October 2007 HB Mag

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October 2007



Big Bucks,


It’s a Lifestyle Magazine

Chewing WELL

Improve Your FUEL ECONOMY ALCOHOL and its connection with SUGAR


Pumpkin & Ricotta RAVIOLI

Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.

Your Local Resource for Natural Living


Dr. Grange will assess your personal health and nutrition by using metabolic profile evaluations. It is then that he can design and recommend a personalized nutritional program that will bring your body back to optimum health.

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(775) 825-7727 Dr. Grange has a Master’s of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Ph.D. in Nutrition and a Doctor of Naturopathy from Clayton University.

Mineral Body Wraps Lose the appearance of inches today! Reduces cellulite, Slenderizes your body, Improves circulation, Hydrates your skin

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“I Have My Life Back!” I began a terrible journey of ill health in January of 2004. My health had deteriorated to the point where all of my body systems were affected, but my short-term memory, vision, ability to breath and muscle tone were affected most severely. By March, doctors had performed numerous tests including blood work, X-rays, TB test, and a MRI. I was told I had toxic chemical and heavy metal poisoning (my white blood count was elevated 5 times normal), yet was not considered “sick”. I am normally a size 2 and my body had swollen to a size 10. I had no strength and could barely breathe. I lost my job. It was at this point I began seeking alternative forms of medicine and began my journey of healing. I knew I would need to rid my body of the heavy metals and found mineral body wraps, far infrared saunas and music therapy to aid in the process. I began using these modalities to release the heavy metal build up, increase enzymes to assist my adrenal glands in the release of the impurities, and adjusted my pH so my body changed from an acidic to alkaline environment. Within 3 days I was able to breathe easier, I gained strength and lost inches through the release of metabolic waste. I felt as if I had returned to the living—I had my life back! My journey of wellness began in May 2006 and I am sharing my experience, strength and hope with others. I opened Circle of Life Spa for everyone who wants and needs the modalities which helped save my life. I look forward to the opportunity to share my experience with you. -Janet Henshaw

Other services include: Far Infrared Sauna, Floatation Tank, Massage, Dance Classes, T’ai Chi Classes, Ki Gong Classes, Counseling and Meeting Rooms.

Circle of Life Staff

5301 Longley Lane, Suite A8 • Reno, NV 89511 • Fax: (775) 825-7880

October 2007


inside this issue On The Cover

Dear Readers & Advertisers, I can feel the chill in the morning and in the evening…fall is definitely in the air. Like most Truckee/Tahoe-ites and Northern Nevadans, I am hoping for huge snowfall this winter. Lions, Tigers and Bears… “Oh my!” “…well, maybe not the lions and tigers but bears, definitely. Yes they are being spotted in the most unlikely places. UNR campus for one! I had my own bear encounter on September 8th, the morning I hiked Half Dome. The nerve of this huge bear, taking my vitamin bag from my storage locker, just when my back was turned. My thought was, “Oh great! This is going to hold me up! I have to meet my hiking partner at 6:00 AM so we can get to the top of the Dome and back, by night fall! Just then, my hiking partner rounded the corner and saw my dilemma. He immediately started yelling and throwing pine cones at the bear, and finally, after several attempts, Yogi Bear dropped my bag and went away. So that is how I started my first hike up Half Dome, the trip took 13 hours and was 17 miles to the top and back down to the valley floor. My hiking partner, by the way, was none other than Mr. Half Dome himself, Rick Deutsch. Rick authored the book “One Best Hike” and he wrote the article Hiking Half Dome, A Noble Goal in our August 2007 issue. Half Dome is considered an extreme hike and indeed it was! It was fabulous, and I made it to the top, taking photo’s as I went. Rick kept us pretty much on schedule; we had to reach the cables by 11:00 AM to avoid the long lines of hikers (we got there at noon) and all was still well. I plan to do this hike again in the spring and spend more time enjoying the breath-taking scenery, especially the vertical part, hiking straight up the rock. Fantastico, Wundebar and Yippy Skippy! It was a truly exhilarating accomplishment! The photo above is from this experience. If you plan to hike Half Dome I recommend Rick’s book as he tells you everything you need to know; it is a quick and fun read! I started preparing for the hike a couple of weeks prior, by riding my bike and hiking Mt. Rose. It is so worth your time. As Rick says, why hike Half Dome? “Because it is there”! Carpe Diem! September was a great month for me and I hope it was for all of you. So on to October’s issue where we talk about sugar intake and how damaging it can be to kids and adults, bodies and minds; we also talk about fuel economy, pumpkins, garlic, and…go ahead, open it up and find out!! Until Next month… Best in Health and Happiness and Happy Hiking (watch out for the bears!)

Dawn M. Gowery

Big Bucks, Big Pharma Michael Baunstein

12 Getting Unstuck Marc Hiscox

22 Pumpkin & Ricotta Ravioli


Jillana Miller

34 Chewing Well Kelly Reith

36 How to Improve Your Fuel Economy


James Kliesch

42 Alcohol and Its connection with Sugar Raine Saunders



Monthly Features NEWSbriefs...6 PROVIDERprofile...9 GARDENforHEALTH...16 GREENliving... 24 KIDScorner... 25 BOOKreview... 26 KNOWyourHERBS&spices... 31 SUPPLEMENTS 101...32 COOKINGforHEALTH... 34 RAWfoods... 35 DENTALhealth... 36 FITNESS... 40 CONSCIOUSwealth...42 HEALTHYpets... 44 CONSCIOUShealth... 46 NATURALbeauty... 47 FAMILYhealth... 48 MEDITATION&reflection... 50 COMMUNITYresourceGUIDE... 55 CALENDARevents... 61 CLASSIFIEDS... 62

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Healthy Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine


ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends regarding Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a Natural, Holistic and Healthy Lifestyle. Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' advertisers and writers provide the tools you need to aid your personal path to well-being. We feature articles by national authors as well as local leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.

Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles and newsbriefs. Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication for Ads, CRG and Calendar listings. To advertise in Healthy Beginnings, simply call 775-828-4547. To review a Media Kit visit www.HBMag.com For examples of content submissions & display ad specifications, please view the Media Kit on our website at www.HBMag.com.

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Subscription Requests to: subscriptions@HBMag.com For questions or reservations regarding the Health Professional Network please send email to: hpn@HBMag.com For distribution requests for the magazine please email to: distribution@HBMag.com HB Magazine is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.

October 2007

Publisher/Editor Dawn M. Gowery


Content Editor Carole Bucher


Contributing Writers Ariana Purcell Ffjorren Zolfaghar Kallie Wilbourn Carole Bucher

Creative Design & Layout Dawn Gowery

Bailey Simantel bailey@HBMag.com

Sales & Marketing 775-828-4547



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HB Magazine is a member of Sierra Green Building Association.

Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 20,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised.

www.HBMag.com © 2007 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.

Our Cover

Build a career and an income that has no ceiling $. Explore the possibilities with Healthy Beginnings Magazine, where performance is rewarded. Call Dawn

775.828.4547 Autumn is here and its time to take stock of our resources, inner and outer, and to prepare for the coming months. Cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae family) of all kinds – gourds, pumpkins, winter squashes – stripes and solids…interesting, comforting shapes; beautiful fall colors. Squash are believed to have originated in the Americas, the pumpkin being one of the first vegetal species to be cultivated. Seeds were found in Mexico dating back to 7,000-5,500 B.C. Gourds were used to transport water, as musical instruments, cooking utensils, toys and in the making of clothes. From ancient China to the Middle East to the Americas, the cucurbits have a long history in creation myths, religious ceremonies, and use in everyday life. The gourd is associated with longevity, resurrection and good fortune in numerous widespread and diverse cultures. Winter squash is a warm-season vegetable that can be grown in most climates. When ripened to maturity most varieties can be stored and used throughout the winter. It is a tasty source of complex carbohydrate (natural sugar and starch) and fiber. Fiber works throughout the intestinal track to clean and move waste quickly out of the body. Research suggests that soluble fiber plays an important role in reducing the incidence of colon cancer. Winter squash is also a source of potassium, niacin, iron and beta-carotene. The orange-fleshed squash is also an excellent source of beta-carotene. As a general rule, the deeper the orange color, the higher the beta-carotene content. Beta-carotene is converted to Vitamin A in the body, an essential ingredient for healthy skin, vision, bone development and maintenance and many other functions. Nutrition Facts (1 cup cooked, cubes): Calories 80, Protein 1.8 gm, Carbohydrate 17.9 gm, Dietary Fiber 5.7 gm, Calcium 28.7 mg, Iron 0.67 mg, Potassium 896 mg, Folate 57 mcg, Vitamin A 7200 IU.

One of Life’s Most Stressful Events ...is buying or selling your home. I will make it easier by: • Representing your interests • Being trustworthy • Operating in good faith • Providing excellent communication • Negotiating the best prices and terms

Bringing People Together.

Dee McNeely



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NEWSbriefs Martin Dennis, M.D. Individualized Attention & Care Martin Dennis, M.D. and his team will exceed your expectations for comfort, care and kindness. We believe in individualized care with all treatment being tailored to the particular wants and needs of each patient. We offer a full range of obstetrical and gynecologic services. Martin Dennis, M.D. specializes in general obstetrics, obstetrical ultrasound, as well as, in treating gynecologic conditions such as abnormal (menstrual) bleeding, post menopausal bleeding, pelvic pain, family planning, and infertility. We take most major insurances including Medicaid and Medicare. 6630 South McCarran Blvd., Building C, Suite 202, Reno, Nevada 89509 For more information call: 775-788-5100.

Free Do-it-yourself BMP Class IGVID Waste Not and Nevada Tahoe Conservation District are hosting a free, half-day workshop; designed to provide practical methods for property owners and contractors to complete required Best Management Practices (BMP’s). The 3-hour class is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, from 10 am – 1 pm at the Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences at 291 Country Club Drive in Incline Village, Nevada. The classes will explain TRPA guidelines, offer methods for field evaluations, and present design BMPs that will meet TRPA standards. Class size is limited to 20. RSVP by calling the Waste Not Hotline at 775-832-1284.

Spiral Healing Colon Hydrotherapy, Truckee Spiral Healing, a center focusing on colon hydrotherapy, detoxing and intestinal health, will open this month in Truckee under the direction of Sue Steph. Sue has been studying massage and bodywork over 15 years. In 1999, Sue became certified as a colon hydrotherapist at the Internal Environmental Institute in Los Angeles, a state certified school and leading educator in the field of colon hydrotherapy. She is currently an active member of IACT, a certified Colon Hydrotherapy Instructor and certified by the National Board of Colon Hydrotherapists. To learn more about colon hydrotherapy, Spiral Healing’s services or to make an appointment, please call 530-587-0101.

Body Wisdom Physical Therapy, New Location Contrary to facilities which follow only a traditional therapeutic approach, Body Wisdom Physical Therapy aspires to the belief that there is more to recovery than the resolution of physical signs and symptoms. Like many facilities which advocate a body, mind, and spirit philosophy, Body Wisdom not only believes in such a philosophy but practices an Integrated Therapeutic Approach. As such, all therapists at the clinic are dedicated to helping individuals practice and integrate these three components into their daily life. In addition, the Body Wisdom clinic integrates practical, easy-tofollow, self-care techniques into each therapy program in order to enhance, speed recovery, and facilitate well-being.

October 2007

Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center Announces Their Fall Yoga Schedule Beginning Monday September 24 and continuing through the end of December. In addition to daily classes in many styles for all student levels, Tahoe Yoga has a special interest in reaching out to those new to yoga. For those wanting to learn more about yoga and how it may benefit them, Tahoe Yoga offers ongoing “Introduction to Yoga” classes. The Truckee center is located at 10770 Donner Pass Road; the Reno Center is at 1085 South Virginia St. Call 775-348-YOGA or see www.tahoeyoga.com for more information.

Yogic Anatomy at Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Ctr/Reno Wednesday October 24th - The sutras say that you are as young as your spine is flexible- Join Dr. Taylor Donovan at Tahoe Yoga and Wellness Center near downtown Reno for this insightful discussion. This lecture is appropriate for individuals that would like to understand why yoga is so healthy for our bodies and overall vitality. Some yoga participation will be encouraged. Please call Tahoe Yoga to reserve your space as this workshop can accommodate a dozen participants. 775-348-9642.

Le Chamois Annual Halloween Costume & Dance Party at Squaw Valley USA

October 31, 2007 – Ghouls and gobblins are invited to break out their most clever costume and come ready to boogie as the decorations go up and the Chammy opens their doors for eager revelers again this year. With a reputation for the extraordinary costumes and spooky good times this celebration is not to be missed. Doors open at 7pm. Age 21 and older after 8pm, $5 cover. Call 800-403-0206.

New Mac OS Leopard Due for Release in October Mac-O-Rama will host a release event this month for the new Macintosh OS, also known as Leopard. The new operating system boasts a number of groundbreaking features, including: Quick Look, which allows a user to view, play and read files without even opening them; Time Machine, a revolutionary backup system which can go back in time to access any file on the computer; and Spaces, where the use can create different workspaces for different projects. Please call 775-626-7751 or visit www.macorama.com for details.

“Pathways to Wellness” Class Now at Body Wisdom Physical Therapy Pathways To Wellness Class, taught by accomplished PJ Juhrend, PT, is composed of five weekly 2-hr sessions. The class helps participants deal with chronic pain; it is also a life-enriching and fun experience. In the class you will learn: 1) Relaxation Skills to calm your mind and manage stress, 2) Effective Stretching to restore flexibility and improve function, 3) Breathing Techniques to maximize oxygen uptake and enhance bodily healing, 4) Postural Awareness to restore balance and regain symmetry, and 5) Movement Techniques, modified Tai Chi and Yoga, to enhance your circulation and flow of energy. Call Body Wisdom at 775-827-3777 for class dates

Barton Foundation Gala Tickets Now On Sale

Sweet 16. That’s what the Barton Foundation’s Gala is celebrating when dressed-to-the nines guests arrive at Harrah’s Oct. 13 for this 16th annual fundraiser. Now known as “The Gala,” Barton’s black tie dinner dance has grown every year and is the largest event for the Foundation in both attendance and income. The attire is black tie optional. Suits and evening wear are suggested. Tickets are $150 per person ($85 is tax deductible) or $1,650 for a table of 10 with additional sponsorship benefits. The silent auction, cocktail and hors d’oeuvres hour which begins at 5:30, leads into the 7 p.m. elegant dinner, followed at 9 p.m. by an entertaining live auction, dancing and live entertainment by Busta-Groove from the Bay Area. Busta-Groove is a rip roaring party band playing hits from the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and today. With a searing combination of hot vocals, dynamic stage show and a tight rhythm section, Busta-Groove guarantees an electrifying great time. Help the Barton Foundation celebrate its sweet 16th annual Gala with a wonderful evening of fine food, wine, fabulous auction items and live entertainment. A hosted Martini Lounge is featured during the cocktail hour. Reservations must be made by Oct. 3. Foundation Coordinator Sue McLaughlin can be reached at 530-543-5614.

MtnQuest Hypnotherapy attends Abundance Course Tonda Adams, JD., CCHT attended three day Millionaire 101 Abundance Course August 17 –19. This powerful weekend intensive enhanced the already extensive training used in private session to assist clients in releasing blocks to abundance. Hooray…you can do it. For more info: Tonda Adams, JD., CCHT. 775 825-2588. www. mtnquest-hypnotherapy.com.

Annual Psychic Fair Returns

The Psychic Fair will return on October 20 & 21 to the Reno- Sparks Convention Center. The event offers two days of spiritual exploration, meet alternative healing health and wellness practioners to include: NSA (network spinal analysis), ayurvedic medicine, Quantum Touch, Reiki and massage. Attend informative seminars on Healing, Clairvoyance and learn about the Mayan Calendar Prophesies. Over sixty-five vendors will participate in psychic readings including aura, astrology, and palm and aura photography. Beautiful crystals, jewelry, unique products, crafts and clothing will be for sale. Hours: Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Admission: $8.00 includes entertainment, seminars and raffle ticket. Early admission $10 for two tickets from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. only Discount tickets at Mystic Rose, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno. Contact: 775-324-2872 or visit www.renopsychicinstitute.org.

HPN (Health Professionals Network) Returns From Summer Sabbatical. Healthy Beginnings Magazine proudly sponsors the HPN (Health Professionals Network). This networking group meets on the second Thursday of each month from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you are in a health-related field and are interested in joining us, please send us your email address to HPN@HBMag.com or call 775-828-4547 for confirmation of location and topic of discussion. Each month we will have a speaker and refresments will be served by Wild Oats. This is an opportunity to meet local colleagues who share likeminded healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you each month!

Visit our website at www.HBMag.com

Improve Your Eye-Q: Part 2 Practical Pearls for Visual Health and Comfort Written by Cheryl A Adlington, O.D., F.A.A.O.

Travel Eye-Q First and foremost, plan far enough ahead. You certainly want to have the best eye protection and correction for your trip. You don’t want to miss a thing when on that much anticipated vacation or business trip. Schedule your purchase of prescription glasses and sunglasses well in advance of your trip. In spite of the many opportunities for glasses to be done the same day they are ordered, often they take more time. If you’re like me, you want the anti reflective coating, special tints, or frame size or color that is a special order item, that take more time. It is wise to have a back up pair of glasses or contact lenses with you, as well as travel sized contact lens solutions. When you are on a trip, the lack of routine can make you vulnerable to loss and breakage of your precious belongings. For those of you who wear contact lenses, it is wise to have back up glasses, as the humidity differences from state to state or country to country can be extreme and cause discomfort and lens intolerance. Many people find it more convenient and comfortable to wear their glasses instead of contact lenses when flying. The environment in the airplane can be drying, which may cause contact lens intolerance and irritated eyes, which, in turn are more vulnerable to viruses and other airborne pathogens. Take a copy of your glasses and/or contact lens prescriptions, along with the name and phone number of your doctor, just in case. Planning for the worst scenario can be the insurance you need to achieve the best scenario.

Eye safety: Beyond The Obvious What comes to mind when you think of eye health protection in the work environment? The most common thoughts turn to safety goggles for prevention of eye injury from flying debris as in construction, or shields protecting from extreme light as in welding. We give little thought to the “safe” work environment, and are often times unaware of the insidious hazards in our daily routines taking their cumulative toll over time. To those of you who use a computer, the good news is there are solutions for most issues that arise from computer vision syndrome. People have minimal or no problems during the first few hours on the computer, yet as the day progresses they experience headaches, eye strain, difficulty focusing, dry eyes, and complain of deepening frown lines from working too hard to see the screen.

October 2007

A simple test to check the need for glasses may address most of these symptoms. Hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (near sightedness), astigmatism (multiple focal points in one eye), presbyopia (the “40ish thing”, when the lens quits focusing as well as it used to), and significant differences between the two eyes can be diagnosed and treated with glasses or contact lenses. Certain lens treatments as simple as an anti-reflective coating can help with eye strain and glare. Something as simple as rearranging your work space so that light comes in over your shoulder and at an angle, can minimize glare on your screen. Avoid looking into a computer screen with a window directly in front of you, if at all possible. A few well-deserved breaks from our work will also help. It is recommended that a 30-60 second break each 15 minutes from the computer for a couple of reasons. One is that we tend to stare when we are intently working, and that means less blinking, which translates to drier eyes. The other is the static focusing of our lens on a task that is near to our eyes, without relaxation, can be stressful to the eyes and supporting muscles. Therefore the break should include blinking and rolling the eyes under closed eye lids to help distribute the tear film over the eyes, and viewing objects at a distance for a few seconds to allow the lens to relax its focus. You may also want to put artificial tears in each eye, to provide additional lubrication. Many artificial tears are available without prescription. The non-preserved, individually packaged tears are especially good. Your work environment should be comfortable too. Everything from the height of your chair, the distance from your eyes to your computer, the lighting, the air conditioning vents, and the posture of your body will effect how you see and feel at the end of the day. Make sure to talk to your eye care professional about your work environment to insure that your glasses or contact lenses are prescribed to suit your individual work related demands, including the distance to and angle of your computer screen relative to you eyes. Training in the use of bifocals and progressive glasses is crucial, as is the perfectly designed work space. Reference: Adlington CA, DO, FAAO. Personal study, knowledge and observations.

