Healthy Beginnings Magazine February 2014

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ISSN 2150-9921



Beginnings lifestyle magazine

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006




Don’t Touch That Statin! …12

Therapy for Chronic Sinus

Killer Flu Busters …16

Congestion, Part 2 …9

Is it Evil, or is it the Ally? …18 Follow Through …23

Don’t Touch That Statin! ...12


Killer Flu Busters …16 Chiropractors aren’t “real doctors,” are they? …20

The Art of Bonding …24 Chocolate and the Heart …29 Sustainable Flowers …30 Chiropractors aren’t “real doctors,” are they?...20

ALTERNATIVEHEALTH Adrenal Fatigue, Part 2 …11




Changing Core Beliefs …7


Therapy for Chronic Sinus Congestion, Part 2 …9 Adrenal Fatigue Part 2 …11

Hawthorn ...28



CALENDAR ...38-39

Sustainable Flowers ...30



NURTURE The Art of Bonding ...24




Is it Evil, or is it the Ally? …18


Let’s Be Clear ...26



WHERETOSHOP ...33 & 35


Book Review: Mind Power into the 21st Century …27

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




COVERSTORY Written By Ffjorren Frisbee




ISSN 2150-9921

february 2014



et’s get to the heart of the matter. Health care and health insurance are two completely different subjects. Health care is an inside job, in other words, you and only you can be the director of your health nutritionally, physically and spiritually. What we feed our body and our mind does affect our health.

lifestyle magazine

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Heredity and genetics do play a part in our health, in that we might be predisposed to certain health concerns, yet the lifestyle we chose has a direct correlation to many diseases. For example, smoking affects our lungs and a diet laden with sugar and fatty foods can lead to arthritis and/or gout.

Your Local Resource for Natural Living


healthy beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

eart health. It’s a real concern for most Americans (and the world for that matter). As we accomplished ways to simplify our life over the past decades (I.e. microwave, fast food, computers, cell phones, etc.), we’ve gained weight, gotten lazier about person-to-person communication and, we actually added more things on our to-do list with all the extra time we created, which directly feeds into the stress overload we were initially trying to eliminate. Hmm… makes you think.

Heart disease is far too often linked to one’s genetics. Interesting to note, in the last few years, several people I know who live a healthier lifestyle have had aorta dissections. If a parent or relative of yours has been diagnosed with aorta aneurisms or a bulging of the aorta, and you may be concerned that you too may have this health issue, it is my understanding that an echocardiogram is the best way to detect issues with one’s aorta. Please consult your doctor if you fall into this category.

Without furthering that thought (which is a year’s worth of HB Magazine issues in itself), let’s get to the heart of the matter: a healthy heart. Whether it’s love, health, relationships, lifestyle or mindsets, your heart is involved in all you do, on many levels. So, be good to your heart. Give it the love and care it deserves, and in return, it will keep you keepin’ on the pathway to optimal health and wellness.

No matter if one is predisposed to health issues or not, maintaining a healthier lifestyle is the best scenario to living a productive and physically active life. Healthy Beginnings Magazine is here to provide the latest information on various ways to maintain and prevent health problems.Advertisers in the magazine are dedicated to helping you along your life’s journey.

Best in Health and Happiness, Dawn Gowery

Editor’s Correction: We apologize for printing inaccurate information in last month’s calendar listing for the Fleischmann Planetarium. Unfortunately, they do not have preschool programs at this time.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

• Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease. To determine whether your weight is in a healthy range, doctors often calculate a number called the body mass index (BMI).

February is American Heart Month This is is an an excerpt excerpt from from an an article article on on This

• Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The Surgeon General recommends that adults should engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. • Monitor your blood pressure. High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so be sure to have it checked on a regular basis. You can check your blood pressure at home, at a pharmacy, or at a doctor’s office. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, but heart disease is preventable and controllable. Heart disease is a major problem. Every year, about 715,000 Americans have a heart attack. About 600,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year—that’s one out of every four deaths. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.1

• Don’t smoke. Cigarette smoking greatly increases your risk for heart disease. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, quit as soon as possible. • Limit alcohol use. Avoid drinking too much alcohol, which can increase your blood pressure. Men should stick to no more than two drinks per day, and women to no more than one.

Heart attack symptoms

• Have your cholesterol checked. Your health care provider should test your cholesterol levels at least once every five years. Talk with your doctor about this simple blood test.

The five major symptoms of a heart attack are • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back. • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint. • Chest pain or discomfort. • Pain or discomfort in arms or shoulder. • Shortness of breath. • If you think that you or someone you know is having a heart attack, call 9–1–1 immediately.

• Manage your diabetes. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels closely, and talk with your doctor about treatment options. • Take your medicine. If you’re taking medication to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Always ask questions if you don’t understand something.

The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. The most common type in the United States is coronary heart disease (also called coronary artery disease), which occurs when a substance called plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Coronary heart disease can cause heart attack, angina, heart failure, and arrhythmias. Plan for Prevention

References: 1. Go AS, Mozaffarian D, Roger VL, Benjamin EJ, Berry JD, Borden WB, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics—2013 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2013;127(1):e6-e245.

Some health conditions and lifestyle factors can put people at a higher risk for developing heart disease. You can help prevent heart disease by making healthy choices and managing any medical conditions you may have.

For more info, visit

• Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal and snack options can help you avoid heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables—adults should have at least five servings each day. Eating foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high cholesterol. Limiting salt or sodium in your diet also can lower your blood pressure.

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


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ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING 775.828.4547 Healthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location nearest you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775.828.4547 or e-mail us at We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2014© by Healthy Beginnings, LLC. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing. Please email for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at in the footer of the home page.

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HB Magazine is printed on 40% post consumer newsprint paper with soy-based ink.

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Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

Written By June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR



e all want 2014 to be the best year ever. But, what will keep it from being just a repeat of the past? We can’t depend on outside circumstances or people to deliver the new opportunities or relationships we desire. It’s up to us. It’s been said that to continue doing the same things while expecting life to be different is a good definition of insanity.

of health and prosperity and they’ve determined what kind of relationships we think we can have. The fact that all beliefs are just programming is very encouraging. That means these beliefs are under our control. Things don’t happen to us, they happen through us, driven by our beliefs. It’s very possible to change our core beliefs and therefore move on to a happier, more fulfilling and more prosperous life. People are doing it every day.

So what are we willing to change? Many of us want things to be different but we don’t want to change our behaviors, attitudes or habits of thinking. It’s too much work or it’s inconvenient, or it would make us too different from our friends. Okay. Then stay in your current situation, accept it and at least be happy with it. For those who are willing to do the work to empower themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually, read on. We all have core beliefs, and since a belief is just a thought we keep on thinking, we can change our beliefs by changing our thinking. It’s obvious that we’ve been programmed with certain beliefs and we’ve programmed ourselves. These beliefs are running our lives; they’re determining our attitudes about worthiness and deservability, about our religious and political preferences, about our level

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



However, most of us don’t even know what our core beliefs are until we start consciously examining our thoughts and habitual behaviors, and then linking those to our life experiences. So, the first step toward change is to want a change. Want and intend it. The second step is to look seriously at your life and see what isn’t working—where you feel unhappy or frustrated. Those emotions are powerful clues that something is amiss: you have a belief that has caused or is supporting the negative situation. By looking at it closely, you can usually identify the belief and see that by acting on that belief you attracted a certain person, condition or situation. That’s number two: identify the belief.

Most families did the only thing they could, they taught us what they thought was best. But it was still programming, imbued with certain ideas about women’s deservability and place in society, ideas about skin color and sexual orientation, about how much money we could make, which political or religious tribe is good and which is bad, etc. That’s a lot of programming, and some of us found that it didn’t feel right. In the meantime, the world changed and is changing more every day. Not only is our culture changing in significant ways, but we’re learning new things about the brain, the subconscious mind, the power of our thoughts and words, the psychology of health and happiness, the physics of consciousness and even non-physical dimensions. Old programming may no longer serve us. So, look at your life and see what isn’t working. Define the beliefs that are causing the problems, take consistent action to think and act differently, then stand back from the fray and spend more time observing your funny fellow humans. Your life will change for the better, and you’ll spend a lot more time laughing. Make an effort to learn the new tools that are necessary for life in the 21st century, use them consistently and 2014 will be your best year ever!

