can be used in conjunction with insurance. Speaking of insurance, our office also is happy to bill your insurance if you are insured. No need to worry about how to file a claim, we will do it for you. Please be concerned about your oral health and call our office, Zeny N. Ocean, DDS, Ltd. (775) 329-1333, for an appointment.
CLEANSING 101: Take it to The Next Level Feel more vibrant & energized! Learn how you can detoxify in a balanced way to create more vitality, greater health & mental clarity. The right kind of cleansing for your body type will encompass all aspects of your body. You can experience relief from pain and many disease symptoms while releasing long held blockages and purifying your entire being. Gain an understanding of how oil and heat therapies effectively work to dislodge and mobilize toxins from the sinuses to the deepest tissue layers of the body. Learn more about Pancha Karma, the most powerful form of Ayurvedic detoxification. Discover what customized Ayurvedic purification and rejuvenation therapies can do for you. Join Jeremy Ann Anderson, Clinical Ayurvedic and Pancha Karma Specialist, for Cleansing 101 – Wednesday, May 2nd, 6:30-7:30, at the Conscious Living Rejuvenation Center, 95 La Rue, Reno. Call Jeremy at 530.906.5845 to register and find out more!
A Total Raw Experience In addition to regular classes and workshops, The Healing Meal, LLC has added a 4 day “Total Raw Food Experience Seminar” that will support anyone interested in incorporating the Raw Food Lifestyle as a predominant way of living. As our way of introducing this new program, participants who mention Healthy Beginnings magazine and register before May 10th will receive the seminar for Half Price! Two Seminar dates coming up! See details at
Teacher Appreciation Month Health for Life Chiropractic is taking the month of May to say thanks to the teachers in our community. Today’s teaching environment is more stressful than ever so the importance of keeping our teachers healthy is imperative. Between the hours of 2-4 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Dr. Donovan has reserved up to 2 new patient appointments specifically for those in the teaching field. There is a special rate for these appointments in the month of May. Give a call to (775) 323-1230 to reserve one for yourself and let the cheerful front office staff know that you’re a teacher and where it is you teach. We’ll take care of the rest.
Expanding Nevada Companies Tap State Incentives for Recycling Two growing Clark County NV companies, Biodiesel of Las Vegas, Inc and Evergreen Recycling LLC, are tapping into state incentives for recycling, investing millions in facility expansion and adding ~70 new jobs at wages well above the statewide average of $18.12/hr. Biodiesel of LV, in operation since 2003, is investing $56+ million to expand their production facility, creating ~40 new jobs. They are collecting large quantities of waste fryer yellow grease to be recycled and refined at their new plant, which already powers over 5,000 municipal vehicles. Evergreen Recycling has provided construction waste management and commercial recycling services since 1997, including processing of commodities for various local, national and international markets for re-manufacture and re-use. Evergreen is opening a 50,000 sq ft recycling facility, investing $12.9 million and adding 29 positions, and may need additional space by late 2008. In addition to tax incentives, both companies qualify for a unique 1997 tax break that rewards companies for recycling at least 50%. Only 3 other Nevada companies have qualified for this abatement since it began 10 years ago. The Nevada Commission on Economic Development is the state agency, which provides services, support and assistance to communities to help them diversify and develop their economies so they remain viable. For more information on the NCED visit www. or call 775-687-4325.
Free Family Wellness Day Wellness is something that concerns everyone, whether they are 4 or 94, and that’s why the Barton HealthCare System is hosting the second annual free Family Health & Wellness Day, June 2. Barton’s Family Health & Wellness Day provides community members with useful health information as well as free screenings, lab result readings and activities. Be sure to take your blood test results for interpretation. In addition, many booths will have something for children to participate in, helping them learn about what it is to be healthy and how to take care of themselves and their family. After all, it’s important for the entire family to be educated about what’s healthy and what’s not. The Kids Korner will be complete with a coloring contest, crafts and other exciting events. CalStar and our area fire department will be there to showcase their emergency equipment. Barton’s free Family Health & Wellness Day is Saturday, June 2 from 8 a.m. to noon in the multipurpose room at South Tahoe Middle School, located at the corner of Al Tahoe and Lake Tahoe Boulevard. Enjoy a morning full of free important and helpful information regarding health and wellness. For more information, call the Barton Health Hotline at (530) 543-5830.
Names Of Ingredients That Contain Enough MSG To Serve As Common MSG-reaction Triggers The ingredients below ALWAYS contain MSG:
• Glutamate • Glutamic acid • Gelatin • Monosodium glutamate • Calcium caseinate • Textured protein • Monopotassium glutamate • Sodium caseinate • Yeast nutrient • Yeast extract • Yeast food • Autolyzed yeast • Hydrolyzed protein (any protein that is hydrolyzed) • Hydrolyzed corn gluten • Natrium glutamate (natrium is Latin/German for sodium)
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These OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG during processing: • Carrageenan • Maltodextrin • Malt extract • Natural pork flavoring • Citric acid • Malt flavoring • Bouillon and broth • Natural chicken flavoring • Soy protein isolate • Natural beef flavoring • Ultra-pasteurized Soy sauce • Stock Barley malt Soy sauce extract • Whey protein concentrate • Pectin • Soy protein • Whey protein • Protease • Soy protein concentrate • Whey protein isolate • Protease enzymes • Anything protein fortified • Flavors(s) & Flavoring(s) • Anything enzyme-modified • Anything fermented • Natural flavor(s) & flavoring(s) • Enzymes “anything” • Seasonings (the word “seasonings”)
With Permission from the Truth in Labeling Campaign: http://
!! NEWSFLASH !! Cell Phone Radiation Could Be Killing Bees By Geoffrey Lean and Harriet Shawcross
The Independent on Sunday 04/16/07 8:56 AM PT A mysterious condition known as Colony Collapse Disorder is destroying bee hives around the world. Scientists are still debating the exact cause of the epidemic, but researchers at Landau University suggest that radiation from mobile phones may be at least partially to blame. Scientists found that placing mobile phones near hives causes bees to refuse to go inside. Stay tuned for more information… May 2007
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Got ADD? 9 Great Tips for Teens & Adults: 1. When necessary, ask the teacher or boss to repeat instructions... rather than guess. 2. Break large assignments or job tasks into small, simple tasks. Set a deadline for each task and reward yourself as you complete each one. 3. Each day, make a list of what you need to do. Plan the best order for doing each task. Then make a schedule for doing them. Use a calendar or daily planner to keep yourself on track. 4. Work in a quiet area. Do one thing at a time. Give yourself short breaks. 5. Write things you need to remember in a notebook with dividers. Write different kinds of information – like assignments, appointments, and phone numbers – in different sections. Keep the book with you all of the time. 6. Post notes to yourself to help remind yourself of things you need to do. Tape notes on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, in you school locker, or dashboard of your car – wherever you’re likely to need the reminder. 7. Store similar things together. For example, keep all your CD’s in one place, and tape cassettes in another. Keep canceled checks in one place, and bills in another. 8. Create a routine. Get yourself ready for school or work at the same time, in the same way, every day. 9. Exercise, enjoy nature, eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep. With permission from com/
Dr. Zeny Ocean, D.D.S. By Erina Fischer “I wouldn’t put mercury fillings in my own teeth, or in those of my family,” Dr. Zeny says. “Why would I want to do that to someone else?”
“Teeth are a fuse box-connected to the mid-brain and the meridians.”
aybe you’ve heard of him, or maybe you are one of his longtime patients — either way Dr. Zeny, as his patients like to call him, is an integral member of our community. Dr. Zeny Ocean, D.D.S. has been practicing biological and cosmetic dentistry in the Reno area for over 25 years, and is actively involved in the Truckee Meadows Community. Dr. Zeny views Reno as his own little paradise. After practicing dentistry in crowded metro Los Angeles, Dr. Zeny and his wife went all the way to New Zealand in search of the perfect place to live and work. When family matters brought them back to the US, Dr. Zeny came to Reno to raise his family (he is a proud father of four children), believing that it bears the closest resemblance to the beautiful outdoor lifestyle he loved in New Zealand. As an ardent, long-time skier, mountain climber, hiker and sailor, Reno’s outdoor treasure trove appeals intensely to Dr. Zeny. And this interest in nature carries over to his dental practice. “I’ve always been interested in integrative, alternative medicine and dentistry,” Dr. Zeny says. “The body, when given a chance with proper nutrition, good water, along with avoiding toxins, will heal itself.” Since the beginning, he has been involved in biological dentistry and never uses mercury fillings.
Dr. Zeny explains the link between chronic illnesses and periodontal disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, sinus infections and osteoporosis. As he says, “The whole body is connected.” Diseased teeth affect the kidney, liver, stomach — vice versa. When the organs are suffering from an ailment, the teeth and gums will be affected. “Teeth are a fuse box-connected to the mid-brain and to the meridians or nerve channels,” Dr. Zeny says, “There is such a strong correlation between chronic disease and oral systemic disease. I’m addressing the correlation from a dental aspect.” Dr. Zeny uses biological medicines called pleomorphics, meaning many changes. Pleomorphics are used to control the viral, bacterial and fungal load in one’s mouth and body. Dr. Zeny also uses a biofeedback tool with all new patients, to assess where their systems may be out of balance. “It is helpful to find blockages in other parts of the body where the immune system is focused, rather than healing,” Dr. Zeny says. [I don’t know what she means.] Taking an overall approach to his patients’ health is a proactive method of dentistry. One may not consider the importance of regular dental cleanings, but as Dr. Zeny explains, dentists see patients twice a year versus the common once a year visit with a primary care physician, so dentists are in a good position to discover health conditions earlier. In fact, Dr. Zeny reports that in some European countries, dentists and physicians receive much the same education and training, whereas in the US, the two specialties are separated and given quite different training.
Dr. Zeny founded the Sierra Nevada Balalaika Society, celebrating its 15th year anniversary this year, to promote his Russian heritage and to contribute in a fun cultural way to the community. The balalaika, a stringed musical instrument, is uniquely Russian in its sound. Dr. Zeny has played it for over 30 years and performs throughout Northern Nevada. Looking forward the next 10 to 15 years, Dr. Zeny plans to focus more on helping his patients make overall health improvements, as long as they are interested and willing to make the changes necessary. “I’m interested in working with people who are interested in their own health,” Dr. Zeny says “It would give me great satisfaction to see my patients take charge of their lives.”
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Keeping your head on straight.
May 2007
Spring Clean Your Mind How Meditation Will Clear Away Life’s Clutter
ike our closets and garages, our mind gets filled with junk—old wishes, fears, memories, plans, worries, and so forth. Just as we do with old furniture and clothes we don’t wear anymore, we hang onto these tired thoughts, dealing with them again and again as we stumble across them in our reveries and thoughts. Yet they all seem important simply because we created them and indulged in them so frequently. Simply letting go of them seems to deny the importance they once held for us. But hanging on seems a burden too. So we resolve from time to time to clear out the clutter. Unlike our garages, clearing the mind seems a bit more complicated than moving stuff onto the driveway for a garage sale. Where do we start? There are so many issues, and they all relate one to another. If I just stop worrying about money, for example, will my money problems increase or will I lose opportunity? If I just forgot the many plans I created but never enacted, will I just be lazy and unfulfilled? If I just give up trying to resolve old issues with my friends, will I be failing them? This intricate web of intention, ambition and fear seems too complicated to simply put aside, even for the moment. Yet life goes on and most of the issues that arise in this way go unresolved day
after day, burdening us with the debris of past thoughts and hopes. So something must be done. In the busyness of our life, many of us forget the marvelous instrument that is at our disposal to sort out these complexities—it’s our mind. If we feel confused it is because we are trying to deal with the images and issues that appear to the mind -- but not the mind itself. Meditation is a way to reacquaint yourself with your mind, the source of all these issues, and with a firmer grasp of its function and nature, we can sort out all the things that appear to and in the mind.
experience. By meditating on the mind, we purify the basis of our experience, and the clutter of our life gradually sorts itself out because we act with more wisdom and love. By understanding a little more the good qualities of our own mind, we are able to bring those good qualities to bear in everything we think and do. Our relationships will improve; some problems will just go away and others will be resolved in an effortless manner; and issues that can’t be solved become interesting challenges that engage our energy and passion for life. Here’s a simple meditation you can apply right now. Set aside perhaps 20 minutes in the morning when you are fresh and energetic, before the rush of your busy day sets in. Sit comfortably in a chair or on a cushion. Make sure your back is erect and straight, the head balanced comfortably on the top of the spine with the chin not too high or too low. Lightly close the eyes to reduce distractions. If you like, place the right hand in the palm of the left with the thumbs touching lightly to increase concentration. Focus on your body for a few moments. Scan it from top to bottom, releasing any tension you may find. Feel good in your body, and enjoy your breath, the chest rising and falling, the air passing in and out of the nostrils. Gently shift your attention to the breath itself, and concentrate on the breathing. Feel good about being alive, present, stable, and alert. Stop being distracted by other thoughts and feelings for the moment. Just focus on the body and breath.
Unlike our garages, clearing the mind seems a bit more complicated than moving stuff onto the driveway for a garage sale.