For more information please contact Drs. Cheryl and Travis Adlington at 775 284-3937. Find CRG on page 58.


Carol Christian Colon Hydrotherapist

Written by Ffjorren Zolfaghar


ave you ever pondered over the health of your digestive system, or your colon for that matter? Have you wondered whether having a bowel movement once every three days or even once a day, is normal? Are you gassy or bloated on a regular basis? These are excellent questions for Carol Christian and her staff at the Reno Alternative Health Care Center. The answers might be easier to find than you think. With one session of Colon Hydrotherapy, Carol and her staff are able to find out what is going on within your digestive system and of course, what they need to do to get you back on track. The colon hydrotherapy session itself begins with a quick, but thorough lesson on the basic anatomy of your digestive tract. Once the actual process begins, the therapist alternately fills and empties your colon with water that is carefully controlled for temperature and pressure. During the procedure, the therapist applies a gentle abdominal massage, which encourages the removal of waste material. But does is hurt? “Everyone asks that question,” Carol said. She explained that if a person can have a bowel movement, they could handle the Colon Hydrotherapy speculum. The water moves in and out at a slow pace, non-invasively, and without pain for the client.

“It is a curious fact that medical practitioners seem to be either wholeheartedly in favor of, or equally, vehemently against the procedure – there appears to be no intermediate opinion about it. Those who favor it are invariably those who have had the personal experience of its benefits. Those who condemn it are nearly always those who have no such knowledge or experience.” - J.E.D. Waddington, MD What most people don’t know about their colon might kill them or at least make them very sick. “With over $100 million plus spent annually on laxatives, many health authorities believe that constipation is the number one affliction underlying nearly every disease,” Carol said. Intestinal constipation causes cellular constipation, which in turn increases the workload of all other excretory organs. This includes the kidney, skin, liver and the lymph system. Like the old adage, “your knee bone’s connected to your leg bone, your leg bone’s connected to your foot bone,” everything in your body inevitably affects something else. This is information that everyone should be aware of. In fact, imparting this knowledge is Carol’s main goal at this point in her career. She is currently working with the local medical community to educate practitioners about the importance of organ cleansing and colon hydrotherapy. She also works on creating the same awareness within the general public. Information on organ detoxification

and cleansing is not readily available to people and Carol believes that knowledge is power. She said, “the biggest mistake patients make in managing their medical care is not getting involved and taking control of their own destiny.” Carol can speak from experience. She began her career as a physician’s assistant in the field of urology. About 15 years ago, she started feeling disenchanted with western medicine and decided that she “wanted to be in the wellness business and not the sickness business,” Carol said. She obtained her Colon Hydrotherapy license through the American Natural Healing Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. Carol is also a certified iridologist, and has a background in therapeutic botanicals and essentials oils. She continues her studies of alternative healing modalities in the US and abroad. Carol founded the Reno Alternative Health Care Center 12 years ago. The center offers a variety of alternative healing modalities in addition to Colon Hydrotherapy. Carol feels very blessed to work with naturopath, Dr. Jessica Edge; Lymphatic Massage therapists, Carol Shute and Joey Halliday; Dr. Bruce Eichelberger who specializes in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and Quantum Biofeedback technician, Usha Martin. More than anything, Carol believes herself to be an educator. When clients come to the Reno Alternative Center, she and her fellow practitioners provide treatments that will bring equilibrium to your health, and most important, provide information that will help you find a happier and healthier lifestyle. Find ad on page 39.

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Hormone-Free Birth Control Written by Jessica Edge, ND


on-hormonal birth control methods do not interfere with a woman’s natural reproductive cycle. They work by preventing the meeting of the male sperm and female egg cells without altering female hormone levels or suppressing ovulation. Women are inquiring about non-hormonal birth control methods for a number of reasons: they do not want to disrupt their natural hormone levels, they have health challenges that prevent them from safely using hormonal contraceptives or they do not tolerate the side effects of prescription hormones.

Fertility Awareness Technique The Fertility Awareness Technique, or the Family Planning Method, teaches women to recognize when they are ovulating and most likely to become pregnant. During ovulation, intercourse is either avoided or a barrier method, such as a condom, is used. The technique requires a woman to monitor and record physical changes in her body during the course of the entire month. She must keep track of her morning body temperature and learn to recognize changes in her cervical mucus. Specific thermometers, charts and calendars are recommended. This technique brings a woman in touch with her fertility and requires a certain level of comfort with her body. Women who have regular menstrual cycles, are motivated to keep track of their physical changes and are in committed, monogamous relationship may consider this method. Cooperation by the spouse or partner is also very important. The effectiveness of the technique at preventing pregnancy is controversial and varies among different sources. The FDA states a 1-9% failure rate among couples correctly using the method with every act of sexual intercourse, suggesting an efficacy rate of 91-99%. Actual rates of efficacy may be closer to 75%.

Review of other non-hormonal birth control methods:

Condoms When used correctly, male latex condoms are 97% effective at preventing pregnancy and female condoms, made from poly-

Tired of Medication & Unwanted Side Effects?

Naturopathic Medicine Heals • Anxiety & Depression • PMS • Fibrocystic Breasts • Menopause


Jessica Edge, B.S., N.D.

3400 Kauai Court, St. 100 Reno, Nevada 89509


I will spend time with you finding the cause of your health issues and assisting your body’s natural healing process.


October 2007

urethane, are 95% effective at preventing pregnancy. Condoms provide the best protect against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). For individuals with latex sensitivities, polyurethane or natural condoms are available. Natural condoms, made from lamb skin, do not prevent against STDs including HIV.

Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) The Copper IUD does not contain or release hormones. It is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. A simple procedure by a physician is required for placing the device into the uterus. The IUD may be left in place for up to 10 years. It is often a method recommended but not limited to women who have already had children.

Spermicide alone Spermicidal gels, creams, foams, films and suppositories containing nonoxynol-9 are 85-94% effective at preventing pregnancy. Depending on the product, spermicides must be inserted between 5 and 90 minutes before intercourse. Sensitive individuals may not tolerate the ingredients in spermicides.

Vaginal barriers with Spermicide The Diaphragm is 94% effective at preventing pregnancy and the Cervical cap is 74% effective in women who have had children and 91% effective in women with no previous births. Both barrier methods require proper placement over the cervix and must be inserted prior to intercourse and left in place at least six to eight hours after intercourse. These methods should be used with a spermicide to ensure their effectiveness. Women may experience increased bladder or vaginal infections with use. The Cervical cap may cause abnormal PAP smears.

Surgical sterilization Female sterilization (tubal ligation) and male sterilization (vasectomy) are greater than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Individuals contemplating this method should consider the ramifications of a non-reversible procedure. This method is utilized by individuals who are done having children or know that they don’t want to become parents. When choosing which birth control method is right for you, take into consideration your current health, lifestyle and relationship. Talk to your health care provider to further discuss all the risks and benefits of the many different birth control methods available and make an informed decision about which birth control method meets your personal needs. Sources: 1. www.fda.gov 2. www.plannedparenthood.org 3. www.ccli.org

For more information, call Jessica Edge, ND, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine: (775) 827-6888. Find ad on this page.

Are You a Co-dependent?

Find Out.

Written by Tonda Adams, JD., CCHT.


his article is a short synopsis of a broad and complex subject and only lightly touches on the symptoms and consequences of behaviors displayed by co-dependent individuals.

problems but only one dysfunction. Addiction, incest, abuse, neglect and depression are all problems found in co-dependant families. The denial is the dysfunction.

Adult symptoms of co-dependency include the inability to have intimacy with others, often becoming enmeshed in inappropriate, abusive and/or clinging relationships.

ception that allows us to survive with the problem intact. It varies from “ It will get better if I try harder” to “there is no problem at all”. Delusion is harder to deal with because it is sincere and provides a pay off. The ability to believe our life is wonderful in a disaster is quite appealing. The delusion that one is in control is less scary than the reality of being out of control. Delusion is a crazy maker for those around us. It is the survival tool for self-deception.

A co-dependent may have physical ailments by somatizing feelings into arthritis, cancer, allergies, upper respiratory infections, stress and anxiety, to name a few. In addition, they may not be able to set limits, and do for others what they don’t even do for themselves. Because of their absence of selfawareness, co-dependents are unable to find the strength to set goals and find direction in their life. They may need external validation from others because of their low self-esteem. They may be caretakers and allow others to continue unhealthy behavior by removing or attempt to remove harmful consequences, thus rewarding the unhealthy behavior, which in turn perpetuates the cycle of co-dependency. In addition, one may be hyper vigilant, with anxieties and abnormal fear that may turn into phobias or compulsive addictive behavior and then into addictions. Some co-dependents have intensity issues, or the need for excitement, thus, surrounding themselves with crisis, creating chaos only feeling alive when things are falling apart.

The six “D’s” of co-dependency are: Denial: Through denial we maintain our beliefs, whether it is the denial of the problem, the feelings regarding the problem, or the depth of the problem’s impact on our lives. We have many

Delusion: Delusion is a form of self-de-

Distortion: Distortion is the alteration of

reality. We do not see the same reality as others It is a way to maintain the “delusion” and “denial”.

Defensiveness: Defensiveness is projec-

tion, and the focusing on others, their roles, responsibilities and behaviors, while not letting anyone get too close or see too much of us. Guilt is the veneer, fear is the power plant and shame is the fuel.

Dishonesty: As progression occurs, we lie to cover our tracks or to protect others. Dishonesty is the perfect fuel for self hate. Despair: The hopelessness that things won’t and can’t change. The feeling that we are not in control and we are unwilling to let go of something that we don’t even have. Isolation is the result of despair and when despair mixes with fear and shame, pain manifest itself as our last ditch efforts of self-destructiveness. A mature, functional adult feels selfesteem from the inside out and feels

vulnerable with protection. We are able to embrace self as imperfect with accountability for imperfections that damage others. In addition, a mature functional adult is interdependent, not dependent i.e., needy or wanting. There are effective disciplines today that are available to free oneself of co-dependency. The reward of ending the cycle of co-dependency and addiction, compulsion, stress disorders and other symptoms of co-dependency is replaced with increased self esteem, respect, and a solid and safe internal support system. References: 1. “The Buck Stops Here” Ending The Cycle of Co-dependency;” www.mtnquest-hypnotherapy. com, InnerQuest Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute. 2. “Co-Dependent No More” by Melody Beattie. 3. “Care of The Soul” by Thomas Moore.

For more info, contact Tonda Adams at MtnQuest Hypnotherapy 775-825-2588. Find ad on page 50.

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Big Buck s ,

Big Pharma NEW DOCUMENTARY TAKES THE LID OFF THE PILLBOX Review written by Michael Braunstein


ichael Moore bailed from taking on Big Pharma. In his new vehicle for Moore-notony, Sicko, he appears to be more interested in a smackdown with the gamut of the healthcare industry than in taking a swipe at the drug dealers who fuel the machine. Although he announced the drug company theme several years ago, something dissuaded him. Fortunately for us, a real documentary has emerged that concisely and powerfully asks the question: Is it wise for the American medical system to rely on a profit-motivated industry for our health and well-being? The question is especially apt when we consider how poorly the performance of our medical system compares to that of other countries. The Media Education Foundation, a non-profit corporation that produces and distributes educational material observing the impact and ethics of the media industry has released a new film, Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease & Pushing Drugs. Among other topics, it examines direct to consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals. MEF, mediaed.org, was founded by University of Massachusetts communications professor Sut Jhally. Its board of advisors includes media critic and activist Noam Chomsky, consumerism observer Juliet Schor and African-American social activist bell hooks among several other literati. Pharmaceutical drugs are powerful chemicals. Prescribing them is limited to medical doctors. Every country in the world bans pharmaceutical companies from advertising drugs directly to the consumer; every country except the United States and New Zealand.


This year marks the 10th anniversary of one of the darkest hours in our nation’s healthcare history. In 1997, the


October 2007

United States lifted the ban on Direct to Consumer Marketing (DTCM) of drugs. Obviously, pharmaceutical company profits have soared. Industry spending on advertising drugs to the public increased 296.4 percent from 1997 to 2005, up to $4.2 billion. Since the United States and New Zealand are the only countries in the world that allow drug companies to advertise prescription drugs directly to the consumer via television, print and other media, studying the effect of that is a worthy task for MEF. This documentary shows that they have stepped up big time in bringing a suspect practice to inspection.


Marketing is marketing. Its purpose is to sell something: a product, an image, idea or political viewpoint. When the major drug companies spend their billions of dollars each year on advertising, it isn’t to inform. It’s to sell. In a concise and pointed headshot documentary, industry insiders, medical experts, media gurus and consumer watchdog advocates explain exactly what price the public is paying to allow being sold drugs in the media. Powerful messages are swathed in lifestyle images just as cigarette ads did years ago. Everybody wanted to look as healthy and cool as the Marlboro Man, remember? Now everyone wants to be as smiling and rested as the guy who takes Lunesta or as composed and unflappable as the happy housewife who takes Paxil or as hot and ready as the hunk who takes Levitra. Marcia Angell, M.D. is one of the star interviewees in Big Bucks, Big Pharma. She is the former editor of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, now at Harvard Medical School. Her own book, The Truth About Drug Companies, was

published in 2004 after she had already cleaned house at the NEJM by requiring that any peer-reviewed articles include transparency about drug company affiliations of the author. Other experts appearing in the documentary are Bob Goodman, M.D. of Columbia University, Larry Sasich, Pharm.D., of Public Citizen Health Research Group, journalist Katherine Greider and communications professor Elizabeth Preston, Ph.D. One particularly enlightening commentator is former Merck sales rep, Gene Carbona. He gives an insider’s look at how the money spent on golf outings, lavish gifts and trips for doctors — influencing them to sell more drugs — is covered up by calling it “education.” “It’s self-evidently absurd to look to a company for impartial, critical education about a product it sells,” Angell points out. Angell goes on to describe the collusion between medical oversight and recommending bodies and their influence over healthcare policy. The documentary points out that a nine-doctor panel was charged with evaluating and recommending the new, lower range for cholesterol. Of the nine doctors, six had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies.

DISEASE MONGERING The DVD is divided into six sections. The flow and editing easily captures the viewer’s interest. There is nothing dry about what might be seen as a scientific case. When it comes to drugs in America, every viewer has an interest. After all, half of all Americans take a prescription drug every day. In the section “Disease Mongering,” the documentary questions whether some diseases are “invented” just to sell drugs. Comments by medical experts are inter-cut with network news pieces that stress how current these issues are. Actual drug industry ads are shown, complete with the rapid-fire disclaimers and list of side effects that trill off so easily during the last five seconds of the spot.

Preston, the communications professor, tells how limiting the image presented in ads for drugs can be. “We don’t look at environmental problems that might cause asthma or allergies. We don’t look at lifestyle issues that might be causing depression or indigestion or erectile dysfunction,” she observes. Drug ads make it seem like there is only one answer for things like hay fever, sleeplessness, shyness, twitchy legs, sadness and so on — and that is a trip to the doctor and a pocket full of pills. That isn’t so.

The sum total of the information presented in Big Bucks, Big Pharma, describes that the responsibility to correct this overuse of advertising to sell America drugs lies with the media, the medical community and the consumer/voter. That message comes across clearly, intelligently and dispassionately. Any laughter from the audience comes from the obvious absurdity that Angell alluded to, not from a Moore-ish mocking of issues or people. This is a documentary that should be seen by anyone who ever considers taking a pharmaceutical drug — or sees advertising, for that matter.

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Finding a Lost Pet W

hen your beloved dog or cat strays from home, it can be a traumatic experience for both of you. Here are some tips that we hope will help you find your pet.

Contact local animal shelters and animal control agencies. File a lost pet report with every shelter within a 60-mile radius of your home and visit the nearest shelters daily, if possible. To find your local shelter go to www.pets911.com or check your phone book. If there is no shelter in your community, contact the local police department. Provide these agencies with an accurate description and a recent photograph of your pet. Notify the police if you believe your pet was stolen. Search the neighborhood. Walk or drive through your neighborhood several times each day. Ask neighbors, letter carriers, and delivery people if they have seen your pet. Hand out a recent photograph of your pet and information on how you can be reached if your pet is found.

The Healthy Adventurer A Biking Adventure across Australia, South to North Part 3:

I had not planned on it but my first meal, so typical for Australia, was Fish & Chips. I was hungry and this seemed to be the most acceptable choice in the little community of Two Wells, about 30 km from Adelaide. I had hoped to stay out of the rain for my first night. But alas, the only motel in Two Wells was fully booked. Now I would have a chance to evaluate the weather worthiness of the new tent I had bought. I kept biking for a while after it had turned dark because I had good lighting equipment as part of my bike.

Advertise. Post notices at grocery stores, community centers, veterinary offices, traffic intersections, online at www. pets911.com, and other locations. Also, place advertisements in newspapers and with radio stations. Include your pet’s sex, age, weight, breed, color, and any special markings. When describing your pet, leave out one identifying characteristic and ask the person who finds your pet to describe it.

But just where could I make camp? I could see plowed fields and meadows alternating with olive orchards and vineyards, all fenced off, in particular toward the road. Aha! How about that stand of trees? Fortunately, the gate was not padlocked and I got in easily. For a while a glorious full moon provided light; I pitched my feather-light one-person tent and snuggled in to sleep. It rained several times during the night.

Be wary of pet-recovery scams. When talking to a stranger who claims to have found your pet, ask him to describe the pet thoroughly before you offer any information. If he does not include the identifying characteristic you left out of the advertisements, he may not really have your pet. Be particularly wary of people who insist that you give or wire them money for the return of your pet.

This was Friday night and men headed for the downstairs pub, but not alone. They brought their families along. So while the grownups sat on bar stools, little children played “hide and seek” and similar games throughout the establishment.

Don’t give up your search. Animals who have been lost for months have been reunited with their owners. A pet—even an indoor pet—has a better chance of being returned if she always wears a collar and an ID tag with your name, address, and telephone number. Ask your local animal shelter or veterinarian if permanent methods of identification (such as microchips) are available in your area. www.hsus.org/pets/pet_care/finding_a_lost_pet.html


October 2007

Throughout the following day there was plenty of sunshine. This is ironic, I thought. Here it appears that spring and fall have teamed up. Most fields appeared to have been plowed recently. Some, however, already showed the lush green of winter wheat. Herds of sheep were grazing on meadows. I rarely saw cattle. In the evening I rode into Red Hill. The tiny community of 300 souls was established during a gold rush in 1870. Here I stayed the night at the grand little Eureka Hotel built in 1878.

The landscape had gradually changed into the typical arid Australian bush land. In Port Augusta I crossed the path I had taken 8 years earlier when I biked across Australia from the west to the east coast. Lois had driven a rental car as my support then. It struck me as romantic to seek out the same park and sit on the same bench we had then. Do you know that the largest known gold nugget ever found was found in Australia? You can test the level of your gold fever when you see it at the Nugget Casino in Las Vegas! Today Australia’s “gold” is agriculture…especially evident as I cross the vast landscape on my trusty road bike, Wilhelm VIII. Coming next month, the Healthy Adventurer is stopped by the police. Peace, joy and health! -Hans



& Trigger Point Pain


Written by Sally LeDuc, PT


early 50% of physical therapy patients have Myofascial (MF) pain. There are many techniques used in treatment and there are a few simple things you can do for yourself right now.

What is MF pain? The term myofascial pain was introduced by Dr. Janet Travell (1952) and is defined as regional pain characterized by trigger points, with deep-aching or burning-like referral pain, made worse with palpation (1). MF pain is a common painful muscle disorder caused by myofascial trigger points (2, 3). In the US, 14.4% of the population has chronic musculoskeletal pain, 21-93% of patients with regional pain have MF pain, and studies show that 25-54% of asymptomatic individuals have latent trigger points (4).

What are Trigger Points & Tender Points? There are two types of trigger points: active and latent. • Active trigger points cause pain at rest and in an area distant from the point (commonly called referred pain). • Palpation of an active point will reveal a tight band and elicit referred pain. • Latent trigger points do not cause pain at rest; however when palpated they do elicit pain and can restrict movement while giving a ‘sense of muscle weakness or tightness.’ Referred pain is what differentiates a trigger point from a tender point since tender points do not cause referred pain. • Tender points are usually present at muscle insertions whereas trigger points occur in the muscle belly and anywhere within the soft tissue of the body. • Generally speaking, tender points are not accompanied by tight bands.