The third step in this process is to be determined to change, and therefore take the necessary action. This decision and the ability to stick to it are vital. When you become conscious of the belief or attitude that caused you to make that old decision, you can rethink it and make choices that will serve and empower you. Take action now to consciously change your habit of thinking. It’s inevitable that when the underlying belief changes, the unwanted situations change. There are processes available now that make changing your thoughts and physical habits easier, and that can remove the negative emotions from old scenes or memories. Getting rid of that baggage will make change much simpler. So, being determined to change while consistently looking forward to what you do want is step number three.


The fourth step in this process is to become more detached. Look at situations as neutral, without immediately assigning them a meaning. As an observer of human behavior, you have so much more personal power if you’re detached than if you are right in the middle of the emotional storm, all caught up in it. Learn to be an observer. You don’t have to react immediately to everything. Those who do are slaves to the agendas and emotions of the people around them. When you stand back and observe you enjoy a much more expanded perspective and can make a wiser decision.

1. Kehoe, John. Mind Power into the 21st Century. Zoetic Publishing. 2012. 2. Hicks, Esther & Jerry. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent. Hay House. 2006. 3. Sterner, Thomas M. The Practicing Mind. New World Library. 2012.

For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in hypnosis, acupressure, trauma therapy and helping people let go of dysfunctional thinking, at (775) 786-9111, or visit online at See ad on page 7.

This is your life and you’re in charge of it--more than you ever realized. While growing up, we were not specifically taught how to think for ourselves or how to evaluate ideas and opinions. We were spoon fed the programming that the culture demanded.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

Therapy for Chronic Sinus Congestion Part 2

Written By JeanAnn Fitzgerald


f you suffer from frequent sinusitis and infection, getting and keeping your breathing airways open is paramount because the oxygen flow is inhospitable for bacteria.

If you experience pain during rinsing, you may have used too much salt, or the water is too hot. If you do not hear water against your eardrums, you might the next time you rinse later in the day. After rinsing, your ears may be blocked with water. This means some water has gotten behind the mucus but couldn’t get back out. It could remain there for a couple of days before the salt soothes the area, and it kills enough bacteria for the tissues to shrink and allow the water to escape.

Neti pots are recommended but they rely on gravity, which just isn’t strong enough to push out mucus congestion. An adult ear syringe, with a three-ounce capacity, can create enough water pressure to dislodge stubborn congestion (do not use this syringe size on children) and can be purchased at Walgreens.

Some instructions do not mention blocking the other nostril and mouth exits. You may leave them open if you wish. However, for truly stubborn mucus, they must be closed off. If the water cannot reach all corners of the passageways, neither can the curing oxygen, plus the mucus and bacteria will remain in place.

• Begin your sinus wash by placing 1/4 teaspoon of noniodized salt (a great bacteria killer) in one cup of water. Heat the water to body temperature in a microwave oven. • Squeeze the air out of the bulb/syringe, then dip it in the water until it fills up.

If you are currently sick, follow these steps twice daily until a few days after your symptoms subside. The salt will continue to kill remaining bacteria and soothe the tissues. When you’re feeling well again, you may rinse the sinuses twice a week. Rinse immediately after heavy exposure to irritants, such as gardening, dusting furniture, off-road riding and hiking, to prevent complications.

• Standing over a sink with the syringe tip inside one nostril, squeeze out excess air from the syringe so water moves to the end. At this point insert the syringe far enough to seal the nose opening. • With a finger, close off the other nostril, take in and hold a breath, then close your throat and lips so water cannot escape. Water may collect in the back of your throat, which you can spit out once you’ve finished with that nostril.

While you are lying down sleeping, nasal strips encourage nighttime draining, and they help open the airways to prevent snoring.

• Using a steady medium pressure, squeeze the water into the airways. You will hear water rushing through the sinuses. Keep the pressure on so you hear water reach your eardrums and the bulb is empty.

Using a nasal spray of water and salt to clear congestion is drug-free, non-addictive, you can make it yourself, or purchase it at a pharmacy.

• Repeat in other nostril. Wash each area one or more times. • Rinse syringe in clean water, place upside down on absorbent paper to drain and dry.

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



You and your children can also employ massage to gain sinus relief:


• Place the soft thumb pad tips together against the skull in the center of the forehead and just above the eyebrow. Push sideways toward the ears to drain the frontal sinuses. Repeat several times. • Place the middle finger pads on each side of the nose, just above the nostrils where there’s still soft tissue and again push sideways toward the ears until you feel the hard cheekbone. This can drain the maxillary sinuses. Repeat several times. • Place the middle finger pads below the ear lobe and in the crevice between the jawbone and skull bone. Slide the finger downward along the front edge of the vertical big neck muscle. This helps drain the eustachian tubes. Repeat on the other side as often as you like.

Written By Karen Tenaglio


here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.

The sinuses and eustachian tubes may be sore to the touch, indicating congestion and perhaps infection. That is reason enough to ignore the discomfort and get them drained via massage.

Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of wellbeing, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.

Keeping the sinuses and ear canals clear restores breathing ability and defeats bacterial invasion.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. simply-saline-sterile-saline-nasal-mist-allergy-and-sinus-relief

JeanAnn is a freelance writer for health and metaphysics. *This article was reprinted with permission from the author.


References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.

Facials, peels, waxing, massage 50+ 10% discount. Call Karen at 775 7229307 or go to for more info.

Place your ad in Healthy Beginnings Magazine today. Email or call 612.747.9583.

507 Casazza Drive suite E Reno, NV 89502



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

Adrenal Fatigue Part 2


Written By Kristen Perschon

reating Adrenal Fatigue

You didn’t deplete your adrenal glands overnight, so it is important to remember that you need to give them time to heal. You often will see the first signs of relief from adrenal fatigue within 30 days, but for those with severe adrenal fatigue, it may take up to two years to restore optimal adrenal function. Adaptogenic Herbs: These herbs have the ability to assist and regulate organ and system function in your body, mainly supporting the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal gland axis. Licorice: This herb contains saponins (metabolites) that help create a balance of cortisol throughout your body. (Taken in high doses it will increase blood pressure.) More is not better when it comes to dosage. It is best to take 25-75 mg two times per day, in the morning and evening. Licorice also helps to balance blood sugars, increase fat metabolism, improve iron absorption, and balance out female hormones. Ginkgo Biloba: Lowers cortisol levels directly associated with high stress. You can take 120-240 mg per day, and it can be divided into two doses in the morning and evening. Ashwagandha: This herb comes from Ayurvedic medicine traditions and is great for relieving stress induced sleeping issues. It also has been shown to increase DHEA and testosterone levels. Ashwagandha will have a very calming effect on your mood. Take this herb in higher doses of 2-7 mg per day. It will be most effective taken twice per day, in the morning and just before you go to sleep. Continued on page 14

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.Ž



Don’t Touch That Statin! Written By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.


The tool that is to be used to figure it all out is an offered online “calculator.” That makes it sound like a scientific instrument, doesn’t it? The problem is Harvard University researchers found that the calculator wildly overestimates heart risk.

any doctors will swear up and down that statin (cholesterol lowering) drugs are safe, and that the risks of taking them are overblown. They will also insist that you need these drugs to lower your cholesterol to “safe” levels. There is only one answer to these statements: they are lies!

Even the FDA issued warnings recently about statin drugs causing increased risk for everything from diabetes to cataracts, breast cancer, immune depression and memory loss! I will discuss these studies next month.

Before we examine the studies that prove this, let’s look at how the “medical guidelines” are established, the guidelines your doctor is expected to follow. These are the rules he or she is supposed to use when making critical decisions about your health. Unfortunately, they are the product of a badly flawed system that is heavily stacked in favor of the drug industry.

For now, the simple solution is: DON’T TAKE STATIN DRUGS! Eat a low carb, high protein diet. High cholesterol is caused by chronically high insulin levels, which are caused by consistently high sugar levels. Ironically, taking statin drugs carries a risk of causing diabetes!

Were these rules created by unbiased and impartial scientists, with only our best interests at heart? You tell me what you think. The chair of the 15-member panel had financial ties to six different makers of cholesterol meds. Two of the panel’s key co-chairs also had financial conflicts. And if that’s not enough, the entire panel was stacked in favor of the drug industry, with eight of the 15 members reporting financial ties to Big Pharma! Yes, the exact number needed to form a majority.

Think about this, a recent “study” supposedly showed a “danger” of taking supplements and yet the 3rd leading cause of death in this country is adverse reactions to legally prescribed drugs!


The guidelines are expected to double the number of statin users to 72 million Americans, or 60 percent of the entire population over 45! Talk about the goose laying the golden egg!