Many of us think that meditation is just a mental vacation, a time to forget all our responsibilities for a short while and get refreshed as a result; or it is focusing on our problems, seeking a solution. However, meditation works more indirectly—and more powerfully—than either of these views. Meditation is a method to acquaint yourself with the mind and the positive states of mind you wish to
After a while, perhaps five minutes, think that your mind is located at the heart. We all experience something at the heart when we have strong feelings. Shift your attention to the center of the chest and think this is my mind. (There’s no need to think at this point that the mind is the brain; the brain has certain functions but when you are in love or you
The Mouth is the Gateway to the Immune System!
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Infections in the teeth and gums have been linked to many diseases such as: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, Migraines, Low Energy
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Biological • Biocompatible General • Cosmetic Dentistry suffered a great loss, where do you feel that? Not in the head, but in the heart. This explains the love song’s old standard, the broken heart.) Keep your attention on the mind at the heart, without interruption. Single-pointedly hold the thought that this is my mind. As your concentration increases, then add to your understanding that the nature of the mind at the heart is “clarity,” like empty space. It is okay to just imagine this. What is important is to hold with the most stable concentration you can muster, the image of your mind as clarity at the heart. Just hold this as long as you can.
time to time the mind at the heart whose nature is clarity. Repeat this meditation every morning for a while, and any other opportunity that you have, and gradually you will come to appreciate the good qualities of your own mind. Indirectly, the clutter that occupies your mind will be viewed from the perspective of the spaciousness of your own mind. By it-
Zeny N. Ocean, D.D.S., Ltd. 1155 W. 4th St. Suite 211 Reno, Nevada 89503
self, this will sort things out. You will feel confident, content, and energetic. It will be like a bright spring after a long winter and you will feel good. Ace Remas is Resident Teacher of the Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center headquartered in Petaluma, California. You can reach Ace at 775-746-8681 or at
Of course, things will appear in this space—your thoughts and feelings. Let them come and go without grasping or distraction. Stay focused on the clarity at the heart and let your thoughts and feelings move through like clouds in an empty sky. Meditate in this manner as long as you can, whatever is comfortable. Five minutes are beneficial; there is no standard to meet. Enjoy the clarity of your own mind. When you rise from meditation make a promise to yourself to recall from
May 2007
Alternative Energy Q & A Q
: I just read about a solar-powered boat in England that is totally powered by solar cells and even sends its excess electricity back into the country’s transmission grid. If solar energy really can work so well, why isn’t it more available for use in our houses?” : The dream of cutting the line from your electric company and using solar cells to power our homes is certainly something that sounds terrific, but for most people the cost of the solar systems is what is keeping it from becoming more of a reality today. As prices for solar drop due to manufacturing improvements and material development, and prices for competing fossil-fuel based power go up, that dream will become much more real in the future. If you’ve read about photovoltaics (solar cells) in the past couple of years, then
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you know that their costs have been dropping significantly, while interest in using them has grown at a huge pace. Right now, just about every company that makes solar electric systems is working overtime to meet the huge demand. Last year, in fact, the shipments of U.S.-manufactured solar cells and equipment grew to record levels, though most of the market for these products today is outside of the U.S. where there is not a reliable power grid (or through much of the developing world where electricity is totally unavailable). It’s nice that solar is used to power things like boats (or airplanes or other products), but I think the real value is when we use all that sunshine that falls on our homes to power our everyday needs. There actually are thousands of people in the U.S. today who have complete solar electric systems on their roofs that allow them to get all their power needs from the sun while not sacrificing their lifestyles. Most of these people live in remote areas away from the power grid where it is actually cheaper to spend $20,000 or $30,000 or so to provide the solar system rather than pay to have the grid run to their homes (and then to pay for the electricity every month). Others just have the discretionary spending power to make their lives more self-sufficient. And many thousands of other Americans use solar electric systems to provide some of the power they need while their electric company keeps providing the rest of it. Check out some of the websites on photovoltaics (see below) and you’ll find dozens of companies right here in the U.S. that make and install systems of all sizes. As the costs of making this equipment keep coming down and the rates we pay for electricity, gas and other fossil fuels keeps increasing, these systems will get more economical. We know from ! program many years of use in the y space ve applications r and in hundreds ofuremote S highway s a signs or (like lighting n for ceremote m/u
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off-shore navigational aids or even calculators and watches) that the technology works and works well.
: Do houses with cathedral ceilings cost more to heat and cool? : As you might imagine, they do. My first thought is that a house with a cathedral ceiling will have more wall area on the outside than the same home with an 8-foot ceiling, so this will have at least a small impact on heating and cooling energy. But the bigger concern is that the “non-attic” roof sections with cathedral ceilings are not ventilated and usually have lower levels of insulation as well. In hot weather, this can increase cooling costs by as much as 5 percent, for example. Let me urge you not to avoid buying or building a house with this feature, though. My advice to all homeowners is to look for trade-offs so that energy efficiency doesn’t involve making sacrifices in your lifestyle. If you want that cathedral ceiling, talk to your builder or remodeler about other energy-saving features (maybe installing better windows with some of the new energy-saving features or providing shade on east and west walls or adding some passive design strategies) that will offset the higher energy costs of this type of ceiling. Ken Sheinkopf is a communications specialist with the American Solar Energy Society ( Send your energy questions to
Common Sense Gardening What Is Xeric Landscaping?
Xeros, in Greek, means ‘dry.’ But, more than simply dry, xeriscaping is about keeping good company with plants that thrive in conditions that match the water habits of the particular region where you live. So, it’s not so much ‘dry,’ as it is efficient and in tune. Another way to think of Xeric landscaping is to think the double benefits of low maintenance and low cost. A xeric landscaper looks for ways to emphasize the localized natural forces at work around us. The intended result will be a beautiful yard or landscape with minimal upkeep, minimal environmental impact, and low energy cost. Xeric Landscaping is Common Sense Gardening.
Why Is Common Sense Important?
Most of Nevada is desert. But it’s not just any desert. Our local is unique and geologically interesting because we live exactly within the transition from High Sierra conifer and hardwood forests to Great Basin desert and range. In fact, Nevada’s Great Basin desert is surprisingly unique to world geology, and highly evolved. One of the distinguishing features of our region is that we live in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevada. Put simply: water is not abundant. In fact, water is severely limited. But most definitely, water is present, especially at certain locals and at
certain times of the year. And yet, human population growth is increasing rapidly such that our present and future quality of life depends, among other things, upon how we manage the water. Thus, xeric landscaping is good for Nevada!
What Is a “Native” Plant?
We can start with a working definition: A “native” plant is one that is either indigenous to the region, or one that acts like an indigenous plant by behaving and surviving well in our localized climate with minimal impact upon the land, with minimal intervention, and with minimal work.
Xeric Does Not Mean Zero
Some people have the mistaken belief that a xeric landscape is one with no plants, as if you would replace an existing yard or garden with river rock or red scoria cinders or white quartz chips. This is not the case. Xeric gardening and landscaping techniques merely take a common sense approach to the relationship between such things as altitude, weather, population density and water. What’s especially satisfying about Xeric Landscaping is that the plants are hardy -- they have the possibility of almost taking care of themselves -- they are interesting -- many are not nearly as common as what you find in the mega-warehouses -- and they are beautiful. Visit our website at
One of Life’s Most Stressful Events buying or selling your home. I will make it easier by: • Representing your interests • Being trustworthy • Operating in good faith • Providing excellent communication • Negotiating the best prices and terms
Bringing People Together.
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May 2007
Laughter A Therapeutic Ally
t the turn of the 20th century (1900), U.S. women were most likely to die from infectious diseases and complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Today, in the first decade of the 21st century, 63 percent of American women die as a result of the chronic conditions of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Heart disease leads the pack.
Improving women’s health, and increasing awareness and understanding of women’s health issues, is the task of the Office on Women’s Health (OWH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. OWH is celebrating the seventh annual National Women’s Health Week this year from May 14–20th as a way to accomplish its mission. The 2006 celebration starts on Mother’s Day and ends on the following Saturday. However, women’s healthcare has a therapeutic ally
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that cannot be confined to a one-week national celebration. It’s a proven women’s health enhancer and stress reliever—laughter.
Laughter: A Heart Healthy Activity
It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine. A growing body of research supports the theory that laughter has therapeutic value and may be an antidote to heart disease. In 2000 and again in 2005, a team of researchers at University of Maryland Center for Preventive Cardiology, led by the Center’s director Dr. Michael Miller, released study results which point to a strong connection between laughter and cardiovascular health. In 2000, Dr. Miller led a research team which conducted a study on the humor response comparison of 300 people. Fifty percent had suffered a heart attack or undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. Fifty percent were h e a l t hy, a g e matched participants without heart disease. Miller said that the most significant finding was that “people with heart disease responded less humorously to everyday life situations. They generally laughed less, even in positive situations, and they displayed more anger and hostility.� He went on to say that perhaps laughter should be added to the list of recommended behaviors known to reduce the risk of heart disease, like exercising, not smoking and eating foods low in saturated fat.
In 2005, Miller and his team of researchers released the results of another study. Using laughter-provoking movies to gauge the effect of emotions on cardiovascular health, the study showed that laughter appears to cause the tissue that forms the inner lining of blood vessels, the endothelium, to dilate or expand in order to increase blood flow.
“Laughter can relax the muscles, increase alertness and memory, reduce pain, lessen emotional stress and lower blood pressure.�
Th e r e s u l t s of their study point to a strong connection between laughter and cardiovascular health. “The magnitude of change we saw in the endothelium is similar to the benefit we might see with aerobic activity, but without the aches, pains and muscle tension associated with exercise,� says Dr. Miller. “We don’t recommend that you laugh and not exercise, but we do recommend that you try to laugh on a regular basis. Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week and 15 minutes of laughter on a daily basis is probably good for the vascular system.�
Laughter: A Guaranteed Stress Reliever
Stress at work is a growing problem for women in the workplace. In one survey, 60 percent of employed women cited stress as their number one problem at work. Furthermore, levels of stress-related illness are nearly twice as high for women as for men. Once again, researchers are telling us that laughter has many physiological and emotional benefits that help to combat stress related illness. “When you are laughing, you discharge tension associated with four primary negative emotions—depression, anxiety, fear and anger,� says Dr. William Fry, a behavioral scientist, psychiatrist and Emeritus Associate Clinical Professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine of Stanford University. And, Dr. Lee Berk, a pioneer researcher studying positive emotions/ behaviors and their biochemical/physiological effects on stress hormones and immune system components in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, says “Laughter can relax the muscles, increase alertness and memory, reduce pain, lessen emotional stress and lower blood pressure.� With all the physiological and psychological health benefits evidenced by solid scientific research, leading-edge organizations in the Triad are embracing therapeutic laughter activities to reduce stress and enhance quality of work life for staff. Employee Wellness at High Point Regional Health System (HPRHS), asked Certified Laughter Leader Marilyn Sprague-Smith to help employees put laughter back in their lives. “Marilyn is showing us how to use laughter to lighten up our mental workload and bring a sense of joy, happiness and harmony into our daily activities,� says Sue Cumpston, Employee Wellness Coordinator for the health system. The program was brought to HPRHS as a community outreach service of Unity’s laughter club program. #
scription, “thirty minutes of exercise three times a week and 15 minutes of laughter daily.� Your heart, and every system in your body, will thank you. Marilyn Sprague-Smith, M.Ed. is an award-winning consultant, trainer, professional speaker, author & certified laughter leader. She is 1 of only 6 people in the world authorized by The World Laughter Tour to deliver laughter leader certification training. For more information visit or www.
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You, too, can choose to let laughter be your therapeutic ally for increased health and wellness. Get involved in National Women’s Health Week by creating a personal health and wellness plan. Remember Dr. Miller’s heart-healthy pre-
hodiola rosea (Golden root) has been in use since Viking times to boost endurance and treat fatigue and depression. It is a recent addition to American scientific herbalism because most research was done by the Russian military and was kept a secret until 1994 (after the Soviet Union collapsed. Please see References below for a list of additional research studies.) One of the greatest things Rhodiola does is enhance mental and physical performance. It has been widely used by Russian athletes, soldiers, cosmonauts, and diplomats. One may remember the dominance of Russian athletes during the 1980’s, the endurance records of their cosmonauts and the mental games of Russia’s diplomats during the Cold War. Rhodiola is cardioprotective, normalizing the heart rate immediately after intense exercise. It improves the nervous system and mental functions such as memory by increasing blood-supply to the muscles and brain. It also increases protein synthesis for endurance. A large proportion of all aging diseases (perhaps 70-80%) are believed to occur because the stress level is too high, and/or too long-term. High-stress modern living is probably the main factor causing chronic disease and premature aging. Fortunately, Mother Nature has an answer to this challenge - a unique class of herbal products called “adaptogens”. Adaptogens have the broadest spectrum of healing properties of any herbal medicine, but their unique value is that they specifically relieve stress. Rhodiola rosea is a very powerful adaptogen! According to a comprehensive review in HerbalGram, the journal of the American Botanical Council, the herb Rhodiola lessens the release of stress-related hormones. It is believed that Rhodiola’s beneficial properties stem from its ability to influence the activities and levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin and norepinephrine as well as the natural “feel good” hormones such as beta-endorphins. In addition, Rhodiola rosea has extraordinary pharmacological properties as an anti-mutagen and anti-depressive agent.