Here’s What You Can Do. You can begin to alleviate MF pain and tightness using sustained, light or deep, pressure. One very easy technique involves the use of a small ball, e.g. tennis ball. Simply lie down on the ball or lean against the ball, using the wall for support, and apply 1-2 minutes of pressure at the painful site. After lying still, then gently begin to roll side-to-side using a small motion in order to ‘strum’ the taut band and provide further release by increasing blood flow. Another simple technique is to apply hot and cold packs. If the pain has worsened in the past 2-3 days use cold packs for 10-20 minutes at least three times a day. If the pain has been long-

standing, and has not worsened recently, use hot packs for 10-20 minutes at least three times a day. Finally, slow, easy stretching and movement exercises, which do not reproduce the referred pain, must be performed daily in order to manage MF tightness and prevent recurrence.

You can do it! Here’s to getting back to a pain-free lifestyle more quickly. References 1. Fricton, J.R. (1990). “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Characteristics and epidemiology. In Fricton, J.R. & Awad, E. (eds): Advances in Pain Research and Therapy: Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (Vol 17, pp. 107-127). New York: Raven Press. 2. Simons, D.G, Travell, JG, & Simons, LS (1999). Travell & Simons Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 3. Hong, C.Z & Hsueh, T.C. (1996). Difference in pain relief after trigger point injections in myofascial pain patients with and without fibromyalgia. Arch Phys Medicine and Rehab. 77: pp. 1161-1166. 4. Finley, J.E. (2006). Myofascial Pain. Retrieved from www.emedicine.com on 9/15/2007.

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GARDENforHEALTH a series on soil health, and how hea t hin g s. lthy soil is the is the first in e l c i t r a key to health for all living This

Keep Your


Alive This Winter

Written by Mark Farrell

“Essentially, all life depends upon the soil….There can be no life without soil, and no soil without life: they have evolved together.” - Charles Kellogg, USDA Yearbook of Agriculture, 1938 One of the most common complaints in Northern Nevada is about plants dying over the winter. Unfortunately, most gardeners don’t think about feeding or tending to their landscape until spring. If you don’t want to lose valuable plants, you need to make sure your landscape is healthy before the frost is on the pumpkin. Healthy plants are the results of healthy soil. And healthy soil, in turn, is a result of millions of healthy microorganisms building and maintaining their own intricate ecosystem, as well as digesting nutrients and feeding organisms that dwell above the surface. According to soil scientists, in just a spoonful of soil, there are more microorganisms than the number of all the people on earth. And they serve many diverse functions in the intricate process of recycling all of the other life forms on earth. For an interesting introduction to soil biology and its importance to a healthy human environment, check out the Soil Biology Primer, published by the Soil and Water Conservation Society at www.SWCS.org. It explains, in simple terms with lots of illustrations, the diverse functions of various organisms, and their importance in maintaining the soil food web.


October 2007

It also explains how soil microbes convert organic matter and mineral nutrients into the ideal food for plants. So, how do you keeps millions of organisms alive through a Northern Nevada winter? It’s not as exhausting as it sounds. Like any living organism, awake or asleep, your soil needs four basic things: air, water, food and shelter. In other words, they need a healthy environment. Applying compost and mulch to your soil helps to ensure this healthy environment, and the window of opportunity is open from now until winter sets in and the ground begins to freeze. In simple terms, compost provides food for your soil, and mulch supplies shelter. Compost is organic matter that is decomposed to the point that is a rich brown crumbly product that no longer resembles the material it was made from. Mulches, on the other hand are usually course wood fiber, bark chips or some other material which is lighter and

usually resistant to breaking down. The two work together to help regulate adequate air and water in the soil. They also help to keep the soil in place, resisting wind and water erosion. Unfortunately, some commercial composts that you buy are really just partially decomposed mulch. Any supplier of quality compost should be able to provide you with a lab analysis showing the level of nutrients available from their compost. and be able to supplement the compost with additional minerals if your soil analysis indicates a very low levels of a particular nutrient. A good compost contains a balance of nutrients that actually feed microbes in the soil, in addition to improving the chemical and physical properties of the soil. As microbial populations grow, they provide nutrients to plants and actually manage soil particles to enhance the living environment for themselves and the plants in a process called soil aggregation. In addition to feeding the soil, compost also improves the soil texture and structure, so that water and air can move more freely through the soil. It increases both the drainage and the water retention of soil. This is important in the winter, as many plants can drown from water-logged soil... or die form the desiccating effect of cold and wind. Proper soil moisture keeps plants healthy during winter dormancy. Mulch is any material that is applied to the surface of the soil to provide cover and protect the soil and plant roots. It does so by insulating the soil from temperature extremes, decreasing evaporation, and protecting the surface from erosion. Applying organic mulch in the fall is invaluable in protecting your plant roots, as well as providing an environment for your soil microbes, as well as earthworms and beneficial insects, to thrive, Purdue University has an excellent publication on the benefits of earthworms and how to encourage them that can be found online at www.ces.purdue.edu. Soil microbes will continue to work throughout the winter with this additional protection, although at a much slower pace that in warmer months. The earlier you feed your soil and tuck it in with a blanket of mulch, the more summer warmth the soil will retain In our Northern Nevada, September and October are the time to take action. A generous application of compost and mulch in the fall will insure that when it is time to wake up and start growing in the spring, your plants will already be nourished and ready to take off. For more info call Full Circle Compost at 775-267-5305. Find ad on page 51.

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So this column has adopted a new moniker. The new name reflects this Great Spirit River that flows through all of our lives metaphorically as well as the Truckee River that brings so much life to our bioregion. I barely made it through the last few months. I’ve been home here in Reno only 2 weekends out of the last 8, which has taken me from an ultimate Frisbee tournament, 2 backpacking trips, a wedding, 2 movement workshops, and a concert. No complaints on my end though as it’s been a pleasure to connect with all sorts of folks on a pretense of good circumstances. If you have been yawning through your own movie called Project Life please throw yourself into a body of cold mountain water and wake up. I say make it a thriller-romance-drama-comedy and get living on the edge of your experience. I’ve been having massive appreciation for the ability to change our perspective in life. There are always several ways of looking at a situation or theme in our lives, many of which create the flavor in our lives at any given moment. I have a poster of a salmon speckled skyline over a tropical beach on one of the walls of my house. Some days I see it as a sunrise while other days I see it as a sunset. It reminds me of the power of our frames of reference and how it colors how we see things. In this instance the meaning doesn’t matter as long as I am able to see beauty in the image.this is true in our own colorful lives as well. One question: are you aging like fine wine or like the clunker in the back 40? My advice: live large, travel wide, and stoke the ride that stokes you. Please be amazed at the yearly spectacle of the deciduous leaves turning colors and returning back to the soil. Dying is rarely so beautiful as during this process: the leaves are no longer necessary and the chloroplast degrades to chemicals that to our eyes move from green to yellow to red and all of the smears in between. The colors that are so magnificent these days have lain dormant in the leaf all summer but were invisible due to all of the active chlorophyll in the leaf generating its yearlong sustenance. October starts the process of moving the tree’s life force, sugars in this example, from its exterior back into its roots to abide the winter that’s on its way. The actions of your summer are creating your current health status just as your actions now are setting the foundation for your winter’s health reserves. Be open to change, stubborn in your commitment to it, and be prepared to laugh at the paradoxes and ironies that will surely come along. Parting question: What dominant ways of being in the world would be helpful to shed to allow the possibility of something more graceful and righteous to arrive in your life? Send me a splash of your color and let me know your thoughts, Dr. Taylor Donovan www.renohealthforlife.com 348-9642 @ Tahoe Yoga


October 2007

Natural Solutions: Vinegar – what some people say! Vinegar can be safely used for all sorts of things. HB recommends you use organic apple cider vinegar. 1. It works on athlete’s foot (much cheaper too!) 2. Dandruff problems are gone! Rinse with 2 parts vinegar: 2 parts water after shampoo. 3. Its a really great conditioner; my hair is darker and softer and I don’t need any other conditioner. 4. We use it in the washing machine and to wash the dishes (along with baking soda, works great). 5. Deodorant – splash a little white vinegar in your arm pits, let dry. Works great! 6. Helps with sore muscles – 2 cups in a bath tub and a good soak. 7. Really helps take away sunburn pain – dab on with a cotton ball. 8. Dab on active cold sores, 3 times per day. Dries up, feels better, cooler. 9. Nail polish stays on longer. Dab vinegar on your nails and let dry before polishing. Creates a better bond.


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Healthy Alternatives to Bleach To whiten and disinfect: • To whiten stains and spots on clothing: put lemon juice on the spot, rub in a bit of salt, and leave it in the sun for an hour or two. It lifts the stain. • To clean spills from potential contaminants like raw meat or eggs in the kitchen, urine in the bathroom: Straight vinegar is a great disinfectant. Keep a sponge or spray bottle with vinegar near your cutting boards for frequent use. • To whiten laminate counter tops: Bon Ami – it’s a scouring powder found at the grocery store – it removes coffee stains, raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry stains, and cleans the bottom of pots and pans.

To disinfect: • Borax: found in the supermarket near detergents. It is safe to mix with virtually any other product. Combine it with vinegar, lemon juice, or just plain water to clean virtually anything. It’s completely harmless and safe to use. Gloves and ventilation are not required unlike bleach. • Vinegar: it disinfects, kills mold, bacteria, and germs (it works because microbes and other germs can’t live in an acid environment. Note that bleach does not kill mold - it merely whitens it so you can’t see it.) Vinegar’s potency is enhanced when combined with salt, so for a really strong disinfectant add salt to your vinegar. From: broomhuggers.com and www.oeconline.org.

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Fuel Economy

Why These Numbers Really Matter

Written by James Kliesch


hen Berkeley, Calif., resident Bradley Berman drives his 2006 Toyota Prius around town, the fuel economy indicator pushes into the low 40s. That’s a far cry from the number advertised for the gasoline-electric hybrid, so Berman’s disappointment is understandable. He says, “When you see 60 mpg on the sticker for city driving, and you’re basically doing city driving but getting in the low40s, you think ‘That’s terrible!’” Berman’s numbers improve on longer trips, but they still come up short compared to the official miles per gallon estimate for the Prius. Berman should know. As the founder and editor of HybridCars.com, he hears from numerous hybrid drivers across the country who share similar experiences. For better or worse, hybrids have become the poster child for vehicles not living up to fuel economy expectations. That may be because hybrid drivers are theoretically more interested in saving oil and thus complain louder; because hybrids display real-time mpg results and thus their drivers are more aware of the results; or perhaps simply because, as the reigning mpg champ, they’re an easy target.

The truth, however, is that advertised fuel economies of all vehicles, including conventional models, have been slowly but steadily drifting from reality for more than two decades. To remedy these inaccuracies, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently changed the way it calculates


October 2007

fuel economy estimates. The new math will first affect the numbers for model year 2008 vehicles. The results will be lower, more realistic city and highway mpg estimates that “help us capture the way Americans are driving now,” says EPA spokesperson John Millett. Here’s a little perspective to help understand why the EPA made these changes. In the 1970s, the Agency developed tests designed to mimic city and highway driving conditions in a laboratory. The test results were posted on new vehicles, giving consumers valuable information during the ’70s energy crisis. The results were also used for new fuel-efficiency requirements known as Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE. The federal standards, which still exist, require automakers to meet an average mpg for all cars and trucks they sell. While automakers can produce inefficient vehicles, they must also sell more efficient models to even out their fleet’s total average. In 1985, the EPA began to reduce the results of its mpg equations by about 15 percent when it became apparent the tests no longer reflected real-world driving. Among other things, the tests did not include the use of air conditioning and speeds greater than 60 mph. Yet over the two decades since then, even more has changed. Today’s vehicles are substantially more powerful than those of yesterday and, as

a result, people are driving more aggressively. They’re also driving faster, enabled by increases in highway speed limits across the nation. Vehicle amenities have also changed. For example, 20 years ago, energy-thirsty air conditioning was optional on vehicles; today it is all but ubiquitous. Because each of these changes lowers fuel economy, tests that neglect to factor them in give artificially inflated numbers. With that in mind, the Agency’s most recent modification incorporates the results of three additional tests: cold conditions, use of air conditioning and high speed/aggressive driving. These tests, already conducted on vehicles to measure tailpipe exhaust, are now combined with the original city and highway driving tests to make a new “five-cycle” test that provides a more accurate assessment of fuel economy.

Winners and Losers So what does the change mean to you and me? For city mpg, the EPA says the numbers of most conventional vehicles, including diesels, will drop between 8 percent and 15 percent. The city mpg for hybrids will decrease between 20 percent and 30 percent. The highway mpg of most vehicles will drop from 5 percent to 15 percent; the numbers for certain hybrids may decline between 10 percent and 20 percent. (For examples, see the chart below.) Why are hybrids more susceptible to inflated mpg estimates? According to John German, manager of environmental and energy analysis with American Honda Motor Co., it has less to do with hybrid technology than with high-mpg designs. For starters, high-mpg vehicles have lower baseline fuel consumption. Thus, unlike muscle cars with oversized engines that offer additional horsepower on tap, high-mpg vehicles are more susceptible to mpg declines when they encounter higher loads, such as aggressive driving or the use of air conditioning. So by including these additional loads in the new math, German says, the results for hybrids and other efficient vehicles will be more heavily affected, even though their “increase” in fuel consumed with the new mpg estimates

is no larger than the “increase” for other, less-efficient vehicles. And, Millett says, “you’re still going to get better mileage in a hybrid.” Of course, the actual fuel economies of the vehicles aren’t changing at all. The new estimates that appear on window labels simply offer more accurate “truth in advertising.” This will help consumers in comparison shopping, and give them a more accurate idea of what their annual fuel costs would be with a specific vehicle.

in the middle of summer is a far cry from Boston in the dead of winter. Where and how a vehicle is driven; condition and care of the vehicle; the type of tires; climate and weather conditions; and use of accessories such as air-conditioning are but a handful of factors that will uniquely alter any given vehicle’s real-world mpg. Nevertheless, improving the accuracy of fuel economy labels is an important move, and another step toward increased public understanding of the extent of our country’s reliance on oil. The changes also highlight the vehicles most in need of improvement. While hybrids are fuelthrifty and are becoming increasingly popular, the steady improvements of conventional cars and trucks would have a greater impact in reducing oil consumption and global warming emissions. The good news: there are a handful of new high-mpg models available, plus super-efficient plug-in hybrids and all-electric cars are on the way.

Why are hybrids more susceptible to inflated mpg estimates?

The new numbers also won’t change fuel consumption, global warming emissions or even automakers’ federal mpg requirements. The math for CAFE regulations was set into law in the ’70s; the new math for fuel economy affects only what you see on window labels. Because of this, the new estimates will have no bearing on the auto industry’s mpg obligations. Also bear in mind that the fine print “your mileage may vary” remains true, even with the new math. It is a near-impossible task for the EPA to simulate the driving styles and driving conditions of everybody, everywhere — Death Valley

Excerpted from Natural Home magazine. Read the full story at www.naturalhomemagazine.com. Copyright 2007 Ogden Publications, Inc.


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Getting Unstuck

Kick Old Habits, Make Lasting Change. Written by Marc Hiscox


f you have an old habit you’re trying to break or something in your life you can’t seem to change, I’ve got news for you. It’s consciously not your fault. That’s right, consciously not your fault. What do I mean by that? There’s a simple reason that explains why we have difficulty changing certain aspects of our lives, like leaving a job we hate, losing weight, quitting smoking. Or why we go from one bad relationship to another. Maybe you want to be more assertive at work. Maybe you want to stop procrastinating. Maybe you want to be more confident. Maybe you want to think more positively. The bottom line: you want change. But real, lasting change still doesn’t happen no matter how hard you try. Why not? You’re not creating lasting change because your subconscious is not supporting what you consciously desire. This might sound strange at first. But it makes sense when you look at examples. That’s why some people lose weight only to gain it back again. Or why you get out of a bad relationship only to find yourself in another one. Or why some people suffer from phobias. Everyone tries so hard to make changes, but something draws them back, and they can’t figure out why. Well, its your subconscious.

outside influence. This includes your mother’s feelings during her pregnancy, your childhood, every person you ever met. Every one of your life experiences – no matter how small – is filed away in your mind. It can be something as casual as an offhand comment you heard when you were 3 years old. Or the scent of your mother’s clothes. Or the taste of your Grandma’s chocolate cake. Nothing is ever forgotten. You may not recall them, but they’re all locked tightly in your subconscious. Notice how I said you might not recall them? That’s because your mind is divided into 3 stages of consciousness: your conscious, your subconscious and your super conscious. For now, we’ll just look at your conscious and subconscious.

Your Conscious Mind and Your Actions Your conscious mind is generally there to make decisions. It sets goals and judges results. It generally focuses on the past and future. And it likes new, creative ideas. Your conscious mind contains all your shortterm memory skills. This is how you remember names during cocktail parties, quick grocery lists or errands for the day.

...your subconscious thoughts may be sabotaging you...

No matter how much you try to change, your subconscious thoughts may be sabotaging you, because they are so ingrained in you they become beliefs. Without knowing it, these subconscious beliefs keep change from happening, or keep change from lasting. Let me explain…

What’s Really Controlling Your Thoughts? All your current actions, thoughts and beliefs are dictated by what is stored in your mind. Studies show that as early as conception, your subconscious mind stores data from every


October 2007

Since your conscious mind is based on short-term memory, it figures out how to do things based on past experiences. So you quickly decide what is important, what you believe in or agree with. The interesting part is your conscious mind is mainly based on your subconscious beliefs. So your conscious takes the billions of data bits collected in your subconscious over all the years and makes decisions based off of that information. In fact, Dr. Emmanuel Donchin, Director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois says up to 99% of your conscious decisions are based on your subconscious memories.

Your Subconscious: The True Powerhouse Picture your mind as a powerful computer that stores every bit of data it sees, smells, hears or feels. For instance, your mind is so powerful that even when you’re not looking, it registers every license plate of every car you’ve ever driven past! Inside your mind is stored every conversation you had. Every TV show you’ve watched, every book you’ve read. You even continue to collect and store information when you’re unconscious under anesthesia! You’re a walking super computer of long-term memory. Your subconscious is so powerful, it’s estimated to be 1 million times more powerful than your conscious mind. By storing so much data, you learn and remember things. You develop skills and habits. For example, when you get into your car and drive, do you think about where to put your hands? Or how much pressure to put on the gas pedal? Of course not. That’s your subconscious at work. By storing so much data, your subconscious also helps you form your opinions, attitudes, values and beliefs. This dictates your day-to-day actions that make you consistently and inherently…you.

The Only Way to Make Real, Lasting Change Now let’s step back and think about all this for a moment. You’ve learned that your conscious mind makes decisions for you. And these decisions are based on past experiences. You know that up to 99% of these past experiences come from your subconscious. So if you want to make any changes in your thoughts, habits or actions, you need to make a change at the source. That is, at your subconscious. More specifically, at the level of your subconscious beliefs.

It’s Not about Willpower or Desire If you’re like most people, you’ve tried to change through planning, insightful discoveries or sheer willpower. Chances are, you were disappointed by weak results. Or the change was only temporary. That’s because these tactics only affect your conscious, not your subconscious.

Think of your subconscious as the hard drive of a computer and your conscious as the monitor. When you try to make changes by only addressing your conscious mind, it’s like typing something on your computer screen. Sure, you see the words on the screen. And it looks like it’s in your computer. But unless you hit “save,” nothing is stored in your hard drive. No change truly happened. The good news is, making permanent, lasting changes to your subconscious is easier than you might think. Depending on how you do it, it can happen very quickly. The best part is, you can change your subconscious beliefs to completely support what you want. So you can finally lose weight, be in a loving relationship, improve your health or be more successful at work. Virtually anything.

Getting “Un-stuck” There are many ways to change your subconscious beliefs. Different approaches include hypnosis, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), and Psych-K™.