1. 2. Howard LeWine, M.D., FDA changes safety information on statin drugs, Internet Publishing, Harvard Health Publications, February 29, 2012

These new guidelines are based on calculating a patient’s 10-year risk of heart attack. If that risk hits 7.5 percent or higher, doctors are supposed to put the patient on statins.

For more info, contact Reno Integrative Medical Center at (775) 829-1009, or visit online at See ad on next page.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

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February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.


Adrenal Fatigue, Part 2 continued from page 11

Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng): This herb is used to support brain function, alertness, immune function and physical stress. It also has been shown to increase energy, and alleviate depression, headaches, insomnia and fatigue, especially in woman with menopausal symptoms. The recommended dose is 100 mg 1-4 times per day as needed. If you have sleep problems, take this no later than 3 pm.

*These herbs are best used in combinations of at least two. Licorice will often provide the most immediate and noticeable results. Ashwagandha will present as an increase in strength, libido and endurance. Eleuthero will also benefit the thyroid. If you could only choose two herbs they should be Ashwagandha and Eleuthero, as they complement each other the best. Adding rhodiola will improve mood, depression, libido and mental clarity. Astragalus will benefits those struggling to get through the day. As the herbs begin to work in your body, cortisol levels will balance, and sleep will improve.

Rhodiola: This herb is excellent for stress and fatigue. It also increases mental performance and can treat mild depression. Recent studies have confirmed that rhodiola will increase stamina, prevent fatigue, improve mental function, and reduce anxiety. It is best to take 3-12 grams of rhodiola by separating doses into 300-500 mg three to four times a day.

Vitamins: Vitamin C is consumed voraciously by the adrenal glands and is essential in restoring optimal adrenal health. The highest concentration of vitamin C in the body is found in the adrenal glands and brain tissue. During stress, the urinary excretion of vitamin C is greatly increased. Take 500-1000mg per day.

Astragalus: This herb traditionally used in Chinese medicine affects growth hormone levels, the regulation of blood sugars, inflammation, blood pressure, blood flow, and water balance in the body. It is great for those who consistently feel run down and have recurring respiratory infections. You can take 2.5-3.4 grams per day.

Panthothenic Acid, vitamin B5, is known as the anti-stress vitamin and is like Thanksgiving Dinner for your adrenal glands. It supports the adrenals in the production of cortisone, which balances out the release of cortisol during stress. It also increases metabolism by helping your body use available sources of carbohydrates and fats for energy. It will greatly reduce feelings of fatigue. Take 1,000 to 1,500 mg at night to help your body wake up feeling energized and refreshed.

Cordyceps: This mushroom has excellent effects on energy and endurance levels and will strengthen the immune system. Take 1000mg twice per day.

DHEA: You can supplement DHEA to assist adrenal gland function. 5-10 mg is a typical dose, although those with extreme adrenal fatigue may take up to 25 mg per day. Omega’s: Salmon oil and coconut oil are the best options to increase the much needed fats to regulate hormones and decrease inflammation in your body.

Astralagus, traditionally used in Chinese medicine is great for those who consistently feel run down and have recurring respiratory infections.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

Lifestyle Changes

Out of Alignment?

It is critical to make changes to your lifestyle habits. Dietary changes should reflect reducing the amount of caffeine you consume, eliminating all processed foods and sugars, increasing protein intake, and reducing the consumption of carbohydrates. It is best to consistently eat three meals a day with 2 snacks. Don’t ever let yourself get too hungry. You must learn how to manage stress! It is wreaking havoc on your body! Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety on your body. Learn to meditate or take up yoga where you will learn deep breathing exercises that help your body handle stress. You need to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Your adrenal glands heal during the hours of 7 pm and 9 am, so adjust your sleep accordingly. Get more exposure to natural sunlight. Learn to prioritize the daily demands of your schedule. This will help reduce stress and anxiety. Don’t forget to prioritize time for yourself. Find time every day to experience moments of peace and joy! They go a long way to helping combat the effects of stress on your body!

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References: 1. Greer, M. (2011, Winter). Herbal options for managing adrenal fatigue. Holistic Primary Care, 12(4), Retrieved from http://

Adjuster, Applied Kinesiology and releasing trapped emotions.

2. Journal of Restorative Medicine. (2013, 05 20). Supporting adrenal function with adaptogenic herbs. Retrieved from http://

We also offer massage therapy and in office x-rays. No Twisting and Popping!

3. Sapolsky, R. M. Why zebras don’t get ulcers. (3rd ed.). New York, New York: Holt Paperbacks. 2004.

Trapped Emotions Cause Physical Pain

4. Teitelbaum, MD, J. From fatigued to fantastic. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Avery Trade. 2007. 5. Turner, N. The hormone diet. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, Inc. 2011.

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6. Wilson, N.D., D.C., Ph.D., J. L. Adrenal fatigue the 21st century stress syndrome. Petaluma, CA: Smart Publications. 2001.

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February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Killer Flu

Written By Michael Gerber, MD, HMD


here’s A Bad Flu in Town

Reno recently fell victim to a vicious flu; a flu that for some lasted up to six weeks. For many, it proceeded to pneumonia and caused a number of deaths. One man caught a cough and then had difficulty breathing. He went to the ER where his situation deteriorated into severe pneumonia with asthma so quickly that he was put on a respirator and soon died. Powerful Treatments for the Flu: IV Vitamin C and Ozone Vitamin C is a premier antioxidant and absorbs virus-induced free-radical damage to the body manifested by cough, sore throat, extreme weakness, dizziness and muscle and bone pains. For vitamin C to be effective in severe illness it must be given intravenously, one can’t get high enough levels orally without diarrhea. At high doses it becomes a pro-oxidant and induces H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide), which kills viruses directly, just like our white blood cells do. Ozone (O3) and peroxide IVs also kill viruses and induce our anti-inflammatory cytokines to reduce pain, breathing constriction and cough. Ozone can also be used via rectal insufflation, as it is routinely done in Cuba. New Zealand Farmer Saved From Death by IV Vitamin C In 2012, a New Zealand dairy farmer was hospitalized with terminal swine flu. Both of his lungs were whited out with pneumonia diagnosed by x-ray. He was on a respirator and his family was called in. They were told it was time to withdraw



medical support and let him go. But, the family was referred to Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D., a cardiologist from Colorado Springs, CO. He recommended that their father receive 100 grams per day of intravenous vitamin C. You can imagine the hospitals reaction to this suggestion: unscientific quackery. The hospital refused to administer it. The family retained a powerful attorney and the hospital acquiesced under pressure. They started him on Vitamin C IVs and worked the dose up over days. Within three to four days, he was off the ventilator. He improved so much that he was sent back to his local hospital where the same refusal and threats occurred. The family again prevailed, and within eight to nine weeks he was totally well and after rehabilitation was back to work. Legions of Preventive and Treatment Modalities for the Flu • Oral vitamin C therapy is always helpful. When we are sick, we can take very large doses of Vitamin C without diarrhea. When we get better, one has to lower the dose. Buffered vitamin C is easier on the stomach and adults can take four to five grams per hour until the bowel flush occurs (then reduce the dose). • Neural Therapy from Germany, which includes injections of procaine and homeopathics over acupuncture points, particularly over the scapulas (shoulder blades), gives an immediate improvement in severe coughs and asthma. • Shots of adrenal complex support (cortisol, DHEA, Pregnenelone coupled with Methyl B12, and folic acid) give one the energy needed to get through the flu. These shots are frequently accompanied by wonderful isopathic remedies

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February 2014

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A SUSTAINABLE GREEN FACILITY • • 1225 Westfield Ave, Reno from Germany, which are homeopathically diluted forms of Penicillium notatum (not like regular penicillin and is a nonspecific immune booster with no side effects).

References: 1. Levy, Thomas E. M.D., J.D. Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins. Xlibris Corporation, 2002.

• Homeopathics from Heel Company in Germany, Engystol, Grip Heel, and many more are wonderful support.

2. Murphy, Robin N.D. Nature’s Materia Medica, 3rd Edition. Lotus Health Institute. 2006.

• Homeopathics such as Aconitum (sudden onset, “think I’m going to die” kind of flu), Belladonna (severity of symptoms, high fever) and for children Pulsatilla and Chamomilla (upper respiratory symptoms and fever) are also very effective when individualized for the patient.

3. For more info, contact Gerber Medical at (775) 826-1900, or visit online at See ad on this page.

• Epicor: a fermentation of Saccharomyces cervasei (brewer’s yeast) is specially prepared and is great for prevention and treatment of viruses.