Performance of an Olympic Athlete, Focus & Mental Acuity of a Diplomat As for its cardiovascular effects, Chinese and Russian studies show that rhodiola lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate, normalizes heart rhythm, prevents stress-induced heart damage, and reduces levels of C-reactive protein (creators of inflammation), which is a major risk factor for heart attack. It also improves blood flow through the brain. Rhodiola is a “powerful antioxidant” that may help prevent or repair cancer-related cell mutations. Preliminary research indicates that rhodiola may increase the efficacy of chemotherapy medications (it virtually eliminates the toxicity of adriamycin, a widely used cancer drug) and improve the immune function of people with bladder cancer. In addition, Ukrainian, Korean, and Chinese investigations show that rhodiola has some major qualities that help protect the liver. Rhodiola rosea stimulates the immune system in two ways: 1. by specific direct stimulation of immune system’s Natural Killer Cells. NK-Cells seek and destroy the infected cells on our bodies. 2. by making a person less susceptible to stress. Scientists found that when we are chronically in a stress condition it robs energy from other systems. The general effect is a lowered immune response and decreased health. Bulgarian researchers have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea activates hormone-sensitive lipase, which plays a key role in breaking down the fat stored in adipose tissue. Soviet clinical studies showed that the combination of Rhodiola rosea together with physical exercise can be a powerful tool in the activation and use of fat-tissue lipase, resulting in the breakdown of stored fat. The usual amounts taken of a Rhodiola rosea extract are 200 to 600 mg per day. Standardized extracts from the Russian rhodiola are considered to be the “Cadillac” of the Rhodiola species. Chinese, Tibetan and other sources of Rhodiola do not equate favorably with the Russian source. Rhodiola is usually taken with water before meals or at mealtimes.
Please note: Rhodiola has a more stimulating effect at lower amounts, and a more sedating effect at higher amounts. Besides being one of the best adaptogens for mind, memory and stress problems Rhodiola: • increases energy and stamina. • enhances alertness, concentration, and memory. • reduces the effects from stress. • lowers blood pressure. • normalizes heart function. • augments cancer treatment and lessens its toxic affect on the body. • protects the liver. • eases adaptation to high altitudes. • is helpful in the treatment of neuroses, depression, hypotension, and other diseases. • increases the body’s resistance to physical and mental overloads, and negative environmental effects. • improves performance, resistance to strain, restoration of strength with increased physical loads. • helps prevent alcohol and drug addiction. • may be successfully taken by drivers, flight personnel and traffic controllers, as well as other professional people who are engaged in work or activities that require increased attention and stamina. Russian medical researchers gave Rhodiola rosea to it’s cosmonauts, soldiers, sportsmen and ageing political leaders as an effective way to prevent the development of fatigue, to improve cognitive functions, endurance, mental and physical performance and to prevent seasonal diseases. For a change, it’s time we stole some of their secrets. Rhodiola rosea can be an important addition to all our health regimes
5. Duhan, O.M. et al. (1999) “The antimutagenic activity of biomass extracts from the cultured cells of medicinal plants in the Ames test” Tsitol Genet NovDec 33(6): 19-25 6. Udintsev SN; (1991) “The role of humoral factors of regenerating liver in the development of experimental tumours and the effect of Rhodiola rosea extract on this process” Neoplasma;38(3): 323-31 7. Bocharova OA (1995) “The effect of a Rhodiola rosea extract on the incidence of recurrences of a superficial bladder cancer (experimental clinical research)” Urol Nefrol (Mosk) Mar-Apr (2): 46-7 8. Salikhova RA (1997) “Effect of Rhodiola rosea on the yield of mutation alteration and DNA repair in bone marrow cells”. Patol Fiziol Exsp Ter Oct-Dec (4): 22-4 9. Linh PT (2000) “Quantitative determination of salidroside and thyrosol from the underground part of Rhodiola rosea by high performance liquid chromatography” Arch Pharm Res Aug 23(4): 349-52 10. Brown RP, Gerbarg PL, Ramazanov Z. Rhodiola rosea: a phytomedicinal overview. Herbalgram 2002;56:40–52.
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Rhodiola has few side effects; however, some people report increased blood pressure. Rhodiola may thin your blood, so discontinue use before surgery and consult your doctor if you take blood-thinning medications like Coumadin (warfarin) or supplements like vitamin E. You should not use Rhodiola if you are pregnant. Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D., Nutritional Biophysiologist Co-Author: Mineral of Miracles: The Story of Sango Coral Calcium and The Miracle of SuperFruits. For consultation appointments: 775-825-7727 See ad on inside front cover. REFERENCES 1 Maslova L.V. et al. (1994) “The cardioprotective and antiadrenergic activity of an extract of Rhodiola rosea in stress” Eksp Klin Farmakol 57(6): 61-6 2. Zakir Ramazanov, Z. et al. (1999) “New secrets of effective natural stress and weight management, using Rhodiola rosea and Rhodendron caucasicum” ATN/Safe Goods Publishing, CT. 3. Germano, C. et al. (1999) “Arctic root. The powerful new ginseng alternative” Kensington Publ.Corp. 4. Petkov, V.D. et. al. (1986) “Effects of alcohol aqueous extract from Rhodiola rosea L. roots on learning and memory” Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg 12(1): 3-16
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775.355.5887 May 2007
Vision and
Lifestyle A
s we age, certain physiological changes take place that we all notice, for example, lower metabolism, hearing loss, and reduced energy, to name a few. And as Americans, many of us have been conditioned to buy into the age-related deteriorating health notion. But what about our vision? People typically associate presbyopia with middle age and getting older. Presbyopia (prez-bee-OH-pee-uh) is the loss of the ability to focus on near objects or tiny print after the age of about 45 or so. People with presbyopia are often seen holding their reading materials out at arm’s length, squinting. However, beyond presbyopia, most any people also believe that deterioration or even loss of eyesight is a normal part of aging. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our vision should remain sharp and clear, albeit with corrective lenses or contacts if necessary, up until the day we die. You should therefore expect 20/20 (correctable) vision, even into your 80s. Deterioration or loss of vision is often the cause of not seeking medical or eye care early in the course of a problem, when it could be easily treatable.
Conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts and even glaucoma all seem to share a common thread according to modern research: they are the result of, or are certainly exacerbated by, free radical damage to cells within the eye and the retina. And while heredity can play a role in our predisposition to certain conditions, research has shown time and time again that a very healthy lifestyle can often overcome our hereditary burdens. Doctors and health professionals see this every day in their own patients. So what causes free radical damage to our bodies, organs, and tissues, and how can it be corrected? Free radical damage is caused by a process called oxidation. Basically, this is a process whereby oxygen interacts with certain molecules, causing them to lose an electron, resulting in an odd (unpaired) number of electrons. Once formed, these highly reactive molecules can start a chain reaction, reacting with important cellular components such as DNA and the cell membranes. When this happens, the cell may function poorly, die, or replicate uncontrollably, which is what cancer basically is. Free radical damage
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is accelerated greatly by many common environmental factors, among them certain prescription drugs, smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke, excessive exposure to UV radiation, ingestion of a large percentage of fried and/or charred foods (meats), trans fatty acid intake, and many, many more.
Most important, by taking responsibility now for your health, and making the commitment to live a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to avoid many of the common pitfalls of aging, including cataracts and macular degeneration. And best of all, higher energy levels, happiness and a more pain-free life are proven benefits of this lifestyle paradigm.
Our vision should remain sharp and clear, albeit with corrective lenses or contacts if necessary, up until the day we die.
The best known micro nutrient (or vitamin) antioxidants are Vitamin E, beta-carotene, and Vitamin C. There are also many other very powerful compounds now available, which have been shown to be very beneficial, particularly with regard to safeguarding your vision. These include, but are certainly not limited to, lycopene, zeaxanthin, bilberry, co-enzyme Q-10, grape seed extract and blueberry extract. It is virtually impossible, even with a very healthy diet, to get these nutrients in therapeutic levels in the bloodstream. Therefore, a diet rich in fresh organic vegetables, legumes, sprouted grains and a limited fruit intake, coupled with nutrient supplements, is highly recommended. The more of these you can eat in their raw form, the better. Maintaining a healthy body weight is also important and helps to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. [Note that a side benefit to a whole, organic raw, vegan cuisine like that described above is that you will automatically lose weight and excess body fat. Your weight will stabilize at your own natural level without dieting or starving yourself.] To maintain or achieve good quality visual resolution as we age, good light is needed. This is very important because our pupil size typically becomes smaller over time, meaning less usable light is able to enter the eyes. Full spectrum lighting can make an enormous difference in our perceived quality of reading, computer work, crafts or most any other activity. It may be helpful to consult a lighting expert or specialty store to determine the lighting needs in your home and work environment. Additionally, anti-reflective lenses in your eye wear will help to increase the transmission of visible and usable light by approximately 8%, effectively eliminating loss of light through reflection and glare.
D r s . Tr av i s a n d Cheryl Adlington are an optometric team with a private practice in Reno, NV. Their office is located in the new PlumGate Center at 500 West Plumb Lane, Suite A. (775) 284-3937. Please see ad on page 26.
Institute Inspired Living
85 Washington St., Reno
Amazing Results... in Vitality, Clarity & Health EMPOWERMENT!
Research has shed much light on the relationship between free radical damage and vision, showing that cataract formation and much of macular degeneration is caused by free radical damage. Under normal conditions, the body’s stores of the antioxidants vitamins C and E, are thought to protect against the free radical damage. The body uses its supply of these antioxidants to neutralize free radicals by “donating” one of their own electrons to the free radical, and thereby stopping its destructive chain reaction. The antioxidant nutrients act as scavengers and help to prevent cell and tissue damage that lead to cellular damage and disease at all levels of the body. If the antioxidants aren’t available, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Both of these conditions exist as we age. However, antioxidants can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged.
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Network Spinal Analysis De CWd_fkbWj_ed ;d[h]o 9^_hefhWYj_Y Mehai ed f^oi_YWb [cej_edWb _iik[i <H;; mehai^efi m_j^ Yecfb_c[djWho jh[Wjc[dji
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May 2007
Pancha Karma • • •
Cleansing & Purification
t is amazing how quickly people respond to an effective cleanse program. The number one report you will hear is that people have more energy, an increased sense of well-being, greater mental clarity, and experience a release from pain and many disease symptoms. Effective cleansing and body detoxification is the key to a healthy, balanced system. By eliminating the toxic accumulation, the causes of many health problems can be reduced or eliminated, allowing the rejuvenated immune system to work more efficiently. One method of purification that you may not be familiar with is Pancha Karma. Pancha Karma is the most powerful
Lymphatic Drainage WHY? The lymphatic system is the body’s primary immune defense and waste eliminator.
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form of Ayurvedic healing & cleansing. Ayurvedic medicine has been practiced in India for the past 5000 years and places a great emphasis on body, mind, and spirit, and strives to restore innate harmony in the individual.
• • •
inherent ability to function, and rasayana is similar to a physiological tune-up. It is used to restore vitality.
Following a Pancha Karma treatment, one can experience a deep relaxation, calm and clarity as though floating, efPancha Karma begins with an fortlessly, on a deep blue sea of infinite Ayurvedic consultation, where a custom- tranquility and bliss. In this state of deep ized program is designed to meet an in- relaxation healing is happening in every dividual’s specific needs. cell of our Being and Pancha Karma translates every level of our Following a Pancha on to “five actions”. These existence. traditional deeply pu- Karma treatment, Ayurveda is a perfect rifying and detoxifying way to create longevity one can experience procedures are: and health, by focus• Vamana - cleansing of the stomach and esophagus • Virechana - cleansing of the small intestine • Basti - cleansing of the colon and large intestine • Nasya - cleansing of the nasal and sinus passages • Rakta Moksha - cleansing of the blood
a deep relaxation, calm and clarity as though floating, effortlessly, on a deep blue sea of infinite tranquility and bliss.
As part of Pancha Karma, a daily oil massage and steam treatment is necessary to facilitate the movement of the build up of toxins in the body. These toxins, such as pesticides, solvents, viruses and bacteria, are carried from the periphery, through the many channels that feed the bodily tissues, to the central part of the body and into the gastro-intestinal tract from where they can be safely eliminated. Each day of a Pancha Karma dislodges toxins on a deeper and deeper level. So that all people have a complete experience, Pancha Karma programs usually are a minimum of 5 days and up to 14 days in duration. After the cleansing regimen, a program of tonification called rasayana begins. Tonification means enhancing the body’s
ing on eliminating the causes of disease and prevention. Each Pancha Karma session expands on the previous one, healing of body, mind and emotion deeper and deeper with each consecutive year. The Ancient Ayurvedic texts suggest receiving Pancha Karma three times per year for optimum cleansing and rejuvenation. However some people only have the time and the means to receive it only once per year, which is good for maintenance. With every year it is truly possible to grow healthier and younger, rather than older and diseased. It is possible to grow in health and Ayurveda shows us how. Pancha Karma is a sound investment in your health and well being. Submitted by Claire Riendeau, N.D., N.M.D.. To learn more, ask for Jeremy Ann Anderson, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist at Conscious Living Rejuvenation Center, 775-825-5668. Website: www. Please see ad on page 15.