The best part is, all of these approaches help you make lasting change without rehashing the past. Unlike traditional talk therapy, you don’t need to spend hours talking about yourself, reliving what went wrong and what you don’t like. That’s because when you talk about something, it only affects your conscious mind. With Psych-K™ for example, you communicate directly with your subconscious and simply tell it what you want. Then you lock in that belief to make it a reality. When you use the power of your subconscious to support your conscious desires, you will truly create positive change. Because you will finally remove mind blocks that keep you tied to old habits that hold you back. Once you clear these blocks, you can quit addictions, have more confidence, be more successful, heal a physical ailment, be in a loving relationship. In short, you will finally start manifesting your desires. For more information call Marc Hiscox, kinesiologist at (775) 267-9501. Find CRG ad on page 57.

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Burning Man:

Transfiguration & Sacred Space on the Playa

“You can’t have creativity unless you leave behind the bounded, the fixed, all the rules.” -Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth


or one week of the year for the past sixteen years, people from far and wide have sojourned to the Black Rock Desert for the annual Burning Man festival. Each year, the population grows-this year topped 47,000 participants, compared to 40,000 in 2006. What is the attraction? From what source does this seemingly gravitational pulse come? Several newspapers claim it is because Burning Man is the biggest party “you’ll ever have been to.” Certainly this is a part of Burning Man, but is it its underlying substance? Can one really deduce that Burning Man is such a cultural gravitational point is that it’s just one giant party? Let’s return to the source: to the thousands of participants, volunteers, and coordinators of the festival who truly make the event happen. By speaking with these people, perhaps we can deduce certain cultural patterns, or archetypes inherent in their experience. Many participants speak of transformation, boasting a new identity upon their return: “I feel like a new person” or “I went through a spiritual reset”. Burning Man provides this intrinsic vehicle for spiritual rebirth and renewal by providing rites of purification and, more importantly, rites of passage.


October 2007

Written by Shevawn Vontobel

Burning Man invites participants to symbolically attach the noxious elements of their mind and spirit to the effigy of the “man” and the “Temple”, both of which are consumed in flame at the end of the week. These ritual acts serve as a cleansing model that ‘purifies’ the soul and also as ‘spiritual catharsis’. The Burning Man experience provides contemporary rites of passage for individuals so inclined. Anthropologist Mircea Eliade defines rites of passages as “…rituals that mark the passage of a person through a life cycle”, and integrates that individual into the larger community, e.g., an initiation rite to mark a boy’s transition into manhood. Joseph Campbell and Margaret Mead believe that such rites of passage are erroneously lost in civilizations of stymied spirituality, leading to social ills such as neuroticism. Campbell speaks of such rites as separation, initiation, and return, which are inherently intrinsic to anyone’s experience at Burning Man. Separated from “civilization” and its cultural rules, participants are transferred to a stage of initiation or acceptance in the new community. Burning Man provides various means of ‘getting there’: trance chanting, dancing, playing, group meditations, energy work, vision quests, the list could go on. By the integrative and transpersonal experiences in which only a festival such as Burning Man provides, individuals are symbolically transformed through the rites of creative destruction. A sacred space is felt in the individual who in turn, lengthens it to meet others


as well as the community at large. Burning Man acts as an all-encompassing forum for intellectual, spiritual, and ecological growth which strives to “produce positive spiritual change in the world” to borrow the words of Larry Harvey, the founder of the festival. This year’s theme, The Green Man, was no exception; it provided a space for a large, open discussion concerning humanity’s relationship with nature. Participants experienced the imaginative blend of art and green technology: • Homouroboros, a “stroboscopic zoetrope” powered by the efforts of participants on bicycles; • Kinetic Steamworks, an art collective which powers its art through steam power and kinetic works; • Neverwas Haul, a three-story Victorian house made out of recycled materials and houses a biopeat mill powered from the waste of the camp; • Tasseograph, a teahouse made entirely from trash and found objects. Burners Without Borders (www. burnerswithoutborders.org), a group of volunteers who donate recyclable wood from Burning Man to Habitat for Humanity, pledged to provide free solar power technology to rural communities throughout Nevada. This year also housed the Green Man Pavilion, an exhibition space for new and innovative “green” technologies, as well as workshops, lectures, and interactive installations. By giving a new sense of “being” to participants, Burning Man is also giving them new rights and responsibilities: take care of oneself, each other, and our planet. For more info, contact Shevawn Vontebel at 702-286-0155.

Why Exercising is Cool for Kids Written by Ariana Purcell, 9 years old.

Ariana on a hike to Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe. Exercising is such fun, why? It gets you pumped and ready for a new day. It is one way to be healthy. Also, you are being really good to your body. Your body will thank you so much!

There are so many ways to exercise:

Like going skiing, swimming, hiking, walking, bike riding, playing out side and going to the park.

Also remember to drink water before exercising, during and after. And remember to exercise every day. For instance my favorite exercise is skiing, walking, hiking, and bike riding too. I love it so much, because it is a great exercise. What is your favorite exercise and… why? And what makes it special? Please email me with your favorite exercise at ariana@hbmag.com.

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The New

e s o c u Gl tion Revolu

Guide e v i t a t i r o The Auth cemic Index: to the Gly

ry a t e i D e h T for n o i t u l o S lth

a e H g n o Lifel

, . Wolever T , r le il M A. Leeds d n & a r , ll B e . J w y o B r-P i, K. Foste r iu g la o C S. Reviewed By June Milligan


ell, with a title like that, it’s easy to be put off. But the original book sold over 600,000 copies, and this newly revised and updated edition has even more features. It’s been praised by dozens of prominent health experts and is widely recognized as an authoritative source by doctors, authors, researchers, professors of nutrition, and coaches. This book explains how low glycemic index (GI) foods work to offer major health benefits for everyone. The


October 2007

main author, Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller, has championed the GI approach to nutrition for more than 20 years. I first heard about GI in Australia 5 years ago. All the research in this book was done in Australia and New Zealand. Labs which continue the research are also in Canada, the UK, Finland and the Netherlands. So what is the glycemic index? It’s a measure of carbohydrate quality. Not all carbohydrates (sugars and starches) affect the body equally. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glu-

cose into the bloodstream gradually, have low GI values. They help you to feel full longer, help you maintain a healthy weight and provide you with more consistent energy throughout the day. They can also have a major effect on the way your body functions and whether or not you develop health problems. Eating the right kind of carbohydrates can positively affect your health today – and over the course of your entire life. Why? Well, you probably know that your blood sugar (glucose) levels rise and fall all day, helping determine how you feel and how your body functions. Simply put, high GI foods cause a spike in your blood glucose levels. This highenergy spike then falls quickly, causing the “fatigued” feeling not long afterwards, which causes you to crave more of the same kind of carbs. The chemistry of how carbs affect the body is complex. But this book helps simplify the information, and offers cutting edge findings on the glycemic index, having to do with weight control, diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart health, children’s nutrition and peak athletic performance. It gives you a high/low GI index for 80 different foods, offers 45 low GI recipes for healthy, delicious dishes and gives you a list of healthy portable snacks. This book tells you why Basmati rice is much healthier than Jasmine, why rolled or steel cut oats are much healthier than regular or instant oats, why al dente pasta is healthier than the overcooked version, why Asian noodles such as hokkein, udon and rice vermicelli have desirably low GI values. The New Glucose Revolution is essential reading for everyone with dia-

Hypnosis betes and pre-diabetes, offering an alternative to hard-to-follow, misguided and often counterproductive dietary restrictions. Many people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes find that despite doing all the “right” things, their blood glucose levels fluctuate excessively or remain too high. If you or someone you are caring for has diabetes, this book will give you the know-how to choose the right kind of carbohydrate for optimum blood glucose control. It’s also for those who want to prevent these conditions in the first place, and to improve their overall health. Particularly in the last decade, research conducted by scientists around the world has underscored – not only to us, but to many individual experts and health-related authorities worldwide – that the glycemic index of foods has implications for everybody. It is truly a glucose revolution, in that a growing mountain of research on the GI has permanently changed the way we understand carbs and their effect on our bodies.

• who are overweight or obese • who are at a normal weight but have too much fat around the middle (abdominal fat) • with higher than desirable blood glucose levels • with high triglyceride levels and low HDL cholesterol • with metabolic syndrome (syndrome X) • with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

New research also indicates that a low GI diet may be helpful in delaying or preventing agerelated macular degeneration.

Knowing this information helps people: • with type 1 diabetes • with type 2 diabetes • with pre-diabetes • with gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) • with hypoglycemia or low blood glucose

• with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) • who want to prevent all of the above and live a healthier life • new research also indicates that a low GI diet may be helpful in delaying or preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

The reason this book can help you is simple: high blood glucose levels are a key undesirable characteristic of all these above-listed conditions, with both short and long term adverse effects. This book will show you how to better manage your blood glucose levels by understanding and making the best use of the glycemic index. Authors are Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller, Dr. Thomas M.S. Wolever, Kaye FosterPowell and Dr. Stephen Colagiuri. Go to Amazon.com if you wish to read examples of how the information in this book has helped people with different types of health challenges. Find ad on this page.

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feng shui: T

raditional vs. new age Feng Shui –is there a difference? Absolutely! Traditional Feng Shui is a science that provides a way to analyze the unseen energies (chi or qi) of a structure and its surroundings, allowing us to understand the effects on the occupants and the outcome of most situations. Despite the popularity of Feng Shui, the majority of people are unfamiliar with what traditional has to offer because most everything written or publicized is new age feng shui. Feng Shui is not mystical, religious or fantasy and it is not about crystals, mirrors, flutes, toads and bagua maps. Nor is it interior decorating. It is about energy and how energy moves. If you believe crystals, toads or burning candles will bring you something, it is the power of your intention that creates the manifestation. This is known as the Law of Attraction, not Feng Shui. Hanging crystals from the ceiling does not disperse energy, it obstructs the flow of energy. The same

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October 2007

Ancient Wisdom for

Modern Living Written by Rebecca Moore

thing goes for beams. Do you really think hanging flutes on a beam is going to fix the problem? The only way to fix the problem is to remove the beam. Mirrors are among the worst things to have around the house. Mirrors reflect and push energy so the more mirrors and the bigger the mirrors, the worse it affects your thinking and emotions. And a mirror behind the stove means nothing. In the old times the fire pit was the most important thing because it fed the family. How does a mirror fit into this picture? On a small scale, Feng Shui is used for an existing home or business, to locate a new home or business and to design a home or business. On a large scale, Feng Shui is used to design shopping centers, business parks, mass developments and cities. Each structure is treated individually – there is no onechart method for reading a building. What may be good for one could be detrimental to another. And, not everything is “fixable.” Sometimes we have to use the secret formula: MOVE. Most modern homes designed today are not considered favorable. If you want the perfect home, it can be designed specifically for you and your family.

Some important aspects of your home are the location and shape of the house and the location of the front door. The front door is considered “the mouth of qi” and it should be visible from the front, be located on the front side and there should not be trees or poles blocking the door. Traditional Feng Shui states that if you are a social person, you should avoid a house at the end of a culde-sac; if you have children, you should avoid a triangle shaped lot; if you want good health and wellness, you should avoid vaulted ceilings. Other things that affect health are the locations of toilets, fireplaces, kitchens, trees, septic tanks, wells, air-conditioners and annual energies. The best shaped house is square or rectangular because the energy can flow smoothly. Avoid living next to airports, hospitals, graveyards, churches, schools, fire/police stations and nightclubs. Bedrooms are very important because this is where people spend the most time. They should be clean, free of clutter, not too dark or too bright and with minimal furniture. If there is an attached bathroom, the door should always be kept shut. Bedrooms should be used only as bedrooms – there should be no desks, computers or altars. The

head of the bed should always be against the wall, never to a corner and all 3 sides should be open and free of clutter. Avoid bunk beds for children because they affect the nervous system. The most important aspects are the bedroom and bed energies of which only highly trained consultants can read and change. Your home and its surroundings tell a story about “you.” Your house has energy. You have energy. Each member of your family has energy. When we analyze all the energies together, we can determine your personality, the condition of your health, how your children behave and your earning capability. Everything has a vibration: colors, shapes, sizes, door widths and desk and bed heights. Feng Shui can be used to attract/enhance relationships, increase energy levels, improve health, increase earning potential, help hyperactive or low energy children, improve study habits and for problems with conception. The best way to change your life is to change the energy around you. How is the energy of your home or business?



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Outer Leg Pain

aka: Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome


he Iliotibial (IT) band is a tough group of fibers that run along the outside of the thigh. It begins at the hip and extends to the outer side of the shin bone (tibia) just below the knee joint. Iliotibial Band Syndrome is due to inflammation of this band. The IT band acts primarily as a stabilizer during running and may become irritated from overuse. The pain is generally felt on the outside (lateral) aspect of the knee or lower thigh. IT Band Friction Syndrome is often predisposed by overuse, training errors or faulty biomechanics. Running on slanted roads can tilt the pelvis because one leg is forced to be longer than the other. The biomechanical abnormalities that may lead to IT band problems include: excessive pronation of the foot, leg length discrepancy, lateral pelvic tilt, and “bowed” legs. Muscle tightness or lack of flexibility in the gluteal or quadriceps muscles may exacerbate IT band injuries.

What can be done/Chiropractic Treatment: Chiropractic management of ITB friction syndrome is a multi-step process beginning with reducing the stress on the ITB. This may include manual therapy of muscles (usu-

Written by Aric Gomez, DC ally the TFL and Lateral Rectus being the problem areas), adjustments for proper alignment of the hips or ankles and physical therapy modalities such as muscle stimulation and ultrasound to reduce inflammation and scar tissue.

At Home Care!! 1. Reduce inflammation with icing after activity and throughout the day. (15 min. w/thin paper towel barrier - at least one hour between icing) 2. Massage the TFL or any lumps within the IT band and Lateral Rectus muscle 3. Supplement w/ Bromelain (proteolytic enzyme that helps with the reduction of inflammation). 4x/day on an empty stomach - up to 1,000 to 2,000 Mg/day 4. See ITB stretches on www.HBMag.com Note - do not use in conjunction with warfarin or other blood thinning agents. For additional information call Dr. Aric Gomez at 329-5599, Find ad on this page.

Visit our website at www.HBMag.com 29


Success Story of The Week:

Monsanto’s Bovine Growth Hormone Being Driven Off The Market

Ear Candeling

There’s nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing or sinus headache.


ar Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution, after it dries the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is placed into the ear opining and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame of top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt, & residue from past medications. Ear Candling can also help with dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection) sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment. For more information or to set up an appointment contact Karen at Therapeutic Skin Care 337-2525. Find ad on page 43.


October 2007

The Organic Consumers Association has been working to educate and mobilize consumers and retailers (for example Starbucks) to boycott milk and dairy products derived from Monsanto’s recombinant (genetically engineered) Bovine Growth Hormone since our founding in 1998. The synthetic hormone is banned in most of the world, due to its links to prostate and breast cancer. Although it is still being injected into thousands of dairy herds in the U.S., grassroots pressure from healthminded consumers and public interest groups, like the OCA, have caused Starbucks, Chipotle, and many supermarket chains to put pressure on their dairy suppliers to stop using the drug. Monsanto is furious that OCA and our allies have educated consumers about the dangers of rBGH, but with recent polls showing 80% of consumers concerned about artificial hormones in their food, there’s little that the biotech giant can do to stop rBGH from being driven off the market. Here are some recent marketplace developments: • California Dairies, which produces 8% of the milk supply in the US, has banned the use of rBGH. • Food retail giant Kroger recently announced they will be banning rBGH in all of their stores by February 2008. • All milk produced in Oregon is now rBSTfree. • In May, Publix Super Markets, with 900 stores in the South, went rBST-free in its branded milk products. Learn more: http://www.organicconsumers.org/rbghlink.cfm



as an antibiotic Written by Antonio Zamora

Plants have evolved to defend themselves chemically from insects, yeasts, and fungi. Since ancient times, garlic has been claimed to cure a variety of conditions. Although many claims about garlic remain unconfirmed by modern research, its antibiotic properties can be clearly demonstrated. The Petri dish, above, shows the powerful inhibition of bacterial growth by garlic.[1] A study conducted at the University of California Irvine Medical Center showed that garlic juice, even when diluted significantly, has antibacterial activity against many pathogenic bacteria including antibiotic-resistant staphylococci, enterococci, and Pseudomonas.[2]


ver since life emerged on Earth, organisms have been waging chemical warfare against each other. One of the earliest examples was the poisoning of anaerobes by oxygen-producing cyanobacteria, 2.5+ billion years ago. The oxygen produced by photosynthetic organisms on the surface of the earth makes life possible for us today, and anaerobes seek refuge in the deep and dark recesses of the biosphere.

Eating raw garlic can sometimes provide relief for an upset stomach caused by spoiled food. This remedy can be a tasty treat: Make a sauce by grating half a tomato, add 2 cloves of crushed raw garlic, one teaspoon of olive oil, and a dash of salt and pepper. Spoon the sauce onto a slice of toasted bread, and eat to your health! [1] Inquiry Lab: Spices as Antibiotics [2] Lee YL, Cesario T, Wang Y, Shanbrom E, Thrupp L, Antibacterial activity of vegetables and juices, Nutrition, 2003 Nov-Dec; 19(11-12): 994-6.

For more info, http://scientificpsychic.com/blog/2007/07/30/ antibacterial-properties-of-spices-and-condiments/

For millennia, humans have used salt, alcohol, and vinegar as preservatives for food. Alcohol is the product of fermentation by yeast, whereas vinegar is the result of fungal fermentation. In 1676 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, the inventor of the microscope, published his first observations of single-celled organisms which now we characterize as bacteria, yeasts, and protozoa. It was only in the nineteenth century that Louis Pasteur’s experiments determined that food fermentation was caused by microorganisms that could be killed by heat. In 1945, bacteriologist Alexander Fleming succeeded in isolating the antibiotic substance penicillin from a mold that had contaminated and suppressed growth of his bacterial cultures.