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Written By Andy Drymalski, EdD

Is it Evil, or is it the Ally? Reflections on the movie, Duel

Well, you never just never know. You just go along figuring some things don’t change ever, like being able to drive on a public highway without someone trying to murder you. And then one stupid thing happens. Twenty, twenty-five minutes out of your whole life, and all the ropes that kept you hanging in there get cut loose, and it’s like, there you are, right back in the jungle again. Alright boy, it was a nightmare, but it’s over now…It’s all over.” -David Mann in the Steven Spielberg movie “Duel”



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014


xcept…it wasn’t over. In fact, David Mann’s day-long battle with a crazed trucker had just begun. And so, also, did his terrifying initiation into a new level of manhood.

David Mann saw his pursuer as an evil force, which is how our ego views most things that pose a threat to its well-laid plans. Paradoxically, though, the trucker helped David to become a man. He returned David to the “jungle,” reconnected him to his instincts, and helped him to feel fully alive and heroic again. It was an invaluable gift delivered in a most-unlikely package. The movie illustrates that what the ego sees as evil, the psyche may see as an opportunity for grace. For this reason, in times of personal trial or danger, it is important to ask, “Is this evil, or is it my ally?”

David drives a Plymouth Valiant, a name that depicts the more mature personality he is meant to attain. He fills his gas tank with “Ethyl,” which sounds like the woman’s name, Ethel. This is no accident, for it is clear from the start of the film that David is an overly submissive husband who has difficulty asserting himself. We could say that he runs on too much feminine energy, not enough masculine. His license plate reads, 149PCE. The letters here are also symbolic. David wants peace in his life and is overly avoidant of confrontation and conflict. He whines, reasons and pleads with people in an effort to win their agreement, approval or support. “Let’s all be nice, polite and civil” would be his social mantra.

References: 1. Mindell, Arnold. The Shaman’s Body: A New Shamanism for Transforming Health, Relationships, and the Community. HarperCollins Publishers. NY, NY, 1993.

Like many of us, David isn’t prepared for the dark side of life—for its killing, antisocial and predatory forces. Too much a modern man, he is cut off from his ancestral and animal self. He is too domesticated and instinctually dumbed-down. Civilization has many gifts, but one of its drawbacks is its tendency to estrange individuals from their instincts. For example, we trust that society will keep the predatory forces more or less in check. We expect people to be civil. We hope that our security alarms, the police, fire department or military will do our protecting and fighting for us. But the psyche also wants individuals that know how to fight and protect themselves, not just physically, but psychologically and spiritually. In this movie, the psyche wants David Mann to become a man, by standing up for himself and being ready to fight. If he is going to survive the jungle, David must access the intuitive wisdom and strength of his inner ape.

For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online at More articles at See ad on this page.

An intriguing question raised by Duel concerns the force represented by the anonymous trucker. At first reflection, the trucker seems to embody evil due to his recklessness and unprovoked homicidality. However, the trucker never kills David. What he does do is push him over the edge of his own comfort zone. He forces David to recognize raw lethality and fight for his life. In his book, The Shaman’s Body, psychologist Arnold Mindell talks about the “ally.” The ally, which most often appears in dreams as a person or an animal, is that part of the psyche that acts as a guide or helper in your journey of psychological or spiritual growth. Sometimes, as in this case, the ally may play the role of nemesis, or provocateur, pushing you to defend, pursue, or fight for something of great importance, such as the development of your talents and gifts.

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



But the educational requirements for the M.D. degree (Doctor of Medicine) are often exaggerated, and those for the D.C. degree (Doctor of Chiropractic) are often misunderstood and disrespected. In addition, most patients and M.D.s don’t understand that medical education is more appropriate to assess and treat pathological (cancers, broken bones, heart attacks, etc) and acute (colds, flus, pneumonia, infections, inflammations, etc) conditions. In fact, M.D. education teaches the medical community that chronic pain and chronic conditions are idiopathic (no known cause), which may have genetic or environmental influences. That they cannot be stopped, reversed or cured, and that they are to be managed by medicine (drugs) and surgeries while the patient expectantly declines.

Chiropractors aren’t “real doctors,” are they?

Chiropractic Physicians (and “alternative” practitioners in general) receive a different--not inferior--viewpoint on the nature of comprehensive healthcare, and a more targeted and comprehensive education in the diagnoses and non-drug management of both acute and, especially the abovementioned, chronic conditions. Though in medical literature it is understood that many chronic and acute conditions cannot be cured, most chiropractic education is directed toward the studies that indicate these conditions can frequently be stopped, reversed and managed without drugs or surgery. Consider the following comparisons of selected course hours at Parker Chiropractic College vs. Harvard and Stanford Medical Schools. Although each has its own specialties (nutritional education and manipulation versus pharmaceutical classes), the hours of classroom instruction are about the same, however in several important common courses the emphasis of those course hours differs significantly.

Written By Martin Rutherford, D.C., C.C.S.T. and Randall Gates, D.C., D.A.C.N.B.


The comparisons (in the chart on the next page ) of subject hours and the heavy emphasis for Chiropractors in certain subjects (Biochemistry, Diagnosis, X-ray, Orthopedics, and very close hours in Neurology) not only indicates the strength of the Chiropractic Physician’s education, but also emphasizes those subject’s necessity to be a competent practitioner in the fields of both acute and chronic conditions.

fter years of chiropractic care gaining credibility and solid ground in the medical community, there still remains an almost obscene lack of understanding and respect for the relative diagnostic and clinical capabilities and the educational background of Chiropractic Physicians vs. the medical doctor’s educational requirements in the community at large. Not a week goes by that most chiropractors don’t come in contact with an insurance adjuster, attorney, medical physician, or patient who holds a completely incorrect understanding of the comprehensive nature and quality of the chiropractic communities educational doctorate requirements.

To be able to take a proper history of the patient and then determine the best exam and testing procedure to use in any type of case, you must be conversant with Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Orthopedics and Neurology, all subjects that Chiropractic Colleges devote significant amounts of hours. To diagnose chronic conditions requires a much more general understanding of all areas of the body—as represented by the emphasis on the hours of Chiropractic education.

“Well Doc, how are you going to help my wife’s fibro, peripheral neuropathy, thyroid, IBS, dizziness, vertigo, migraines, etc. when the medical doctors at Stanford, Mayo, Kaiser, John Hopkins, etc. could not figure it out?” Chiropractors aren’t real doctors, are they? They just crack bones, right?

The 408 hours of diagnosis education in Chiropractic College versus 113 hours in medical school does not necessarily indicate superiority of one doctorate over another, but instead is simply an indication of the difference in therapeutic models. The medical model depends far more on standard/advanced testing,

Many chiropractors are not dogmatically anti-medicine as some might think. Actually, a lot of chiropractic offices work closely with many doctors in the medical community.


Article continued on page 22 20

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February 2014

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February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Doctor of Chiropractic

Doctor of Medicine

161 Hours


100 Hours

408 Hours


113 Hours

149 Hours


171 Hours

56 Hours


323 Hours

271 Hours


13 Hours

168 Hours

Orthopedics (and Manual Therapy)

2 Hours

699 Hours

Anatomy + Physiology

215 Hours

296 Hours


507 Hours

much more than thorough history and exams. The diagnostic model for MDs leads to referral to “specialists” (who get their specialty education separately from the abovementioned hours), and ultimately a treatment of drugs or surgery. It is a much simpler model than learning to find out what systems of the patient’s physiology are not functioning correctly and addressing the complete physiology of the body without drugs or surgery, but instead with diet, manipulation, exercise, herbs, vitamins, botanicals, etc. Is one education better than the other? It depends on what condition you are suffering from and which one is better for you. That is the point. Clearly MDs are well educated in the drug and surgical model. Chiropractors however, without question, are as well educated in standard diagnostic procedures, but more specifically educated in the chemical and therapeutic fields of non-drug and non-surgical interventions into both acute and chronic conditions. Two excellent educations, two different approaches to similar problems, with each education appropriate to their specific discipline and approach. It’s as simple as that. Presenting contradictory information to a trusting public with well-entrenched false beliefs regarding specific topics--I.e., “are Chiropractors real doctors,” or more specifically, “are medical doctors ‘superior’ to chiropractic physicians”--is not often well received. With television (Marcus Welby, ER, drug commercials) singing praises of the medical model of care, and other shows (2 1/2 men) demeaning chiropractic, along with mass media chronicling hundreds of medical studies and “breakthroughs” around the world each day, it’s no wonder people have no realistic understanding of the comprehensive training and diagnostic skills possessed by the graduates of the chiropractic doctorate programs.