Re-wiring Your Brain for Ease of Movement B
ACKGROUND NOTE: The Feldenkrais Method‚, a movement-based learning format, was developed by Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais (1904 - 1984), an Israeli physicist who worked at the famous Curie Institute in Paris. After a series of crippling knee injuries left him unable to walk, Feldenkrais was faced with surgery and a poor prognosis. He opted instead to treat himself. Following a long search, Feldenkrais taught himself to walk again without pain. Over the next 40 years, he refined his method to teach others, working with some of the most celebrated scientists, artists and political leaders of his generation.
lesson generally lasts from 30 to 60 minutes and consists of comfortable, easy movements that gradually evolve into greater range of motion and complexity. Thinking, sensing, moving and imagining are explored. While some sequences are based on developmental movements and ordinary functional activities (reaching, standing, lying to sitting, looking behind yourself, etc.), others explore more abstract relationships of joint, muscle, and posture. Awareness Through Movement‚ exercises can be done in groups, one-on-one, or alone with audiotapes.
“Why doesn’t everyone know about this?”
The Feldenkrais Method‚ is taught using two distinctly different and complementary formats:
1. Individual lessons called Functional Integration® (FI) in which the teacher/practitioner develops a customized lesson for the student, appropriate to the student’s need and desire at that particular moment, using a hands-on form of tactile, kinesthetic communication to direct the student’s movements. The student learns how to reorganize his/her body and behavior in new and more expanded functional motor patterns. Functional Integration‚ lessons last about an hour and are carried out with no invasive or forceful procedures or manipulations.
Both modalities share a significant principle: they are structured to provide the information necessary for learning how to move more easily. To create these conditions the method uses strategies of moving slowly, reducing effort and observing the relationships between the parts and the whole in our patterns of muscular action. Both formats exploit something current research is now confirming: that our brain is a learning system of enormous plasticity. When the habits of moving and using our bodies change, our complaints and pain begin to disappear.
“Who knew that my body could move so effortlessly?”
2. Group classes or lessons called Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) where the practitioner gives verbal instructions for movement sequences which the students perform. A
Stephanie Krause, an illustrator, began taking private lessons and attending group classes for her sciatica and found them more helpful than standard physical therapy. “The longer I took Feldenkrais lessons, the more I wondered why this wasn’t in the general vocabulary. Why doesn’t everyone know about this? Who knew that my body could move so effortlessly?”
Continued on page 29...
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775.884.3990 May 2007
The History of Permanent Make-up & Paramedical Procedures
s words go, the word “tattoo” is a fairly recent addition to the English language, its use being documented for the first time in 1769 in Captain James Cook‘s diary. The word was derived from the Polynesian language. History has it that English speaking sailors got their first tattoos while on the Polynesian islands, and then introduced and popularized the custom in Europe.
A tattoo is a mark made by inserting pigment into the skin; in technical terms, tattooing is dermal pigmentation. Tattoos may be made on human or animal skin. Tattoos on humans are a type of body modification or decoration, while tattoos on animals are primarily used for identification, as in branding.
to designate status or prestige were among cultural reasons that people have marked their bodies, both past and present. Creating Permanent Cosmetics, known professionally as Micropigmentation, is the micro-implantation (depositing) of pigment into the dermal layer of the skin, in essence, it is a cosmetic tattoo. Examples of what can be done using micropigmentation:
Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos (permanent pigmentation of the dermis) as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eye lining (eye shadows) and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips and eyelids. It is also used to produce artificial eyebrows, particularly in people who have lost their eyebrow hair as a consequence of old age, disease, such as alopecia, chemotherapy or a genetic disturbance. Paramedical is the term used to describe the process of disguising scars and white spots in the skin such as in vitiligo. It is also used to restore or enhance the breast’s areola, after breast surgery or reconstruction due to mastectomy.
Tattooing is an ancient and highly artistic occupation that has achieved professional standing within the scientific, cosmetology, liberal arts, health care, and medical communities. Micro pigmentation is a specialty within tattoo that requires specific specialized education and training. Artistic and technical skill combined with extreme attention to tiny detail determines the final look of the inserted pigment. Other names describing related processes include derma pigmentation, micro pigmentation, permanent cosmetics and cosmetic tattooing. Micro pigmentation, tattoos and/or body art have been performed for millennia. Archaeological evidence indicates that tattooing was practiced among people in the late Stone Age, about 3300 B.C. These markings are the earliest known evidence of tattoos. More widely recognized are tattoos that were found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from about 2000 B.C. Evidence of tattooing has also been found in China some 1000 years before Christ. The Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Greeks and Egyptians are also among the cultures to use tattooing more than 2000 years ago. To create beauty, and
Micropigmentation used to enhance and accentuate eyebrows, eyes and lips. Permanent make-up is waterproof, does not wash off or smear. Lips can be made to look fuller, eyebrows can be even and symmetrical. Eyes can be lined to add definition and enhancement. Time can be saved by removing the chores of applying liner to lips, eyes or brows from your daily routine
Reconstructing and Camouflage: Micropigmentation can be used to camouflage scars and areola’s, burns and vitiligo, to a degree, using flesh tone pigment. Areolas can be reconstructed to look natural after undergoing breast augmentation.
There are 3 different methods used to apply permanent cosmetics: 1. Coil Machine: This is a traditional tattoo machine used for face and body tattooing that runs off a coil and in a reciprocating motion. This method has been around since mid 1800’s.
2. Rotary: (digital rotary) This is a motorized cosmetic pen that has been around since early 1980’s.
3. Manual Method: This method does not use a machine with the artist being the power source. The tools used are all pre-sterilized and 100% disposable. This method is the oldest of them all. In the early 90’s, the first electrical, rotary Micropigmentation device consisting of disposable and sterilizable parts was adopted by the industry and is the tool of choice for 80% of tatooing technicians today. Cheryl Christensen is a Permanent Make-up and Paramedical Specialist. Please see ad on page 17.
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Café Nourriture By Jillana Miller
ourriture, is the French word for food. Respectively, nourrir is the French verb meaning to nourish. Do you see the connection? Simply, the French word for food implies the act of nourishing. The relationship of these two words reminds me that the purpose of food is indeed to nourish! In our fast paced lives it can be easy to forget that eating is an act that should nourish our bodies and renew our spirits. Many people are under the misconception that nutritious food is bland and boring. For someone who decides to begin eating a healthier diet, the grocery store can be a confusing place. The market, these days, seems to be all about marketing. Down the cereal aisle almost every box declares themselves as healthy, with bold letters exclaiming, “Good source of calcium”, or “ Lowers cholesterol.” Yet most of these cereals are also filled with sugar and empty calories. When you finally find a product that seems to be a good source of nutrients you are not excited to eat it because it will probably taste like bird food. The good news is, however, that this box of sticks and twigs is not your only healthy option. In fact your options are abundant and delicious! Certainly munching on raw celery, tofu, or perhaps a vegan meal in the form of a bar will provide us with nutrients, but will we enjoy these foods? These foods may nourish our bodies but if the flavors do not excite our palates and satisfy our senses, then how do they nourish our souls? The reality is that the key to a healthy and tasty diet is to find a balance. Balance, you will find when you prepare fresh ingredients in a way that celebrates one of ingredients most outstanding qualities while accentuating that of another. You can learn to create this balance, recipe by recipe and truly nourish your body and soul. With fresh, organic and nutritious ingredients you can craft foods that fuel your body with energy and delight your palate with joy and satisfaction. Here is a recipe that will start your day with a smile. Just because you have chosen to eat a little healthier doesn’t mean that you have to give up the idea of that fresh baked muffin and coffee in the morning. These multi-grain fruit muffins are
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full of flavor and great for you. While most muffins are really a cupcake in disguise, these babies are packed with nutrients that will give you energy and help you avoid that mid-morning sugar crash. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea to enjoy with the layered flavors of fruit, grains and the sweetness of honey that you will find in these multi-grain fruit muffins.
Multigrain Fruit Muffins 1 cup whole-wheat flour 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup oat bran 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon fine salt 2 large eggs 1 large egg white 1 1/4 cups buttermilk 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 cup of the following chopped dried fruits mixed together: cranberries, apples, apricots and cherries 1/4 cup of flax seeds 1/2 cup of sliced almonds 1/4 cup of honey Begin by positioning the oven rack to the center of the oven and pre-heating the oven to 375. Line your muffin tin with paper muffin cups or baking paper. In one bowl you will whisk both of the flours, oat bran, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, lightly beat the eggs and egg white. Stir in the buttermilk, brown sugar, and oil. Then stir this liquid mixture into the flour mixture until just evenly moist; the batter will be very thick. Fold in the dried fruit, dispersing it through out the mix. Scoop the batter evenly among the muffin cups. Sprinkle the muffins with the sliced almonds and drizzle them with honey. Bake for about 25 minutes. The muffins should be fairly firm when you touch them gently. Let the muffins cool, remove them from the pan and enjoy! Jillana Miller has an extensive background in the culinary industry. Growing up as the daughter of an accomplished chef, restaurateur and motion- picture caterer, she has acquired an immense amount of skills and knowledge through hands-on experience. Jillana draws from knowledge of world cuisine to create healthy, exciting and innovative recipes.
Feverfew By Meredyth Lynne
everfew is a composite plant that is abundant all over the World. It has numerous, small, daisy-like heads of yellow flowers with external white rays, the central yellow blossoms being arranged on a nearly level receptacle. It is a member of the sunflower family and is occasionally grown for ornament. Feverfew is widely used like aspirin, to treat headaches and pain. Along with headaches, feverfew can be used for reducing fever, for treating arthritis, digestive problems and muscle spasms/rheumatism. The most popular current use of feverfew is for migraines. It appears to be the release of serotonin and prostaglandins in the plant that help treat migraines. Feverfew limits the inflammation of blood vessels in the head. This stops the blood vessel spasm many believe contribute to headaches and especially migraines. Migraine sufferers may grow this plant in order to chew a few fresh leaves to avert a headache, or may take fresh or dried herbs prophylactically. A number of studies have examined the use of feverfew to prevent migraine. In 2000, a systematic review of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of feverfew for migraine prophylaxis found that four of six trials showed a positive effect. Scientifically, the main chemical constituents of feverfew are its volatile oils, (primarily camphor and chrysanthenyl acetate), sesquiterpene lactones (esp. panthenolide) and flavonoids.
Feverfew leaf extracts work by inhibiting: 1) the release of serotonin from blood platelets. 2) the release of granule contents from white blood cells and neutrophils. 3) platelet aggregation.
4) the arachidonic acid pathway, which decreases synthesis of the inflammatory chemical mediators, prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Common oral dosage: 50 – 250 mg of dried leaf, per day, in capsule form.
normal coagulation tests have so far been reported linked to feverfew use, patients who are taking blood thinners or products known to promote bleeding should avoid using feverfew, or have their bleeding times monitored.
Contraindications and side effects:
References Ernst E, Pittler MH. The efficacy and safety of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L): an update of a systematic review. Public Health Nutrition 2000;3 (4A):509-514. Heptinstall S, Awang DVC. Feverfew: A review of its history, its biological and medicinal properties, and the status of commercial preparations of the herb. In: Phyto-medicines of Europe – Chemistry and Biological Activity. Lawson LD, Bauer R, Eds. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium Series, 1998 No. 691. Johnson S. Feverfew: A traditional herbal remedy for migraine and arthritis 1984. London: Sheldon Press. Pfaffenrath V, et al. The efficacy and safety of Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) in migraine prophylaxis – a double-blind, multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled dose-response study. Cephalalgia 2002;22:523-532.
• No health hazards or side effects have been noted with the normal therapeutic doses of feverfew leaf, ingested in many cases for a number of years. • Feverfew is contraindicated in pregnancy. • Mouth ulceration (aphthous ulcers) has occurred in roughly 11% of feverfew uses, and is a systemic effect, rather than contact dermatitis which produces generalized inflammation of the oral mucosa and tongue, with swelling of the lips and loss of taste.
Drug/herb interactions:
• None documented. • Although no bleeding episodes or ab-
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Animals Are Smarter Than Humans
...when it comes to feeding their children
umans are the only species on the planet who actually go out of their way to feed their children JUNK. All other animals instinctively seek out the best nutrition they can find. Birds find grubs, worms and insects to feed their young, honeybees painstakingly collect pollen and create a nutrient-rich superfood that gives rise to a living queen bee, and even dogs, cats and cows try to find the most nutrient-rich foods to offer their offspring. But humans? Most of them “reward” their children with junk food, sugary sodas, candy laced with petrochemical coloring additives and refined sugars that promote obesity and diabetes. Most parents don’t even make any real effort to follow nutritional discipline at home -- they simply buy whatever their children saw advertised on television, caving in to the all-powerful “nag factor” that junk food companies fully exploit when marketing to children.
As a result, human children are the least healthy youngsters of any species on the planet. Baby dolphins are healthier than baby humans, for example, and they are born with healthier nervous systems, fewer toxins and a lot more common sense.