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The Healing Properties of

Aloe Vera Written by Dr. Kurt Grange

The aloe vera plant looks like a cactus, but you can’t use it to make tequila! However, you can do a bunch of other good things with it. Aloe vera is actually a member of the Lily family. The tender portion of the fresh aloe leaf has been eaten as a healthy, nourishing food for centuries. Ancient Egyptian carvings indicate that it has been a cherished plant since 4000 B.C. While folklore can be a reliable source of medicinal information, the secrets of aloe vera’s true health benefits were virtually unknown in the modern world. In 1981, Dr. Clinton Howard Ph.D., founder of Carrington Laboratories, initiated the first serious research project to discover and evaluate all of the chemical and biological properties of aloe. This study led to the isolation of aloe’s components and revealed its numerous health and nutrition properties. Aloe grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Of the 240+ species of aloe, only four are recognized as having nutritional and health value. Of the four, aloe barbadensis has been found to produce the best health results and is the type of aloe used in most of the high-end commercial products. Studies and research using aloe barbadensis have shown it to decrease oxidative DNA damage. It also significantly inhibited superoxide anion formation. Superoxide anion is a type of free radical that can have dangerous “mutating” effects


October 2007

on the fragile DNA in our cells. Current research demonstrates that active components of aloe barbadensis called anthraquinones, strengthen and support the immune system. Many people are familiar with aloe as a topical treatment for minor burns, sores, bites and other skin irritations. Aloe vera does all that and more. The active ingredients in aloe are eight chains of mannose sugars, sometimes referred to as long chain polysaccharides or glyconutrients (glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid). Scientists determined that these eight sugars or super carbohydrates, frequently missing in the diet, are important to intercellular communication. Glycoproteins (on the surface of every cell) serve as signals to tell other cells who they are and what they need. If the cells do not have enough of the right sugars, they cannot make the correct glycoproteins, and the cell-to-cell messages become disrupted. Subsequently, the immune system cannot effectively wage an offensive against bacterial and viral pathogens or rapidly dividing cancer cells. The sugars of aloe ensure that internal networking (cell-to-cell communication) is swift and accurate. Folk studies and applications indicate that consuming aloe vera may help enhance natural resistance to bacteria, parasites, and fungus including candida albicans. Reports continue to reveal and support the healthful properties of these plant compounds. Some of the documented results of using aloe vera are as follows. • The use of aloe helps sooth minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations. It also enhances fibroblast function. Fibroblasts are the cells responsible for collagen formation. Therefore, aloe may help support proper joint and muscle mobility. • Because of aloe’s ability to repair collagen and elastin, aloe vera can help maintain healthy skin. The skin replenishes itself every 21 to 28 days. Using the nutritional building blocks of aloe vera, the skin can combat the effects of aging. • Aloe juice has been used for centuries to soothe the stomach and related gastrointestinal upset. Aloe vera naturally, and with regular use, allows the body to cleanse the digestive system. Aloe vera has natural, detoxifying abilities and may

improve bowel regularity and increase protein absorption, while at the same time decrease unfriendly bacteria and yeast. Aloe vera has also demonstrated an ability to assist in soothing heartburn and acid reflux. Research results indicate improved gastrointestinal flora (friendly bacteria), reduced yeast, decreased bacterial putrefaction in the colon and improved elimination. Aloe vera may also act as a naturally mild antacid and improve protein digestion when taken with meals. Clinical improvements in intestinal function during this study included reduced bloating after meals and reduced gas (flatulence). • The use of aloe vera has been shown to be a natural support for the immune system. According to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Acemannan, an active compound found in aloe, has been reported to be a potent immune stimulant. It is thought to work by increasing the activity of macrophage cells (an immune system cell that destroys abnormal cells), as well as releasing immune system enhancers thereby helping to prevent or treat cancer. • Properly prepared aloe vera retains its minerals and vitamins: Some of the minerals found in aloe vera include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin.. • Aloe vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to inhibit inflammation without side effects. • Amino acids are what our body uses as building blocks to create and replace tissue. There are twenty amino acids that the body needs on a daily basis. Eight of the twenty are called essential amino acids and cannot be made by the body. All eight and others are present in the aloe plant! Once the biological and medicinal properties of the aloe vera were revealed, many companies wanted to cash in on the new health craze. How-

ever, most of the commercial methods developed to meet the demand for aloe products were shown to actually damage the natural make-up of aloe vera gel and reduce its effectiveness. Techniques used by companies to produce aloe vera drinks and gel include: • Large pulp filtration: Removes a large portion of the aloe juices and its natural ingredients. • High temperature concentration: Removes water along with water-soluble ingredients. Products are often mislabeled as “concentrate.” • “Whole” leaf process: Contaminates the gel with yellow sap. It is often falsely labeled as “mucopolysaccharide enhanced,” “polysaccharide enhanced” or “cold process,” even though the gel has been heated. • Decolorized: Filters with charcoal, or other materials, removing the natural organic and beneficial components of aloe. • Enzymes added: Cellulase is added to reduce pulp, which breaks down the long chain polymers. Irish moss is added to artificially reproduce the thickness of aloe gel. • Other processes, which produce an aloe “concentrate”, involve boiling the water, resulting in a substantial loss of the all-important polysaccharides. If a person wishes to gain the most benefit from aloe supplements, gel or drinks, they should look for products that are approved by the International Aloe Science Council (which sets the standard for the aloe industry). Proper product production begins with prime grade, freshly harvested aloe leaves. The skin and sap should be removed and the pulp milled into a liquid gel. (Note: products that use the leaves or sap produce an inferior product.) The gel should be processed using methods which block the enzymatic breakdown of aloe without the use of sulfites. To ensure the safety, efficacy and integrity of the aloe vera product, a process called “Flash Pasteurization” should be used. This quickly heats the product to eliminate

any possibly harmful bacteria without denaturing the polysaccharides. If a company has removed the “sap” of the aloe during processing, it is safe for pregnant women. The sap is a laxative component of the aloe vera plant and should not be consumed by pregnant women or those who should avoid laxatives. So, smear it on, drink it, chew it, take it in capsule form, etc. but definitely add properly prepared ALOE VERA to your health regime. References: 1. Ralamboranto, L et al. Study of antitumoral properties and contribution to the chemical nature and active principle. Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar, 1982, 50:1, 227-56. 2. Reynolds, T et al. Aloe Vera Leaf Gel: A Review Update. J Ethnopharmacol, Dec 1999, 68:1-3, 3-37. 3. Kim, HS et al. In vitro chemoprotective effects of plant polysaccharides. Carcinogenesis, Aug 1999, 20:8, 1637-40. 4. Brossat, JY et al. Protection in mice by fraction F1 against infections by Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia pestis, Candida albicans and Plasmodium berghei. Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar, 1981, 48:1, 11-34. 5. Sydiskis, RJ et al. Inactivation of enveloped viruses by anthraquinones extracted from plants. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Dec 1991, 35:12, 2463-6. 6. Bland, J. Effect of orally consumed aloe vera juice on gastrointestinal function. 7. The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030, www.mdanderson. org/departments/CIMER/

For more info, contact Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D. at doctorgrange@aol.com or call: 775-825-7727. Find ad on inside front cover.

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Whole Wheat

Pumpkin & Ricotta


Written by Jillana Miller


t is October and pumpkins are everywhere! From pumpkin patches to Jack-o-lanterns, to a pumpkin latte at local coffee shops; it is the season to harvest and celebrate pumpkins, with all their extraordinary qualities!

kin, bright lemon zest and fresh pasta, each bite is heavenly! So, fall into this dish and enjoy!

Apart from their beautifully vibrant orange appearance, pumpkins provide exceptional nutritional benefits and a comforting fall flavor. Pumpkins contain the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, beta-carotene. They are also rich in vitamin A, potassium and high in fiber.

1 1/2 cups pumpkin (pumpkin puree or cubed and oven roasted at 400F until tender and then mash) 1/2 cup part skim ricotta cheese 1 egg The zest of one lemon 2 tablespoons fresh thyme 1/4 cup grated Romano cheese Salt and pepper to taste

Pumpkin can be prepared in a plethora of delicious ways. One of my favorites is pumpkin ravioli. Below is a recipe that takes the traditional Italian dish of ravioli in a light and healthy direction. With the sweet roasted pump-

Ingredients: For the Pumpkin filling

Combine all ingredients (except for the Romano cheese) into a medium sized bowl and mix until all ingredients are evenly dispersed, or pulse in a food processor until smooth.

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Ingredients: For the whole wheat pasta dough

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour 1 egg 1 egg white 1 table spoon Olive Oil 6-10 tablespoons water Mix the flours and salt in a small mixing bowl. Now pour the flours onto a clean surface and create a deep well in the middle. Add the eggs and water into the well and whisk with a fork. Begin shoveling small amounts of flour into the well, mixing a little at a time until all the flour and wet mixture come together. Finish by kneading the dough until smooth and then form it into a ball. Cover the dough and let it rest for 30 min. Cut the dough into three pieces and roll it out to about the thickness of a crepe or as thin as possible; then cut the raviolis. The smaller the ravioli, the more difficult to assemble, so I recommend a shape at least 3 inches wide. Round cookie cutters or the top of a small glass, work great to cut uniform ravioli pieces. To assemble, add a dollop of pumpkin filling to the center of one ravioli piece, and a sprinkle of Romano cheese. Wet the edges of the ravioli with your finger. Place the top piece over the filling and seal the edges by pinching them. When completed, boil the ravioli for about 2-3 minutes and drain. Top the ravioli with sautéed shallots, heirloom tomatoes and olive oil. These ravioli are wonderfully flavorful, and are perfect with a very light sauce. Yum!


Cappellini Pomodoro Pasta: Spiralize some fresh zuchinni, about 5 small or 3 medium. Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with sea salt or Himalayan salt. Squeeze out some of the extra liquid before serving.

Marinated Mushrooms: Lightly chop mushrooms (about 2 cups or to preference) then marinate them in Nama shoyu or Tamari sauce for 30-60 minutes (longer is ok).

Sauce: 5 medium tomatoes 1 lg stalk celery 1/4 c onion 1/2 c fresh basil (packed) 2 T fresh oregano (packed) 3 cloves fresh garlic or to taste 3 T lemon juice 2 T olive oil 1/4 c Nama shoyu or tamari 1-2 T agave or 2-3 dates





Blend all sauce ingredients in a Food Processor so that it is blended well but has a very slightly chunky texture (like gazpacho –you can also eat this as a soup).

To assemble:

mushrooms over the pasta and pour the sauce over the entire dish serve chilled or warmed to room temperature.


In a large flat bowl or baking dish place For more information, contact Schall the pasta("EGIN PDF 0first. Then evenly distribute Adams at 775 412-1891.









For past Raw Foods Recipes, visit our website: www.HBMag.com


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Chewing Well The Salivary Glands •Partners for Life• Written by Kelly Reith, BA, RHN


e all know how to chew our food well and that this simple act helps digestion. The liter or more of saliva that our mouths produce every day also aids digestion. But chewing our food well and allowing it to be coated with our mouths’ saliva can lead to digestive magic. The following words are just a reminder of what all that chewing, saliva, and chewing combined with saliva can do.

Chewing Chewing your food, even without the aid of saliva, can help your body begin to digest your food. Here are a few examples: •Chewing well grinds food into small bits, allowing it to be more easily swallowed. Ever try swallowing a poorly chewed food? It actually hurts on the way down the esophagus. You can feel the food tear and scrape your throat. •Well-chewed bits of food are more easily coated with digestive juices once in the stomach. The body uses less of its


October 2007

energy to digest well-chewed food than hastily chewed and swallowed food.

or potentially damages the walls of the esophagus.

•Chewing well also allows the molecules of nutrients from the chewed food to be more quickly released and assimilated.

•It is important to oral hygiene. The mouth is almost constantly flushed with saliva, which flushes away food debris and protects your teeth from decay. Saliva can actually kill some bacteria.

•Keeping a food in the mouth longer and chewing it well allows the food’s flavours to be recognized by the tongue. When the tongue recognizes the flavour it sends a message to the brain, which in turn sends messages to the digestive system resulting in the release of the correct digestive juices needed for that food.

Saliva Saliva can do a few things on its own as well: •It moistens the molecules of dry foods so that we can taste the foods when we eat them. We aren’t able to distinguish many flavours in dry food. •It binds masticated food bits into a bolus, which we can swallow easily. •It lubricates the esophagus. In fact, the bolus of masticated food never touches

But where does all this saliva come from? You have 3 pairs of major salivary glands and a few minor pairs located throughout your mouth. The salivary glands create saliva, which is then secreted into your mouth via the salivary ducts. Sounds pretty obvious, doesn’t it? Well here are a few of the less obvious facts about the three main salivary glands: • The first pair of salivary glands to be considered here are the Parotid Glands. These glands, located just under the ears, produce a serous solution. The oral serous solution is clear and watery, and contains the digestive enzyme amylase, also known as ptyalin. It is no wonder that these salivary glands are the ones most associated with carbohydrate di-

gestion. The ducts for these glands are near your upper teeth.

helps the body to fully digest raw vegetables and receive their nutrients.

• The Sublingual glands are located under the tongue and produce a saliva that is primarily mucous. Mucous saliva is thick and gluey. It binds the masticated (chewed) food into a bolus as well as lubricating the esophagus. The ducts for these glands are located on the floor of your mouth.

Don’t forget – even the most pureed soup or juiced veggies need to be ensalivated. Swish nutrient-rich liquids around in your mouth before you swallow. The carbohydrates present in the soup or juice can be partially digested by your saliva.

• The Submaxillary glands, also known as the Submandibular glands, are located near the jawbone, secrete both serous and mucous saliva. The saliva reaches your oral cavity via ducts located under your tongue. The Submaxillary glands and the Sublingual glands also produce salivary amylase.

Partners in Health You now know what chewing well on its own can accomplish, what saliva on its own can accomplish, and even a bit about where that litre (+) of saliva that you produce every day comes from. Now let’s put it all together: • Chewing well combined with saliva are partners in digestion. We all know that chewing well and mixing your food bits with saliva leads to carbohydrate digestion but did you know eating protein-rich meals actually decreases the amount of salivary amylase produced? Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal leads to a slight increase in the amount of salivary amylase produced in your mouth. • Saliva acts as a first defense against bacterial infection. By chewing food well and creating more surface area on which the saliva can act, more potential food-borne bacteria can be killed. • The bicarbonate in saliva may activate the enzyme cellulase found in raw vegetables. The enzyme cellulase digests the fibre cellulose. Together bicarbonate and cellulase begin to digest the raw vegetables. Chewing well also helps to break down the cellulose. However, the combination of the saliva and chewing

Chewing well and tasting your food is just plain common sense. The fact that our body produces a substance (saliva) that makes chewing, tasting, and swallowing easier is a bonus to our vitality.

Chewing well and saliva – each have their own merits. It’s when they work together that we can really appreciate the partnership that nature has created for us. The Macrobiotic Guide. For more information go to: http://www.macrobiotics. co.uk/

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Seasoning Up




ou may have seen me recently smiling for no reason while exercising around our fantastic town: on a bike, running along the river, hiking Galena or Hunter Creek, walking in the old southwest neighborhoods, or playing ultimate Frisbee at Idlewild Park. A cooling stretch has made its mark upon a pretty hot and dry summer for us northern Nevadans and by the time you read this the green leaves will have given way to autumn’s colorful harvests.

We often times think of super-sizing in terms of fast food gimmicks and food portions. If you apply the super-size mentality away from our food choices and apply it to our awareness some interesting and powerful frames of reference are germinated. When we turn our focus to the larger perspective of our local ecology and planet we can truly see things in right size. When we see the landscape changing in response to the seasonal dynamics, this often times gives us permission to change as well. When we look at the natural world as an elegant and integrated system we can see we are created in its likeness. Living with the rhythms in the landscape allows for change to be a force for supportive growth and effective pruning.


October 2007

We are the only animal that demands a predictably comfortable life which causes copious amounts of stress because our lives are built upon a swashbuckling and shifting ever-present. To strike a resilient balance between change and predictability I highly advocate incorporating the essence of change into your planned activities. One fantastic way to do this is to integrate the living earth as a template for how and when to change. On a monthly basis the changing phases of the moon can move you from a waxing cycle of outward busyness to a waning cycle of internal stillness. The seasonal cycles of our journey around the sun and the earth’s tilt on her own axis provide the necessary changes in nutrition and outdoor activities to provide consistent and congruent growth for each of us. I encourage incorporating these changes into your lifestyle because it is extremely rewarding, timely, and maximizes the quality of your experience. Let us not forget that

Written by Taylor Donovan

it’s taken thousands of years to arrive at our current situation in life and that trial and error through godvolution has created a body that was intended to adapt to circumstance and challenge over time, not overnight. Our faith in the promises of technology and blind trust in science and its studies to save us has garbled the simple messages of common sense behavior and solutions thinking. This is part of the reason why kids get Ritalin before they get exercise for ADD, why lifestyle medications are used to treat obesity and heart disease versus exercise and nutrition, why prevention these days simply means early detection of pathology without mention of lifestyle changes.

You are continually creating your life... dance and play the tune that transitions you are. markThetheseasonal turning point of

the way we spend our days when we are wired to enjoy the natural world. Days with more sunlight, temperatures conducive to growing in, and the easy outdoor living circumstances of autumn draws us into the natural world. In my studies of

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centenarians I have found that they always incorporate a lifestyle whose texture is defined by the shifting ecology and weather. If a long, functional life is one of your goals you’d benefit from adopting this into your life if you haven’t already. Part of enriching and deepening one’s quality of life involves a rapport with the natural world and its effects on one’s way of living in the world. I am a huge advocate of quality of life and a proponent for each of us to use the quality in our lives as a barometer to measure success. Our health after all is not the destination but rather the vehicle we utilize to gain purchase on fantastic destinations of our choosing. When we have our health the world is an open invitation to possibility. Healthy and happy people tend to live longer and more fulfilling lives and contribute to the experience of those around them in a positive and supportive way. You’ll be happy to know that living at or near 4,200 feet is the elevation where most well aged cultures reside. Reno is at 4,400 and higher altitude training is available close by. Incorporate the following seasonal eating tips to get a taste of food at the time it’s intended to be consumed by nature: apples and walnuts, sunflower seeds, zucchini and other squash, cabbages, peppers and tomatoes, plus many grains and beans. Also emphasize the more warming spices and seasonings including ginger, peppercorns, cayenne, or mustard seed. Contact me for more seasonal lifestyle suggestions and food choices. Making contact with your creative, volitional self is vital this time of year. Which attitudes and behaviors do you want to grow and which others would you like to prune? What do you need to express to feel free? You are continually creating your life, be aware of this, and dance and play the tune that you are. The seeds of your experience today will become the harvest of your future. It’s no wonder that plan and plant come from the same root word. Get in touch, get connected, and get involved. You are the person you’ve been waiting for and there’s no time like the present to commit to a healthy and seasoned lifestyle. For more information, visit www.renohealthforlife.com and www.tahoeyoga.com. Find ad on page 53.

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The Hidden Benefits of


veryone knows that exercise is good for your heart and helps you stay slimmer, but did you know that exercise also improves your balance? Helps you sleep better at night? Puts you in a good mood? Learn more about the hidden benefits of exercise to help motivate your exercise habits.

Energize With Exercise Routine exercise will increase your energy level. Exercise will make you feel great and you’ll be able to take on more than you ever thought possible. Regular exercise also decreases your chance of developing fatigue and exhaustion. So instead of feeling run down, go for a run. Find out more about exercise and energy.

Want Better Sex? Exercise More Better sex has been linked to higher levels of physical activity. The more you exercise, the better your circulation and the more sensitive you are to sexual pleasure. Frequent exercise will also help your body image, allowing you to relax more during sex. Find out more reasons that exercise can improve your sex life.

Exercise Improves Sleep Exercise, especially morning exercise, can improve your sleep quality. Researchers believe that morning exercise helps to set your body clock each day, that makes you awake during the day and tired at night. Try some morning exercise for a week and see if your sleep improves.

Keep Your Brain Sharp by Exercising Your Body If you thought Sudoku was a great brain workout, try playing tennis. Physical activity requires a lot of participation from our brain. In exercise, you must make quick decisions, judgment calls, find the best strategies and learn to stay centered. People who remain physically active as they age have a reduced risk of dementia and cognitive decline. Learn more about exercise, brain health and aging.

Exercise and Be Happy When you exercise, your body releases chemicals that make you feel good. These chemicals can improve your body and help you relax. Exercise also makes you feel good about yourself. Learn more about how exercise can improve your mood and even help ease the symptoms of mild to moderate depression.


October 2007

Exercise Written by Mark Stibich, Ph.D.

Exercise Adds Years to Your Life Not only does exercise add years to your life, it also increases the number of years that you live without disease or disability. If you are 65, adding in exercise now can add over 5 additional years of disability free living (on average). If you are younger than 65, the benefits can be even greater. So live longer and live better by exercising.

Fight Colds With Exercise Exercise improves your immune system. People who are physically active are less likely to catch a cold. And if you have a mild cold, a little bit of exercise can help speed your recovery. So increase the power of your immune system by going for a walk, joining the gym or dusting off your bike and going for a ride.

Exercise Your Bones Your bones need stimulation to stay strong. Weight bearing exercises help increase your bone density and strength. Be sure to include exercises like running or walking that put weight one your bones. And don’t forget to add in some resistance and weight training too. Find out more about bone health and exercise.

Exercise Improves Balance Regular exercise can improve your sense of balance. This is especially important as you age. Lack of balance can lead to falls and hip fractures. Follow these simple instructions for balance exercises that you can do at home. Research has shown that exercises like these will reduce your risk of falling.

Be Social - Exercise Exercise is a great way to meet people and be more social. There are plenty of group exercise activities that you can do that will give you both physical and social benefits. Be sure to work at least one social exercise routine into your week – both your physical and social health will improve. Learn some ways to make exercise social. For more information, see Longevity at About.com.