References: 1. International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. Copyright 2013, Vasquez, A. D.C, O.D, N.D, F.A.C.N. Introduction to “Functional Inflammology Protocol”, “Antipheumatic Antimicrobiotic and Endocrine Interventions, Pg 13. 2. Medical School Admission Requirements 1997-1998: United States and Canada, 47thEdition (Published by the Association of American Medical Colleges). 3. Educational Requirements for Accredited Chiropractic Schools are Available through and Dictated by the council on Chiropractic Colleges (The Agency Appointed by the U.S. Department of Education to Accredited Chiropractic Colleges). 4. Educational Requirements for Admissions to Medical and Chiropractic College, and for the M.D. Degree (Doctor of Medicine) and D.C. degree (Doctor of Chiropractic), The Grisanti Report, Pages 1-3. 18, December 2013. http://www.

For more info, contact Dr. Rutherford or Dr. Gates at (775) 329-4402, or visit online at See ad on page 21.

So the answer to the question: Yes. Chiropractors are “real doctors,” and now you know why.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

Are You Ready… Is it Your Time? To Take Command of Your Future

FOLLOW THROUGH! Written By June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, per the request of Healthy Beginnings Magazine Publisher, Dawn Gowery

Gain Access to an Elite Club


Meet the Influencers

hen people are depending on you to do what you promise, do it! Do what you say you’ll do. It’s basic integrity. There’s nothing more frustrating or disheartening than having to deal with someone who refuses to grow up or carry their own weight, someone who doesn’t respect their own integrity enough to do what they promised.

Membership increases your success

Whether it’s keeping an appointment, returning a phone call, doing the job you promised your employer or doing your homework, your actions are an indication of your character. Some of us are people pleasers, or have been taught that it isn’t nice to say no. Be honest. If you can’t do it or don’t want to, don’t agree to do it. That gives us a chance to find someone who does want to do it. This world moves along smoothly only with the honest interaction of people who show up and do what they promised to do. People who think, “I’ll just blow it off,” are blocks to everyone’s progress because their irresponsibility causes someone else pain or inconvenience, and it becomes a domino effect cascading into a chain of events negatively affecting people who may be miles away.

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Jim Rohn, author and motivational speaker said, “Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.” So if you’re going to succeed in life and respect yourself along the way, you must follow through on what you say you’ll do.

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® CYSW Group




The Art of


Written By Allison Prater


onding is a process that develops close, interpersonal relationships. It is a mutual interactive process. It most often occurs between family members or friends, but can also develop between groups of people who spend a lot of time together, such as sports teams or co-workers. The term bonding refers to the process of attachment that develops between two people, which is characterized by feelings of affection and trust.

many caregivers and parents have innately known: that when mothers are able to have skin-to-skin contact with their babies immediately after the birth, and are given plenty of uninterrupted time to hold their babies, gaze into their eyes, etc., they are able to establish intimate contact with each other. They are also shown to have less problems with breastfeeding than those mothers who were separated from their babies immediately following labor. There is also a process of bonding between father and child as well, and this is strengthened when the mother’s partner is able to witness the birth.

Strong bonds are essential for healthy relationships. This is one of the reasons why I am an advocate for respectful care of families during the time of birth. Researchers corroborated what



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014


When special circumstances such as C-section or pre-mature birth occur, the natural bonding process is interrupted. This, however, does not mean that bonding cannot occur between parents and child. Sometimes people bond through surviving an intense or traumatic experience together. When we have an awareness of the importance of bonding, much can be done to support the new family in their process of bonding. Kangaroo care is a practice that involves skin-to-skin contact between baby and parents and is beneficial for building attachment, improving parental confidence and ensuring success with breastfeeding. This involves the baby wearing nothing but a hat and diaper and being placed on the bare chest of either parent. (If the mother is recovering from anesthesia after a c-section, the baby may be placed on her partner’s chest until she is ready to receive her baby).


“Kids Corner” Written By Ariana Purcell

ello to the month of February, the month of love! I hope your new year has been going well so far! This month is all about one of my favorite holidays: Valentine’s Day. Not because it is a romantic holiday, because for me, Valentine’s day is a day for family love too! When I was younger (and lived closer to my dad) he would always get me candy, a coffee mug, a stuffed animal, maybe some movies, and sometimes a present like an iTunes gift card. To make the day even more special, my dad would take me to a movie (even though it was on a school night). That used to be the coolest thing ever when I was younger!

Kangaroo care is especially beneficial for preterm and low birth weight infants who experience normalized skin temperature, heart rate and respiratory rater through this close contact. Studies show that preterm babies who received regular kangaroo care had increased weight gain, few infections and a reduced incidence of respiratory tract disease. Additionally, the studies suggest that there were long term benefits for infants who received this care including improved cognitive development, decreased stress levels, reduced pain response and normalized growth and motor development.

Even though I’m older and live farther away from my dad, we still share our love on this special day. Each year, he sends me a Valentine’s box, filled with some of the gifts listed above. Last year, he sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers!

It is important to remember that bonding is an ongoing process and is not just limited to the moments immediately following birth. In order for relationship bonds to stay strong, they must be nurtured. As a child grows, the art of bonding can continue through sharing and communication. Spending time playing, reading, walking, or sharing other mutually enjoyed activities with a child helps cultivate a loving relationship. Sharing of time, and giving a child one’s full attention enhances the communication process, which aids family members in understanding each other. Time spent together, and treating one another with respect, caring and affection, are significant behaviors for sustaining a healthy relationship.

No matter what you do on Valentine’s day this year, make sure to spend some quality time with the people you love and cherish! Also, make sure to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions. It has only been a month, but get into the habit now so you can keep your resolutions for the rest of the year. Enjoy the month… and Happy Valentine’s Day!

References: 1. Gaskin, Ina May. Spiritual Midwifery, Fourth Edition. Book Publishing Co. Summertown, 2002. 2. 3.“” http://

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®





“Atonement” is the “pathway work” for getting from where you are to where you want to be.


Written By Rev. Jack Elliott

said I was sorry! Isn’t that enough?”

According to, Atonement is born out of a religious concept in which obstacles to reconciliation with God are removed, usually through sacrifice. Most religions have rituals of purification or amends so the relationship of the individual to the divine is strengthened. In Christianity, followers are often taught that atonement is achieved through the acceptance and belief of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Thus, making atonement the cornerstone of all Christianity. In Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and some Protestant churches, penance is a sacrament that allows for personal path to atonement. In Judaism, the annual Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is the culmination of 10 days centered on repentance. All in all, it is easy to see that throughout history, and regardless of the Spiritual teaching you affiliate with or embrace, atonement was a tool, a prescription if you will toward “oneness” between the inflictor and the inflicted, and indeed the “only way” for getting one’s self in alignment with the Divine (God). It implies that atonement is not only a required step of repentance, but it is the only pathway toward what many would call “reconciliation.” But then, I was struck most by the first words I read in the definition: “obsolete: RECONCILIATION.” Seemingly to apply that reconciliation is now an obsolete “outcome” of Atonement. As I reflected on those words, I realized in an era of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, we have indeed negated the whole idea of atonement in our effort to reconcile with those we have afflicted. A coaching client was sharing with me that her teenager had been caught shoplifting at a local boutique. The store security stopped her on the way out of the store and held her until the mother could come down to the store. When my client arrived, her daughter was scared, shaking and sobbing. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it,” her daughter said.