Hey, Let’s Go Suck On A Cow
Speaking of common sense, nearly all mammals have the common sense to feed their children their own mother’s milk. A kitten, for example, will drink cat’s milk from its mother. A puppy will drink dog’s milk from its mother. A baby horse will drink horse’s milk from its mother. But humans? We’re sorta stupid. We mostly drink cow’s milk. (And the dairy industry insisted for decades it was better for infants than human milk!) Of all the mammals on planet Earth, only humans are dumb enough to seek out the mammary gland juice of another species while shunning the breast milk of their own species. And did we choose the milk of a species SMARTER than us that might have more brain-boosting nutrients? Nope. We get our milk from a low-IQ species well suited to pulling a plow. Cow’s milk ain’t exactly brain nutrition, folks. Some people have a hard time understanding that because they’ve been drinking too much of the stuff and those mushy neurons crammed into their thick skulls are firing a bit on the slow side. (A lack of DHA does wonders for boosting stupidity scores.)
Links Between Diet and Health Should Be Obvious
Humans, by the way, are not only so collectively shortsighted that they feed their children poor quality foods and beverages, they actually still haven’t figured out why so many of their children are obese and diabetic! It’s like beating yourself on the hand with a hammer and wondering why your fingers hurt. Gee, the evidence isn’t that difficult to figure out, folks. If you feed your kids sugar, white flour, toxic chemical additives, mind-altering pharmaceuticals and toxic shampoos, lotions and toothpaste, you’re gonna end up with mutant children who aren’t exactly Nobel Prize material.
This isn’t rocket science. The real mystery is how the food companies keep getting away with all the denial of the evidence linking processed foods and beverages to childrens’ health problems. I guess it helps that they influence the government regulators and practically own the mainstream media. They also buy all the prime shelf space at grocery stores, sponsor the big sporting events, and have successfully infiltrated schools and hospitals with junk food restaurants and vending machines. Heck, there’s still a McDonald’s restaurant in the Cleveland Clinic where they perform heart surgery! If the birds and the bees have figured out how to raise healthy offspring, you’d think that humans might have the brainpower to raise their own healthy children, too. And some parents do. There are lots of great parents out there raising kids on a macrobiotic diet, a vegetarian diet or a zero-processed-foods diet. Many of those parents are home-schoolers, by the way. Good job to all the parents who actually teach their children healthful eating habits! Keep up the good work! Unfortunately, those parents are rare. Most parents just buy whatever junk is being peddled on TV these days. And they feed their kids cancer-causing processed meats, hyperactivity-causing food additives and obesity-promoting refined sugars. They load ‘em up on high-fructose corn syrup and then wonder why little Johnny weighs 150 pounds. (Must be the genes, they think. Cause daddy’s overweight, too.)
Poor Health is an Enormous Burden For Society
Even though some individuals and corporations may get financially rich by selling this junk to families, the bottom line is that we’re all worse off when we raise unhealthy children in society. Why? Because the future cost of treating disease -- not to mention the loss of lifetime productivity -- is jaw-droppingly HUGE. It’s enough to bankrupt our nation, which is, coincidentally, what seems likely to happen in due course. No democracy has ever survived its citizens losing their health. We could learn a lot by listening to nature on the subject of nutrition. Most animals eat a raw foods, vegetarian diet.
Even the birds and the bees have something important to teach us about nutrition: feed your children right, and your species will survive and thrive. But feed your children junk and your family tree becomes a dead stump in the dirt. If you’re a parent, I urge you to make an effort to introduce your children to a diet of unprocessed, natural foods. If they’ve been on a sugared-up diet of processed foods so far, they will of course whine about it. But your job as the parent is to give your children what’s best for their health, not what they really really want because their taste buds tell them so.
Always breastfeed newborns and don’t believe the B.S. about infant formula being just as good as mother’s milk (nothing’s as good for infants as the real thing). Don’t bring sugar and soda into your house, and don’t reward kids with junk food. That only trains them to associate pleasure with unhealthful foods, and that’s a curse that could haunt them for the rest of their adult life. Feed them right and you’ll give them the best gift any parent could hope to offer: a healthful, self-aware future, free from chemicals and disease. THE OPINION OF MIKE ADAMS, Health Ranger, http://www.newstarget. com/ -Friday, April 06, 2007
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Ozone Therapy & AMD By Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD
ary Alice was very depressed – she was losing control. She was a woman who had been vital and active all of her 83 years on this earth. And now it seemed that she had hit a roadblock. Her vision was rapidly deteriorating. She could no longer drive. That meant no more trips to the grocery store. And no more grocery lists – she couldn’t read them! It also meant a lot of boredom. You see, Mary Alice was an avid reader. She had been a schoolteacher all of her life, and reading was just what she did. That is until now. Now reading was out of the question. Sure, she could sit and listen to audio books, but it wasn’t the same. Once she told me, “Audio books are OK, but what about when you want to look something up? Work the internet? There are no audio books for that. What about newspapers and periodicals? This has really wrecked my life.”
One Woman’s Account
AMD until 1996 when I attended an international conference on the medical use of ozone therapy in San Francisco. The Cuban doctors were there, and they presented some incredibly promising results. I looked up the technique, and found several other published articles that verified what the Cubans had experienced. Since then I have used this simple and safe technique on my AMD patitents with remarkable success. In fact, I have never yet seen it fail to halt the progression of AMD. The following week, Mary Alice came to the clinic with her daughter, who carefully lead her in by the hand. Mary Alice began receiving ozone treatments twice a week. The therapy involved treating a pint of her blood with a mixture of ozone and oxygen. The treated blood was then returned to her body, where it began to heal the damaged retinal cells.
Her vision had become so bad that she couldn’t even watch TV.
Her vision had become so bad that she couldn’t even watch TV. She could still type, even with her poor eyesight, because she had always been an excellent typist. But she could just barely read the computer screen, and it was hard answering e-mail. Worse yet, her doctors told her that there was little hope of any improvement.
The only conventional treatment available was a new drug called ranibizumab (Lucentis). It could be injected into each eye every four weeks for two years for a mere $100,000. Her ophthalmologist told her there was a 60-80% chance that the treatment wouldn’t help at all. And that if it didn’t work, she could expect to become completely blind within the next 12-18 months. When that happened, she would have to move from her home of 52 years to a nursing care facility. Mary Alice was not my patient. Her daughter was. One day her daughter asked me if I knew of any natural treatments for macular degeneration and told me that her mother had agerelated macular degeneration (AMD). There are two forms of AMD, the dry type and the wet type. The dry type can progress to wet. Mary Alice had wet type AMD, which is more severe than dry because it results in blindness much more quickly. Neither Mary Alice nor her daughter knew about ozone therapy for AMD, which was understandable since the initial discovery of this procedure was made in Cuba. And even though the Cubans have published many papers on the technique, US doctors don’t seem to pay much attention to Cuban publications. There are two other problems with ozone therapy — it is inexpensive, and because it’s natural, it can’t be patented. This makes it much less desirable to American medical economics than more expensive drug treatments. I had been using ozone therapy for circulation disorders for twenty years. I did not know it could be used so successfully for
Within one month Mary Alice had begun to smile again. Her daughter still lead her into the clinic, but her vision had already improved. Two months later, Mary Alice was able to read for short periods, and we reduced her treatments to once a week.
Six months later, Mary Alice’s vision was good enough for her to take and pass a driving test. (She didn’t actually want to drive because she was afraid of the traffic, but she wanted to get her license back for emotional reasons and to use it for identification.) Her ophthalmologist was astounded! He had never heard of ozone therapy, but he told her to continue. That was four years ago. Now I only see Mary Alice once a year for check ups. She is reading and still lives in her house. At 88 years old, she is very vital, and regularly fixes Sunday dinner for the family. Current world wide estimates are that 25-30 million people are blind because of AMD. Moreover, it is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly and affects about 10% of people aged 66 to 74 years, and about 30% in those aged 75 to 85 years. Because people are living so much longer nowadays, that number is likely to increase significantly over the next few decades. For more information, please contact Dr. Frank Shallenberger at the Nevada Center. See ads on page 21 & 27. References: Riva Sanseverino E, Meduri RA, Pizzino A, et al. Effects of oxygen-ozone therapy on age-related degenerative retinal maculopathy. Panminerva Med. 1990 Apr-Jun;32(2):77-84. Teichmann KD. Treatment of macular degeneration, according to Bangerter. Eur J Med Res. 1997 Oct 30;2(10):445-54.
[Editor’s note: Healthy Beginnings will publish a follow-up article to provide our readers with additional information about the use of ozone or related therapies in the treatment macular degeneration.]
Re-wiring Your Brain... Continued from page 21 In Europe and Australia, the Feldenkrais Method‚ has been utilized for decades in the successful treatment of chronic back, neck and shoulder pain; for neuromuscular conditions like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy: strokes; and for improvement of performance in musicians, dancers and athletes. Many health insurance plans in Germany and Switzerland include Feldenkrais as a covered treatment. Here in the US, however, the practice is just beginning to be noticed. “I’ve been doing Feldenkrais lessons for over a year now. I’m about to turn 45, and this is the best I’ve felt in 25 years,” said Robert Hagerty, a medical research coordinator at NYU Medical School who has lived with osteoporosis and arthritis for most of his life. “People in my life started telling me I looked much better. Physically, I feel stronger, more energetic, taller, and I have less pain. My
posture has improved. I notice the effect of the lessons in everyday things like walking, bending over to pick up something off the floor, or just sitting watching a movie and not having my back hurt at the end.” People of all ages and physical conditions are often astonished by their experiences in ATM and functional integration lessons — finding a pain-free method of learning to function again with ease and efficiency, and a wealth of strategies to eliminate unnecessary pain, discomforts and stress.
Successful treatment of chronic back, neck, shoulder pain and neuromuscular conditions.
Arlyn Zones, M.A., studied directly with Dr. Feldenkrais and graduated from his final practitioner training program in 1983. She conducts workshops and trainings through Feldenkrais Resources. Please see ad on this page.
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Mad Cowboy
Plain Truth From The Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat Written by Howard Lyman Reviewed by June Milligan, M.Ed., CHt
f you are truly interested in avoiding what Asians call “Western Diseases” (heart disease, cancer and other degenerative diseases) read this book. If you read no other book this year, read this book. Howard Lyman was the rancher on the Oprah Show in April 1996 who broke the news to the American public regarding what goes into the so-called “protein concentrates” fed to cattle. As a result, both he and Oprah were sued by a group of Texas cattlemen. There is a Food Disparagement Law in Texas which basically says, “You can’t say bad things about food.” Oprah and Lyman won their suit and the resultant publicity caused the laws regarding cattle feed to be changed slightly. Howard Lyman is a fourth generation dairy farmer and cattle rancher. This book explains in graphic detail why he no longer eats meat. Even though the laws were changed, today dead horses, dogs, cats, pigs, chickens and turkeys as well as blood and feces from cattle, plus fecal material from chickens are dumped into giant grinders at rendering plants, whether the carcasses are diseased or not. Rendering is a 2.4 billion-a-year industry, processing forty billion pounds of dead animals a year. There is simply no such thing in America as an animal too ravaged by disease, too cancerous or too putrid to be welcomed by the all-embracing arms of the renderer. Euthanized pets-the seven million dogs and cats killed in animal shelters each year, plus the euthanized catch of animal control agencies, plus road kill, are sent
to the renderer. The city of Los Angeles alone sends some two hundred tons of euthanized cats and dogs to a rendering plant each and every month! When this gruesome mix is ground and steam-cooked, the lighter, fatty material floating to the top gets refined for use in such products as cosmetics, lubricants, soaps, candles and waxes. The heavier protein material is dried and pulverized into a brown power – about a quarter of which consists of fecal material. The powder is used as an additive to almost all pet food as well as to livestock feed. The use of animal excrement in feed is common, as livestock operators have found it to be an efficient way of disposing of a portion of the 1.6 million tons of livestock wastes generated annually by their industry. In Arkansas, for example, the average farm feeds over fifty tons of chicken droppings to cattle every year. One farmer says it makes his cattle “fat as butterballs” and that “other feeds are too expensive.” We know that common food poisonings brought on by E. coli bacteria is caused by fecal contamination of food. E. coli causes the deaths of nine thousand Americans a year, and we also know that 80 percent of all food poisonings come from tainted meat. We learned from the tragedy that afflicted Britain, that Mad Cow disease can “jump species” and give rise to a new variant of the always-fatal brain-wasting Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. This disease takes years to incubate, and the results sometime mirror Altzheimers. Lyman explains that the American people have been raised to believe that someone is looking out for their food safety. The disturbing truth is that the protection of the quality of our food is the mandate of foot-dragging beaurocrats at the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration who can generally be counted upon to behave not like public servants, but like hired hands of the meat and dairy industries. Nearly all meat in America is contaminated with carcinogens such as dioxins and DDT, banned over 25 years ago but still in the ground and therefore still in the crops fed to animals. Also, crops for animal feed contain far higher levels of pesticides than crops grown for human consumption. According to a study by the Council on Environmental Quality, 95 percent of the human intake of DDT comes from dairy and meat products.