Ultra Cool : What sound waves can say about your health Written by Denise Sloan Smart

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When these two imaging techniques It looks like a high-tech device with are combined, your doctor can: a television screen – and uses technol- • See how quickly – or slowly – blood ogy similar to the sonar used by bats to is moving through vessels. navigate and zero in on their prey. But • Get an idea of the diameter of your it’s not out of a comic book – its modern blood vessels. medicine – today’s ultrasound. It can tell your doctor quite a lot about the • Find areas where blood flow is obhealth of your circulatory system, non- structed. invasively. “It might even help save your • Identify blood clots, plaque or other life by finding problems that could lead potential problems. to a stroke or heart attack,â€? said Michael “The images can be used to find Cullen, Chief Radiology Technologist at and treat diseases that put you at high Barton Memorial Hospital. risk for heart attack or stroke, such as What is vascular ultrasound? Ultra- atherosclerosis or peripheral arterial sound uses high-frequency sound waves disease or PAD,â€? Cullen said. (emitted from a small, handheld device For most ultrasound examinations, outside of your body) to show what’s you will be asked to lie on a movegoing on inside your body. able examining table. A clear gel is Barton Memorial Hospital just applied on the skin over the area to be received its second such piece of di- examined. This helps the ultrasound’s agnostic equipment. “Now we can see transducer make good contact with more patients, in more departments and the skin. The transducer is a handheld cut patient waiting time,â€? Cullen said. device that is moved over the skin and Unlike the static snapshot of an X-ray, sends sound waves into your body. It ultrasound images are moving. They are also receives the returning echo, which seen in real time, can be recorded or is translated into an image on the ulcaptured as still images. trasound machine’s screen. Two types of ultrasound can be If you listen closely during a Dopused to view your circulatory system pler ultrasound, you may hear the in motion: changes in pitch as your blood flow is Vascular ultrasound allows your doc- measured by sound. A healthy blood tor to see your body’s veins and arteries, flow has a lower, even sound while including the structure of your blood restricted blood flow is higher pitched or erratic. vessels, in black and white images. Doppler ultrasound shows the move- For more information: www.bartonment of blood through those vessels in health.org or www.radiologyinfo.org. color. Find ad on page 17.

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consciousWEALTH How to

Improve your

Fuel Economy Written by James Kliesch

Get To Know Your MPG Whether you’re buying a new car or nursing an ’89 Civic, there are numerous steps we all can take that will have real and lasting impacts, starting today. First, walk, bike or take mass transit whenever possible. Simply put, not driving is a significant way to save oil and money, and reduce your carbon footprint. Second, for those necessary trips, change your driving behavior and keep your car “physically fit” through regular maintenance. And once you’ve made those changes, make fuel economy a game: The goals and rewards are to save money and reduce your consumption of oil and creation of greenhouse gases. The key is to monitor your vehicle’s mpg regularly. What causes it to go up or down? Does it change in different seasons? With different tires? Tracking your fuel economy will empower you to make a difference and save money — two reasons to feel good, even when you have to buy gas. Third, when it comes time to shop for your next vehicle, seek out a model with the best available fuel economy. Even if you can’t make the leap to a hybrid, a handful of new conventional models (such as the Honda Fit and Toyota Yaris) are affordable and designed with efficiency in mind. If your needs lie elsewhere, remember that most traditional vehicles are available in a range of engine and transmission options. Smaller engines typically offer a few extra mpg over larger engines. Similarly, two-wheel-drive transmissions will usually do a little better than four-wheel-drive versions. Also, when possible, choose vehicle trims with fuel-efficient technologies such as continuously variable transmission with cylinder deactivation.


October 2007

Furthermore, understand that even an incremental mpg improvement is nothing to sneer at, especially for vehicles with low fuel economies. Choosing a truck that averages 16 mpg rather than 14 mpg will save as much gasoline annually as opting for a 51 mpg car rather than a 35 mpg car. Fourth, lead the “drive” for better mpg by contacting your congressional representatives and insisting on a meaningful increase in fuel economy standards. Point out that the numbers used for CAFE are a far cry from what we actually get on the road. Moreover, we’re long overdue for a significant mpg boost. Today’s average new vehicle is less efficient than the average new vehicle of 1982, in large part because fuel economy standards barely increased over the past couple decades. Boosting CAFE standards has been a notoriously difficult sell in Washington. “It’s been a little bit like pushing a Chevy Suburban uphill with your nose,” says Dan Becker, director of the Sierra Club global warming program and an 18-year veteran of the CAFE struggle. That may be changing. Over the last few years, devastating hurricanes, Middle East instability and gasoline price spikes have brought oil back to the forefront of the national consciousness. At press time, there was new momentum in Congress for the notion of mandating better fuel economy, but the outcome was unclear at best. So the fight is far from over; voicing your opinion will help your representative understand the importance of this issue. Ultimately, taking a personal interest in your fuel economy is one of the easiest and most important ways to make a difference. The more you pay attention, the more you’ll find yourself seeking ways to improve the results. Plus, it’s nice to reap the rewards of high mpg when gas prices are on the rise, as fuel-efficient vehicles offer “insurance” against volatility in the gasoline market. Yet regardless of whether

gas prices level off or skyrocket to $5 a gallon, continued efforts to improve fuel economy will play an important role in mitigating global warming and our dependence on fossil fuels. So get that tuneup, check the tires, fill the tank, zero the trip meter and see how high you can push your mpg. It’s an open road, and you’re the driver. Not everyone is in the market for a new vehicle. But that shouldn’t stop you from improving the fuel economy of the car or truck in your driveway. Below are a few standard maintenance tips, and the percentage improvement they can have on your vehicle’s mpg, according to the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency. For more information, visit www.fueleconomy.gov.


Fill your tank when the time comes. In warmer months, you’ll get more gas for your money in the early morning or late evening, when temperatures are cooler and gas is densest. Cooler conditions also mean less evaporative emissions from pumping gas — smog forms more easily when it’s hottest outside. In winter months, it’s a good idea to keep your tank at least half full for safety and to prevent freezing.

4. Write down the number of gallons it took to fill your tank

and the number of miles on your trip meter. A receipt is an easy place to write these down; most already include the number of gallons you bought. Reset the trip meter before you restart the car.


• Replacing a dirty air filter — up to 10% • Getting an engine tuneup — average of 4% • Keeping tires inflated to proper pressure — up to 3% • Using the recommended motor oil grade — up to 2%

Divide the trip miles by the gallons of gas. Bingo, that’s your fuel economy. For example: 293.1 miles ÷ 8.374 gallons = 35 mpg.

To keep your mpg in tip-top shape, seek out a set of “low rolling resistance” tires when it’s time to replace your treads. Most replacement tires, unlike those that come with a new vehicle, will worsen your fuel economy. Low rolling resistance tires, though, are designed to minimize energy loss that occurs when tires deform and re-form as they rotate down the road. According to Green Seal, a nonprofit group that provides environmental certifications for products, opting for a set of low rolling resistance tires can reduce your annual gasoline use by up to 6 percent. While low rolling resistance tires cost slightly more than conventional replacements, they’ll save a typical driver between $75 and $100 in gas annually — covering the additional cost in well under a year. For more information and a list of specific tires, visit www. greenseal.org/resources/reports.cfm and click on “tires, low rolling resistance.”

Keep a small notebook in your car or make a simple spreadsheet on your computer to track the numbers over time. There you could also record basic notes on mpg influences such as speed, tire pressure, driving conditions and use of air conditioning. If you see a dramatic drop from one tank to the next and don’t have an obvious explanation, your vehicle might need maintenance.

How to Calculate Your Fuel Economy from MotherEarth News, by John Rockhold

1. Fill up your tank. But don’t top off — that “extra” gas

probably gets sucked back into the station’s tanks. Even if not, the backfire vapors contribute to air pollution.


Reset your trip meter to zero. Now you’re on the fuel economy clock.

Excerpted from Natural Home magazine. Read the full story at www.naturalhomemagazine.com. Copyright 2007 Ogden Publications, Inc.

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Even if you hate math, you can easily calculate your car or truck’s fuel economy, which is the first step to improving it. Plus, monitoring your mpg will make you more aware of what influences fuel-efficiency and signal potential maintenance needs before they become big problems; benefits that will help you save money, now and down the road. Here are the steps for mpg math, plus a few tips.


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HEALTHYpets Humane Society

Disaster Preparedness


[Editor’s note: Natural disasters and upheavals Are You Prepared? of every kind seem to be part of our lives in the Find out by answering these questions: 21st century. Because of this, we would urge Imagine that a police officer knocks at your door. A hurrireaders who care for animal companions, large cane/fire is quickly approaching, and you have 45 minutes to evacuate. and small, as well as farm animals, to evaluate your readiness to do what might be needed for If You Have Pets: 1. Can you gather all your pets and put them into pet carriers your animal friends during a disaster.] in time? Do you have carriers for all your pets?

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October 2007

2. Are all your pets wearing collars and ID tags with their

name, your name, your telephone number, and an emergency telephone number?

3. If your cat escapes the cat carrier and becomes lost, could you provide a photograph? 4. Do you know where you can go with your pets in the

event of an emergency evacuation? Do you know of any animal-friendly motels nearby? Do you know where your local emergency animal shelter is located?

5. Do you have your veterinarian’s telephone number on your list of emergency numbers in case your dog or cat becomes ill?

6. Do you have a contingency plan to evacuate your pets if something happens when you are at work?

7. Where is your pet’s disaster evacua-

ing and watering your animals should your power supply be cut off?

1. Can you have your horses loaded on the trailer ready to leave in time? Will your horse trailer hold all your horses? Have you recently practiced trailering up your horse? 2. Is your horse wearing a halter with

her name, your name, your telephone number, and an emergency telephone number on it?

3. Do you know where you can go

with your horses in the event of an emergency evacuation? Do you know where your local emergency equine shelter is located?

4. Do you have your horses’ Coggins tests in your emergency packet to present to the officer at the emergency shelter? 5. When you arrive at the emergency

shelter to pick up your horse after several days, could you provide identification photos and descriptions from your emergency packet to prove ownership? If You Have Farm Animals:

1. Can you evacuate your animals in time? Do you have a way to transport your animals? 2. Have you mapped out an evacuation route?

3. Do you have a safe place to shelter

your animals on your property if you cannot evacuate them?

4. Do you have materials on hand to reinforce your barn and outbuildings in the case of a high wind?

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If you answered “no” to any of these questions, the Humane Society can help you. Check out their planning tips at www.hsus.org/hsus_field/hsus_disaster_center/

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Include these items in your pet’s emergency kit:

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Healing, as a Work of Art Written by Eileen Fuller and Carole Bucher

to explore the imponderables of their illness, the reality of death and dying, and to reduce fear. Two artists at the 4th Street Wildflower Village Art Gallery in Reno have had such experiences. One is a metal sculptor, the other a potter and a pottery teacher. Each comes from a very different background and set of circumstances. Both have found a powerful source of healing in their art that they would like to share with others.

PART 1: Cancer


ver recent years both individuals and health care professionals have seen the extraordinary benefits that art can bring to the healing process of body and spirit, for patients facing numerous illnesses. You can find information on the web from prestigious hospitals and universities around the country to support this and see the variety of programs that are offered. Just one example is the University of San Francisco Medical Center’s “Art for Recovery” program. As an art instructor and artist, I know from personal experience how “making, doing or creating art” makes me feel, how it brings out my heart and soul. It relieves stress and depression and promotes a deep feeling of wellbeing in the moment. Perhaps the actual healing that comes from making art extends from this phenomenon. Some have said that art creates an “almost sacred space;” that when doing art they don’t feel as vulnerable as they do in the doctor’s office – and through this process, they are able


October 2007

Tom Shearer is a metal sculptor currently exhibiting at Wildflower Gallery. His father who is a master carpenter and welder, brought Tom into these arts as a child; Tom began working with wood at age 8, and metal at age 12. Two years ago Tom was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. His oncologist gave him a prognosis of 1-2 years to live, saying that he had had the disease for 9-10 years, undiagnosed. Tom naturally wanted to know if the harsh chemicals he worked with in metalworking played a part in his illness. To find the answer and to get a second opinion, his oncologist sent him to the Stanford Medical Center, where his cancer was indeed confirmed. He was also invited to join a clinical drug study and strongly urged to cease metalworking. Not surprisingly this was a very tough consideration. Without his work, life was impossible for Tom to imagine. In the end, he found a compromise; for nearly 2 years, he stopped working “with” his metalwork, but kept his sculpture all around him in his home, where he could touch, feel and contemplate his work. During this time, fighting cancer and staying connected

to himself, Tom drew everyday, as much as he could -- designing metal pieces for later work; sketching scenes in his house and artwork that hung on his walls. It was a period of strange contrasts and intense isolation in which his will to live was connected directly to his art and to his family. Tom is in remission now, working about three hours a day on copper metal pieces. He has taken up painting again, and continues to draw. He has also returned to working with wood. Tom is deeply grateful for the loving support he received from his wife, family and friends, and for the professional support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. He emphasizes that no matter what the doctors say, your own positive attitude and determination is the key to your strength. Every day is a gift to be savored and cherished

PART 2: Stroke

James Miles is a potter, teacher and a clay sculptor at Wildflower Village Art Gallery. In 2000, he had a major stroke that left him seriously impaired. Most personally debilitating for James as a potter was a completely paralyzed right arm and hand. As part of his treatment he received “EStim” (electronic stimulation) in which electrodes were placed on his forearm to stimulate the nerves, an often painful process. He learned to get behind the pain with sheer willpower, to push just a little further to get even a tiny amount of motion happening. It took three months of physical therapy to see any results at all. In the meantime, James attempted to work his clay with his left-hand, forcing his right hand to participate when he could. Instead of the boring therapeutic rubber ball squeezing, James used his clay.

Continued on page 60...


Hyaluronic Acid Nourishing Your Skin From the Inside Out Written by John Morgenthaler


yaluronic acid (also called Hyaluronan) is a component of connective tissue whose function is to cushion and lubricate. It is a member of the family of molecules which also includes chondroitin sulfate. Hyaluronic acid is a natural skin nutrient that your body produces that keeps skin moist, smooth, and elastic. Hyaluronic acid is distributed widely throughout the body in the connective, epithelial, and neural tissues. It is one of the chief components of the extracellular matrix and contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration. Because of its lubricating effect on connective tissue, some people have found relief from joint pain through the administration of hyaluraonic acid injections from medical professionals. The average person has roughly 15 grams of hyaluronic acid in their body, one third of which is lost and replaced each day. However, as we age, our bodies produce less and less of this substance. How Does it Work? The surface layers of the skin are supported from below by columns of fibers made up mostly of collagen and elastin. This network

of fibers forms what is known as connective tissue. The nature of hyaluronic acid’s molecular structure makes it ideal for attracting and holding water at the cellular level; much like a sponge. The spaces within this cellular sponge are filled with a composition of water, protein complexes, and hyaluronic acid. This jelly-like complex transports essential nutrients from the bloodstream, via the capillaries in your skin. Hyaluronic acid attracts and holds water, which is what plumps your skin so that wrinkles and lines are less visible. The presence of adequate hyaluronic acid in your cells may help to: • Curb premature wrinkling • Increase skin hydration • Keep skin moist and smooth • Boost skin elasticity • Enhance collagen synthesis • Nourish healthy skin cell growth • Promote firm skin tone • Support healthier joints

Continued on page 51...

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Alcohol SUGAR and its connection with

s u J

for e im een! t n t i llow


Written by Raine Saunders


hat would you say if someone told you that alcoholism has its roots in sugar addiction? Problems with over-consumption of alcohol often begin with eating habits as children. Since all alcoholic drinks contain sugar, it is a wonder that this association is often overlooked. A 12ounce beer has about 13 grams of carbohydrates in it. So if you have five beers over the course of one evening, that’s 65 grams of carbohydrates in four to five hours (or less, depending on how fast you drink).

If you believe this line of thinking to be faulty, it is imperative to see the film “SuperSize Me”. In documentary style, this movie shows what happens when one person goes on a binge for 30 days and eats nothing but McDonald’s food. You may be wondering about the connection between alcohol and McDonald’s (aka sugar and chemical overload). Keep reading. The man in the film is monitored by three different doctors during his journey into destroying his body. Although the example put forth in the film is an extreme one, it shows why this diet or anything like it is a poor one to undertake. During day 22 of the experiment, his doctors conduct blood tests on his liver to determine the extent of the damage. The results are unbelievable. His liver is in the same condition as someone who had been on a long alcoholic binge: thus firmly establishing the sugar-alcohol connection. McDonald’s foods are highly processed, full of chemicals, and most importantly, wrought with simple carbohydrates which are the same thing as sugar. Alcohol in all forms also contains…you guessed it, sugar. Studies have shown that people who display unhealthy eating habits and abuse sugar have similarities to those who are so-called alcoholics. Many people who become alcoholics in their adult years regularly kept unhealthy diets as children and adolescents. The pattern is a predictable one that is often also underpinned by unstable emotional environments. When a child is allowed to consume refined sugar “foods” that regularly replace nutritious foods, this sets up the perfect beginning to a life of poor choices for health.


October 2007

Children are easily made to believe by their parents and other authority figures that various foods regularly eaten by the whole of society are actually good for them and contain substantive nutrition. Although sugar is not technically in the same category as alcohol or drugs, food with refined sugars and processed flour as well as candies and desserts represent the initial stepping stone to sugar consumption that can plateau out as alcohol abuse in adolescents and adults. On a fundamental level, all are addictive substances because they each contain one key ingredient - carbohydrates or simple sugars. When sugar is introduced into the body, a reaction occurs where the blood sugar spikes, causing the body to go into hyperactivity mode (http://www.holistichelp. net/sugar-addiction.html). This process often leads to the mistaken diagnosis of ADD or ADHD. Drugs such as Ritalin are often prescribed to level out the chemicals in the child’s brain that are considered “abnormal”. What is not addressed are the large amounts of refined sugars consumed by these same children, as well as lack of adequate physical activity and supportive emotional relationships with family members. Children who consume large amounts of refined sugar in their diets are much more likely to go on and become drug or alcohol abusers later in life - especially when these other conditions are present. Here’s something interesting: the food pyramid tells us that we should eat 6 to 11 servings of whole grains each day. But the vast majority of “whole grain” choices in our food environments are far from whole grains. On a continual basis, we are lied to on labels about what is contained in many foods we buy in the store. Simply taking the time to read the list of ingredients will immediately reveal that a good majority of

these foods are not whole grain, have been enriched, are not a natural source of vitamins or nutrients, and contain added sugars and other chemicals that are dangerous to consume. Even if we did consume all whole grains in those servings, which would be difficult at best, we would be consuming far too many carbohydrates for our own good compared to other important nutrient, mineral, and vitamin-containing foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, and healthy proteins like antibiotic and hormone free meats and raw dairy products (in moderation, of course). And that doesn’t even include all the junk-related and refined sugar foods we consume on a daily basis, nor sugary beverages (alcoholic beverages included). The body requires proper nutrition and support to function at an optimal level. Most of what people put in their mouths does not support the complex system that is the human body. When a person is working at a stressful job and does not have time to prepare wholesome, nutritious meals, a decline in health is inevitable. Many people believe that what they are eating is healthy when it isn’t because consumers have been repeatedly lied to and mislead about nutrition. Corporations have in their best interest to sell what tastes good to consumers, not what is nutritious. Even though there is a wealth of information available about sugar and alcohol consumption, people tend to overindulge since food and drinks containing sugar are so prevalent and easy to come by. Everywhere we look there are more temptations to purchase and eat the things that we shouldn’t, and not nearly enough emphasis on organic, whole, healthy foods. When you go to a restaurant or bar and order a drink, how often do you stop at just one? How often do you have two, three, four, or five? When you go to a restaurant to eat, think about how many items on your plate are full of refined carbohydrates versus a whole, natural food. When the server comes to take your plates at the end of a meal, how many times are you offered dessert as an ending to your visit? Almost every time. Anxiety and depression, the two basic human emotional disturbances, are perpetuated by unhealthy lifestyles such as

lack of activity, overloads of stress, improper rest, and you guessed it — eating poorly. When people encounter stress, their bodies respond by telling them they need more support - sleep, exercise, healthy food and whole food supplements, plenty of purified water, and adequate stress relief. The average American lifestyle fails to include the right combination of these important components. For stress relief and boredom, many people turn to eating refined sugar foods and beverages, drinking, and drug use. Unhealthy snacks and foods are so convenient and readily available, people have a tendency to load up on them rather than taking time to prepare a healthy meal or snack instead. The more we consume these kinds of foods, the more we crave them. When you visit the grocery store, notice which foods are the most visible and prevalent on the aisles. Just pick up a box or a can of any food and read the ingredients. If you cannot make heads or tails of what it is, why should you be eating or drinking it? Any food or drink product that contains more than three or four ingredients should automatically be a red flag to any consumer. When we consume such massive amounts of sugar, run ourselves into the ground with stress and busy schedules, fail to get adequate exercise and rest, it’s no wonder our bodies fail. Patients would rather end up at the doctor asking for medication to deal with symptoms they experience as a result of the abuse their bodies are receiving than commit to making a real, healthy lifestyle change. To learn more about sugar addiction and how it can be linked to alcohol and drug abuse later in life, visit the following web sites: • http://www.sfn.org/index.cfm?pagename=brainBriefings_ sugarAddiction • http://alcoholism.about.com/library/weekly/aa001218a. htm For a comprehensive reference list of alcohol consumption and poor nutritional habits, and carbohydrate metabolism, go to www.HBMag.com.