The security officer bought the girl’s story; her mother did not. The security officer was about to release the girl when her mother offered, “Officer, Let’s be clear, is there anything we can do to make amends, to atone for my daughter’s infringement?” The security officer paused and said, “I wish that your daughter had asked me that question. But she did not. Therefore, I think the appropriate reparation would be for your daughter to never come into this store again. Now will you both please leave the store?” Once they were out of store, the daughter turned to her mother and said, “Why did you do that? They were going to let me go!” Her mother looked at her and said, “For you to learn, there has to be consequences for your action.” Her daughter responded with, “But I said I was sorry! That should have been good enough. I don’t even know what you mean when you say words like reparation or amends.” “You do now. I believe that you are sorry you got caught. I believe that you are sorry that our family was embarrassed. I believe that you are sorry that you cannot go back into that store. I do not believe that you are sorry that you took something that wasn’t yours,” replied her mother. “Can’t you just forgive me so we can move on?” asked the daughter. “No honey, Forgiveness is step three in a process. First there is the ‘I’m sorry,’ then comes atonement, and finally, if all are offered with sincerity, comes forgiveness,” her mother said. I applauded the mother for her stance and for realizing Atonement has to be a component of a process for getting from where you are, to where you want to be. Have you said I’m sorry and not followed up with, at the very least, an offer of Atonement? If so, let’s be clear, it’s a step that cannot be skipped. Jack Elliott is a Life Coach, Author and Motivational Speaker. You may email him at or visit his website at

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

MIND POWER INTO THE 21ST CENTURY Techniques to Harness the Astounding Powers of Thought By John Kehoe Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR


ohn Kehoe has been writing about and teaching power of the mind principles since 1978. He kept up-to-date with the startling new discoveries in brain and mind science over the last thirty years and put those discoveries into clear and concise techniques, which are simple for anyone to understand and adapt. Something that is simple isn’t always easy, especially if we’ve been conditioned to believe that things happen TO us, and that we are just pawns or victims in the scheme of things.

find form and is always looking for an outlet, always trying to manifest itself. Physicists have learned that the nature of thought is to continually try to materialize into its physical equivalent. If we either gained a dollar or lost a dollar, depending on the type of thought we chose to think, we might be much more willing to control our minds. Actually that’s what’s happening. If we think that our abundance or happiness depends on something or someone else, we feel too disempowered and weak to take the action that’s necessary to make changes.

The author explains there is now sufficient evidence to indicate beyond question that the mind can and does directly affect physical reality. As the result of thousands of controlled experiments during a research study at Princeton University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, scientists, educators and physicians from around the world are determining how this startling new information might be applied within their own fields.

The author explains that in order to be successful in anything, you need to be an explorer, to question everything, to cultivate different ideas, to break rules and habits of thinking, to use your imagination, and to learn to be self-nurturing, constantly replenishing your resources. These are broad subjects, but he gives detailed techniques on how to go about doing these things in very creative ways, which actually harness the immense power and energy of the mind to experience what you want in life.

We now know that what we imagine, visualize, desire or fear affects events, and that an image held in the mind can be made real. So, we no longer need to stand on the sidelines watching things happen TO us, for with this new understanding, we now know that there are no sidelines to stand on, nor were there ever. Everything is affecting everything else.

The author quotes part of Goethe’s famous saying when he writes, “The moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have believed would come this way.” Kehoe says that if you know this truth, you will possess a key to the treasures of the Universe. The power of both your conscious and subconscious mind is awaiting your instructions.

Kehoe explains that “We are living in two worlds, two realities: the inner reality of our thoughts, emotions and attitudes and the outer reality of people, places, things and events. Because we fail to separate these Inner and Outer worlds, we allow ourselves to become dominated by the Outer world of appearances, and we use the Inner world solely as a ‘mirror’ for whatever happens around us. Our Inner world reacts constantly, and because we spend all of our time simply reacting, we never experience our power.” He says that we begin changing our reality the day, the hour, the minute we cease to constantly react to it. When we stand back and become more of an observer of what’s happening around us, as well as an observer of our thoughts and beliefs about it, we come into our power.

Hundreds of books have been written about the power and potential of the human mind. This particular one is a classic. This will be a book that you return to over and over to refresh your mind on different techniques, since it will be difficult to absorb all the ideas in one reading. This book is available at local bookstores, as well as online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. John Kehoe’s website is

The author explains that everything is energy and whenever we think, we’re working with an immense amount of energy in the quick mobile form of thought. Thought is forever trying to

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Written By Allison Prater

Hawthorn they are also given to women to help move stagnant blood after childbirth. These fruits are bright red, about the size of a crabapple, and slightly tart in flavor. In China, they are also enjoyed in the form of jams, jellies and juices; they are even fermented for alcoholic beverages. Hawthorn bushes make a beautiful addition to any landscape, with their attractive white flowers and bright red fruits. Hawthorn is a very adaptable plant that will be happy in most climates. They thrive in a loamy soil, rich in limestone. It should receive plenty of moisture. Gardeners will have the best success propagating from seed, although certain varieties may be grafted. Younger hawthorn seedlings transplant better than larger, older plants. Hawthorn is hardy enough for zone three, and will do well in full sun, but will also tolerate partial shade. They can grow up to 15 ft. in height.


horny, deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Crataegus are known in the west as Hawthorn. Hawthorn flowers in the spring, so its common name is Mayblossom. A little known fact is that the Mayflower ship is named after the hawthorn tree. There are over 800 different species of Hawthorn; the two most generally used in the west are C. oxycantha and C. monogyna. In China, C. pinnatifida is used for both food and medicine.


The delicate white flowers of C. oxycantha and c. monogyna are widely used as a heart tonic. They are proven to improve coronary circulation, reducing the risk of angina attacks and normalizing blood pressure. It seems that hawthorn dilates the blood vessels, allowing the blood to flow more freely, thus lowering blood pressure. The berries of these varieties are also used, though they contain less of the cardiac influencing constituents than the flowers. The berries are also used to treat diarrhea. Though hawthorn is toxic only in very large doses, never work with this plant for medicinal purposes without first consulting with your care provider.

1. Kowalchik, Claire with William H. Hylton. Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs. Rodale Press. Emmaus, 1987. 2. Ody, Penelope. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. Dorling Kindersley. New York, 1993. 3.

In China, the berries of C. Pinnatifida are called shan zha. They are mainly taken for abdominal bloating, indigestion and flatulence. Because they are said to move the blood,



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014



and the Heart

Submitted By Kathy Woodward

ore Americans die from heart disease every year than they do cancer; it is the number one killer disease in the U.S. and in many European countries. According to the American Heart Association, nearly 2,500 Americans die of various forms of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of one death every 35 seconds. Although these largely preventable conditions are more common among people aged 65 and older, the number of sudden deaths from heart disease among people aged 1534 has increased. Though it is a common and costly health problem, it is also highly preventable. Adopting healthy behaviors such as avoiding tobacco use, being physically active, reducing stress levels, and improving dietary habits can substantially reduce risk of the diseases. Now, scientists and health experts are pointing to chocolate as a surprising source of support for the heart, and studies show it can protect the cardiovascular system in various ways. CHOCOLATE: Too Good to be True? Though not traditionally thought of as a nutritious food, modern research is establishing cocoa as just that, surprisingly enough. Consuming dark chocolate in moderation is now considered by many experts to be part of a heart-healthy diet. For hundreds of years, cocoa has been used for medicinal purposes throughout Europe and the Americas. Healers used it to treat dozens of conditions, including infections, anemia, gastrointestinal upset and arthritis. Cocoa, made from the seeds of the cacao tree, proves to be one of the most concentrated sources of flavonoids (natural antioxidants believed to have properties beneficial to cardiovascular health).

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.Ž


SHOW ME THE SCIENCE The findings from dozens of studies prompted health experts to recommend that flavonoid-rich, dark chocolate foods be part of an overall healthy diet to improve heart health. Below are brief overviews of how healthy chocolate can accomplish that. IMPROVED CIRCULATION AND REDUCED BLOOD PRESSURE A 2006 study, from a joint team of researchers, ascertained that the compound epicatechin found in cocoa is directly linked to improved circulation and other hallmarks of cardiovascular function. The researchers explained that the relaxation response, observed in the blood vessels of the subjects, was mediated by nitric oxide (NO), a key signal released by the inner lining of blood vessels (the endothelium). Volunteers from the Panamanian Kuna Indian tribe were key to the study. High blood pressure and other signs of cardiovascular disease are rare among the island dwelling Kuna, who are also known to consume large amounts of cocoa. However, previous studies have shown that Kuna who have migrated to the city, and consequently, consume less cocoa, do not enjoy the same level of cardiovascular health. When they returned to consuming the cocoa beverage, they enjoyed improved cardiovascular function.

Continued on page 32



The Conscious Consumer’s Guide to


Written By Lissie Lyles


alentine’s Day is one of the holidays that inspires mass buying and gifting of flowers. Most of us to don’t think very much about how the flowers we buy in the store are grown, or what kind of journey they made to get to our homes. The Cut-flower business is a billion-dollar industry that unfortunately is not without its share of problems.

proof of sterilization as a condition for hiring, as employers do not wish to provide paid maternity leave. Furthermore, occupational health and safety of workers is also an issue, since flower workers are exposed to many toxic pesticides and fungicides. These chemicals have been shown to cause health problems such as skin rashes, respiratory issues, eye problems and miscarriage. A study by the Columbian National Institute of Health found elevated rates of miscarriages, premature births and congenital malformations among flower workers. While child labor has largely been eradicated in Colombia, it is still a problem in Ecuador. Pesticide exposure is especially dangerous for children, who are more severely affected than adults. It is estimated that that as much as 20 percent of the Ecuadorian flower workforce is comprised of children.