Lyman is very clear about his findings: meat kills. It kills us just as dead as tobacco kills, but far more frequently. It is far and away the number one cause of death and disease in America. One out of two Americans will die of heart disease in this country. Heart attacks are never caused by corn, broccoli or cauliflower; they are not the work of pears, plums or peaches; they are never brought on by rice, barley or lentils. In non-smokers, heart disease can almost always be attributed to saturated fat and cholesterol from meat and dairy products. This is a fact as well known by the medical profession as the fact that smoking cigarettes dramatically increases the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. But these deadly facts about animal protein haven’t been as firmly established in the public mind because the meat and dairy industries have taken a lesson from the tobacco industry in how to stay in business while killing people. Their policy is to deny, and when you can’t deny: confuse.
fession is encountering bacteria that are ever more resistant to antibiotics. Is it because there are so many antibiotics in our meat, that bacteria have become so resistant? We have an enormous milk surplus in this country, much of it genetically engineered milk, and the dairy industry is trying every advertising ploy they can think of to make us drink more. I’m sure you’ve seen the celebrity-with-milk-moustache ads. Humans are the only mammals on the planet that still drink milk after being weaned. It isn’t even healthy for us after that age, and has been shown to actually leach calcium from our bones. Cute advertising works wonders…for the meat and dairy industry.
The American people have been raised to believe that someone is looking out for their food safety.
Even as early as 1961, the Journal of the American Medical Association announced: “A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of heart attacks.” That research was established 46 years ago! In our review of the book The China Study, we found that a vegetarian diet can not only prevent heart attacks, it can work to reverse heart disease. Two myths circulating in America are: 1) that a heart attack is a natural way to die, a natural result of ageing. The truth is: dying of a heart attack is about as natural as dying of a drug overdose; 2) another myth is that the tendency to heart disease is inherited. The only thing that’s inherited is bad eating habits. Lyman knows that first hand, as he grew up eating scrambled eggs, bacon & sausage for breakfast, fries and a cheeseburger for lunch and a big steak for dinner, for starters. When he reached 350 pounds with cholesterol over 300, and blood pressure off the charts he woke up. He became a vegetarian. And within a year of eating no meat, all his health problems started to go away. He realized that there was one answer to many of the different ills affecting our environment and ourselves: Everything revolves around the fork. Some additional information: In a world that desperately needs food, it takes 16 pounds of grain to create one pound of beef. Each cow emits 400 pounds of methane gas every day, plus 25 pounds of waste. Methane gas is the second most significant contributor (after carbon dioxide) to the Greenhouse Effect, and the 1.3 billion head of cattle in the world emit an estimated 150 trillion quarts of methane gas. Growth hormones and antibiotics regularly fed or injected into beef pass right on through to meat-eating humans. Sperm counts are way down in America and Europe, and many men are actually asking for breast-reduction surgery. Some scientists believe there is a direct link between hormones in beef and these two recent problems in wealthy countries (in poor countries people eat much less meat). Plus, the medical pro-
This book gives detailed information on so many additional aspects of the health and environmental impacts of raising cattle for food that it is impossible to recount all of them here. Read the book and become educated about what is happening to America and the rest of the world because of our obsession with meat and dairy products. To summarize, Lyman says that being an environmentalist who eats meat is like being a philanthropist who doesn’t give to charity. For more information, please call June Milligan, M.Ed., CHT of Joyful Changes at (775) 786-9111. See ad on this page.
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Getting Started in Organic Vegetable Gardening
magine biting into a perfect ripe strawberry, still warm from the summer sun without having to worry about chemical or pesticide residues. More people are turning to organic gardening for the peace of mind it provides, knowing that their home-grown food is free of potentially dangerous chemicals. By following a few simple guidelines and with little cost, you can have your own organic piece of gardening paradise. At it’s most basic, organic vegetable gardening is a way to grow plants without the use of chemicals. In practice, what makes organic gardening different is that it uses a variety of natural methods to support the growing needs of plants.
What’s wrong with using chemicals?
Most pesticides that are used to kill insects also kill many beneficial insects and bacteria. Continued use of chemical fertilizers actually reduces soil quality, requiring the use of larger and larger amounts of fertilizer to provide the nutrients that are normally present in the soil. A vicious cycle begins, with more chemicals being added to a soil that is increasingly void of life.
Fertilize Organically
Every garden soil is different, so before you start to fertilize, it’s important
to know the nature of your soil. The best way to find out what your soil needs is to have it tested by your local cooperative extension office. Be sure to ask that recommendations be in the form of organic amendments rather than for agricultural chemicals. The most important nutrients a plant needs are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Nitrogen can be obtained by adding manure, alfalfa meal or fish emulsion. Bonemeal, a by-product of animal slaughterhouses, is rich in both phosphorous and calcium. Potassium can be supplied by kelp meal, made from dried seaweed. There are also many natural fertilizer products available that supply the right balance of the nutrients, all in one package.
Start with the Soil
There is a saying among organic gardeners, “take care of the soil and the plants will take care of themselves”. Soil is the foundation for plants which is why so much of organic gardening focuses on improving soil. A sure-fire way to improve your soil is by adding lots of organic matter such as compost. This improves the soil’s ability to store nutrients and helps retain moisture during droughts. Add as much compost as you can and you will be amazed by the results.
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Putting Weeds & Insects in their Place
There are a number of ways to control insects without having to resort to pesticides. One way is to encourage beneficial insects, like common ladybugs, that feed on problem insects such as aphids. You can attract beneficial insects by planting marigolds, yarrow, fennel, parsley or Black-eyed Susan. Use physical barriers to keep problem insects from your most susceptible plants by using row covers and netting. If necessary, use natural pest control products such as insecticidal soap to let them know who’s boss. What is the best way to control weeds organically? Mulch, mulch and more mulch! Mulch is a thick blanket of material such as leaves, grass clippings, straw or bark chips spread over the soil. It’s benefits include retaining moisture, moderating soil temperature and blocking sunlight from reaching the soil, which helps to reduce weeds. Any weeds that do grow through the mulch will be weaker from lack of sunlight and should be easy to pull out by hand. Besides, pulling weeds is good exercise and gives you an excuse to skip the gym! If weeds do start popping up in unwanted places such as between paving stones or interlocking brick there are many natural weed killers available at your local garden center. You are now on your way to enjoying the fruits of your labor. Organic gardening doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Anyone with a patch of soil and some inspiration can grow healthy chemical free vegetables. Start this Spring and enjoy a healthy bounty by Summer. Andrew Delroy is a writer and avid gardener living in Toronto, Canada. For more information about organic gardening, visit his website at www.compost-info-guide. com.
Lasagna **Almond Cheese Take the almond pulp (See Almond Milk recipe below) and add a few tablespoons of olive oil, 1/2 t sea salt, and minced onion to taste. Add your favorite herbs, chill and serve or use in a recipe!
Combine the mushrooms with the olive oil and tamari in a mixing bowl and allow to marinate for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, using a mandoline, thinly slice the zucchini lengthwise into long, wide noodles. Using a food processor, pulse-chop the spinach, and set it aside in a medium-sized bowl.
**Almond milk 2 c almonds soaked 5 c water 4 medjool dates 1/2 t salt
In a springform pan or directly onto a teflex dehydrator sheet and tray, layer a fourth of the zucchini noodles, 3/4 cup of the marinara, and a third of the marinated mushrooms. The lasagna will stack up and hold in place. Press the mushrooms down with a spatula. Add a layer of a third of the seasoned almond cheese and third of the spinach and press down with a spatula. With the remaining ingredients, create two more layers of a zucchini noodles, 3/4 cup of marinara, marinated mushrooms, almond cheese, and spinach. Finish with a layer of almond cheese topped with the a little marinara and then with a spatula make spreading motions to bring to help the cheese peek through in places giving the top a cooked appearance.
Soak almonds overnight in enough water for expansion. Place almonds and water in a vitamix and blend until almonds are completely dispersed. Strain the milk through a nut milk bag, put the nut-milk back into vitamix container and dry the nut pulp in dehydrator on a teflex sheet for use in other recipes like the Herbed Cheese Recipe. Add dates and salt to the nutmilk and blend until dates are fully dispersed. Refrigerate or make warm Latte’s! **MARINARA Sauce: 3 large tomatoes, seeded and chopped 1 cups sun-dried tomatoes, soaked 2 hours in warm water, drained, and chopped 1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2-3 dates . 3/4 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste dash cayenne pepper dash fresh ground black pepper 2 tablespoons minced fresh basil or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried 2 tablespoons minced fresh oregano or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried **LASAGNA: 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms (about 15 small mushrooms) 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons tamari or nama shoyu 4 zucchini, peeled 1 bunch spinach 2 cups Almond Cheese 2 3/4 cups Marinara Sauce
Allow the lasagna to sit for 4 hours or place in a dehydrator 2-16 hours. The juices from the marinara and vegetables will begin to drain out, use paper towels to soak up the water. Serve when you are ready. May be reheated in dehydrator and will last for several days. Enjoy! Schall Adams, Raw Food Chef and Educator is the founder of The Healing Meal LLC, a company committed to empowering people to live happier, healthier lives by making better food choices. She teaches classes, workshops, and seminars on the subject of raw food nutrition & cuisine. www.TheHealingMeal. com. See ad on this page.
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May 2007
Joint Aches and Pains:
•Prescriptions & Naturopathic Treatment Options• Prescription Medications: What are NSAIDs? “Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs” (Aspirin, Ibuprofin, Aleve) Why NSAIDs are harmful: • NSAID-induced gastrointestinal problems account for an estimated 103,000 hospital admissions annually in the US and rank 15th among the leading causes of death • The incidence of peptic ulcer disease has been rising steadily over the last three decades and correlates with the increased use of NSAIDs to treat arthritis, rheumatic conditions, and other chronic pain problems. • Up to 100% of individuals who regularly use NSAIDs have subepithelial hemorrhage. Nearly 50% have erosions in the GI mucosa, and at least 20% have frank ulcerations • NSAIDs inhibit cartilage repair and stimulate destruction. • COX-2 inhibitors (Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra) – have been shown to increase
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the risk for heart attack and stroke. • Aleve – may also be associated with increased risks of heart attacks or strokes. Recommended dosage is 2 pills per day for maximum of 10 days. Cox-1: Enzyme involved in the protection of the lining of the stomach, also makes thromboxane A2 which promotes blood vessel constriction and sticky platelets Cox-2: Enzyme that plays an important role in healing. It is a major source of a prostaglandin called prostacyclin which dilates blood vessels an inhibits clotting Therefore, blocking Cox-2 may block the body’s attempt to dilate blood vessels and inhibit clotting, thus leading to higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Analgesics: • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) relieves pain in mild arthritis but has no effect on the underlying inflammation, redness and swelling of the joint. If the pain is not due to inflammation, acetaminophen is as effective as aspirin. It is as effective as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen (Motrin) in relieving the pain of osteoarthritis of the knee. The exact mechanism of action of acetaminophen is not known. Acetaminophen relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold, that is, by requiring a greater amount of pain to develop before it is felt by a person. The most serious side effect is liver damage due to large doses, chronic use or concomitant use with alcohol or other drugs that also damage the liver.
Naturopathic Treatment Options: Diet: • Anti-inflammatory / Whole Foods Diet: A diet high in nutrients (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, organic meats, omega three fatty acids, monounsaturated fats) and absent of refined carbohydrates, sugar, other high glycemic foods, and hydrogenated oils. Drink at least 1 quart of water per day. • Avoid Diagnosed Food Allergens (with food allergy testing laboratories) – immune complexes can deposit in joints causing inflammation Weight Loss: • Weight loss is associated with reduced
risk for osteoarthritis • Weight loss is also thought to reduce osteoarthritis pain levels Chondroitin Sulfate (CS): • A major component of the lining of joints. • Many double-blind trials have shown that CS supplementation consistently reduces pain, increases joint mobility, and/or shows evidence (including Xray changes) of healing within joints of people with osteoarthritis. Reduction in symptoms typically occurs within several months. Glucosamine Sulfate (GS): • A nutrient derived from seashells, is a building block needed for the synthesis and repair of joint cartilage. • A prescribed dose taken once per day produces significant reduction of symptoms and halts degenerative changes seen by X-ray examination. • GS does not cure people with osteoarthritis, and they may need to take the supplement for the rest of their lives in order to maintain benefits. Fortunately, GS appears to be virtually free of side effects, even after three or more years of supplementation. Benefits from GS generally become evident after three to eight weeks of treatment. SAM-e: • Double-blind trials have consistently shown that SAMe reduces pain, stiffness, and swelling better than placebo and equal to drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. • Overall efficacy similar to that of conventional drugs, but fewer side effects Cod Liver Oil: • Decreases inflammation in the joints and may potentially slow down cartilage degeneration Acupuncture – A well designed trial found that acupuncture treatments (twice weekly for eight weeks) significantly improved pain and disability in people with osteoarthritis of the knee c ompared to no treatment. Tara L. Finley, O.M.D., N.D. The Finley Center for Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine, LLC (775) 3371334. See ad on page 7.