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Staying in the Moment...

an antidote to guilt and worry Written by Chesa Keane


re you someone who struggles with guilt or worry? Through regret or guilt, you only find yourself stuck in the past. Or when you are worrying about some distant scary future possibility, you are paralyzed by worry and fear. If you are a worrier or racked with guilt from your past, you must know that neither focus works. Look at it this way: You simply cannot change the past so guilt is nonproductive and stagnating. And how can you expect to create the future you want when your focus is based on negative potential and couched in fear?

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October 2007

regret, sadness and guilt, the only possible experiences you can attract will be low self-esteem, helplessness, hopelessness and the immobility to determine a positive direction. And when you worry about the future, what can you possibly expect to draw into your life but failure, fear and more misery?

The only way you can create a life of joy, happiness and well-being is by staying in the now, being in the moment. Now. Not in the unchangeable past, not in the unrealized future. The only future potential you can effectively create will be based on the strength of your positive “feelings” now, which will evolve smoothly and completely into a future (which will, of course, become another now) that you can revel in.

You are the creator of your existence, and only you. This simple statement bears repeating: You are the creator of your life! As easy as it would be to believe that there are things in our lives that are beyond our control, sadly, it’s not true. When you accept full responsibility for all things that happen to you, you empower yourself to be the master of your own direction and existence. Personal responsibility for all of your life’s experiences brings the powerful awareness that you are also responsible for creating whatever life you can envision. Release your past, command your Now and you will build a positive foundation for your future.

“Be here now.”

And yet so many have learned from childhood to belittle their existence with guilt and regret over a past that cannot be altered. Or when not wallowing in “what might have been,” they fear the worst of what might be. For just a moment, let’s explore the concept of the Law of Attraction. This concept is simple: What you focus on in life is what you attract to your life. In practical terms, when you wallow in

As Ram Dass said, “Be here, now.” ©2007 TAO Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chesa Keane has taught meditation and self-help for more than 30 years. To learn more about Meditation, visit: www. meditationwarrior.com. Find ad on page 41.

Hyaluronic Acid Nourishing Your Skin From the Inside Out Continued from page 47.

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Searching for Beauty in All the Wrong Places. Americans spent more than $12.5 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2005 that promise to help restore the dewy glow of youth. With baby boomers and more men looking for innovative ways to slow the aging process, it’s estimated that the medicalaesthetic economy—including device sales and doctors’ fees—will soon surpass $20 billion. Many people prefer a more natural approach. Botox, chemical peels and wrinkle fillers are temporary quick fixes, expensive, not without risk, and anything but natural. Botox is delivered in tiny, non-lethal doses of botulinum toxin, which interferes with nerve function for months at a time and can cause permanent nerve damage. Injected fillers meant to plump up wrinkles and lines can result in infection, bruising, swelling, and pain. Hyaluronic acid may be a healthy alternative for fighting the effects of aging … and it’s inexpensive, natural, and easy to take as an oral supplement. Nourish Your Skin From the Inside Out. Applying topical creams and ointments helps protect your skin against the elements, but the best way to maintain moist, beautiful skin is to nourish it from the inside out. Drinking 8-10 glasses of purified water each day is important, but it may also be important to replenish diminishing stores of hyaluronic acid, because it is one of the skin’s most important components for hydration and moisture retention. And without the proper levels of hyaluronic acid in the upper layers of the epidermis, your skin appears dull and wrinkled. Hyaluronic Acid Decreases As We Age. We’re all exposed to free radicals through daily UV rays and environmental pollutants, which inevitably degrade and destroy hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic

acid production begins to decrease in our early 20s and accelerates at age 40. (By 50 year of age, it is estimated that we have less than half the hyaluronic acid we did at 20.) The decrease in hyaluronic fluid and its synthesis leads to a decrease in intra-cellular fluid that makes our skin drier and more vulnerable to damage. The formation and maintenance of collagen is affected, which is vital to maintaining skin elasticity and tone. Crow’s feet and wrinkles appear because the skin loses elasticity. Natural hyaluronic acid supplementation may increase cellular levels and improve absorption, thereby improving the feel and appearance of the skin. However, while there are numerous clinical studies on the injectable form of hyaluronic acid into knee joints that show it helps rebuild connective tissue and supports healthy joints, there are currently no human trials evaluating the oral benefits of hyaluronic acid. However, the makers of oral hyaluronic acid supplements claim to have developed a molecularly optimized formula that is highly absorbable. Thus, despite the lack of hard scientific proof, many people believe that replacing lost hyaluronic acid through supplementation makes sense. And if maintaining healthy, beautiful skin is important to you, then it may be something to consider.


Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD Visit my website to see actual results.


References 1) Stern R (August 2004). “Hyaluronan catabolism: a new metabolic pathway”. Eur J Cell Biol 83 (7): 317-25. PMID 15503855. 2) Fraser JR, Laurent TC, Laurent UB. Hyaluronan: its nature, distribution, functions and turnover J Intern Med. 1997 Jul;242(1):27-33. 3) Meyer, L.J.M. & Stern, R. (1994) Age-dependent changes in hyaluronan in human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 102. 385-389.

For more info visit www.smart-publications.com or call 1-800-980-8780. Find ad on page 47.

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Endless Healthy Travel Options:

Spa Travel Submitted by Deb Davis Edited by Carole Bucher


ombining the benefits of cleansing, weight loss and a relaxing vacation getaway has serious appeal to stressed-out, busy people and their families. Fortunately, the global travel industry has been responsive to the idea, and there are many wonderful resorts around the world to satisfy nearly any need health/travel need. Spa Resorts are as close at hand as David Walley’s Resort Hot Springs in Genoa, Nevada, or as far away as Thailand or Tahiti.

energy trying to eliminate the chemical and toxins we take in on a daily basis. By ridding your body of these toxins you will have more energy to do the activities that are enjoyable to you.

Whether you choose to stay close to home or to venture out to a warm exotic climate you should start by detoxing your body. You can eliminate the toxins which accumulate in your tissues and bloodstream coming from your food and drink, the toxic environment, and the pollutants we are exposed to everyday. This can be done at a spa through a combination of massage, sauna, oils, mild fasting, and colon therapy. Immediate benefits are MORE ENERGY (www. Detox.org)! The body is expending

• naturally healthier skin & hair


October 2007

The long term benefits of proper detoxification include: • more energy • fewer allergies • stronger immunity • fewer aches & pains • a healthier you! When toxins build up faster than you can eliminate them, your body makes new fat just to store the toxins. This is done to protect your organs from the toxins and to store them as far away from your vital organs as possible. This is a huge reason to detox. Who wants that excess fat, full of toxins, under their chin or arms, or worse around their middle or hips?

When looking for a great Spa Resort, look for someplace that will meet your goals. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to go to focus on diet, physical activity, detoxification, colon cleansing, relaxation, or pampering? Many resorts offer some or all of these. You can find all the details on dozens of types of spa vacations, themes, and the amenities provided by each, using Google or another online search engine. Most spas offer weeklong packages that provide meals, activities and accommodations. You can even get airfare included at a discounted rate! A world renowned spa is located right next door in California. Some of you may have heard of it. The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California, located within La Costa Resort and Spa. It is a relatively short drive from the Reno area or better yet, fly into San Diego and relieve yourself of the stress of driving to Southern California. The Center sits along the coastal foothills of Carlsbad, California. Here you will find

luxurious, relaxed and informal accommodations with amenities that include 2 championship golf courses, tennis courts and athletic facilities. There are various spiritual, healing, and yogic programs offered, many taught by Dr. Chopra himself. If you would rather venture to an exotic, warm locale, try the Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi, Chiang Mai in Thailand. It features majestic architecture modeled after the opulent palaces of northern Thailand. The Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi is a destination in itself. Ranging from a shopping arcade to a culinary academy to the Lanna Kids Club, this is a luxury locale from which you can explore nearby sites of historical and cultural interests, and enjoy the benefits of the health enhancing-spa. The Dheva Spa combines exotic pampering services with traditional ayurvedic health enhancement and other holistic offerings.

The Dheva Spa features an ornate seven-tiered teakwood roof symbolizing the seven steps along the path to nirvana in Buddhist philosophy. Picture yourself among the teakwood buildings, meandering walkways and rice paddies surrounding your own villa. Lavish in the spa’s unique “Signature Ceremonies.” Each ceremony begins with a welcoming foot ritual and includes an herbal scrub, herbal steam bath, body wrap, and 80-minute massage. If an amazing “over the top” luxury spa experience in an exotic location is for you, the Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi is one of the best. Close to home or exotic destination, there is a Spa Resort that can meet your needs. Let your imagination carry you away or head out for a weekend to reenergize for another bout with the sharks. Healthy travel venues abound!

Now at

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10 Natural Ways em t s y S e n u m m I ur o Y n e h t g n e r t To S and Lower Stress Part One – (1 through 5)


healthy immune system regulates our body’s healing process and protects it against infections and diseases. When stress compromises our immune function, it can result in colds, flu, fatigue, cardiovascular disorders and premature aging. Stress increases heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, adrenaline, cortisol, free radicals and oxidative damage. This initiates the “fight or flight” response, places undue strain upon the heart, and can also increase the feelings of anxiety and depression. Protecting the immune system is a vital part of living longer, feeling younger and being healthy. Here are ten natural healthy ways to reduce stress, boost your immune system and slow down the hands of time.

v e o r c s i d Are

you ready to

optimal health?

• Overcome Anxiety • Eliminate Allergies • Strengthen Immune System • Recover from Lymes Disease • Remove heavy metals & harmful toxins

Feel Better. Call

775.827.6696 Dr. Cora Ibarra M.D., H.M.D.

Bio Integrative Health Center 6490 S. McCarren Blvd. D-41 • Reno


October 2007

Written by Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc.

1. Walking and Physical Activity (danc-

ing, gardening, cycling, swimming, etc.). Regular exercise and physical activity strengthens your immune system, cardiovascular system, heart, muscles and bones. It also stimulates the release of endorphins, improves mental functioning, concentration/attention and cognitive performance, and lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, cortisol and other stress hormones. Three 10-minute workout sessions during the day are just as effective as one 30-minute workout, and a lot easier to fit into a busy schedule.

2. Yoga and Stretching. The slow move-

ments and controlled postures of yoga improves muscle strength, flexibility, range of motion, balance, breathing, blood circulation and promotes mental focus, clarity and calmness. Stretching also reduces mental and physical stress, tension and anxiety, promotes good sleep, lowers blood pressure and slows down your heart rate.

3. Hand Hygiene. The most effective measure in preventing the spread of microorganisms that cause infections is good hand hygiene. Washing your hands with soap and water as soon as you come home, and always before you eat, greatly reduces your exposure to bacterial and viral infections. In case you cannot wash with soap and water when you are away from home, carry some alcohol-based hand wipes with you to control microbial exposure and transmission. 4. Laughter and Humor. There is truth

to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Laughing reduces stress hormones like adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol. It also benefits your immune system by increasing the number and activity of Natural Killer T-cells. These cells act as the first line of defense against viral attacks and damaged cells. Find the humor in things and engage

in activities that make you laugh to increase your immune function and disease resistance.

5. High Nutrient Diet. Eat foods rich in antioxidants (like vitamins A, C, E and lycopene), omega-3 fatty acids, and folate. Antioxidants fight and neutralize free radicals, which are molecules that damage cells and cause heart disease, cancer and premature aging. Omega-3 fatty acids (a polyunsaturated fat) have anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular-enhancing and immune-regulating properties. It is helpful in preventing and controlling high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, depression, inflammatory and auto-immune disorders. Folate prevents agerelated cognitive decline, damage to blood vessels and brain cells by lowering homocysteine levels. It also ensures DNA integrity (important as we age and when pregnant) and promotes healthy red blood cells. Excellent food sources for these nutrients are as follows. • Antioxidants - pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, grapefruit (red and pink), blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, peppers (red and green), tomatoes, broccoli, sunflower seeds, almonds and olive oil • Omega-3 Fatty Acids - ground flax seeds, walnuts, salmon, soybeans and pumpkin seeds. • Folate - dark green leafy vegetables (turnip greens, mustard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, collard greens, etc.), beans, legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, beets and okra. Be sure to pick up the November issue of Healthy Beginnings to read about the next 5 natural ways to strengthen your immune system! References: 1. delaFuente M, Ferrandez M, et al. Immune function in aged women is improved by ingestion of vitamins C and E. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1998;(76):373–80. 2. Fitzgerald L. Exercise and the immune system. Immunol Today . 1988;(9):337–339. 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immune_system.

COMMUNITYresourceGUIDE ACUPUNCTURE DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 3400 Kauai Ct Ste 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress & fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation & energy; emotional weight loss. You can look & feel better with time-tested healing techniques. Find ad on page 51. BROOK HOLLINGER, OMD The Meridian 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com Providing acupuncture to treat a wide variety of conditions including stress, fibromyalgia, addictions, chronic pain, allergies, & pregnancy. Brook believes in treating the whole patient, mind body & spirit spending an hour session. Call today to make a difference in your health!

AIR PURIFICATION INCLINE ACTIVE AIR Will Lewis Incline Village, NV (775) 530-0420, (800) 461-7903 Need to Clear the Air? Fire & Allergy Season got you down? Get a Fresh Air System & make your home a haven. 1 small unit cleans an entire house. We’ll bring it to you! Ask about the suds-free revolution. Find ad on page 45.

Attract HealthMinded Consumers! Promote Your Business Here. Call 775-828-4547

ART VILLAGE WILDFLOWER VILLAGE 4275-4395 W 4th St, Reno, NV 89523 (775) 747-8848 (office); (775) 787-3769 (gallery) (775) 827-5250 (Pat Campbell-Cozzi real estate & questions) www.wildflowervillage.com Artists’ haven; 6+ acre site with room to grow & bloom. Apartments, studios, B&B, Motel, Coffee Shop w/Peets Coffee, Penske Truck Rental & Moving Supplies. 2 Art Galleries with works of 100+ artists; Art House for Art Classes; Art Retreats; Meetings, Wedding Chapel & Partnership Unions. Find ad on page 28.

BAMBOO PRODUCTS THE FAR EAST CORNER 100 N Arlington Ave The Shops at Arlington Towers 775-324-4423 www.thefareastcorner.com Bamboo fiber clothing for women and men – 100% and blends. We also have all natural aromatherapy oil diffusers. Scent your home beautifully and naturally without the worry of flame. Beautiful home decor, lingerie, jewelry and gifts, all with an Asian flair. City Parking is available 1/2 block West on 2nd Street. Find ad on page 19.

BACK PAIN THERAPY THE NEVADA CENTER Samuel Winter, DO Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com Dr. Winter is a graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in Illinois. He specializes in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, ProloZone Therapy & customised orthotics to remove the primary causes of low back pain, degenerative disc disease & sciatica. Find ad on page 13.

CHILD BIRTH CROWNING MOMENTS Childbirth Preparation Classes (775) 530-4294 crowningm@yahoo.com Supporting women for Labor and Birth! We at Crowning Moment’s would love to be a part of your birth story. We offer childbirth classes with certified educator’s that will help prepare you and your patner for the birth of your baby. We have group, private and teen classes available.

CHIROPRACTORS 8 DIMENSIONS HEALTH CENTER Drs. Hollinger, Rammel, and Richards 300 S. Wells Ave. Ste. #3 Reno, NV (775) 324-4008 Experience the Gonstead Chiropractic difference! Proven to get fast results with low back pain, herniated discs, headaches, and sciatica. Gentle and effective for adults and children. DR. ANNIE POLUCHA 2005 Sierra Highlands, #147 Reno, NV 89523 (775) 448-9595 17 years experience rehabilitating all types of injuries. Gentle chiropractic with soft tissue mobilization & sacro-occipital balancing techniques. Full spine & extremity adjusting, head to toes. HEALTH FOR LIFE CHIROPRACTIC @ Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center Dr. Taylor Donovan 1085 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1230 www.renohealthforlife.com A place dedicated to reconnecting the disjointed parts of your life starting with your spine and nervous system. Come and experience this unique and innovative practice and discover how chiropractic & yoga can reset the foundations of health in your life! Find ad on page 53.

Visit our website at www.HBMag.com 55



XOCAI, THE WORLD’S 1ST HEALTHY CHOCOLATE! Pat & Ralph Dickson (775) 358-7448 www.mxi.myVoffice.com/worldsbestchocolate

THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com

SNACK ON HEALTHY CHOCOLATE! If you snack, eat something good for you! Anti-oxidant rich, vitamin-packed, scrumptious chocolate: all-natural, unprocessed, no trans fats, highest quality. Even better, get paid to eat chocolate– sign up for the business opportunity. Great earning potential! Call today. Find ad on page 49.

ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. Find ad on page 13.

Release anxiety, fear & depression. Find unconditional love within. Offering individual coaching sessions, book study classes, and supports groups. Restructure your life to build self esteem and self love. Call today to schedule your personal session. Find ad on page 18.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY CONSCIOUS LIVING CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 www.ConsciousLivingCenter.com Three certified colon therapists available for Monday through Sunday appointments. New ‘eco-friendly’ green facility, private bathroom, ultra-purified water, FDA-approved closed system, complete discretion. Ask about a colon cleanse… you’ll look and feel great! Find ad on page 7.


October 2007

FULL CIRCLE COMPOST 3190 Hwy. 395 Minden, NV. 89423 (775) 267-530 www.fullcirclecompost.com Therapeutic Garden Nutrition, Custom soil amendments specifically for Northern Nevada soils. Soil analysis and custom recommendations, worm compost & worm composting systems, professional landscape, green house and gardening consulting, green waste recycling, soil satisfaction AAHHHHHHH! Find ad on page 51.


COACHING RADICAL FORGIVENESS Dinny Harter, Certified Coach (530) 414-1420 dinny@visitpcp.com


RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian 3400 Kauai Court #100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6888 www.rahcc.com Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Find ad on page 39.

SPIRAL HEALING COLON HYDROTHERAPY Sue Steph 11045 Donner Pass Rd., Suite 2C Truckee, CA 96161 (530) 587-0101 Now open in Truckee! Cleansing, detox and intestinal health. Sue is a certified I-ACT instructor, nationally board certified, certified massage therapist, and has practiced colon hydrotherapy for over 8 years. Let us support you on your journey towards vibrant health! Find ad on page 41.

ZENY N. OCEAN, D.D.S., LTD. 1155 West 4th Street, Suite 211 Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 329-1333 www.wellness4u.com Dr. Ocean’s practice centers on biological & biocompatible general and cosmetic dentistry. A major focus is immune system enhancement for inflammation control. Affordable adult invisible braces are available. New patients welcome. Find ad on page 37.

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES NEVADA ECONET 1 Booth St. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 323-3433 www.nevadaeconet.org Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in the Northern Nevada public. We are a network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.

COMMUNITYresourceGUIDE FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore (775) 830-8168 www.fengshuiclassicalconsulting.com Use Feng Shui for your existing home or business, to select a new home or business, or for floor-plan layout for new construction.

FOOD PHARMACY CONSCIOUS LIVING CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 853-5337 www.ConsciousLivingCenter.com “Let food be thy medicine”. Food Pharmacy is a sophisticated software program that creates a personalized diet to address your specific health concerns. This individualized therapeutic diet is simple to follow and will put you on the road to reaching your health goals. Find ad on page 7.

GREEN PRODUCTS THE SLEEP SHOP 113 Los Altos Pkwy Ste 100 Sparks, NV 89436 (775) 354-1800 Purity, comfort & support for your family’s healthy sleep. Choose from bio-degradable innerspring sleep sets, or enjoy the luxury natural rubber products offered by OMI. OMI makes crib mattresses to start your baby on the healthiest, pollutant-free choice available. Call or visit the store today. Find ad on page 19.

HOT SPRINGS STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 www.steamboatsprings.org Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Find ad on page 35.