The majority of commercial cut flowers, especially roses, are sourced from Columbia (in 2012 the number was 78 percent of flowers imported to the US), followed by Ecuador at 15 percent. Labor rights groups reported that flower workers in these countries are often subject to routine violations of their rights. These include intimidation and illegal firings of workers who have attempted to Unionize for better wages and working conditions. A large percentage of flower workers are female and they report having been victims of sexual harassment or assault. They are also subjected to forced pregnancy tests, or to provide



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

In recent years, the Colombian Flower Exporter’s Association (ASOCOLFLORES) spent millions of dollars promoting the “Florverde” label to consumers as a response to public criticisms of labor and environmental abuses. Unfortunately, the “Florverde” proved to be another example of greenwashing, with very little change in conditions for workers. Flowers that may have been doused with as many as 20 different pesticides and fungicides are not safe or healthy for the home either, as consumers can inhale these chemical residues as well. From an environmental standpoint, supporting companies that use these chemicals means that we are supporting companies who not only disregard the safety of their workers, the chemicals they use poison our air and groundwater for generations to come. Finally, because these flowers must be shipped first from South America to the US and then kept cool in electric refrigerators, the amount of fossil fuel being burned is also costly to our planet’s health. Thankfully more and more growers in the US are starting to produce flowers that are grown organically. By supporting local flower producers who treat the earth with care, we can put pressure on the big cut-flower industry to adopt more sustainable practices. So this Valentine’s day, choose organic local flowers for your sweetheart. Letting our love for our fellow humans and this amazing planet influence our spending choices is pretty romantic if you ask me. You can purchase organic locally grown flowers at The Great Basin Community Food Co-op, and at the following websites listed below: • • • •

References: 1. “” 2. “ fairness-in-flowers” 3.“ WhyBuySustainableFlowers.html” https://www.ecoflowers. com/i_432/WhyBuySustainableFlowers.html 4. “ shopping-and-legal/shopping/cutflowers.aspx” http://www. legal/ shopping/cutflowers.aspx

February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



BETTER CHOLESTEROL LEVELS Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco and Tufts University discovered that the epicatechin content of dark chocolate is likely responsible for the improved dilation (relaxation) of blood vessels by enhancing the function of the blood vessel’s endothelial lining. It’s also important to note that the patients’ blood levels of lipids did not increase during the trial. Additional review of research, which was compiled by some of the same researchers, suggests that flavonoids from chocolate have an antiinflammatory effect by controlling the activation of several pro-inflammatory agents in the body.



4. Vlachopoulos CV, et al. Am J Cardiol. 2007 May 15;99(10):1473-5.

1. DeNoon D. Dark chocolate is healthy chocolate WebMD Medical News; August 27, 2003 2. Grassi et al. Cocoa Reduces Blood Pressure and Insulin Resistance and Improves Endothelial Vasodilatation in Hypertensives Hypertension 46: 398-405 3. Schroeter H, et al. Epicatechin mediates beneficial effects of flavanol-rich cocoa on vascular function in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006 Jan 24; 1-03(4):1024-9.

Nutritionist Carl L. Keen of the University of CaliforniaDavis says one more reason cocoa has influence may be its effect on prostacyclins, which work like mild aspirin. Prostacyclins are naturally occurring compounds that inhibit platelet clotting, reducing the risk of thrombosis and blood vessel constriction. They also prevent the oxidation of LDLs (the “bad” cholesterol), as well as their entry into the blood vessel walls, which can contribute to inflammation. Keen’s study found that the procyanidin and flavanol content of cocoa again demonstrated significant antioxidant properties and the ability to protect the heart and vascular system.

5. Taubert, D, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Apr 9;167(7):62634. 6. Enler M, et al. Flavonoid-rich dark chocolate improves endothelial function and increases plasma epicatechin concentrations in healthy adults. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Jun; 23 (3):197-204. 7. Keen CL et al. Cocoa antioxidants and cardiovascular health. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan; 81(1 Suppl):2985-3035. 8. Baba, S. et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Mar;85(3):709-17.

ALL CHOCOLATE IS NOT CREATED EQUAL For more info, contact Kathy Woodward at (775) 853-9006 See ad on page 35.

Many types of processed cocoa products, mainly chocolate, are available today. As a general rule, the darker the chocolate, the more likely it is to offer health benefits. Because polyphenols are found in the cocoa bean, but not in the milk, cream, sugar, or other additives added to other types of chocolate, the darker the chocolate, the better. Also, look for chocolate products that are cold-processed without “dutching” or alkalinization. This removes a significant portion of the antioxidant compounds in natural cocoa.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

Shop for Services Marketplace One of a Kind

REV UP YOUR LIFE, with Fuel for Your Body & Mind SUPPLEMENTS 20% BELOW RETAIL We carry a large supply of:

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February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Raw Tartlets

TOMATO HUMMUS (you can make this the day before and store in the fridge) Prep: soak 1/2 C of macadamia nuts for 2 hours in spring water Blend into a smooth, thick hummus; • 1 Cup diced zucchini • 1/4 C sun-dried tomatoes, soaked for about 15 minutes in water (not in oil) and squeezed well • 2 cloves of garlic (remove the heart for better digestion) • 1/4 C tahini • 1+1/2 TBSP lemon juice • 1/2 tsp paprika powder • the soaked macadamia nuts

Submitted By Marie-Claire Hermans – Ravishing Raw

With Tomato Hummus


h, Eating raw during holidays can be very inspiring. Usually it is the time when you take that little extra effort because you “have” to. But what if you would just “want” to indulge the taste of experiment on a normal daily basis? These tartlets will inspire you to take your raw dishes to the next level… TOOLS YOU NEED • Blender • Food Processor • Sharp Chef’s knife • Cutting board • Moulds for your tartlets (preferably with a removable bottom) • Cut one corner of a plastic or paper bag (to fill up with hummus later) TARTLETS (MAKE THOSE 2 DAYS BEFORE D-DAY) FOR 8 TO 9 PIECES • Soak 2 1/2 cups of almonds overnight • Rinse well in the morning • Throw them in the food processor • Add 2 or 3 TBSP grated onion (to taste) • Add 1 tsp of sea salt or Himalayan salt • Grind 1/2 of golden flax seeds (keeps the color light) • Add 2 TBSP of spring water (add 1 or 2 more spoon by spoon if needed) • Process until everything is very smooth and sticky so you can press it into the moulds • Now add 1/4 C finely minced spring onions and pulse a few times • Scoop a few tablespoons into each mould and press it in firmly and evenly • Flatten the edges by slicing off with a sharp knife • Place them all on a dehydrator tray • Dry them for about 4 to 5 hours at 108°C or 42°C • Take them out of the moulds very gently and turn them around • Dry a few more hours on the mesh sheet at 108°F or 42°C until they are dry • Store them dry until use, covered with baking paper



MARINATED VEGGIES (marinate these the day before so they have time to soften) • Slice a red and yellow bell pepper in very thin slices (you can use a mandolin if you wish) • Slice the green of 3 spring onions very finely and place in a separate bowl • Add organic cold pressed virgin oil on top generously • Sprinkle some sea salt on top (breaks down the peppers) • Mix well with your fingers • Cover them up and place them in the dehydrator for 1 or 2 hours at 108°F • Take out again and let sit on the counter at room temperature overnight ASSEMBLE (on D-Day an hour before your guests arrive) • Take the tartlets and place one heaped TBSP of the hummus in each one of them • Flatten the hummus with the back of the spoon • Put some of the marinated bell peppers with your fingers on top of the hummus • Fill up your small plastic or paper bag (one corner is cut off) with hummus • Place a nice touch of hummus in the middle of your tartlet • Finish with a touch of marinated green spring onions Marie-Claire Hermans is a High Performance Coach, Author and Raw Foods Chef. Visit her online at

Marie-Claire started “Ravishing Raw” after curing herself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, with raw food. As a raw food coach, she specializes in offering professional help to those who are suffering from similar debilitating conditions. Along with her expertise in jazz music management and booking work, she helps world class artists – challenged by their demanding lifestyle – find solutions to improve their health.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

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PROFESSIONALDIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE RAINA FERRAN, O.M.D. 890 Mill Street, Suite 205 Reno, NV 89502 775-996-3910

Acupuncture can be used for a variety of conditions such as pain, stress, cold/ flu and post-op. Dr. Ferran offers a gentle approach to acupuncture and takes her time to understand the whole person. Cosmetic acupuncture for beauty and overall health also available-call for details!