What Your Shampoo Can Do To You...
with it. The Material Safety Data Sheet warns against skin contact because it can result in brain, liver and kidney abnormalit i e s . H ow ever there are no such warnings on personal care products containing PG.*** Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) & Ammonium Laurel Sulfate (ALS) are used as detergents, surfactants and foaming agents. They can be found in almost any kind of industrial cleaning agent and in about 90% of all shampoos and other products that foam. SLS is rapidly absorbed and retained in the eyes, brain, heart and liver, which may result in harmful long term effects. SLS could cause cataracts in adults and keep children’s eyes from developing properly. **** SLS and ALS produce eye and or skin irritation to experimental animals and in some human test subjects.*****
If you check the label of your shampoo, you will find other chemicals, some with more harmful effects than these. Checking the labels is the only way you can be sure you are buying and using products that are really chemical free. Don’t let the word “natural” fool you; a product can say it is natural and still contain chemicals. However, when you start reading labels, you will find that there are truly natural and chemical free products available. Your health and the health of your family will benefit when you find and use them. References: *Jacqueline Krohn, MD author of The Whole Way to Natural Detoxification: The Complete Guide to Clearing Your Body of Toxins. ** A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients. ***Linda Chae, Herbalist and one of the nation’s top expert materials researchers. ****Dr Samuel Epstein, MD Chairman Cancer Prevention Coalition. *****Cosmetic Ingredient Review, an expert panel used by the Cosmetics, Toiletries & Fragrance Association.
t seems so simple! You need to wash your hair so you just grab the shampoo a nd wa sh it. You don’t think about what’s in the shampoo or if it can be harmful. However, recent studies indicate that you have reason to be concerned. The number of chemicals in shampoo is alarming. Whatever you put on your skin, including your scalp, penetrates the skin; it moves thru the epidermis and into the dermis. From there, the chemicals are transported into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body.* Check the label on your shampoos and you will find some or all of the following as well as other toxins and chemicals. Isopropyl Alcohol: This is a very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator. It strips your skin’s moisture and natural immune barrier making you more vulnerable to bacteria, molds and viruses. Headaches, flushing, dizziness, mental depression and nausea are some of the conditions caused by isopropyl alcohol. ** Mineral Oil: A petroleum based byproduct that coats the skin like plastic, clogging the pores. It interferes with the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. Propylene Glycol (PG): A surfactant or wetting agent and solvent. It is the active component in antifreeze. There is no difference between what is used in industry and what is used in personal care products. It has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin so the EPA requires workers to wear protective clothing, gloves & goggles when working
Submitted by Rita Shurtliff. See ad on page 34.
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May 2007
HB Lifestyle Change Contest Winner: Dennis Grover
“The Best Heart Attack I Ever Had”
ne evening in August of 1996 I sat down to watch TV, broke out in a soaking sweat, became nauseated, violently ill, and couldn’t breathe. It felt as if someone had just dropped an anvil on my chest and left arm. All my bodily functions had suddenly turned on me.
“event”. I said an event was something you bought a ticket for, and went to be entertained. What I had just gone through didn’t seem much like an event. They then said I had a “cardiac event”. Still not satisfied I continued probing for the actual lay-mans term, heart attack. Did I have one or not? After a brief huddle they agreed to call it what it was but said, that particular term usually proved upsetting to the patient. No kidding!
Realizing this was more than the usual reaction to TV sitcoms, I headed for the VA hospital. When I arrived at Emergency I was in bad shape, first they made sure they had a social security number for me and then they weighed me (?). I was told to lay down in a treatment room, which quickly filled with doctors and technicians hustling around with their equipment. At this point I died and experienced four minutes of total ecstasy. (This is another story for later.) The next thing I remember was looking up into a half dozen faces of people wiping their brows and saying “wow, that was close, we thought we’d lost you.”
I felt much better now except for a badly bruised chest where they had obviously beat me with a blunt instrument to make me breathe and two burns from their electric paddles which I assume is the medical equivalent of a jump start. I’m not saying that what they did was wrong, I’m saying that this was the only pain I had. They did save my life. After two days in the hospital in Reno, it was decided that I would be transferred to the VA medical facility in San Francisco. They put me on a private jet with my own nurse and a para-medic. The next day in San Francisco they gave me a heart catheterization. This used to be called an angiogram and if you ever get a chance to have one yourself, ask questions first.
Finally stabilized they took me to intensive care where I drifted in and out of consciousness only remembering family and nurses talking and prodding. The next morning several doctors came in and told me that I had experienced quite a serious
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The next morning 2 doctors and 6 medical students, with their 8 clipboards surrounded my bed. The doctors told me I had a 90% blockage in one artery and two others were in pretty sad shape. They then announced that since my life expectancy was grim they scheduled me for a “procedure” the next morning and wanted me to sign some “no matter what happens” documents. My turn to talk; first of all I asked, “is this procedure of yours anything like by-pass surgery? After another explanation of how certain terms upset the patient they admitted that the two were the same. I then asked if their procedure involved cutting open my chest, spreading my rib cage with a mini version of the “jaws of life”, taking a dozen inches of vein from my leg, renaming it an artery then grafting it around the clogged arteries to my heart? After telling me my description was a bit crude they agreed I was basically correct. Now some more questions, first of all “you people gave me a pamphlet that said I had 60,000 miles or some ridiculous amount of arteries, veins and capillaries. So, if 12” around my heart is clogged, what about the rest of them, aren’t they clogged too?” Secondly, “doesn’t that vein in my leg have a function or is it a spare?” I had more but at this point they hushed me up while they got the med-students away from me. For many years I had read about great things accomplished with natural medicine and especially in this case, chelation therapy. I knew I had a serious decision to make and quickly, because the surgeons were now standing by my bed thinking that I’m a real nut case. I also had my family wanting me to do what the doctors say. I took this opportunity to find out for myself what alternative medicine might do for me. After all, the only thing at stake here was my life, I told them no to their “procedure”. They made a couple of comments about my deficient mental capacity and told me to give them a call when I was ready to do the “right” thing. That afternoon I was moved from intensive care to a ward of Veterans in various stages of “no-hope” conditions and then released the next day in San Francisco. It was interesting to me that they flew me there in a private jet, but wouldn’t give me a bus ticket home. At this point I have to say that the VA hospitals and staff treated me with genuine concern, did what they are trained to do and honored my decision to not go under their knife. In fact they even gave approving smiles as Veterans circulated a petition to appoint Dr. Kevorkian as White House physician. Several members of the staff even admitted that they were only schooled in treating symptoms and never learned preventive medicine or alternative treatments.
“I knew I had a serious Fi n a l l y decision to make and back home I consulted with quickly, because the respected homeosurgeons were now pathic doctors. They recommended immestanding by my diate chelation and since there is no financial help bed thinking for this treatment I started on that I am a the less expensive oral chelation capsules. I supplemented them with real nut a balanced dose of vitamins and minerals along with changing my life-style from case.” the high stress of trying to “get everything done right now to make everyone happy,” to that of “I’ll get done what I can, when I can and those who don’t approve can romance my north end as I head south.” I now eat healthy foods, very little red meat and completely cut out the heart attack in a sack from drive-thru’s. It’s now been 9 years since my “event” and with chelation and the other changes in my life-style, I’m very much alive 108 months past the time I was scheduled to die. I’m 61 now and all my bodily functions that had become sluggish (some even disappeared) have come back strong, stand up, poke out straight and I feel younger everyday. I’m not telling you this to make light of a heart attack, believe me it’s a very serious situation. It’s also the final “straw” for your body which has undoubtedly been giving you subtle hints all along that it needs some preventive maintenance. Open your eyes to what’s going on with your body and mind. Relieve the stress, realize that when you stand up straight and can’t see your belt buckle without a mirror you could be in for a nasty surprise. The time to investigate nutrition and treat your body to natural cures such as chelation is before your heart explodes not after. Take it from someone who has been there, done that. Do for your body as I tell you from my experience, don’t copy my “event” from ignorance. By the way, at my check-up last month I was told by my cardiologist to keep doing whatever I’m doing because my recovery and present health condition is excellent. Dennis Grover is the author of “Knowledge Equals Freedom, The True American Way Resource Guide” and host of the public access television talk show “Liberty And Justice For All” He Can be reached at (775) 284-1388
“Wild Oats Reno is thrilled to have Healthy Beginnings distributed in the store. This magazine is full of valuable information that our customers are looking for. This magazine is always the first to go (on the Trader’s Rack) and has to be refilled throughout the month.” -Becky McBride Community Marketing Coordinator, Wild Oats Natural Marketplace May 2007
Y resource GUIDE
DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 3400 Kauai Ct Ste 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress and fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation and energy; emotional weight loss. You can look and feel better with time-tested healing techniques. See ad on page 15. BROOK HOLLINGER, OMD The Meridian 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 Providing acupuncture to treat a wide variety of conditions including stress, fibromyalgia, addictions, allergies, chronic pain and pregnancy. Brook believes in treating the whole patient, mind body and spirit spending an hour session. Call today to make a difference in your health!
AESTHETICIANS VICKI KELLER Beauty & Style Salon 3641 Kings Row • Reno, NV 89503 (775) 741-2950 Specializing in Facials– specialty treatments for acne, anti-aging, and sun damage, Micro-dermabrasion, Exfoliating peels, Back Facials, Body Treatments– Salt Glows & Body Scubs, Waxing and Lash and Brow Tinting. See ad on page 8.
AIR PURIFICATION INCLINE ACTIVE AIR Will Lewis Incline Village, NV (775) 530-0420 (800) 461-7903 Need to Clear the Air! Fire and Allergy Season got you down? Get a Fresh Air System and make your home a haven. One small unit cleans an entire house. We’ll bring it to you! Ask about the sudsfree revolution.
AYURVEDIC MEDICINE JEREMY ANDERSON, CAS, PKS, CMT 95 La Rue Avenue • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 www.consciouslivingcenter. com Jeremy will customize an Ayurvedic program for you based on your initial consultation, which can include nutrition programs, custom-made herbal remedies, aromatherapy, color therapy, sound therapy, Ayurvedic body therapies, yoga asana, meditation, and Pancha Karma. See ads on page 15.
BACK PAIN THERAPY THE NEVADA CENTER Samuel Winter, DO Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 Dr. Winter is a graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in Illinois. He specializes in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, ProloZone Therapy, and customised orthotics to remove the primary causes of low back pain, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica. See ads on pages 21 & 27.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE BALANCE COMPANY Dinny Harter (530) 414-1420 Want to balance what you love, with how you earn a living? You can with The Balance Company. Liquid Nutrition designed for fast absorbtion. Visit our website to learn more. See ad on page 12.
Do you want to be enlightened AND wealthy?
John Pawcio (775) 473-4632 Most personal development programs and coaches teach you to clarify your desires, set goals and increase your self worth. Our program ALSO provides you with the INCOME VEHICLE. Executive income from home. Not MLM.
CHIROPRACTORS DR. ANNIE POLUCHA 2005 Sierra Highlands, #147 Reno, NV 89523 (775) 448-9595 17 years experience rehabilitating all types of injuries. Gentle chiropractic with soft tissue mobilization and sacro-occipital balancing techniques. Full spine and extremity adjusting,head to toes. 8 DIMENSIONS HEALTH CENTER 300 S. Wells Ave. Ste. #3 Reno, NV (775) 324-4008 Drs. Hollinger, Rammel, and Richards Experience the Gonstead Chiropractic difference! Proven to get fast results with low back pain, herniated discs, headaches, and sciatica. Gentle and effective for adults and children.
CHOCOLATIER XOCAI, THE WORLD’S 1ST HEALTHY CHOCOLATE! Pat & Ralph Dickson 775-358-7448 DECADENT, DELICIOUS & HEALTHY!! You won’t believe how good it is until you try it! Full of antioxidants and energy producing nutrients - learn about the 22 reasons to eat & drink dark chocolate daily! Sales and business opportunities. See ad on page 24.
CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY THE NEVADA CENTER Colleen Mahoney, RN, APH 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 Classical homeopathy works for chronic illnesses, pediatric disorders, allergies, depression, and anxiety. Inexpensive and gentle. See ad on pages 21 & 27.
FOR PAST ISSUES, visit our website at
COLON HYDROTHERAPY THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. See ads on pgs 21 & 27. RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian 3400 Kauai Court #100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6888 Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure and treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! See ad on page 29. CHERYL VAN REETH, I-ACT CERTIFIED 95 La Rue Avenue Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 www.consciouslivingcenter. com New ‘eco-friendly’ facility, certified technician, private bathroom, ultra-purified water, flexible hours (Monday-Sunday) and current special rate of $70 per colonic. Spring is a great time for purification. Ask about a colon cleanse and get ready for summer… you’ll look and feel great! See ads on page 15.
DENTISTRY ZENY N. OCEAN, D.D.S., LTD. 1155 West 4th Street, Suite 211 Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 329-1333 Dr. Ocean’s practice centers on biological and biocompatible general and cosmetic dentistry. A major focus is immune system enhancement for inflammation control. Affordable adult invisible braces are available. New patients welcome. See ad on page 11.
CONSCIOUS LIVING REJUVENATION CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 New ‘eco-friendly’ facility where all modalities and products used are organic… Ayurvedic body therapies, massage therapy – CranioSacral – FIR far-infrared sauna - lymphatic drainage – body wraps and steam sessions, reiki, ear candling. We invite you to visit our website. A facility beyond compare. See ads on page 15.
STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs and 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials and skin care. See ad on page 15.
VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 850-5823
RAND FAMILY CARE Dr. Robert Rand, MD 1699 S. Virgina Street (775) 337-0703 Infants to geriatrics, Board Certified Family Medicine. Specializing in medical acupuncture, alternatives for nonsurgical pain management, substance abuse help, latest treatments to help stop smoking, Nutritional supplements. Complete Care for the Whole Family!
Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management and Positive Lifestyle Change. Whether you’d like to lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits and thinking, Virginia provides caring and supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 years experience. See ad on page 32. YOUR INTENTIONS IN A BOOK? June Milligan (775) 786-9111
Use Feng Shui for your existing home or business, to select a new home or business, or for floor-plan layout for new construction.
I am finishing a book detailing the agreements between souls which were made before coming into this life. Everything both here and in non-physical is all about energy, frequencies and intention. I may need your story. See ad on page 31.
DRY CREEK GARDEN CO. LLC 7250 S. Virginia Street Reno, NV 89521 (775) 851-0353 “PLANTS THAT THRIVE BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE” Specializing in drought tolerant plants and landscapes; unique perennials, trees and shrubs; vegetables, herbs, fruit trees and garden gifts.
THE NEVADA CENTER Marc Hiscox 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 FEELING STUCK? If you want something different in your life but aren’t sure how to get there, discover the 3 easy steps to make lasting life change. You’ll soon improve your health, quit addictions, increase your professional success and multiply your happiness. See ad on page 21 & 27.
May 2007
KINESIOLOGY DOROTHY DUMBRA 516 Emerald Bay Road South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 (530) 544-8557 Dorothy Dumbra is an R.N. Clinical Nutritionist and Specialized Kinesiologist in private practice. She has over 1200 academic hours in Alternative Medicine. An hour session includes muscle testing for nutritional structure and organ imbalances and their corrections. Glycemic Conditions, Natural Hormones, fatigue, weight are some of the specialties corrected with nutritional emphasis.
MASSAGE THERAPY RICK EYESTER, LMT 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 Utilizing a unique blend of techniques from Tahi Yoga Massage, Shiatsu & Tuina, allowing for a more immediate release and alignment, both physically & emotionally. This bodywork is provided with the client fully clothed. TIFFANY HOFFMAN, MS, ATC, MT 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 Providing a combination of Therapeutic body work, massage and prenatal massage. Each therapy is effective for a wide range of health conditions and is tailored to meet your individual needs.
MEDITATION TAHOE YOGA & WELLNESS CENTER 1085 S. Virginia St., Reno (775) 746-8681 Offered every Monday Evening, 6:30-8 p.m. by the Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center. All are welcome for these meditation sessions. Introductory level commentary and meditation. Chairs and floor cushions provided. No special dress requirements. Come after work and learn to meditate to improve your life.
MICROPIGMENTATION CHERYL CHRISTENSEN Circle of Life Spa 5301 Longley Lane #A7 Reno, Nv 89511 (775) 379-9345 Improve Your Self Esteem. Paramedical & cosmetic expertise includes: Scar Camouflaging, Face lifts, burns, dog bites, hair transplants, areola restoration & surgical incisions, camouflaging Birth Defects & Genetic Shortcomings. Permanent Makeup- Eyebrows, eyeliner and lips for men and women including corrective work. Personal Complementary Consultations! See ad on page 17.
NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, B.S., N.D. (775) 827-6888 Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, dietary supplements, lifestyle modifications and hydrotherapy used to address the causes of dis-ease and not just the symptoms. See ad on page 8. TARA L. FINLEY, O.M.D., N.D. With Brian Finley, P.T., O.C.S., C.O.M.T. (775) 337-1334 Therapeutic Nutrition, Vitamin/Mineral and Herbal Prescriptions, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, hydrotherapy, physical exam and lab work are combined to address all aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle, Optimal Health and Disease Prevention. Insurance Accepted. See ad on page 7.
NUTRITIOUS WHOLE FOODS HEALTHY LIVING USA Cheryl Bogener Sparks, NV. 89431 (775) 331-7143 Offering you unique whole foods for life! It’s not all about vitamins & supplements. Lose weight ~ Gain Energy. Convenient whole food based meals & snacks for people on the go.
OPTOMETRISTS ADLINGTON EYE CENTER 500 W. Plumb Lane, Suite A Reno, NV 89509 (775) 284-3937 • Personalized Eyecare • Fabulous Eyewear • State-of-the-art Technology • Professional, Experienced Optical Staff See ad on page 26.
RAW FOODS THE HEALING MEAL, LLC (775) 412-1891 Schall Adams, Raw Food Chef and Educator is the founder of The Healing Meal LLC, a company committed to empowering people to live happier, healthier lives by making better food choices. She teaches classes, workshops, and seminars all across the U.S. on the subject of raw food nutrition and cuisine. See ad on page 33.
REIKI THE MERIDIAN Kim Roubo, Reiki Master Teacher 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 A gentle, safe and effective treatment which calms the Autonomic Nervous System. Reiki allows for mental clarity and physical healing, benefiting people with conditions from chronic pain to emotional stress. Reiki classes available.
SPAS CIRCLE OF LIFE SPA 5301 Longley Ln A-8 Reno, NV 89511 (775) 825-7727 Reno’s premier healing spa with mineral body wraps, far-infrared sauna, floatation tank, supplement counseling, counseling, massage and dance studio for men and women. See ad on inside front cover.
SUPPLEMENTS THE BALANCE COMPANY Dinny Harter (530)414-1420 Only one ounce of BalanceOne Supplemental Drink once per day offers: •Unique synergy • 35 super-nutrients •Replaces 7-10 pills •Multiple servings of fruits & veggies per ounce See ad on page 12.
WEIGHT LOSS VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NAAC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 850-5823-office (775) 851-6028-home Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. See ad on page 32.
WELLNESS CENTERS INSTITUTE FOR INSPIRED LIVING Cheryl Blossom 85 Washington St, Reno (775) 338-8617 The Institute for Inspired Living is dedicated to integrating many alternative approaches for expanded awareness and healing. Our mission is to provide workshops, seminars, classes and personal sessions that will transform one’s way of living - ultimately life itself. See ad on page 19.
May 8th
CLEANSING 101: Take it to the next level. Wednesday, 6:30-7:30. Learn more about Pancha Karma, the most powerful form of Ayurvedic detoxification. Join Jeremy Ann Anderson, CAS, PKS, at the Conscious Living Rejuvenation Center, 95 La Rue. Call 530.906.5845 to register and find out more!
Institute for Inspired Living presents: The Secret, Accelerated - Free Introduction evening - May 8, 6:30-8:30pm. In this seminar you will be given tools to accelerate the changes that will have you create and manifest your dreams. Cheryl Blossom has worked extensively with Dr. Demartini and will teach you some powerful formulas that will have you fulfill your dreams. (775) 338-8617.
May 3rd NEVADA HEALTH FORUM FREE LECTURE: “Breast Screening with Medical Thermography”. Dr. Christopher Hussar, DDS, DO. Thursday from 6:30-8 PM. Reno Council Chambers, 1 East First St, Reno. For information contact: Virginia Parsons, (775) 850-5823.
May 3rd RAW RAW Rally! @ Wild Oats Market 5695 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV at 6:308:30pm. Come and learn about the importance of raw foods in your diet, see and taste a raw food demo, meet others with similar interests, and have a BLAST! RSVP (775) 412-1891 FREE!
May 5th ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: Family Perspectives. Saturday, May 5th 9:00am-2:30pm. Location: Boomtown Hotel Casino Conference Center. This conference & workshop is designed for caregivers & family members of someone who has memory problems or has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Cost: $25, includes lunch. Advanced registration is required. Call Alzheimer’s Association (775) 786-8061
Do you enjoy learning about natural health? May 7th HB Mag is looking for: • Administrative assistant fluent in Excel & Quick Books. • Sales Professional with an advertising & relationship selling background.
Call Dawn at 775-828-4547.
SAVVY CAREGIVER TRAINING Location: Sparks Library, 1125 12th St. 6 week Program meets every Monday from 1-3pm. This program enables family members to develop a sense of control & mastery within the caregiving role. The Program comes complete with a caregiver manual and CD-Rom to help participants learn the critical tasks of caregiving. Cost: $75, please call to register in advance. Alzheimer’s Association (775) 786-8061
May 8th Soup & Sandwich Raw Cuisine Class 25pm @ Wild Oats Market 5695 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV Delicious! $55 (your first class in only Half-price!) To register: (775) 412-1891
May 8th Diabetes Workshop on May 8, 2007 6.30 pm. Spanish Springs Library, Shoshone Rm. 7100 Pyramid Hwy. Sparks Seventh Day Adventist Church (775) 424-6556
May 12th RAW RAW KIDS Rally! 12 noon @ Studio 1 Yoga 18146 Wedge PKWY next to Raley’s @ Wedge and Mt. Rose HWY. Come and learn about the importance of raw foods in your diet, see and taste a raw food demo, meet others with similar interests, and have a BLAST! KID friendly foods and activities! RSVP (775) 4121891 FREE!
May 15th LOSE WEIGHT FOR GOOD! Free introductory seminar to the “Mind Over Matter” Weight Loss System. Tuesday, May 15th from 7-8 PM. Learn about the Mind/Body Science behind permanent body fat loss. To register call (775) 850-5823. Virginia Parsons, MS, Certified Lifestyle Coach and Hypnotherapist.
May 2007
COMMUNITYcalendarEVENTS May 19th
May 26th
Please join us at the Northwestern Bone & Tissue Organization’s Spring Fling at the Atlantis Hotel. Visit our booth and help us support this worthy cause. We will also be joining the Northwestern Bone & Tissue Organization’s Walkathon at the Sparks Marina on June 16th. We hope to see you at these events!
The Institute for Inspired Living (85 Washington St., Reno) presents: The Secret, Accelerated - Workshop. Noon to 4pm. $40. Space limited. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617.
May 22nd RAW Rally! @ Wild Oats Market, Reno, NV at 6:30-8:30pm. Learn about the importance of raw foods in your diet, see and taste a raw food demo & meet others with similar interests. RSVP (775) 4121891 FREE!
CLASSIFIEDS Massage room with sink & storage for rent inside beautiful skin care/massage office. Call Karen at: (775) 337-2525 Experienced Dental Assistant to work in a general dentistry practice. Call (775) 329-1333 Institute for Inspired Living is looking for practitioners. Office and classroom space available on Washington Street in Reno. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617.
May 23rd
May 24th
TO BELIEVE IS TO BE with Marc Hiscox. Free talk on attracting health & your choices in life using, The Power of Your Mind. Includes demonstrations and Q&A. The Nevada Center, 1231 Country Club Dr., Carson City (N. end) 7-8:30 pm. Limited seating, RSVP (775) 884-3990
LIFE ENHANCEMENT HYPNOSIS CLASS You have the power to change your life for GOOD! Learn how hypnosis can help you reach your goals & empower you to bring out your very best. Thursday, May 24th. 7-9 PM. Tuition: $20. Space limited. For reservations call Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC. (775) 850-5823
May 26th THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Amazon Wellness and Beauty Tour. John Easterling will give a presentation on the latest discoveries of whole plant nutrition, natural skin care, optimal wellness & rainforest preservation. Saturday from 1-3pm at the Airport Plaza Hotel. To register, Contact Reno Alternative Health Care Center at (775) 827-6888. FREE.
June 9th Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center is offering a Meditation Day Course: Stages of the Path meditations are a series of 21 meditations designed to free the mind of negative & to promote the supreme good heart of love & compassion. Class fee of $35. Saturday, June 9, 2007, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. RSVP or info at 775-746-8681 or
ONGOINGcommunityEVENTS Health Talks
Organic Raw Foods Potlucks
Health Streams sponsored Health Talks. 1st Tuesday & 3rd Thursday of each month from 6 pm – 7:30 pm. Feel free to call and find out what the topics will be. In the near future, we will be posting the meetings on the site on the Internet. RSVP is required to attend any of these meetings. There is no cost to be there, just a willingness to learn and share. 326 E. Winnie Lane, Carson City, NV 89706 (775) 883-8828
A FREE talk about the benefits of Raw Foods in your diet. Learn about: the effects of heat and cooking on proteins, fats, micro-nutrients, and enzymes, the Raw Food groups, where protein comes from, food combining for better digestion, how to maintain your ideal weight, how to adapt to a raw food diet, how to make raw food prep easy, see and taste a raw food demo! Several talks per month, see websitewww. for times and dates or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891.
Every Wednesday. Reverse Aging Raw Food Potlucks & Speakers! Bring raw fruits, veggies and nuts. The Raw Foods Potlucks start at 6 pm Reverse Aging- Zenergy Wellness Center, LLC. 2999 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 (775) 327 4878
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Weekly Meditation Sessions Mahakaruna Buddhist Center holds weekly meditation classes on Monday from 6:30-8 p.m at The Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center. Classes are led by Resident Teacher Ace Remas. All are welcome and no prior experience is required. Sessions include brief commentary and guided meditation. Drop-in’s are welcome. For more information: (775) 746-8681.
May 2007