505 S Arlington, Suite 212 Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-2588 www.mtnquest-hypnotherapy.com Tonda Adams is the founder of MtnQuest Hypnotherapy and is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Alchemical Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Feel safe an nurtured while releasing anxiety, depression, phobias, grief and other fears and building self esteem. Sessions on CD available. Find ad on page 50.

VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services LLC www.VirginiaParsons.com (775) 850-5823 Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management & Positive Lifestyle Change. Whether you’d like to lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits & thinking, Virginia provides caring & supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 yrs experience. Find ad on page 45.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE BIO INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CENTER 6490 S. McCarran Blvd. Suite D41 Reno, NV 89509 Dr. Corazon I. Ibarra MD, HMD (775) 827-6696 Our Goal is to assist you in achieving optimal wellness by harmonizing your body, mind and spirit (homeostasis); thus stimulating your body’s inherent wisdom to self heal. Are you ready to discover optimal health? Find ad on page 54.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE RAND FAMILY CARE 6512 South McCarren Blvd. Suite D www.randfamilycare.com (775) 826-RAND(7263) A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. Needless Mesotherapy celulite reduction.

KINESIOLOGY THE NEVADA CENTER Marc Hiscox 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com FEELING STUCK? If you want something different in your life but aren’t sure how to get there, discover the 3 easy steps to make lasting life change. You’ll soon improve your health, quit addictions, increase your professional success and multiply your happiness. Find ad on page 13.

MASSAGE THERAPY RICK EYESTER, LMT 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com Utilizing a unique blend of techniques from Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu & Tuina, allowing for a more immediate release and alignment, both physically & emotionally. This bodywork is provided with the client fully clothed.

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COMMUNITYresourceGUIDE MASSAGE THERAPY SOORYA TOWNLEY (775) 853-0747 Couples Massage Instruction. Simple techniques while watching Videos! 28 years experience conglomerated just for you. Watch a video and you work on her for an hour. Then switch. Such easy techniques you will laugh once you get it. TIFFANY HOFFMAN, MS, ATC, MT 9393 Gateway Dr. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com Providing a combination of Therapeutic body work, massage and prenatal massage. Each therapy is effective for a wide range of health conditions and is tailored to meet your individual needs.

MEDITATION TAHOE YOGA & WELLNESS CENTER 1085 S. Virginia St., Reno (775) 348-9642 www.meditationinnorcal.org Offered every Monday Evening, 6:308pm by the Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center. All are welcome for these meditation sessions. Introductory level commentary & meditation. Chairs & floor cushions provided. No special dress requirements. Come after work & learn to meditate to improve your life. Find ad on page 11. RENO PSYCHIC INSTITUTE Laura Peppard 20 Hillcrest Drive • Reno, NV 89509 775 324-2872 www.renopsychicinstitute.org Meditation reconnects you with yourself & is indispensable to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. We also offer energy and woman’s healing classes and clairvoyant training programs. The Institute offers weekly drop-in healing clinics, aura readings and an open to all Sunday Meditation at noon. Find ad on page 27.


October 2007

MICROPIGMENTATION CHERYL CHRISTENSEN Circle of Life Spa 5301 Longley Lane #A7 Reno, Nv 89511 (775) 379-9345 www.beautifultransformationsofreno.com Improve Your Self Esteem. Paramedical & cosmetic expertise includes: Scar camouflaging, Face lifts, burns, dog bites, hair transplants, areola restoration & surgical incisions, camouflaging Birth Defects & Genetic Shortcomings. Permanent Makeup- Eyebrows, eyeliner & lips for men & women including corrective work. Personal Complementary Consultations! Find ad on page 39.

MUSCLE & JOINT HEALTH ALPHA FLEX With the Omega-5e Nutrient www.alphaflex.com 1-800-877-1269 Revive sore muscle Now! Clinical research has shown that Alphflex effectively relieves minor inflammation & pain. Helps to improve muscle & joint health. Call today! Start feeling better! Buy1 get the 2nd Free. A NV Corp. Find ad on page 21.

NATURAL HORMONES HEALTH FREEDOM NUTRITION 255 Bell St. Reno, NV 89503 www.hfn-usa.com (800) 980-8780 Say goodbye to hot flashes, fuzzy thinking, irritability, & other unpleasant symptoms of menopause & PMS with natural progesterone. Available in two forms: Transmist™ Natural Progesterone Spray or Natural Progesterone Cream. Mention Healthy Beginnings (code N04860) for new customer discount. Find ad on page 47.

NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, B.S., N.D. (775) 827-6888 www.rahcc.com Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, dietary supplements, lifestyle modifications and hydrotherapy used to address the causes of dis-ease and not just the symptoms. Find ad on page 10. TARA L. FINLEY, O.M.D., N.D. w/ Brian Finley, P.T., O.C.S., C.O.M.T. (775) 337-1334 www.TheFinleyCenter.com Therapeutic Nutrition, Vitamin/Mineral & Herbal Prescriptions, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, hydrotherapy, physical exam & lab work are combined to address all aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle, Optimal Health & Disease Prevention. Insurance Accepted. Find ad on page 30.

OB/GYN MARTIN DENNIS, MD, FACOG 6630 S Mc Carran Suite 202 775-788-5100 www.martindennismd.com Specializing in alternatives to hysterectomy. Pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding Office hysterscopy, Ultrasound. Take comfort in knowing that if you are pregnant and you want your doctor there when you have your baby. Dr Dennis deliverers 98% of his own patients. Find ad on page 41.

OPTOMETRISTS ADLINGTON EYE CENTER 500 W. Plumb Lane, Suite A Reno, NV 89509 (775) 284-3937 • Personalized Eyecare • Fabulous Eyewear • State-of-the-art Technology • Professional, Experienced Optical Staff




ALPHA FLEX With the Omega-5e Nutrient www.alphaflex.com 1-800-877-1269 Revive sore muscle Now! Clinical research has shown that Alphflex effectively relieves minor inflammation & pain & helps to improve muscle & joint health. Call today… start feeling better! Buy 1 get the 2nd free. A Nevada Corp. Find ad on page 21.

CIRCLE OF LIFE SPA 5301 Longley Ln A-8 Reno, NV 89511 (775) 825-7727 www.circleoflifespa.com Reno’s premier healing spa with mineral body wraps, far-infrared sauna, floatation tank, supplement counseling, counseling, massage and dance studio for men and women. Find ad on inside front cover.

VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NAAC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 850-5823-office www.VirginiaParsons.com

HEALTH FREEDOM NUTRITION 255 Bell St. Reno, NV 89503 www.hfn-usa.com 800-980-8780 Reno-based supplement manufacturer offers more than 100 high-quality, science-based, nutritional formulations. Our products are made with the finest ingredients in small batches to ensure freshness and potency. 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Use code N10224 for 10% new customer discount. Find ad on page 47.

REIKI THE MERIDIAN Kim Roubo, Reiki Master Teacher 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com A gentle, safe and effective treatment which calms the Autonomic Nervous System. Reiki allows for mental clarity and physical healing, benefiting people with conditions from chronic pain to emotional stress. Reiki classes available.

SKIN CARE NATURE RICH® Steve & Rita Shurtiff (775) 331-6490 www.phyourbody.com Non-toxic, Chemical-free, PH Balanced Skin Moisturizer locks in moisture and alleviates dry skin with natural cold pressed oils. This creamy, non-greasy lotion will leave your skin looking and feeling healthy. You’ll feel the difference! Call to order today! Find ad on page 18.

TRAVEL DEBS TOURS & CRUISES debstours@yahoo.com www.debstours.com (775) 626-7848 Travel Beyond Your Imagination! Specializing in Luxurious and Health Spa Vacations, Adventure and Eco Tour Travels, Cruise Specialist, Be it a get away for one or a large wedding party… Deb’s Tours & Cruises will search to find you the Best price for your healthy escape.

Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Find ad on page 45.

WELLNESS CENTER CONSCIOUS LIVING CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 853-5337 www.ConsciousLivingCenter.com Colon hydrotherapy, massage therapy, CranioSacral therapy, FIR far-infrared sauna, LBG lymphatic drainage, body wraps, reiki, ear candling. ‘Eco-friendly’ facility where all modalities and products used are organic. We invite you to visit our website and learn about our individualized programs for wellness. Find ad on page 7.

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“I LOVE this magazine because I’ve been contemplating making lifestyle changes and this magazine has been an important catalyst for me to do just that. HB is unique, other similar publications don’t hold as much impact. I love the idea that the magazine is a local publication. I like that it has a positive feel to it and I especially loved the article on Denice McKee! I am going to Barnes and Noble tonight and will pick up several copies to give to my friends!” -Jan Early Visit our website at www.HBMag.com 59

Healing, as a Work of Art

Brain Health

Continued from page 46.

Little games to help you sharpen up! Pump up Those Neurons!

• When you read this list of colors, say the color that the word is printed in. Do it several times, then do it backwards. Try to memorize the list.

Orange Red Violet Green Blue Yellow Red Pink Blue

Activate the Right and Left Sides of your Brain – Move your body! • This exercise helps coordinate right and left-brain by exercising the information flow between the two hemispheres. It is useful for spelling, writing, listening, reading and comprehension.

1) Stand or sit. Put the right hand across the body to the left knee as you

raise it, and then do the same thing for the left hand on the right knee just as if you were marching.

2) Just do this either sitting or standing for about two minutes. Study and Memorize! • Study these 30 words for 2 minutes to memorize them. Put away the list and on a separate sheet of paper, write down as many words as you can remember.

shoe apple wind light triangle scissors sunshine work leg file

email coffee tablet picture staple revision knowledge love painting clothing

Healthy Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine

system binder floor gazebo computer dog rain driveway limelight fixture

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During the many months that James was not able to produce saleable art, he supported himself by selling off his existing inventory. One of his customers happened to mention to him that she knew of a one-armed potter who taped a spatula onto his other side and was able to work on the wheel. Greatly inspired by this image, James kept working at his therapy even harder. He chalIenged himself even further by creating intricate and beautiful Indian dream-catchers that required intense effort and long, arduous hours to fabricate. All of this work was immensely satisfying to James. And it produced results. In a little more than a year, James was once again on the wheel “throwing” beautiful pots. For James, the process of working his body intensively while keeping his creative mind active, was key to his improvement. Don’t try to “sleep it off” or sleep through your illness or recovery period, even if the doctor tells you to! A sense of humor has also helped him through. Miles once asked the doctor, “Will I ever be able to play the piano?” His doctor responded positively, to which James said, “That’s great! I wasn’t able to before my stroke!” James is still getting better, seven years later. Just a few months ago, he once again mastered the art of snapping his fingers! And his pots are exquisite! Eileen Fuller is Gallery Manager at Wildflower Village and teaches watercolor classes there. Contact: 775-787-3769. Find ad on page


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October 2007

COMMUNITYcalendar October 5th & 6th

October 13th

UNR is holding a 2-day conference on Girl Bullying: From Awareness to Action. Info can be found at bullying@gssn.org or (775) 322-0642 Ext. 244.

Join Macy’s for ‘Shop For a Cause Day’.Charity benefits Go Red For Women. Shoppers who make a min $5 donation receive a 20% discount. www.heart.org (775) 322-7065.

October 6th

October 13th

Attend this year’s Downtown Truckee Wine, Walk & Shop day. The event benefits the Truckee High School band program. Information at: www.TruckeeWineWalk.com.

October 6th

Alzheimer’s Association of Northern Nevada hosts its annual fundraiser at Bartley Ranch Regional Park to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s programs. Registration & info: lynette.schweigert@alznornev.org.

FireFest 2007, SLT PUD at South Lake Tahoe Airport. Sat., 10am-3pm. Fall Planting/Preparing your garden for winter. Music, garden tour, mask making, scarecrow auction, environmental booths, vendors, kids’ crafts & more! 530-543-6268.

October 14th

October 6th & 7th

Participate in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes at the University of Nevada, Reno. For team registration and event details go to http://www.jdrf.org/northernnevada.

Join expert local naturalists on guided walks to explore the geology, ecology, railroad, emigrant & Native American history of the Donner Summit region. http://www.sierraexperience.org/.

October 6th & 7th

26th Annual Eldorado Italian Festival! A weekend of food, fun, family & atmosphere. (775) 786-5700. www.eldoradoreno.com.

October 7th, 9th & 11th

Free Slide Presentations of “A Biking Adventure through Australia” By Hans Frischeisen. 2pm at the Northwest Reno Library on 10/7. 6:30pm at the North Valleys Library on 10/9. 6:30pm at REI (next to Costco) on 10/11.

October 9th

Pathways to Wellness Class. Beginning, 6pm8pm.Learn easy, fun & effective techniques for Stretching, Relaxation & Movement. 5 weeks, 2 hours per week on Tuesdays, Call 827-3777.

October 10th

Join VSA arts of NV for the Disability Awareness Month Reception to celebrate Nevada artists. www.vsanevada.org. (775) 826-6100.

October 13th

Barton Foundation’s “THE GALA,” from 5:30pm to midnight at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe. $150 per person, supports the Barton Foundation. Live music by Busta Groove, cocktail reception, live and silent auctions, Martini Luge, elegant dinner and fabulous dancing. Call (530) 543-5614.

October 13th

Enjoy the Truckee River Music Festival, an outdoor music event at the West Street Plaza in Reno. For info call (775) 329-7017.

October 20th & 21st

The Psychic Fair will return to the Reno- Sparks Convention Center. The event offers 2 days of spiritual exploration. Saturday 9:30am- 7pm, Sunday 9:30am to 6pm. Admission: $8. Contact: 775 324-2872 or visit www.renopsychicinstitute.org., lpeppard01@aol.com.

October 20th to October 30th

Celebrate Halloween at The Great Pumpkin Festival in The Village at Squaw Valley. Includes haunted house and the Burger for Blood drive. www.thevillageatsquaw.com.

3rd Annual Meridian Gold Run for Education. Family focused, benefiting the Washoe County School District. Info: (775) 850-3708 www.meridianrunforeducation.com.

October 22nd

October 14th

October 21st

October 15th

October 22nd

Barton Auxiliary Blood Drive at the South Lake Tahoe Airport. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call (775) 588-2376. Haunted Genoa Ghost Walk. Guided tours starting at the Genoa courthouse and featuring haunted sites and historic landmarks. (775) 782-2555 or (775) 782-8144.

Nutrition for athletes. Monday at 7pm. Dr. Grange, a Nutritional Biophysiologist, educator and nutritional counselor to the 1980 Olympic ski team, will discuss nutritional needs for optimal athletic performance. Call Circle of Life Spa 775-825-7727 to RSVP.

“Liberating the Dreamer Within” FREE presentation by Marc Hiscox to unleash the dreamer within you. 7pm-8:30pm at Circle of Life Spa. Seating is limited. Please RSVP by October 20th. Call 775-825-7727.

October 16th

Yogic Anatomy Wednesday at Tahoe Yoga. Dr. Taylor Donovan will lecture on why yoga is so healthy for our bodies & overall vitality. Some yoga participation will be encouraged. Call to reserve your space: 775-348-9642.

SEMORELLIN: The New Fountain Of Youth. Presented by Dr. Shallenberger. 7-8:30. 775-884-3990.

October 18th

Lose Weight For Good! Thursday, 7-8pm. Free seminar. Get the facts, lose the fat. Shift your metabolism to be a fat burner…not a fat storer. To register, call Virginia Parsons, MS: 775-850-5823.

October 19th

Haunted Gardnerville Ghost Walk. Guided evening tour featuring haunted sights & historic landmarks. (775)782-2555.

October 20th

Kit Trail Carson Ghost Walk. Guided walking tour of the historic district with special spirits of the past. Tour departs every 30-minutes. Additional information at 1-800-Nevada-1 or (775) 687-7410.

October 20th

Reno Wine Walk. Held every 3rd Saturday of the month from 2pm-5pm. Enjoy wine and shops in the Riverwalk District in Reno. http://www.renoriver.org/.

October 24th

October 27th

Nevada Day! Free admission to Nevada State Museum. For additional information call (775) 687-4810 ext 237.

October 27th

Nevada Day Parade. Celebrate Nevada’s Birthday with the largest parade in the state! Parade begins at 10am on Carson Street.

October 27th

Diabetes Expo, 10am-2pm. Health fair focusing on diabetes w/guest speakers, booths, free diabetes screenings, free blood pressure check, free foot exams, raffle prizes. At Lake Tahoe Comm. College. Call 543-5548.

November 2nd to 4th

“Mothering the Mother” Birth Doula Training & Certification. Certification through DONA international. Provided by Sierra Childbirth Institute. At The Meridian in Reno. Info: www.sierrachildbirth.com. 530-272-3734

Visit our website at www.HBMag.com 61

ONGOINGcommunityCALENDAR Music Together

Mondays and Saturdays at 9:30 or 10:30. Music and movement for toddlers and their adults. River School: 7777 White Fir St. Reno (775) 747-2222. Details on our website: www.riverschool.info

Watercolor Classes

Beginning to intermediate watercolor classes conducted by Artist Eileen Fuller. A new series begins Sept. 25, Oct. 2, Oct. 9 & Oct. 23. 1 series will be from 9am until 11:45, and another from 6-9 PM. Eileen will take the “fear” out and put the “fun” in! Cost is $100 for 4 sessions or $25 per session. Materials list to be provided.

Free classes on Preventive Nutrition

Conducted by Kinesiologist, Dorothy Dumbra, in South Lake Tahoe. Classes are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7pm. For more info: Dorothy Dumbra at 530-544-8557.

Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi has been proven to increase bone density and balance in everyone, including the elderly. It is a great exercise for increasing energy and muscle strength. Class dates are: Wed. 9am & 4:00 pm. Sat. 10:30 am. $10 per class. 775-825-7727. www.circleoflifespa. com

Pottery Workshops At Wildflower Village 4305 W 4th St. Pottery Studio Unit E -- All Levels welcome. Highly individualized instruction. Open Studios: Saturday-Wednesdays 2-6pm. On-going Registration. $125 For 6 weeks from your 1st class, plus supplies $50+. Call (775) 787-3769 for information.

Tango Fundamentals

Tuesdays 7p.m. Argentine Tango for beginners. River School: 7777 White Fir St. Reno (775) 747-2222. Details on our website: www.riverschool.info

Ki Gong Classes

Energy building and balancing exercises. Class dates are: Tue. 9am & 4:00pm, and Sat 9am. $10 per class. 775-8257727. www.circleoflifespa.com

Weekly Meditation Sessions Mahakaruna Buddhist Center holds weekly meditation classes on Monday from 6:30-8pm at The Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center. Classes are led by Resident Teacher Ace Remas. No prior experience is required. Sessions include brief commentary & guided meditation. Drop-in’s are welcome. Information: (775) 348-9642.

Health Professional Network Healthy Beginnings Magazine proudly sponsors the HPN (Health Professional Network). This networking group meets the second Thursday of each month. If you are in a health-related field and are interested in joining us, please email HPN@HBMag.com or call (775) 828-4547 for confirmation of location, time and topic of discussion. There is no charge to join these informal and informative meetings. This is an opportunity to meet colleagues who share like-minded healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you there! 62

October 2007

CLASSIFIEDS Massage room with sink & storage for rent inside beautiful skin care/massage office. Call Karen at (775) 337-2525.

Wanted: High energy sales person. Must be health minded, winning personality, ethical & high achiever. Straight commission. Design your own income!! Not an MLM. Call (775) 828-4547.

The best of science and nature brought to you by a 20 year old, Inc. 500 company. All nutrition, cleaning, beauty, weight-loss, bath and body products are naturally derived in eco-friendly packaging: no phosphates, chlorine, aerosol, harsh ingredients. 30-40% discount on all purchases. Referrals result in ongoing residual income. Call (775) 742-4207 for catalog and enrollment.

Beauty Salon, Restaurant, Office and Unique Retail Space at reasonable rates offered by Wildflower Village. Also seeking those interested in doing a community garden. Please contact Pat Campbell-Cozzi at (775) 827-5250 or patcampbellassoc@ sbcglobal.net.

Studio Apts, Art Studios, Art Classes, Retreats, Weddings, Partnership Unions & Penske Truck Rental offered by Wildflower Village. Call the Main Office: (775)747-8848. wildflowervillage.com.

Visit our website at www.HBMag.com 63

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