ALLERGIES MELISSA MONAGHAN RN, APH Advanced Practioner- Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic- Reno NV (775)826-1900

Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 19 Years Integrative Medical Experiencespecializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.

ASTROLOGY Rev. Andrew Cekun (775) 233-2198

Esoteric Astrology emphasizes one’s soul purpose, karmic assets/liabilities, achieving soul-personality alignment, timing to recognize/utilize periods of spiritual challenge or opportunity. Stellar Astrology identifies one’s personal (befriending & guiding) stars for spiritual growth, and rendering service. Also available; inexpensive, specialized printed astrology reports. (ADL Chapel#1477) Go to ad on Page 37.



Kathy Woodward (775) 853-9006

CRISIS CALL CENTER (775) 784-8085

Health - A wise investment. Join an international, multimillion dollar company that has continued to grow even during the recession. Make additional income now, while securing your retirement for the future. Benefits include flexible schedule and home-based business tax advantages.

Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing face-to-face crisis intervention and advocacy services for victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problem.

Go to ad on Page 35.



Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience. Go to ad on Page 13.


Sanctioned by “John of God” in Brazil ; David, Kathleen and Ossian MacDonald, provide a sacred environment for the profound Crystal Bed experience. David offers individualized bodywork/frequency treatments focused on posture enhancement/ pain relief ;also the standard Rolfing process. Over 30yrs massage/ Rolfing experience. License # 1793


Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple Str. Ste #105 Reno, NV 89502 775-323-1222

THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE & MASSAGE Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Suite E, Reno Office / Text (775) 722-9307

We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster Technique, NO Twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Hablo Espanol

55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, & peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments, Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office, visit

Go to ad on Page 15.

Go to ad on Page 10.



GIRL SCOUTS OF SIERRA NEVADA 605 Washington Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 322-0642

SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248

2012 marked the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts! Girl Scouting has been inspiring girls and young women with the ideals of courage, confidence and character. Volunteers and alumni will come together to celebrate. Will you be one of them? Call for more information.

SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014


HEALTH FOOD STORES QUINCY NATURAL FOODS COOPERATIVE 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528

We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Monday - Saturday 7:00am - 8:00pm ~ Sunday 9:00am - 7:00pm SPROUTING ROOTS MARKET 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642

Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements skin care products and more. Stop in or give us a call.

VITAMIN CONNECTION 2295 S. Virginia St. #13 Reno, NV 775-825-3993

Vitamins 20% below retail. Hard to find supplements. Ionized Alkaline Water, fill up your water jugs here. Turbosonic sessions, ten minutes equal to an hour workout. We carry supplements featured on the Dr. Oz TV show.Lose belly fat with HCG drops. Open Monday – Sunday. Go to ad on Page 33.



New university research: Quickly remove negative emotions from any scene/ memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques and new ways to replace negative beliefs. Then using hypnosis, we instill powerful goal suggestions. All in one session! Issues? Procrastination, smoking, anxiety, worries, self-esteem, weight loss, etc. Go to ad on Page 7.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900

Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on Page 17.

PAULA EISENBARTH MUSIC Piano/Keyboard, Singing Lessons (775) 980-9481

Bring the joy of music into your life while you enhance muscle and memory flexibility. Brush-up previous skills or learn for the first time in a dynamic, enjoyable environment. Customized, fun lessons optimize learning. Full-time or drop-in scheduling available. Mention this ad for introductory offer.


Sugarland Ranch is a community based, non-profit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers and donations are welcomed.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Teresa is a knowledgeable and compassionate Reiki practitioner, dedicated to enhancing the body’s natural healing process through energy work and helping others empower themselves through healing. Safe and effective for all ages, Reiki addresses both physical and emotional discomfort, reducing stress and promoting deep relaxation.

SLEEP THERAPY RUTH GENTRY, PH.D. See ad pg. 34 for locations Dr. Gentry is a clinical health psychologist that specializes in sleep treatment. She uses a brief, non-pharmacological treatment called cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). Research has shown that CBT-I is effective as sleeping medications, and people may no longer need the medications following treatment. Go to ad on Page 35

SPIRITUAL CENTERS SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY Larry D. Johnson Community Center 1200 12th Street, Sparks NV 89431 (775) 323-1114 •


Go to ad on Page 35.

February 2014

RENO TAHOE REIKI Teresa Aramini Reiki Master Sanctity Center 1026 W. 1st Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 742-6750

Meetings every Sunday at 11 a.m. Enjoy a short inspiring talk and guided meditation to reach your higher self. Afterwards, you can sit with healers to experience healing energy from Spirit. To close, mediums will provide a short message service. Coffee and fellowship to follow.

WAXING PEELS MASSAGE THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE & MASSAGE Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Suite E, Reno Office / Text (775) 722-9307

Since 1992 specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discounts on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit


MONTHLYCALENDAR Please tell these businesses that you found their event in Healthy Beginnings Magazine. Thank you.


Chinese New Year Celebration at Mt. Rose Food, activities and a skiing dragon. For more info, call (775) 849-0704.


Carve Tahoe at Northstar Watch sculpting and judging. For more info, call (800) Go-North.


Reno Tahoe Senior Winter Games Locations throughout Reno and Mt. Rose Competitions include bowling, speed skating and more! For more info, call (775) 657-4644


Interdenominational Church Services Every Sunday from February 2 to April 22. On the mountaintop of Vista Chair at 2pm. For more info, visit northstar. com


FEBRUARY 5, 12, 19, 26

Discovery Museum Reno $4 Admission after 4 pm 409 S. Center Street, Reno For more info, call (775) 786-1000


4H Small Animal Show Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center Exhibit Hall, 8 am to 5 pm For more info, call (775) 784-4848


Running Red for Heart, Part 1 Reno/Sparks Scheels, 8 am All proceeds benefit the American Heart Association For more info, call (775) 331-2700


History in the Buff: A Scavenger Hunt for Adults! 6 pm to 9 pm, $15 per person Includes wine and a rose. For reservations, call (775) 785-5961

FEBRUARY 15 & 16

Wild Winter Weekend Animal Ark, 11 am to 3 pm See Animal Ark residents in their winter coats. For more info, call (775) 970-3111

ALL MONTH Taylor Creek Visitor Center at Lake Tahoe. Open year round for hiking and viewing. For more info, call (530) 543-2674 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Museum and Visitor Center Archaeological artifacts and Exhibits featuring prominent Paiute Women. Open Monday – Friday, 10 am to 4:30 pm For more info, call (775) 574-1088 Children’s Museum of Northern Nevada Reading, Crafts, Dance, Pottery and more. Open daily. For more info, call (775)-884-2226 Boomtown Family Fun Center 3D motion theatre, climbing wall, flight simulator and carousels. I 80 Exit 4 Reno, NV For more info, call (775) 345-8668 Galena Creek Visitor Center & Park Open year round, Friday – Sunday 9 am to 6 pm. For more info, call (775) 849-2511

FEBRUARY 21 – 23

Rule the Road Auto Show 2014 Reno-Sparks Convention Center Hours vary For more info, call (775) 853-5800

FEBRUARY 21 – 23

Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts Hello, Dolly! Staring Sally Struthers For more info, call (775) 686-6600



Reach Health Conscious Buyers Advertise your event in the Calendar of Events section for under $3.25 per day. Email

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2014

ONGOINGCALENDAR MUSIC LESSON INTRODUCTORY OFFER when you purchase 3 piano or singing lessons, receive the fourth free. Call Paula at 775.980.9481 or contact her at www.paulamusic. A FREE ENERGY HEALING CLINIC is offered every Tuesday from 5pm to 7pm at the Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno NV 89509. 775 324-2872



communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330.

Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment 1225 Westfield Ave, Reno (775) 826-1900.



benefits of and taste delicious, high antioxidant chocolate. Call Kathy for more information. (775) 853-9006

One ten minute session on the TurboSonic Is equal to a one hour workout. One Free Session, with this ad. Vitamin Connection (775) 825-3993.

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February 2014

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



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